#trying to steer it away from just being an au of something else
flowerygarrland · 3 months
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Hunts your monsters
1 - Azel redesign of some kind - what a guy 2/3/4 - mspaint doodles dont worry about it 5/6 - Wolfsbane lore
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
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Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, clinginess, jealousy, touchiness, manipulation, gaslighting, blackmail, threats, intimidation, sadism, violence, abduction, death
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
Soulmate AU
Light Yagami
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✍️Honestly, soulmates are so unlikely to meet anyways that you have stopped caring about finding your own. You have never experienced anything that would have hinted for you to have one anyways so you just brush it off as nothing and go on with your life. When you start to attend university, you meet Light Yagami. And as shameful as it is for you to admit this, you have a crush on him. Just like everybody else on this campus. It is embarrassing and to not mutate into a stereotypical simp, you decide to avoid him as good as you can. Although you just can't help your pounding heart whenever he is in your vision nor can you stop your eyes from slowly moving over to him and silently admire him. You don't expect him to return your feelings though as you know that he has asked a couple of other girls already out without deepening the relationship. It's such a shame that someone as handsome and intelligent as him has to be such a shallow playboy. But one can't have everything in life.
✍️​What you don't seem to know is that Light has noticed you already but hasn't let you realize yet. His eyes were drawn to you from the very first moment he saw you and his attraction just bloomed out of nowhere. Light is perhaps slightly frustrated with this development but he can't help the way his heart reacts whenever he looks at you. He thinks that his feelings are a waste of time since he has to work towards his goal to become the God of this world and rid it of all evil. Then there are also the additional troubles of Misa clinging to him and L being hot on his trails which would make it unnecessarily difficult to fit you within his life so he attempts to forget about you and focus on his goal. The thoughts about you linger though and as soon as he has a quiet moment, his mind always drifts to you. It is maddening as you trouble him without even knowing about it and sometimes he got so incredibly angry that the thought to write you down in his Death Note popped up in his mind only for panic and fear to settle in instantly after, a sudden ache in his heart that always catches him off-guard.
✍️​Light finds himself infiltrating your group here and there, always steering the conversation subtly into talking about you without being too obvious and without ever approaching you directly. His eyes drift carefully towards you and quickly dart somewhere else when he realizes that your eyes do the same as he doesn't want to get caught. He occasionally follows you around inside the campus without making it look like he is actually following you and he even asks Ryuk if the shinigami could keep his eyes on you from time to time. Ryuk mostly does so when he gets his reward of apples but can't help but laugh whenever Light asks him to do so as he teases the boy for his sudden obsessive interest in you. Light is no idiot though, he is very receptive. He also knows that you glance at him quite often in class only to look quickly away in embarrassment when you realize that he is looking at you too. He notices that you try to avoid him or pretend to be busy with something else whenever he walks into your direction. He carefully asks your friends about it and ultimately arrives at the delightful conclusion that you have an interest in him too but are too embarrassed to admit it.
✍️​You nearly get a heart attack when he approaches you one day and offers you to help you as he has seen you struggling in this specific subject. Honestly, you would rather not but you can't bring yourself to reject him whilst he looks at you with such a charming smile so both of you compromise to meet at his house later that night. You're so nervoud and also embarrassed when you walk into his house as you notice the glances his parents give Light and you as you would love nothing more than to explain to them that it is not what it might look like. You have some drinks and chat with his parents before Light leads you to his room. You are flattered when you realize that he has already made notes and prepared some exercises as well as explanations he has written down for you to take home with you and use as preparations for your next exam. There is definitely some tension which causes you to sweat slightly whilst Light either doesn't notice it or hides it better. You definitely feel his eyes scrutinizing you intently though the entire time.
✍️​At one point you abruptly stand up, excusing yourself as you stutter that you have to use the toilet. Light's eyes narrow as a displeased look crosses his face. His arm stretches out as his fingers grasp your wrist to stop you from fleeing from him and to chide you for lying to him trying to avoid him only for a sudden sharp heat to be felt for the both of you. He pulls his arm back in surprise as you press your hand against your chest and let out a gasp as you feel the hot and throbbing pain in your wrist. You quickly pull your sleeve up only to stare with bewildered eyes at the sudden tattoo that has suddenly appeared on your wrist. It looks like two wings of an angel. Your mind is racing as you try to comprehend what has just happened only for Light to abruptly stand up too. You look at him dazed only for your eyes to land on his wrist where you can see the same tattoo. Your jaw nearly drops as you realize what this means. When you force your eyes to look into his own, you feel a cold shudder going down your spine as you see the possessive look in his eyes. Quickly he smoothes his expression into a flawless smile again as he looks at you. Why don't the both of you get to know the other one better?
L Lawliet
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🍰​You have been born with a soulmate mark on your body, a name that has been written on your body ever since you came out of your mother's womb. It is placed on your stomach, reading the name L Lawliet. You have been told from a very young age that this means that your soulmate has already been born and that they have received their soulmate mark and your name engraved somewhere on their body the moment you were born. As a small kid you kind of fantasize over all of this but as you grow older you start changing your thoughts. How much older than you is your soulmate? What if they are over 10 years older than you? You even start to grow unconscious of the name written on your stomach and luckily the spot is easy to hide so you make it a point to never wear revealing clothes or go anywhere that would require you to wear less clothes. Finding your soulmate is such a rarity anyways so it is probably useless to hope for you to meet them.
🍰​L has even as a small child always been very perceptive so he noticed at the young age of 3 years that something had suddenly appeared on his calf that couldn't be washed away no matter what. Confusion eventually grows into acceptance and even some fondness as it brings him weird comfort just looking at the name written on his skin and uttering the name it spells out. When Wammy aka Watari finds him eventually and notices the name written on his calf, he takes his time explaining to L what this means. L is weirdly fascinated when he finally gets an explanation for this tattoo on his calf, the thought of it having appeared because his destined other finally came into the world is such an intriguing idea and concept for him. He is very discreet about having a soulmate though so he never tells the other children in the Wammy's House about this and always wears long trousers to hide your name from all eyes. The older he grows and the more he is mentored by Watari to be a great detective, the more he realizes the risks though.
🍰​His identity has to remain an absolute secret after all so the fact that somewhere on this planet is someone who walks around with his name on your skin is a huge risk for his career and safety. So as soon as he starts taking on cases and Watari starts travelling around with him, both of them also start looking for you. Amongst billions of people they have to find you and normally that would be a jarring task. Yet L already has your name engraved on his body which makes the process much more easier. Data about all people sharing the same name as you is collected yet it is when L gets to your file and sees the picture of you that he feels a sudden warm tingling in his chest as he gazes at your face. When Watari notices how he looks at your photos with an almost dazed look in his eyes and asks L if you are the right one, the young man quickly looks up at him and tells him that he would like to travel to your country as quickly as possible. He spends hours just staring at all the photos he can find and reading countless files about you, demolishing your privacy whilst satisfying his need to know more.
🍰​He takes on a fake name and fake identity just to be sure if the small possibility that you aren't his soulmate should be true. He has no doubts that it's you though as he is weirdly nervous when he goes out to meet you and the moment his dark eyes land on you, he feels his heart starting to race against his chest. He's able to quickly get close to you as you are weirdly drawn to him. L knows that this is most likely because of the soumate bond both of you share even if you don't know about it yet. His eyes are often roaming across your body as yhe wonders where his name is inked upon your body. He would just love to see it as he is sure that it would look absolutely beautiful. He can't help his slices of impatience though as he sometimes can't hold back and ask you if you have a soulmate, dark eyes gauging your every twitch and breath as your body language and facial expressions always give your lies away to him. You cold try as hard as you can but nothing is missed by his observing gaze.
🍰​Watari has to surprisingly hold him back because otherwise he would rush everything too fast. L already wants to speed up the process to take you as quickly as possible but he understands Watari's arguments that the both of you should establish a better bond before the detective takes you for himself. The entire plan as well as the execution goes smoothly as L has already come up with an explanation for your disappearance without anything leading to him. He waits anxiously until you wake up and remains calm as he explains everything to you. You don't want to belive him when he tells you that he is your soulmate but when he reveals the tattoo on his calf to you, your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat when he tells you his real name. Your eyes glance down at your stomach and in the next moment you feel L's cold finger eagerly gripping the hem of your sweater, lifting the material slowly up as you can hear his breath hitching as he finally sees his own name on your skin. Dark eyes seem to burn this image into his mind before he finally meets your anxious and jittery gaze. You're staying with him from now on.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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​🍎​Soulmates have always been a concept that you have grown up with since your childhood. Oftentimes it was romanticised since a lot of people just adored the idea of finding your significant other who was destined for you. It wasn't uncommon for people to not like the idea that much though since it felt like they had no choice to choose their partner. No matter which opinion one person had, finding their soulmate in such a huge world was often very difficult to achieve. Some of the symptoms people had because of their soulmate or because they were born with their significant other were also quite scary in your mind. You remember reading stories about people who couldn't taste or were only able to see the world in black and white and still remember clearly how one of your classmates often got mysterious injuries because they and their soulmate shared every wound. So your lack of any tattoos, names or lack of taste was honestly a relief for you.
🍎​Fyodor's thoughts on soulmates have always been very interesting. To imagine that there is a force beyond human understanding which determines who is your destined other and might occasionally even ruin the life of people as they wailed in misery because they couldn't find their love was intriguing. Love truly can be a curse at times, especially with the way some people become aware that they have a soulmate. Reading reports of how some people died because of the injuries their soulmate suffered or how some just experienced the pain without receiving the actual injuries has been a small hobby of his when he had the time. Fyodor has some mild fascination with the concept of soulmates as he sometimes wonder where his one is as he has nothing that could help him to find you as he has no marks nor any obvious symptoms. Soulmate bonds can be very different from case to case, although some are more common than others so he occasionally wonders what symptoms he will develop if he should ever find his soulmate.
🍎​Both of you meet in the town you are living in as he has currently settled there because he is looking for a specific someone who he needs for one of his schemes. You're currently working in a small dining place as it is the best job you were able to find at the time. It isn't much but you are thankful enough as your co-workers are mostly nice and the money you earn is enough to get you around. You can't deny that you feel almost instantly attracted to Fyodor when he first enters this place but you don't expect it to be more than a slight crush. After all a lot of your co-workers end up gushing silently about him when he walks in since he is a handsome young man. Still, you end up being the one who takes his order and you try your best to not act stupid as you walk over to him, although you feel the heat settling into the skin of your face when purple eyes meet your own and just seem to observe you before he gives you a small smile and orders a hot beverage.
🍎​He can't quite put his fingers around it but there just seems to be something about you that fascinates Fyodor. A fatal attraction for you that leads him to visiting your diner more often than he would normally. Sure, he enjoys the tranquility in the place as well as the tea and the coffee that he is being served there but the main attraction about this place really is you. He can't help the small feeling of disappointment whenever you aren't the one taking his orders as his eyes always seem to search for you. What is it about you that has him feeling so obsessed? He can never seem to find an answer for this question as he watches all surveillance cameras to see what you are up to when he has the time. Slowly he starts messing your life up and takes your hidden misery in when he visits the diner yet something hampers him from feeling the sadistic satisfaction as he watches your tired face and the exhaustion written all over you. Why is he feeling pity for you?
🍎​Fyodor finally realises what you are to him when he witnesses you one day at your lowest point as everything just seems to crumble apart around you. Tears fall down your face as you sob and he hates how he feels this painful twinge in his heart whilst watching you. He feels something akin to bitterness poisoning his mind as he looks at you. You deserve this pain and despair for tainting him with the sin of loving someone like you yet you elicit guilt out of him even if he is in the right. Your face is buried in your face as you cry so you don't notice the pale hand stretching out for you with the intent of hurting you. Yet he never reaches you. His hand is left trembling in the air as it feels like some sort of invisible force is repelling him from you. His eyes rest at his hand before they dart over to you and suddenly he has an idea. The moment he drops his intent to hurt you, his hand moves forward and caresses your hair, whispering soothing words to you whilst his eyes start gleaming with an unsettling look. How interesting.
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️​It started when you were about 13 years old. Those dreams. Initially it was all blurry and appeared only in fragments. You always thought that you saw a figure there though, although you could never really tell who it was and what they looked like. After a few months you started hearing a voice calling out for you. It was a boy and soon you could see that he was walking towards you. Yet both of you were unable to reach the other as neither of you had mastered the world of those shared dreams just yet. You tried your best to control your dreams as you knew that this boy was your soulmate yet you still struggled as the colors around you melted as the world around you always crumbled. He on the other hand had soon learned how to shape the dreams around him and always came to rescue you and give you stability within those dreams. You found out that his name was Saigiku and happily told him your own name.
♦️​He could see. Whenever he slept, he was able to see. A world coated in darkness became a vibrant world of colors whenever you joined him in your dreams and slowly learnt how to shape the world around yourself. He could see your face always smiling happily whenever he joined you in your dreams. Honestly, the delight he felt whenever he could see you was almost amusing as he knew that he partially felt like this because of the fact that you were his soulmate. Yet whilst he was able to see, he was slightly annoyed about the fact that his exceptional hearing was gone. He couldn't read you properly like he could have done if he would have just heard your heartbeat properly. Whilst Jouno was still much more deceptive and focused on your body language and facial expressions, he probably was still missing things.
♦️​You noticed that Jouno didn't reveal much about himself besides his name and that saddened you a bit since the two of you were soulmates. At the same time you also started telling him less crucial information about yourself as he didn't tell you either. It was only fair after all. You always imagined that he squeezed his eyes shortly as if displeased about your lack of information before it disappeared so quickly behind his composed and small grin that you often wondered if you were just seeing stuff. You couldn't deny though that something just felt a little bit off about Saigiku. Sometimes it just felt like something sinister was lurking beneath his surface. You didn't want to tell him that though since a part of you didn't want to believe that your soulmate could possibly be someone bad. Often you just blamed yourself for being paranoid. Perhaps you should have gone with your gut feeling though.
♦️​It was years later that both of you eventually agreed to meet finally after having only ever interacted in your shared dreams. Jouno instantly seized control of the situation as he convinced you to meet somewhere he suggested, seemingly uncaring about how long you would have to travel then. You were slightly mad but you eventually caved in and fell for his sweet words. So you took the journey all the way to the destination he had suggested. It was in a park where very few people were strolling around. You could feel your heartbeat pounding against your chest in anticipation as you looked around until you spotted a man sitting on a bench, waving at you. You quickly recognized Saigiku and ran towards him, really happy as this was the first time you had seen him in real life. You couldn't help yourself but give him a hug as soon as you stood before him and he, even if he seemed caught off guard at first, returned your embrace eventually.
♦️​You quickly find out something about him that he had never told you before. He was blind. He couldn't see anything and could only see when he was sharing dreams with you. It instantly triggered guilt and sadness inside of you. Jouno was glad that this was the bond you two shared though as one of his hands went up to caress your facial features, imagining very vividly the flustered look on your face as he could hear your heartbeat speeding up. Both of you spent a few hours just sitting there as you were talking mostly whilst he was just listening to your voice and your heartbeat before he decides that it's time for both of you to go. You quickly offer him your help when he stands up but are dumbfounded when he walks just fine, his steps confident as he leads you somehwere. He grabs your arm, his grip a bit too tight for your taste, as he leads you outside the car to a balck car and gestures you to get inside. You start to get a bad feeling as you try to tell him that you can get to your hotel by yourself only for his grip to tighten painfully as he gently forces you into the car. Poor thing, he really hid a lot from you. Don't worry though, he'll tell you everything now that you'll stay with him.
Suehiro Tetchou
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🌸​You have lived a pretty normal life so far. Obviously you are aware of soulmates but they are such a rarity that you decide to not waste your time on dreaming about something that is unlikely to happen anyways. Instead you focus on studying hard to live a good life and be able to look after yourself. You graduate with excellent grades and decide to travel to Japan before you apply to a university and get a job. You have been saving for this trip since years and make thorough plans to get the most out of the few weeks that you will travel through Japan. So you land in the airport of Tokyo and slowly make your way through the land then. Until eventually you land in Yokohama, the port town. So far you have been pretty satisfied with everything you have seen. Until an accident happens in the town. You aren't involved, you just happen to walk past it as citizens are rescued and a gang who has been running around for some time now is currently being arrested. That's when you see Tetchou for the first time...surrounded by a colorful aura.
🌸​As the Hunting Dog walks outside, he catches something very colorful as he walks outside the half-destroyed building as some of the bombs planted inside there have gone off but luckily it is still standing. He turns his head around, confused and curious about what is shimmering with so much colors before his eyes land on yours and he feels his breath hitching. A sudden burst of emotions floods through him and he doesn't even know why. He can see the colors surrounding you changing color as well as shape as well when he meets your eyes. Your mind is racing just as much as your heart is as you stare at him in bewilderment and shock and see his aura twisting and turning in shape and color as he also just stares at you. You turn your head around confused as you wonder if others can see what you can as well but none of them seems to notice what you do. When you turn around again, your heart drops as you see him marching to you. He stops right in front of you, his eyes unwavering as he looks at you and asks you who you are.
🌸​He tells you that he can see a colorful aura surrounding you and seems to try to crook his head when you tell him that you can do the same. He can't see what you can see though nor can you see what he sees. You two seem to be the only ones in general who can see the colors shaping and changing around the other. Both of you seem to get lost in thought. You try to wrap your head around what this weird phenomenon is whilst he just stares straight at you as you only look at the colors around him. You notice pretty soon how soon he emits pink mist from around him that almost appears to be the shape of hearts and that is when it clicks in your mind. You feel yourself getting quickly embarrassed and slightly hostile as you realise that those colors symbolize his feelings and that he can by extension also see how you are feeling. He notices the change in colors and asks you worried what is wrong. You purse your lips as you give him a conflicted look before you decide to tell him the truth.
🌸​You two have to be soulmates. There is no other explanation you can come up with. Normally your heart doesn't race as much when you are around other guys and normally you don't feel so stupidly attractive to someone you just met. Tetchou takes the news much better than you do though. Of course he is a tad bit surprised when you initially tell him but he accepts it pretty quickly and instantly asks you if you plan to stay in Yokohama. That is where things start to get pretty complicated since you never planned to meet your soulmate on your vacation. You didn't even expect to have a soulmate at all! Truth be told, a part of you doesn't want to stay in Japan for the rest of your life. Tetchou on the other hand thinks very differently than you do. He has obviously heard of soulmates but has never paid it too much mind up until now. It feeds his growing delusions pretty well as he can't understand your hesitation. Soulmates are so rare after all. Why would you even consider leaving your other half?
🌸​He is an immovable object as you soon find out. Because you can't convince him to give you time to consider this at all. You remind him that you have to travel back to your own country and that you have to consider this and also inform your parents. He insists that you can just work for the government and that he could get you work with ease. You carefully observe his aura that starts moving faster around him and that changes to only a few dark colors as he grows more frustrated and impatient whilst you do your best to keep your composure. Both of you just can't seem to come to an agreement as Tetchou is unable to understand why you wouldn't want to give up your current life in favor of staying with him and even getting a job in the government. Soon paranoia poisons his mind and you can see that as he asks you if you don't want him and the spike of fear shown in your aura to him only fuels this. He truly doesn't want to force you into staying but if he must, he will. You just need a bit more time to accept the fact that both of you are soulmates and have to stay together. He's sure that you'll thank him soon enough for making the right decision for the both of you.
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☁️​Years have passed by without any weird incidents. Years were you thought that you were just a normal person without anything special about you. Honestly, initially you were a tad bit disappointed that you apparently weren't born as the soulmate of someone else as you never felt any weird symptoms that would have indicated that you had one. As you grew older though, you started accepting this. This just meant that you had the freedom to choose someone if you would ever desire a partner. But then something changed. You were already a young adult when it one day just started. Initially it was so silent and delicate that you sometimes just mistook it as your mind hallucinating. But then it became louder. The voice became louder inside your head. It was oftentimes nothing more than a wavering whisper that you could hear within your own mind. You wondered if you had gone crazy as you dared to call out to the voice.
☁️​Sigma on the other hand completely froze within his tracks when he heard your voice suddenly within him as well, carefully calling out to him. What was that? He had never heard this before in his life and it made his heart pound against his chest. It wasn't only out of fear though. It was also out of excitement and he didn't understand why he felt such a sudden rush of dopamine when he heard your voice calling out to him inside his mind. This was a bad thing after all, right? He was hearing voices right now after all. He contemplated if he should reply to this voice or not before he carefully hushed a few words back at you and then just waited if you'd actually reply. You did reply and asked him intrigued as well as a bit scared who he was and it was at that moment that Sigma realised that you weren't just a mere voice his head had created as a result of him potentially losing his mind. No, this voice he was currently hearing actually belonged to a real person.
☁️​He talks with you quite often from that day on as both of you discover the limits of this weird ability you both share. You can only hear the voice of the other and can't see any images that the othet thinks about. It isn't like both of you can hear the other ones thoughts too, at least not unless the other one is really stressed and loses control of his own thoughts. This seems to happen to Sigma more often than to you as you often hear him starting to ramble within your mind and so you have to spend a lot of time soothing him and helping him to calm down. Your voice always calms his racing heart and mind, Sigma quickly latches onto the comfort you can give him to the point where he gets anxious when you aren't available to him and sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night because he is chanting your name panicked within your mind. He is quick to apologize and shame himself for ruining your sleep like this and so he tries to hold back as he can feel his stress increasing.
☁️​Soon he invites you to his Sky Casino as he begs you to come because he wants to see you in real life. He tells you all of the information you need to know and eventually manages to tire you with his constant questions and pleas out enough that you give him your address. You receive a letter he was written himself where he details once again all necessary information. He sends some of the people who work for him to pick you up and guard you on the entire way. You are amazed when you are flown to the Sky Casino and as soon as you step inside, you can already see a man quickly rushing towards you. So this is Sigma, huh? The poor man needs to take a few deep breaths as soon as he is in front of you, his hands slightly trembling because he is incredibly nervous before he gives you a soft smile and invites you to a tour of the casino he would like to give you himself. He gauges all of your reactions intently and anxiously out of fear that something won't be to your satisfaction.
☁️​You are too caught up in admiring everything though as he leads you down a floor guests aren't allowed to walk through. He walks you into a huge room with an installed bathroom and even a small kitchen space that looks better than all of the expensive hotel rooms you've seen on the internet. You're looking around amazed before his rambling suddenly catches your attention. He still hasn't fully perfected this room so if you want everything else to be delivered inside your room, feel free to tell him. Money is of no issues here, he just desires to make you feel as comfortable as he can... What does he mean by that? When you ask him this question, his voice suddenly dies down as he turns around to look at you. The previous excitement due to all of your previously positive reactions dies down as fear and panic takes over him. He...he thought that you'd stay with him here since the both of you are soulmates. When he sees the confusion crossing your face, his heart drops to his stomach. You plan to leave again, don't you? ...Well, that's a shame. He can't let you leave his side anymore. He's your soulmate. He was made for you. So he can't let you go. Being with you is his purpose.
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simplymarr · 2 months
Chapter three.
warnings: none. just some angst at the end.
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Since that very first day, everything just flowed naturally.
I saw Vincent two days a week for weekly classes; tuesdays and thursdays. Two-hour classes in which it felt like a convesation between the two of us. He seemed excited about my enthusiasm and i was astonished about his intelligence. The way he carried himself, the ideas and visions he had just resonated with me.
Then after class and almost religiously, he waited for me inside his car with a cigarette on his mouth and drove me to the bus stop. We never spoke explicitly about this agreement, nor we questioned it. It just felt natural, like gasping for air or falling in love.
We both knew these rides were just an excuse to keep talking about everything we couldn't inside the classroom. Not only about my thesis and his corrections, but book recommendations, law philosophy, even music and art.
And we laughed. We laughed a lot.
"So, is it really as difficult as it seems?" I asked, gasping for air between laughs and taking more of a serene tone.
He turned his head and looked at me. Both hands on the steering wheel.
"What do you mean?"
"You know, being a lawyer. How do you know you're doing the right thing? That you're not fucking it all up?"
The question lingered in the air for a moment. Perhaps it wasn't just about being a lawyer.
He took a breath before answering.
"Well, that's the thing, non? you never know." He said. His gaze meeting the pavement in front of him as he drove. "Like all aspects of life, sometimes you need to guess". This last line pronounced as he looked at me softly, like someone who's hiding a secret.
Silence between the both of us until he broke it again.
"Well, of course it gets easier once your fucking thesis is done" He joked to lighten up the mood and we laughed once again.
The bus stop made it's presence again, and each time we arrived i still felt like it wasn't supposed to be there that quickly.
I looked at him with a strange nostalgia; like something else was supposed to happen, like i wanted him to give me an answer to a question i hadn't yet made.
I smiled at him weakly and he reciprocated, but his smile was filled with kindness, with mercy. His blue eyes pierced into mine for what i thought it was an eternity, but it didn't felt awkward at all. It seemed like he, also, didn't want me to leave the car.
Suddenly a loud horn from the street broke the tension and he quickly lowered his gaze. I stepped out of the car and waved at him as he looked at me through the window.
"Goodbye, y/n".
"Au revoir, Vincent".
From there, that one final interaction, the river that made our chemistry started to get motionless. My innocent question became something darker, premonitory.
As the next week arrived and found me, once again, in the classroom i noticed something strange in Vincent. Although i was standing quite far away from him it was the first time he didn't look at me, not even once. Maybe an occasional glance that he amended by looking away almost instantly, like he was just trying to make sure i was still there.
His hands moved with more fervor than usual, his tone quite hessitant. He asked a question and, as usually, i raised my hand, trying to ignore the now awkward tension between us. He looked at me quickly but then pointed at someone else to answer.
Strange, i thought to myself. I mean, it was okay. After all there was a room full of people, i wasn't the only one, wasn't i? Besides, we could discuss everything we wanted later in the car. I didn't have to worry about anything.
The class ended a couple of minutes earlier. I waited until everyone left so i could reach to him. I wanted to ask him a couple of questions about the remarks he emailed me last week, and maybe we could talk. To be honest, perhaps i just wanted to talk to him about anything.
"Vincent, hi. I hope you don't mind me asking about the remarks but-"
He stopped me mid sentence.
"We can discuss about it on Thursday, during class schedule". He said, with a firm voice, almost trying to sound convincing.
"Oh, i'm sorry, i thought there was no problem".
"If you're concerned about something you can email it to me and i will answer you whenever i can". He barely looked at me and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear as he turned away to reach his books.
I hessitated and left in silence. My face pale and a total confusion on my mind.
We still had the car. Right?
The world, as it was used to, once again proved me wrong. When i stepped out of the big, cold building no one was there. Well, at least no one waiting for me. I looked at the empty parking lot where the dark-green chevy was missing, and even if he never agreed explicitly to wait for me, i found myself feeling betrayed.
"Oh, for fucks sake, he's just your professor. Nothing else." I thought to myself, trying to make sense.
The walk home, for the first time in weeks, felt incredibly lonely. I looked at the bus stop from far away and i felt like it was laughing at me.
Head resting in the dirty window and my earphones on, i wondered:
"Was it something i said?"
"Did i just fucked it all up?"
next chapter soon
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aclockmaker · 1 year
more actors au continued from here
Shooting the first season is a fever dream. Creating and playing in a world that no one else gets to see yet—no reviews, no public, just them. The cast is tight, right away. Eddie, like, loves them. He's already made plans to go to Robin's family's house in Joshua Tree this summer.
Eddie and Steve don’t have that many scenes together. Eddie knows, guiltily, exactly when they’re all shooting.
It’s not just what goes on when the cameras are rolling, either. (Which is, like, still insane. Still makes Eddie feel like he's taken club drugs. And maybe he's not the only one, because—)
It's also that Steve is more likely to ask him to hang out, just the two of them, after they shoot together. Eddie could text him or ask him but he has a complex set of rules for how often he's allowed to be the one initiating it, because, well. He's nursing a pretty bad crush here. It's deeply unprofessional.
In the episode before this, Eddie confides in Nancy’s character, their teen journalist-detective, that he has something he thinks he needs to tell her. Something that’s going to blow her mind. But they’re just in the hall at school, the bell ringing, so he can’t do it right now. It’s his own little “I’ve got a secret, Veronica Mars. A good one.” (He’s watched as many dead-girl tv shows as he can to bone up for the role—all the classics going back to Twin Peaks. Veronica Mars is uniquely applicable because Lily does appear in flashbacks, and even though they’re subverting the trope by having a guy get killed, they all know what kind of story they’re telling.)
In the scene they shoot tonight, Steve's character comes to Eddie's house that same night before he can get to Nancy to try to convince him not to tell her. It's not clear what Steve thinks he knows, when he climbs in through Eddie's window, only that he's practically begging Eddie not to do it. He starts off aggressive, like they're yet again about to get into a physical fight. But the fact that Eddie lets him in speaks to the fact that maybe there's a little more to their relationship. And then Steve's character breaks down, cries a little, and it's really—something, to be wrapping his arms around Steve's shoulders in front of the camera and the crew, under the lights. Eddie is a professional, and he's perfectly capable of slotting those feelings into their correct file folders for later perusal, but—it's something. He's given Steve bro hugs. He's pretty sure Steve even hugged him for real the first time he saw him after he was cast (it's a blur). The only time they've hugged like this is on film.
He's not surprised when there's a message waiting for him on his phone when he eventually gets back to it post-short scene with Max, whose character lives next to Eddie's in-story. The message itself is a little surprising. Hey, I'm wrapped so I'm going home but do you want to come by? And then an address in Silver Lake.
It's not so crazy. Steve takes awhile to decompress after filming something emotional; he doesn't like to be alone. Eddie has learned this very quickly and has very quickly come to crave being the one Steve decompresses with. It just typically happens on the studio lot, in Steve's trailer. But this is fine, too. It just makes sense. Steve was done for the day so he went home. But he still wants to see Eddie.
Eddie sends back three thumbs up emojis, bangs his head on his steering wheel, and starts driving. He chews a fingernail, wonders if he should stop somewhere to get something to bring. A bottle of wine. But that’s stupid probably—it’s not a dinner party. It’s just two friends hanging out. (If he thinks it a little defensively, that’s because Mike was leaning heavy on the innuendo when he asked Eddie where he was going tonight. “Oh really, with Steve? Huh. It’s nice you two get along so well.” Eddie had just glared at him and moved on. The kid is such a little shit.)
Steve hugs him when he gets there, which is almost funny—now that he’s acted it out, he’ll do it in real life, like an echo. But it doesn’t seem fake, it just seems like that’s what Steve does when someone comes to his house. He’s a little high strung, maybe, in constant motion while he waves Eddie in and offers him a beer.
They end up on the pool deck, beers in hand, sitting with their legs dangling in the water up to their knees. It’s secluded here, big, old trees blocking them from any neighbors’ view.
“So,” Steve says. “Good scene after I left?” It doesn’t sound like what he really wants to ask.
“Yeah, fine,” Eddie agrees. “You know what Max is like—she’s too cool for school.”
“Don’t let her hear you say that,” Steve laughs.
“Never,” Eddie agrees. The teasing would never end. He glances at Steve, who seems mostly relaxed, maybe a little hunched in on himself.
“Did you ever, um,” Steve starts, looking out at the water. “Date a co-star?”
Eddie’s brain whites out a little, just static. “Uhh. I thought you were going to ask if I thought you looked weird when you cried, or something.”
Steve sputters. “Do I?”
“No, dude, very pretty crier.” Eddie smiles.
“Thanks I guess,” Steve says, frowning a little.
Eddie chews on his lip. “But, uh. No, I haven’t.”
Steve sighs. “Yeah, me either.”
Which is funny, because he’s been linked with a couple of them from previous projects, but Eddie guesses you can’t believe everything you read.
“Is there someone,” Eddie asks carefully, “you want to date?” Steve is close with Robin and Nancy. Eddie can’t see Robin dating a guy, but what does he know.
“I don’t know,” Steve admits. “I feel like. I don’t know if it would be a terrible idea, because we work together.” And then he just stops talking.
“I might be able to respond better if I knew who we were talking about here.”
Steve gives him a look. “You do know. Don’t make me say it.”
“Gonna definitely need you to.” And then, because he can't help trying to make Steve laugh. "It's Joyce, right?"
"Please," Steve says, and does laugh a little. "I wish I thought I had a shot with Joyce." She's a legitimately famous actress who Eddie often can't believe he's going to share an IMDB listing with.
"But, uh," Steve goes on. “I don’t want to mess anything up, though.” Now he sounds careful.
Eddie doesn’t know what Steve thinks he’s messing up—their chemistry, he guesses, if he’s not reading this very wrong. Their friendship maybe. The show. Any remaining semblance of professionalism. Eddie is pretty ready to throw most of that stuff out the window—after all, who says just because they hook up the work will suffer? Maybe it’ll be better because Eddie won’t be crushed under the weight of absurd amounts of sexual tension anymore. Not that it’s been a hardship, but…
“I don’t think you’re messing anything up,” Eddie tells him. “I mean—personally. Who says anything will get messed up?” I think it might be worth it even if it does, he doesn’t add, because it’s shocking to even think it, and obviously too much for the moment. He doesn’t know if he really means it—this show is, like, the opportunity he’s been waiting his whole life for. But he’s already dead on it; there’s only so many flashback scenes they can film as he ages further out of the high school age bracket for a character who can’t get older.
“Yeah, but.” Steve runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. “The way we are on the show—“ he shoots a worried little glance at Eddie, who tries not to react outwardly to that, which is hard. “Don’t you think some of that’s because—I mean, for me at least, it is, I’m not saying—for you—"
“Me, too,” Eddie assures him before he hurts himself. “But—okay, you brought this up, not me. What do you want, then?”
“Dude, I wish I knew,” Steve says. “I mean—“ he glances at Eddie— “I know what I want, but I don’t know what we should do. But I just felt like I was going crazy, and the only person I really wanted to tell was, well, you.”
Oh. “Steve,” Eddie says, almost a warning. He wants to offer that they can hook up and it won’t mean anything and nothing will change. He wants to offer that they can date and nothing bad will happen. It’s all stupid, impossible to promise.
“I know,” Steve says miserably. “Sorry.”
Eddie shakes his head. It’s almost unbearably sweet that Steve is so bent out of shape over him. “Come on, we only have, what, two more weeks of filming? We can make it through two weeks, right?”
“Guess we have to,” Steve agrees, but he moves his hand over a little so their pinkies touch on the edge of the pool.
tagging a few people by request, thank you for being interested <3 @atlas-talks @obsessivlyme @lyriclight @deadflowercollector @thatonebadideapanda @wolfstarlights @eddiemunsonswife @alienace @wishiwasacasualfan
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wishing-stones · 6 months
how would everybody (or just the boys if you feel like it) react if they managed to, just. like. somehow meet or interact with 8 year old Dream and Nightmare? like, back before the incident
Killer hardly believes what he's seeing. He's heard about Nightmare looking a lot like Dream before the curse happened, but seeing them together is a wildly different beast. He thinks it's cute how Nightmare tries to defend Dream by pushing his twin behind him, but... Killer is shockingly okay with kids sometimes, so he'd talk them both down. Chances are he wouldn't get out of that without a flower crown.
Dust kind of.... absorbs the situation and sits down to talk with the two of them. He's quiet and gentle. Nightmare is pretty quick to get closer because he can sense the latent negativity Dust has. He tries to play tiny therapist, and it doesn't really go his way... but Dust will indulge them and make daisy chains. He also might go threaten the villagers within an inch of their lives to leave the twins the fuck alone.
Axe is... let's face it, pretty scary. He'd come bearing treats, though, and once it's apparent that he just looks scary, they're both a lot more trusting of him. Dream's attempts at trying to fix the hole in his skull are cute, but Axe has to physically pick him up and set him down to keep him away from it. He teaches them about some simple edible plants and how to make stuff from them without the need for a proper kitchen.
Cross sees the opportunity and takes it. If he can't fix what went wrong in his AU... the least he can do is help someone else try to fix theirs. He appoints himself their guard, so they don't have to worry about anything because he will take care of it. He winds up with a lot of flower jewelry, and before too long, his hood trim is mostly flowers. He absolutely steers people away from the tree and sometimes follows Dream into town. Still... he can only delay the inevitable.
Baggs is very confused, but puts two and two together quite fast. He's very gentle with children, and treats their injuries and scrapes better than they can. He also is adamant about their communication, and facilitates them talking to each other about their problems and frustrations. Just because they're children doesn't mean they get a free pass from therapy. He is also delighted to turn people away from the tree, and... for some reason, they don't really come back unless they really need help.
Ink sticks around for a little bit, does some fun things with them, but he absolutely will not get involved in altering the timeline. He can't. No matter how much it sucks, he can't intervene in canon events. It's in the script, and he can't alter that. He'd make himself scarce before it happened, though. No need to have that resentment follow him.
Blue is the polar opposite and would do everything in his power to protect the mini version of one of his best friends and his twin brother. Blue with a reason to guard something that fiercely is a dangerous prospect, and he's not afraid to put the smackdown on someone for being a jackass to little Nightmare. However, like Cross.... he can only delay the inevitable, not prevent it.
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
so since you said before in a previous post that satoru is basically always possessive and is the most jealous person and in another post, he'd act clingy towards you in public or something along those lines, when he feels jealous. say, he's around his students and sees someone persistently flirting with his alpha, would he show his jealousy in that moment or would he wait for a more private moment?
Gojo gets a little more reasonable as he gets older so that's at least one thing in your favor😅. Yeah, his life of entitlement makes him jealous and possessive and he has a terrible sense of "personal boundaries" because his are always up. So even though it's really not socially acceptable, he will get in your and anyone else's space if he wants to or feels the need.
When the situation allows, Satoru will indulge in a playful expression of his inclination to jealousy and possessiveness. However, the question you ask is pretty broad...
If it's just some stranger and you don't realize this other person is flirting, having the students around to witness Satoru's moods only holds him back or changes the way he's going to expresses his feelings, it wouldn't stop him as long as it's not deadly serious. (... look at the very cringe worthy violin teacher bit)
If it's something a little more uncomfortable, like you know this stranger is flirting and can't get away from it, Satoru has no issue being rude to people in public and the students know he's like this, so he'll steer you away or casually guide an encumbrance into the way so you have an opening to leave. (He would call you from across the street and be obvious about it haha). He might bribe or convince the students to help stage a distraction/intervention. He once sent a very young Megumi to pose as your implied son and fetch you back.
If it's necessary for you to talk to this person, maybe for business purposes, and he realizes they're flirting, he will wait until you get what you came for or let you deal with it yourself. If he's hurt at all by your inability or unwillingness to stop this person from flirting with you but is in a delicate situation, he will wait until you get home to maybe go a little feral. He dislikes that he wants the reassurance, but he is more likely to want it. If he can though, he'll melt and pout all over you right away and you should take him out for a quick ice cream or dinner.
If it's another sorcerer and tied in with clan politics, that's where Satoru is really good at walking a line where he can say something that looks normal written down, but everyone in the vicinity understands that this is Gojo-sama, the Six-Eyes user, the strongest sorcerer, and you do not lay hands or eyes on his mate, you do not assume that his having an alpha in any way changes his position in the clan structure, and you do not offer disrespect by association in approaching his alpha with an intention towards seduction.
Also, I feel like I'm not saying this well so I do want to clarify that (the way I try to write the typical au characters), Gojo doesn't act jealous or possessive because of a lack of trust or "ownership" in the objectifying sense. The more obnoxious part is that it's more about having your attention - if it's on someone else, it's not on him. He knows that alpha would not cheat on him, but he also has human emotions - he's just really bad at behaving in a socially acceptable manner about them. Admittedly, it never feels great when someone is implying that they could steal your partner.
Idk his "jealousy" is hard to explain because it doesn't come from a place of insecurity, it has nothing to do with a lack of trust, it has to do with Satoru being an unreasonable demigod who's used to acting on emotions in the moment when he can get away with it, but also because he knows you could walk away because he'd let you. That's one rule he's always subconsciously stuck to - he's not going to force you to stay. Yes, he's always had everything he can physically ask for, but Satoru has been forced into a lot of things his entire life.
He never outright manipulates anybody (in the way of setting up situations to back someone into a corner. If they let him know who they are, he's going to use that information but that's not as dark as it could get). He refuses to actually play politics in general. He's remarkably innocent in the way he relies on earnestness and the threat of potential obliteration as his tools to get things done, they're pretty honest all things considered.
So he's not going to blame or criticize, he's not going to yell or belittle or go all creepy possessive on you. His public persona makes it seem like he would do these things regardless of who's around, but we've seen repeatedly that Satoru is painfully, remarkably rational, almost to the point where he'll lay aside any personal feelings about a situation if it makes sense to do so. He acts out when he can, but it's seldom as chaotic as the higher ups seem to think it is. I guess what I'm saying is he's got boundaries and rules that he follows, it's just that the lines are so far away from what most people experience, this makes him look completely unhinged and he plays this up because when people expect unpredictability from him, it's so far played to his advantage.
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kaeyx · 9 months
I will In fact fuck the old men, I'll elaborate on the cat au since everyone's talking about how cute catzai is but no one is ready for catzawa or catmori. I think when you let them in (cuz even irl kittens are more liked than older cats) and they're just so greatfull and attached to you. They sneak up into your bed at night seeking your company and you're actually worried your bed will give up (cuz let's be honest those small beds for one person won't hold up 3 grown people) and so you move to the bed thinking that they just want to feel comfortable and warm but the moment they notice you're not in the bed they instead snuggle up against you on a floor and now the bed's empty instead..and if you thought catzai throwing himself on you was bad try holding up weight of two tall ass men purring into your ear. Catmori is Smart,very smart but he'll pretend to be silly just for your own amusement he thinks if he can make you laugh more and show you more affection you'll like him more than catfukuzawa. While Catfukuzawa is like a Guard (dog)cat and strong one at that) making sure you ate, fighting Mori for the spot on your lap and making sure you're safe. Also when fighting for who gets to be in your lap (since there's no way you can hold up both of these grown ass men at the same time) catmori does the cat thing when he hits catzawa on the head with his paw/hand two time and hisses his ears pulled back and catzawa just stares at him unmoved. (He won't move. He refuses to move. He doesn't care he already passes the agreed time on your lap and now it's Mori's turn) Catzawa makes sure you eat healthy while catmori would just love to spoil you with sweets and your favourite food. They're so cute I love em
It is your god given right to fuck those old men indeed. I feel like they'd be hesitant at first because it's just really uncommon for anyone to take them in at their age, let alone both of them together. But they'll warm up to you soon enough, they're both smart enough to sense you're serious about this arrangement.
I love the thought of catzawa being stoic all the time except for maybe a smug little flick of the ears or his purring. He'd drape himself elegantly over your shoulders while you work or sit pressed up against your side, just enjoying the quiet company. He watches over you from the counters and the windows and the rooftops and you can't tell him off because he'll just stare right back at you until you give up.
Catmori might act all dignified around people he doesn't know, but you're different. Catzawa too of course. He'll bonk his head against you in greeting or bring you sweets and rub his scent all over your clothes. Catzawa looks on from the corner if you give him too much attention, tail swishing. Catmori would love to curl his tail around you or put his arms around your shoulders or waist, paws kneading at your hip while he chills and thinks about something else or watches TV. He's the one always tempting you to get a snack or try that new boba place that just opened up, while catzawa is the one sternly steering both of you away and asking when you last cooked yourself a proper meal.
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aiitheoutsinfree · 1 year
I Love The Night
Annie Leonhardt x Reader
Word Count: 1582
Warnings: Break ups, mention of Mikasa’s parents, mention of juvie, abandonment issues
Summary: Mikasa ends things between you and her, but in doing so, starts something better between you and Annie.
AUs: Modern!AU
Notes: I based this fic on this cover!
That night her kiss told me it was over
This trip feels off in a concerning way.
You’re at Sasha’s, enjoying what was supposed to be a very sunny Spring Break at her family’s lakeside house. When all of you arrived it started raining, but you can’t hear it anymore, the sound fading into the music.
The welcome party started off fun, but it very quickly became uncomfortable. Everyone keeps looking at you, steering clear of you, and you don’t like it.
“Mika, can we please go to bed? I don’t like how everyone keeps staring and avoiding me. Sasha looks uncomfortable, and I know that if she didn’t want me here, she’d have told me.”
Mikasa sighs, pulling me to Sasha’s room. When she closes the door, she backs you against it, kissing you. You can’t decipher why she seems so eager, can’t tell why she’s so insistent, but it doesn’t bother you at the moment. You pull back from the kiss and see Mikasa crying. You try to bring a hand to her cheek to wipe away the tears, but she pulls away and looks to the side.
“I was hoping they could let me wait to do this, but I guess not.”
“Do what?”
“Jean and I are going to start dating again. I was hoping to tell you after the trip was over, so we could have more good memories together. I told the others to leave you alone, but I think they took it too literally.”
“Y-you’re what? Mika, he ditched you.”
“Y/N, tread carefully. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
“You told me you loved me, Mikasa! You said I was your first love, that he abandoned you!”
At that, her eyes glass over, you can’t even tell what she’s feeling. When she speaks, it’s with a cold voice, wobbling slightly.
“Y/N, you were a distraction. I tried telling you that you were only ever going to last until he came back. Now, let’s get back to the party.”
You scoff, “Fine, you wanna shut me out? I’m gonna get some air. I can’t stand being here with you.”
Her eyes widen before you turn away, and it seems for a second like she’s going to try and stop you. You hope she does.
I went out late into the dark, the misty gloom seemed to soak up my sorrows
You leave the room, head back down to everyone else, grab a drink from a very terrified Connie, and go outside. The rain must have stopped a while ago, because the landscape has a thick layer of fog coating it. You see the pier that Sasha’s family set up and go sit on the edge of it, taking a drink every now and then as you try and calm yourself down.
The further I went on, I felt a spreading calm
As you sit, you reflect on what you and Mikasa had been through together. The sleepless nights when Eren went to juvie for beating up Jean in your sophomore year, when she’d get jealous because she thought Hitch, Pieck, or Annie were getting too close to you for her liking. She’d helped you through your trust issues after Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt moved when all of you graduated, gone without a word. As an ingrained part of their small group, you’d felt so betrayed, but now you just hope they’re okay.
You think back to the inciting incident that led to your relationship, her getting left by Jean. She was so hurt, and while you’d had a crush on her for a while before then, you didn’t expect anything from her. She’d said that’s what drew her to you, that you didn’t feel entitled to her attention or love. It could be that you’re still raw, but the sentiment leaves you bitter.
You thought of how you’d held her after the death of her parents, having to move in with Levi. God, what was this gonna do to your relationship with him? He was like a big brother to you. The same with Eren and Armin, they followed her like puppies, and you feared she’d tell them to leave you alone.
You hear footsteps behind you, and turn quickly to see who’s approaching. If it’s her you might decide to take a late night swim to avoid her.
Then suddenly my eyes were bathed in light, and the lovely lady in white stood by my side
A light flashes at you, and you quickly cover your eyes. You hear a muttered sorry, and when the light turns off it takes you a second for your eyes to readjust. When they do, your eyes widen at the sight of Annie Leonhardt not even two or three feet away. She raises one of her brows at you.
“I see you’d like to be alone.” As she turns to leave, you reach out, tugging the sleeve of her white hoodie lightly.
“Could you please stay?”
She huffs, and sits down next to you.
She said, “Like me I see you’re waking alone, won’t you please stay?”
“I had come here to say sorry we left, though I’ve heard that’s the least of the problems on your mind tonight.”
You give her a warning look, “Annie.”
She shrugs, “I’m just saying, you dodged a bullet. If she’s willing to get back with horseface after what he pulled with Eren, then she doesn’t deserve you.” You scoff.
“And what, you do?”
“Frankly, no. I don’t think any of us would, besides Historia or Sasha…if they weren’t taken.”
You look at her side profile, how she looks in the moonlight. She looks ethereal, and you almost laugh when you remember how many times she’d called herself ugly because of her nose. Almost, because you can’t find it in yourself to distract her from whatever she’s looking at in the stars. Almost, because for the thousandth time since you’d met her, you’d seen how gorgeous she is.
I couldn’t look away
“I love the night.”
She doesn’t turn to you, “The day’s okay, but the night’s so much calmer, like a held breath’s been let out. It’s beautiful, to me at least.”
Though corny, you can’t make yourself look away from her, “Yeah, it is.”
When she turns slightly to look at you, you see the blush on her face.
“Listen, I know tonight has been horrible, and that you won’t be okay for a long time.”
There’s so much I can show and give to you, if you will welcome me tonight
“I want to help you through it, but you have to know this first.”
You tilt your head, looking at her curiously. She takes in a deep breath, sighing it out.
“I’ve wanted to be with you for a very long time, and sometimes I’ve thought you did too. I want you to know this so that you’re fully aware of where I’m coming from. I want you to know…so you don’t feel pressured to reciprocate my feelings.”
Your eyes widen, and you feel your pulse quicken.
She continues, “If that’s alright with you, I’d like to kiss you. If we do kiss, though, I don’t want to be a rebound. I don’t want to be your distraction, or your way to get back at her.”
When you continue staring, she leans close to you.
“If at any point you want me to stop, then tell me to stop, okay?”
When you nod, she presses her lips to yours, and it’s like the whole world pauses around you. It feels urgent and eager like the last kiss you’d shared with Mikasa, but it feels more caring. In comparison it feels less like she’s pulling from you, like Mikasa had been, and more like she’s giving to you. As though she’s breathing new life into your heart after it’d been broken.
You pull back for air, and your eyes and heart soften when Annie looks panicking for a second. You cup her cheek before she can start apologizing. You look at her sadly.
“Annie, I’d love to give you a chance, but I don’t know if we can survive the distance, you going to Marley and all.” At that she laughs, and the sound makes your heart swell. When she starts speaking again, it’s with a deep blush that goes down her neck.
“Y/N, this is gonna sound really desperate, but I tried my hardest to graduate early so I could spend more time here, with you.”
“Oh Annie, that’s so romantic.”
She hides her face in her hoodie, “Shut up.”
You move your hand to grasp hers, doing the same with your other hand.
“Annie, if you’d be willing to let me sulk for a few weeks, I’d be more than happy to go on a date with you.” She looks at you, a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.
“I’m not gonna waste this, Y/N. I promise.”
You think of Mikasa, and what she meant to you. You wonder what you meant to her, because she was always hard to read, her eyes betraying nothing but in rare instances.
You look at the usually stoic Annie Leonhardt. Tears pouring, with a smile bright enough to rival the sun itself even in the cold, dark night. You can see how she looks at you.
You see the love in her eyes, and it makes you smile back.
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corruptedroses · 9 months
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— Corruption
Fandom —  Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach Pairing — Glamrock Bonnie/Glamrock Freddy Summary — Damian doesn't let the things he loves go so easily. When Eliseo runs away when he's locked up for something he didn't do, all he can think is how to get him back. Content Warnings — stalking, toxic relationships, mafia au, characters use new names, pre-established world and relationships, Eliseo (Freddy) is a stripper, reuniting, mutual masturbation, blow jobs, handjobs, porn with plot (lots of plot), bit of pain kink Word Count — 10,978 words Author's Note — Commissioned piece, Alternate names are used in this version and are as followed: Damian (Glam Bon), Eliseo (Glam Fred), Christine (Glam Chica), Fergus (Funtime Freddy), Felix (Funtime Foxy)
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Love is like a drug, and when you are forced to go cold turkey it hurts the most. Damian knew this more than anyone from the sting Damian knew this more than anyone since his heart had been left stinging and empty after the third mail day in prison.
It started slowly, he denied it; Eliseo probably was busy with something else, maybe he was trying to track down who had framed him… but then he didn’t visit. He was patient, and understanding, he waited in his cell, waited in the visitation room, hanging by that phone in hopes that those familiar blue eyes and caramel curls would walk in. Eliseo never came. The nagging feeling turned full bloom as the weeks went by, eating him away more and more.
The weeks blurred, and Damien found himself staring at those same four walls over and over again, waiting for that call. He bottled it down, and kept it deep inside his chest; he kept doing what he needed to do while wearing those orange jumpsuits, having his men work on getting him out. He knew he was an innocent man — he never dealt in drugs anyway — so the day he was finally released after being cleared of his name… the nightmare had only just begun.
To find a home that was devoid of the one you held close crushed you inside, a storm that brewed in the heat of summer as you found yourself on your knees. Damian’s heart had crushed and shattered, spread across the ground when there was nothing. It had been a blur when he had thrown open every door, called out all the names he knew in his heart, and searched for any sign that he wasn’t dreaming.
This was a nightmare to him, one that squeezed his lungs so tightly. Where was he, where was his lover? Eliseo’s name had fallen from his lips so many times, so many places he searched, but the smell of lavender had faded, replaced by stale, lonely air. Dust caked on surfaces, on furniture that hadn’t been used, it collected like a veil on the nightmare in his heart. He had to be somewhere, he had to be anywhere — his footsteps had stopped in the bedroom, the setting sun’s rays catching on a familiar sheen of golden metal.
There the cuff links that had promised Eliseo sat, in their velvet box, as pristine as the day he had gifted them. ‘I’m sorry’.
Eliseo was gone.
Their city was big, but not big enough. It was months later that Damian found Eliseo once more on the outskirts of the city, knowing the man couldn’t have gotten far — Eliseo had always said he never planned to leave the city given he didn’t know where else he would go, so finding him one day, as he drove around, had thrilled him like no other had before. He was still perfect, with his soft curly hair and his adorable blue eyes, Eliseo was like an angel that had descended to Earth in human form.
Seeing him surrounded by flowers only seemed to enhance that unearthly glow. Roses, peonies, daffodils, it was like looking at the perfect photograph.
A few sat in his glove box that had been taken in the weeks since that day, covered in what should be on Eliseo, yet his fingers tightened on the steering wheel as he parked across the street, watching his lover’s every move. He didn’t want to scare him more than what he should at that moment, he didn’t want to dare dream of causing his beloved distress, yet he couldn’t help himself. That shop didn’t see as much business as it would in the inner parts of the city, it didn’t provide income on some days, he felt the need to write a cheque and slipped it into the mailbox in the dead of night, the next day he had watched as Eliseo had pulled it out.
Yet he didn’t do anything with it.
He watched day in, day out, that Eliseo would have the same little beat-up car, and use the same sneakers that he noted seemed to be developing holes in their sides between the tape and staples he used to keep them from falling apart — it was like the man was ripping up the cheques and refusing to use them. ‘He’s always been like this,’ he thought to himself, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel, ‘he doesn’t usually spend much on himself.’ Frugal in spending, he remembered the many, many times that he had to force Eliseo to spend on himself, to spend a single cent that came from his card; the man hated to spend, especially other’s money, so it was obvious that he hadn’t changed from that.
Yet the memories only seemed to haunt him.
“I can’t spend this.” Eliseo’s eyes were wide when he peered into the envelope; it had been one month since Damian had finally convinced him to start dating, and it had been two since Damian had confessed his feelings to the man that he had been bottling up for years. It was only right that he wanted to give the man something to spend, something to use, but yet as the envelope was shoved back into his own hands, Damian’s brow quirked.
“How so?” Damian’s voice rippled through the office like a soft rain as he attempted to push back the envelope into Eliseo’s hands, but yet the man didn’t seem like he wanted to budge, only trying harder to keep the envelope in Damian’s hands. “I’m giving you this.”
“It’s not my money.”
“And I’m giving it to you. It makes it your money.” Damian finally forced the envelope full of banknotes finally back into Eliseo’s hands, tucking his own into the armpits of his suit as he stepped away, the brunette seeming confused on what to do with such a big stack of cash; flash it to your allies and they’re drooling, flash it to a random woman and she’ll drop her panties for you, flash it to Eliseo and the man looked like he had seen a ghost. The way his fingers ghosted over the bills, counting each in his mind, “Is five thousand too little?” Damian questioned as he watched his lover’s eyes widen.
“It’s way too much!”
“Fine…” Taking the envelope and pocketing half the bills, Damian shoved the money back into Eliseo’s hands, pocketing the rest. “Two thousand five hundred. Spend it all by the end of this week and show it to me.”
“We should’ve been married by now…” Damian muttered under his breath as he watched Eliseo, like clockwork, come from the store to water the flowers that sat outside. The apron he was wearing was ratty, worn, he could see the strings that kept it around his neck fraying and falling apart — he needed a new one, one that would match his eyes, maybe one that had a pocket on the front. He could get him a designer one, one that matched his store and—.
“Haven’t you thought about just talking to him?” Oh, Christine was in the car, he had forgotten. The white-haired woman sat in the back seat, the smell of nail polish emanating through the air as she did her nails on the leather seats of the car. She was practically his right-hand man and Eliseo’s former-best friend so, when she had heard that he had found Eliseo, it had been a nightmare to try and tell her no. Hearing as she clicked her teeth and fumbled with something in her beauty bag, Eliseo would spot Christine a mile away if he hadn’t enabled the child locks in the back. “Eliseo probably still loves you.”
Keyword: probably.
“I don’t get why you’re here…” Damian muttered, finally turning his head to stare at the woman as she prepared an aerosol can, Damian quickly snatched it away before she could even attempt it. “No hair spray.”
“You’re no fun.” Violet eyes stared at him before Christine muttered something in a tongue he couldn’t understand. The woman settled into her seat with her overly bright clothing and even louder attitude rolling off of her in waves while Damian tossed the hair spray into his passenger seat. “Being like a stalker every day isn’t helping you get any closer to him.” He knew that too, yet his thoughts were interrupted as two shoes were shoved in his face.
“Pink or green?” Both were as hideous as the other, but as he pointed to the pink one, Christine hummed and the shoes to disappear into the back seat again. “As I was saying,” she continued while Damian watched her throw the shoes on through the rear-view mirror, “you two were pinning after each other a long time — way longer than what when me and the others were around for.”
The sign flipped to closed, Damian started up the car and he fastened his seat belt then began to drive off, “it’s more complicated than that, Christine.” Damian said, making sure that Eliseo didn’t see them drive off as he headed through the streets, “either way, have you learned anything from the club?”
“Oh, yes, that’s why I’m here.” Sliding into the front seat and fastening her seat belt, Christine looked the part of the role she was about to play, skimpy leotard and all, her makeup done to whatever perfection was needed. The club they were going to didn’t just hire any dancer, they needed the best, and with Christine’s face done up and her body on display, they had accepted her and kept her. She had been careful to not cross paths with Eliseo when possible,even going as far as popping in some (dark) contacts to cover the striking colour of her eyes, which Damian could do nothing but tap on the wheel and wait for. “Eliseo has been giving the money out to everyone else in the club.”
“And you left it in his hole?”
“Yep, still did it anyway.” He could already feel the migraine coming on from this information, throwing on the brakes suddenly as he realised he was approaching a red light. “Christ! Watch out would you?”
“You should pay attention.” The words were directed more to himself than Christine. He kept driving and soon the sun dimmed over the horizon, bringing the flashing neon signs and lights of the club into view. They acted as a beacon of limited delight, a flashing sign that directed occupants to forget their loneliness and sorrows and funnel into its doors.
How sour had it been when he first discovered that this was the place his beloved spent his nights, dancing away for men who didn’t know how to appreciate Eliseo the way he did. Even if Christine reassured him that Eliseo didn’t allow anyone to touch him or get close enough to cop a feel , it didn’t ease the nerves that entangled themselves around his heart. Leering eyes, wanting hands, he could only imagine Eliseo in a tight string that barely concealed nothing, dancing around a pole and entertaining the wandering eyes. He had seen Christine perform when they first met, but never before had he imagined that Eliseo would be in the same position.
What hadn’t he given Eliseo? Did he want more power in the relationship or did he want something else? He racked his brain for hours upon hours at night as he would try and figure out what his beloved wanted and craved. What had caused him to leave the world of comfort and luxury to let men that he didn’t know ogle him? Looking at Christine who did her lipstick in the mirror, he thought about the reasons she had been in the business; power, attention, comfort, it was all those things that she had craved and more and she still didn’t stop, not even when she became his right-hand man.
“Was I ever bad to Eliseo?” Damian muttered as he finally pulled into the parking lot, cutting the engine as he sat in his seat. The confused noise that came from the woman beside him was enough to make him fully turn his head, seeing the way her eyes looked at him as she paused mid-stroke, “did he ever tell you that I was doing something wrong?”
Christine only shook her head as she began to step out of the car, swiping the velvet box that was in the middle of the seats and placing it into her handbag, “you’ll have to find out yourself. Talk to him, tonight, or I’ll drag you to him myself.” Leaving him to stew in his thoughts, Damian watched as Christine crossed the parking lot to the front doors, and was let in with a nod and a smile. That woman loved to tease and taunt, and drag people to where she wanted them to go
As he pulled the keys out of the ignition and stepped out into the dimming sun, he sucked in his lips.
Damian had to finish this game of cat and mouse; Eliseo had been running for far too long, far too far, he needed to know that he was still wanted by him — so why didn’t he want to move? Sucking in a deep breath through his nose, he leaned against the roof of his car, staring at the club’s doors. Beyond those doors, already in a room that was filling up with men and women, Eliseo would be there soon. In there, he could corner him and take him back, make him come home.
It should be as easy as negotiating a deal with someone, yet his legs felt like jello. Was it the fact that he had been dreaming of this moment for so long that his legs didn’t want to work with him, or was it the fact that he didn’t know if this would be the same boy he knew? “Fuck.” Running a hand through his curly hair, Damian cursed multiple times under his breath. Eliseo was like air, so beautiful and essential for survival, he wanted to breathe it in, he wanted to embrace him, but what if he was like smog and would harm him from the inside?
No, he had to snap out of it, he couldn’t let his worries and fears take hold of him before he even had a chance to go inside. Christine had one goal and one goal only tonight; get those cuff links to Eliseo, if he wasn’t in there then the entire plan could fall apart. With one last check in the side mirror of his car to make sure his hair was perfectly in place, Damian allowed his feet to carry him across that car park. Each step was long, calculated, and hurried, yet his heart felt like it wanted to secure itself to the ground with how heavy it felt in his chest.
Damian had seen the horrors of gun battles and survived numerous gang fights, yet the mere thought of seeing Eliseo again after all of these years? It felt like something else entirely. He had said to the other man before that he would allow himself to take a bullet before he would even think about having to hold a gun. The building seemed so much bigger now that he stood at the door.
“Identification.” The bouncer demanded, Damian, snapped out of his thoughts long enough to grab his ID from his wallet, and handed the piece of plastic to the other man, watching as he tilted down his sunglasses before looking between him and the picture. “Birthday?”
Oh, he forgot that he looked different from the man in the photo. Coughing into his fist, Damian said his birthday without needing to look at the card, the bouncer moved to the side as he allowed Damian into the building.
“Men are on the right side of the stage, women on the left.”
He knew that already based on what Christine had told him, but yet he nodded his head in acknowledgement all the same, allowing himself to slip inside the smog of carnal desire and want that thinly veiled the depression that seeped deep within the rug. It was a standard entry hall, with a carpet that had seen better days and walls that had seen much too much smoke, but yet all the same it was… quite dull. Compared to the glitz and glam he was used to due to the Aftons hold on the underbelly, this was certainly a downgrade. He dodged the eyes of the women and men that dressed themselves in what he assumed to be staff uniforms, entering out into the main room with little noise.
The stench had become stronger, choking his nostrils and lungs as he surveyed the rooms. Decent space to move about, and doors were easily accessible, the soft pink of the overhead lights barely could disguise the blood that stained the carpet. Damian scowled as he avoided what seemed to be a fresh puddle, watching as staff worked quickly to try and clean it up. This was the place that Eliseo had found himself working at. Damian could hear the poor crackle of the speakers and see chairs that had been poorly taped back together — this place was a blunder, a disgrace to the district it sat on.
No wonder Christine had called it the crack house of whore houses, it certainly deserved the name.
“First time?” Of course, the one person you never wanted to be anywhere near had to be here. The white-haired Funtime grinned up at him with those blue eyes and Damian had to resist pulling his gun out on him right there and then. “Neutral zone, can’t do shit here unless you want to be pinned by the balls to the wall, Glam.”
Fuck, he was right. Relaxing the hand that hovered near his gun, Damian allowed his jaw to tighten as Fergus pulled out the chair next to him. “I’m not planning to be here for long.”
“Your boy toy ain’t even here yet, sit, I’ll buy you a drink if you do.” Letting his eyes wander for a bit around the room, not spotting any other familiar heads of white, purple or pink, Damian slowly slid into the chair, making sure that it was as far as possible between himself and the bastard that made torture a hobby.
“I’m assuming you want to talk to me?”
“Nah,” Fergus laughed, flagging down a waitress as he wheezed out of his ugly mug, “just want to see you be uncomfortable up close — two scotches, one with extra ice.” Turning his face away to ogle at the waitress’s breasts, it gave Damian some time to compose himself, slipping a knife that sat on the table down his sleeve.
You could never let yourself be too comfortable around a Funtime. Getting one’s attention was bad enough, but, being close enough to one where you could smell the horrid stench that rolled off of them from their rotten personalities? You may as well pay the devil for a dinner date.
“Now,” Without the appeal of mounds of fat in his vision, Fergus returned to Damian, his grin showing every tooth in his mouth as he rested his hands on the table, “Did ya whore him out or did he run screaming?”
“Shut your fucking mouth.”
“Al’ght, calm your dick.” Throwing his hands up as he retracted the statement, Fergus’s blue eyes seemed to glow under the pink as he drank from his half-finished scotch, the grin never disappearing. “I’m assuming you’re fetching yer due or some shit.”
“It is none of your concern.”
“You’re sitting across from me, Fergus, surrounded by piss, blood ‘nd shit in a club that might as well be shut down by the pigs and you tell me it ain’t any of my concern, especially when ye’re dressed up like it's a date?” As the man leaned over the table, like a bear about to strike the rabbit, Fergus’s eyes bore into his soul, “be lucky nobody else has put a bullet to that temple.”
“Is that a threat?”
“Can be if you want it to be.” The chair groaned under the weight of the other man as he sat back down, looking at his watch as he checked the time. “Pretty boy should be on in two minutes. Nev���a late.”
And never late he was. When the lights dimmed and those gorgeous brown curls appeared on the dimly lit stage, it was like Damian had lost all ability to speak. And he was dressed in that pretty lingerie that Damian had bought him. Pretty in blues and purples and reds, Eliseo seemed to wear it like a fancy glove as he danced around that stage with the lights shining on him — while the outfit had been for only his eyes to see in the first place, there was something about being able to glance to the side and see the other man drool over something he couldn’t have. He watched as Fergus swished around his scotch.
“Two scotches.”
Damian eyed the glasses as they were placed down on the table and watched the waitress as she walked away before he picked up the glass that sat in front of him, sniffing at the contents before putting it back down. While on most days he would allow himself to sip at a good scotch, the smell of cinnamon that came from the glass was less than inviting, red eyes glaring at the man in front of him momentarily.
“Not drinking it?” Damian bit his tongue as Fergus spoke, though as the man shrugged and kept drinking his own, Damian felt his eyes to wander back to the stage. He could see Christine off to the side, watching as she scanned the room before letting her eyes land on him. And Fergus.
‘Are you fucking insane?’ the woman mouthed from behind that curtain, Damian watching the way her brows furrowed in confusion at the overweight man. It hadn’t been a part of the plan — neither of them had been banking on another being here, but yet as Damian looked to Fergus before back to Chica, he mouthed back ‘I have this under control’ before she retreated behind the curtain.
He didn’t have any of this under control. He had to find a way of shaking off Fergus. Looking around the room before spotting the manager of the place, having seen him plenty of times being the last to leave and the first to arrive. The walk was brisk, and quick, Fergus’s attention too enamoured by the stage to notice that Damian had left. “You the manager?”
The manager was a scrawny thing up close, couldn’t be older than twenty-five based on the acne, though as the green eyes of the other man looked him up and down before nodding, Damian bit the inside of his cheek.
“Is Eliseo available for a private meeting?” Watching the way the manager’s eyes bulged at the use of Eliseo’s real name, it looked like he saw a ghost, blinking once, twice before looking at him even closer. “I know him personally.”
“I’d need to talk to his persona— woah.” As Damian pulled out a wad of cash from his inner pocket, flashing it to the man’s face, he could see the metaphorical dollar signs that appeared in his green eyes before he snatched it, counting each bill quickly. “I’ll see what I can do, the private rooms are in the back.”
Good, Fergus can’t follow him there. Letting himself be led into the twisting hallways of the club, Damian could still smell the rotten stench from a mile away, yet it dulled the further he got from the main room. The carpet became less sticky under his feet, the lighting seemed to be better, and as he was left in the room he knew that this club put their bank on private reservations.
He couldn’t help but let himself to the wine in the bucket, not even taking a cup as he took a swing straight from the bottle. How long would it be until Fergus realised that he was gone, leaving nothing but the scotch he was meant to drink? Probably not anytime soon. Letting the stray wine that attempted to slip from his mouth be wiped away by the sleeve of his suit jacket, he inspected the label of the wine.
“Fuck…” Damian muttered, smacking his lips against his teeth as he spoke, “That’s some fine wine.” Bottled in the eighteen hundreds, no wonder why this place looked so nice in the back; it was for the rich and the elite as a cover. He could hear the thunder of applause from where he stood, signalling the end of Eliseo’s show. With the thundering vibrations that echoed through the halls, Damian’s throat tightened up; it was like his entire conscious was telling him that Eliseo may be fine here, that he was seemingly happy. “Fuck!” He cussed again, the wine bottle vibrating with the impact as he slammed it against the table in the middle of the room.
He was in this too deep now.
The door slammed open, Damian letting his eyes shoot up to look at the blazing blue that was Eliseo. Seeing him there, making eye contact with him and breathing the same air as he had made his heart feel like it was squeezed in a vice grip. His hair had grown longer, shaggy in front of his eyes as Eliseo took a few steps into the room, shutting the door behind him. It was quiet, the only thing that echoed in the room being Eliseo’s hard breaths, watching as he leaned against the wood of the door.
“Don’t talk yet.” Eliseo’s words came out harsh, stopping him in his tracks as he sucked in a deep breath. Of course, what was he thinking; they hadn’t seen each other in so long and now he was intruding on his life. He took another sip of the wine. “I should have known it was you,” Eliseo’s voice wavered as he talked, even if he had long hair that covered his eyes, there was no hiding the tears that streamed down the other man’s face as he stood there, a sheer slip covering his skin from his gaze, “how long have you been out?”
“Since June.” Even if it had been four months since Damian was released from that hell hole, there was something about how Eliseo just stared at him, keeping their distance while wearing those goddamn shoes that made him taller. Based on the door, with those heels, Eliseo was probably as tall as he was. “I’ve been looking for you.”
“I knew you would, you always do.” It didn’t stop the pain that had come with knowing that Eliseo had moved out when he was stuck in the shit hole, that he had uprooted his life to do this, but as Damian took a few steps towards the man, Eliseo didn’t even reject his touch as he placed a hand on his cheek, watching as he slowly melted his way into his hand. “I missed this…” I missed this too hung on the edge of Damian’s tongue, letting his arms slowly scoop Eliseo into his hold. It was foreign to finally hold him again, to smell his shampoo, to feel his heat.
It felt right.
“Why didn’t you come to me directly?”
“I wanted you to want me back.” Damian let his words hang in the air as the thumping of the stage echoed through the walls, his fingers holding onto Eliseo tight as they stood there. This was too easy, too simple, he had imagined Eliseo screaming, crying, kicking, yelling at him to stay away, yet Eliseo had come to him so easily, so quickly, letting him hold him in his arms like it was where he belonged — no, scratch that, it was where he belonged.
He had dreamed of those nights where they could just go back to normal, where he would come home to Eliseo in his arms… his grip grew tighter around the other man’s waist, feeling the satin that covered his form. This hadn’t been for nothing, this had been for something, and he had it back where he wanted it.
“Why did you leave?” Damian finally muttered after the silence had entrapped them whole, allowing Eliseo to pull back to look him in the eyes. Those gorgeous blues, swimming with tears, rimmed with red against his tanned skin. A painting he wanted to forever preserve.
Yet nothing could prepare Damian for the shaky words that escaped Eliseo’s mouth, ones that shattered his world and made his soul quake in a rage that he couldn’t express; “I’m no good for you, you need someone stronger, someone who wouldn’t hesitate shooting.”
“No good?” Damian repeated, already feeling the way his skin scorched in the unspoken emotions, red eyes wanting to bulge from their sockets as the pressure built up and up; who dared make Eliseo think that, to poison his brain with untruths and lies? He would murder them all. “You’re the only one who can love me the way you do.” And it was the truth. Eliseo was the only one had grown up with him, been with him through the rocks, been in his bed with him, hell, had seen him cry — yet he couldn’t stop the tears that overflowed from his own eyes as all the feelings he had been bottling up over the past few weeks finally overflowed.
Burying his face into Eliseo’s hair, Damian breathed him all in; he was here, he was in his arms, the loneliness that had been gripping his heart still remained, however, crushing him, smothering him. He just needed to hold Eliseo close, to feel his heartbeat. He could feel Eliseo’s hands pressed up against him, his hands wound tightly around something, and yet he didn’t mind the feeling of something lightly poking him in the stomach. The smell of lavender and sweat invaded his senses, the feeling of Eliseo’s sweaty hair pulling him to the ground over and over again.
The music started back up in the main room, signaling the start of another performance as Damian allowed himself to pull back, to brush away the strands of hair that had settled themselves in front of Eliseo’s blue eyes so then he could look at him in all his glory. A masterpiece, a man that no other could dare dream of loving the way he did, yet as his eyes flickered down to Eliseo’s lips, seeing the way they were parted and lightly dusted with the hint of glimmering lip balm, he could not stop himself as he swooped in to have a taste. Strawberry and a hint of vanilla, he could smell it as he allowed himself to have that small taste, but yet a small taste didn’t seem to be enough for Eliseo, pulling Damian back in for another, and another.
How he had missed this too. Damian allowed his thoughts to be thrown to the wind as he pressed Eliseo against his hips, allowing the man to devour his breath, his life, and his soul as they kissed. Eliseo may be the more subdued of the two in terms of their lifestyles, but that was never the case for them in particular, allowing Eliseo to lead the kiss as he was pushed across the room, allowing the back of his knees to hit the cushioning of the couch behind him, forced to his ass as Eliseo pressed him down.
Dressed in that lingerie, staring at him like he was some sort of piece of meat, Damian had no other choice but to feel his arousal stir as he looked up at him. Fuck, that was hot.
“Waltzing back into my life,” Eliseo muttered, “making me feel all these things so easily?” Eliseo’s legs easily straddled him as he sat there hovering, those pretty blue eyes that twisted their way into Damian’s life staring down, down into his soul. The lights of the room couldn’t reach his face anymore, overshadowed by the form that was Eliseo, his brown hair dangling down as his fingers came to slowly unbutton his shirt. His tanned skin seemed to flush more as his blood began circulating. “How naughty of you.”
Damian’s shirt was ripped open once the buttons were finished, Eliseo’s fingers spreading all over the pale skin as he sucked in a breath. Same Eliseo, those same eyes, the same ones that drank in the silky and scarred skin of Damian as if it were always his first time — it was never enough, Eliseo’s lips coming to gently nibble at the junction of his neck. “Getting into the good part already?” Damian muttered, his breaths coming out in a groan as he let his hands begin to ghost Eliseo’s waist, though with two slaps his fingers were forced to find purchase in the cushions underneath him instead.
When Eliseo didn’t want to be touched, he would make sure he had control of it. He would dangle what Damian wanted right over his head, just out of his reach, make Damian work for it as he would sit there, tortured, beginning to feel the way his cock brushed on the inside of his underwear as he had to restrain himself. A little tease, a minx, just like the way he had ran away from him.
Damian wanted to touch him, to mark him, to show him who he belonged to, but yet he found himself stilled underneath his touch and gaze, letting the other man do what he wanted.
“Good boy.”
If he died right now, he would die a happy man. Eliseo’s fingers dragged down his chest, over his nipples, down and down towards his waist band before he gently dipped them underneath, baiting a breath from Damian before he pulled them out, continuing to drag them down over his pants. Was Eliseo begging to be thrown onto the cushions and have the life fucked out of him? Was he begging to be like the photographs that he had gladly defaced with his cum? Damian thought so, his mouth going dry as Eliseo finally dragged his fingers back up, unbuckling his pants before slowly dragging down the zipper.
“How long ago did you find out I worked here?” Eliseo’s words were like a slithering snake as they snuck their way into his ears, his fingertips barely ghosting over the outline of Damian’s cock, feeling the way that it rubbed against the fabric, drawing forth a small hiss that escaped his throat.
Eliseo was really doing this here now, for what reason? Damian’s mind racked itself to find the answer as he thought back onto the many days that he had spent stalking outside of Eliseo’s flower shop and the club, feeling the heat of Eliseo’s stare on his skin as he felt the piercing gaze burrow deep into his psyche.
Had he been aware all of this time? Had he been paying attention?
Licking his lips as he felt Eliseo’s fingers grasp firmly onto his cock through his briefs, Damian finally answered, “A few weeks now…” He said, hearing the way Eliseo’s chest hummed with satisfaction at the answer, though his hand didn’t move under the briefs, instead, he pulled at the waistband until the head was barely peeking out, letting a thumb run over the neglected slit. “I found out two weeks after I saw you in the flower shop.”
“So my eyes weren’t deceiving me,” Eliseo’s smile seemed to widen, a cat’s gaze now staring down at Damian as he grinned, “That was you and Christine outside the shop today.”
“Wha— fuck.” When had Eliseo gotten a hand around the shaft? He didn’t know, but feeling the way he squeezed it hard enough to cause a twinge of pain up his spine sent shivers throughout his entire body. Holding him by the dick, staring him down, Eliseo was in the prime position of power — and looked hot while doing it too. Eliseo’s fingers slowly massaged over the shaft, his fingers and hands noticeably more toned than the last time he had found himself in this position. “Eli…” He was able to softly groan, watching the way those blue eyes glittered and shined with such mirth that he swore that he was going to be swallowed whole right then and there.
“Been watching you,” Eliseo muttered, his free hand coming to the tip to swipe at the beading of pre as he slowly leaned back closer, the smell that was so intoxicatingly Eliseo filling Damian’s senses, his chest flaring with heat as he dug his nails into the seats, “you can’t hide that blue hair from me.” That god damn kitten lick, that fucking tongue ghosting out to lick at his bottom lip, it broke the man, grabbing Eliseo’s hips and throwing him down to the cushions underneath the two of them.
Eliseo may be confident when he was in control, but watching it melt away when he found himself in the bottom position was something else. He could smell and taste the nerves that bubbled to the surfaces and revelled in the look that flashed across Eliseo’s eyes as he tried to get back up, but a firm hand on the skin of his stomach was enough to make him still.
Eliseo had his fun, but now it was Damian’s turn.
Removing the hair tie that kept his corkscrew curls from his face, his hair came from the low ponytail to hang down, letting his fingers curl themselves into Eliseo’s hair as he tied it back, leaving those brown curls away from the blue eyes he wanted to stare at. “Perfect.” Eliseo may be already mostly bared for the world to see, but to see his face as he dragged his fingers down his unmarked chest? Even better.
“Dames?” Eliseo muttered, all the prior confidence in his voice gone, though as Damian’s fingers just so gently brushed over the nipples of Eliseo’s chest, he couldn’t help himself but to tug on them gently, a breathless gasp escaping from between Eliseo’s lips. He needed more. His hands ungracefully wandered over Eliseo’s body as he stole another kiss from the man, basking in the glow that came with hearing him moan directly against his lips. It never ceased to send shudders down Damian’s spine no matter how many nights he had spent with Eliseo under him, on top of him, beside him.
This man was one that he wanted to be with again, and again, and again, no matter how many times he would have to be found. Damian lost himself in the moment, his lips, his teeth, his fingers feeling every inch of Eliseo’s exposed skin, touching him, tasting him, marking him. Damian needed him to be marked, to be bitten, to be bruised, if he weren’t any of those things then how would the world know he was taken? He needed this tanned skin to speak a sinful truth, a devil’s hymn, hearing the way he stole Eliseo’s mind with each movement, feeling the way the man under him hardened in that pretty little thong that shimmered blue against his skin. Fuck, his own mind whirled as he allowed himself to finally bask in the moment. He had him in his hands, like putty.
And he didn’t have fucking lube.
“I know that face…” Eliseo muttered, his fingers coming to brush away some of the coils that framed his face, blue eyes staring down at the dark red that were his own, “don’t over think it, we’ve been in this situation before.” Too many times. Eliseo had a point, though, and he knew it with the way his blue eyes twinkled, yet his own eyes scanned over Eliseo’s body, taking in each bite and hickey that had begun to form on his skin. “Hm?” Eliseo muttered as Damian’s body slid further down his own, brows furrowing as he stayed focus on Damian.
Perfect. He wanted him to watch this. “You worked so hard up on that stage,” Damian could feel the grin grow onto his face as he spoke, his fingers slowly hooking themselves under the dainty straps that secured it to his hips, watching the way they curled as he slowly began to slide it down his legs, just enough to watch as his cock bounced from the restraints and into the open air, already beading itself with small bits of pre. Eliseo’s brain must have clicked right then and there on what was about to happen, the man sliding one of the cheap pillows to rest under his head as he watched, blue eyes shining slightly with interest. “Sit back and let me make you feel good.”
While Damian had his fair share of pleasing Eliseo with his mouth, this was the first time that it would be on a shitty couch that looked better than it felt, with Eliseo’s eyes half lidded and one of his legs coming to curl around his shoulders. Damian took a moment to appreciate the man in front of him. How gorgeous was he, with such a gorgeous stare and an even more gorgeous cock standing at attention right in front of him? It was like a work of art, especially as Damian allowed himself to lick a slow stripe on the underside, one that he could feel the way Eliseo’s thigh clenched near his head.
Oh so perfect.
“Damian…” Eliseo could go louder than that, he knew he could. With the music that played out in the main area and the distance they were, Damian wanted to hear that man scream his throat raw, even if it meant he would have to go hours for it.
“That’s it, that’s me.” Saliva gathered in Damian’s mouth, willing it to pool on his tongue before he spat some into his hand. Even if Eliseo muttered a soft ‘gross’ from above, he knew that it was at least better to use than nothing at all, especially as he began to slowly pump at the throbbing flesh, feeling the way it almost seemed to grow a bit more in his grasp. He was so easily pleased, no matter the time of day, yet hearing the soft gasps and whimpers that escaped Eliseo’s mouth at the sensation, he knew he hit the jackpot.
“Feels better when you do it.” Eliseo muttered just barely loud enough for him to hear, seeing the way the muscles in his belly grew taut at the struggle of not thrusting up into the warm hand that encompassed his cock. Damian could imagine all those nights where Eliseo would have to pleasure himself, probably thinking about the way he would touch him, and he couldn’t help but smile at the thought, lightly nuzzling his cheek into the thigh next to his head. “Do the thing with your thumb.”
Damian could feel his own throat vibrate slightly as he processed the request, his eyes drifting down to the darkened head of the cock in his hand, seeing the way the slit bubbled slightly with milky white that slowly mixed with the sweat on his skin. He didn’t need to even say words, placing the pad of his thumb over the slit and pushing down slightly — he would never get tired of seeing the way his back arched with that, the whine that escaped from Eliseo’s mouth in such a pretty whisper being one that he would save in his mind next to the other ones.
His own hardened shaft was beginning to chafe against his underwear and the seat under him, grunting slightly as he lifted his hips up just enough to rid himself of any fabric that could rub against it, the other massaging the slit on Eliseo, hearing the way the man uttered his name.
“That’s it, that’s my name.” He needed to taste him, to have the taste of sweat and Eliseo on his tongue, slowly replacing his hand with his mouth, he kept his eyes trained up on those gorgeous blue eyes as he took him all in. The taste, the smell, it was all him, mixed in with whatever perfume he wore that night. How had he been able to go so long without this taste on his tongue he didn’t know, but to have him now? It was a dream come true.
His heart was hammering in his chest, so full of emotion that he couldn’t place, but yet what man needed to have emotions named when he could follow the instinct of his cock? Yeah, that seemed about right.
Pretty faces, pretty emotions, he could feel how Eliseo’s fingers weaved themselves into his hair and pulled softly, Damian allowing his mouth to pull back with a satisfying pop, eyes half lidded as he stared up at the man. Eliseo’s face was flushed, sweat glistening his body in such a way that he looked like an angel laying there in a pile of sin, the lace of the underwear brushing slightly against his chin as he pressed a soft kiss to the underside of the shaft. “Yes?” Damian said, watching the way Eliseo’s mouth struggled to form words. If he wanted something, he needed to vocalise it, if he wanted it to be done, so be it. “I know you can speak, come on.” Shifting himself into a sitting position, well above Eliseo, he waited.
Yet he couldn’t stop his hands from resting upon his waist when Eliseo came to sit on his lap, the underwear brushing against his own cock and causing him to softly hiss. That felt nice, especially with the heat of their bodies, of the room, feeling the way his shirt stuck to the skin of his back as he sat there, looking up at Eliseo. “Baby?”
“It’s not fair I’m the only one feeling good.” Eliseo’s word was final, gathering some of his own spit into his palm, taking a short break from speaking. His voice was already so raw, so true, Damian able to hear the way it strained to keep itself even as Eliseo sat there, thinking carefully about his next move, “Keep me steady?” He didn’t need to ask twice, Damian’s hands anchoring the other man to the spot, one hand spreading its fingers over the small of Eliseo’s back as the other focused on his own goal.
“This position reminds me of the day I told you I love you.” Damian muttered, Eliseo’s hand pausing its movements, just barely touching both of their cocks as he waited, listening, “Apparently you wanted to fuck me so bad that you couldn’t even wait until we got back to my place.”
“You were the one that told that girl that you were ‘going to fuck your ass’.” Damian’s cheeks warmed at the memory, yet his chest remained hotter still at the way Eliseo threw his head back to laugh, the absurdity of that situation dawning on him as this was the exact position the two of them had been in on that night, where lube hadn’t yet been bought and emotions ran high. “Yes, I remember that, Damian.” And just like that night, Damian placed a gentle kiss to the Adam’s apple of his throat, stealing Eliseo’s breath away.
“Still think of that ni- fuck.” And Eliseo didn’t hesitate on stealing his, Damian letting out a low groan as he felt Eliseo’s hand hold them together, beginning to slowly pump at their warm flesh. The friction was delicious, the warmth so much, Damian allowing his face to nuzzle into Eliseo’s shoulder as he muttered soft praises to whatever god was above. This man was like a holy grail, so perfect and fine and so devilishly tempting — biting into whatever apple that had been behind that smile had been the best decision he had ever made.
No one could be like Eliseo, no one could even think about coming close enough to be him. Eliseo was the only Eliseo that he cared for and loved, feeling the way his nails began to dig themselves into the flesh of his hips and back. He needed to consume his scent, his taste, him, keep him close, never let him go. Nobody could take him away from Eliseo, no one could even dream about making him feel as good as the way he did, his tanned hand around his cock, his fingers brushing against the pulse on his neck.
Those pretty moans.
Fuck, he wanted to be inside of him now. He could imagine how tight he was, nobody else having come even close to staining the inside of Eliseo with their filthy cum; it was only him that could do that, only Damian himself that could dream of being inside of Eliseo here. Only Damian could feel the pleasure that came with being so close to Eliseo, to feel his hand and cock as they were pumped away, sending shudders and shivers down his back with each moment.
“As soon as I can,” Damian began to mutter into heated skin, hearing Eliseo’s pulse against his ear, “I’m going to fucking ruin you.” His words were strained, hard to get out with the way Eliseo teased him, baited him, held him, each word threatening to turn into a moan as he spoke. He needed to say this, to hear the way Eliseo’s heart beat paused at the idea. “Need to make you take me so fucking deep.” He could picture it now, the way Eliseo would be bouncing and crying and begging him to cum, maybe even with a pretty little choker on, one that would scream his name.
“Keep going…” Eliseo begged, his own words choked as he pressed a finger down against the prominent vein on Damian’s throbbing erection, “Tell me what you would do.”
How this man drove him wild with such simple words. His lips curled upwards, his teeth nipping at a bit of skin. Frankly, Eliseo was getting off easy; they still had to walk in public, he still had to show off most of his skin, he was so lucky that even if that outfit drove him wild that Damian had some restraint. As much as he wanted to suck and bite that beautiful skin black and blue, he would rather not draw attention to the two of them.
A hand went from Eliseo’s hip, gently trailing its way up his hip, his chest, letting his thumb gently graze over a perked nipple. “I would make you feel like such a prince before you descend into a screaming, crying mess, bathe you, feed you, then I would have you on your knees before me.”
He lost the ability to think about what he was going to say next after it, each word flowing from his lips like a waterfall. Fuck the ability to think, fuck the ability to even communicate the million thoughts into one comprehensible sentence, he needed to see that face as he came. He was going to make him scream and cry and beg for him to fuck him properly, even if the whole damn club could hear them. His hand easily shoved Eliseo’s away from their cocks, taking them into his sweaty spit slicked palm as he began to pump at them, the rhythm almost non-existent beyond the need to paint Eliseo’s stomach in a mixture of their white. Eliseo’s breath was like a bear, growling, grunting, the sharp point of each hitting Damian’s skin like a sharp fang, Damian’s fingers gripping so tight yet kept moving, kept pumping, rubbing, feeling that coil build up faster than he had ever found it before.
He really was no better than an animal, a rabbit, desperate to breed, desperate to fuck, his mind pulsing with each thought that rushed through his mind. Fuck, fuck, fuck, it was too fucking good, feeling the way his own cock throbbed and twitched before he finally came to his end, barely able to contain the groan that escaped his mouth before he sealed Eliseo’s lips in a searing, scorching kiss. A few more movements of his own hand and Eliseo was right there with him, their bodies trembling in their embrace as Damian savoured the feeling of the high. As the blood began to rush back to his brain, filling it with thoughts beyond fucking, Damian’s red eyes wandered Eliseo’s shuddering form once he had pulled back, his breath pinched by the moment and heavy, taking pride in each of the bite marks that were present along his shoulders, his neck, his chest.
He looked like such a good ruined man.
“Haven’t came like that in a while.” Eliseo’s first words came out in a soft chuckle, his lips shiny, bruised and red and yet his smile was still warm, trembling hands coming to cup Damian’s cheeks as he gave him a soft kiss. Compared to all the others, the ones filled with tongue, teeth and lust, this one was soft, calm, one that allowed his eyes to flutter shut as he allowed himself to push into it, letting the moment go by in such peace. “I missed you.”
“I knew you did.”
Damian didn’t need his coat, he could just carry it on the way out. Taking the jacket of the suit he had been wearing and using it to wipe up the mess, it was like pins and needles had overtaken his entire skin as it seemed to be so sensitive, too tender to brush, his spine tingling with little shocks of pain as he did so. Thank God he had decided to clean up, hearing a few knocks at the door as the two struggled to fix themselves to something decent, the same pimply-faced man that had bought them here poked his head in.
“Ah, good, you’re not fucking the dancer.” Were the manager’s only words as he removed himself, shutting the door behind him again.
The silence was deafening for a moment, the two of them turning their heads to slowly look at each other before snickers slowly begun, full blown laughter not too far off as Eliseo’s head dropped into the crook of Damian’s shoulder, the smell of sweat and sex hanging heavily in the air all the meanwhile. “I knew he was a virgin,” Eliseo began, blue eyes twinkling with mirth as he slowly pulled back, “he doesn’t even know what it looks like.”
Time was running out, the red card that had been left on the door being the indicator. Making sure that nothing struck out as odd, the two allowed their blood to cool, their breaths to even before they even thought of stepping out of the room.
“I’ll meet you outside in ten, yeah?”
“Wouldn’t dream of missing it.”
The air was cooler now that the sun had gone down, the street lights being the only thing that illuminated the space as Damian leaned against his car, rolling the cigarette between his fingers as he muttered under his breath. Despite the years he had been smoking, it was like he was a beginner every time he rolled a stick, the tobacco always finding a way to not stay completely within the paper, making his brow twitch in frustration. “Damn it…”
“I thought you stopped smoking?”
The cigarette dropped onto the bonnet as Damian cursed, allowing himself to turn around to face Eliseo where he stood. Outside of the club, up close, Damian couldn’t help but notice that his sweater was a bit bigger than what he normally would wear, Damian’s hands balled into fists behind him. “That’s my sweater.” It had been, back when he hadn’t been the head of a mafia, back when he and Eliseo were able to have a little bit of more freedom to do what they wanted, but the sauce stain on the collar was new, Eliseo’s blue eyes seeming to pop against the maroon. Shaking his head slightly, he focused back on Eliseo’s question, feeling how his fingers began to throb with pain as he uncurled them. “Bad habit.”
Eliseo's hand raised and Damian reached for it, but Eliseo passed him to pluck the cigarette from the bonnet before working it between his fingers, the paper and tobacco melding together into one. Eliseo worked quickly and swiftly, placing the butt of it between Damian’s lips before he could even protest.
No words were needed between the two, Damian picked up his lighter before letting the embers burn, the first hit of the nicotine hitting Damian’s lungs like a tidal wave, the relief that settled into his bones spreading through his entire body. The hit of the cigarette was a high that slowly ebbed away as he allowed the smoke slowly billowed out from his nostrils, away from Eliseo who took a spot next to him. The silence passed like a ticking clock, Damian working through his cigarette, allowing his fingers to slowly work their way into Eliseo’s.
He missed nights like this.
No talking, no discussion, just allowing the two of them to bask in each other’s presence, allowing for them to just exist without talking, just touching, just looking, Damian’s thumb slowly grazing the back of Eliseo’s knuckles. Only a few minutes ago, or at least it felt like it, they were going at it like wild animals, screaming, crying, looking at each other for the first time in what felt like years. “I’m sorry.” Eliseo’s words cut through that silence, Damian’s head snapping to look down at him. Sorry? He could hear Eliseo gulp slightly, watching the way tears caught on his lashes in the starlit moonlight. “I shouldn’t have ran away. I’m a coward.”
Damian’s grip tightened slightly on Eliseo, the cigarette falling from his mouth and onto the wet concrete below, his foot stubbing out the ember as Damian forced Eliseo closer, smelling the remnants of what shampoo hadn’t been washed away by the smell of sex, smoke and whisky from the club. Damian couldn’t even make a sentence in his mind or push one from his mouth, his arms sneaking their way around Eliseo’s waist, his chin resting on top of his head.
“You don’t have to be sorry for anything,” Damian’s mouth was dry, the words slowly wavering as they came, “You weren’t born into this life.” He shouldn’t even need to have to worry about him not coming home. He could feel the veins in his neck slightly bulge as he thought about the fear that went through Eliseo’s mind every day, at the concerns that had probably bubbled up when he was in prison… Eliseo, oh Eliseo, how did he deal with it?
He could hear Eliseo breathe in, his shoulders shuddering, though as he looked up at him to speak the sounds of gunshots rang out. Screaming, rushing people and the sound of platforms hitting the concrete as a familiar head of white hair came sprinting out the front door. “Start the fucking car!” How she ran in those stripper heels, Damian didn’t know, but Christ this wasn’t something he had expected now.
Damian’s eyes bulged as he opened the passenger door, shoving Eliseo in, throwing open one of the back doors before he slid over the bonnet of the car and into the driver’s side, jamming the keys into the ignition and hearing the car roar to life as Christine flew into the car, the door slamming right behind her. “Drive!” Tires screeched and the engine roared as Damian pulled out of the parking lot, hearing the chaotic beeps of other cars as he tore down the road, most likely leaving burn marks on the blackened road.
His left-hand side mirror was taken out by a bullet, Eliseo yelled as it shattered, shards of glass hitting the window.
“What the fuck Christine?” Damian finally shouted once he ensured he had control of the car, using a hand to shove Eliseo towards the floor, his own head low as he swerved through traffic, glancing into the rearview mirror every once in a while to look at the cars behind them, “I thought you were hanging low?”
“I was!” Christine said in a huff, her makeup running down her face from sweat as she lay in the back seat, Damian taking note of the handprint mark that had begun to form on her pale skin and the torn clothes she wore. “I wasn’t planning on getting into this situation either!”
A driver laid down their horn as Damian cut them off, the side road that cut through buildings smelling like the sewer as they drove through, Eliseo’s blue eyes staring wide up at him. Fuck, great, perfect way of being together with him only an hour after getting him back; get stuck in a possible car chase and hopefully not get your head blown off.
“Christy, what did you do?” Damian began to slow once he didn’t see anyone following them, Eliseo and Christine, who began to nervously giggle, rising further up their seats, Christine’s fake colour eyes staring at him in the rearview mirror. “Christine.”
“I may have…” Her words slowly descended into mumbles, her gaze filtering away from the mirror before Damian called her name again with more venom in his voice, Christine’s back straightening at the simple uttering of her name. Oh, he was going to kill her. “I kicked Fergus in the balls.”
Before Damian could allow the cuss words to fly, Eliseo cut in, his face turning to look at Christine with a smile as he said, “Good, been wanting to do that for a while myself.” As fast as Damian’s mouth had opened, it gaped like a fish, red eyes taking a moment to stare at Eliseo before staring back at the road, slowly driving around a cat that seemed to want to stay in the middle of the road. “He grab you?”
That explained the handprint. Letting his heart settle, the roaring pound of it vibrating his chest with each thunderous beat, Damian’s fingers slowly loosened from around the wheel, the death grip he had causing them to throb as the blood flowed back into his fingertips. He didn’t know how long he had been driving until he found himself in front of his home, cutting the engine as he sat in silence for a moment, allowing the situation to simmer in his mind. That had been close, way too close, staring back at Christine in the back mirror as she slowly raised something into his view.
A phone.
“I also got some blackmail.” Watching as she flicked open the phone’s top, her eyes looking down at the screen, she began to idly tap away at the stolen phone as he turned to Eliseo, seeing how he sat in the seat, his fingers gripping onto his pants tight despite the smile that was on his face.
“Eliseo?” Damian gently cooed, reaching out to grasp his hand, watching as Eliseo’s fingers slowly released the fabric to grip onto his, giving a gentle squeeze, “I’m sorry—.”
“I was planning on quitting for a while anyway.” Eliseo cut in, blue eyes staring at him. That’s right, this wasn’t the same Eliseo that had hid behind him before he had gone to prison, this Eliseo had gone and chased his own desires and wants, had been dancing in clubs in order to make a living. This man couldn’t be scared off that easily, raising his hand to give a gentle kiss at his fingers. “I’m going to call the owner tomorrow, tell him not to roster me on anymore.” So confident, and forward, Damian could feel as his eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled.
What a man.
“So, you guys just going to stare at each other all night?” Christine’s face came into view, her contacts gone as she looked between the two men, “I’m feeling like take out, you guys want Chinese?”
“You’re buying it.”
“You’re so mean!”
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Twenty minutes away, in the depths of what belonged to the Aftons, Fergus grumbled as he sat in the club, the people emptied out as Felix passed him an ice pack. “Stupid bitch…”
“Doesn’t seem that stupid if she was able to get the upper hand on you, fellow.” Felix’s golden eyes glittered in the dark as he spoke, almost seeming to dance around the space as he went to and from tables, picking up whatever scraps of food he could find, “A bit foolish to go after another esteemed gang, don’t you think?”
“Fuck off.”
Felix’s shoulders shrugged upwards as he scraped a plate of its nachos, the man not seeming to care about the hostility that came from Fergus’s throat, nor the gun that remained loaded by his side. He knew that if Fergus even thought of shooting at him that he would have to deal with Baby herself.
Though the thought of filleting the larger man was tempting, his nails were freshly manicured, holding them up to the light as he allowed himself to examine the pretty paint. “She could have done worse,” he muttered to himself, running his tongue over his bottom lip, “that woman’s as crazy as us.”
Making his way to the man, Felix finally helped Fergus to his feet, stepping over dead bodies as he helped him to the door. This place wasn’t anything special anyway, well, to Felix it wasn’t, his boots leaving trails across the floor as the blood flowed and pooled.
As long as Felix wasn’t going to get in trouble for causing chaos on what was meant to be neutral property, then he was fine with this.
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34 notes · View notes
celestie0 · 18 days
Hello!! I wanted to ask some advice 😞 I have a fic idea but I've never posted any writing before and its like a very very specific band au and I'm scared no one will care to read it because of how much music context it requires 😭 I really admire your writing so like...what do you suggest...
(Also super excited for next kickoff ! I've never been this invested in a fic)
hii my love!! omg a band au sounds like so much funnn are you kiddinggg i would eat that UPPP. my advice would be to just go ahead n write it!!! it's super nervewracking to share work, especially if you've never shared before, so for the time being you can just write w the idea that no one else will read it except for yourself! that'll help you establish a healthy relationship w your writing & your hobby in general even before you post should you choose to post
as for the specificity n music context, i personally think thats SO FUCKIN RAD!!! i love a story where i can enjoy a romance but also have aspects outside of it that i can learn something new from or take something away from. i have read some pretty incredible fics & books, but the ones that have always had a lasting impact on me are the ones i went into knowing nothign ab a specific something, but then i leave it feeling like i've learned something i wouldn't have ever known before!!
it's a totally valid feeling though, esp in fanfiction where you might think readers want to read ab only their fave characters or specifically romance. i felt this way a lot with including the film major & photography aspect to kickoff, i feared readers would find it boring and would just want to read ab gojo x reader. i think in ch9, gojo only had like 40% of the chapter screentime and didn't even make his first appearance until like 5k words into the chapter, but i'm still really happy w the chapter and the response i got was great too. i see some of my writer mutuals break the norms n experiments w their stories all the time too, and honestly, i think that makes for some of the BEST and most MEMORABLE stories :)
as for fears that people may not see your story, i totally get that. keep in mind, i think the jjk fandom specifically doesn't really have too many long fics, at least compared to what i've seen in other fandoms, n tends to steer towards oneshot content (i could be wrong ab this but it's just what i've noticed! at least on tumblr. long fics always get lots of love on ao3 tho) so don't worry too much if you're not getting as many notes or reblogs etc as some other authors, bc if you choose to post series content, then you'll technically be in a niche category for this specific fandom. BUT i have noticed that the quality of interactions w longer stories is very amazing and totally worth being a part of this writing community for that reason!!
when i first started posting, i really didn't know what to expect since the last time i had a fanfic blog was for like two months when i was 12 on deviantart LOL. and now i'm just extremely blown away n humbled by the support. but that's the thing- you'll never ever know unless you try! again, just write and picture it that you're the only one that's going to read it, so put all that juicy music context in there n really write w that passion in mind!! (i'm assuming you're into music or bands n that's your inspiration? don't be afraid to let that interest show!!) and that's really the only thing you need to get started, after that it's just simply copy pasting n then posting :)
if you do get around to posting or sharing it then feel free to tag me bb!! i'd love to read it n support you. good luck to u n much love!! <33 i hope this helps in anyway
and thank you for looking forward to kickoff :)
ps. in case you want any specific writing advice i have some on my page here (sorry bb i just realized i wasn't sure if you were asking for actual concrete writing advice haha my bad if i misinterpreted)
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amber-michaelson · 1 year
Fated By Mark
Derek Hale x Human reader
Soulmate au
Summary: unfortunate events lead you to your one true love
Read At Own Risk
Warning: reader is 18+ and in last year of high school
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Yn pov
Whenever you were bored you gazed down at the your soulmate mark everyone had one which is unique to that specific pair, yours was a trunk with a wolf on one side and the other is a dove flying away 'I wonder why'. I put my books into my locker and started to make my way to my car running into my two favorite trouble makers "Scott, styles hi" I smiled "hey is Lydia coming to your party tomorrow" styles asked eagerly "yes styles she's the one who planned it" I laughed "will Allison be there" Scott asked shyly "dude is Lydia is coming of course she's coming you can't see the one without the other" I rolled my eyes adjusting my bag on my shoulder "I'll see you tomorrow" I murmured and got into my car throwing my bag onto the passenger seat and grabbing my phone and calling Lydia "hey Lydia do I need anything else for tomorrow" I murmured as I pulled out the school parking lot "yes I'll send you a list and me and Alison will be there early to set up with you" she said and a ding signaled that she sent me a list "ok I'll see you tomorrow" I sung before hanging up and slowly drove to the shops stopping at the party shop first getting the decorations before making my way to the grocery store getting snacks, small foods and drinks putting everything into my boot, sighing as I get into my car it was almost dark when I finally finished shopping and started making my way home my soft tones playing in the background as I hummed to myself but screamed as something jumped infront of my car "oh god oh god" I shouted as I my buckled my seat belt and got out my heart thumbing as I walked towards the front of my car shaking as I heard whimpering and growling "get back in your car" I jumped turning to a dark haired man running out the woods yelling at me to get away I started shaking and slowly moved back but screamed as a monstrous man jumped onto me "get off" I screamed pushing and shoving but nothing would budge and a black liquid started dripping out its mouth before it was ripped off I stared up at the man who pulled him off, his eyes glowing red and his hands had long claws "stay" he growled before running after that beast but I didn’t listen but got into my car and speeding off shocked tears running down my cheeks, my breathing being uneven and deep "what the fuck" I squeezed my steering wheel tightly my knuckles turning white I quickly got out running inside 'the groceries can wait till tomorrow' I locked everything and closed the blinds before going up to my room "what the fuck was that" I muttered grabbing and pulling at my hair but flinching as I heard banging at my front door "open up" I started shaking as I heard the man's voice "leave me alone" I yelled and crawled under my blanket humming to myself trying to block out the man's call 'everything will be better tomorrow'
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎next day▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
I looked as if I haven't slept in months my hair was tangled and my eyes red "hey Lydia" I murmured opening my door letting her and Allison in "geez what happened to you" she laughed "nothing just a rough night" I said closing the door and led them to the kitchen "where's all the groceries and decorations" Allison asked "in the car I'll go get them now" I murmured and started making my way to the car "I told you to stay" I flinch turning to the man "leave me alone" I squeaked as I moved away from him but he grabbed my arm pulling me to him "you should get your ears checked out" he muttered squeezing my arm tighter "please let me go" I whimpered "you could've died" I flinched as he raised his voice I kept tugging and pulling away but yelled as my long sleeve was ripped off as I fell back "leave me alone" I yelled moving back but all he did was stare at me with a shocked expression I quickly took this distraction and run inside closing the door with a big slam breathing heavily as I slid down to the floor "yn what's wrong" Lydia asked with concern "open up" I started crying as he banged on the door "go away go away" I kept repeating over and over again.
Derek pov
I stood infront of her door hearing her whimpers and crys she's my mate and now she fears me I sighed and left not wanting to make it worse "hey Scott I need you to come over tonight" I muttered into the phone as I got into my car "can't I have a party I'm going to" he said and hung up 'little shit' I hit my steering wheel as I drove off.
Yn pov
Lydia and Allison prepared for the party as they sent me up stairs to wash up and get ready for the party.
Allison pov
I ushered styles and Scott in "derek was here" I muttered "why" they both asked "I think yn saw something" I whispered but stopped as yn made her way down the stairs wearing a short dress that lined her figure pretty well "I didn't know you guys where coming early" she asked as she stopped infront of us "yea we just wanted to help" styles says popping the 'p' she nodded and made her way into the kitchen "hopefully he doesn't try anything tonight" Scott murmured.
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎time skip to the party▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
Yn pov
The music was loud and everyone was having a good time drinking and chatting having a great time I waved to Lydia as I made my way upstairs to the bathroom closing the door behind me but gasping as a hand was held over my mouth "please don't scream I'm not here to hurt you" I turned to him as he uncovered my mouth "what do you want" I murmured "I'm sorry for what happened" he said scratching the back of my head "what was that thing and why were your eyes glowing" I muttered "give me your arm" he said putting out his hand "no" "give" he said and gently grabbed my arm and moved so he can see my mark "I'm the wolf" he murmured as he gently grazed my skin "what" I questioned trying to understand he moved back and lifted up his shirt showing his mark which was the same as mine I lifted my hand to my mouth "y-you" I couldn't speak "I'm your soulmate" he said coming closer to me "but your a-" I stared up at him and moved back but was trapped by the door "I won't hurt you I promise" he whispered and caressed my cheek
"we're fated by the mark".
My Teen Wolf Works
Check Out My Other Works
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heliads · 9 months
everything is blue • conrisa space au • chapter three: some are taken away
Risa Ward escaped a shuttle destined for her certain, painful death. Connor Lassiter ran away from home before it was too late. Lev Calder was kidnapped. All of them were supposed to be dissected for parts, used to advance a declining galaxy, but as of right now, all of them are whole. Life will not stay the same way forever.
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Stars above, Connor Lassiter is so screwed. Just when things were starting to go his way, too. He’d actually managed to sort out the autopilot long enough to limp over to XXIII, not to mention conducted a fairly textbook landing. Sure, the only thing he’d really done to help with that was fight the urge to press random buttons, but, like, he’s in the pilot seat, isn’t he? That means he has to deserve at least a little of the credit.
Besides, he was the one who spotted that weird lights show going on in the space some distance away from his shuttle and managed to steer himself away before a collision. When he peered out the cockpit windows, Connor thought it might have been a meteor shower, but unreported– his nav system failed to pick up on it, which he definitely doesn’t like. Connor likes being aware of large chunks of rock whenever they’re directly in his flight path.
All in all, it had taken more energy than Connor had hoped just to straggle over to a small planet in the same star system. This makes it crystal clear to him, if it wasn’t obvious already, that he won’t be able to make a jump between systems by himself. Not without having a better idea what he’s doing. Once Connor had managed to get his stolen shuttle landed in a commercial spaceport, he’d collapsed in an untidy heap in his pilot’s chair. No wonder it’s so hard for AWOLs to get away. Surviving alone is damn near impossible even after you manage to shake the Juvey-cops, and Connor has no idea how long that will last. 
Once he’d recovered sufficiently, Connor had taken it upon himself to do a slow loop of the spaceport and see if there were any larger ships that might overlook a stowaway. Unfortunately, he’d had no luck in finding anything. Everyone was already gone for the morning, and Connor didn’t want to stay in one place long enough to wait for anything new to land. 
So he’d headed back to his shuttle, trying to figure out his next course of action, and that’s when he ran into trouble. Connor had left the shuttle ramp down, which is a terrible thing to do, but he couldn’t risk locking himself out accidentally. He knows next to nothing about Officer Nelson’s spacecraft anyway, there’s no point in taking stupid chances. 
Still, maybe he should have looked harder and tried to find an instruction manual or something before he left. Maybe then he wouldn’t have come back to his shuttle to find someone else on board. 
Now Connor stands in front of the escape ramp he barely remembered to close after him, staring at a strange girl staring back at him, and the only thought on his mind is that this can’t be how it ends. The girl has a wild, frightened look to her, like she might do anything at any moment. He can’t read her enough to tell if she’s aiming to turn him in or just kill him outright so she can steal the ship. He’s heard of worse things happening to lonesome travelers in the outer, darker stretches of the galaxy, anyway. 
She looks at him. He looks at her. Her spine straightens almost unconsciously, a silent message to back off:  she won’t be talking first, so he might as well set the scene for how this is going to go. Fine, then. Connor would prefer it if he was the one in control. This is his ship, after all. His stolen ship, yes, but his. At least until the Juveys track him down again to reclaim stolen property.
“Who are you,” he asks, as slowly and deliberately as his nerves will let him, “and what are you doing on this ship?”
Belatedly, he realizes that he should have said something like my ship. It’s all in the details now, how he protects himself. One little slip and everyone will know he’s an AWOL. Even a runaway like her could figure that out.
However, the girl seems less preoccupied in figuring him out and more in how to keep him from focusing on her story. She folds her arms across her chest and narrows her eyes at him. “How about you tell me about yourself first?”
He blinks at her in surprise. “You’re on my ship. You go first.”
She arches a dark brow. “Is it your ship?”
She’s onto him already. His poker face must be worse than he thought. “It’s certainly not yours.”
The girl can’t argue with that, although she looks as if she’d like to. “Fine. I’m Risa.”
Connor waits a beat for something else, maybe an explanation as to why Risa seems compelled to enter strange ships and demand answers from him, but she stays silent. He heaves a breath that, although more dramatic than strictly necessary, makes him feel substantially better.
“Fine, Risa,” he mimics, “I’m Connor. Lovely to meet you. Why are you on my ship?”
This, finally, makes her react. Sure, it would be fascinating to see how long they could continue this sort of stalemate, but Connor would like to take off before anyone can find him. After all, he’s still not one hundred percent certain that Officer Nelson wouldn’t have a tracker on this shuttle. That escape plan involves getting this strange girl out of here first.
“I need to go offworld,” she announces. “I needed a ship. Yours was here.”
It’s such a dumbfoundingly simple answer that he almost wants to laugh. “I assumed you wanted to leave this planet,” Connor remarks dryly, “That’s usually why people choose spacecraft as opposed to, say, running with their legs. That would be significantly slower, but far better for me. ”
“Depends on whose legs you use,” Risa shoots back, just as snide. He searches her face for some kind of sympathy for the distribution process but just finds bitterness. Good, that’s something they can finally agree on.
All of a sudden, an alarm starts blaring across the shipyard. It’s not super loud, probably just one of the few grounded cruisers in the area forgetting to turn off an entrance alarm overnight only to have their pilot trigger it by accident when they left for the morning, but it makes both of them jump. Risa looks even more stunned than Connor feels, and despite her attempt to seem casual, Connor can’t shake the feeling that she might be just as terrified of getting caught as him.
“Okay,” she says abruptly, voice high. “Fine. You got me. I’m on your ship and I shouldn’t be. What are you going to do about it? Turn me in?”
She juts her chin out as she says this, practically daring him to screw them both over by calling over a cop. It’s kind of cute, honestly, except Connor has no time to think about cute girls because he is a dead man walking so long as he sticks around on this planet. So he doesn’t. Or he tries not to, at least.
“Why shouldn’t I?” Connor asks, cool as a synth-cucumber, “You’re an intruder. That’s the reasonable thing to do.”
She scoffs. “You’re not reasonable. Or you wouldn’t be walking around like you don’t even know your own shuttle. How long have you had this thing, anyway? An hour?”
That makes his insides shut down. Connor can’t afford to be caught, and he senses that this girl is just as desperate as he is. Perhaps desperate enough to call the spaceport marshals on him if it lets her slip away unnoticed. The only way he can keep this situation under control is if he reminds her who’s in control, who has to be in control– him and him alone.
He stalks towards her. There isn’t a whole lot of room in the Juvey-cop’s narrow shuttle, so within a few footsteps Risa has her back to the wall and her eyes fixed on him. Her chin is up even more than before in an attempt to both seem taller and less afraid, but neither works on him.
“Listen,” he says slowly, “It doesn’t matter what you think about this ship. It doesn’t matter what you think about me. The only thing that’s important is when you get off of this shuttle and leave me the hell alone.”
“I’m not leaving,” she spits back, “so you better learn how to deal with that. You can’t get rid of me without outing yourself for whatever you’ve done wrong. We’re stuck together, Connor, so you might as well get used to it.”
Connor did not sign up for a traveling companion, and he’s about to tell her that in no uncertain terms when someone outside bangs on the wall of the shuttle, making the whole ship rattle with metallic drum beats. 
A man’s voice shouts from outside:  “This is Spaceport Security. In the name of the Collective, disembark from the shuttle. We’d like to talk to you about your authority to land here. Mind stepping out with your identification and cosmic license?”
Connor stares unthinkingly at Risa, and they may have been fighting since the second she turned up on the shuttle, but at this moment, they are exactly in unison. In a heartbeat, they turn and sprint to the cockpit. Connor throws himself into the pilot’s seat, Risa by his side strapping into the copilot’s chair. The shouting outside grows louder, but neither of them have any intention of meeting it.
He blanks for a moment, hands hovering over the controls, trying to remember what in the suns he did to make this thing airborne last time. A second later, the neurons in his brain finally piece themselves together and Connor toggles a few switches, presses a few buttons that may or may not be necessary until the autopilot kicks in and starts bringing them up more smoothly.
As they lift off, Connor can make out the silhouettes of the security officials like tiny insects on the ground. Within moments, they’re racing away again, hopefully towards a different target.
Connor breathes out a deep sigh of relief. “And we’re safe.”
“Not quite,” Risa replies, craning her neck to see out of the cockpit viewscreens even as they enter the atmosphere, “I think they’re following us.”
Connor nearly snaps his spine in half trying to jump up and see what she’s looking at. “What do you mean, they’re following us?”
Risa extends a slightly trembling finger to point at the two or three ships starting to take off beneath them. Connor shifts a few of the steering controls, but even after their path takes a drastic turn, the ships remain bent after them. Worse, too, the engines on those things are way better than Connor’s puttering piece of Juvey-crap, so the distance between them starts to shrink rapidly.
Connor swears terrifically under his breath. “What do we do?”
Risa vaguely moves her hands towards the equipment panel. “You’re the pilot. Can’t you get us into hyperspace or something? If we do it soon, they might not be able to mimic our jump.”
That’s a great idea. It would be even greater if Connor had any idea how to do that. He’s been relying on memories of an old friend to get him through the basic flight controls, but there was no way in all the worlds anyone in their right mind would let that hungover moon jockey do a hyperspace jump by himself, so Connor hadn’t been able to hear an anecdote involving that particular skill. Instead, he desperately scans the instrument panel, searching for something hopefully labeled.
Risa peers down at the avenging spacecraft behind them, then back at him. “Any day now would be nice. You’ll have to be careful, I think there’s a passenger ship in space near us, too. Make sure you don’t hit it when you get us out of here.”
“I’m trying.” Connor forces out through gritted teeth. There– a section of the instrument panel curves past his left and Connor can make out several switches with a label underneath. The printing is smudged, likely from repeat use. That’s promising, at least:  that Juvey-cop would have had to jump to hyperspace several times in his illustrious career hunting desperate kids, right? That’s the only way to get beyond the reaches of one’s own star system without spending years floating inside a tin can like this.
Blast it. Connor has no better options. He reaches forward and flicks a couple of the switches. Maybe that’ll do something to trigger the autopilot?
“You’ve locked onto the passenger ship,” Risa announces doubtfully.
Connor’s heart drops into his feet. “With missiles?”
“No,” she says, frowning at the nav readout, “With a tractor beam, I think. You’re drawing them towards us.”
Connor leans forward, staring out the main viewing window of the shuttle cockpit. Sure enough, the only other entity in the space around them other than the swiftly gaining ground security is smoothly pivoting its course to move towards Connor and Risa. A beeping light on the nav readout indicates that the locking mechanism was successful, whatever that means.
“Well,” Connor says feebly, “we can disengage it, can’t we?”
Risa fixes him with a judgmental, if not outright victorious, look. “This is your ship, isn’t it? Shouldn’t you know?”
He has to white-knuckle the armrests to keep from descending into fury, and it’s only partially successful. “Now is not the time.”
The passenger ship they’re currently towing seems to agree, because a warning light beeps to life on the communications viewport. Accept communication channel from: SS-Disciple?
Connor wrinkles his nose at it. “The Disciple?”
Risa shrugs, but she looks just as confused as he feels. “Maybe they’re religious. Who knows?”
Connor glances back towards the looming spaceship. It’s bigger than theirs, although that’s not a difficult feat to achieve. The strangest thing about it is the ship’s appearance. The edges are smooth, and gleam with the extra sort of shine anything gets when enough money and time are poured into it. It’s practically pearlescent, and definitely more expensive than anything should be out here. Connor can’t help but wonder why someone would go to the trouble of keeping such a thing so well maintained in OH-10 of all places. This isn’t exactly Centerworld, most of the elite don’t come out here that often. Obviously, someone wanted to be comfortable, but why here?
The comms channel beeps again, and Connor accepts before he thinks it through. A voice crackles to life over the intercom, the speaker shaky and uncertain. “Is this– is this a Juvey-cop shuttle?”
Connor’s eyes widen. Suns, he forgot about that. This thing must still be transmitting Juvey-cop identification. Risa stares at him, making Connor wince. He’ll have to cook up a good explanation for that later.
Not right now, though. The other line crackles and hisses expectantly. Connor takes a second to locate the comms button and speaks as deliberately as he can, intentionally pitching his voice lower so he sounds older. “Yes. This is, uh–” What was the guy’s name again? “Officer Nelson.”
A large gush of static; on the other end, someone must be sighing. In relief or despair, Connor can’t quite tell. Juveys elicit startlingly different reactions from a lot of people. “Excellent. You’re here for Lev, then?”
“Yes,” Connor says instinctively, then mouths what?? To Risa, who just raises her hands, having no more clue what’s going on than him.
“Alright,” the speaker says. “We thought you’d show up closer to the colony, but oh, well. We’ll open up once we dock.”
With that, the comms channel is unceremoniously severed. Connor almost misses the background din of static. At least he didn’t have to think about what he’s going to do when that ridiculously overpriced shuttle ducks onto theirs while it was humming in the background.
Risa leans back in her seat, fingers steepled together. “Why–”
“I don’t know,” Connor says, when it’s clear that her questions are far too numerous and all-encompassing to even begin to voice. 
“And you–” Another interjection, another weighty pause.
“Yeah,” Connor replies, hoping he’s not agreeing to anything too terrible. It’s not like it matters, anyway. The worst she can guess is the truth.
Silently, they watch the pearl of the Disciple drift towards them. The ground security ships are just moments away, but for some reason Connor can’t think about them, not now, not when this gaudy ship is locking onto them with a gentle hiss and click of machinery.
Slowly, almost in unison, Connor and Risa turn to stare at the awaiting hatch on the side of their cruiser. He’ll have to unlock it, Connor realizes, and then it will dawn on whoever is on the Disciple in need of Juvey-cops that they have only two feral teenagers for help. Stars, he hopes it isn’t a rogue groundless kid who’s getting turned in. This shuttle doesn’t have room for three runaways butting heads, but how could Connor leave someone like that behind?
His decision is made by another comms channel sounding off in a tumult of static. “This is the security force of OH-10 XXIII Spaceport C. Cease your flight attempt and turn yourselves in at once.”
Connor can’t see whatever is happening on the other side of the hatch, but he assumes that whoever had prevailed upon the nonexistent Juvey-cops is probably freaking out just as much as he is. Connor can’t turn himself in. Not yet. They’ll have to force him out.
He glances over his shoulder at Risa, who sets her jaw determinedly. She’s not going down easily either. At least he has that.
A sudden idea occurs to him as he glances back at the awaiting hatch. Stars above, it’s stupid, and probably going to get himself killed even more than he is already. Connor’s already rock bottom though, right? There’s nothing worse than distribution.
So, as if in slow motion, Connor presses the button for the hatch and watches as it whooshes open to reveal what he assumes is a family standing there, frozen in shock. There are many younger siblings and two parents all standing in a semicircle around the youngest kid of all, who’s probably not more than thirteen. 
Another man stands somewhat uncomfortably to the side, dressed in a pastor’s usual formal attire. Unlike the rest of the family, who are just now starting to look alarmed, the furrows in this man’s brow tell Connor that the pastor has been unhappy for quite some time. The pastor catches him looking, glances towards the young blond boy at the center then back towards Connor, and, steeling himself, nods. Just a small incline of the head. Just enough to know that somehow he’s guessed at Connor’s terrible plan, and against all odds, agrees with it.
Connor looks at the blond kid in earnest. He’s wearing these strangely formal clothes, like he’s going to a recital or legislative function. They look weird on a kid that young, especially since they’re all white, kind of like– oh. Connor gets it.
Sometimes, your parents decide that they’re going to have you distributed even before you’re born. It’s a practice called tithing, mainly used by the more religious families. Apparently there’s some belief dating back to old-Earth times that the universe was made not by rogue explosions of stardust but a god, and a God who expects that his people will give back to him after he gave so much to them. 
The beliefs change from system to system. Some think that the idea of distribution is divine work but don’t attach the name of any particular religion to it. They like that there are grander forces at work than just them, forces who compel the constant circulation of life around the galaxy. Others prefer something a little more concrete. And then there are the tithing families, who would take their dedication to their religion so seriously that they would give up a child just to say that they’d held up their idea of the bargain.
The kid, strangely enough, looks totally chill with the idea. If it had been Connor in his polished white shoes, he would have sprinted for their shuttle the second an escape route opened itself up. Instead, this kid curls back towards his parents, the ones giving him away, as if to hide from Connor and Risa.
It won’t do him much good, though. Connor is already moving, throwing himself out of his pilot’s seat and towards the hatch, then grabbing hold of the blond tithe before anyone knows what he’s doing. Even Risa looks stunned. Connor yanks the kid over the threshold into their shuttle, then slams his hand onto the button to seal off the hatch.
The tithe looks furious, but Connor quickly disengages the other ship before he can try to open the hatch again. Leaning over the pilot’s seat and reaching for the comms channel, Connor addresses the spaceport security ship. “Attention, ground control. We have a hostage on board. Return to your port at once or–” Or what? Is he going to kill this kid here and now? “Or the kid gets it,” he finishes somewhat lamely. They already think he’s an unwind, don’t they? They wouldn’t put anything past him.
The voice that answers him seems furious. “Put the hostage back. Land without any more trouble and we’ll take that into consideration.”
“Consider this,” Connor says, and pokes the tithe sharply in the side. Not expecting it, the kid cries out in surprise. He isn’t hurt, but the ground-sec has no idea of knowing that.
This little action is greeted by a quick rush of words and static. “We’re going to retreat. Put the kid back.”
“You move first,” Connor tells them, and waits until the sec-ships start to back off.
He locks eyes with Risa, and whispers to her while keeping the comms channel off. “Plot a hyperspace jump. The autopilot will help you.”
She nods, eyeing the tithe for a lengthy moment before shaking her head and turning towards the instrument panel. So she gets it, then. She’s like him. They would both do anything to survive.
The comms channel crackles to life again, this time more demanding than before. “Return the hostage immediately.”
Connor scoffs. “What, so you can shoot us out of the sky? No thanks.”
Risa winces as she peers over the instrumentation, and yeah, Connor probably shouldn’t have revealed himself so fast, but he’s running on adrenaline right now. In all the times he lay awake at night wondering what he’d do if something so crazy happened as his parents revoking his grounds license, Connor never made a plan for when he inevitably took a tithe captive miles above the atmosphere of the closest planet.
He peeks at the buttons under her fingers. “Any luck?” He hisses.
She’s about to shake her head, and then her eyes light up and she dives forward to snap on a few switches. The nav readout whirs to life, asking Risa where she wants to jump. She picks one at random. For a moment, nothing happens at all, and Connor watches, panic mounting, as the ground-sec ships start slicing through space towards them once again.
He feels it before he sees it. It’s like the air in Connor’s chest has been punched out of him, and when he sucks in a fresh lungful, the stars are melting together, swimming and elongating until they are no longer in the space outside OH-10 XXIII, they’re hurtling through a place Connor can only recognize from grainy snapshots in school textbooks.
He lets out a loud whoop. Risa’s face cracks into a wide grin, the flashing lights from the quickly speeding stars outside reflecting on her teeth. “We did it,” she blurts out, astounded.
Beside them, the tithe crosses his white-clothed arms dolefully. “We did? You kidnapped me. You’ll get in trouble for that.”
Oh, stars above. Connor is so past the threat of vague trouble. He ran away from home. He’s come to terms with his own looming distribution and chased it off. He shot a Juvey-cop and stole a ship and yes, kidnapped a tithe, and the fact that this kid thinks a little bit of trouble will straighten him out is so ludicrous that Connor genuinely bursts out laughing.
Once he starts, he can’t stop. A heartbeat later, Risa joins in, and then the two of them are practically doubled over, gasping for air in between bouts of laughter. The silver threads of stars shoot by outside, and Connor’s stomach aches for laughing, and although he is most certainly a dead man flying, he can’t help but think that just now, just this once, he has never been more alive.
a/n: smh lev. he just doesn't get it!! (he will)
unwind tag list: @schroedingers-kater, @locke-writes, @sirofreak
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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altschmerzes · 10 months
this might be getting too far into spoilers territory, but i'm so curious about the wriggle up on dry land equivalent of that scene in 1x10 where ted sees jamie and his dad in the treatment room after the match. because like, i can kind of understand the reasoning behind not intervening or really bringing it up again when jamie's an adult, even if that probably wasn't the best way to handle it, but i can't imagine ted would respond the same way when it's a child in that situation.
the thing about me is that if people wanna know i do not have any qualms at all about posting spoilers for my own fic slkdjfs i am happy to talk about literally whatever people wanna talk about and yes that is!! yes that is QUITE the thing. i'll get into it under a cut in case anyone else happens to care about spoilers ig! but yeah overall you're right i can sorta get what the thought process was from a like, in-universe 'trying to make sense of what went on there' standpoint in canon but it is. very different when it's a 15 year old as opposed to a 23 year old.
this is one of the major changes that had to be made to that episode for the au and specifically changes made to jamie's role in the episode's story. it is still the first time that ted meets james - though it's not actually our first time meeting james in the narrative, because we will actually see him before then in the fic - and it is still a somewhat worrying encounter, but it's far less like... violent. cause like i said while i can. sort of. get my head around ted deciding that it was a better choice for everyone to not get involved in 1x10 on the show (while i do think it was handled weirdly and this is pure extrapolation bc the show literally never addressed that or referenced it again) i can't see him seeing a kid get shoved around and screamed at and have shit thrown at him and not like. doing something about it.
so when this happens in the fic, jamie came to the match with his dad rather than being in it as a player for city (obvs). after the match, he seems like he's going to get a moment to interact with ted alone but before he can, james comes around the corner and interrupts. and is very like... he immediately makes a few jokes at ted's expense, then starts steering jamie away with a hand clamped on his shoulder. he's squeezing pretty hard but ted can't really get a good sense of what's going on, one moment jamie looks like he's got something to say the next he's being pulled away and his dad is kind of. needling him about not being happy that city won. he's actually pretty upset about richmond's relegation, though he's trying to hide it (and not having much success with that). (he still had a hand in what happened with them losing that match and with roy getting taken down, though obviously in a different way lmao.) (it's a little complex and a little 'just go with me on this one' slkdfjs)
so james is giving him shit about being upset, needling him about it in a way that's kind of like. laughing at him but not being overtly aggressive but it's a shitty kind of 'making fun of my kid for being upset' that is obviously bad news. he's being steered around by his shoulder but it's not clear it's painful or anything, just kinda. controlling. so it's overall a sense of this is a deeply unpleasant person who is not very nice to his kid but it's a fast interaction that leaves ted feeling kind of bowled over and there's... it's shitty and worrying but it's not like. Alarming to the level of being able to do anything about it like what happened in canon would be. and then they're gone.
which is when ted does the only thing he can think to do which is quickly run into his office to grab a jacket jamie left behind when he left richmond in the first place, scribble a note that includes his number (just in case), and shove it and the army man in an envelope, tuck it in the pocket, and send beard with it to catch jamie before he leaves.
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svturn-exe · 1 year
can i hear. abt the minutexminute au
nkJDhfjkbKLDF y E !! it's. Gabriel Experiences Hubris: the AU p utting the rest of my rambling under a readmore vv
the premise is!! gabriel trying to minmax Suffering by trapping the victims in an infinite loop of the worst days of their lives. it backfires for them really badly bc u shouldn't combine time loops with The Horrors gabriel goes and kills cesar & his mother to make an alt with cesar's appearance to go kill mark, bc mark is extraordinarly strong-willed and that could end up being a problem down the road. gabriel traps cesar in a loop of that night (rip mama torres) mark's loop is the full three days that he's trapped for, not much changed from canon jonah & adam are stuck in their loop together! which is the entirety of their investigation, including part of the drive there. this also means they have that fuckin arguement every single tim e but eventually smth goes wrong bc somethign something MAD + time looping = Not Good and jonah starts getting deja vu. and eventually that escalates to jonah straight up starting to Remember Things He Shouldn't and from there it becomes jonah trying different things each loop to try and break them and adam out of it. he tries going in the basement with adam, wrestling the steering wheel away from adam ont he drive and trying to turn the car the fuck around, smashing the tv , etc but nothing seems to be working bc they just. cannot bat out an alternate in a figh t it's gets to the point where jonah starts going by like. speedrun rules and if he fucks up an attempt he just picks up a box cutter he found and . "resets" but the more and more loops he goes through, the more warped he becomes........ and adam finally starts to notice. which is what starts to get adam to start remembering things, but he's not quite where jonah is just yet anyway jonah does snap and fuckign Maul six to death in the basement and preacher wisely decides to peace ou t . fulfilling the mission given to her by gabriel ain't worth this ma n there's two of these crazy bitches by the time they get to that point adam is also kinda warped (i'm still thinking abt this bc. this au was pre-vol 4 but i do know i want adam to b an alt still. just gotta figure out how to work that in) and he can go thru tvs n shit like six :) he can also drag other people thru tvs, and that's how he and jonah finally leave their little personal hell bubble
so the Backstreet Boys are free and they're on the run for multiple reasons now. 1. they're still wanted by the fbi 2. they don't exactly look Normal anymore
they end up retreating to mandela county bc where else to hide as a horror than amongst the horrors & they choose a particular abandoned house to camp out in until they figure out what to do
but then jonah starts to notice smth Weird abt the house they're in like they just have a Feeling u kno. n after a bit of poking around they and adam discover a tv in a bedroom that . looks a lot like a crime scen e
it's mark's house, and now adam & jonah are interfering with his Hell Loop
by the time adam & jonah get there, mark is. definitely a lot worse for wear, since he has been looping since 1992 and it's currently 2009, but all things considered he's still going strong. and by strong i mean day 1 of his loops now he's running out his room w a gun, yelling insults at the horrors & cursing out God
anyway adam crawls out of mark's tv and quickly has to go the fuck back bc mark does tries to shoot his ass IMMEDIATELY. boy is not playing around
it'll take some time for adam & jonah to earn mark's trus t. mostly via adam hastily shoving notes thru the tv & quickly yanking his hand back b4 he can lose a finger to the Deagle
meanwhile cesar is still stuck with gabriel. but gabriel is also stuck with cesar.
the only reason mark is still as "intact" as he is after 17 years of this is bc he has a Will Of Steel
cesar is not nearly as unflappabl e and so he has become. a lot different
at first gabriel thought it was interesting and they wanted to see where it would go . now they feel Regret bc cesar is no longer trying to run away or plead or anything and is just comign @ gabriel with Intent to kill. but every time gabriel kills cesar he just. resets & comes back & continues trying to kill them
h ell for all parties involved .
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kal-culator · 2 years
Idk if you still doing the submas x sky stuff but uhhh— I'm quite curious, does the twin ever goes to Homespace? Y'know where we always be spawned everytime we enter the game? What's their opinion about the Homespace? The seven portals of the realms are there and all, Eden where the kiddos sacrifice themself daily are fricking there also. What are you/submas twin thoughts? :o
I know I haven't openly draw or talk about Submas and Sky here but honestly they're still resting in my brain. (Also mainly because I'm trying to subtly steer myself away from Pokémon around now because I get salty at myself and it's not really a good feeling)
Anyways! Brainrot below, let's answer some of these really wanted questions;
In my own personal Subway in the Sky au, Ingo fell into Homespace first while Emmet fell in Daylight Prairie. But both of them have been there! They visited the home space at a later date in their adventure through the small praying statue thing (?)
Ingo feels like Homespace, like it's name suggests, is the place with the most feeling of being a 'Home'. He knows that Sky Kids doesn't necessarily all live in the Homespace 24/7, but he finds that place to be more comforting and the calmest. A small, quiet, safe yet lively environment. Fitting of the name.
Emmet thinks while the place is quite small compared to literally everywhere else in the Kingdom, when he sees the kids calling it Home and seems content with it, he really doesn't have any personal opinion on the place. While yes he still look at them as children, some have developed quite a mature mentality. He doesn't need to scold them about their options in picking home.
Unfortunately about the portals, Ingo and Emmet can't see it open the very first time other than the portal to Isle! (Just like how a moth would) as they're forced to explore each of the realm individually, visit each elder, and gain access to the portal at home space.
When they later figure out how it works, they're fascinated about it! It's literally a fast travel system that the kids uses to explore the world! (They were questioning the mechanics of it but gave up considering that so far, everything that exists in the Kingdom doesn't seem to go according to the laws of science from their world).
Oh I've talked a lot about the Twins'opinions on Eden and I'll keep standing by this opinion; their mix of feelings are swirling around anger, pity, confusion.
They're angry because why would these kids be attracted to something so dangerous to the point that many would confess it's their true purpose and calling? Even if God exist in that world, what kind of God would let children experience such things, repetitively?
They pity the children because no matter how many times they try to explain about the danger of death and how unhealthy the mindscape that they'll be fine even if they just got hit by a red rock, the children would just tilt their head in confusion and told them that they're, in fact, okay and have been doing so for dozens of times now. (He noticed some children actually agree with what he said, but they really aren't that much different. Still thinking that death is nothing to be worried about and pain is nothing big for them)
And the confusion is mainly because.. Well.. Why? Why would these kids have this weird calling that wherever they go, whenever they ask for directions from the bottom of their heart, it'll always lead to a place with such danger and smell of death? What happened to the fallen Kingdom, ruins left by their ancestors and the lack of living being but the presence of ghosts?
Anyways thank u for coming to my pep talk. I hope this answers most of the questions you have uwu
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kaebedom-me · 1 year
Im not sure if you're open for requests rn but i am so inlove with your stories with the poly bois haha, (youre actually the only one ive seen really write for it and youre also the one who dragged me into liking it so thank you hahaha)
BUT anyways would it be alright if you could write something with childe and kaeya in a modern!college! au where perhaps the gn!reader has been secretly bullied for yknow, taking the two, most sought after, bois in the uni? But the readers stubborn and keeps it to themselves till maybe the bois notice a bruise of sorts or smth? 👁👁
sorry if this was long but have a good day!!
i lOVE this overused trope and aaa I'm so glad you enjoy they!! i think they're the best to this day they're my strongest main :')
if i were reader i'd honestly be thriving and be rubbing it in people's faces like hah sucks to be you bitch
maybe reader is like that uwu i also get that sometimes it's hard to deal with constant mean things being said about you uwu
i kinda see you not wanting to tell childe and kaeya about it because they won't let it slide so easily, they are protective over you after all
also you wouldn't put it past them to not do anything stupid drastic about it so you kinda just keep it on the down low hoping it'd pass you know
but boooy were you wrong, for the sake of plot I'm saying these people are relentless and lifeless and have nothing else better to worry about in their busy college life and the bullying just kept coming LMAO
it started out small, people not wanting to be in groups with you then maybe acquaintances started exclude you from activities the verbal bulling didn't come til after a while
the boys arent stupid they aren't blind and oblivious about it but you never made it out to be a problem so they don't want to risk making you upset by interfering
childe would call out someone for being mean to you though and that usually steers people away for a while
kaeya doesn't try to bully people back but he can't help the things his silver tongue spits out sometimes, ain't no one is gonna disrespect his s/o in front of him
hates that you're bummed about it for a while so will try to make it up to you by bringing you out of dates outside of the town do other uni goers don't see
til one day these high school bullies started to grow some balls, saw that the boys were protecting you a lot and just had to jab at you when they weren't around, some were brave enough to make a passive aggressive comment around them too v rude
i feel? they'd try to interfere like subtly? like want to deter the attention from you but somehow made it worse for awhile HAHHAHAHA
like leaving hickeys on you was not a good idea because you were tripped over by some fucking bitch when they saw it. they even made a comment about how humongous your insect bite was
you'll prolly try to stop them from doing anything weird to you for a while
it really started something when the tripping happened. maybe you still try to be meek about it and hope it'll go away but people are just that free you know? power trip or whatever
they just took it as encouragement and started to corner you while you were going around uni
that's when things became physical enough for childe and kaeya to notice
they'd hate themselves for letting it come to this because you are miserable and they could've done something much sooner and maybe they should've umu
will make you cough up names of the people who have been physically abusive and if you don't they'd be a lil frustrated and disappointed
i see it mostly being like them interpreting it as you don't trust the two of them enough to share your troubles with
they'll think they haven't been attentive enough or maybe they haven't been doing anything to let you know that you can lean on them for support
(but it's actually your brain that's stupid and stubborn umu)
but it's ok because it's time to fix everything so you can be happy again
childe and kaeya have enough friends and intel to know snuff out the morons that's been bothering you
and if it happened to be someone they used to associate with they'll prolly going to be chewed out by kaeya and beat up by childe
i wanna say they gather evidence and send it to the bullies' respective profs but i think they're more the type to settle this on the down low and make people really regret what they've done to you
they do gather evidence and send it school and put the info public to ruin people's lives but that's not until they got their revenge uwu
they type to go and confront the bullies uwu what you can't take what you dish out? childe and kaeya can be even meaner bullies too if they chose to but instead they use their charm for good smh
will scare bitches into never wanting to set foot outside of their room again
but won't do anything drastic enough to draw attention to them, they're better than these people ofc
childe and kaeya can be a very scary combo and you wouldn't want to piss them off. they're both schemers and nasty
one will break your bones while the other would break you emotionally uwu all for shits and giggles because that was what seemed to get them off when it was you
when all is said and done and they've completely ruined your bully's life they'll come back to you for a long talk
wants to know whats up and wants to make sure you don't feel like you have to carry something like this alone again
pampers you a ton
if you're like sdfalfgh about them handling it their way you're gonna have to deal with it because it was the only way
(it wasn't they were just in a bad mood because you were sad)
they'll!! reassure you a ton too!! and talk enough to uncover why you handled it the way you did
they want to be there for you and want you to rely on them for things like these!
also you made them worry a whole fuck ton so you better apologise!!!!!
soft make up and reassurance sex tho :bottom emoji: because you three were really hurt during this time
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