#trying not to be too perfectionist about it... thas the goal
electricfrank3n · 1 year
i got an ipad for my birthday and its so hard to get used to but its really really nice simultaneously...
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tipsydipsydo · 5 years
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader 
Gender of the reader: gender neutral
Word Count: 3.3k
Genre: pure Fluff, a tiny bit of Angst
AU: Exchange Student AU, Roommate AU, Roommate-to-Lovers AU
Warnings: Nothing too bad, but mentions of homesickness
A/N: Hello again!! After having been nonexistent for almost a month, I'm back here with a little sweet fanfic, perfect for Christmas! Unfortunately only without any Christmas feeling! I wanted to write this story for a great friend a long time ago, but school always thwarted my plans. That's why nothing came from me for so long, but perfect for Christmas I managed to get a small present ready for my dear friend and for you guys!
Merry Christmas!🎅🦌
Summary: You finally managed to spend your two semesters abroad studying in Korea! However, after some unfortunate circumstances, you want nothing more than to finally be able to fly home again. But your roommate Namjoon has some ideas to make your year abroad still wonderful...
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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A shaky sigh escapes your mouth before you quickly press your lips together and press your face into the soft fur of your fluffy teddy bear, which your best friend gave you as a goodbye gift. Fortunately, this stuffed animal catches your sobs and tears, so that just only quiet and muffled noises can be heard. Your body is shaking again and again by crying and you've pulled your knees up to your chest.
At some point you no longer have the strength to keep yourself upright and let yourself plop to the side onto your mattress. You involuntarily made yourself small, as if you were a helpless baby. And that's how you feel at that moment to be honest.
You had been looking forward to your year abroad in Korea so badly in the last few months, you were accepted directly at a university in the capital Seoul for the two semesters of your studies abroad in an other country and after a long, painful search full of despair you finally had found an affordable room in a shared apartment with a young Korean man.
And now? Now that one of your life dreams has finally come true, after a few holidays in this beautiful country, to be able to live in Korea for a longer time, you want nothing more than to finally fly home in eleven months. You're homesick. You feel nothing than unbearable homesickness.
Homesickness had never been a problem for you before, rather it was wanderlust that made you crazy when you were stuck in your hometown for years and couldn't get away. During your school days you also spent a year abroad to perfect your knowledge of your second foreign language. Of course, you also had days when you longed for home, your family and friends. However, it was only a few days ... not whole weeks. You have been in Seoul for a month and there have only been a few moments when you felt not lonely and alone.
In your year abroad, you also had a host family, a highschool with a teacher for exchange students and took care of all their questions and needs. And your host family gave you a room that was discreetly furnished just for you! It's precisely in these moments that you remember the pastel green wall color of your room at that time. You just had to personalize your room a little bit, fill it with your own elements of your personal life!
You open one of your tear-glued eyes and look at the bare white wall that is opposite your bed. It's one of the three other, also white walls. Surrounded by white, lifeless walls. They make yourself feel so inconspicuous and small.
Most likely, the circumstances of how you had to shape this new phase of your studies and ultimately of your whole life make you so unhappy. You had to move to an other city for your university after finishing highschool. From your hometown to the city where your university is located. But that wasn't so tragic back then, it was far too exciting to finally move out of your parents' house and be allowed to live of your own. And everything you couldn't take with you could stay in your old room in your parents' home. But not this time.
This time you had to sell or donate most of your furniture, books, decorations, and even your clothes, since you weren't allowed to take more than two suitcases to Korea. And your parents live too far away to bring all things to them and store them there. Most of your friends are still students too and either live in a shared apartment with other students or have their own apartment but this is mostly so small that they barely have enough space for their own stuff.
So for better or worse, you had to give away almost everything that you brought back from home two years ago or that you bought yourself over the past two years. Even a large part of your merch collection from your favorite K-Pop band, so that you can take the most important gifts from friends with you.
This process had been more painful than you could ever have imagined. In short, you had to try to stuff your previous life into two suitcases and a small backpack. You have nothing more than this.
And unlike in your year abroad, you're no longer just a sixteen year old teen who has to be taken by the hand and everything has to be done for them. You're a grown up adult now and you are old enough to find your way in a foreign country on your own. Usually you are very positive and confident, not often something quickly upset you. But so many sudden changes in such a short time leaves you unsettled and with a feeling of helplessness.
The last few days in your old apartment, which was almost completely empty at that time, together with all the farewell parties with your friends leaves you depressed and melancholic. It felt like you had given up yourself and given away your entire life. Left behind with no more than two suitcases and a backpack. You felt in a strange way... homeless.
When your current roommate Namjoon received you a month ago and showed you to your room, your heart sank. A bare, sterile room with four white walls was in front of you, with a small white desk and a metal, also white bed frame with a mattress. This room reminded you of a hospital, a prison cell, a patient room of a sanatorium from a horror film. So lifeless. So cold. You got goosebumps when Namjoon left you alone in this room, your room for the next twelve months.
You don't want to feel that way. You want to enjoy your time in Korea to the fullest, live your dream and not just let this unique opportunity pass away. But every time you go to your room and are greeted by four sterile white walls, you feel like a prisoner in his cell. Like a prisoner in your own dream.
Since you'll only be living here for one year, you will try to avoid unnecessary things as much as possible. You neither have an excessive amount of money for it, nor space in your suitcase to just take everything with you. You don't want to end up throwing away your entire life again, which is why you try to be as minimalistic as possible. So that means continuing to perch in your little private prison and staring holes in these damn white walls.
A little knock on your door wakes you up from your pessimistic trance. A light blond thatch slides between the door and his frame and the owner of the blonde hair smiles brightly at you.
"Hey Y/N! I was going to order dinner from the delivery restaurant, so I was going to ask if you want somethin-"
"Wait, are you okay? You look so sad and your eyes-"
Immediately you rub your eyes vigorously, although you don't know with what goal exactly you do this, because your tears have already dried and your eyes would only swell more and become even redder.
"No no, everything is okay! Don't worry," you stutter in Korean, which you speak fluently, but with a very noticeable accent. However, Namjoon doesn't really buy your half-hearted answer, still has a worried frown between his eyebrows.
Namjoon is the best roommate you could imagine as a helpless exchange student. In your first week in Seoul he guided you through the campus of the university, showing you when, how and where you register for important seminars and deadlines, where you can find the lecture halls for your lectures. He took an incredible amount of time for you and your questions, is very patient with you and encourages you to speak Korean again and again if you automatically switch to English if you are unsure.
But that doesn't necessarily make it better, since he's also fluent in English and has almost no accent. And then he studies law, has an IQ of 148 and also scored 900 in TOEIC ... while he was in middle school! By the time you got all of this information from his friends (according to Namjoon, they were just terribly curious about you and wanted to know what kind of roommate their best friend would have for the next year ...) you were a little intimidated by this genius, You felt even more stupid with every mistake that came across your lips.
But relatively quickly, to your own relief, you discovered that your Einstein-Roommate also has his weaknesses. You shouldn't leave him on the stove unobserved, but it's the best to lock the whole kitchen with childproof locks. Therefore, he has developed into a "hunter-gatherer" Perfectionist of take-out restaurants in order to survive his studies.
While his friends, who are more talented in cooking, had strongly advised against conjuring up a welcome menu for you, Joonie can also be very stubborn. On the day of your arrival, an unbearable beep from the smoke alarm penetrated the eardrum of your ears and let you run like crazy into the kitchen, where your roommate stood with an embarrassed smile on his lips and held a charred frying pan in his hands, but with a half burned but also half-raw piece of meat in it. So far you didn't even know that something like this is physically ... chemically ... biologically ... whatever you want to call this phenomen... was even possible.
Unfortunately, after only one month with Namjoon as a roommate, you're already very familiar with the smoke detector beep sound. To your horror, you had to find out that even his fried eggs are a complete fail. And he almost made the rice cooker explode. Therefore, you have decided to be the one who defaces the kitchen, but this still takes place within a reasonable framework.
His friend Jin showed you the functions of all the kitchen appliances, where Namjoon was leaning against the door frame all the time with a pouting face. Apparently frustrated not being able to show you all of this himself.
All of this only made him more lovable and it is becoming increasingly difficult for you to interpret nothing more than a normal, friendly relationship in his nice gestures.
Just like now that he has sat down on your bed next to you and is watching you carefully.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, or the reason is too private ... I just want you to know that I'm here if you need me. I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but when I was abroad for a year because of my studies I know how hard it is when family and friends are so far away when you need them the most ... "
Nothing stops you and you only feel the tears running down your cheeks and you start to sob. Namjoon's eyes widen in shock and before he realizes it, he has already put his arm around your shoulder and is stroking your back, trying to calm you down somehow. He grabs a tissue from your nightstand and hands it to you, apologizing to you again and again that he shouldn't say that and in no possible way he wanted to make you cry.
After you calmed down a little bit and your tears gradually dried up, you shook your head vehemently and stuttered: "N-No, no! It's not your fault, Namjoon! I-It's just that... that I feel a little bit like I don't have a home anymore. "
Now the blonde directs all his attention to your next words and you start to tell him everything about how it came the point that you developed this questionable feeling. He listens to you very carefully, tries to understand every feeling that you convey to him through your facial expressions.
"Ah okay ... now I understand a lot, Y/N. I was wondering why your room still looks so sterile and empty after a month without any personal elements. But I didn't want to talk to you about it, maybe it’s just your personal style. ...Well. Apparently not.", he mumbles and rubs his neck.
You sigh and look at your phone, which is next to you on the bed, and take it in your hand. "When I imagine that most of my whole life is in here... contact information about my friends, my family, the last pictures of my best friends and me that we took together... I think that's kind of...extreme? Just in this little thing." Namjoon nods his head slightly and looks thoughtfully at your phone and then at his watch.
"... it's too late for today."
"What did you say, Namjoon?"
"Tomorrow is Saturday, we would have the whole day for it! Y/N you don't have any specific appointment tomorrow, do you?"
"N-No, but why do you-"
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"Namjoon, it's Saturday ... Saturdays are there to sleep in. Why did you call me in the kitchen for breakfast at seven o'clock?!", you grumble and try to warm your cold hands with your cup of coffee. But Namjoon doesn't seem to be listening to you properly, he's staring too excitedly at his iPad and scrolling through some sites and making questionable notes on his "top secret" spiral-bounded notepad until he asks you out of the blue for your favorite color.
"Purple... and red. But why all this?"
"We're going to the hardware store together and you choose a wall paint! Then we clear the few things from your room into my room or put them into the hallway and paint your room! Then it doesn't look so sterile anymore!", says Namjoon and smiles at you with great satisfaction of his idea, so that the dimples in his cheeks are only more noticeable.
You almost choke on your coffee and look at it as if he went completely crazy.
"Namjoon, I don't have money to paint my walls and anyway, the rental agreement says that the walls must remain white and no new nails can be hammered into the wall!"
"So if you take the contract very seriously, the walls just have to be white again when you move out. So what you do with them between moving-in and moving-out is up to you.", retort Namjoon and grins at you.
"Joon, but that was interpreted quite freely by you, you have to admit it! In addition, you are the one here who studies law and is responsible for ensuring that the rights and laws of the individual are granted!"
"Oh, don't be like that, Y/N. There are always legal grey areas and free judicial spaces!", he chuckles and winks at you, which makes your heart jump.
"Okay, okay. You won ...", you admit and sigh.
"Don't worry about the money, I'll pay for you. I don't want you to remember your year abroad in Korea as a nightmare!"
"But you can't do that-"
"No buts! Please accept it as a gift from me. Okay? Please!"
He throws his irresistible look at you, which makes your eyes roll and finally leaves you beaten.
You were so punctual at the hardware store that you even stood in front of closed doors for ten minutes before you could storm the painting department. It was just nine a.m. when you were already pushing the furniture out of the way and spent the next four hours trying to get most of the paint on two of your walls, and not just spreading it all over each other!
You haven't laughed that much in a long time and overall, you haven't been so happy and optimistic in ages. It's really a blessing to have a person like Namjoon around. He's always up for a joke and still be able to talk to him about every kind of deep and philosophical topic.
You can hardly believe it, but now, at this moment, Namjoon seems to make you feel "home", in that way you've missed so much.
You quickly shake your head, try to get rid of this thought. Fortunately, Namjoon immediately pulls you out of your wild dreams and initiates you into the next part of his secret plan.
"Yesterday you said that almost your whole life has been in this smartphone... what's about to try to bring this memory alive and decorate your room with it! I know a small shop with a cool photo booth where you can take your photos print out in polaroid format! ... and then we stretch a clothesline from here...", Namjoon runs his finger from one nail across the room to another nail "...to there and hanging all your pictures of your friends and family on it. What do you say? Do you like the idea?"
He still asks you if you like the idea? And whether you like the idea, you love it! Before you can control your emotions, you jump around his neck and trying with all your strength to suppress your tears.
"Thanks Namjoon. I don't know how to thank you for all of this here." When you notice that you are clinging to him like a coala, you quickly let go and stumble back, you're too embarrassed to look at him.
"Sorry ... I didn't want to... sometimes I do strange things when I'm happy ..." you murmur and quickly turn away from him, pretending that the empty paint buckets suddenly become terribly interesting.
That's why you can't see his smile full of affection.
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It is already late evening when you start putting your things back in your room. However, you don't push your bed and other larger furniture directly onto the wall yet, so that the wall paint can dry completely overnight. With an exhausted sigh, you put down the last box in your room before you and Namjoon can look at your complete masterpiece.
He was right. What only two colored walls, a clothesline with photos and a world map (which you will only be able to put on the wall tomorrow ... because of the wall color) could change. Your room has become so much more cozy and private for you. It's finally your room and not just any prison cell anymore!
"Y/N ... I have something else for you. Just wait a moment!"
You look after him puzzled as he disappears into his room and comes back with a large, flat, rectangular box.
"Something else for your wall ... I hope you'll like it ...", he says quietly and looks nervously at the large box. You excitedly fumble with the opening before you can open it finally and pull out a huge, oversized poster. Of your favorite k-pop band. To be more precise, of your ultimate bias. A poster from a limited edition that has been sold out for a long time.
You don't know what to say. Your cheeks turn red with excitement, but also with a bit of embarrassment, you didn't want to give the impression of a crazy K-Pop Fan.
"...T-Thanks! B-But how did you know that I-"
"... when we were printing photos together today, I looked over your shoulder and saw different folders from the band in your gallery and there was a heart behind "XY", so I thought it could be your bias ... ", he says and grins at you like a little school boy being caught by doing something forbidden.
"You are pretty good at speculating the right things..." you murmur with a little smile, confirming his guess.
He nods, still smiling, but seems to think about something else.
"Do you think I have any chance next to them? So... that you maybe would go out with me...for a coffee or so? Even if I don't look like your bias in any way and in general, if you would date anyone here because you're only had one a year here in Korea and because of the risks of a long-distance relationship and- "
"I think ... I would try it, Namjoon. Risks are everywhere. And ... I would like to try it with you," you whisper and give him a shy smile.
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My Imagines 
My Masterlist
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wotters-nextgen · 4 years
The Wotters
Teddy Lupin:
In love with Victoire since he was 4
The only people he admires more than Harry are his parents
Was born two days before full moon
When he was at Hogwarts, he became prefect and then Head Boy
It’s impossible to dislike
When someone of the cousin has every kind of problem, they go to him
Likes to see Quidditch but not doing it 
although he always looks different, he has always a pink lock in his mother’s memory, and his hair is blue most of the time.
He also has some piercing, but don’t let the punk look fool you, he is such a lovable sweetheart.
If he cares about you, you are very lucky
Victoire Weasley:
Two years younger than Teddy
Probably the most charming of her cousins, but she is so much more than the “blonde and beautiful” Rita Skeeter describee in an article
In fact, she is very smart, and she could pass her exams even without studying
She has a strong connection with her mum, maybe because they were both accused of having no brain
learned wandless magic with Hermione’s help because too many people said it was too difficult for her
The Weasley girls always go to her for love advice
Very attached to Luis and Dominique, they are probably the most close of the Wotters brothers
Has planned her wedding with Teddy since she was a baby
insults everyone in French with a loving face
Loves French and France in general
James Sirius Potter:
In the same year with Fred
If you think he is like his nameseekers then you are right
With Fred, he is the biggest troublemaker that Hogwarts has ever had since the Weasley twins
Loud. Like, extremely loud. Like, you can recognize his voice in the Great Hall
Very protective with the other Wotters
If they get caught during a prank, he takes all the blame, no matter what the others say
The straightest boy you’ll ever knew
But when someone of the family eventually comes out, he’ll take them to every near Gay Pride
he even organizes one at Hogwarts for Louis
Has a love-hate relationships with Albus and Lily
Best friend with Fred
Obsessed with Quidditch, Becomes Captain of the Gryffindor team in his fifth year (he is a Chaser)
Also, he is kind of a womanizer, until he falls in love with a girl named Angélica
Fred Weasley II:
In the same year with James
Started to prank because he felt he had to be like Fred I
However, he liked it, so he became one of the best prankster Hogwarts has  ever had
Puts tons of sugar in his coffee
gave nicknames to all of his cousins
Beater in the Gryffindor team since third year
Loves Roxanne more than life itself, but wouldn’t admit that even under torture
Accepts every challenge; the craziest one was to put fiftty mini hot dogs in his mouth. He won
Rose Granger-Weasley:
In the same year with Albus, Roxanne, Molly and Dominique
Although she is the brightest witch of her age with Molly, don’t even think about compare her to her mother; she hates it, not because she hates Hermione, but because she’s not Hermione
Sweet but very fiery, so don’t test her fury
In a trio with Dominique and Albus
Hates Quidditch with a passion, but she always comes to the matches, firstly for her cousins and then for Scorpius too
Has the same messy hair of her mother, just less frizzy, but she didn’t mind at all. Actually, she liked it
A feminist
Gets excited easily
Drinks at least three cups of tea every day
Very close to her dad
Competitive and perfectionist, she always clashes with Scorpius in classes
Loves Scorpius’ name, and thinks hers is boring. But she always smells like roses, because she uses shampoo and bubble bath made with that flower. It’s cute, isn’t it?
Albus Severus Potter:
Yes, you read tha right, and NO ONE has problem with that, neither Rose nor Harry nor everyone else, because they are his family and they love him. Did you understand, J.K. Rowling?
In the same year with Molly, Dominique, Rose and Roxanne
Hates his second name. At first, while studying the Second Wizarding War in History of Magic, he couldn’t understand why his dad called him after a man that hated him and who was so brutal with, but when Harry decided to tell him all the story, he finally does. Anyway he still doesn’t like it
Even if he was named after a potionist, he sucks in the subject
however, he is great at Quidditch, so he was named Captain of the team in his sixth year
He and James, instead of ask advice of the sport to their parents, they go to Charlie. You know, the “Cool Uncle” story and all
Al and not Albus
Is head over heels for Alice Longbottom (but can’t admit it neither with himself)
Bestmate with Scorp
his favourite cousin is Rose
Also close to Roxanne for being the only Weasley-Potter Slytherins
At some point he didn’t know who he was because of all the pression being the Harry Potter’s son, thing that didn’t happen to James and Lily because of their stronger personalities
Dominique Weasley:
in the same year with Rose, Albus, Molly and Roxanne
Unlike her sister, she has no problem showing her feminine side in everything she does
Loves doing her cousins’ hair, she also asked her aunt Angelina to teach her to do Roxanne’s
When Matt Finnigan told her for the firt time he loves her, she couldn’t believe it
Really ambitious, in fact the Sorting Hat took a while to decide to put her in Gryffindor or in Slytherin
everything has to be like she wants
For that, she is also pretty good at school
If the coversation is not going where she wants, she will find the way to change the subject
Every guy and not-straight girls at Hogwarts has a crush on her, so before Matt she had a lot of other stories
Roxanne Weasley:
Slytherin, the only one of the family with Albus
In the same year with him, Rose, Molly and Dominique
Clumsy, funny and a badass
Has a beautiful voice, but didn’t mind until she was fourteen, when she really started singing
However, her real passion is Quidditch
Has a strong connection with Molly, even though they are very different
Probably bisexual, but she was never interested in everyone until an exchange guy from Beuxbatons named Charles comes to Hogwarts in her sixth year
Has braids most of the time because her hair is very wild
Molly Weasley II:
Maybe even more intelligent than Rose, but this quality with a little bit of shyness who shows with everyone who aren’t her family or friends is often mistaken with rigidity
Knowing her, you’ll know she’s so much more than that
She’s curius, humble, pure, and a hard-worker
Hates to try different things
Always there for her family and the people who loves
Remus Lupin is her hero
Always ready for any kind of situation, the only thing she didn’t know how to deal with was falling in love with Lorcan Scamander
As studious as her father, and likes spending time studying or in the library
Prefect and then Head Girl
Lily Luna Potter:
She. Is. Flawless
As feminine as Dominique
Likes to flirt with Lysander and making him blush
Thinks her mother is the coolest of all (and she is right)
In a duo since birth with Hugo
Life of the parties
Gets drunk very easily
Very challenging with herself, she has always new goals
Starts conversations from nowhere with everyone, and makes friends easily
Hates injustices and has a strong moral
Her red hair are a little more darker than Molly, Rose and hugo’s, like her grandmother Lily’s one
Hugo Granger-Weasley:
Best friend with Louis and Lysander
Looks exactly like his father
and is the only one who has beaten him in Magic Chess
Remembers everything
Funny and clumsy
probably the more positive of the cousins
Sometimes he think he couldn’t do anything without Lily
obsessed with Chudley Cannons
His reference point is Teddy
Really clever but hates studying
has strange conjectures about everything
Louis Weasley:
Him and Hugo are inseparable
I imagine him being very similar to Kurt Hummel from Glee
So basically until his fourth year he is this very shy boy who can’t accept himself
Then he had the courage to come out to his family
And they were very supportive and explained him there was nothing wrong about being who he was
So in fifth year he starts a kind of transformation
and became a very eccentric and extrovert guy
Understands he likes singing and has a beautiful voice
Him and Roxanne do a lot of duets
Some people bullied him
But James was always ready to kick their asses
And so were all the other cousins
They started the “Louis Protection Squad”
where there was Scorpius, Alexander Zabini and the Scamander twins too
Lucy Weasley:
the youngest of the cousins
kindest person of the world
Can’t argue or being angry
Likes to hug other people randomly
George always pulls her pranks trying to make her angry
But she always laugh and then hug him
she is also his favorite of the kids
hasn’t lots of friends because people tend to think she’s strange
for that she reminds everyone of Luna Lovegood
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
All Eternity - Chapter 1
Summary: Ashley never believed in soulmates, at least in this life she didn’t. Shiroe remembers everything from their past lives together. The thing they went thorugh, the love tha they shared beyond all else. And every day he fights to gain her love again, reminding her of the soulmates that they were and still continue to be. He just has to make her fall in love with him all over again... and again.
W: self-insert, au, angst, eventual fluff
Next Part
The rain was a gentle patting on the windowsill, covering the sky in a grayness that was almost relaxing. I curled onto the bench, leaning back against the pillows and clicked my pen in thought. My laptop sat in front of me, papers scattered everywhere as I struggled to write this report. I had two more days to get it into my professor, but I couldn't think of anything. I'd been drawing a blank for several days, and no matter how many times I researched I couldn't put any of it down.
It was probably because of my stress and anxiety. It wasn't allowing me to actually sit down and properly work on this assignment. There were only a few more months left of classes, and this report was half my grade. If I failed this, I’d have to repeat the class. Which means my diploma would be just out of my reach. I needed to finish this soon if I hope to get anywhere in the future. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I reached for my cup of hot chocolate. Since working at the bakery, I learned a thing or two about making a really good cup of hot chocolate. And some damn good pastries.
 I moaned happily, licking my lips.
Such great weather for such a great pastime. Sitting on this bench near the window, the bustle of the big city ringing in my ears. Most people would find this sound to be heinous, but I found it soothing. It usually helped me thing when I wasn’t already losing my head. My eyes flittered across the cloudy window, seeing the movement of people down below. It was the perfect day to sit in, but maybe not the day to get some work done. It may have been my day off, but it seemed like I needed a breather.
Setting my papers to the side, I moved my laptop and threw on my shoes. It was only a light drizzle. If I brought my umbrella and a jacket I could go for a small walk. Maybe stop by the bakery and get a free pastry or something like that. They’ll wonder what I’m doing there on my day off, but who could resist a good snack on a day like this. I threw on my jacket, taking my keys and my phone that were on the side table. The bakery was a little walk down a few blocks, it would give me a while to stretch my legs.
Pushing open the door, I walked down the stairs and into the breezy afternoon air. The rain was practically nonexistent by the time I started walking, leaving only the smell of the rain on the sidewalk. I popped open my umbrella, smiling at a few faces that passed and had the politeness to smile back.
It’s always true what they say about the big city. It’s full of busy people sometimes too busy for human interaction Not everyone is rude by nature it just how they seem. Even I know my face in the morning isn’t pleasant. And having to walk everywhere sure does help with exercise but I know it doesn’t help with my crankiness. I’m not a morning person, and I know more than half the people here are in the same boat. The loud noises of the city are not the best wake up call. But once the morning ends and there’s caffeine in my system, I can enjoy what it has to offer.
Kicking my shoes against the payment, I breathed in the scent of the water and the fresh flowers when I passed by a stand. Making a mental note to pass by later for some fresh flowers for my windowsill, I found myself thinking of the first time I moved here. It was such an emotional time for me. The first time I was leaving him, away from my family that lived states away. I only get to see them every couple of months or for holidays, but I was happy to be on my own. I still call my mom just about every day to check in. Ever since Dad passed away, she’s been this changed woman. Wanting to see the world before her own time is up. I admire her too much for words to express.
She makes me want to be a better person myself. It’s why I work so hard to make her and my father proud of me. I want to make an impact, even if it’s small. My own little world is nothing compared to all that is around me. I’m ready to explore all that it has to offer in different ways. Even if it’s just the smell of the rain or the flowers, or the smiles of the people on the street.
My feet slowed once I saw the bakery’s sign, and I quickly closed my umbrella now that the rain was practically gone. I pushed open the door, hearing the familiar ding that alerted another customer coming in. Immediately, the smell of pastries was warm to my senses, and caused my mouth to water. I pressed my lips together, humming softly as I heard my name being called from across the room.
“Ashley! What the heck are you doing here? It’s your day off, isn’t it?”
I smiled broadly, waving to the brunette behind the counter.
Roxy smacked her bright pink lips, shaking her head at me as I approached her. She and I have worked here together since I first started. She was a trainee alongside me, and we instantly hit it off from the start. She was the first real friend I made, making it really easy to transition and make this place feel like home. We don’t get to work together as much anymore, but she still comes to my house every chance she gets. Our buildings aren’t that far of a walk from each other’s, which makes seeing each other really easy. I’m lucky to have such a bright and kind soul for a friend.
Waving me over, she leaned over the counter top on her elbows and rested her chin on her hand. Her brown hair, tight in curls tousled on her shoulders, emanating her bright and bouncy nature. “Only you would be here on your off day,” She said with a laugh, “I wouldn’t be caught dead in this place when I don’t need to be.” I shook my head, watching her exaggerated facial movements as she spoke. Roxy was always a character. She never did leave me unhappy when we spoke.
“I like this place. Besides, I needed a break. I’ve been working all morning.”
“On that paper?”
Roxy let out a puff of breath.
“You’re still working on that? I thought you said that you were almost done!”
“I was,” I said, my mouth formed in a tight lipped expression, “Until I deleted everything because I didn’t like it anymore.”
Roxy slapped her palm to her face, shaking her head.
Mumbling under her breath about me being a perfectionist, she began reaching through the pastries in the bright case beside her. Lots of warm muffins and cakes and various other delicious things lined the counter tops. My mouth was watering even more at the sight. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I was looking at the delicious food. Roxy grabbed a box, setting a small vanilla cupcake inside it. My favorite.
I licked my lips, watching her close the box and push it towards me.
“Take this, I’ll make you some coffee. You need a break and I’ll gladly help you do that,” She said with a wink.
My hands clasped around the box, giving her another wink in return.
“You’re the best. What would I do without you?”
“Remember that when I’m asking you for a favor.”
She spun on her heels, cackling softly at my expression. Yeah, right. Roxy’s favors are almost always just to get her out of trouble. And she knew that.
She poured me a cup of coffee, adding the right amount of sugar and creamer to make it the way that I liked. Handing me the cup, she pointed to a seat right beside the window. It was my favorite seat in the whole place, one that I’d take on my breaks when no one else was sitting in it. And since the bakery was still fairly slow from the post morning rush, I had the perfect spot to sit and relax. 
I smiled, quietly thanking her. Which Roxy, of course, took to her big inflated ego. She returned to her work, while I trotted over to the spot and sat down my things. I was excited to get to relax and enjoy the quiet. No more work for me right now. Just a relaxing day off, until I have to return to my work.
It felt great to sit down, the coffee warm on my tongue as I took small sips. Once I was settled in my seat, I had begun to regret that I hadn’t brought a book with me. It would have been great to read something for a change that wasn’t for school. It seemed that lately that was all my life was. School and work and then repeat. Not that I was complaining too much. My classes weren’t all that bad, and I enjoyed school and my job. But sometimes I find myself wishing I had more of a social life. Lots of friends to spend time with… maybe a boyfriend or so.
I felt my chest growing heavy when I thought about the idea of having a boyfriend. A relationship. All my life I never had a real relationship, but for some reason the thought of dating people just feels strange. Like none of them are good enough. That isn’t me being egotistical either. IT’s just that my heart hasn’t found the right person. Someone who clicks with me perfectly. Someone I can share my days with and doesn’t ever leave me bored. Someone I can enjoy the quiet with and be myself with.
Swallowing hard, I felt a lump forming in my throat. I’m not sure why relationships make me this emotional. I’ve never been in a decent one all my life. Every guy I’ve ever liked has either disappointed me in some way or I always felt… distant. Like they were just a placeholder for someone else. That’s sounds strange to say, especially given that I don’t believe in soulmates. I’d like to believe in them, but I just had never saw the reason to given that I can’t seem to feel anything when it comes to love and relationships. I know that I want, but it seems to be unreachable. That’s probably why I don’t believe in soulmates.
It just seems like a goal that unreachable. A promise that will never be found.
I breathed a heavy sigh, trying to ignore the nagging feeling in my chest.
Now was not the time to be getting emotional. I should be relax. It’s my day off after all! I shouldn’t be wasting it worrying about these things.
Taking another sip of my coffee, I glanced out the window and saw the sun peeking out from the clouds. A smile formed on my lips, happy to see the day becoming brighter. Hopefully this was a sign that I should start cheering up, and let this day get back on track.
I reached for the box with my cupcake, opening it up and licking my lips in anticipation. Roxy picked out the perfect one too. I unwrapped the cake, letting my eyes wander the small little bakery. There were only a few people in right now, most of them finishing up their pastries or coffee or conversation. It was fairly quiet, considering that there was a couple and two other people near the entrance that seemed to be talking a lot. I took a bite out of my cupcake, listening to the sound of the door opening and signaling another customer coming in.
I heard Roxy’s cheery voice speaking up, which made me immediately smile.
“Welcome to B’s Bakery, how can I help you?”
She always had a rather shrill customer service voice, but Roxy was already shrill by nature. I chuckled softly, listening to the small exchange between the customer. It was hard not to be in work mode the moment she spoke up, considering I work here so often. I almost always want to chime in even though I’m not on the clock. Give them advice on what the best pastries are or what’s new to the menu. Roxy is doing all that on her own though, practically flirting up a storm.
No, that is what she’s doing.
I know Roxy like the back of my hand. Her voice changes when she’s flirting. There’s a hint of sultriness to her voice, and I could practically see the little grin without even looking up. Rolling my eyes, I licked some of the icing off of the top of the cake, as I usually do with cupcakes and take a quick glance up at the register. My curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to see this guy that Roxy was flirting super hard with. Her taste is normally way different from mine, and this time around was no different.
I let my eyes wander her face, seeing the flutter of her eyelashes. Roxy was definitely flirting. I could only see the side of the man’s face, but he looked decently cute. Nothing that particularly stood out almost immediately, except for save the hair. He seemed unaware about how hard she was flirting, and if he did know then he wasn’t showing it. Roxy didn’t care, she continued anyway, offering him different things just to keep him talking. I didn’t think Roxy was into the glasses type, but she’s always surprising me.
Continuing with my cake, I let them finish their conversation knowing that Roxy most likely wouldn’t win this one. She’s a beautiful girl, there’s no doubt about that, but this guy wasn’t into it. He’s probably the type that doesn’t see those kind of advances. But I admired her willingness to try even though the odds were against her. That’s one of the things I admired about Roxy. I wouldn’t even be able to flirt the way she does. Not that I would even want to put myself out there like that. I’m such a klutz it wouldn’t even work.
The rest of the time I watched the world fly by out the window, occasionally talking to Roxy when she had a second. It was the best decision I could have made today. The perfect inspiration I needed for my assignment. Before I knew it, I was itching to get back to work, knowing exactly where I was going to go with it. The coffee was cold by the time I tossed it out, walking towards the exit with a newly found smile on my face. Today was definitely a good day.
“Bye Roxy! Thanks for the coffee. I’ll see you tomorrow!” I called, smiling warmly.
“Bye Ash! Have fun writing that paper.”
She winked, her eyes flittering back to the guy from earlier who was sitting a distance away. I rolled my eyes, pushing open the door and letting the bell ring behind me as I left. With a heavy sigh, I trotted down the street back down to my apartment. The air was warmer now, the smell of rain long sense passed now that everything was drying up from the sun. The flowers were blooming even bright then before as I passed by the shop, picking out the prettiest bundle of sunflowers.
They smelled lovely, and I knew they’d fit perfectly in a small spot near my window. With a new found heart and mind, I made my way back up my apartment stairs and forced myself to get back to work. There was so much things to be done, and now that I had new inspiration I hoped that it wouldn’t take me very long. This new idea would definitely get me the grade that I needed to pass and finally get my degree. It felt so close that I could practically feel it. Things were definitely looking up for me.
And I couldn’t wait for more to come.
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