#tumblr wouldnt let me edit the draft with the actual ask in it
vulpesverda · 4 months
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I'm sure you were referring to my Kayn Making Food for the Group headcanons, but I think this would be more fun to do a headcanon post about the kinds of pranks he'd pull on all of the members. I'm also a menace who loves giving myself extra work, lmao
Prank Master Aphelios
Content: No Warnings 》 SFW 》 Alune Included
Requests: Currently Open
We all know about Aphelios replacing K'Sante's protein powder with flour, right? KNOWING this man eats that shit DRY? Evil. And I love it. On top of that, I like to imagine Phel changes the lock and homescreens on K'Sante's tablet to just... really weird shit. Obscure memes. Sometimes ones he's made himself. Ones he's made about K'Sante. How did he get the pass code. K'Sante doesn't know. K'Sante does not have the power to stop him. Someone help this man.
Pranking Sett is both so easy and so difficult. It's so easy to get a big emotional reaction out of him... but there are some pranks that will just fly right over his head. But I think Phel's favorite thing to do is gaslight this motherfucker. Tell him fake facts knowing that Sett is gonna repeat it later and look silly. And when Sett is like "Phel told me that! It's true!", Phel is like "I did not say that, where did you hear that".
You might be thinking, "If anyone were to be free of his shenanigans, it's got to be Yone, right?" And you would be correct. However, no one is free, and therefore Yone suffers. And by "suffers", I mean his cold brew is replaced with decaf. Yone notices. Immediately. He doesnt even have to taste it. He is not happy.
Yone is aware he can just go buy a cold brew, but its the principle of the thing. You don't fuck with a man's coffee, or his morning routine. But Yone can't prove anything, and his coffee is re-replaced as soon as he makes a stink about it, so.
Kayn loves to dye his hair, canonically. And if he dyes his hair with any dye that comes in containers like the Arctic Fox hair dye, you bet Phel has intentionally switched around the colors. He bought sticker remover stuff so he could peel off the labels and switch them around undetected, so Kayn opens up his next bottle of pinkish purple dye and ends up with ultramarine or black or green and dumping it directly on his head.
Because let's be honest, I don't imagine Kayn would put that shit in a bowl and apply it with a brush. He's squeezing that bottle on his head and rubbing it in with his hands. And you're lucky if he's using gloves.
Ezreal is an easy one to prank. If Ez leaves his phone alone for even a SECOND, Aphelios is on that shit, hiding it away in his pocket or something so Ez is frantically looking for it. And then he puts it in a spot he KNOWS Ezreal knows he's looked. He gets a really big reaction out of it, too, which is what makes such a low effort prank so worth it. Minimal risk, big reward. If he's lucky, Ezreal might start whining.
Now, dear reader, you may be asking "Why is Aphelios on this list?". And the answer to that question lies in the fact that Aphelios is not even safe from himself. Particularly when he is drunk. I envision drunk Aphelios giggling to himself as he thinks "It would be really funny to piss off sober me", and doing something he knows is going to inconvenience him while hung over. Like rearranging his bedroom furniture in a way that doesn't make sense or is impractical. Or hiding the toilet paper so he has to do the shuffle of shame after his morning shit.
He is a menace, even to himself. I told you no one is free.
This is her brother. Her brother who loves her, but her brother nonetheless. He's perfected the art of the prank, and she was his unwilling test subject for many, many years. Anything you can think of, he's probably done it to her. There's nothing he can do that would surprise her, at this point. I think he enjoys stealing her hair ties and hiding them somewhere she can't reach. Or hiding all of the left socks in her matching pairs. Anything to inconvenience her just a little bit. And she knows this has the work of the Phae (Phel/Fae) written all over it.
》 ------ ◇ ------ 《
AN: God I love aphelios. End note.
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paneerlajwanti · 3 years
how do u relate or share with ahaana and ashok?
dude do you know i wrote this answer on a google doc. on my college account. and forgot about it. and i would be like that person on tumblr asked me a question about ahaana and ashok and i got personal about it and their profile photo was bisexual and was it barnesbitch or something and thought that i lost it in tumblr drafts or something
and today i was clearing out google docs and saw this lying there im so sorry lol
also as i pasted and edited this answer, i realized that i went completely off track. so what i will do is paste that answer and then actually answer the question, so as to getting the context of where the characters stem from
so uh this answer is going to be a long one if you dont mind,, i relate to both ahaana and ashok on very different levels, to be honest.
ahaana was the first character i ever created. like all of it originated with her first. the story in my head has come along way since 28th september 2017,, but the core values, the main foundation to what makes their characters them stays strong. i initially began to project my inner feels, ideas and ambitions onto Ahaana. she was all that i cannot be and what i wanted to.
no offense to my lover boy,, ashok,, and none will be taken, but for the longest time all that i thought for him, and he was just like yeah he loves ahaana. she loves him too. he is a kind, creative, funny dumbass.
but as i headcannoned for 2 years in my head and in the whatsapp chats of one friend, just the one,, at a very high speed hehe,, i worked on his personality,, or more like added tiny pieces to his puzzle that kinda gives me an idea of how he would be. i had a frend and still do where i would discuss in great detail timelines of their story, their family trees, their personalities, their habits, everything about them
sometimes regret my stupidity because they had potential and i actually created so much about them and they were on the whatsapp chats of a friend. not on paper, not on my computer, nowhere except my head and it's fuzzy memory cycle
i wasnt confident to ever put them on paper (or document), they would usually remain in my brain or in those whatsapp chats and since my dumbass peaks, i lost three years worth of whatsapp chats when i got the new phone,, lol sadness to that,,
i still i wouldnt say ahaana and ashok complete each other, because thats not how things work. they complement each other to become the best versions of themselves.
i relate to ahaana and ashok on a very personal level. i projected my unfiltered and confused emotions onto them. ahaana's core personality and values originate from something that i wanted to implement in my life (during a time was shitty). she was everything that i would've wanted to be and the projection is high on this one.
ahaana made the best of what life threw at her. she didn't let her grudges influence the way she dealt with people and life. she excelled at what she put her mind to. she found solace by channelizing her energy into something that brought joy to the world and to herself. she is a fucking badass and she has my heart.
i did not make the best of what opportunities were given to me. i held grudges and let that entirely affect my life. i didn't put my mind to things, i did not obviously excel. but i did find solace by channelizing my energy into something that brought joy. (oop)
ashok is me. like 100%. completely periodt. like everything basically all of it. sarvasva.
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greenwaterskeeter · 4 years
College Advice
My brother was like, hey if you have any tips… So i wrote this! And then thought, there’s lots of people on tumblr just now going to college too…
Theres nothing in here about covid or making sure you have enough money– because i dont know anything about being a student during covid and i wouldnt give the same advice for getting money to everyone (and i wouldnt always know how anyway). I assume in the advice that the reader has enough money, because my brother does. That makes a big difference! Someone struggling for money wont have the bandwidth or time, probably, to do a lot of the stuff i advise. Edit: ugh i forgot, this is about US schools, specifically liberal arts US schools. Sorry about that!
Also, I didnt feel right taking the affection out of it once i decided to share it publicly. Help yourself! I may not have as direct an interest in your life, but there’s nothing in there i wouldnt wish for anyone going to college right now. (there’s also quite a bit that I think applies to anyone regardless of whether they do college or not).
Hi ******!
College Advice:
Work: No matter how important your work is or how much you have, take at least one day off a week. No schoolwork or working for money or any kind of work at all that day! (if it works better for you to take a half-day here and there instead of the whole day, that will do). More than one day is preferable, but there may come times when you have So Much To DO that sacrificing your free time doesn’t seem so bad and even one day off feels like too much.
I’m sure you’ve had plenty of this already, but people will keep telling you (by things they say and don’t say) that what you accomplish is the most important thing. It is not. What is most important is up to you– but I think it’s being your own authentic self. That’s complicated of course, but it boils down to: you already have everything you need in yourself, and keeping in touch with what you really truly want and love comes before everything. 
If you flunk out of school and all your nightmares come true and you still remember who you are, I will consider you to have succeeded. (but if you do forget– and so many things conspire to make you forget!– I will still be proud of you). 
GPA: It’s not the same as it was in high school! I won’t get into specific numbers because different schools have different ways of calculating it, and different rates of gpa inflation etc. It’s mostly bullshit. Unfortunately, if you want to go to graduate school, it is bullshit you have to pay attention to, but even then it’s not as all-important as it was in high school. You don’t need a 4.0, not even to become a doctor or a lawyer. A 3.5 or 3.6 is plenty for the highest ambitions, especially given that you’ll be doing extracurriculars. 
I would advise keeping half an eye on the numbers, and not straining yourself for even one additional 0.1 above your target, whatever you decide that is. If you decide not to do graduate school, you honestly could get any GPA as long as you don’t end up on academic probation (which i think goes on your permanent record? Or maybe not. I was on academic probation my last semester of senior year and i’m still not clear on whether it’s on the transcript somehow). After college, people only care that you have your bachelor’s, not what your grades were while you got it. They mostly won’t even care what the bachelor’s is in! It’s very strange, after all the work you’ve put in! (many of them only care that you had the money to go to school, very disappointing)
Extracurriculars: I did a lot of different ones, and still don’t feel entirely qualified to advise about them, because I hated most of them. My mistake was doing things I thought I should do instead of what I wanted to do. I think you should do what you want, even if there’s no existing group for the thing you want to do, for a few reasons. 1. You should enjoy yourself! Having fun is a very serious matter! Keeping the joy of living alive in your heart will make living feel worthwhile, of course, but it will also give you courage and the power to stick by your principles and keep pursuing your goals. 2. It doesn’t actually matter to graduate schools WHAT you did for extracurriculars; what they’re looking for is evidence for what kind of person you are, and they judge that that’s shown through HOW you do your extracurriculars (with commitment and integrity etc) rather than which ones you do. (even so, don’t let the “commitment” part keep you stuck in a soul-sucking activity!)
Choices: You’ll be told you’re supposed to choose your major on a certain timeline, do this and that and everything to very specific deadlines, all very proper. Of course, the more deadlines you meet, the easier things are. But on the other hand– human beings are not machines. You’re allowed to change your mind! Even after you were supposed to be sure! It’s much better to listen to your own misgivings and really look at them to figure out what you want as soon as you know they’re there rather than pushing them down in a panic because you’re not supposed to have them. If they’re ignored, they won’t go away, and they’ll eat at you, and one day they’ll ruin things. (this may be what midlife crises are made of). 
Friends: I know you have an established way of having friends, very different from mine, and that’s a good thing! I also know a lot of people take going to college as an opportunity to finally allow themselves certain things. There’s all kinds of takes on this, from putting on a poorly-done accent to binge drinking to coming out. It’s much better to stretch your legs this way than otherwise, I think. We need all the autonomy we can get! 
My advice here is: trust yourself. Listen to even your very quiet instincts. They’re there for a reason. You may elect to ignore them, but consider them first, and reject them afterwards if you must. The extreme end of this is Having A Bad Feeling. Listening to that has saved me from some sticky situations! A more mild form is the weird feeling of dissonance between you and an old friend. There are many reasons you may feel that, but unfortunately, in college, one of the most common reasons is that you’re becoming different people who aren’t so suited to being friends as your high school selves were. It’s painful! At the same time, it’s okay to love someone and not be together forever– but I suspect you already know that!
The one thing I would absolutely forbid is isolating yourself. It may seem impossible from where you are now, but that’s what I thought at the beginning too. College is a weird place, not exactly school and not exactly work and not exactly home, and it’s too easy to slip into anonymity. Tell your friends how you feel, good or bad! If you feel like you’re imposing on them, impose!! If they love you, they will prefer inconvenience over learning later that you were in pain and said nothing.
How to Learn: It’s true what they say, that teaching is the best way to learn. Your peers may not always welcome this– I was rather disliked in study groups for always explaining the answer, before I reined it in a bit (things were still awkward unfortunately! possibly for other reasons lol). Of course, other people’s jealousy isn’t your responsibility, and you may sow discord with your brilliance with my full blessing. If you’d rather not do that, my advice would be to become a tutor and/or TA in the subject(s) most important to you at your earliest convenience/whenever they allow you to. It really does make you an expert!
Humanities: They’re going to make you read a lot. Excessively, some might say! You’ll learn which readings are actually necessary to pore over, which ones you may skim, and which ones you may skip altogether. Please don’t feel guilty for not always doing all the reading! Almost no one does all of them. I didn’t even do all of them, and I was a stickler for Doing It Right.
Papers: my tricks are the Purdue OWL website (for brushing up on grammar, looking up how to do those goddamn finicky citation styles, seeing examples of finished papers in those styles), outlining, and rest time. Leaving time between drafts of a paper helps a lot! (that being said, I will be very surprised if you make it all the way through college without turning in at least a few first drafts. It’s not the end of the world, and if you’ve got a knack for it, the professors may not even know the difference! Very amusing). Reading through what you’ve written out loud also helps, however silly it may feel. It has to do with how your brain processes information, and hearing what you’ve written is different enough from seeing it that you’ll be more sensitive to errors and weirdnesses. 
STEM subjects: For these ones, it’s more important to do all the homework, because they may only give you one problem per concept. Be very literal about how you interpret things, that’s how folks in STEM usually expect you to think. Office hours are gold, if you can get them (and if the professor isn’t an ass). TAs are hit or miss. Readings are usually super important, relatively short, and can be read multiple times for more benefit.
General knowledge: Don’t forget to think critically! You’d think that’s all you’ll be doing, but in fact most professors only want you to regurgitate their own thoughts back to them. Very disappointing. However, that doesn’t have to stop you! You can always think: “Who benefits from this? What voices aren’t I hearing from in this story?” (even in STEM there are stories). “Why is this important?” In general, don’t stop asking questions! This is where I think true intelligence lies.
I’m sure you don’t need ALL of this advice– please don’t think I don’t think you know what you’re doing! I’m being a little over-cautious not because I don’t trust you but because if there’s any chance of my mistakes and accidental successes helping you do better than otherwise, I want to give all of them that opportunity. Kind of a shotgun approach!
All my love,
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fourthwingingit · 5 years
Edit: tumblr didnt post my edits from my original post (like you know when you save something as a draft and go oh wait there are some errors like no header and awkward phrasing lemme fix them) so im gonna repost this eventually but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edit 2: tumblr sucks and never lets me put the thing so... This is for the anon who requested a fic of touch starved clark and conner with the prompts 'nobodys ever done that to me before' and 'i just want to be held' sorry it got angstier then i ment it to.... hope you like hurt comfort
Clark hovered awkwardly outside the door to conners room. He was nervous about seeing the teen with everything between them and what he wanted to ask him.
He took a breath. Conner almost certainly knew he was there already. But that didnt matter.
Ma always said that manners matter
He knocked.
From inside came a muffled, annoyed, and clipped
"What is it clark?"
Taking that as the best invitation he was going to get he opened the door and went in.
He looked at conner. The kid was on his bed, facedown on top of the covers like an angsty teen in a movie.
Clark thought he looked too small for the position he was in. Like he was waiting for some blow that was going to take a part of him with it to land... or like it already had and he was cradling a hole
Clark shook off the disturbing thought and steeled himself. He swiftly walked to Conner's bedside, and said, eloquently,
"Well. I... you see...... uh... lois- i mean to say..... uhh"
Lord this was already going to hell in a handbasket.
Conner turned his head enough to raise one eyebrow
"What the hell was that?"
He sat down a respectful distance away (as far away as he could) and tried again
"Hmm... you see i uhh- hmm you know how uhh.... things umm. Sometimes.... uhh"
Conner slowly turned his head the rest of the way to clark, confusion now written in every line in his body. great.
Clarks back bowed fast. Like his head gained 20 pounds in a half a second, his arms planted themselves on his knees and he gave up trying... he'd try again some other day. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe lois should do it.... Kal-el you coward.
"I... i dont know, ive got nothing."
But now he was scrambling, he needed a reason for being here. And what came out was;
"Ma told me shes uhh, seen you acting in a... less than..... ideal...... kind of.... way.?"
"No yeah i heard it"
"That was some next level awkward," and there was some distinct venom in that voice shoot. "if its that hard to be around me then you can find the door. I certainly dont need your pity handouts anyway."
Well.... shit
"No thats not.... im.... i wanted to ask- uh... whats been bothering you..... sport."
He now had what bruces kids called The Awkward White Man Smile... great.
Suprisingly, Conner chuckled.
Maybe a small part of Clark's brain said its not hopeless?
"Right now? Your social skills."
Banter! He hung around batman! He could do banter.
"Aww man and here i was thinking i was handing out winning lines."
"Oh no, youve gone senile a little early, well... maybe not early... good thing you've got Kara."
There was a small smirk playing at conners lips and an actual opportunity. God was real and he loved Clark Kent.
"At least I know I have two good boys to pick me up after im down." He looked away fast.
Silence stretched on
Oh lord he messed up the moment
He presumed too much and their only friendly interaction in over a month is ruined
The voice Conner used was so painfully soft and small. Like it didnt dare to hope anymore and had stopped trying a long time ago.
Clark never was good at leaving voices like that alone. And he was always more comfortable when something needed doing anyways.
Superman courage steadied him enough to take a risk.
He reached out his hand, and ruffled Conner's hair, trailing his fingers down after to rest on the shoulder closest to him and said.
"I have two kids dont i?"
More silence
Conner was frozen beneath his fingertips
He panicked
Oh god
He had fucked it up
He had fucked up enough times that conner didn't want anything to do with him
Okay damage control
"That is...." Conner stiffened further "if i haven't been so horrible to my eldist that he doesnt want anything to do with me"
The silence was now so deep he could hear the dust motes brushing against everything
He heard a tiny sniffle
And then he telltale sound of tears hitting bedsheets.
His head whipped around, his glasses flew off somewhere into the room. He barely noticed.
Shocked, he started to speak but Conner cut him off before he could finish the first syllable.
"You know when i was in Hawaii i used to watch families. Specifically parents and children. I'd be so jealous of-"
Conner cut himself off.
"Nobody's ever- i mean...... parents do that to their kids.... the hair touching thing.... Nobody's ever-" his voice broke, he cleared it. "Nobody's ever even tried to touch my hair if we werent kissing."
He gave a pitiful, watery laugh and, after a breif, stunned, pause, started rambling about how "of course i get it cut, like, the barber touches it and stuff..."
And it all hit clark.
Somehow it had never occured to Clark, that even though Conner looked like he was so much older than Jon, he wasnt.
He wondered who raised him
Who fed him
Who hugged him through nightmares
Clarks heart broke
Because he was certain the answer to most of those kinds of questions was 'Conner' and none of them were "Kal-el" or "Clark Kent"
Clark turned a bit and ran his hand over Conner's back softly, cutting off his rambling and said in a voice that was somehoe warm but still felt guilty and mourning;
"What do you want? What can I do?"
Conner was stunned. Kal had never given him anything like this. So he kept talking to give his brain time to catch up.
"I don.... i- i used to watch families... in- in Hawaii, and I'd get jealous of the kids, that they got to have families. Got to have parents. I dont..."
Clark turned a little to properly face his son and grabbed his hand.
"What can i do Conner?"
One day ago Conner would have asked for a lot. To never see Kal again, the superman title, his spot in the JL, even some time with Jon. But now?
Conner shifted, he sat up as best he could. And guided Kals hand to the side of his face, through tear tracks, held it there for a second, and then slid it into his hair. All thr while leaning into it like it was the only support he needed.
"I just want to be held.... without expectations..... without titles or rules or anything in return."
Connor wouldnt meet his eyes, or look up from the bedspread during his request.
For the second time that day Clark's heart broke. But now he had something he could do.
He reached out with his other hand, guiding his son into his arms, and gently layed them down
He kept one hand on the back of Conner's head, stroking the strands there. And one hand on Conner's back slowly moving back and forth.
From the first point of contact, Conner's world narrowed to the hand Kal had put on him. And now, there was more. Now he was allowed to reach out. He wanted to get closer. To bury his face in Kals chest and curl up small. To let the world fall away around them. Until nothing existed but them. Holding each other forever.
Kal seemed to read his mind, and guided his head to tuck itself under his chin and pressed them closer together.
No promises, no strings, no obligations after.
He could leave whenever he wanted.
He wanted to stay forever.
Conner wondered breifly what was like to be held by a father. If it felt as nice as this. Like everything crashed in on him, but it was okay.
Maybe, he thought.
They had a maybe.
And this maybe was a lot of ground to stand on.
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