#trying my hand at some horror plz forgive me
dmwrites · 2 years
Ren didn’t want to tell anyone that the Gigapies’ filling was red now, dripping out of the crust, too fluid to be cherry filling. He didn’t want to tell anyone that when he looked up at his right hand man, his kingmaker, from across the long table that might as well extended forever, Bdubs’ eyes were too big, and his smile stretched beyond the limits of his lips, cracking the sides of his face.
There were whispers with every step he took on the cobblestone floor of the crastle, and Ren could swear the heartbeat of the warden in the basement was louder then normal. And he was losing time, or his mind. Or both. The crown lay as heavy as an anvil on his brow. And he was afraid.
“Are you quite all right, my king?”
Ren was in the meeting room. He wasn’t quite sure how he got there. His head felt quite heavy.
“Yes, yes. Let them in.” He waved his hand. Bdubs bowed the knights in, and they settled themselves around the square table. Ren cleared his throat, as he assumed he should do, and they all went quiet. As they should.
Ren began to speak, hoping the words he said made some semblance of sense. He couldn’t hear his speech, whatever plan he’d thought up, because he couldn’t tear his gaze away from them. The knights of the square table, his knights. Every single one had changed, and were terrifying.
Joe Hills had eons in his eyes, two endless pits of starry sky, achingly similar to the stuff within end gateways. He watched Ren with an intensity that made him go cold, with those eyes that Ren was falling, falling, falling into.
Cleo was rotting, and while it was true that she was always rotting, now chunks of her were falling onto the table as she talked, as she sneered at him. There was grey bone that held her upright like the stakes of tents.
Scar was perfect if you didn’t look beyond a glance. Perfect hair, rippling abs, smooth voice. But when eyes lingered, Ren could see that Scar’s mouth stretched too wide, the corners ending somewhere around his ears. His hands dripped blood, smearing on the table and down the end of the arrow fitted in his bow. The blood tip-tapped wetly onto the floor.
Iskall’s face had always been defined by the green covering he wore over one eye. But the covering was gone, and all that remained was a gaping black hole that sunk into his face. And from that hole was something trying to get out. Hairy, spindly spider’s legs that waved vaguely. Iskall brushed back his hair, and for a moment, his fingers intertwined with the spider legs like lovers would.
Cub had on the ridiculous dragon head, huge and taking up an absurd amount of table space. It would have been a welcome reprieve from the nightmarish beings around the table, but Ren couldn’t stop looking at Cub’s hands, Cub’s very normal hands that were fidgeting with the potion bottles, all sorts of bottles that Ren knew, oh god he just knew, that Cub was going to throw at him Cub was going to kill him Cub was going to take the crown-
The meeting room was empty. But the voices of his knights were still with him. And they spoke with venom-spiked swords.
“He should be put down like the dog he is.”
“I deserve this crown”
He was sitting on his throne.
He couldn’t remember how he got there, but the netherite was cold under the arms that rested upon it.
“What was that, my lord?” Bdubs was sitting in his smaller throne, and looked over.
“I deserve this… I am king, right?”
“Of course you deserve to be king. There is no one better to grace this crastle.” Bdubs assured him. He went to stand before Ren. “Are you sure you’re alright, my king?”
And how Ren wished he could say he was okay, sneer and demand for something, anything. But Bdubs was standing before him, and he was no man. Silvery white branches were beginning to wrap themselves over his skin, strangling his arms and legs and neck. And the whispers, whispers that were coming from Bdubs, even though he was not speaking through that too-wide smile.
Who are you, but a puppet?
We give you the power.
You are just our toy.
Ren was silent. He couldn’t say anything at all, for he was the king, the man with the power.
Well, he was, wasn’t he?
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mrsmess · 5 years
Faves and fails of SPN (season 8)
Best episodes (in chronological order):
8:4 Bitten - First good episode and the brothers are barely in it. Probably a testament to how i feel about them and the show this early in season 8
8:8 Hunteri heroici - Finally a silly episode, it almost makes the list just because of that. Cartoons. ”I’ll interrogate the cat.” Best job in the world. Cass’s finest moments.
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8:9 Citizen fang - A better Benny than when we first meet him. But sooooooo many frustrating moments. The level of hypocrisy from like everyone involved is crazy. ”Winchesters, man.” Turns out Ellen had a point about them.
8:11 LARP and the real girl - Another great silly episode and they are sorely needed this season. Charlie and Dean are adorable.
8:13 Everybody Hates Hitler - Home of the men of letters is introduced, thank goodness. Nothing makes me feel quite so at ease as this place. And a great episode. With retro villans to match the setting. Adam Rose does such a great job. And John DeSantis.
8:14 Trial and error - Surprisingly good episode owed to the side characters (Danay Garcia is h.o.t).
8:17 Goodbye stranger - There’s something about this episode. Oh, it’s probably the horrifying intro as well as the betrayal set to the sound of Supertramp, or, y’know it could be MEG and my huge crush on her. Sam confiding in Meg (bit of a pattern). MEGSTIEL. Omg. What I would give to have that convo be out of Naomi’s influence. I can’t handle Cass this season, I know it’s not his fault but... Dean begging. Gosh. *sigh* Fine. Destiel. But Meeeeeeeg! No! :(
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8:18 Freaks and geeks - Goooooood episode. The clash of ideas surrounding hunting, the ambivalence the brothers feel about being forced into the life so early vs the inevidability of it for the kids, the option of letting go. The horror of what these guys are doing. Also the idea of a hunter dream team is kind of cool.
8:19 Taxi Driver - Bobby! Nuff said. Also Benny goes out with a bang.
8:20 Pac-Man Fever - Charlie! Dream-setting! What is happening? I don’t care, it’s awesome! And Manny Jacinto! Already typecasted as an idiot. ”Don’t quote me to me!” And ”I hate that thing... I want one.” And them saying goodbye. ”I love you.” ”I know.” Hugs all around. Cuddles is off the charts! Love it. I feel like one of the reason this show works for as long as it does is because of the brothers. A bit obvious, I know, but it’s why I forgive it for tons of shit, and it’s why nothing works w/o them, when they have issues w each other nothing feels right.
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Worst episodes (in chronological order):
8:5 Blood Brother - Look, it’s not that I dislike Benny, but I kinda do, especially based off this episode; he’s seeking revenge based on the assumption that his sire killed his woman. Then he finds her alive (sort of) but prefers her fridged. Fuck you man.
8:7 A little slice of Kevin - First: I don’t care much for Kevin, his importance to the story is unearned. The show is lucky they keep Mrs Tran on as long as they do. Also the torture scenes of Alfie and Kevin make me sick, no love for Crowley this season.
8:10 Torn and frayed - More torture porn. Fucking hate that shit. And the torture of having to watch Amelia and Sam faking that they’re important to each other. Ugh. At least Dean and Cass try to save Alfie. But like generally; my issue w the first half of this season is I got no one to really root for. Everybody is just so unepic.
8:15 Man’s best friends with benefits - I don’t know about this. I’m intrigued by this world, but I sort of feel like this is one of those in show-pilots, and... i don’t know. Plus y’know friction between the brothers, not here for it. Ultimately I don’t care about this.
Honorable mentions:
The use of Soundgarden in Southern comfort, Soundgarden is always a win.
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Dean trying to take care of Sam when he’s undergoing the trials. More of that shit plz!
Castiel’s Biggerson’s scheme- brilliance! ”There are just so many Biggerson’s.”
Also Crowley’s elaborate Truman-scenario w Kevin.
I feel like this season is kinda the boys going proactive; they’re instigators. I like it.
Dean checking out the goth chick in As time goes by - gold star!
Dishonorable mentions:
Sam’s been done one dirty: it is ooc for him to not go after at least Kevin after season 7’s finale.
And the lack of thought, time and emotion put into his so-called love story is frigging embarrassing. Dean gets a real, believable love story and Sam gets this out of a bottle soapy bullshit? Sad backstory equals character depth right? It’s one of the worst written ”romantic” storylines I’ve ever witnessed, it’s like the writers just took every romance trope they could find regardless of subgenre (Yeah- romcoms, romantic tragedies, contemporary angst, erotica - they’re not all the same, idjits) and threw them in the blender together. What’s better than one meet cute? Two meet cutes! Nothing says romance like an endless string of unconnected obstacles, right? *deep sigh* Listen, I *wish* SPN had more love stories in it, it needs it, and the fact that it doesn’t have ’em is why the show will never rly be a true contender for me; But not like this, i don’t want ~romantic~ as some sort of appendix, but as *real* sub plots or main plots even, like in Buffy. #willdiemadaboutit
+The use of bronzer this season is out of hand.
Summing up:
Structure this season is a bit chaotic.
The season gets good about halfway through. There are several things the matter w the first half. Sam’s ooc behavior and the fact that we’ve had almost no time w Kevin but the stakes forced onto him are so high. The second half makes up for it introducing The Men of Letters HQ, heartbreak, folly, love and friendship that feels real.
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There is something that irks me about the ending too though: something about Dean’s gaze, his temporal blindness: when he is angry with Cass (which he has a complete right to be btw) but refuses to deal w his anger, claiming he can only trust Sam, leaving Cass behind to try to win his affections back thus making him vulnerable to Metatron’s meddling. And Sam points this behavior out in the season’s finale ”What happens the next time I let you down?”. There is a judgy quality to Dean which can make or break the other characters and it’s a quality he should try to take more responsibility for. That aside: the finale is very strong, one of my favorite ones actually, for the sheer emotion of it.
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Jane Eyre - 1996 - 2/5
what even is acting. what even is a script.
wasn't gonna do this one but fuck it's aunt petunia and rogue. here we go.
lots of credits fairo. more credits. damn fukin eh - i hear you're a wicked child! lol hi. now we're talking about hell and where bad people go. 'keep well and not die' ahaha m8. fkn reed putting seed in that she's a liar. teach her at her prospects, don't let her come back, she's a lying little shit take her away from here. he's appropriately scary oh shit she's saying this in front of the priest. damn tear that lady a new one. unruly, obstinate, wicked, deceitful, man these people hate kids who act out. walks in and damn she's on teh stool already - IS THAT THE LADY FROM PERSUASION. damn she just got here and he's telling everyone to not trust her, she doesn't get to eat and has to stand - she's just done hours of travelling fuckin assholes. IT IS THE LADY FROM PERSUASION. shes got dark hair and dark eyes and shes like glaring at everyone like shes onna kill him in their sleep. lol enjoy helen while she's alive. eatin bread and cheese in bed like she's not gonna get crumbs. omg telling these kids how to stand properly what why this lady hate her she's gonna cane her for not washing her hands. bish doesn't even flinch go helen. 'cleanliness is next to godliness' alright crazy. this school is a lot more chill than most of the others - they're laughing and doing what they want as well as learning and playing games. making jane out to be a pro artist. oh no ol mate saw her with her hair out. no dont cut it. 'vanity?' shes out here with naturally long, red and curly hair and he's out here calling her vain? because he recognises it as lovely she must be vain about it? what a fkn dickhole get off your high horse sexist moron pig anus head. what. he's saying her naturally  iwgh what i don't even understand his shit - it isn't offending him thats the issue its her naturally occuring sin and vanity (because her hair exists?) that is the issue??  what. lol go Jane. NO. oh fuck go Jane go. this guyyyy. don't do it Jane. chin held high she only does it when Helen nods at her to. DAAAAAAAAMN. took of her own bonnet. if Helen's hair goes so does Janes. they stood together looked at each other and flipped their heads over for him to go snip snip, bish looked shock and actually stepped back in horror. What a bae. Helen's fkn dying send help. fuck this lady should not be working with children considering how much she hates children. o shit where's helen. her beds all rolled up. can hear her hacking away in the distance. yikes that sounds bad. jane be creepin. oh fuck she's a terrible actress even as a kid. who honestly thinks its a good idea to hire her. she lying in her dying friend's bed and she's breathing all over her. isn't anna paquin australian? no? ah new zealand fairo. oh fuck Helen's daed. she's trying to squeeze out tears ahah oh no. she can't manage it. anna go back to new zealand you suck at acting who hired you ever. Riparoonies helen. that was actually the greatest jane and helen moment i've seen tbh. oh damn cool transition as she walked from helen's grave - she went from kid to adult. whats this part down the midde all of them got. Miss Temple fam, persuasion lady, fantastic lady, crying as Jane leaves like her mumma. this jane is long-flat-faced with a long protruding jaw, and very tall and skinny. thornfield looks like its already burned down ahaha. straight up castle here. she's got her drawing stuff as well as her bag. nice friendly ol mate meets her and opens the gates - big ass square this is some game of thrones shit yearh this place is like medieval more than victorian. the middle parted hair and the curled twists behind her head they're pretty much exactly the same in most Janes. all chillin and chatting about this together rather than completely separate. adele actually legit sounds french rather than just pretending? noice. dreary, cold, dark halls. her room is bright and airy with a four-poster bed and bay windows and lots of very nice furniture. river runs beside it; enormous tapestries; main gallery with lots of furniture and paintings and sculpures all covered in sheets with windows open to let in light; the doors are very large and heavy. Janes got a very long neck she looks legit like a fkn swan lmao. ooh a rochester backstory. well-travelled, intelliegent, can't tell if he's talking in jest or in earnest, or if he is pleased or irritated, not a happy man. they're just walking about in his rooms. the sun shines bright but cannot reach them through the thick mist. they're very soft-spoken. god her head is so far forward she's like the alien - long ass neck stretching forward and then her chin and jaw stretching wayyyy forward. wack wack anatomy.  it's very dark and dreary. she's off for a walk leaving adele to do like 5 sums. oh she's been here five minutes and they're already meeting. the music is like ... not appropriately intense? he just sorta looked at her, the horse tripped over and then he was on the floor and she's like whoops uh you alright bro. he's outright lying and pretending that he's not rochester his hair is grotty he's got like no hair on top they've just tries to scraggle it. this is so stunted and awkward. i hope it gets better. he's very gentle and she's pretty nonexistent to far. my god very gentle man. what. is he even rochester? that's a german shepherd. noice. playin chess by himself by the fire lol. this movie would be made infinitely better by an actual soundtrack. they're all chilling together again it's interesting - adele and fairfax and rochester and jane. wait she's been here 4 months. it literally didn't show anything about her chilling here. she talked back and now he's grumpy lol. what a terrible start compared to like... every other first convo. isn't she supposed to be not great at piano and yet she's teaching adele -- wait now we're at another convo between the duo. this convo is the other half of --- wait now we're talking sketches? jesus she hmm what are they talking about she's being forward and fuck her chin twists forward as she speaks she kinda looks like the wicked witch of the west. he's judging her drawings like he can do better. this is a mess? the best part about this so far is adele.  there's no sense of time. adele is gorgeous honestly. she's pale and gaunt with bags beneath her eyes. wait here's the next part of the conversation. blunt and brusque replies from her. god they're so obviously acting its painful. they have no chemistry because the CONVERSATION IS ALL OVER THE PLACE. they've done it on pruspose to try stretch things out a bit but like plz EY why he scrunch up the drawing wtf. 'and remember the shadows are as important as the light'. dudes. these are private conversations? it would be alright to try it more naturally but they're just not the kind of things you casually say. it's impersonal and there's no intimacy. sit there and watch a kid dance to the sound of a music box. he's so grumpy looking. now snapping at the kid. he's annoying. like a violent dude he feels more like a nice guy quick to snap - definitely kinda unhinged. and now drunk. hmm i don't like it. she told him not to be mean to adele and he rages about her mother, 'you've made adele feel unwanted and unloved' damn this Jane goes for the throat. she's too good for him I can see it now m8. he's a psycho run. red flag red flag. don't like it. lol he wake up like huh.... oh look beds on fire... huh... well suppose i should sort it out... huh... fuck they're barely acting huh. do they even want to be here. how much are these guys getting paid. he's literally a drunk. and has she had a drink in her life? she just went for it? omg so impersonal - isn't he supposed to be already half in love with her by this point? camera angle just flicks forward and back as the conversation goes on and when theres action it just pans back to the widest shot ever lol just show the entire scene why give any emphasis or focus to anything who needs reaction shots and feelings of being in it rather than observing it. fkn ey. he's literally just an angry blitering brooding drunk yikes. he's staring at her tits? these conversations man... he definitely just said jade instead of jane. m8 don't tell me he didn't. there's more intimacy between all the servants and jane and feeling more like an actual squad living together than there is any feeling between rochester and jane. adeles got a frog lol cute. 'you're a fool,' jane tells her reflection. this music is so shit it's bringing everything down. rochester, who's been an unfeeling ass the whole time, holds her hand once and now she's got a big crush on him. she's very spirited - to the point where she could too easily be cruel. like it's not just a repressed forcefulness it's like a hidden rage. can see her going mad and chopping someone up with icy rage and poised pleasure. wonder if i'm in a mood and interpreting this wrong? but honestly. dancing rochester now? instead of singing. adele is glaring at Mrs Ingram who just insulted jane lolol go kid she's definitely the best part. the background people actually make this place feel alive and natural, completely unlike their FUCKING AWFUL conversations. jesus what. god could you have two people less interested in each other? i think this fairfax knows about bertha. there's a 'tapestry bedroom'? lol what does that mean. they're dancing, playing cards, piano, the lot. oh the walls are literally covered in tapestries, that's creepy af. theres so much blood my dude would be dead yo. will hurt like doesn't know how to act. wwait theyve skipped my 'fav scene'?? theyre shaking hands again, wtf is this. wait what shes just met stjohn n he;s the one telling her all about the reeds? petunias dying 'love me then or hate me as you will - you have my full and free forgiveness' - i cant forgive any version that misses that out: its so powerful as part of her character. stalking her while he smokes in the dark what a creeper. 'how cuold you be so stupid!' lol fight him Jane i dont even know how we got to kissing likr the movie is almost 2 hours and yet it feels SO rushed. literally took away all the secret courting and his sneaky declarations. shes a modern woman trapped in an old age.  she is so skinny. and with entirely stiff expressions. ew he makes me so uncomfortable. theyre not even trying lol. acting ey acting have u heard of it. just left jane at the altar like bye bitch.shes just in a giant empty ugly room. bertha is a very young and frightened girl but also very sick in the typical long white dress and long dark hair. god this guy is a whingebum. bertha understands everything he's saying. oh yikes lol she just whipped a log from the fire and went after Jane and Jane just put her veil back down with like a sigh turned and yeeted slowly away long ass veil over a white bonnet, silk cape thing in a dark hallway walking all miserable. she's outies lol he's just let her walk out? i love u and i love u. bye. bertha's taken another log from the fire and lit the wedding dress on fire along with the house ahaha. wait he let her leave the house then ran after her on horseback but had to stop after bertha lit the place on fire it started burning and we're actually seeing it happen? interesting. the house is burning, pepople are running, bertha's on the battlements and rochester is going up there to --oh fuck grace poole got yeeted over by bertha oh she's flying ahahaha jumped down to where she threw grace poole. rochesters in the fire. jane's off and racing. it's all happened at once. she went to stjohns, didn't even get dumped in teh marshes but down she goes after chilling in a coach for 3 days. shes been there a month. her jaw is so long and forward its creepy. again one fo the few telling her that she's wealthy from inheritance from her uncle. more backstory. she was deeply loved by her parents, now she's wealthy, lifes looking up but she's all upset after than asshole lol move on and be happy. she's hearing his voice on the wind like please chill. damn 6months. what. um. he's very awkwardly trying to propose? but its like the last half of the conversation with the first bit just cut out. so weird. she looks normal face-on. oh she decides after the proposal to go back - none of that chasing after voices nonsense. whoops that shit burned downnn. doggoooo is still alive. what a good boy. fuck me there's like no anticipation, no intensity, no build-up, no chemistry, it's so dry and cold and heartless. christ acting. act. acting. act. please. act. what is happening. act. she has the neck of a swan ol mate. fucking gross. their words are stilted, and not romantic in the slightest and especially not in their delivery. theyre walking with no kids but the dog but they're talking about the kids. oh my god. that was pretty fkn awful. like seriously not good.
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rebeltheanomaly · 5 years
Roughdraft/Notes on Grieftale Act 1 Part 1
Opening Scene:*a kid crawls up a mountain, seemingly panicked* Im not... Gonna let you... Hurt anyone else.... *he ties a rope around his neck, and falls into Mt. Ebott, only for the Rope to snap, letting him fall into the vast underground world below* The thump echoes off the cavernous walls, the only sign of life. They feel something soft against their skin... golden flower petals from dozens of crushed flowers. Somehow, they were enough to keep the fall from becoming fatal. *the kid awakens, covered with scars, not from the fall, but from... something else... he wanders on in hope of... something* You find a large stone doorway, leading to a hall filled with a playful tune... or is it in your head? in front of you is another golden flower, alone this time, grinning at you happily. "Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower! Hmmm... you're new to the underground, aren't cha? Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do. Ready?" *he cowers* Please... don't hurt him... *he seems to be talking to someone else, Flowey feels a threatening presence, but shrugs it off, after all, it's just a human.... Right?* Flowey looks uncomfortable, his smile wavers. "Haha.. of course I won't hurt you! here we go!" Suddenly, the light in the room seems to be sucked out, and a white perimeter forms around you. You feel a weight in your chest, and look down to see a heart-shaped red glow underneath your striped sweater. "See that heart?" Flowey explains, "that is your soul, the very culmination of your being! Your soul starts off weak, but it can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV!" *His soul is Obsidian, which means he's being controlled..... Or his soul is a host to something* Flowey's grin wavers. He looks like he wants to say something, then recovers. "W-what's LV stand f-for? Wy, LOVE of course! You want some LOVE, don't you? Here!" Half a dozen white pellets appear around the flower. They shoot towards you at an alarming rate. Flowey's expression darkens. "Get as many as you can." H-he says you want to hurt me... *at this point, Flowey gets the impression that he's probably just insane* *As soon as the pellets make impact with his soul, his mannerisms change from that of a shaky nervous teen too some kind of killer, he moves at impossible speed and pins Flowey against the wall, grinning and laughing in a completely different voice* ???: Sorry Goatweed, but i kinda need this body.... *His voice, grin, and penetrating red eyes seem..... Familiar to the little flower, like a really bad nightmare....* Flowey looks shocked, his face changes into that of azriel "C-chara? You're back! T-take it easy -- it's me!" *Laughs* You think i’m your girlfriend? (I’m just gonna say Chara is a girl for this) No, i know who you are Goat. *throws him to the ground* And you will stay out of my way if you know what's good for you. Flowey stares up in shock as he slinks away. ???:*lets the human take control as Toriel comes* "Oh my! You poor innocent youth, i thought I heard a commotion, are you hurt?" H-he's gone now... and so is that weird flower..... toriel takes a knee "my child, who hurt you? Who was here?" He didn’t hurt me... L might've hurt him though… "You don't have to hurt anyone ever again, my child... i'll protect you." she extends a hand to you *inches away* Plz stay away... He might hurt you too… She grabs the child's hand anyway (he takes her hand) Oh-ok… The goat monster smiles reassuringly. "My name is Toriel. What is yours?" She says as she walks with you into the next room. You notice a golden star in between two staircases... something is off about it. It isn't casting light on anything. It's almost as if it isn't even there. I-i... I cant remember... He's taken away most of my memories... *cries* "Oh, my child! The things you must have gone through!" She gasps, falling to her knees and hugging you tightly. "We'll both be happier now that we've found each other, i'm sure." Maybe.... he'll leave me alone for once.... "Of course, it'll be just you and me." She guides you up the stairs, and into a room with six pressure plates and a door. "Welcome to your new home, innocent one. Allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins. The ruins are full of puzzles: ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys. One must solve them to move from room to room. Please adjust yourself to the sight of them." She walks on four of the pressure plates, and the door slides open. In the next room, there sits a dummy. "As a human living in the underground, monsters may attack you. Stall for time, I will resolve the conflict. I promise. Here, practise talking to the dummy." *he looks at the dummy, and hugs it* Toriel's eyes shine with joy. "You are very good!" She walks ahead of you, and when she's not looking a frog monster jumps in your way. It looks like it has bad intentions as it charges forward for an attack “P-please stay away little frog..* The frog doesn't seem to understand you, but it hears the fear in your voice. Before it can make another attack, Toriel turns around and glares at it. The frog slinks away, embarrassed. You and Toriel find a long path of spikes barring your way. "Here, take my hand" She says, and steps forward. *he takes her hand, halfway through, one of the spikes shoots up higher then normal and gives him a small cut* I-im sorry L! "Oh don't apologize! L? What a cute nickname for me! I usually let people call me the first half of my name." Toriel seems completely oblivious, but is saddened by the cut. "Puzzles seem a little too dangerous for now." She leads you into a vast empty room, the lighting prevents you from seeing too far in. "You have done excellently thus far, my child. However... I have a difficult request to ask of you. ...I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself. forgive me for this." She runs off into the darkness, abandoning the one she'd sworn to protect. Y-your not L.... He punished me.... *when he sees Toriel run off* No! *he runs quickly, panicking* you chase after her, but she is nowhere to be seen. *he gets to the end of the room, she hears faint whispering around him, she can't tell what it's saying... But it doesn't sound pleasant...* Suddenly, Toriel is by your side. "Greetings, my child. Do not worry, I did not leave you. There was an important reason for this exercise... to test your independence. I must attend to some business, and you must stay alone for a while. please remain here, it's dangerous to explore by yourself." She thinks for a moment. "I have an idea, I will give you a cell phone! if you have a need for anything, just call. be good, alright?" She stays where she is for a moment, as if reconsidering, then brisky leaves you... for real this time. (as Toriel leaves, his other side comes out, and exits the room, with the grin of a madman) You exit the room and immdiately get a call. "Hello? This is Toriel. You have not left the room, have you? There are a few puzzles ahead that i have yet to explain. It would be dangerous to try and solve them yourself. Be good, alright?" *he waits until the call is over, then knocks the candy bowl over without even taking any, he then walks out of that room* You spot another golden star hovering over a pile of leaves. A froggit eyes you suspiciously L: *seems repulsed by the star* Grrr... it reminds me of hope.. A Whimsun flutters out of the leaves and encounters you... it looks like it's fighting out of fear. *grins and grabs it by the neck, preventing it from escaping* Well, what have we here? *Grins menacingly, seeming enjoy the fear in it* The whimsun gasps for air, it's wings fluttering aggressively. "i can't... handle this!" *rips off its wings, limbs and tongue and leaves it for dead, laughing* You stand over the dead creature, watching it turn to dust. The froggit behind you recoils in horror, then bravely charges forwards. *picks it up and hurls it into the wall with inhuman strength* its skull shatters against the wall and it crumbles into dust. Two more froggits try to jump you from behind! *grabs them and crushes their heads with his bare hands *walks into the next room* You find the ground ahead of you looks unstable... it reminds you that these really are ruins. A whimsun flutters over the problem area, whimpering at the sight of the dust on your hands Throws a sharpened stick at it with startling accuracy, impaling it* It crumbles with a whining cry, and the stick drops onto the uneven ground, dust sprinkling onto it *He tastes some of the dust, like the sick freak he, or more accurately the demon possessing him is* You take a few steps on the unstable looking ground... and your leg breaks through the floor! You crash a story down, landing on a pile of leaves. You are now in a room with two doors on either side of the leaves, surrounded by half a dozen whimsun, ready to fight for their lives *Uses something humans aren’t normally capable of: Magic. He summons a storm of crimson energy, forcing them into the worst pain imaginable* they drop from the sky, their attacks disappearing, writing on the ground as they slowly turn to dust. You leave through the door on the right, the stairs lead you through a small gap into the hallway with the broken floor. You're on the other side of the unstable ground, allowing you to move forwards. *He goes onto the next room, avoiding the unstable ground* Suddenly, your phone rings. "Hello? This is toriel. For no reason in particular... which do you prefer? Cinnamon or Butterscotch?" *Imitates the other kid's voice* I-I-I don't have a preference.... I haven't eaten anything sweet in so long… "Oh! You sound like you're getting a cold! Well alright, thank you." You take a few steps and she calls you back "You do not DISLIKE Butterscotch and Cinnamon, do you? Would you turn up your nose if you saw them on your plate?" No, they're alright...... I mean, i can't remember what they taste like... *at this point, Toriel thinks he has some kind of Trauma-related mental illness* "Right, right. I understand. Thank you for being patient, by the way." She hangs up, and you look around you. Three rocks sit near three pressure plates, and ahead of them is a bridge of spikes. *he pushes the two rocks, then goes to the third one* "Whoa there pardner! who said you could push me around?" *pulls out a drill* Hehehe… "Whoa... wait.. wait! I'll move!" the rock exclaims, sliding into place correctly. The spikes slide down. *drills it to bits as its on the button* I was gonna kill you anyway... Thanks for cooperating... *walks on* You take a few steps when the spikes shoot back up, pieces of the rock crumbling away from the pressure plate. You shriek in pain and feel your health drain away… *with the demon in control, the damage seems to make him stronger, hell, he seems to enjoy it, continuously scraping his arm across it* you move on, and spot another golden star next to a table with cheese on it. There's a mouse hole on the opposite wall *Walks on, hissing at the star* You hear a voice echo in your head: DETERMINATION in the next room you find a ghost lying on a pile of leaves... it starts to fade away You spear them with your stick. they stop fading away, looking at you with a blank expression *Gazes at the ground below Napsta, it starts sucking him in* Napstablook's face shifts from blank to shocked "W-What? What's happening? Oh no... I always knew I was a waste of space... at least now I can finally die..." Napstablook looks like he's letting himself get sucked in. *hands shoot out of the ground and drag him to hell, i'm sniggering all the while Napstablook's eyes go wide "I.. I- I changed my mind! I don't want to--" the hole closes, cutting napstablook off. You can now see there's a fork in the path *Looks at where the hole was* Doesn't matter, (grins) Suffering is all that exists, everything else is an illusion....*He enters the Spider bake sale* a little spider crawls down a web and greets you with a smile. "All proceeds go to real spiders!" she chimes happily *Grins and stomps on the webs, killing countless spiders, Muffet would never even receive word of the sadistic monstrosity from them, from someone else on the other hand.... You walk along a long, empty hall. Suddenly your phone starts ringing again (He answers) H-hello? *contemplating leaving a demonic latin message* "I just realized that it has been a while since I've cleaned up. I did not expect to have company so soon. There are probably a lot of things lying about here and there. You can pick them up, but do not carry more than you need. Someday you might see something you really like. You will want to leave room in your pockets for that. toriel hangs up, and you find yourself in a new room with six obviously damaged areas in the flooring. You get the feeling they can't support your weight for very long. At the end of the hall is another row of spikes. you walk to the one nearest to you. It collapses with a thunderous crash, and you land on a pile of leaves. While you dust off your clothes, a Vegetoid monster pops up from the ground, alongside dozens of carrots it's shooting towards you as an attack *he dodges with inhuman speed, picks it up, opens his mouth impossibly wide, bites the lower half of his body off and spits it out* I've always hated plant-based food… the vegetoid makes a high pitched shriek and dissolves, you taste dust in your mouth. You notice stairs leading back up *goes back up, and goes into all 5 of the broken areas* most are empty, one had a ribbon in it. On the fourth try, you notice in the room a glitched white shape, almost completely transparent, that keeps getting sucked into the ground and coming back up. "I.. I- I changed my mind! I don't want to-- I.. I- I changed my mind! I don't want to-- I.. I- I changed my mind! I don't want to--" they repeat again and again. "I -- I... I -- I -- I!" They pop out of existence, as if they were never there. *Grins and goes back up, walking out of the room* On the fifth try to find the switch and press it, and the spikes retreat successfully, revealing a loox. "You rude little snipe!" it cries, and strings of bubbles pour out of the walls, bouncing off surfaces at random *Grins* Is that all your gonna call me? *Pulls out the Ribbon, which he had turned into a lash* you whip the bubbles and they explode on impact, sending you sliding a few feet back but you stay on your feet. "Don't pick on me!" It yells, and you're finding it harder and harder to dodge the bubbles (Moves faster then it can keep up with and impales it's eye with his stick) It screams and the bubbles pop harmlessly. The tears from its eye manifest into attacks, then dissolve away as he does. you're in a room with three pillars, three buttons (red, green, and blue), and for the love of god more spikes *rips off one of the spikes and starts giving himself a sin mark, basically the Demonic equivalent of a tattoo* you step through the gap in the spikes and find another identical room, with a pile of moldsmalls bouncing happily and obliviously *grins and tackles one, ripping it to pieces* The other three rise up into Moldbyggs, thrashing their bodies and attempting to strike you like hammers *absorbs their life force by merely opening his mouth, at this point from beyond the fourth wall, though no one in universe seems to notice it, his skin gets more and more pale the more kills he makes, along with his hair growing and turning metallic silver very subtly, his teeth get sharper and more pointed, along with his nails * you walk on, and find yourself at another crossroad: straight ahead through brambles and bushes, or turn left where a bed of leaves forms a cross *he steps through the brambles* you find yourself on a balcony overlooking the ruins, it's breathtakingly beautiful (not that you care XD) you turn and spot the fake knife and grin, reaching for it, when a vine wraps around it. from behind you hear "Are you happy, you sick freak? is this what you were looking for?" flowey grimaces, blood dripping off one of his petals. "this isn't the first time i've watched a child wipe out monster kind, but never the way you're doing it. this is my warning: if you don't reset when you've finished having your fun... i ' l l s l a u g h t e r y o u . he pops back into the ground, and lets the knife go *smirks when he's gone* As if he can stop me... *picks up the knife and converts it into a Kukri, which is basically an Australian hunting knife, he then walks back and goes down the path untravelled* you hear toriel approaching. you realize you are still covered in dust and carrying the knife.
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adamprrishcycle · 8 years
So you did Ronan seeing Adam shirtless and seeing his scars but could you do Adam seeing Ronan without his leather bands and Ronan being super uncomfortable about Adam looking at them or touching them and Adam helping Ronan through it like Ronan helped him with the shirt thing?
I’m so sorry this has taken me ages to reply to and this isn’t exactly what you asked for because I couldn’t get it to work. My conclusion is just that Ronan would be ok with Adam touching the scars bc of his own experience? I mean he’s a private person but ok I’m just making excuses because I wrote this wrong and then I ended up thinking it was ok… plz forgive me. I also wrote (but haven’t posted) what happened after but it got a bit off topic and kinky because it’s pynch and they didn’t talk about the scars again bc it’s obviously a Subject and then I was like but I need some kind of conclusion and I just didn’t have one. Idk why I’m explaining all this. This is pretty short and sweet so I’m sorry if ur disappointed. I’m trying xx
“You know you don’t have to cover them up all the time,” Adam said, his cheeks glowing in the heat of the room, pulling his knee up onto the seat as his thumbs traced Ronan’s arm.
Ronan scoffed. “‘Course I do,” and he pulled his wrist free across the table and rubbed at his arm self-consciously. The white, raised scars that spanned his forearm weren’t something he usually let others look at, let alone touch, but Adam had playfully removed the leather bands he used to cover them from around his wrist and slid them onto his own arm and Ronan had sat back and let him in the dark corner of Nino’s.
Adam took the leather bracelets off again one by one and slid them onto his empty glass. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of,“ he said and he leaned back, turning so his back rubbed against the condensation on the window, drumming his fingers on his knee. He was brighter tonight and Ronan could feel his own blood humming with it.
“I’m not ashamed,” he said and he held his hand out for the glass and Adam slid it over to him. He ran his fingers over the smooth, worn leather, then added: “I just- I don’t like the way they look.”
Adam nodded and looked across the room, giving Ronan the opportunity to watch his side profile and wonder what exactly he was really thinking. He knew Adam had his own scars and he knew the stories behind them. His own story was mild in comparison and he felt embarrassed.
“What happened?” Adam asked finally, bringing Ronan out of his head and back to the table. Although he had expected the question, he still wasn’t ready for it.
“It wasn’t me,” he started slowly, skimming his finger through some water on the table. He felt ashamed. “It was a night horror in my dreams that attacked me,” he said, “when I woke up, I managed to bring the damage with me. It was just a mistake.”
“It’s like that night in the church,” Adam said, all trace of his playfulness from moments ago suddenly vanishing. His face was serious, his eyes were intense and Ronan’s stomach plunged. “When I watched you- when you dreamt that other version of yourself to die instead of you.”
Ronan nodded and began to put the leather bands back around his wrist.
“But I thought you choose what you bring back… that you have to know all the ins and outs of it and you have to want it more than anything.” Adam was obviously intrigued and he sat forward in his seat again.
“Sometimes it’s just because I can’t get some fucked up idea out of my head,” Ronan replied casually, tightening one of the bracelets with his teeth, “we all have nightmares, Parrish, mine are just really fucking real.”
“So you thought about it?” Adam asked.
“Yeah, I did,” Ronan admitted with a shrug, knowing exactly what it was without any further explanation, “doesn’t everybody? Didn’t you?”
Adam averted his eyes and Ronan wished he could take his words back. It was insensitive and blunt and he was about to apologise when Adam spoke again.
“This isn’t about me.“
“Well I don’t wanna talk about me either.“
“Shall we just sit here in stubborn silence, then?” Adam asked, a smirk creeping back onto his lips.
“Yeah,” Ronan said, “or we could go to my car and do something else in stubborn silence.”
Adam raised his eyebrows and his smile grew. “You’re not getting out of it that easily,” he said but he got to his feet all the same. “You coming, Lynch, or what?”
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