scarlettmoonz · 4 years
"Excellence is not a gift, but a skill that takes practice. We do not act 'rightly' because we are 'excellent', in fact we achive 'excellence' by acting 'rightly'."
- Plato
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oldbehold · 5 years
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1950s cosmetics commercial featuring Marilyn Monroe❤️
“Now...a new creamy, smearproof lipstick...by the Westmores!”
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oumaimahdad · 4 years
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its been a long time since i used tumblr, alot has changed haha, i feel old. Also, can someone please tell me how to start my old blog? Help! 
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fashion4world · 7 years
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silly7gurl · 7 years
Middle fingers up, put them hands high, Wave it in his face, tell him, boy, bye.
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aggravates · 3 years
hey guys just wanted to thank everyone following me especially people who have been here for years
ive had this tumblr for ~9 years and ive just broken 3k followers. i know a lot of them are porn blogs but it’s still pretty cool. i don’t rly make content so my number hasnt gone up much since the days of tumblrplug and followtrains lol 
anyway thanks <3
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dullhoe · 7 years
holy shit anyone remember tumblr promos!!?? REBLOGS ONLY!!!! Likes dont count!!!!! MUST be folllowing me and 18 other shitty ass blogs!! winners will be announced tomorrow
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scarlettmoonz · 4 years
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinion, their lives a mimicry, their passion a quotation."
-Oscar Wilde
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oldbehold · 5 years
BEHOLD: The first ever CAT only photo shoot😻
Circa. 1914 🥰🥀
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These were all taken by Harry Whittier Frees, who started this series, of cats doing human-like tasks, in early 1900s!🐱❤️🧍
Rest assured all these cat babies were treated with care❤️
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hotcupofcoffeee · 4 years
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cigerettes · 3 years
petition to bring back tumblrplug because i want to play tic tac toe
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lily-and-her-hell · 7 years
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Oknem na świat widzę tylko dachy czyichś wnętrz. #roof #museumofwarsaw #freedom #friends #followme #tumblrplug #follow4follow #followforfollow
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makeup---obsessed · 8 years
How did you grow your blog so big in such little time ?
Hi! I was quite surprised myself when I saw my blog getting so much recognition. Here’s what I did:
1. Followed other makeup/beauty blogs and kindly asked them to check out my blog; Sometimes, all you have to do is just ask!
2. Went on tumblrplug; I did this probably for a week straight then stopped completely because even though I was getting followers, people didn’t follow me because they liked my blog, they followed me because they wanted a follow back. In a sense, if you just want followers period, use it. But for me, tumblrplug was a waste of my time. I’d rather get less followers who enjoy my posts than more people just following me waiting for a follow back if that makes any sense
3. Reblogged photos and created tags at the bottom. For example, if I reblogged a picture of a mac lipstick, I would tag it “makeup”, “highend”, maccosmetics”, and “lipstick”. So say if someone went to the search bar and typed in “highend”, they may see the photo I reblogged and check out my blog!
4. Uploaded my first post. If you go to my “uploads” page, you’ll see that I have already uploaded my own picture of the carli bybel palette. It helps get your blog recognition because when people see you posting original content, they may reblog from you, and their followers will reblog from them! It almost becomes a chain.
I have also messaged a few of my followers and asked them how they stumbled across my makeup blog and a majority of them said that they saw my blog on the top right of the tumblr dashboard called “recommended blogs”. However, I am not sure how I ended up on there…does anyone else know?
Anyways, all I would say if you’re a blog just starting out, I would advise you to just be nice to others, ask people to check out your blog, and remember that its not about the follower count! Have a good day anon ♡ Sorry this post is so long!!
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January 23, 2017
Things are going to change. I fear for the worst. 
Keirstin and Daryl broke up. Which means anything planned has to be without one. It isn’t like we do much anyways. If they want Tyler to go to Western or to party with them, no girl there and I won’t be invited either. Not like I was before, but at least there was a chance. I didn’t expect Keirstin to tell me either, I just thought we had made enough progress that I would have been notified eventually. I feel like I was there for her every other time she needed someone to talk to because Daryl was hurting her. When she isn’t at Western she calls me. When she is at Western she has other friends. I didn’t see her for Christmas, I planned to, but after hearing what Jody had to say I had no reason to. Now all of Tyler’s friends are single and they’re going to do single things and expect Tyler to join them. I am going to have to find a way to be okay with it. I am actually terrified.  Me and Tyler hung out with Celine today. It made me realize something, I said that if we want to do Cyprus this year that we have to book soon. She said she doesn’t want to go because she has seen it before. I think she doesn’t want to go because not everyone is together. When everyone was together everyone is excited to do something. We used to be a family and Celine even called it that today even though its dead. I wish she would understand that. She is holding onto it and trying to please everyone. It just isn’t like that. No one cares for one another, and she saw if first hand who has her back and she still calls everyone else her family. It pissed me off that these shitty people have better friendships than I do. I try so hard to make people happy and fight so hard for whats right and I am still lonely and unappreciated. Maybe I am the shitty one, its the only way anything makes sense. I know I haven’t been 100% recently, not even 50% to be honest, but thats because I am tired of giving myself. I am tired of being used and getting hurt and not being apart of things. If I am going to be alone its going to be under my terms. No one else’s. 
I really want to see Nicole, but we are both so busy. I am the only one at work that has two shifts this week, which kind of makes me happy. I am so tired though. I am scared I am going to fall behind in school. I have a new goal of becoming a teacher, but I don’t know how possible it is. I learned the alphabet in sign language, which I am very proud of. I talked to Steven about what happened with Tyler on the trip and how I feel in general. Why I think I am reacting so badly to everything. He said  I need to try harder to make Tyler happy because that is what a relationship is about, working with the other person. Tyler tries hard to make me happy and he deserves the same back. Even if I am tired and think I should just sit back and take it for a while. Something Steven said stuck with me because I feel a lot more, like I said I am getting better everyday, but I reached something sexually. I am horny and we did have sex. I was in the mood, just wasn’t that great because I was on my period. I have been masterbating every night trying to hold onto this horniness because I don’t want it to go away. I think I may just be horny because I am on my period, but that end today so hopefully it stays.  I got my Skis back from Sport Chek. Now I have to wait for it to snow and someone to teach me. I am peeling from vacation and am sad about it. 
I have been getting Tyler to take me to the gym. Three days in a row and I feel good. I have been trying to eat healthier and it is a work in progress, but it is coming along. I am taking pictures of Tyler for his new fitness Instagram page tomorrow. Going to borrow a 50mm lens from Raushawn. I hope it goes well. I told Tyler to ask Matt if it was okay that I come in and take pictures and that lead to an argument because Tyler didn’t see the need. Hopefully he will ask anyways. 
I redecorated Phoenix’s cage. I added live kale plants and a new hammock that is pretty big but it looks really cool. Her cage would look better i with sand, but the newspaper is the safest option and easiest to clean. I re-arranged Jinx’s cage and added a fake leaf plant. I want to add more for him to climb and hide under. I want to add maybe another piece of driftwood to Phoenix’s cage too and give her some more climbing and basking space. I have been wanting to change their cages forever and I am finally getting around to it. 
Pre-ordered the Maine’s CD and got a pre-sale code. Nicole agreed to go to the concert with me as tickets are inexpensive. Which is great I get to spend time with her and get to enjoy good music. She is also such an amazing sport at trying out new things. Once I get the CD I am going to make sure she listens to it with me so at least she knows some of the songs and in the meantime I will get her listening to some older stuff. Maybe I will let her borrow my Forever Halloween vinyl because I know she will find that awesome. I am very excited about it. 
Also I am noticing Tumblr isn’t what it used to be, which makes me sad. I went onto formally known tumblrplug, now known as blogplug to promote my blog as its been a while and its a great way to find new blogs and meet new people. Its basically dead. The lists used to be twice as long, twice as many people playing the prom game. Tumblr used to be a tight knit community of people who were misunderstood, but tried to understand one another. They stood by one another and helped one another. Now it is a bunch of people who are self absorbed and only care about themselves. I have had Tumblr for over five years and I have seen it change. I don’t like it. 
Deep Breaths. Hopefully things will be fine. 
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aggravates · 4 years
ive been hardstuck on followers for like 3 years now its rough
i just wanna break 3k but not producing original content = not gaining any followers
i miss followtrains and tumblrplug so much
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dullhoe · 7 years
does tumblrplug still exist tho
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