palioom · 9 months
a bond formed of love
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summary: ecstatic about finally being married to the love of your life, Oberyn Martell, dread consumes you at the thought of consummating your marriage. will the horrible tales of first nights told to you become reality? or will they turn out to be elaborate lies?
pairing: oberyn martell x f!reader
word count: 11.1k
warnings: 18+ content; no use of y/n (but many, many nicknames); fluff & smut; first times; wedding night; oral (m & f receiving); unprotected p in v; multiple orgasms; body worship; oberyn being the most devoted husband ever
author's notes: this one goes out to @aurasjournal who not only inspired a huge part of this but also kept pushing me to make this as long as it is. thank you so much <3
part of "the viper and the sun"
• masterlist •
Happiness. It was all that she could feel, consuming her entirely, filling every last inch of her.  Almost euphoric in nature, laughing and smiling as she moved beside him - her love, her husband.
The sole reason why she was so happy today, unable to tear her eyes away from him, no one around her mattering in this moment. Looking even more handsome than usual, as if that was even a possibility, his dark eyes crinkling at the corner when he laughed.
Oberyn Martell, her husband.
Finally she could call him that. The love of her life had finally become her husband, making her the happiest woman, the happiest wife, in the world.
Not that she hadn’t been happy before, back when he was simply courting her, when he had asked her to marry him. She had always been happy with him at her side - he made her laugh, he entertained her, he took her out for rides into the most beautiful corners around Sunspear.
Down to the shores, into the deserts.
But she had longed to be his by title, to wear a ring which showed she was his and he was hers. 
All hers.
Just dancing with him here, moving with one another, as if they were connected somehow. As if the Gods had bound a string around them so long ago, pulling it tighter and tighter as they moved towards each other on the wide floor, empty save for them. Tighter still, until they met, his hands finding her hips with a laugh, her hands resting on his broad chest, on the beautiful robe he wore for the occasion, a pale yellow, adorned with golden suns and many intricate details stitched with golden thread.
Their lips found another, pulling them even closer together, the string so tight around them that it expelled the air from her lungs, breathless from kissing and laughing and dancing all day. 
The exhaustion creeped in slowly but surely, replacing the rushed emotions of excitement and euphoria she had been feeling.
“We should retire soon, my sweet dove.” Oberyn said when he parted from her lips, wishing he could just keep kissing her as they spun around. Eyes bright, sparkling with something she had seen often before but could not always place. 
Mischief, perhaps. Desire. 
“I wish to be with you, alone.”
She understood what he meant, a sudden nervosity replacing some of the happiness inside of her, albeit not all of it. Nothing could take this wonderful feeling from her, slowing down in their movements, slowly circling one another.
But she did feel nervous, and had felt so for a long time. 
Because just as excited as she was about finally being alone with him, to be as close to him as was humanly possible, she was just as tense about it.
She knew about his past, about how often and liberally he had taken partners. The Dornish way, all while she had waited for her future husband, had waited even when she had fallen for Oberyn. When she knew she would never love anyone else but him.
Knowing deep down in her heart and deeper still, that this wasn’t just love but that he was the partner promised to her by the Gods.
Oberyn noticed the sudden change in her, saw the emotions on her face, one hand raising to cup her cheek. She could feel the cold of the ring on his thumb as it brushed over her cheekbone. His gaze intense but gentle, their movements coming to a halt.
“What has befallen you, my dove?” He asked, feeling the need to implore what seemed to cloud her mind, unable to stand the thought of her feeling bad on their wedding day. They had both waited far too long for this. “What bothers my beautiful wife?”
His wife.
Warmth spread through her at the words, smiling up at him and shaking her head. She did not want him to worry about her.
“I am just getting tired, my love.” She replied, voice as quiet as his. “Tired but thrilled. Let us go, I wish to have you to myself.”
Leaving the festivities was more difficult than she had imagined, nervousness still sitting deep inside of her as they made their rounds, saying their goodbyes to everyone who had come. Squeezing his warm hand tightly as they went, now walking along the corridors to their new chambers.
Their shared chambers.
It only filled her chest with more tension, knowing these chambers would be where she was to reside with him for the rest of their lives. 
What an odd thought, to leave her childhood rooms behind to find her life with Oberyn.
They did not speak as they walked, his touch doing all the talking through squeezing her hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb. His head turned to look at her with a smile so soft and loving that she could cry from joy, reciprocating it as they walked.
His smile always managed to ease her nerves, and she wished he could smile at her forever somehow. To capture it in a way that she could carry it with her, able to look at it when she was in a foul mood.
Perhaps she could ask the woman who had done their wedding portrait today if she could paint them again, and make a small copy of him for her to carry inside a locket of some sort.
So she could open it and look at his beautiful smile at all times.
She was so in thought, she didn’t notice that they had reached the huge double door, opening them while still holding her hand tightly in his, only reluctantly letting go of it once the doors had closed behind them.
Oberyn watched her take in the large room, their room. 
The big, four poster bed draped in the finest dark red and orange silks and linens, curtains hanging off of it which would shroud them in a sense of privacy. 
The doors leading to a spacious balcony, letting them look out into the sky from their bed. The cushions and chairs in one corner by the bookshelves and strewn throughout the room which was lit with various candles, a vanity at the other side, near the door that led to their private bath. 
Walls decorated with tapestry and rugs. It all felt intimate and warm and welcoming.
She would be happy to live here with him.
“I hope everything is to your liking, my love.” Oberyn said behind her, making her jump a little as she hadn’t heard him walking up to her. Silent like a viper. “I am sure you will give it your touch in due time.”
Her eyes found the telescope standing by the door to the balcony, the books in the shelves including thick volumes about topics she loved. 
All attentively picked by him.
The sweetest gift, his love apparent just by how he had asked the room to be decorated.
His fingers touched her waist when she nodded, her view suddenly blocked by his wide chest as he came to stand in front of her.
“I love it, Oberyn.” She said with a smile. Voice small, so unlike herself.
He smiled back, the gentlest, most loving smile, his hands wandering up her side, slowly and carefully, as if she could break if he was just any faster in his movements. Seeing her slight tremble, hearing it in her voice as she spoke, suddenly so quiet. 
She wasn’t quiet and timid usually, not afraid to give him a piece of her mind, so this worried him, cupping her cheek with one hand, her nervous eyes finding his. 
His eyes became questioning in turn, his thumb stroking along her cheekbone.
“What is ailing you, my dove?�� Oberyn asked, so gently that it made her heart burst, making her feel bad suddenly. “Tell me, my sweet.”
The sigh that left her was heavy, loaded with a burden which hurt him to hear. She didn’t deserve to be burdened, no matter what it was, and he did not wish to see her upset, see her nervous and quiet. 
Deserving to be carefree and loud and happy. With him to carry her burdens for her.
“I- I am scared, my Viper.” She admitted, her hands coming to rest on his chest, her gaze casting down as she couldn’t bear looking at him, afraid of what emotion his face would display. “You know I have never… I am simply nervous.”
A compassionate smile curved his lips upward, leaning forward to kiss her forehead, lingering there for a few seconds before pulling back. 
The hand on her cheek came up to the crown in her hair, carefully untangling it before he placed it on a table next to them. It shimmered in the lights of the candles, the gold and the jewels embedded in it, all for her.
“You do not have to be scared, my sweet dove.” He said, his knuckles running over her cheek. Still gentle and careful, his new wife being the most precious thing in his life at this moment, besides the daughters he already had. “I will show you nothing but tenderness, there will not be anything done that you do not explicitly wish to happen.”
Chewing on her bottom lip, she tried to slow her heart, thrumming away in her chest. A tempest of emotions settled within her.
How had she gotten so lucky with him?
“I know, Oberyn. I know, but-” She took a deep breath, trembling. “I am still so scared. I have been told it hurts, it is uncomfortable and… I apologize, my love.”
His brows furrowed, two of his fingers moving under her chin, tilting it upwards. Making her look at him, he saw the fear etched into her features, his heart breaking at the sight.
No one had prepared her properly. She had been told nightmares and nothing more than that. It hurt him, seeing the love of his life so scared. Scared of him, of what he could do to her.
Things which were supposed to be joyous only but had been tainted and marred by the tales told to her.
“There is a possibility of it hurting, my dove. That is, if we rush things.” He said, his voice quiet, soothing. Like a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, keeping her safe. “Yet, I do not wish to rush things. We do not have to consummate our marriage tonight, not in the traditional sense.”
Now her brows furrowed in confusion, her fingers running over the embroidery of his robe, feeling the golden thread. She wasn’t sure if his words unnerved her more or soothed her.
What other way was there? He was to take her, to validate their marriage.
Just like everyone had told her a husband would on their first night together.
“What other way? Won’t our marriage be invalid if we do not-” She paused, swallowing hard as tears welled up in her eyes. The pressure of it, their marriage and being good for him, when he has had many partners before, it was terrifying. “If you do not take me?”
He smiled, loving and encouraging as always when he looked at her. Melting under her gaze, her tears tearing at him and his heart.
It was a special sort of pain, to see one's wife with tears in her eyes. A pain unlike any physical one he had ever endured.
“There are many ways to pleasure, and I will not take you if you are scared. This is as much about you as it is about me, my love.” Oberyn said, bowing his head to kiss away the few tears which were rolling down her cheeks, the saltiness of them a displeasure for him tonight. “I will wait until you are ready, and if it takes all eternity to do so.”
She took another shuddering breath. How was he so calm about this? Talking about waiting until all eternity while the guilt of being too scared to give herself to him weighed heavily on her.
Not even his lips on her wet cheeks could help soothe her in this moment.
“But, Oberyn- Isn’t it your right? Isn’t it a husband’s right?” She asked, her voice thick with tears. “To take his new wife, to consummate their marriage, willing or not?”
The smile faded from his face, his expression turning stern suddenly. Only terrifying her more, thinking she had misstepped, had angered him somehow.
She had never wanted to anger the Viper.
“My dove.” He spoke, his voice firm but not cruel, conveying an importance to what he was saying. “Fuck whatever you assume to be my right. I did not marry you to fuck you, my sweet dove. I married you because I love you and my only command as your husband is to banish these thoughts of old customs from your mind.”
Raising his brow, he looked at her, so scared and small in front of him, her bottom lip quivering.
“I am not a brute. If you are too scared tonight, then I will not force you. Nor any night hereafter.”
Her hand reached out to touch his cheek, feeling the scratch of his beard against her palm. So handsome, so sweet. Such a stark contrast to his reputation in the Seven Kingdoms, the Red Viper. Cruel, cunning.
“But- My Viper-”
Oberyn shushed her, gentle and quiet but not lacking in firmness.
“No, my dove.” His lips found her forehead again, hoping to convey his love and his understanding through the caress of his lips. Soft and tender. “If you allow me to, I wish to show you something different. To ease you into pleasure, to ease you into me.”
She hesitated, biting her bottom lip again, feeling his calming presence soothe her nerves. As he always did, so expertly taking away her worries as if they were nothing.
“What do you wish to show me?” Her voice was as quiet as his, still shaking as she spoke.
Oberyn smiled against her skin, finding the faintest sliver of amusement in her innocence. What a wonderful thing she was, his wife. So willing and devoted and in love with him, but entirely unknowing.
Any man of less honour than him would have taken advantage of her sweetness.
But not him.
His hand went from her chin to her waist, pulling her just a little bit closer to him while his lips stayed connected to her forehead.
“Do you trust me?”
She nodded, the reaction so fast as if it was innate, like there was no doubt about her answer. And she did, she trusted him with everything.
“With my life, Oberyn.”
His lips curved upward against her skin, his fingers curling into her side. 
What a lucky man he was, to have married a woman like her.
“Sit down on the bed for me, please.” He said, feeling her hesitation at his gentle words. 
Taking a moment to steel herself, she took another deep breath before walking away from him, just a little unsure in her footing.
Still, she made it over, sitting down on the edge of the huge bed just like he requested, the silks smooth under her hands. She watched how he followed her, slow, deliberate steps, feeling a tenseness in her abdomen at the sight of him. His gorgeous smile making the corners of his eyes crinkle, coming to stop right in front of her.
Instinctively she reached for his hand, just lightly holding onto it, needing reassurance, encouragement. The motion only made him smile more, squeezing her fingers as he slowly kneeled down in front of her.
He couldn’t hold back the chuckle which left him when he looked at her surprised face, shaking her head.
“What are you doing? You shouldn’t-” She stammered out, confused by his actions. What husband kneeled before his wife? On their wedding night no less. “Shouldn’t I be the one-”
Oberyn slowly shook his head, raising her hand to his lips, giving each knuckle a kiss, dark eyes fixed only on her. His unoccupied hand touched her clothed thigh, making her jump just a little, her eyes never leaving his. 
Like they were bound to him in some way.
“If I wish to kneel before my wife to show my devotion to her, then I shall do so.” He said, his voice calming her nerves, just like his lips did, turning her hand in his, kissing the tip of each finger. Each kiss lingering, an extension of his love for her. 
Moving to her palm, eyes staying fixed on hers as his lips pressed against it, his beard tickling her.
She enjoyed it, watching in awe how attentive he was, feeling warm at his touch.
Then, he leaned forward, capturing her lips with his own and she could feel the desire sleeping within him, holding back for her sake. She allowed herself to close her eyes and simply feel him, aware of his hand on her clothed thigh, the other intertwining their fingers, an anchor for her.
Carefully his lips wandered away from her mouth, kissing the corner of it, then peppering her jaw with fleeting touches, finally reaching her neck. 
The gasp that tumbled from the depths of her chest as he made contact with the sensitive flesh excited him, the sound something he wished to preserve forever.
“Oberyn.” She whimpered, shifting in her place when his tongue darted out to taste her, breathing in the scent of oranges which always lingered with her.
A smile graced his lips, enjoying that she was easing into his ministrations, perhaps even enjoying herself as he caressed her skin.
“Do I have permission to undress you?” Oberyn asked after several more moments, pulling back to look at her face, finding it flushed and her eyes still closed.
The nervousness which had faded a little under his touch came back suddenly, turning her stomach into knots. 
Undress her.
Seeing her naked, completely exposed. When he had been with so many others before her, would he even like what he saw?
She wasn’t self-conscious by any means, but in comparison to his life before her, she could not help but think about the possibilities. Being inexperienced in pleasure already weighed heavily on her shoulders, she didn’t wish to disappoint him in just about everything tonight.
He could see the emotions cross her face, her eyes spoke of all the uncertainty and fear that whirled inside of her at this moment when she opened them. 
And it broke his heart. 
His beautiful, stunning wife, chained up by the expectations which had been placed upon her shoulders by everyone but him.
There was nothing he expected from her, already knowing she was the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid his dark eyes upon, the most kind and loving wife. All he would ask of her was to stay loyal to him and to love him like he loved her, with all her heart and mind and soul. Like they were bound by fate.
Bound by an invisible string which had led them to one another.
She softly squeezed his hand, taking a deep breath before nodding. Forcing the smallest smile onto her lips, small compared to the one he gifted her in return.
The hand on her thigh moved up to her shoulder, brushing back the hair which had fallen over it, then letting his fingertips wander over the material of her gown. Soft silks, embroidered and beaded with hundreds of thousands of small stones.
Making her shimmer in the candlelight, like a million stars were strewn across her body.
Never losing her eyes when he brushed one strap off of her shoulder, watching for a reaction that she didn’t want this. There was no joy in this if she wasn’t willing.
He let it glide down her arm, not yet exposing her breasts to him, simply letting the swell of one appear in the periphery of his view. Soft skin, the whisper of a sigh leaving her when he leaned forward to kiss her exposed collarbone, to press his nose against the dip above it.
Still holding onto her hand, her fingers nervously flexing against his own as he moved on to the other side, slower this time.
The beat of her heart was visible, shaking the pretty material over where it sat, hoping he would be able to make it beat as wildly for another reason soon.
And as he carefully slid the material off her other shoulder too, she took a shuddering breath looking up at the ceiling. The cool air meeting her heated flesh, nipples perked.
Oberyn repeated his earlier motion, kissing the other side but this time moving down to press his lips against the valley in between her breasts. A low hum vibrated in her chest and he could feel the noise, kissing her again and again.
“You are so beautiful, my dove.” He said, looking up at her but seeing her gaze turned away. Unable to tell if it were simply her nerves or shame. “May I touch you?”
Silence befell them for a moment as she tried to calm herself. His words were encouraging, her heart soaring and the gentleness with which he treated her made her want to cry.
She could feel his lips on her still, like she had been branded by him, hot and searing. A good feeling, a welcome one.
Longing for his touch but still too afraid to speak, her skin yearning for his lips, for his fingers. Yearning for every inch of him, still wondering just what exactly he had in mind for tonight.
“Yes.” She breathed out, shaky and barely audible even in the dead silence.
Then his hands were on her, softly cupping her breasts, feeling the velvety skin of them. Admiring them, his thumbs brushing over the peaks, making her moan quietly. She tilted her head down, taking in the way he looked at her.
With a desire she had never seen in anyone before, mesmerized and needing, but not making her feel like an object for his desires.
He made her feel like art. Like a beautiful painting.
A slight pressure built in her abdomen as his thumbs rubbed over her nipples again and again, an unfamiliar feeling she blamed on his touch. It was pleasant, watching in awe as he bowed his head to take one stiff peak into his mouth. Hot and wet on her skin, her free hand twisting into his hair, a shaky gasp leaving her.
“Oh, Oberyn.” She moaned, concentrating on his tongue repeating the motion of his thumb, a deep groan of his vibrating against her. “It feels good, fantastic. You feel fantastic.”
He looked up at her, not stopping his ministrations but a twinkle appeared in his dark eyes. She rubbed her thighs together, a motion which didn’t go unnoticed by Oberyn, finally releasing her breast with a soft pop. Surging upwards to capture her lips in another kiss, fiery this time but reigning himself in as he felt himself move too fast.
“You’re feeling it, are you not?” He asked, parting from her and staring deep into her eyes. “Pleasure, my dove?”
“I’m not sure, Oberyn.” She replied, his kiss having left her a little breathless, her head reeling. “There is a pressure…”
A soft chuckle fell from his lips, a smile stretching his mustache wide over his lips, revealing his teeth. 
“Right here?” He touched her abdomen, right where the feeling appeared and she nodded. No one had ever thought to teach her a damn thing about herself. “Yes, my dove. Pleasure. Do I have permission to undress you further? I wish to give you more of this feeling.”
Her nod was eager this time, easing into his touch. It filled him with joy, pressing another kiss to her lips which made her giggle.
Oh, how he loved that sound.
“Lay down for me, my sweet.”
She did, their hands finally letting go of each other as she laid back, immediately finding his lips to be back on her sternum, kissing a path further down between her breasts, onto her stomach. Revealing more of her skin as he went.
Peeling the garment off of her like he would with a fruit, revealing the sweet flesh, tasting it, feeling it beneath his fingers.
Feeling her shaky breaths as he lingered over her stomach, her muscles twitching under the caress of his lips.
He lifted her hips, pulling the dress down the rest of the way, letting it fall to the floor. Exposing her entirely to him, his lips pressing against that spot on her lower belly where she felt the pressure building.
Her heart beat in her throat, fighting the urge to cover herself with her hands, knowing he would just move them away. His own hands smoothed along her naked thighs, watching her face as she looked at the ceiling, lips slightly parted.
“You were made in the Gods’ image, my love.” He whispered, letting his lips trail back up her body, feeling himself become drunk on her body, on her beauty. To think she had feared this, feared showing herself to him when she truly was the most beautiful being he had ever laid his eyes on. “No beauty compares to that of yours.”
She smiled, a sound the cross of a sob and a huff tumbling over her lips, overwhelmed by his love for her. Melting into his lips as they found hers yet again, like he couldn’t get enough of her, of the taste of wine and fruit on her tongue.
Suddenly she thought about him, still fully dressed. Shouldn’t she make him feel as good as this, too? Cover his body in kisses, worship him like he worshipped her?
She was curious to see him, wondered if he bore scars. How big they were, how deep. She wanted to see him, longed for it.
Her hands wandered to the hem of his robe, attempting to undress him but he stopped her. Gently taking her wrists in his large hands, he moved them away, shaking his head.
“My Viper-” She began in an attempt to explain before he shushed her again.
“Tonight is about you, my Princess.” Oberyn said, kissing the corner of her mouth. A small whimper escaped her, her lips chasing after his when he moved back again. “You and your pleasure only. I told you, I can wait until all eternity.”
He rested his forehead against hers for a moment, hoping to get her to understand just through his eyes that his words weren’t empty promises. As he breathed with her, one calming breath after the next, he hoped she understood that he would wait a lifetime and beyond for her to be fully ready. Her pleasure alone would be enough to sustain him until the sun had shared its last rays with the world, until the world grew cold and dark.
“I wish to touch more of you, my love.” Oberyn whispered into the silence, his hands moving to her hips. “Will you allow me to?”
She nodded, more firm than at the beginning, feeling a throbbing between her thighs, an unfamiliar wetness.
“Yes, my Viper.” A whisper just as quiet as his, her eyes full of desire, even if he could still see remnants of fear in them.
Oberyn brushed the bridge of his nose along hers, an intimate gesture which made her heart burst with love and joy. Hands coming up to cup his cheeks just for a moment before he slipped away again, down her body.
Calloused hands rested on her knees, his eyes on her face as she sat up slightly, leaning onto her elbows to watch him. She bit her bottom lip, his hands slowly opening her legs, gentle and sweet in his movements.
He kissed the inside of one knee when she was fully spread for him, once again resisting the urge to close them. His beard scratched along the sensitive skin, moving to the other knee as well.
It felt good, the way he kissed her skin, the way his beard felt on the sensitive flesh. How his hands smoothed over her thighs as he inched higher, lifting his head again.
One of his hands moved upwards, ghosting over her mound and feeling the coarse curls covering it, feeling the shiver that went up her spine at the featherlight touch. He watched as he gently spread her lips apart for him, glistening from the wetness that had gathered. 
His thumb just hovered over her clit, like he was unsure. All while she watched, holding her breath in anticipation of where he would touch her next, each touch better than the last.
“Have you ever touched yourself before?” Oberyn asked, eyes moving back up to hers. Knowing fully well that she would answer with a No. She was too responsive to his ministrations to have done so before. “Right here?”
His thumb pressed down, featherlight, like a ghost, drawing a choked gasp from her, her hips involuntarily rolling in response.
It was as if lightning had shot through her, setting her nerves ablaze at his touch. Her skin hot, she felt like she was burning up from the inside, the pressure in her abdomen only becoming worse.
“N-No.” She breathed out. Already longing for more of his touch. Needing more of that buzzing feeling it provided, pulsing faintly where his thumb rested.
His thumb swiped lower, gathering a little more wetness before ghosting over that little peak of nerves again. Carefully, trying not to overwhelm her with these new emotions, coaxing a low moan from her lungs.
It might just become his favourite sound, a sweet symphony sung only for him in this shared intimacy. Sweeter than the choirs which had sung at their marriage celebration which just now seemed so long ago already. Sweeter than the birds, than the bustle of the markets, than the rolling of the sea.
He lifted one of her legs over his shoulder, kissing the inside of it as he lazily rubbed his thumb over her, watching her reactions. Her eyes were dark with nothing but lust and curiosity, only fixed on his moving digit. She tried to hold back more sounds, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her heart still thrumming against it for reasons he liked now.
No longer out of fear but out of desire.
“How does it feel, my dove?” Oberyn whispered against her skin, pressing more wet kisses against it, the hand holding her leg caressing it while his thumb moved away from her clit. Instead, it traced her outer lips, which still made her hips jerk and roll but provided a more subdued sensation. “Tell me all, I wish to know what it feels like for you.”
Her eyes snapped up to his when his thumb moved away, a whiny noise of protest leaving her.
Desperation on her face.
“It feels good, Oberyn.” She whispered, the leg over his broad shoulder trying to coax him to continue. “You feel marvellous. My blood has been replaced by molten metal, I can feel it burning and throbbing.”
Oberyn smirked, lightly nipping at her skin. “Your cunt?”
Watching her discomfort at the word, he chuckled but saw her nod still.
The urge to taste her overcame him abruptly, the urge which had been his plan when she told him she was too scared to have him tonight. Knowing he could show her the heights of pleasure on the tip of his tongue, ease her into it entirely.
“My love, you said you would trust me with your life, did you not?” He asked, keeping his eyes locked onto hers. She nodded again, whispering a shaky Yes. “Please, lay back and close your eyes, I wish to surprise you.”
Her brows knitted together, having half a mind to do as he asked and not beg for more of his touch. Laying back down and closing her eyes, anticipation frightening her but trusting him in whatever he had planned.
It took a moment, a moment in which she heard him shift around, his tunic rustling, feeling him move.
And then, she felt it. Warm and wet against her, his beard scratching against her most intimate parts, her legs threatening to close at the foreign sensation but his broad hands keeping them open.
“Fu- Oh Gods, Oberyn!” She cried out, his tongue circling around her clit again and again, wet, slurping noises accompanying his motions. One of her hands threaded into his hair for purchase, not daring to open her eyes and look at him.
He hummed against her, fingers digging into the flesh of her thighs, eyes trained on her parted lips, face twisted in lust.
“Say it.” He commanded, finding it amusing that she did not fully give into her desires in favour of appearing proper. What was there to be proper about when he had his face buried inside her sopping cunt? “Say it, my dove.”
Her back arched, feeling him suck at the bundle of nerves which made her cry out once more.
“Fuck!” She moaned, liking how the word rolled off her tongue. “Oberyn, fuck! Oh, Gods.”
A smile crept over his lips, doubling down on his efforts, feeling her fingers tighten in his dark locks. Focusing entirely on her clit, eating her like a man starved all while he looked out for her body’s response.
She could feel something inside of her, the pressure mounting more and more as her whines and moans turned higher in pitch, his tongue driving her closer to something. And he could feel it, holding down her hips in order to lap at her, the obscene sounds in stark contrast to the gentleness with which he pressed against her.
Opening her eyes, she looked at him, the sight making her cunt clench. His head between her thighs, with a stare of lust and determination, his eyes dark and piercing. 
It was a beautiful image.
Maybe she should have this painted instead.
“Let go, my dove.” He whispered, his voice slightly muffled by her, feeling himself hard against his breeches but biting back his own desires for her. Just this was better than the Seven Heavens, he was sure of it. Nothing would be sweeter than this, to bring her to the brink of pleasure and push her over for the very first time. “Let it take you, let it wash over you and just allow yourself to feel me.”
She did. Her body tensing up and expelling all air from her lungs, the cries of his name broken on her tongue as she tried to make sense of the intense feeling surging through her. The pressure releasing, her legs snapped shut around his head again but this time he did not stop her. 
Oberyn wanted to see the full extent of her ecstasy, remember every sound, every little movement of her muscles beneath her skin as she shook.
Needed to memorize her expression as he brought her to completion.
He saw the tears in her eyes, overwhelmed by the feeling of him, of the rush inside of her.
She felt dizzy as it faded, as he slowed down his movements until he had fully helped her through it all, pressing gentle, wet kisses against her mound and lower belly, feeling how her deep breaths let it rise and fall.
“More, please, more.” She whispered into the silence after a few moments. Quiet and breathless, his ears perking up at the sound.
Intoxicated by the way his mouth had worked her to completion, by how good it had felt. There was an understanding in her now, for why he had sought out pleasure for all these years before they had found one another.
She never wanted this to end, craving more of him, more of their unity. 
“Ah, my wife is a greedy one, I see.” Oberyn chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “I will give you more, my love. My wife shall have everything, I shall give you all you want for - gowns, jewellery, pleasure. I shall spoil you rotten.”
“You already do.” She moaned, his mouth back on her, hissing at the slight sting she felt. “Fuck, you do, Oberyn. You do!”
This time, his tongue wandered lower, and she threw her head back into the sheets at the feeling of his talented tongue licking around her pulsing, aching hole before he pushed inside. His nose bumped against her clit, the wet, vulgar sounds becoming louder. 
Lapping at her like a thirsty man would drink from an oasis in the desert. Like she was the life to sustain him, to keep him breathing.
He groaned against her in an unabashed fashion, letting his pleasure from this be known, mingling into the perfect symphony with her cries.
That sweet pleasure coursed through her, letting tears well up in her eyes as she tried to breathe, trying to form words in between her incoherent sounds.
Delirious and intoxicated.
“Oberyn, please! I’m-” She couldn’t finish her sentence, ecstasy stealing her breath away as he expertly pushed her over again, her hands pushing and pulling at his hair. Too much, too much and yet it was just right, riding wave after wave that crashed into her, washed over her.
Her hips bucked up against him, chasing his mouth as he pulled back, giving her some reprieve, hungrily kissing along her inner thigh with a groan.
“I knew you would enjoy this, my love.” He growled, nipping at her skin with his teeth and making her squeak. There was nothing more he wanted than to be buried inside of her right now, he couldn’t deny that. But he wouldn’t, instead planning to wear her out so thoroughly with his mouth that all of her worries would simply ease away. “My sweet, wonderful wife.”
So he kissed up her thigh to her knee, letting his lips wander over every inch of her, then venturing further over her calf. 
“I do, my Viper. I do.” She whispered, each kiss sending a jolt through her. Until now she couldn’t have fathomed anything to be so intense and all consuming as this. To make her feel like she was on a cloud, drifting away while her new husband worshipped her.
“I am not through with you yet. You will feel the heights of pleasure tonight, I have promised you as such.”
And before long, his mouth found her core again, coaxing another orgasm from her, her voice turning hoarse as she whispered his name over and over like he was one of the Gods. 
Maybe he was. 
With the way he moved about her body, his hands wandering and feeling while his tongue worked her up to another peak and another.
Holding true on his promises and leaving her spent when he finally decided that she had experienced enough bliss. The candles around them long burned down, shrouding them in darkness, illuminated by the faint moonlight.
Oberyn left her boneless on the bed, eyes closed and breathing hard, she drifted in and out of the comforts of sleep, faintly feeling his strong hands manoeuvre her under the covers.
“Oberyn…” She mumbled, hearing him shush her like he had done so often this night. The bed dipped beside her, his heavy form laying next to her body, pulling her close.
Still feeling like she was floating, embraced by his warmth, the happiness from earlier this night returning. His lips pressed against hers, so tender and gentle as if he hadn’t just taken her apart with only his tongue.
“Sleep, my dove. My sweet, wonderful and kind wife.” He whispered, kissing her forehead as she slowly drifted into slumber. Gratefulness and love sat deep inside her chest as she did. “There will be much more to discover. So much more.”
She woke before the sun had risen, her body aching in the most delicious ways as she moved. Oberyn’s arms still embraced her, turning around in his grasp to look at his peaceful form. 
Her husband. 
It still felt like a dream, too good to be true. Even though his strong arms around her body and his handsome face right in front of her reminded her that it was in fact real. She could still feel his hands on her body, etched into her skin like a mark. A mark she would be happy to wear until all eternity.
Her gentle fingers found the bridge of his nose, brushing over it, taking in his features. Thinking about the sight of him between her thighs, worshipping her.
How he had lapped at her, like a thirsty, starving man who had found his paradise between her legs, finally finding it after a seemingly endless journey. Drinking from her to sustain himself, taking as much as he was giving, making said paradise blossom.
She felt warm at the thought, her fingers wandering over his tanned cheek. Never had she seen him like this and she found it strange to see him without his smirk when in her presence. Always smiling, making her laugh.
Breathing in and out at a steady pace. This would be the face which would greet her until all eternity, she realized. The arms which would hold her every night, his warm, firm body pressed against hers, still clothed unlike hers. A welcome image, making her smile wider as she brushed some hair from his forehead.
“My Viper.” She whispered, leaning forward to kiss him, first on the tip of his nose, then his lips. Soft beneath hers, his beard tickling her skin.
Desire awoke in her again at the touch, the vivid feelings from last night at the forefront of her mind. His arms wrapped around her tighter, startling her as he tiredly kissed her back, awoken by her featherlight touch.
Caressing her, chuckling quietly when she drew back. His dark eyes were so beautiful, piercing even when laced with sleep. The most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, full of love and admiration for her.
“My dove, my sweet wife.” He sighed, one of his hands smoothing over her bare hip, moving to her bottom.
Squeezing it gently and making her gasp.
Fanning the flames within her, humming deeply at his ministrations. She thought about his mouth, how he had used it on her, wondering if she could do the same for him.
She wanted to, a strange eagerness to pleasure him overtaking her, her hand wandering to the opening in his robe, feeling his warm, bare chest beneath.
The thought of consummating their marriage seemed more acceptable at this moment, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to fully give into the idea just yet.
Oberyn saw the look in her eyes, recognizing it in an instant. How often he had seen this exact gaze in others, how often had it preceded the most wonderful sensations. Yet here, with her, it made him proud, made him more hungry than it ever had made him before.
Despite that, concern mixed into his excitement. She had been so scared last night, inexperienced and her head filled with terrible tales. The emotion in her eyes seemed real, but he couldn’t help but be worried.
“I wish to give back to you, Oberyn.” She whispered, her hand wandering lower, resting on his covered belly. The tips of their noses were touching, eyes locked onto another. “You made me feel the most incredible sensations, and I wish to pleasure you. Let me use my mouth like you used yours.”
His heart skipped a beat at her words, surprised by her sudden boldness. He had always known that her soul simply needed a gentle nudge to bloom and come alive. That the fierceness he saw in her every day extended into far more facettes of her being.
It was as if a new spirit had taken over her, leaving her more confident. 
“Please, Oberyn. I wish to give to you what you gave to me.” She whispered intently when he hesitated, still scared of the actual act itself, but more than willing to reciprocate his love and devotion the way he had shown it to her.
“My dove, this is about you, not me.” He whispered back, cupping her cheek in his large palm. Rough and calloused from years of training, years of fighting. “I cannot allow this in any good faith.”
The way she looked at him, so eager and determined. How could he say no? She wanted this, even if he wanted these glorious morning hours to be devoted to her only. Devoted to the beginning of their life together, the sun only starting to show the top of its face in the far distance of the horizon.
“Promise me that this wish is not borne out of any obligation you feel towards me.” Oberyn said, needing to rule out that the loving, kind spirit of her being drove her actions instead of her own desire. “This is borne from you, your own heart.”
She nodded, whispering a small Yes back in answer to his question. 
He sighed, kissing her forehead with an affirmative hum. Feeling the excitement grow within him, his cock twitching at the thought of her mouth.
What a wonderful wife he had.
But as he watched her naked body emerge from beneath the covers, his brows furrowed, seeing her move to the side of the bed, attempting to slide off of it.
Oberyn grabbed her wrist, stopping her in her tracks and she looked up at him, confused. Looking so beautiful, with the sun slowly painting the skies behind her a beautiful purple, driving away the darkness. Her hair tousled, shallow lines on her face from sleep.
“What are you doing, my dove?” He asked, sitting up.
Her brows knit together in confusion, mirroring his gaze.
“Getting on my knees, just like you did, Oberyn.” She answered, genuine about her intentions. Watching him shake his head, pulling her towards him.
“No.” He replied, looking at her intently. “I won’t allow you to. My wife will not kneel before me.”
“But, Oberyn-” Her attempt to argue was squashed by the look he gave her.
“I am to worship you, kneel before you on the floor to show you my devotion, to show you pleasure.” Oberyn said, looking at her kneeling on the bed in front of him. She seemed more demure again suddenly, more timid. But the lust still blazed in her eyes. “Far too many wives expect it to be their place, on the floor in front of their husbands. Not you. You will not kneel on the floor today, my dove.”
Her heart warmed at his words, smiling and leaning forward to kiss him, her hands wandering to the thin robe he still wore. His words touched her, so thoughtful of meanings she hadn’t even thought about yet.
She wanted to kneel before him, just as he had done the night before, but she cared deeply for his words.
Slowly she opened his robe as she kissed him, letting her hands wander over his toned chest, down to the soft swell of his stomach. Touching and exploring like he had, her lips mirroring the paths he had painted onto her not too long ago, kissing down his jaw, to that point which had felt so good on her, below his ear.
Revelling in the way his breath hitched when she ventured down further, kissing every inch of him.
In the way his hands threaded into her hair, moving it out of her gorgeous face to watch her.
“You are a fast learner, my dove.” He chuckled and she felt the vibrations ripple through him. A smile broke on her face, feeling encouraged by him, by the way he touched her, the way he loved her.
“I am, am I not?” She giggled, sitting back up when she had reached his navel, the patch of dark hair which travelled into his breeches. Sitting back on her legs, she admired him for a moment, his tan skin glowing in the faintest orange from the rising sun, his beautiful body on display for her, almost as naked as she was.
Littered with scars like she had thought him to be, both small and large in size, some deep and some shallow. Faint and bold, her finger tracing along some of them.
Looking like one of the Gods. Made in their image.
“You look beautiful, Oberyn.” She whispered, her hands wandering to the strings on his breeches, needing to see what lay beneath them. The outline of him was prominent, leaving little to the imagination. “May I?”
He smiled, leaning forward to gently capture her lips with his own. One of his hands smoothed up her arm, feeling her nerves well up again. Attempting to calm her.
“Of course, my dove.”
She smiled, rubbing the bridge of her nose along his just as he had done, her shaky fingers untying the string. Peeling back the dark fabric, she couldn’t hold back the gasp that left her lungs at the sight of him, springing free.
She had been right to be scared, to be nervous and while she felt a strange desire at the sight of his cock, angry and leaking, she couldn’t help but feel nervous all over again.
Oberyn just watched, slowly leaning back once more, her fingers trailing through the dark, coarse hair at the base. Just letting her explore on her own, hissing softly when she touched him, featherlight as if she was unsure.
Soft like velvet, throbbing and bouncing. The dark tip glistened with something. 
She ran her finger over the prominent vein at the underside, then drew back, deciding to take his trousers off entirely first. Needing him fully exposed like she was, she tugged them down his legs, revealing his toned thighs and calves, hardened from years of training.
Like the Gods.
Wrapping her hand around him, she looked up to his face, seeing the intense gaze of his as he watched her fingers before his dark eyes met her own. Upon seeing the uncertainty in her, Oberyn gave her an encouraging smile, her touch setting him on fire unlike anyone had ever done before.
“You’re doing well, love. Keep going.” He said, his heart fluttering at her smile, his legs opening a bit wider. “Just move your hand, if you wish.”
She nodded, doing as he said. Leaning down to take him in her mouth, she was stopped by his hand on her shoulder.
“You best lay down on your belly for that.” He suggested, his voice growing thinner. This woman would rob him of his last sanity and he hadn’t even felt her properly just yet. “It will be easier on your body and I will be able to see your face, my love.”
“Oh.” She replied, the simple sound making him chuckle. Shifting into position between his opened legs, feeling awkward as she did. He beckoned her closer, helping her so her arms were positioned over his hips, her elbows resting on the sheets.
So close to him, her hot breath fanning over his sensitive skin. The hunger clear in her eyes as his cock was right in front of her, still gripped by nervousness. 
Ducking her head, she pressed small kisses against his belly, then over his hip bones. Peering up at him through her lashes only to find him fixated on her, his hand coming up to gather her hair in a loose grip, just to get it out of the way. Watching how she teased him, his aching cock brushing along her cheek, trying to tame his hips which were squirming in anticipation.
Excruciatingly slow she moved back a little, lifting her head and taking him into one hand again. Oberyn’s breathing became heavier, seeing her lips descend and press against the head of his cock, like she was kissing it. Her tongue darted out, licking over the slit and grimacing a little at the taste of the pre-cum.
He couldn’t help the chuckle, warm and without malice, making her smile and giggle in return.
“Salty.” She remarked curiously, then resumed kissing him. Over and over, pressing her soft lips against the head, trailing them down the length of it. Just following what she thought was right, peering up at him now and then as if to ask for encouragement.
She moved so deliberately and gently that it looked like she was worshipping him. Worshipping his aching cock while laying in between his legs. Making his blood boil hotter than the sun, mesmerized by the sight of her.
“What a sight you are, my sweet dove.” He breathed out, fingers running along her scalp as she moved back up to the head. “My sweet wife. You are doing so well, simply keep kissing it.”
She felt warmth spread through her at the praise, the pressure in her abdomen returning. 
But this was about him.
“Does it feel good?” She whispered in between kisses, letting her tongue dart out again, giving the sensitive tip the tiniest lick.
“Divine.” He moaned, the sight of her too much. She looked beautiful, her contours slowly being bathed in orange hues as the sun rose higher. “You may take it into your wonderful mouth, my dove. If you wish.”
She nodded, doing as he said, opening her mouth just a little to take in the head, already feeling heavy on her tongue. Did she just move her tongue now as he had done with her? 
Or should she take more of him?
She decided on moving her tongue, licking at the head and experimentally sucking on it like he had on her clit, the deep groan that left him making her feel proud. Proud to be able to give back what he had shown her last night.
“By the old Gods and the new, nothing will feel more divine than this, my dove.” Oberyn moaned, his fingers twitching in her hair, clearly trying to hold back. Unwilling to scare her away, just letting her explore as she saw fit. “You feel wonderful, so wonderful. My cock on your tongue, what a sight.”
She took more of him, gently bobbing her head, knowing she was doing right when he kept making those wonderful sounds above her. Groaning and moaning with every movement, ecstasy overtaking his body.
Her own, private melody, her own song.
She wanted to hear more of it, becoming more eager, more assured with her movements, lifting her head to kiss it again, her hand spreading the saliva over what she couldn’t fit into her mouth, stroking him. Liking what she was doing, the heavy feeling of when he was in her mouth, her desire growing by the second but wanting to see what pleasure looked like for him. What his face would look like when he reached the heights that she had at the mercy of his mouth.
And as she continued, alternating between kissing him and bobbing her head on him, she didn’t feel scared or nervous anymore. She wanted him, needed him. Needed to know what his cock would feel like inside of her.
Needed to be one with him, beyond what they were doing right now. She was growing impatient, feeling so safe and so loved in his presence, here between his legs, that she did not want to wait much longer.
“My viper, I want you.” She breathed out when she lifted her head, her hand stilling for a moment. Pupils blown wide, a nearly ravenous expression on her face. “Please, Oberyn, my love.”
It took a moment for him to realize what she meant, finding it difficult to form a coherent thought with how close he was to his own peak, lost in the feeling of her lips around him.
“Are you sure, my sweet?” He asked, cupping her cheeks with both hands as she rose onto her hands and knees, her face close to his. “Do not feel pressured on my behalf-”
Slotting her lips against his, she cut him off, kissing him with such vigour he knew she was firm in her words. She moaned when he kissed her back, his hands on her body as he rose, moving her to lay down onto the silk bedding, never leaving her lips, staying connected to her.
Moving to her neck again as she laid below him, kissing and sucking at that sensitive spot below her ear.
“Oberyn, please.” She moaned, eyes half-lidded, squirming beneath his broad body. Hair splayed out like a halo around her head, tinged in orange sunlight. “Do not tease me, please.”
As he hovered above her, he took a moment to take her in. All of her, all his but not owned by him. Still as free as a bird for he would never cage her, make her submit, but this sight of her only for him to enjoy. The curves of her body, the way she breathed heavily, squirmed in anticipation and desperation.
All his. His wife.
Still unbelieving that this was reality, settling himself between her spread thighs. He was able to see her heart beat against her ribcage once more, just as he had wished to see it, pumping hard because of lust and not of anxiety.
His cock rested against her thigh, heavy and leaking and aching for her, aching to fully become one with her.
“Tell me you want this, my sweet.” He breathed, positioning himself so the head of him pushed against her aching hole. Ready to have him, inviting him in. “Tell me, my love. You want this, you want to become mine in body and heart and soul the way I want to become yours.”
She cupped his cheeks, eyes only on his as she nodded. Her heart swelling with every word that tumbled from his lips in the dawn, his handsome features lined by orange hues.
“Yes, Oberyn. I want this.” Her answer was a whisper but it did not lack in fervour. Smiling up at him, tears in her eyes, knowing what she was doing was right and that she was happy for this to be her life, with him by her side. “I wish to be yours, in body and heart and soul, connected to you until all eternity, until our hair turns grey and our bodies wither with the run of time.”
It was as if they held their very own, private wedding ceremony. Just the two of them to witness their words, to witness their love and passion and pleasure. 
“Until all that remains of us are two stars in the night sky, our names a whispered memory.” He said, kissing her, his hips slowly pressing forward.
It took her by surprise, her gasp swallowed by his mouth as he carefully pushed inside of her, a groan rumbling in his chest. 
A feeling like no other, feeling full as he stilled inside of her, his forehead resting against hers and breathing hard. The smallest laughter shared between them before their lips met again and again, his hands wandering all over her body, grabbing and pulling at every inch.
He could remain here forever, buried inside her, their lips meeting in a fiery passion, fuelled by their love for one another, the desire to feel, to be one.
Her embrace warm and welcoming, her arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him impossibly closer. She wished she could crawl inside of his skin, mentally cursing herself for having been so scared of this.
Mentally cursing everyone who had told her tales of pain and misery, of simply enduring the first night and every night thereafter. Not one had mentioned the intense love and desire, the feeling of needing another human more than she needed water to drink or air to breathe.
The feeling of completion, like she had found a piece of herself in him which made her feel whole. 
No. Like an addition to herself, an extension.
“Please.” She mumbled against his lips, her hands roaming over his back, feeling the muscles dance beneath his skin. “Oberyn.”
He understood, kissing her cheek when he moved his hips, pulling out of her almost entirely before sinking back in, and the sweet moan that left her was music to his ears.
Sweeter than any of the sounds he had pulled from her before, breathy and high-pitched. 
Looking magnificent in her ecstasy.
“My sweet dove.” He groaned, setting a slow rhythm, trying to hold himself back. Her mouth and hands had brought him close before and her sweet cunt made him feel dizzy, too close to the edge for his own liking. He needed to savour this, drag this out, for her and for himself. Wishing to remember this forever. “Tell me what you are feeling, tell me all.”
A sloppy kiss met the corner of his mouth, trailing to his jaw.
“Complete, full and complete and ecstatic.” She moaned against his skin, her nails digging into his back. Driving in and out of her repeatedly, brushing against spots inside of her that made her feel lightheaded, her toes curling. “I never want this to end.”
He chuckled, kissing her cheek.
“This is what the Seven Heavens must feel like.” Oberyn groaned, his thrusts falling out of rhythm, overwhelmed by her. Her tightness, her embrace, her warmth. “Here, buried in your sweet cunt lies paradise, just for us.”
Nodding, her lips found his again, so close once again.
Tears running down her temples, settling in her hair. Feeling nothing but him, the world ceasing to exist while entangled with him, becoming drunk off the pleasure.
Her peak reached her so suddenly, she couldn’t do much more than whimper against his mouth, her arms pulling him into her. Breathless, her body set ablaze.
The feelings so much more intense than before, feeling him shudder and then still against her through the haze in her mind. Their lips never stopping, her name tumbling from his and right into her mouth, as if he was praying to the Gods above.
Basking in the afterglow, he kissed her cheeks, her temples wet with tears, shushing her gently as she cried. Tears of joy, of happiness unlike no other.
He could not imagine himself with anyone else, everyone that had come before her paling in contrast.
The sun warmed their skin, the sky a bright orange, fading into pinks and purples at the very edges. Dipping everything it touched into its mesmerizing hues.
“I love you, Oberyn.” She whispered, so quietly that he almost didn’t hear. Stroking his cheek, tears still in her eyes, barely open from exhaustion, from bliss. “My sweet Viper, my husband.”
Oberyn smiled, slowly pulling out of her, already missing her warmth and tightness. He rolled them over to the side, carefully guiding her spent body. Admiring the beauty of her in the rays of the sun, casting beautiful shadows across her face, making her look like a fabled creature.
Glowing like the sun itself.
His Sun.
“And I love you, my Sun.” He whispered back, brushing some hair from her forehead. Seeing her brows knit together at the new name. “My wonderful wife.”
“My Sun?” She echoed his words, finding a warmth and safety in the name.
“You are my Sun, my sweet. The centre of my being, my warmth and my light.” He said, smiling gently, cupping her cheek. “Us Dornish worship our sun. She gives us food, she gives us life. A new day in her safety and guidance. She is sacred to us, without her, there would only be darkness and coldness.”
Her heart soared at his words, a sob leaving her, overwhelmed by his gentleness and his affection.
“You are my Sun now. Without you, my life would be dark.” He continued, brushing away her tears, filled with nothing but unbridled love for her in this moment. “And I am your Moon. Shining brightly only in your light, in your presence. Cold without your warmth, without your bright smile.”
She couldn’t find words to match his, everything she thought of seeming inconsequential.
But he was not done. His heart so full for her, as she laid in the light of the rising sun, embracing each other's spent bodies.
“Before you, my life was nothing but the chase for pleasure, to forget what I have lost.” Tears welling up in his eyes as well, a sight she had never seen before, raising a hand to wipe them away as they fell. Knowing somehow he was talking about Elia. “But now, with you by my side, there is no more need for such chases. All the pleasure of the world lies within you. In the warm heart beneath your ribs, your gentle kiss and sweet embrace. In this sweet cunt between your legs.”
She giggled between her sobs. Of course he couldn’t just not mention it.
But she felt sadness, her heart breaking at the thought of his dead sister. Of this sweet, loving man drowned in darkness and sorrow, trying to find something to take away the pain her death had caused.
He hadn’t talked of her much just yet, the memory too painful.
Hoping that he would now, after he had found a light to guide him out of the darkness.
“I wish to show you the world, to experience all the world has to offer us with you by my side. To give you all the children you wish for, tiny viperlings in the image of us.” More words which brought forth more tears. Ever the poet, ever spilling his aching heart. “All that will heal my broken heart. Healing it further as you have already begun to heal it, my Sun, unbeknownst to you. Every moment spent with my daughters, treating them like your own, giving them your love, all of that put another broken piece back into place.”
“Oh, Oberyn. My Viper, my Moon.” She whispered, wiping away more tears as her own continued to spill. Leaning up to kiss them from his cheeks, brushing her nose against his. “I do not have the words to explain what I feel for you. They feel inadequate to everything you have just said.”
Oberyn chuckled, moving to kiss her lips, those sweet, soft lips.
“There is no need, my Sun. Your touch and your smile are enough to let me know just what you’re thinking, what you are feeling. Let me worship you as you ought to be worshipped in this moment.”
Pressing their foreheads together as they lay in the glowing sun, tangled limbs and tangled souls warmed by it.
Just breathing, just feeling.
Connected in their very beings, basking in each other’s presence.
The love they felt was enough to sustain them for a hundred lifetimes.
The Viper and his Sun.
In a bond formed of love.
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natsmagi · 10 months
Pretty Tsumugi 4* alert
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29 notes · View notes
sydmarch · 1 year
WAIT jean & judit "we could take a room here in the whirling" convo works with my theory of "in actuality the whirling has more rooms than just what we're shown somewhere but we don't see them because they aren't relevant to harrys story"
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kamil-a · 1 year
hnkna valentine’s gift swap masterpost!
everything’s been posted publicly now so i wanted to collect it all in one place! i’m so thrilled with how it turned out and huge thanks to everyone who participated and to @offbrand-celestial​ for running it with me!!! 
nightmare & grey moment (respect-the-gryphon -> shwaim)
the knave’s hearts (ace /& julius, trying berryhard -> azuresflame)
julius/oc (azuresflame -> enchanted-twisted-dream)
alice & amusement park crew hangouts! (foxkitsune7 -> respect-the-gryphon)
wouldn’t you love to love her (alice/vivaldi, midvalley-thehornfreak -> kamil-a)
vivaldi/alice/ace (catphantom->axzi, cw blood/decapitated head)
blood/elliot/alice (malewifemammon -> midvalley-thehornfreak)
fuzzy feelings (julius/alice/ace, kamil-a -> indigosees)
valentine’s card from vivaldi (indigosees -> catpantom, cw cut heads/body horror)
blood/elliot (banderskrad->foxkitsune7)
nightmare/alice (shwaim->tryingberryhard)
blood+oc (butterpuffed->banderskrad)
friendly cats (boris & julius, axzi -> malewifemammon)
dee/oc & oc daughter (enchanted-twisted-dream->butterpuffed)
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ofsunhillow · 1 year
its also kind of so fucking funny. because wjat in the world. like both of those sides feel so reactionary like what was the need to make such strong identities for endorsing or not endorsing Thinking Certain Characters Would Be Cute Together. like one of them must have been first and the other one arised as an opposition i guess but which one was first.........
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eldenphil · 4 months
i dont like the words for illnesses in english. wtf is tonsillitis
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jatlokgwo · 4 months
am sososo used to having feelings n handling them ehen am tiny don look at me almost crying (positive) becuz i thought really hard bout my friends on accident again am a expert at this
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sobredunia · 8 months
okhay youv got me. what are these white hair peaple what r they all about
There's this one game called Nier: Automata and it's about these robots that live on the moon that get sent to earth bc there are machines made by aliens that want to kill the remaining humans on the moon so they have to stop them and the aliens
Also the animations for the attacks n stuff are really good and everyone wants the robot girl carnally apparently
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palioom · 11 months
stripes of a tiger
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summary: pregnant with your first child, you cannot help but criticize your changing body. oberyn knows just how to help, not allowing any ill thoughts about yourself.
pairing: oberyn martell x f!reader word count: 3.9k warnings: 18+ content; no use of y/n (but nicknames); body worship; oral (f receiving); fingering; unprotected p in v; pregancy; mention of self esteem issues; some biting; husband oberyn being the sweetest
• masterlist •
A deep and heavy sigh was the first thing Oberyn heard when he entered their shared bedchambers. Long, drawn out and loaded with a variety of emotions he wished to explore, wished to know the cause of.
It made him wonder what ailed her today, his beautiful, pregnant wife. Round with his child for the first time, looking more stunning with each passing day, but also growing meaner by the hour.
He knew about the sudden bouts of changing moods by now, becoming more irritated and more emotional by the day.
Testing his limits anew and anew.
But he loved her either way, all these little things making him chuckle, excited to be on this journey with her.
“My sun.” He said with a wide smile as he found her, hands on her round belly, standing in front of the large mirror in the corner.
Dressed in a thin, orange dress, adorned with hundreds of jewels and pearls, glittering as she turned from side to side.
Stunning, so gorgeous and beautiful and-
His smile faded when he saw the expression on her face.
Furrowed brows, teeth worrying her bottom lip. 
Tears in her eyes.
“My sun.” His voice was softer now, gentle. 
Body sliding against hers, chest flush with her back, his broad hands sliding over her beautiful belly. 
Dark eyes following her gaze, landing on said belly through the mirror.
“What is wrong, my love?” Oberyn asked, soft and gentle. Lips finding her exposed shoulder and pressing a kiss to it.
Eyes trying to find hers.
“Why is my gorgeous wife looking at her round stomach full of our child with such sadness and contempt?” 
Her eyes snapped up to his now, a few tears falling, leaving wet streaks across her cheeks.
How was she to tell him why?
His body felt comforting against hers, his hands warm on her belly. 
That belly that was the cause for all of this.
Could she tell him about her sorrows without him being mad?
When she didn’t answer, he tried again.
“What is bothering you so, my sun?” Still soothing and gentle. The way he only ever was with her. “What is darkening your light? Your Prince demands that you tell him.”
That made her chuckle, the sound mixing into a small sob, bottom lip quivering.
These damn mood swings.
“Will you promise not to be mad?” She asked, her hands splaying over his on her stomach.
He nodded.
Whatever could bother her that made her think he could get mad at her?
As if he could get mad at her for anything.
She was his everything, his world, the stars in the sky, his sun.
“You still love me like this, don’t you?” 
The question took him by surprise, brows furrowing for a moment.
Why would she ask him such a thing? Wasn’t it obvious, the way he doted on her?
Whatever she wished for, she received, nothing was too expensive or too demanding when it came to her.
He told her how much he loved her every night, tried to make her feel his love when he was buried deep inside of her.
If she wanted fruit only found in Essos, she would get them. Necklaces, earrings, gowns.
There wasn't a thing Oberyn wouldn't do for his beloved wife.
Apparently, it wasn’t enough.
“Of course, my love. How couldn’t I?” He replied, kissing her neck but still holding her gaze through the mirror. “What makes you say such things?”
She looked onto the floor, taking a deep breath.
“I simply feel unwell with my body, my viper.” Voice so quiet he almost didn’t hear her. “The scars from my skin tearing, my back aches and… I have become huge. Huge and fat and unbecoming.”
The words tore at his heart, pulling her against himself tighter.
His beautiful wife, carrying his child inside of her, radiant and glowing and so unbelievably stunning.
And she hated herself so much, her body which was providing life, which let them have a family of their own.
He sighed deeply, hands wandering under the thin fabric to feel her skin, the small grooves which adorned her body.
Like a tiger’s stripes.
“My lovely sun.” Oberyn said, calm and soft, like he was speaking to something so delicate and sweet that a single misstep would make it crumble and wither. “Look at me, please, my love.”
She hesitated, tears dripping off her nose and onto her stomach. Didn’t want to see him disappointed or mad at her.
Of all the things, she never wanted her viper’s anger, even though he had promised to never let his fangs sink into her, only those who wished to harm them.
“Look at me, my dove.”
She did, raising her gaze, finding his face.
Towering over her, eyes sharp and dark and so soft still. Only for her.
How had she gotten so lucky with him?
“You have become huge, because you carry our child within you.” His hands rubbed over her belly again, soft and slow. “A sign of something good, something wonderful. With each passing day that you grow bigger, my love for you grows as well, my dear.”
Tears welled up in her eyes at his words, his face becoming blurry.
“I know you do not believe me, you stubborn woman never do. You are far from unbecoming, even with a little plumpness to your likeness.”
She smiled just a little, even if she did not entirely believe him, like he said.
The talk she had overheard from other Lords who called their wives the most awful things when pregnant with their children had made her expectant of similar talk from her future husband.
That she would be too huge, too unattractive for her husband to even look at her in such a state. Skin ripping, too heavy, the extra weight settling on her chin and in her legs.
Oberyn wasn’t like this, but she couldn’t shake this feeling that deep down, he was recoiled by her appearance, rather seeking out other people.
“Your glow intensifies with every day, and I could never feel disgusted by you. I have married the most exquisite woman in all of Westeros and Essos combined, and you have only become more beautiful ever since your belly started growing.”
He placed kisses against her neck, onto her shoulder, feeling the shiver that ran down her spine.
His touch wandered, away from her belly and over her hips, fingers running over her thick thighs.
“I enjoy your thighs around my head, when they snap shut while you’re in the throes of pleasure.” A kiss just below her ear made her knees wobble. “Any man would be happy to find death between them, suffocating just to feel the warmth of them.”
Then, his hands wandered back up to her ass, unable to escape the urge of grabbing a handful, hearing her inhale sharply.
“Your bottom, moving so enticingly when you walk in front of me, teasing me without meaning to.” His lips were on her ear now, voice low. “When I could still have you on all fours, seeing it shake with every thrust, every time I buried myself deep inside of you.”
It was like her skin was on fire when his hands wandered up, over her sides to her full breasts, sensitive and aching.
“Your breasts, so soft and beautiful, have grown heavier. The sight of them practically spilling out of your gowns is one I never wish to lose.” When he licked over the shell of her ear, the softest whimper escaped her. “Full and begging for my hands and my mouth. How they move when you’re spread open on your back for me.”
She felt the wetness between her legs as he groped at her, the throbbing. That low pressure in her abdomen, like a fire that was just waiting to lose control inside her.
“Let me show you just how much I love you, whatever shape your body may assume.”
Oberyn slowly spun her around in his arms, cupping her cheeks in his large palms and kissed her, passionate but gentle.
He couldn’t let her believe that she was anything other than the most magnificent woman he had ever seen and that her body was not deserving of the scrutiny she directed at herself.
She hummed into the kiss, eyes closed and her hands came to rest at his waist, steadying herself.
Tasting like berries and the sweetest wine, making her crave both as his tongue slipped into her mouth, a welcome taste.
Always so sweet, despite his name.
The Red Viper.
Slowly he guided her over to their bed, and she was glad when she felt the soft mattress hitting the back of her legs, her feet hurting from standing for too long.
When she sat down on it, he never broke the kiss, moving down with her and then further, finding his place between her spread legs on his knees, her hands now in his dark hair.
She wanted him so desperately, so sensitive and aching already. 
“My viper, I want you.” She moaned when his lips trailed over her jaw and down to her neck.
He smirked against her skin, a soft laugh leaving Oberyn and his hands found their way to the straps of her dress, toying with them and feeling the expensive fabric.
“I know you do, my dove.” Pushing one strap down agonisingly slow, breath hot on her skin, adding to the heat in her body. “I assume you’re wetter and warmer than the Narrow Sea.”
She whined when he bit her neck, gently so there was the faintest mark of his teeth embedded into it.
“But I will not make it easy for you, my sun. My wife has to learn just how beautiful she is first, then she can have me.”
He always knew how to torture, fan the fires inside of her until they could burn her alive before taming them in a way only he could.
The other strap was pushed off her shoulder as well, sliding them down her arms and making the orange fabric pool in her lap, still covering her round belly but exposing her breasts.
“Just look at them.” He said, leaning back so he could cup them with his hands, just barely spilling over at this point. The glint in his eyes as he looked at them, squeezing slightly, made her feel warm.
When he looked up at her, he raised a brow.
“Look at them.”
She did, letting her eyes fall down, seeing how his hands couldn’t contain them fully.
But all she could really see were the tears in her skin, dark and ragged. Not something she could find joy or beauty in.
He saw the emotions flash over her face and it made him mad. Mad and upset, but not at her.
Never at her.
He ducked forward, placing kisses over her breasts, his fingers pinching her hard nipples and making her moan.
“Do you wish to know what I think?” He said, looking up at her. His tongue traced over the grooves of her stretch marks, biting and sucking at the soft skin.
She watched him, mesmerized by how much care he put into this, so attentive.
“These scars remind me of a tiger’s stripes, a beautiful and unique pattern adorning your skin, my sun.” The words made her feel warm, it was something she had never thought about before. “And you will be a mother with just as much fierceness as that of a tiger once our child is born. Still strong and gracious.”
Her heart beat fast in her chest, thrumming against her ribcage with such a force that she was certain it could simply break through.
It was a nice thought, her marks like that of a tiger.
A beautiful animal, she felt honoured he thought of her that way.
One of his hands made room for his mouth, his soft, wet tongue finding her nipple and flicking over it while his hand wandered lower, pushing up her skirts.
She felt him inch up her inner thigh from her knee, fingertips rough, tracing the same tears there as it went higher.
Her legs spread wider, feeling him smile against her skin, mouth still on her breast as his fingers found her middle.
Wet and waiting, hips jerking just from the faintest touch to her lips.
“Oberyn.” She threw her head back as she whined, fingers curling into her hair and tugging. “Please.”
He let two fingers glide through her folds, barely nudging against her swollen clit, ready for him.
“You’re dripping for me, my love.” His lips found hers again, swallowing her gasp as he pressed his fingers against her, moving them in small motions. “Like a waterfall of the sweetest nectar anyone could ever wish for.”
Removing them again, he brought his fingers to his lips, licking her wetness off of one with a deep hum and a wicked smile, then presenting the other finger to her.
“Taste yourself, how could anyone dislike this?” 
And he watched as she wrapped her lips around his thick finger, tongue cleaning up her slick with a hum not unlike his.
Looking so needy and desperate as she sucked on his finger, his dick twitching in his breeches at the sight.
But this was about her, only her, her body and her pleasure.
Removing them and one again finding her clit, she held his gaze as he pressed down harder, watched her eyes flutter but not look away.
“How did it taste?” One eyebrow raised, his other hand coming up to cup her cheek. “Tell me, isn’t it the sweetest thing you have ever tasted?”
She couldn’t deny that there was something about the way she tasted that was… good. Never better than Dornish wine or the berries she was brought every day.
But good in a depraved way.
She nodded, biting her lip as he sped up his movements just a little, wishing he would push his fingers inside of her instead.
“Speak up, love. Tell me.”
“Yes.” She breathed out, whimpering when she felt him speed up again for a second, then moving down to her aching hole. Desperate for him, fluttering around nothing. “It tastes good, my viper.”
Oberyn hummed, pleased with her answer.
Pushing two fingers inside her, she leaned back, bracing herself on her hands. 
She couldn’t see his fingers, moving slowly in and out of her, spreading her open. Thick and long, curling up into that spot that made her unravel every time.
“Always so wet and warm and tight for me.” He grinned, kissing all over her breasts again, letting his tongue run over the grooves. “So beautiful and full.”
The sounds that left her were music to his ears, soft whimpers and throaty moans and he really wanted to undress her and take her. Her new curves only made him more excited, the wet sounds from her beautiful cunt only adding to it.
Wetting his fingers, squeezing them tight.
“Full with my child, my sun. Pretty and round, still swallowing my fingers like the greedy thing you are.”
She was close, hips rolling weakly against his hand.
“Please, Oberyn- You fuck me so well.”
Her voice was soft and breathy, turning into a small whine that hitched in her throat as he bit her nipple.
Suddenly, his mouth was gone from her breast and his fingers gone from inside her, leaving her feeling empty and a sound of protest bubbled in her throat.
Then she felt it, his tongue on her, eagerly licking up her folds while his hands kept tracing the tears on her skin.
Warm and talented on her clit, making her whine louder.
Talented in more ways than one, sharp like the spear he wielded, like the dagger in its sheath on his hip, but also so gentle and soft, like the velvet of her favourite gowns.
When he sucked on the sensitive bud, the fire inside her burned bright, engulfing her as it spread through her veins, her legs closing around his head, hearing his muffled sounds and feeling the vibrations of his voice.
He lapped up all she gave him eagerly, hand wrapping around her trembling thighs as she moaned his name, loud, uncaring if anyone heard outside.
Slowly bringing her down, at some point opening her thighs forcefully when he felt the need to breathe again, he sat back, looking up at her.
Mouth and chin wet, devilish smirk on his face.
“Sweeter than any wine.” He whispered before pressing his lips against hers, tugging her dress down over her belly so it sat at her hips. 
Hand smoothing over them, finding the grooves stretched tightly.
“Maybe I should call you my Tiger now. You are ferocious enough for the title."
His chuckle deep and voice smooth.
She joined in on the laughter, mind dazed and chasing his lips when he pulled away to stand.
“I like Sun more, Oberyn.”
Nodding his head towards the middle of their huge bed, he helped her get there, taking off her dress as he did.
“You can carry many titles, my dove.” His hands opened the belt hanging over his hips, letting it fall to the floor with a loud jingle before he shrugged his bright yellow tunic off of his shoulders, baring his muscular chest.
Oberyn watched her sit there, in all her naked glory as her eyes travelled over his body. Still as infatuated and hungry for him as on their first night together so many, many moons ago.
Finding the dark trail of hair that vanished under his breeches.
She did feel a bit self-conscious next to him like this, rubbing her belly as she watched him open his trousers, revealing his hard cock, already leaking for her.
Again, he saw the emotions on her face, the slight furrow of her brow, the way her eyes just became a little bit sad.
“I suppose it takes more to convince you stubborn woman.” He chuckled, moving over to her, helping her lay down on her side.
Oberyn grabbed a pillow to put under her head and some more to put under her belly, making her sigh as she got more comfortable.
“I can not understand how you could hate your body this much.” 
Trailing kisses down her neck to her shoulder, he let his teeth graze over her skin, wandering lower and lower.
Cupping one of her breasts and giving it some attention amidst her soft gasps.
She watched him, focused on his task as he reached her belly, her hand in his hair as he let his lips wander over every inch of her.
“Your stunning, round belly. Holding life for our family, our child.” 
Wandering to her side, to her hips.
“I can not wait to see you grow again, and again, my sun. You are stunning, so magnificent.”
Kissing further down, biting her ass softly and making her moan and writhe below him.
“Oberyn, my love, please, I need you.”
His nose dragged over her back as he kissed up her spine, settling behind her, shifting closer until he was flush with her, his erection pressing against her ass.
“You have me, my dove, you will always have me.”
Taking himself in hand, he guided himself against her, groaning against the back of her neck when he slowly pushed in.
Her moan mingled with his sound, reaching behind her to grab his hip, needing to hold onto something that weren’t the sheets. 
Slowly moving his hips, she leaned back into him, moans wanton as he dragged his cock in and out of her, hand on her belly.
“My beautiful wife.” He groaned, feeling her squeeze him tight, trying to rock back into him. “Round with my child, so gorgeous and glowing.”
Even he lost his sanity once inside her, her cunt intoxicating and her sounds music to his ears, kissing and nipping at the back of her neck.
“You feel so good, my viper, please.” 
He did make her feel good, with his words and with his body.
She felt desirable with the way he fucked into her, the way he held her, grunting against her neck and biting her skin.
“Your pretty, tight cunt is so wet for me, my sun.” Oberyn rasped, pulling her against him tighter, thrusts harsh and rough. “Like you want me to fill you again, when you’re still round but you already wish for my seed again, don’t you?”
The way she clenched around him told him all he needed to know, her high pitched whine falling from her lips.
“I can not wait to fuck another baby into you, watch your beautiful body swell with my seed again, my dove. You would like that as well, right?”
More nodding, mind hazy as that fire inside of her grew once more, fanned by his words, by his body.
“Yes, Oberyn, please!”
His hand went between her legs to find her clit, her leg lifting to help him and he rubbed tight circles into it.
“Let me feel you, my tiger, strangle my cock with your tight cunt.”
She came with a dragged out moan, trembling and soaking his cock, the fire burning her up from the inside again while he kept rutting into her, praising her over and over and over.
“Like that, my pregnant, beautiful wife, my sun.”
Then he stilled against her, coming with a deep groan and she felt him twitch inside her, spilling himself.
Kissing her shoulder as he calmed down, still rubbing her belly, her thigh, still buried inside her.
Just enjoying her heavy breaths for a few more moments, her warmth.
Until he finally pulled out, carefully.
“Do you believe me now, my tiger?” He said, leaning on one elbow and gently pulled on her shoulder so she could face him. Slotting his lips against her own.
She hummed into it, her hand cupping his cheek.
“A little more, yes.” 
His eyes were loving as he looked down at her, but also mischievous, as always.
“But perhaps I need a little more convincing.” She giggled, watching him break into a wide grin, laughing with her.
“I will convince you as many times as I need to, my tiger.” He replied, his knuckles brushing over her cheek. “Until you believe me that there is nothing to hate about your changing body, for all that is changing now is to bring us our child, every tear in your skin a sign of your love and devotion.”
Tears welled in her eyes at his words, feeling too emotional in the afterglow, but still smiled.
“Our viperling.” 
“Our viperling, yes.”
He kissed her again, his hand moving to her stomach. 
Right now she looked like one of the Gods themselves, with that gentle smile that tugged at her lips and her lidded eyes as she looked at him. Hair tousled and her skin flushed a dark crimson still.
“I do not wish to find you sunken in doubt ever again, my sun. You will find me first and I will help you forget about whatever plagues your mind.” His eyes were still gentle but with a certain seriousness in them. “Do you promise me? You are like one of the Gods, sculpted so magnificently that I allow no doubts about this.”
She sighed but nodded, drawing him in for another kiss.
“I promise, Oberyn. I love you.”
Kissing her forehead, he settled back behind her, nose buried in her hair as he pulled her against him.
“And I love you, my sun, my tiger.”
Hand on her belly, feeling the faint movements.
“No matter how big or how small, you will always be my beautiful wife.”
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I was impacted by cancel culture and the woke mob when I stuck up my god given middle finger at five kids at lunch back in 1st grade they want to #silence us
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scoptartz · 2 years
this bitch is so selfish omfg
#the room is literally a north pole#and u cant keep it off for an hour!?!#its been on every single day#morning#and afternoon bruh#and it repeats#literally go to the pool if its hot in here and since u ik damn well it'll refuse to be at da livingroom or basment so go to da pool#water is fresh n cold just for you!#but legit#i cannot fucking stand it how it doesnt want tvat shit off for once like women#TAK3 OFF DA HOODIE OR STOP WESRING LONG SLEEVES SHIRTS IF ITS HOT???#mf thinks its slick to put da ac level to 1 low💀💀or turn on da fan💀#like mf its off and its gonna stay off for the rest of the night. cry abt it and vent this to yer stinky ass bf abt it#speaking of dat#its funny when i turn off da ac this thing makes it into a whole traumatic event and victimize itself how my parents doesnt listen to it#when they clearly fucking do#yer just a selfish asshole who doesnt want the ac off for atleast a few hrs when it was on the entire day bruh#how do i convince my parents to get rid off this ac#hell i didnt even want an ac to begin with but as always they fucking ignore me bc they love the bitch more. and it CLEARLY shows#this bitch dont even deserve ac privilege. that bitch can suffer in heat like i did in the cold n stay in pool water since once again#its fresh and cold just for it!! but seriously bruh i actually get sick from day but yk my parents wouldnt care bc#watever makes da brat happy ig😂😂#fuck all of you bratty kids that r favorites and takes advantage of it#like this bitch in this house should kys challenge!!!! srs😁
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kamil-a · 6 months
Please I’m begging you upload a little video or audio of pierce talking I’ve never heard it and I can’t find any videos of it on YouTube
i dont have anything of my own on hand rn but i can giv you this drama cd on youtube- NOOOOO I THINK IT WAS TAKEN DOWN.......... ok not tonight but i will see what i can do re: mouse delivery
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lesbianexorcist · 2 years
also GO gene get his ass yassss
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
I feel once venti relationship with creator got past the awkward room mate stage to the “practically sleeping in each other’s beds for more than JUST sleeping in each other’s beds” venti practically tried to get as much time woohooing under the sheets with creator as possible in that year before they both were dragged back to tyvat by albedo. That’s practically one of the reasons he says him and creator are practically married, since the whole fuck culture that exists here is nonexistent in tvat except in certain scummy places (brothels). Tho creator probably just thinks of him as fuck buddies or even bf/gf if she ever asked if he wanted to take the relationship to the next step.
'woohooing' omfg 💀
The latter part of that is something I was trying to insinuate, I really don't think casual sex and hookup culture is really thriving down there, and I especially don't think it would have been thriving when Venti was learning about the social norms of the world around him, so he probably would very heavily associate being intimate with a solid committed relationship, meanwhile titles are a bit looser around here, so if a particular form of relationship isn't specified, then it certainly isn't guaranteed, no matter what actions may or may not have been performed
Really there's so much room for miscommunication because of the potential in completely different social norms between Teyvat and our world, either in a comedy or drama sense, it's just there waiting to be utilized
But yeah Venti acting like a horny teenager, where he's just constantly in the mindset of 'Take me!' sounds pretty canon to me
And whenever they both do get back to Teyvat he'd be pretty upset about a lot of realizations, like the fact you two aren't actually in a committed relationship, and just because he makes you breakfast every morning and is super enthusiastic about being intimate with you doesn't mean you two are actually together in any way that really matters
Of course he's working on rectifying that the moment the realization hits, but sadly, since he didn't get in on it back when you two were living alone together and there wasn't actively a couple thousand people competing for your attention that you had a sense of obligation to, the best he can really hope for is consort
Though that's not going to stop him from calling himself your soulmate/spouse/lover to anyone and everyone who does and doesn't ask, as far as he's concerned, you two are completely bound together
Which also means there's going to be a pretty heavy surge of unpleasant feelings if you do have multiple consorts, and those apply tenfold if you actually treat them all the same
He's probably bitterly thought that if what you have is more comparable to an open relationship, then what exactly is stopping him from going around and sleeping with whomever he pleases? Since that's what you seem to be doing and all, with no regards to his own feelings might he add
The problem is there is no one else in the world he would prefer to have that sort of relationship with, and he probably couldn't even force himself in that position with another person if he really tried because it would feel too much like being unfaithful to you
Poor poor Venti, forever suck falling hopelessly in love with a person that hundreds of others are also hopelessly in love with
Funny little situation to end this off, but like the interaction I did with the sagau and yandere Ventis, if either regular sagau Venti or reverse isekai after they both return to Teyvat Venti met reverse isekai still in the creators world Venti... Both would tell him to never ever ever ever bring to reader to Teyvat ever and just stay there happy together because it gets so much worse
It's like the little devil/angel on the shoulder thing where the angel side would theoretically be Venti doing his due diligence to every single person in Teyvat and also you by returning you to your rightful place in your rightful position, where you would receive so many more luxuries than he could ever hope to give you himself, but both of them are just little devils and are all "If you take the creator back to Teyvat I will actually personally kill you right here for being an idiot. For the love of Barbatos (wait a minute—) don't do it!"
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arsonarena · 7 months
love me normally with my eyes closed, from memory
in lipstick ob the njrrkr are the myrics to my kbituary in iambic lentametd followe paranete x4oss my eyes dot my ts i wasseliveeed holding scisssor i kive deliveratlet im a quitter abd a ej er a yeag fause i bec3r agreed 5o lw45jfjlate in this game wont fooe y dreams bo theyve all hot me waking up screaming i xan met thek fo from me after lall theres no junteam and i rather be nk4mal yes no normal i wugg3wt 5hq5 we keep this informal cause a normal humab veing wodnt need tk krtend to ve normal to be normal well i guess thats the least that i owe ause to be normal jn a wag j ckhldnt be cmon cmon and kive ne normwlly if i could liv3 in rirs5 p34einv23ll i eon5 4hink life would mlbe much worse thq i5 iw in 5h3 current tense presently thje sentence ending in question arks kr dot dot dor is is couragies or 3wcapist to leave the quarente while your contagious it nay jsut be a comd a beside i dont wabba get okd i drank nysekf to death 5o b3 5h3 attr5litr kt thr party when the sfyerlsrty cane j was 4okkong in my heacr and id tather be normal yes ek bo4 al j eugg3ey 5hwt 23 j34o 5hje informal cause a normal human being wouldnt beed to l4etene 5o b3 nkrmal to be mmnkr am well i guessvth leastvthat j kwe ya to be normal in a wat j couldnt be cmon cmon and move ne bkrnalmy now this is the lart kf tie so f where j mjne tk talk to ny audience i like to tell em theres sonethint j want tron tou h3o cats tonight i want toy to look to yogre left looki to your right youeb 12 oxlok 6 oclock ioclj rocj around the clcon 5ojigh5 and 5o want you to find those liubt ot bo retu4b thise singularities thise vur ing tjngs if fire in the beuatifuk oupuks if the beautifk vi5 hi5k bei5h3r bitt or inbeyween that youvbrought woth uou tonight and i want yku tk t3ll 5h3m ho2 yiu 43allt reel h 2qn5 6oh to tell th3m 5gaf goy mjc3 5g3 3w65 they seamlessly line a smmdrramfully beuatifukly ig so dutiffuukt jame that square leg in the round hole heaty i want ouu to trll 6hat you love the way that they dont stick iut like sor middle smfinegrs fhat they crawl ther way up the side fo the bellcurce stick theif cla in the lean then smide their way bacj dkwn i want you tk yell then ykh mov3 th3 way there bot malamladaptiveot malcoent not mnwignant or maleficentbut rather that 6up love gem xactly the way that every idg else is i was notbi t efiredoi cohldnt have asked to be bornmm e kthing again so what am i egerrn ke wnd them jd 6hr54 k5bjng to fear cause shufs vetting weird so to god who made this man you better have one hell of a plan id rather e o4 d
yes so mora i sugvest thatwekeep this informal cahse a njrmal himanbeeinh wlhldnt rrr nkkk to oretend to ve o4mal to be normal well u guesd tvats th3 lest that u iwe zs zl br normal in a wsz u voulf never be zedj cmon cmo j3sj u dsuf nvxmöin zeah cmon cmon i ewkr clon heshсющь cmon and live ne normly
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jossujb · 2 months
Oh man, my old Castiel-related art goes around and that makes me miss the days in the fandom.
Not that I am technically speaking very far away, becaude I am still doing my angelverse tvat is more or less SPN-AU. But I do like, muss all the actual fabdom involvement. All the spicy interactions on discord. Community, you know? I've been kinda super lonely. Maybe I should join some discussions... I haven't really spoken anyone online that don't know IRL in a long time.
Then again, 15 seasons of SPN taught me that it's a fucking mistake xDDD
But seeing my old art with new eyes after so long I do remember why I made them. That's a nice feeling. I want that back - but not necessary that near clinically insane fuckery that comes with SPN fandom wank.
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