dailycephalopods · 1 year
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Daily Cephalopod #98
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fourteen--steps · 10 hours
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Sure is a dude
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Callout post to my partner for letting me taste this new Cola flavor that is "Raspberry Spice" and this shit is straight up cough syrup from 1958.
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ketrinadrawsalot · 2 years
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Octo-ber #20: The female Football Octopus is an agile swimmer thanks to its swimbladder, a feature usually found in fish. It can lay up to 100,000 tiny eggs, which it carries inside its mantle as it travels the open ocean.
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sweetiepotatofry · 1 year
God gave me blue eyes that stare into your soul, because I AM staring into your soul (。>‿‿<。 )
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rcris123 · 2 years
Wait.... if the cordyceps in the tlou show runs underground connecting strands.... how do people know it hasn't touched food crops...
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spotjardin · 7 days
La poire de terre
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ooreka En fait, elle s'appelle ainsi car sa racine a le goût du fruit que vous connaissez.
On l'appelle également Yacon ou bien encore Smallanthus sonchifolius qui est son nom scientifique. Elle fait partie de la famille des Astéracées. Il s'agit d'une plante tubéreuse vivace non rustique. Sa hauteur peut atteindre 1m30 à 2 mètres. Elle est facile à cultiver et à entretenir. Elle est originaire d'Amérique du Sud. A sa floraison, des fleurs jaunes apparaissent avec une ressemblance avec celles du dahlia. Si vous habitez une région au climat doux, vous pouvez la laisser en pleine terre assez longtemps. Attention, sa culture exige pas mal de place. Prévoyez 1 m2 minimum par sujet cultivé. Son besoin en eau est moyen.
Choisissez-lui un emplacement très ensoleillé sur un sol très riche et surtout bien drainé. Espacez chaque sujet d'un mètre, voire 2 mètres si vous pouvez. Si elle se plait où vous l'avez installée, elle peut prendre autant d'espace en hauteur qu'en largeur. Sa période de plantation se situe quand les gelées ne sont plus à craindre, c'est à dire suivant les régions du mois d'avril à la la fin du mois de mai. Si toutefois, la météo ne permet pas dans l'immédiat d'effectuer sa plantation, je vous conseille de conserver les tubercules dans du terreau ou bien de la tourbe dans un local hors gel. Pour la planter, effectuez un trou comme lorsque vous voulez planter des dahlias. Rebouchez et arrosez sans excès. En ce qui concerne sa récolte, il vous faut compter 7/9 mois à partir de sa plantation. La récolte s'effectue donc à la fin de la saison automnale avant l'arrivée des premières gelées c'est à dire quand le feuillage commence à être marqué par les premiers signes de gel. Pour cela, avec votre fourche-bêche arrachez les différentes souches. Prenez un peu large afin de ne pas blesser les tubercules. Je vous conseille d'effectuer cette opération par beau temps. Dans les régions très douces, vous pouvez les laisser en terre, protégées par un épais paillage afin de les récolter au fur et à mesure de vos besoins. Dans ce cas, rabattez les tiges à 5 centimètres du sol. En règle générale vous devez avoir 4 à 8 tubercules par pied. Lors de la récolte, vous devez détacher chaque tubercule et ensuite les laisser ressuyer au sol pendant un ou deux jours. Stockez-les dans des caisses à l'abri du gel, de la lumière et de l'humidité comme vous le faites pour les pommes de terre.
Quelques jours après la levée, effectuez un léger buttage. Dès que la plante atteint une vingtaine de centimètres, buttez à nouveau. Si l’atmosphère est plutôt sèche, arrosez un peu en évitant de mouiller le feuillage. A l'arrivée des grosses chaleurs (juin/juillet), paillez-les abondamment afin de limiter les arrosages. Étant donné que les poires de terre développent ses tubercules en jours courts, je vous conseille de les protéger d'éventuelles gelées blanches. Cette précaution permet d'augmenter sensiblement la récolte.
parasites & maladies
La poire de terre ne connait ni parasites, ni maladies. Seuls certains rongeurs peuvent l'attaquer comme c'est le cas des autres légumes-racines.
La poire de terre peut se multiplier par division en les mettant en végétation dans du terreau au début de la saison printanière c'est à dire fin mars/ début avril. Pour cela, vous devez prendre la partie qui se trouve juste au-dessous du niveau de la terre (partie sur laquelle sont attachés les tubercules). Coupez en morceaux cette dernière. Sur chacun d'eux, assurez-vous d'avoir une pousse ou un œil, comme sur les pommes de terre. Mettez-les dans un pot rempli de terreau comme indiqué ci-dessus. Si toutefois, les morceaux sont un peu gros, effectuez cette opération dans une cagette remplie de tourbe. Conservez tout ce petit monde dans un local bien ajouré, hors gel, en attendant de les mettre en pleine terre comme expliqué ci-dessus. Si vous constatez que les jeunes pousses ne sont pas encore bien développées, attendez que tout risque de gelées soit écarté pour les planter en pleine terre. La poire de terre peut également se multiplier par bouturage dans le courant du mois d'octobre. Pour cette opération, sélectionnez des morceaux d'une quinzaine de centimètres. Supprimez tout le feuillage de la partie inférieure et mettez-les dans un contenant rempli d'eau afin que chaque morceau puisse raciner. Ajoutez dans l'eau du charbon de bois, de préférence du binchotan qui est un charbon de bois japonais, afin de conserver la pureté de l'eau. Installez vos boutures dans un local hors gel et bien ajouré. Quand vous constatez que le système racinaire est bien formé, rempotez toutes vos boutures dans des godets. Patientez jusqu'au mois de mai, voire le mois de juin pour les mettre en place en pleine terre. Et pour terminer, je vous propose cette vidéo de la chaine YouTube Mes Bios Légumes https://youtu.be/B1aHWVHbIaE Read the full article
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mobiledrugsscreen1 · 2 years
Tuberculous Testing Orange County
A TB test is most accurate when it is done within the first three weeks of the symptoms appearing. If the person's symptoms have been present for more than three weeks, the TB test may not be accurate. A person's TB test results will either be negative or positive. If the TB test is negative, this means that the person does not have TB. If the TB test is positive, this means that the person has TB and needs to be treated.
TB Testing Orange County is a screening test for tuberculosis. The test is usually given to people who are in high-risk groups. It is also given to people who have symptoms of TB, such as coughing up blood, fever, weight loss, or night sweats. A TB test can be given by a blood test, a sputum test, or a urine test. A sputum test is the most common type of TB test. This test is usually done by sending a sample of the person's sputum to a lab for testing. A sputum sample is a mixture of saliva and mucus that comes from the lungs and throat. It can be collected by having the person cough into a cup.
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TB Testing Orange County can also be done by collecting a sample of sputum from the person and sending it to a lab for testing. A TB test is most accurate when it is done within the first three weeks of the symptoms appearing. If the person's symptoms have been present for more than three weeks, the TB test may not be accurate. A person's TB test results will either be negative or positive. If the TB test is negative, this means that the person does not have TB. If the TB test is positive, this means that the person has TB and needs to be treated.
Ever since the first Tuberculous Testing Orange County were created, people have been trying to find a way to detect them. Drug tests can be used to identify the substances that are in a person's system. But what happens when the drug is a synthetic? Synthetic drugs are designed to mimic other drugs, but are not chemically the same. They are not detectable by traditional drug tests. That's why more and more people are turning to mobile tests. A mobile drug test is a device that can be used anywhere and at any time. It can be used at home, at work, or anywhere else. It is a rapid, accurate, and convenient way to test for the presence of drugs in the system. It's so easy to use, anyone can do it. You just have to open the package, activate the test, and place it on the tongue. It's that easy. You don't have to be a scientist or have any training to use a mobile drug test. You just have to be willing to use it.
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joseywritesng · 2 years
CDC warns of rare bacterial infections from dentist's water pipes
CDC warns of rare bacterial infections from dentist’s water pipes
By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter MONDAY 7 Nov. 2022 (HealthDay News) — The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning that a number of American children have contracted a serious infection from contaminated water pipes at the dentist’s office. Although rare, outbreaks of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections have been reported in children treated at the dentist, one…
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mindblowingscience · 15 days
The same underlying technology powering massively popular generative AI models like from large tech firms like OpenAI is now being used to scan for early signs of lung disease. Google, one of the leaders in new AI models, is partnering with a healthcare startup that’s analyzing vast datasets of coughs and sneezes to detect signs of tuberculous or other respiratory diseases before they get worse. It’s one of numerous ways the quickly evolving technology is rapidly reshaping early detection of disease across the healthcare industry. What happens once that initial diagnosis is made, however, still requires quintessential human clinical expertise. 
Continue Reading.
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futurebird · 1 year
Descriptive words for the exoskeletons of ants:
striate - with many parallel grooves tuberculate - with little protrusions covering the surface reticulate - split into irregular cells opaque - light cannot pass through translucent - light can pass through shiny - reflects light, has visible reflections on the surface matte - textured to absorb and prevent visible reflections. glabrous - smooth punctate/foveolate - covered in little round depressions rugulose - wrinkled pilosity - the degree of pilosity refers to how hairy the ant is reclinate hairs - hairs that lay flat tomentum - wooly hairs clavate hairs - hairs that are club-shaped
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portraitsofsaints · 22 days
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Blessed Dina Bélanger
April 30,1897- September 4,1929
Feast Day: September 4
Beatified March 20,1993 by Pope St. John Paul II
Blessed Dina Bélanger was born in Quebec into a prominent Canadian family. She had a normal childhood where she excelled in music. She studied in New York City, planning to be a concert pianist when she decided to enter the Congregation of Jesus-Maria religious order taking the name Marie de Sainte-Cécile de Rome and as a nun taught music. Her life plan was one of daily Mass, Holy Communion, prayer, especially the rosary and meditation, which was deeply developed. She was a mystic who received revelations from Our Lord and the invisible stigmata. During WWI, she offered herself in reparation for those who suffered. Dina died of tuberculous and is called “The Little Flower of Canada”. 
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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mycoblogg · 1 year
FOTD #089 : lion's mane! (hericium erinaceus)
the lion's mane mushroom (also mountain-priest mushroom, bearded tooth fungus, & bearded hedgehog) is a tooth fungus in the family hericiaceae. it is native to north america, europe & asia where it can be found growing on hardwoods in a single, spiny clump.
the big question : can i bite it?? yes !! it is edible & common in gourmet cooking. it also has medicinal uses :-)
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h. erinaceus description :
"the fruit bodies of h. erinaceus are large, irregular bulbous tubercules, usually white or off-white to cream in colour. they are 5–40 centimetres (2–15+1⁄2 inches) in diameter, & are dominated by crowded, hanging, spore-producing spines, which are 1–5 cm (1⁄2–2 in) long or longer."
[images : source & source] [fungus description : source]
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etfrin · 9 months
My thoughts during the movie:
— what ruined Coriolanus was his love for power and wealth, not Lucy Gray
— Lucy Gray and Coryo were never in love, they were using each other but didn't know to what extent, they didn't know when to stop pretending
— Lucy Gray is alive, she is
— Coryo killed himself the moment he killed that tribute
— he killed himself twice with Sejanus
— Coriolanus and Lucy both were the songbird and snake, there was no neither
— He could have bought the change, but he chose not too
— it wasn't his fault either
— but his actions are his own and he receives the consequences
— he will never catch Lucy Gray
— he was haunted forever
— We lose Coryo and get Snow
— Snow melts eventually
— “Snow Lands On Top” was said twice in the movie, one was said with hope and another was said with anything but.
— future president of Panem indeed
— i want to hug Coryo (not Snow)
— Lucy Gray finds her North, she outlives Snow, she gets the last laugh
— Lucy did what she had too, she never felt anything for Coryo, she did what she had to survive
— Lucy was smart, cleaver than most. She was never going to comeback
— with Lucy went his mother, his mother died with the scarf on the ground
— he is his father
— the ending was amazing
— i cried on the tuberculous on legs joke, i cried when she died, how tf did people laugh
— when dr. Gaul broadcasted the death of the presidents' son, it was chilling, that bitch knew what she was doing
— i cried when i hear what coral said, i started crying when i saw what they did to Marcus
— Sejanus was a good man, he just couldn't plan it out, if he only saw the man Lucy Gray did
— the headmaster saved Lucy Gray with that warning
— the headmaster saw Snow in Coriolanus and his fears came true if only he had helped Coryo, if only
— i cried for what Coryo could have been, i cried for what he is and what he was
— i cried for tigris who lost everything while sacrificing everything
— the movie was a masterpiece
— the ending outfit of Coryo was amazing, and i wanted to see more of the aftermath
— he deserves his end
— still gonna write about him tho, he's awesome <3
— didn't get the hype around peacekeeper! Snow, now i definitely do
— i need that 3.5 hour version, please
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Oarfish lack scales. Unlike many bony fish, oarfish lack scales. Instead, they have tubercules and a silvery coat of a material called ganoine. Although they are adapted to survive under high pressure, at the surface their skin is soft and easily damaged.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
Is tuberculata connected to tuberculosis for some reason?
tubercule is a modification of the Latin tuber, meaning a “small lump or protuberance.” “tubercule” is used in anatomy to describe various bumps naturally found on animals; in the centipede anatomy handbook the definition given is a non-articulated, stout and rounded projection of the body surface.
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for Thereuonema tuberculata, I assume the author of the species named them either for the little bumps on the back, or the yellow knobs around the spiracle there—I’m not fully sure which.
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