#trying to focu on my work but eugh
bunny-j3st3r · 4 months
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offical-ouroboros · 6 months
Hi, could you do more of the unknown HC or fanfic?
Unknown x Reader HCs - An Unhealthy Obsession
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CW: creep unknown, unwanted touches, UVX 'drugging'??, general horror warnings idfk, yandere/manipulative unknown
this may become a mini series
※ He just wouldn't leave you alone!
※ It didn't matter if you were in a match, or at camp. You always felt like you were being watched.
※ When you tried talking to others, they made you feel even crazier.
※ At least... That's how you heard things.
※ Truth was, you were probably just intensely disoriented from the Unknown's UVX.
※ If she talked, it seemed so clear... So pleasant.
※ When anyone else did, it just made you feel small and scared.
※ His own way of getting you comfortable near him.
※ It's not like it entirely wanted to- Just hasn't been...
※ In love is a strong word.
"I will not be... Denied my... Happiness."
※ Depending on how you respond... Won't really matter.
※ It'll get what it wants in the end- With someone, at least.
※ You make it feel something nice. A warm feeling that soothes its aching form.
※ With enough time it may even put more effort into fixing its body up to look a bit more human, if that's what you want.
※ Or, if you'd prefer the opposite, it'll relax itself more and look more warped and... Wrong.
※ Anything for you, "Tiny mouse."
※ It could take a few more days of meeting you, weeks, months... Or, immediately after the first trial before she decides it's been enough and just tries to take you.
※ Entity allowing, it works.
※ The Unknown is fast. Precise. And while part of him enjoys the hunt, he also knows what he wants. He wants you. He wants to feel human. He wants humans to think he's human.
※ What's more human; more alive and well than having a partner?
※ To it, not much. It was likely someone's fault, maybe even your own that she got the idea.
"Love is a core human emotion."
※ It'll sneak up behind you, axe discarding on the ground so it can hold you properly, twisting its limbs around your entire body and clinging.
"I missed... You."
※ Try to pull away all you want, he doesn't even notice.
※ Sometimes it had on different outfits- Different forms. If you had a preference, it would try to stick to them around you. Find anyone you might have a crush on and kill them. Take their form.
※ It looks just like them! Don't you love it now?
※ It... Vaguely resembled whoever it killed.
※ If you're at the point where he's taken you, you probably won't have much of a chance at getting away again.
※ They don't understand why it's a problem. Don't understand why you might be scared. Why you cry, and shake, and kick, and fight, and run.
※ But it never gets upset. Just confused.
※ Arms once more wrap around you, keeping you trapped both in its own personal place in the Entity's realm, and in its arms until you either calm down or tire out.
※ Just like how it weakened you before, if the Unknown can't get you to settle it might have to... Eugh... UVX you again.
※ The strange fumes make it hard to focus on anything.
※ Anything but him, that is.
※ Soon enough, you'll just have to look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him.
※ Please.
※ Look at him.
※ Just relax. Curl up into their grasp. It'll weaken, and feel nice. Warm. Inviting.
※ She genuinely wants to love you. She's trying.
※ They just need a little help understanding boundaries.
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shimmershy · 1 month
Hello volta ! I wanted to know, how many "volt" do you produce ? ... Yep... I just did that... I Can only pray for my life now..
I miss you're drawing...
I miss you're Frisk cute face
More importantly, i miss you're beautifull Chara...
I miss you...
Hello! To answer your question, I definitely produce a normal and safe amount of volts! That may come as a "shock" because of my name, but it is definitely true! No dangerous high voltage situations here! ^_^
Teehee. Also thank you!! That's very sweet, it's nice to be acknowledged and missed, and I also apologize for the lack of art and activity here in general. I miss drawing Undertale-related stuff myself, especially Chara and Frisk, but there's just been a whole mixture of reasons why I haven't been posting much.
No need to read all of this; I have a feeling I'm going to be rambling a bit, but overall it's just because my interest in Undertale kind of fluctuates and since I was kind of hardcore in an Undertale phase for a few months (or like...a year kinda), it's died down a bit lately. But not to worry; Undertale's always been my main interest, so it's always kinda "there", or comes back eventually.
But ALSO, I've become interested in a lot of other things lately too. And they're aaaall fighting for my attention because I'm like equally interested in all of them and that creates its own problem. Basically I've been having trouble creating stuff at all lately due to being all over the place, but being kind of "no thoughts, head empty" at the same time (brain problems...)
And on top of that, maybe this is too awkward or personal to share, but it's been hard for me to keep track of what's important to me lately, so it's like. I know I want to draw, I know I want art to continue to be my thing, but I don't know what art I want to create. I don't know what kind of passion or project I want to devote my time to, and often it's just been driving me to avoid art altogether. I get overwhelmed because it feels like I don't have enough time to get to all the things I want to do, and it takes me so long to draw simple things, AND my interest in things changes more often than I can keep up with. Should I draw a simple drawing today, because it might be fun, and I could complete it easily, even though the reward will be short lived? Or should I try to work on this larger project again, because it's what I want to work on more and will probably make me feel more satisfied in the long run, even though it might not be fun now? Even though I might lose interest in it tomorrow and the progress will kinda be wasted? OR should I do this completely other thing?
It's just very. Eugh. I think too much. There's so much stuff I want to create, but I guess at this point I'm just going to have to give it time and patience. I've been trying to focus my energy on enjoying other parts of my life instead for now. It kind of helps.
But Undertale is not dead in my heart. Yes it is 2024, but I still have at least two Undertale stories I've wanted to start and just haven't gotten around to yet, so there's that at the very least. I doubt those will leave me alone until I do something with them. Plus I've been drawing Chara and Frisk Undertale for like, 8 years so I'm not going to stop now???? So. Woe. Hopes and Dreams be upon ye. 🎊
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argentiswifee · 7 months
Thoughts about Valentine's Day Specials...
Characters included :
Blade, Argenti, Stelle, Jing Yuan
love... eugh..
half-assed bcs I wanna get this out before Feb ends :c
Summary :
you give them a Valentine's Day gift! how do they react to it :O
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Blade :
As a crush :
He's very surprised when you come up to him holding a large heart-shaped box filled with chocolates and roses, even more so when you admit your crush on him. But he hides it all behind his signature cold, intimidating face, but really he's just panicking on what to say to you since he's never had someone come up to him, give him a gift and admit their crush on him on Valentine's Day, even more so since he's a intergalactically wanted criminal! If he returns your feelings, let's just say you'll have a clingy but silent Blade who scares away anyone who comes up to you, gift in hand.
your gift? it was an earring to match with his!
As his lover :
He's surprised when you suddenly jump out behind him, hugging him with a large heart-shaped box filled with chocolates and a bouquet of roses in your hands! Not that much since you are his lover but still, surprised! Gives you a peck on the cheek, placing your gift (a bouquet of Red Spider Lilies) aside, taking a singular flower and onto your hair. Safe to say, you're guaranteed to be dragged into bed and cuddled up with him for the rest of the day without a word. Just quality time.
huh, what do you mean Kafka and Silverwolf are calling for him? he doesn't hear shit.
Argenti :
As a crush :
Let's just not consider how he would probably turn down your confession for Idrila, The Aeon Of Beauty and focus on if he returns your feelings!
Very surprised, much like Blade, because be honest. Who wouldn't be if someone came up to them with roses and a heart shaped box of chocolates and admitted to having a crush on them? Anywaysss... After crush admitting (idefk if that's a word) he would go down on one knee like he's proposing or some shit, take your hand in his and kiss your knuckles before saying something corny like...
"I am most delighted that you reciprocate my romantic feelings for you, even if I did want to give you a gift first."
Yeah that bitch wanted to give you a gift beforehand, but he wanted to make sure it was worthy of being gifted to you and he couldn't really decide so he just thought he could come back to that store later that day and make a decision but looks like you confessed first!
the gift was between 50 fucking roses or 20 packets of heart shaped chocolate...
As his lover :
He knew you were going to give him a gift sooner or later when he saw you making chocolates not so discreetly in the kitchen, so wanna take a guess at what this guy did..?
I am so sorry but you cannot tell me that after he witnessed you making chocolates for him (HE LOVES HOMEMADE GIFTS THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE MY MIND) that he wouldn't try and one-up your gift by getting a giant ass teddy bear holding a heart that says 'Happy Valentines!'
Has a somehow smug yet, still charming smile when you come up to him and present him the heart shaped box of chocolates along with the bouquet of roses. Poor ol' you doesn't know what you're getting into when he just suddenly POPS THAT SHIT OUTTA THIN FUCKING AIR AND PROPS IT ON THE FLOOR, FACING IT TO YOU.
"Truth be told, my love. I saw you making chocolates in the kitchen for me and I just had to give you something that, at the very least, was equal to a tiny part of my love for you. Though the chocolates are handmade and a product of your own hard work, thus more priceless than any other gift you could've gotten me."
Stelle :
As a crush :
With how straightforward she is? She would probably confess first with a miniature golden trash bag inside a travel-sized crimson red trash can that says 'Happy Valentine's' on the front. What the trash bag is filled with, may you ask? Trash can shaped chocolates mixed in with heart shaped chocolates. nyehehehe, I love making Stelle obsessed with trash related things :3
But if you somehow beat her to giving gifts earlier than the other? Congrats, you're having Stelle follow you around wherever you go like a lost puppy while she noms on the homemade goodness that you call chocolates. No matter if you go Jarilo-IV, The Xianzhou Luofu, Penacony. Yeah, no, she is following you everywhere.
"Hmm? Try the chocolate in the middle? It's caramel flavoured? Okay, don't mind if I do.."
As her lover :
Stelle immediately perks up like a little puppy that misses it's owner when you return home from your errands, she is rushing to give you a big bear hug and help you with your stuff when she notices the bouquet of roses sticking out the brown paper bag and she fucking rushes over there like Usain Bolt(does he even count since he doesn't exist in HSR... 🧍‍♀️)
You notice her and give her a loving smile, setting down your stuff, spreading your arms out since you know she is going to tackle you down if you don't steady yourself first (you've experienced that first-hand a lot of times...)
"Hey, how's my little dustball?" You coo as you caress her hair like you would with a dog's.
Jing Yuan :
As a crush :
Now, we all know this man is RICH rich, being the General of the Xianzhou Luofu an all that. He's also old, so he's definitely an old-fashioned romantic! But he doesn't want to overwhelm you with so much things so he makes his gift at least portable.
Oh, and he would definitely not confess sooner than you, he wants to see you squirm and struggle just to get out those 3 words, just because! So when you go up to him, chocolates and roses in hand, he has a teasing, knowing and sly smirk on his face. So when you struggle to get out your words? He sees an opportunity and he makes his move, brushing your hair away from your forehead and plants a soft kiss on said place.
you overheat shortly after that and steam comes out your head
As his lover :
As he is the General of the Luofu. Naturally, he is very busy with paperwork and such, he doesn't have much time to tend to his lover, sadly. But he snuck out of his work! He can see you, now!
You're just at a flower shop, thinking which bouquet of roses look better, fresher and which one would last for longer for Jing Yuan when the door suddenly swings open with a jingle and you feel someone's arms wrap around your waist as the familiar scent of Jing Yuan's cologne fills the air.
"My little Finch.. Looking for flowers for me, I see?"
He purrs in your ear, you feel him chuckling as he presses his face into your shoulder, finding comfort.
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A/N : oh my god this was shorter than anticipated I'm sosososo sorry, I ditched writing for two characters just because I didn't have the energy to write anymore, so sorry. I was supposed to write for March and Ruan Mei but I didn't because I didn't know how to write Ruan Mei and I was fresh out of motivation for March... this was so rushed I need to write better next time and I feel like I kinda mischaracterised them a bit... 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
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420technoblazeit · 4 months
to understand quadrants it ALL is pity, its pity all the way down, and that includes kismesis
in kismesis this manifests as "eugh theres so disgustingly and pitiably weak, they need to toughen up!" or "they keep getting in my way and bothering me because they're such an idiot its pitiable someone should teach them a lesson"
the pity comes from seeing weakness and wanting to stamp out that weakness, thats why in a healthy kismesis its often in the form of a rivalry, its like in pokemon where your rival is like "HA i already beat this gym ages ago, you still trying? i guess i'll be waiting for you on the winner's podium, that is if you dont give up from how bad you are! Smell you later"
its antagonizing to try and make YOU better to give you something to climb for, something to fight against, its a rival. You hate their weakness and pity them for having that weakness, so you try and kill that weakness and make them BETTER because you cannot STAND that weakness being in front of you
this is why vriska Did all that, she saw tavros with a pitiable weakness and wanted to make him stronger, and in a healthy kismesis thats fine, just more pushing each other to get stronger, its how it works, its extreme tough love, where Vriska fucked up is she wasnt able to grasp the difference between pushing someone to stand on their own two feet and poking soft spots so they learn to better react when soft spots are poked, and just attacking someone over and over, she couldnt tell a poke from a straight on stab
Its also why karkat calls her fucking bad and performative at it, because she cant tell a poke from a stab she just stabs everyone, making her unable to focus or adjust, its all surface level because she doesnt understand how its supposed to work because she's just copying her ancestor with none of the knowledge behind the actions she took
ok honestly htis helps me wrap my head around kismesis relationships WAY better and i think it makes a lot of sense. i figured the onesidedness was the problem with vriska and tavros' relationship but i couldnt quite place what would make it a proper kismessistude. so like. with moirails itd b like a gentle tug on someone's leash and with kismeses itd b a hard yank instead to make sure they do not fuckign do that shit again
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gurlgallade · 27 days
@whatvioletdoes-blog Alright! Angst fic dollhouse scene! Minimal context! Enjoy!
(Notes: Blue swearing per usual, neglect of physical needs, general implication that Vio is Not Coping Well with things. He’s not the only one, but he’s the focus guy here. Also Vidow mention.)
💙 • 💙 • 💙 • 💙
A purple-painted floor is pressed up against Blue’s face. Not water-proofed, a little rough, smells kind of like dirt and dead leaves.
Where the fuck is he? When he scrambles to his feet, woozy patches of darkness and colored spots speckle his vision. Did he faint? Or, did whoever was in here before him faint? Link’s body feels so bad! He’s hungry, and his hands have writing cramps, and he feels weird-shaped.
Fuck, those aren’t even hands. Why does he have paws. Why does he have a feathery Minish tail!?
Blue staggers over to the nearest window. It doesn’t have any glass; he just sticks his head out without any problem. The enormous leaves of a bush block most of the forest from view, but the trees are mountains to him, and the nearest inky-capped mushroom is at least twice his height. He has to be in a dollhouse.
His eyes widen. The fact that he can be Minish-sized again would be awesome, if he didn’t feel like death!
But how did this...?
Wait. He knows the answer. It was staring him in the face when he woke up. There is exactly one part of Link with the dedication and nerdery necessary to pull something like this off.
He turns around, glowering into the lavender walls of the house. Every one has scraps of torn paper tacked down to it. Some are connected by mauve sewing thread; the spool is being used as a side-table, holding a thimble half-filled with viscous green stamina potion. Is... is that all he’s eaten today? How long has he been here?
The little doll bookshelves are filled with tiny Minish-made tomes, and shrunken books from the Royal Library (oh that’s why Maggie’s been nagging at him), and stacks of paper with even more notes scrawled down.
Based on the open books on the dining table, one half-filled Minish journal and one from the library, it looks like a certain someone is trying to make copies.
Really, it looks like he passed out doing it.
Goddesses, Violet, you fucking freak. Somebody’s been hard at work.
Blue... also feels something weird in the air, now that he’s paying attention. A familiar dread. It feels a little like the darkness carried on Vaati’s winds, and a lot like the name he can’t think about at all costs if he doesn’t want to deal with Vio right now — the smirking boy that he absolutely did not kiss (eugh). Not this him, anyway.
Blue creeps around, vaguely eyeing Vi’s notes. Blah blah blah, Minish portal incantations, something something The Banished Tribe, portals to other worlds, yadda yadda yadda. Shit he won’t get without a verbal summary by someone more in the know.
Oh, there’s stairs behind these shelves.
Blue takes them two at a time, curiosity powering through his exhaustion. The dolly attic door feels flimsy as he pushes it open.
There’s exactly two things in the room. The first is a messy bed-nest made of leather shreds and scrap fabric, topped with a couple open books. The second is a jagged fragment of liquid black peeking out from under a handkerchief. It reflects his uneasy scowl, eyes cut off; his hair is getting pretty long.
That’s a mirror, isn’t it.
Blue scrambles back downstairs, swallowing his panic.
Nope. Nope! NOPE. That is NOT a piece of the dark mirror, he refuses to belive it. Vio did not somehow manage to get his grubby hands on fuckery like that!
He’s going to visit Festari and Gentari, eat a berry or something, and then go back to the dollhouse for a nap. Somewhere besides the attic bed. He’ll sleep on the floor if he has to, because he’s done. He’s fucking done. Either Vi can wake up without realizing that he’s been caught, or one of the other two can deal with this shit.
“What the FUCK is my life anymore!?”
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teine-mallaichte · 26 days
Day 31 @augusnippets - write what you want.
Escape plans do not always go to plan.
eugh, so many options!!!! Ok, so I picked a prompt of "sole survivor" and this is the first peice for my new "on the run" series which is an alternative timeline to Asset 84 where 84 and 83 escape from the facility. 44 is a character they end up meeting later.
CW: violence, character death, living weapon.
On the run masterlist
44 rushed down the hallway, desperately trying to ignore the blaring alarms and flashing lights. She glanced back to ensure 32, 45, and 39 were still behind her. Relief mingled with dread as she saw them, but there was no time to dwell on it. They had to keep moving.
The escape plan had been carefully crafted, with every detail meticulously laid out by 32. The medic had always had a flair for organization, making sure every possible scenario was accounted for. But even the best-laid plans could falter when faced with the full might of the facility—the very people who had trained them, who knew their every move. How had they ever thought they could escape?
44 shook her head, shoving the creeping doubt aside. They could still make it, they just had to keep going.
A sudden explosion tore through the corridor, sending a wave of heat and debris crashing toward them. 39 was the first to react, instincts kicking in as he shouted, “That all they’ve got?” A teasing grin crossed his face, his way of keeping the tension at bay, even now.
"39! Focus," 45 barked, his tone sharp and commanding.
39 turned to smirk at 45, but the expression faded in an instant as a jagged piece of shrapnel ripped through his torso, sending him crashing to the ground.
44 skidded to a halt, her breath catching as she saw 39’s teasing grin wiped away by the cold hand of death. For a split second, she was frozen, her mind struggling to process the loss. They had been so close—how could it all be unraveling so quickly?
“39!” 32 shouted, her voice a mix of fury and desperation. She dropped to her knees beside him, her hands moving with the precision born of countless hours in the facility’s training rooms. But even as she worked, 44 could see the truth in 32’s eyes: there was nothing she could do.
“No, no, no…” 32 muttered under her breath, her meticulous nature clashing with the chaos around them. She had always been the one to keep them on track, the one who never let emotion cloud her judgment. But now, her hands trembled as she tried to stop the inevitable.
"We have to move!" 45 shouted, standing protectively behind them, his rifle raised and ready, his eyes scanning for their pursuers.
44 hesitated, torn between the urge to stay and the brutal reality that they were running out of time. Her gaze lingered on 39, who had always been the one to lighten the mood with his teasing, even in the darkest of times. Now, his lifeless body lay as a stark reminder of the cost of their freedom.
“44, we have to go!” 45 snapped, his voice cutting through the haze of shock. There was no room for grief, not now—not when they were so close.
A deafening roar of gunfire reverberated through the corridor. As the chaos intenifird 45 returned fire, but the enemy was overwhelming, their numbers and speed relentless.
44 felt like the ground was slipping away beneath her feet as she watched 32 crumpled to the ground, her lifeblood pooling around her like a dark, spreading stain.. She wanted to scream, to cry out in anguish, but there was no time—only the relentless push of survival. Her heart pounded in her chest, every instinct screaming at her to run, to leave the dead behind and escape while she still could.
But leaving them—it felt like a betrayal. They were a team, bound together by their shared suffering, their shared dreams of freedom. 39’s teasing grin, 32’s meticulous care—these weren’t just comrades; they were pieces of her own fractured soul.
“44!” 45’s voice snapped her back to the present, sharp and commanding. There was no hesitation in his tone, only the cold, hard truth of their situation. “We have to go, now!”
44 leapt to her feet, grabbing 45 by the arm and draggin him behind her, she wasn't losing him too.
They manage to push through the final checkpoint, reaching the last barricade—a metal door with an intricate lock mechanism. The clang of metal against metal echoes as 44 frantically punches in the override code, her hands steady despite the chaos.
45 stands guard, his composure beginning to fray as he fires in rapid bursts toward the advancing soldiers. "We’re running out of time!" he yells, eyes darting between the door and the increasingly swarming enemies. "They’re getting too close!"
44’s fingers tremble as she inputs the final sequence. The door shudders, and with a mechanical hiss, it begins to slide open. Just as the gap widens enough for them to slip through, the soldier’s grenade detonates with a deafening roar.
The shockwave hurls 44 against the wall, and she feels a searing pain in her left arm as a piece of shrapnel embeds itself in her flesh. She grits her teeth, the pain almost blinding. "No time for weakness. Just get through. We have to get out." She tells herself.
A strangled cry escapes her lips, but she fights through the agony, pushing herself to her feet with the help of 45. The hallway, now engulfed in chaos and smoke, seems to pulse with a cruel rhythm. 44 stumbles, clutching her left arm as if to hold the remnants of her shattered limb together. Her vision blurs at the edges, but she steels herself, focusing on the flickering light of the emergency exit sign ahead.
A moment of silence envelops her as she struggles to regain her bearings. She glances back down the hallway, now a maelstrom of smoke and debris. The scattered bodies of her teammates and the advancing enemy soldiers paint a grim picture of their desperate situation. The metal door, once a symbol of hope, now feels like a distant, unreachable goal. She forces herself to move, each step a battle against the overwhelming pain.
Can’t let them win. Not after everything. Not after everyone." 44 thinks as she glances at 39.
If 45 escapes then it will still be a success.
45’s eyes are wide, darting back and forth between the advancing enemy soldiers and the door. His weapon is nearly empty, but he fires off the last few rounds. The soldiers, relentless and methodical, advance in a well-coordinated push, their footsteps like a grim march of doom.
“Go!” 44’s voice is strained, but it carries an urgency that cannot be ignored. She grits her teeth, feeling the intense pain that radiates from her shattered arm. Blood soaks her sleeve and drips to the floor, forming a dark trail in her wake.
45 hesitates, his eyes flicking between the opening door and 44’s pain-stricken face. “You’re not—”
“Now!” 44’s command is sharp, cutting through the clamor of gunfire. But just as the word leaves her mouth 45 stiffens, a strained gasp leaving his throat before he crumples to the ground.
44’s heart races as she watches 45’s body fall. With a final surge of strength, she pushes herself toward the door, the excruciating pain in her arm making every step a battle. She reaches the threshold and looks back one last time, her gaze meeting the emptiness of the corridor where her comrades fell.
The metal door finally gave way with a groan, its heavy frame sliding open to reveal the darkness outside. As 44 stumbled through the gap, the blaring alarms and the chaos of the facility faded behind her. The once overpowering sounds of gunfire and shouts were replaced by an eerie silence, punctuated only by the distant hum of machinery and the whisper of the wind.
The cold night air hit her like a physical blow, a stark contrast to the stifling heat and smoke of the facility’s corridors. She gasped, her breath forming fleeting clouds in the chilly air. The sudden drop in temperature made her injuries feel even more acute, each step against the gravelly ground sending jolts of pain through her wounded arm.
The facility's alarms fade behind her as she limps into the darkness, each step heavier than the last. The thought of the others, of 39’s grin and 32’s meticulous care, is a heavy weight in her chest. And 45… the way he fell right before they reached the end. It’s a haunting image that will stay with her forever.
But she can’t stop. Not now. Not when she’s so close to the boundary, the edge of the facility's perimeter. Her vision blurs, her body numb with the pain of her injuries, but she forces herself forward. Knowing that if she stops, if she gives in to the pain, it will all been for nothing.
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dynmghts · 28 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What's your OTP for your muse(s)?
I think it's a little obvious that bkdk kind of takes a lot of precedent for me... But krbk is literally right on its heels, followed by kacchako. Those are my big three.
Realistically, I'm a shipper of Katsuki with happiness.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Barring my hard nos in my rules... Well, my strong preference lays in exploring the dynamic specific to two characters - I also THRIVE in re-exploring that dynamic in AUs, seeing how it might change in the absence or inclusion of certain factors. I love delving into the complexity of a bond and seeing how it fares against personal trials between two characters. I also love anything resulting in angst. Not at all contradicting my Katsuki + happiness thing...
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
For Katsuki, anything outside of a year on each side irks me. That's because I focus very heavily on his high school years... In a Pro Hero setting, I'm not too inclined to alter that, even though I actually don't mind age gaps in general - I just ain't fucking with it when it comes to Katsuki.
Are you selective when shipping?
Honestly, yeah, quite a bit. I've admittedly explored multiple romantic dynamics of the same characters with different muns, and I found that I click better with some than others, and the way I envision a bond will be with a specific rendition. Like with Charlie's Kirishima! I have been shipping krbk with Charlie for so long and their Kiri is the only one that I can see writing a ship with. (Nothing against other Kiris ofc! I absolutely adore them - I'm just very attached to what Charlie and I have developed over the past few years on-and-off.)
Then bkdk is a special case in which I have two partners; Bella with her Izuku is deeply rooted in my main verse (and we've written bkdk since 2021, so it's a very fleshed out dynamic), while what I have with Pon's Izuku is specifically an AU that's been invested into with like... A 10+ year timeline attached to it.
Even if my partners aren't super active on Tumblr (which, lol, neither am I sometimes, so I'm not too bothered), I almost always have our ships in my mind. My selectivity is not because I don't want a specific ship - because I'm a multishipper and rarepair connoisseur, where I have recently discovered a small following for RodyBaku - but because I'm very established in some of the ships I have.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Side eyes this question... Not very far. Besides, I'll never write even suggestive content here. It just feels so... Eugh. You get me?
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Do you want a list? Okay well say less.
Main ships: bkdk, krbk, kacchako.
Ships I really really enjoy: tdbk, monobaku, bakumina. izukacchako.
The rarer variety: bakumomo, bakujirou, rodybaku, bakuiida, bakukami, bakusero, shinbaku, setsugou... Very tentatively including bakutoga here.
Most of the ships I have down are more like, "oh, this would be a cute dynamic", but generally (very quickly) removed from canon context. They're also mostly ones I wouldn't think too hard about unless discussed with someone who is interested in exploring that specifically. Again, I'm just here for Katsuki having happiness.
Also very cool with canon x oc stuff, like my ship with Aleera's oc, Hana.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Please. Please do. I will be so dumb to suggested shipping context and I'm actually kind of really fucking dense, so my ass will not pick up subtle cues to bring up "oh hey, what if we ship this", UNLESS I've known you for a while... And sometimes not even that. Because I'm a nervous wreck.
Are you multiship?
... Gestures to my list of ships above. Take a wild guess.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I try not to make shipping a big deal on here, because a ship is not the be-all end-all for interactions and there are SO many other dynamics that can be explored... But that being said... I do tend to develop ship brainrot very, very fast. Sometimes they just be infesting my brain guys.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
You can't just ask me that maaaaaaan, I'm such a strong multishipper and therefore can't pick just ONE. Besides, my ships with my friends matter most to me.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Literally just. Ask. Gimme a nudge. Be like "hey, so, Katsuki and [muse]: yay or nay". Maybe it'll end up just being a platonic ship rather than romantic, because despite my multishipping heart, Katsuki is the most stubborn muse I've ever had and doesn't go for a whole lot of romance - but it literally does not hurt to shoot your shot. I promise I don't bite. I'm just a little guy. I'm very silly. Given the chance to yap about Katsuki and his potential dynamics with characters, I will literally not shut up.
tagged by: @resolutepath (thank u charlie! ily <3) tagging: stares at u so so intensely from across the ocean-
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Fandom as a cocktail bar: a somewhat overwrought metaphor
I've had a realization about being a multi shipper
I treat fandom like a bar, and I personally love trying new drinks.
This metaphor is about to get really extended so bear with me lol.
I usually go for beer - not a cheap mass produced one, I like a craft beer. One that was made with some creativity, with good quality ingredients. I'll take a beer when I go out, or when I'm home and unwinding after a long day. I love sampling beers anytime I go somewhere new. (Read a new fic author)
(In this metaphor zelink is beer. I even make my own beer! And zelink is the only fanfic I've ever seriously written)
I also love gin! Gin (another ship -let's say Revalink, or Sidlink) is delicious and I love drinks with gin. I don't drink it every day or even every week but when I see it on the menu at the bar, I'll definitely order a gin cocktail. Especially if it's a bar (author) I've read before and I like what they do.
Rum (another ship - eg zelgan) maybe isn't my favorite, but there's a few specific cocktails made with rum that I really like. I don't like rum and coke (ship in xyz situation, trope) but I love a mojito (same ship written in a different dynamic - tale of two rulers, you continue to have me in a chokehold)
There's lots of other drinks that I'm curious about but haven't tried very much. Schnapps? Jaeger? Tequila? Absinthe? All very different things I'm curious to try more of. Also if my friend home brews something I'm gonna try it to be supportive and give them feedback.
There's also so many great non alcoholic cocktails that are super creative and tasty. And yanno, sometimes I've got a lot of work to do or I need to focus and I don't wanna drink alcohol (get super sucked into/emotionally wrecked by a story) but I still want something delicious and complex that isn't gonna mess me up, and also that I can serve to kids!
Now me personally, I absolutely LOATHE super salty or savoury drinks. Olive martinis? Bloody Marys? Eugh no thank you. But boy HOWDY some folks LOVE those drinks and yanno what? Even if I think Bloody Mary's are gross as hell I still want the bar to serve a bloody Mary to those who want one. Especially if the bartender loves making them and is really good at them. That's awesome!
Some people are much more picky about their drinks. Some people will not (or cannot, for several valid reasons) drink Jaeger. Or sherry. Some people might HATE anything with gin and think I'm crazy for liking gin so much, but, hey, to each their own. Some people really don't like beer and don't understand why everyone's so obsessed with it and why it's freaking everywhere. 😝
There are lots of delicious and creative drinks to suit everyone's tastes, young and old, sweet tooth and spice fiends alike. Let's indulge a little, shall we?
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ginshariboy · 1 year
#3 and #7 for those video game asks 👀
3. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed Pokemon Scarlet
i genuinely loved this game which was a difficult thing for games to accomplish after i was consumed by elden ring and didn't want to wriggle free of its grasp on me lol. i think it has its flaws of course, i'm not going to be delulu about that but i dont know unpopular opinion but i like open world games!!! i dont know if this scale and direction will be the best to stick with in the future for pokemon but i really loved having a generous amount of freedom in where i went and the order in which i did shit. it was wild to wander off to casseroya lake and just frantically try to juke around all of the dragon pokemon a shit ton of levels above mine while screaming until i managed to get to the other side. i also just really loved the story and characters (except for SOMEBODY), got me really emotional also arven best boy
Silent Hill 3
bought the game for the first time when i was like fourteen, just finished it basically fourteen years later lol. loved the idea of horror games as a kid but i was so bad at playing them, they were mostly just prime sleepover games at the time 😂 but it was great to revisit the game after getting a lot more context for themes and the overarching story of silent hill. while i'm not as susceptible to getting scared by these games anymore, i feel like knowing more about them on top of just having a lot more uhhh life experience than i did when i first got the games helped to elevate the horror from oo spooky scary to oh god oh fuck that's the dread isn't it oh no it's hitting awful close to real life now oh shit. also it was just cool to see how bizarre and clunky silent hill could be compared to like…Nostalgia Glasses Silent Hill. it sounds like something that's all sorts of bad but i honestly liked how weird and disjointed progression could be in the games.
Baldur's Gate 3
i mean......come on i think this is everyone's choice if asked lol BUT.....plot twist, i really didn't want to touch the game initially. i loved the original games, they're literally my top favorite games, but for me, i'd given the series its kiss goodnight and i couldn't really figure out what a third game would add to the main storyline. it was pretty wrapped up and i don't know this new studio and everyone was pushing me about it and trying to make me trust the new studio but it didnt change the fact that i didnt know them, i didn't know what they were going to do with my favorite game and i was like eugh i dont wanna roll the dice and i just wanted to be left alone about it, and the bear shit happened and i was like ohhhh the legacy is gonna die because this is all people are going to focus on oh jeez scoob no one talk to me about this game ever again, baldur's gate is at rest in its tomb and i will hear no more!!!! then i played it. and i'm still working through it. but once again i was Consumed to a degree that i hadn't been consumed since elden ring. i keep making new characters because its just fun to try the game out from a completely different character from the beginning, i don't know how they fit it all in there. i know its a huge game but holy shit there's so much to it i dont even think the actual size of the game sounds feasible for all of the shit going on. i didnt think i'd give a single shit about any of the new companions but i love them dearly and i'm so happy to see my old pals minsc and jaheira but it's so hard to form a proper party because i just want everyone on my team because i love them all!!! i think if i had to choose, i do still love the original games about gorion's ward, it's a hard story to beat and i mean i've loved the game for like 20 years for a reason, but i do think 3 is a great addition to the series and manages to pay respectful homage to its predecessors for old players while still bringing the world and mechanics up to speed for modern day. anyway my first character fucked the guy who turns into a bear so whatever in that department i guess.
7. A series you’ve lost interest in Fallout
i don't say this in a bad way but i think i've lost a bit of interest in it in the sense that it's just not really at the forefront of my mind these days? i still really love the games but i mean my favorite one is 3 and i don't think i've gotten the same exact feeling from the games afterward. i know new vegas is a fan favorite and 4 was good but i was consumed by 3 lol. so it's less like eugh ew eauaugh hate it and more just i tucked it into bed and kissed it goodnight and it will awaken when it awakens.
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cboffshore · 8 months
enabler anon strikes again with a …. non-fic related question? woah! it’s still gonna be a ramble for you though, so i hope it works out either way :3
what’s your favourite / least favourite ninjago season, why? you can add multiple if you can’t specifically choose! (this is me getting to know you so we become mutuals when i scooby doo mask-reveal myself)
Okay, neat word choice - we "become" mutuals? Which either means I follow YOU, you follow ME, or we are forcibly going to follow EACH OTHER at some point? This is getting INTERESTING. Yeowch.
Anyway: I've got a couple for Various Reasons!
Skybound should be obvious - sure, it's not of the highest/most consistent quality, but it is a GOLDMINE for analysis work. The nice thing about loose threads, gaping holes, and inconsistencies is they open up a LOT of avenues for expansion and investigation. I show up to every Skybound viewing with a shovel, ready to dig from rock bottom... but you know that already, I hope.
When I want something that's a lot more solid, I tend to turn to Seabound! I absolutely ADORE Kalmaar (as nice as it is to have a villain with a well-crafted backstory and motive, sometimes it's just fun to have someone who's nuts for no particular reason!) and you know I love a Nya focus. Sure, this season has issues like any other, but I found that it is solid enough to stand on its own when I want something that's just pure good storytelling. Also, it's the only season that has EVER made me cry. Zane's death didn't do it. Garmadon's sacrifice got half a sniffle. Even Nya's original Skybound fake out barely got me, but that eulogy scene.... eugh. I still remember the first time I watched it, actually. I had just gotten back from class and I was wearing all black that day, and the very first thing I did was sit down on my bed and watch it. It was like a little private funeral in my room. Very surreal.
I've also fallen in love with Dragons Rising s1! Besides the obvious Skybound acknowledgement and VERY strong evidence for a future djinn-lore-expanding installment (they can't do all THAT and just leave it!!!! no!!!! we're getting something!!!), it's also just pure fun! Something about it just makes me smile. I didn't expect to like it as much as I ended up enjoying it, but I like the balance of ringing in the new and building on the first 12 years of lore.
As for my least favorites - this is going to get me kicked outta the fandom, but I'm really not fond of the Oni Trilogy. At all. To be fair, I respect how tightly woven it is, but it felt like they were trying to shoehorn in a lot of lore at once, and it just doesn't work for me now. I loved it the first few times around, but something about it just feels weird and overblown now. And the piss jokes. I can't stand toilet humor, so whenever I see Dareth in OT, I just. Yuck. Also, I respect Harumi as a VERY well-built villain (we love erratic teenage girl behaviors and the consequences of earlier seasons), but she just grates on me. Mystake kicked ASS, though. Gone too soon. I want to make a replica of her cardigan someday.
I'm also not fond of Hands of Time, but that's more because of the quality of it - it's really so bad it's good. Hatewatch material at its finest.
thanks for dropping in!!!
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emilx311 · 2 years
I know not many people on here watch actual TV anymore (cause streaming and such) so I have to wonder if anyone has seen the commercial for the HP game? Cause it's actually kinda fascinating how they're advertiaing it, and also how desperate it seems.
The first time I saw it my reaction was just eugh gross get it away. Now having had to watch it several times more I have a few observations:
1. It has been on almost every commercial round since I started watching TV. The cost to pay for that much advertising is not cheap. (Watching TV for an hour and I have seen it on every commercial break but one)
2. This is on a channel that isn't even geared towarda what i would consider the demographics they are trying to reach. I watch HLN almost exclusively, true crime almost 24/7. Has been showing "How it really happened" about a guy killing off his wives this whole time.
3. They are really trying to work the nostalgia angle. The commercial follows the flight of an owl with a hogwarts letter flying throughout hogwarts and the magical world, showing the towers, the great hall, and even part of the forbidden forest.
4. They do NOT show the goblins even once. We see multiple wizards fighting magical creatures, but they are very obviosuly creatures. Spiders from the forbidden forest and a dragon. Nothing we are shown as speaking intellegent creatures in the franchise.
5. The other focus is on the proffesor we know dies, trying to make them seem compasionate and a clear main character trying to figure out what is going on and help fix things.
Overall, they seem really deaperate to reach as many people as they can while playing up the nostalgia angles and the fun of casting colourful spells while glossing over anything the media may have been portraying as problematic.
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glowtech · 2 years
what does the fox say
Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome to Five Nights at Freddies, an indie horror game that you guys suggested in mass, and I saw that Yamimash played it and he said that it was really really good; so I’m very eager to see what is up - and that is a terrifying animatronic bear \*reads off script\* family pizzeria looking for security guard to work the night shift. Oh, 12:00 A.M, the first night. If I didn’t want to stay the first night, why would I stay any more than five? Why would I say anymore than two - hello. Okay...Hello? Hello - oh, ah I can’t move. That’s a creepy skull...There’s creepy things on the wall - Oh, hello. \*Phone Guy begins dialogue\* “Hello, hello hello,” Hi! “Uh, I wanted to record a message for you, to help you get settled in on your first night.” Eugh.. “Um, I actually worked in that office before you, and I’m finishing up my last week now as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming..” Euuagh..! “But I’m here to tell you, there’s nothing to worry about,” Agh.. “You’ll do fine! So, let’s just focus on getting you through your first week..” Okay! Sounds go- “Ah, let’s see..First there’s an introductory greeting from the company that I’m supposed to read - i-it’s kind of a legal thing, you know, ahm - ‘Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza-” Okay “‘..A magical place for kids and grownups alike-” \*Mark wheezes indistinctly in the background\* Heheha.. “..Where fantasy and fun come to life,” Eugha..! “”Freddy Fazbear entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person, upon discovering that damage or death has occured, a missing person report will be filed within ninety days or as soon as property and premises had been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpet’s have been replaced,’ blah blah blah - now that might sound bad, I know, but-” Yeah! “-There’s really nothing to worry about! Uh, the animatronic characters here do get a bit quirky at night, but do I blame them? No, if I was forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years, and I never got a bath, I’d probably be a bit irritable at night too. So just remember, these characters hold a special place in the hearts of children, and you need show them a little respect, Right?” Okay! “-Okay-” Ha-okay! “So just be aware, the characters fo tend to wander a bit-” Nehaheugh- “They’re one some kinda of free-roaming mode-” hehauhuhugh! “Uhh.. Something about their servos locking up if they get turned off for two long,” Oohoohoo- “Uh, they used to be allowed to walk around during the day, too, but then there was the bite of eighty-seven.” The bite..?! “Yeah..” What bite?! “It’s amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe,” Why?! “Now concerning your safety, the only real risk to you as the night watch here, if any, is the fact that these characters - if they happen to see you after hours, they probably won’t recognize you as a person-” Oh..Oh! “They’ll most likely see you as a metal endoskeleton without it’s costume on. Now, since that’s against the rules here at Freddy Fazbear’s pizza, they’ll probably try tooo.. Forcefully stuff you inside a Freddy Fazbear suit.” Oh, I get it… “Uhm, now that wouldn’t be so bad if the suits themselves weren’t filled with cross-beams, wires, and animatronic devices-” Augh? “”Especially around the facial area,” uh-huh.. “Now you can imagine how having your head forcefully pressed inside one of those can cause a bit of discomfort-” Yeah! “-or death. “Uh, the only parts of you that would get to see the light of day would be your eyeballs and teeth that pop out of the front of the mask-” Euah! Oh! Why? What happened? “Now, they didn’t tell you these things when you signed up, but hey! First day should be a breeze, I’ll chat with you tomorrow, uh.. Check those cameras and remember to close the doors, but only if absolutely necessary.” That’s not good! “\*incomprehensible\* because of the power. Now, goodnight!” \*Phone guy’s dialogue ends.\* Goodnight? Oooh no! Oh that’s bad! I understand what I need to do. I need to watch the cams so that they don’t come a
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donsartpage · 1 year
so lets talk abt this..
im rlly gonna try not to post or even watch sp as much i did anymore
i got hyperfixated (and i still am) but im rlky gonna try to shift my focus
theres points where jokes cross a line, n if i knew sp did blackface before i would of never got into it :(
im sorry abt this but i just found this out today and I honestly cant even defend that
so im gonna be looking for other things that agve me the same euphoria
idk if i will continue my au on it ill tell u guys abt that at a later date
i just dont wanna be associated with a show that did something rlly bad like that atm, i knew thete was racism in it but blackface is like a immediate eugh for me, especially since im African American it was pretty disappointing to see, and i nevet knew that blackface was even in this show until about now
so yeah, probably no more sp art, sorry.
but!! if you like my art im working on two possible comics/ideas and im also doing an animation 4 them both, i will still be active but im gonna try to switch gears yk
im not gonna delete my south park posts since you guys enjoyed them, but just know those were the last
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lgcsian · 2 years
journal entry◞ ⟡    — march 2023!
hey journal, what’s happening? it’s ya girl— arisa. remember me? 
oh my god, journal— these past three months have been the longest three months in my entire life. which is actually impossible because the same amount of time passes every damn year. i have done so much yet so little at the same time— please, work that out for me. i have to jog my memory when it comes to all of the fantastical, world changing, life altering things that occurred this past quarter— please hold the line while i do so. ah, there we go. 
okay, so january— that was all about managing and maintaining one’s image. a month of legacy 101 through workshops and stuff— the workshops were interesting, i guess? and i learned a lot more about all the groups and the idols within them than i knew to begin with. so— thank you for that? will this information prove to be useful in the future? for someone who has zero interest in pursuing an idol career, then probably not. but it’s still probably good to know. you never know who you’re going to meet or what you’re gonna do in the future. better to be safe then sorry.
anyways, onto the month of february— she was all about giving back to the community. both the community of legacy and then the greater community around the company building. we cleaned, we shoveled snow and we carried groceries for those in need ( i had some really endearing and meaningful conversations with some elderly people and some single moms, who were totally awesome people— that was like, the win of february ). uhhhh, what else happened. oh! legacy also let us into the kitchen. mistake number one. mistake number two, love month, happened and i never ever want to step foot near a coffee truck ever again. the smell... eugh. i hate coffee.
and now march— it’s all about self reflection and improvement. my korean and acting skills were what i was tasked with to improve this month. and do you think i succeeded with that? if you said no then guess what— you were wrong. because i did succeed. a little bit. probably more with my korean skills than my acting, because it’s so hard trying to comprehend a freaking korean script when you don’t know what half the words are. it’s probably better i focus on my korean language skills for the time being so that if i want to go back and focus on my acting skills, i actually can.
i think i’ve pretty much hashed out everything i wanted to. it’s been a long three months, as i said before. i hope that this is my last quarter as a trainee, i think i’m ready to move on to bigger and better things this year. the rigidness of the trainee to idol track is kind of getting me down. 
also, can y’all stop with the incessant gossiping and assumptions. if y’all wanna know something then you should probably just go and ask, right? 
alright, peace out. i am officially done here. 
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spkydelic · 1 year
are you the five nighter fregdy
Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome to Five Nights at Freddies, an indie horror game that you guys suggested in mass, and I saw that Yamimash played it and he said that it was really really good; so I’m very eager to see what is up - and that is a terrifying animatronic bear *reads off script* family pizzeria looking for security guard to work the night shift. Oh, 12:00 A.M, the first night. If I didn’t want to stay the first night, why would I stay any more than five? Why would I say anymore than two - hello. Okay...Hello? Hello - oh, ah I can’t move. That’s a creepy skull...There’s creepy things on the wall - Oh, hello. *Phone Guy begins dialogue* “Hello, hello hello,” Hi! “Uh, I wanted to record a message for you, to help you get settled in on your first night.” Eugh.. “Um, I actually worked in that office before you, and I’m finishing up my last week now as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming..” Euuagh..! “But I’m here to tell you, there’s nothing to worry about,” Agh.. “You’ll do fine! So, let’s just focus on getting you through your first week..” Okay! Sounds go- “Ah, let’s see..First there’s an introductory greeting from the company that I’m supposed to read - i-it’s kind of a legal thing, you know, ahm - ‘Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza-” Okay “‘..A magical place for kids and grownups alike-” *Mark wheezes indistinctly in the background* Heheha.. “..Where fantasy and fun come to life,” Eugha..! “”Freddy Fazbear entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person, upon discovering that damage or death has occured, a missing person report will be filed within ninety days or as soon as property and premises had been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpet’s have been replaced,’ blah blah blah - now that might sound bad, I know, but-” Yeah! “-There’s really nothing to worry about! Uh, the animatronic characters here do get a bit quirky at night, but do I blame them? No, if I was forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years, and I never got a bath, I’d probably be a bit irritable at night too. So just remember, these characters hold a special place in the hearts of children, and you need show them a little respect, Right?” Okay! “-Okay-” Ha-okay! “So just be aware, the characters fo tend to wander a bit-” Nehaheugh- “They’re one some kinda of free-roaming mode-” hehauhuhugh! “Uhh.. Something about their servos locking up if they get turned off for two long,” Oohoohoo- “Uh, they used to be allowed to walk around during the day, too, but then there was the bite of eighty-seven.” The bite..?! “Yeah..” What bite?! “It’s amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe,” Why?! “Now concerning your safety, the only real risk to you as the night watch here, if any, is the fact that these characters - if they happen to see you after hours, they probably won’t recognize you as a person-” Oh..Oh! “They’ll most likely see you as a metal endoskeleton without it’s costume on. Now, since that’s against the rules here at Freddy Fazbear’s pizza, they’ll probably try tooo.. Forcefully stuff you inside a Freddy Fazbear suit.” Oh, I get it… “Uhm, now that wouldn’t be so bad if the suits themselves weren’t filled with cross-beams, wires, and animatronic devices-” Augh? “”Especially around the facial area,” uh-huh.. “Now you can imagine how having your head forcefully pressed inside one of those can cause a bit of discomfort-” Yeah! “-or death. “Uh, the only parts of you that would get to see the light of day would be your eyeballs and teeth that pop out of the front of the mask-” Euah! Oh! Why? What happened? “Now, they didn’t tell you these things when you signed up, but hey! First day should be a breeze, I’ll chat with you tomorrow, uh.. Check those cameras and remember to close the doors, but only if absolutely necessary.” That’s not good! “*incomprehensible* because of the power. Now, goodnight!” *Phone guy’s dialogue ends.* Goodnight? Oooh no! Oh that’s bad! I understand what I need to do. I need to watch the cams so that they don’t come after m- *st
artled gibberish* - Ho hi! There you aaaaaare, pretty bunny thiing… Ooh-kay, okay, okay, I get it, I get it, I get it- where’d you go- You’re still there? Alright, you stay there. I don’t know if it’s good that you’re staring at me - Oh my god, I thought it was weird that it couldn’t move, but this is totally different *brief pause* than any horror game I’ve ever played. So, what you gotta do incase you’re not getting it, is you gotta watch *pause to take a breath* the cameras to make sure they don’t come by, while you gotta watch power. Is he still there..? Hi, you’re still there - wait a minute, what? Did you move? Ok-ie, you didn’t move. You don’t move neither. You don’t move nothin’! Don’t see ya movin’, I don’t wanna see anything.. Hohoh, my god! This Is terrifying! Why do I leave the doors open, why isn’t there enough power? -Hi, okay you moved again. Hi, what’re you doing there? Might be gettin’ a little close to mee.. Uh oh, oh, oh no.. Oh no, no! No, no no no, noo no no no eughh! Close it, ngahh! Hagh, don’t look at me! Okay, you’re over there, alright.. It’s okay! Why can’t I even have enough power for lights? *takes a breath* stay right there, you douchebag! You stay right - aff, there! *another audible breath* ..God damn it! That is like- this is like the most terrifying game I’ve ever played! Ugh, they’re gonna pop out at me! Oh, god he’s gone - hi, okay you’re just gonna alternate between the two places, it’s totally fine, your other friends.. They ain’t movin’.. *softly* They ain’t move much.. I see where I am, you’re not near me! So that’s good.. Just gonna *pauses briefly* periodically check -How much longer do I need - I need less ‘til six A.M, am I gonna have enough power? And if I run out of power am I able to get by? Oh god… You stay right there! Why am I still using some power? Oooh, god.. Seriously I’m *gibberish* - This is like, this is like… Bad! You’re still there, kay - this is the first night! They said it should be easy the first night so I’m only assuming one of em’ is gonna be wandering around and its just the creepy bunny guy. Happy fun time at Freddies Fun Land.. Havin’ such a wonderful time.. Still there? Okay, you’re still there! I’m gonna name you Bunny *pause* Baaalliday- oh, god where’d he go?! He’s here! Hooh! Where’d he go? Hi again, okay.. You stay right thaff - there! And I don’t have to deal with you! ..Probably shouldn’t do that, I need to conserve power! God dammit that was like.. Half the damn thing, the doors were down! ..Still there? *softly* hookay, okay, ookay.. Heheuhahahaha..*faint tune begins playing* I hear that! ...I hear that! Oh god! Where’s the other one? Where is he? Eagh! Euugh! Whereishe? Where’d he go? Where’d he go, where’d he go? Where are both of them? Bothofem’- Hi, you’re really close to meee.. Oh god, it’s not six A.M. yet? Hi, okay, so I think I just need to keep the left door closed.. *Mark makes faint noises of panic that gradually grow in volume* uhh, hehauhaha! Uhh, uhuh - Not okay, not okay! Is he behind that door? No? Where’d he go? Where’d he -AH! Oh, hi, hi! Hi, hi, hi, hi, okay, okay, I don’t have much power left. What’re you gonna do? Is the other one still there? Ngh! *ambient noise rings out* ..Hi! Ooh, you moved again! Where, where, where where… Heehuhahaha! What do I do? What do I do? Oooooh, you’re still right behind that dohoor.. Hoo what happens if I open the door? Imma run out of power! Ooh, Imma run out of power! Ishethere? *gibberish that gives way to wheezing ensues* I don’t wanna die! Aaah, 1 percent power! *gasps for air* *doors come up and an ambient effect is triggered as the power goes out ingame* AH! Ooh no..! Oh no.. Noo, no no no no no no no! Oh, no no nono no.. *a jingle begins to play as Mark stares at the screen in fear, soon noticing the blinking eyes of the games mascot* HI! OH, GOD DAMMIT! HOW ARE YOU DOING? *jingle changes as the dialogue “6 AM” is put on screen* Did I make it? *Mark spews gibberish and throws his arms up, gasping for air* Yeah! Oh god, not again! Why would I do this? *gibberish* -my job? *deep breath
* ookay, okay. So I ran out of power -but, *phone rings* oh hi, hi again. Do you have an se- sage advice for me? Yep, kay, yep. I know, yep, yep yep yep. What can I do for you? *phone continues to ring* I know! *Phone guy’s dialogue plays once again* oh god..”Hello, hello! Uh, well if you’re hearing this you made it to day two! Uh, congrats!” *wheezes briefly* hehe! “I won’t talk quite as long this time, since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active as the week progresses.” *whispered* what? “Uh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk, just to make sure everyone’s in their proper place-” No.. “Uh, interestingly enough, Freddy himself doesn’t come off stage very often, I’ve heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark though, so hey, I guess that’s one more reason not to run out of power, right?” Aeugh! “Uh - I also want to emphasize the importance of using your door light - uh, there are blind spots in your camera view, and those blind spots happen to be right outside your doors, so if you can’t find something, or someone on your cameras, make sure-” Eugh!”- to check the door light. Uh, you might only have a few seconds to react -uh, not that you would be in any danger, of course. Uh, far from that. Also, uhh, check on the curtain in Pirate Cove from time to time, the character in there seems to be weakened and becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time. I guess he doesn’t like being watched.” *gasp, shuts door* “I dunno. Anyway, I’m sure you have everything under control, uh, talk to you soon!” Where’s Pirate Cove? Why are you gonna leave me with this? Don’t leave me like this! Where’s - where’s big yellow? There’s big yellow- is he still there? Is he still there? Yes, you’re still there! Very good! Very good! Aoooh don’t like thiiis… Ishestillthere? *gibberish* Okay, he left, okay.. Okay! We’re okay! We’re gonna be fine! We’re gonna be totally fine! We’re gonna be fine - hello. Hello, bubsy - where’s the other guy? Where’s the other guy? Where is he? Where’s he? Where is he? Where is he? Where? Oh there, okay. He’s not the-aaaaaay.. Hey Freddy! How you doin’? Okay.. You gonna be nearby? Stay there, where’s the other one? Where’s the other one? Where’s the other one? There he is,okay! I am pani- I am losing my shit right now! I am not okay with this -oh god not again! Nononodon’tdothat! *faint tune plays in background* Don’t you be- oh god, Hi, he’s right outside the door! Eugh! Hi..HII! Okay, imma.. Keep an eye on you! Or not, where’d you go? Where’d you go? Kaaay.. God, this night is lasting forever! *ambience plays as an animatronic appears in the doorway* AH! *panicked gibberish* That’s not okay! Uh, uh, uh.. Okay, so one’s bei- hii.. ‘Let’s eat!’ Let’s eat what? Are you still there? Okay, he’s gone. Good! Stay gone. Forever, and ever. And ever and ever and ever- ooh, you’re coming back! Either that or you’re leaving! Ooh, I’m not gonna haveneoughpowertostaythenight! My butt is gonna be munched, I’m gonna be shoved into a teddy bear outfit, and they’re gonna laugh. Where is he? No thank you. *Yet another animatronic appears in the doorway* AH! *gibberish yet again* That bunny wants to get my gibblets.. But he can’t have em’! Not today.. He’ll never..Good thing Freddy is sitting in his houseee hi Mr.- wait, Bunny, you were just outside my door! ..Kay… Where’s the ducky? Is that Mr. Ra- no, no ducky, there.. Where’s m- hi! Heeheeheeheheeheeugh.. Hi Mr. Ducky.. God, this night is lasting so long! I just wanna go home! I never wanna play this game again! I’ll be a good boy. God dammit, this would be, like, terrifying if you controlled the cameras with, like, an Oculus Rift or something. Oh, my god. Cause you just move your head back and forth. Ho, my god.. Hi again, where’s the other one.. Where'd he go? Where’d he go? There he is.. Ok-ie, so as long as you two stay right there, you gonna be good. You look very pretty. Where was the Pirate Cove guy? I-oh, here is Pirate Cover, okay. So I just gotta, hoo, I just gotta keep an eye on you guys. Gonna be fine. O
h I- I bet using the camera takes up power too - I’m down to 34 percent! I got three hours to go! *faint music begins again* no.. You’re still there, you’re still there.. Still there, still there. You’re lookin’ at me now… HI, PIRATE COVE MAN! Uaagh! Ohgaaugh..! Oh, where’d they go? Still.. Still there? Pirate Cove maaan.. How ya doin’? Oh, man, I love workin’ at Disney World.. It’s my favorite. HI, what are you doing out of your cage? Please, gett back in! I don’t want you out here! Oh, he’s coming for me.. Oh, he’s coming for me! Oh, why do I have to watch three of them? I’m, like, legit freaking out right now.. I’m not okay with this.. Oh god, they moved.. They moved, you coming down the hallway, huh? Which one are ya? Not left Pirate Cove yet.. You’re still there.. Comin’ down that hallway.. Pirate Cove man.. How you doing, Pirate Cove man? -No! I got two horus left! No, no no! Noo! What is that sounds? Ooh, he’s right there. Well, he’s not here juuust yet.. I don’t want to run out of power.. Oh, the sounds, I don’t like em’... AH! Fuck no, ah god,*Mark then proceeds to get killed by one of the animatronics, thus losing the game* AAHH! Fuckin’ fuck! I tried to push it! Hohoh, my god! Oogh.. Ohh.. Oh, game over indeed. Oh, are those my eyeballs? Oohh.. Oh, hi… Okay, so that was five nights at Freddy’s. I couldn’t even survive two. God, dammit! Haah.. Oh, god! Oh, I tried to hit the door! I tried so bad! Ough.. Okay, okay. Thank you all so much for watching, check out the other scary games that I’ve played and if you want to play this for yourself you can check it out in the description below. If you really want me to play it again and try to beat it, let me know in the comments below! Thanks again, everybody, and as always, I will see you in the next video. Buh-bye!
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