#tsp kin
shittykinaesthetics · 2 years
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Shitty Narrator aesthetic: do you guys think that stanley and the narrator ever explored each other’s bodi- [i am violently expunged from the narrative]
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final-kin · 8 months
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A Narrator (The Stanley Parable) moodboard with themes of shapeshifting, large snakes, predatory birds, and big cats!
Requested By: Anon
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
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PRIDE stimboard for : stanley (the stanley parable) based off the trans pride flag with shiny stims
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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eyzoa · 1 year
can you please give me some names for Stanley from the Stanley Parable? not that my name isn’t great, it just hasn’t been feeling all too ‘me’ today.
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STIG (wanderer)
NEMO (nobody)
PRANAY (guide)
DAVID (beloved)
KIEFER (beloved)
DIGGORY (lost one)
HENRY (house ruler)
ODIN (eternal wanderer)
SAMWISE (simple, pure)
NORMAN (north, normal)
JANUS (gods favor, gateways)
NITIN (moral conduct, guidance)
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pyro-the-kin · 1 year
The Stanley Parable - The Narrator
Ai’right, here it comes, the most fucked up I have on the list. I'm trying my best to resume this
First of all, I had no appearance, mostly a disembodied voice.
At the beginning, I thought I was a god playing with a toy, where I would control Stanley to build my storylines. But he started gaining more and more control over his choices and decisions, and we wrestled in this constant fight for control. Resets mostly erased our memories.
Then, we heard the Curator, and her monologue about us hating but needing each other, both wishing for freedom. We wanted to escape from that place, but we still wished for control over one another. We realized we had to work together for it, but it was hard to juggle two over-controlling freaks. I theorized that reality to be a custom-made prison or a cyclic repetitive hell. Resets started having less and less power over our memories, and I started noticing my reality-bending powers to start weakening. That’s when we started noticing weirder stuff, what appeared to be someone following us and black computer screens (a strange blackness, different than a normal screen turned off) with strange requests.
We broke free of the office, and into the desert. We wandered through it, and there I was just a disembodied voice mostly hovering near Stanley, powerless and scared. Many months passed on that desert, I don’t know the exact details, and we eventually found an old ruin of the office. There, a simple computer with that same black screen. It told us the truth, of the game and the repetition and how it, whatever or whoever was speaking through that screen, greatly enjoyed watching us. And it made a last, final request. A simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, if we wanted to continue through it, if we wanted to return to the office, to the old life we had before, to that repetition we both knew so well. I was scared of the future, of the unknown and so was Stanley. But he made the choice, the final choice, ‘no’. And everything went black.
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kinnit · 1 year
stanley mems masterpost
hi im a stanley (tsp) fictionkin. heres my memories from my tl since i wanted one place to compile them all. theyll also be in different categories!
this'll update every time i get new mems :]
general mems
i wasnt living in a game, i think. im still unsure about that. there was no other player entity as far as i can remember, though. and it was real life to me, it could have been a game to the narrator or anyone else though
i can remember a basic outline of where some of the endings took place- the true ending happened near the start but wasnt the first one, the zending happened around the end, and the skip button was the last button and the epilogue happened just after it i think. i know game-wise that timeline is weird but i remember the skip button happening last and i was wandering around that desert for a long time
the zending lasted a long time. i was in the lights room for a long time and it was really nice but i just couldnt stay there forever.
there were hundreds of resets and probably different endings that did not occur in the game
the true ending still resulted in a reset no matter how many times i went that route.
some of the endings were very, VERY long. like the zending, the bucket apartment ending, and the skip button ending to mention a few.
in general sometimes these resets could be months, even upwards to a year apart, or only a few minutes. it was frustrating sometimes
i remember the escape pod ending- i remember shooting into the sky and into space and looking at the stars, but after only a while id reset. maybe narrator WAS there and it played out right? i dunno man its kinda hard to remember there was so many resets in my canon
mems about myself
i had longish curly hair
i also had freckles
i wore silly ties every day to work, they all had different patterns. this also happened during the resets, i think i had a different one each reset
i was probably autistic
i think i had anxiety too
i almost never talked- part of it was i was just too stubborn to talk, the other part was that i was nonverbal a good chunk of the time. i also just found it hard to speak
i remembered every reset, but im unsure if narrator did
i was super self destructive at one point- before i had fully given into the fact that these resets were just gonna happen for the rest of my life.
i had a life before the events of the game- i cant remember my childhood or life outside work, but i remember loving my job and i remember my chats with the other employees and stuff like that!
narrator mems
i had an on and off relationship with narrator- one moment i hated him and the next he was my entire world. our relationship fluctuated like that a lot but no matter what we needed eachother
i think our relationship was at least vaugely homosexual ahahah. i dont think we ever officially dated but we had a really really close bond. i dunno how to explain it. we acted like we were an old married couple but we never . like . had an official relationship
i cannot stress how on and off our relationship was.
he could have had a physical form, he mentioned that he was able to manifest one once, but he never quite liked the idea and he preferred just being a voice. unsure if he ever showed a form or not
he could however like . without a form he could still touch? i remember him brushing the hair out of my face or putting his hand on my shoulder, but i never saw him
unsure if he created the world or caused the resets but he sure did have a hand in both those things even if he didnt outright do all of those things
i dont think he created the world but he could control it and add little things to it.
while i knew timekeeper & curator existed, i dont think the narrator did. he may have known about the curator and just never mentioned her to me, but he never knew about timekeeper and i just never told him my experiences with either of them, i kinda kept it a secret
in relation to what i was saying with the narrator showing his physical form, he said something along the lines of 'im too grand to be contained in one physical form!' or 'its too restricting, id rather just be a voice!' (both quotes ive gotten from other narrators ive spoken to)
i really miss him. i know i hated him a lot near the start and even middle of the timeline, but i really really grew fond of him even though we had our arguments. i really miss him. a lot.
timekeeper/settings/432 mems
we were both 'friends' (acquaintances?) before the events of the game
i think during the time before the events of the game he had ginger hair and glasses but i am unsure about this memory
they would talk to me through my computer inbetween resets, however i didnt know it was 432, my old friend, until the events of the epilouge
never saw him face-to-face during the events of the game, the last time i saw them face-to-face was when we were both at work and things were still normal
it was really comforting to talk to them inbetween resets.
bucket mems
the bucket was a comfort item to me <3 i loved it
for the first while it was just a comfort item, just that, but eventually as the resets kept happening and my mental state deteriorated i began to hear it talk to me and stuff like that.
i put a lot of stickers on it . i think more than in canon
i also held things in it sometimes
curator mems
i dont remember much about you.
she made the museums. they were very very pretty.
i was so scared of her.
she had more power than the narrator
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knightkins · 1 year
( continue under cut )
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Acantha, Ambrose, Audrey, August, Blank, Briar, Bryce, Clementine, Clock, Corbitt, Cyfrin, Devoid, Draca, Em, Emile, Emory, Enola, Fallen, Florentine, Four, 4, Glitch, Grant, Harlowe, Iviana, Jaedon, Jayden, Juke, Kasper, Keeper, Raz, Marisol, Monica, Orion, Otis, Patience, Remember, Robbie, Sawyer, Solitaire, Sorell, System, Time, Verna, Vision, Zeo
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/ s/ self 2/2s/2self 3/3s/3self 4/4s/4self abyss/abyss/abysself ci/cipher/ciphers/cipherself code/codes/codeself dull/dulls/dullself epi/epilo/epilos/epilogueself in/infin/infinite/infiniteself four/fours/fourself fu/futu/futures/futureself glitch/glitches/glitchself myst/myst/mysticself soul/souls/soulself three/threes/threeself tik/tok/tiks/toks/tiktokself ti/time/times/timeself two/twos/twoself un/real/unreals/unrealself void/voids/voidself
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apollo-kins · 11 days
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with buckets, typing, and button up shirts
x x x // x x x // x x x
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morickkk · 1 year
Asked my friend for a drawing idea for a sun x moon trope and they said like talks a lot x listens !!
I had so much fun drawing this
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Here is the speed paint, i dont know how tutorials works so ill just show the progress! Sorry if this is not what you expected!!
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dollarstore-kins · 2 months
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Aro, ace and aroace Stanley icons requested by Anon!!
-Mod ET
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saberstardraws · 2 years
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
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self care for : stanley (the stanley parable) with items related to buckets and yellow lines
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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seveneyedsoliloquy · 4 months
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Personal Narrator kin stimboard
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doppiohearn · 10 months
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holiday postcard!!!
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bizzaremageddon · 2 years
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Hi stanley parable community
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tiredz0mbie · 2 years
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So I doodled a Narrator design- But I definitely plan on designing more versions based after the sides of him we see- Right now this design is based off his more harsh/evil moments
Basically how I like to see it is what the Narrator looks like depends on the route/ending Stanley takes. Which I also like to think each new start is a new timeline which causes the variant Narrators with their different personalities-
It’s like pokemon- Catch em, catch em, gotta catch em all- Gotta catch em all, Narrators
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