#tsukasa killed old people
izvmimi · 5 months
i challenge you all to list three of your faves’ worst crimes
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leewritestoomuch · 2 months
I’m sorry for all the requests but Dr.stone brain rot is killing me 😭:
May I order a headcanon (once facking again) where their s/o’s family was extremely poor in the past, so when Ryusui made currency they spent the least amount of money, rarely eating out of habit and trying to not make the same mistake their family did before?
If there was a Tsukasa part I believe that would only fuel his anger more for the rich and greedy ngl 😭
Anyways, if you do my request once again. Thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart! And remember to always take care of yourself pookie <3
- Sincerely, 🍙 Anon
Reader’s Family was Poor in the Past
Hi!!! Thank you for the request! :) and do remember to take care of yourself too! Sorry this is so late to when you sent this in 😭 there is so much in my inbox, I jump around.
I chose Senku, Gen, Tsukasa, and Ryusui for this.
Senku Ishigami
He wasn’t too concerned with what everybody was doing, but your behavior doesn’t go unnoticed.
He watched as you picked through almost thousands of drago and only spent a few, and it almost seemed like you were scared to.
Ryusui had practically thrown drago at you because you were nearby and he complimented you and gave you plenty of money, so why were you spending SO cautiously like you were down to nickels and dimes? (I know nothing about Yen so I don’t know if there is an expression equivalent in Japanese)
You have nothing to really save the money for, so why were you debating so hard over spending it on a shirt. You wanted the shirt, didn’t you?
Eventually, he’d found out from somebody that knew you that your family was poor. He had thought something like that must have been the case, but now he knows for sure.
He’d likely encourage you to spend a bit more. Either that, or he’d bluntly tell you there is no reason to keep the money so close to you anymore.
Gen Asagiri
If he had that much money, he’d be blowing it.
You had thousands of drago that Ryusui had just handed you. And you were clutching onto it like you’d be robbed of it and be left for dead without it if you loosen up just a little.
You hesitated to get cotton candy, despite how much you said you missed the taste.
He watched you and soon noticed your behavior was like those who were less fortunate to have to ration to survive.
You didn’t need to do that here, the money isn’t that important. At the end of the day, the hunters in the kingdom of science would bring home food rather people paid them for the meat or not.
The community doesn’t run off of money, so your behavior is unnecessary. So he’d probably talk you out of it.
He’d come stand beside you, talking to you softly.
“Money isn’t that important here. You don’t need it to pay for a house. And the beasts of people we have here do the hunting for us, and never once have they asked for money. Nor would they deny you food if you couldn’t pay. You can save some… but maybe spend half? Plus…” he leans in to whisper, “Ryusui would gladly pay for you if it ever came to it. I’m sure a man like him will never run out of money.”
Tsukasa Shishio
Dragos have been around for a while, but you’re still clutching onto them like it’s life or death.
Francois doesn’t make you pay them for food. The hunters (him, Hyoga, etc) don’t make you pay them for meat or anything.
So your behavior has got to be engraved into you.
He might be on the side of kingdom of science, but deep down, this rise of currency and capitalism bothers him.
watching you struggle to let go of money makes him angry.
The world they used to live in had brought you to this point, and that pisses him off.
He knows what that’s like. He fought for money. He became famous for money. All for money for Mirai. Just so his sister would live.
He had to pay people to keep his sister alive.
And old men paid for the rights to land and he had no grounds to even do anything about getting beat down by one for picking seashells. That man OWNED those seashells.
He doesn’t know exactly what you went through, but he’s got an idea.
He doesn’t say much, but he makes sure to give you plenty of food and he’ll buy things for you and give them to you.
Honestly he’s so sweet.
Ryusui Nanami
Spend money, get bitches. Yk. (This man would hate the word bitches for sure. But I had to say this. Like side note, but he’s an advocate for the word to be offensive when leaving a man’s mouth)
Ryusui gave you thousands of drago and stepped back. He expected you to spend it, give to the economy, etc.
But you held onto it like you were gonna need it soon.
He doesn’t really know what that’s like. He’s always had lots of money.
Well, once he had a smaller allowance, but even that would be a lot to most other people. He doesn’t realize this so much, not until he sees you.
He’s confused at first.
What else is there to do in life than get all that one wants when they want it? Get your money up, keep your money up, spend your money up. Yk. The 3 pillars to life. (This is not what they are)
He gives you more money.
But you try to deny it.
He insists. Then he watches you clutch onto it like you’ll need it all in an hour.
He probably goes over to encourage you. Telling you to see things how he sees it.
And then you probably explain why you just can’t. You’re scared you’ll end up like your family was as a kid.
He begins to see what you mean, and he’ll probably spend some money on you.
“Don’t be scared. There isn’t anything to worry about money about here. Even if everything had a cost soon, I’d pay for whatever you needed. And all these people would surely do you a favor even if.”
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meguchi512 · 4 months
assigning behaviors I've noticed in people to pjsk characters:
tsukasa: writes his name EVERYWHERE. his desk at school has "tsukasa" "tsukasa" "tsukasa" "tsukasa" written all over it, his notebooks too and even his classmates' notebooks (from a classmate)
shizuku: says "oh, madonna!" instead of "oh god" (from my italian grandpa)
saki: tsukasa rides a bike and saki sits on the handlebar & every time they have to stop they fall off but they just get up and go on like nothing's happened (from an old friend)
mizuki: accidentally sends "penis shaped messages" and immediately points it out (me)
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ena: is so fucking done with mizuki's penis messages (my friends)
kanade: "uhh i think I'm forgetting something? oh well it probably wasn't important" hasn't drank water since yesterday (me again)
rui: extremely verbose, to the point where everyone around him thinks he's some sort of philosophical genius but in reality he's just saying dumb shit and articulating it intelligently (my italian grandpa again so sorry)
an: sends her friends "hot milfs in your area" messages pretending to be a bot because silly and immediately gets banned ( @robinoullea literally)
airi: wants to be supportive but types way too quickly ( @robinoullea trying to say "10/10")
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emu: says the most deranged things in roblox chats and manages to not get censored while her friend (nene) can't even go one sentence without "########" ( @harukaisu )
nene, trying to tell tsukasa to reset his roblox avatar because he got stuck: uhhh kill yourself (me) (I'M SO SORRY)
minori: tries to download a pin and accidentally sends it to a random person and dies of embarrassment (everyone. no one is safe from Pinterest's AWFUL interface)
ichika: goes into a store. gets an ingredient. goes back home. goes back. gets an ingredient. goes back home. repeat until she's got everything to make dinner when it's already 11pm (my forgetful mom)
mafuyu: has the most DERANGED dreams I'm not even kidding ( @robinoullea when he had that one dream where he sent me a tiktok meme of Richard Watterson saying the names of popular pornstars with them flashing on screen for a second each. I've cried real tears about this btw)
kohane: has a chicken farm in minecraft but she's so attached to them that she can't kill any of them for food so they just keep reproducing and in turn the server keeps getting laggier. eventually a creeper explodes right next to it and she throws herself off a mountain (me)
haruka: uses the default pfp which is also the pfp that shows when you get blocked by someone. she also turns her phone off often (which causes messages to not get sent until it's on) so minori always panics and sends her messages to make sure she's not blocked (classmate)
akito: makes gagging noises on purpose because it makes ena gag too and get VERY annoyed and he finds it funny (classmate)
toya: unintentionally causes a lot of fights in vbs regarding what the best way to make coffee is (my whole friend group) (except me i do it on purpose)
honami: whenever someone tags her in l/n's group chat she heroically says "who calls for my help?" ( @robinoullea )
shiho: doesn't have the heart to tell honami how funny it is when she does that (not me i always make sure to mention it)
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mari-lair · 8 months
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Honestly? Since Tsukasa and Nene are currently my least favorites in the manga, I did not care for most of the chapter but I do have a handful of thoughts about the clock keepers!
Idk how to start, so I'll just ramble.
The owl's eyes are like the clock keeper's masks, the only ones that don't seem to have mechanical glassy eyes are the baby owls.
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And Mirai, the kid of the keepers, is the one I have never seen wear a mask. I doubt there is any deep meaning but it does make me wonder if she even has a mask she can wear.
EDIT: Mirai does wear the mask!
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The lack of tubes attached to the baby owls is cool to, it makes me headcanon that they feed on visitors' time to grow up and only after maturing does the time they steal go somewhere else.
Mirai stole the show though so let's talk about her! The clock on her neck ticks in the boundary, it tics very loudly, but it stays silent outside the boundary.
The only time she made clock sounds before this arc was when using her power to age things up. (and even then, the sound of her neck clock is implied to be faaar louder than her 'what i touch grows old' ticking)
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So far I can only think of two reasons why:
1-) Her clock only tic inside the boundary.
2-) She is using a special power she doesn't normally use to judge Tsukasa, which is the option I am more inclined to believe. Since her behavior and speech changed.
If this power uses time in any way to be activated (be it her time, or something else), I do not know, but I adore her judge hammer. Is really cool. Destroy him girl.
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There is also a hierarchy of power.
Akane is the weakest, Natsuhiko called him 'the grunt' for a reason, he is bascally an intern of the clock keepers. So now that Mirai is revealed to be in the middle, my suspicion that Kako is the big boss has been given a thumbs up.
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I am excited to see more of her. Just look how cute she is, with her little bow and dramatic entrance!
And I do wonder what happens when someone is marked as 'guilty'
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But what made me insane in this chapter is the way they connect the clock keepers with the idea of judgment. And how that made Akane being chosen as a clockkeeper finally click.
I always adored how opinionated and judgemental Akane is, and how strong his sense of justice is, but I didn't connect the dots that he is the perfect pick for the role until Elise mentioned it, reminding me that Akane is the one that gives others characters the most call outs in the manga, he is an amazing voice of reason. He has been passing his judgment on others since his introduction as a clock keeper.
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Hell, the reason he hates the clock keepers so much in the first place is because he considers their actions (tricking him/almost killing Aoi) unforgivable.
I want Akane to have a hammer of judgment so bad, because it fits him so much. He needs to throw hammers at people, I think he deserves to throw hammers at people.
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tldr: this chapter makes me want to give Akane a hammer so bad it makes me look stupid. If I didn't have an art block I would have drawn it myself.
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tsutsumi-kurose · 6 months
wants and wishes vs thoughts and feelings—what tsukasa can and can’t decipher
something i find really interesting is tuskasa's fixation on wanting to understand how people are feeling. it seems as though he can see exactly what someone wants or would wish for, both in life after coming back from the red house and as a supernatural...
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it almost seems as though he has no choice but to be constantly aware of all the wants and wishes around him!!
and yet!! he has such a blind spot for what people are feeling
he clearly doesn’t have the strongest grasp on how amane feels about him here:
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and he’s constantly asking how people (specifically people he’s spent the most time around! people whose wishes he works to grant!) are feeling about things
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this interaction with sakura really emphasizes the difference between wanting something and feeling happy about getting it, because he clearly knows that granting her wish won't necessarily make her happy
of course, he's already known for a while that wanting something doesn't mean you'll be happy if you get it, growing up with amane, who seems to have wanted perhaps two conflicting things at the same time
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I wonder if this complication relates to his early fixation with love as well? as a supernatural, he asks about happiness. but as a four-year-old, he’s constantly asking about the love others may or may not feel
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when did he transition from asking about love to asking about happiness? where does the difference lie? did it have to do with tsukasa at one point feeling love without feeling happy? is happiness broader? easier to get people to talk about?
so many questions with him…
also, how tragic that a boy who can tell what everyone else wants never thinks about what he himself wants, until he's actually prompted...
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…by the person who just delivered him the most devastating news of his life no less!! kou is trying to make him happy here by prompting him to think about what he wants; think happy thoughts, right?
but does it make tsukasa happy to think about what he wants? where is the difference here for him? between what he wants and what would make him happy? are they the same thing? can it be that simple when he knows that he can't have it without consequences?
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how is he supposed to cope with wanting something he thinks is bad? can he ever be truly happy with getting what he wants when he knows there's a cost, and knows that amane will eventually kill him, no matter how many happy and loving moments they share together?
what you want, what makes you happy, and what you love are not always the same things, and tbhk explores that issue so beautifully through tsukasa…if only he didn’t have to go through so much to learn it, or learn it so young ):
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thelunarfairy · 8 months
The melancholy love of the Yugi twins
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I wonder why baby Tsukasa feels so rejected by Amane, hate is such a strong word especially for a child so young to have knowledge about her and believe that she is hated by someone she loves so much.
The love of twins is more intense than the love of ordinary brothers, there is a connection, a bond, born together and sharing the best and worst moments of life, discovering the world little by little, of course each of them in their own way. . It's like you were born with your best friend by your side. (Although unfortunately this is not always the case).
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Their love transcends and surpasses death, "I will remember you as long as I breathe, no, beyond when I breathe"
A 4-year-old child who gives up her own life because her older twin will no longer be by her side, even though he tried so hard to give him the best he could, what does Amane like? I'll look for it, I'll give it to him! And the room was slowly filling up with toys, plants, animals and books that talked about the adventures of space, because Amane likes the stars, one day he will look for her and I want him to do it, even if I don't be here to see.
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Seeing his brother in agony, always in bed, always so discouraged, he committed himself to changing that, he decided alone. And he did what he could, for such a small boy, his gestures were so tender, it's a shame he didn't realize something
Amane didn't want any of that, he wanted to be with Tsukasa.
Why did Tsukasa think he hated him? Just because Amane was sad and finally managed to say what he felt? That he wanted to be able to run and play around like him?
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At what point did he feel so rejected by his brother that he decided it was okay to leave because Amane hated him, he would live happily without me. Why does such a little boy have to feel this way? Amane did her best to be with Tsukasa, whether reading the books he brought together, or being by his side even without having the strength to do so.
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He felt that way… And he decided that he wanted to celebrate his birthday for the last time with his brother, he wanted to hear for the last time, even if it was perhaps the first, that his brother loved him. It was the last thing he wanted to hear before leaving, knowing for sure that he wouldn't come back.
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How could he be sure that his departure would be more of a relief than a pain? He couldn't, he was just a child who felt rejected and did the best he could to show Amane that he loved him, even if Amane never knew the sacrifice he made for him.
He wouldn't know.
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So, after making that choice he believed he had done the best, but then Nene and Kou appear and tell him that his older brother, the one he fought so hard to make happy, killed him and took his own life in followed.
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It was there that Tsukasa received the first stab.
How could I? I did everything for him, I gave my life in exchange for his, and he took it from me again? Why?
Who was Amane truly? Did he really hate me?
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Maybe this gave him the certainty of the truth he wanted so badly to escape.. Amane hates me, but does he really hate me? What if I bring him his favorite ball? What if I give you a new book? Will he still hate me? Perhaps these were his thoughts.
Then suddenly
"Amane Yugi died at the age of 13 before killing his younger brother"
He really hates me. You don't kill someone you love, even Tsukasa knows that.
He came back, and he came back to understand Amane, he didn't come back because he believed he needed Tsukasa, or because he loved him, he came back understanding that his sacrifice had been in vain. And by that time, Tsukasa had already been influenced enough by that creature inside the house. A little boy who is discovering the world now, and whoever introduces him to this world is a monster who enjoys the lives of living creatures at his pleasure.
"Let's go back, I want to see how Amane is going to kill me"
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This phrase is more melancholic than disturbing, what many people say. A little boy who doesn't cry, but has strong resentments for the brother he fought so hard to have his love, and all he got was more rejection. The thing inside him just pushed him further and further, because maybe he was planning something and he clearly wanted to use the boy for it.
Then he comes back, but he's not the same anymore.
Who is Tsukasa now? He's still here, but why? He needs a reason to stay, to come back. He still wants to understand Amane, he still wants to feel loved by him.
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There is no way of knowing what happened between them for a long time as it was not shown to us, but even though Tsukasa is sometimes so cruel, his innocence transcends. Because is it half Tsukasa who lives there, and the other half? Well, he doesn't have a name yet, but that other half is that monster that took him from his brother. He is always happy to meet Amane, hugs him whenever he can, and is still so tender with him sometimes.
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But does Amane think about Tsukasa?
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I tend to think that the Tsukasa with the seal is just his yorishiro, while the real one is that other one who appears to Nene every now and then, always with such a tender look. It's as if this is really that same little boy, he's there still looking out for his brother even after having gone through all this, still with that melancholy look.
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Tsukasa's love transcends, it is visible and palpable, he was not made to be the monster they force us to think he is, he became what he found necessary to be.
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Who is the person who cares about Tsukasa?
Maybe, all he needs is just a hug from Amane and the truth he wants to hear
"I love you Tsukasa, I want you to stay because you are the most important person to me, even if everything is destroyed, I want you by my side, as it should be"
Because none of this would have happened if Tsukasa felt loved by Amane
"I can't sacrifice myself, because he will be unhappy without me, because he will sacrifice himself with me, I want Amane to live and be happy, if he is happy with me around , so I stay"
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
*kills you with my polysho*
anyways. i think polysho the type of people to play dnd but evil. like every session they change the dungeon master and it's wacky bc you'll go from "we need to save the princess !!" [tsukasa's turn to DM] to "the princess is the evil mastermind. robots !!!" [emu's turn to DM]
they're the type of people who have like a closet just fucking FILLED with board games because of course they do. and all the games are fucking ancient half of them have missing pieces that are replaced with. the weirdest shit. emu and rui made their own candyland board after the old one just fell apart and it's 10x harder than normal candycrush because it covers the entire dining table. it is at least 3ft across and there's several new mechanics added.
and they have game night one night, yknow probably invite like mizuki akito and saki and the three of them are fucking horrified. because these people have made up rules that are so sick and convoluted that nobody else can understand them !!! and saki's like "oh, you guys have like chess right ??? tsukasa knows how to play and so do i !!!"
and they bring out chess but it is Not Chess. it is an evil combination of chess, checkers, yahtzee, turn-based card game, and clue. and tsukasa shows how he and rui play (because of course they play chess). and then wxs is never allowed to host game night again :skull:
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tsukasalvr · 8 months
Hey!!! It's 🇧🇷 anon here! How are you?
Can I request Hanako and Tsukasa Yugi with an s/o that is from Demon Slayer? Like... S/o is from Demon Slayer and somehow ended up in Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun... I've been brainroting this for a long time idk why...
If you don't want to make this request, that's fine
s/o from demon slayer
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Anime/fandom: Tbhk
Characters: Hanako, Tsukasa Yugi
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: this one person in my third period is kinda fine and Im trying soo hard to get close to them
Tbhk masterlist | Main masterlist
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It was night and Hanako was wandering around the empty halls, and when he was passing the back door he heard a loud crash.
‘Did some lone break in?’ He wondered and went through the door to tave a look, and was shocked to see a person laying near the garden. He flew over to them quickly and was confused by their attire. It seemed to be a uniform but not one he recognizes, and your haori as well, you don’t see people with those here as much
When he heard you groan in pain he stood in front of your head. When you opened your eyes you were greeted with a ghost boy leaning over you smiling
Hanako was suspicious of you I mean you were flaming to be from the Taisho era and had a sword on you—maybe this was some big scheme to get rid of him
But his suspicions vanished when he saw how sincere and honest you were, and when you demonstrated your breathing style, he fully believe you since it didn’t seem to hurt him
He becomes curious and asks questions about demons and will ask to play with the sword you have to scare Kou
“Man eating demons? And you decided to join the corps to kill them? How noble of you!” He praises you since from what you told him of the past missions you’ve had and described how some slayers were brutally killed, he thinks it’s very kind of you risk your life for others
Will boast about you to Kou and how you’re so awesome and will ask you to show off your breathing style and say how it’s the prettiest thing ever
Even though he’s been dead for years and still doesn’t know some modern things, he will tease you for not knowing something even though he doesn’t know either and will call you old to tease you
“It must get so hot to be in that stuffy uniform all the time, if you want you can take it off!” Hanako said cheekily with warm cheeks
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa was bored, and he was looking out the window that had a full view to the garden. He was tapping at the window at each star he saw in the night sky. But with every tap, he would get even more bored
His eyes were directed a bright light in the garden, his eyes shined with interest when he saw what looked like a portal and a disheveled person with a sword come out of it, and once they were fully out, the portal was immediately shut
Tsukasa immediately went outside, he was very excited. When he went out to see you, he was greeted with the tip of a sword pointing at his neck. He smiled devilishly at you and explained who he was and you did too
You were so interesting to him so he would constantly cling on you and keep you in the broadcasting room. He once licked the sword because of the color
Will ask you to use your breathing styles in the school but when you tell him it can get dangerous, he just brings you to a secret place where it’s only you and him so you can show him
Will ask you about the Taisho period and demons. He learned you came here because of a demon you were fighting who had the power to summon portals.
“So it’s filled with demons who humans? Woah!” He says in awe while stuffing his mouth with honey glazed blueberry muffins then stuffed it into your mouth when he took a bite
Honestly wouldn’t want you to leave, you’re too fascinating to him and with you gone it’ll be too boring.
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ngmn2002 · 5 months
*** Ch: 110***
As always, just side notes...
Who was right to guess the yorishiro is within Mirai? Yep, me.~ would pay to be in Hanako's, Nene's, Teru's place or the owls and watch Tsukasa in action and going -far shore No.6 mode but X1000 COOLER like they were doing. the amount of self confidence he has has always impressed me. my goodness it's limitless… but this chapter is on another whole level. SO SMUG! I love that mood of his. oooooh SO COOL!!!
Why the yorsihrio of No.1 had to be a key of all things? ........
What nat did to Mit 2.0 on her order... what a simp. Indeed proved his words in here.
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So the 'welcome between us party', the whole big-bro nat facade, the nice gestures he showed together with his lady toward Mit 2.0 were fake all along? How funny. What a shock. I didn't expect they are this sort of people. I'm shocked with nat and his lady. lol
So, I was right in the end? They are plotting things of 'her' own together. No way Tsukasa would plan for Mit 2.0 end up this way.
It's her not being able to wait to have her wish come true no matter who she will hurt. That makes her so happy.~ what a softie. lol
(can't be) Though, if the 2 were plotting to put Mit 2.0 in a situation where he'll be forced to have a yorishiro by having nat do that so they can destroy it later... hmm... judging from Tsukasa's words in here...
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What a devious face. 💜 Uh, how cool-looking... Tsukasa amazed me all chapter long. What a force. ✨
Is that what he meant by calling No.3's case a 'done deal' in ch 92? The only yorishrios that are left are him and No.1's. what about old No.3's yorsirhio that's still on the ceiling?
and... I get what nat meant with his words of 2 yorishiors are left. No.1's and No.7's. I see what he meant.
I see... I see...
What happened to granting Mit 2.0's wish btw? Tsukasa, you're going to carry on with that or..... wait... maybe there is no reason... once all yorishrios are destroyed, if what she said is true..... hmm..... things are going way too fast..... if we assumed the world will be rewritten so the living, the dead, supernaturals are equal and can live together... that means Mit 2.0's wish is granted along the way? uh, that's too much thinking
Anyway, don't think Mit 2.0 will end here. We need to have Kou in the picture, don't we? His long-wanted wish coming to play???
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Love how he aimed for the sleeve!!! He is not there to harm Tsu, he wants to keep him safe and protect him at all costs!!!! What an emotional moment... oooh!! the position!!! it's always the same!!!
So we have a promise to keep Tsukasa moving... The core to all we have now. It only takes a spark for a fire to start -The promised Neverland keeps echoing in my head. Promises.....
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Hmm, did this trigger Hanako's memory to recall a some kind of promise he made to Tsukasa or maybe himself in the past?
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This might be related as well...? will Tsu really /disappear/I mean I've always wondered what will happen to him once the seal is gone? hmm... does Amane know of Tsukasa's condition or not? if he does and still see that will happen....
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Hmm... what is your duty?!
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So? SO?! You broke him sir. Easy on him.
After all he voiced out you went SO? How cruel. Do each of you take turns in acting rude to each other at times? What he said to you next is well deserved, Tsukasa. Even though Amane didn't mean it literally. Understand his aching, feelings, pleading. SO?! .............
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on the verge of tears? Is that Amane face close to the one Tsukasa fantasize over from when he *killed* saved/protected him? What does this face of Amane mean to you Tsukasa!!! What kind of emotion do you see held in it!!! CAN YOU SEE THE HUGE LOVE!!!!
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Awww, it must feel lonely while like that.. let's add it to the family. a little side 'that rejects him' of Tsu he... AkaneAoi interaction got me I will go mad if Tsukasa went Aoi mode and came up with a thing like you don't really need me, I'm disappointing by your side..
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Tsukasa got him TALKING about his feelings?! WOOHOHO Finally?! I'm not dreaming?! GOOD JOB TSU!!!!!!
Come on, he actually voiced such sentence out loud?! It was there sleeping inside his heart for soooooo looooong!!!!! He said I "LOVE" you so much?! FINALLY?!
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He answered the question with words?! whooohoo we need to celebrate over here!!!
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Between question and answer.
Tsukasa!!! LET THAT SINK IN!!!!! in the way intented. please don't take it literally like your little self once assumed it. You see and think differently now, right?
And I was waiting for Nene to confess to him. Look at the move he took. AHAHAHA This arc is full of confessions on their side. WAAAHHH
Ok, now waiting for this next, thank you.
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And later on this!
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Come on, Amane! You can do it! Just take a step forward! You're almost there! I need you to reach this point, fianlly lose it and shout out all the love you have for him with all your might so Tsukasa will finally understand......
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What a nice way of talking he has. Between the 2, some cool development! Keep it up, Amane! I'm cheering for you! Talk more about your feelings!! Voice them out to those you love and love you back!!
It's impressive how he is ready to let Nene go twice and with Tsukasa... that's never an option.
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I assume it's within his belief of she will move on someday, and have her dreams achieved and have a nice life, she doesn't really need him there to be happy as he voiced out before. now we have a swap with Tsukasa taking his place as he takes Nene's. tragic.
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While with Tsukasa, he knows they can't ever let go of each other, it's never an option for them.
Yet, Tsukasa insists on leaving him, on sacrificing himself! One time, another time, and another time! Give the boy a break!!! His heart won't take it anymore!!!
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If there is a thing he won't want to ever happen it's to lose you!!! He is NOT happy without you beside him!!
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He does want to be with you, but he needs to be shown you REALLY wants it. That you needs him to be happy. That you needs him beside you. He needs a reason to stay.
Ok, Amane. Give him the reason to stay by your side. Let this 'I hate you' shine. Come on, prove to Tsukasa what he is worth to you! Tell him/show him what you want for real, your real desire, what makes you happy for real. And!!! Tsukasa, accept his wish!
Would having a wish coming true make him happy if he were to lose you?! I mean, if you're not gone Nene is also saved! who cares for her wish, huh?! Amane always comes first to you, right? Your top priority is to keep the promise you made to him and grant his real wish. Didn't you ask him to decide?! He did!!! Consider his decision!!!
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You always go saying people should have the chance to do what they want, alright! Between the contrasting wants of your twin AMANE and assistant, which will you choose?! One has to get lost. It's her! Care for those who care for you, not the ones who want you gone to get what they want.
Between the 2 of you... what would keeping that promise mean if he were to lose you in exchange? He doesn't want that.
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I seriously wonder if Amane knew these… would he react nicely to her? Those who treat his precious ones as if they were nothing… oh… will he be merciless?
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Seriously, even though I was trying to give her a chance, even though I was trying to keep in mind she might have had a hard life and just wants to be free, with everything new I see of her I can't help but despise her and her dog more. Sheesh. They piss me off.
The true definition of selfish and hypocrosity, manipulation at its best right there.
Anyway... TSUKASA!!!
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I can't with these 2.......
Then I remember Nene is fated to die and her life is linked to the yorishiros and I'm......... T.T ......... what is going on?! What's with all the drama?! Easy on ME!!!
I can't with all of them...
About Amane going for the yorsihrios detruction in the start... so... what was his plan really? Didn't he include Tsukasa in there...?
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So in the end, he doesn't want to do this? At least not with Tsukasa...
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Uhhh.... he doesn't want to *do it right* after all?
Tsukasa... the seal is there! It is right there on your face! Don't be blind and see what it means, Tsukasa!!! Before we ask for anyone else to see it, it's meant for you!! you're the one who needs to see what beautful meanings it holds! Isn't that obvious?
Talking issues-listening issues. Providing issues-understanding issues. Isn't it the perfect combination for the perfect miscommunication? How cruel.
Hmm, it's easy to stop Tsukasa if both Amane and Nene went: we won't destroy you, how about it?
Hmm... maybe some things naturally, intended by the bad 2 or maybe Tsukasa himself? come to play to force them to?
I'm toally confused. With time I will get a grip, for now... I will leave this here.
They seriously need to talk. One long talk, get over this miscommunication issue between them. Because I can't take it anymore.
Things escalated quickly this chapter, wooh.
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larathia · 5 months
TBHK thoughts after #110
I think this is the chapter that finally cemented for me that the Yugi twins ...really are, still, identical twins.
I mean yeah, something is seriously Borked in Tsukasa's head, and has been Borked since the Red House at four years old (my personal bet is that on some very real level, Tsukasa is still four years old; something in him froze that day, and stayed frozen, even as the rest of him seemed to grow up - but you'd need someone who's an expert in child development to weigh in on that, which I am not).
But whatever else you can say about the Yugi boys...they love exactly the same way, and they have exactly the same problems when it comes to recognizing love from other people.
Tsukasa's love for Amane drove him to sacrifice himself to the Red House. And to come back, too, just to learn more about Amane even if that also included how his twin was going to kill him. He loves with an innocent yet incredibly powerful drive; a kind of purity of passion.
(I'm put in mind of a quote from Gomez Addams, actually: I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss!)
Yet, for all that passion, all that purity of feeling, Tsukasa has always believed that Amane hates him, and wouldn't feel a thing if he died/disappeared. (I mean. I can kinda see why; Tsukasa is Borked and Amane was....definitely not a language major. Still.)
Amane loves like that too - he was more than willing to sacrifice himself and anything else he had to, to save Nene. He's actively avoided ever promising not to do that again, too.
Yet he straight up can't process the idea that Nene might love him. She's basically told him twice now that she has Those Kinds Of Feelings for him, and all signs point to him having let those words whiff by his head in complete incomprehension.
And for all that his twin baffles him, terrifies him, frustrates him...Amane loves Tsukasa too. Tsukasa was chosen to be his yorishiro, and even if he can save Nene by sacrificing Tsukasa - even if Tsukasa is also a completely willing sacrifice - he can't do it. He can't lose Tsukasa again.
(I kinda think that killing Tsukasa was an effort to stop Tsukasa from doing something. What it was, I don't know, but the way Amane acts about it suggests it was an act of supreme frustration and possibly a bit of backed-into-a-corner, where he didn't at that moment have anything like a better option that he could see. But - we'll find out, eventually.)
Both of the twins love like they're never going to love again, and both of the twins believe themselves utterly unloved by the whole world.
We don't see a whole lot of their family life, but I have to say...I'd love to find out where they got that idea.
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fishingfordreams · 1 year
manga recommendations pt. 3
memory, melancholy, and maturity
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Totsukuni no Shoujo (The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún) by Nagabe
A harrowing and beautiful grim dark fairy tale set in a world populated with monstrous creatures that can curse people with a single touch. The story follows a young girl named Shiva and her otherworldly Teacher who live in a vacant village on the "outside." The story explores the dichotomy of light and darkness, good and evil, body and soul, and those who linger in the quiet spaces in between. Nagabe’s dreamy story book illustrations capture the fantastical and eerie world vividly, crafted together in fine lines and careful contrasts.
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Dungeon Meshi (Dungeon in Delicious) by Ryoko Kui
A charming medieval fantasy story about, well, dungeons, dragons, and delicious food! The premise is simple: kill the magician of the dungeon and the golden kingdom shall be yours, or so the former king declared before fading to dust. And so, we follow a group of adventurers as they traverse the dungeon and, after losing their supplies and friend to a red-scaled dragon, meet a dwarf who teaches them how to prepare and cook monster ingredients. The story delights in monster designs and their anatomies and ecosystems, and boasts a diverse cast of characters that are as equally complex and well-developed.
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MagMell Shinkai Suizokukan (Deep Sea Aquarium MagMell) by Kiyomi Sugishita
A gorgeously illustrated story following Koutarou Tenjou, a janitor and assistant keeper at a deep sea aquarium in Tokyo. The story quietly opens up a hidden, dreamlike world filled with strange and wonderful creatures that dwell in the dark depths of the sea. Sugishita beautifully captures the fleeting, tender moment of fondness and rumination that people experience while watching the majesty of the ocean and her inhabitants.
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BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad by Harold Sakuishi
An absolute classic! A soul-stirring, coming of age story about music, brotherhood, and the angst of adolescence. It features a group of colorful teenagers who come together to form a rock band and the story focuses on their love, trials, and tribulations as they struggle to fame. The protagonist, Yukio “Koyuki” Tanaka, embodies the raw, honest, confronting, and liberating feeling of self-discovery and self-expression that young people often go through. His growth is slow and subtle, but so genuine and measured, and he becomes the force that eventually pulls the groups’ sound together.
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Medalist by Tsurumaikada
A heartfelt story that explores the familial, social, and economical pressures of competitive sports, specifically figure skating. We follow Inori Yuitsuka, a fifth grader who is desperate to become a skater but has been constantly criticized by those around her and told that she’s too old to begin training competitively. All except for down-on-his-luck former figure skater Tsukasa Akeuraji who sees her potential and decides to coach her with the promise of winning a medal. Despite the somber premise, this is an incredibly uplifting story about building confidence, realizing your self-worth, and pursuing your dreams regardless of when you decide to start. The athleticism and elegance of figure skating is also portrayed beautifully through dynamic and expressive artwork and paneling.
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Holyland by Kouji Mori
An intense, character-driven story following high school student Yuu Kamishiro who, after being driven to isolation by the abuse of his peers and with no place in society, ventures out into the night in search of his "holyland." He finds acceptance through violence and solace in the lawless brutality of the streets. The author meditates on human nature and explores the nature of one's emotions, particularly grief and hatred, and how they define us. Make no mistakes though, this is also very much a martial arts story and Mori balances both the technical and impassionate aspects of combat seamlessly.
(Includes depictions of self-harm, depression, bullying, violence).
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hikari-drkspc · 1 year
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❅ “Weakness” ❅
character: yandere! saionji ukyo [dr. stone]
warning: yandere, non consensual touching + (almost) kiss (not by ukyo) ; MINOR/AGELESS BLOGS DNI, PUT YOUR AGE IN BIO/PINNED POST TO INTERACT
words: 1k
a/n: this is a repost from my main blog (@/hikari-writes) so yes this writing is old + bad, i just moved them here w/o editing bc im lazy and wants to keep reminding myself how bad my writing used to be <3 this was set before Tsukasa empire was defeated !!
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Ukyo stands in front of Hyoga, his face showing his nervousness and small beads of sweats could be seen trickling down his face.
“Why did you call me out here?”
Ukyo asks, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible. He didn’t want to let Hyoga knew he’s anxious that they are meeting alone and a bit farther than their headquarters. If, in the worst case scenario, he was attacked, it’d be hard to escape. Although he don’t find any reason why Hyoga would attack him now.
“…Nothing much.”
Hyoga replies curtly and as soon as he did, Ukyo’s ears caught a series of footsteps heading towards them.
The footsteps he knows all too well.
Even though his ears could catch on sounds from a pretty far distance, he knows that her way of walking has always been so insanely fast. So although he knew beforehand that she’s coming, he still couldn’t take any action before she reached their place.
“Hey, Hyoga-san….why did you call me out here?”
Y/N finally reaches their place, her face showing pure confusion as she saw Ukyo and Hyoga facing each other.
Ukyo mumbles her name, his face turns pale all of the sudden. He doesn’t seem to be getting any good vibes from this situation. Out of all people, Hyoga called out Y/N, Ukyo’s no. 1 weakness, his girlfriend, here at this quiet place. It seems like Hyoga planned it so that she came right when Ukyo and Hyoga’s facing each other.
Hyoga ignores Y/N’s presence and continue facing Ukyo.
“I’d like for you to join force with me to end Tsukasa’s life.”
Ukyo and Y/N went dead silent at that one sentence. For the first time ever, Ukyo couldn’t believe his own ears. Y/N’s legs started trembling at Hyoga’s sudden proposal. Did those words just came out of him? Even though Tsukasa trusted him, he wishes to kill him?
Ukyo was quick to regain his composure. He then looks straight at Hyoga’s face.
“And if I don’t want to?”
Hyoga stays silent at Ukyo’s reply. He then takes off his mask and in a blink of an eye, grabs Y/N’s arm and pull her face closer to him.
Y/N could barely understand the situation that flashes right before her eyes and her reflexes are too slow compared to Hyoga for her to even turn her face or push Hyoga away. But she does understand one thing. The sight of Hyoga’s face nearing hers makes her eyes widen in horror. Just the thought of other people aside Ukyo having their lips on hers is just… unbearable.
Just as their lips about to touch, Y/N was snatched away from Hyoga’s grip and a knife was pointed at his throat.
“Well, well…so even the peace-loving Ukyo can point a knife at someone’s throat when his Y/N is about to fall on other’s hands, huh?”
Ukyo hold Y/N tightly with one hand and his other hand kept the knife close to Hyoga’s throat. His face isn’t showing his usual calm exterior. Instead, he was like a completely different person. His face turns gloomy and his eyes are looking at Hyoga dangerously.
“I thought you knew that you can’t object an offer from me. Oh well, now the deal has been made. There’s no going back.”
Hyoga calmly said as he pulls up his mask back and walks away, leaving the two of them alone.
Y/N is still clinging to Ukyo tightly, her whole body trembling. Ukyo who finally regains back his composure, try to reassure Y/N by embracing her small body. It’s almost as if he’s doing it to reassure himself. As if she could disappear at any moment and he’s clinging to her so desperately.
“Ukyo….I’m okay now.”
Y/N softly whispers at him. Ukyo reluctantly lets her go, and as soon as he did, her lips met his and they both melt into a sweet, loving kiss.
“I could barely understand what happened just now…Are you going to be okay, Ukyo?”
While they walk back to the headquarters, holding hands, Y/N asks a question that’s been on her mind since just now.
“….I’ll be fine. Completely fine. So don’t worry. What you should be worrying about is yourself. His target is you if he found anything suspicious at me. And that’s the only thing I don’t want to happen.”
Ukyo strokes Y/N’s head reassuringly and give a peck on her forehead.
“I really was afraid just now, you know? I wouldn’t have known what to do if he had kissed me.”
As soon as she mentions that, Ukyo’s face turns gloomier and his glares turns so scary it could kill a newborn fawn.
“If that’s the case, I’ll just kiss you two, no, three times than he did.”
Y/N’s ears turn red at his exclamation and she just smiles lovingly at him.
“I would love that.”
“For tonight, Y/N, sleep with me. I don’t want Hyoga to attack you while you’re alone. Stay by my side.”
Ukyo turns to her and said this seriously. Y/N quietly nod at him and give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Even if you don’t ask for it, I’ll always stay by your side forever and ever.”
Ukyo’s heart warms up at her loving confession and squeezes her hand.
“It’s okay…” He thought to himself. “Tomorrow’s gonna be the day this empire meets its downfall. Senku’s plan gonna work. Until then, I will protect Y/N even if I have to dirty my own hand. I may be a coward, but for her, I will…”
“Ukyo? What’s wrong?”
Y/N peers at Ukyo who was silent for a moment, worried of his sudden silence. He also seems to be glaring…which she just shrugs it off as her imagination.
Ukyo snaps out of his train of thoughts and stare a while at Y/N’s face before softening his expression and genuinely smile at her.
“It’s nothing. I was just thinking of how much I love you .”
He says that so smoothly, making Y/N blush a bit.
“That’s right… I love you so much, I’m willing to change myself.”
Ukyo thought that as his smile turns into a cold one.
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just4fun · 1 month
Old TBHK Theory
(Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun)
Yashiro and Kou learned from the young Tsukasa that:
When they were 5 yrs old, Amane(Hanako-kun) became severely ill which made Tsukasa lonely. While wandering around, he met an apparition that granted wishes and played around with it.
Eventually Amane’s illness became worse. Tsukasa decided to wish for him to be cured despite Amane saying not to.
In exchange, Tsukasa had to stay in the Red House.
But Yashiro and Kou know that Amane died shortly after killing Tsukasa.
So they suggest that an apparition had replaced Tsukasa and Amane knew.
When the house burns down, they try to get him to leave with them but Tsukasa stays behind. While the two left, there’s a suspicious line of dialect that suggest that Tsukasa knows more than he showed.
The wish-granting apparition that Tsukasa met had replaced him when the real Tsukasa got trapped in the Red House.
And Amane knew, eventually killing it himself.
So perhaps this apparition is the real Hanako-chan of the Bathroom. It’s wish-granting abilities are legit and very powerful, shown to be capable of killing people if someone wished.
That’s why the Amane filled the role/position of Hanako-kun in the school. Because he killed the original Hanako-chan, he took her power/status and became the new one. Why all the rumors of Hanako-chan is female because she used to be.
(and maybe that’s why Hanako-kun needed part of his power to be sealed, because he couldn’t handle all of the power he inherited )
But that’s just a theory, an Anime Theory!
Still don’t know why the Tsukasa imposter is so obsessed with Amane though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(made july 23, 2022)
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hanako-san · 7 months
Tsukasa, not wanting to lose his brother, decided to sacrifice himself for his older brother. I believe Tsukasa is deeply hurt, that his sacrifice was pointless because Amane died killing him and Tsukasa for some reason, but I think there's more to it than he showed in chapter 108. I'm not surprised. I'm glad Tsukasa finally showed his hurt feelings, he's right! (This isn't the main topic of this post, but I wanted to mention it because I'm glad that Tsukasa showed more of his hurt feelings instead of hiding, faking, his hurt feelings behind a fake smile) However, when Tsukasa returned to his own time through Kou. The mother noticed that something was wrong with her son, that he was possessed by something. They checked it and nothing came up. But it was obvious that there was something Tsukasa could even talk to it. The mother begged and received to help her. They no help her. But the fact is that there was something wrong with Tsukasa.
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Tsukasa granted wishes and I'm sure that something inside him is still there.
The priests didn't react in Yugi's house after the disaster and later when people were dying there and the Minamoto forbade anyone to enter there to this day, making sure no one goes in there.
Yugi's house stood on the site where young girls were sacrificed to the 'gods' and this whole 'god' was talking to Tsukasa before what happened.
When Amane became number 7, Teru wanted his younger brother to get rid of Hanako, but he didn't. Knowing that Hanako is a 'threat' because he can act with Yashiro's help, which he cannot allow.
Sure Amane had a fight with grandma minamoto, but honestly I don't care that the old lady lost her powers by sealing Amane.
and then the elder minamoto says this
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Their entire family is full of hypocrites and self-proclaimed heroes. They were the ones who sacrificed poor young girls for the residents' wishes and peace. They had no problem torturing them when they opposed, after all, Hakubo did it on their orders, their minion. This family had no generations of respect for anyone. Just like the Teru, they don't care about human life. teru loves to kill and doesn't care about anything. He just loves it, he's an ordinary murderer with the justification 'the supernatural are the worst and the most evil' teru is exactly the same as his ancestors. He loves killing and enjoys it. It was the same with Sumire and the other girls when his ancestors behaved the same way.
Teru even said these words to Akane
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“special standing' in English. . Minamoto teru named ONE of many victims of his family effectively leaving out the involvement of his hypocritical and sadistic family and Sumire was shown.
The only one of the victims who didn't run away and didn't fight back, which allowed her to lead a relatively normal life before her death, but she knew what her fate is and she knew she couldn't escape it.
Teru made it clear from the very beginning that he knows much more and knows what is going to happen, so I am almost sure he knows what his dear family has done in the past, and he is no different from them, he is exactly the same, spoiled and thinks that if he is an exorcist, he is allowed because he is the 'good' one and the supernatural are the 'bad' ones
His family sacrificed poor girls in exchange for wishes, while having a party. He is like that too.
Teru also said this.
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Yes, Teru, play moralist and say how Amane is a murderer when you are 100 times worse than him. At least he hates and despises himself for it. And you? You are like your ancestors. Teru doesn't hide the fact that he especially hates Hanako, and to be honest, I'm sure it has to do with Amane's power and the red house. They didn't help Yugi's family when they asked for help, but Hanako is supposed to be 'dangerous' and they are 'heroes'
Another scene that is supposed to make Hanako a 'bad' guy, while Ter is supposed to play the 'hero', but in fact, if it weren't for his feelings for Aoi, he wouldn't care about it, because as he said, he doesn't care about people, it didn't occur to him naturally and he still doesn't care. He want to be a hero to my younger siblings who look up to him. That's all.
Hanako and Tsukasa have powers from the red house from the 'god' in which they were in the past. All the supernaturals at school who have numbers protecting something and that something must be in Yugi's former home. The red house is the key, even in the well where the house burned by Tsukasa was left, there is a passage to the far shore
I also understand that this whole lying family could have done more, they could have sacrificed poor young girls and one guy to have their wishes fulfilled and have peace, and if they opposed, they were tortured and teru is exactly the same, knowing much more, but he can fight these evil spirits' and he can enjoy killing these 'evil' supernatural ones, because he is a 'hero''. I wonder why teru hates Hanako so much, does Hanako know something? He had business with God; whom they cannot release, and Hanako is the most dangerous link for him.
This whole family must have an interest in getting rid of Hanako, and maybe even a personal one? And honestly? It's time for Hanako to be released, let him show his true strength that he gained as a supernatural, if he is so 'dangerous' so what? Let him do what he wants and let Tsuaksa do the same. Because Teru's family has been around for generations and Teru himself is no different. It is absurd that a murderer accuses another murderer of being a 'bad murderer', it is so absurd and so false, but that's minamoto, they are always better than others. They can do more cause they're minamoto hiding behind the fact that they are helping others when in fact they enjoy killing.
Hanako tried to fulfill Yashiro's wish, he agreed to let her live, he took care of Aoi and killed his brother, for some reason he is disgusted with himself and regrets it, but yes, Teru and his family are supposed to be 'heroes', people who had nothing against raising future children. young girls who have become victims of their selfish desires the desires of the village and Teru are exactly the same.
It's time for Hanako to be released and destroy everyone, I'm absolutely for it. If teru can do it,so Hanako can do it too . Time to Tsukasa to destroy the entire system, because why not? The source of the twins' power is the red house, I suspect.Hanako fulfills his duties well as number 7 and Tsukasa goes ahead to destroy them to also fulfill Sakura's wish. This 'evil' Hanako has more human feelings than the self-proclaimed family of heroes.
The double standards of this family are truly pathetic. teru you can disappear like your ancestors. and finally let this 'evil' Hanako show what he can do, but first let him show his back story.
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mari-lair · 10 months
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Thank you so much!
I used to really like Tsukasa at the start of the manga but his story went in a direction I hate, so I don’t think I’m the best person to ask about him....
I do have some things to say about the red house, his most ‘completed’ arc, though. So I’ll try my best, just this once.
First thing first, let’s get this out of the way:
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Kou’s theory that there are two Tsukasas (one who was stuck in this house forever and “another” that pretended to be Hanako’s brother and was consequently killed) was proven wrong in the end of the very same chapter. The red house Tsukasa is the only one that exists, and he went back home after Kou told him about the future.
He only spends half a year in the Red House.
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Tsukasa acts weird, and every adult blamed his behavior on the mysterious entity in his body that Tsukasa had named 'god’, but god isn’t in control: Tsukasa was the one that decided to stay in the house because ‘Amane hates him’, just like he was the one that decided to burn down the house when he changed ideas.
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This god had to ask what Tsukasa was doing, so it have no access to his thoughts, and it seem to either be unable to fight against Tsukasa’s decisions, or give him full control. 
From the start, Tsukasa was the one who influenced god’s behavior, not the other way around:
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Tsukasa doesn’t care about this god: He doesn’t ask it any personal questions, even childish ones “Who are you?” “Are you a good god?” “Do you have a house in there too?” “What do you look like?” and so on. He never tries to reach this god either. Is not like he is scared of the darkness out of reach, he just doesn’t personally care.
His view is very limited. He treats it as he would any ‘cool thing he finds’ and go straight to Amane to talk about it.
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I’m sure he would only reach out to this god if Amane asked him to: Literally every thing he asked from ‘god’ have been for Amane. He is a four years old toddler who loves to play, yet he does not have any wishes or goals of his own.
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The very reason he was in the house wasn’t to have his wish granted, it was to have Amane’s wish granted. And he wasn’t even stuck, he could leave whenever he wanted, but “Amane wouldn’t be happy to see me because he hates me”, so he stayed in the house, believing it too, was Amane's wish.
His only wish is to make Amane happy.
And when I say he only thinks about Amane, I mean it: He didn't spared a single wish to his parents, didn’t share that there is a god under the floorboard with them at any point. Is like they are an afterthought.
Even in the red house, alone with no adults, all he wants to do is play.
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He never implies he misses his parents even when he tries to lure Kou by using Kou's dead mom.
It does not matter how loving and kind and worried his parents are, Tsukasa is indifferent about them. He has no interest in how they are feeling or to learn more about them.
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His life revolves around having fun, which he mostly connects with Amane, so he always finds ways to make things about Amane.
His mom worry, and hugs him, and cries of joy, and Tsukasa does not spare her a glance. Nene shows interests similar to his own, but he doesn't want to learn more about her, just seeing it as an opportunity to talk about his brother.
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He connects interest with love too. 
Ask him questions and he’ll assume is love. Show him worry. It’s love. Everything is love. So he doesn’t have a good concept of what love is.
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People do affect him even if he doesn’t realize it though, because of such loving parents, he grow to genuinely love physical contact and trust strangers easily!
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But he is usually very apathetic about individuals.
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This “horror child” framing when he delivers the news is Kou’s perception of his behavior. He has a negative bias against Tsukasa so the kid feels eery and almost malicious.
Tsukasa’s mom also gets negative bias when ‘god’ start inhabiting Tsukasa’s body and gives him the knowledge to both know people’s wishes and their future, (something a kid shouldn't have) telling people how they’ll die and such with a smile.
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Amane is smiling by his side in the same frame the mom sees this ‘monster that inst her son’, and it is pretty clear Tsukasa isn’t hurting anyone, as weird as he has always been. The mom just assumes the worst after he went missing for half a year.
So back to the scene with Kou: Tsukasa isn’t being malicious, he doesn’t want the people to be trapped in the house, or to see them hurt. He doesn’t care about the people at all: He is disconnected from it.
Kou is panicking, but Tsukasa doesn’t see anything wrong with what he said, or show any worry about Nene missing, mostly confused by Kou's behavior.
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He shows nothing when trying to help the house lure people with their wishes either. No pride. No joy. No malice. Just a detached “Is this what you want? I can give you.” like a kid trying to give someone a toy they have no interest in.
The only time he showed genuine interest in someone without trying to connect his joy or amusement with Amane at all, was with Kou, after Kou explained his wishes.
And what does he call him? Silly.
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He is a child, so when Kou was rejecting all his wishes, Tsukasa took things at face value “So this isn’t your wish? That’s weird the house doesn’t usually get things wrong, but okay. So is this other thing your wish?”
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He believes if someone asks for something, that’s what they want, and that’s what they need. And if someone says no. They mean no.
Think back to his situation to Amane.
Take a look at how many toys are in Amane’s bed, toys that are abandoned and cast aside because Amane can’t play with them.
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Tsukasa keeps giving him things Amane would ‘want’, unaware it just makes Amane feel worst for being too sick to play with any of it. He is too young to have nuance, not paying attention to what may make Amane worried, just shoving cool things Amane used to play with in his face cause “amane like these things”
Living in the red house only increased this belief, since the house revolves around wishes, giving this idea that following your desires and doing what you want, what you wish for, is natural, something every person does.
This greedy mentality is not natural for Kou, he is different from anyone that would seek the red house.
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Tsukasa probably already had a “people should do whatever they want and not hold back!” view as a kid, but he assumed that wasn’t a personal view, it was just how the world work.
Kou is the first person that explicitly challenge this idea, explaining that everything the house showed is something he does want but that he is fine not taking. Making it clear he is holding back even for a child like Tsukasa.
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Is actually really interesting that he saw all of Kou’s ‘wishes’ and when Kou straight up asked about his own wish, Tsukasa did not go in detail about Amane. He doesn’t bring him up, he just talks about his situation.
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And idk what it means exactly? Maybe he thinks Kou won’t relate, much less understand his wish. Maybe since Tsukasa considers showing interest as a show of love, he is happy Kou ‘like him’ despite Kou's constant show of distrust him, and opens up a bit about himself. I am unsure.
Regardless he seems relatively intrigued by Kou, so Kou being the one to tell him Amane will die young, and challenging his view again, this time about the brother he is obsessed with hit hard.
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“Just because you’re twins doesn’t mean you know everything about your brother,” Says the guy that entered the red house and rejected all his wishes, breaking Tsukasa’s idea of how “every person works”
The idea he doesn’t understand Amane sparkles the same kind of intrigue and excitement!
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But since he is obsessed with Amane, his interest is way stronger than with Kou, he is delighted!
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We have no insight of what he started doing after this, or how he changed while alive with Amane, but we do know something happened and Amane killed him. We also know he is Hanako’s yorishiro and that he is at least in part stuck to the past, still not good at understanding his brother considering he keeps calling him ‘Amane’ after death when everyone else knows he no longer identifies as Amane, but as Hanako. 
We also know his belief people should do as they please, regardless of wrong or right, hasn’t changed.
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Though who knows what his goal is as a ghost, after all... Losing pieces of yourself is a very important part of becoming a supernatural.
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tbhkconfessions · 7 months
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If i have to read "Tsukasa from the read house and the Tsukasa Amane killed are different people!1!" One more time in this fandom i'm going to lose it.
Seriously what do people not understand about the end of that arc? Nene and Kou thought they were different because they're very naive and try to think of positive and simple solutions for complicated supernatural situations. This is an actual thing the manga discusses (Hanako and Mitsuba are frustrated about it multiple times. Sakura warns Nene about it too). His mother didn't recognize him because he changed so much in the, you know, FIFTY YEARS he spent stuck in that house when for her they were only six months she assumed that wasn't her son.
Is 4 vear old Tsukasa a verv sweet bov so its hard to picture him as current Tsukasa? Yes. But so many things happened in his life and afterlife without even mentioning the years that passed as well, is only natural he would change.
Anyway sorry i needed to rant lol.
(submitted by anon)
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