#shuna x reader
luxthestrange · 1 year
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#13 Crush
Rimuru & Y/n: There's a study that says every friend group has one person that every other member has had a crush on at one point. Which one of us do you think that'd be?*Both reading a magazine*
Benimaru, Souei, Shuna, Shion, Diablo, Veldora, Rigur, The Demon Lords+Wholeass Jura Tempest+Armed Nation of Dwargon*All stare at You both*...
Ranga*Wagging his tail nodding, tilting his head*I dont know what this "crush" is but I love Masters the most!
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Ranga unlike them...IS HONEST-
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master-muffinn · 5 months
Tensura slime
Y/n: How do you kindly tell someone to “fuck of”?
Milim: Punch them in the face!!
Veldora: Fight them!!
Diablo: Stab them.
Rimuru: Guys, stop! That’s not how we handle all problems!
Shuna: Have you tried telling them to just leave you alone?
Y/n: Yes, it’s not working.
Rimuru: What did they do? And what do they look like?
Y/n: An annoying red-haired guy follows me around and flirting with me.
Shion: HOW DARE HE!!
Shuna: Y/n i will have a serious conversation with my brother for you. 🙂
Benimaru: Wait- I haven't done anything?!
Hakurou: That’s right, he has been training with the youngsters today.
Rimuru: Y/n can you tell us more?
Y/n: Weird black clothes that show his belly and lower chest…
Rimuru: Okay, I think I know who he is..
Souei: Y/n let me kill him for you. Where are you?
Rimuru: Don't be stupid! He’s a demon lord, you don’t stand a chance!
Diablo: I can stab him for you! 😊
Rimuru: NO!! Why do you always choose violence to solve problems!! STOP!
Rimuru: Y/n come to my office, i will talk to him. See if we can solve this pieceful.
Guy Crimson: I don’t know what you are talking about~ 💅
Diablo and Souei: 🙂🔪
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Can we get the aftermath of Y/N giving birth of them and Benimaru's child? Where the executives are celebrating and Rimuru gets to be the honorary uncle to his right hand man's child? Please?
“I hear by call this meeting of the official naming ceremony to order.” You let out a sigh as Shion tapped her gavel on the table. Rocking your new born infant in your arms.
The baby was doing well. All plump and pink now, with a tuff of flaming red hair that refused to stay down. It had been a few weeks since you had given birth and everyone had given you & Benimaru space to bond with the baby. Coming over occasionally to sit and coo, but in uncharacteristically calm order.
Then, today, out of the blue, you got a note that you and the baby were summoned to a meeting of what seemed like every person you had ever known. “I still don’t know what’s going on….”
“It’s time we all came to an agreement on what [B/N] is going to call us.” Shion explained. “We all can’t be called the same thing. That would be confusing, and unfair.”
“They can’t even talk.” You remind her again. The first time you reminded her was when she was at the house and trying to get them to say ‘Shion’ as their first word. “Besides, can’t they just call you Aunt or Uncle what’s-your-name?”
The unanimous shouting startled the baby, who began to cry, but you quickly calmed them down.
“Now, I will start us off.”
“Why do you get to start us off?” Milim squawked.
“Because I have the gavel.” Shion snarked back. The two women glared at each other for a considerable moment before they broke off in a huff, and Shion continued. “Now, I’ve thought long and hard about this and I would like to be called…Aunt Shion.”
‘Didn’t I just suggest that?’ You thought to yourself.
“Excuse me, Shion.” The sickly sweet voice of Shuna spoke up. The sickly sweet voice that usually meant danger was near. “I believe, as Benimaru’s true blood sister, it should be I that [B/N]-chan calls Aunt.”
“We can both be ‘aunt’.”
“Didn’t you just say that it would be ‘confusing and unfair’ to share names?”
Shion huffed and folded her arms. Bested by her own words. “Fine! Come back to me. Souei, what do you want your name to be?”
“You can’t just be called Souei. Besides, the name is too hard for a baby to say.”
Shion sighed. “Hakurou-san, what’s your name?”
“I think I would like to be called ‘Jiji’.”
“You want to be called ‘grandpa’?” You asked. Just to clarify.
“I’m much older than any of you.” He said. “ ‘Uncle’ just doesn’t seem to fit with a man my age. Plus, I must admit, the feeling of the word ‘grandpa’ warms my soul.” He even let out an old man ‘ho ho ho’ at the thought.
“I wanna be called Onee-chan!” Milim announced.
“That won’t do.” Shuna told her. “What happens when Onii-chan and [Y/N] have another baby? You’ll have to change it all over again.”
“Another baby?” Did you not just have this one?
“We can cross that bridge when we come to it.” Shion said. Making an executive decision and hitting her gavel. “Now, I have come up with my name and it shall be….Auntie Shion.”
The room clapped as if Shion had made some brilliant discovery, while the secretary beamed at her brilliance. “You guys are weird.”
The doors then opened and Rimuru-sama and Benimaru walked in. “What’s going on?”
“Apparently everyone decided they needed a meeting to figure out what our infant child will call them.” You explain.
“Oh. Can the baby call me Muru-kun?” Rimuru-sama asked, and the room erupted in another fit of excitement. Waking the subject of the meeting again from their nap.
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kyou-ko · 1 year
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The ln designs are so much better in my opinion
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maximwtf · 10 days
“The perfect silence. ”
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Tighnari x Valuka Shuna! Reader
Words: 1430
Google Docs Pages: 2,5
Warnings: Established relationship, implied neurodivergent reader but nothing specific, overstimulation caused by noise, angst-ish/comfort
Opening: Valuka Shuna have exceptional hearing, but at times that feature becomes a little too much. Thankfully you know someone who understands. 
AN// G/N Reader. Erm, okay I said I wouldn’t write for him again but this is an exception…but don’t quote me on that if I write more after this. Also yippee, finally posting all my "left in docs to rot" works that I thought were somewhat worth it to finish :"D
“The perfect silence. ”
The whole day every noise and sound had felt amplified, bothering you while working. Having one of those days where you had to collaborate with other forest watchers hadn’t helped, the noise of their chatter having started to bother you as well at some point of the day. But it wasn’t like you could leave them and your work undone, having had to endure it. But that meant that at the end of the day you’d just been worn out, mind overwhelmed. Mindlessly making your way to a place you knew you could find some sort of solace at. 
Tighnari’s office had become somewhat of a familiar place for you, not to mention the relations you had with the man himself. Trusting that he if anyone would understand how you were feeling, if not to the exact extent. But having someone to understand felt better than being surrounded by people who you couldn’t ask to be quiet, without getting odd looks and questions you didn’t have the energy to answer. 
Reaching his office at last with a rather pained expression on your face, ears pinned down in an attempt to block out sound. Though, it hardly helped if there were enough people around. 
Ending up here in this state definitely not being the first time either. Having known from the start that he was possibly the only one close to you that experienced heightened hearing to a similar extent. Even if it didn’t overwhelm him in a similar sense, he had still always seemed to understand in his own way. And you’d been willing to explain it to him in the past, giving him insight on how you were feeling at moments such as this. Seeing how interested he was made you less worried about him viewing the topic as a bother. Making sure you didn’t ever worry about being a disturbance, when he wanted to be there to help. 
You walked up to one of the beds his patients usually laid in, in the corner of the room. Sitting on the very edge of it, curling your tail around your legs for comfort. Pinning your ears further down in agitation. Knowing Tighnari would sooner or later question what was going on. So before he was able to break the silence, you whispered ‘loud’. Which thankfully more often than not was enough for him to catch up with the situation. 
Tighnari had keenly followed as you’d arrived and sat on the edge of the bed. Worried after seeing the distressed expression on your face, not daring to say or ask anything about it before you’d explained the situation a little. But after catching up, understanding what had likely happened. 
Though, fortunately he didn’t seem distressed himself. More so rather understanding and careful, not wanting to make the situation worse. This not being the first time you’d come to him for help, and likely not the last time either. Or so he at the very least hoped, knowing you trusted him and this being a sign of it. 
Even if he knew he couldn’t do much to help, he was still willing to try. 
Tighnari walked up to the bed, carefully sitting down on the edge but not saying anything. If he was correct to assume every noise was amplified for you, he didn’t wish to be an add-on to everything else. 
Luckily for him, you explained the situation a little further. “I had so many group projects today, so many people chatting and moving around”, you whispered. A lot of the forest watchers often coming to you for help, due to knowing how much longer you’d been doing the work. Having had time to learn close up from Tighnari himself, so your help was always appreciated. 
Clenching your jaw after finishing, not liking the sound of your own voice. Thinking it better to not talk before you were able to calm down properly.
Tighnari wasn’t exactly the best at comforting others emotionally or supporting them mentally. Seeing logical conclusions as more effective and easier to come up with. But that didn’t mean he’d just sit and watch you, especially when he knew what was wrong. Knowing how easily his ears picked up noise, he could only imagine how much it must have bothered you. 
Tighnari placed his hand on your shoulder, lowering his own ears in sympathy. A rather unreadable expression on his face while deep in thought, thinking of possible ways to ease your mind. Gaze quickly checking that the door was closed so no one could intrude to make the situation worse. As of right now, the space was almost fully silent. Knowing that it was usually enough for you, but in truth he didn’t feel like it was. Wishing there was something else he could still do. 
His eyes spotting the spiked up hairs at the base of your ears, thinking it must have been due to today's work and the distress. Attempting to gently brush them back in place, mind still racing. Logically speaking, if noises were too loud maybe focusing on something else would help. Something that didn’t make noise but ultimately got your attention for long enough to get the overwhelming feeling off your shoulders. 
Tighnari’s caresses against your ears had somewhat of a calming effect, the subtle sound of it soothing. Yet, the thought of speaking up sounding horrid. Hearing any loud sound did for that matter, making you frustrated. You’d at last gained the silence that you’d been craving for for half of the day, not wishing to waste the chance to breathe. 
Raising your head to see what Tighnari was doing, eyes pleading for an answer or a solution that even you couldn’t name. 
Tighnari responded to the look with an understanding one, pained due to how little he could in truth do. Though, your gaze had returned him to the thought he’d just had. Carefully moving over to his belongings by the table. Pulling out a small bottle of liquid, swirling it around for a moment to see how much of it was left before returning to you. 
Hearing a frustrated sigh from you, knowing how tiring this always seemed to be for you. But understanding exactly why. Watching every now and then as your eyes followed his movements while he opened the bottle. 
A pleasant scent intruded the surrounding area. You soon noticed how familiar it was, it taking a moment to figure out why. It soon coming to you that it was the same scent of the oil Tighnari often used on his ears and tail. And due to its familiarity it got your attention, ears raising a little at the notion. 
Tighnari smiled to himself, cheering internally as his hypothesis seemed to have been correct. Gently moving to apply some of the oil to the base of your ears, combing the messed up parts back in place with care. Combing your hair in place while at it. 
You lowered your head, focusing on the familiar scent of the oil. Only now truly realising how much energy all this had taken out, finding yourself exhausted. Yet, somewhat relieved you were able to notice that, coming back to it. The aroma of the oil being more overpowering than sound for your mind.
You lifted your head to watch Tighnari fiddle with the small bottle. Scared of breaking the perfect silence, but thankful for Tighari for continuing to find ways to help you. And you were well aware that he knew how you felt, yet there was always a deep need to express that gratitude to him time and time again. 
Moving carefully closer to him before placing your head at the crook of his neck. Hands gently holding on to his shirt before moving on their own to wrap around him. To which he cautiously answered to, grateful you seemed to feel better and not so tense. Aware you’d told him that his presence was enough, yet it never felt so for him. Feeling the need to figure something out to do more. 
You moved your head up, knowing you’d likely doze off if you stayed still for too long. Even now feeling your eyelids get heavy from the peace and quiet. A pleasant scent in the air, Tighnari’s form warm against you. Staring at him from a rather close distance, almost mouthing the quiet words, “thank you.” Knowing he could hear it. But also aware how little words meant in these moments, actions being much louder. Watching as Tighnari’s ears drooped a little, calm. Happy to see you doing better. 
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scaredpigeons · 8 months
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More than you can chew. II: those damned flowers.
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Elirah (genshin impact OC) x 4ggravate (Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno & Tighnari)
Word count: 5.3k
WARNING: NSFW 18+ MDNI. This fic contains smut between literally all the characters, the only two who don’t really fuck is ‘Haitham and Cyno cuz they’re the only ones unaffected by the aphrodisiac lol. Dubcon only because of the aphrodisiac, but come on, they’d all fuck regardless, so it should be fiiine.
CW: aphrodisiacs, sex, oral sex, (m and f receiving) handjobs, pussyjob, Tighnari knots Elirah, creampies, talk of impregnating Eli, but it’s okay she’s on birth control cuz girl don’t play around like that, dirty talk, Alhaitham and Cyno banter (sexually charged banter) anal sex (Tighnari rec), haikaveh and Cynonari content, multiple orgasms, Tighnari bites Eli.
Authors Note: I figured I’d post this while y’all wait for the Neuvi smut. It’s coming along, but slowly. I had to take a break bc I run the risk of carpal tunnel at this point, so I gotta be careful lol. I know this isn’t x reader, but I’d really love it if y’all gave elirah some of your time, she means a lot to me. There’s plenty more where this came from, and im working on more smutty continuations of part 1 so keep an eye out! :)
Hot. Everything was hot. 
She gripped the edge of the reservoir, her vision darkening at the edges, fuzzy and strange. 
A wave of pure, nauseating need pulsed through her. She groaned, doubling over herself. 
“Eli!” Kaveh moved through the water towards her, resting a hand on the small of her back. “A-are you..?”
She moaned his name, the heat from his palm radiating through her clothes.
“Be careful, Kaveh,” Alhaitham said, still standing in the entrance, deathly still. “You might actually want to get out of the water, it affects women and Valuka Shuna more intensely than men.”
“I—“ Kaveh doubled over into himself a bit, clutching his abdomen while he instinctually moved closer to her. “All the more reason I shouldn’t leave them!”
Elirah turned, clutching to Kaveh’s front, pressing herself against him. 
“Hot,” she whimpered into his chest. “It’s so hot.”
“H-how do you…” Kaveh groaned, holding her closer as she rubbed against him. “How do you know s-so much about… hah.”
Elirah couldn’t control herself, everything in her screamed Kaveh, Kaveh, Kaveh. 
He was so warm, his skin felt so good. She ground her hips against him, seeking relief from the erection straining in his trousers. 
“Coolielust lotus was an extremely popular aphrodisiac in ancient societies.” Alhaitham said, almost hesitant as he watched Elirah push herself into Kaveh further, eyeing the way his knee ran between her thighs as she ground herself down on it. “It came up within my studies quite often at the akademiya, and if you read some decent historical texts every once in a while I’m sure you’d know of it too…”
Kaveh’s hands found the plush of Elirah’s ass as he helped her grind into him, his eyes rolling back.
Cyno stepped forward as if he meant to reach out to Tighnari, who was still clutching the edge of the reservoir as if he would otherwise float away from it. 
Alhaitham shot his arm out, blocking the smaller man from moving any closer. 
“Don’t.” He said. “They’re not in their right minds, Cyno.”
“But…” the general Mahamatra looked back and forth between his lover and Alhaitham, eyes pleading. 
Elirah whined, reaching out behind her at the forest watcher. “N-nari…” 
Tighnari moved faster than he should’ve been able to in the water, his hands latching onto Elirah’s waist as he ground himself into her from behind, pushing her further into Kaveh and causing all three of them to let out the most obscene moans. 
Tighnari’s teeth pulled at the high collar of Elirah’s bodysuit, and his mouth latched onto the soft skin on the side of her throat when it was exposed to him. 
“N-Nari.” She moaned. “C-cure?” She was surprised she could push the words from her lips, let alone think them. All she wanted was for this aching heat to be over. 
“Orgasms.” He growled into her skin. “So many fucking orgasms.” 
She moaned again, throwing her head back onto his shoulder as he and Kaveh moved in tandem against her, grinding themselves desperately into her back and front. 
Tighnari pushed her down further into Kavehs waiting thigh, moving her himself now as he ground against her ass. 
“Ah!” Elirah squealed, a sudden and unexpected high falling over her senses. “I’m gonna—!” 
“Cum.” Tighnari growled into her shoulder before licking his way up the side of her throat. “Cum all over him, ‘Lirah.” 
And she did, it blossomed from her aching clit throughout her whole body, somehow soaking the crotch of her shorts even further, despite the sloshing water still surrounding them. Her legs buckled as she cried out, body going limp as both Kaveh and Tighnari pushed and pulled at her body for their own pleasures. 
“This is…” Cyno shifted, hands coming to re-situate himself in the front of his shorts as his widened eyes watched his three friends writhe in the water below. “This is so wrong.”
Alhaitham wasn’t faring any better, but kept his mouth shut and his arms folded firmly across his chest. He was a grown man, a renowned scholar, and he prided himself on his impeccable self control. 
Kaveh unzipped the front of Elirahs bodysuit, pulling her breasts free as he leaned down to pop a pert, rosy nipple into his mouth— moaning and clutching her further into him. 
“Fuck…” Alhaitham groaned under his breath, feeling himself twitch against his thigh. It was unfortunate that the two people who tested his self control the most were two of the people in front of him, giving he and Cyno the show of a lifetime. 
“Off.” Tighnari growled, pulling at Elirahs remaining clothes. “Off, now.” 
Alhaitham watched with hesitant eyes as Tighnari and Kaveh worked to pull the back lacings of Elirahs corset before shucking it and her bodysuit down her body, throwing them on the bed of the water without a second thought.
 Elirah pulled at her gloves, flinging them away as she pulled at Kaveh’s clothes. 
“Need…” she gasped as Tighnari’s gloved hands pulled at her ribcage, growling posessively into the skin of her shoulder. “Need to touch.” 
“Alhaitham…” Cyno said hesitantly. “I don’t know if Kaveh being in there with them is a good idea…” 
Alhaitham struggled to pull his eyes away. “Why do you say that?”
“Tighnari… he can get possessive. I’ve only seen him act like this during his ruts… mating season can get… rough.” 
Alhaithams brow furrowed as he watched Tighnari’s hands get rougher and more persistent, and the low growls in the back of the fox’s throat grew deeper and louder as Kaveh continued sucking and pulling on Elirahs breasts. 
“Fuck.” Alhaitham cussed under his breath. “Fuck, fuck.”
He walked to the water's edge, holding his hand out to Kaveh. 
“Come on, out you get,”
Kaveh whined, pulling himself closer to Eli with no regard for the way Tighnari growled, the way he glared at him. 
“N-need,” Kaveh stuttered, pulling at the front of his pants. 
“I’ll take care of you, Kaveh, but you need to get out before Tighnari ends up hurting you, or even Elirah.”
Alhaitham couldn’t tell if the prospect of him being the one to take care of Kaveh was what made the man so eager, or the possibility of he or Eli being hurt, but either way his eyes widened as he quickly slipped from Eli’s grasp and out of the water. 
“He runs less of a risk of hurting her if there's no immediate threats to him, he should be…” Cyno trailed off as Alhaitham pulled a needy Kaveh from the water, who immediately jumped into the scribe's arms, locking himself to his lips and grinding incessantly where his legs wrapped around his waist. 
His eyes fluttered back to the pool as Elirah whined, only to watch as Tighnari pushed her against the edge, bending her over before roughly pulling at the front of his shorts, pulling them down and entering her in one swift motion. 
Alhaitham sat down, pulling Kaveh’s back to rest against his chest, facing the other two in the pool before them. He pulled at the architect's pants, freeing his leaking erection with firm hands. 
Kaveh writhed in his grip, gasping, hands grabbing whatever part of Alhaitham he could. 
“Shhh,” Alhaitham hushed him. “I’ll take care of you Kaveh, you’re fine.”  
His moral compass was skewed now, watching Tighnari thrust roughly into Elirah, watching her face twist in pure relief and pleasure as she white knuckled the rocky waters edge. 
Alhaitham kissed Kaveh’s neck, rough hand pulling at his cock as he brought his other hand to shove two fingers into Kavehs panting mouth. 
“That’s good,” Alhaitham murmured in his ear. “Suck on my fingers, I’ve got you.” 
Tighnari continued his rough pace, gloved hands gripping Elirahs pale skin as they both whined and cried out in the water. 
Cyno pulled his eyes away from the two on the ground, creeping forward slowly towards the water. 
Tighnari’s ears perked up, and he brought his teeth down onto the muscle connecting Elirahs neck and shoulder as he growled at Cyno. 
She cried out, body shaking as another orgasm ripped through her, Tighnari’s pace never faltering. 
“Nari, baby.” Cyno said, voice small and soothing. “I’m not gonna take her from you.” 
“Mine.” Tighnari growled, hips rutting harder, deeper. 
“Yours,” Cyno nodded. “Right Eli?” 
Her eyes were glazed over, but she managed to grasp a hand around Tighnari’s where it rested on her hip, squeezing it reassuringly. 
“Y-yours, Nari.” She moaned, eyes rolling back once more as the fox purred into her skin. “…’m all yours.” 
Cyno cautiously moved and sat at the edge of the pool, his hand hesitantly reaching out before brushing along Tighnari’s ear, making the fox growl, then whine out as he realized who was touching him. 
“Are you sure you wanna knot her, baby? You can always come out, I’ll take care of you.” Cyno said, slowly, without any pressure. 
Tighnari shook his head aggressively, mouthing at the bite mark on Elirahs shoulder. 
“No, no.” He whined low in his throat before it turned into a growl. “Gonna fill her up, give her my pups.” 
Cyno turned to Alhaitham, who was mouthing at Kaveh’s earlobe, still stroking the blond's cock as he writhed against him. 
Alhaitham must’ve been listening in over Kaveh’s whines. “She’s on birth control, it should be fine.” He murmured, eyes flitting between his hand stroking Kaveh and the scene before him. 
Cyno nodded, and continued to brush his fingers along Tighnari’s ears. 
“It’s gonna be a lot Elirah,” he said, though his eyes never left Tighnari, hoping to not spark up his possessive nature any more than it already was. “The first time taking a knot is… a lot. If you don’t think you can…” 
“No, I want it!” She cried out, meeting Tighnari’s thrusts. “Want your pups ‘Nari, please!”
“Wet,” Tighnari breathed. “So wet, warm. Perfect to take my knot. Perfect for my pups. Perfect.” 
Elirah had never felt so wet before, he was right. Slick seemed to pool from her in droves, coating his cock and dripping down their thighs as he pounded it into her, his thrusts losing rhythm. 
“Baby, I’m gonna help her through it, okay?” Cyno asked cautiously. 
“Take it,” Tighnari huffed, voice raising in pitch and hips stuttering. “Take it.”
Cyno cupped Elirahs face, thumbing the tears that started to form as Tighnari’s knot began to expand, and he pushed it through the tight ring of her entrance. 
Elirah clamped down on him, cumming with him as the first spurts of his seed painted her warmth in white. 
“Good, good girl.” Cyno cooed, wiping the saliva dribbling from her mouth. “Stay nice and still for him.” 
Tighnari grinded himself against her, knot locking his cock and cum deep inside her, moaning and gasping at how her walls twitched and pulled at him with every slow spurt of cum shot within. 
Kaveh keened, body vibrating as he watched with heavy lids.
“Look at him fill up our girl, Kaveh,” Alhaitham breathed. “Look at how pretty she looks while she cums.” 
And he did, he watched her, and suddenly Alhaithams hands became too much, his body burned where it touched his, and the cord inside him snapped, cumming all over Alhaitham’s hand in pretty white ropes. 
Alhaitham may have had some objections to getting involved in the recovery process before, but watching Cyno lean down to kiss Elirah sweetly on the lips before he pressed a kiss to Tighnari’s forehead only helped sway him in the opposite direction. 
The quicker they can get this out of their systems, the better. 
“More,” Kaveh whined in his grasp, cock still leaking and jumping in his hand. “Haitham… need more.” 
Alhaitham looked to Cyno. “How long does that usually last?” He watched as Elirah continued to flinch, her body vibrating at Tighnari’s cock jumped with more spurts of cum every few moments.  
“About 15 minutes, though sometimes longer.” Cyno eyed the pair in front of them. “It’s worse if he doesn’t relax.”
Alhaitham glared, suddenly feeling a spark of possession himself, wanting Elirah in his arms, wanting to be the one to take care of her. “Then make him relax.” 
Cyno seemed like he wanted to protest, but saw the way Tighnari still rutted his hips, shoulders tense and mouth still latched onto Elirah’s shoulder. 
He sighed, slipping into the water and moving behind Tighnari. 
The fox growled as Cyno pushed his shorts further down his legs, reaching to rub soothing circles on his thighs. 
Tighnari relaxed, but only enough to soothe the growl in the back of his throat. 
Cyno dipped his fingers between Tighnari’s legs, coating them in the loose mixture of arousals soaking Tighnari’s pelvis and thighs. 
He brought them back behind, circling a gentle finger on Tighnari’s rim, making the fox jump in pleasure. 
“Shh, baby.” Cyno pressed himself closer. “Relax for me, I’ll take care of you.”
Elirah moaned shakily, the knot inside her deflating ever so slightly, only enough for a rush of cum to flow out the space created, but still not enough for it to come out completely. 
“Won’t that just make it worse?” Alhaitham asked, attitude peaking through. 
“Once his knot is formed, it automatically starts the come down process, and it takes a decent while to be able to pump back up, only able to do so after it’s completely come down.” Cyno said, though he was focused on his fingers tracing and prodding at Tighnari’s ass. “The more relaxed he is, the quicker it deflates, and he loves this, loves having his ass played with, don’t you, pup.”
Tighnari whines, squirming a bit but otherwise still holding tightly to Elirah. 
“And he’s trained so well,” Cyno says, a bit condescending, not really speaking to Alhaitham anymore. “He knows to relax when I’m back here, otherwise I won’t be able to fit my cock in his pretty little hole.” 
Tighnari’s knot loses more mass, and a large rush of thick, pearly cum comes flowing out of Elirah, before she clenches down, inadvertently pushing Tighnari the rest of the way out with a wince and a whine at the stretch. 
His cock falls out, twitching and jumping as he watches his cum flow uncontrollably from Elirahs still clenching hole. 
He whines, reaching to shove his cock back inside, to keep the rest of his seed from falling out, wasted in the water; but Cyno grabs his arms and pulls him back, flush against his chest. 
“Nuh uh,” he tuts against Tighnari’s cheek. “You need to get out of this water, then we can keep going.” 
Tighnari whined and thrashed, but otherwise let Cyno pull him back, his more submissive nature being pulled from him by the General. 
“Alhaitham, come get her.” Cyno said, pulling Tighnari out of the water.
Elirah was still bent over the edge of the reservoir, the naturally smoothed stone rubbing deliciously against her aching nipples. She shook, feeling cum flow out of her still clenching hole, moaning at the warmth of it. 
“Sit tight, beautiful,” Alhaitham whispered just low enough for Kaveh to hear. “I’ll be right back.”
Alhaitham waded into the water behind Elirah, soothing warm hands up her spine. 
“How are you feeling?” He murmured, bringing a hand to cup some water before pouring it down the backs of her thighs, washing away the cum that had dripped down that far. 
“H-hot,” she stuttered, shivering as his hands moved higher to wash her leaking core. “It’s a burning f-feeling… inside…” she cried out as his fingers prodded at her entrance, pulling at what was left of the fox’s cum from within her. 
“Still?” He questioned. “Three wasn’t enough?” 
She shook her head, pushing back into his fingers as he cleaned her out. “More,” she moaned. 
Their attention snapped upwards as a low groan from Cyno rang throughout the cavern, and they watched as both Tighnari and Kaveh knelt at the general's feet, kissing and suckling at his jumping cock between them. 
“I thought I told you to stay where you were, Kaveh?” Alhaitham huffed. 
Cyno’s face burned a deep shade of red as he covered the lower half of it with his hands in shame. 
“Tighnari just… a-and then he…” he groaned, watching the fox and the blond make out over the crown of him, their tongues swirling against one another while slurping up the obscene amount of pre leaking from the tip. 
Alhaitham pulled Elirah from the water, laying his cloak out on the rock before putting her down on it. 
“You seem to have that plenty under control, General,” Alhaitham quipped, a light smirk forming across his lips as he watched Cyno struggle to remain standing with the attention he was receiving. “I’ll be just a moment.” 
He leaned down, pulling Elirah towards him by her hips before diving in between her legs to mouth at her core. 
She cried out, pulling at his hair and writhing in his grasp as he licked and sucked at her clit, moaning slightly at the slick that was still pooling from her. 
It didn’t particularly matter to him at the moment whether it was Tighnari’s, her own, or a mixture of both their fluids; all that really mattered to him in that moment was helping to ease the discomfort Elirah was feeling, and he knew the only way to do so was to fuck orgasm after orgasm out of her until the drug was out of her system. 
“Haitham,” she breathed, chest heavy with the weight of her impending high. “H-how are you so… good…” 
“I’m a quick learner, Elirah,” he murmured, slurping against her clit. “You knew this the other night when you let me crawl between your legs the first time.” His devious grin was infectious, and through the fog she threw her head back and smiled at the memory. 
“And the second time,” he flicked his tongue against her in steady strokes now. “And the third.” 
Her hands gripped his hair hard as she shattered in his mouth, back arching off the cloak covered stone as she came and came and came, seemingly never ending as he worked her through it. 
“AH!” She squealed, kicking her feet where they rested on her shoulders. “T-too much!” 
“Really?” He smirked, it was small and soaked in her juices. “Because to me, it’s never enough.” He whispered. 
He continued to lick at her until the air pushed from her lungs in a dry squeal, and then he pulled away, admiring his handiwork. 
Elirah’s exposed chest heaved with her breaths of recovery, still glistening with water, although he supposed it could be sweat as well, a common symptom of the drug was a rising body temperature. 
He felt a pull in the pit of his stomach to lean down and lick it from the valley between her breasts, and almost succeeded in denying it, but she whined, staring at him through heavy lids as if she still wasn’t done.
“Fucking hells…” he cussed, leaning in to drag his tongue flat across her perspirating skin. She tasted sweet, delicate and floral, and he didn’t have the heart to think his way around why exactly she tasted so good. He just knew he enjoyed it, so Alhaitham allowed himself to give a couple more licks before he stopped. 
“Fuck!” Cyno exclaimed, still dealing with Tighnari and Kaveh a few meters away. 
Kaveh was pantsless now, pulling at his own cock while he mouthed at Tighnari’s jawline. The fox was jerking the General off like a madman, holding out his tongue, waiting and drooling for Cynos release. 
The pair of them staring up at him like that must’ve been too much, because Cyno bit down on his knuckles and came hard, coating both Tighnari and Kaveh in long white ropes with every stutter of his hips. 
Tighnari swallowed what he’d managed to catch in his mouth and leaned to lick the remaining mess from Kaveh’s face and chest. Kaveh keened, his hand stroking himself faster as Tighnari nibbled over his nipples, and Elirah shuddered beneath Alhaitham as they watched Tighnari bite over the marks already lingering there. 
“You like watching him, don’t you?” Alhaitham whispered, sitting her up and putting her in his lap, just as he had with Kaveh moments earlier. 
She whined, nodding and watching the blond shiver and pull at his own cock more aggressively. 
“Cyno,” Kaveh begged. “Cyno, kiss me.” 
The general smiled, a little more calm now that his orgasm had faded, and leaned down to do just that. 
Kaveh moaned into his mouth, whining desperately as Tighnari continued to suck and nip at him, making more marks across his pretty chest. 
Elirah shuddered again as she watched the moment where Cyno bit at Kaveh’s lower lip, and the blond cried out, his hips jumping as he spilled into his hand and along Tighnari’s lap, who purred lavishly at the feeling of it, his cock still hard and throbbing, knot fully deflated. 
“Good boy, Kaveh.” Cyno petted his hair, running his fingers through it affectionately. “You did so good, but I think someone’s waiting for you.” 
Cyno’s eyes trailed behind him, and Kaveh turned and watched as Alhaitham hoisted Elirahs knees up to her chest, exposing her glistening core to the cavern. 
Kaveh nearly drooled as he scrambled over, brain foggy and cock still throbbing with need. 
Cyno busied himself with ridding Tighnari of his clothes, bending him over in the pile to work his fingers back into his ass as he watched the scene unfolding in front of him. 
Alhaitham hooked Elirah’s knees over his arms as he reached forward for Kaveh, grabbing his cock and dragging it through her folds, shivering at the way they both keened in his control. 
“Please,” Kaveh pushed at her core, and Alhaitham let go of his cock in favor of grabbing his hips to still them. 
“Do you think you deserve it?” Alhaitham teased, pushing and pulling at his hips, dragging his aching cock across Elirah, her juices only aiding in the slide. 
“I didn’t take you for a sadist, Alhaitham.” Cyno grinned, thrusting a third finger into Tighnari and watching darkly as the fox shuddered and squealed. 
“Really?” Alhaitham huffed, his own small grin forming once more. “Because I read you as a brat tamer from day one, yet yours seems to be rather spoiled.” 
“What can I say?” Cyno sighed, pulling his fingers from Tighnari. The fox whined, and then mewled as the General pressed the blunt head of his cock against his well prepared entrance. “He behaves more when he’s kept well fed.” 
Cyno pushes his cock into Tighnari in one stroke, and the fox cries out, eyes bulging in their sockets. The general sets a brutal pace right away, slamming into the forest watcher with reckless abandon. 
Alhaithams eyes watch darkly for a moment before he returns to his torturing of the two in his lap. He pulls at Kaveh faster, effectively forcing what he’s heard called a ‘pussyjob’ onto the blond. 
Elirah cries out in his hold, Kaveh’s blunt cockhead pressing against her clit, making it throb and building her next release with each stroke. 
“You're gonna make her cum again, Kaveh. How kind of you,” Alhaitham breathed, teasing the both of them. He was sure Elirah could feel his erection straining against his pants, but he could honestly care less about it, watching the two of them writhe in his hold was gratifying enough for now. 
Kaveh whined, and the slaps of skin and cries from Tighnari grew, pulling the blond’s attention away. 
Alhaitham moved a hand to grab Kaveh’s chin, pulling his gaze back in front of him. “You’ll look at her when she cums, Kaveh. Don’t be rude,” he demanded. 
“Ahh,” Kaveh groaned, watching the way his straining cock slid between her folds with sloppy, imprecise thrusts. 
“I’m…” Elirah whined. “I’m gonna…!”
Alhaitham watched as she jerked in his hold, his grip on Kaveh’s hips getting tighter as he stroked the blond through Elirahs orgasm, watching as he shuddered and his cock twitched and swelled. 
Just as Elirah’s hit her peak, bordering into overstimulation, he pulled Kaveh back and angled his hips just a bit lower, making him enter her in one fluid motion. 
They both squealed, and Elirah shuddered with a dull internal orgasm, her body so sensitive from the external orgasm she just went through. 
Alhaitham guided Kaveh’s hips to rock in and out of her, and the blond gasped as he too came upon entry, his straining cock jumping as he pumped her full of his seed. 
“Good,” Alhaitham breathed. “Keep going.”
They both whined, long and strained, but Kaveh’s hips began to rock on their own, and Elirah’s whine turned into a groan as their shared juices frothed in a messy ring at the base of Kaveh’s cock. 
Cyno continued battering poor Tighnari’s ass with powerful thrusts, and Alhaitham noticed the pool of cum on the pile of clothes beneath Tighnari’s knees, and his already deflating knot. 
He mentally noted Cynos impressive stamina, though he didn’t really want to think more on why he did that.
Cyno pulled Tighnari upright by the hair, and pressed his chest to the foxes back as he continued his pace. 
“I’ll make you cum so hard you won’t have a single drop of it left in your system, Nari.” 
The general reached around and squeezed at the remaining knot from Tighnari’s second orgasm, making the archer cry out pitifully. 
“I’ll milk you fucking dry and then carry you home when your legs refuse to carry you themselves.” Cyno growled. 
Kaveh shuddered in Alhaithams hold once more, his hips picking up their pace. 
“Oh?” Alhaitham gripped his hips harder, making the blond moan out. “You like hearing them, don’t you, Kaveh?” 
Alhaitham grinned over the blond’s shoulder at Cyno, who smiled and nipped at Tighnari’s jawline from behind. “Hear that Nari? Our audience loves to hear how much of a slut you are for me.” 
Elirah cried out as Kaveh’s cock jumped inside her, his hips stuttering as his pace grew more sloppy. 
“Kaveh’s just weak for anyone who talks filthy in his presence.” Alhaitham teased. “Doesn’t even have to be directed at him and he’s weak in the knees, aren’t you, sweetheart?” 
“Mhm,” Kaveh nodded frantically, “p-please— ‘haitham.”
“Oh?” Alhaitham hummed, teasing him more. “I thought it was Cyno’s words you were enjoying. Why don’t you beg him some more?”
Cyno laughed, picked up Tighnari and walked them to lay him down beside Elirah, who was still folded in half in Alhaithams lap, legs still draped over his arms as she took Kaveh’s thrusts with weak yet satisfied moans. 
Cyno pulled out of Tighnari, flipping him and laying him on his back on the rock, entering him with a smooth thrust once more. Tighnari mewled once more, reaching out and grabbing at Alhaithams thigh before his hand found Elirahs, squeezing it tightly as Cyno returned to his relentless pace. 
“C-Cyno…” Kaveh whined, looking embarrassed to even be speaking his name, even though he’d been sucking off the General but moments ago. 
Cyno continued his thrusts, keeping one hand on Tighnari’s hip but reaching the other out to tuck a strand of hair behind Kaveh’s ear. 
“You’re so fucking pretty like this Kaveh, you know that?” Cyno murmurs. 
A shiver racks through the architect, and he keens, hips sputtering into Elirah once more. 
Alhaitham grins wide now—a rare sight—watching it all with rapt attention, loving the way Kaveh melts into his grip, hips keeping in rhythm with his pushing and pulling. 
Tighnari continued to moan and clutch at Elirah’s hand as if his life depended on it. Cyno kept fucking him with deep, powerful strokes as he murmured filthy nothings at Kaveh. 
Kaveh cried out one final time, his hips stilling as he filled Eli once more, the feeling driving her towards another peak for herself. 
She writhed in Alhaitham’s grasp, weak cries pulled pitifully from her chest as she gushed. The sight of both her and Kaveh must’ve set Tighnari off, because he too cried out, a particularly deep thrust of Cyno’s causing him to spray a weak splattering of cum all over his pale chest. His knot swelled half heartedly, and his eyes rolled back in his head as he seemed to lose consciousness for a moment. 
Cyno groaned as he watched it all happen, and with a final deep thrust inside his partner he climaxed. He tried to bite back his sounds, but the deeply satisfied moans were still audible even through clenched teeth. 
Kaveh collapsed onto Elirah, who weakly groaned as his softening cock slipped from her and their combined fluids rushed out of her and down her skin. Alhaitham released his hold on her, and watched affectionately as they both relaxed, the tension easing from their bodies as well as it could while they were still naked on his lap and the cold rock.
“Does Tighnari still have that really quick carrier bird?” Alhaitham said, releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
Cyno looked at him inquisitively, but nodded nonetheless. 
Alhaitham nodded in satisfaction. “Good. I need to send a message.” 
The moon was just peeking over the horizon as Aether found the cave. The message on Tighnari’s carrier bird was hastily written and contained just enough information to get him concerned enough to come right away. 
He’d elected to leave Paimon behind at the inn, the letter seemed like some discretion was needed, and Paimon wasn’t exactly known for her closed mouth. 
He ducked his way into the cave, following the sound of soft voices and a dull pink light to guide him. 
The scene in front of him was… a lot, to say the least. 
Kaveh laid flat on his back with his arms spread wide, shirtless in seemingly damp pants, his hair completely disheveled and stuck up in odd places. 
Tighnari was curled up in a ball in the General Mahamatra’s lap, his shorts and undershirt clinging to his damp body as he shivered, yet seemed a lot more relaxed than Kaveh. 
What really surprised him though, was the sight of Elirah being held bridal style in Alhaitham’s lap, her corset, gloves and boots piled neatly beside them as he wrapped her in his cloak, petting her hair and speaking in low tones to her. Though her eyes were closed, she had a delicate smile on her face, and Aether thought she looked rather peaceful. 
Alhaitham noticed his presence at the mouth of the cavern, and nodded him over. Aether was surprised that he didn’t shove Elirah away in order to maintain their seemingly tumultuous relationship status from outsider eyes, but he supposed that something must have changed since the last time he saw them. 
“You have the ability to use those ancient teleport waypoints, correct?” Alhaitham asked softly, as if not to wake Elirah. Aether initially thought she was just relaxing, but the steady rise and fall of her chest and slow heart rate were clear indicators that she was out cold. 
“Yes, of course.” The traveler nodded. 
“Can you, with the utmost discretion, get us to where we need to be? I’ll compensate you fairly in the morning, we just really need to get these three back to my house.” 
Aether looked at the group again, and it wasn’t just Elirah who was asleep. Kaveh looked as though his life force had been drained from him, and his eyes rolled around as he stared up at the ceiling. Tighnari was out cold like Eli, purring softly in Cyno’s arms even as he shivered every few moments. 
“Can I… can I ask what happened?” Aether blinked in the pale glow of the flowers, looking to Alhaitham for an explanation. 
“You see those flowers?” Alhaitham pointed to the soft, glowing plants behind them. 
“Don’t ever touch them. Ever. If they happen to get you with their pollen, you find one of us, or someone else you’d trust with your life and dignity, yes?”
Aether scrunched his brow, but nodded. 
Alhaitham sighed. “I’ll explain more when we get to my house, but for now, we should really move.” 
“Alright.” Aether moved to hoist Kaveh up. “Let’s get moving then.”
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ieatangstforbreakfast · 10 months
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Pairing ೃ⁀➷ 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝟒𝟐! 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 x Fem! Reader
Summary ೃ⁀➷ Lovers have secrets of their own, no matter how much they come to trust each other, whether it be a past mistake or an unspoken trauma. For you and Miles, however, your secrets came in the form of hidden identities— one being a masked vigilante, and the other a mastermind.
Genre ೃ⁀➷ Forbidden love, mutual pining, angst♡
Tags ೃ⁀➷ Both are artists, reader is from a very wealthy family, both are living double lives, underaged smoking, reader is female and uses she/her pronouns, forbidden love (ish?), swearing, daddy issues, mommy issues, reader is unhinged, both are mentally unstable, lots of flirting.
Author's Note ೃ⁀➷ i thought about this plot over and over, and I hesitated publishing it since i don’t want to deviate so much from everything but i said fuck it, so now ere i am, greeting y’all with ‘wassup villain’
Tag list ೃ⁀➷ @sakura-onesan @coffeeandtealol @luvjunie @noetophat @proudgojofucker @depresssedcowboy @shuna-boin
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⚠️ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⚠️ Mommy issues, mention of death,, profane language, plot progression. Pronouns keep shifting bc Miles thinks you’re a guy. A bit confusing? Anyways, congrats with your debut. I’ve got uh.. A little surprise? Enjoy.
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"Park behind the building B, McLaren. I’ll have to deal with a separate matter, for now, call backup."
"Yes, miss."
Ring. Ring.
Your head pivots at the sound of your phone’s ringing, eagerly answering the call without having to look into the ID, knowing a thing or two about a certain someone’s timing.
“What’s going on so early in the morning?” Your father haggardly asks. You could already smell the stench of his morning breath from the car.
“We have trespassers in the Warehouse.” You start. “Two of them, partners. The duo we know as the Prowlers.”
“What?” You hear the morning grogginess laced in his voice. “Who leaked the information?”
“I’ve updated Morrison and he’s currently investigating the black market. I suspect a traitor.”
“There’d been no reports of outsiders entering the vicinity. All employees have been given fake addresses and all of their gadgets have been monitored— and so far, no one’s been flagged, so my guess is.. A higher up who’s sold us out.”
There you go.
“… I’ll look into it.” Your father mumbles. “Make sure that nothing is released into the media. The election is coming soon, we don’t want to do anything that’ll stir the public.”
And the call ends just like that.
You blankly look at the road ahead of you, skin itching from the tightness and texture of your leather coat. Laid before your lap was a flat screen, in it were nine boxes— each playing a variety of scenes brought to you by the hidden cameras. Across every box, two swift figures maneuvered past the rooms with incredible ease. Several workers and scientists were sprawled across the jagged floors, motionless like corpses. You grimaced at the possibility of them being dead, but after seeing the thick gas emanating throughout every crevice of the building, you safely assumed that they were simply knocked out.
The Warehouse housed one of your father's investments; an Oscorp-Alchemax experiment funded by the elites, done underground and tested on prisoners to find some sort of super serum. When the new money folks thrusted themselves into the world of High society, most of the higher elites came to applaud the idea of one man.
Harry Osborn.
As a kid, you grew up aspiring to be like Harry. Always so friendly and approachable to anyone and everyone he’s ever met.
He did it so effortlessly that you recognized his niceness as a talent.
Harry came from second generation money— hailing this scientific empire called Oscorp. Having been brought up by his father, Norman, who was an industrialist, Harry was all things sciencey.
After his father's death, Harry sought out a blueprint of his father's past works, finding a journal containing the records of several hypotheses in regard to a variety of drugs. A sort of instruction to turn into a superhuman being, he claims, that his father had put into mind but never really practiced.
A handful of the higher-ups adored the impressionable idea, one of its primary investors being your father. You never really understood his reasons, but when the drug seemingly began showing fruitful results, your father set you up under Antonne's name to supervise Warehouse 317 after Harry entrusted your family to house the experiment.
So at that moment, you weren't you.
And Miles wasn't Miles.
He didn’t know what he was doing here. But he never bothered to really ask since his Uncle seemed tense all throughout the journey.
When Aaron told him to strap up for a sudden mission, he wasn't expecting a raid— nor was he expecting him to bring him to a hidden laboratory containing all these alien-like fuckeries. From glass beakers to drums filled to the brim with some sort of neon liquid, it all varied in levels of strangeness. Everywhere he looked, he could find the same circular, yellow warning sticker staring right back at him. Behind his digital mask, he skims past the unconscious workers— checking every crevice to see if anyone had escaped the incapacitating agent.
“According to the drive, the stuff are located in the north building.” His uncle’s voice snaps him out of the haze. “I’ll be heading there. I’m sure you can fend for yourself?”
“F’course I can,” Miles answered. “I can knock a bitch or two out with these.” He grinned while unfoldding his claw.
“You kiss your mama with that mouth? Watch yo tongue.”
“Yes, sir.”
Aaron pats his shoulder. “Record the evidence, I’ll go find the blueprints.”
With a single nod, Miles sets off with his mission in mind. When the holographic interface materializes from his wrist-mounted control panel, he activates the scanner with a light tap. The digitalized purple light cascades over the room, gathering physical data with each passing step.
He prided in his cut-edge tech— developed into great usage by his and his uncle’s hands. In a way, it reassured him that he had epically great potential, despite the current crisis going on in the city. But of course, his greatest pride was the fact that you liked the idea of the Prowler. That alone harbored him confidence he never knew he had.
Miles never initially thought of himself as a hero, no matter how much he’s worked to save the lower class of New York. Heroes existed in the confines of comic books and kids’ TV shows. He wasn’t super, and he wasn’t a hero either. The term was black and white. Narcissistic, as you would put it.
But he liked playing along to the idea of being a superhero to you.
He wanted you to gawk and admire his vigilante identity. He wanted you to look at the TV early in the morning with a mug of coffee in your hands, pointing at the screen with a squeal, ‘It’s the Prowler!’
Most of all, he wanted you to know about it eventually.
When he passes by the computers, Miles heads straight for the manila folders, unraveling his gauntlet just to grasp the files better.
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[ 11 | 10 | 2020 ]
•[𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝: #𝟷𝟷𝟹𝟸] 𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝟻𝟼
𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎. 𝚜𝚞𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛. 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜. 𝚍𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚗𝚡𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚢 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗.
𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝. 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝.
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With the slightest jolt of his palm, the paper crumbles, and behind it sat another file. He peers through it diligently, only to find a name signed at the bottom.
And it crumples from the clamp of his fist.
Anthony Primo-Chávez.
The surname, Primo-Chávez, was the household name of the family who owns the Primm Hotel, and a single mention of it alone only reignited the anger he was sparing for the upcoming plans. All of the rage he kept to himself was seeping out the cracks of his still-grieving heart, and the grief remained a permanent scar.
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And with a whisper of the wind, the warehouse falls into darkness.
There was this chill crawling up his back, and it haunted him. And in the silence that surrounded him, he calls out for his uncle.
And it echoes, and echoes. No one replies. Only the silence answered to his desperate calls. At that point, all that he could hear was the sound of his own heart beating out of his chest— a sort of morbid reminder that he was still alive. It made him wonder if that was all his father heard when he was trapped beneath the fallen carcass all those years ago. Just like that carcass, in the midst of all that darkness, screams begin to bellow.
Oh. One of the scientists have woken up.
But all Miles could picture was all what could’ve happened that night, when everything fell apart. Did they scream like this? Call out for help like this? Did his father struggle to breathe like this?
A lone light shines above the metal rails— a watch window, large and square, gleaming in this daunt violent that flickered and flickered. There was a figure there, dark, willowy, and invasive in the way it stared.
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Unmoving, watching. A gaze that lingered like the chill running down his back.
What did they do in here?
Like a croak, the question bubbles up his throat and releases.
“Who are you?”
Like a growl, the voice changer emits the query a too many tones lower. At that question, the being tilts its head.
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
Velvety, low, exhausted— and it oozed from the broadcaster mic like a tease. You stared at the Prowler, almost amused by his size. From above, he seemed much tinier, like less of a threat. You feel your breath cascade against the lenses of your gas mask, sweat sticking to the leather of your gloves. There, you see the digitalized magenta and the gleam of his steel claws, as though he meant to intimidate. You stood partially befuddled at the fact that the vigilante everyone revered and loathed was likely a teenager.
“… You don’t know what this place is, don’t you?”
B O O M.
The wall beside him crumbles into dust.
Miles shields himself from the impact, the cement’s fumes blinding his sights. Upon the activation of his night vision, he searches in behind the violet screen, finding only his uncle emerging from the smoke and debris, rushing with a USB in his hands. Behind him, a flock of guards came rushing in with their ray guns— flames of red bursting into a shower as the man signaled him to run.
Miles casts a quick glance at the window above.
No one’s there.
The digital voice commands along with a blaring alarm.
The warehouse that housed this elaborate labyrinth, it continued on and on like a maze. Bland green tiles and white walls, glass screens— like a pattern he immediately grew to dislike. It all went on and on like a fever dream, but Miles’ head was ringing with the sight of the man he saw up the window.
And he lays it all out in his mind, trying to piece it altogether.
B O O M.
The walls click and collapse, and the floors shake, but Miles doesn’t look back. The sound of the guards’ heavy stomps cease though, eventually replaced with a sort of screech that irked his ears.
It was unfamiliar to him. He’s faced over a hundred bad people, but only the sight of that being unsettled him more than the rest.
“Up ahead!”
He watches as his Uncle heads right out the window with a fall, the shards ricocheting behind him like specs of snow as he throws a carabiner right back at Miles to snatch. His fingers thinly reach for the cord when he’s suddenly assaulted to the ground with a powerful force.
C R A S H.
“Agh!” He grumbles in pain, rolling down to the ground. But even then, it wasn’t the pain that made every hair on his limb stand, it was the sound of your heeled boots clicking against the tiles, and the sound of your metal blade scraping against the wall.
“Mornin’, Prowler.”
Exhaustion made the delivery deeper. He senses it in you, and you sense it him. Though he was unaware of what your head was actually filled of, I’ve got a lecture at nine, I still have to do my literature essay, and I want to sleep. Miles wasn’t all that interested at all in what your mind bore. To be fair, from where he was, Miles only saw this figure towering over him with a long knife poking out its sleeve. Some gas mask, and a black leather coat. Even then as you stood above him, he could only watch as you fixed your gloves, pulling farther beneath your sleeve.
“It’s an honor to meet you like this.”
Fwip. With a crisp cut, the cord that connected him to his partner was severed. You throw it out the window along with the metal piece. “I’m not so usually cruel, but you’re trespassing my family’s property—“
“So this is your family’s property.” He stands back up, hands aching to fight. “Primo-Chávez. As I recognized.”
He claws at you, but instead, the metal meets the end of your unsheathed blade with a clink!
“You’re smart.” And when you pull away, he stumbles backward. “Let’s see if that’ll save you.”
Crack! The walls quivered as Miles narrowly avoided the blade aimed for his neck. He raises his gauntlets, lunging right at you with swift punches, to which you countered gracefully with quick blocks. Eventually, he manages to take hold of your shoulders, shoving you back with feet tangled like knots. You lower down and hook your heel over his ankle, pulling with force as he falters.
You crack your neck, pressing your heel over his shoulder to keep him down. “I’ll be honest with you, I think you’re awfully underwhelming.” You lean down to his level, musing yourself in the way he heaved.
“But I can forgive all that.” Your fingers fiddle with the strap of his backpack. “You’re useful in a way—“
With a gauntlet over your neck, he slams you against the wall.
“I ain’t working for nobody,” He churned. “And I definitely won’t be fucking working for people like you.”
“I never said you had to work for me.” You calmly replied despite his grip. “You just have to make better decisions from now on.”
“Fuck you mean by that?”
From the ache your neck bore, you knew it was gonna leave a bruise.
“Aren’t you supposed to be smart?”
He furrows his brows at that statement, holding himself back as he taunts. “… I wonder how your father is going to abandon you once I set this little investment of his on fire.”
Rather than the silence or panic he hoped, Miles heard you laugh.
“Do it.” You playfully suggest. “Do it, and kill all the other interns, employees, and guards in here.” Despite your façade, he could still sense the smirk creeping up your lips. “Then think to yourself, ask yourself; are you any better than my family?”
That alone catches him by surprise.
“… You’ve got a lot to learn.”
“What do you m—“ Before he could even finish off his sentence, a powerful strike ricochets into his stomach, sending him off to the other wall. A loud grunt emanates from his lips, hands gripping the lower of his belly as you set your foot down. “The next time we meet, do promise me that you’ll be much more of a promising opponent. Today was.. Eventless.” Your gaze sets sights on the camera hidden in the corner.
“For now, I’ll have to let someone else do the job.”
As though on cue, you see his partner rush in with the broken cord in his hand. The same broken cord you’d thrown out. Without another word, he lunges at you with lightning speed, and the way you collide with the glass wall sends ripples across the corridor.
“You goddamn son of a bitch.”
“Long time no see.”
C R A S H.
And from then on, Miles watches as this figure and his uncle battled amidst the labyrinth. But your words struck him hard, ‘Long time no see’— what did that mean? Did his uncle have a sort of connection to the elites, or has he worked for the upper class before?
With how his punches flew, Miles sensed this sort of undying rage that crackled with the quiver of his Uncle’s fist.
Why did this battle seem so natural? Like the two of them know each other’s moves too well.
“I see you’ve resigned.” You curtly brought up, grunting as he mercilessly charges at you. “And seems like you’ve brought a little something with you.” Upon the mention of Miles, Aaron struck back with a blow, feigning ignorance at your words. Despite your state, you managed to put up a great fight. “Why did you bring him here? He doesn’t seem fit for the job—“
“Stop the small talk, Antonne.”
Anthony Primo-Chávez.
“I’m simply being polite,” You grinned. “It’s been a while, don’t you think so too?”
With that alone, Miles somehow confirmed that the figure was the heir of the hotel in the flesh. The man responsible for the deaths of many— the man responsible for the death of his father. But something felt wrong, like a sense that was gnawing at his guts.
He couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly.
Just of now, Miles realizes that he had no place here, at least, not yet. But he was just as confused as the other guy, why did his uncle bring him here if it was too dangerous?
“Is your sister also a piece of shit like you?”
“She’s a little more pacifist than all of us.”
You lie so naturally, it was like second-nature to you— as though it was your second, utterly ridiculous hobby next to scheming. To play the part of Antonne was excruciating enough, but it was enjoyable in a way. You haven’t seen the Prowler for about four years— last seeing him when you were twelve, when he worked for the Fisks until his abrupt resignation. Next thing you and the elite knew, the mercenary who once worked for the high-class was now a vigilante working against them.
No one particularly knew the reason why. You somewhat guessed what it was.
And when the both of you crashed past the danger zone, you knew that the situation was way beyond your grasps from this point on, and the best you could hope for was a perfect gamble.
The man grabs all that he could in his anger, from glass beakers to steel rods, he figures splashing you with whatever thing he could find can help in making you perish from his sights.
You fight back, without the usage of anything else except the blade, only until Aaron repeatedly smashes your head inside a closed-off frozen cage. The two of you fall right in, breaking some sort of container in the process.
“What the fuck?”
Like a flame, it sears your skin— causing you to panic and recklessly pat away at the tar-like substance enveloping you in its sticky embrace. Without even a shriek, it consumes your system entirely, sending you down on your knees.
And the next thing you know, everything else fades into black.
Aaron pulls away, in shock of the dark matter unveiling before him. Immediately, he places a hand over Miles’ eyes, ushering him away.
From afar, they could hear the police sirens coming.
“Let’s— let’s go.” Aaron hurriedly commands.
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“Uncle Aaron.”
Miles exhaustively calls out to him.
“Uncle Aaron!”
As his mask unfolds, Miles squints as the sunlight seeping from the tall trees welcomes him, shielding his face with his hands while trudging across the stones to meet his Uncle’s steps. Aaron pauses for a moment, taking only one look back.
“Why’d you bring me there?” Miles directly starts. “I wasn’t strong enough to be there— who was that guy? How- How did you suddenly know about the location of the warehouse, how did— I don’t— I-I have school in three hours, I don’t get why you had to bring me along—“
“That girl you’re seeing,” Aaron intervenes without a waste of breath. “What’s her last name?”
Miles takes a step back, furrowing his brows.
Aaron nods. “… It’s the same as the file.”
“Bring her to dinner.”
Now everything further confused him, what did you have to do with all of this?
“I-I can’t bring her to dinner yet— what do you mean part of the f— we haven’t even gone on a date yet!”
The date set for tomorrow. The trick-or-treating date Miles had always longed for. Aaron tosses his hand upward. “Just make it quick and let me meet her.” He commands in a rush, pacing his steps faster. “We’ve got to get moving before they find us.”
“But— I don’t get it. What does [Y/n] have to do with all of this?"
Aaron stops for a moment, looking up before heaving a long, jagged sigh.
“… I got a file last night. Sent by an anonymous number. Someone managed to take a picture of you and your girl earlier when you were walking her home.”
Hearing this, a bundle of worries begin to churn in Miles’ mind. This whole night enough was messy for him, and he couldn’t understand why things were getting so complicated. Like what Antonne said earlier, it was ingrained into his mind, Aren’t you supposed to be smart?
“Along with the pictures, I got sent a file. [Y/n] [L/n], is..” Aaron consequently looks into his nephew’s eyes, a sort of hesitation imbued in his system. “Somewhat connected to the Primos.”
Miles halts entirely, and over and over, like how he’s always asked for the last hour. “What?”
“I.. I’ll just tell you when we get home.”
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It was many years ago, when your mother endowed this habit of sitting you down by her vanity just to comb your hair and fix you up like a doll.
At that time, you were a tiny little girl with tiny little legs that were unable to reach the floor, instead opting to dangle them with light kicks from your seat— thinking you were some kind of mermaid. During those times, you could only spot at least the whole of your head staring right back at you, but rather than yourself, you marveled at the sight of your mother and her clothes.
The colors she wore were patterned in dates. Mauve, pink, white, and sometimes vermilion in special occasions. Those were the days she used to pick out your clothes for you, and whenever you complained about the color being too bright or dull, your mother would claim that she'd know your colors the best.
As you got older, and when you started dressing for yourself, in the colors you liked, and in the sort of mauve and pink that suited you, you watched as your mother would stare at you from afar with an irate frown, and silently, you'd think to yourself.
Even in the way I rebel against you, you still see yourself in me, because when you look at me, you see only a mirror of your younger self grimacing in disgust. You'd come so far to convince yourself that you're at the height of your being, but your daughter and your child-self only sees mediocrity.
A flurry of people. Lots of talking. You despised that.
“Miss, are you awake?”
“[Y/n], wake up this instant!”
And at your father’s instruction, your eyes peel open almost immediately. You’re greeted with the sight of the ceiling, and your skin covered in warmth. You look at yourself, finding bruises all over your arms, still wearing your white dress shirt and formal pants. Silently, you force yourself to sit up despite the ache you felt, wincing as you spot several faces surrounding you. There was your father, pacing back and forth, certainly distressed about something; Antonne, with his arms crossed, sitting by the edge of your bed; some physician, silently standing by the side with her hands clasped together; and Harry Osborn standing alongside her.
“What’s going on in here?” You haphazardly asked.
“You almost died.” Antonne stirs the silence. “The Warehouse was set on fire, and you were still inside.”
“The warehouse was set on fire!?” You jolt up, only now realizing the dirty looks from your father. “That’s impossible, how could—“
“There were traces of gasoline.” Emerging from the doors, your father approaches you with a sort of chagrin in his glare. “Since you failed to capture or at least slow down the perpetrators, that happened.”
“… You’re placing the blame on me?” You ask, hardly believing your ears.
“We’re not—“ Just as Harry’s about to speak, your father intervenes. “Yes, we are. Because of your incompetence, we lost millions worth of money in damages!”
“Sir, calm down.”
“Father, this is what I’ve been telling you about.��� Antonne pinches the bridge of his nose. “She’s sixteen! How could she have possibly fought against a mercenary!?”
“I did better than you.” Poison spewed from your lips, losing all sort of rationality. “This has never happened before. Whenever there was something any of you asked me to do, I did my very best. How could I possibly perform my best when I lacked sleep and I was dependent on coffee!?”
“Your brother is right.”
Hearing that alone was a nightmare.
“Although you’re talented in upkeep and information, you’re too young to fight against an ex-assassin.”
You helplessly scramble off the bed. “Daddy, you’re being unfair.”
Daddy. It’s like you were a ten-year-old fighting for his attention once again. You looked at Antonne, and then your father, shifting in complacency. “I worked for three years, ceaselessly. Even if it meant giving up my weekends and studying so hard that it made my nose bleed. I got the job done, even if no one paid me or thanked me, I still did everything.”
“We’ve lost a lot of resources,” Harry begins. “And we’ve been brought back to square one because of the fire.”
Before Harry could even finish off his explanation, you lift a finger and point at him accusingly. “This is because one of your people decided to leak information—“ In between your rant, Antonne attempts to soothe you. “Had it not been for the fact that you decided to let untrusted people into the faction, we wouldn— stop it, Antonne— we wouldn’t be dealing with this sort of thing. Mother warned you about it, and you brushed off her every warning— STOP IT, ANTONNE!” You finally yelled out. Your brother ceases, lifting his hands off of you after he sees that you’re shaking.
What’s wrong with me?
Why am I being more emotional than usual?
The way the rage consumed you left you in dismay. At a short moment of epiphany, you run your hands across your face and, like a switch, all of your emotions reboot.
“I apologize. I spoke out of line.”
That line alone was chilling.
“I’m sorry, [Y/n].” The tender way Harry called out your name was unfathomable. “I know it’s upsetting that your job is being taken away from you, and you have every right to get upset. However, for your sake and your health, you can pass on these responsibilities to Montrell for now.”
“Montrell’s in London.” You add. “He can’t possibly take over—“
“He’s not in London.” Antonne confesses. You furrowed your brows, shaking your head. “What are you talking about?”
“… It was going to be a surprise but..”
Oh no.
“Oh,” You blankly state, your mind rioting. “I see.”
“It’s an unplanned decision, really,” Your father explains. “Montrell also has no idea that you’ve taken Antonne’s place in taking care of the hotel for the last three years. It’d be better for you, as well, to take a break.”
You wanted to scream, break down, curse at everyone.
“I’m sorry for being too harsh on you, [Y/n].” Harry eases, placing a hand over your shoulder. “However, you have to understand that it’s also for the best.”
“I understand.” Fuck you, and fuck all of you.
“We’ll leave you to rest for now.” Yeah, leave me the fuck alone before I melt the fuck down.
As they step out, all the tension in the room leave along with the squeak of their fine, leather dress shoes. You’re left with the silent physician, whose presence you’d completely forgotten despite the wildness of her dark curls. She shifts uncomfortably, parting her lips to speak, only to find that she didn’t know what to say.
“What is it?” You ask, lowering your voice so as to not intimidate. Prompting to break the silence in her place.
The woman blinks at you, somewhat relieved by your words.
“Can I be direct, Miss?” She sternly asks.
“It’ll be better off that way, frankly.”
She leans a little closer, tugging on the sleeve of your arm. “When you first got here, your body was riddled with cuts, bruises, and broken bones around— oh, can I touch you?”
You squirm. “I’m not a relic.”
“Sorry ‘bout that. Most of the rich people I’ve worked with were usually snobby douches who think their skin shed gold.” She subtly laughs, raising the fabric up higher. “Initially, I believed you were exactly that kind of rich kid, but after seeing what happened, you don’t seem like anything they say.”
You raise a brow. “.. Have we met each other before?”
She looked at you as though you’d just insulted her, her eyes about to pop off her thick-rimmed glasses.
“.. I work at Alchemax. I’m the head of the research team in the particle accelerator project— we’ve spoken many, many times before.”
“.. You’re not my physician?”
Her lips tighten into a line. “I take what I said back. You’re exactly like all those other rich kids.”
“W-well, I’m sorry.” You grumbled. “I work with a hundred different people almost every single day, my mind usually shuts down when I’m at work.”
“Well, your father did just drag me out of the line and forced me to fix you up since they didn’t want to risk calling for a doctor who doesn’t know that you’re parading as your brother.” She spoke so quickly, it made you rethink what she just said three times. “Anyways— I needed to tell you that under my observations, you’ve healed yourself in a supernaturally fast rate that it’s groundbreaking.”
“Six hours ago, you had broken bones in here,” She points her fingers at your shoulder. “Here,” Followed by your thigh. “And here.” Then your calf. “But after seeing your little drama session with your father, you were able to move yourself without any sort of pain. Initially, I concluded that you must’ve had some very high pain tolerance, but I noticed that so many of your cuts and bruises have all been healed, and that,” Her fingers trace a line over your neck. “That was red as hell just moments ago. Now, it’s gone.”
Oh, the mark you got from Prowler Jr after he choked the hell out of you.
You liked calling him that. Prowler Jr— a smaller, rustier protégée of the Prowler you grew up with.
“.. I wonder why so.”
There was a wily grin on her face that unsettled you tremendously.
“Well, without your father looking, I ran a test on you.”
“You what?”
Without even a single second to lose, the woman takes out few samples from her bag, laying them all out before you with a couple of handwritten documents.
“Here.” She states so proudly.
You marveled at all that she’s written— unfortunately for you, her handwriting was so messily done that you couldn’t understand a single damn thing.
“… You could get sued for this, you know that?”
“Your father wouldn’t. Unlike his children, he can’t find a replacement for me.”
Your mouth hung in disbelief at what you just heard. Rather than acknowledging the insult, however, she plucks out a print of what you assumed were tiny splotches of black tar on a petri dish.
“What the hell is that?”
“I got that swabbed out of your mouth.”
“Oh fuck, I thought I’d dieted enough for the performance!”
“It’s not sweets, sweetheart.” She answered defeatedly, clearly full of your unsure-weaponized-incompetence. “It’s a mysterious symbiote that we’ve recently caught hold of four months ago, and during your fight with the Prowler, it forged itself into your system.” Her fingers trace down your arm, grasping the center of your wrist while grinning. “And it can make you do this.”
As she squeezes your hand, a black matter ejects from your palm. You jolt away, slapping her hand off as you curse.
“The symbiote.” She casually replies. “Isn’t it amazing?”
It retreats like a slimey being, pushing itself back into your skin as though it’d all been a mere hallucination.
“You mean to tell me there’s some alien slime living inside my body!?”
“Well, yes—“
She winces at the loudness of your voice, moving back an inch away. “That’ll take a while for me to dissect. You have to come to my lab tomorrow if you want me to find a way to pull that away from you.”
“I can’t go tomorrow.” You had a date with Miles, and that alone was reasonable enough to miss anything and everything else. “I-I have practice for the fundraiser on Sunday, and I’m still the hostess, so I have to make sure that the preparations are seamless.”
“… I have a comment, but I’m not sure if you’ll like it since you probably hear it all the time.”
“What? That I’m just like my mother?”
She scrunches her nose. “I was going to say that you’re too young to be acting so old.” The woman turns away, beginning to pack up her things again. “You’re sixteen. You should be going out to parties, creating fake IDs, sneaking out to make out with your boyfriend— whatever other shit girls your age like to do.”
You try your hardest not to react at the last mention, since that was definitely what you just did a few hours before. You begin to rub your hands, the friction warming you up as your shoulders shrug.
“Well, as much as I want to do all that, I’ve got too much to do.”
“You won’t be sixteen forever, Miss.” She tosses the bag over her shoulder. “Take that from me. I’m forty-six, and I’ve went through a lot. I’d give everything to be your age again.”
As you watch her head for the door, you call out to her one last time.
“.. Call me [Y/n]. I don’t like it when people way older than me call me ‘miss’.”
She raised her brows. “Alright then, [Y/n].” Your name rolls off her tongue gently.
“How about you? What do I call you?”
With a hand over the knob, the woman beamed.
“.. I’m Olivia Octavius, but you can call me Liv.”
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yersang-dreams · 7 months
I have an scenario idea 👀
Killua from Hunter x Hunter, with a Reader who is Like Shuna from that time I got reincarnated as a slime.
Soo Reader is like, she treats Killua like her son, better than Kikyo Zoldyck
Reader isn’t manipulative like his family, Reader is there for him and listens to Killua when he is ranting or venting.
Oh. My. Golly!! A Shuna!Reader who's basically Killua's new mother is such a good idea actually! Of course we all love our best girl Shuna for making Rimuru's wonderful clothing! and making sweets that looks very appetizing.
Character: Killua Zoldyck, and Gon Freecss(I can't help but add him since these two are basically inseparable)
OS/HCS/IMG: Imagine/Scenario!
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Killua met you during the 2nd phase of the Hunter exam, you only managed to get Mechi's approval when she saw your work and tastes it, he was curious. How did you get her approval despite her ansty attitude? Well, you're just a great cook!
He and Gon are fascinated cause all of them didn't get Mechi's approval but you did! They definitely have to learn a thing or two from you.
You also managed to get together in the 3rd phase, you fell on a tile that opened when you stepped on it. Now, it's lively with you around!
When you found out that Killua's family was the infamous Zoldyck, you did not fret away from him but instead you hugged him knowing he experienced pain and basically abuse from Milluki, it was the first time he felt someone hugged him without being scared or fearing him.
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Killua came back to the other side where Kurapika, Leorio, Gon, and [Name]. He explained that he 'simply' took his heart out, so he can die.
[Name] suddenly came running to him while Leorio took a few steps back when he saw the scene Killua caused.
You hugged him tightly while speaking near his ear.
"Atleast, you came out alive... I'm proud of you Killua."
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Henceforth, you started taking care of Killua and Gon like your own but of course Killua being the tsundere cat he is, he tries to deny it but Gon is always there to say the truth for him!
"Eh? What is it Killua?"
They both love your cooking! Including the desserts you make! They even sometimes beg you to make their favorite using their puppy eyes is their favorite advantage also
In other words, You're their favorite person and they're your favorite sons!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Can I request a crossover about
Tensura x KNY
Rimuru x Mitsuri! Reader
When Reader has the Same strengh and personality as Mitsuri from KNY
-When an explosion in the middle of the night woke most of the growing village up, most of the warriors were quickly up in arms, thinking it was another attack.
-Rimuru was understandably upset as they had just finished rebuilding from the last attack, where Shizu had been overtaken by Ifrit, and the newcomers that came in the form of the ogres have helped with the process.
-Rimuru just wanted to have a moment of peace once in a while!!
-Rimuru arrived on top of Ranga, seeing Rigurd keeping the others back from a smoking crater, just outside the village, damaging nothing other than some nearby forest plants, “What’s happened Rigurd?”
-The ogres arrived shortly after, Shuna holding onto her brother’s arm, “I sense a tremendous amount of magical energy, but it seems to be fading.”
-The slime bounced over, telling the others to stay back, just in case if there was a threat and he peeked into the crater, finding the crumpled body of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, even more so than Shion!!
-You had long hair, two toned colored of pink and green, reminded Rimuru of Sakura mochi, some of it pulled into braids, and the rest flying free, wearing a black uniform with long green socks, but many parts were torn, showing off pieces of your beautiful body.
-You were heavily injured, your breathing labored as you were unconscious, a ribbon like sword laying around you, the hilt clutched in your dominate hand.
-Rimuru scanned you and almost instantly received the information about you, *L/N F/N, was sent to this world by powerful demonic magic. Originally from your world where she lived in the Taisho Period. Occupation- Demon Slayer. *
-He hummed quietly before making the decision to take you in, telling the others to prepare a room for you as he hopped down into the crater, enveloping your body into his own body, healing your wounds before he lifted you out of the crater.
-Many were surprised to see a human as Rimuru pulled away from you, taking on his human form as Benimaru kneeled down, sensing your strength, “She’s a human but there’s something… unusual about her. There’s an unnatural strength inside her, but I can sense nothing amiss.”
-Rimuru nodded softly, agreeing with him before telling everyone that you had come from another world, which shocked many of them, as usually those from other worlds are insanely powerful or have been given dangerous abilities.
-Rimuru made the decision to bring you back to his own house, to watch over you just in case if you were going to be a threat. Shion offered to remain as well, to protect her lord but he was able to convince her that he would be able to handle it.
-You woke up a few hours later and almost immediately lunged up, as you had been locked in battle with a powerful demon and you gasped, finding yourself in a simple yukata and your sword was laying nearby.
-You heard a strange sound, one that sounded like water, and you turned, seeing a slime bouncing over to you, “You’re awake!” you squeaked, panicking as you tried to scramble back, “What is- a demon?!”
-Rimuru hopped to sit in front of you, “Nope- I’m just an adorable little slime! My name is Rimuru!” while a bit thrown off to learn that this wasn’t a demon, but a creature known as a slime, you calmed down, “A slime? Where- wait! Where’s the demon?!”
-Rimuru changed into his human form, which shocked you, making you squeak as you fell back again, scared, “Whoa there- you’re safe here! You were transported to this world, just like me! I used to be a salaryman in modern day Japan!”
-His words confused you, not sure about what he meant about modern day Japan, because you didn’t know of an occupation called a salaryman.
-Rimuru was very informative, answering all your questions, curled up in your arms against your large chest, which you weren’t bothered by, seeing it as something harmless as he was only a child, not realizing the truth of the matter, even though he did tell you.
-Rimuru introduced you to Rigurd which was a good idea to do it in his house rather than out in the village, as you punched Rigurd, sending him flying, thinking he was a demon. Rigurd harbored no hard feelings as you groveled before him after Rimuru explained that the demons you knew didn’t exist in this world.
-Rigurd wasn’t bothered, finding your strength impressive for such a delicate looking human, which made you blush cutely from the praise before you told them that your muscles were extremely dense which gave you your unnatural strength but with a drawback being your metabolism was very high.
-Rimuru was furious, learning how you had been treated as you walked around the village with him in your arms, introducing you to others, including the ogres who were nice, but Shion was jealous, pouting at you were holding Rimuru.
-You handed him over and she snuggled him hard, cheering her up while Rimuru was scolding you, with no real malice, telling you to save him as he was handed to Shuna.
-Benimaru, Souei, and Hakurou were all intrigued with your sword and skills, as was a dwarf blacksmith, Kaijin, who was in awe of the craftsmanship of the blade, seeing how flexible but so strong the whip like blade was.
-Since there was no way back to your world, Rimuru offered you a place in his village and you were grateful, bowing lowly to him, thanking him for his kindness and you became one of the defenders of the village, alongside the ogres, and Rimuru’s private pillow, as he enjoyed sitting on your lap, switching between you and Shion at random, usually when Shion would get pouty if Shuna didn’t want a turn.
-You found a kinship with Rimuru as you had both been suddenly taken from your lives, thrown into a world you knew nothing about and had to survive in such a dangerous and harsh world. He enjoyed your company as while your looks and strength were a bit odd, you were a sweet and gentle person, one that was calm and soothing for him, and you found Rimuru to be funny but also a good friend and leader to all.
-You were so happy to have made such good friends with such a cute little slime.
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despa1r-k0 · 1 year
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Old Souls
Veldora X M!Reader
Readers pronouns are He/Him
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mild language
Fandom: That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime
!No Minors Allowed!
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Ever since Veldora had been released there was a slight uneasiness deep down inside of him. Like some part was missing if he were to put it in words. While you have never met Veldora and both of you are aware of that fact he feels a strong familiarity with you.
“Rimuru my buddy! I have a small favor to ask of you-!” Veldora bursts into Rimuru’s office as boisterous as ever, however, as confident and self assured Veldora was when it came to you he was a person lost in the middle of the mediterranean sea on a raft.
Rimuru turned to face the storm dragon with an raised as he answers the behemoth of a man, “What is it Veldora? You almost never come to me for help unless it’s super important or intense” Veldora tensed up for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh, throwing himself limply into Rimuru’s couch.
“I know that you’re the only person who actually really knows Y/N…I’ve wanted to ask him to take a walk with me for the longest but I have no clue how to…” The demon lord cackles at Veldora’s immense dread over asking you a simple question. “You ask him just like that Veldora— you don’t need to make it a huge deal im sure Y/N would love to walk with you!” Rimuru explains between laughs, however his explanation was just enough to push the dragon who leaped out the couch and ran out of Rimuru’s office to find you leaving the poor slime.
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You were talking to Shuna and Rigurd about who knows what honestly. The conversation was pleasant though, well until the tornado called Veldora came running straight towards you, unable to stop himself in time runs into you practically tackling you to the ground.
“What the hell Veldora??” You yelled looking down at the dragon groaning in your chest. “Well…that wasn’t part of the plan…ow…” Veldora mumbled before quickly getting up and facing you with a determination enough the break the heavens. “Y/N! I would like it very much if you joined me on my walk today, if that’s alright with you of course..” Your sour expression quickly changed to excitement as you stood up facing Veldora with a smile and happily nodding your head in agreement.
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The walk was moderately quiet for majority of the time, Veldora would occasionally tell a small story about a certain area he was familiar with but that was about all. Until you reached a beautiful lake, the sky was still moderately bright with a fur warm hues streaking across it. You marveled at the sight as Veldora lead you to a smooth section in the grass and plopped down resting his arms behind his back looking up at the sky. You followed suit and sat down next to his with your legs crossed (A/N: Criss cross apple sauce style)
After a good whole of silence Veldora clears his throat his face slightly flushed possibly with embarrassment as he turns to you. “Say…Y/N…I wonder if we ever knew each other in a past life, you just seem so familiar to me…and I feel comfortable with you, I’m sure this sounds really odd to you—“ Veldora rambles still flustered but also with a look of determination and purpose, he was clearly being sincere and you for sure could tell.
“I don’t think you’re too far off Veldora, I wouldn’t be surprised if we did used to know each other in our past life, but this isn’t our past life. I’m happy that I know you now!” Veldora’s eye brighten as he nods and scoots a little closer to you grabbing your hands in his.
“Forgive me for my boldness but i’ve fallen completely and utterly in love with you Y/N, I feel like a puppy always wanting to follow you around and gain your affection” Veldora blurts out, for how long you two have known each other this honestly shouldn’t have been a huge surprise but it was, to you at least~
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And that’s it folks, it’s pretty short ikik and it probably sucks but this is sort of a test for me to see how well I can get used to tumblr’s format
But I hope you enjoyed regardless!
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
Any polys (character/reader/character) you really want to write or just love to see in general?? im a gremlin.
Plenty of polys I ponder about, their potential chemistry and angst shit sends me over the fucking moon. Plus, more hands to hold.
I love polys that work immediately just as much as ones that take time to mold correctly. Below are some polys I think about more often than I know I should;
Blue Exorcist (Ao no Exorcist): Mephisto Pheles/Amaimon/Reader, Arthur Angel/Lewin Light/Reader, Sheimei/Rin Okumura/Reader
Arknights: Gladiia/Andreana/Spector/Skadi/Reader, Vanilla/Fang/Reader, Amiya/SilverAsh/Reader, Mountain/Waai Fu/Reader, Mr. Lee/Hellagur/Reader, Mr. Lee/Waai Fu/Aak/Hung/Reader, Jay/Reader/Waai Fu
Mega Man Series: Mega Man/Blues/Reader, Gemini Man/Snake Man/Reader, Terra/Sunstar/Reader, X/Zero/Reader, Red/Zero/Reader, Scarface/Epsilon/Reader, Ciel/Zero/Reader, Eight Gentle Judges/Reader,
The Battle Cats: Catman/Reader/Lucifer The Fallen, Immortal Keiji/Wargod Hanzo/Reader, Immortal Keiji/Zeus/Reader
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime (TTIGRAAS): Shion/Shuna/Reader, Diablo/Rimuru Tempest/Reader, Benimaru/Hakuro/Reader, Milim/Guy Crimson/Reader
Onmyoji: Ibaraki Dōji/Reader/Shuten Dōji, Abe no Seimei/Shuten Dōji/Reader, Asura/Taishakuten/Reader, Lord Arakawa/Kingyo/Reader
Undertale: Sans/Reader/Toriel, Toriel/Asgore/Reader, Underfell & Underswap Sans/Reader, Dream/Underswap Sans/Reader
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#12 BOLD TO ASSUME
Tempest Citizens: If we died, would you miss us?
Rimuru & Y/n: Bold of you to assume death means you’re out of this family
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...Bold of them indeed-*Looking at Shion and Gobzo*
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master-muffinn · 5 months
That time i got reincarnated as a slime
When someone walking in on them when they making love (gender neutral)
Warning: nsfw, but there's no descriptions and barely any sex talk
These people are a true gentleman/gentlewoman. The moment they notice that the door are opening they cover up your body with either their own body or with anything in their surroundings like a blanket. They don’t want anyone else to see your beautiful naked body but them. They will make it clear to the intruder, whoever they are, to leave quickly with a threatening tone and a serious expression.
Afterwards they ask if you are alright and if you want to continue or not. If you do, they will give you a little extra attention to get you ‘back in the mood’.
^ DIABLO, SOUEI, Velzard, Hakurou, Treyni, Albis, Frey, Hiiro ^
These people are sensitive and can’t handle it very well. They become sooo embarrassed that their body and mind go blank for a moment. The longer the stranger takes to get out of the room, the more red and shaky they get. Please s/o, you have to calm your baby down and reassure them! They probably won't be able to continue after the ‘accident’ and if you’re unlucky, you probably won't have sex in some time because they are scared that the same accident were to repeat. Maybe with extra love and support the process will go faster. 
They get embarrassed and SCREAM. “GET THE F**K OUT!! HAVE YOU NEVER LEARNED TO KNOCK!!” Which hopefully won't make you deaf, unless you already are after dating these people. They will try to lower their voice for you, since they don’t wish to make you uncomfortable and worsen everything. They will however complain and/or mutter swearwords of irritation under their breath. They will need some time to calm them self down before continue, unless you say otherwise. 
^ VELDORA, MELLIM, Gobta, Ranga, Shion, Gabiru, Ramiris, Rigurd ^
If the stranger takes too long to get out they are like: “Um..can you… please leave..” They are awkward, embarrassed of course but mostly awkward. They don’t really know what they should do. This is just..weird. They try to not make it a big deal, like..this can happen to everybody right? But shouldn't the person have heard you two? Or did they do it on purpose? No that can’t be right? They would be fine to continue but their mind will go back to the ‘accident’ and you will soon lose interest so you end up cuddling and talking about it instead and you probably would laugh about it.
^ RIGUR, RIMURU, Shuna, Geld ^
All they do is stop what they are doing and stare the intruder straight in their soul with death. How DARE they interfere in their precious intimate time with their s/o. When the person leaves they apologize for not locking the door properly and then  ask if you are alright. After that they continued with what they were doing like nothing ever happened. Plotting murder later.
^ LEON, Gazel, Luminous, Clayman? ^
Getting caught mid sex? They found this really interesting and kinky. They totally leave the door unlocked on purpose so this would happen often. Might ask the person to come and join or watch them depending on who they are, but will of course change their mind if their s/o slaps them complains. They will continue your time together without problems, maybe even a little more horny. ;)
^ GUY CRIMSON, yuuki, Diablo? ^
Thank you for reading! I hope you like it! ❤ Likes, reblogs and criticism are very much appreciated! 🥰
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Sorry! (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) i forgot about that specific part of the request! Man i'm sorry if i started with the wrong foot. So... I'll ask again if i can: May i request Rimuru from ttigraas meeting another intelligent slime? Maaaaaybe falling in love with his new significant other?
*it’s ok. just read people’s rules first, because everyone is different in how they take requests 😊*
Rimuru Tempest x Reader
“Rimuru-sama prefers my company to you!” Shion shouted over the table at her counterpart.
“Don’t be ridiculous Shion,” Shuna chuckled into her hand delicately. “Who would prefer a dried-up old lady to a cute, gentle woman like me?”
“I’ll show you dried-up!” The oni summoned her sword and prepared to swing it down, through the table and potentially Shuna.
“Yada yada! Hold on!” Rimuru shouted in a panic. Waving his arms and getting the girls attention to stop. “I don’t prefer anyone’s company over anyone. I like spending time with both of you. I just need to be alone for a bit to finish my work.” The whole fight starting when he asked them to leave and they misinterpreted as one of them leaving, and not the other. “Please. We’ll spend time together after, but I need to get this done.”
The girls apologize, to Rimuru and each other, before they leave as requested and he slumped into his chair.
“Is it safe to come out?” Rimuru perked up as he looked over toward an armoire where [Y/N] was sliding out from under. Shifting out of their slime state once the coast was clear and into their human form. “Phew! I thought I was going to be stuck under there forever. But I literally didn’t want to get dragged into their fight.”
Rimuru chuckled at [Y/N]’s joke and fiddled with his papers. “They mean well. But sometimes I can’t get anything done when they’re around.”
“Do you want me to leave too?” [Y/N] asked. Still taking a seat beside him. “You said you needed to be alone to finish. Am I a distraction?”
The other slime blushed at the question and focused on his papers even more. Yes, they were a distraction. But not in the way they perhaps thought. When they had first met, Rimuru was just happy to have someone like him around he could talk to. The others were nice, but they didn’t understand all the time. [Y/N] was an intelligent slime like him. So it was just easy to talk to them and have them get it. Eventually he found himself feeling more than just ‘friendly’ about them.
“N-No, no, you can stay.”
“Good!” [Y/N] chirped in a bright way that made him blush redder. He nearly told them how he felt right then, before they added, “because I really don’t want to go out there if they’re still fighting.”
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isaut · 1 year
𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒐 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒊𝒊.— dehya x fem!reader. 600. drabble.
like i said earlier. the conservatory has separate wards on it. the reader meets dehya for the first time, and meets tighnari— it's the first time he remembers. reader is an elven mage, and the valka shuna live longer than humans. minors & blank blogs dni. fantasy au tag.
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“I thought I might find you here,” You say, interrupting the quiet hum of the conservatory. Lush. Self sustaining to a degree.
The Valka Shuna before you stands, brushing dirt off his trousers. “I was wondering when we’d be introduced.”
You hum at that. “I met you when you were just a child. How was the Akydemia?”
Tighnari turns to face you. Tilts his head to the side, hair shifting, with tall, prominent ears upon his head twitching. The hairs upon it stand straight up, his tail wraps inward, towards his thigh.
“Forgive me. I can feel your magic from here,” Tighnari states.
You hum, gliding over towards the blue flowers blooming on the walls. “You grow beautiful plants.”
Tighnari hums in return. “Thank you. To what do I owe the pleasure of getting a personal visit from the King’s Mage?”
“There’s no need for secrets, Tighnari. You knew I was coming. I’m sure you and the King discussed it multiple times,” You say, “I’m here to modify the wards.”
“I did know you were coming,” Tighnari agrees.
“You know, Cyno is not the first king I’ve sat on the court of who’s taken a lover who is not his betrothed. I believe it was your… Grandfather who stood in this room at the time. Of course, the King was in love with one of the maids, because he was certainly nothing but a walking cliche. So really,” You look over to him. “There’s no reason to keep anything from me.”
Tighnari clears his throat. “Do as you wish to set your wards. I’d like to observe, to make sure none of my plants come into harm's way.”
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips. “We both know that is the plan.”
Tighnari is an imposing, albeit comforting presence above you as you work. He follows you around, quiet, watching, observing. Taking in your every move.
When you finish your work, you stand and do just as Tigharni had hours earlier– Dust the dirt off your dress as you stand. You brush your hands together, ridding them of dirt before pulling your gloves back on.
Before you can make your leave, Thighnari stops you with a minor question.
“Forgive me for asking, Lady [First],” He says, clearing his throat. “How far into your life are you?”
You pause by the door, hands falling to your sides as you look back around. You don’t correct him on the title he’s given you. “Why do you ask?”
Tighnari falls silent.
“Valka Shuna are blessed because they do not live as long as Elves,” You state. “Think of it like this: You only have about a hundred years to live after your lover dies. I’ve lived three hundred and twenty-seven. Would you like to know the dates? It will be three hundred and twenty-eight on the worm moon.”
“I didn’t realize–”
“It’s fine. It’s a long life to contest with. I understand wanting to ask. Good day, Tighnari.”
You take your leave in a flurry of cloth and cloak. You stop in the entryway, practically greeted by none other than King Cyno, escorted by a woman with lots of black hair, the ears of a bobcat, and bronzed armor.
“King Cyno,” You state, only bowing slightly. In return, he bows fully.
“Mage [First]. Did everything go according to plan?” He asks.
You keep your eyes on the woman for a moment, before back to Cyno. “It did. Have a great–”
“This is my newest bodyguard, Dehya,” Cyno interrupts. “Dehya, this is our kingdom’s high mage, [First].”
“Pleasure to meet you, my lady,” Dehya says, bowing as deep as Cyno had. You give her a nod in return.
“Pleasure.” You turn to leave, to retreat back to your corner of the palace, all while shaking your head clear of the conversation.
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ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ꜱʜᴜɴᴀ | 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕀 𝔾𝕠𝕥 ℝ𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔸𝕤 𝔸 𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕖 Head Canons
Ugh I love her so much ;; precious smol baby bean who helps back home I can’t ;; I hope you all enjoy these as much as I enjoyed writing them!
» » Admin Ko
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Inquisitive and constantly trying to follow them around, she doesn’t want to intrude completely or be in the way; but she’s absolutely glued and curious about this person who has caught her full attention.
It’s oddly a different feeling for her when compared to her love and devotion for Rimuru, and she can’t help but ask the slime lord what this feeling is after she’s met them in the town. 
When she learns of the feeling of a crush, she can’t help but become somewhat shy. Affections for someone else other than their lord or her people that she’s grown up with? It’s different for her, but she embraces it with shy hesitation. 
Eventually, she becomes absolutely smitten by them when she gets to know them. Not only can they fend for themselves when need be, they’re kind and patient with her and are willing to teach her anything new she has yet to learn. 
When it comes to confessing her emotions and how she feels a more romantic sort of attraction to them, she can’t help but be much more flustered than usual. It’s almost endearing how the confession is done by a beautiful tree. Regardless, it’s successful and memorable for both parties. 
»»————- ♡ ————-«« 
With their relationship, the first thing that happens is the introduction to her family as well as letting them know of their newly established relationship. They’re opposed at first, but with guidance and explanations from Rimuru they eventually come around.
She’s very doting and loving to them. Always preparing a meal or clothes for the day. Even going as far as to attempting to join them on their duties outside of the country. 
Of course she’s denied the last bit, mainly for the sake of her safety; but whenever they go out to other towns or countries they’ll always bring at least a little trinket back for her. 
She’s definitely the affectionate one and is not afraid to cuddle up to their side or arm when they’re seated. They always indulge her with sweet and gentle kisses to appease her desire for more cuddling. 
Really likes walking around the town with them and spending as much time as she can with them.
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