#ttigraas rigur
luxthestrange · 8 months
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#42 He is Wifey
Rigur: I’m a guy but I’m a wife, Y’know? marriage but in a “he’s my wife” kinda way...
Y/n: I love my goblin pretty malewife~
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king-bee-sting · 2 years
Obligatory Rigur spam because all I want for Christmas is him
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master-muffinn · 5 months
That time i got reincarnated as a slime
When someone walking in on them when they making love (gender neutral)
Warning: nsfw, but there's no descriptions and barely any sex talk
These people are a true gentleman/gentlewoman. The moment they notice that the door are opening they cover up your body with either their own body or with anything in their surroundings like a blanket. They don’t want anyone else to see your beautiful naked body but them. They will make it clear to the intruder, whoever they are, to leave quickly with a threatening tone and a serious expression.
Afterwards they ask if you are alright and if you want to continue or not. If you do, they will give you a little extra attention to get you ‘back in the mood’.
^ DIABLO, SOUEI, Velzard, Hakurou, Treyni, Albis, Frey, Hiiro ^
These people are sensitive and can’t handle it very well. They become sooo embarrassed that their body and mind go blank for a moment. The longer the stranger takes to get out of the room, the more red and shaky they get. Please s/o, you have to calm your baby down and reassure them! They probably won't be able to continue after the ‘accident’ and if you’re unlucky, you probably won't have sex in some time because they are scared that the same accident were to repeat. Maybe with extra love and support the process will go faster. 
They get embarrassed and SCREAM. “GET THE F**K OUT!! HAVE YOU NEVER LEARNED TO KNOCK!!” Which hopefully won't make you deaf, unless you already are after dating these people. They will try to lower their voice for you, since they don’t wish to make you uncomfortable and worsen everything. They will however complain and/or mutter swearwords of irritation under their breath. They will need some time to calm them self down before continue, unless you say otherwise. 
^ VELDORA, MELLIM, Gobta, Ranga, Shion, Gabiru, Ramiris, Rigurd ^
If the stranger takes too long to get out they are like: “Um..can you… please leave..” They are awkward, embarrassed of course but mostly awkward. They don’t really know what they should do. This is just..weird. They try to not make it a big deal, like..this can happen to everybody right? But shouldn't the person have heard you two? Or did they do it on purpose? No that can’t be right? They would be fine to continue but their mind will go back to the ‘accident’ and you will soon lose interest so you end up cuddling and talking about it instead and you probably would laugh about it.
^ RIGUR, RIMURU, Shuna, Geld ^
All they do is stop what they are doing and stare the intruder straight in their soul with death. How DARE they interfere in their precious intimate time with their s/o. When the person leaves they apologize for not locking the door properly and then  ask if you are alright. After that they continued with what they were doing like nothing ever happened. Plotting murder later.
^ LEON, Gazel, Luminous, Clayman? ^
Getting caught mid sex? They found this really interesting and kinky. They totally leave the door unlocked on purpose so this would happen often. Might ask the person to come and join or watch them depending on who they are, but will of course change their mind if their s/o slaps them complains. They will continue your time together without problems, maybe even a little more horny. ;)
^ GUY CRIMSON, yuuki, Diablo? ^
Thank you for reading! I hope you like it! ❤ Likes, reblogs and criticism are very much appreciated! 🥰
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misquitz · 6 months
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YYEEAAA BABYY THAT MY MANN HES ON BREAKKKK I included my OC i enjoy with Rigur bc yes but included a rigur only version bc i love him so much he deserves the spotlight istg i hope he enjoys that apple
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gottaarc · 9 months
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I have a bunch of art I haven't posted here related to my fic so I'm just gonna put them up in no particular order-
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bakuvantea · 3 years
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so we're just gonna ignore the fact that treyni, a powerful dryad who is protecting the jura forest, was casually serving rimuru wine in slime diaries?
when did she even learn that stuff she's living in the forest eye-
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yes, thank u for questioning her rimuru dearest
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whatthedog · 4 years
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#31 "Sparring"
Rigur: Can Y/n and I have some privacy, please?
Gobta: Ha, they’re gonna do it.
Y/n: No, we’re gonna spar! … And then maybe afterward we’ll do it
Rigur*Nodding but eyes bulge out and looks at you flustered*Yes-WAIT WHAT
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#23 Triangle
You and Rigur were giving the new Goblin riders training in hand-to-hand combat...but you are getting distracted, Rigur took notice...
Y/n*Eyes focusing Solely on him*...
Rigur*Slightly worried out*Y/n?...
Y/n: Hey Let's play 20 questions while we fight you first!
Rigur:...Uh...What's your favorite color,Y/n-sama?
Y/n*Laser Focus dodges his blood cycles and manages to be face to face*TRIANGLE-ARE YOU SINGLE? BACKUP QUESTION WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN A SPECIFIC HUMAN?
Rigur*Blushing as he hears the trainee's "Ooooh~" at them*Y/N!?-
Y/n: Hey im teaching them something!If you see an opportunity seize it, rookies! ANSWER THE QUESTION PRETTY GOBLIN MAN!
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#22 Pimpollo!
In Rigurd's Home is Rigur visiting him to tell him he managed to score a date with You, Rigurd hears a LOUD howl, As he peeks out to see who is making that noise
Rigur*Peeks as well to see and sees You in a Ranga and a leather jacket and thug look*
Y/n*Puts shades up and looks at them, With two fingers pointing at Rigur and then at the seat behind them*...
Rigur: Ha! It's the y/n!
Rigurd: That's not the y/n I know...
Rigur: That's not the Y/n I know, either...B-but I kinda like it
Rigurd*Goes to stop him using his body to cover the door*Where do you think you're going, young man!?
Rigur: Wherever they'll take me!
Rigurd: I forbid you to go out with that hoodlum!?-Tho I have great respect for Y/n-sama!
Rigur: But, Father, I love them!!!
Rigurd*Eyes widen and frowns pointing up the stairs*Go to your room!
Rigur*Sniffles with tears but frowns*But I don't even live here anymore!
Rigurd*Blinks,stutters*W-Well, go to your old room that I turned into a scrapbooking room!?
Rigur cries as he stomps his way to his old room he runs up the stairs to his old room, runs out to open the window to see you
Rigurd*Opens the door and growls at you*Get off my property, Thugs Y/n!
Rigur*In his Father new scrapbooking room*BUN BUN!
Y/n*Pointing at Rigur* I'll come back for ya!
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king-bee-sting · 2 years
I've recently started watching That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime and ig I'm a monster fucker now bc THIS MAN
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Is my husband we're married sorry I don't make the rules
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A soft silly little hunk who loves his family and his people 🥺🥺 what's not to like abt him
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king-bee-sting · 1 year
Sobs for my scrimblo
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I wanna malewife for him so bad
I wanna cook him dinner..
Do his laundry...
Brush his hair....
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king-bee-sting · 2 years
Thinking abt him....
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luxthestrange · 5 months
TTIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#53 The exception-
Y/n: Sexuality is not a choice. If it were, I wouldn't be attracted to men-
Rigur*Minding his business as he walks by* Hi, Y/n and Rimuru-sama!
Rimuru: You were saying?~
Y/n: He doesn't count and you know it-
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#13 Crush
Rimuru & Y/n: There's a study that says every friend group has one person that every other member has had a crush on at one point. Which one of us do you think that'd be?*Both reading a magazine*
Benimaru, Souei, Shuna, Shion, Diablo, Veldora, Rigur, The Demon Lords+Wholeass Jura Tempest+Armed Nation of Dwargon*All stare at You both*...
Ranga*Wagging his tail nodding, tilting his head*I dont know what this "crush" is but I love Masters the most!
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Ranga unlike them...IS HONEST-
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#12 BOLD TO ASSUME
Tempest Citizens: If we died, would you miss us?
Rimuru & Y/n: Bold of you to assume death means you’re out of this family
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...Bold of them indeed-*Looking at Shion and Gobzo*
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