#tsukasa headcannons
nanamivnemesis · 3 months
WxS on a road trip headcanons:
•Driving Priority order:
(Rui and tsukasa can be switched)
-emu is not usualy the one to drive, she’s definitely capable of it and has her license but the group is terrified she’s going to zone out and they will cruise into a ditch when she’s unmedicated. (I believe theirs is thoughts of war behind those big void eyes and therefore she’s the second most dangerous behind rui)
-Nene can drive and usually doesbut she much rather play games and nonverbaly observe conversation, if the others get to tired she’s fine with taking over for a bit, and when she’s down rui usually takes over for her
-Tsukasa can drive and is the third choice driver , boasts about being so good at driving(he failed his driving test twice) then procedes to miss the exit,twice. Rui has to read off the driving app.
-Rui is the second trusted driver of the group ,but his psychopathic ideas make others fear if he is going to stop his impulse of seeing how the airbags work.(hence why tsukasa goes before him) He’s overall good at keeping himself in check tho.
•Seating arrangements and behavior
-•passenger princess priority in accordance to driving priority:
-emu(literally princess I love her so much :D)
-Rui(reads driving instructions to tsukasa otherwise he will miss the exit again)
-Tsukasa (holds onto the celling handle thing the whole time)
-Nene(keeps an eye on emu) (if rui was with emu while driving the chances of their collective thoughts of war increase,nene prevents that)
•when in back row together:
-emu and tsukasa
- read off bill boards and tourism ads and then beg rui/nene to go see them. If rui is driving they are more likely to pull over. Nene will pull over if she decides it’s interesting enough and worth it.
-the WOAHHH!!! WHATS THAT OMG CAN WE GO or like making jokes about weird ass signs
-ba da ba ba ba when the McDonald’s sign
-emu and nene
- are usually playing games together on Nenes phone or switch.Emu loves to watch nene play rhythm games,animal crossing or stardew valley.
-nene listens to emu as she fixates of her favorite villagers and island decor.
-Nene will sometimes share her headphones with emu.
-when they try to get out of the car at stops, 500 different stuff animals they both own start to pour out the car.
-Rui and Nene
Idk if this is already canon but rui made a mini nene bot that is safely buckled in the middle seat. Rui sometimes brings out silly hats to put on it(emu made some of them)
-nene also plays splatoon when he’s in the back
-you can’t convince me rui isn’t playing fnaf or granny for shits and giggles, you cannot
-then nerds out of the stupid ways you can break these games
-emu and rui
Thoughts of war and things that are illegal to construct on stages, these 2 are a dangerous combination without any balance from nene or tsukasa
-elaborately contsructing pranks to pull on tsukasa
-otherwise they are nerding out over over silly shit and having a wholesome time
-if emu sees something cool rui is already on board with trying to convince whos driving to pull over to see the thing.
-Rui and tsukasa
-Rui ,if he decides to take a nap, will kick his daddy long legs on tsukasa lap and there is nothing tsukasa can do to stop him
-“Aw look at that cool car right there I wonder if it would survive the blast radius of a nuclear strike “”RUI WHAT-“
-Rui keep’s proposing increasingly worse and dangerous ideas for shows is tsukasa is like “WHAT” and dumbfounded
-scrolling together through TikTok to see those Reddit stories but they only look at the cool craft videos in the background and don’t care about the story
-tsukasa and nene
-(my apologies this duo I think about the least so my head-canons won’t be as good)
-insult battle where they keep trying to one up the other in more increasingly insane ways, (I think nene wins)
-she isn’t sharing her music or her games with him
-tsukasa sneezes so loud, nene records it so that whenever he annoys her or says something stupid she will play it on repeat
-“Omg look at that””rejected””I didn’t even say what it was yet-“
-if they both see/hear something weird af on the road or on a bill board they just 👀
-tsukasa will try to make jokes to make her smile and she will rate them critically (it’s all fun and games tho)
-nene has threatened to crash the car when the shits gotten to silly
-Emu keeps pulling out snacks from her pockets in unrealistic ways
-Rui brings bags of like candy rocks or candy dice and just eats the em infront of tsukasa and freaks him out at first but then he’s like WOAH and then they are both eating rocks.(don’t mention the chocolate crickets to tsukasa)
-rui has definitely shoplifted at gas stations with nene
-nene handles finding sleeping arrangements
-tsukasa got sick from a gas station hotdog once and he can’t handle takis
-underneath the stuff animals nene is rotting in, there are 17 crushed monster energies and coffee drink cans
-rui is looked to when there is car issues
-nene is basically keeping the other three on a leash at all times but she can’t keep them still and gets dragged along
-the amount of times tsukasa and emu have gotten lost in a gas station is impressive, sometimes rui moves the car while there inside to make them think they were left behind.
{Feel free to request headcannon ideas on my special interests! I’m not the most knowledgeable in other pjsk units tho!}
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lav-bee · 4 months
Dr. Stone x Reader
You Flinch Because of Them
Character/s: Tsukasa, Hyoga
Warnings?: Flinching 🤷‍♀️ not anything that should be triggering, more of a hurt comfort type fic 👍
‼️Also, spoilers for season 3 in Hyogas part‼️
💛- read as platonic
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- It’s known that Tsukasa is a very nice and charismatic guy. And honestly, ya, he is.
- But you have to admit he’s still a bit intimidating to be near him. The man can kill wild animals with his bare hands, that’s crazy!
- Because of this knowledge, you try to keep your distance. You would never want to accidentally get on his bad side.
- Of course Tsukasa noticed this but he couldn’t understand why you avoided him.
- He knew you didn’t hate him. Why else would you be nice whenever you two would have a small chat?
- There was tension between you guys and he didn’t like that. So he thought the best way to solve this is to have a private conversation…. In the forest… no one to see. Ah yes, this totally isn’t freaking you out at all!
- Not only were you already tense from him bringing you out here alone but a wild animal showed up and attacked.
- It wasn’t a big deal, Tsukasa dealt with it easily.
- After the sudden scare, he turned toward you and lifted a hand to give you a head pat. He paused, seeing you suddenly flinching away, and everything made sense.
- “Oh, I see.”
- His hand dropped to his side and he took a step back to give you space.
- There’s not much that he can change about himself to make you feel at ease, he knows this. But he still tries to be more mindful, slower, when you’re around.
- “Please let me know if there’s anything I can do, I don’t want to let my appearance stop us from knowing each other.”
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- Finally, the fight with Ibara has ended. And the Kingdom of Science had found an ally with the villain Hyoga.
- It was a wobbly alliance, but you had to admit it turned out just fine
- Even though Hyoga fought for most likely selfish reasons, there was still a spark of admiration for the man
- Before, during the Stone Wars you couldn’t help but be amazed when he held his spear. He just looked so cool!
- And of course this made you want to learn too.
- Asking to be trained by him was nerve wracking and you weren’t sure if he’d accept. But surprisingly, he agreed. Anyone is welcome to learn as long as they train correctly.
- And now here you both are, alone in the training room. The others had taken a break but you wanted to push yourself just a bit more; you were finally making progress.
- Hyogas ways of training definitely weren’t for the weak hearted. You’ll have many bruises and blisters by the time the day’s over.
- Suddenly, your balance was swept from beneath your feet and you landed on the hard floor boards with a thud
- Hyoga moved his spear and for a moment you thought he would hit or stab you with it. A random reminder of how cruel he once was
- Your arm quickly went to block your face for… nothing?
- “That won’t do. How do you expect to fight against your opponent if you freeze up?”
- When you let your arm down, Hyoga had his hand out for you to take.
- “I won’t ask why, but it’s best we take a break.”
- And that’s not an option, he will make you take a break.
- He won’t bring it up, and he won’t treat you any different. More so keeps it in mind to try not to let it happen again.
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theguardianace · 6 months
there is something SO aromantic coded about tsukasa's reaction to saki's "date" in stella after the rain....
"i guess you're at that age now... whoever you choose, go give it your all!!" allo people do not say this my friend
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TBHK Gardening Headcannons Pt. 2
Part 2 of 2
Yako, Tsuhigimori, Hanako, Tsukasa, Yamabuki Lemon, Sakura, Natsuhiko
Part 1
* Ofc she can garden
* It’s the skill a proper lady should have and Misaki would love the flowers when she finally gives it to him
* But she does truly enjoy planting flowers
* To put into her hair and make herself very pretty
* Also to make her surroundings and boundary nice looking
* She also plants food
* But she plants more fruit as the flowers that come from fruit plants are so pretty and smell so sweet
* She also helps plant and take care of cherry blossom trees
* Passes the Cacti test
* She’s not too fond of cacti though until someone steps on it and hurts themselves she lets out an evil giggle at this
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* Do you really think the class outside of Aoi actually takes care of the class plant?
* I mean we saw what happened when she disappeared during Yako’s arc
* He 100% has a green thumb
* He’s so nonchalant about it though that you wouldn’t realize it’s something he’s good at
* Maybe one of his hobbies but he does topiary with many potted plants in his boundary to pass the time outside of reading and grading
* 100% passes the cacti test
* Doesn’t like having them tho because he enjoys topiary
* But he doesn’t mind them, like if he was gifted a cactus he’d take care of it all the same
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* No
* Just straight up no
* Hanako is so trash at gardening that it hurts
* Amane is no better tbh
* He’s had enough years after his death that he’s not as bad as he used to be
* But still don’t let him in your garden at all
* Does not pass the cacti test
* He can make mechanical plants
* And decorations for your garden
* That’s as far as he can go
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* Very very good at gardening unlike his twin
* His garden only looks destructive and weird because he’s constantly experimenting and being weird in the garden
* But he makes the most beautiful of flowers bloom that all the girls are jealous of him
* Passes the cacti test and somehow makes the cacti super healthy like scarily so
* Are we sure he isn’t using some supernatural powers or something?
* Enjoys gardening because of how messy and experimental he can be
* Will give girls flowers with the roots still intact
* And they can’t refuse them because they’re the prettiest flower they’ve ever seen
* Also he plants anything and everything, even stuff that cannot and should not be planted
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Yamabuki Lemon
* If he would get off the goddamned phone he’d be a great gardener
* If he wasn’t addicted to his phone he’d be an average gardener very chill and does it for fun
* Normally though he does digital plants and gardens and lemme tell you that digital garden is beautiful and amazing
* I feel like he has an affinity for plants and such because of his name
* Speaking of his name he plants a lot of yellow plants and lemons because of the irony
* Passes the cacti test
* Cacti are actually really good for him
* His garden starts out looking like hot garbage even though it grew pretty and nice plants and flowers because he was too into his phone
* The moment he realizes that he can use his his garden for likes and stuff or whatever he has on his phone his garden becomes insanely aesthetically pleasing
* His garden is very flowery and pretty you’d think a very feminine person did it
* But nope! It’s the phone obsessed kid!
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* Is very interested in plants
* Does gardening out of curiosity and eventually it becomes a hobby
* Very good at gardening but thinks it’s average
* Takes cares of roses the most
* Actually cares very little for Sakura flowers but still think they smell nice and are pretty
* Tried out topiary and didn’t like it so just sticks to flowers
* She also enjoys making flower arrangements and the meaning behind flowers
* Uses her flowers and plants to make different types of tea
* Passes the cacti test
* Uses said cacti as a defense from Natsuhiko at times
* Keeps it far from Tsukasa tho
* She gives away flowers and boquetes to classmates and friends
* Natsuhiko is constantly asking for a flower
* She always says no
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* Speaking of the devil
* He 200% knows how to grow a beautiful garden
* Can do both food stuff and flowery plants because he’s a womanizer and versatile
* Owns a huge Sakura tree in order to get Sakura to like him
* He has every flower imaginable and knows the meaning for all of them
* Passes the cacti test with flying colors and somehow makes it artistic
* Like fr brother how?
* It’s all due to … *opens up email he sent* the passion for his lady apparently
* He’s wild
* Anyways he gives Sakura a flower a day
* Hasn’t given Sakura a rose yet as it’s lowkey cliché so he’s holding out a bit
* If he ever gives her a rose it’s jokingly so he never pays attention to her reactions about it
* Never gives out fake flowers to anyone
* It’s always as fresh as possible flowers
* Actually carries a bunch of fresh flowers to hand out throughout the day
* He always runs out too!
* He’s just really good with plants
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everestica · 2 years
Hihi!! I really like your reading and since i've seen you've done it for a few characters can you do like Tsukasa x reader like late night hcs or something like that?? Im obviously referring to Tsukasa Tenma btw but still i want to make sure theres no mix-ups. Thats it, take your time and have a nice day/night!!^^
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'*•.¸♡ Tsukasa Tenma x Reader: Late Night HC's♡¸.•*'
➳ Part - I still don't know, I forgot to go and check yesterday/today-
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
It was right after school and your boyfriend had immediately jumped out of his seat when he had heard the last bell ring. He ran out of the room to find you, almost hitting multiple people on the way out in his rush. Earlier at lunch you were really busy helping some other students and some teachers around the school. So this would have been the first time he could talk with you and hug you all day, but when he finally found you in the front of the school your attention was occupied again by some underclassmen/classmates that were asking you questions about what you had covered in class/something on a test. As soon as you were done talking with them Tsukasa immediately ran up to where you were, literally no joke, never seen him run faster in his life. When he got up to you he hugged you super tight and started to also take the bag off your shoulder and when he pulled away it was instead on his shoulder now instead of yours, you didn’t really think much of it as it was something he normally did because you normally had a bunch of books to carry. The walk back to your house was normal as he was just talking about his plans for his next show or how he was gonna become the next star, with you just giggling along or helping him plan things. When you got back to your house you kissed his cheek before heading into your house waving to him before closing the door. That’s when he had turned to leave so that he could make his way back to his house to change before heading to practice, but then he noticed that he still had your bag on his shoulder, so knowing that you normally don’t lock your door until he’s out of sight, he just opened the door without signaling first and the first thing he saw was you. No? Not you, but another part of you. You had made it a couple steps from the door before you had started breaking down and crying about how overwhelmed you were with helping everybody because you were too kind/scared to say no. Tsukasa places both bags down before running over to where you were on the floor, and asking if he could touch you. You nodded slightly through the still trembling of your body, but with your consent he pulled you into a hug and started to rub your back, but also putting your head on his shoulder so you could cry on him instead of the floor. He made sure to keep you like this and ask if you wanted to talk to him about it, no matter what you said he would be okay with it. Once he was sure that you were okay and that you told him that you were feeling better. That's when he started to let go of you and have you sit up on your own now. Then you looked up at the time and realized that it was way past his practice time and that’s when he explained that he had already told them as soon as you were in his lap that he couldn’t make it and to not stress about it. 
A few days passed and you realized that not as many teachers and people were coming up to you any more during the day to ask about stuff, as nice as it was, you were a little confused as to why, and that’s when you saw it, Tsukasa. He instead was helping some of the teachers that you would normally help, and some of your classmates/underclassmen so that you could have some time to yourself and wouldn’t get so overwhelmed. 
Tsukasa may be loud sometimes and he may always be talking about wanting to be a future star. But he also cares about you more than you could ever know, and as soon as he realizes you're having an issue he’s trying his hardest to make sure that you're feeling okay afterwards and if there is anything that he can do to help he will!<3
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sakuras-teacup · 2 years
(yandere) tsukasa yugi x shy s/o
awwwwww he would literally protect you from everything because in his eyes you are just his little s/o who can’t protect themselves 
don’t worry your scary ass bf will save you from hanako telling you about the fact that tsukasa is manipulating you to thinking that you are too weak to protect yourself
but mitsuba picks on you a lot for being shy and/or weak... :( 
but don’t worry sakura-chan is there to bonk him over the head <3
nene tries to hang out with you because she’s your best friend but tsukasa never lets you because he thinks she is trying to steal you away from him... but never fear she will just wait till you’re in class then talk to you because he can’t do anything thing to her in class  :] (well I hope) 
welp I hope you like it @tsukasalovsr  sorry it was late :( 
 tags::::::     @tsukasalovsr     @im-togas-knife    @mitsuris-big-boobies @kurooandkenmasslut 
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sakuharuka · 1 year
non-binary transmasc Shiho, transmasc Mafuyu, transfem Tsukasa, transfem Toya and intersex Saki frfr so true
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zerooup · 1 year
Can i get headcanons for age regressors mika and diluc, please? ❤️ i love your headcanons very much
Of course! :D ALL WORKS ON THIS PAGE ARE SFW :3 Agere mika and agere Diluc! Beginning with Diluc; Cw: Trauma (mainly for Diluc), diapers, accidents
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Diluc has a very large age range! either 0-2 or 6-18 (mid-space)
Often regressing very slowly, needing help to get smaller than 6. which, the knights often take in a 6-year-old Diluc, which.. normally scares him a bit! This place is so big for someone so small!
If he's around 18, he's dealing with flashback after flashback of Crepus passing in his arms, Kaeya triggered a flashback once and he STILL feels guilty about it.
Kaeya mentioned to Diluc while he was serving drinks that he felt like they grew apart because of what happened, Diluc mumbled something like "I still love you Bubba" which, Kaeya noticed but just kept it to himself to cherish ever so often.
When Diluc is fully regressed, expect him to cry the SECOND he's put down. This baby needs uppies! Immediately!!!
Definitely cries until Jean or Kaeya picks him up.
Very prone to accidents due to injuries he sustained from Snezhnaya, normally wearing some form of protection around the clock. Pull-ups during the day, thicker diapers at night.
He'll often wake up little, Adeline helping him get ready if he is small. A: Little Phoenix, do you need help getting ready? D: Mnn,, mnnhnm; A: Alright buddy, You stay here while I get your outfit.
He can and will fall asleep on anyone, he can barely keep his eyes open for an hour or more.
Will give a very specific whine if he needs help being changed
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mika is a very sleepy little, only really regressing before bed
2-3, wears pullups to bed
very independent for his age (im sorry i dont know mika that well! but ill be sure to read his character story to get an idea!!)
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muikyow · 2 years
Tsukasa Yugi x Reader
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Warnings: Errors English, Angst?, Gn reader?
This is short...but I had this idea while wandering through my thoughts XD
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"Only Mine" × ...
You feel Tsukasa foot push you...more and more into the ground...-...your chest hurts... you can barely breathe
Him is contracting you more and more to the floor...the floor is breaking...-...you no had strength
Your body just falls into the void... your eyes blurry
Tsukasa accompanies you...as you fall...he hugs you from behind and whispers
-..."For always..." -...his voice was bitter..with a manic smile on his face
Your eyes widen...so you think how dumb you are...love? who cares about that.
Your vision darkens and you don't see anything anymore
- Nobody remembers you at Kamome Gakuen... Nobody hears from you...
- You were stupid to trust Yugi...
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https-immotmari · 9 months
❝ But I can't help myself when you get close to me ❞ ─── pjsk boys!
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first request, yahey!(❁´◡`❁) and I should probably put request open for anyone getting confused if I'm open for requests or not. Also, I don't know if you want romantic or platonic so I'm doing romantic if you don't mind ^^* cute username and pfp btw!
fandom! .project sekai character(s) used! .akito shinonome, toya aoyagi, tsukasa tenma and rui kamishiro gender of reader! .gn!reader head start! .mention of toya's dad🤢
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. . .akito shinonome!
dude is perplexed the moment you snake your arms around him. It's like he hasn't been given affection (he's touch-starved)
he should have known the first time he met you, you were as bubbly as bubbles from the powerpuff girls, or even more, and just like that, you've been a daydream and nightmare to him.
back when you two were friends, you kept it minimal such as asking for his permission whenever you want to hug him and even then, akito was, and still is, a flustered mess that it gets to the point that his brain is filled with you and you alone.... okay, maybe a bit of toya but, that's a bit, kay?
now that you two are a thing thanks to an, kohane and toya, you "innocently" used the knowledge you have to make this man a mess. as you should tbh
like, run your fingers through his hair while you're cuddling him, and HE'LL MELT FASTER THAN HE CAN RAP
only in private though, when you two are out in public and you feel the urge of cuddling him there and then, he can shyly give you a side hug for now.
like, poor baby is getting multiple heart attacks whenever you just pop out and immediately attacking him with your cuddly self.
when in private though, you won't waste time in cuddling this man to death, in which he secretly appreciates it, however, can't admit out loud due to his pride and ego.
to be honest, I headcannon him being a human heater when flustered like, you two are just cuddling, you are being your beautiful self and cuddling this man to death while he's just flustered as a boiling kettle. You can even see smoke coming out of his ears.
thanks to being his human heater self, his warmth is only making you want to cuddle him more!
also, thanks to ena and mizuki teasing little bro, he prefers you two cuddling in your house since no so-called annoying older sister and her friend teasing the living daylight out of him.
SMALL SPOON! HE'S FR A SMALL SPOON! he's so touch-starved for your affection, like, after finishing band practice, he rushed to your side and waits for you to have your urge in cuddling him, in which you immediately do it.
though, he still denies being the small spoon since quote-on-quote he's the man of this relationship.
just shut him up by pecking him on the lips and he'll immediately shuts down, use this to your advantage and cuddle him.
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. . .toya aoyagi! (my fave&lt;;3)
another touch-starved baby since his father didn't give him enough love till now. L in the comments for toya's dad.
now, unlike your human heater, this guy is your human cooler.
so, whenever the summer hits and you feel like you're getting cooked to a T, just cuddle this guy and you'll feel like you're in the north pole. (merry christmas btw)
baby over here is melting from your cuddles and his gleeful smile and fond chuckles explains it.
I feel like he'll read you a story whenever you two are cuddling on his bed, since this is the only room he can have privacy besides the bathroom, he'll just one hand on the book and the other hand is wrapped around your waist or on your hair, twirling a strand or two.
even though he's fine with public pda, he's still cautious about his actions, his what ifs are like "what if somebody insults them whenever we do this" since toya cares about your feelings very much and he doesn't want your day and your feelings to be ruin by somebody who pokes their noses in other people's business. #stantoyaaoyagi
still, he'll keep an arm around you because toya wouldn't want to make your pretty head thinks he's tired of your cuddles,
it's actually the opposite, he's can never get tired of your affection and you.
though when in private, you can bet this man shows you his touch-starved self.
your cuddles are the medicine to every bad thing happening to him like, that one time where he and his dad got into a serious argument, he would go to your house and cuddle you there. once you open the door and see his rather saddened looked, your arms are already around him, whispering sweet words to him till he feels better.
no words can describe how much he places you above everything, even himself sometimes, baby just grateful to the gods above that he gets another person he can cherished besides his friends.
he was quite shy when you two were new but as time passed, you influenced him with your affection and cuddles, and now look at him, the same cuddly person as you are, maybe even more.
you guys having an unspoken rule on who's giving more cuddles and you damn well when it comes to game, toya aoyagi isn't losing but, he'll make an exception just for you<3
him being small or big spoon depends on his mood that day, like when he's feeling lovely as ever and wants to return every affection you've given him, he'll be the big spoon, especially if you had a bad day. this guy is a good listener and he'll be understanding of the situation. of course, you as well return his affection ^^.
and him being small spoon when him feeling tired after band practice, having a bad day, or whenever he feels like it.
you sometimes tease him about him being your baby and he just blushes, he doesn't deny it since he sometimes admits that he can be quite clingy and cuddly as an infant.
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. . .tsukasa tenma!
this dude is ecstatic to have a partner like you (≧∀≦)ゞ
just two sunshines cuddling each other, nothing to see here~
to be honest, he doesn't care if you two are in public or private spaces, just cuddle the man right there and then.
though, if you're shy in public, he'll be understanding after teasing you a bit.
whenever some nosy people give their comments about give singles respect and blah blah blah and if it makes you feel bad about your cuddles, he'll declare war on them. he's a theater blonde, of course he's gonna do that.
it's rare seeing you two separated tbh. like, in school, every student can see you two having your arms around each other, in phoenix wonderland, his band mates, the guests, mascot, AND EVEN MIKU can see you two cuddling each other, even at his or your home!
you two just can't get enough of each other (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
though, whenever he's needed somewhere while he was cuddling with you, he'll whine before carrying you. he'll bring you everywhere since he needs his darling co-star to refill his energy whenever he feels tired.
his band mates just shake their heads and let their leader do whatever he wants.
tsukasa has the tendencies to squeeze you, he sometimes thinks you can squeak whenever he does that like a stuff toy he had when he was younger that he used to cuddle in his sleep.
though, speaking of family, his family especially saki adores you!
for saki, she's happy that her older brother has a partner like you since he always tires himself out just for her so it's wonderful seeing his brother having someone cuddly as you.
he flexes you to others. like, "look at my beloved starling! aren't they the cutest thing your eyes have ever seen?" and it's a picture of you sleeping while cuddling him and the person is just "huh?"
he flexes you as if you're a trophy or a great achievement in which you are.
it honestly relaxes him whenever you cuddle him, especially when it's such a peaceful day and without rui's inventions blowing him up. just you and him, in his bed, cuddling each other in peace while you two tell each other about your days and how it's been doing.
he cherished those moments with you, and nothing can replace those moments even when it's something expensive as gold.
like toya, him being small or big soon depends on his mood. if he wants to be pampered by you and your affection then he'll be the small spoon but, if he wants to return those pampering from you then he'll be the big spoon and pamper you! it's a win-win situation.
you make his heart go crazy, as well as his mind, that he made a play dedicated to you and you only.
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. . .rui kamishiro!
aye! you like cuddles, he likes them as well! after some reassurance from you that is
from the start of your guys' relationship, he was not sure about being touchy with you but once you accepted him in those warm arms of yours, he's in.
like tsukasa, he doesn't care if you two are in public or private but, if you're too shy in public, he'll just give you a teasing cat smile and just gives wraps an arm around you all the while teasing you.
it ain't rui kamishiro without him teasing you at least 10 times a day.
you know those two faces/personality octopus plushies? the ones where each side has a different expression of the octopus plushie, you two have those but quite different from the normal ones, thanks to mizuki's help, he made two plushies for the two of you. one of the sides of the octopus plushie has a '^^' expression while the other side said, 'I'm having the urge to cuddle you rn'.
so, whenever you want to cuddle this man and you're too shy to say it, just flip the octopus plushie and he'll understand. I can imagine him being the big spoon cuddling you while both of your octopus plushies are on top of your guys' head, having the "^^" expression on them.
it's so cute that it'll give other cavities q(≧▽≦q)
just like his leader, direct over here will carry you everywhere just for the dose of his daily cuddles. he can either carry you bridal style, on his back, or maybe on his shoulders if he's feeling very teasing at that moment.
surprised attack cuddles!
you'll have to make a perfect plan to catch him off guard since he's always on guard due to you doing your surprised attack cuddles very often.
but, once you did catch him off guard with your surprised attack cuddles, he'll simply chuckles and say "such a sly partner I have~" but if you squint, you can see his cheeks being painted with the beautiful colour of red.
yes, rui kamishiro can be flustered, you just have to work hard on it.
sometimes nene just third wheel you two while you two cuddle and she's just playing her game, she doesn't feel bothered by it since she's grown used to the two of you being like this, i mean, she was the one who helped along in setting you two up.
if he was a cat, he would purr in your embrace. little kamishiro just can't get enough of you and it shows.
you're as cuddly as a teddy bear if he were to describe you. whatever occasion the world has, you two simply cuddle each other like every other day yet rui feels like he's on cloud nine.
he's mostly the big spoon when it comes to cuddles since he wants to just have you laying on his chest while he ruffles your hair, something peaceful he needed in his rather chaotic life.
however, if you want to be the big spoon this time, he'll reluctantly agree, after teasing you of course, and be the one being pampered by you.
every picture of you in his phone is you cuddling on him, and he cherishes those pictures, two of the pictures are set as his wallpaper in home and lock screen.
he just can't wait to get home after practice so you can attack him with those cuddles of yours (/≧▽≦)/
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my goodness I feel like some sort of creature possessed me and gave me motivation for this! Hope this tale satisfied you, @hearts4saki! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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rules! + masterlist!
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lav-bee · 3 months
Dr. Stone Masterlist
Everything Masterlist
They started adding up 0-0 needed a seperate post for them
❤️- read as romantic
💛- read as platonic
What they do if you give them a flower💛
Being trans (ftm) in the stone world 💛
If you wipe off their kiss ❤️
What they do when they want attention ❤️
How they help when you’re sick ❤️💛
What they do when you give them a random hug 💛
Do they care if reader has sweaty hands ❤️
You flinch because of them 💛
PDA in public VS private ❤️
Reader with sleeping problems/ nightmares 💛❤️
What they do if you give them a flower💛
If you wipe off their kiss ❤️
What they do when they want attention❤️
How they help when you’re sick ❤️💛
What they do when you give them a random hug 💛
Do they care if reader has sweaty hands ❤️
You flinch because of them 💛
Learning magic tricks with them ❤️💛
PDA in public VS private ❤️
PDA in public vs private ❤️
Do they care if Reader has sweaty hands ❤️
You flinch because of them 💛
PDA in public vs private ❤️
Do they care if Reader has sweaty hands ❤️
You flinch because of them 💛
You flinch because of them 💛
You flinch because of them 💛
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azurentinex · 11 months
Hi! I read the tbhk having a nightmare, and the dazai x reader who committed suicide, and the writing was so wonderful! I was wondering if you could write tbhk men with a reader who really liked physical touch. Like she would randomly grab their hand and rub patterns on it, or hold onto their arm when they walked. Just harmless little touches (not in the weird way lol)
Anyways, you can ignore this request if you want, but please be sure to take care of yourself!
aaaaaah thank you so much! i’m so glad you enjoyed them :3 thank you for being so nice ^^ i hope you enjoy this as well <33 please make sure to take care of yourself too!! i tried a bit of a different formatting style (just the white borders), and lmk through discord if you want me to change anything! it’ll be in my bio from now on <3 and i’m sorry i could write tsukasa well, i can’t remember anything about him other than his insane bits. mitsuba isn’t really up to par either but i got kind of tired by then so i might rework it tomorrow:3
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cw: fluff, (slight) manga spoilers, slight crack in Tsukasa’s part (i’m sorry i wrote this really early in the morning)
and featuring: hanako, tsukasa, kou and mitsuba!
My Masterlists
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tbhk men with an s/o who really likes physical touch
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He was so confused at first, watching you rub circles onto his palm.
But he sort of just let you roll with it and didn’t ask any questions. I don’t even think he would tease you for it.
In fact, he even started to like it. The way your warm skin feels against his, and the sweet smile that appeared on your face.
Hanako would occasionally put out his hand for you, so you could play around with it, a slight blush on his face.
”Here, you like playing with it, right?”
It really just made him feel happy when he saw the way your face lit up every time.
So for now,
before he would have to go,
he would just enjoy the small moments like these with you.
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Tsukasa (badly written)
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Just like literally any tbhk x reader headcannons, Tsukasa teases you a lot for (literally anything) your love of physical touch.
BUT IM NOT GONNA DO THAT (i’m gonna do it)
Ok, so you really enjoy patting his head and playing with his hair. And he moves around a lot, which really frustrates you.
I’m not saying he doesn’t like it, but he’s just really hard to control.
So you get Sakura to help pin him down while you mess with his hair.
You’ll be getting a lot of complaints from him, I’m sure.
He occasionally teases you for it, but not as often as you might expect.
And it’s probably because he just likes the feeling of it.
(crack) i think he would just grab your hand and bite it
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Kou Minamoto
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Kou would get flustered when you suddenly cling onto his arm like that!
He won’t say anything about it but he’s feeling really embarrassed.
But that also sort of makes him feel important, like he’s protecting you from something by staying in that position.
Although you clutching onto his arm became a regular occurrence, he would still freeze up when you touched him.
I guess he’s just embarrassed :)
But he’ll still reach out for your hand either way.
Because to him, you’re the most precious person in the world.
And one day, he’ll make sure he’s strong enough to protect you for real.
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Sousuke Mitsuba
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Hugging him from behind!
He would jump high like a cat the first time you did it. He gets used to it, but he still jolts a little whenever you take him by surprise.
”A-are you being weird right now, y/n?!”
He says that jokingly (of course).
He would hesitantly return your hugs, his face red with embarrassment, and you would just stand there with Mitsuba’s arms around you for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth.
Mitsuba is also an enjoyer of physical touch!
I think he would constantly play with your body parts, with or without permission.
As long as you get to do it, he does too!
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fatkish · 3 months
Dr. Stone x Autistic Reader HC’s
(I love Dr. Stone and it needs more appreciation)
How the Dr. Stone boys would be with an Autistic s/o
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(Not every boy is going to have every aspect covered. I wrote the headcannons based on how I think each boy would best deal with each aspect)
Shishio Tsukasa:
If you have social difficulties and don’t understand social or societal norms then he’s fine with that. If you’re the kind of person who has no sense of personal space he’s happy to share his with you, hug on him all you like.
If you have trouble with speech or communication then he’ll come up with some kind of system that allows you to communicate with him even if he’s the only one who understands you. If you need anything all you have to do is point it out and he’ll get it for you
If you’re anxious then you can rely on him entirely. Anything that makes you anxious will be dealt with by Tsukasa. If social situations make you anxious then don’t worry, you can hide behind his giant form
If you’re a fidgeter or have high energy then he’s happy to let you play with his hair or hands if it helps. If you do strange things like walk in circles repeatedly then he’ll make sure no one bothers you and that you’re able to do your thing
If you have certain things you fixate on or have special interests then he’ll try his best to get those things for you. Like if you enjoy gardening or just digging then he’ll find or make you tool for you to dig with
Asagiri Gen:
If you have depression or depressive episodes then he’s your man. He keeps and eye out for your feelings and monitors you. If you start to show signs of depression then he’ll use his mentalist tricks to keep your mind occupied on other things
If you have anger issues or aggression problems then he’ll come to the rescue with his mentalist tricks and help you calm down either by talking to you or helping you in whatever way he can
If you have speech issues then he’s happy to help you learn how to communicate better. Leave everything to him. If you have social anxiety or difficulty understanding social or societal norms then he’s happy to take the time to gently and carefully explain everything to you
If magic is one of your special interests or a fixation or yours, then he’s happy to let you watch his magic tricks and he’ll either perform for you, or if you’re curious then he’ll teach you all the tricks he knows
If you get anxious or have certain tics/fidgeting then this guy has eagle eyes that were practically made to pick up your behaviors. If you need something to fidget with then he’ll let you play with his hair. If you get nervous or anxious then he’ll distract you from whatever is bothering you
Ishigami Senku:
If you have poor or abnormal posture that could lead to health issues later in your life then he’ll make some kind of brace for you to wear that will correct your posture so you can avoid any future problems
Doesn’t give a damn about eye contact. If it bothers you then he may try to help you overcome it by having staring contests
If you’re fixated on science or how things work then he’s happy to take the time to explain to you how things work. He’ll even set up small experiments for the both of you.
If you’re a fidgeter and have a bunch of energy then he’ll gladly use your natural abundance of energy to do hard labor or whatever he needs you to do
If you struggle to communicate then he’ll help you come up with a way to communicate such as teaching you Morse code or something
Saionji Ukyo:
If you have noise sensitivity then this guy’s your man. Since his hearing is especially good he’ll help you out by finding really quiet places for you
If you’re interested in archery then he’ll teach you, and if you just need something to fidget with then he’ll happily have you help him make arrows
When it comes to speech, he’s probably the first person who knows what you’re trying to say. He’s happy to communicate for you if you need it
If you’re anxious or depressed then he’ll happily hold your hand and find something to distract you. Perhaps by giving you something to fixate on
If you’re sensitive to noise or light then he’ll make some kind of thing to help you like ear plugs or a hat to keep the sun out of your eyes
If you have issues with fidgeting then he’ll make you things to fidget with.
If you enjoy wandering around and collecting things then he’s happy to take you exploring with him. You guys could spend hours exploring but he’s always got an eye out for you in case you get too fixated
Abnormal Posture and poor eye contact don’t really bother him. If you struggle to look people in the eye then he doesn’t care. If your posture is weird then he’ll probably just think it’s fine, as long as it doesn’t have any negative consequences in the long run. If your posture has the potential to cause issues later in your life then he might be willing to create a brace like Senku
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cwommander · 4 months
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DAY 5: a polyamorous relationship (implied / canon or headcannon) OR a t4t couple (impled / canon or headcanon)
@lavendergalactic's pride week event my hc is that saki and tsukasa, and ena and akito swapped genders ehehwhehwh
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kerizaret · 6 months
Wondasho physical affection / gestures headcannons because why not:
• Emu gives the most hugs and the most crushing ones. She cannot go 10 minutes without clinging to someone.
• sometimes she picks the others up and spins them in the air [to nenekasa's horror]. Rui has to lift and bend his legs so that he doesn't fall on her
• Rui always hugs from behind. Just completely drapes himself all over the others (Tsukasa is the victim of this most often because he's the second tallest and Rui doesn't have to bend too much and also doesn't immediately throw him off like Nene 60-70% of the time). He tends to hide his face in others' shoulders / necks / chests etc. when hugging. His hugs are the longest
• Nene is the one who initiates any physical affection least often. She prefers smaller or subtler gestures. She does like to hold hands a lot, or lean down on someone's shoulder / back when they're sitting next to each other
• Tsukasa gives forehead kisses (it ends up being to Emu most often – she also loves it the most. Nene pulls away more often than not and Tsks doesn't reach up to Rui's forehead normally so he only gives them to him when they're at eye level or feels the need strongly enough to pull his face down for it)
• while we're at it Rui likes kissing hair. Taking a few strands in his fingers and leaving a gentle chu on them
• Tsukasa constantly gives motivational or reassuring pats on the shoulder / back but quite often he does it so fast and with so much force that it ends up being a slap that leaves the others out of breath for a moment. Nene falls victim to that the most. He also does that a lot while laughing
• Rui gives headpats or gentle pats on the shoulders. The latter happen a lot when he fixes their positions during acting
• Emu loves to play with others' cheeks, be it poking at them, pulling, patting. She keeps booping everyone's noses when they least expect it to see their reactions
• whenever someone is frowning or too deep in thought or seems upset Nene always flicks their forehead
• Tsukasa started giving amateurish back massages when the others were tensed up. The others picked up on it and began doing the same for him. They like to take turns massaging one person once someone started doing it already.
• continuing this ^^ Surprisingly Nene is the one who starts doing it most often for Tsukasa since she pays attention to his acting a lot on rehearsals and is therefore usually the first one to notice it if he's tense
• Tsukasa and Emu enjoy playing with others' hair (Tsukasa often starts doing it subconsciously when deep in thought) and sometimes end up having braiding competitions
• often when sitting next to each other, Rui likes to bump their legs together. If he does it with Nene there's a 100% chance it will turn into a kicking war
• Emu is trying to teach them all a special wonderhoy greeting handshake but she keeps adding something new every time so it's gotten so long they sometimes struggle to remember it. Discussions to settle on one fixed handshake are underway but they still can't choose
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nian-7 · 12 days
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Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui as streamers
-> fluff -> tags: @stellas-starry-stories13, @akitosheart, @sillykana-13
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-> Akito Shinonome
-Leans towards the PVP or action genre when it comes to games. Whether that's something as simple as Minecraft or an actual PVP game like Valorant, he usually doesn't mind playing those or anything in between.
-Usually chill streams and tries to keep his cool when he gets tilted but sometimes it's ineffective. He doesn't really have a preference between single and multi-player and probably plays with Toya a lot.
-Not a big money spender in general. He'll spend a little bit if needed but usually he stays ftp in most cases. Unless it's something he really wants then he might spend a little bit.
-> Toya Aoyagi
-Calm and chill streams 90% of the time. Usually he'll play some sort of indie game such as Stardew Valley or maybe Omori. He's a very casual player.
-Usually won't play multiplayer much and prefers single player. His fans aren't usually too crazy and I see him as a smaller streamer anyways.
-Very 'ftp" mindset. If he can achieve something just by playing the game, he won't buy anything. Only buys if it's an absolute necessity but usually stays ftp in any game, not just gacha games.
-> Tsukasa Tenma
-Super loud and popular streamer. His fans would convince him to play unsuspecting horror games and convince him that they're not horror related at all...
-Usually plays stuff that's on the popular side or stuff that Saki gets him into. He's not one to turn away a game just because it seems boring. He'll try and play absolutely anything anyone tells him to.
-Very loose streaming schedule that changes every week... He never has a definite schedule so it's a little hard to know when he'll stream but usually he posts something about it before he does.
-> Rui Kamishiro
-Puzzle games.. He'll always stream puzzle games. He probably also thinks it's entertaining to push the limits on games he plays and see how many bugs he can find in them.
-Has a set but not frequent streaming schedule. He streams less but he always streams for a long time since he usually is playing a puzzle game which could take hours.
-Not against playing horror puzzle games. If it's something he thinks might be entertaining, he'll give it a shot. Horror isn't something he'd usually go for but if it sounds fun, he'll try.
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