#try not to kys hard edition
toastsnaffler · 1 year
man the waiting times to get an adhd diagnosis thru the nhs are so long theyre still refusing to even give me an estimate of how long itll be before I can get assessed even tho my referral went thru months ago. but going private is so stupidly expensive like its not just the diagnosis but also med titration + then some gps wont even accept a private diagnosis to let u transfer back into the nhs system for prescriptions afterwards. fuck my stupid baka life + this entire country
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darlingmbappe · 2 years
Out of the Dark | Kylian Mbappé x Plus Size Fem Reader
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Summary: Though months of an almost picture-perfect relationship, Kylian still kept you hidden like his own personal secret. How are you supposed to feel like it doesn’t have something to do with how much you weigh?
Warnings: Feelings of being insecure about your weight, slight angst at the beginning, vague sex scene, cussing, not edited very well. Let me know if I missed anything! — English is not my first language —
You’re so proud of him. Truly, he deserves every bit of praise he gets. Even before you’d met him, you followed his career closely, amazed at how someone your age could be accomplishing such monumental achievements. And now, you get to love him intimately, personally tell him how fantastic he is, how much you admire him.
You and Kylian have been together for around eight months, the greatest eight months. It was mutually agreed that your relationship would be kept in the dark from everyone. This seemed like the best idea, what with him having the status he does and you being just an average person. Besides, you’ve never enjoyed the spotlight and we’re happy to keep your weekly grocery store run paparazzi free.
Hidden behind that superficial excuse was the real reason why you were content not being in any tabloids… the bigger body you occupied wasn’t exactly something the media would ignore. You could practically read the headlines already, a reasonable delusion you constantly had to push from your mind in order to stay sane and secure.
It was hard work, learning to love yourself, building up your confidence. You knew you love and accept the body you had, but there was always that little voice in the back of your head saying, ‘am I strong enough to put myself out there like that?’
Kylian seemed relieved when you asked him if the relationship could be kept hush, but now you feel like it’s been too long. You’d brought up the idea of going public after your six month anniversary, but he dismissed it with a quick shake of the head, blaming his agent and how she would freak out if he was announcing a new relationship. She would set him up with dates for all of these events. Models, actresses, and influencers hung on his arm at red carpets while you snuggled alone on the couch, following the events through twitter.
He always assured you that he wished it was you, but it was too complicated. It was a viable excuse at first, but it’s four months away from your one year anniversary. You were tired of dropping hints about beautiful restaurants and romantic spots. You were starting to feel like he wanted to hide you, and not because of his agent would complain or his fans would uproar, but because he was ashamed of you. What a shitty feeling.
“What’s that look, amor?” Kylian asks your reflection in his bathroom mirror.
Not realizing you were lost in thought, you shake your head, leaning against the doorframe. “Nothing.” Smile. “You look great.”
He fixes his tie then turns to you. “Very convincing.”
You try and play it cool, laughing. “No, you seriously look amazing.” It was obvious he didn’t mean that part, but you really don’t feel like having this fight right now.
“So do you.” He grabs your hips, trapping you against him and the door.
Now you really do laugh. “Good one, Ky.”
While he wore a designer suit, you were rocking a pair of boy-short underwear and an oversized hoodie. Kylian was going to another super fancy award ceremony. He was getting a trophy and everything, but you couldn’t be there with him. Instead, he’s going to kiss the cheek of a tall, skinny, gorgeous 21 year old model when his name gets called. She was get to be his date for the night while you — the girlfriend — waited patiently in his bed for him to come home and tell you all about it.
The dynamic of the whole affair sets in, sending a little tang of jealousy and insecurity through your body. He notices how your stare points away from him now as you wiggle out of his grip and trudge towards his bed. Kylian walks toward you as you flip through Netflix without any intention of picking something anytime soon.
“I wish you could come with me.” He offers, his facial expressions ridden with guilt. You respond with a quiet and half-hearted hum, continuing to look through the true crime collection. He picks up your dismissiveness. “You know I do.”
“Mhm.” You didn’t mean the sarcastic tone behind it, it was just a natural reaction.
He sighs loudly, scratching his neck. “If you want to say something, say something. I can’t read your mind.” You continue to flip through shows and movies, trying to mask the sad expression that you surely couldn’t hide much longer. “We agreed to this. We both wanted it this way.”
“Eight months ago.” You add, looking at him now. He looked annoyed, like this conversation was a burden to have. “At some point I want to get out of this house. I feel like we should, I don’t know… rethink that whole part of our relationship.”
“This again?” He shuffles to the corner to grab his shoes with a huff. “You know how complicated that would be. You would hate attention like that.”
“Maybe I would.” You sit up in your spot while he sits at the foot of the bed, his back facing you. “So what? I might not love the attention but at least we get to go out to dinner, or take a walk together, or I could hug you after a match, or act like we’re together at all!”
He finishes putting his shoes on, still facing away from you. Kylian doesn’t say anything back for a while. You just waited for him, he had to say something eventually. “I don’t want to talk about this right now.”
Not what you wanted to hear.
You nod silently, but that hurt. You watched him grab his phone and wallet on the nightstand as he prepared to leave so he can pick up his literal runway model of a date.
“Are you ashamed of me?” The words came out of your mouth without your permission, but there they were — shifting the mood of the entire conversation without a second of mercy.
He looks back, his eyes rid of any annoyance and replaced with something kind of depressing, a look you’ve never seen from him before. He opens his mouth right as his phone rings, he looks down at it regretfully, sighing out. “One second.” He murmers sorely before he answers it.
You bit the inside of your cheeks to keep the tears at bay. Crying seems like the last thing you want to do right now. You turn your attention back to scrolling through the now very blurry movies on Netflix. He mumbles something about being right down and hangs up. “I…”
“Yeah, yeah. Go.” You assured and bite your cheek harder, feeling the tears right there. “Can’t be late. Not a good look. I get it.” There was a clear harshness behind your permission.
“We’ll talk about this, alright?” He fidgets, making his way to you, kissing your forehead. You feel a tear fall and you wipe it just as quickly, not looking at him. “Hey,” he coos, lifting your chin up wo finally meet his stare. “I am not ashamed of you.” He wipes the tear and kisses your nose. “Okay?”
You nod, sniffling and casually wiping another stray tear away, offering a weak nod. “Okay.”
Kylian felt wrong for walking out at that moment. He knew you wanted to go public but never knew that you were feeling this way. It was something he wanted to unpack, something he wanted to make you feel better about.
That question drove him insane all night. His steak tasted dull, his wine tasted bitter, his date looked like nothing compared to you. She twirled her hair and batted her lashes, assuming he was single. Why wouldn’t she? Nothing in recent news even hinted at any kind of romance going on in the star footballers life, but he knew the truth. He knew who he had waiting for him under his covers, and she deserved better than what he was giving her.
The night crawled by, achingly clapping along with the crowd without really listening to what the applause could be about. After accepting his award, he only wished he could find you in the sea of strangers from the stage. He just wanted to go home. Lay with you, hold your hand, let you know his intentions.
Of course he’d thought about this secret relationship from your perspective. It’s weird, needing a date and not being able to take you, even if you were his girlfriend. He couldn’t help but wonder how he’d feel if the roles were reversed.
They kind of were once, and he hated that feeling with a burning passion. Your office held a Christmas party last year and everyone had to bring a date… something about even numbers for one of the holiday games they’d planned out. You mentioned it in passing that you were going with Neil, the handsome budget analysts that you considered to be one of your good friends. Kylian wanted to pick a fight so bad. He wanted to tell you that he didn’t like you going with someone else… but he couldn’t. You’d endured countless news articles pondering if he was dating one of the many women that accompany him, helped him look spiffy for these events, kissed him goodbye as he went to eat a nice dinner with hot models and actresses. How would that be fair?
Hours went by and you didn’t feel the need to wait up for him. These events could drag on for hours past your bedtime, and your mood tonight in particular didn’t feel up to listening to all the glorious details that he makes out to sound dreadful… free cocktails, gourmet food, meeting celebrities, making new friends… there were only so many ways to complain about it before it started sounding disingenuous. The more you thought about it the later it got, quickly time spiraled out of your control, finding yourself watching the busy streets of Paris through the open window from the bed. The frustration you felt when your eyes closed and all you saw was Kylian arm in arm with girls that weren’t you put a dreadful feeling in your stomach.
It couldn’t have been later than 1 o’clock in the morning when Kylian returned, his tie loosened, top buttons undone, jacket almost dragging on the ground as he trudged up the stairs, leaving the shiny new trophy by the door.
It’s kind of insane to him how on long days like these he craves your touch, your comfort. He never thought of himself as someone who could be dependent on another person, at least not in this time of his life. With his priorities set on becoming a legendary football star, he didn’t necessarily set aside time for romance, but you just… happened. Someone so unlike the others, your charm reeling him in until he knew he was done for. Helpless.
The pressure of the public eye is brutal. He knows first hand how the media can ruin a relationship, no matter how strong the pillars you stand on are. They find ways to chip you down, make you doubt everything, make you doubt yourself. You were innocent to it all. He wanted to keep you that way. Selfish, sure, but he knew it would eventually cause some vicious issues down the line. It happens every time.
As he walked through the bedroom door, the shape of your silhouette under the covers tugged on his heart. Though his brain was begging him to wash up in the bathroom and go to sleep, his feet lead him to your side of the bed.
He crouched down at eye level with you, petting a gentle hand on top of your head, taking his time to really look at your face. You eyes slowly opened, he offered a tiny smile that he didn’t even realize grew on his face.
“I didn’t mean to wake you, amour.” He cooed, running his thumb over your cheek.
“I can’t sleep.” You groggily respond, closing your eyes at his touch.
He leaned over, kissing your forehead continuously without pulling away. “I’ll come to bed in a second.” He mumbled against your skin before standing, taking off his uncomfortable outfit on the way. He made quick time brushing his teeth and washing his face, changing into a clean pair of boxer briefs before crawling into his spot next to you.
Without thinking twice, his hands latched around your waist, pulling your bodies close together and spooning you with his face nuzzled into your hair.
You were hyperaware of everything. The way that his hand landed on the puff of your stomach, the amount of room you took up on your half of the bed, the roll that formed when you laid on your side like you were. At the beginning of the relationship that’s all you could think about whenever Kylian wrapped his arms around you. It took you a while to not tense up and let yourself melt into his touch, but tonight you were taken back to the beginning. The questioning if you were ever going to be good enough. If you’d ever be taken seriously as a couple. If people thought you two looked weird together, that he could do better than you.
“You’re beautiful.” Kylian eased, snapping you out of your thoughts. He felt your muscles tight under your skin, he just wanted you to relax. “I mean it, (Y/N).”
You didn’t say anything back, gulping to try and get rid of the panicky lump in your throat. He kissed the shell of your ear, reaching his hand under your T-shirt and letting it land on your bare stomach.
You tensed up more, instinct telling you to get up and go to the bathroom or something to get out of this situation.
“Stop, bébé.” He clicked once feeling your squirming. “Let me hold you.”
The longer the two of you stayed silent, listening to each others breathing, basking in the warmth you both provided, you felt more at ease. He shifted slightly, letting himself look down on you while holding himself up on his forearm.
He touched your cheek, tracing tour eyelashes with his thumb. “I’m taking you out to a nice dinner tomorrow night.”
You furrowed your brows. “Out?”
“Mhm.” He kissed the tip of your nose. “That new Thai restaurant you told me about last week.”
The tears swarmed your eyes, a wave of happiness surging through your body like electricity. “Really?” Your voice came out squeaky, laced in weary excitement.
He smiled down at you, kissing your grin onto his own face. “Of course.”
“Oh, baby…” You coo, grabbing his face in your own hands, letting some of the tears run down the side of your face. “Thank you.”
Kylian wiped them away sweetly. “Don’t thank me. I should have done this a while ago. I shouldn’t have kept you hidden away all to myself for this long. It wasn’t fair to you, I’m sorry.”
You pulled his neck down and kissed his passionately, but the pace was slow. Eventually, your tongues greeted each other expertly, his legs climbed over to lay his body on yours, his hand roamed under your shirt to feel your bare tits. It wasn’t long before you both got rid of the minimal layers keeping you apart, desperate to feel safe in each others touch.
He was gentle, loving, caressing every inch. Kylian spent extra time loving on the places he knew you overthought about. The ones that people would point out in the past. He kissed and licked them while praising you, leaving marks to remind you how he felt about you. All of you.
You attempted to roll over and have him take you from behind, but he pushed you down. “I wanna see your face. Wanna watch you. Wanna look at you.” He was borderline incoherent, but completely lucid. He said all the right things, forgetting completely about the surefire wave of trouble that would be headed your way tomorrow night.
Kylian was drunk on your sweet sounds. The continued “ah, ah, ah”’s that escaped your plumped lips drove him insane, cumming inside your shaking walls while watching the pleasure grow on your scrunched face. You came while clutching his biceps, closing your eyes tightly in euphoria.
He cleaned you both up, wiping you down with a wet rag before laying back next to you. This time, he pulled you into his chest while he laid on his back, feeling your body now comfortable and relaxed, listening to your soft snores that tickled his bare chest.
The next morning, Kylian’s side of the bed was empty, but the vague memory of his sweet kiss that landed on your forehead before he left send butterflies to your stomach. The much clearer memory of dinner plans tonight erupted another wave of them, motivating you to get the day started as soon as possible, needing to get home and prep for a night you’ve been waiting for for way too long.
On the doorstep of your humble townhome sat a big white box, a pink letter taped to the top with your name written nicely on top. It was obviously Kylian’s penmanship; neat but a little wonky. You giggled to yourself, bringing the box inside and opening the envelope.
To my sweet (Y/N),
You will look so beautiful tonight. I can’t wait to see you. Be ready by 7:30.
I love you, bébé.
You pressed the card dramatically to your chest, humming at the sweetness overload from your boyfriend. Though you wanted to relish in that moment, you couldn’t take it anymore. You had to see what the hell was in the box.
“Oh, wow…” You gasp as you catch the first glimpse of the dress that sat neatly on the tissue paper. You pulled it out, putting it against your body. It was a pink floral midi dress, form-fitting at the top, looser on the skirt and a slit that ran down the side. It was gorgeous. Perfect. Thank god that Kylian has a sense of style or else you’d be making your debut in an ugly outfit… Even better, you were thankful he knew your size because that thing fit like a glove. Goddamn… you look so sexy in this.
Time flies, it really does. Especially when your brain is working overtime thinking about the absolute worst things that could happen. You couldn’t stop yourself from taking two shots of tequila to calm your jittery nerves, hoping the shaking in your hands or the knot in your stomach would subdue before the knock on the door came. But, alas, it came…
You took a deep breath in the mirror, checking yourself from head to toe. Confidence is something you had to build, and it’s so much harder than people make it out to be. Fake it ‘till you make it can only take you so far, the rest is real work, especially in a world that praises people who look the opposite of you.
You’d hear your thinner friends complain about how fat they looked right in front of you, as if you didn’t have to live in that reality every single day. It was like their worst nightmare was looking like you. They’d tell you “you’re not fat, you’re beautiful!” As if you couldn’t be both. You’d walk closely to the wall and try and take up the most minimal amount of space possible — as if you could hide your size, feeling like every judgmental eye was on you all the time.
It was the little things that added up (along with the more brutal comments you’d get through life), but your skin was thick. Thick, yes. Unbreakable? You were about to find out. As soon as you stepped out under the mercy of the public eye with him… you’ll be tested how much you can actually take. How much this relationship could actually take.
You swung the door open to reveal the most handsome sight you’d ever seen. Kylian wore an all black suit. You thought to yourself that this must be what the models of the past were used to opening their doors to. Now, it’s finally your turn.
Kylian was holding a bouquet of flowers that matched your dress, showing off a huge smile. He seemed like he wanted to speak words, but his eyes spoke for him, much louder than anything his voice could come up with.
He eyed you up and down, a visible gulp making you want to retreat into yourself shyly. “Hi.” You meeped, cheeks sore from the smile you couldn’t shake.
Kylian cleared his throat, blowing out a raspberry. “You…”
He continued to eye you, walking in slowly as you shut the door behind him. “You did good with this dress.” You complimented, taking the flowers from his hands and walking them to your sink to grab a vase.
“The dress is just a dress, amour.” He growled, watching your backside like a lion would his lioness, infatuated with every curve and crease your body created under the material. “You in that dress? Tu blagues?” Are you kidding me? He stood behind you, wrapping his arms around your stomach and kissing your shoulder. “Oh lá lá…”
You laughed, lulling back into his touch, basking in his warm and secure embrace. “You always say the right things, Mbappé.”
He hums, unwrapping his arms and taking the flowers you were cutting from your hands, taking over the process. You stepped back and watched him as he filled the vase up with water, dropping them in with precision, one by one until they displayed beautifully.
He set them next to the bottle of tequila and shot glass you'd left out. He raised an eyebrow at you.
You shrugged. "For the nerves."
"Ah..." He nods, opening the cabinet and grbbing a tiny glass for himself, pouring the golden liquid into each one, holding one out to you. "To nerves of steel." You clinked your glasses, throwing your heads back and shivering as it went down. With a grimace, he shook off the taste of the drink. "Ready?"
Your mouth was dry despite the liquid that still lingered in your mouth. You inhaled deeply, faking a smile on your face while grabbing your purse. "Yep."
Kylian sensed the waver in your confirmation, reaching out to hold both your hands. "They're going to say whatever they're going to say. We can't control their thoughts on our relationship." He kissed your knuckles and all the rings you'd decorated your fingers with. "But we can't let them keep controlling us."
"I love you." You say, looking deep into your man's eyes and thinking about all the emotions you've seen them hold. The frustration after a loss. The playfulness before sex. The adoration during the first I love you that slipped his tongue. The relief that washed away the anxious look when you said it back.
"Your carriage awaits, princesse." He takes your purse and hold your hand, leading you both to the door that he opened for you.
You thanked him as he helped you into the large town car, running around to the other side and sat next to you.
As you neared the restaurant, his hand never leaving your thigh, you just looked at him, taking in every ounce of his being.
He wasn't ashamed of you. He loved you. He cared, he listened, he was perfectly yours. You knew no matter the things you'd surely read about yourself, the things you'd surely think about yourself at times, that Kylain would be a constant. This new chapter might bring some hard times, but you'll stand with Kylian. And he'd stand with you. You knew he would.
A/N: Plus sized ladies never get nearly enough representation on this platform. Hope you all enjoyed, this is something I wrote from my own feelings/experiences being plus sized! Love you all so much.
Taglist: @trentione @mentalbaddie @neymarsrealgf @akiraquote @mrswhitethornbelikov @kymb-10 @formula101x @photmath @marcelineslove @tsikik @iheartkyky @freshfraise @jokertbh @germanapples @urfuturesoccerwife @nightlockcornucopia @laylaynaynay130 @starlight8374 @depressoesssspresso @mbappesbae @ maddyperrezz @gigiboss @xanjoy @lovekm @jkkiks @vvbasmavv-blog @suzysface @ lolarmy72 @lizzz2967 @kylians-world @superswaggycooch @shashla @mehrmonga @abayo222 @missmo79 @tties24-7 @gurleenkl @drewstarkeysbae @ vibinwkay @ctn26 @ippid @i0veless @abayo222 @http-isabela
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rottenr0ckets · 1 month
hi! im a sss, but i think other sss can learn a thing or two.
first of all, dont fucking send death threats or wishes of death, sss. its fucking weird??? second, dont be such a stuck up bitch if people support wilbur. there has literally been no proof yet (im supporting shelby because i go by support victims until proven wrong, but you guys do you!:3) third, dont post nsfw of TEEN WILBUR or wilbur at all?? thats fucking gross. dehumanizing a man for alleged abuse is gross and makes you just as bad if hes guilty. fourth, sending hate and rape threats is also gross. what the fuck?? so apparently its okay if you do it but not when wss do it back? hows that make any sense. fifth, and i know this one is hard to understand guys, BUT PEOPLE HAVE THEIR OWN DECISIONS. crazee ik. sixth, if you are mad about someone listening to lovejoy and saying "their music sucks" save it. because didnt you like it not even a year ago? are you admitting you were a fake ass fan? like, im a shelby supporter but even i still listen to lovejoy because their music is good. just because i dont particularly like the guy who is the lead singer for his actions, A; theyre in the past and hes getting therapy. B; i still like the music. and C; as much as i dont like to admit it, their music and his streams saved my fucking life. so quit being stuck up assholes about this. the sss is honestly looking worse than wss because of how blatantly toxic it is here. if you have even the slightest doubt for even one fragment of shelbys story youre told you are a fake supporter and told to kys. if you believe it all, youre told you are so easily gaslighted and told that you shouldnt trust everything on the internet. if you dont believe any of her story, youre told to kys, support victims, and that they wish you were raped.
anyways, i hope you guys (wss) have long and happy lives even if i dont agree with supporting him:) btw can i be 🍊🦢 anon?:3
They need to be sat down and told this in loop so they understand this shit. Most wss I've seen also used to support shebly or be sss until they were given reason to turn to wss (which is our case) I wish they'd realize as a fandom they represent shebly and her as a CC and that their actions can have effects on shebly. From how people view her to how in some places its by law, ccs gave to take responsibility for their fans' behavior if it gets out of hand and they haven't done anything to try and stop it. I barely see any sss actually supporting her. Barely any veiws, no happy birthday wishes no nothing. They just either made caput edits then tell tell wss to kys
It's always nice to have nice sss come on every now and then feels refreshing^^
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solradguy · 6 months
What’s been the most fun and/or challenging part of working on the wiki? Also is there anything that still needs to be worked on that other people can help with?
THE CODE KILLED ME. So the wiki has a template that automagically puts this cool little Wikipedia help thingy next to Japanese text (the "?" on the end) in infoboxes and by command in text using some {{wiggly boys}} code:
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And we wanted to try to get the Korean stuff on the wiki too because it's the second most officially supported language behind English and there's a bunch of cool exclusive Korean GG stuff no one's ever documented before. But there wasn't a module like this to help out with Korean text like there is for Japanese text.
I put one together based on the Japanese template's code and it was a nightmare. I was fighting for my life in the template trenches. It works though!! I did get it after a while!!
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Shoutout to the Final Fantasy Wiki for the original JP template code and to the Dragon Blaze Wiki for seemingly being the only other English language wiki out there that cares about Korean text lol I don't know anything about Korean writing beyond super basic stuff (like what "hangul" is) so I had to do research into that alongside trying to learn wiki code.
The most fun part was probably getting GG World together, honestly. We couldn't believe that no one had actually transcribed those anywhere online before. Well, there was a file compiled by Lux for Revelator, but we wanted to transcribe these as-presented in the games and we couldn't use Lux's file since the goofy typos and some lore oopsies had been edited haha
Toxic and Elk have hauled ass getting those entries ripped and added. Major shoutout to them. I got the base layouts together and they went to town lol It's so cool seeing it all together now. We even started getting the official languages besides English and Korean added for Strive too.
As for what someone could do to help........ There's.... a lot...... Of the 4,532 image files currently on the wiki, only a very small handful of them were organized into categories when we forked. Here's the page of all the files currently not in a category: https://guiltygear.wiki.gg/wiki/Special:UncategorizedFiles
And all of the image categories they need to be sorted into. Note the subcategories under some of them: https://guiltygear.wiki.gg/wiki/Category:Images
I think I made the correct amount of categories for stuff but there may be one missing here or there. There were a lot and it was hard keeping track of them lol Feel free to holler at me on here or on my talk page over on the wiki if you need something made. I'm solradguy on the wiki.
These major character pages are also either entirely lacking citations or only have maybe 1 or 2 on the entire page (bad!!): Johnny, Chipp, Kliff, Baiken, Venom, Jam, Robo-Ky, Slayer, Sin, Izuna, Dr. Paradigm, Valentine, Bedman?, Answer, Haehyun, Elphelt, Giovanna, Happy Chaos, Asuka R♯
Swapping out the vague "GG World" citations on the wiki with the correct entry would be very helpful too. Like some pages will cite something and it just says "GG World" instead of " 'Axl Low' Xrd Rev2 GG World entry" or whatever relevant entry is needed.
If you know Korean, we also need to have the romaja added for the GG World entries. None of us knows Korean well enough to do that so not a single one has it filled in lol.... We were planning on using Revised Romanization of Korean since it's the official South Korean romanization system but if there's one that's more commonly used/accepted that's cool too (like how Hepburn is used for Japanese more often than the official Kunrei-shiki romanization)
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charlotte3eee · 1 year
pairing : kylian mbappe x female reader
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summary : kylian wanting his girlfriend to stay in bed with him but she has work how does it end?
warning : not proof read (repost)
a/n : this is a repost because my other acc @charlotte3ee got deleted so gonna repost all my stuff. (inbox is open)
PHOTO INSPO @darlingmbappe all credit to them, my mom using the same app to edit her photos on instagram and i though it was cool to play around with.
It was an early Tuesday morning in Paris. the sky was filled with pretty colors of orange, pink, and yellow. Y/n had a perfect life. She was now living with the love of her life, Kylian Mbappe, and pursuing her career as a model.
The clock read 06:54 a few minutes before your alarm was gonna go off. You took the opportunity to try and sneak out to get ready, for the photoshoot you have this morning, without waking up Kylian.
You grab your phone shut off the alarm and slither your way out of bed… But that’s when you felt big strong arms grab around your waist and pull you up.
You slightly turn your head and see Kylian hugging you tight from behind, with his cute face now resting on your shoulder. Kylian always and when I mean always does this when your try and leave the bed or just have to leave in general if he’s not coming with you.
Mostly because you two don’t get to spend too much time together. You never know what will pop up with your job, sometimes it’s random or it’s not.
Kylian would have training in the morning most days and so it would flip-flop. But now since this season is over for PSG he no longer has training with them but now Equipdefrance, you love him so much you don’t blame him.
You try to turn to face him but those big strong biceps are keeping you in your place in front of him. “Please ky let me go!” You quietly yelled turning into a laugh.
“Say please eh?” he said into your ear. Kylian loved taking some sort of control of you. After no response from you, Kylian took the opportunity to get the answer out of you.
He moved his arms up, under your arms to tickle you. (Your weakness.)
“Ok! Ok! Please Kylian!” y/n trying to breathe. Kylian used those strong arms to flip around to face him, one arm traveling right back to your waist and another under your chin.
“Hahaha gotcha!” he said after pecking your rose-pink lips. “Where do you think you're going amour? “I have an early shoot this morning ky, remember?” Y/n said looking at his soft pink plump lips.
Kylian always looked so cute when he would stop and think. Randomly he would always have this one look on his face, like this emoji (🤔) when he thought hard to remember something.
“No, I don’t chérie.” Kyky said looking at your collarbone. You are the biggest sucker for the names he would call you. “Alright, well I’m now gonna be late because of you!” You said slapping his chest.
“Hey ow! Ok, mon bébé” he said with puppy dog eyes. I kissed him on the tip of his nose. That's when he let go of the release on your waist. you snuck into your bathroom. you put on a little makeup and made your way into your closet, you pick out a hoodie and leggings because you were changing there at the shoot.
Y/n picked up the duffel bag she packed the night before, in the duffle you had a different pair of shoes and a few other small items. you double-checked to make sure you had everything you needed.
You ran up to Kylian who was now on your side of the bed snuggling in your warm spot. you admired his chocolate skin. you pecked his lips said your goodbyes and made your way downstairs and out of your shared home to the driver in front, for the hour-long drive to the studio for the shoot.
it was now 08:37 am you saw on your phone, as you opened the door to the studio. As you walked in you saw your agent and a few others in the studio. You apologize for being a few minutes late, due to Kylian being needy af.
You got changed and took the floor…15 minutes went by and everything was going great, you didn’t want to admit it but you were a little nervous, even though you do this almost every day. Your crew called for a 5-minute break to look at and discuss the shots.
During that, you decided to look at your phone. When you opened your phone you went to your messages where you had a few you didn’t see. You answered most of them, you didn’t have a whole lot of time only being 5 minutes, but when you were about to shut off your phone…you started to get message after message from Kylian.
big boy bondy ⚽️: babe
big boy bondy ⚽️ : babe
big boy bondy ⚽️ : babyyyyyyy
big boy bondy ⚽️ : I love you so much just thought u should know that.
Y/n 🤍: love you too baby I’m at work hunny
big boy bondy ⚽️: ok good, not good you're at work but good you love me.
god how much you love this man.
Y/n 🤍: alright baby I’m gonna go I’ll see you soon
big boy bondy ⚽️: ok wait when though, so I know how much longer I have to suffer.
Y/n 🤍: probably 30 minutes?
big boy bondy ⚽️: are you joking cause I’m not laughing
Y/n 🤍: No I’m not my poor precious angel I’ll see you soon you needy boy
big boy bondy ⚽️ : Uhh ok pls hurry the bed is so cold without you in my arms.
After finishing texting your needy ass boyfriend, you shut your phone off and sat it next to you, and looked up to see your assistant calling your name.
“Y/n? Are you good you look stressed,” she said. “Nope, just Kylian acting like a baby without his binky,” you said. Both you and your assistant started laughing, she told you there were only a few things left to do.
You got up from your chair and went back to work. only a few minutes went by when you heard a phone blowing up. You had no intention of looking knowing that it was Kylian having no patience.
After those 30 minutes, you changed into the clothes that you came in with and grabbed everything, and threw it in your duffle bag.
You thanked everyone for today going so smoothly. You had a quick chat with your assistant and you were on your way. you walked out of the studio with the big front doors and t your driver that was in front of the studio.
finally, it was time to drive you back to the needy Kylian in bed.
“chérie is that you?” that's what you heard when you walked into your master bedroom. kylian was still on your side of the bed, face into your pillow taking up your scent.
“I'm here baby,” is what you said dropping your duffel bag by the door of your bedroom. you walked over to Kylian and kissed his temple.
“mhmm I've missed you so much bébé,” Kylian said grabbing your waist. the grin on your face became bigger and bigger and let out a little laugh. “I've only been gone for a few hours,” you said to your handsome boyfriend in front of you, the sun had fully risen and was shining bright on his bare back.
You couldn't even change before Kylian pulled you into bed by his strong arms. A small laugh left your lips as Kylian pulled you over him. him being the big spoon and you being the little spoon.
you soon flipped on your back so he could cuddle up to your chest. “I love you kyks,” you said ever so lovingly and pecked his lips. “I love you more mon amour,” Kylian said into your chest snuggled up right next to you, he was holding your waist ever so tight. For the rest of the morning, Kylian fell asleep and snuggled next to Y/n...
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13tinysocks · 1 year
FAQ because fags ask questions.
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Gimmie the basics
I'm Rea, 21, butch bulldyke, I live with and am dating my coauthor @itsabee pronouns ??? She her I guess???? Art account @11largesocks
Wait are you seriously a lesbian?
Yes. I hold no attraction to men fictional or real. I think playing Barbie with them is just really fun.
Where can I find your fics?
Avaliable on Ao3 (linked) or on Quotev (just search the titles you should find us)
Spill Your Guts - proxies x reader - completed
The Hunt Is On - EJ, Jane, Clockwork x reader - completed
You'll Catch Your Death - proxies x reader - completed
House Of 1000 Corpses - various creepypasta x reader - in progress
Uhm? Tag slurs?
Can you give me writing advice?
Can I make fanart/fanfic based off your interpretations of the cpp characters?
Yes of course I don't own them at all and I'm happy to inspire others to get creative!! Tag us if you ever do anything like that!!
Check my #writing tag. Anything unanswered free to ask.
How do you write so much?
What do you listen to while writing?
Idk I got autism powers. Also making writing even a little everyday as a goal is a good way to form a long term habit of doing it every day.
What does the average chapter of your fics go through before being published?
A lot more than people think that's for sure! We pre draft our fics general plot and major events before starting. As for chapters: Abby and I write an outline together. Once completed I will write the chapter. After that Abby goes through to fix character interactions, add depth, and fix my awful spelling mistakes. I then go over Abby's edits and completely reread the chapter to make sure it's cohesive. Give it a silly name and add a song that's related to the vibe and then she's live, baby.
Mostly Pup, Rob Zombie, TPOF's soundtrack, Harley Poe. Sets the mood for the type of stuff I write.
What do you call each fic YN?
We named each of our yn's to refer to them more easily. Syg yn is Ryan. Thio yn is Dylan. Ycyd yn is Dianne. Ho1c yn is Joan.
When is the published version of spill your guts coming out?
No idea. It needs to be drafted and redrafted, edited and reedited, and then I gotta query for agents.
Spill your guts is getting a published version??
Yes! However because of bad writing and copyright it is being completely overhauled. The story is mostly the same but better. The characters are different. Goober is even goobier. It will be split into two to three novels due to word count restrictions.
Head cannons?
I'm not a matchup, head cannon, or mini fic blog. I talk about my fics mostly. If you have questions about those fics I'm happy to answer.
Will you be writing more fanfiction?
Yes I am currently writing house of 1000 courses with Abby. It's our take on a various x reader and mansion fic. It will update slowly. We are both busy and trying to focus on the book.
Why haven't you answered my ask?
I've been getting a huge influx of asks recently and it's hard to take the time to answer all of them. Sometimes I just need to think on it, other times I don't know quite how to respond. I appreciate your kindness and curiosity but I am just a regular guy.
Thank you
Is there anywhere to support you and Abby?
Our Kofi
Our Etsy
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mugenfinder · 2 years
I’m trying to build the ultimate MUGEN roster, do you have any characters you consider to be a must-have for any good roster?
Hard question for me to answer because there's SO much and I've only messed with so many classic characters. You should be able to find the real popular classics easily, like Bluestreak and Reubenkee's work. I'm mainly about OCs so I can't tell you too many versions of adapted characters. So I'm just gonna tell you whatever comes to mind that isn't terrible or blatantly nsfw.
In terms of stand alone characters that you probably wouldn't find immediately:
Crea and Sayia by Sekirei are old adapted(?) characters that are worth looking at.
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Dagger's work (Black Dragon Eni, Phantom Scissors, Kikka Yajima)
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I should start posting more characters in general
Here's a list of sites and pools or whatever I think are worth looking through.
Cerenas' Work, his Asuka 120% characters are good
Kamekaze's site is a good start for various things JustNoPoint has The None's stuff plus others, there's a lot of joke stuff but there's some normal solid characters.
TrinityMugen has a small pool of stuff by some old authors, including DivineWolf who's stuff is used everywhere.
Kishio's Characters are all good originals. (Links near the bottom on the left)
Tanukida's characters are fun (Links are in the description at the top)
Masukenpu might have some good stuff in here, I don't know much of it. ELECTRO's "Ultimate" characters are good custom versions. Descolor's work is worth mentioning
Ukege recreated the Robo-Kys, you can change switch out the moves of his Mk. II and Mk. III. He also made Robo-Len, Robo-Sol, and ZAGI.
Dagger's work (Black Dragon Eni, Phantom Scissors, Kikka Yajima)
Rikard's characters are classic KOF edits but I've barely touched them. Ouchi's work is great, they made what I think is the original version of Agrias Oaks? The one that uses FFT mechanics, there's two other versions by different people and they all use the same sprites. They also recreated some Urobura (Type Moon Parody) characters and made ASB Hol Horse.
Iwakick's MVC characters are a thing
YUUKI_IN_SLASH's Demifiend and Black Frost MAITAKE's work is great.
Hirohiro's work
I WOULD say Mr. Chicken Heart's characters just keep in mind they're VERY weird feeling but are very cool.
Ahuron's work, SeanAlty has some classics
Brergrsart's work is high-quality, he made Trouble Man and Vargverse among others. But his characters do unfair amounts of damage so they're mainly for comedy purposes. Keep that in mind.
If you want good Kula edits, the ones I know are good are Fliz, Flamme, Lyzer Spinel, Gliz, and Izuko
I would post more but my brain keeps fighting itself, Mugen Free For All has collections for series and authors. It's a huge life-saver since a lot of stuff in those would probably be lost or way harder to find otherwise.
There's also the Mugen Guild Wiki but it has a lot of dead links or links that lead to sites with dead links. But it can be good for learning about stuff.
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simmeons · 2 years
feeling silly have some goofy text post(?) memes based off actual conversations ive had with some friends :) ofc edited a lil to fit more [these are also completely out of character probably, even funnier so be it!!!!]
Bones: y'all judgemental as shit
Spock: ....
Bones: WHAT
Spock: ...nothing.
Bones: i will set your kitchen on fire
Chekov: guys im about to cry ive been trying to make an egg for 20 minutes i set off the fire alarm already this is the worst cooking ever
Bones: what's with you and watching Vulcan hand porn
Kirk: die
Scotty: guys Christmas is in 70 days can you believe it? seventy days! Christmas is 70 days away!
Bones: NO. screw Christmas
Scotty: FUCK YOU
Bones: id rather have money than a gift, because then i can save it like a little hoarder and never spend it
Spock: i caught myself lacking and physically smiling i fixed that accordingly. never again.
(talking about how to spell banana)
Bones: i always have a hard time, i always put too many N's and A's
Scotty: banananananana
Bones: kys.
Scotty: SORRY
Kirk: no cuz imagine if your eyes could taste so they made flavored eye drops to make the experience more pleasant
Bones: now what the hell spurred on that thought
Kirk: im so sorry i don't even know it just happened
Scotty: don't underestimate my engineering capabilities stinkstink
Bones: what the fuck did you just call me
Scotty: stinkstink
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
hi! i was wondering if you had a transcript of the discord message? it's a bit hard to read for me
i couldn't find a transcript on twitter so here's what it says
I wrote something to a friend that I would like to share. I've edited it for this audience
If you can ever find it in your heart to give me a chance to talk it would mean a lot. Maybe not now, but sometime.
I promise I am not that person, I don't feel entitled to every part of a woman online. I do not believe women in public spaces should be sexualized against their will. I do not believe anyone should be allowed to rob them of that consent, and I certainly do not believe that "deepfakes" are in any way right, correct, or should be allowed.
The first and last time I ever looked at that terrible website was January 26th - this is confirmed by the receipt and by the creator of that terrible website who published my subscription as a part of the LSF dream. I have been rabbit holing AI stuff as a part of video research lately and I got morbidly curious at 2 am. When I say "last" i mean with total certainty I will never look or support anything similar for the rest of my life and that I will be an open advocate against.
Maybe you do not believe me, but I literally can't think of anything to do other than tell you how I'm feeling and hope that years of being myself - online and off - is enough to give you a moments pause that maybe I'm not secretly some shockingly different person than I've always been. I'm just not.
I'm trying to help however I can with concrete actions - I contacted the Morrison law firm to see if I can pay of rate takedown of the website and pay for the data scrubs of any women affected. I'm reaching out to other Law Firms today including Tall Poppy for the same reason, I've spoken to QT and written apologies to Maya and Poki.
The most painful part on mu end is that I feel lie I'm being made to be the face of something I do not condone or support. Something I feel genuine shame for discovering and will have a permanent scar on my heart of the rest of my life over.
The constant noise from the internet towards myself and those closest to me is deafening. I feel like i'm being buried alive while shouting and every minute feels like I'm deeper underground and harder t hear. All I want is a chance to prove I am the person I have lived my entire life being. I can promise with absolute certainty I will never do anything like this again.
Specifically for those in this community, I hope you have seen my ability to learn from mistakes. When Lud/Stanz/I did the KYS joke - a single reddit post about someone being hurt by it caused me to talk to stream and stop altogether. I am a thinking, feeling, human being with empathy. The only way I can see to process this event is to learn and grow as much as I can to be someone who helps instead of hurts here.
Overall I just want to see I'm sorry. I really am. Thank you to anyone who took a moment to listen.
(at the bottom are a bunch of react emojis)
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ferids-despair · 2 years
When they are needy(Vampire Edition)
Crowley claims that he doesn’t get needy. It’s a pain to his ego, and charming manners. It’s not unusual for your boasting boyfriend to come begging for your attention. He begs for any type of affection; Kisses, cuddles, head pats, head scratches, you name it. Just don’t speak of it after it’s done.
Ferid would rather you beg him for attention. It’s much more “right” that way. Kissing up to your future king is what he wants. Don’t mistake him though, under that cold vampire exterior is someone that wants to be cuddled until they can’t be cuddled anymore. But, as a way of showing that he’s needy, he just stands behind you and expects you to get the hint.
Mikaela isn’t really a fan of being touched so..tenderly. As a way of showing that he is needy though, he hugs your waist. He does want you to take a hint, but if you can’t, he’ll try something else. Such as, kissing you or even stroking your head.
Lacus is pretty bad at showing any physical affection. He can easily catch your attention with a few snaps of his fingers though. He can be pretty demanding when he’s needy and doesn’t really show any other signs other than aggression. It’s hard to tell what he’s thinking though, and you never ask if what he wants is what you think he wants.
Rene slumps onto you when he’s needy. You both might come crashing down if you can’t support his weight, and he isn’t even trying to support his. You two lay in the most uncomfortable positions because his neediness knows no bounds and no patience.
Urd is just as demanding as Rene, even more so. He shoots you cold glares when you don’t take any of his subtle hints. He tries to get over his neediness time and time again, but with you, he can’t help it. He’s never told you about how he wants to be held, but you can always tell. With no words, you become the big spoon.
Saito is super smooth with it. He finds ways to not come off as needy and desperate for your attention. He makes it seem like simple affection, but he suddenly becomes greedy for cuddles, kisses, and head scratches. You can point out how needy he has become, and he’ll deny it.
Lest is the most honest when it comes to being needy. He admits how much he wants to be held and kissed. You grant his wishes, and he becomes a happy vampire. You two will have cuddle sessions scheduled throughout the day, and Lest tries to extend them, but it fails.
Ky is very dependent on you when it comes to attention. So, when you are taken away from him for just a day or two, he grows needy for your return. His signs of showing that he is needy is rushing you to bed for a cuddle session or kissing you desperately to let you know how much he has missed you. He clings to you for a while if you’ve been gone for too long.
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planetflos · 2 years
❛ 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 ᥫ᭡ timothee chalamet.
synopsis ˒ in which i describe what it would be like being roomies with timothee using these cute lil’ headcanons!
pairings ˒ timothee chalamet x photographer!fem!reader.
warnings ˒ FLUFF! ima sucker for fluffy headcanons. some swearing, light mentions of food, period talk, being drunk, and dirty laundry—which doesn’t really need a warning, i just find it gross!
notes from ky ˒ not another new layout! but had a dream about timmy last night, gosh i really love this boy? the chokehold he has in me is not okay. also, i feel like him being with a photographer makes sense, yeah? it’s very fitting. no tags for this since it’s just something i whipped up on a whim!
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he likes new york city in the daytime, you like new york city in the night time—the day you two decided to be roomies was the day planet earth cracked in half. polar opposite is what you both are, and it’s never a dull moment in your shared apartment. you don’t know how it happened, but it happened.
he’s messy, you’re neat. especially considering the kind of occupation you have, you like to keep all your files loaded on to their proper hard drives and folders on your laptop and all your polaroid pictures in their assigned boxes. quite the perfectionist, i must say!
and with that being said, you truly hate it when timothee leaves his dishes, papers, and dirty laundry everywhere. never in a million years did you think one human could produce such a hurricane of a mess.
“do you ever—i mean ever—think to clean behind yourself? it looks like a pig pen in your room, timothee!”
“get out yn, im trying to sleep!”
you don’t do mornings, especially not early ones. if you have to get up early for work then fine, but other than that, you enjoy staying underneath your warm, cozy, and comfy covers until noon. timothee, on the other hand, wakes up at the crack of dawn nearly every day.
and his favorite part of his ridiculously early morning routine would be waking you up—or at least trying to.
“it’s almost nine, you need to get up.” your curly haired roommate bursted into your one time. you groaned in response but he wasn’t trying to hear it. the both of you spend about twenty minutes going at it, him aggressively pulling at your hips while your hands gripped on to your rather expensive wooden bed frame for dear life. eventually he’d give up, leaving you in your grumpy slumber state.
despite all the bickering between you two, you guys would actually help each other out a lot—especially with work. you’d help timmy go over lines from his scripts and he’d help you out with your photography equipment; cleanings the camera lenses, editing, etc.
“you got that line wrong again, do you wanna take a break or—?”
“no, no. let’s try it again, one more time. i’m gonna get this right.”
“timmy! don’t wipe the lense so hard, you’ll break it!”
“i know what i’m doing yn!”
late night movie marathons, you guys would flip flop between classics and some of the new films out. the night would always end in popcorn fights which you hate but love.
the paparazzi practically terrorizing you two every time you step outside the building. timothee had grown used to it over the years but you’ll never get over how bright the flash is from the cameras—and you’re a photographer. but luckily, he’s always doing little things to guide you through the horrors of the clicks, flashes, and millions of questions. sometimes he’ll hold your hand or put his arm around your waist.
being each other’s hype woman / hype man period! at events, interviews, and on social media too. the media loves how supportive you two are towards each other.
and please, timmy would definitely try to make breakfast for you after you two would get into arguments about the pettiest things possible.
“i, uh, ‘made you some breakfast,” he said awkwardly, handing you a plate of very much burnt food. you didn’t want to hurt his feelings especially with things finally calming down so you settled for a sweet smile and a quick thank you instead.
ranting to each other about literally anything, everything.
you sneaking into timothee’s room while he’s gone just to peep. he hates it when you go in there but you can’t stand how messy it is. sometimes the pictures on his dresser will have you staring for minutes, admiring the features of his family and close friends, occasionally fawning at his baby pictures.
but just to be fair, he does the same thing when you’re gone!
listen, you’d roll your eyes into another galaxy every time you see him bring a girl over to the apartment. you don’t have anything against his girls, they always come and go.
“who’s this now, timothee?”
“yn—shhh! don’t say that!”
he’s not really fond of the guys you go on dates with either. him watching you stand in front of your vanity mirror set, dollying yourself up with all kinds of expensive make up and name brand fragrances. he’s a hater when it comes to it but his reasoning is a bit different than yours.
“i bet he’s ugly.” he mumbled to himself one time thinking you didn’t hear him. but you did.
you falling asleep on his shoulder during tv show & movie marathons.
having zendaya and tom over for dinner—which usually ends up with tom being shit faced drunk, getting on both you and zendaya’s nerves and all.
you guys have definitely had the “should we get a pet?” talk. quite often too. eventually, you guys ended up getting a cute golden retriever puppy and named her honey. timothee became obsessed quickly, acting like a little kid and all—he’d be so cute and so excited.
“i love her so much—just not when she’s pissing in my shoes and shit. that i can go without.”
timothee trying his absolute very best to be at your service when you’re on your period! the feminine care section in the pharmacy would confuse him and he would end up calling you.
“wings right? the pads with the wings?”
“for the last time, yes timothee.”
him dealing with all your mood swings and emotional outbursts. he wouldn’t take them to heart of course.
and he would definitely offer to rub the areas where you feel cramps. at first you thought it was a bit peculiar but after a while of him doing it, it started to feel pretty nice and relaxing.
“where do you feel them?”
“um, right here.”
“oh…oh! that’s uh…quite the area!”
rainy day walks around central park with the puppy.
taking each other out for lunch.
six am starbucks runs (when you have the energy to be awake at that ridiculously early hour).
and once again, getting on each other’s last damn nerve.
“you really need to learn how to take a joke, yn.”
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ghostputtyarchive · 2 years
Hi ky!! Every post you make about your OCs just makes me more excited for your story. Not even to mention your GORGEOUS portraits of your OCs. Could you maybe walk through a little bit of your editing process? Just like, in general, what you do for your portraits? Also, how long does it take you to do one of those portraits? (like the ones for your covens.) If you don't want to/don't have time to, that's a-okay!! I just thought I'd ask, since I very much admire your portrait editing!! <3 (also, do you take your pics in CAS or in-game?) Thanks so much, and I can't wait to read your story!! Love, Morri. <3
HI oh my gosh thank u so much ??!!! ur literally the sweetest please :,) i’ve been meaning to do an updated editing tut thing and i have some time tonight so here u go !
the main things i do are; repainting/fixing clipping, shading, highlights, extra highlights + touch ups, and hair usually in that order. it takes me between 1-3 hours for each one, depends on the complexity and what i have to fix. for the guild posts i took them in cas but either way i use srwe to get a cleaner image in game.
also i’ll link the brushes i use throughout the tut,  i use procreate but im p sure u can use the brushes in photoshop too if im not mistaken.
okay tut below the cut cause this got longer than i thought lmao
repainting/fixing clipping: so for this i usually go in w a hard airbrush (linked at bottom) and well.. repaint or i’ll cover up any clipping with hair or accessories. i also usually do this when the clothes look really pixelated, i like using the smudge tool as well. here’s some examples. i just follow what shadows n highlights are already on the sim for this and color pick from the selected area
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2. shading: my general shading process is the same as this post here, especially w the areas. like i said above i usually follow what shadows reshade has already laid out for me but also i’ll add my own in where i see fit. 
the only things that have mostly changed from that post are; 1. i use a diff brush which i’ll link at the end, and 2. i use this color (hex code: e88d6f) on a multiply layer, gaussian blur 1-10% and layer opacity between 50-80%. just depends on what looks best to me. (oh also i shade clothes w a color pick on a multiply layer now instead of w black)
3. highlights: also pretty similar as above, i use an overlay layer, this color (hex code: ffded2) gaussian blur it, and set the opacity between 40-80%. again just depends on what looks nice. i also add a lil glow to the eyes on this layer w that color as well, makes them pop a bit.
4. extra highlights: so this one ur gonna want the highlights brush from this brush pack here (hair pack). it’s rlly snazzy, i use it on the nose, jawline, and eyes (examples below) usually using the same color as above for highlights or i’ll color pick from the sim. i set this layer to an add (linear dodge if ur in ps) layer, opacity varies, if it’s too bright i’ll just turn it down until it’s not lmao.
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5. hair: oh boy. okay ur gonna want that brush pack from above, this thing actually saved my life w hair. i duplicate my base sim layer and alpha lock it. from there i’ll use the soft hair brush from that pack both as a regular brush and a smudge brush. my best advice here is to color pick when painting and follow the direction the hair goes. i’ll add a time-lapse below because i feel like showing is better than anything. i also use that highlights brush from the hair pack and add some lil stray strands. i can't tell u how many times i redo the hair, it can get annoying sometimes but just take ur time !!
last bonus tip is to have fun with it !! ur making art and it’s the process that makes it exciting, i like to always try something new when making an edit. i see it like painting (which it is actually now that i'm thinking about it lmao) but just go nuts !! i used to super rush my stuff and i never rlly liked it so w these i took it slow and found what worked for me. 
here’s the brush i use for shading and repainting but any hard airbrush would work just fine too!
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tuxedo iv, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader, mentions of previous jungkook x reader
summary: Your life? Oh, it’s normal. Your cat turned into a man yesterday and you just now humped his leg to orgasm. Sorry, what? That’s not normal? O-Of course, it is! It’s like... having a roommate! You argue because you recorded him without his consent. You eat noodles that he’s trying not to bat at all meal. There are skeletons in your closet. Your fingers get stuck in a Chinese finger trap and then you get fingered. Totally normal, by the way!
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, mentions of the coronavirus pandemic; possibly full-on crack; Yoongi LOVES his box; smut (fem reader, mild restraint, penetrative sex, forced orgasms, intentional voyeurism (tsk tsk, Shooky), fingering); domestic and soft moments with your cat-man; non-idol!AU - cat!Yoongi x human!reader; ft shy boy Jeon Jungkook (gasp!!!) POV and bestfriend!Kim Seokjin POV; breaking of the fourth wall; you ARE a furry, oh well
yes, I reference Jin’s iconic Billboard interview answer, The Lion King (1994), Yoongi’s BTS café cereal milkshake, Bill Nye the Science Guy, PENTAGON’s ‘DO or NOT’ / ‘Shine’ / ‘Humph!”, “you got no jams”, The Addams Family (1991) – also there’s a bit of a meme scavenger hunt, I reference too many to list XD
part i | part ii | part iii
You kinda.
Humped your cat-man’s thigh to orgasm.
You animal.
“Ah… Yoongi,” you started as your cat… man tilted his head, blinking slowly. Unnerving. Why was he staring like that? It reminded you of his previous cat self, where Shooky would watch you with his minty-green eyes, cat face expressionless, whiskers unmoving. What were cats thinking about all the time anyway?
Better yet, what the fuck was Min Yoongi thinking?
You knew what you were thinking. You were thinking that you couldn’t stare at you cum stain on his pink silk pajama leg all day, because that was a master yikes. He had tons of clothes still piled next to the front door of your apartment. All you had to do was convince him to change his outfit. Simple. Easy. Don’t make this weird. Be casual. Be cool as a cucumber. Chill out.
“Um… You should… take off the pajamas… so I can wash them… there are still more clothes you need to try on from the order, right…?”
Your dignity threw up their hands. Why do I even bother being here? I get ignored, the brain in here is smoother than KY Jelly on glass, and you would know, wouldn’t you, you–
“Take them off for me.”
“… P… Pardon?”
“I’m joking.”
He raised an eyebrow, glancing down at your raised hands. You abruptly dropped them, shoving them behind your back. When did that happen? Why did you make grabby hands like that? Surely not because you were expecting anything, right? Definitely not. Not you.
You need help. 
Yoongi turned around, black fur tall swishing, the back of his pink silk pants half-lowered. Your jaw went slack, only to forcefully shut back into place as you realized he was still wearing his black boxer briefs since you had spent yesterday sewing tail holes in his convenience store underwear. Of course, he was still wearing them. There was no reason to take them off.
What, did you want to look at his booty again or something?
He went through the doorframe of your bedroom without saying a word. 
Hold on a second.
Did Yoongi let you ride his thigh to orgasm, be sweet to you for two seconds, only to fucking bounce without a peep of acknowledgment? Just fucking yeet? Act like that was totally ordinary behavior and saunter off?
Say sike right now.
A millisecond of bravery shot through you and you bolted out of your chair, your desk rattling with your sudden action.
You nearly collided into him. You weren’t expecting him to be facing you and you yelped in surprise, skidding on your heels. His hands stopped your hips, freezing you in place so you didn't barrel headfirst into his chest. You flailed about, struggling to regain your balance. All this happening while he continued giving you that deadpan stare. Did anything faze this (cat) man? Shit, you were too close to his face. So close you could feel his breath on your nose. 
"You should change too."
Brain malfunctioning at the softness of his tone.
"... W-What?"
Then your neck, ears, face, even your past and future self, the whole timeline became hotter than a supernova, brain erupting into nuclear fusion as Yoongi's deft fingers slid up to the waistband of your leggings, hooking underneath, stroking your skin. He leaned forward, dark eyes out of your vision, chin hovering above your shoulder. 
He started pushing your leggings down. 
He started.
"You can't stay like this all day, right?" Yoongi murmured gently, voice so deep it was resonating in your empty brain, completely clear of all thoughts except those cool fingers pushing your black leggings down, the skintight fabric catching your soaked panties and taking those on the path to hell too, which was probably where you were headed at the rate this was going. "It would be a good idea to change clothes, I think."
You think, Yoongi?
Not you. 
You don't have think. 
A shrill barrage of low meowing cut through the silence.
Your phone was ringing violently in your room. Yoongi paused, backing up with a frown.
"Why is your ringtone a cat chattering?" he asked, tilting his head quizzically. The continuing sonata of cat chitters escalated before his dark eyes narrowed in recognition. He glared at you and pulled his hands away from your hips, snapping you out of your daze.
"You recorded me?"
"What, what, what?" You blinked rapidly, hearing the familiar sharp chirps and barks of Shooky the cat yelling at birds outside the window. "Oh! Well, yeah... it was funny," you explained weakly, trying to shake out the fog of your horny brain. 
"There's nothing funny about trespassers," Yoongi hissed, turning his heel and swiftly marching away. 
"Trespassers?" you echoed, blinking in confusion. That’s why he yelled at them as a cat? Did he think he owned all the land the sun touches or something? The sound was getting louder and louder, indicating the call was about to be missed. No time to think about it. You rushed back into your room, nearly half tripping with your leggings only partway on your ass, scrambling to answer your phone. There was an uncomfortable squish between your legs. Yikes. You did need to change. 
"Hello? Oh, yes, the video? I'm putting it in the Dropbox right now," you babbled, clicking out of a bizarre pop-up ad with some brown-haired guy in a sienna floral shirt and a boxy smile before placing the exported video in the shared Dropbox folder. 
"Sorry, yeah, I know I usually have it done earlier. It's been a weird couple of days..."
Kim Seokjin was furious. 
His best friend ignored his face. His beautiful face! How could she! He fumed, deciding to instead spend his time wisely, as he always did.
He stared at his reflection and nodded, stroking his chin. Yes. A true winner. Look at that brilliant smile. Perfect. He looked great today, as he did every day. Seokjin looked away from the mirror on his desk and went back to his MapleStory life.
After a quick change and final edits of the completed video sent off to the client, you left your room to find that Yoongi had stacked his new clothes on the coffee table. The brown cardboard box was on the sofa with him (???), as if it was a human being instead of an ordinary box. He had neatly folded the plastic packaging and placed it on the kitchen counter so you could sort it into the correct recycling. 
"Oh... thanks."
He was now wearing a white t-shirt and black pants that actually seemed like they fit, the back of said pants halfway down his butt to accommodate for his tail. He was watching that historical drama; eyes glued the television. The dark brown orbs were hidden by his curtain of black hair. His pointed black ears were turned away from your direction, as if he had no desire to listen to anything you had to say.
As usual.
Yoongi's response was grunting disapprovingly at you. 
You sighed, feeling a little guilty.
"To be fair, I couldn't really ask your consent when you were a cat."
Your cat-man appeared to be out of fucks to give. "You should do laundry," he huffed gruffly. 
You scooted away awkwardly. "Er... yeah. Let me order some delivery for lunch first..."
"What are you doing?"
He stared at his chopsticks, holding them up high. 
His pink lips twisted, narrowing his eyes. The fingers in his other hand twitched. He had been staring at the noodles in his ramen for the past five minutes. They were probably cold now. You were getting a bit worried that he didn't like carbs or something. But then you realized that wasn't the case.
His fingers twitched again. 
"They're noodles. Not string."
Yoongi didn't reply, itching to bat at the long noodles. 
"Just put them in your mouth."
He gave you this look. As if to tell you, you don't usually say that. Usually someone else tells you that. 
You thinned your mouth into a line. 
"I know you're admiring the skinny legend that is noodles, but, yes, they're edible. Need I remind you that you used to eat string and I had to pull it out of your mouth when you choked on it?"
Yoongi scowled. Apparently, he did not like being reminded. It wasn’t that pleasant for you to remember either. At least you never had to wait until it passed through his body and never had to pull it out of the other end (ew). He peered them for several more seconds before putting them in his mouth. You noticed his ears perked up as he ate. 
"You like them?" you asked.
He hummed, not looking at you. Was Yoongi still angry about the recording thing? You weren't changing your ringtone regardless of his dissatisfaction. It was cute. You liked it. And he was being a drama queen, acting all catty.
Hold on. 
He was a cat. 
"What is this?"
You took a sip and choked a little at the grainy taste. 
"Is that cereal?"
"Yeah. It's too hard. Better this way."
You gawked at him, holding the weird cereal milkshake with one hand and his half-sewn pants in the other. Was Yoongi being serious or fucking with you? You couldn't tell. His expression was completely neutral. His cat ears were straight up, trained in your direction, judging your reaction. He lifted his free hand and dropped a handful of rice crisps on the top of the thick white drink.
Not your preferred thick white drink. 
(You nasty.)
He nodded sagely and sat down beside you. 
"Show me how to sew."
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program for you to, please, consider the following. 
See, by all recommendations of building healthy relationships, you should have been a responsible human being and had a serious, but necessary, conversation with your (new?) cat-man. 
Hey, Yoongi, I find you quite physically attractive and we had that moment in my bedroom, so maybe there's some chemistry and, oh, I don't know, maybe you could stick that prefect looking dick inside me because I've been thinking about it nonstop since (checking watch) the literal second I realized it existed, not to be too forward or anything, you know?
That kind of speech could get you a quick restraining order in most cases, but this was your cat (man) who had lived with you – maybe against his will but, then again, he got fed regularly and when you were previously a stray you can’t complain.
Do or not?
You could have admitted these things, but, alas, this was not the way. No, the way was to remain an absolute fucking mess every time Yoongi leaned over your shoulder to inspect your needlework, nearly stabbing yourself in the finger, your heart leaping your throat, strangling yourself with anxiety. 
Could everything be quickly solved by telling the truth?
Debatable. Yoongi didn’t seem like the kind of (cat) man to give you a straight answer. Not because he couldn’t. Mostly because he seemed to enjoy watching you struggle. Were you picking up on that? 
No. You were too busy thinking about dick. 
His dick. 
Honestly, don't know if you should laugh or cry right now. 
Jeon Jungkook flipped his phone around and around in his hand, scrunching up his face.
Should he say something?
Yes. No. Yes? No. Yes… No, no, no.
He sighed and threw his phone onto his bed.
He missed and it slid off, hitting the floor. 
That was a bad sign.
He dived onto the bed, scabbing around on the hardwood to pick up the fallen device. Ah, how come he was thinking about this now? He knew why. He had watched a funny cat video of a tuxedo cat and it reminded him of a certain naughty little fluffball always following around a certain owner. Jungkook hadn’t contacted said owner in nearly a year. Wouldn’t it look bad if he said anything now? But he couldn’t not think about it either. That smile was on his mind all the time now. That feeling from back then, floating around in his head. He sighed again, followed by inhaling with his upper teeth pressed against his inner lower lip, creating a loud sucking sound that no one else could hear because he lived alone.
Jungkook lifted his phone, dying sunlight reflecting off the screen, a shine that blinded him for a short moment. He clicked his tongue, squinting as he spied the number still on the screen.
“Ah, why am I always a loser in front of love?”
He wasn’t really saying it to anyone in particular. No one could reply to him anyway.
He tossed the phone carelessly on the pillow and it slid behind it, falling in between the mattress and the bedframe.
Jungkook spent five minutes fishing his phone out of the narrow crevice before firmly placing it on the bed beside him, pointing at it angrily, glaring at it.
“No! Bad.”
The phone did nothing. It was not sentiment.
Humph! He let out a frustrated puff of breath and flopped down on the bed.
His phone flew up from the force of his flop and smacked him in the nuts.
“Huh, you pick up things so fast. So meticulous.”
You watched as Yoongi brought the needle through the fabric in slow but clean strokes, following your previous demonstration. For someone who only had opposable thumbs for less than two days, he was surprisingly dexterous. Seemed like he could do a lot with his hands. No. Stop that. Stop being weird.
“Are you a genius?”
Yoongi didn’t hesitate, not looking up.
“Of course.”
You regretted asking. He continued, oblivious to your annoyed expression.
“I’m a cat.”
“All cats are geniuses?” you retorted disbelievingly.
“Most of them are.” His eyes flickered to you, eyebrows raising. “Compared to humans anyway.”
Was this a dig at you and your missing brain cells after running into things chasing after him and your brain exploding at his hotness? Which he wasn’t, by the way. Yeah, that’s right. Take that, Min Yoongi! You’re being mean, so therefore your attractiveness points are going down in this brain, yes, they are and there’s nothing you can do about it, yup, absolutely NOTHING–
He held up the pants, showing off his handiwork.
“Did I do a good job?”
His voice was soft, unsure, head slightly tilted, velvety ears eagerly perked to listen to your response.
Oh no.
Oh nooo.
Oh nooooooo.
He’s cute.
“Yeah. That looks amazing, Yoongi,” you heard yourself saying, smiling at him.
His fair-skinned cheeks flushed pink, lowering the pants quickly to snip the excess thread off, placing the needle in the cat-shaped pincushion like you had done earlier so he could carefully tie a knot to seal his hard work.
You were whipped for him.
To be honest, nothing had changed. You were whipped for him as a cat too.
“I’m going to clear out some space the closet so you have somewhere to put your clothes, okay?”
“A-ah… Thanks…” he mumbled, picking up another pair of pants. Jeans this time.
“Oh, with these you can simply cut the hole. No need to sew because this type of fabric won’t fray too much. Ah, but not directly on the seam. Maybe here?” You pointed slightly to the right of the back middle seam. Your mouth kept talking despite not having any more instructions for him. “Did you know the butt rip was fashionable among women for a little while? Under the pocket though, not the center. That’s just weird.”
Yoongi tilted his head the other way.
“Women are weird,” he said in a deadpan voice.
You narrowed your eyes. “Oi.”
He picked up the scissors, raising an eyebrow at you. “Are you not weird?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but nothing came out. He’s got you there. Shit. You puffed your cheeks and turned around, stalking off to your bedroom. Why was he always right? One day, he won’t be right and you’ll mark it on your fucking calendar. Humph.
You slowed at your doorframe, remembering his sheepishly proud face as he showed off his sewing. Crap. What was Min Yoongi so cute for? And how were you supposed to look at other guys after knowing your cat (man) was so damn adorable? And observant and diligent? And driven to be independent, asking questions and trying to do things on his own not even forty-eight hours after becoming human? Cooking, sewing, folding his own clothes… what’s next, playing the fucking piano?
Yeah, right.
You snorted and went into your bedroom.
“What’s this?”
You looked up, half-buried in idol merchandise you didn’t even know you had. How long had these sweatshirts been sitting here in their plastic packages? And these posters left in the tubes at the back of your closet? You shouldn’t own so much stuff. You should sell it. You weren’t going to, because these were limited edition items and you would have to be crazy to sell stuff with the cute faces of your favorite idols. You stuck you head out of the closet to see what Yoongi was referring to.
“What? Oh, that?”
You wheezed in embarrassment, ducking back in the closet, pretending to be busy.
“Uh… so… YouTube and Twitch had a crackdown on using copyrighted music and I thought, well, maybe I could maybe make my own, so I brought a keyboard but, uh…”
You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly, trying to figure out how to say you had no musical inclination and only had the ability to appreciate it.
“Basically, I got no jams.”
The keyboard was still in its box. You had opened it and attempted to learn piano, but well, you were shit. Also, you gave up pretty quickly. It was embarrassing considering you had spent so much money on it and were all confident when buying it, only for it to become a hidden occupant in the back of your closet. This was before Shooky – er, Yoongi – had come into your life. Yes. It had been there for literal years.
“I was going to donate it,” you added with a sigh.
You suddenly noticed something out of the corner of your eye. You frowned and reached in, grabbing the thin, hard object before pulling it out.
Skeleton in your closet.
A long-lost Halloween decoration? Why was this here?
“Can I have it?”
You looked up, holding the mysterious plastic skeleton like a small child. “What?”
Yoongi pointed to the keyboard box, black tail swishing rapidly. There was a liveliness in his dark brown eyes and his pointed ears were sticking straight up. You narrowed your eyes.
“You don’t want that skinny box for some reason, do you?” you accused.
He pursed his lips at you, scowling. “No, you can throw away the box. I want to keep the keyboard.”
Huh? “Uh… okay, I guess. More space in the closet, I suppose. Oh, wait…” You stumbled into the back of the closet, feeling around. “I brought a stand for it, hold on… fuck!” You jammed your finger against a metal pole and howled, quickly retreating your hand to massage it. Fuck, that hurt! Scowling, you reached back in to grab the metal keyboard stand and yank it out from between your tightly packed clothes.
“Are you dead?”
You jumped nearly ten feet, almost banging your head on the clothing rail if it wasn’t for Yoongi’s swift movement of grabbing your shoulders, pulling you to him. He didn’t have to pull far, because he was right behind you. How did he always sneak up on you when he wore a damn bell around his neck that announced his presence? Sorcery. Aliens. Voodoo witchcraft. Now you were convinced these things existed.
(Your cat turning into a man wasn’t enough for you to believe in magic? What’s wrong with you?)
“You’re really clumsy,” Yoongi remarked.
No, you’re spooky, you thought. One of your hands was on his chest. Instant heart palpitations. And handsome. Crap.
“Are you going to do something weird again?”
Weird? You were never weird. What was this man going on about? You needed to reprimand him. Put him in his place! Enough is enough, Min Yoongi! You can’t win over me every time! You raised your head to face him, opening your mouth to give him a piece of your mind.
Yoongi was centimeters away from your face.
You froze.
Ice effect overlapping your whole body.
You dropped the keyboard stand.
Thankfully, it simply fell against your clothing, leaning against your sweatshirts. It stayed upright, held up by the clothing. You didn’t have to worry about it for the time being. It was perfectly fine, unlike you. You were not fine. Not fine at all, staring at Yoongi’s upturned upper lip and unreadable dark brown eyes, slowly blinking at you. Hands on your shoulders, holding you close to him.
Not letting go.
Jeon Jungkook placed his phone on his desk and chopped the air, threatening it.
It wasn’t sentient.
He still didn’t trust it.
He glared at his phone angrily and shuffled back to his bed to have a nice, calm rest that didn’t involve his nuts getting destroyed. Ugh. He was bored. He had plenty to do. Schoolwork. Studying. Cleaning his room covered in clothes. Attempting to cook.
Jungkook made a face at the ceiling.
The last time he tried to cook some glazed sweet potatoes they had been glued to the plate somehow. A neat magic trick, but not edible. He couldn’t get them to unstick, much less be eaten. He had to order out that night. Come to think of it, he spent most of his money on ordering out. Maybe that was a bad habit.
He ran a hand through his bleached, blond hair that had too much toner in it so it had turned slightly silvery-purple. An at-home experiment. Another bad habit.
Jungkook groaned, rolling onto his face.
“I need someone older to take care of me,” he mumbled into the sheets.
Someone older… with a certain tuxedo cat, perhaps? He pouted even though no one was there to witness his cuteness.
He yelled quietly into his bedding, letting go.
Finally thinking about you.
In front of you, he could tease. He could poke fun. It was easy. You were just so flustered around him, not really trying to hide your attraction to him. The first time he had met you was when he went bowling with Seokjin-hyung (he won, much to the disdain of his hyung). You had stopped by to say hello and Seokjin had introduced you two. It had been a fairly innocent meeting, mostly because for a long time Jungkook couldn’t open his mouth to say anything at all. You were wearing a huge white t-shirt with a colorful strawberry graphic, a wide-brimmed straw hat, and white sneakers with black laces. It had been a hot summer day, he remembered. You were already pretty simply by standing there, chatting animatedly with his hyung. Jungkook tried not to look too closely, sneaking glances in between your conversation.
Seokjin had absolutely no qualms about shitting on your outfit.
“Yah, grandma, you’re off to pick some strawberries in the field or something?”
You had shoved him, rolling your eyes. “You’re a grandpa too! Look at you, losing to kid.”
Was that referring to him? “Ah, I’m not a kid.” Shit. His Busan dialect slipped out a little in his nervousness, deepening his voice.
Your cheeks had peppered pink. “A-ah… right…”
You shook your head abruptly and reached into your tuxedo-cat-printed tote bag. “Here’s your freaking hard drive, you monkey,” you had said to Seokjin, handing over the small paper bag.
“Did you manage to restore all my files?” Seokjin asked worriedly, completely ignoring your insult.
You shrugged, looking rueful. “I don’t know how many you had, but I did the best I could.” You leaned forward, eyes narrowing, whispering in his ear. Didn’t matter. Jungkook was close enough to hear.
“Stop downloading porn!”
Jungkook snorted.
Seokjin glared at you. “Excuse me, I am living a healthy lifestyle, do not judge me!” he hissed. “And not in front of the child!”
Yeah, well, Jungkook didn’t let you think he was a child for long.
He wasn't really sure why he was attracted to you. It wasn't only because you were pretty. He just had a strong urge to get a reaction out of you. Ah, maybe that was it. He liked seeing your reactions to things and did everything he could to get more and more interesting reactions out of you. You never told Jungkook to stop. You told Seokjin to stop all the time.
"I swear if you make one more pun, I'm going to tie your tongue into a knot!"
"Then I'd really be tongue-tied, eh? Eh?! WAIT, NO, WATCH THE FACE, NOT MY FACE!!!"
Jungkook couldn't help himself. He had to mess with you. 
(Yes, actually.)
He couldn't stop. It was too fun. It didn't help that you had a cute surprised face. Didn't help that you had a great smile. Didn’t help that you had an amazing body under your clothes and knew exactly how to use it (Jungkook wouldn’t admit it, but he learned a lot from you). Didn't help that you would chase after your tuxedo cat and scoop up that furball even after getting railed by him, which Jungkook found very impressive. 
"Shooky, you loon, I told you to stop running on the counters..."
And you would cradle that cat to your chest, petting his head and waiting for him to purr and lick your nose before releasing him, satisfied that he was no longer going to be a menace. He still was though. He was a cat. You forgave Shooky every time. 
Just like how you let Jungkook get away with everything. 
Present Jungkook frowned, rolling onto his back, frowning at the ceiling. Maybe you thought he was a fuckboy and had a negative image of him. He scratched his head, tongue in cheek, thinking hard. No. You didn't seem like the type. You were never angry at him, not really, not even when he interrupted your work to mess around in bed. Exasperated, maybe, but it never seemed like you were holding an internal grudge or upset at his nonchalant actions. Ah, but he hadn’t tried to talk to you in almost a whole year. Would you think he was a dick if he tried to contact you now? He couldn’t ask you. He couldn’t ask your best friend. Seokjin-hyung still had no idea. 
Jungkook laughed to himself. 
He kind of went behind his hyung's back, whoops.
He looked to his left side, the side you used to fall asleep on when he spent the night. He could imagine it, your past self and his past self, your hair on your pillow, blankets loosely over your chest, his hand on your breasts as you slept. 
A pair of mint-green eyes glaring at him from the left side of your body. 
Jungkook remembered poking that pink nose with his index finger, the rest of his hand still on your tits. The tuxedo cat had given him a very displeased look. 
"Are you mad?"
The cat didn't reply. He was a cat. 
"You're really lucky. You get to be with her every day," Jungkook had whispered, not wanting to wake you up. "She takes good care of you, you know. I see how much she loves you."
The cat closed his eyes, resting his furry head on your arm. 
"Do you love her back?"
Maybe. Maybe not. Jungkook didn't know. He wasn't a cat. He couldn't ask in cat language. He let go of your breasts for a second to scratch the top of Shooky's head, right between those velvety ears. He began purring like a little motor. 
You continued your adventures in la la land, oblivious to this interaction. 
"I guess cats are kind of simple, huh?" Jungkook mused, smoothing out the black fur on top of that little head. "You don't have to think about much. You don't have to get a job, plan for the future, or worry about being a good husband."
His hand lowered.
"But I do."
You breathed softly against him, nuzzling closer to his body. Jungkook put his hand back on your breasts and you stilled, lost in your dreams. He breathed out, warmth against your skin. He saw the side of your lips twitch ever so slightly upwards, but maybe it was only his imagination wishing to see what he wanted.
Only a wish.
He had placed his nose by your cheek and breathed in, losing himself in dreams as well. 
Yoongi looked into your eyes. 
Then both of you turned to opposite sides and sneezed loudly.
"That was horrible," Yoongi hissed, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand and backing up. "Ugh, human bodies are awful."
You shook your head roughly. "Someone must be thinking about me... and you, I guess..." you mumbled, clearing your head before prodding him in the chest. "Also, last time I checked, now you're human too, so jokes on you. Hope you enjoy the suffering!" You stuck your tongue out childishly.
Yoongi gave you an annoyed look, reaching over you to grab the keyboard stand. You stiffened at his closeness, but he quickly withdrew, taking the metal stand and leaving you disappointed, but not surprised. Couldn't even pretend to be shocked.
He lifted it up so it wouldn’t drag on the floor and began to walk out of the room, ignoring you.
You thinned your mouth into a line and picked up the white plastic skeleton. What to do with this? Fuck it. Back into the closet it goes, along with your winter wardrobe, summer wardrobe, and other knickknacks.
Maybe you could donate a couple things to charity. 
Like this Chinese finger trap. Why was this here?
You stuck your fingers in it. 
S... shit!
Yoongi reappeared to grab the keyboard. You opened your mouth, about to ask for help, looking up to see your cat-man standing in the doorframe of your bedroom, glaring. Very displeased and disapproving, reminding you a whole lot of a certain tuxedo fluffball.
"I'll say it again."
Huh? You gave him a confused look. 
He pointed to his pointed, velvety black ears. 
"I'm a cat, duh."
And then he walked out. Fuck him. You didn't need his help. 
You couldn’t get it off.
Yes, you can. It was just a finger trap. You were smart. You graduated university. You had been a human for many more years than Min Yoongi. He had been human for two days! And besides, Yoongi was mean. You didn’t need a meanie to help you. You were a strong, independent woman who didn’t need no (cat) man.
You couldn’t get it off!!!
“… What are you doing?”
You were the epitome of the emoji holding back tears.
“Y… Yoongi…” you whined.
He blinked at you, holding the manual of the keyboard upside down. The keyboard was already set up on the stand, pushed up against one of the walls of your living room. He was using the cardboard box that his clothes came in – he really loved that damn box – as a makeshift seat.
“Are you dying?”
You held up your hands, pouting. The bronze dragon Chinese finger trap was still stuck on your index fingers. It had been roughly twenty, maybe thirty minutes.
Your cat-man just blinked at you and it.
“I… can’t get it off… Help…”
He raised an eyebrow and put the manual on the keyboard before walking over to you. He placed his chin in between his index finger and his thumb, frowning. Looking this way and that. The realization was slowly kicking in.
Yoongi wasn’t hiding his smirk very well.
“You know how to take it off!” you howled, smacking him in the chest.
He cackled, backing up as you repeatedly whacked him with the back of your hands, furious because it was obvious that he knew what to do and was simply not doing it to piss you off, his grin getting wider and wider, still not saying anything, this little shit, backing up into your living room as you chased him, stupid cat-man was fucking fast, dodging you easily, your joined hands and annoyed demeanor making you a bit wobbly.
“Min Yoongi, I swear I’ll–”
“You’ll what?” he teased, raising his hands in mock innocence. “Maybe I don’t know?”
You scowled at him. “You definitely know.”
He smirked.
It was sexy and you were supposed to be mad!
You were next to the keyboard now. And a certain something. Hm. You jerked your head to the cardboard box. His eyes widened.
“You wouldn’t do such a thing.”
“I would.”
“You wouldn’t, you heathen.”
“You better fucking believe I would!”
(You’re threatening to recycle a cardboard box to force your cat-man to get you out of a metal finger trap that you put yourself in. Um, are you okay? Better yet, are both of you okay???)
He marched over to you, relenting with an angry huff, yanking up your hands.
“There’s a trick to it, of course.”
He pressed the dragon’s horns in tandem with the dragon’s beard on either side and the trap released your red fingers, making you gasp at the sudden freedom. Holy shit. You stared at your freed index fingers. You had two hands. Wow. Amazing. Show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique…
Yoongi placed the finger trap on the coffee table.
“Hmph. This thing is probably only worth three dollars.”
You poked your index fingers together, suddenly ashamed. “Sorry I threatened your box.”
Yoongi grunted, cat ears flicking back and forth in annoyance.
You poked his stomach with your index fingers. “Er… I just… wanted you to help me...”
“You weren’t going to do it anyway.”
You puffed your cheeks, narrowing your eyes, irritation flaring back. “Well, maybe I was! What were you going to do, leave me like that, unable to use my hands for the rest of my life?” You jabbed him repeatedly in the chest, driving your point home in between your snappish words. “Hmm? I need hands to do things! Important things!”
Yoongi suddenly grabbed your wrists and held them up over your head.
(Aw shit, here we go again.)
He raised an eyebrow at you.
“What important things do you need to do with your hands?” he asked.
Oh shit.
Oh no.
Why was his vice suddenly so deep? Did he even know???
Your eyes widened, brain malfunctioning, your last two working brain cells rushing to the library to find the book titled ‘things you can do with your hands’, opening it, reading, handsy things. That was it. That was all you had at this moment. Why was it that your brain had the memory equal to the RAM of a fucking Tamagotchi every time your cat-man touched you?
Oh, yeah, that’s right, because he was a cat literally two days ago and you never thought about fucking your cat because that’s just fucking weird, but now he’s a man, so maybe it’s okay, unless it’s not, and then what does that make you? FUCKING WEIRD, THAT’S WHAT.
You yelped as your back collided to the wall. When had you walked that far? What was going on? What was life??? You were yanked back to reality as Yoongi leaned down, tilting his head, eyebrow still cocked, dark eyes darker from his fluffy black hair falling over his eyes.
“I hear you don’t always like being able to use your hands.”
Instantly, your cheerful brain decided to play the memory of you begging Jeon Jungkook to hold down your wrists so you couldn’t stop him and his relentless assault on your pussy, one hand grasping both your wrists and the other rubbing two fingers on your clit, thrusting his hard cock in and out of you as he abused the sensitive bundle of nerves, pinning you to your bed, panting in your face.
“You like this, noona?” Jungkook had purred.
Voice low, deep, and sexy, driving you insane, waves of pleasure crashing into you over and over, pussy throbbing with repeated orgasm.
“F-Fuck, yes, oh fuck, Jungkook, yes… don’t s-stooop…”
Shooky had sat on the highest level of his cat tree, glaring down at you two.
Shit, shit, shit…
Yoongi leaned in even more, eyes disappearing, lips next to your ear. You felt him transfer one of your wrists to his other hand, now holding both with one hand as the other fell against your body.
“In fact, I’ve seen it firsthand,” he whispered, low, soft, dangerous.
Your brain ended the film reel in your head, giving you two mental thumbs-up and beaming happily at you as if it had done a great thing.
No, brain.
You’ve fucked me over and now I’m horny as fuck!
A needy whimper popped out of you as Yoongi’s free hand slipped between your bodies, fingers dancing deftly across the fabric of your sweatshirt, following the rhythm of your racing heart as it went down, down, too fast, sanity unable to keep up, you rising into his touch, his fingers sliding underneath the waistband of your leggings. This pair wasn’t as tight as the previous pair, but the fabric still clung to your skin just as tightly.
Wait. Is that you? Moaning?
He dragged them down your hips, having to let go of the waistband for a moment to push them past the sides before resuming, you moaning in the space where he should have a human ear, but he didn’t, because Yoongi was a cat-man and his pointed furry ears were at the top of his head.
“Y… Yoongi…”
His soft lips lightly pressed against your ear and you shivered. His grip on your wrists wasn’t very tight. You could break out any time. He was only loosely holding you.
“I… I am…” you quivered, voice shaking.
“I want to make you feel good.”
His murmur was so gentle, so calm, so quiet that it almost didn’t feel real. Almost a purr.
“Do you want me to make you feel good?”
You said it.
Your panties were leaving with your leggings, shoved down mid-thigh. Your name in your ear, spoken by Min Yoongi, his body hovering over yours, black hair against your cheek, his fingers slipping between your legs, your heart slamming in your chest, thighs squeezing his hand.
“Feels nice here,” Yoongi mumbled, breath feathering on your skin. A single finger grazed your wetness and you gasped, his raspy chuckle in your ear. “Wet.”
Your eye twitched, slightly annoyed. No, really? Thanks for letting me know, it’s not like I can fucking feel it myself or anything, I absolutely need your riveting play-by-play–
Yoongi scooped two fingers into your pussy and felt around inside, rubbing his fingertips against your throbbing walls.
“Ah…” He was breathing hard, pushing them in joint by joint, his own inhale shallowing. “Fuck, it’s so tight in here, are you alright?”
Oh, my fucking God, Yoongi, just fucking destroy me, I’m not a virgin!
You sucked in a shaking breath, mentally beating your inner thot back down. “F-Feels really nice, Yoongi… just… a little more…” He sank his fingers all the way to the knuckles. “Fuuuck, yes, oh, fuck yes…”
You rocked your hips into it, moaning, eyes closing, building up a pace, not really waiting for him to figure out that he could move his fingers too. It didn’t matter though, because Yoongi was highly observant and diligent, and, as much as you avoided to admit it, he had seen you get fingered hundreds of times, all over the apartment, in all sorts of embarrassing positions and with plenty of visible, graphic, high-definition detail, better than any porn video.
By – yup, you guessed it – Jeon Jungkook.
Yoongi began his own pace to match yours, thrusting his two fingers in and out until you were a hopeless mess, whining and bucking against his touch, your juices coating his hand, staring up at the ceiling with the tips of his black ears in your peripheral vision, tilted towards you to listen to every single one of your sounds. His heavy exhale invaded your head, lost in Yoongi’s rhythm that was uniquely his, only able to cry out, harder or faster, losing yourself in him, his scent, the smell of your vanilla body wash, and the rapidly strengthening sweetness between your legs rising up despite it dripping down your thighs.
“Yoongi… oh, fuck, Yoongi…”
It just felt too good, speed, strength, sound, wet messy squelches of his fingers entering you over and over, your pussy responding in kind, shuddering around them, clenching tight, hips rocking into every plunge to deepen the stroke, prolonging your own orgasm, savoring the moment.
“You feel so good…”
That wasn’t you.
That was Yoongi.
Whispering in your ear, probably not even realizing his own dirty talk.
“So fucking wet and warm,” he murmured, the rumble purring in his chest, soothing but also far too sexy. “Sucking my fingers back in, fucking me back… You really like me this much?” His lips brushed your ear, chaste kisses compared to the rough fingering of his slippery digits pushing into you repeatedly, the sounds getting louder and lewder because you were getting wetter and wetter. “Am I really that good-looking to you?”
Yoongi, are you BLIND, DEAF, or BOTH???
“Fuck yes, you are, what the fuck?” you gasped out, turning your head slightly, one of his dark brown eyes locking with yours, your jaw clenched with the effort of you holding back your orgasm to respond to his ludicrous question. “You are so fucking handsome I couldn’t even last two days of being in your presence, thirsting after you!”
You heard Yoongi chuckle, the sound resonating and teasing your ear.
“Actually, you couldn’t even last one, remember?” he drawled slyly.
His knuckle grazed your throbbing, aroused clit.
Your body twisted, whining wail torn out of you as you came, pushing your head and hands against the wall, nerves sparking and shaking, intense pleasure flooding all over your senses from holding back, breathless whimpers of Yoongi’s name, grinding into his hand. He let go of your wrists. They prickled with pins and needles of lost circulation, but you didn’t give a shit, grabbing his hand between your legs and shoving it back in you before it could retreat, riding out your orgasm, milking it for every single gram of ecstasy, cherishing every single second of another’s hand inside you, not just another but your disturbingly attractive man who was previously a cat sleeping in your lap exactly forty-eight hours ago as you innocently watched American Horror Story.
“Y… Yoongi?” you panted, orgasm petering out, trickling waves subsiding.
“Y… Yes?”
He wasn’t making fun of you. You could hear the nervousness in his voice.
“Can I kiss you?”
His face appeared in front of yours.
You didn’t think twice.
You closed your eyes and leaned forward, lips on his, your satisfied sigh tickling his skin, kissing him hard, the intimacy you desired for so long, moments you spent all year trying to keep it at bay, no one to show your affection but tiny kisses on Shooky’s furry head, but now one of your hands was cupping Yoongi’s cheek, deepening the kiss, him pressing back against you, sandwiching you between the wall and himself. You let go of his hand between your legs and held both his cheeks, peppering light pecks against that lovely mouth. You wanted to kiss him over and over, so nice, so lovely, his barely-there gasps drifting on your lips with every kiss.
His fingers slipped out and touched your thigh.
You drew back, heart thudding, still holding his face, his round cheeks a little squished in your hands.
He raised his hand and put his pussy-soaked fingers in his mouth.
You jerked your hands back. “Y-Yoongi!” you exclaimed, shocked.
His pink tongue slipped around his fingers, tiny kitten licks to slurp it all up. He hummed, small smirk playing on his lips. You gawked at him.
“Y-You don’t have to–”
“You like it, don’t you?”
You shut your mouth, cheeks burning with heat.
Yoongi smirked wider, nimble tongue slipping around and around, your eyes glued to the movement, brain already dreaming up lecherous scenarios. His dark brown eyes flickered to you, eyebrows rising.
“W-What?” you snapped, trying to collect yourself. He was giving you that look again. That enigmatic expression of maybe-maybe-not. Yoongi shrugged, taking his fingers out of his mouth.
“I think we should do that again sometime.”
Your mind went blank.
Again? Now? Later?
Next Tuesday?
“… Urk?”
Those cunning dark brown orbs sparkled with mischief. “Hmm, then again, maybe we’ll do something different next time,” he pondered out loud, taunting you with the suggestive depth of his voice. He backed up, tail swaying from side to side, his grin widening, turning into an open-mouthed smirk that showed off his pretty teeth and devious expression.
His next words were the verbal equivalent of pushing your full glass of brainpower right off the table and sending it crashing to the floor.
“I have a lot of things I want to try.”
part v
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solradguy · 2 months
Sol, have you seen images of an Xrd halloween merch lineup? It had the kiske family dressed up (ky as a vampire, ramlethal as a werewolf, etc.) but what I'm also recalling is jack-o got her own bit of halloween themed merch too? I feel like I'm going crazy scouring the internet because I KNOW it existed but nobody's archived it so now I'm going down blog rabbit holes for hours
EDIT: Sorry this post is so vertical. Tumblr formatting is fucked right now for some reason, it looks fine in the editor but not after I save it. I'll try to fix it again tomorrow
There were Halloween events in 2017, 2018, and then again in 2020. Here's what I've got for Jackie:
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I don't think these two shirts are from a Halloween event but it's really hard to tell with Jack-O' lol The black one is from 2016 and purple from 2017.
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For some reason she didn't get a monster chibi like Sol, Ky, Ram, Elphelt, Sin, and Dizzy did though.
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There's also uh... This. From 2017 (Jack-O' butt warning)
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rex101111 · 3 years
Birthday Train AU: Belated Strive Additions Edition!
well I had a bunch on my mind for a while but since I have a minute here’s a few short HC:
* Nagoriyuki runs a small food stand that sells homemade onigiri. He also moonlights as a bouncer when he’s short on cash. It’s usually enough for him to just stand in the door way and look very sternly at would be trouble makers. He’s a fairly private person overall, though every one in the neighborhood knows he’s a good guy. Sol joins him in working the stand when he’s short on cash himself, if he ever screws up he gets into a grapple match with Nago while he gets a very long winded lecture on how important rice balls are to a healthy diet. He’d be more appreciative of it if he wasn’t currently in a headlock.
* Beef-*cough* I mean Goldlewis would be the head of security for Mayor Vernon. He’s a generally affable guy and the most unashamedly American in the cast, tho not in a particularly obnoxious way. He hosts a massive 4th of July party every year and invites everyone. His burgers are fantastic. Also a massive believer in aliens, will gladly drag anyone within ear shot into a hours long discussion on the subject. Currently only Zappa is eager to hear them. (even he thinks the whole “ancient aliens” business is a load of hooey though) 
* Giovanna is a newly hired security guard for Vernon who takes her large husky Rei with her on the job. Rei isn’t even trained for it she just brings him along anyway cause she doesn’t want him to be lonely while she’s at work. She gets into a quiet and intense fight with Millia every week about the “dogs vs cats” issue. She and Sol don’t get along because while they’re both rather laid back...something about the way they interact just does not mix. Sol’s self-defeating grumbling ticks her off while he thinks she pokes her nose where it does not belong. Rei really really likes Dizzy, and has tried to eat her birds at least twice.
 * Vernon is mayor. Obviously. He’s pretty much the same as he is in canon, though in this case being very tired of all the nonsense this particular suburb keeps getting up to. He works very hard, which means as in canon his relationship with his daughter is quite strained, he takes every chance he can get to sneak into the neighborhood and grab a couple of drinks before he gets back to work. He meets Sol one day like that and they commiserate and the troubles of being a dad. He also confides in Sol that he plans to try for the position of governor, and even president if he can help it. “The way I see it, the higher my position, the more people I can help. And if I can get there, I should.” Though he’s conflicted both about how much more work it would be and how it would effect his daughter, and him leaving his office empty without knowing there’s someone who can take his place. (Sol almost suggests Ky, but like hell he’ll subject that kinda bullshit on his daughter and grandkid)
* Happy Chaos is....a weirdo. He hangs out in I-no’s house sometimes and bothers Sol otherwise. He has delusions of philosophy and rambles on to anyone who will listen, that listen begins and ends with I-no while high on weed, but otherwise no one is really sure what he does for a living, or even if he lives nearby at all. He’s generally harmless if annoying, but something about him creeps the hell out of Sol and he has no idea why. (One time he caught Happy on the phone with someone that sounded disturbingly like Asuka, but the tone of the conversation made him ill and walk away. He tells Ky to keep an eye on him. just is case.)
Also his name is Happy Chaos. Literally, had it legally changed and everything. Also has a twitter account. Homestuck themed. Naturally.
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ggroupsdaily · 4 years
14, 21, 26, 32, 34, 35
oops sorry wifey 🤭 lots of questions lol
alexa i luv u so much bby thank uuuu
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set? If it's a set of 2 gifs maybe like 10-15 minutes max? Just because I have to wait for the images to import into PS. The actual editing time is maybe 4 minutes for the first gif and the second one is like 1 minute?
21. PSDs or original coloring for each gif? Original coloring with a PSD usually at a lowered opacity on top! Mostly Camera Raw Filter more than anything, I could skip adjustment layers altogether if I needed to.  26. How many unposted sets are in your drafts right now? 6 lmaoooo and they will never see the light of day, I keep them there bc I get mad that I spent time on them but I end up deleting them anyway. 32. Do you schedule/queue posts or do you post right after you’re done I force myself to schedule out posts but the urge to post all at once is always so strong. 34: A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out? It flopped (such is life) but I was really pleased with all the editing and video finding I had to do for this post 35. Do you change your giffing style a lot or do you have a set routine? I used to change it all the time and wanted to try different styles and such but I have my set process that works quickly now. I have everything I do recorded as PS actions so I can save time and skip steps. Giffing used to take me soooo much longer lol I think I am starting to get to a point where my giffing style is recognizable? At least by my friends lol, like if they are scrolling down their timelines they would be like oh yeah ky made this post (before seeing my icon) but I could be crazy
Ask me gif-maker questions
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