#tsukare onry
passerine-writes · 4 months
Silent Sparks - Volt 98
Warnings: Monoma Word count: 4098
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 97 | Volt 99
"Happy birthday." Denki said as soon as I walked into the dorms the next day. I playfully shushed him but pulled him into a hug. "Mina and Kiri are going to flip if you don't tell them."
"Oh, they'll probably find out." I mumbled and he pressed a very dramatic kiss to my cheek. "Just wait until english." I told him and he looked at me curiously.
"Okay, so I have a surprise for you." He said and I looked at him plainly. "Hey, don't gimme that look. I've been working really hard on this. Okay, I hope I don't mess this up." He said, shaking out his hands in front of him.
Happy birthday, babe.
"Wait, did you just-" I cut myself off by smiling, not believing my eyes. "When did you-"
"I started learning more when we started dating." He said while slowly signing with his words. "I'm not fluent, but I've been practicing a lot." I practically lunged forward and pulled him into another hug.
"You're gonna make me cry, you're amazing." I told him and he picked me up, spinning me around.
"You shouldn't cry today. But, you do need to get changed into your uniform, and I already made your coffee for you." He told me. I leaned back and cupped his face in my hands, unable to stop smiling.
"You are the best." I said, smiling widely, his hands on my hips pulled me closer as he brought me into a kiss.
"I try." I couldn't help but laugh before making myself go up to my room and change into my uniform. "Ready?" He asked once I came back down. I grabbed my coffee and his hand that he held out towards me.
"Yep." I told him and we started walking.
"Tsukababes! You're so smiley today!" Mina cheered and I smiled a little wider.
"It's a good day and after class I'm getting something." I said and my friends and boyfriend looked at me curiously. "It's a surprise."
"Do you know?" Sero asked Hitoshi and he nodded.
"It's a surprise." My brother said and I gave him a knuckle bump.
"That's just cruel." Sero said, acting appalled.
"Dude, it'd be more cruel if he told you." I said and he shrugged.
"I guess." He sighed dramatically.
"Do I know?" Denki asked and I shook my head. "I'm excited now."
"Everyone please take your seats!" Iida yelled as we walked in and I gave him a thumbs up.
"Good morning class." Dad said lazily once he walked in. "Today you're in for hell." He said with a wicked smile and I deflated in my seat. "You will have intense hero training today, get your costumes and meet in training ground beta." A majority of my classmates groaned in defeat while we grabbed our hero costumes off of the wall.
"This is going to be torture." I mumbled and dragged myself out of my seat.
Denki immediately came to my side and slipped his hand into mine. I couldn't help the smile on my face as we walked to the locker room.
"What has you so happy today?" Sero asked as our friends came up beside us.
"Nothing, it's just a good day." I said, dodging the actual question.
"It's good to see you happy, bro." Kirishima said.
"I agree." Denki chimed in, placing a loud kiss on my cheek.
"What are the losers of class 1-A doing here?" I heard Monoma ask and I groaned.
"We're here for hero training, is it not obvious?" I asked, holding up my costumes case.
"Tetsutetsu!" I laughed as the two chest bumped and immediately started talking to each other.
"So we have joint hero training today?" Denki asked and I nodded.
"Thought that'd be obvious, Sparky." Monoma remarked and I took a deep breath. I couldn't let him of all things ruin my mood. "Vlad!" He called out, walking towards his teacher. "Is there any way I can change somewhere else? Or maybe have Tsukare change somewhere else? I don't feel comfortable changing in the same space as him. I don't want to risk him harassing me or watching me change."
"You're shitting me, right? Am I hearing this right?" I asked rhetorically.
"Is there any valid reason you feel that way?" Uncle Seki asked.
"I'm aware of his sexuality and I don't want to be subjected to any wandering eyes." I rolled my eyes at his reasoning.
"You're going to work with people who are gay or bisexual in the future. It's unavoidable in this line of work. It's bad to assume how someone will act towards you."
"Monoma." I said as I walked over towards him. "I'm not going to be looking at you, especially when I have my lovely boyfriend right here. And uh, you're nothing special to look at, anyways." I said before walking away, my boyfriend trying not to laugh next to me. I went to my normal cubby with Denki. Kirishima, Hanta, Hitoshi and Bakugou already there, along with Tetsutetsu this time. I quickly changed into my hero costume, giving Denki a kiss on the cheek for zipping me up, and Kirishima a thankful smile when he lightly backhanded Tetsutetsu's chest when he was caught staring at me.
"If we're sparring, I'm gonna kill you, earbleed." Bakugou grumbled as we walked out.
"Right back at ya." I told him and he glared at me.
"Tsukare! Hey!" Kendo called out as soon as we stepped into the training area, I waved to her and Momo, smiling kindly at them.
"Onryo!" Midoriya yelled, waving me over to him and Hitoshi. I looked to Denki and he nodded, letting go of my hand before I walked over to the two. Izuku pulled me into a hug and I almsot fell backwards from the unexpected force. "Happy birthday!" He exclaimed and I promptly shushed him. "Sorry! I just wanted to say it before you were busy later. I hope it's okay that I was invited to your family party tomorrow."
"Of course it is, and you get to properly meet Nakami. I think you two might get along."
"Is that your friend from the exam?"
"Let's get started." Dad said loudly, making all of us quickly shut up. "As you might have gathered, classes A and B are having joint training today. It's going to be 1v1 sparring against classes. Quirks are allowed. Pair up however you would like, you're going to switch partners every ten minutes. If you don't settle on a partner, then we will choose for you. Begin." My Dad said and I awkwardly started walking around, trying to find someone to spar with that wasn't already in a team and wasn't Monoma.
"Tsukare." Shishida said and I quickly turned towards him.
"Shishida, right?" He gave me a singular nod and I relaxed a bit.
We got ready and soon started going at each other. We both landed some pretty good hits, immobilizing each other one time each before switching out. I held out my hand and firmly shook his. I made my way over to Tetsutetsu next, who already looked a little wiped after sparring with Kirishima.
"Tsukare!" He exclaimed.
"Tetsutetsu!" I yelled back, laughing as I did so. He came running at me and I took that as him starting, so I close lined him.
"Shit." He coughed out and I helped him back to his feet. "I don't go down that easy though."
"Neither do I." I said, watching as he hissed in pain and activated his quirk.
"Oh, it's on."
The cycle repeated with Tokage, Kendo, and Kuroiro. Until I was paired with Monoma.
"Let's just get this over with, yeah?" I asked facetiously, already tired of him and we hadn't even begun.
"No quirk? You're losing your touch." He said in a mocking voice, the two of us circling around each other.
"Not charging towards me? You must be losing yours." He scoffed, only to come running towards me the next second. Once he was close enough, I dove forward and tackled him, knowing I accidentally knocked the wind out of him. "You need to work on hand to hand combat." I said while holding out a hand. He looked at me in disgust and promptly smacked my hand away. I turned around and took a deep breath, only to see Monoma getting ready to come towards me again. He went to kick me but I turned around and grabbed his ankle. "Now that's just low." I told him, throwing his foot back down. "I'm taking a time out, I need some water." I mumbled. I took a much needed sip and a deep breath, noticing Dad glancing at me curiously.
Just needed a moment to calm down.
I'm proud of you for realizing you were losing your temper and taking appropriate measures to calm down.
Thanks. I still wanna knock his teeth in. That was a cheap shot, especially for sparring. Fucker doesn't even know what sportsmanship is.
Sorry. He really got under my skin earlier. You can ask Uncle Seki about it.
He looked confused but nodded and turned to my Uncle while I went back to Monoma.
"Resorted to cheating, have we? I saw you talking to your Dad." He said mockingly.
"Get your head out of your ass and fight me already." I bit back and he came towards me for a third time. Rather than stuffing one of his hits, I decided to drag it out. I blocked each of his jabs instead and waited for the opportunity to send a punch. My opening was his ribs, my knuckles digging right between the spaces.
"That didn't feel nice." He said while using my quirk. He clearly didn't grasp quickly on how to use it at full strength, but noise doesn't faze me like the average person.
"You thought that would hurt?" I asked, using my quirk on almost full volume. He seethed in pain for a moment, eyes clenching shut. So to return the favor from earlier, I swept out his feet from under him and pinned his wrists to his back. "Let me tell you a little secret. I've been training my quirk for half of my life, I've knocked out my own hearing more times than I can count, but I already lost most of it. That volume? A measly sixty percent? It's weak." I spat out, letting go of his hands.
"You cheated." He grumbled and I willed myself not to laugh.
"How do you figure?"
"I don't know how, but I know it has something to do with your dear old dad." He said angrily, shoving me back by my shoulders.
"If you hate me so much, then just leave me alone." I rebutted.
"Why don't you do something about it?" He pushed, shoving me back again, this time, grabbing the collar of my shirt.
"I'm not stupid enough to throw the first punch. If you want to pick a fight that bad," I grabbed his wrist, slowly pulling his hand off of my shirt, his fingers twitching from the pressure on his tendons, "then I suggest you do something about it." I said in a low voice. Dad and Uncle Seki came over, promptly separating us.
"Boys, what the hell is going on?" Uncle Seki asked.
"Tsukare cheated." Monoma said, crossing his arms over his chest like he was going to win a prize.
"Oh my gods, get your head out of your ass already. It is not my fault that I was trained in more hand to hand combat than you were and it's something I excel in. It's also not my fault that you underestimated the strength to use for my quirk. But I am so, unbelievably sorry, that I refused to start an actual fight with you." I snapped, Dad and Uncle Seki both sighed.
"Training is finishing up in three minutes. I think Eraser will agree with my suggestion to drop it for today, and then Monday, both of you can go hash this out with Principal Nedzu." Uncle Seki said and Dad nodded. "Okay, that settles it." He said and walked away with Dad. Monoma went to walk towards them and harshly bumped into my shoulder.
"Watch your back." He said and kept walking. I took a deep breath and made my way towards Denki who was sparring with Kaibara. I watched as Kaibara landed four jabs back to back on Denki and I hissed in pain for him.
"Alright, that's it for today. Everyone go change and head to your next class." Uncle Seki yelled. I watched as Denki flopped onto his back, Kaibara and I both let out a laugh.
"I got him." I told Kaibara and he gave me a thumbs up before walking towards his classmates. "We gotta go get changed." I said as I sat in front of my beautiful boyfriend.
"Don't wanna move." He mumbled. I grabbed onto his hands and rubbed my thumbs over his knuckles.
"If you get up, then I'll give you a kiss." I said, clearly bribing him but it worked.
"Can you help me up too?" I laughed under my breath and pulled him into a sitting position. Immediately his lips found mine and we both smiled into the kiss. "Maybe I should lay back down so I can get another kiss." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"We have to go get changed, babe. Come on." He groaned but let me help him to his feet. In one go, he scooped me into his arms bridal style, laughter falling past my lips while my arms wrapped around his neck. "Denki! I swear, if you drop me!" I squealed while he acted like he was dropping me. "That is not funny!" I told him, burying my face in his neck as he walked us to the locker room. We got a few looks as he carried me through the locker room, a bright, prideful smile on his face while I was dissolving into a giggling mess.
"You two are disgusting." My brother mumbled while Denki finally set me down.
"They're cute together and they're happy together." Kirishima rebutted and Hitoshi rolled his eyes.
"I get to say they're disgusting, he's my brother."
"Woah, you two are bros?" Tetsutetsu asked.
"Yep." I responded as I started getting out of my costume. I glanced down and grimaced at all the bruises now on my body. "I was wondering why I was sore." I said with a laugh and saw my brother face palm himself.
"You dumb ass." He mumbled and I shrugged, but I noticed Tetsutetsu's eyes lingering on my body. We made eye contact and he quickly looked away.
"Man, how much do you bench?" He asked and I looked at him in confusion before laughing.
"You're class B's Kirishima! That's one of the first things he ever asked me." I said with a wide smile, trying to control my laughter. "I think I hit my PR of 200 or something like that when Kiri and I went to the gym last time. So probably like 180 for a regular set." I said and he looked very excited.
"The three of us definitely need to go together." He said with the same pointy smile as my red headed friend.
"Hey Kiri? Are we sure you don't have a bio brother? Or, y'know, a twin?" I asked quietly, leaning over towards him while Tetsutetsu started talking to someone in his class.
"I might have to talk to my moms." He said quietly, equally weirded out.
"Good idea." I said before turning back to Tetsutetsu. "Tetsutetsu?" I said and he looked at me confused once I extended my hand. "Thank you, for helping to get me out of the rubble that day." His face softened a bit and he gave me a sad smile. His hand gripped mine and we did a small bro hug.
"'Course man, I'm just glad that you're doin' good now and that we got you outta there in time." He said and I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm glad you got me outta there, too."
Classes seemed to fly by until the end of the day, almost like I blinked and they were over. I almost skipped up to my Dad's desk in excitement, bouncing in place as I waited for him to finish up.
"You're excited." He stated and I nodded, Hitoshi came back in the room and Pops was behind him.
"We're waiting on you, Dad. Just bring the papers home." Hitoshi said and Dad sighed but let out a small laugh.
"Okay. Let's go." He said as he slid a bunch of papers into a folder.
I was almost vibrating with excitement as we made our way to the car and drove through the city to a lowkey spot in Tokyo. Pops was already changed into his street clothes since he had a free period at the end of the day, so we didn't have to worry about anyone stopping him.
"Welcome in, do you have an appointment today?" A girl covered in tattoos with multiple piercings and a bright pink halo piece in her hair asked once we walked in.
"He's here to get his ears pierced. Tsukare Onryo." Dad said and she hummed.
"You're that kid from the hero course, aren't ya? I'd recognize that head of ginger hair anywhere." She said and I recognized her accent as an american one, the subtle tonality to it making me realize.
"You'd be right." I said in english and her eyes widened.
"I haven't heard anyone talk to me in english in a while, I'm not that bad at speaking Japanese, am I?" I shook my head with a laugh.
"No, you just have a slight accent when you talk." I told her and she sighed.
"Had me worried for a moment. Okay, just come right over here for me, I'm gonna need you to fill out this paperwork and I'm gonna need some ID." She said.
"Am I allowed to use my provisional license for this?" I asked Dad quietly and he nodded. I happily handed it over to her and she started typing away.
"Happy birthday, is this your big present for the day?" She asked.
"It's the main thing he wanted, so who were we to say no?" Pops said, giving me a big hug.
"Well, you came to the right place. Tsukare, I got you in the system so here is your ID and you get to pick out what jewelry you want." She said, pulling out two display boards that were filled with dozens of different piercings.
I looked at all the options, excitement filling me to my core as this was really happening. My eyes eventually settled on one in particular.
"Are those the ones you want?" Dad asked and I nodded. "Good choice."
"Can I get these ones?" I asked, pointing to the dark grey ones.
"Hematite. Good choice. It's actually known for helping with stress and anxieties, a lot of people wear it as rings, it's supposed to break when it's taken as much as it can. It might not be the same for earrings though, especially because they're on silver posts. But that's the size stone you wanted?" I nodded and she gave me a kind smile. "Alright, if you just want to take a seat over in that chair, I'll be over in just a second." She said. I followed where she pointed and waited impatiently for her to come back over. When she did, she had a tray with a bunch of different things on it. "Okay, so I did take a look over your form that you filled out, and you put that you have a history of blacking out. Can you tell me a bit about that? Mostly just, is it needle related?"
"It just, happens, sometimes. I am really good at giving a heads up though." She nodded along as I spoke.
"Okay. So, I'm gonna need you to fully sit back for me. This is a toothpick with a little bit of ink on it, just so I can mark where I'm going to be piercing you and see how you feel about it." I nodded and watched as she poked my ear lobes. She held up a mirror and asked about the placement to which I quickly agreed to, I was already loving it. "Okay, and do you have an allergy to iodine?" I looked at my parents, not too sure if I did or not.
"No, he doesn't." Dad said and she gave him a thumbs up.
"Perfect. I am going to ask that you take out your hearing aids, just so I don't get any iodine on them since it is a liquid and so I don't accidentally poke a wire with the needle."
"Okay, just uh, when you're talking to me, make sure you're standing in front of me so I can read your lips." She nodded and waited patiently as I took them out and put them in their case. I put them back in my pocket and looked at her.
"I'm going to put the iodine on your ears now." She said and I nodded. She took the cold cotton swab and applied it to my ears. "Okay, these are brand new gloves, no germs or anything on them, and these are also brand new needles, sterile right out of the packaging, so again, no germs." I gave her a thumbs up. "Do you want a count down or anything?"
"No I'm good, I wouldn't be able to hear it anyways." She bit back a little laugh but nodded.
"Okay, so one of them is going to tell you when I need you to breathe in and out, okay?" Toshi walked in front of my chair, camera ready to take a video and I gave him a thumbs up. I felt a small pinch in my ear that made my eyebrows furrow together.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
"That was it?" I asked, making the piercer laugh.
"That was the first one. Now it's time for the other side." She told me. We went through the same process, and I hummed.
"That didn't really hurt. I was expecting it to hurt, like, a lot more. Can I put my ears back in now?" She tried to retain her composure as she nodded and I delicately put them in, careful not to bump them.
"You did great kid, are you feeling light headed or anything?"
"No, I feel good."
"Great. Here is a mirror, you get to see the new look." She said, passing the reflective object to me. I smiled widely when I saw the small studs in my ears, looking at my parents before tackling them in a hug.
"Thank you!"
"We've created a monster. He's never going to stop getting them now." Dad said as him and Pops hugged me back.
We went over aftercare and the healing process, when I can change them out, if they're stuck when I do then I can come back. Dad paid and took one of the aftercare sheets with a confused look on his face.
"So, this is gonna sound like, super random, but it's something the owner wants to start doing. But can I take a picture of you for the wall of fame he's trying to make?" She asked and I looked at her confused. "Any hero that gets a piercing here, or anyone in a hero course, he wants us to get pictures of. If not that's completely okay, but he would have my head on a platter if I didn't ask."
"Sure, I'm up for that." I said awkwardly and she grabbed a polaroid that was sitting on the counter top.
"Okay, so let's go over to the wall with the led sign on it. Big smile." For once, I didn't have to force a smile for a picture, and I saw Pops take one as well. "Perfect. Thank you so much. And if you ever want anything else pierced, feel free to come back."
"Thank you. I definitely will." I told her.
The whole ride back to the school, I couldn't stop smiling. My brother sent me the video he took of me getting them pierced and I laughed, my reaction being almost comical compared to some I've seen online.
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