#trying not to doompost so much today
vanillabat99 · 7 months
I don't remember if I said anything here, but I finally got into the Chronic Pain Clinic!! I've had my introductory appointments, and tomorrow I see an occupational therapist!! For the first time, I finally feel like I'm gonna actually get somewhere with my pain, and it's such a relief :3
I've set some goals too!! The main one would be to be able to shower consistently, since I struggle a lot with just getting clean once a week. My other goal is to cook or bake something once a week!! I also put out a third, not so realistic goal, of being able to stand for a choir performance!! The first two are more important to me, but the last one would be nice, even if it's just once.
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bonetrousledbones · 7 months
anyway. i think i am going to order a pizza from my favorite pizza place. i think i deserve it today
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miiilowo · 9 months
v1 blog simulator 2
As many of you certainly already know, I have overthrown the federal government and I am in desperate need of aid as a result. I will not be going into full detail, as I don't have much time left to begin with, but if you would be kind enough to spare some cash so I can go take a victory lap while wasted on as much Margaritaville as possible before the Father's light fades from my form I would appreciate it deeply. Thank you in advance may god bless you or whayever the fuck i dont know anymore
venmo in bio
01101110 01101111
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i dont know why i even try anymore
stop doomposting and do arts and crafts with me
do i have to
he just blew himself up with the crayon maker
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Not to 'vague-post' but if I need to crush someone's tiny wireframe body in my hands right fucking now or else I'll rip my helmet off on stream and blind all of you on purpose im not joking
48°52.6, 123°23.6
did you just fucking doxx me
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#poll #polls
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seword mmacine
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drones love to be hit into walls they love it. they love when you punch them so hard they explode they like being launched into the atmosphere so hard they start burning upits literally abusive to not do it
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We've been receiving a lot of questions lately, and we would like to kindly remind you that tumblr user Godfist, also known as Archangel Gabriel, is on the staff team and is more than willling to answer questions in regards to your eternal damnation! He's a beloved member of the force and we wouldn't be where we are today without him!
this aged like shit
shut the fuck up
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(thank you @p3terpaan for the gabriel edit)
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anonymous-dentist · 11 months
Okokokok I need some help understanding something and you’re a writer so I trust your judgement. I keep trying except I’m just making myself more upset. I just want to start enjoying the new story with everyone like normal
In a story, how do you take revenge against something/someone with plot amor?
I feel like the revenge>failure>anger>revenge cycle would get a bit repetitive right?
I’m just trying to think of this in term of story and character development and I’m failing to grasp how this will work in a way that’s productive
I think that the events over the past few weeks or so are meant to show that the Federation doesn't have as much plot armor as you think it does. Because it's spread so fucking thin right now between the kidnapping of Ron and the murders and the dark matter and the Mini-Mes getting taken and the eggs and the president going missing. They don't know what's going on and the workers are scared and in hiding and literally only Foolish is chill right now, and that's because he's become such a good spy that even the "higher ups" love him. He's currently in the process of doing what Cellbit spent months trying to do, and he's going to succeed.
But this isn't about the Federation, it's about Cucurucho, aka the thing Cellbit really wants to destroy even if he's telling everyone , who was apparently proven to not even be a part of the Federation at all today! Apparently, the Census Bureau isn't a Federation employee like. At All.
So this begs the question: how do you kill a God?
The answer is that... well, you don't. Not when you're Cellbit, and that's exactly the point of what he's doing now. He's not going after Cucurucho specifically for a reason: he knows he can't win. Which is why he's going after the regular workers first. That way, he can start dismantling the Federation from the outside as others dismantle it from the inside (he knows about Fit being a spy, and he technically knows about Foolish even if he doesn't believe him all the way.)
We all think the Federation has plot armor, but it really doesn't! All things considered, the islanders have won against it several times! Between the eggs basically going rogue and breaking whatever programming they were under as Federation creations to get attached to their parents, ElQuackity the Federation Plant losing the election due to islanders' interference, Cellbit keeping the Federation from killing him by killing himself, the Mini-Mes being stolen, Pac and Mike escaping prison, Felps and Cellbit escaping their prison, Baghera escaping the island in the first place, the islanders becoming friends with several workers to the point of said workers defecting from the Federation, Forever and Pac being freed from the influence of the Happy Pills, and literally everything Fit and Foolish have managed to do while undercover, we've seen the Federation lose, and I think we forget about all of this because, well. It is Torture Island.
The plot armor here isn't necessarily the Federation's. It's Cucurucho's, and it's Cellbit's real target. But he knows he can't do anything to it yet, and so he's going for everything around it, and then, when he's strong enough or whatever, he's going to go for Cucurucho itself, and he's made it bleed before, actually, way back during the first Hide and Seek game day. He's just waiting for another opportunity, and he's waiting very patiently. (LOL)
It looks hopeless now, but this is legitimately day one of the arc. It's no use doomposting or anything when we haven't seen who's gonna help Cellbit out, because we know that some of the strongest people on the island possibly would. Like Etoiles, who legit doesn't give a fuck about killing Federation workers because he did quite literally kill like 20 in ten minutes or so, EZ. And Roier, who is genuinely one of the strongest non-Etoiles pvpers on the island. And Maxo, who has a literal nuclear bomb.
My advice as a writer? Just chill and don't think about it too much. I can see how awesome this arc is going to be because Cellbit is an EXCELLENT storyteller. It's not worth worrying about when we don't even know all the factors in play yet.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
nothing alarmed me more than todays quali tbh. Dony get me wrong checo might be a great driver (in someone's opnion) but if charles and alonso are still behind him after the laps that they gave... this season is already done for. Bc there's no way checo is supposed to be ahead of charles and alonso. Fuck rb.
we're not doing fatalism here anon! listen. isnt there a like, some sort of consequence about red bull overspending last year? bcs i think i rmbr reading sth how its probably gonna be that they will exhaust all their alloted updates or whatever by mid-season, something similar to what brawn did in 2009. or maybe i made it up. either way, its what i believe in, and since theres more races now than there were in 2009 (and not to be that person but if there were more races back then im preeeetty sure red bull wouldve caught up to brawn) its not nearly over.
and also, semi-related to this, for absolute fucks sake, its only the 2nd race of the season, and not even the race, its quali, and checo cant fucking drive, so im not worried at all. everyone needs to chill and enjoy the racing as much as its possible, or like, step away for a bit if its that upsetting to (general) you. ive unfollowed a lot of people due to insane lvls of doomposting that i absolutely refuse to look at anymore, and i will be unfollowing more from what im seeing, because i want to enjoy the racing still, despite my favourites not doing supremely well. this is the reason i personally got into this, because of the racing, and sure, the narratives are compelling as fuck and all, but there is a fine line here and some people not only are over it, but in the immortal words of bianca del rio, they stepped over the line, turned around, and snorted it, and are acting accordingly. do a lot of things in f1 suck? yes. do i still have hope for my faves? sadly, foolishly, perhaps, but fucking yes. and im tired of the way some people act. but the only thing i can do is unfollow, block, and try to have as much fun as possible. and also curse whoever is a threat to my babies. 🥰
anyways, my point is: its not over until the trophy is given. patience, grasshopper :)
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firesnap · 2 years
Woo boy. Lots of worry and doomposting about how the ending for c!Crime is going to go today. Below is some babbling about ending and role play and keeping realistic expectations.
I'll also throw out there that we do tend to see some loud complaints of "where is this going" whenever we get Wilbur lore that isn't focused around Tommy.
Like, I'm going to be blunt here. I'm hoping for the best salvaged ending I can get. Arcs were cut short, streams were cancelled, things have been shuffled around and I'm going into it with two expectations: to enjoy the story I do get and to not be resentful of the story we probably deserved to get. I think in general people were all on board with that way of thinking when it was just Wilbur's ending, but now that it's tied to both of them ending, there's this sense of whatever they do is just not going to be enough.
And yeah, you're right. It's not. But it's also the nature of this story being told on an RP server. Storylines are living things and while they should have an ending, the problem is that it can't tie everything up neatly with a bow on top while the server is still alive. Much like real life, sometimes you don't get a resolution to something you personally hold dear. You work with what you get.
For example, I don't think we'll see Fundy and Wilbur talk again. It's not crucial to me to see it, but I know some people want it. If we get it then it'll be a nice surprise, but I'm prepared for it to not happen. I want him to talk to Quackity or Ranboo one last time and I don't even know if we'll get that.
Wilbur's never going to talk about Doomsday. Tommy's never going to on screen reconcile with Techno or probably talk to Sam.
I don't think we're going to get a resolution to the Dream issue for Tommy. I don't even know if we're going to get back to Wilbur dealing with his misconceptions of Dream tbh. As someone said, as long as c!Dream is alive Tommy (and Wilbur by association) will never really be safe, but what do you do with a story where you can't kill off the threat?
Because they were never going to kill off c!Dream. Like, it's a great pipedream, but we all know that, right? The server owner was never going to kill of his own avatar for the sake of the story. Especially not for two people who are stepping back from it. There's also cc!Dream's activity on the server and it dropping off after certain, uh, events. We don't even know if cc!Crime have access to this character at this point. So I personally give them a break for it.
And I get that's not how everyone looks at the story. Some people will judge only the story without considerations and they should! But I'm also going to consider what's possible for the medium they're using and, in role play, really clean endings aren't possible unless everyone ends all together.
I'm going to hold off judging the story for now. I think it'll be good on its own because Wilbur, in five streams, has told some of the best stories on the server. I'm going to try and not think about the story we could have gotten instead and enjoy my last streams with the characters.
Besides, incomplete canon endings do make for stellar fanfic.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
For those curious I had a good day at work. I made lots of pizza and also a cheesy bread for myself for free. I was only on tumblr so much because today wasn’t very busy and dash was rather hopeful about DSMP stuff, so that meant I didn’t get too upset and breakdown like I did earlier.
I’m happy for everyone who had fun at the panel.
I’m glad the fans and the CCs got to enjoy it.
I’m happy the questions were fun. I’m happy the drama was fun and that the discourse has been the funny silly kind and not the sad doompost kind.
I hope that the CCs now see how many people love this story. I hope they understand the breath of their story’s reach and don’t treat it poorly as they already have. I hope that this serves as an eye-opening experience for all of them who were up on that stage, and I deeply truly hope that this will lead to an notable improvement in quantity/quality that’s close enough to 2020 so as to send these characters off right and with the respect they deserve.
Whenever I crit the ccs it comes from a place of love for what they’ve created. It comes from love and respect in knowing that they HAVE done better and CAN do better again if they only dare to try.
I know they can do this story right.
I hope they do.
That’s all I hope for anymore, at this point.
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