#tsm leif
bugs-in-situations · 8 months
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gay fish mushroom kissing. our final message. goodbye <- code for "we're taking a few days break from tumblr for mental health reasons we'll probably be back by halloween"
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fallenaither · 6 months
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A cozy little piece I made for another banner entry for the BF server! The theme was gingerbread and I could not pass up the opportunity to make gingerbread bugs for Team Snakemouth.
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mantisgodsdomain · 9 months
I can help but wonder what Leif was thinking when he walked in and saw Mothiva with her throat cut open in your Voice Loss story.
Initially? General concern, though he didn't really connect the dots as to what the hell was happening until a few seconds after walking in on it, and realizing that oh fuck, that's blood blanked his brain in the way that shock often does. Takes a few minutes to realize just what you're seeing when it's red, instead of green-blue like most hemolymph.
There's not a whole lot of structured thinking happening in Leif's head during Voice Loss in general. Mostly just reaction and panic, because he doesn't know how to handle this situation or what's happening. He's bouncing through crisis management with no real understanding of what the hell is happening, and he'll need time before those thoughts start... working. After that... it really depends on how much he can drag himself out of the haze of Confusion And Alarm, and if he can manage to stabilize her enough to have step two be anything but "try and make sure Mothiva doesn't die on your watch".
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seafoam-apocrita · 2 years
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ya know what is fun about how tsm (team snakemouth) feels like a family?
the fact that vi is clearly the adoptive daughter, which means that leif finally gets to take care of a child (well, a teen) which is so cute. like this guy had a child he never got to see, so in a way he gets to just. do what the old leif never got to. (of course, vi will never be a replacement in his eyes)
vi's dad is probably in one of the chambers, and she never got to have a dad, so you knowm she's making up for it
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abombihoney · 3 years
More ideas: if word gets out about Leif being cordyceps, Mothiva would ABSOLUTELY capitalise on it to slander Team Snakemouth. She has significant influence; if she's smart about it and portrays it as a sad tragedy, lamenting the loss of a fellow explorer but expressing worry that Vi and Kabbu might be unsafe too... It might also create a cascading series of accusations for the friends of TSM. - - seafoam-apocrita
i think you and i have very different ideas about mothiva's character. though that is a very interesting take on what she could potentially do.
generally i think of mothiva the same way i do as Vi. a loud abrasive person who wants to accomplish a big goal (rich/famous), impulsive, proud, passionate, and jealous of others, and found that being an explorer allows them to accomplish these goals in a fun and interesting manner.
we just don't get to see mothiva's motivations and background. we only see a few breif flashes of her, a few of which are low moments where she lashes out.
but you are very very right. Mothiva is a woman with a lot of influence. what is she gonna do with it?
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bugs-in-situations · 4 months
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a bunch of leifs and one (1) muse just sketching for the sake of sketching
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bugs-in-situations · 1 year
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and here's snakemonsters leif design, we couldn't figure out how to actually make them look all frostbitten but they are also very spider-bitten. they can use their wings to mostly hide that hole in their thorax but the big cordyceps tendrils trailing behind them are still kind of obvious
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bugs-in-situations · 1 year
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we just posted the first snakemonsters leif design but we're already redesigning them because we had to draw a messed up beaft today for our health
(the picture is centered weirdly because our phone is having problem issues and won't let us crop it)
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bugs-in-situations · 1 year
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we haven't posted any team snakemonsters in a while so here's something. kabbu does the centipede mom spiral (uncolorized)
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bugs-in-situations · 8 months
19, 20, and 30 for Snakemonsters Team Snakemouth?
19. vices/bad habits
vi's complete lack of self preservation results in a lot of bad habits including but not limited to: touching hot cookware, uh, we're trying to think of more examples but our head hurts because we drank too much soda, you get the idea. kabbu tends to forget how much space he takes up and knocks things over with his extra segments a lot. leif is just... the natural impacts that living in a cave, watching people die and subsisting off scavenged rations for decades will have on your ability to Be A Person. their house is probably the messiest home in the entirety of bugaria
20. scars
vi doesn't have any (physical) scars because goop mode completely "resets" her body and heals any injuries she sustained. aside from the big one on his face, kabbu has a lot of smaller cuts and bites along his body, natural consequences of Adventuring. leif is just kind of. full of holes. the cordyceps tendrils sprouting from their neck are growing from where spuder bit them, fun fact
30. sleeping habits
vi has a really weird sleep schedule because coming back from goop mode is like waking up from a 12 hour nap to her. there is no fixing her circadian rhythm at all. as for kabbu and leif, pretty much the same as our regular headcanons. kabbu's a heavy sleeper and would have a healthy sleep schedule if he wasn't always Adventuring and having to stay awake to keep watch at night. leif has undead fatigue (a thing for all monsters of that type) and sleepwalks sometimes (<- headcanon picked up from the one animatic) which is unnerving to witness at best and actively dangerous at worst because, you know, Adventuring
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bugs-in-situations · 1 year
we haven't talked much about snakemonsters leif yet but our idea so far is that they're a lot more Visibly Fungal than canon leif
so vi and kabbu find what they think is a moth stuck in a spider web and get them down, run away, and right when they get to safety this "moth" stands up and... Oh Jeebs. What Are We Looking At Here.
they've got like. mycelium tendrils hanging out from their thorax and abdomen already. ice crystals sprouting from their fluff and frostbitten limbs. their voice sounds all gross and gurgly and even being monsters themselves vi and kabbu can't help but think "what did we just free from that web. why would a spider even want to eat this"
and of course this changes leif's request a lot, since now they start out knowing that they're a zombie and they just want to know how that all happened
the other zombugs are initially still aggresive because they recognize leif as kin but see the other two monsters and take them for intruders, but unlike canon the first zombee and zombeetle you meet are more willing to listen to leif as it's more familiar now. zommoth is just as shocked as leif is to see something so much like itself but without leif freaking out as much the rest of team snakemouth don't immediately go to attack mode and start a fight. zommoth can be friend here as a treat :)
we'll leave most of the stuff about leif's bug family for another day since there are still Things To Consider wrt muse and muze but as a whole they are very accepting of having a Freaky Creature show up like "hey we think our host might be one of your great-grandparents can we stay here" leif's request still has a happy ending ok. ok
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bugs-in-situations · 3 months
what about the other werebugs? are they boopable? let's find out
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well, this looks fine. he seems to enjoy it? kind of hard to tell, centipede faces aren't that expressive. about the other one...
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uh. we wouldn't recommend it. technically it's safer than trying it with the weevil, but still. hands are nice to have and you probably wouldn't want to lose one like this
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
Around 1000 words into this, we are struck with the realization that we could probably do matchups with any other HBG/BF pair to hone our action scene skills, and it might work.
We're also hit with the realization that we're like 90% sure that there's literally no way for Leif to lose against Sophodra, like, at all.
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bugs-in-situations · 9 months
tsm but with canon Leif and they think he's normal moth at first but then they learn he can see ghosts
in the case of "team snakemonsters but leif is still less visibly mushroom" we think the leif subplot would now just be... figuring out what kind of monster they are, because it's still clear that leif is Not Normal what with the magic and time displacement
chapter 2 already has a fair share of hints towards leif's undead-ness and piling the fact that they can see zasp when nobody else can would just make it more obvious
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bugs-in-situations · 1 year
We feel that her teammates would be Very Concerned about the child blender actually. Vi nostalgically talks about how she worked a job over here and it was pretty fun and she thinks she died for the first time doing it, actually, and her teammates react with horror.
(tsm leif voice) we know that we have literally also died before but (this was going to be a full sentence but we're notsure how to finish
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