#trying to stay objective with what you're shown is tough
dromaeotrash · 7 months
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
Code Geass Bokura No Hibi 15 & 16 & 17 (The end !) // Novels// Non Canon
Here is the last set of Bokura No Hibis novels ; For more information about those, Check the post For Bokura no Hibi 1 & 2, right below (Check the others stories as well !)
Bokura no Hibi 1 & 2
Bokura No Hibi 3 & 4
Bokura No Hibi 5 & 6
Bokura No Hibi 7 & 8
Bokura No Hibi 9 & 10
Bokura No Hibi 11 & 12
Bokura No Hibi 13 & 14
Bokura No Hibi 15: 15th period of Time
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Kallen: Ngh. ......ngggh. ......nnnnngggghhh. (sigh) It's no use. I've been brushing it forever but my hair just won't straighten out. This is why I don't much care for the dry winter air. The brush gets all tangled up in my hair, too, and then I have static charges to deal with. Pretending to be frail and sickly while my hair is in Lively Persona-mode doesn't sit well with me, either... it has to be one or the other. Besides, I've been shown on TV as a Black Knight with this hairstyle -- it's probably for the best that no one here sees me like this.
*Door opens*
Milly: Anyone he~re? Oh, hey, Kallen. ......That's quite the hairstyle you have there. Got yourself a makeover? Kallen: (undertone) Oh drats! Uh, erm -- Kaichou. This is, um.
Milly: Oh! Or is your hair naturally like this, all unruly? Do you straighten it out every morning, before coming to school? How do you do it? Hairspray?
Kallen: Um, yeah...... well...... My hair just won't stay straight for long in this dry weather......
Milly: Why not try curling your hair inwards to sort of neutralize things? Ooh, I've got it. Why not go all the way and get yourself some Emperor Curls? Kallen:Absolutelynot. Milly: Well, yeah, your hair isn't long enough for that, huh.
Kallen: That's not why I'm objecting......
Milly: Still, this hairdo actually looks quite becoming on you. Though I s'ppose it does make you look real tough. Kallen: R-really? But...... Milly: Ye~ah. You're pretty much a different person altogether. Like the sort to go on a wild ride out on the streets in short shorts, navel exposed. Wouldn't put riding about on a Knightmare past you, too, come to think of it-- Kallen: ...... (grips Killer Pouch) Milly: Like, ahahahaha, that's completely out of touch with your inner self now, isn't it? The little princess ought to behave like one. Makes things easier. Kallen: (Sigh of relief) Yes, yes indeed. Oh, really, maybe I should just put on a hat today......
Milly: Al~righty then, Milly-san humbly offers her services to personally fix your hair! (excited) Kallen: Huh!? Why? I mean, I'm fine, you don't have to! There's a lot of electrostatic in my hair. Milly: Static charges don't bother me in the least. (giggle) Well then, here I come!
Kallen: (Crackle!) Augh! That was really electrifying...... Milly: Was it a premonition of love? Kallen: How did you come up with that, exactly? Milly: Oh no, we can't~ Just for the record, I am straight, you know.
Kallen: Your thoughts tend to run off in that direction, don't they? Milly: Oh, what's this? A slender, yet surprisingly firm nape, I see. Kallen: Wha-- where are your hands fondling!? And those are practiced hands, too! Ah! No, please, not the ear!
Milly: (lecherous old man-tone) Ufufu, it's all good, iiiiiit's aaaaaaaaall goooooooooood...
Kallen: Eeeeeeeeeeee--- *****
*Door opens* Shirley: (Speechless) Kaichou, Kallen, what are the two of you...?
Kallen: Sh-Shirley, help m......
Shirley: ......I-I'm so sorry for just walking in like that... I'll be on my way now......
Kallen:Waiiiiit! And I mean that in both senses of the word! ((END))
Translation notes:
Just to clarify (though it shouldn't be necessary):
"Waiiiiit! And I mean that in both senses of the word!"
1. "Wait! Don't misunderstand!" 2. "Wait! Don't go!"
Bokura No Hibi 16 : 16th period of Time (Stage Unknown)
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Rivalz: Hmm, well this is certainly odd. Kaichou actually asked for me by name. Wonder what she wants. She sounded strangely serious about it, though.
......Wait! Could this be, you know, that? Romance love are-you-free-tonight? I-don't-want-to-go-home-today let's-have-some-private-lessons -- THAT SORT OF STUFF!?
Woohoo! Badumpbadumpbadump......
*Opens door*
A-hem. (cool-and-suave act) Oh, Mil...... Kaichou. What's up? That was pretty sudden, calling me out and all.
Milly: Rivalz~...... I, I can't hold it in any longer...... so, so......
Rivalz: Whoaaaaaa! It really is coming!
Milly: So this is now the 1st Conference for the Development of the New Cafeteria Menu! Dadadum, paparapaa~.
Rivalz: ..................Excuse me?
Uhhhhhh -- wuh?
Milly: I am so totally fed-up with the current menu. And don't get me started on lunch boxes, they're always the same ol' thing. I am truly, painfully aware of the need for drastic reform. And so we'll be replacing the menu, all of it! Rivalz, you're in charge.
Rivalz: ............I suppose I sort of had this vague inkling it'd be something like this, yeah.
So, like, what do you want to eat, Kaichou?
Milly: Fresh prawns. And crabs. Not the frozen kind, mind.
Rivalz: Hmm yeah not possible.
Milly: As long as you have GUTS! you can do it.
Rivalz: Nope, no can do.
Milly: Grrrrrrr. Okay, fine, lasagna~ And pot-au-feu. Baked herbal chicken. Whole wheat bread and liver pate and bean soup and ham and sausage and salad plate.
Rivalz: ............I'm afraid to ask, but are you thinking of having all that cooked from scratch in the kitchen?
Milly: We eat only three meals a day. I am deeply reluctant to feed the students microwaved canned food. This is what you call parental love, you know.
Rivalz:You don't want to eat stuff like that, you mean.
Milly: What about you, Rivalz? What do you want on the menu?
Rivalz: Me? Hmm, roast beef sandwich.
Milly: Hmm, yes, standard staple.
Rivalz: Tacos with a huge heaping of minced meat, dressed with tongue-burning spicy salsa sauce.
Milly: Oooh, I like those too!
Rivalz: Crunchy hamburgers filled with heaploads of pickles and ketchup and mustard.
Milly: ......Hold on, all your ideas are basically sandwiched meat.
Rivalz: What's wrong with that? I'm just a commoner, perfectly happy with a slice of meat between two pieces of bread.
Milly: You're just lazy. Give it some serious thought, now!
Rivalz: Do I haaaaave to?
(C.C.: ......Pizza.)
Rivalz: Huh?
Is it just me, or am I hearing things with uncanny clarity...... Pizza?
Milly: Ah, pizza's good. So it's decided then. Rivalz's requested menu item: Pizza.
Rivalz: Wuh? Ummm, no, I......
Milly: Well, that's pretty much it. Do a survey and write me a report by next week, 'kay? I'm leaving it all to you. Ciao~
Rivalz: Eh? Uh, right...... Ciao~ ......
(Mystery voice [C.C.]: Fufufu......)
Bokura No Hibi 17 : 17th period of Time (Stage unknown)
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Suzaku: (sigh) The afternoon classes have already started......
I've been continually late and absent these days, so it's kind of difficult for me to walk into class...... I suppose I could kill some time in the Student Council Room, at least until the next class starts.
On second thought, no, that just isn't right of me. Gotta hurry.
--Wait, there's a really familiar person taking a good ol' hearty afternoon nap on the lawn...
Lelouch: ......Suzaku? Did you just arrive?
Suzaku: Did I wake you up, Lelouch?
Lelouch: Nah, don't worry 'bout it.
Suzaku: If you're just going to sleep anyway, why not show up for class and sleep through it using your usual pose?
Lelouch: Confining myself to the classroom on a beautiful day like this makes for a pretty sad life, don't you think?
Suzaku: Eh, I thought earnestly showing up for classes is one of your principles in life.
Lelouch: Looked like I was going to be late, so I decided to skip it. Doing things half-assed is an even bigger display of a lack of sincerity, I find.
Suzaku: Your logic is as mind-boggling as always......
Lelouch: (yawn) ......I had a few dreams.
Suzaku: Good ones?
Lelouch: So-so.
Suzaku: I don't really dream. Always dead asleep, I am.
Lelouch: Apparently most artists, artisans and athletes don't dream much.
Suzaku: Uh, I don't think I fall into any of those categories......
Lelouch: True, but what I'm saying is that someone like you who's always rushing about in top gear juggling military duties, school life and the Student Council wouldn't have the time to dream. My advice: Just do a passable job and take things easy.
Suzaku: Thing is, I don't quite know how to slack off and cut corners. Unlike you, Lelouch, I'm not the cunning sort.
Lelouch: I wish you'd say that I have a 'thorough grasp on the proper allocation of resources' instead.
Suzaku: Wow, would you listen to him! (laugh) Still, I didn't think someone as neurotic as you would be able to sleep out in the open.
Lelouch: I've been well-trained. I can sleep on the floor, too.
Suzaku: On the floor?
Lelouch: 'Sides, I like the nostalgic smell of grass. I also like the blue of the sky, the way it's always the same no matter where you are. The sound of running water from the stream over in the courtyard calms me, too.
Suzaku: You can actually hear the sound of running water?
Lelouch: If you lie still and listen closely you'll start to hear it, little by little. You can even hear the movements of the riverbed.
Suzaku: If you can hear even that you've got some amazing ears......
Lelouch: Try it. You'll get what I mean.
Suzaku: That so?
......But you're right, it does feel great......
Lelouch: Doesn't it feel as though the static noise in your body's evaporating into the warm sunlight?
Suzaku: Kinda feels like I'm about to melt......
Lelouch: Closing my eyes and watching the red darkness behind my eyelids like this makes me feel as though something important, something nostalgic is coming towards me from up above.
Suzaku: ......Yeah.
......It really does feel that way......
Lelouch: Aren't you going to class?
Suzaku: You're evil. It's simply impossible to go now.
And that's about it for the Bokura No hibis ! Those were some fun novels about our favorite Student Council with some C.C. added in the mix; Hope you enjoyed if you discovered those or hope you enjoyed discovering them again; Once again those are novels so non canon material but headcanon is always pretty fun.
Translation curtesy of Our Geass translator Queen, Celiss Galvea, who really fed us with plenty of material, scans and translations during the Geass airing days.
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How To Overcome Porn Addiction
Porn addiction is a very real and serious problem that many people struggle with. It can be extremely difficult to overcome, but it is possible. In this blog post, we will explore some of the ways you can overcome porn addiction and begin to lead a healthy, fulfilling life. If you or someone you know is struggling with porn addiction, we hope this post will provide some helpful tips and guidance. Thank you for reading!
Understand why you're addicted to porn in the first place
For those who are struggling with an addiction to pornography, it is important to take a look at the underlying issues that have led to this problem. Self-reflection is key in understanding why you’re addicted to porn in the first place. While there could be any number of factors contributing to the addiction such as loneliness, stress, low self-confidence, or boredom; the only way to work toward eventual recovery is by recognizing and striving to address these core problems. This can be accomplished through counseling, support groups, and therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It is essential that sufferers open up and talk honestly with friends and professionals in order to understand why they are addicted and what steps they can take to overcome it.
Cut off all access to porn - delete it from your computer, get rid of any magazines or DVDs, and block websites that contain it
Reducing or eliminating access to porn can be incredibly beneficial both to your mental health and personal relationships. Studies have consistently shown that too much online pornography may make it harder for people to form meaningful relationships in the real world, as well as possibly leading to depression and anxiety. Taking proactive steps, such as deleting all porn from your computer and clearing out any magazines or DVDs you may have, is a strong way to take control of your life and protect yourself from these potential harms. Blocking websites that contain porn can also help by limiting how easily accessible the content is on a day-to-day basis. Take this important step today and reap the many rewards it may have on your life!
Find an accountability partner or join a support group to help you stay on track
Finding an accountability partner or joining a support group can be an excellent way to help you stay motivated and achieve your goals. Having a built-in, external source of motivation can often give you the push you need to keep going when times get tough. The added support may even make it easier for you to overcome obstacles and remain committed to achieving your goals. Additionally, an accountability partner or support group encourages you to recognize success and celebrate accomplishments throughout your journey. So, if you are serious about making progress towards your objectives, an accountability partner or support group might just be the boost you need.
Fill your time with other activities - instead of watching porn, go for a run, read a book, or spend time with friends and family
So how to stop porn addiction ? Watching porn is an easy habit to develop, but it can take a toll on your relationships and mental wellbeing. As an alternative, why not try engaging in healthier activities like going for a run or walk, reading an interesting book, or spending quality time with friends and family? Even doing something mundane like cleaning up the house can help get your mind off of watching porn. Keeping yourself busy will help reduce the temptation to view harmful content. So give it a try- devote some of your free time to positive pursuits and watch as they make you feel energized and productive instead.
Get professional help if you can't overcome your addiction on your own
Overcoming an addiction on your own can be a difficult, trying and often unsuccessful endeavour. If you don't have the tools, resources or expertise to effectively tackle your addiction, you may want to consider seeking out professional help. Professional addiction counselors can provide their experience based knowledge and develop specialized strategies for you so that you can more successfully fight your addiction. Equipped with the appropriate knowledge and assistance, breaking out of the cycle of addiction can become a much more achievable goal. Take the initiative in getting help before it's too late; act now and seek out the right professionals to start your journey towards a healthier tomorrow.
Overcoming a porn addiction isn't easy, but it is possible. If you're struggling to give up pornography, take some time to understand why you're addicted in the first place. Once you know what's driving your addiction, you can start taking steps to cut off all access to pornography and fill your time with other activities. If you can't overcome your addiction on your own, seek out professional help. With commitment and effort, you can break free from the grip of pornography and build a healthier life for yourself.
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mauesartetc · 3 years
If you were in charge of writing Hazbin or Helluva, what would you change and what would you keep the same?
I kinda answered this back in January, so I'll try not to repeat too much. Basically, I'd flesh out Hazbin's worldbuilding so the setting feels meatier than a basic red city with eyes and pentagrams strewn around. Not only do the designs feel lazy, but we have next to no info on how this society works. If you're making your fantasy world nearly identical to our own (but with demons), why can't you just tell a friggin' slice of life story in the world of the living?
As for Helluva, now that we're much farther into the season, I maintain that the characters should have some actual consequences for their actions, as well as more agency. They should drive the plot, not vice versa. They should feel like real people, not marionettes for the writers to play with.
Moxxie, stop allowing Blitzo to berate you. Octavia, leave Stolas in that fun house. Stella, divorce him. Loona, ditch Blitzo on the beach and stay with the succubi. Blitzo, tell Stolas to start treating you with respect. All of you, stop being such damn unrealistic pushovers.
Regarding Episode 6 specifically, I thought the interrogation scene with the two agents was funny and cute, but their environment doesn't reflect the claim of no one taking their work seriously. Their headquarters is in a skyscraper, they can access countless weapons, and we can safely assume these dozens of agents are getting paid somehow. Clearly, someone takes them seriously enough to foot the bill for all this.
The animation in the trip-out sequences was great, but it would've made more sense if they explored why Blitzo wants so badly to be a father to Loona, and why Moxxie is overly attached to Millie (like Blitzo mentions before they start hallucinating). These are conflicts we've seen more prominently throughout the show, rather than Blitzo's newly-revealed fear of... dying alone? I think? And Moxxie's need to... I guess stand up for himself? I don't even remember at the moment; that's how irrelevant these "truths" were to the characters' actual experiences.
Also, Blitzo's assertion that he's hard on Moxxie because he cares seems like such bullshit. There's a difference between tough love and verbal abuse, and I invite readers to revisit Murder Family to see which one best fits Blitzo's behavior.
But the big "fuck you, show" moment was the kiss between Blitzo and Stolas. Up to that point, Blitzo had shown no signs of legitimately caring about Stolas; he was just sleeping with him for the grimoire. But now I guess he loves him, completely out of nowhere. And Stolas treats him like a sex object, so why are we supposed to root for this relationship, again?
Oh, and um, Blitzo... If you really care about Stolas, you might warn him about the hit man who tried to kill him last episode instead of shoving your tongue down his throat. Striker's still out there and very much a threat, and it's weird that the writers are pretending he isn't.
This episode should have opened with Blitzo banging on Stolas' door and yelling frantically that he's in danger. Really, the whole thing could've concerned evacuating Stolas and his family to a safe house, and Blitzo having some relationship-building moments with both Stolas and Stella (who has every right to be angry about her husband's cheating, though hiring someone to kill him is a tad extreme). There'd even be some suspense as Stella contacts Striker in secret, letting him know exactly where they are. But while she waits for him to show up and airs her feelings to both Stolas and Blitzo, might they patch things up somewhat? Might Stolas actually apologize? Might Stella have a change of heart?
But yeah, as I recently mentioned, here's the best thing that could happen at the end of the season: Blitzo dumps Stolas, and the gang starts a journey through the rings of Hell to find some other way to get to the surface, taking on odd jobs as they go. Next season, they might even reexamine why they feel the need to get revenge for others, and how these motivations fuel their search for a transportation method.
Let's be real, though. Season 2 will just give us more Stolitz fan service. It's so disheartening to think about what we could've had.
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let's hear about FFVIII seifer, if you're still doing this XD
Why I like them: You know my tastes. A green-eyed man is introduced throwing fireballs around, is kind of a condescending jerk but in a fun way, instigates deep conversations on high ground while staring at the sunset...Well, before we even get to villainy, immolation, and redemption arc, I start going “Is this a favorite character?”  I’m joking...kind of. Some of that does factor in, even the fire. 
Okay, so my favorite thing about Seifer’s arc is that, in the limited focus he’s given, he’s complex and layered from the beginning, and his villain arc is a clear and fascinating illustration of “No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks” ….with a side of brainwashing.
Let’s break this down:
What are some of the words used to describe him by those that know him (by himself, by Squall, by Fuu and Rai)? Romantic. Idealistic. Sensitive. He is the one who believes in making a difference in the world--not just as a wish or goal, but as an imperative to do what your heart says is right even if it’s going to cost you--where Squall is just follow-the-orders-and-do-the-job. If you’re already reading this and objecting, I’m not saying Squall doesn’t care...obviously he does, defrosting Mr. Go Talk to a Wall and getting him to a place where he admits how many layers of mask he wears is his character development...but Seifer isn’t just a hothead. He wears his heart on his sleeve. 
Don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to deny that Seifer can be an abrasive, self-serving, hypocritical jackass sometimes,  who can fight dirty, wants to “wreak some havoc,” and has a history as a bully--though, gentlefolk of the jury, I submit to the courts that he puts on a tough act like Squall does and they are both different flavors of trying to mimic toxic alpha male--but let’s not forget that some of his establishing character moments are throwing out his future to disobey orders because he sees that the higher-ups have possibly misjudged the situation and civilians could be in danger, and, again, going AWOL because he thinks Squall and Rinoa could be killed. And he calls himself the white knight and holds up a code of honor until the end, even though it gets twisted. He is about duty and honor, with honor even over duty.
Oh, this was only going to be the beginning. I haven’t even begun to touch on what I would want to touch on--this is just surface personality and the beginning of the game before we even get to joining Sorceress Edea, and even then not all I would say-- but this post isn’t actually supposed to be my Ted talk on what you missed if you just think of Seifer as a recurring boss fight. Let’s move on.
ONE MORE THING ACTUALLY. Even though we see a lot of Seifer at his worst, you can use Fujin and Raijin as a mirror. What do they say near the end of the game if we paraphrase/summarize? They knew pretty early on, before even the senseless slaughter and torture era that Seifer was going down a dark path with the sorceress, but they knew it wasn’t him and stayed with him, not because they agreed with his actions, wanted power, or out of fear, but to take care of him and try to break through to him--and not because they are saints, but because he, despite what had happened in the past year, is the type of person who deserves and inspires that kind of loyalty. Let’s think on that.
Now the rest goes under a read more, because I am going to keep rambling and be wordy
Why I don’t: He can be an asshole, and he’s an asshole in an embarrassing way. As in, if one is trying to say he’s not the little punk his KH counterpart is, you remember he still uses the insult chickenwuss (though that is a legacy insult/nickname since he’s known Zell since childhood--and, fyi, Squall uses it too) and he had a little gang in school. Even once he’s a military commander of an evil army set on world domination, he has some moments where his level of petty undermines him.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): The Dollet mission
Favorite line: Sorry, not sorry that the following is my favorite exchange of lines and that the prison torture scene is another of my favorite scenes. For context, Seifer has captured Squall, has him hanging up on the wall in crucified hero imagery, implied to be shirtless even though his character model isn’t because they talk about scar tissue or lack thereof from a recent shoulder injury/Squall being stabbed in the chest/shoulder area. Seifer has been electrocuting Squall for information. By this point, I might as well have put the whole scene here. Also, I am now going to blame Squall and Seifer text boxes in FFVIII for my own abuses of ellipses...
Seifer: " I was hoping you'd be there, Squall. So... how'd I look in my moment of triumph? My childhood dream, fulfilled. I've become the sorceress' knight."
Squall: [internal monologue] ...Sorceress' knight... ...His...romantic dream...? But... Seifer... Now, you're just a…[Out loud] "... torturer."
[Squall passes out.]
Seifer: "What did you say? [Steps closer] Passed out cold, eh? This is the scene where you swear your undying hatred for me! The tale of the evil mercenary versus the sorceress' knight!”
This isn’t just me all “mmm, tension.” Seifer has passed the moral event horizon, and it’s not just faceless NPCs that are collateral damage anymore. We’ve seen him on screen torture the protagonist, who is also one of the only people who he’s shown to have a real bond with that goes beyond superficial. Then we get this and see Seifer thinks he’s the good guy still, on a noble mission where he’s had to make painful sacrifices, and Squall is a representative of the power-hungry evil. Seifer’s been playing a different game, and had his will twisted via magic.
Favorite outfit: The Amano art where the white coat is cast off and he’s wearing the simple black shirt and black jeans under it. Symbolic? Maybe. I wouldn’t give up the coat though. I love the long white/gray coat, the outer embodiment of wanting to wear the white hat, but the desire easily getting tarnished, and the red cross that turns into a sword and becomes Seifer’s symbol and soon to appear other places, emblazoned nice and big on the sleeve. It’s the Cross of Saint James. TRADITIONALLY red represents the blood of Christ, the three lilies represent the honor of the apostle and reference Christ as lily of the valley, and the sword shape represents the torture that St.James suffered before his murder. HOWEVER, my opinion is that here it’s more vague/altered symbolism (For starters, there are other gods not the Christian God in this world) with a side of “looks cool.” We still have something that clearly calls to mind a mission from on high, innocence in the lilies, blood and blood cost, and then war/violence with the sword. And I love it. 
OTP: Seifer/Squall. I should not even start, but lest you think I am just in it for kinky torture scenes: We have these two who, in the beginning, are generally callous or mocking toward everyone, but make each other laugh/smile, see who each other are underneath and describe each other in “soft” terms even if they tease each other for it, repeatedly check in on each other to see if the other is okay, respect each other’s opinion and skills, and...you get the idea. In the words of Zell Dincht, I thought you two were rivals, but you’re all buddy-buddy. 
Pause for a second and let’s just say first impression. That opening fight where they scar each other’s faces? It takes place outside Balamb Garden and the area is shown so we see they are alone. Squall passes out. Squall wakes up in the infirmary within the Garden base. Squall has to explain what happened; people don’t already know. This kind of implies after Squall passed out, Seifer, bleeding from a head wound himself, picked Squall up and carried him home, allowing himself to collapse only when Squall was being safely tended to, because he’s that extra. This is his first (okay, second, after fireballs and face slashing) action in the game even though it’s offscreen. I mean, he could have also just called for help/ran for help, but that’s less fun.
 Seifer is so concerned with being a badass, but he’s admits to Squall all he’s ever wanted was to be the fairytale knight, not a mere soldier. Vulnerability and confession he wants romance....with the first time it’s brought up in game being while they are watching the sun set together, the traditional Square Red Sunset of Shipping. 
Seifer hesitates to defy orders, not for himself, but until he sees Squall is with him. Even though there were other “children of destiny” who all came from the same orphanage, Squall and Seifer were the ones who were never apart, never adopted until it was by a military/mercenary training program, and, even though it may speak more to brotherly than romantic from some angles, there’s a feeling of being the same, knowing each other down to the atoms, adopting an us against the world mindset that trumps trying to best each other when it comes down to it because they are the only constant. When Squall has his breakdown/ breakthrough of why he pushes people away/doesn’t let himself care/tries not to need anyone because people leave/are taken from him and he is scared he isn’t worthy of love and happiness until Rinoa challenges him, this may seem like a dismissal of Seifer, but you can also look at it from “I had no friends or family. I didn’t even have interest in speaking to anyone. I strived to be an unfeeling machine, because all emotion is pain...But also I couldn’t go 48 hours without seeing Seifer.”
Yeah, yeah, we know their main form of hanging out was beating the tar out of each other, but sometimes, especially in older media, this was its own brand of subtext. For more on how Seifer miiiight just view sparring let’s point out that “Isn’t this ROMANTIC?” and “Kneel” as a less easily interpreted as innuendo version of  “I want you on your knees” are battle quotes even in Kingdom Hearts sooo draw your own conclusion. 
We get a line where Squall makes it clear these were friendly matches looked at as pushing their limits beyond what they are allowed to in sanctioned spars, and he feels prepared to take on anything  now because of Seifer. Is it healthy communication  in real life? No! Is this real life? No! Plus, the facial scar was an accident, pretty clearly...on Seifer’s side...I could write another essay on how Seifer draws first blood, but it’s because on Squall’s failed block, AND THEN SQUALL GETS ANGRY AND RETALIATES WITH CLEAR PURPOSE AND MAKES THE OPENING SHOT INTO THE FIRST SIGN GOOD VERSUS BAD GUY ISN’T SO CLEAR CUT (even though they both shouldn’t have been going so hard in a friendly training match to begin with).
 Seifer’s later, repeated threats/expressed desire to give Squall additional scars once he goes evil? That is a different animal, and a horrible one, objectively. Not objectively? No comment. Okay, one comment. Mark you as mine. Two comments. He knows Squall’s lost some memories and he can’t stomach being the next thing forgotten so Squall needs physical reminders.
Hmmm, I was supposed to be talking about the ship, not just the sparring and scars. We can wrap it up with a Marge Simpson. “I just think they’re neat”
Squall’s jacket when he becomes Leon in Kingdom Hearts. His outfit is mostly the same, right? Except the back of the jacket now has a red patch of an emblem (of Rinoa’s angel wings, not Seifer’s cross...for the OT3 feel), and his fight with Sora he throws a fireball like Seifer’s signature. Just, you know, if you want bonus references/feeling.
Brotp: Fuu and Rai. They are willing to commit war crimes with this man, nurse him back from death’s door, and go into exile with him if he can’t return to a normal life even after a redemption arc. This section deserves to be long, but I am beginning to get talked out. Don’t take that as devaluing the friendship though. I’m glad he was allowed to keep his ride or dies in Kingdom Hearts. FRIENDSHIP! They love him, ya know?
Head Canon: What we see of him at the end of the game is a temporary situation and after he heals and refreshes for awhile he’d go back to Balamb and face consequences for his actions, and probably insist on consequences instead of leaning into “an evil sorceress bespelled me and slowly took my free will.” No hiding away in the wilderness. No crossing into and living his life in Esthar. No, “but in the end I broke free and would have been an active, onscreen part of saving the world if Square had let me join the party!” He would insist on being cast into a deep, dark cell. Squall uses pull to get him pardoned, but not before just, flat out, yelling at him for being a martyr.
Unpopular opinion: He did love Rinoa. It may have been a “shallow love,” but he wasn’t just dating her to pass time or because she played into his damsel who needs a hero mindset. There was emotion. He was prepared to die for her and Squall in Timber, and almost did--only being saved by Sorceress Edea...which wasn’t a kindness, but it all worked out in the end. Sure, he gets mind-controlled into using Rinoa as, basically, a human sacrifice and it isn’t Rinoa he wants stripped and brought to his room when we’re taking prisoners, but he cared about her. He does taunt her about their past relationship, but we’ve already established this is just part of his communication skillset.  Yes, I will elaborate more if asked, though it’s more feeling based than text based. 
A wish: If there’s ever a sequel, let him have put out the good in the world that was his dream and be seen as a hero. Let us see a matured and peaceful Seifer. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: My one fear if they ever remake FFVIII instead of just porting it, is that some of the creative team have said they like the fan theory where you are dead part way through the game and the rest is a dying dream or purgatory. It’s creative stuff; I will say that. It’s not my favorite, and I don’t agree, but those kinds of fan interpretations when they go in depth are super cool. PLEASE LET THE INTEREST IN IT JUST BE THE SAME AS MINE OF THINKING IT’S CREATIVE BECAUSE MAKING THIS  CANON WOULD BE SO, SO BAD FOR EVERY CHARACTER.
5 words to best describe them: stubborn, misguided, paladin, romantic, petty
My nickname for them: I don’t really have one
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