praline1968 · 4 months
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immagrosscandy · 10 months
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i wanted to practice some character design last week while i was doing some work! it's been a while since i craved to draw every single female character of the game and here it is :D! hope i didnt forget anyone
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i also added some hcs like ravenclaw!rowan and hufflepuff!skye (they share the respective house of my mcs)
dont ask me for a male one i dont feel confident enough to draw male bodies 😭
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blooming-cecilia · 4 months
the only thing i like abt emilie's design is her hair style and thats it
i was imagining that she'd look more like this tbh.. the shape of the dress looks like a perfume bottle hello??
and that shade of green omg... it does not suit her from what i know abt her so far? i also really thought lavender was going to be her color bro
why does a dendro user always have to be green. you'd think the roster has grown big enough for them to stray from vision=character's main color,, why can't dendro mean pretty colorful flowers. why's it always gotta mean leaves and trees
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infinit8ion · 6 months
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[ WIP ] fucked up cosmic sisterhood🌷🌸
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rainedragon · 1 year
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Emily Temple Cute ~ Tulip Series
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akuma-tenshi · 9 months
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new youtube banner!! it was pretty easy to put together but i'm still really proud of it. i think it looks super nice <3
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starlite · 2 years
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mugunghwarp · 2 years
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Idade: 20 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Empática, benevolente.
Defeitos: Sensível, frágil.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Japonesa/japonesa.
Temas de interesse: Todos.
Faceclaim: Saitō Nagisa - solista.
Twitter: MV03HE.
OOC: +18 ela/dela ou ele/dele.
TW: Nenhum.
TW: Menção a abuso psicológico, falecimento.
Observando pelo “lado de fora”, Emily aparentava ter a vida perfeita. Nascida numa família abastada, filha de musicistas famosos no Japão. Desde nova, foi ensinada a tocar uma grande variedade de instrumentos musicais, fazia aulas de canto e dança regulares, além de ter sido alfabetizada em três idiomas além do japonês. Na escola, era considerada uma aluna modelo, popular entre os alunos e adorada pelos professores, tirava notas impecáveis e parecia ser excepcional em qualquer coisa que se comprometia a fazer. A realidade por trás daquelas performances e das máscaras que vestia para ocultá-la, no entanto, estava bem longe de ser agradável.
Emily sempre esteve acostumada a ser a pessoa que esperavam e gostariam que ela fosse, e não a pessoa que ela era de verdade. Ela era a Emily gentil, doce e delicada, que se sacrificava pelas pessoas, que não tinha problemas, porque sufocava silenciosamente suas próprias emoções. Era a garota que por ter a atmosfera perfeita poucos ousavam a se aproximar, a garota se inibia de ir em qualquer evento social para praticar e praticar excessivamente em casa o seu dom, o violino o qual tinha aulas rigorosas com sua mãe que lhe exigia nada menos que a perfeição e isso durava madrugadas em claro pedindo para repetir e deixar a menina louca com partituras para decorar.
Emily se tornou violinista na Filarmônica de Tóquio, inicialmente por incentivo de um amigo de sua mãe depois que ela mostrou afinação perfeita após aprender escutando a mesma tocar para si para que embalasse seu sono quando pequena. Após um colapso na saúde de sua mãe, o estilo de aprender a tocar violino de Emily mudou drasticamente enquanto lutava para uma vaga. Como resultado, começou a se distanciar de seus amigos e se concentrou apenas em aperfeiçoar suas habilidades de violino na tentativa de satisfazer sua mãe e fazê-la feliz. No entanto, ele parou de tocar após a morte dela. A morte de sua mãe resultou em sua incapacidade de ouvir as peças que ela tocava tão incessantemente.
A essa altura, ela tinha 11 anos e estava a um passo de entrar no concurso nacional de piano para concorrer uma vaga na Filarmônica de Tóquio. Após a morte de sua mãe, ela viveu por anos sem tocar violino e viu o mundo em monocromático. Como resultado da morte de sua mãe ela decidiu dar uma reviravolta completa na sua vida deixando as terras nipônicas para tentar viver uma vida normal com sua então família por parte de mãe o qual não sabia sendo uma pessoa normal sem violino só sendo uma garota normal tentando viver na sociedade a qual se isolou por tanto tempo e tocando apenas para si mesma. O tempo a fez se reconectar com sua família, especificamente sua meia irmã a qua fez um convite inusitado de morar com ela em Mugunghwa em Seul e assim fez, se mudou deixando seu pai constituir uma nova família sem ela para viver com Kotoko, o que era uma verdadeira estranha, mas tinha seu plano B se desse errado e assim começou um novo capítulo de sua vida.
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astrophileous · 11 months
Hmmmmm for Hotch maybe him lowkey coddling reader when she gets hurt shortly during a case shortly after they start dating? Maybe the team wasn’t aware until they saw him fret this much when he had never done it to this level in the past? 🥹
Thanks for the request babes!! My first Aaron fic ever, so hopefully it's not too bad for a first 🥺 I hope this is to your liking ❤️
Warning(s): gn!reader, established relationship, talks of traffic accident, mentions of injuries, protective hotch, mean words (hotch is just worried abt you ok??)
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
You heard him before you even laid eyes upon him.
Amidst the beeping machines and the moderate ruckus of the emergency room, Aaron's voice penetrated the air like a sword. The authority dripped like lava from his tone as he badgered Derek for your whereabouts, and before you could shuffle out of the hospital bed that had been your safe haven for the past hour, the cubical curtain surrounding you was suddenly yanked open.
Your movements ceased once you locked eyes with a frowning Aaron Hotchner.
"Are you insane?"
You looked at him dumbfoundedly.
"Do you have a death wish? Is that it? Or are you just stupid?"
A few feet behind him, you could see Derek and Emily exchanging silent looks between the two of them. Everyone knew that Aaron was notorious for being frigid, and he had a strong impartiality when it came to any of his team members doing something impetuous on the field, but the words seeping out of Aaron's mouth at that moment sounded overtly harsh to those who knew him.
"Hotch—" Derek took a step forward, trying to come to your defense, "—it's not (Y/N)'s fault."
"I'm not talking to you." Aaron's response was cutting and final. It baffled Derek enough for him to trace his step back.
"What's wrong with you?" you asked once the shock dissipated, returning your voice to its rightful owner once more. "Why are you being like this?"
"Me? You're asking me? I should be the one asking you."
Your eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "We were chasing the UnSub—"
"You went rogue," he cut you off. "Morgan told me everything. There's no point in denying it."
Derek raised his arms in surrender when your stare of betrayal slid his way. "Fine. I'm sorry I grabbed a random civilian's bike and crashed it against the UnSub's car. You don't have to worry about paying anything back, I'll figure something out."
"Is that what you think this is about?" Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose. "I could care less about monetary compensations. We can deal with that later. You could've been killed, don't you understand?"
It was his last admission that finally made the pieces in your head click into place. Beneath the anger inside Aaron's words was actually a hidden anxiety ready to break free. He was worried about you, even if he was showing it in the least hospitable way possible.
Your relationship with Aaron was young; green around the edges and blooming every single day like tulips in spring. Nobody else in the world knew about it yet, and the two of you wanted to keep it that way. At least, that was what you agreed upon after having that lengthy discussion following your first official date.
And yet, none of that mattered when your fingers opted to reach out for Aaron's hand. You pretended not to notice the gasp that Emily let out as you urged your boyfriend to look into your eyes.
"I know you're worried, but I'm fine. I'm right here with you, and I'm okay." Aaron's shoulders physically collapsed at your reassurance. Every other noise in the hospital seemed to drown out in the aftermath. "The doctor's gonna clear me in no time, trust me."
"It still doesn't erase the fact that what you did was reckless." Aaron stepped closer towards the bed, overcrowding your senses as his thumb swept over your left eyebrow, just below the wound you had obtained from the crash. "Does it hurt?"
You shook your head no. The injury to your head was relatively minor. Your arm, on the other hand, was sustaining a quite sizable gash from your collision with the car.
Aaron's eyes followed your gaze that had meandered towards the gauze covering your arm. "How many stitches?"
Reluctantly, you answered, "Seven."
You heard his sharp breath before he turned around to face Derek. "Where's the UnSub now?"
Derek jerked his head to the right, where you reckoned the UnSub was being treated for their own injuries from the crash. The words of protest died in your throat as Aaron began to saunter to the other end of the ER with Derek hot on his heels.
With the two men's departure, Emily was the only one who remained.
"So—" she smiled knowingly, leaning against the foot of your bed, "—you and Hotch? When did that happen?"
You slammed your head back on the pillow, muffling your groan with your uninjured arm. "Shut up."
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vettelsvee · 1 month
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goodbyes are bittersweet masterlist f1 masterlist | ao3 | ask anything or let's talk!
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ferrari sebastian vettel x ex gf!female reader
word count: 3811
summary: seb comes back home as a surprise only to see that hanna and a little mysterious girl receive them... instead of y/n, who was supposed to finally meet him
warnings: settled on may 2018. curse words, angst, seb and little emily meeting but they don't know who they are to each other, seb being VERY suspicious. seb pov.
taglist: [ @saltycomicsanimalssalad @hc-dutch @mycenterfold @simplyamberj @spitesfvl-blog @jaydaaasworld @lottalove4evelyn @zoeyjadetice2010 @jehun @ferralari @cosmoscoffeee @mcmuppet @myescapefromthislife @sleutherclaw @youre-on-your-ownkid ]
a/n: i haven't said anything, BUT taylor made a mashup for her surprise songs in warsaw night 2 that is an absolute spoiler of this series (if you know it TELL ME ON ANON BECAUSE I LITERALLY SCREAMED). anyways, we're back with an update FINALLY. sorry to make you wait (really, i wasn't doing mentally ok and I'm still struggling but here we are!), but in the next chapter we'll have y/n and seb finally meeting... but for the moments I'll wait to see your comments, anon messages and reactions (please please please) about everything that happens on this chapter and how suspicious seb's gonna be (hope you fangirl and like everything as much as i did writing this) + also remind you that feedback and reposts are truly appreciated. thank you for all the support you've been showing me these days, love you all <3
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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May 3rd Heppenheim, Germany
The exhaustion was piling up in my body, and I knew that what I was doing was crazy. I was fully aware that facing my past with just two hours of sleep was quite risky, but I couldn't wait to see Y/N again. As soon as Hanna told me she had spoken to her and gave me the green light to visit her, I forced Britta to buy me a plane ticket to Cologne to head home as soon as I finished some Ferrari ads and all that shit I absolutely hated in Maranello. My excitement and nerves were so intense that I didn't even tell anything to my parents or Fabian, who would probably go crazy for not telling them earlier.
I let go of the suitcase reluctantly and, to my misfortune, it fell to the floor with a rather noticeable thud. I sighed and did my best to ignore it, ringing the doorbell and leaning against the wall while holding the bouquet of tulips I had bought for Y/N. I knew it was silly, but I was excited to have this small gesture as a sort of belated birthday gift for her.
"Who is it?"
I was notably surprised when, instead of my mother’s voice, a child’s one chirped the question.
"It’s Seb," I replied, trying not to make a big deal out of the situation. Maybe it was just the daughter, or even granddaughter, of one of my mother’s friends.
"I don’t know any Seb! Who is it?" she asked again, this time with a slightly annoyed tone.
"I’m Sebastian."
"Sorry, but I only know two Sebastians: one is the crab from The Little Mermaid, and the other one is the man who sometimes appears on TV at Grandma’s house."
I couldn’t help but laugh. Whoever that little girl was, she was the best thing I had come across in a long time.
"Mum also says I can’t open the door to strangers, so I can’t let you in. I’m sorry, sir."
"But my parents live here," I replied as calmly as I could. It was clear that the lack of sleep was affecting my patience.
"Are you Mr. Norbert’s secret son?!"
"Emily, let me open the door!"
The door suddenly opened, revealing a somewhat out-of-breath Hanna, as if she had come running to open it and was now trying to catch her breath. Next to her was a girl about five years old, with completely blonde and curly hair that reached roughly to her waist. The little one didn’t hesitate to smile and greet me with her right hand, and almost immediately, her eyes widened as she made eye contact with me. When I turned my gaze back to my friend I was quite surprised. Her skin, which was already pale, had turned even paler for no apparent reason. The girl, however, kept looking at me, curious and, in my perception, somewhat pleased.
Had Hanna become a mother and didn’t tell me?
Before I could react or say anything, the door slammed shut in my face, not giving me a chance to say anything. My surprise came when, a few seconds later, it opened again, revealing the same scene.
“You’re…” she started to say, hesitating. She was nervous, and her nerves only made me more anxious. “Seb… but not…”
“Is something wrong, Hanna?”
Instead of answering, she remained completely silent. I knew something was wrong as soon as she started to look at the ground instead of looking at me.
“Aunt Hanna…” the little girl, still by her side, intervened, trying to get her attention by tugging at her sweater sleeve. “The man who appears on TV with the red car is talking to you,” I widened my eyes, surprised. Did the girl know me? “Mom says that when someone talks to you, you should respond; it’s rude not to.”
“Do you know who I am?” I asked the little girl, crouching to her level.
“Of course I know you…!”
“Hey, sweetie, why don’t you go play outside for a while?” My friend intervened before the little girl could finish. “Sebastian and I need to talk about some things, okay?”
“Did mommy have a surprise for me and that’s why she brought him?” the girl asked curiously, pointing at me. “Mommy said she was going to bring me a surprise when she came back from…”
“Emily, that’s enough! Go outside and we’ll talk about mom's surprise later. We can even call her if you want, okay?”
Prater’s shout startled the girl, who simply picked up a stuffed panda from the couch and a red car that looked quite similar to the one I had in Formula 1 back in 2015. As soon as Hanna turned back to her, scolding her once more, she ran towards the yard.
I found it amusing that, when my friend turned back to me, that curly-haired blonde girl peeked around the door, trying not to let us see her, possibly feeling quite curious about what we had to discuss. 
It didn’t bother me at all, but exactly the opposite. I used to do the same when I was a child and my parents had friends coming home.
“Are you here or not, Sebastian?”
Hanna quickly brushed her hand over my face. I immediately shifted my gaze from the little girl and refocused on her. She had her arms crossed, her sweater sleeves rolled up, and her face was completely red.
I wasn’t sure if she was angry with little Emily, with me, or with the situation, though she had no reason to be. After all, I was the one who had come to my parents’ house, my home, to get ready to see Y/N. It wasn’t my problem that I had encountered Hanna and this mysterious girl here, without any prior notice. At least, I didn’t see it as such.
“I’ve been here since I arrived, Hanna. You’re the one who’s gone crazy seeing me show up,” I responded tersely.
“You could have told me that you were coming.”
“Do I need to give an exact day for when I’ll be back home? Can’t I give my parents a fucking surprise?”
“Didn’t you consider that your parents might be running errands at this time? Or that…”
I left her talking to herself because the last thing I wanted was to argue, especially over something trivial like this. Her behavior was stressing me out too much, and that was the last thing I needed, especially considering that my ex and I might run into each other at any moment.
Without saying anything else, I headed to the kitchen to find a vase for the tulips for Y/N before they wilted. While filling it with water, I noticed the little girl. She was engrossed with that red toy car, moving it back and forth while murmuring commands with what seemed to be an attempt of technical Formula 1 words. She pushed her curls out of her face and suddenly decided to include the panda bear in the game.
I stared at the girl. Her face seemed familiar… too familiar, in fact. I didn’t know exactly what it was, but I had a feeling I had seen her before in Heppenheim, though I didn’t remember seeing her as part of any family of my parents’ friends.
I tried to downplay the fleeting thought when Hanna arrived, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed and, as I had guessed upon looking back, with a rather unfriendly expression. 
Her eyes were analyzing me, I knew it perfectly. I sighed and placed the vase on the counter, arranging the tulips as best as I could while trying to ignore her behavior.
"Are they for Y/N?" she finally asked.
"Who else would they be for?"
"She isn’t here," she said abruptly, dropping the news.
Silence fell between us once again. I raised my gaze so quickly that I almost felt a bit dizzy. All she did was look at me, unable to continue the conversation or, at least, undecided on whether to continue it or not. Finally, after a few seconds, she decided to speak again:
"I know I told you she’d be here this week, but…" she hesitated. It was the first time I had seen her like this, and she was by no means the self-assured Hanna I had known since the first day of school. “Damn it, Seb, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but…”
"Does she have a boyfriend?"
That was the first thing that came to mind, and I immediately regretted blurting it out. Hanna laughed so hard that Emily, who was now chasing a butterfly, stopped dead in her tracks to see what was happening to her supposed aunt.
Hanna approached me. She gave me a few pats on the chest and then on the head, before giving me a hug that caught me off guard.
"How naive you are, Sebastian Vettel… Do you really think Y/N would have a boyfriend? Can you picture her having one?"
"Well, it's been five years since she broke up with me. It's about time she moved on, so I find it normal."
"Have you moved on? Do you have some secret girlfriend you haven’t told us about, Mr. Privacy?"
I didn’t answer, which was enough for her to know we were in the same romantic situation.
"I've slept with a few girls all these years, but I’ve never looked for anything serious," I confessed.
"Well, I’m afraid to tell you that you’re in the same boat as Y/N then. As far as I know, she hasn’t slept with anyone, although it’s understandable, considering she has…”
And before she could say anything more, she stopped talking. Again.
If the situation between us had calmed down, it had now become tense again. It was the second time that day, at least as far as I had noticed, that Hanna Prater seemed to have let something slip. I looked at her, searching her expressions for something that would give me a hint about what she wanted to say; she simply looked away and headed to the living room, sitting on the sofa and changing the channel from some cartoon pigs to the local Heppenheim news channel.
"What does Y/N have, Hanna? Or who does she have?"
"Y/N is in London, Seb," she finally revealed with a sigh, as if it was hard for her to tell me. “I know it’s not my place to tell you this, and even less that she would like you to know, but after your breakup… she has some contacts.”
"What kind of contacts are you talking about?" I wanted to know. Had she done something I wasn’t aware of? Was she in trouble?
"To say it briefly, because the story is too long, a guy from this very famous boyband back in the day decided to come here for a while to find inspiration for new music and see what to do with his solo career," she explained. “Call it coincidence, luck or an act of God, but Niall ended up going to the bar where Y/N works and, well… the rest is history.”
I didn’t know what to say… Yes, I hoped things were going a bit better for her than when we were together, but that she had met someone as important as that guy seemed…
"The thing is, Y/N is in London right now. But she’ll be back, so don’t worry. She’s been there for several days," Hanna continued. "Niall isn’t particularly good at keeping secrets, and since he knew she was the face behind Red, he had the bright idea of mentioning it to his label who, luckily, said they’d like to meet with Y/N to offer her a contract."
"And did you know any of this before telling me to come, or…?"
I tried not to sound angry, but the truth was I was, at least a little. To be more exact, I was more than just angry… I was upset. Upset simply because Y/N, knowing I had asked if she was the face behind that viral video that was having so much success, and now considering that she had a possibly important meeting with that record label, hadn’t bothered to respond not only to my question but also to my birthday wishes.
I felt really bad because, despite being the person who probably knew y/n better than anyone else in the world, it seemed like the opposite.
"Y/N didn’t tell me anything until the day before she left," she confessed quietly. "I swear, Seb, she was so reluctant to go that I even thought she wouldn’t go and you two would finally get to talk about everything…” Once again, a pause full of uncertainty gnawed at me from within. “The only thing she said to me before going to London was that she wasn’t going to sign anything and that she was going only because she hadn’t traveled since you two were together, and she actually was doing that because she needed to disconnect and think about a few things.”
"So… did she go for nothing?"
"She doesn’t want to sign any record deal, Seb. She just wants to put her life in order and continue it as it is now. She doesn’t need anything more than what she has."
I didn’t know what to say, but I had a thousand conflicting thoughts swirling in my head right now. It struck me as very strange that my ex-girlfriend didn’t want to accept a record deal. That was everything Y/N had worked for in this life, and now, when she had the opportunity, she was turning it down…
Maybe Britta was right and the Y/N I knew was now just a mere ghost of my past, still haunting my life to torment me with the answers I never got.
"Y/N should accept it," was all I could say, impassive to what my ears had just heard. "I can’t believe she’d turn down something she’s fought for so many years…”
Suddenly, a melody from a song I didn’t recognize started playing in the room. Emily appeared with a phone in her hand and ran to give it to Hanna who, upon looking at the screen, became quite alarmed.
"Sorry, Seb, it’s important…" she said without taking her eyes off the phone. "Emily, stay here with Seb, okay? I’ll be right back…”
Hanna left faster than I would have liked, leaving me alone with the little girl, who again kept staring at me.
"You’re just like on TV..."
The little blonde girl came up to me, too close, and began examining me closely. She placed her small hands on my cheeks and moved them across my face. I was sure she was leaving little traces of dirt, but I didn’t mind when I saw she couldn’t stop smiling and laughing.
"If my mommy were here, she’d be very happy to see you," she said, sitting next to me.
"Does your mom know who I am?"
She nodded.
"Mommy watches you on TV every day," she revealed. "Well, not every day, but when you’re on granny’s TV on weekends, she spends hours and hours watching you at your work!"
"So your mom likes Formula 1, huh?"
"What’s that?" she asked innocently. However, before I could say anything, she spoke again. "Oh, I remember now! That’s what’s on TV where the cars go really fast, right? And you drive one of them, don’t you?"
I nodded slightly while laughing.
"Mommy says it’s very dangerous and sometimes she’s scared about what might happen to you. Mommy really likes you a lot, you know? Why don’t you go out with her and be my daddy?"
"Sometimes it is a bit dangerous, yes, but don’t worry: today there are many safety measures to keep us safe, and we also take a lot of care when we drive,” I said quietly, trying to sound as calm as possible and ignoring her last request. Did this girl not have a present father?
The girl frowned, not very convinced by my answer and, possibly, upset by ignoring part of what she was surely eager to know. Her eyes, a shade of blue that was neither dark nor light, looked at me with curiosity.
"Have you ever hurt yourself while driving your red car?" she asked again, interested.
"Well, um…" I hesitated for a moment on what words to choose so as not to alarm her further. "Sometimes we have small bumps, but the barriers on the track protect us when we go off."
Emily seemed more at ease with the softened version of reality, although she still looked worried and upset. I didn’t know why I was telling her all this considering she was probably no older than five and I might be scaring her.
"Hey, now tell me something about you, since I’m on holidays and I don’t want to talk about my work! What do you like to do? I don’t know anything about you yet!"
Her eyes lit up when I asked her that. My main intention was to change the subject, but something inside me was glad to see her so happy when I showed some kind of interest in her.
"I love to paint and play!" she exclaimed. "I also like going to the park with mummy, dancing and singing at her work! And I also like tales!"
"What’s your favorite tale?"
“Mommy always tells me one about a prince who is part of a blue team and takes part in an important game every year, and he always wins! And in the end, he falls in love with a very pretty waitress, and they have a little baby and take care of it together, and they’re very happy!”
I got in absolute shock at her words.
Could it...?
No, it’s impossible, there’s no way that’s some kind of version of my story with Y/N. It must be the exhaustion and all the hustle and bustle of these last few days that are starting to make my head a mess.
I didn’t know what else to say, so while I tried to sort my thoughts, we sat in silence for a while. I changed the channel from the local one to the cartoons that had been on earlier to keep Emily entertained.
The little one didn’t say anything else, but she did snuggle up to me as if she had known me for much more than less than an hour.
When some amount of time had passed, I felt slight tugs on my shirt. I hadn’t realized I had closed my eyes and had dozed off a little. Emily’s little smile brought me back to reality:
“Is something wrong, little one?” I asked, worried that something had happened to her.
“Aunt Hanna is still on the phone, and Peppa Pig is over,” she pointed to the TV with her little hand. “And you probably have to leave soon... Mrs. Heike and Mr. Norbert are coming back any moment now!”
“But this is my house. I’m not going anywhere,” I said, trying not to laugh. “Heike and Norbert are my parents. Do you remember that I told you that before?”
She nodded, relieved and partly remembering that we had talked about it earlier. From her face, I knew she was about to say something more, but I didn’t hear her when I noticed my phone vibrating in my pocket.
I tried to disconnect as much as possible when I was on “vacation,” but given that it could be an important work issue, I decided to check what the notification was about.
To my absolute surprise, it was a message from Y/N:
Hi, Seb.
I’m so sorry for not replying to you earlier. I completely forgot...
I really wanted to, but with one thing and another, it’s been impossible. Hanna has probably talked to you about it, so I won’t say much more so I don’t stress you out more than you probably already are.
I promise that the next time you come, I’ll be there, and we’ll talk about whatever you want.
I think we have quite a few things to discuss about, and I hope you’re not upset with me when that happens.
I read the message more times than I could count, not believing what my eyes were seeing. Relief mixed with confusion at the last sentence. “I think we have quite a bit to discuss, and I hope you’re not upset with me when that happens” didn’t make me think of anything good, especially coming from Y/N.
I took some time to reply, maybe hoping that Hanna, who I saw was coming back into the house, could help me. I started to worry again when I saw a forced smile on her face, as if she was trying to hide something, just as she seemed to have been doing all day.
I started to hear the door lock and then it opening. I knew perfectly by the way of walking that it was my parents, and Emily seemed to know it as well. The little one jumped off the sofa and ran towards them, which surprised me quite a bit.
I only did the same, except I stood up as calmly as I could, with a kind of fear I couldn’t explain.
“You’ve come back home!” the little girl shouted excitedly, bouncing up and down. “Mrs. Heike, Mrs. Heike! Can I ask you something now that your son, the one who drives cars and is very liked by mom, is here?”
My mother looked at the little girl, and then at me. Her face changed completely when she realized that Emily wasn’t lying and that I was, in fact, back home. I didn’t know what Hanna was like at that moment, but I would swear she was more distressed than she had been all day.
Even my father, who normally was a person who didn’t get flustered by anything, seemed quite nervous.
Emily and I, however, seemed to be the only ones who weren’t catching on and were living in our bubble of innocence.
“Does your mommy have a nickname for you, Sebastian?” the little one asked me in a low voice, calling me by my name for the first time. Then she asked me to bend down and carefully placed her hand on my ear to tell me something so that no one would hear. “My mommy says I’m the sunshine of her life, but she always says to me not to tell anyone, that she calling me that way is a secret between us. No one answers me why when I ask them, do you know why?”
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head---ache · 1 month
Fankids Character Charts [1/3]
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The kids!! The first 7 out of all the kids getting charts!!! They're going to be divided in three groups because they're too many kiddos now lol.
More detailed info under the cut!
Emmie: Sonadow kid, the one who got my fankid train started! Also, the first Tube Baby! (Here's three posts about it: One, two, three).
Her full name is Emily (meaning "rival"), however, everyone just calls her Emmie (out of universe explanation + in universe explanation).
She has Black Arms DNA, but it's uncertain the lenghts it's effects have on her. They know she had green blood (first shown here) and has access to the Hivemind, which as a baby she used to communicate with Shadow (first shown here), but as she grew older she stopped using it, and now finds it harder to access it.
She, of course, also has Chaos Energy. She has super speed and can perform Chaos Control (here) and turn Super (first shown here), but her super form is highly unstable and quickly becomes similar to Sonic's "Super Fleetway" form (here).
Emmie uses her trusty yoyo to fight (here), complementing her powers and ability in a way to extend the reach of her attacks, rope in her enemies, etc.
Sparks: The oldest of my Blazamy kids, and first Belly Baby in the lineup (here's context).
Sparks has fire powers, similar to Blaze's, though they find them a bit harder to control. They get Blaze, Knuckles and Espio's help to learn to use said powers, since they require a lot of training. Also, again, quite like Blaze, they can turn into Burning Sparks (here), but this form drains their energy pretty fast.
Since Blaze is a princess, Amy, Sparks and Tulip do acquire royalty related tiltes, however, they're very informal and don't hold that much power due to Blaze not wanting them to have any responsability simply because they're related to her. Despite this, Sparks does end up becoming ruler of the Sol Dimension later in the timeline, but by their own volution.
They use a fire sword to fight (here). It would be a simple sword, but they infuse it with their powers for it to become this flaming version of the weapon.
Lash: The oldest of my Scourgiona kids and your local surprise baby representation.
Her main ability is acrobatics, and she has some sort of super speed but it's quite weak compared to Emmie's.
She has both mommy and daddy issues, and spends most of her time at Aim's house, although she grew up with Mareep, Glamour and Stumble. She has two older siblings, and at first she didn't have much of a relationship with them, since they're younger than her and much closer to each other, but eventually Lash steps in and tries to be a part of her siblings' life like their parents should've been.
She starts as more of a "villain", taking the role of your local mean girl next to Mareep and the others, and has a bit of friction with the rest of the kids, but as she starts hanging out more with Aim and Spades, she begins to let that attitude go and tries to be better, eventually joining the Restoration.
Aim: Whispangle kid, selectively mute, and a Belly Baby.
He does archery, which is their main fighting technique, however, during battle, they also use their tail to move around faster and will occasionally team up with Whisper's wisps.
He does not speak, at all, but the others just seem to understand him without him even needing sign language or anything. Also finally giving it a name rather than just saying 'he doesn't speak', they're selectively mute! So yay for it finally having a name!
Bria: Sonina (Sonia x Mina) Belly Baby! Making them Emmie's younger cousin.
They don't fight much, rather serving to give hope and high spirits to those around her! But of course, living in the universe they live in, they know martial arts just in case it's needed, and as self defense.
Even though Bria's hard of hearing, his biggest passion is music. She plays piano and guitar, piano being his main instrument.
Tulip: The youngest of my Blazamy siblings, also a Belly Baby (in universe explanation here).
He hasn't shown any special ability yet, which is something that bothers him. Because of this, he isn't allowed to be around the other kids when there's danger, but he's very sneaky and often gets things to work in his favor anyway (in some strange way, he always knows what to do to get what's best for his interests, hm...)
He has an interest in tarot cards, like Amy, and in these sorts of magic related topics.
Destiny: One and only Code Baby! And Sallicole kid. She's an AI similar to Nicole, but with more advanced and sophisticated technology.
Being an AI, she can easily hack into robots and computers, which helps during battle.
They usually take the leader role very naturally, immediately making a plan on the spot and guiding the rest of the group thanks to her rational thinking nature. However, she's quite shy which makes things a bit difficult for her, her confident side mainly showing when assuming the role of the leader, or when fighting for things they're passionate about.
Destiny is president and leader or a smaller section of the Restoration, which is the training and formation for teenagers. This is where she shines her brightest, leading this group on missions and making their plans of action, as well as organizing their training schedule.
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praline1968 · 4 months
Bonjour 🌷🌱
Coffee Time ☕️ 🫖 🍪
Source : Pinterest
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honey-crypt · 3 months
could i possibly get a fic about sebastian helping adhd!farmer through their rejection dysphoria? i leave the rest up to you, go wild <3
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★ like the stream - sebastian x adhd!farmer ★
word count: 1.5k
warnings: rejection sensitivity dysphoria episode
summary: it's the day of the flower dance! you're prepared to ask your friend sam to be your dance partner when you're met face to face with a kind but otherwise hard rejection from the other party. Unable to cope with the rejection because of your RSD, you find yourself spiraling when another friend of yours, Sebastian, finds you alone and distressed in the depths of Cindersap Forest.
a/n: hi hi request #2 for my write-a-thon! hope this is an okay fic, i made sure to do some research on rsd and adhd (beyond my personal knowledge of it) for this fic :D
Today had to be perfect. 
That was what you repeated to yourself, as you made your way towards Cindersap Forest for the Flower Dance. You double, even triple, checked that you had everything ready for today. It may have taken two or ten sticky note reminders, but you knew that everything was in the right place. Your outfit? Check. Your flowers? Check. Your confidence to ask Sam to be your dance partner? Check!
As you got closer and closer, the sound of upbeat classical music grew louder and louder. They should really install a better alternative to this, I don’t know George crosses this, you thought to yourself while crossing the bridge over to the festival. An open green space greeted you with the residents of Pelican Town scattered about. You exchanged pleasantries with your fellow townies, making a beeline to your friend group by a secluded corner of the festival. 
“Hey (Y/N)!” Abigail gave you a small, half salute, “Didn’t think you were going to make it.”
“I lost track of time,” you confessed, “Nonetheless, I made it!”
Your two other friends, Sam and Sebastian, paused their side conversation at mention of your arrival. Sam offered you a dazzling smile that made your heart flutter, “(Y/N)! Good to see you!” and, much to your disappointment, he gave you a friendly side hug. You forced a smile in return and responded, “Yeah, for sure. I’m just glad I made it before the dance started.”
“Would’ve sucked ass if you missed it,” mused Abigail. Sebastian didn’t respond, staring silently at you. A frown graced your lips, What’s his deal? you questioned. Your chest, however, had a different reaction, tightening up at the sight of Sebastian’s deadpan. He’s probably just having a bad day, you reassured yourself, He’s not mad at you. He’s not mad at you. 
“I’m gonna grab some of Gus’s drinks,” you perked up at Sam’s voice, “You guys got a preference for what?”
“Ooo, get me the Tulip Jubilee,” requested Abigail.
“The Blue Jazz Drop for me,” you eyed Sebastian when he spoke up. Sam looked at you expectantly, “How about you, (Y/N)?”
“Oh, uhhhhh…” you mentally thumbed through your options, “No preference, just grab me something you think I’ll like,” you adjusted your collar with your free hand, “I trust your judgement.”
“Will do!” Sam responded with a double thumbs up before leaving for the food and drinks table. You let out a deep sigh and fiddled with the flower in your hand, a small but homegrown tulip. Abigail quirked an eyebrow up at you, “Something on your mind?”
“Oh! Well,” you cleared your throat, “Just thinking about the dance.”
“Fingers crossed that you don’t have to dance with Clint like last year,” snorted the purple-haired goth. You grimaced at the memory and scanned the crowd for the aforementioned blacksmith, seeing him talk poor Emily’s ear off, “Anyone but him,” you grumbled.
“Which reminds me,” your friend directed her attention to Sebastian, “Dance partners this year?” to which the black-haired boy nodded quietly. You stared at him with narrowed eyes, Why are you so quiet today?
“Back with the drinks!” your blonde friend announced to the group, two drinks in hand and two held tight against his chest. Sam passed out the drinks and informed you, “I got you the Sunflower Tonic.”
You pressed your lips against the cup and took a sip, the sweetness of the drink evident, “This is good,” you let your friends know.
“Ew, mine’s too sour,” sighed Abigail, her lips puckered. She held her drink towards the group, “Any takers?”
“I’ll try it,” answered Sam. He grabbed the drink and sipped it, his face grimacing, “Yikes. Too sour,” before handing it in front of you, “Want a taste?”
You felt flushed at the idea of sipping the drink after Sam and seized the opportunity, accidentally taking a big swing of it. Immediately, you gagged at the taste, “Ugh! My tongue!” and spat out what little liquid was left in your mouth. Sebastian finally took the drink and drank it without any sign of sourness on his face, “Yeah, this is bad,” he stated, “I’ll stick with my drink,” the emo resumed his Blue Jazz Drop. 
“Ladies and gentlemen!” Mayor Lewis’s voice echoed awkwardly through his microphone, “The Flower Dance will begin shortly! Last chance to find yourself a partner!”
You heard the man, this is your last chance! you grasped your flower and waited until Abigail and Sebastian went ahead to pull Sam aside, “Hey Sam, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, what’s up?” Yoba, his sunshine demeanor was too much. 
“Would you like to be my partner for the dance?” you held up the tulip. Sam’s sunshine self dimmed into a clouded version, “Oh, (Y/N), but Penny asked me to dance while I was getting the drinks. I’m really sorry.”
The sound of your world cracking rang through your ears, as you stood motionless in front of Sam, “Oh! I, uh…” tears pricked at your eyes, “I gotta go.”
Your surroundings began to blur and any outside noise turned into static, as you made your escape from the Flower Dance and deeper into Cindersap Forest. The bum bum of your heart and the swoosh of your blood pounded against your head. 
I hate him.
He hates me.
No, he just made a promise!
No, he thinks you’re the worst!
It was like being trapped on a carousel, your thoughts and emotions spinning around and around. Soon, you found yourself by a small stream, laying on the ground by it with sprawled out limbs. Tears rushed down your face and you heaved dryly, as your brain failed to comprehend Sam’s words and intent.
Oh, (Y/N), but Penny asked me to dance while I was getting the drinks. I’m really sorry.
You sat up, nearly flinging yourself forward towards the stream, and started to bite at your nails, “He hates me. He hates me. I hate myself. I hate myself. I-”
You jerked your head to the left, Sebastian standing a few feet away from you. As he approached you, you hastily wiped your face with your sleeve, tears and snot staining the fabric, “Leave me alone,” you sniffled.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” he asked you, sitting down beside you with his knees to his chest. The tears resumed and coated your cheeks in the salty liquid, “I hate myself, okay?! I fucking hate myself, Sebastian!”
Sebastian tilted his head in confusion, “Why do you hate yourself?”
“Because I’m obviously such an awful person that Sam doesn’t want anything to do with me!” you cried out. Your friend frowned deeply, “(Y/N), you know that Sam usually dances with Penny at the Flower Dance.”
That made your blood steam, “I wanted it to be DIFFERENT, Sebastian! I wanted him to dance with me!” you heaved at Sebastian. He fell silent and fished out something from his suit pocket, a red tangle fidget. Your friend let it out to you and you snatched it without hesitation, fidgeting with it while you sobbed. You tried to get back to reality, but with each passing moment, the idea of returning to the present grew farther and farther away. Everything was hurting, your mind and your body, everything was hurting so much.
“I’m sorry that you’re hurting,” whispered Sebastian. You looked at him with watery eyes, “I can’t control this,” you admitted. He nodded quietly and held out a hand, to which you grasped and squeezed. Sebastian continued, “I know that these kinda things are a lot for you. I know that your mind is telling you a lot of awful stuff right now because of what Sam said, huh?”
“Yeah…” you squeezed his hand again. Sebastian added on, “I didn’t mean to watch, but I accidentally saw the whole situation go down. Sam looked upset when you ran away.”
“Well, he can shove,” you grumbled. Sebastian snorted and retorted, “He’s the one who wanted to check on you, but I told him that you seeing him while you’re in a RSD episode wouldn’t be that helpful.”
You moved closer to Sebastian and laid your head against his shoulders, “I hate my brain.”
“I get it, you’re not alone,” hummed the emo, “Isn’t this stream pretty, though?” he redirected your focus on the stream, the gentle rush of water humming against the swaying trees, “Maybe, just for a second, we can be like the stream.”
You closed your eyes and focused on the sound of the stream, envisioning yourself as one with the water. A sense of peace washed over you and you exhaled, still picturing yourself as the stream. It felt like an hour or so went by before you opened your eyes again, “I’m the stream,” you stated to Sebastian. 
“You’re the stream,” he repeated back, holding you close, “You’re the stream," your heartbeat and breathing returned to normal.
"I'm the stream."
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Hirona wears an unknown Cornet jsk (named tulip gingham jsk by the seller whose photo I am borrowing).
Hirona writes: ‘on this day I am wearing my favourite cornet jumperskirt and the same blouse of cornet. The shoes are emily temple cute’s T-strap shoes.’
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infinit8ion · 5 months
Emily and Tulip basically have the same nickname…
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eveninggstar · 2 months
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face full of cake ⊹ ࣪ ˖
max verstappen x fem!reader
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When invited to a close friend's wedding, you expect to enjoy cake, maybe catch the bouquet, or share a laugh on the dance floor. What you don't anticipate is getting a face full of cake in the most literal sense. Yet, in that moment of unexpected cake catastrophe, a stranger—someone you've somehow never crossed paths with before—rushes to your rescue. Little did you know, this chance encounter would turn out to be the beginning of a love story you never saw coming.
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The wedding of Emily and Jack was a picturesque affair, held in the lush gardens of a grand estate. Twinkling fairy lights adorned the trees, casting a soft glow over the jubilant gathering. You, a close friend of the bride due to your shared school days, mingled among the guests, savouring the joyous atmosphere. You had watched the heartfelt toasts, cheered during the cutting of the cake, and were now thoroughly enjoying your slice of wedding cake at your table, unaware of the commotion about to unfold.
The reception was in full swing. The band played a lively tune that set the perfect mood for the evening, and the guests chatted and laughed, filling the air with the buzz of celebration. Max Verstappen, seated at a table nearby, was a guest on the groom's side. He hadn’t noticed you amidst the festivities, his attention mostly absorbed by lively conversations with old friends. However, as the evening progressed, his gaze wandered, eventually landing on the gathering of women anticipating the bouquet toss in the middle of the dance floor.
Emily stood poised, bouquet in hand, ready to hurl the tightly bound tulips into the eager crowd of single and taken women. With a mischievous grin, she launched the bouquet with unexpected force. Instead of the graceful arc she intended, the bouquet flew like a missile, heading directly toward you.
Blissfully enjoying your cake, you didn’t see it coming. The bouquet of red tulips and baby's breath struck you squarely on the head, causing you to jolt forward and plunge face-first (or nose-first in this situation) into the cake on your fork, smearing frosting on your nose and the area surrounding it. Laughter and gasps erupted around you as you sat back, dazed and adorned with icing.
Max, who had witnessed the bouquet’s trajectory, was already on his feet. He hurried to your side, concern etched on his face. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice gentle yet urgent, as he knelt beside you. One hand rested on the back of your chair, a protective gesture that brought your faces close.
You looked up, your initial embarrassment melting away as you met his eyes. “I think so,” you managed, your breath catching at the intensity of his gaze. There was a moment of shared amusement and undeniable chemistry, your surroundings fading into a blur.
Emily rushed over, a flurry of apologies spilling from her lips. “I am so, so sorry! I didn’t mean to throw it that hard. Are you hurt?” She fumbled through her clutch, searching for a tissue. She put a hand on the opposite shoulder to the mystery man to your left, shaking you and him out of the trace-like state the pair of you were in.
Max held up a tissue, looking at Emily with a soft plea in his eyes. “I’ve got it handled,” he said, his voice steady. Emily caught the look, her expression shifting to one of realization. With a sly grin and a nod, she stepped back, giving you one last apology, taking the slightly broken bouquet for a re-toss.
“I guess this makes for a memorable wedding story,” you joked, trying to lighten the moment. Max’s fingers were gentle as he wiped the frosting from your nose, their touch sending a shiver down your spine.
“It certainly does,” Max replied, his smile warm and disarming. You were both breathless, words coming out in stumbles as you navigated the sudden, overwhelming connection.
Your cheeks flushed, but you didn’t look away. “Thank you for this. I didn’t expect to need a rescue tonight. But, i did come for a 'face full of cake'.” You laughed along with your 'savour' to your corny joke.
Max’s fingers brushed a petal from your hair, careful not to disturb your curls. “It’s my pleasure. Though, I think you could handle anything thrown at you.”
Your eyes locked, a silent conversation passing between you. Max fumbled slightly as he reached for his phone. “I’d really like to talk more, maybe over coffee sometime?”
Your heart raced as you took his phone, entering your number with slightly trembling fingers. “I’d like that,” you replied, your voice soft but sincere.
He took his phone back, your fingers grazing each other’s in a spark of contact. “Great. I’ll call you soon,” he promised, his eyes lingering on yours, then looking at you with an indication for your name.
Your dreamy smile quickly morphed into one of slight embarrassment as you had just given your number and shared something with the eye contact, but you didn't even know each others name. "Oh! Sorry, its y/n."
"Pretty name, for a pretty lady." He gave a cheesy remark, then straightened up. "I'm Max, by the way."
"Pretty name, for a pretty lady." You joked, hoping he wouldn't take offense, luckily you were met with a bright smile with small peaks of he teeth showing and his eyes forming into crescents.
With a final, lingering glance, Max stepped back, giving you room to breathe yet feeling the pull of wanting to stay close. You watched him, a smile tugging at your lips, knowing this was the start of something special.
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Please don’t steal my work, much love ᡣ𐭩
𝄃𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄀𝄁𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄃 eveninggstar
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