#tvn you better leave him alone
love-is-dean · 1 year
So everyone survives and gets another chance and it's only my baby fox who's not coming back? 😤
Isn't it unfair just how everyone gets to live and it's only Rang who has to die a tragic death? Lee Rang, the guy who never really got to be happy in his 600years of sad and lonely life? Even Moo Young after all the horror he brought upon the world is saved by Yeon and gets a second chance but when it's about Rang he's just supposed to die lonely with no one there for him, no one to sacrifice for him, no one trying to bring him back when it was actually him who sacrificed himself for Yeon and gave the couple a happy life that wasn't really theirs! They never meant to be together! It was their destiny to always have one of them dead if they got together! it was only Rang's sacrifice that changed it for them and yet he's the only one whose destiny isn't gonna change? The only one who's not going to be saved? The only one who's going to die for everyone else's happy ending? How is it even fair? He's the one who protected Yeon and the only one Yeon failed at protecting. Like everyone survives and gets a happy ending w/o even paying for their actions and it's only my beloved fox child who's not going to have a happy ending when he deserves happiness the most? Yeon always remember that Rang was your only brother who died for you and the only one you couldn't save...💔
This will always be a sad ending no matter what happens in parallel timelines and how happy everyone is there. The world in original timeline is a world without my baby half fox. It's still a world that Lee Rang left home on a snowy day and never came back. In original timeline the half fox will never come back home to his found family and no one is going to change his sad fate and bring him back.
This is just a sad ending to the sad story of a half gumiho who never got to be happy...💔
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yohangaontdj · 3 years
FICTOBER 2021 (Gahan) - Day 1
Hi, am doing this 31-day writing called Fictober and I hope that the power of Gahan will help me finish it (tried for 2 years but never succeeded).
Prompt No: Day 1 - "I need you."
Fanfiction Fandom: The Devil's Judge (TVN), Gahan, Lawful Husbands, Yohan x Gaon.
Rating: General Audience
Warnings: Magical AU
Gaon was struggling, breathing heavily as he heaved with all his might. But it wouldn't budge and in desperation he yelled for help, "Yohan, I need you!"
Unable to turn and see as he clung on, afraid of losing his grip, Gaon felt the presence of someone coming from behind. Then strong arms were coming round him, and hands were grasping what he had been holding on for dear life.
"Okay, at the count of three...", Yohan's voice uttered, so near his breath caressed Gaon's ear.
Together they pulled, muscles straining and teeth clenching, and an unholy wailing screech burst free from what they had been pulling.
Grinning fiercely, knowing that they were close to winning, they poured the last of their strength into the battle. And inch by inch, their prize began to come out from the soil. It finally tore free and the screeching wail died into piteous sobbing.
"Don't eat me! Don't eat me!" The magical ginseng cried, its voice high-pitched and babyish.
"I'm sorry," Gaon apologised while Yohan rolled his eyes and told him to just bagged it.
That only made the ginseng cry even more and Gaon glared at Yohan and told him to shut it.
"Please ignore the old man," Gaon patted its leaves, wincing as Yohan yelled in outrage,  "We just want to move you, that's all."
"You're not going to eat me?"
"Nope," Gaon shook his head, "We just want to bring you home. Won't you like to live somewhere better than this?"
Gaon gestured at the forest, sadness in his eyes as he stared at the dying trees, decaying where they stood.
"Will there be honeyed water?" The ginseng asked, eyes wide and hopeful.
"There will be and many friends too."
"Too many, I will say," Yohan butted in and Gaon shot him a dirty look as the ginseng cowered in fear, its tiny roots covering its eyes.
When it finally calmed down, after some soothing from Gaon, it asked again.
"You're sure you're not going to eat me?"
Gaon nodded his head and waited patiently while Yohan paced restlessly behind him.
It didn't take long for the ginseng to cave in - tired of struggling all alone in this dismal landscape. So when Gaon offered it the bag Yohan had passed to him, it climbed in meek and compliant.
"Can't you just be nicer? Gaon admonished as he gently placed the bag into his backpack.
"I'm a hunter not a planter."
"How many times must I tell you that it's not called planter. I'm a botanist!"
"Whatever," Yohan shrugged, "Now where's my payment."
Huffing in exasperation, Gaon leaned in and planted a kiss on Yohan's lips.
"Happy now."
"Not at all."
And Yohan pulled him in, his kiss definitely not as chaste as the one Gaon had given.
(You can imagine them wearing the dark matrix-style judge robes as they moved through a world wrecked by magic. Gaon is doing his best to save as many magically-turned plants and along the way he met Yohan.)
(For more Fictober 2021 (Gahan) - Read here.)
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
Blame It On Me
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Summary: Sujin and Seojun deal with the rumor mill and someone unexpectedly helps Sujin’s case against her father. 
Author's note: I almost lost a large chunk of this story because I forgot to save it on tumblr before leaving my laptop to get a snack but thankfully I had copied it and put it on a word counter to see how many words it was and I was able to copy it from there, small miracles do happen. I hope you guys enjoy this one, I know I am dragging the case with her father but it’s only because I really don’t want to write about that a-hole LOL but I created this universe so I know I have to deal with the issues so this chapter I tried (keyword) to get us back on track and stop the teenage hormones. Honestly I am just impatiently waiting to reread the camping trip that TVN got all wrong, I can’t believe all the clichés this show had but they didn’t do a truth or dare scene. I will fix that error. 
She's scrolling on her phone, looking at ugly girls that could never compare to her and smirking at the pathetic boys who leave flirtatious comments underneath her pictures, her DMs are a mess boys trying to take her out or creepy sugar daddies promising her ludicrous amounts of money. There are still stray comments from nosy bitches about her being a "bully" but she rolls her eyes and replies with a middle finger or a nasty comment about their looks. That's usually enough to get her followers going, obviously they defend her because that's the privilege of being pretty; she can do whatever she wants and nobody will truly care because she's beautiful. That ugly dumpling situation had confirmed what she already knew, in the end people don't really give a shit unless they're the victim.
Just as she's about to ring the bell for her stop, that's when she sees him out the tail of her eye. He moves past her barely noticing her presence, she'd recognize that mullet anywhere. Han Seojun. She's used to seeing a scowl on his face, he's never quite happy to see her despite her obvious come on’s that most boys would be jumping at the chance to talk to her but not him, she can still remember him smashing her phone into the cement. The pieces flying close enough to hurt her. That enraged look in his eyes as he roared that she was the ugly one before shoving her and pacing off. It's one of the most embarrassing moments of her life and her crush for him instantly transformed into pure, unadulterated hatred. Who the fuck was he to shame her like that? The only person that ever spoke to her like that was her mother, her words cutting like a knife too and piercing under her skin. 
Why are you so stupid? Can't you do any better? I should have just had an abortion.
It was the only time she agreed with her, she should have.
Snapping back to reality she discreetly follows the tall boy with her eyes, noting that he's not alone. Irritation floods her as she imagines that ugly little dumpling being by his side, she might not have any feelings for him anymore but he was still too hot for that pimpled face loser. But as the two take a seat in the back of the bus she realizes that it's not the girl she expected, no this is the other bitch. The one who had threatened her the day after Han Seojun. Kang Sujin.
If you ever hurt my friend again, I'll ruin your life. My foot will make a permanent dent in your face.
This was after the violent bitch had slammed her into a wall, face twisted up in anger and her good for nothing friends hadn't helped at all. Once again leaving her to be embarrassed and made a spectacle. The two people she despised the most were there together and at first it confuses her because they aren't on good terms, she knows that from her mild stalking of Seojun- on the contrary the two were usually at each other's throats like cats and dogs. So why were they here together?
Her eyes widen as she suddenly gets her answer, Seojun casually leans into the other's girls space a mischievous grin on his face as he whispers something inaudible but it gets her blushing before pushing him away but he catches her hand and tugs her closer, and she can feel the static between them as they stare at each other. Then he raises a large hand to tuck a piece of hair behind the bitch's hair and she sees red, what exactly was going on between Kang Sujin and Han Seojun? She's tempted to go over and confront them, pull Seojun away from that rich brat but she never gets the chance.
In the end it's Kang Sujin who breaks their prolonged stalemate, looking uncomfortable but there's also a spark in her eyes like she's holding herself back, like she's barely containing herself. She glares at him weakly pushing his hand away, but the touch lingers for a moment too long. She spins slightly to ring the bell herself and when the bus pulls to a stop, she squeezes past a hooded eyed Seojun who watches her every move avidly. It's sickening but she can't look away from them, her eyes locked on their every interaction.
It's only then that she notices that Kang Sujin is wearing a sweater that is far too big on her slight frame and if the pride on Han Seojun's face isn't enough of an answer, he hops out of his seat and throws an arm around her shoulder close enough now for her to hear, "You look good in my sweater baby, how am I supposed to stay focused today?" It's whiny and so fucking domestic and she watches in disgust as the other girl grins at the comment, pulling said sweater tighter around her body before replying, " You better focus, we have a test today if you fail your mom's going to be sad."
He groans at the news, tipping his head onto her shoulder like a forlorn puppy, pouting down at her. Both are unaware of her presence and they exit the bus without even giving her a second of their attention, too wrapped up in each other- literally.
Her eye twitches as rage washes over her. There's no way that they get to be sickening happy when she was shunned and bullied for no reason.
I'll destroy you both.
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Now she's not naïve enough to think that her son would really sleep on the couch all night, not with the object of his not so secret crush only a door away. The sun is barely peeking over the horizon when she pushes the door open, entering his messy room. She's been telling that boy to clean it for a week now to no success, he's so hard headed sometimes. But all thoughts of reprimand promptly leave her mind as she takes in the precious sight, Junnie has Sujin wrapped up in his arms their heads the only thing visible from under the blanket.
She's a mother first and foremost so initially anger fills her belly, but it wanes to acceptance the more she watches them. Sujin is smiling, whatever dream she's having bringing a beatific grin to her plump face. Then she snuggles in closer to her son and they resemble too kittens cuddling for heat, it’s enough to make her coo lightly. 
It also makes her heart ache, knowing how much the two have come to need each other. Seojun has never left anyone in before, sacrificing his own happiness to be there for them, his family. After her husband passed she watched her little boy prematurely become a man, learning to pay bills, shopping for groceries, helping to raise Gowoon, all things that a boy his age shouldn't have been concerned with but with her in the hospital there was no one else to do it. In a flash the innocence had bled from his eyes.
But, here under the thin rays of sunshine that filter in through his blinds he looks as young as she's seen him in a long time. Falling in love and protecting someone else, letting himself be happy. She brushes away a stray tear that rolls down her cheek feeling foolish but unable to contain her emotions.
"My little boy is growing up." She whispers to herself. 
It scares her, forces her to think of a day when he won't be by her side anymore. A distant day when he'll have his whole family and she won't be the most important woman in his life anymore, for so long it's been only them and it's hard to imagine him moving out and starting his own life.
But she wants that for him, as much as it terrifies her it makes her hopeful to think that maybe she wasn't such a bad parent after all, that growing up with little to nothing didn't break him enough to stop him from leading a normal life. He's her baby boy but he's also his own person and she doesn't want him to be stuck here forever, he deserved to have it all. 
"Take good care of him, he's my everything," she whispers thickly to Sujin who smiles brighter in response as if to answer her plea. She moves closer to brush a soft hand against both of their foreheads, sighing when they both lean into her caress. Then she leaves the room starting on breakfast and when it's time to eat she makes the most noise imaginable, stifling a chuckle when her son comes running out of his room, groggy eyed and hair like a bird's nest, excuses already exploding from his mouth, "Mom! I can explain, I was- you see...my phone!! I was just getting my phone!"
She pointedly looks at his phone-less hands with a raised eyebrow and he peers down at his own hands, blushing bright with apologetic eyes.
It's the first time he's lied to her face but instead of annoyance she bursts out laughing, the look on his face priceless and when poor Sujin tumbles out of the room with his phone in hand trying to support his lie, she turns back to the stove laughing so hard her cheeks hurt.
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He's adamant about them walking in together, nothing she says dissuading him from throwing his arm over her shoulder as they march up to school. She's nervous, there are already rumors about them and them walking in together like this will hardly stop them. She's Kang Sujin, so people have been talking about her pretty much her entire life- good and bad. She's used to it but there's something different about this, hearing the hushed whispers about her not being good enough for Seojun scraps underneath her skin. They sound too much like the voice in her head, that voice that reminds her that she can never be happy, nor make anyone else happy. She's a curse.
"What are you thinking about so hard? I can hear your brain working from over here." Seojun teasingly pokes her in the center of her forehead and she slaps at his chest in retaliation.
"Nothing." But as they get closer to the building her nerves heighten and as nonchalantly as she can, she runs from other his arm when she spots Su-ah and Jukyeong up ahead, elated to have a feasible reason to escape. But she doesn't get too far, her breakaway hindered by a strong tug on his her sweater, easily dragging her backwards.
She swivels her head to glare at him but she's unprepared for the hard unyielding look on his face, it's not often that Seojun looks so serious. But the clench in his jaw informs her of his severity, she shivers under the cold stare.
"Don't run away from me." His voice is ice through her veins, leaving no room for argument or debate. She swallows at the rough tone, feeling her body warm up.
Then he leans down closer, his face inches away from her own burning face. Her tongue feels dry like the Sahara.
"Or I'll do something something worst than put my arm around your shoulder," she gasps at the threat- is he seriously threatening her?- but stupidly feels her body swaying forward in anticipation as his warning becomes clearer, his eyes locked on her lips. "What's that stare baby? You look like you wouldn't stop me at all." He challenges, cupping her cheek with a large warm palm. 
She wouldn't. He could kiss her right now in front of everyone and she would climb that long lean body like a tree, that first kiss has unlocked something deep inside her.
"Damn. You really wouldn't?" Then to test the point further he wraps an arm around her waist abruptly, pulling her flush to his body and she leans up on the tips of her toe to meet him half way, all rational thoughts melted in the face of his blatant desire.
He smirks before leaning down, and she closes her eyes waiting anxiously.
"We're going to be late for first period, remember we have that super important test you mentioned. Let's go Princess." He pats her lightly on the same cheek before letting her go. 
This time he walks away from her, smugness in every step and she chases after him, curses on her tongue because how dare he tease her that, that asshole but they all promptly die before fruition as she catches the bewildered look on everyone's face. Shit. They'd seen everything.
If looks could kill she would be several feet under, more than once. His fangirls look murderous. 
Then Su-ah's shrill voice breaks the awkward silence, "Kang Sujin! What was that? Were you two about to have a make out session right here?! You naughty minx!" Despite her words, Su-ah looks proud clapping her hands gleefully and seemingly ignoring all the death stares she's getting from bystanders.
If only the ground would open up and swallow her.
The day goes as expected, horribly. Seojun is relentless in his shows of affection, touching her at every given opportunity, baby here and princess there and she likes it, likes knowing that he's proud of being seen with her and that he's not afraid of everyone knowing about them. But the stares and the whispers are constant, they go out of their way to make it obvious they are talking about her, pointing and sneering every time she enters a room. She tries to ignore them, but that's easier said than done.
After hearing another contemptuous, "She's not even that pretty." She flees from the room, pretending to need to use the bathroom.
It takes every ounce of her self control not to turn on the water as hot as she possibly can and vigorously scrub her hands, desperate to wash off their insults. Instead she stares at herself in the mirror, clear skin and too big cheeks, puffy lips and wide slanting eyes. She knows that she's considered pretty by many, but she's never taken ownership of that beauty. It's always just been a bargaining chip for her father, so she's always loathed it and pushed it away.
With a sigh she splashes some cold water on her face instead, clearing her head of any thoughts of him. She's feeling low enough as it is.
Pushing the door open carelessly she almost collides with a body, "Sorry! Sorr- oh." She cuts off her apology when she sees the shamed face of one Lee Suho, uncharacteristically wringing his hands as he stares at the floor.
She's decidedly not ready for this conversation.
It still stings, his betrayal. He's one of the few people that know her deepest darkest secrets and he had let in the one person she didn't want to see.
"I'm the one who should be saying sorry." He starts, straight to the point and she stares to walk around him, not wanting to hear anything he has to say.
"I know you don't want to hear thi-"
"Then don't say it!" She barks in rebuttal cutting him off, and she's grateful there's no one in the hallway to see them. Who knows that rumors they would come up with?
"I don't want to talk to you. How could you do that to me? How could you let her in? You know what I've been through, she did nothing! For years! I hate her! So how could you do that to me?" Her voice cracks on the last word and she can feel the tears prickling in her eyes so before they can fall and further betray her, she stomps away. Not looking back for one second, that's what she got for trusting others.
He doesn't stop her.
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There's something going on between Sujin and Suho, an icy air that she can't explain but when she questions her boyfriend he barely answers, "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." But that's impossible for her because he looks like he got no sleep last night and she just wants to wrap him up in her arms. It's a feeling she's used to having and not following through with, in many ways she's still a coward- too scared of upsetting others to comfort her own boyfriend.
What Sujin and Seojun did this morning, how closely they were standing and how intimately they were looking at each other? She could never bring herself to do that with Suho, maybe it was easier for Sujin because she was gorgeous. Effortlessly so, they looked like supermodels when they stood side by side unlike her and Suho, who made an odd couple. She aimlessly stuffs her books in her locker before turning to go to lunch, stopped by a group of girls who are surrounding her immediately her heart starts to pound. All of her friends already went to the cafeteria.
"Hey, what's going on between our Han Seojun and Kang Sujin?" One of her classmates asks voice filled with annoyance, she stares at them in confusion in return.
"Why are you asking me?" She responds, simultaneously trying to walk around them but she feels her bag being tugged back stopping her escape.
"Where are you going? We're trying to talk to you. You better answer while we're being nice." The same girl from earlier says, ugly sneer coming over her face now and she's suddenly reminded of Park Sae-mi, that same look on her face as she shoved her down and told her that she deserved to be treated like garbage because she was ugly. She finds herself unable to move. Too frightened to do anything. 
"You're not gonna answer our question? Do you think you're too good for us because you're wearing make up today? I don't know what Suho sees in you, underneath all this you're nothing special. Remember your place you ugly duckling. This is basically catfishing.” 
The words get stuck in her throat and she starts to shake, the ringing in her ears intensifying and then there's a body shielding her.
"What did you say to her?" Sujin, her voice is pure iron so much like the girl she met on the bus, the fearless one who wasn't worried about her own safety who chased down a pervert all before school. 
The gaggle of girls are all silent now, in the face of the very girl they were gossiping about. They cough awkwardly looking around instead of answering. 
"I asked you a question. Answer me." Sujin steps closer, getting right in their faces now and she shoots out a hand stopping the other girl before it's too late. Sujin shouldn’t get in trouble because of her, she’s not worth all that trouble. 
"Sujin-ah please let's just go." She tries to pull her friend away but Sujin won't be jostled, standing her ground.
"No. I'm not going anywhere, I'm tired of everyone thinking they can say whatever they want. Who are you to decide who's good enough for Suho? Do any of you even know anything about him? Besides the fact that you like his face? You're all pathetic. You pretend that you're better than us but you're just jealous."
Sujin's voice is ringing now, flooding the entire classroom until everyone is looking at her captivated. Herself included.
"Stop taking out your frustrations on her, he chose her and he wants nothing to do with any of you. Get. Over. It." She bites out each word emphasizing it with emphatic snaps of her teeth and Jukyeong can feel her heart thumping, in the best way. Nobody has ever stood up for her like this. It's enough to make her cry.
"Let's go. Everyone's waiting for you." It takes a minute to realize the other girl is talking to her and she lets herself be pulled away, hand in hand they walk around the girls with red cheeks and gaped mouths, she hides a small giggle.
On autopilot she goes to the cafeteria trailing behind Sujin and their table of friends looks up when they come through the door, instantly her eyes land on Suho and this time without hesitation she goes to him. He seems shocked but he easily accepts her, wrapping an arm around her trembling shoulder and pressing a warm kiss to her head in comfort. 
She locks eyes with Sujin across the room, mouthing "thank you" and watches a pretty smile spread across her face. 
They all start eating in mostly comfortable silence no one asking them what happened or why they came in holding hands but Su-ah does give them both stern looks that clearly says, we’re talking later, when the same group of girls bursts through the door, crocodile tears streaming down their faces. She watches in amazement as they make a beeline for Seojun, who looks just as confused as her.
"Seojun oppa!" They all cry out simultaneously and he looks taken back by the crowd of crying girls, but she doesn't miss the way he glances over at Sujin. The smile from earlier has been completely wiped from her face.
"What?" He answers calmly, looking annoyed but trying to hide it. 
"Please tell us it's not true. You're not dating her right?" They all glare over at Sujin, and because they're so busy eying her they miss the cold look that swims over Seojun's countenance in seconds, gone is the calm. 
"She's not good enough for you oppa! Why would you want to date someone like that? She just yelled at us for no reason!"
They have the attention of everyone in the cafeteria now and most are shooting mean looks over at Sujin easily believing the worst of her, this prompts her to stand up.
"You're all liars! She yelled at you because you were bullying me, Sujin is nothing like any of you." Suho stills in his seat, turning to glare at the girls now and they quiver under his stoic gaze denying her accusations.
The cafeteria is absolute chaos, everyone shouting at the same time and she worries how far this will all go before there's a pound on the table and they all turn to look in the direction of the loud sound. Sujin is glowering from her spot next to Su-ah, anger and determination on her face.
Eerily quietly she starts, "You all want to know that badly?" She starts to walk around the table, roughly shouldering past the girls all who cry out dramatically trying to get Seojun's attention but he has none left to give, all of it concentrated on Sujin and Sujin, alone. 
Jukyeong watches mesmerized from her seat.
Sujin keeps walking until she's directly in front of Seojun, then the entire cafeteria gasps when she wraps her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. There is no resistance, honestly it looks like the boy is in a trance with the way he sways into her hold. 
"Han Seojun. Are we dating? Everyone wants to know, I think we should give them an answer." Sujin curls a hand under his jaw and he gulps loudly, looking conflicted. Shifting under her touch but his hands are tightened by his side as if he’s fighting not to grab her. 
Sujin preens under his obvious struggle, turning back to the girls with a pointed look- they're all vibrating with anger and evident jealously watching the show unfold- then she looks back at him. A soft look on her face, "I'm not scared anymore." She whispers but it's loud enough for Jukyeong to hear and it almost feels like they're watching something they shouldn't be, it's too intimate.
"Just kiss already. Only an idiot can't tell you guys are dating!"! She spins to look at Chorong who's grinning widely and shooting them a thumbs up, then slowly but surely started by the large boy himself the cafeteria starts to chant: "kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!"
Seojun looks like he's still trying to catch up with what's happening but he never gets a chance because Sujin grins before saying, "You heard the crowd.......babe." His eyes widen comically and then she kisses him, in front of everyone. Their entire table starts to cheer, whooping and hollering and it's like a movie. Seojun even lifts her off her feet, kissing her enthusiastically much to the chagrin of the sour faced girls who stomp off realizing their plan has backfired.
Su-ah is frantically taking pictures on her phone and she knows that she'll use them to torture Sujin later but right now the girl looks like nothing could bring her down.
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"She called me babe." He whispers to himself but it's still loud enough to catch the attention of Dosan who hums in question before he waves him off, not yet ready to talk about the events of today. It still feels too much like a dream and he doesn't want to wake up.
Everything feels that way, her lips on his stole all of his thoughts.
He'd had no idea the rumors that were going around school, didn't know his classmates were under the misconception that they owned him or had any say in who he dated. The girls all smiled vapidly in his face and would stop speaking as soon as he was close, he'd had no idea why. And he feels horrible that Sujin had to deal with that all day, on her own.
He fully approved with the way she handled it, honestly when asked if they were dating he didn't answer because he himself didn't know what they were. He wanted everything with her but he had no idea what she was willing to give, was too scared of her answer to ask.
So he didn't know what he was supposed to say to those girls, he didn't feel comfortable exposing Sujin's feelings so he'd planned on only exposing his own.
I like her.
Safe and true. 
But before he could utter those words, she was moving so close to him and by doing so sucking all the air from his lungs. Then his body had frozen with her arms around his neck, a sensation he was getting so familiar with. One that he wanted all the time. Her breath had ghosted by his lips and she'd been right there, pure temptation but he still hesitated because this contradicted everything she'd said on the bus. She wanted this to be between them, it had pained him to agree but he wanted her anyway he could get her even if that meant feeling like a dirty secret.
So he never expected her to kiss him. Never.
Expected Chorong's less than tact outburst to ruin the moment. Or the juvenile chanting. All of it was so unlike Sujin, his ice princess.
Thought she would come back to her senses before reaching him, so when her lips were on his there was no thought just reaction. He kissed back with all the passion he had, the blood rushing to his head drowning out the cacophony of noise around them. Lifted her clean off her feet in his enthusiasm, devouring the moan that escaped her lips at the move.
Before they could go much further though, their teachers burst into the room shouting at the entire room to be quiet. They broke apart with a pant, the hungry look on her face teasing him so much he had to pull away with a groan. They'd both gotten detention for inappropriate behavior, Sujin looked unbothered taking her slip with an eye roll. He felt his attraction for her grow even larger.
His classmates seemed broken by the show, surprisingly nobody talking or gossiping this time. Everyone seemed to be in shock. The quiet was nice.
When the day ended, he found Sujin arm linked with her two best friends as they walked out.
She'd stopped at the call of her name, whispering to them before walking back to him.
She was doing a great job of pretending that she was unaffected but he could see past her façade, and it made everything even better. She had definitely been scared but done it anyway. He was worth the risk.
"Han Seojun." She answered, all too formal and he smirked in response reading her easily.
"My full name? What happened to bab-" before he could finish the sentence she slapped a hand over hide mouth, fiercely red now.
"Shut up. Don't mention that. Don't mention the cafeteria at all or I'm walking away."
She was dead serious he could tell from the tension in her body so he nodded behind her hand, smiling when she removed her hand.
"I have a shift today. But you're welcome to come over again, my mom said so too."
But she sadly smiled up at him and he knew he wouldn't like the answer, "I don't think that's a good idea. We've been.... distracted lately. Your mom could have caught us last night. I already asked Su-ah if I can stay with her and she said yes."
He'd been sad, he couldn't hide or refute that. But she was right, it was getting progressively harder and harder to keep his hands off her knowing that she was only a few steps away was too much temptation for even him. Especially after the kiss today, he wanted to explore every inch of her mouth. Thoroughly, for hours.
"Stop it." She squirmed under his gaze and he wondered what he looked like, if it's anything like the palpable lust he’d seen on her face.
"I'll miss you." He said instead of pouncing on her, for once she didn't dismiss his sentimentality staring back with a soft sad look that said more than words ever could.
"I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good shift." It felt nice to hear her say, she really sounded like a girlfriend. His girlfriend. It warmed him up and before he could second guess himself he reached out and pulled her into a hug, she stiffened and he considered letting her go but just as quickly she melted in his arms. Hugging back him just as tightly.
"Call me if anything happens." He whispered into her hair and she nodded, before leaving with her friends he watched before hopping onto his motorcycle.
She hasn't called but he saw an update on Su-ah's story on Instagram, they both had on sheet masks as they stared into the camera. Somehow she still looked beautiful even like that. But he was definitely whipped, there was hardly a moment when he did not find her beautiful. 
"Who are they? They're both really pretty."
He freezes at Dosan's voice from over his shoulder, fighting the urge to hide his phone. But the other boy looks harmless and he's gotten to know him well enough to know that his words have no hidden agenda. He can never tell when female customers are even hitting on him.
"That's my girlfriend and her best friend." It's the first time he's introduced Sujin as his girlfriend to anyone and that makes him heart jump inside his chest.
"Wow. So your school is just full of models then."
He chuckles at the comment, teasingly replying "Why you want your own model girlfriend?"
Dosan turns pink before shaking his head and racing off to wipe down an already clean table. He watches amused.
He wipes down the already pristine counter just to give himself something to do too, it's been a very slow day. He's in the back taking out the garbage when he hears the jingle of the door, but he knows Dosan can handle it now he's taught him everything he knows.
Oddly enough he doesn't hear the cash register and when he comes back to the front Dosan has a confused look on his face and a thick manila envelope in his hand.
"What's that?" He eyes the envelope warily. 
"I don't know. Some woman just came in and said I should give it to you. She said you would know who it's for."
He has no idea.
But then he sees the bright red of a seal on the bottom of the envelope. Kang.
Swiftly he grabs the envelope from Dosan's hands ignoring his shocked gasp and bolts out the coffee shop. He looks around frantically before spotting her, across the street trying to hail a cab.
Without looking he runs across the street, almost getting hit by a cab that honks its horn at him, “Watch it you moron, are you trying to die?”
But it can’t be deterred by that right now. 
She's sliding into the cab now but he gets there first, slamming the door shut. She jumps at the sound looking up at him with wide spooked eyes.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
"Hey lady! Are you coming or not?" The driver yells out and he's nervous she's going to leave without speaking to him but after a pause, she closes the cab door both ignoring the driver's curses as he peels off.
They stare at each other.
He lifts the envelope up, "What's this? And why are you giving it to me?"
She looks tired, deep bags under her eyes her skin a haggard grey.
She doesn't answer for a long time but he waits patiently this feels too important to rush.
"I heard that you're all trying to get my husband arrested."
He stills at the statement, nervous now about what's in the envelope. Was she trying to stop them? He knows her doing so would break Sujin.
"I know what you're thinking. I don't blame you. I met your mother once, I'm nothing like her. I've never done anything for my daught- for Sujin. I wanted to try this time. Give that to her, it should help her case. Don't tell her I came here. I'm going to disappear. It's the best thing I can do for her."
He stares at her, those empty eyes. She looks just like Sujin, the Sujin he met on that cold rainy night who was  convinced she deserved nothing and in return yearned for nothing.
"I'll give it to her." He promises, before turning around and walking away but something stops him, the same force that made him pull over that night.
Talking over his shoulder he says, "She already doesn't have a father. Do you really think what's best for her is to not have a mother too?"
Those empty eyes fill up but he's not fully prepared to soothe Sujin's mother, his anger towards her not dissolving even knowing her circumstance. She was supposed to protect Sujin and he hadn’t. So he finally walks away, holding the envelope tightly in his grip. Missing the breakdown behind him.
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She didn’t know why she started doing it in the first place. Nobody would believe her anyway but the first time he makes Sujin bleed, hitting the young girl so hard blood flies from her little mouth. She stares blankly, making no move to stop him or defend her child. It’s best to just let him have his way, his anger dissipates quicker that way. But when he stomps out of the room, roaring about “messy room” she snaps a picture of Sujin small and crumpled like a piece of discarded paper. She gets the bruise on her shoulder that will be hidden tomorrow by a t-shirt and gets her busted lips, blood flowing freely. 
The beatings keep happening and she doesn’t do anything but take pictures. 
Sometimes he gets tired of only hearing one scream and he hits her too, just like the old days before Sujin was here to take the brunt of the blows. He knocks her into the wall and slaps her harshly across the face, she weeps silently on the floor and then crawls to her room and poses for the camera. 
Too many times to count she finds herself outside of the precinct, but the police chief has been to their house before. Laughing loudly while drinking whiskey with her husband, his eyes following her a little too closely as she poured them another drink. When he commented on her beauty her husband chuckles darkly before saying, “Yes, it’s the only reason I keep her around.” It’s postured like a joke but she knows how true that statement rings, she was nothing to him but a pretty trophy to flaunt. Property that he could beat and berate as he saw fit. 
She had never planned on doing anything with those pictures, it would be his word against her. 
But the night that Lee Joo-hun extended his arm things began to change. 
“I’m helping Sujin. We’re going to get your husband arrested. We need your help though. I know you’re scared but Sujin needs you.” 
She had sat frozen in the passenger seat, staring aimlessly out the window. 
“I can’t do anything. I’m useless.” 
Words she has heard all her life from her parents and then her husband and the words that she heard in her head each time she watched the man who was meant to love her beat their only child, until she was bloody and whimpering. 
“That’s how I felt when Suho first told me how he really felt about me.  My own son hated me and I had no idea, I didn’t want to know. I turned a blind eye to what I didn’t wan to see.” 
“Don’t try to compare us. I watched my husband beat my daughter for years. I am a monster. I should be arrested too.” 
He sighs deeply, turning on the windshield wipers to combat the rain that  spontaneously starts pouring from the sky. 
“I’m not here to atone for your sins, I could never do that. But I’m asking you for help so he can never put his hands on you or Sujin again. Is there anything you have that could help us?” 
And it’s then, she remembers the photos stored on a secret phone locked in her drawer. 
She’s terrified but she goes home a few days later, the house is a mess, broken glasses and wooden littering the ground, her husband’s rage without either of them there to take the strikes he had taken out his frustrations on the furniture. 
The phone is right where she left it, hidden in a drawer next to a baby picture of Sujin smiling up at the camera. One of the only pictures she has of her looking happy, she cherishes it. 
Suho doesn’t want to tell her but she guilts it out of him and that’s how she finds herself outside a quaint coffee shop looking in at the handsome young boy who was willing to put everything on the line to help her daughter. She wonders what is so broken in her that she didn’t have the same desire innately? 
His words ring in her head as she watches him walk away.  She wants to be angry at him for his imposition, he knows nothing about her. But instead she feels small and chastised, all her life she has blamed her husband for her lack of relationship with Sujin but she’s starting to realize that the blame lays solely on her shoulders, and she needs to sit with that. She was the one to abandon her daughter. She was no better than her own mother who had sold her off, she had tried to do the same exact thing with Sujin. 
No more. 
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Here are some brief thoughts on kdrama that started airing in 2020 that I've watched. I said brief, but those who have been following me would appreciate that this is indeed, brief.
The list is in alphabetical order.
1. 365: Repeat the Year (MBC)
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Disclosure: I am a HUGE Lee Joon Hyuk stan. He is second only to Hyun Bin on my list. The fact that this drama is on the top of this list is a happy coincidence 🥰🥰
I was soooooooo excited when I knew Lee Joon Hyuk was to star in a new drama. MBC made the announcement of the drama late last year, and I was literally walking to the office when I saw the announcement on ig.
The premise of the drama was pretty straightforward. 10 people were given the chance to travel back in time exactly one year prior. Mysterious things kept happening to the people who took the trip, so our Detective Ji “Fluffy-Hair” Hyung Joo and webtoon writer Shin “Self-Hater” Ga Hyun joined hands to figure out what exactly happened.
Once they finally figured out what caused the mysterious cases, they faced a great dilemma on what to do, with our Fluffy Hair detective running as a fugitive.
The ending was really sad, and I really wished it ended differently, but the main character of the story was our Fluffy Hair detective, and him having to live on and reset the whole thing from the new past was a nice touch to the ending.
This drama was full of surprises, twist and turn, and it is certainly a drama I would consider rewatching in the future.
2. Do You Like Brahms? (SBS)
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Many people criticised the second half of this drama. Apparently the year 2020 is the year when kdramaland keeps being a disappointment, and many people are quick to include this drama in the list of disappointing drama, despite having a good beginning.
I beg to differ though. To me this drama feels more of a healing drama, wherein the characters are forced to deal with their issues. And anyone who has had to go through any form of therapy knows how hard healing process is.
TL;DR: The main leads are both people who have been mentally abused by the people around them, except for Cha Young In, because she was the only reason I did not throw my remote control at my 50-inch TV.
Park Joon Young is your classic example of a ‘gifted kid’ struggle. He was seen as a young, talented pianist who had a bright future ahead of him. But people started to treat him more like a trophy than a human being, so he decided to take a sabbatical, much to the criticism of people in the music industry. Park Joon Young realised that his passion in playing the piano has faded away, no thanks to his abusive piano professor who belittled him again and again, and practically brainwashed him into being a people pleaser. You could see how Park Joon Young was not himself in the beginning of the drama once you finish the drama.
Chae Song Ah took interest in violin at a later age (much later than professional musicians) and decided to pursue her dream by enrolling into a music programme. Her classmates were all younger than her, and it didn’t help that they all learnt music since much younger. I love how Song Ah did not give up on her dream easily and gave it her all, before she finally decided to let go of her dream to become a musician. The metaphor of her love for violin and Joon Young hurting her again and again and she just endured it though.. I cried like a mess well I am a mess but that’s a separate issue
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Special shout out to Cha Young In who was there for both of them.
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3. Flower of Evil (tvN)
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If thriller is your thing, consider this drama. If you are one of those people who like to see your characters being tortured (physically and mentally), this drama is a MUST WATCH. And if you enjoy watching Lee Joon Ki playing a character who is put at a great distress because he is trying to run from his past, go watch this drama.
More importantly, if you enjoy a drama where your ML is sexy, attends to house chores and takes care of his bright young daughter while his wife goes crazy for solving violent crimes, a devoted husband who is attentive and a tender person but also a freak in the sheets, you are wasting every single of your breath not watching this drama.
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I mean look at this man teasing his wife about his stamina.
Flower of Evil did not feel draggy at all. Everything that happened within the first 6 episodes could have been an entire drama if this was written by someone else. Seriously, this drama kept me at the edge of my couch!
The dynamic of HS and JW screams POWER COUPLE but at the same time it broke my heart how they were pushed into corners too many times by the people around them I do hope they had some sexy times while they were in the corners though
The focus on their wedding rings throughout the drama symbolised their unbreakable bond. The wedding rings were literally the very last thing that kept them together when JW stumbled upon evidences that pointed against HS.
JW, whose compass was only trusting what she saw, and not what she heard, tried to break the stigma of women being at a disadvantage in the police force. Heck, she was better than her entire team when it came to solving cases, her being the only woman in the team. Who said women cannot make good cops?
The plot twist though.. And the climax.. To this day, I still listen to this soundtrack from the drama and cry just thinking of the climax.
4. Into the Ring (also known as Memorials) (KBS2)
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I didn’t even plan on watching this drama. I was channel surfing and saw Park Sung Hoon looking all depressed in the first episode and ran into Koo Se Ra. Girl was UNHINGED and determined to fight for her way.
Her motivation was initially on getting a stable pay check from being a district representative (it was only 60 million won which is like USD55k so it’s not that much) but she eventually became the district representative who fought for the benefit of the people and did not care for the political warfare that took place.
Came along Seo Gong Myung, a government officer in the local government office who was demoted from planning unit of the accounting department or something to be a secretariat to the district assembly. Seo Gong Myung sticks to his principle no matter what, which surprise surprise, is HATED by everyone in the district government.
Turns out our main leads were friends when they were kids so Se Ra kept teasing him and dragging him into her scheme of fighting for the people, which Gong Myung agreed to, not so much because he was a community-loving person, but because he was afraid Se Ra would get into trouble since she was as straight as a ruler.
Long story short, our leads fell for each other, and their relationship was HILAIROUS to watch. I think I speak for everyone who watched the drama that we had no reason to believe Se Ra did not peg Gong Myung for fun 😝😝
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They were so cute together awwww
5. Kairos (MBC)
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This is another drama that I stumbled into. Only this time, I saw Nam Gyu Ri and I remember seeing her ig post on a new drama so I decided to give it a go. She wrecked my heart in 49 Days so I decided to check this out for funsies. Hooo boy was I in for a major surprise.
The first two episodes got me hooketh!! I still cannot believe how the drama managed to keep me on my edge especially during the last 5 minutes of every episode. The pacing is even faster than Flower of Evil, and since this drama went back and forth between past and future, it keeps me guessing whether their efforts would bear fruit.
Will Kim “Sexy Brain” Seo Jin  and Han “I-Know-No-Fear” Ae Ri succeed in fighting the evil, who at this point in time remains unknown? I know Chairman Yoo Seo Il is currently being hinted as the culprit behind everything but I know better that he is just a puppet who sold his soul to the real devil who most likely is in the higher ranks in politics. I mean he even hinted at his remorse for what happened with Taejung Town 19 years prior. My suspicion is he is trying to cover up whatever happened because otherwise his own family would be at risk, so his only option is to redeem himself by doing something about the Taejung Town. I could be wrong, but regardless of who turns out to be the real villain in the story, I can say I am so satisfied by how the story has progressed so far.
The time paradox still hurts my brain, but I am choosing that this drama does not assume that time is linear.
There is still not enough people watching this drama and I’m begging you all to go and catch up before it ends in two weeks time.
6. More than Friends (JTBC)
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A little trivia: I reblog most of the posts from @kdramastuff even if I am not watching the show at the point of reblogging the posts. I had been following her posts on this drama for 3 weeks, and I finally decided to marathon all 6 episodes and joined the watching party.
More than Friends was another drama that many people called a disappointment but I had a different opinion on it. Yes, I used to be the nerd who had different opinions on many things in high school sue me
The drama is premised on Kyung Woo Yeon who is said to have a crush on her high school friend, Lee Soo for 10 years. Lee Soo is nowhere near to be the perfect boyfriend material. He is selfish, does not care about other people’s feelings, and was always a lone ranger.
BUUUUUUT, Lee Soo seemed to show signs of care and affection (even though it was not at all for a normal person’s standard) for Woo Yeon. Surprisingly, he seemed to only do it for Woo Yeon and gave attention to Woo Yeon alone, even though he could practically pick and choose anyone he liked from the swarm of girls who were chasing him.
One day, he told Woo Yeon that he had to leave to the US to study, which made our girl sad. She decided to confess at the airport, but he outright turned her down, saying he only wanted to be friends with her. Over the time, they kept running into each other by coincidence (note: her name Woo Yeon is a wordplay on coincidence in Korean). Later, it was revealed that he wanted her to always be by his side, but he has built a wall as tall as the Great Wall of China before the idea of love so he didn’t realise what his true feeling for Woo Yeon was all along.
Woo Yeon, who felt sick of the ten-year crush, decided to end the “curse” and kissed him by the beach, thinking of getting a closure on her crush.
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Long story short, Lee Soo finally realised his feeling for her and decided to confess, but by that time, a young, handsome, rich CEO of a conglomerate has entered into the picture. Cue the game of cat and mouse between Lee Soo and Woo Yeon about resentment, regret and relationship.
This drama was promoted as a romcom, but it feels more like a slice-of-life drama with a mix of melo and romcom in there. Seriously, I cried buckets watching this drama, not something you’d expect from a romcom. The dialogues were well-written, with each episode revolving around a specific theme. This was such a good drama coming from a rookie writer.
This drama did not have that many viewers to begin with, and many of those few people dropped it along the way, including the one who was responsible in getting me hooked into this drama :p  By the end of it, there were so few people talking about this drama in the tag (shout out to @dohyunsoo @have-yet-to-decide @starfire-s @thbn-anything​ for keeping me company to the very end of this drama)
This drama broke my record of screenshots per episode and total screenshots for any show. Until now, I have yet to finish posting them. I should probably upload more screenshots later tonight.
This drama had some AMAZING shots in the first half, with beautiful sceneries mostly in Seoul. It’s like what they said, “a daily occurrence for you, a trip for me”.
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7. Oh My Baby (tvN)
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I did not even remember watching this drama!! It was only after scrolling through my gallery that I saw I had shared some posts on my ig story about the drama.
It was in the middle of a lockdown when this drama aired and many of my memories from back then feel so distant to me.
The plot was not THAT good, but this drama is something you may consider if you like torturing yourself about the struggle of wanting to have a baby.
8. Once Again (KBS2)
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Arguably one of the weekend family drama KBS2 in a while that kept me waiting for new episodes in front of my TV. Some people are turned off by weekend family drama because they tend to have slow pacing which makes viewers feel like they are being dragged to one of those boring corporate events that you would rather miss and wish you could be literally anywhere else.
Because this drama had more pairing than the typical weekend family drama, the story did take some time before it was on full momentum. It did feel like the drama could have been better with even one less sibling to worry about, but it was a fun watch in the middle of lockdown.
Will I watch it again? I’d rather rewatch House of Bluebird (starring Lee Joon Hyuk and Lee Sang Yeob as friends to enemies to friends again) because that drama spoke to me in a way that was more relatable. No hate to Once Again though. I just prefer House of Bluebird better.
Note: Justice for Song Ga Hee and her lovely son, Kim Ji Hoon. He had to grow up so much because of what happened to his mother, that it broke Ga Hee’s heart. And mine of course
9. Secret Forest 2 (tvN)
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I watched Secret Forest once it has finished and I fell in love with the drama! Imagine my excitement when they announced Secret Forest 2 with my three main characters reprising their roles. No hate to Yoon Se Ah, I love her, but her screen time in Secret Forest was not enough to make me excited about her return. But I was pleased with her role in Secret Forest 2 and I hope if there is a third season, her character gets the redemption arc that she yearns for.
Secret Forest 2 was not as intense as the brilliant original, but I understood that it had to do with the overall theme of the season, and the theme required the script to be as such. Some people may argue me on this, but I still think what they pulled off was brilliant.
Too bad there was a severe lack of Lee Joon Hyuk on my screen though.
10. Tale of the Nine-Tailed (tvN)
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Well. This drama went far beyond my expectation. The OTP was to die for. No such thing as miscommunication trope. This drama did not waste time on unnecessary drama. The pacing was incredibly fast, even faster than Kairos. Although to be fair, Kairos had to play with two different timelines and required time to establish the setting.
I’m sad about what happened to Lee Rang, but he did what he did, and he would never be able to erase that much pain from his memory even if the deities decided to be lenient on him because of his roles in killing off Imoogi. A fresh start as a human seemed like a fair reset to his life, and I hope he lives well, surrounded by people who love him.
I was never a fan of Jo Bo Ah (no hate on her, I was just indifferent) but this drama opened my eyes to what an incredible actress she is. I wish her a successful career ahead.
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starfire-s · 4 years
The first nine episodes of True Beauty really made me think they were making the second Male lead this amazing to outshine the Male lead so that we can finally have that one monumental change when the second Male lead is the one who is chosen :( yet I have come to realise that Suho will definitely end up with Ju kyung and it makes me so angry ? You don’t give the second Male lead this much potential - like ever , the second Male lead is always out shone and the fact that they did give Seo jun this good of a personality and story line really confuses me . I know your supposed to leave the watcher wanting more , but I have never been given this much false hope - your supposed to leave the watcher satisfied and brought to the realisation that the Male lead is the one they should rightfully chose ! But they’ve really ruined this drama for me . True beauty had such a good chance of becoming a show of not only entertainment but also a show that gives out a good message , yet they still carry on with the idea that a girl with acne is ugly ? And somehow Suho is a massive saint because he still finds Ju kyung pretty with it - the only normal person here during the whole situation of Ju kyungs bare face being shown to the school by Soojin the Satan is Seojun who doesn’t even care and says he stills finds her pretty - but as he should focuses on the soul fact of how ju kyung was bullied and that made him so angry he cracked her phone ! That’s Male lead energy right there . Ju kyung is the first person that has ever got through Suho’s hard surface , this is the first time he has ever felt something since his friend died and I believe Suho does love Ju kyung but he needs to learn to love himself before he carries on doing so . But we all know Ju kyung will stay with Suho because this is the first guy she has ever loved and she has never been told that she is in fact pretty without makeup by someone . I think they are tied to eachother in an unhealthy way , Ju kyung is so beautiful and she believes no one will ever find her pretty or lover her if she loses Suho - Suho is afraid of being alone again because Ju kyung is the first person to bring any kind of emotion out from him . They both need to have self worth before they can actually start a real relationship . And the fact that Seojun - a boy who has a sister with acne that he refers to as his ‘pretty girl’ , a boy who didn’t fall in love with Ju kyung for her looks bare face or not - but for her amazing personality that makes Ju kyungs beauty not Matter . A boy who makes Ju kyung have an actual personality when he’s with her and a boy who’s not over bearing or possessive , who thinks of Ju kyungs feelings before his own and just watches and suffers while the girl he loves choses the wrong guy is right their ! That is what I call bad writing . Male leads are supposed to capture our hearts to a bigger extent that second Male leads , and ill give it to TVN if they pull a big plot twists and actually do have Seojun and ju kyung rightfully end up together - I’d probably cry . But with the way they’re going that most likely won’t happen . Jukyung is a beautiful person inside and out , and the fact they are making her become an emotional bandaid to Suho who doesn’t need love but need therapy isn’t exactly the support a girl who has been harshly bullied to the fact she was close to commiting suicide needs . Overall I’ll probably stop watching this show and pretend Ju kyung is being taught to lover herself by Seo jun somewhere , and he’s teaching her that she’s never been ugly those around her have just been convinced to think so by society’s standards :) I’m sorry this was so long but I hope you have a great day !
hey anon! only facts were spilled in this ask and you captured mine (and everyone else’s thoughts) so perfectly! it’s not that suho is a bad character it’s just as you said there’s so much stuff going on for him personally and psychologically that he still hasn’t worked through and you’re right these two might be using their relationship as a way to avoid facing these thoughts and behaviours!
they really thought they were doing something when they had suho say ‘you look pretty without make up’ and it made me laugh so much because as the audience we were made to feel like ‘oh he’s so nice for liking ju kyung even though she looks like that’ which is questionable! i’m sure suho likes ju kyung for her personality too but the writers are so hell bent on telling us ju kyung is ‘ugly’ and suho liking her is a favour to her 🙄
i won’t say much else because you truly captured all my thoughts and i feel like everyone should read them!! and seo jun deserved better he was the best character on this show and they keep treating him like trash
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The Actor
• Rowoon + Reader
• Genre: Fluff
• Words: 1.9k
"Good morning, Y/N."
You open your eyes slowly and see a smiley Kim Seokwoo standing in front of you. You can't help but smile back.
"Good morning, Seokwoo."
You look at the makeup artist who is applying blush in your face.
"Sorry. I promise I'll stay still," you turn around back to him. "We'd better talk later," you smile softly.
"Don't worry about it. It was my fault. I was the one who interrupted your makeup," he smiles sheepshly. "So... see you on set?"
The boy moves away and you come back to closing your eyes. You two were the protagonists on TvN's new drama and haven't know each other for long, but he was always the gentleman and a complete darling. That was good. Many actors who got famous quickly like him weren't that humble.
The makeup artist finishes her work and you check the script one last time. The first scene you were recording today was the one in which the female lead almost gets shot by Mr Kang's two henchmen, but is protected by Seokwoo's character. You had to show your fear without fail.
"Let's start, guys," the director calls.
You enter the gloomy alley set and the actors who played the henchmen follow you. Seokwoo just watches in the corner waiting for his turn. He was wearing an open black overcoat over a cream sweater. He really suited the protagonist's sofisticated clothes...
You look at the director.
"Right. 3, 2, 1... Action!"
"Leave me alone! Why are you following me?" you say angrily.
"You know why, Ms Min. You know too much and we can't just leave you hanging out there."
"Don't you see? I'm going to give the press all the evidence one way or another. You can't stop me!"
"Can't?," A half-hearted smile grows on the henchman's face, who takes his hands out of his pocket. A gun turns in his hand. "You sure, darling?"
Your legs go week, but you don't let yourself falter.
"You can't simply kill me. How are you going to hide the crime? My boss knows exactly what I'm investigating right now."
"Ms Min," the other man smiles. "If Mr Kang has gotten away with everything until now, why would one little more stain like your blood make any of a difference?"
You go one step back, your back touching the alley's brick wall. They get closer. You run with all your might, shots whizzing in the air beside you. But the alley was too long. There was no way you could make it.
Your teeth quiver and you stop, surrounded.
"See?" one of the men laughs and points his gun directly at you. You curl up against the wall terrified. "You don't have were to—"
A shadows flies over you and covers your figure with theirs. Seokwoo's body presses you lightly against the wall, leaving few space exposed. His cheek touches yours.
"Don't worry," he whispers. "We are going to make it out of this."
"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"
Seokwoo turns his face to the henchmen.
"Kang Jinho?!" they exclaim with surprise.
"Exactly," he smiles. "Now get the hell out of here."
"We're not leaving until we have the girl dead. Your father's orders."
"Really?" Seokwoo replies calmly. "Great. Shoot."
Silence follows. The men try to find an angle to shoot, but Seokwoo's body wrapped way to well around yours.
They couldn't take the risk to hit him.
"Fine!" one grunts. "But don't you think it's over. You are going to pay for poking your nose into other people's business, Ms Min!"
And then they go away running.
"Cut!" the director yells. "Excellent, excellent! Let's do it one more time just in case, hu?
Seokwoo embaressedly unsticks his body from yours. His face is red as fire. He bows to you and returns to the corner of the set. You are a little short of breath while you observe him, his warmth lingering in your body.
"Y/N...? Y/N...? Y/N?!"
"Hum? Oh, yes, director! I'm sorry."
"Let's begin, ok?"
"O-Ok," you complied.
. . .
You let out a small sight. Since that day you just couldn't take Seokwoo out of your head. Even if it had all being staging, you... you just didn't know.
But once you felt his hug and his chest against your back, the wrapping of his breath on your neck... things were... different.
You've been acting for years and years and have paired up with lots of different actors as a couple, but none of them has ever affected you like he did that day. You must have gone crazy, right?
"Good morning, Y/N."
You jump a little bit and turn around. Speaking of the devil...
"Hi, Seokwoo," you smile a little embarassed.
"The filming finally ended, right?" he smiles. "I hope our drama becomes succesful."
"Oh, definitely!"
You pretend to be happy, but it was definitely the opposite of what you felt inside. You were devastated. After today, when would you be able to see him again? Hard to tell.
"Well" he offered his hand. "It was great working with you, sumbae."
You take his hand and squeeze it lightly. It was so weird to think about. With that same hand he had held your hand, hugged you tightly and held your face to kiss you. But fiction is fiction, right?
You force a smile and let go of his hand.
"You really have a talent for acting. It was great working with you too... Seokwoo."
A smile spreads along his full lips.
"Thank you, Y/N" he bows. "Goodbye."
The boy moves away, his backpack jumping after him. His soft hair and angel smile left with him, leaving you only with longing. He was precious, unique. Where, you wondered, would you find a soul as beautiful as his in this world?
Yes. You probably wouldn't.
"Seok... Seokwoo!" you yell impulsively.
He turns his body around and turn back his steps. He looks attentively at you.
"What's the matter, Y/N? Any problem?"
"Yes," you look into his eyes. "You."
"M-Me?" he asks confused.
"Yes, you. You... don't leave my head. I just can't get you out; and at this point... I-I don't even think I want to," you stop for a moment, biting your lips nervously. "It may seem precipitate, but... will you go out with me?"
Your cheeks are burning. You can't look him directly in the eyes.
The silence only makes things worse.
"Is this for real, sumbae?"
"Hum, yeah," you say, a graceless laugh escaping your mouth.
"This is no prank, is it?"
You look at him confused. Your face seemed to be corroding with anxiety.
"No, I'd never make this kind of pr—"
"Ah," Seokwoo touches the back of his neck and clears his throat. "Yes, I'll go out with you" he says more chill.
Your eyes grow and you smile embarassed, a warmth of delight spreading all through your body.
"You... where do you want to go?"
"It d-doesn't matter to me."
Your heart can't help but skip a beat. His shyness was adorable.
"What about we go get some dinner together tomorrow night?"
"Sounds good," he smiles, his hands nervously playing with his own fingers. "Actually, I'm quite surprised. I didn't know you had any insterest in me."
"Well, I too doubted I would be reciprocated. I acted by impulse, you know?" you smile.
"But I've always kind of had a crush on you," he says softly. "Even before knowing you, seeing you on TV and stuff..."
They remain in silence, both red as tomatoes, the two looking at each other from time to time, but soon looking away.
"Y/N! Seokwoo!"
Startled, you place your hand in your heart. Within that intimate moment you have completely forgotten you were on set — or even around other people, for a matter of fact.
You lift your head.
"Y-Yes, director?"
"There was a problem with the video of the last kiss scene. Would you mind if we rerecorded it right now?"
You and Seokwoo remain quiet for a little too long. You look constrained at each other and mutter an answer to the director, splitting each to your dressing room to get ready.
The staff gives you a yellow spring dress and apply your character's basic makeup, all this time you being a nervous wreck about the scene waiting for you. You had kissed Seokwoo before for three scenes, but this one... this one was going to be different.
It may not be acting.
"Are you ready, Y/N?" the director knocks on your dressing room's door. "Seokwoo is waiting for you."
You try not to freak out. That sounded like it had another meaning, though the director was clueless.
Ready? You were definetely not, not ready.
But you put a smile on your face and go to the kitchen set.
You take a quick look at Seokwoo. His rosy lips seemed to shine, warm and inviting.
You swallow hard.
Right, you had to do it. You were a professional. A professional.
"I feel sorry for everything. I'm not lying," you say crestfallen. "If you don't want to ever see me again... I'll understand."
You frown.
"Yes," Seokwoo takes one step towards you and holds your arms. A secret shiver runs through your spine. "Don't say that, don't say none of that to me. If you denounced them, I don't care. I know how monstruous my family can be when they please. You did what you had to as a news reporter."
You hold your breath.
"You don't... resent me?"
He smiles softly.
"Sometimes what is right may hurt, but it doesn't stop it from being right," he pauses. "So please don't go to America. Stay."
"I—" the sentence dies in your mouth. Your character didn't know what to say.
"Stay here. Here with me."
You look suprised into his eyes.
"I... I don't know if I should. I don't want to hurt you more than I already did."
His arms slide down your back in a gentle caress.
"But what hurts me even more," his fingers run through your hair and his eyes lock on yours. "Is not having you beside me."
Everything is so fast. The next second you are in his arms, his breath touching yours.
"M-Mr Kang..."
He smiles.
"Do you want it?"
"Do you want to be by my side?" you don't answer. "Hum?"
You stay a few seconds in quietness.
"Yes," you whisper, and he smiles a heart melting smile.
This was the cue.
You look at the dephts of Seokwoo's eyes and don't feel like Ms Min; you feel like Y/N, just Y/N. And the man you were going to kiss was the sweet Kim Seokwoo, not the protagonist Kang Jinho.
You were you two, just you two.
Your mouths colide and embrace one another in a slow kiss. You hold tight into his shoulders while you give yourselves away to each other. His mouth was warm against yours.
He hugs your waist and brings you closer. It was good, very good.
"Cut!" a distant voice calls your attention, and you remember were you were. You immediately part from Seokwoo. "Didn't you hear me speaking?" the director giggles. "It's alright. The kiss turned out long, but I liked it. It even felt real. Well, let's get going! Good work, guys! We've all made a great drama!"
You look at Seokwoo and he looks back at you. You two blush and smile accomplices, your secret hanging in the air.
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ohyangchon · 5 years
The Street(s) You Left
I hate timeskips. I prefer filling in the blanks in between. 
Also I live for every moment Ha Rip gets dicked around with by Ryu 
All characters belong to TvN and Noh Hyeyoung + Go Naeri, as well as its inspired material, Faust. 
Ha Rip felt it on the plane back to Seoul, a strange niggling feeling that Ryu- tormentor and reluctant ally alike, was now gone. It didn’t sit well with him, the knot in his stomach that told him something was fundamentally missing. They had been playing the most cruel game of tug-o-war for the past few months, and this man thought just blipping off the map was enough? He worried if Ryu would eventually return and toy with others like he always did: but then again, their fixation on each other was unique, different. 
The first thing he did after returning was to visit his old house, just for old time’s sake. He missed the times he spent there, bad as they were, and he sat alone, mourning the time he would probably never have back. As he caressed the old guitar, one of the last possessions that had survived his many donations to the organisations he had sunk most of his money to, Ha Rip gulped realising his hands were much more calloused than they had been before and quickly pulled himself towards the cracked mirror of the room...
His scream of unbridled rage tore through the quiet neighbourhood, and Ha Rip Seo Dongchun stumbled out of the door, face a mixture of confusion and fury realising the cruel catch in retaining his soul with this new discovery. It was obvious Ryu wasn’t about to go down without a fight or some bizarre checkmate after leaving, but even then, Dongchun grumbled and conceded that this made sense. 
Seo Dongchun was a part of him, and so was Ha Rip. 
The duality, Ryu had observed in one of their many private meetings, made him so distinctly human. Dongchun strode towards the mailbox now, furiously combing through letters in the hope of finding something, anything, even a taunt from Ryu about how to reverse this: only to discover a letter regarding redevelopment of the place. He turned to the old house again, the memories floating once again to the surface, before he scoffed realising he was now able to sign things over. 
To be fair, Ha Rip wouldn’t have been able to. It would have been terribly inconvenient trying to explain things, too. Dongchun rolled his eyes at this, dragging his old bones towards the redevelopment office along the way. Maybe if he slept and woke up, he would be Ha Rip again. 
It took a few months of grappling, but he’d gotten used to the switches: some days, he was his young, spry persona of Ha Rip, and other days, he was Seo Dongchun, the 66-year-old with nothing left to lose. With the money from the sale, he had found a place to set up: the old cafe that he had first met the strange fish-cake seller who would then seal his fate. 
Kangha- no, Insik, visited often, bringing stories of his journey back to being a judge again to the cafe. The other man’s memory remained patchy and unreliable at most, a lingering effect of the amnesia that beset him for almost two years, but he rarely judged Ha Rip when he was around, and treated Dongchun with the utmost respect as Ha Rip’s “father”. Dongchun had revelled in this, being all smug about how he had finally been accorded the respect he deserved, but truth be told, he missed being able to see Kangha as and when he pleased. 
His microhabitat, the house, seemed so out of reach. 
Seoyoung visited once after, coming by when she had finally gotten over her wanderlust. She had startled seeing Dongchun for who he was, but settled into a comfortable banter with him about sorting her thoughts out. He didn’t really understand her stream of consciousness as much, but he knew that his friend of ten years probably only wanted a listening ear, as she had did over the years. The least he could do was to respect that. 
His dreams often involved her, too. His muse, and his most favoured soul. When would she return? Ryu had once again mocked him with false hope. He didn’t dare think about her forgiving him, especially after everything. Dongchun wagered it might be better for him to never reach out. Seoyoung knew to send her his way when she seemed to finally regain herself.
When he received the proposal that the famous actor Mo Taekang would be having an interview in his cafe, however. Dongchun had felt his heart drop, as though he would give out any moment. He needed a moment to sit down, and the manager had assumed he was overwhelmed, but no. 
Oh no. No no no no. Not that guy. Anyone but him. 
He had silently observed the man throughout the interview, noting down even the most minute details while he dusted and cleaned almost passive-aggressively. Romance? Psh. Dongchun didn’t think he’d have it in him after toying with Seoyoung in both forms. While he had asked for an autograph, he had internally rolled his eyes and mocked things even as the other remained polite and cordial. He didn’t care for it, not particularly. It was just another autograph for his wall. 
Not like he had hoped or guessed Ryu would return or anything. 
He had questions for that wretched devil, really. 
Would his son, would Luka, die at 30 with their contract null and void? Would he forever be cursed to snap between his two alter-egos, unable to settle with one appearance? Would they, without the interferences of the gods, finally be able to take the reins on their own fate? 
They lingered, and Dongchun figured he would never get the answers he wanted with the time he had left. 
As he cleared the cups that they had been using, he could feel his thoughts hush, as though a weight had been lifted from his heart. Dongchun started, setting the dishes down before locking the place up and beginning to run, already feeling the pull of the apartment growing stronger and stronger. It didn’t take long for him to break into a run, his features shifting from Dongchun’s to Ha Rip’s and then back to Dongchun’s again as the memories begin to blur in his mind, blaring and shifting with every note of the song he had grown so accustomed to. 
The voice that sang it wasn't his. In his mind, it was Yigyeong’s.
His microhabitat called. 
The streets he had left behind, the people he had let down...
They were all coming home. 
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namjhyun · 6 years
A Poem A Day Episode 01-04
Poetry, a (sort of) love triangle, difficult situations at home, and at work you get unsolicited advice from superiors or childish pranks from juniors. Maybe both. Yes, A Poem A Day has all the classic elements of your typical workplace drama. But, like tvN has proven before, when properly mixed they make for a really beautiful story with complex characters and a lovely development for all the storylines.
One of the writers of the show previously worked on Drinking Solo. If you have seen that show, you’ll immediately recognize some similarities, for example the slice of life feel and rhythm, and the comedy. If you liked that show, you will probably love A Poem A Day.
The story follows the professional and personal lives of the physical therapists and radiologists that help the doctors treat the patients. Most times these people are looked over in medical dramas but here what they do, how they do it and their relationship with the patients is central. The poetry serves as mirror of how our characters are feeling about themselves, others and push the story forward.
Our main lead is Dr. Woo Bo-young (Lee Yoo Bi) who has been a contractor at the hospital for the past two years, working hard as a physical therapist trying to make it as full-time employee. Bo-young dreamed of becoming a poet when younger but her difficult situation at home pushed her to choose a more “practical” career that would help bring money for the family. Still, she enjoys what she does and treats her patients with care and sincerity, sharing the poetry she loves so much with them in order to lift their spirits and look after their emotional and psychological health, not only the physical.
Sadly, Bo-young’s efforts mostly go unnoticed by her peers and some superiors even push their own work on her due to her lack of status at the hospital. Even her so-called friend Dr. Kim takes advantage of her good nature most of the times. Things get worse when Shin Min-ho (Jang Dong-yoon), her crush back when they were in university, and his friend Kim Nam-woo (Shin Jae-ha) start as trainees at her workplace.
Min-ho is the son of an hospital director, plus his mother and brother are also doctors. The only reason he choose to become a physical therapist was because medicine is the family business. He has no particular liking for it nor interest, so naturally he spent his days playing around. It was at one of those times, when trying to catch up with his classes, that he met Bo-young. She crushed on him, hard, sharing poetry with who she thought she had a connection with. In reality he found it incredibly creepy and the manner of his rejection was soul-crushing. The rest is history. Public history since some classmates shared the whole story over drinks.
To say these two have a terrible reunion is the least. Bo-young tries to move on from the ridicule Min-ho (or as we find out later, some else put her through in university) but he just can’t keep his cool, making disgusting faces every time he sees her. Like a child who tasted something bad, even putting her down for working hard or liking poetry, even when she’s basically his direct superior. Of course, by being forced to work together, he starts to see another side of her and gradually starts recognizing his past wrongdoings and changes his tune towards her.
It’s hard to pinpoint if Min-ho is the male lead of this story. In one hand, he has both attributes of a lead and second lead; and I have seen there’s a debate on social media about it so I’m happy I’m not alone on this. Yes, he has no appreciation for the leading lady, the things she loves and spars with her like your everyday lead but at the same time his childish ways leave room to become someone who grows through a unrequited crush and also helos him finds his calling in life, which it seems what the story is setting up.
In contrast, Dr. Ye Jae-wook (Lee Joon-hyuk) is a quiet force who loves to give unsolicited advise. Personally, I think from watching his interactions with other characters that he’s rather socially clumsy and that’s where all these advises come from. LOL!
He is newest member of the hospital, employed as professor and on his way to become the new Physical Therapist Chief. The reasons as to why he left his former, more prestige, workplace is yet to be unveiled. The rumor around the hospital says it was a bribery scandal, others point at something related to an improper relationship with a married woman. The fact he’s receiving calls from a woman he does not wish to talk to, clearly leave us with many options  and speculations about his past. Maybe he got romantically attached to a patient’s wife? A colleague who was married? Maybe neither. We will see.
Dr. Ye takes almost immediate notice in Bo-young’s hard work and particularly how much she cares about her patients. Not only that but gives her credit and calls out those who are pushing their work on her. I believe he would have done the same for any other doctor that had proven to be as professional as Bo-young but none other did. Plus, Dr. Ye recognizes that she’s kind, responsable and naturally sunny, even when things aren’t going her way. And he enjoys and appreciates her love for poetry!
Is no wonder Bo-young’s feels thankful and maybe a little more for him. Is it mutual? We don’t know, he has an excellent poker face, but it would seem he too has a soft spot for her by the end of episode 04.
So, is Dr. Ye the main male lead? I’m not sure. Full disclosure: I want him to be. I really, really do. He has that cold attitude that slowly melts away as he becomes more accosted to his environment and people, making friends and finding love. Not to mention the annoying ex who keeps calling and will probably show up just when things are pitch perfect chummy with the leading lady. And he’s so set into not making the same mistakes twice that he too has room to growth into a better person, colleague and doctor.
But he also is giving me, if it makes sense at all, Dr. Kook from Emergency Couple vibes. Because Dr. Ye too, and it hurts to admit it, has second lead characteristics! Like the fact he is someone who helps the leading lady growth into herself and speak out.
Does it even matter who the lead is? Damn these two handsome devils and their complex interpretations of their respective characters, and the writers for writing a story that is not freaking obvious... I love them all for it too.
My shipping heart says “Yes! Of course it matters!” but I’m also all for stories about strong leading ladies finding themselves through hard-work and friendship, who finally receive the credit they deserve. Sweet justice. What matters is that Bo-young has all the attributes to become one really amazing leading lady. Who she chooses to love is up to her.
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More about the rest of the characters in upcoming reviews of the episodes.
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lightnetwork · 7 years
[10asia INTERVIEW] Eternal Highlight
[10asia=Reporter Son Yeji]
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Group Highlight Son Dongwoon (from left), Lee Gikwang, Yang Yoseob, Yoon Doojoon, Yong Junhyung / Photo=Photographer Oh Seho, Location=Studio Haru
They started off as ‘small company-dols’, and along the way, a member left and they lost their name. This is what they went through in the last 8 years. They were scared and anxious. Though it was not easy to overcome that anxiety, with the thought that “the five being together is the most important”, they endured it. They succeeded in extravagantly opening the second act of their lives. It is the reason Highlight have confidence in an eternal highlight.
10. You’re already going into your 5th month of starting anew as ‘Highlight’. What score would you give the promotions for ‘Plz Don’t Be Sad’ which was technically your debut song?
Son Dongwoon: 100 points. I can’t get full on the first drink, but thank you for giving it a lot of love. I think it was a promotion period that became a stepping stone on the path that Highlight will be going forward on. Yong Junhyung: 100 points for me too. It was given a lot of love and it was beyond our expectations. It made me feel like we could reach for the next one and the next one using this as our driving force. We started off with a good feeling. Lee Gikwang: 99 points. I’m giving this score in the hopes that our future promotions do even better. In order to fill up that 1 point for 100 points, we have to do more. Yoon Doojoon: Then 101 points for me. Out of 100 (all laugh). We received so much from the fans that we are grateful for to the point that we were able to shake off everything we were worried about. More than a score for ourselves, I want to give this score to the fans. Yang Yoseob: The members’ scores were all high so mine could seem a bit low (laughs), but around 90 points? There were a lot of changes when we went from the name BEAST to the new name Highlight. There were some awkward aspects within that. I thought I could have done a little better, so there’s some disappointment left.
10. Before your first stage as Highlight, I’m curious as to what kinds of things the members said to each other.
Yong Junhyung: ‘Let’s just do it excitingly. If we’re excited, the people will be excited too’. We said this a lot. Lee Gikwang: Actually Dongwoon needs to prepare the beginning commentary for every stage, so there was probably a lot of pressure on him for that. Yoon Doojoon: Later, he would get stressed on his own. Son Dongwoon: But in order to give them joy, I did it with a fighting spirit.
10. Last month, you released your repackage album ‘Calling You’. It was your first repackage album since your debut.
Yong Junhyung: We prepared it without space to rest in order to decrease the time spent waiting for us. Going forward as time goes on, we plan to work hard to continue producing in order to see (the fans) more often.
10. After your new start as Highlight, there were also a lot of solo promotions. Solos, dramas, varieties, OST... All the members were busy. Isn’t it tiring?
Son Dongwoon: Not working is harder than having a lot of work. During the time we came out from our previous company, we had a period of rest. We did do some self-development during that time, but I think working is still better. Yong Junhyung: Being busy is better.
10. Do you monitor the others’ solo promotions?
Yoon Doojoon: Not even once in our 9 years... (all laugh) Ah, it wasn’t not even once (laughs). Son Dongwoon: It tends to be more like if I’m watching TV and I coincidentally see them, I’ll say, ‘Oh! They’re on.’ Yang Yoseob: Truthfully, because we each have schedules for dramas and variety programs, it’s hard to monitor the broadcasts. Yoon Doojoon: If it’s 20 episodes, that’s 20 hours. Yong Junhyung: More than anything, because we know that each person is doing their best, we don’t feel the need to talk about it (laughs). Yoon Doojoon: We know what everyone’s doing.
10. Highlight’s first concert took place in June.
Yang Yoseob: Because we held this concert in the same place as our first concert as BEAST, it was a new feeling and the excitement was big. I was also happy because it was our first time meeting our fans for three straight days.
10. All the Highlight members are the CEOs of the company Around US Entertainment. As a leader that is leading a company, what is a principle that you hold?
Son Dongwoon: Let’s use sparingly (all laugh). Yoon Doojoon: Let’s last a while.
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Group Highlight Yang Yoseob / Photo=Photographer Oh Seho, Location=Studio Haru
10. What is one thing that has changed from being a celebrity under a company to becoming a leader of a company?
Yang Yoseob: First, the members are in charge of everything in the operation of the company. The representatives of each department ask for a lot of our opinions. Because of that, the things we have to pay attention to and think about have definitely increased. Yong Junhyung: Our system is, if there’s a big issue that we need to decide on within the company, we can only go forward if the five members agree. We protect the company by always deliberating carefully.
10. Before, we had an interview with MBC every1′s ‘Weekly Idol’ PD and they chose Highlight as the idol that made the production staff ‘ibduk (become a fan)’.
Highlight: Wow~ Thank you! Yoon Doojoon: After our contract with Cube Entertainment ended, they took care of us and invited us to ‘Weekly Idol’ even though we weren’t under a company. Yong Junhyung: We’ve been working with the PD since we did the reality program ‘Showtime - Burning the BEAST’ in 2014. We are always thankful. We have great affection for each other.
10. Highlight has a good reputation. There have always been compliments about the members.
Son Dongwoon: We just treat everyone genuinely. Yang Yoseob: Rather than doing things to look good in front of someone, we just did our best from the same spot. I think it was a necessary effort for human relationships.
10. Are you happy these days?
Highlight: We are happy!
10. When do you feel happy?
Yoon Doojoon: I’m happy every moment. It’s harder finding a moment I wasn’t happy. Yong Junhyung: When I’m with the members. (Silence) Why? Yang Yoseob: Please write in parentheses ‘all laugh’. Lee Gikwang: For me, it’s when I eat good food. Especially when I ate chicken, I was happy (laughs). Ever since the start of filming for the tvN drama ‘Circle: Two Worlds Connected’, I’ve been dieting to look better on the screen. Maybe that’s why, but if there was no filming the next day, occasionally eating chicken and beer made me really happy. Yang Yoseob: I don’t think there’s anything huge. Like Gikwang, I feel a lot of happiness in the trivial things, the small things. Son Dongwoon: For me, it’s right now. When it’s almost time to get off work (The interview was done last after the whole photoshoot ended). Small things like this are really great. Right now I’m thinking, ‘What should I eat after this ends’.
10. What is a happy moment for the group Highlight?
Yoon Doojoon: When we’re promoting. Before starting anew as Highlight, because there were various issues, we had a lot of worries. Especially after the promotions for ‘Plz Don’t Be Sad’ ended, we felt even more grateful about the fact that we could promote and at the same time, we felt relief and happiness.
10. Is Highlight the ‘soft on the outside, tough on the inside’ type, or the ‘tough on the outside, soft on the inside’ type?
Yong Junhyung: Soft on the inside, soft on the outside (laughs)? All the members are really soft-hearted. We just don’t make it obvious when we get hurt. Yang Yoseob: All our personalities are similar. Son Dongwoon: But these days, we’ve gotten stronger.
10. When you leave the company you put your all in for 7 years, I feel like you would have no choice but to become stronger. Isn’t standing on your own something that isn’t easy?
Yoon Doojoon: Truthfully, being anxious is not something we can overcome. Since we’ll only know once we confront it directly and see the results. Yong Junhyung: That’s why we talked a lot about how important it is that we’re doing it together. Yoon Doojoon: I feel like we were able to go forward by cheering each other on like that.
10. What is the highlight of Highlight’s life?
Yoon Doojoon: Right now. I think the 20′s is the age of youth within a person’s life. Although you can’t determine youth by age. Regardless, I feel like I spent my 20′s rather extravagantly so I think this moment right now is my highlight. Yang Yoseob: Although right now is a highlight, I hope it comes again. Unlike a story or a song that reaches its end after the highlight, I hope our highlight continues. So when I think about ‘what was the biggest highlight out of all the highlights’, I want to bury it in the ground (all laugh). When we’re old and we look back I want to think I was happy at this time, and I was happy at that time~
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Group Highlight Son Dongwoon / Photo=Photographer Oh Seho, Location=Studio Haru
10. What will Highlight be like in 10 years?
Son Dongwoon: 37... Ha. Yang Yoseob: We’ll be an old Highlight (laughs) and at that time, if it’s possible, I would still like to be with the fans. Lee Gikwang: I think it will be possible. Son Dongwoon: Around 37, that’s fine. Yoon Doojoon: You’ll be 37, but we’ll be 39. Lee Gikwang: 39, not bad. Yang Yoseob: Starting now, we should take care of our health and work hard so we can meet a lot of fans at that time too (laughs). Lee Gikwang: We have to work out our lower bodies well.
10. If you achieved a dream you had at debut, what is another dream you would like to achieve in the future?
Yang Yoseob: When we debuted, I once said that I wanted to become a musical actor and I feel like I’m on my way to achieving that so I’m proud. Going forward, I want to create a second highlight. I don’t think I can do it alone, I have to do it with these friends. I also want to discover rookies. Through them, I want the dreams we couldn’t achieve to be realized. This is a story for a long while later. Son Dongwoon: My biggest dream is for the people I love to just be healthy and happy. We promoted until now without anyone getting into accidents or getting sick and I want it to be like that going forward as well.
10. What do you think is the reason Highlight has been receiving love for a long time?
Yang Yoseob: Truthfully, we think promoting with each other in itself is fun so I think there are a lot of people that get excited seeing that. Rather than the feeling of a distant idol, I think people like us for our familiar feel as a neighborhood oppa, younger sibling, and even as a friend.
10. This is a question that a lot of rookie groups get these days. What is the label that 1st year re-debuted Highlight wants to earn?
Yoon Doojoon: Um... I feel like it’s been a really long time since I thought about something like that. Lee Gikwang: ‘Avengers-dol’. ‘The Avengers’ is the congregation of superheroes and they each have a different power. The five members of Highlight all have different characteristics so I think ‘Avengers’-dol’ or ‘Marvel-dol’ would be good. Son Dongwoon: Insadol* (all laugh). Meaning I want us to last that long. Yang Yoseob: And greet a lot~
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Group Highlight Yoon Doojoon (from left), Yang Yoseob, Lee Gikwang, Yong Junhyung, Son Dongwoon / Photo=Photographer Oh Seho, Location=Studio Haru
10. What would you like to say to the fans who have always been by your side when you were BEAST and when you became Highlight?
Son Dongwoon: When I think of the fans, my heart gets knotted**. I’m thankful for the great love and I think the only way we can repay that is to promote more diligently. We will diligently and more fully present our albums and concerts. We will work hard! Yong Junhyung: Rather than becoming more comfortable as time passes after repeatedly making albums, we will work hard to become a Highlight that improves even little by little. Please anticipate and we will do our best to make sure the fans who give us interest have no regrets. Lee Gikwang: It hasn’t been long since we started, but it would be great if we could show a good image of ourselves through more content whether that be alone or as a team. Please give us a lot of love! Yoon Doojoon: Thank you so much for always supporting us. I feel something like a comradeship with our fans who have overcome painful times with us. That’s why there is more affection. We will not disappoint and we will show a cool image of ourselves. Be careful not to catch a cold (all laugh)! Yang Yoseob: I’m grateful to the point that just saying the words ‘thank you’ is not enough. We will do that much better. Thank you.
ⓒ 10asia
*T/N: Insadol is the name of a medication used to protect the gums. Dongwoon was using a play on words. ‘Insa’ also means greeting.
**T/N: He gets emotional.
[T/N: Translation may contain inaccuracies.]
translation credit: my-highlight at lightnetwork
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my-highlight · 7 years
[10asia INTERVIEW] Eternal Highlight
[10asia=Reporter Son Yeji]
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Group Highlight Son Dongwoon (from left), Lee Gikwang, Yang Yoseob, Yoon Doojoon, Yong Junhyung / Photo=Photographer Oh Seho, Location=Studio Haru
They started off as ‘small company-dols’, and along the way, a member left and they lost their name. This is what they went through in the last 8 years. They were scared and anxious. Though it was not easy to overcome that anxiety, with the thought that “the five being together is the most important”, they endured it. They succeeded in extravagantly opening the second act of their lives. It is the reason Highlight have confidence in an eternal highlight. 
10. You’re already going into your 5th month of starting anew as ‘Highlight’. What score would you give the promotions for ‘Plz Don’t Be Sad’ which was technically your debut song?
Son Dongwoon: 100 points. I can’t get full on the first drink, but thank you for giving it a lot of love. I think it was a promotion period that became a stepping stone on the path that Highlight will be going forward on. Yong Junhyung: 100 points for me too. It was given a lot of love and it was beyond our expectations. It made me feel like we could reach for the next one and the next one using this as our driving force. We started off with a good feeling. Lee Gikwang: 99 points. I’m giving this score in the hopes that our future promotions do even better. In order to fill up that 1 point for 100 points, we have to do more. Yoon Doojoon: Then 101 points for me. Out of 100 (all laugh). We received so much from the fans that we are grateful for to the point that we were able to shake off everything we were worried about. More than a score for ourselves, I want to give this score to the fans. Yang Yoseob: The members’ scores were all high so mine could seem a bit low (laughs), but around 90 points? There were a lot of changes when we went from the name BEAST to the new name Highlight. There were some awkward aspects within that. I thought I could have done a little better, so there’s some disappointment left.
10. Before your first stage as Highlight, I’m curious as to what kinds of things the members said to each other.
Yong Junhyung: ‘Let’s just do it excitingly. If we’re excited, the people will be excited too’. We said this a lot. Lee Gikwang: Actually Dongwoon needs to prepare the beginning commentary for every stage, so there was probably a lot of pressure on him for that. Yoon Doojoon: Later, he would get stressed on his own. Son Dongwoon: But in order to give them joy, I did it with a fighting spirit.
10. Last month, you released your repackage album ‘Calling You’. It was your first repackage album since your debut.
Yong Junhyung: We prepared it without space to rest in order to decrease the time spent waiting for us. Going forward as time goes on, we plan to work hard to continue producing in order to see (the fans) more often.
10. After your new start as Highlight, there were also a lot of solo promotions. Solos, dramas, varieties, OST... All the members were busy. Isn’t it tiring?
Son Dongwoon: Not working is harder than having a lot of work. During the time we came out from our previous company, we had a period of rest. We did do some self-development during that time, but I think working is still better. Yong Junhyung: Being busy is better.
10. Do you monitor the others’ solo promotions?
Yoon Doojoon: Not even once in our 9 years... (all laugh) Ah, it wasn’t not even once (laughs). Son Dongwoon: It tends to be more like if I’m watching TV and I coincidentally see them, I’ll say, ‘Oh! They’re on.’ Yang Yoseob: Truthfully, because we each have schedules for dramas and variety programs, it’s hard to monitor the broadcasts. Yoon Doojoon: If it’s 20 episodes, that’s 20 hours. Yong Junhyung: More than anything, because we know that each person is doing their best, we don’t feel the need to talk about it (laughs). Yoon Doojoon: We know what everyone’s doing.
10. Highlight’s first concert took place in June.
Yang Yoseob: Because we held this concert in the same place as our first concert as BEAST, it was a new feeling and the excitement was big. I was also happy because it was our first time meeting our fans for three straight days. 
10. All the Highlight members are the CEOs of the company Around US Entertainment. As a leader that is leading a company, what is a principle that you hold?
Son Dongwoon: Let’s use sparingly (all laugh). Yoon Doojoon: Let’s last a while.
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Group Highlight Yang Yoseob / Photo=Photographer Oh Seho, Location=Studio Haru
10. What is one thing that has changed from being a celebrity under a company to becoming a leader of a company?
Yang Yoseob: First, the members are in charge of everything in the operation of the company. The representatives of each department ask for a lot of our opinions. Because of that, the things we have to pay attention to and think about have definitely increased. Yong Junhyung: Our system is, if there’s a big issue that we need to decide on within the company, we can only go forward if the five members agree. We protect the company by always deliberating carefully. 
10. Before, we had an interview with MBC every1′s ‘Weekly Idol’ PD and they chose Highlight as the idol that made the production staff ‘ibduk (become a fan)’.
Highlight: Wow~ Thank you! Yoon Doojoon: After our contract with Cube Entertainment ended, they took care of us and invited us to ‘Weekly Idol’ even though we weren’t under a company. Yong Junhyung: We’ve been working with the PD since we did the reality program ‘Showtime - Burning the BEAST’ in 2014. We are always thankful. We have great affection for each other. 
10. Highlight has a good reputation. There have always been compliments about the members.
Son Dongwoon: We just treat everyone genuinely. Yang Yoseob: Rather than doing things to look good in front of someone, we just did our best from the same spot. I think it was a necessary effort for human relationships.
10. Are you happy these days?
Highlight: We are happy!
10. When do you feel happy?
Yoon Doojoon: I’m happy every moment. It’s harder finding a moment I wasn’t happy. Yong Junhyung: When I’m with the members. (Silence) Why? Yang Yoseob: Please write in parentheses ‘all laugh’. Lee Gikwang: For me, it’s when I eat good food. Especially when I ate chicken, I was happy (laughs). Ever since the start of filming for the tvN drama ‘Circle: Two Worlds Connected’, I’ve been dieting to look better on the screen. Maybe that’s why, but if there was no filming the next day, occasionally eating chicken and beer made me really happy. Yang Yoseob: I don’t think there’s anything huge. Like Gikwang, I feel a lot of happiness in the trivial things, the small things. Son Dongwoon: For me, it’s right now. When it’s almost time to get off work (The interview was done last after the whole photoshoot ended). Small things like this are really great. Right now I’m thinking, ‘What should I eat after this ends’. 
10. What is a happy moment for the group Highlight?
Yoon Doojoon: When we’re promoting. Before starting anew as Highlight, because there were various issues, we had a lot of worries. Especially after the promotions for ‘Plz Don’t Be Sad’ ended, we felt even more grateful about the fact that we could promote and at the same time, we felt relief and happiness.
10. Is Highlight the ‘soft on the outside, tough on the inside’ type, or the ‘tough on the outside, soft on the inside’ type?
Yong Junhyung: Soft on the inside, soft on the outside (laughs)? All the members are really soft-hearted. We just don’t make it obvious when we get hurt. Yang Yoseob: All our personalities are similar. Son Dongwoon: But these days, we’ve gotten stronger.
10. When you leave the company you put your all in for 7 years, I feel like you would have no choice but to become stronger. Isn’t standing on your own something that isn’t easy?
Yoon Doojoon: Truthfully, being anxious is not something we can overcome. Since we’ll only know once we confront it directly and see the results. Yong Junhyung: That’s why we talked a lot about how important it is that we’re doing it together. Yoon Doojoon: I feel like we were able to go forward by cheering each other on like that.
10. What is the highlight of Highlight’s life?
Yoon Doojoon: Right now. I think the 20′s is the age of youth within a person’s life. Although you can’t determine youth by age. Regardless, I feel like I spent my 20′s rather extravagantly so I think this moment right now is my highlight. Yang Yoseob: Although right now is a highlight, I hope it comes again. Unlike a story or a song that reaches its end after the highlight, I hope our highlight continues. So when I think about ‘what was the biggest highlight out of all the highlights’, I want to bury it in the ground (all laugh). When we’re old and we look back I want to think I was happy at this time, and I was happy at that time~
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Group Highlight Son Dongwoon / Photo=Photographer Oh Seho, Location=Studio Haru
10. What will Highlight be like in 10 years?
Son Dongwoon: 37... Ha. Yang Yoseob: We’ll be an old Highlight (laughs) and at that time, if it’s possible, I would still like to be with the fans. Lee Gikwang: I think it will be possible. Son Dongwoon: Around 37, that’s fine. Yoon Doojoon: You’ll be 37, but we’ll be 39. Lee Gikwang: 39, not bad. Yang Yoseob: Starting now, we should take care of our health and work hard so we can meet a lot of fans at that time too (laughs). Lee Gikwang: We have to work out our lower bodies well.
10. If you achieved a dream you had at debut, what is another dream you would like to achieve in the future?
Yang Yoseob: When we debuted, I once said that I wanted to become a musical actor and I feel like I’m on my way to achieving that so I’m proud. Going forward, I want to create a second highlight. I don’t think I can do it alone, I have to do it with these friends. I also want to discover rookies. Through them, I want the dreams we couldn’t achieve to be realized. This is a story for a long while later. Son Dongwoon: My biggest dream is for the people I love to just be healthy and happy. We promoted until now without anyone getting into accidents or getting sick and I want it to be like that going forward as well.
10. What do you think is the reason Highlight has been receiving love for a long time?
Yang Yoseob: Truthfully, we think promoting with each other in itself is fun so I think there are a lot of people that get excited seeing that. Rather than the feeling of a distant idol, I think people like us for our familiar feel as a neighborhood oppa, younger sibling, and even as a friend. 
10. This is a question that a lot of rookie groups get these days. What is the label that 1st year re-debuted Highlight wants to earn?
Yoon Doojoon: Um... I feel like it’s been a really long time since I thought about something like that. Lee Gikwang: ‘Avengers-dol’. ‘The Avengers’ is the congregation of superheroes and they each have a different power. The five members of Highlight all have different characteristics so I think ‘Avengers’-dol’ or ‘Marvel-dol’ would be good. Son Dongwoon: Insadol* (all laugh). Meaning I want us to last that long. Yang Yoseob: And greet a lot~
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Group Highlight Yoon Doojoon (from left), Yang Yoseob, Lee Gikwang, Yong Junhyung, Son Dongwoon / Photo=Photographer Oh Seho, Location=Studio Haru
10. What would you like to say to the fans who have always been by your side when you were BEAST and when you became Highlight?
Son Dongwoon: When I think of the fans, my heart gets knotted**. I’m thankful for the great love and I think the only way we can repay that is to promote more diligently. We will diligently and more fully present our albums and concerts. We will work hard! Yong Junhyung: Rather than becoming more comfortable as time passes after repeatedly making albums, we will work hard to become a Highlight that improves even little by little. Please anticipate and we will do our best to make sure the fans who give us interest have no regrets. Lee Gikwang: It hasn’t been long since we started, but it would be great if we could show a good image of ourselves through more content whether that be alone or as a team. Please give us a lot of love! Yoon Doojoon: Thank you so much for always supporting us. I feel something like a comradeship with our fans who have overcome painful times with us. That’s why there is more affection. We will not disappoint and we will show a cool image of ourselves. Be careful not to catch a cold (all laugh)! Yang Yoseob: I’m grateful to the point that just saying the words ‘thank you’ is not enough. We will do that much better. Thank you.
ⓒ 10asia
*T/N: Insadol is the name of a medication used to protect the gums. Dongwoon was using a play on words. ‘Insa’ also means greeting.
**T/N: He gets emotional. 
[T/N: Translation may contain inaccuracies.]
translation credit: my-highlight
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kalamanthana · 8 years
The Youthful Cheese in The Trap (2016)
       TvN’s Cheese in The Trap (CITT, 2016), aired in January through March 2016, is surely one Korean drama made for viewers who are (and still) college students (at heart). The sincerity of the story to depict a college life with its individuals and the many kinds of drama surrounding them could not have been better to make the viewers relate to it.
        CITT centres around a college girl named Hong Seol, a diligent student whose priorities are only school and part time jobs, suddenly has her life turn upside down upon encountering a mysterious guy senior, Yoo Jung. Sticking true to its original web comic (started in 2010 and still ongoing), Hong Seol is portrayed as an ordinary college girl with the messy, naturally-curled, red hair, and small eyes (which are repeatedly teased by Baek In Ho, the second male lead in the story).
        Upon following the episodes, we would see how the story focuses on the unpredictability of Yoo Jung, seen from his changing behaviour towards Hong Seol. The viewers would be kept asking, “What is his real intention towards her?” However, along the way, though Hong Seol also keeps wondering and finding out the true self of Yoo Jung, we would also be shown how humane the story is. How it steals and drags you down into the scenes and emotions of the characters. And how it is a very much youthful one.
 Hail to the College Life
        The portrayal of college life in CITT is incredible; it sticks true to its authenticity. The way the story builds the scenes to represent the drama of college life doesn’t seem to just built for the sake of the drama, for the sake to put a background to a love story between young adults, but indeed to represent a college life in a sincere way. Personally, the first time I was intrigued to the story was the scene of Hong Seol’s class’s first presentation, whom Professor “Witch” Kang was the instructor. The scene amuses the viewers by showing the many types of conditions occur during a Power Point (ppt) presentation: a guy who acts so well-mannered as to resemble a salesman; a girl who talks so soft no one could hear a word she’s saying; and how the Witch snapped at them, with her “killer teacher” style; all in all, very entertaining. Because we really do find all these kinds of happenings during a presentation session in the class, remember? And that moment when we could not help but cursing at the world when the Witch drops the sentence we can’t accept, but at the same time we can do nothing, “Did you register my class without knowing any of this?” seconds after she mentioned the burdensome upcoming assignments for the whole semester. And to add the agony, you did not purposely register for her class, but you were the unlucky ones to be exported to it because the popular one was already full.
        Which brings us to another exciting scene pointing college life in the series: class registration day. The day begins with Hong Seol, with her two best friends, running fast to the computer room—along with all students. In the computer room, we see how she and her peers getting ready for something that would seem to affect the rest of their lives: getting admitted into a popular class (that has a popular professor as well), or else, they would end up with undesirable professors (i.e., the Witch). They warm up their fingers, making small body stretches, preparing their eyes not to miss any minute when the registration opens. And when it does, the room is a chaos, with everyone finger-punching the keyboard brutally. One exact moment that could determine the whole semester would be heaven or hell. This very scene innocently represents one of our crucial moments being a college student.
        Other scenes that we could relate to being a college student then would follow; the fully crowded popular class with a charismatic teacher, the pain-in-the-ass administrator that declines the students’ plea for change of schedule/class, and the backstabbing assignment-mates with each of their own bluffs. We surely can empathise with Hong Seol when she was left alone by her group, forcing to make the ppt slides by herself when the others were MIA, failed to email their own portion of the presentation to be merged with Seol’s. She has to give up her own sleeping time to cover for their lack of responsibility. In the end, when it was the presentation time the following morning, the group failed to give their best and the Witch also failed them. And Hong Seol would be the most victimised of all. Again, how the series tells the story of college life in a naïve way.
 Bittersweet HD Colours
        Another point to note from the series, is how the colours feed the eyes—this thanks to the series for being the child of tvN. Nowadays, Korean drama airs in a High Definition (HD) display, and those coming from the channel tvN seems to maximise this technology by delivering colours that spoil the eyes—CITT is the proof. It is not that they chose to show props with shocking colours, however, in the way they managed to put warm colours to appear as a contributor to the bittersweet air the story gives.  
        Most of the scenes in CITT possess this spring-autumn kind of hue. Despite the smoke of breath coming out from their mouth while speaking (since it aired during winter time, January—March 2016), instead of giving us the feeling of winter, the series radiates the colours of that transition from fall-winter. The choice of earth tone colours for the cinematography compliments the bittersweet feeling of the story. Who won’t fall in love seeing the brown-orange-yellow-ish hue on the scene when Hong Seol and Yoo Jung ran towards each other before they hugged, ending their days of conflict, or the captivatingly beautiful scene with yellow leaves elegantly falling, covering the streets even Baek In Ho himself admitted, “The street is so pretty and they’re having a fight?” while far in front of him Hong Seol and Yoo Jung are indeed having a tensed moment. And all those long nights of Hong Seol and Baek In Ho commute together to their houses, walking together on those very quiet (they were literally alone) streets. Those night scenes when they commute together, the street lights just happen to be giving them this fragment of yellow hue.
        Whether it’s in the morning or midday or in the night, those earth tone colours never leave the story, even with indoor scenes as well, as found in Hong Seol’s bedroom. However, one thing should be noted that beside the light, there’s another party that should not be left out in contributing the warm hue to the series: soleil. Yes, the sun that shines bright yet so smoothly—one that you would find nearing the end of winter, ready to welcome the season of flowers. This warm ambience surrounds the setting of the story to be even more youthful, to be even more emphasising the spirit of college life, in a bittersweet way.
 What is Drama Without Troubled Characters?
        No wonder the production would wait for Kim Go Eun and even adjusted the shooting schedule to fit her so she would be able to play our Hong Seol—it landed the series the award for Best New Actress in Baeksang Arts Awards 2016 for her portrayal as the awkward girl. When one sees her previous films before taking her first drama series (CITT), say her portrayal as an innocent high school girl in Eungyo (A Muse), or the troubled parentless child raised in a gangster environment in Chinatown (Coin Locker Girl), it is incredible to see how she can play different characters, and in Cheese in The Trap, her believability to portray an awkward and shy college girl is amazingly natural. Her disorientation amidst the suddenly aggressive Senior Yoo Jung, her shyness in falling in love (and kissing) for the first time, then initiating a couple ring, showing different kinds of emotions given by college assignments, friendship, and family issues (being a daughter does not mean sacrificing her education for the sake of the brother); the way Kim Go Eun breathes Hong Seol to life in an effortless way is for certain a point that contributes to the youthfulness of the story.
        Other than Hong Seol, the character Baek In Ho is also worth the praise. Seo Kang Joon, the actor behind the character has successfully portrayed a young “trouble-maker” guy with a hidden sadness. Depicted with traits as if a worm exposed under the sunlight (one that cannot sit still; noisy), stores a fragility behind his bluntness. Throughout the series, we would find out that he has two weaknesses; his sister Baek In Ha, and Hong Seol. Baek In Ho’s ruined promising future as a pianist has made him a delinquent, running around from gangsters and more familiar with fists than words. However, his heart turns soft when it comes to her crazy (figuratively—and literally) sister Baek In Ha. Though being a pain in the ass and such a trouble to everyone—even to him himself as the brother—he would still run to Yoo Jung to confront him after finding out a feud between him and his sister; and he still gives her sister money when she cried for it though knowing she would spend them all carelessly. Despite her never ending craziness (even causing her being sent to a mental hospital), he still feels that she’s the only family he has and thus has a responsibility to take care of her.
        His second weakness appeared when he realised that he has feelings for Hong Seol. The series puts him into a position where he can only take care of his feelings alone, not letting it out in the open; one thing is because his complicated relationship with Yoo Jung—and the fact that later Yoo Jung and Hong Seol would be an item—and because of that, things would go awkward between him and her if he were to confess. Hong Seol has been his warm companion despite their unusual first meetings, and amidst his bitter past. One scene that should be noted as Seo Kang Joon’s best portrayal of the fragile Baek In Ho is the one where, with bruised face, he stared at Yoo Jung’s car parked in front of Hong Seol’s house, after his and Yoo Jung’s fight at the park. Knowing that the trophy would not be his, he still feels that heartbreak seeing the car—even though he himself fought in the name of her, the bruised face that she will treat would always be Yoo Jung’s. And the scene, how the camera captured his loneliness, alone on the street at night, then focusing on his bruised face, and his eyes just staring to the house, then he bitterly smiled before admitting, “Ah, it hurts.” The scene has accomplished to show the hidden fragility of Baek In Ho.
        Beside Hong Seol and Yoo jung’s story that is full of twists and turns, the appearance of the relationship between Hong Seol and Baek In Ho gives cheer to the story. A diligent Hong Seol meets the raucous Baek In Ho; the part where he “told” her to open her small eyes, while bugging out his own, is surely one we would fall in love with.
        And yes, let’s not forget to give a shout out to Lee Sung Kyung as well, the actress behind Baek In Ha. The mental, spoiled-brat girl that just spreads craziness and shows us how frightening a young girl could be. She gives a “Cheon Song Yi” feels to the series, with over-the-top fashion and crazy behaviour as well—with a different level, of course.
 The Attachment the Songs Give
        The soundtracks, on the other hand, compliment the series as well. Since the story centres around the youthfulness of college life, the songs chosen to accompany the scenes are mostly indie numbers—which make it more youthful, quite a breath of fresh air from ballad-dominated songs usually found in Korean dramas. Take a look at the number “What We Gonna Do” from Cosmohippie, with its cheerful and ear-catchy tune, perfect to represent the warmth, sunny ambience of the series, and “Go” from indie band SALTNPAPER, which mostly played alongside serious moments, to instil the mellowness of the scene to the viewers. Also Tearliner’s “Wandering Wave”, a deep instrumental number, chosen to accompany the changed, and broken relationship of the trio Yoo Jung-Baek In Ho-Baek In Ha, while the scene reminisced their past in high school, playing with fireworks happily, as if those three would always be together against the world. The indie tracks (or at least indie-feels) chosen to be the original soundtracks of the series are surely one of the things that got the young viewers hooked to CITT.
          That being said, many would say that the ending could have been made better, should have been scripted in a clearer way as to satisfy the viewers: so, in the end, do they get back together again, or not? Does Yoo Jung finally reach out to Hong Seol again? Or not? Surely, fans of the viewers are no doubt left hopeless, imagining what would happen to those two after just a single click in her email that signifies he has FINALLY opened the emails for years. Then again, given the nature of CITT that is unlike other Korean dramas, we surely can appreciate the creators if they decided to give us a teasing ending.
        To add the portrayal of youthfulness of college life, Cheese in The Trap also picks up the importance of having a meal with someone; a moment for people to gain familiarity with each other.
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duongthanhdt · 5 years
On April 30, fashion magazine BNT revealed a pictorial and interview featuring model Go So Hyun.
New Post has been published on http://www.btsvfan.com/on-april-30-fashion-magazine-bnt-revealed-a-pictorial-and-interview-featuring-model-go-so-hyun/
On April 30, fashion magazine BNT revealed a pictorial and interview featuring model Go So Hyun.
On April 30, fashion magazine BNT revealed a pictorial and interview featuring model Go So Hyun.
unveiled a pictorial model bnt accused Prefecture.
Koh-hyeon recently photographed pictorials with bnt and three concepts.
the first concept, the back detail of the long dress was croonitro, and the sensuous mood was raised. In the subsequent filming, he produced a modern and chic atmosphere with black and white dresses and wide pants.
In the last shot, I wore a denim overalls in a denim jacket and doubled my unique charm. At the end of the filming interview, I first told about the recent situation. “Work or exercise and diet, that’s all. I have been eating and playing around a lot, but I thought I should make my body beautiful again. I work out in the morning and evening and keep the diet well. Model activity It is 5kg more than when it was full. I get a 1: 1 PT about three times a week. I’m doing jazz dancing every day. ”
Latest TVN ‘Brain Sexy Vs – Problematic Man’ (below problematic man) ‘He appeared as a guest on the 100th Anniversary of Samil Pyeong, and he was very funny when he appeared as a featured girl. This time, I will be featured as a special lecturer of SeolMinSeon and the 100th anniversary of the Samil PwC. It was a good opportunity for me to get to know about a lot of things and to think about history once again. did.
When he majored in computer engineering at Ewha Womans University, he asked how he was doing model work. “I went to college, but my major was not interesting. So I went to lots of places to play and I needed money to play around. So at that time, I worked as a fitting model with a part-time job, so I went to school and took a leave without planning. If you want to work as a model, I recommend ‘Dosuko’ appearance. My sister-in-law recommended me now. ”
When I first started working on the model, my parents responded, “I guess my parents knew I would study again. When I was a kid, I thought I was coming and I thought I would come soon. ” When I asked him whether he was a doctor who was originally dreaming, he felt sorry for him. First of all, the model is a job that needs to maintain solid body management. If I had a hard time managing because I liked what I eat, I would have become a doctor if I had studied harder. I’ve thought about it. I feel sorry for other professions other than the model, “said an honest answer. If I had not been in the
, I would like to know what kind of work I am going to do now. “Maybe I would not have studied hard if I was back in high school. But when I was a college student, I do not know. Most of my college buddies live in a stable office life. If I were influenced by my sister, I would not have worked in the fashion industry. I think I probably would not have been involved in computer engineering. ”
He was selected as TOP5 in “Doosoo 3” and asked why he recorded a high rank even though he was not big. “I think the ratio is good. Anyway, one of the requirements of the model is the ratio. In fact, there was a sister who was smarter than me, but the title “Ida” seemed to be useful in broadcasting, and the tallest one seemed to be fresh at that time. ”
“When I first filmed it, I was very good and the personality was good,” he said in a music video for the Bangladeshi Boys (BTS) The song was good and the dance was cool. Overseas fans have watched old music videos and they still visit my SNS. Thanks to bulletproof boys, I’m in good hands. I took a picture of my uniform and left it in my memory. At the time, it was hard to shoot the night, but it was really fun. ”
Experienced in fashion and beauty broadcast program, he asked if there was a program that he would like to appear in. “I live alone. I can show the life of a model, if I can live with a cat when I appear in ‘I live alone’ which can show life alone.
Asked if there was a slump while working on the model, he said, “I have never had a slump, but when I think about it, I think the slump is coming when there are not many things. ‘There are a lot of new people. I was consumed a lot. “What kind of effort should we make?” “We had a lot of troubles last year, so we learned about the company’s proposal for a long time. Then I went on a trip in the middle, but I once wanted to live abroad. So I decided to go out and I stopped the ticket. I will go out in early May and live for about a year. ”
The question of what is the purpose of the one year overseas program? “I wanted to live in Berlin. It is aimed at acquiring language, either German or English. If I can go, I want to do model work. It is good to go and play, but it is better to play and make money. I think it is important to have a variety of experiences. I want to get the most in a year when I go abroad. I think that if I can speak, I have a lot to gain, so for now it is my biggest goal. ”
Asked if there is a role model, “If you play the act, you have a great feeling about Gong Hyo Jin and Kim Min Hee, who are involved in fashion and everything. In terms of performing arts, there are sisters Jang Yunju and Lee Hyun. You have a very good sense and a sense. I am also funny and entertaining to appear in the entertainment, but I think it is still lacking in that respect. ”
At the perfect rate, he asked if he had a complex with an oddly balanced eyebrow. I did not sting where I stuck and I just stuck in a place that was useless. And the face is getting wider and the complexion seems to be dull. ”
In the question about ideal type and marriage, “My favorite person is a person who has a lot of consideration and ability to solve problems. I seem to like the guys who are playing sexy, but apparently my brother is shared. I think marriage will someday but not now. There are too many people who are married and live happily, but marriage is not only happiness. ”
of the activity plan, “If you know how to speak the language, I think you can go a little wider. I think it’s a lively personality, but I have a lot of introspection, so I am expecting to be more free from various experiences. So, I think I can show a good performance with the arts or acting that I did not challenge. ”
0 notes
sweetestlamb · 3 years
Still, I Rise
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Summary: Damn teenagers and their angst. 
Author's Note: Back with another chapter, if you didn’t already know it I will be revealing our mystery character from the last chapter LOL please put down the bats and weapons (jk take them out it’s hilarious!) With this chapter we are getting closer to the “climax” and I am so excited to write the fun chapters I have planned ahead, one scene that I am really looking forward to writing is the camping trip, I had so much plans and events that I wanted to see that didn’t because TVN woke up and chose basic, we hate to see it. I can’t wait to rewrite history honestly also can’t wait to just move to onto regular schmegular teen problems, I swearrrrrrr. 
"Don't you dare embarrass me this time. You aren't ugly why can't you get these damn little rich brats to like you? Are you truly this useless? Don't come home if you can't make this one fall for you!"
Those had been his father's final words right before his hand split his lower lip open with a razor sharp blow that made his head whip in recoil. His father's footsteps faded as he walked away leaving him crumpled on the ground, anger and embarrassment raging in his blood. He hadn't chosen this life at all, never wanted to be a bargaining chip for that despicable man. First with Eun Dan Oh and now this new girl, Kang Sujin.
She'd initially stood him up and he had felt foolish sitting in the lavish restaurant by himself, checking his phone but no calls or messages arrived.
His father had been livid that night, more vicious than usual his stepmother's weak screams served as the soundtrack for his brutal beating. Why couldn’t she just be quiet? Did it make her feel better when she acted as if she actually gave a shit about him? His brother coming into his room after with those pathetic weeping eyes and a bandage had only made him angrier, he shoved him away slamming the door in his face, refusing his help. He didn't need anyone, nobody could save him from his horrible fate. 
It hadn't taken much research to find out her school and on impulse he'd gone there without her knowledge, watching from afar at first. A tiny girl with short hair framing her face had ran giggling into a taller girl with long dark hair and a classically beautiful face, they walked side by side smiling and laughing and that's when he'd heard her call out , "Sujin we should get something to eat!"
It wasn't love at first sight or anything ridiculous and disgustingly romantic like that, but he felt a connection to the girl for some inconceivable reason as if they were kindred spirits or something, maybe it was the remnant of a bruise he saw on her wrist hidden beneath her sweater. 
It seemed they had more in common then he had initially believed, it was a grim similarity. 
He'd gone home feeling less burdened than before, and his father's smile had been terrifying when he'd told him that he would work hard to win the girl over, only because he knew how quickly that smile could evaporate and his father could become the monster he was accustomed to. He tried not to flinch as the older man clapped him on the shoulder, his body already in fight or flight mode.
His father had merely smirked at his apparent fear.
So he'd taken to following the other girl around, she was going to be his fiancé anyway so he saw nothing wrong with it. And that was how he learned about the other boy, a tall slender boy who looked like someone that would grace an idol magazine cover. They were together more often than he liked, and it seemed more than platonic if the glances and subtle touches were a sign.
He wasn't jealous per se, but this would be a roadblock in his plan that he couldn't afford. He was getting used to not being beaten. 
The day he'd followed them to the hospital presented another challenge for him, he hated hospitals and what they represented with every fiber of his being. He'd spent too much time in them growing up and then again for a girl who couldn't care less about him, she was another reminder that he wasn't worthy of love. He had thought he loved her but still hurt her whenever she disobeyed him, he knew he was no better than his father.
Unexpectedly Sujin had burst through the hospital doors, surprising him and forcing him to hide lest she spot him, peeking out from his hiding place behind a tree he saw her distraught and near tears running the opposite direction. He stood in shock merely watching and waiting to see if the unknown boy would follow her, but thankfully he never came.
Pushing down his own wariness and discomfort he walked into the hospital immediately feeling a cold chill on his skin, he refused to call it trauma that made it sound like something was wrong with him. He was fine and he could do this.
Thankfully the nurses were too busy and nobody noticed him walking by and he froze when he spotted another man who was capable of making him flinch. Doctor Kang, he looked anything but approachable in his gleaming white lab coat and he remembered watching the man laugh with his father as they both sold their children without remorse. Instinctively he hid watching the man glare into a hospital room, he almost feared for whomever was the recipient of the ice cold gaze.
Minutes melted by before the doctor finally walked away, his steps clipped and echoing on the linoleum floors and he finally let out a sigh of relief when the other man disappeared around the corner.
Stealthily he rounded the corner and took the doctor's abandoned spot, peeking into the room through the small window in the door. It was that boy again, the idol wannabe but this time he wasn't alone there was a young girl with a bouquet in her arms and a older woman lovingly patting him on his cheeks.
His mother.
A loving one, at that. 
His blood seared watching the domestic scene, jealousy ripping through him like a tornado. There was no way he was letting this asshole have Sujin too, he already had too much. More than he, Baekyung would ever have.
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                                                                The motorcycle roars under her thighs as they whip down the road. It only serves to remind her of the first time she was on a bike with another boy, his cologne and the scent of leather infiltrating her senses and making her heart jump through hoops. This time she feels nothing but annoyance and extreme frustration, barely holding onto the stranger in front of her as she leans forward to yell above the engine, "Pullover!"
She knows he heard her based on the immediate tension in his body but he continues to ride ignoring her request demand. With a grunt she grabs onto his waist only to bodily drag them to the side not caring if they both crash at this point she cannot stand another second on this bike with him, instantly he straightens them before skidding to the side and finally pulling the brakes bringing the motorcycle to a halt, the moment the bike stops she hops off in a frenzy.
Thrusting the bottom piece of his helmet up he screams at her, "Are you insane? You could have hurt us!"
She bares her teeth at him, ready to unleash her full anger on him now without an audience. 
"Who the fuck are you? And why did you come to my school?" She bellows glaring poisonously at the strange idiot who had single handedly upended her day.
Moving calmer than she's feeling, he dismounts finally pulling his helmet off and then squeezing it under his arm looking down at her. 
With a condescending look he stares at her, "You know exactly who I am, don't play dumb it's beneath you."
He's right. She does know who he is although she had never seen him or known his name, she had truly thought she could ignore him and he would disappear. Just like with her father that was proving to be an erroneous dream that would never come true. 
"But I'll formally introduce myself since we are going to be engaged soon after all, Baekyung. You can call me oppa though."
Engaged soon.
Her head spins from his words, she feels terror shift over her like a thick suffocating blanket.
"You don't even know me. Why would you even agree to this?" She stares at him in disbelief, at a loss to his acquiesce to their tragic fate.
The look in his eyes haunt her, it's like staring in a mirror and gazing back at the person she was months ago. Somehow without her knowledge or consent she'd changed, grown even and therefore started believing that her life was just that, hers.
"You act like we have a choice. Don't be stupid, we have to just do as we're told. It's easier this way for everyone." He repeats those words that she herself had uttered to Seojun not so long ago, a sense of deja vu washes over her. 
"How is letting ourselves be used easier? Don't you have your own dreams or aspirations? Isn't there someone you actually like?" She knows the error of her argument immediately as she says it, his eyes narrow into thin enraged slits and she can practically feel the anger vibrating off him.
"Don't pretend to care about me. This is about you and your little boyfriend," he spits the word like acid and immediately she remembers those chilling words he had whispered in her eyes earlier, "Do you think he'll be safe?" That was all it had taken for her to go with him, he couldn't get hurt she wouldn't allow that to happen ever. She had no idea what those ominous words meant and how this boy could pose a threat to Seojun but she knew she had to hear him out and protect Seojun anyway she possibly could. 
"He's not the only one you should be worried about." The smug bastard continues with a humorless grin on his face and suddenly the dots connect, her father outside of Ms. Han's hospital room and that calculating look on his face. Her stomach drops.
"Leave them out of it!" She screams embarrassed at the urgent plea in her voice but she can't help it, she's so scared more than she's ever been for herself.
"Well that all depends on you doesn't it? Your dear father will have no reason to do anything to them if you listen like a good daughter and date me as expected."
She stands frozen once again feeling helpless, it kills her inside all her growth slipping down the drain in a matter of seconds.
"Why are you doing this?"
He stills at her question, his cold mask dropping and leaving something numb and unreadable in its place. It feels familiar to her, she awaits his answer with bated breath.
"I want to live, even if I have no control over it. I'd rather be alive."
Thunder clashes above them, the previously sunny day shifting into a gray dark distortion, heavy storm clouds ominously loom above them and the first raindrops land perfectly on her cheeks, crying the tears that she refuses to let fall. She has no more left to cry.
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Confusion is an understatement to express Su-ah's true feelings following the mysterious boy on the motorcycle, when she finally gets Sujin on the phone the other girl is quiet and mumbling, evading all her questions and as soon as she mentions Seojun, Sujin shuts down hastily ending their conversation with some nonsensical excuse. 
That was not going to be the end, Sujin might want to play dumb about the true nature of their relationship but she wasn't part of the circus. She was no clown, she had eyes and it was clear that they liked each other and it was only growing the more time they spent together. She wouldn't let her best friend sabotage something that could be great for her, she deserved happiness and Seojun made her happy. So it was truly that simple. 
Stomping up the slight incline to school, she huffs and puffs determined. She was going to talk some sense into the other girl.
Those thoughts come crashing all around her when she sees Sujin coming out of a car, a car that she has never seen before and her questions are answered when the boy from yesterday steps out after her. Every eye in a ten mile radius is watching them, captivated by this new school scandal. Girls already squealing and giggling, envious of Sujin and doing very little to hide their true feelings. 
“Why is he with her? She isn’t even that pretty. He should be with me.” 
The lies people told themselves to sleep at nights, sad. 
Accidentally knocking the gossiping girl to the side with a rough shoulder check, ignoring her dramatic cry she sprints the rest of the way, once again pushing through the crowd to get to Sujin.
Immediately their eyes lock and she begs Sujin for a answers, What happened? Why are you doing this? What’s going?,  she flinches at the cold emotionless stare she gets in response. She watches in dismay as the tall boy bends down as if to hug Sujin and that's when a loud grumble fills the air, she turns around to the all too familiar sight of Seojun on his motorcycle. He revs the handle bar causing the crowd to part like the Red Sea, then he rides slowly until he's right next to Sujin bike inches away from touching her.
With a practiced motion he tugs off his helmet, those sloping feline eyes already on Sujin in a hard stare.
The tension is insurmountable and cloying and Su-ah watches transfixed before Sujin breaks the impasse, tugging her bookbag over her shoulder she stomps into the school without a word to either boys. But then the interloping boy calls out, “Have a good day. Princess,” and Sujin stops immediately at the word, turning around with a ferocious look in her eyes, “Don’t call me that. My name is Kang Sujin to you. That’s all.” Su-ah sees the way that Sujin’s eyes almost subconsciously seek out a certain cat eyed boy and feels like she misses an entire conversation between the two before Sujin finally walks away. 
The mysterious boy glares at her retreating back before shooting a cold glare at Seojun and then promptly hopping back into his car, the backseat as he's chauffeured away.
"Oh my god! That was so hot! Princess?” 
"Who is that? Does Kang Sujin have a boyfriend? Wow, she’s mean to her boyfriend too. What a bitch.” 
Why do you think Seojun looked so angry?"
"Maybe he's worried about losing his bad boy title!"
The crowd erupts around them in loud voices, all curious about what they've witnessed and already creating rumors to appease their curiosity. Suddenly a loud motorcycle screech causes them all to jump silence falling over the crowd before Seojun rides away, the tight clench in his jaw visible even from her distance.
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Lunch is a step above awkward, bordering into painful. The easy conversation that used to be a staple of the table is all but decimated, instead everyone eats quietly chilled by the cold air permeating from both Seojun and Sujin. They only speak when spoken to and avoid all eye contact, especially each others. It's painful to be a witness to and she notes regretfully that neither are eating home made lunch today, opting for the school lunch instead.
Sujin had never officially told her but she knew that they were making food for each other, their smiles watching the other eat made it too obvious.
This was serious. Looking at them now they looked like complete strangers, everyone was too nervous to question the elephant in the room. Everyone except poor Chorong.
"Why is everyone was so awkward today? What did you two fight or something? Why do we all have to suffer because of your lover's quarrel? Just kiss and make up already."
The table all looked on with opened mouths except Suho and herself who both looked worried instead.
And people thought she was slow, how had they all not realized what was happening? It was clear as day.
She flinches at his well-meaning words that are evidently not well received by either teen, watching them both glare at the table unmoving and the silence drags out painfully before Seojun breaks the stalemate. Standing without preamble he glares at Chorong before placing the stare on Sujin, it does nothing to change her unaffected stare. With a loud sigh he stomps away, despite his friends dismayed shouts of his name.
She continues to eat her lunch, watching Sujin in her peripheral.
She looks like she has the weight of the world on her shoulder and Su-ah for the first time in their friendship has no idea what to do.
But when they all start to funnel out of the cafeteria she follows the other girl anyway, tugging her into an enclave where they are hidden from the rest of their classmates Sujin cries out at the sudden jerk but loses her defensive stance when she realizes it’s just her. 
“What’s going on? Why are you letting that punk bring you to school and why are you and Han Seojun acting like you broke up before you even started officially dating? Sujin-ah, please tell me what’s going on.” She pleads latching onto the other girl’s arm peering up at her with puppy dog eyes, they have never failed her before. 
“I can’t tell you yet, I’m sorry.”
There’s a first time for everything and she frowns at Sujin feeling like there is a mountain between them. She can’t help the hurt that she feels knowing the other girl doesn’t trust her enough to tell her what’s going on. She thought they had moved past all the secrets and hiding but obviously she was wrong. 
“I really am sorry. But I will tell you everything soon enough.”
She releases Sujin’s arm, ready to walk away. She hates being in the dark. But before she can walk away, she feels Sujin hand on the bottom of her sweater tugging her backwards, she looks back with a perplexed glare. 
“Do you trust me?” 
She stares at Sujin and the soft tilt of her head as she asks the question, and her answer is easy, although she has no idea what’s going on and none of this makes any sense to her she doesn’t have to think about that answer. 
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"You shouldn't do this to him. It's too cruel." Suho expects a biting retort or even a call for him to mind this damn business, so he's shocked breathless when instead the other girl smiles at him, a tiny almost indecipherable thing that makes her lips thinner. 
"You two have come a long way." Sujin responds unexpectedly shaking her head and walking over to the couch, before beckoning him over too.
He stares feeling suspicious but ultimately he follows, curiosity winning.
"I think I'm ready." Sujin expels a deep breath, twisting her hands nervously in her lap. Before he can ask her what exactly she's ready for she continues, "I want to tell your father what happened if you really think he'll help me."
He's too late to swallow the strangled gasp that escapes from his lungs and he leans back in surprise. He wants to continue his conversation about Seojun but he’s scared to do anything to make the other girl retreat or change her mind now. That conversation will have to wait for another day.  
Sorry Seojun. 
"Are you sure? You're really ready to do this?"
There's a long pause and he watches a myriad of emotions run across Sujin's usually expressionless face until something that looks suspiciously like hope blossoms making her glow brighter than the sun.
"Yes. I want to try living just for me."
Blinking away the moisture in his eyes, he pulls out his cellphone sending his father a message.
Please come over.
It only takes seconds but it feels like an eternity before his father replies, he smiles at the message.
On my way.
He stands up to put the kettle on the fire, he knows that tonight will be a long night and he needs something to keep his hands occupied.
When his doorbell rings he's shocked when Sujin stands up looking at him with a serene gaze, "I'll get it." He only nods at her in reply, watching as she greets his father and man recovers quickly at the unexpected visitor, smiling warmly at Sujin before pulling her into a warm embrace.
Even more surprisingly Sujin doesn't flinch, allowing herself to be wrapped up.
His father embraces him as well, patting him on the back and again on the head when they break apart. He can feel Sujin's eyes on them and he moves away guiltily. Now isn’t the time to rub his burgeoning relationship with his father in her face. 
"Have a seat Dad, thank you for coming so quickly."
His father lifts an eyebrow at the sudden serious tone of his voice but he follows his directions nonetheless folding his hands on his lap and looking inquisitively between the two teenagers.
"Is there something you both want to tell me? Perhaps you two are....." His father motions vaguely between them and he stares back not comprehending until his father smiles slyly and Sujin beats him to it, protesting ardently.
"No! No, it's nothing like that. There's someone else...I mean no. That's what what we wanted to talk about."
He raises an eyebrow at Sujin's slip and his father chuckles at her stuttering and the red blaze across her cheeks.
His father waves his arms in appeal, apologetic grin on his face. "Sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you both. I just always hoped you two might one day. A father can dream."
He scoffs at his father, "Give up on that dream she's like family to me. We would never see each other that day."
Sujin nods passionately in agreement and his father shrugs easily, now looking even more curious than before.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
Sujin stills on her spot on the couch, the determination in her bones seeming to melt away with every passing minute. He fears this won't go as planned and he has no idea how to motivate her.
Then a loud vibration rumbles from the couch and it takes Sujin a moment to realize it's her phone, he watches curiously as she looks at the message and then a single tear runs down her round cheek. The determination curls back around her like armor, he watches in amazement as she sits taller turning to look at his father with newfound courage or maybe it wasn’t newfound but suddenly uncovered by whatever she had seen on her phone. 
“Suho asked you for help for me. I’m really the one who needs your help.” He can hear the slight quiver and hitches in her words but she gets them all out and instantly she has his father’s undivided attention, he even turns his body to fully face the girl. Pride swells in his chest at the sight, he was worried his father would only be adamant about helping him directly as a way to get closer to him but now he can see that he was wrong about the other man. Genuine concern fills every line and wrinkle of time on his face. 
“What is wrong? What do you need help with and why can’t you tell your parents?” It’s a innocent question, and logical too but he fears Sujin’s reaction, when she feels like she is backed into a corner in the past that has led to her lashing out with dagger sharp remarks, he watches with his heart lodged in his throat.
“Because they are the ones hurting me.” 
His lungs deflate releasing all the air that was trapped in the sacs, she said the truth without hesitation and he turns to glance at his father watching him process the bomb that she has just dropped on him. His father opens and closes his mouth several times, before finding his voice it is but a whisper when he responds to Sujin. 
“That time you needed a doctor.” The statement is directed to Suho and with a sober nod he confirms what his father already knows, with a loud sigh his father sinks into the couch quiet rage on his face. “I should have known, you always seemed so scared of him but I thought it was just his parenting style I never thought...never expected that he would....I should have done something!” 
Sujin laughs, it is pained and small but he hears it and immediately turns to look at her, “He sounds just like you like father like son I guess,” Sujin directs that at him and he blushes in memory, he can’t deny the claims. Then she turns back to his father with surprisingly soft eyes, “Don’t blame yourself, just help me now if you can.” 
“I will use all of my resources to make sure he spends his life in jail.” 
Suho jumps in his seat looking over at Sujin, that is way more than they had ever discussed that was what he truly wanted for the monstrous man but it always seemed like too much to ask for but here was his father saying it as if it was completely plausible. 
“Jail? Do you really think he can go to jail? It would be his word against mine, I never took any pictures. I was stupid.” Sujin berates herself, and before he can dismiss the self inflicted insult his father is already moving closer and putting a large hand on her trembling shoulder, only then does he realize how the girl is shaking like a new leaf. 
“No, it will be my word against his. I will also get that report from Doctor Kim, that could be used as evidence. You’re just a kid and a victim, I’ll handle this you don’t need to do anything else. You’ve handled enough on your own, we got you now.” His father looks over at him as if waiting for his approval and he moves onto the couch with them both, after a moment’s pause putting his hand on Sujin’s other shoulder. 
“We got you.” 
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Jukyeong glances over nervously at Seojun the aroma of coffee thick in the air as she sweeps up the beans she had clumsily spilled on the ground, she waited for Seojun to playfully scold her as he often did when she messed up at work but the reprimand never came and when she glanced over at him he had been staring longing at his cellphone. 
Su-ah had been the first to notice how weird him and Sujin acted around each other and despite not having a lot of experience with relationships, especially those of the romantic kind she could see that they didn’t hate each other as much as Sujin tried to drive the deceptive point home. They were always teasing each other and Seojun found any excuse to be near Sujin and soon he wasn’t the only one, they just seemed to naturally gravitate to each other at times bickering so much it was like they were the only two people in the room. 
But all that had come to an abrupt end with the sudden appearance of the boy on the motorcycle, the entire school was in a uproar over him, Baek Kyung, she had heard the other girls whispering his name. On paper he seemed very similar to Han Seojun, same bad boy persona and affinity for motorcycles and glares. But the biggest difference she noticed was Sujin's reaction to them both, she had heard from some gossiping girls how vehemently Sujin had declared that Baek Kyung not call her “princess”, a moniker she had commonly heard Seojun use to refer to the girl.  Sujin never stopped him these days, instead rolling her eyes and speeding up to escape from him, he would chase after all calling her the sweet nickname all the way. 
When Seojun would use it to refer to her in passing such as, “Are you gonna eat that princess?” Those were times that Sujin didn’t react at all, simply handing him whatever food in her container had caught his eye that she had ignored. 
They were casually domestic in a way that they never seemed to realize and she couldn’t help but categorize. Seojun liked Sujin that was becoming clearer and it seemed like the feeling was mutual, even if the girl wasn’t yet ready to admit it. 
Which was why this new development came as a complete shock to her, why was Sujin suddenly giving her attention to someone else? 
“Did you guys have a fight? Just tell her you’re sorry.” She offers out of the blue, and Seojun turns to her with a puzzled look drying a mug with a cloth, “What are you talking about now clumsy?” 
Thankfully the shop is empty, she quirks at eyebrow at him folding her arm when he continues to play dumb. 
“Sujin. You guys clearly had a fight, you’re both so hot tempered. Her temper is probably worst than yours though so just apologize okay? It’s better than fighting.” 
He stares at her with a blank face before turning away, rubbing firmer at the mug in his hands and she worries for its safety. 
“Why should I apologize when she’s the one who’s with another guy? Don’t worry about me, I will be fine. Clearly this was one-sided. She doesn’t like me.” 
She openly laughs at him now, looking at him like he has two heads. “What are you talking about? If she didn’t like you then why did she follow you to your mom’s hospital? She tried to be all sneaky but Chorong told us everything. Plus she always gets jealous when other girls give you food at school and don’t think we don’t all know that you guys make food for each other!” 
He whips around looking at her with huge eyes, “Wait you all knew? So when I said that someone special made it for me? You knew?” 
She smiles brightly, “Yep. It wasn’t subtle at all.” 
He sighs in annoyance, turning away to hide the pink on his face. 
“I’m not apologizing. I didn’t do anything wrong.” 
She sighs at the boy’s words, knowing that this fight might go on longer than it needs to and she wishes she could just shake some sense into both of them, why were they choosing to suffer like this? 
Damn teenagers and their angst. 
Grumbling she goes to take a customer’s order, glancing over at Seojun with a final sad smile. 
Hopefully they can figure this out without falling apart. 
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Time seems to move slower than usual today and he almost pumps a fist in  triumph when he sees that it’s finally eight and they are free to leave. 
“Do you want to me to walk you to the bus stop?” He offers Jukyeong out of politeness but she shakes her head no, telling him that she is going to meet with her older sister for dinner running out before him and hailing a cab, he smiles at the sight that’s one girl who loves to eat. 
Turning off the lights in the shop, he turns over the “open” sign and locks the door behind him. The cool spring night air brushes against his cheeks and he makes his way to his motorcycle, mounting in one motion and sighing as it purrs to life before he speeds off his destination already in mind. He bobs and weaves through traffic, smirking at idiot drivers who blare their horns at him when he inches too close to their precious car but even they are not enough to rain on his parade. 
When he finally arrives, he bounces off the bike throwing the helmet onto the handlebar carelessly before bounding over to the figure he sees waiting. 
He can’t help the smile that tugs against his lips, ultimately setting it free as the figure turns around at the sound of his boot stomping on the ground. 
“Did you wait long?” He asks moving closer until he can feel the heat wafting off the body in front of him. 
“No, I only just got here too. Why are you smiling like that? You look deranged.” 
He smiles wider, feeling mischievous after what a certain klutz had revealed to him with a smirk he leans closer to her, grinning harder when she leans back looking at him with a confused glare. 
“I heard from a certain birdie that you followed me to the hospital and that you get jealous when other girls give me food. Is that true princess?” 
Sujin growls at him, shoving his shoulder hard before stomping away to the park bench. He eagerly follows after her, throwing his arm over her shoulder smiling at her wearing yet another one of his sweaters, this time a black one that reaches the bottom of her knees and completely hides whatever she is wearing underneath. She looks equally sexy as adorable and it makes his blood boil in a way he has been trying harder and harder to suppress around her. 
“I knew you would try to milk the situation. This isn’t why I told you everything.” 
He smiles recalling what Sujin is referring to. 
Just a day go.....
He stares angrily at his phone in utter disbelief that she would have the gall to call him after what had just happened. She had left on another boy’s motorcycle even though he had asked her not to, he didn’t know what was going on but seeing her leave like that, he wished he knew how to turn off all his feelings for her. No other human should have this kind of power or control over him but here he was ready to burst because she had picked someone else over him. 
“What do you want?” He barks out answering the call with a hard press of his finger and immediately he starts to lose some of his fire when he hears her soft staggered breaths on the other line. 
“Seojun, can you meet me somewhere?” 
He wants to say no, to bitterly hang up on her and tell her that he has someone new too but that would be a lie and he desperately wants to see her and hold her and find out why she decided to rip his heart out and stomp on it.  
Feeling pathethic he answers her with a sigh, “Where are you?”  
Songnisan park. It’s not too far from their school and he hangs up without answering hopping on his bike and riding to her. Maybe it’s stupid but he can’t turn his back on her just yet, he still wants to hear her out even if she’s going to break his heart. 
By the time he reaches the park it’s raining, pouring down in sheets despite the warm weather and he immediately sees Sujin sitting under the downpour while other park goers are running and using picnic blankets as makeshift umbrellas. 
The scenes feels all too familiar and he wonders if this will be their end? Would life be that poetic to have them end the same way they became? 
Sighing he tugs his sweater off, walking quickly to close the gap between them before sitting beside her and thrusting his sweater above both their heads, protecting them from the rain. 
She turns to him with a gasp and he realizes how closely they are sitting beside each other, he can feel her breath when she exhales and it washes over in an intoxicating breeze. He has to forcibly put some distance between them before he does something that he knows he shouldn’t, especially not now. 
“My father knows about us. He saw me at the hospital and I’m scared he saw your mother and sister too. I don’t think I should visit anymore.” 
He pauses to process her words and he feels his chest tighten with anger at the mention of that sub-human, if he ever tried to harm a hair on his family’s head that would be the last thing he ever did. But once the rage passes by he thinks of the rest of Sujin’s sentence, my father knows about us. 
They were an us. 
There was an us for people to know about? 
“Us?” He replies stupidly, unable to stop his heart from fluttering. 
With a sound of exasperation she looks over at him, “How is that the most important thing that I said?” The pretty blush on her face does not go unnoticed but he responds to her statement staying focused, “My mom was discharged today. They said it was just a scare and nothing serious. He can’t do anything to us, if he tries I’ll kill him.” 
He means it, every single word falling from his lips. 
He’s not prepared for Sujin to sob and drop her head onto his shoulder, he drops their sweater umbrella at the sudden pleasant weight feeling the rain drench his hair and shirt instantly. 
“I’m so happy to hear that. I was so worried about all of you.” 
A bubble of happiness explodes in his chest and he’s so close to just letting go of all his anger and holding her, seeing her so worried about his family is almost enough to undo him. 
But, he can’t forget the image of her riding off with someone else. His heart will never forget that ache, that indescribable pain.
“So you care about me now? Is that why you left me like that today? Because you care so much?”
He is being petty, he knows that but he can’t stop the jealousy that is fueling him right now. His green eyed monster is raring its ugly head. 
“That’s the guy you told me to stand up, remember? That’s the guy my father is trying to sell me to. He’s been following us and he knew about you, he threatened you. I did what I had to, I have to do this until I speak to Suho’s father. I think.....No. I’m ready now. I’m going to tell him everything and ask for his help.” 
His heart is pounding erratically in his chest, he can barely hear the rain over the loud thumping of the organ and he can’t believe he ever doubted her, feels guilt twist around him but he pushes that aside to take in everything she has confessed to him, without saying the words she has all but confirmed everything Jukyeong carelessly exposed to him in the coffee shop, she cares about him too enough to want to protect him at any cost. But most importantly she was starting to care about herself, she no longer saw her life as expendable and was willing to ask for help even at the expense of revealing her darkest secret and getting her hopes up. 
Fuck she was the bravest person he knew. 
Without thinking he tugs her into his arms, wrapping her in a tight hug before he realizes what he’s doing but by the time he starts to move back she’s already hugging him back, her arms tight around his shoulder and her head in the dip of his neck and it’s too perfect to stop now. Absently he strokes her wet silky smooth hair and when they finally draw apart, the barest amount of space between them he takes another risk, glancing at her eyes pleading and then smiling when she nods, giving him permission even without knowing what he plans to do, simply trusting him, he leans forward and plants a soft butterfly kiss on her forehead, she hisses in response but instead of moving away she latches on to him tighter. 
“I’m so proud of you baby.” He kisses her again, firmer this time putting all the love and pride he feels for her in that gentle kiss to her brow. 
He expects a lot of things in response to his bold move and the new nickname, a punch, a kick, her loud denial and rejection, he is emotionally prepared for any and all of those reactions, but instead she steals his breath away when she smiles up at him, looking into his eyes and he realizes that she’s looking for permission too and he nods, nervous and anxious to see what she will do. 
With a moment’s hesitation she tugs him down and he goes easily, his heart in his chest and he closes his eyes as her face draws closer to him, his heart is pattering now a crazy thundering mess filled to the brim with anticipation. 
He feels her plush lips against his cheek, the rain making the skin slick and he hums in encouragement as the kiss lingers before he opens his eyes and immediately they are lost in each other’s eyes and he can feel their faces moving closer as if opposite ends of a magnet and he waits for her to stop them, to push him away and run off but she is just as lost as him, moving closer too and when only centimeters separate their lips, a loud crash of thunder booms high above their heads making them jump apart, both flying to opposite ends of the bench. 
“We should...um get out of this rain before we catch a cold.” 
The ride home is awkward and he can barely breathe with how tightly she’s holding his waist but he smiles through the rain, taking care to move carefully on the wet streets not wanting to hurt Sujin and then they are in front of Suho’s apartment, much too fast to his disappointment. 
They both sit unmoving for a few seconds before Sujin releases his waist from her death grip and gets off the bike. 
“Let’s talk over there for a minute.” He states dismounting too and walking over to the scaffold so they can escape the torrential rain for a moment at least. 
They stand awkwardly shivering from the cold in their wet clothes, it’s obvious that Sujin is embarrassed about what happened- their kisses-but he can barely contain his joy, if he were alone right now he would be doing backflips. 
This day as made a complete 180 turn for the better. 
“I have to pretend to date him. We already agreed to come to school tomorrow. He agreed to stop following me if I let him take me to school and go on dates. He has to put on a show for his father too.” She says talking so fast that the words slur together and he wonders absently if she’s nervous? And if so, why? Was she nervous about his reaction? 
He nods in understanding, “Okay. I forgot to say it earlier, but thank you for telling me and not leaving me in the dark. I appreciate it.” 
That’s the logical part of his response, he knows what it took for Sujin to involve him in her plan and how huge it is that she hadn’t wanted him to misunderstand her feelings and motives. But she’s still the girl that he likes and he can’t help the illogical things that flood his mind too. 
“Not on his motorcycle though.”
She looks at him with a deep searching stare and he simply stares back, nonplussed. He knows what he sounds like, a bargaining jealous boyfriend. That’s exactly what he wants to be so he sees no reason to attempt to explain himself, whatever she’s thinking is true and he isn’t the least bit ashamed to admit it. At his unabashed stare she crumples looking away with a barely hidden smile, “Okay. Not on his bike. Even though I never told you that you were allowed to have conditions, this isn’t a negotiation.” She complains but the sting is gone because she has already agreed to his request, he flashes a smile at her. 
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. I will have to act jealous, that shouldn’t be too hard.” He winks at her and this time she does try to punch him, he barely dodges her fist. 
Such a violent little thing. 
“I never said you had to do anything.”
He shrugs, “It makes sense. I like you so it would only make sense that I would be jealous if I thought you were dating someone else, plus he will probably want to see that too.” 
She’s as red as a strawberry as she sprints away from him without another word, waving at him over her shoulder. 
He smiles all the way home, before falling into bed after a much needed warm shower, his toes and fingers were like ice chips when he finally got home. 
Remembering one more thing, he grabs his phone shooting a quick text message. 
Don’t let him call you nicknames. Only Sujin. 
Reading it back he determines that the message is a bit too...commanding and if he wants to keep a certain boot out of his ass he better fix it so he swiftly adds:
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Present time....
“I didn't do anything. She just suddenly started telling me how much you adore me and how you can’t live without me and that I should just forgive you and take you back.” He sniffles dramatically watching amused as Sujin rolls her eyes, before angrily pulling out her phone, he laughs suddenly worried for Jukyeong so he snatches the object from her hands, much to her chagrin. 
“I might have exaggerated about what she said, a teeny tiny bit.” He demonstrates the small amount with his fingers and she glares at him biting out, “Liar,” before snatching back her phone and stuffing it in her pockets with a grumble. 
Getting serious he turns to look at her with anticipation, “How did it go? Were you able to tell him everything?” She is staring out at the horizon, despite him boring a hole in the side of her head begging for eye contact. 
“I hesitated. I lost my confidence.”
He can hear the defeat in her voice and without a pause he opens his mouth to comfort her and tell her how strong she is and explain why this is just a minor setback but next time they can go together and if she needs him to he will hold her hand the entire time and give her every last drop of his support and--
“But then I got a message and it gave me courage. So I told him everything and he agreed to help me. He wants to send my dad to jail, not just emancipate me.” 
She did it. 
She really did it. 
He smiles at her wider than the ocean. 
“You did it, Sujin.”
She stares at him in palpable shock, he immediately knows why it’s not often he uses her name and he expects her to be happy that he isn’t calling her the nickname she is always dismissing, she’s always so adamant that she is not a princess much less his princess.  
“Don’t call me that.” She says finally turning to meet his eyes and he stares back confused because he had only said her name, why was that a problem? Wasn’t that what she had been trying to get him to call her since the first time he dubbed her princess? 
“What do you want me to call you then?” 
He is truly asking but the look she gives him makes him feel like the dunce in the corner of the room and realization unfurls in his body like a slow moving tsunami and he smiles unbridled at the epiphany. 
He hasn’t wanted to get his hopes up by making assumptions about what this is but maybe it’s time that he have some confidence now, he was someone important to her. She had already proved that in so many ways these past days. 
Taking her hand in his, he smiles brightly at her. 
It’s the first time that he has held her hand, and he can feel the damaged skin in his own smoother hand. His heart aches for only a moment, her hands are just like her they might look bruised and pitiful at first glance but beneath the broken surface lurked unimaginable strength and power and just like the rest of her, they were imperfectly perfect. He never wanted to hold another hand, this was the only one he needed. 
“Good job, you did it Princess.” 
She smiles up at him, looking gorgeous-heart stoppingly so-and he can’t help the way his chest constricts as if he didn’t know it already he knows it now unequivocally . 
He, Han Seojun belongs to Kang Sujin. 
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