#tunesday week 1
spnfanficpond · 2 years
Weekly Pond Newsletter
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Stay spooky, my friends!
Old Business:
The Radio Company & Louden Swain concert in Nashville sold out so ridiculously fast! If you got a ticket, head into the discord server to chat with other folks who are going! Maybe we could carpool? ROAD TRIP!!
New Business:
The Louden Swain record release party on stageit just ended and it ROCKED!!!!
Want a signed copy of the new record but short on cash? YOU'RE IN LUCK!! WE'VE GOT A SIGNED CD UP FOR GRABS IN THIS MONTH'S ANGEL FISH RAFFLE!!
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Get this before it's even added to the prize list!!
Which brings us to our next item...
Angel Fish Award nominations are due tomorrow if you want to get an entry into this month's raffle! Click here for more information on the AFA's and the raffle!
Jason Manns has a Tunesday StageIt concert scheduled for Tuesday, November 1st at 1:10PM Eastern US time. Click here for tickets!
Fishing for Treasures at the @fanficocean is next weekend and the theme for November is Gen Fics! Got a fic where the pairing is incidental to the plot? That's a Gen Fic! (To be clear, there can be a pairing, it just can't be that the pair getting together is the central plot point of the story.) Case fics, canon fix-its, canon fillers, these are all up for grabs. Get your non-SPN Gen Fics submitted to the Ocean by midnight Friday!
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! We try to keep it as up to date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, or cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your admins, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @fictionalabyss, and @mariekoukie6661 (and also @thoughtslikeaminefield, @princessmisery666, and @coffee-obsessed-writer!)
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sunseekerdeluxe · 2 years
Tunesday 1
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Also heard this week:
Control Denied - The Fragile Art of Existence The Otolith - Folium Limina Sarayasign - Throne of Gold
An auspicious start to the new day/numbering scheme, but I started getting sick last Wednesday and have spent the last six days or so not listening to music while limping through varying degrees of sore throat and not-exactly-runny-nose congestion while waiting to develop the same cough everybody else here got.
Seeing as we don’t leave the house and we haven’t had any face-to-face meetings with any human being since my mother’s dental appointment last month at this time, how any of us got sick is a bit of a mystery.
Anyway, new day of the week again, new pun post title, reset numbering scheme, and absolutely the same old (bad) content.
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Happy Tunes Tuesday!
Hey, guys! It's Jacques from @bloodlessheirbyjacques ✨
Yes, I'm making a new writeblr event because y'all have made me thirsty for your TUNES in your WIP PLAYLISTS.
Here are the rules for this week's Tunes Tuesday :3
1. Close your eyes, listen to these three songs, and daydream.
(I give you more than one just in case you don't like some)
2. Tell me about how the music induced daydreams about your WIP!
Here are your first three songs!
1. The Sound of Silence - Disturbed
2. Man or Monster - Sam Tinnesz
3. All the Kings Men - The Rigs
(Yes, I stole some of these from y'all's WIP playlists)
Now tell me about your daydreamed scenes!!!
You don't have to write them out as full scenes!
They can definitely be as vague, or as detailed as you want!
But, of course, feel free to make your own post, with your own song recs for Tunes Tuesday! Extra points if you recommend songs from your WIP playlists :3
I'll tag a few people I hope would be interested in this one though :D
@the-void-writes (thank you for inspiring me to make this event c: ) @avrablake @ettawritesnstudies @jess-p-edits (💍💐) @tc-doherty @catharticallysarcastic @pheita @writingonesdreams @magnus-s-writes @ren-c-leyn @circa-specturgia @magefaery @muddshadow @squid--inc @tryingtimi @aninkwellofnectar @mr-writes @kapenkoiwrites @asher-orion-writes @kashacreates @aalinaaaaaa @jessicas-story-blog22
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Gymnopédie No. 1 played by Amy Turk
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kashacreates · 2 years
✨🌈Happy Tunesday🌈✨
Here are the rules for this week’s Tune Tuesday :3
1. Close your eyes, listen to these three songs, and daydream.
2. Tell me about how the music induced daydreams about your WIP!
Here my three songs (In a playlist!):
Reblog this with your scenes!
You don’t have to write them out as full scenes!
They can definitely be as vague, or as detailed as you want!
Per @bloodlessheirbyjacques, abscond with this into your own post with your own song recs for Tunes Tuesday! Extra points of you recommend songs from your WIP playlists :3
Tag a few people too. I was tagged by @the-void-writes and I’ll be doing that one shortly!  I’m tagging: @justnerdy15, @yancyeet, @aloeverawrites
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dumparchivesblog · 4 years
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Hello hello, it’s a brand new day and a brand new week. Last week was my first week as an Assistant Team Leader. I was quite nervous to be honest but at the same time surprised of how smooth it actually went. I thought I’m gonna have a hard time adjusting since I’m not quite familiar yet with a lot of things. I don’t know personally a lot of the designers and only had a few interactions before with some of the TLs but they were really nice to leave notes for my reference and answer my questions regarding some of the clients.  Being an ATL one of my tasks is to post a morning report of our new clients, or transferred clients. Part of it is also to include something interesting or fun. So I’ve made themed days called, Tuesday Tunesday, Wellness Wednesday, Travel Thursday, Foodie Friday and Saturday Sharing. I didn’t want to just put a trivia or quote. So I gave it a variety to also keep everyone engaged. Work starts at 8:00am and I usually post it at around 8:30am. Then the next task is around 9:00-9:30am wherein I post in our main channel the teams I’ll be checking and I’ll put on that thread those I’ve checked whether they’re passed or for revision and tag the designer. Actually, my mornings are not that busy. Sometimes I only check 1-3 tickets in the morning. Real work starts around 2pm until 5pm, sometimes I go beyond 5:30 and latest is at 6pm. No more early outs for me, back when I was a designer I would always finish at 3pm or 4pm. But it’s okay as I have lots of free time in the mornings so sometimes that when I do my workout or other things.  I’ve also started to go biking. My boyfriend and his dad goes biking every Saturday. It’s not just a hobby for them but something that’s really a part of their lifestyle. Aleck always encourages me to do physical activities, like working out and now biking. So we just bought my own bike 2 weeks ago. The first ride we went to was just around Marikina River park, and that time I was just using their Japanese bike. We rode around 14km and man, my knees did hurt af after that for 2 days. Yesterday we went and biked around UP/CP Garcia area, even though it rained a little we still pushed through. And this time it was around a 17km ride. It was really a challenge for me as I’m still familiarizing myself with the gears. Plus I didn’t expect those uphills to be hard. My knees didn’t hurt as much though compared to our first ride. I know there’s covid and all that but we’re taking safety precautions bringing alcohol, wearing masks and doing social distancing. It’s just really hard not doing any physical activity and being in the house all the time, sitting or lying in bed all day. These days, I really can’t stand being in our house for so long. I get annoyed and easily irritated with the people at home. Not good for my mental health.  Oh and just to add, I’m hoping na I’d be more active in blogging and be able to write more again. Since I have free time in the mornings at work. Welp that’s it for now :D 
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lstunesday · 5 years
Tunesday Revival #1 - Haley Heynderickx
It’s probably best to make no mention of the fact that I haven’t made a post on Tunesday for 3 years. I’ve called this post a ‘revival’ but it’s more like some sort of rise of the living dead. Not to overstate the power of my prose, but I thought it might have been looking like the end for old Zombie Shakespeare over here.
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Some excellent gigs and a few great recent finds are all it’s taken for me to come back to this here blog and start sharing a tune every now and then. Dunno if it’s gonna be a weekly thing, but check back every month or so and I’d say you’ll have some new garbage to read and some excellent music to add to your playlists.
This time it’s Haley Heynderickx, who I’ve been lucky enough to see live a couple of times the past couple of weeks, the first supporting Tunesday old mate Angie McMahon at the Melbourne Recital Centre (which was an amazing gig btw) and the second this past Sunday, at The Gaso.
Sunday was a pretty lovely experience. Haley’s typically up there with her band when performing in the States, but us Melburnians were treated to a solo performance and – I gotta say – she left a pretty packed house feeling all warm and fuzzy by the end of a set.
Highlight of the set was the song I’ve posted below, ‘Oom Sha La La’. The punters got behind the sing-a-long vibes that imbue the song, and pretty well lost their shit at Haley’s insistence that she’s overdue to start at garden in her backyard.
Another highlight was just before this song, where, in lieu of silence while tuning her guitar, Haley invited us to introduce ourselves to a stranger standing nearby. Was deathly silent for the first few seconds of this, but she could hardly get us to shut the fuck up for a good few minutes once everyone got going.
Haley’s a massive talent, has a beautiful voice, a great presence on stage and seems like a pretty rad person to boot. Would suggest keeping her on your radar and turning up early to any of the remaining gigs on Angie’s album tour.
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danglydolan · 7 years
So i am still ultimately obsessed with TUNESDAYS so i was thinķing why not spread some music around with the favorite 10 songs at the moment TAG !!! Hope you like the idea and have fun spreading it💓
Hi Alexandra ❤️That is such a great idea! 😊 because I discover new music like everyday and I also want to know where you guys listen to! So these are songs that I’ve been obsessed with this week/month:
1. Slow Hands - Niall Horan2. I’m The One - DJ Khaled3. Wouldn’t Change A Thing - Jackson Breit4. The Night We Met - Lord Huron5. What You Need - Byank6. Try Again - Chef'Special7. Feel It Still - Portugal. The Man8. Fresh Eyes - Andy Grammar9. Lust For Life - Lana Del Rey ft. The Weekend10. Talk Of The Town - Jack Johnson
Hope u have a great day and let me know what your favs are at the moment! Xx
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katiecoleofficial · 7 years
Part 1 . Lucky I recorded a few videos last week for my Tunesday series as I have half a voice still from my latest seasonal allergy attack. This is a wonderful song written by Carole King / Gerry Goffin and originally performed by Dusty Springfield. "No Easy Way Down" #apogee #yamahaLL16 #neumann #seelectronics @yamahamusicusa @yamahaguitardevelopment
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duckandrollblog · 8 years
Naming Time
We've talked now about the counting of years, and we've talked about the calendar for your campaign, but we need one more detail in order to bring it all together. You know how many months you need, and how many years have passed in the eras of your world, but they still need to be brought to life, they still need names.
As a minimum you'll probably want a name for the week days and months and some sort of naming convention for different eras in your setting. This will allow you to present time in a familiar format and convey some basic information in a quick sentence. There are many great ways to name these increments of time, but I'll present a few of my favourites here to give some ideas as a starting point:
 Rulers: If your campaign focuses largely on an area which has a long history of unified rulers or monarchs than each month could be named after a distinct ruler. From there one could name each day of the week after an aspect of the kingdom that the monarch manages. For example: Mercantile day or Merchday, Taxday, Warsday,  Thanesday, Fieldsday, Statesday, and Spiritsday. And you could break your eras into two distinct chunks such as BDM (Before the Dawn of Man.) and AMD (After Man's Dawn). Of course you could mix this formula up easily by making each monarch's reign its own group of years and then name each month for a different famous duke, prince or princess
 Farmers calendar: Common folk worry about common things, and they may well track common things as a method for keeping time. One might see a kingdom or even large stretches of environmentally similar areas using a calendar that tracks common farm life. In this system the months might be broken down based on how warm or cold it is, or the types of crops grown during those months. One would see "Month of the snow yam." or "Whetmonth" or "Month of corn". And the days of the week could be broken into Important tasks. Milkday, Tillday, Weed day, Plowsday, Fenceday, Watersday, and Restday. Of course these days would not be hard and fast rules, a chicken farmer obviously has work to do on Milkday, and one doesn't need to till their field every week. The idea is the naming serves as a general reflection of the tasks in a farmer's life. Although having whole communities out doing similar work all at the same time does lead to some interesting options. The eras of such a timekeeping system aren't likely to matter much to the common folk as few have much stake in any group of years besides the ones they live in.
 Magic Calendar: It's not too hard to imagine spellcasters being in charge of making a lot of the most important choices in a region, kingdom, or world. After all, they are typically the smartest, wisest, and most persuasive of people. If spellcasters decided to egotistically name the passages of time after themselves we might see this calendar used. Months could each be named after a type of spellcaster. The Month of the oracle, the Month of the Priest, the Month of the Magus and so on. Whereas a week might be broken into eight days: Abjurday, Conjurday, Divinday, Evoday, Enchanday, Illuday, Necroday, and Transday. Of course a more puritanical calendar might exclude Necroday for an even six weeks.  To take this a step farther one could include in their setting that on each day the schools spells become stronger getting +1 to effective caster level or other bonuses. In a calendar like this the Eras may be tracked with the discovery of new arcane methods. "In the era of truespeech" or "In the time of the occult" or "During the reign of Psions" or such things as that.  
 Divine Calendar: It should be little surprise to anyone that even in worlds with a myriad of religions, faith has a huge impact on history and society. In a world in which gods are provably, demonstrably real it is likely to draw even more from its gods. A divine Calendar takes its names from the Gods and demigods of the setting. Months like "Pelortober" Or "Nerulvember" or "Nurgle Month" or "Baneuary" may fill your setting. Or maybe you can pick names that don't sound terrible. Your weekdays could then be named after famous demigods, or even perhaps specific religeous rituals. "Monastary day." followed by "Tunesday" and then "Worship day" and "Theurge day" and "Fasting day". The eras in a setting can be tied to significant religious events, such as "635  WGW" (When gods walked), or 235 GF (God fell), or other events tied to your mythology or cosmology.
 Numerical calendar: Wouldn't it be nice is everything just made sense? The Months of your year could be so perfect. Evenly numbered months telling you exactly which number it is. "Primus." "Deus" "Trinitary" "Quatober." "Quince" "Sextus" "September" "October." "November." "December".   In this system one might not even bother with naming days of the week, they aren't strictly necessary after all. Alternatively you could have a binary of "Workday, workday workday, holiday" Every four days a new cycle. And the Eras may simply be increments of 1,000 or 10,000 years, or you may not have any at all, simply using an ever increasing number of years instead.
 Realistic calendar: Just take a mouthful of the different ideas above and spit them up on paper, edit absolutely nothing and BAM, you have a realistic and likely calendar. Unfortunately people don't always agree on things, and often times kingdoms are conquered and absorbed and some ideas pass on and some aren't. One look at the Gregorian calendar will tell you that history doesn't always make sense. Name one month after a god, name a weekday after some king's favourite horse, have an era that was a 2 year long gap in which all the recorded history was just forgotten or burned, just take several good ideas and bash them together with a crowbar into a hot mess.
 One more thing to take note of. My recommendation when it comes to months and weekdays, and I'm certainly not the first to suggest this, is to try to keep the names somewhat familiar. Many of the above examples may have had you intuit which days of the week are analogous with our own week, and this is very intentional. Even though knowing "Today is Tillday, which is just like Tuesday" isn't inherently crucial, being able to say "My magic item won't be finished until Fieldsday" without having to stop and check and ask the DM about the calendar, can go a huge way to showing the detail and immersion a player can enjoy by having a relatable weekly cycle.  
Hopefully this all has helped you out in determining the months and weekdays and eras of the calendar in your game, and inspired you to create a novel, exciting, or at least functional, calendar of your own campaign so you always know what day tomorrow is.
For more article slike this check out: http://www.duckandrollgames.com/
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Happy Tunes-day!! 🎶
It's Tunes Tunesday again! Week 2 😏
(Week 1's Post!)
Y'all know the drill now! Listen to these three songs, and reply / reblog this post telling us about your WIP daydreams!
It's okay if you don't feel them all! That's why there's more than one!!!
Feel free to make your own post with your music Recs from your own WIP playlists and tag me! I'm always up for more Music Recs :D
Here are this weeks Tunes straight from some of yall's WIP playlists 🥺💋❤️
Dancing With Your Ghost - Sasha Sloan
stolen from @magefaery (and my) playlists 🥺❤️
Locked - Weshley Arms
recommendation by @tryingtimi 💋❤️ Weshley Arms is my new goddamn obsession.
Live like Legends - Ruelle
I stole this from MANY of y'all's WIP playlists, including but not limited to @jess-p-edits , and @catharticallysarcastic - let me know if it's also in any of yall's too 😂
Ruelle is absolutely brilliant for WIP playlists
Bonus Song!
Be Kind - Halsey & Marshmallow
also recommended by @magefaery because we've been obsessing over our mutual adoration for Halsey. I love her SO much.
If you have any recommendations - shoot it my way and I can put them in future tunesday posts :D
Happy Day Dreams ✨❤️🥂
I'll tag a few people that were interested last week :D
Tunesday Lists ~
@the-void-writes (thank you for inspiring me to make this event c: ) @avrablake @ettawritesnstudies @tc-doherty @talesofsorrowandofruin @writingonesdreams @writerfae @circa-specturgia @muddshadow @squid--inc @aninkwellofnectar @mr-writes @kapenkoiwrites @asher-orion-writes @kashacreates @aalinaaaaaa @jessicas-story-blog22 @jezifster @lyralit @athenswrites @odysseywritings
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Happy Tunesday! 🎶
Previous Posts: Week 1 | Week 2
You know the rules ✌️🔥✨
Listen to these three songs, and daydream about your WIPs!
Tell me about your WIP daydreams in the reblogs!
Or, make your own tunesday posts and use music straight from your WIP playlists! Tag me in them! I'd love to steal your music!
Here's a Royalty / God themed week 👑💍❤️
you should see me in a crown - Billie Eyelash
stolen from @catharticallysarcastic c:
Game of Survival - Ruelle
recommended in Week 2 tags by @writerfae 🤣, and also stolen from @jess-p-edits playlist
Young God - Halsey
I've spied Halsey in MOST of y'all's playlists so here 👀❤️🔥
Happy Daydreaming
Don't forget to tell me all about them~
Feel free to send in recommendations for future tunesday posts!!!
@the-void-writes (thank you for inspiring me to make this event c: ) @tryingtimi @avrablake @ettawritesnstudies @talesofsorrowandofruin @magefaery @writingonesdreams @circa-specturgia @muddshadow @squid--inc @aninkwellofnectar @mr-writes @kapenkoiwrites @asher-orion-writes @kashacreates @aalinaaaaaa @jessicas-story-blog22 @jezifster @lyralit @athenswrites @odysseywritings @agrimedena-drax
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