#turns out the answer is that he's not actually that awful in jaehee route
juminies · 4 months
People are too harsh on Jaehee route Jumin I fear... I hadn't actually played her route since 2017/18 so while I knew the gist of it I couldn't remember exactly how Jumin behaved in it, but judging by the absolute SLANDER I've seen of his character I expected him to be SO much worse omg
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saw something that mentioned ppl like jumin (rich corporate ppl) are often saeyoung's targets and/or clients, so what if he got an assignment where jumin is the target? bc on one hand he can't really go against the agency, but also that's his friend!! one of a handful of people who actually seems to care about him! and TRUSTS him!!! (maybe he somehow turns it around on the client? but that could get him in trouble 😔 I'm sure that big brain of his can figure it out)
Saeyoung would not harm his friends. The only way that Saeyoung would throw someone underneath a bus would be if they threatened Saeran or MC. The people that matter the most to him. That's how that is and how it always will be in Saeyoung's eyes. His love for the RFA is strong but Saeran and MC come first without a shadow of a doubt. So, say that one of the agency's clients handed down the order that said "Eliminate Jumin Han. Kill him."
Would he go through doing that? No. He wouldn't kill his friend. There is no chance that he would go through doing that. I have no doubt in my mind in that regard. It doesn't matter if it's Jumin, Yoosung, Jaehee, Zen, etc. He's not going to kill his friends. It just isn't the way he wants to be. There are things he's done in his life that he's not proud of. There are things that keep him up late at night he can't do anything about. He knows he's done and said awful things. In his eyes, he is a monster. But is he enough of a monster to go through with killing the people that have become his found family?
No, he would only do that if they threatened the lives of his brother and his MC. This is proven in the case of V and Rika. He was prepared to destroy V in Seven's Route. There's a strong chance he would have gone through with that if the opportunity had arisen. If it weren't for the fact that he had been severely injured on top of being distraught, there's a strong chance that we wouldn't be there because of Saeyoung.
In V's Route, he almost did get to kill Rika for what happened to Saeran with the bomb. The only thing that stopped him in that situation was the fact that multiple people came to the cabin. If it wasn't for that fact alone, it's confirmed that Rika wouldn't be alive. So, it is honest to say he will kill people close to him if they go against the one stipulation he has. Hurt the two people who matter most to him, and you are dead.
But, what you're implying is somebody pays big money into the agency to have Jumin killed. That isn't going to motivate Saeyoung to get rid of his close friend. No, he would figure out who put in this order in the first place and find a way to get rid of them. He is an intelligent agent who knows his way around. It isn't a stretch of the imagination to say that he would be able to find anyone who dared to threaten the lives of the people around him who he knows are innocent. Saeyoung won't hesitate to get rid of people like that.
Anybody that wants to kill his friend who is trying to run a major corporation that does its best to do the right thing is probably a pretty bad person. He knows that. The world needs less rotten people like that. If Saeyoung has to get his hands dirty to get rid of people like that, he won't hesitate to do it. It's not that difficult for him to do that. He's already had to do awful things. Why would he hesitate here? In the name of protecting the people that he cares about, it's not hard for him to become a devil. After all, isn't that why his baptismal name is Luciel? He isn't going to kill Jumin. He will find a way to get rid of the guy that dared to threaten Jumin. It will also not have a way to lead back to him. That might not be the tension or angst-filled answer you wanted, but that's just the way that it is.
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Can I request the RFA+Minor Trio reacting when they find out that MC is actually still in highschool (17-15 y.o.) but only finding out at the party
Hi there!!
I mustadmit I debated quite a lot whether to take or not this request. It’s quite a lot outmy comfort zone but  since I believe noneof them would take advantage of their MC after discovering this I decided Ishould give this a try… thought I must admit I felt quite uncomfortablewriting most of this because I’m around the age of the characters and duringthe days prior to the party they tell the MC things I would be scared/disgustedto know were told to a high school girl by someone my age.
They are ofcourse all platonic or a little romantic but always considering it as a futureoption.
Also Iwrote as they founding out about MC when they meet her on their respectiveroute (except for Vanderwood of course, for him I assumed something similar toSaeyoung’s but with more involvement of Vanderwood) rather that at the partysince the only ones that don’t meet her before the party are Yoosung andJaehee.
(Btw…if youplayed Dandelion you might get some Jieun’s route vibes because I love whatcheritz did there)
RFA+Vanderwood discover MC is still in High School
-Probablythe less surprised one.
-Also thesmallest age gap…4-5 years are a lot when you are on your early 20’s but not somuch when older.
-Still ablushy mess… he quickly remembers a few things he told you both in the chatroomand through phone calls that definitely weren’t ok. He apologizes a lot.
-Afterembarrassment dies out he doesn’t know how to talk to you…on one hand if hestarts treating you any different you may feel offended but on the other hecan’t keep treating you like you were his age.
-He is veryconflicted about his feelings for you so you two talk it out and decide to keepit at just friends at least for a few years.
-He ispretty ok with that settlement actually; it allows you to develop a long slowdeep thrusting relationship that you both know would eventually become romanticbut there is no rush for it… you guys are fine with things are they are.
-the exactopposite from Yoosung….Zen freaks out big time.
-He feelslike the worst human being in the world; how could he shamelessly flirt likethat with a young girl?
-He can’teven look at you into the eye.
-Big bro!zen mode: Activated
-He drivesaway every single guy that tries to get close to you, regardless if they areyour age or not. That includes himself…you’ll never catch him standing lessthan ½ meter away from you.
-During theyears to come he remains a fellow RFA and a good confident in case you arehaving problems…especially family problems. He makes sure you know that if youfind yourself in the need to run away like he had at your age his doors areopen.
-Also youmay want to be extra careful about being seen with him because you knowpaparazzi can be merciless and they may misinterpretate your relationship withZen.
-Sheseriously can’t believe her eyes. The girl that helped her pull her life togetheris just that, a girl.
-Since herroute is non-romantic she has less weight over her shoulders but she feels badfor burdening you with her problems.
-She stilloffers you to be business partner but she states she’ll take over till you tofinish your studies (both high school and college if you decide to do so) alsoif you want a part time job she needs the help.
-Also BigSis! Mode, she becomes the best adviser/role model/ confident/ emotionalsupport you can dream on. You know she is always there for you and that it’sinfinitely comforting.
-If yourrelationship evolves into something less platonic it won’t be till you are25-ish or something like that and even so she would be very doubtful.
-Now it’swhen things get complicated….
-give him aglass of wine…scratch that give him a bottle.
-He wasn’texactly flirty with you in the chatroom but he knows he treated you like youwere his age, maybe a little younger but definitely not 11-13 years younger… hefeels awful.
-He mayhave pushed out his life entirely if it wasn’t for the situation you two metin.
-It waslate when you showed up at his house (it wasn’t Jaehee’s fault she didn’t knoweither) and it was way too dangerous to send you back to the apartment…he couldsend you home… wait a second…you’ve been staying at the apartment for days, doyour parents even know what you’ve been up to? Have you been missing school? Whyin the world did you follow Unknown in the first place?
-theinterrogation lasts what feels like ages. When he finally calms down you are a little annoyed and he apologizes forbeing so harsh but as the situation is so dangerous he offers you a room forthe night and to take you home in the morning.
-He remainsvery protective of you on the years to come but he ends up deciding that whathe felt for you at the beginning wasn’t love. He just cares for you as a fellowRFA member.
-Heprobably won’t question those feelings again till you are 26-27 y/o. and evenif he does it would be very difficult for him.
-He is amess, like more than usual.
-He feelsawful that such a young girl gets involved in all the problem with Mint Eye.
-Hisprotective instinct kick in.
-It’s alsopainful…you are about the same age Saeran was on those photos he has…too youngto be going through so much pain.
-He pushesyou away with even more decision than in his route, you should be happy leadingthe normal life of a school girl, not worrying about the him and the mess ofhis life…also when he comes around and decides to put his faith in you he feelseven guiltier to burden you with his life story and to rely that way in theperson he should be protecting.
-Aftereverything gets resolved he distances himself a little, I mean he’d always beavailable to answer your calls and help with any problem you may have (anything…from“I had a fight with my friend and I need somebody to listen” to “Can you hackmy school’s system to make pass sports class?” and even “I argued with myparents and ran away, can I stay with you?”) but otherwise you wouldn’t see himmuch.
-Same asfor Yoosung, the age gap isn’t huge so I can see having no problems falling inlove with you after you reach adulthood and he puts his life in order.
-What thefuck did Rika do this time?
-The firsttime he sees you talking with Ray at Mint Eye he can’t believe his eyes…I meanhe is barely able to see but he is sure you are High school student, definitelyyou have nothing to be doing at that place.
-He feelseven guiltier than he is in his route. You are far too young to be involved withMint Eye let alone comforting him and helping him solve his problems.
-Tbhbesides that I don’t see much difference with his route because with all theshit going on there is not much flirting on his side on his route, if somethingis usually MC who shows affection to V.
-If the MCshows any romantic feelings for him he’d kindly remind them that he is too oldfor them but of course he’d be so sweet about it that you’d barely feelrejected.
-Same asfor Jumin, it’d take a lot of years for him to develop romantic feelings foryou
-In allhonesty the first thing he felt upon seeing you in person was pity.
-You arearound the same age he was when he had been brought to mint eye, so young andinnocent and full of hope in this cruel world  –insert more Mint Eye bulshit here-
-As Ray hetreats you as a fragile princess and pampers you big time.
-AsDark!Saeran he is even crueler because he sees himself in you; the way in whichyou claim Ray will come back and how you refuse to give up on him reminds himtoo much of how he used to claim his brother would come rescue him.
-once heregains control over himself he can’t believe how someone so young can be sostrong… he is also very ashamed of the way he treated you both as Ray andSaeran.
-He’d bevery doubtful of how to treat you on the first few days after escaping mint eyebut in the end I don’t see the age being a huge problem for him… he’d be reallyrespectful of both you as a person and of your age, also if you show romanticfeelings for him he’d be pretty clear that you are too young and he is toounstable for a relationship yet.
-But the bond formed during the time you spendin mint eye is strong; with time he starts understanding his feelings, you bothmature more and I can see him still falling for you a few years later.
-What thefuck did 707 do this time?
-Like thesituation wasn’t bad enough; that “harmless” fundraising association of Seventurned out to be a bigger mess than their agency, his partner’s long lostbrother came back to destroy him and everybody associated to him and of top ofthat they have work to do if they didn’t want the agency to dispose of them. Hehad so many worries in the meantime, so when he met the RFA’s newest member? Itwas just too much.
-He took alook at you, lit a cigarette, took 2 deep breaths and then turned the cigaretteoff because he was in front of a minor.
-He takes itup to him to keep you safe from the crazy situation you are in.
-He talksto you about how dangerous is to take orders from an stranger in your phone, heteaches you self-defense techniques and is around you all time till the problemwith Mint eye gets solved.
-He won’tbe patircularly nice to you and his presence is always rather intimidating buthe does his best to not scare you more than you already are.
-He’d alsocontact your parents and school to give them a believable excuse of yourdisappearance so to no light up any alarms.
-If Zen andJaehee become your older siblings this man goes a step further, his yourofficial new dad.
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RFA - Proposals!
✿ This is for @salarinnar​, who wrote, 
Hello! I love your writing style so I thought I'd donate! How about MC asking the RFA + the minor trio to marry her? With all that getting on one knee and giving them a proposal ring jazz. Bless u.:) 
Thanks so much! I actually did the minor trio proposing to MC awhile ago here, so here’s the rest of the RFA!
(If you’d like a guaranteed request fill, but me a coffee on my Ko-Fi!
His mother puts the idea in his head, asking him when he’s finally going to propose to that lovely person he’s been seeing for so long. Yoosung swallows, nervous – it’s not that he doesn’t’ want to marry you. In fact, he’s looking forward to it, and often daydreams about having a happily married existence like his own parents share. But… he’s just…
Worried. He’s scared that he won’t be the right kind of guy for you, and he’s worried that you’ve changed your mind and don’t love him as much as he loves you.
So he frets. He asks his mom about how his father proposed, he asks his LOLOL friends how they proposed – hell, he asks V how he proposed, being so desperate to get input that he’ll put aside his own feelings for the man.
He gets a variety of answers, files them away, and keeps thinking.
When he takes you out to romantic movies, he watches your reaction to the lovey-dovey scenes carefully, taking inspiration from what you say about how the characters handle their own proposals. He reads books, he browses forum threads… and he thinks and overthinks the matter, trying to figure out how to best ask for your hand.
Yoosung gets the ring while he’s STILL not sure how to propose to you, and as he’s walking home from the store, he gets a panicked call on his cell.
You’ve found a baby bird and it’s broken it’s WING and YOOSUNG HELP you DON’T’ WANT IT TO DIE, PLEASE COME QUICKLY.
(you’re crying, and so he runs.)
Using his veterinarian skills, Yoosung helps you save the bird’s life, and you’re just so… happy and thankful and you hug him, telling him that he’s the best, and Yoosung falls in love with you all over again. You’re so kind! You’re so gentle! You’re so loving!
You’re so kind to everyone, even the smallest of animals, and on complete impulse, he gets on one knee and busts out his newly acquired ring.
It’s poorly thought out. It’s spur-of-the-moment. But he’ll never forget the way you light up and hug him, saying “yes!” over and over.
The two of you laugh about it afterwards, and decide that was probably the most memorable way it could have happened.
Zen knows you are completely and entirely perfect and, therefore, he knows that his proposal to you needs to be completely and entirely perfect in return. How he achieves this Holy Grail of Marital Intent, though, is a matter of some internal debate.
He considers going to stereotypical route of wining and dining you, but that’s a.) not really very him and b.) he can’t think of any restaurant that matches up to the vivacity that is you. Besides, he’s not really on-the-ball on the whole… restaurant scene, being that he’s a loser who can barely keep anything more than beer in his fridge.
He also considers surprising you on a date, like – at the zoo, or the aquarium. Or maybe on television in front of thousands during one of his on-screen appearances? But then it’s pointed out to him that, oops, a public proposal basically pressures you into saying yes, doesn’t it? And, if you do say no, it’d open you up to the onslaught of thousands of his angry fans.
No. He wants this to be between you and him, where you make a decision about your future that he’ll respect and appreciate either way… so he thinks more, and decides to go back to the roots of your early relationship.
He decides to take you stargazing.
Zen parks his motorcycle in front of your apartment one night, furiously texting you and begging you to come outside for an impromptu date. He already kind of checked to make sure you didn’t have anything planned, but he’s still over the moon when you a.) don’t get mad he rolled up the street at 11PM and b.) he hadn’t given you any notice.
(he thought it would be more romantic like that.)
You come outside to find him with a picnic basket strapped to the back of his motorcycle and a big smile on his face, and shaking your head, you get on behind him and let him take you on whatever wacky adventure he has planned.
He takes you up to your special place in the mountains, his jacket protecting your body from the cold and his back shielding your face. You have your arms around him, and you’ve never felt someone’s warmth as intently as in that moment.
The basket is full of all of your favorite foods, no matter how ‘dumb’ and ‘unromantic’ they are. Do you get all of your nutritional content from potato chips? That is ok, Zen has packed all the best flavors. There’s also a blanket, which he spreads out for you, and you lie back and look at the perfectly clear, beautifully expansive sky.
You and Zen talk for awhile, pointing out constellations and making your own, when he gets quiet and reaches into his pocket for something. He starts talking about how big the world is, and how happy he found you – you’re like his north star in the darkness of the night. And then he turns on his side, opening the box and looking at you with complete and total sincerity.
Will you marry him? He asks, with only the chirping crickets and the sound of the wind for company.
Of course you say yes. How could you not? And when you put the diamond on your finger, you reach out to touch the sky, and admire how the stone looks like one of those stars glimmering above.
Jaehee takes you to the aquarium.
It’s an atypical spot, which makes since given that she’s an atypical woman. You’re kind of expecting that Jaehee is going to pop the question sometime soon, as she’s been asking about your feelings regarding the future, settling down, etc, but when she invites you out that cool, rainy Saturday, you don’t really expect it’s going to happen then.
She does it near the end of the day, after she’s taken you to the dolphin show and endured you stopping at every exhibit and pointing out which fish represented which members of the RFA. (She bust a gut laughing when you said the flounder was Jumin.) You’ve already had lunch, and are thinking about going when you stop in the shark room, which is more of a tunnel than a room, really. The walls are completely made of glass and, all around you, you can an awe-inspiring assortment of fish swimming around you (and above you!) in a mysterious room lit by an ethereal blue glow.
You find an empty spot to stand, and you press your hands against the glass, completely entranced. Jaehee watches your profile, and then taps twice on your shoulder, sinking onto one knee when you look down at her.
She tells you, as she presents a ring to you in the dim light, that her entire life… she’s felt like she’s been living in a fish-tank. Confined, restrained, where she’s just been surviving under people’s apathetic gazes. She’s never felt like she could explore. Never felt like she could go on an adventure, because her entire world was defined by walls of unbreakable glass.
…Until she met you.
Now she believes in things. Now she dreams. Now she smiles, laughs, and no longer feels like she’s just some specimen kept behind a cold, unfeeling wall. And – no matter what you say, yes or no – that knowledge will always stay with her.
Will you… accompany her beyond the glass walls you’ve helped her shatter? Together?
(In the flickering, wavering light, you smile as wide as the sun and say, yes.)
It takes a little bit for Jumin to propose, and before he does so, he takes you on a whirlwind tour of the globe using his private jet and vast amounts of money.
You eat baguettes in France. You see the architecture of Prague. He takes you on a tour of the castles of Scotland, and says that one day, he’d like to build one for Elizabeth the III. You go see the mountains of Iceland and the parks of Oslo, the beaches of Bermuda and see the sunset off the coast of Fiji. You sip margaritas, daiquiris, and pina coladas, you go horseback riding, you take pottery classes with Jumin and laugh as you make mistakes.
You go to art exhibits. Concerts. You go to parties and meet people, and you drag Jumin out on forest hikes in the dim, lonely woods. You see snow, rain, sunshine, you go to street markets and film festivals – you even go fishing with him and watch him pay a five-star chef to prepare what he caught into a delectable dish for the local catlife.
The two of you go to Istanbul, a land famous for its large population of street cats, and Jumin is content in a land that’s devoted to his favorite feline friends.
And… at the end of it, on a quiet, deserted beach at the end of the day, he pops the question.
He wanted you to see the world before he asked you to marry him, because he doesn’t want you to ever feel confined when you’re with him. He wanted you to know what’s out there before you settled down, and now that you’ve gotten a taste of so much the earth has to offer…
Do you want to stay with him still?
You say yes, saying that – while travelling was fun – it wouldn’t have been half as amazing without him there by your side. Wanting to go feed cats, falling off his horse, sharing food with him and laughing… The world’s amazing, yes, but it’s twice as amazing when you get to experience it with him.
For once in his life, Jumin is chosen because he is him, and because he made your travels worthwhile… and he smiles, thanking God once more that he got a chance to experience what life is like with you.
This man has an entire notebook full of ideas on how to propose to you.
There are so many good options! In the climactic moment of an epic laser-gun battle? Waved in the sky on the banner of a sport-class airplane? Using a small army of drones? Via youtube video? Oh man, he could do the classic “write it using the high-scores on an arcade machine”… but is that too cliché, by this point?
He only gets one chance to propose, so he should make it th-
Who, exactly, said he had only one chance to propose?
(Seven sits down and begins to imagine the possibilities.)
He launches off the 2017 “War of Proposals” through a singing telegram delivered by a man cosplaying as Starshine Nyah-Nyah (from your favorite magical girl anime). Said war is a contest of strength, skill, and one-uppmanship, where the both of you compete to give the other more elaborate and unexpected proposals until one of you emerges the victor – and is allowed to have the “canon” one true proposal.
HELL YES, you say, and begin to plot.
You propose to him at the pool, by getting a dance studio to perform a choreographed routine in the water which ends up spelling out, “Please marry me!”
He proposes to you in the movie theatre, where he rents out adspace that he uses to play a video he’s constructed where he waxes eloquent about how amazing you are.
You propose to him in the air and space museum, where you drop out of one of the airplanes with an explosion of balloons and the words, “Seven, will you marry me?” emblazoned on your face like war paint.
He proposes to you by paying a bunch of newbies in LOLOL to die with their corpses spelling out “Will you spend your life with me?”
You continue to trade blows like this for an entire month. Television, radio, the internet – everywhere, there are traces of your continual war. It isn’t until he takes you on a trip to New York and then hacks into the Time Square billboards to deliver his heartfelt and impassioned request that he finally wins, because you cannot think of a way to one-up that.
You do, however, help Seven evade the cops after that, which he is content to call a “draw” in the end.
(The two of you were so busy plotting that neither actually bought a ring, so you go to the jewelry store and chose matching ones together.)
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robultrash · 7 years
Reasons why the RFA is Shitty
I’m seeing a lot of discourse about the characters (Particularly Jumin and Seven) and I would just like to clarify that all of them have done pretty shitty things, or are capable of doing shitty things (Examples being Bad Endings) and here are the reasons why
Yoosung: First of all. his Rika dealios. Grieving is difficult, and honestly I never understood the reason for anger about Yoosung mentioning Rika so much, but as the new route shows, while they are not related by blood, they do share one thing in common, and that is they do not get the help they need, to the POINT that it HURTS their friends and loved ones. Yoosung’s refusal to get help damages his relationship with everyone, but especially Seven. I don’t think they are all that good of friends to begin with, but his inability to accept Rika’s death, is unhealthy, kind of annoying, and most of all, damaging, to both himself and his loved ones. Also, he’s reckless. Like, to the point of toxicity. 3/5 of his bad endings are him either dying or getting hurt because of his lack of patience, and that is at the expense of his life, your life, and Seven’s life. Usually for selfish reasons. Another thing, he’s still a child. Like, in the after ending he does grow up, but that’s only after his sacrifice for you. In every other child he shows no signs of growing up. And that’s if he isn’t working for Jumin (And even then he’s still pretty child like) And also, like, he switches personalities on you fast if he thinks you like someone else. Yandere Yoosung is basically canon and that is unhealthy AF
Zen: Let’s not talk about the narcissism, because that’s explained away and honestly we could all afford to love ourselves like that. Let’s talk about his terrible habits, like riding motorcycles in places where he could easily die. Or maybe his referral to his sexual drive as the beast, and that he openly admits that some men, including himself if enticed enough, can’t control themselves. In one of his bad ends, he literally peruses and hunts an uninterested MC. Like, he does not take no for an answer, and he admits that. And his rude relations with Jumin? Uncalled for and unacceptable. I get that Jumin reminds him what he should have been, but the game says Jumin was never once mean to Zen when he wasn’t mean first. Zen just refuses to get along with people he doesn’t like. What if he didn’t like Mc’s brother or dad or sister or friends, how would he treat them? Also, the whole princess and prince thing edges of sexist, but I would be willing to let that slide because of how often he sometimes flips the trope on it’s head, but he literally treats MC like a maiden in distress in almost all the routes. He’s much better about it in the V route but in the canon one’s he is possessive and demanding of MC even when he’s not the love interest (and probably especially because he is not the love interest) And this is a problem with all Zen and Yoosung, but they are super anti-gay. Like, the smallest of suggestions make them defensive. Again, this one is nit picky, but at least Jumin simply refuses such accusations.
Jaehee: (I’m not gonna lie, this one took me a while) She burns herself out on work so much that while it’s unhealthy for her, it would strain a relationship to the point where it wouldn’t work out at all. Her aggression towards MC in Zen’s route is pretty uncalled for. It even happens if you aren’t pursuing his route. She knows she can’t control Zen so she immediately jumps to going after you to try and intimidate you, which is pretty messed up. (If you have more problematic Jaehee things please share! I need my wife exploited.)
Jumin: He’s possessive, and while there is an explanation for it, there’s no excuse. He practically pushes MC to her death in his bad routes, and while you can argue and say that that wouldn’t really happen because it was the bad route, you have to take into consideration good route doesn’t mean most accurate. I probably would freak out and try and flee from the crazy almost stranger who was keeping me in his house under the word of ‘protection’. And also being kinky is okay, but his tying up of MC and picking out her clothes and the complete domination of one is not. That can be what both partners want, but the game doesn’t exactly make it clear that this is just some sort of sex thing. It could be MC’s whole new life, with no real say because of fear of Jumin. And why might MC fear Jumin? Maybe because he presses her into walls when he gets frustrated, and then half asses an apology, again under the ruse of protection. Even his good ending seems pretty damn controlling. 
Seven: Seven is a fucking douchebag, in all routes, in every stage of his route, and people who deny that are probably being hypocrites. If you can give Seven an excuse for all the shit he does, then literally everyone else gets one too. How is seven a douchebag? Ignoring the big things to start, he’s a dick to his so called friends. He tricks Yoosung constantly. And while they aren’t Sam Pepper level pranks, they are unjustly cruel, and constant, and he only does it to Yoosung because Yoosung is the only one openly intimidated by Seven. (Seven would probably go after Zen as well, since Zen has expressed his fear of Seven, but Seven knows if he did, he’d have Jaehee up his ass). He like, practically tortures Vanderwood, who literally babysits him when he’s being super fun Seven, and then has to try and control him when he goes serious Saeyoung. And, hes fucking mean as shit to MC when he does to the apartment. I totally understand the whole, have to push her away deal. But jesus he takes it too far sometimes. Remember when I said good end isn’t realistic end? Realistically, if someone did that to someone, they would turn the other direction immediately and nope out of there. He is a prick, and we’re expected to forgive him because... we want his good ending. 
V: He’s a liar, first and foremost. Even if it’s for the ‘protection’ of everyone, in the end it was because he didn’t want to out Rika to the others. The people who would have been most vulnerable to her. He did a pretty shitty job at protecting them too, because they die, like, a lot. I think Jaehee and Jumin are the only one’s who don’t have bad endings were they aren’t killed or controlled by Mint Eye. V knows the whole time she plans to drag them down and he just...does nothing? Like, at all. He doesn’t really ever try and stop Rika until Seven’s route. And he never really warns the RFA except through cryptic pleas, that like, make you want to just find out more. And also, he does not hide that he is in contact with Seven more than he is with the other members, which, must make everyone feel pretty fucking awful, especially Jumin, who is supposed to be V’s best friend, and V never really gives Jumin a break with that. And he’s just super self destructive. Like, if you are not a perfect goddess, he’s probably either going to lie to you, or become obsessed with you, or leave you to go right back to Rika. 
Saeran: Thought I was just gonna do to the RFA? YOU FOOL. Saeran I feel, legitimately has an excuse for his behavior, so I excuse a lot of it, He’s cruel and torturous and doesn’t give a damn about the innocent if they get in his way, but he’s literally under the mind control of drugs, and feels he relies on them. One of the only things I don’t think is excusable is his involving MC in all of this. Of course, without that there would be no game, but it’s one of the one things he pretty much had control over. Rika wanted to distract the RFA so she could get her files in the canon routes, and in V route MC is used to try and get secrets from the RFA. Literally, all of that could have been done without an outsider. They have plenty of followers that would have worked, who would have willingly lied for Rika and the cause without question. Like, this is less a fault in him and more a fault in the whole plan, it was just shitty to involve an outsider in the first place. 
Rika: I am actually not going to type one out for her because I know her actions speak mountains to all the bad shit she has done. One thing I would like to bring to attention though is that, she literally does to Saeran what her parents did to her, and while that’s common amongst the abused, my love for her won’t even erase that. 
I know probably no one read through all this, but I wanted to add this here: They are all bad people. It’s what makes them so human. One of the worst things about dating sims is the characters are near flawless, or their flaws make them more endearing such as fear of rejection. Dream Daddy is a big victim of that, one of the exceptions being Joseph. But it’s so important to recognize and accept these flaws. Because none of them are as extreme as I make them. If there was an option to just be friends with the RFA, that would resolve almost all of the flaws I mentioned above. They all have something bad inside them, but when they are at their best, what makes them so great shines through. Somethings are bad, Zen and Jumin’s bad endings being one, but that isn’t who the character is. That is who they are when they get pushed over the edge. Rika, is an extreme example of that. So stop this nonsense about pointing out flaws in other characters, because those flaws don’t make up the character, and they don’t mean shit in the end.
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Mystic Messenger Update: Yoosung’s Route
Well he's an actual adorable cupcake.
An adorable cupcake with deep seated self hatred.
Also a total Hufflepuff.
Man, hearing him angst about graduation and his future really brings me back. Oh to be young and in school again...
Dude, I am not Rika, I will never be Rika, I certainly don't look anything like Rika. Just because we're both nice (which in this game seems to be borderline civil) doesn't mean we're the same person. Also his feelings towards her are somewhat alarmingly strong, come on buddy, she's your cousin.
Wanna know why you can stop playing LOLOL to the damage of your personal and academic life? Clinical depression!
Seriously though, do they not have student health services at SKY? Do I need to drag this kid to a shrink myself? Because I'm not above dragging him to a shrink myself. Admittedly I need to do that for everyone in this damn game.
Awwww, Jumin found a kitten! I'll take the kitten Jumin! Just don't hoist it off on Jaehee, she should just fucking quit.
Holy shit what is with the fucking apartment bomb? How is this a reasonable security measure? What is wrong with you jerks? I should just go out the goddamn window. Someone have Jumin bring me a goddamn helicopter.
Seriously what the fuck kind of information was Rika keeping in her apartment?
Also why do Seven and Yoosung get to go on a heroic road trip? I wanna go on a heroic road trip! I'm the one being stalked, I should get to go too.
Aaaaaand holy shit Yoosung gets tortured.
It's nice that he made up with V. That was sweet.
Aw, he gets to be a vet! That's so nice.
Overall while he's one of my least favorite romantic options (nothing personal buddy, just not mu type) this was so far my favorite narrative. It had the most Mint Eye stuff and I really want to know more about this weird cult. Well, I expect to find out more in the deep story options.
Character impressions:
Yoosung: Initially the least appealing line what with him being so damn young, but he really matures throughout his story. Dude is still clinically depressed though. Turns out that doesn't go away with maturity. Also overly concerned with masculinity. Calm the fuck down Yoosung.
Zen: Oh you beautiful fucking narcissist. His relationship with Yoosung is pretty adorable.
Jaehee: Dear god just fucking quit, she is clearly more than capable and could easily find a better job. Also, just because Yoosung isn't Zen doesn't mean he's not a cool dude.
Seven: Okay...so he's related to Unknown in some way right guys? That much is clear. This fire headed nerd really owes me some answers.
Jumin: Less of a jerk than he was in Jaehee's route (though really it would be impossible for anyone to be more of a jerk), more of one than he was in Zen's. I'm relatively neutral about him in Yoosung's. His dedication to cats is pretty adorable.
V: Hey, look who made it to the party! And made up with Yoosung! And who owns the entire RFA some goddamn answers! We should all get drinks and he and Seven can tell us what the fuck is going on.
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coquetteblossom · 8 years
I really crazy theory just occurred me and i thought of sharing it with you since you're the mm analysis queen: rika mentioned she wanted to bring rfa into mint eye, right? one must think she had this idea after she snapped and left rfa, but... what if she was plotting taking them into mint eye much sooner than this? I 707% agree with your meta about mint eye being older than the rfa, so like... She knew jumin was awful at socializing, she knew about his trust issues, and instead (cont)
(cont) instead of encouraging him to open up, she gave him a cat (there’s a post somewhere talking about it, i just don’t remember where but i can look it up if you want it!), which didn’t help him at all. I didn’t play yoosung’s route yet, but people say she manipulated him into becoming too dependent of her, but idk about this. also it’s known that in order to get to seven, she used saeran, which she knew would break him to the point of no return, making clear saeran was just a means to an end
(cont) zen and jaehee were never much close to her so idk lol. my point is: what if even before she “died” she was already waiting for them to fall into some kind of despair so she could step in as their savior and have them join mint eye willingly instead of having to kidnap them? Also, if they were brought into ME unwillingly, V could try to save them, but he’d never succeed if they were there “of their own volition”, and they’d turn their backs on him. She wanted him to suffer, so…
Also, SORRY FOR THE LONG ASK!!! now that i typed that i noticed it doesn’t make any sense, but idk, i just thought it’s weird that she’s somehow connected to the source of pain of the 3 people she’s closest with in the rfa. Ok, they all were already damaged from the start, but at least seven, jumin and yoosung were hurt even deeper by her in some way.
MM analysis queen… I’m blushing oh my goodness, thank you so much for liking my opinions and analysis enough to share this with me! I don’t mind lengthy asks at all, but if it troubles you my submit box is always open! 
This got long, sorry about that. Beware spoilers for the entire game.
The first thing we must always remember about Rika is that she is an expert at manipulation. It is constantly stated throughout the game that her words have always been super convincing and that she has a way with them. We, as MC, are fulfilling Rika’s previous role in the RFA, and to answer the emails and talk to the guests the way she did we often have to straight up lie to manipulate them to come. What I mean to say with this is that Rika is unreliable and all her actions can be questioned as the work of a master manipulator, as she has done it her entire life. Everything she ever did could be convincingly interpreted as her manipulating everyone, because that’s what she, as we’re repeatedly told, does best. This means, precious nonnie, that your theory isn’t crazy. It’s very logical, actually, and fits within the standards of what we’re told Rika is capable of. 
That said, I actually think your theory is almost canon, and that Rika carefully cultivated her image in order to become loved by all, not only out of a desire to appear ‘normal’ (though that was certainly part of it) but perhaps also as an attempt to create a sense of loyalty towards her, so that they could join her in her next step. A messiah-like image, so to speak, because she believed that loving her meant loving everything she did, so obviously they’d join her at Mint Eye…A plan that backfired awfully when she tried to convince Jumin and V, causing her to quit in rage and to try and make them join her by force to spite V.
This is why I only disagree with the part of your theory that implies she was waiting for them to ‘fall into despair’ in order to pull them in during a moment of weakness, I think Rika expected them all to follow her willingly just because of who she is. She made herself a cult leader, she likes to be worshiped, she likes to think she’s a benevolent leader that is saving the masses, so she expected them to follow her just because of that, without any need for despair. After her fallout with V her approach changed: this was no longer about her being the RFA savior, but more about V suffering for “betraying her” (aka not agreeing with her views) 
Now, for clarity’s sake, I don’t think Rika never encouraged Jumin to open up because in some chats she does scold him for his asocial behavior and advises him to see people, but I believe the issue with Jumin is a different topic: Rika was grooming Jumin into believing only she could truly understand him and see the real him. Through Jumin’s route in the flashback scenes we can see this pattern of Rika telling Jumin that she can see his inner demons, that she understands the way he thinks, that they’re similar, and many other things. Now, there is a chance she honestly related to him, but we’ve already clarified that Rika is a manipulative person so there is also a high chance she was grooming his loyalty towards her… And she succeeded, because for many years Jumin held feelings for her since he believed only she could see the knots and threads in his mind. In the infamous chat where Rika mentions that if it wasn’t for V maybe she and Jumin would have been together, she was trying to convince Jumin to join her based on her ideals, but when he rejected her, her last resort was to manipulate him by using his feelings for her (which she knew about, let’s remember Rika is an expert at reading people) but she failed again. 
Zen’s case is actually interesting, because I feel Rika also tried to groom Zen into having an undying loyalty towards her, but she failed at the start. She presented herself as a massive fan of his work back when he was mostly unknown, praised his performance instead of his looks, and then tried to put him in contact with Jumin so that with his money Zen’s career could skyrocket. She didn’t count on Zen rejecting all of her help, or worse, developing a bigger loyalty towards V (for saving his life) than herself. She met Zen three years ago, which means that Mint Eye was going strongly already, and a year and a half she left, which is why she didn’t have much time to plan an alternative to get him, or why I don’t trust her goodwill towards him.
I won’t mention the twins, as we saw firsthand what she wanted with both, Yoosung as his case is well known, or Jaehee as she was last one to join the RFA, didn’t know Rika that well, and had higher loyalties towards Jumin (and V, to an extend)
TL;DR: It’s almost certain that Rika wanted everyone in the RFA to join Mint Eye willingly even before she had her fallout with V, as there is evidence of her manipulating almost all members to develop a sense of loyalty towards her. She probably expected them to follow her willingly as if she were a messiah but she didn’t count on V and Jumin disagreeing with her ideals.
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jacqy-tanoto · 8 years
My Evidence In You Pt.4
Yeaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy I’m back! Idk if anybody even still remember my fanfic, but I have a lot of ideas, and Imma write it anyway~ so here you go!
“Mmh...” you mumble as you slowly open your eyes, there you are lying on Saeyoung's bed, with his arms tightly wrapped around your naked body, you blushes as you remember what happened last night, you didn't remember how it ended, could you have passed out? As you try to remember you wiggle yourself out from Saeyoung's arms but every time you move Saeyoung just tighten his embrace you turn your head slightly to look at his sleeping face and call his name”Saeyoung...” as you stroke his cheek to gently wake him up “Saeyoung wake up...” but that didn't work, somehow you stroking his cheek and calling his name wake something else up, “Mmm....yeah MC I wuv.....mmm.....amazing....” you feel something is tickling your bottom area, panicked, you try to escape but he is too strong, and you are too sore, as your boyfriend molest you in his sleep, you thought of one way to wake him up “SAEYOUNG WAKE UP!!!” you head butt him straight to his nose “GAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” Saeyoung finally wakes up “Wha...what?? MC?? Whyyy??? I was having a great dream” a vein popped in your head, you took a pillow and hit him with it “WHAT.WERE.YOU.DREAMING.ABOUT?? You almost sleep rape me! Pervert! Pervert! PERVEEEEERRRTTTTT!!!!” tears of fear start to come out from Saeyoung's eyes as he receive your wrath “OW! I! OUCH! OMG! STAHHPP! I'M SO SORRY BUT I CAN'T CONTROL IT OW OWW!!!” after a while you finally stop, “Haaa....haa....” both of you are out of breath, “I'm sorry...” Saeyoung apologize to you as he stares at you with his best puppy eyes look, you tried to pout and look away, but he is too adorable that you can't help to crack a smile seeing your smile, Saeyoung lean in closer and hug you “Please don't be mad okay? I just... love you so much that even my dream is filled with you” he whisper those sweet words straight to you ear, his voice is so husky that it made your heart jump, “Like I can actually stay mad at you...” you kisses his cheek “Good morning Saeyoung...” he gives you the brightest smile, like the sun shining the world “Good morning” the two of you exchange your first morning kisses, happy, with hearts full of love and hope.
A piping sound can be heard from the kitchen, Saeran rush over and take the kettle of boiling water, he then pour the boiling water into a pot of grind coffee as you and Saeyoung came in “Good morning Saeran!” your voice startled him and when he twitches he spills the boiling water to his hand “HOT!! SHIT!!” you rush to his aid “Are you okay? You should run some cold water to it!” Saeran quickly moves away, his face is so red you'd think he spilled boiling water to his own face “Leave me alone!” he turns away and went tot he sink to cool his burnt hand “Y'all so noisy even in the morning! Seriously... you have other people sleeping in this house now Saeyoung, be more considerate with your night activity's noises okay, we do NOT want to hear it... especially not your brother, what? Do you want to give him more psychological trauma?” said Vanderwood as he came into the kitchen and make him self a cup of coffee, hearing that Saeyoung face turns pale as your face turns beet red “Wait...what? What...do you..men..?” you ask Vanderwood again to make sure he's saying what you think he's saying “W-wait!!! In my defense.... I DID want to put soundproof wall in my bedroom but I forgot, but I though I did but it turns out I'm wrougghhh!!” you kick him in his tenderloin and as he falls to the floor you bowed to both Saeran and Vanderwood “I'm...so sorry... this is really embarrassing I'm so sorry... I swear it will never happen again!” you apologize “Wha...wait... what does that mean??” Saeyoung gather all the strength he has left to ask “Silence! No Phd.Pepper and Honey Buddha Chips for you today! I'll take them all home with me today! And I'm not coming back here for while!” you walk away from him but he grabs you “Wait!!! You can't leave...” “I can and I will” you replied “No, you don't understand, uh..” Vanderwood who were watching you guys while enjoying his morning coffee finally speaks up “You are not yet free from danger” suddenly your anger and embarrassment disappear, “What do you mean?” Saeran who has been quiet all this time sighs, he pour coffee into the cup he's holding and offers it to you “I believe it's because of the fire that burn down half of the prison building in Bangnam area yesterday... some prisoners took this opportunity and escape” the room went silent  for a while “It's the prison where all of the member of the agency we used to work with is imprisoned, including the leader, there's a high possibility the agents who are still on the run are behind this...” Vanderwood explains “Yes, but I have hacked into the database, the leader were moved to Ryong Nam prison the day before, and when I hacked the CCTV I saw that 'fire' starts really close to where all the members' cells, if they want to free their team mates, they won't do such stupid things, sure, because of the fire some can get out, but most of them definitely will not be able to survive” Saeyoung stands beside you as if to calm you, “So you're saying, whoever did this actually want to...” you don't even dare to finish your sentence “Seems like one of your ex client want to make sure their secret is buried to the ground....” Saeran casually say the dreadful truth, a shiver runs through your body, Saeyoung hugs you from behind as he says “I will not let them find us, so... could you please grant my selfish wish and stay with me until we take care of this?” his words calms you down, there's no hesitation in   his words, you nodded and feel his embrace tighten.
------------------------------------- 17.23 Participant: Yoosung, Jaehee, MC ------------------------------------
Yoosung : MC! Jaehee! Thank god you're here, I have arrived in front of the apartment building, which floor is Rika's apartment again??
Jaehee : 2602, we're almost finished with the packing
Yoosung : Oh no...sorry I came late T_T
MC : That's okay, I'm glad you came here to help! It's the thought that counts
Yoosung : MC you're so kind... gosh I can't believe something like this is happening, when we JUST move on from a tragedy....
MC : Yoosung.. cheer up, I believe we'll be okay, we'll get through this together like we did before
Jaehee : Agree, no use in getting gloomy... let's believe that this is the last arc of this event...
MC : Agree!
Yoosung : LOLOLOL 'last arc' sounds so cool.... but yeah you guys are right, let's trust Saeyoung and Vanderwood! Oh, the lift is here, I'll be there soon!
Jaehee : Very well, I shall get back to work then
MC : Me too!
[Yoosung left]
[Jaehee left]
[You left]
“There you are!” you feel a warm embrace as you signs out of the messenger “Why are you sitting in such dangerous place? This is the 26th floor!” Saeyoung protest as he tighten his embrace from behind the railing of the balcony, you were just sitting on top of the railings to get some fresh air “Don't worry, I won't fall!” you giggle as you hear his protest “Hell yea you won't! I'll never let go even if it means I'm the one who's going to fall! Now down you go!” Saeyoung lift you up easily and put you on the ground “If you're going to fall from rescuing me... then I'll jump to your side and we can fall together” you playfully pinch his cheek “No! You can't! If that's what's going to happen then I'll rescue both of us instead no matter what it cost” you lean closer and put your head on his chest “I like that, we can also work together and rescue both of us” he stroke your long hair lovingly “Yeah, that's an even better idea” Saeyoung stroke your chin and lean in closer for a kiss “My guys have wrapped up all of your belongings, and Rika's belongings separately, MC, I'll have assistant Kang delivered to the respective addresses, you're sure you don't need any of Rika's old document?” Saeyoung freezes in the air and you pulls way from him “Oh Jumin! Thank you so much for your help, ahh... you even came here yourself despite your busy schedule...” a little bit flustered you step away from the still frozen Saeyoung “Ah~ I bet Jumin actually come here to run away from meeting with his father again huh?” Yoosung appears from behind Jumin with his bright smile “Yoosung! You're here!” “Hiya! It's been a while MC! We talked a lot in chat room but rarely meet, you... look even more beautiful than the last time I saw you..” a hint of blush appears Yoosung's cheeks and so does yours “Yoosung... you're making me blush” you shyly reply “Well, there are people who said that women in love looks more beautiful, and it's actually can be explained scientifically, when a person's in love, the happiness from being in love triggered some kind of hormones that will spread pheromones that will make the opposite sex attracted to said person...” both you and Yoosung stares at Jumin with your jaws dropping “Wow... you know a lot stuff huh Jumin? That's impressive!” you claps your hands in awe “Not more than me! Hey Jumin, I know you know what was about to happen why do you have to come in and ruin iiiitttttt??” Saeyoung pouts like a child “Because I have important thing to say to MC and should I remind you who asked for my help to move all the stuff in this apartment?” Jumin's answer makes Saeyoung's shoulders drop “Fine... Thanks... I really appreciate it....” Saeyoung sighs.
All of you went inside the apartment and finish up packing, you agreed to move in with Saeyoung, on two conditions you want to put all of Rika's documents somewhere save, and you also want to take some of your stuffs, Saeyoung already bought you a bunch of clothes and even under garments he also offered to buy you more so you don't have to leave his house, but you feel bad to accept it, so you insisted to come back to the apartment to take your stuff, and being the overly cautious person he is Saeyoung insisted on asking for Jumin's help, who surprisingly agreed without a fuss, you wondered if Saeyoung actually blackmailed him, but you decided to believe that Jumin sincerely want to help, everyone except Zen is there, he still has to practice for his upcoming musical The Phantom of The Theatre, where he'll be playing this rich handsome man who finally meet with his long lost first love when he watch her perform in the theatre, she was stalked by this scary man and he has to rescue her, it's a very good premise and you can't wait to see it. You look around the empty apartment there are a lot of memories here, even though you're just there for a few months, through the phone Saeyoung had guided you to find a lot of things in the apartment which you have no idea where they are kept, there's  the window that Saeran broke to get into the apartment, there's the corner where Saeyoung shut himself in from everything, there's the desk where Rika's secret is hidden, a lot of things happened in this apartment, although mostly is not a pleasant things, you can't help but feeling a bitter sweet feeling to leave this place, maybe it's because this apartment is where Saeyoung first opened up to you, and where your love truly blooms “MC...come on, it's going to rain soon” Saeyoung appears from your side, he offers you his hand, which you took with a smile, then all of you went back to yours and Saeyoung's home.
It took only one moving truck to take all of your stuff from the apartment, but 4 luxurious cars to take you and the rest of the RFA plus Vanderwood and Jumin's bodygurds to Saeyoung's house, the rain is pouring hard, the first and the last car are vacant by Jumin's bodygurds, Jumin is on the third car with Jaehee and Vanderwood, while driver Kim is driving, you, Saeran, Yoosung, and Saeyoung are in the second car, Saeyoung insisted to use his bulletproofed car to take you and Saeran, and since Yoosung has never be inside  bulletproof car, he insisted to join too, at first you thought there will be an awkward situation but surprisingly Yoosung and  Saeran bonded with each other pretty well, you guys shares laughs and you swear you saw Saeran smiled through the mirror, everything went so smoothly until Saeyoung suddenly stopped his car “....all of you, stay in this car, MC take the wheel if you must, and go to Jumin's place” his face is dead serious, not long after that he get off the car, and you can see Vanderwood is following her, you squint your eyes and saw a man sitting in front of Saeyoung's door, he looks terrible, his clothes seemed burnt, half of his air are gone, he looks like he's dying “Could it be...” you whisper “Yeah, one of the agent survived.... hey where are you going woman??” Saeran's voice can not stop you from getting off the car and go to Saeyoung's side.
“He could have something useful for this case!” you can hear Vanderwood's voice from afar “I can't completely trust him! We don't know what really happened yet what if the agency actually did planned the escape? What if he actually a part of the people who burn the prison?? I saw the CCTV, nobody should be able to survive that in close radius, and every member of the agency are put really close with each other!” Saeyoung replies harshly to Vanderwood, while the burnt man is looking at both of them, as if pleading that they'll help him “Sae...” you hesitate to call his real name, “Seven!” you calls him with his old agency's name instead “MC? What are you out here??” Saeyoung looks shocked “That man is the survivor right?” the rain is drenching the four of you, mist starting to come out every time you speak, “This is one of the agent that survived, he said he came here for help, but SOMEONE is being too paranoid and refuses to help” Vanderwood sneers at Saeyoung “Well, can you guarantee that he's not up to no good?” Saeyoung snaps back at him “Saeyoung, the man is dying! He can't do anything to harm you, can't you see?” you squat down to check on the man, suddenly you no longer feel any rain drops, and somebody wraps a large warm suit around you, you look up and see Jumin, holding an umbrella looking straight at you “You'll catch a cold if you stays in this rain...” he then looks at Saeyoung “I have my bodyguards on standby, if something is bout to happen, they'll take action, there also no single person is around except us, so I think he's not here to make a trouble...” with a heavy sigh, Saeyoung finally agreed to take him in, “Fine, let's go, MC stay close to me...” he looks at you pleadingly “Understood” then Jumin make a gesture to his two bodyguards, and they lift the burnt man and take him inside after Sayoung opened the three layered security system.
It's the next morning after the incident, Yoosung and Jaehee spent the night at Saeyoung's house, and you guys have a marathon for a sitcom series “How I Wed Your Mother” at the 3rd episode of the first season Saeran joined in, and he's currently sleeping on the floor, you fell asleep halfway through season 3's finale, but it seemed like the three of them stayed up longer, luckily it's the weekend so they don't have any school or work to do. You get up and went to the kitchen when suddenly you hear a police siren, it's getting closer and closer, and in just a split off second  you hear something that makes your hear stops “LUCIEL CHOI, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR MURDER, GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE AND SURRENDER IMMEDIATELY”.
It all went by so fast, you rushed to Saeyoung's room but Vanderwood stopped you, when Saeyoung walk pass you he give you a sad look and say “I'm sorry... please... wait for me...��� your screams did not stop him, Yoosung and Jaehee tried to stop him, saying there must be a mistake  but Saeyoung had opened his security system and the police blocked them, Saeyoung surrender himself and let the police took him, without even looking back once and you are left there, confused and devastated.
TBC Obviously, didn’t have the time nor skill to draw some fanart to act, as the ‘VNM’ mode hahaha but if i had some ideas i will add some!
If you’d like, feel free to leave some comments, suggestion for me :D 
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sooyummieunnie-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
SO before I start this blog, I would like to let you all knpow that I honeslty had to stare at this picture for so long trying to figure it out and I’m still honestly super on edge about who I wanna say it is. Like I feel right now like “It’s obviously Jungkook, that’s Jimin next to him.” But when I saw it at a smaller size I, no questions asked, absolutely KNEW it was Sehun and Kai. also the person to Jungkook/Sehun’s right (our left) kind of look(ed/s) like LuHan, so I just like... I don’t know, I’m gonna stop thinking about it before my head explodes.
Alright, Here I go!!
So, to give anyone knew to this scene some background- though to be completely honest, I don’t know much about it either- apparently fans of BTS (Armies) and fans of EXO (EXO-Ls) have some kind of rivalry going on, and so I’m here to present to you some information in the form of a persuasive essay (kind of, not really) because I can also turn it in to my English teacher for credit so, there’s your explanation as to why you’re reading this, if you even are. 
Personally, I first got into K-pop at the age of 14. BTS was still brand-spanking new, Jungkook was only 15, and Kris was leaving EXO. Of course, in the beginning, I could give two less shits because I only cared about one band- that band being BOYFRIEND, and I still love them. I was exploring the K-pop world a little bit, looking for bands that suited my- at the time- cutesy tastes. I had listened to a few songs by EXO, but at the time, my taste in music wasn’t exactly at it’s finest, so the fast-paced, kind of dark, and a little bit sexy-toned music of EXO (only in comparison to BOYFRIEND or B1A4) wasn’t exactly my thing. I think I also listened to ‘Boy In Luv’ one time before deciding I wasn’t into it- though I had seen a picture of Suga somewhere and thought he was cute. 
fast-forward to sophomore year- I was still listening to a lot of K-pop and had opened myself up a little more to bands like SHINee, B1A4, BEAST, BIGBANG, and, of course, EXO. I had pretty much forgotten about BTS. But let me tell you this about my little fake exo-l 16 year-old self! The only member of the band whose name I knew was BaekHyun. I had decided he was the cutest member, and at the time that was all I needed. I didn’t need to know the other members’ names because Baekhyun was the one I liked. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I knew Kai’s stage name because I also had a nephew named Kai, so I thought it was cool, and I knew Chanyeol’s name because the only picture I’d ever seen of him, his hair was outgrown, unkempt, and dyed ginger, and he was smiling really wide. Needless to say, I thought the fucker looked like fucking Chucky. He scared the shit out of me for a long time to be completely honest. I still don’t like that picture and always change my EXO bias for a few hours after seeing it. 
Fast forward again to February 2017. The middle of my senior year. 
I was (am still, while I’m writing this, but I don’t know when you’ll be reading it so whatever.) 18 and had just finished the Jumin route on Mystic Messenger. I was angry because, while I loved the characters I had to choose from, there was one I really liked who I couldn’t choose to have a relationship with.. If you haven’t played the game, the main characters/characters you interact with, are Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee (the only female you interact with), Jumin, 707/Luciel (the true ending and my husband, I’m cuddling with a body pillow of him as I type), Unknown, and an aqua-haired (going)blind photographer named Kim Jihyun who goes by the alias V. 
Now, most of you probably know, some of you may not, but BTS has a member in their band- a wonderful panda who is nothing less than precious and perfect and I love him- who goes by the stage name V. His birth name, for the sake of you who don’t know, is Kim Taehyung. Well, one day I was searching for Kim Jihyun, though I searched “V,” so of course, this is how I discovered (For the second time) BangTan Seonyeondan. 
I saw the pictures of Taehyung popping up all over the place, and I just thought “my god, have I ever seen a real person this adorable?” Well.. that got me thinking some more. 
“Well.. What about that BaekHyun guy? From that ‘EXO’ band?” 
And thus, I started listening to BTS while I tried to re-establish my connection with the K-POP fandom, and eventually started listening to some EXO as well, and some other bands that were really just fillers because I only liked 1 or 2 of their songs. I was getting really, really into the fandom. Started watching some K-dramas to go with it, starting with Descendants of the Sun (Song Joong Ki was the first person to get me into the Koreaboo fandom). 
I was really digging in, you know? And then came the BBMAS. I was feeling it. Just bought myself a ChanYeol sweater, had a BTS dust mask on the way, was following all the idols I could on social media. I heard that BTS had won best social artist and was stoked! I was so proud of my babies! I mean, I guess I’m still considered new to the fandom, but come on, I love these boys just as much as anyone else and you can’t tell me otherwise. Because while it was V’s looks that inspired me to look into the band, it was the music that caught my interest. Originally, I thought they were all a little bit funny looking (my very first thought of Jungkook ever was ‘oh my god it’s young Asian mark walberg’ and I have no idea why) because I wasn’t used to seeing people who were fully Korean. What I mean by that is: There are a lot of Half-Korean students at my old high school, so they were what I was used to seeing. You know, inherently white-looking.  
Anyway, I decided pretty quickly that I had needed my eyes checked because those boys and their music are both beautiful in every way. 
Back on topic: 
I was getting in the celebrating mood. My boys had just won an award, I was getting to watch videos of them meeting all kinds of western artists who were just as excited to meet them as they were to even be there at all. I was so proud, like a mom watching her 7 grown ass men sons go to pre-school for the first time. 
On one particular video- I think it was one of them performing ‘Save Me’ in the billboard studios- I found a comment that made me stop. I hadn’t realized before I saw this comment that EXO-Ls and ARMIES are kind of rivals. What the comment said isn’t entirely important, I can’t remember it exactly, but basically, it was an EXO-L very harshly and rudely expressing her anger (more like jealousy?) that it was BTS and not EXO. She said some things about BTS being untalented and how EXO is much better and how BTS used EXO for popularity. 
That’s right. 
But I didn’t say that. I thought about it for a long time, and then decided “Alright. Fans will be fans, it’s okay to be butthurt, but why this much hostility? Why do you hate BTS so much? Why are you literally threatening the lives of fans of BTS?” 
I’m not saying I’ve found and answer to these questions, but I am saying this: The rivalry between EXO-L and ARMY is ridiculous and kind-of out of hand.  
Let me start by telling you what made me so upset. 
The event she was referring to, when BTS allegedly “used EXO for popularity” was at an awards ceremony (I think). Baekhyun posted somewhere a Selca from after the ceremony of himself and V posing together, making a face that made them look just about identical. They’d also been seen shaking hands and talking earlier throughout the ceremony. This wasn’t even the first time this happened, they’d been seen being friendly with each other once before at another award ceremony. Of course, BTS being a less popular band than EXO in some areas, some people were bound to see it as suspicious. Kim Taehyung getting close to his sunbaenim, Byun Baekhyun? Of course someone somewhere would say ‘That’s a publicity stunt!’ if not for this fact: 
BaekHyun approached Taehyung. Not the other way around. 
Both times, BaekHyun was the one to approach Taehyung, greet him with a friendly handshake 
And there’s also this picture, which came from a Chanyeol fan-site that I’m not sure about, I just found it on google to be completely honest, but I think it says something about my point: 
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I’m not sure if you can tell, and I’m not sure if i’m even right, but to me this picture looks like (from left to right) (BTS)Taehyung, (BTS)Yoongi, (EXO)Chanyeol, and (EXO) Kyungsoo. They all appear to be pretty friendly with each other, clearly Chanyeol has his arm around Suga/Yoongi. That’s clearly D.O to Chanyeol’s right, and It’s not 100% clear but I’m almost certain that the leftmost person is Taehyung. 
Basically, what I’m trying to say is this: 
Just because one band may be more or less popular than the other, it doesn’t mean that when they interact the less popular band is only doing it for popularity. They may really, truly, honestly be friends. 
Let me show you this quote from an interview with BTS’ Maknae, Jeon Jungkook: 
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Do you see that? Jungkook would want to fuck Kyungsoo if he was a girl (not to be vulgar, I’m really just trying to throw in some humor but I’m not a funny person). 
My point is: Jungkook idolizes D.O apparently, so if you saw them together, would you be excited for Jungkook, or would you say Jungkook was using Kyungsoo to get more famous?
Since finding that comment, I see more and more hostility everyday between the two sides, and both sides start it, it’s not one side being worse than the other because I’ve seen ARMIES post some awful things on Baekhyun’s instagram photos. Which is like-
I won’t get into some of the terrible things I’ve heard both sides say, because that’s not my point. My point is this: 
Stop it! If the boys can be friends, why can’t we? I know many EXO-Ls are also ARMIES and vice versa. I don’t think I could ever choose between the two, I love them both so much and if Chanyeol and Taehyung were both standing in front of me right now asking me to choose which one of them I would marry, I’d probably just shoot myself because how the hell could you possibly choose? 
What I’m trying to say is, if our boys can be friends then so can we. There’s no reason to fight, because everybody has their own preference. It’s okay if you prefer BTS over EXO, just like it’s okay if you prefer GOT7 over B.A.P or BOYFRIEND over B1A4. It’s totally cool! But there is no reason for you to go after somebody else because they like someone else. 
AND GOD DAMN IT IF I HEAR SOMEBODY SAY “B1A4 SUCKS BTS IS BETTER” I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL show you this picture of Jin and Sandeul at an amusement park together (Gongchan got so jealous~!) 
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They look like they just got married tbh. 
Alright. Here’s my conclusion: 
It doesn’t matter who likes what band. Just because you like BTS doesn’t mean you can’t like EXO. Just because you like EXO doesn’t mean you can’t like BTS. You can love and support both bands. And just because somebody else likes a ‘rival’ band better than they like your personal favorite band, it doesn’t mean they’re personally attacking you and their is no reason to be hostile. Let’s just call an alliance between all fans of all K-pop and just do what we were meant to do with this fandom: 
Enjoy the music.
0 notes