#tw acoholism
katmk36 · 10 months
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He is an older adult who is trying to have a new start. He has some bad habits that he isn't willing to quit. He bought a ranch in Chestnut Ridge with the idea of starting over.
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palatteflags · 6 months
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Alcohol, snow/ice, swords, horses, not belonging, and Kaeya from Genshin Impact based moodboard~! For an anon~ Hope you like this!! :)
Want one? Send an ask! -mod Jay
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cashbotbosshq · 2 years
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“HAppY HoiLday-Hic!”
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beansthough · 2 years
CHAPTER 5 WAS AMAZING AND EVERYTHING I DIDN'T KNOW I NEEDED ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ But a question... Schlatt mentioned someone(?) He referred to as Pumpkin Spice? 👀
Schlatt wasn’t always a hermit on his own. He used to travel the land and on his travels he met many people, one of them being his Pumpkin Spice.
Humans mostly left him alone during his travels. Only a fool would go up against a Drider like himself, or an experienced poacher. But luckily Schlatt hadn’t really had to deal with that lot.
He had set up camp for the night and surrounding the boarder with his web to alarm him of any unwanted visitors.
In the morning he awoke to twitches in a line of his web. Instead of what he thought to be a regular animal that wandered into his web, it was a tiny avian hybrid with golden wings.
The avian was nervous around him at first and honestly a little frightened , but after getting him unstuck they learned they had more things in common than they thought.
They were both travelers on their own. Quackity, that was the hybrids name, loved to collect many things from his travels and sell them to small folk like himself. They hit it off instantly and decided to travel together.
Schlatt soon realized he had fallen hard for the tiny duck’s charm. Quackity felt the same. It was young love and they were brand new stars, burning for each other affection. But all stars eventually burn out.
Schlatt didn’t always drink, but he soon found that after he picked it up he couldn’t put it down. Quackity said he started to act differently towards him. The Drider was more irritable, and closed off. He eventually said something he didn’t mean. A lot of things. Quackity then began to say them too.
It was a mutual agreement in the end. This wasn’t healthy, and what was said was said. They split apart like Schlatt’s old webs. It wasn’t meant to be.
While Quackity continued to explore and travel, Schlatt stayed behind. He made a home for himself in an abandoned mine, and spent most of his days in a drunken state. He had seen the world and it had caused him pain. He had caused his world pain.
So he decided to hide away in the dark, like most spiders do.
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i'm drinking beer with wally lol
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whirlybotart · 2 years
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Dess [or Iridescent], always flirty, always overdressed and looking for trouble... He's one bot who most in this group would describe as rather untrustworthy. He always seems so shut off from the rest of us and his alcoholism only makes it worse, with some of the only times he's seen in public being him making a drunk menace of himself. It'd make him seem rather pathetic at first but I've learned not to underestimate Dess... His fighting skills, his wit and his strength are on par with my own [when he's sober that is]. Which only makes him even more untrustworthy to me... Though, I have to admit he has some charm in him, or maybe the pretty feathers are just blinding me...
Strangely enough I found out the feathers are not in fact an aesthetic choice but an actual part of his anatomy, they can even raise themselves in the exact way the peacocks on earth... Though the intimidation factor is probably lessened when used on cybertronians as opposed to wild animals.
But maybe if he wasn't so vain or struck up you could release him into the wild... Wouldn't that be a sight to see hah!
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worm , why do you smell like.....dad? i am risking having another panic attack / spiral just by asking this so answer honestly please
Oh.. oh jacky. Don't- I- I'm sorry. I fucked up a-and-
I'm not him. I wouldn't hurt you. I won't. You're my sibling. I care about you. You're a really good kid. You didn't deserve any of that shit.
I'm sorry. I spiraled, I brought back old habits.
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strawbszz · 2 years
𝑵𝒐 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒘𝒔
Gerard is just a normal-ish high schooler who’s an art student. He is 17 years old. 
(see ik that frank would be like 12 but he’s gonna be like 16 for legal reasons-)
Chapters: 5
Word count: 3,007
Genre: romance/fluff
Paring: frank iero & gerard way
When I mean high school versions I mean they look like I’m Not Okay music video versions.
Let me clarify. When I say I ship frerard I mean it’s my comfort ship. I only like the fluff stuff not smutt
Gerard was chilling in school feeling sad and low. He just wanted to get out of here. He looks up and sees a new student walk in.
A cute black haired boy who looks pretty and short walks in.
“Class, this is our new student. Say hello to Frank iero.”
The class went quiet.
“Okay. Frank go sit next to Gerard over there.”
Frank goes over and sits next to gee and he takes out his books.
All Gerard is thinking about is “oh my god. This boy is so pretty. How does he look so cute..”
Gerard just sits there drawing in his notebook drawing super heros and silly stuff like that.
The bell rings and everyone grabs there stuff and leaves.
They go to lunch and Gerard is getting pushed around in the halls and goes in the cafeteria.
He goes and sits alone with his stale fricking nuggets.
Frank runs up to him and sits with him because he sees him alone.
“Hi!” Gerard blushes. “Uhm.. hi..” “I saw you were alone and I wanted to hang out with you! You seemed cool!” “O-oh.. really?” “Mhm!”
He looked really pretty and nice while he sat kinda close to gee.
“I’m Frank!” “I-I’m Gerard..”
Gerard is shuddering a lot. He’s surprised that he’s hanging out with him. A cute short emo boy.
“What classes you got? I wanna see if we are in the same classes!” “Uhm..-“
They talk about the classes that they are in for a while.
The bell rings for everyone to get to there classes.
“Oh! Okay, see you at Science!!” “Y-you too!!”
How did Frank look so happy? Like he had the pep in his step.
Gerard passes out in class from not eating all day.
Bell rings and Gerard is still passed out.
Frank goes up to him to wake him up. He rubs gee’s back. Nothing. He taps him. Nothing. He even shakes him. Nothing.
“U-uhmm… teacher can I take him to the Nurses office?” “Sure Frank it’s down the hall at the end to the left.” “Thanks!”
Frank grabs Gerard and puts him on his back. He brings him into the nurses office.
“Uh hey.. my friend he won’t wake up in class and I’m worried.” “Okay! Here lay him on the bed.” “Thanks!” “Hmm.. he hasn’t eaten anything today.. maybe that’s why.” “Oh. I guess we were too busy chatting for him to eat lunch, or he thinks the lunch was cold, don’t blame him.”
Gerard’s face is really pale. More pale then usual.
Gerard wakes up to see Frank looking at him.
“H-huh?!” Frank does a little awkward wave at gee. “Where am I?!” “Your in the nurse’s office. You passed out from not eating.” “O-oh..” “do you feel well enough to go to class?” “Hmm.. I mean I guess so.” “You should get some coffee maybe after school.” “Thanks.”
Frank and gee leave the nurses office and go to there lockers.
“W-why did you help me..?” “I mean I was just gonna wake you up but you didn’t so I brought you in” “oh. Well thanks, it means a lot that you care for me..” “Aw your welcome!” Frank hugs gee. Well like a side hug since they are walking.
Gerard gets all flustered and blushy.
“Here.. let’s get you some chips!” “Thanks!”
They both go to the vending machine and grab some chips.
“Why are you so nice to me?” “Well.. I mean I’m nice to everyone but.. especially you! I don’t know why.” Gerard smiles at Frank.
Gerard grabs his chips and they sit next to the vending machine and chill.
“Eat up!” Gerard smiles and giggles. “Okay!”
They just chat for a while.
The bell rings for everyone to go home that day.
“Hey! Wanna go to like Starbucks? We can walk there, it’s down the street!” “Oh sure!”
Everyone walks outside to leave. Gerard and Frank are walking to Starbucks to grab some coffee.
They arrived there and grab some coffee and they chill at a small table.
“So.. how’s your day?” “Good! I mean not good when I passed out, but it’s been good! Your one of my first friends I’ve met here..” “really? That’s cool!” “Mhm..” Gerard sips his coffee.
“Wanna come over to my house on Saturday?” “Sure!” “Here I’ll grab one of my pens and some paper and I’ll write down my address! “Kay”
Gerard writes down his address and gives it to Frank.
“There you are!” “Thanks!” Frank smiles.
Frank’s smile warms his heart.. he’s just so lovable.
“Well I should get home..” “okay!” “Let me call my mom to pick us up and drop you off.” “Aw thanks!”
After a long day of just tiredness, Gerard finally gets to lay in bed and rest. All he’s thinking is: “why did he take you to the nurses office? He was just doing it because of pity. He does not care about you. Your just a worthless little kid.”
A knock comes from the door interrupting the internal thoughts. Gee’s mom walking in
“Hey, hun! I uh.. I heard you went to the nurses office today.. is everything okay?” “Oh yeah I’m okay! I just bumped my head on a cabinet door while in science class.” “Okay.”
Gee’s mom walks out of the room and shuts his door. Gerard grabs his drawing stuff and goes to his table and starts drawing.
It is now 12:37am now. Gerard has been drawing for hours. He gets up and goes to cook himself dinner.
Gee grabs pizza rolls and microwaves them.
Gerard’s thoughts: “hmm.. I wonder how Frank is doing.. I miss him.. he makes me happy..”
Mikey walks into the room to see Gerard in pjs cooking pizza rolls.
“What are you doing still up?” “I’m making dinner.”
“I herd you met Frank iero.” “Yeah! He’s my best friend right now!”
“Gerard. Please don’t fall in love with him- I know your gonna get your heart broken by him.”
“W-what?! I don’t have a crush on him!! He’s my best friend I can’t ruin it!! He’s my only friend..”
“Hmm.. okay..” “I wonder when mom is gonna stop asking me when I’m gonna get a girlfriend.”
“Well she’s not because she does not know you’re gay.”
Gerard takes out his pizza rolls and eats them.
“Well hurry up with your dinner. I’m going to bed it’s 1:00am now.”
Gee eats his pizza rolls and puts the plate in the trash. He walks to his room and passes out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gerard wakes up and the sunlight is right on his face. He gets up and makes coffee.
Mikey walks in to the kitchen to see Gerard making coffee.
“Morning Gerard.” “Morning.”
“You should get dressed. Remember to brush your teeth for your “boyfriend”
Mikey giggles while Gee runs to his room to get dressed.
He puts on his uniform and goes to brush his teeth really well.
And grabs his bag. He gets on the bus and sees Frank with his bag on a seat next to him.
“This seat taken?” “Nope! I saved it for you!” Frank has this cute smile. It lights up gee’s world.
“Aww thanks!!” Gerard smiles at Frankie and sits there.
They arrive to school and get off the bus.
They go to there lockers and grab their stuff.
“H-hey uhmm.. can I get your number, F-Frank..?”
“Oh sure! Right! We were gonna handout tomorrow on Saturday!!”
“Oh yeah! I can’t wait to show you my room!!”
The bell rings.
“Oh! I got math class..” “awh.. I got history.. we’ll see you after class!”
“Okay bye!!”
Gerard walks to math class.
He sits down and starts working.
The bell rings and it’s lunch time.
Gee walks out of math class.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Frank’s pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Frank walks out of history after the bell rings and walks near math class to meet up with gee.
Frank goes on his tippy toes and waves at Gerard.
Gerard nervously waves back at Frank.
“Hi!!” “Hey!” “Come on!!! Let’s get to lunch!!”
Frank is hyper right now.
They get to lunch and grab food.
They go sit down and eat there food and hang out.
“Remember to eat too! Don’t want you to pass out again!” Frank giggles.
“Okay!” Gee smiles at Frankie.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER 2!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
They start eating the crappy school food while trying not to barf.
“I can see your not enjoying this shitty food.”
“Yeah.. I feel like I’m eating this out of a toilet..”
Frank laughs at Gerard’s comment.
“Does it taste like shit?”
Frank giggles. “Yes.. it does.”
Hours later
It’s the end of the day.
“See you on Saturday!!” “Okay! Bye gee!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gerard’s pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gerard walks home excited to see Frank tomorrow.
He gets home and sees Mikey chilling in the living room.
“Hey uhh…” “yes?”
“I’m gonna tell Frank that I have a crush on him..”
“D-do I just tell him.. ki-“ “-just tell him. Don’t scare him by kissing him.”
“Okay! Thanks! He’s coming over tomorrow.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Frank’s pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Frank is freaking out. He’s trying to pick out the best outfit to hang out with gee in.
“Hmm.. flannel or no flannel?!.. uhhmm.. misfits shirt..? Do I cuff my jeans..??!!”
“Don’t over think it Frank.. just make a chill outfit and wear cologne to smell nice for him.”
Ray is on FaceTime with Frank.
“I-uhmm.. oookkay.. What about this outfit?”
“Ooh! That looks nice! Wear that! Wait.. have you two seen each other out of school?”
“Yeah we went to Starbucks after school once but we were In our uniforms so I’ve never seen him in normal clothes.”
“Oh.. just don’t worry..”
The next day (also gee’s pov now)
Gerard wakes up and checks the time. ITS 10:34AM!
He gets out of bad frantically and grabs jeans and a misfits shirt. He gets dressed and brushes teeth.
Frank comes over at 11:00am, so Gerard gotta hurry.
The doorbell rings. Frank is here.
Gerard runs to the door and opens it to see Frank standing there.
“H-hey!” Gerard says out of breath. “Hey!”
“Come in!”
Frank walks in and Gerard smells the nice smell of Frank’s cologne.
Gerard is really red and nervous to tell Frank.
“Wanna go to my room? I wanna show you it!”
They walk into gee’s room and it’s kinda messy with art stuff.
“Sorry if my room is messy..” “it’s fine!”
Gerard’s thoughts: “come onnnn!! You need to tell him now!! Come on you already told Mikey that you’re doing it!!”
“U-uhmm.. I- uhh..” “hm?”
“I wanted to know that I- I like you.. and it’s okay if you don’t like me!!”
Frank stays silent and cups Gerard’s soft face and kisses his lips.
“I- I’m sorry if that was so sudden.. I-“
Gerard cuts Frank off with a kiss.
Someone knocks on the door.
Gerard makes up something to not get caught.
“U-uhmm.. wanna play some animal crossing?”
They are both bright red.
Mikey walks in
“You guys are deaf.”
“Oh sorry we were playing on my switch.”
“I know you guys were making out.”
Mikey walks out and shuts the door.
“I-I’m sorry..”
“No your okay Frankie!”
Gerard kisses Frank’s forehead.
“Do you actually wanna play animal crossing?”
“Sure! It sounds fun!!”
They play animal crossing together for a while.
“Hey.. uh.. can I kiss you again..?”
Gerard goes red.
“of course! Why would I say no to you..” gee smiles.
Frank kisses gee. Gerard deepens the kiss by grabbing Frank’s waist and pulling him in.
Frank grabs Gerard’s shoulders and gets on his lap.
Gerard hears someone come over to the door and gets scared and pushes Frank off of him.
They are both red.
“Hold on..” Gerard whispers.
Gee’s mom walks in.
“Oh Gerard! You never told me you made a new friend!!” His mom smiles.
“Well good for you! I’m gonna go make dinner! Your friend has to leave later when dinner is ready. About in an hour!”
His mom walks out and shuts the door.
“Why did you push me?!”
“SHHH!!!! I don’t want my mom to know that I’m gay!! She does not know yet!!”
“Oh okay..”
“Sorry for pushing you off me..”
“It’s okay… y-you want a hug..?”
Frank nods his head and snuggles up to gee.
Gerard kisses Frank’s head.
Frank goes in for a kiss and grabs his by his shirt.
“Where were we..?”
Frank smiles at gee and passionately kisses him.
Gerard pulls him in and grabs his waist under Frank’s shirt and rubs his belly.
Frank’s hips twitch.
Frank rubs and plays with Gerard’s hair.
They stop kissing and press there foreheads together.
“H-how are you so good at that..”
Gerard says out of breath.
“I guess I’m just naturally good at making out..”
Gerard does little breathy giggles.
Frank kisses gee’s forehead and gets up.
Frank airs out his shirt. “It’s hot in here..”
“No.. it’s probably because you were kissing me..”
Frank laughs. “I love you, Gerard fucking Way..”
Gerard looks surprised and happy.
“Love you too, Frankie..”
“Gerard!! Dinners ready!! Have your friend get ready!!”
His mom yells.
“Okay!! Kay.. you gotta get ready.. put your shoes on so I can walk you out..”
“Oh you don’t have to walk me out!! I’m just gonna sit on the couch and text my mom to pick me up.”
“Oh, Okay!”
Frank is putting his shoes on while sitting on Gerard’s bed.
Gerard is sitting on the ground by Frank’s legs.
“T-that was the best make out session I’ve had before.. you were also my first kiss so..”
“Oh! Thank you..” Frank blushes.
“Okay let’s go downstairs.”
They walk downstairs and Frank sits on the couch and texts his mom.
“Here you go my love.”
“Thanks mom!”
Gee sits next to Frank and eats his dinner.
“I love you.” Gerard whispers.
Frank giggles.
“Oh! My mom’s here! Bye gee..” Frank hugs Gerard and kisses his ear.
“Bye Frank..”
Frank walks out the door and gets in his mom’s car.
Gerard gets up and puts his plate in the sink and runs to his room.
He goes into his room and closes the door.
He silently stomps in happiness.
“Oh my god!”
Mikey walks in.
“So.. what happened..?” Mikey smirks.
“U-uhh.. we.. we kissed.. a lot..”
“Of course you two did..also you two probably should not have sex at home..”
Mikey laughs.
“I-I mean.. I would when I move out..”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~chapter 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Frank’s pov.
Frank was chilling laying flat on his back and thinking about Gerard and that make out session.
Frank’s thoughts: “That kiss was amazing.. I miss him so much.. I want to do that again.. he looked so hot..”
Frank turns on his tv and watches whatever’s on tv.
Frank falls asleep.
The next day
Gerard’s pov
Gerard wakes up and grabs his phone to check the time. It’s 10:34am.
He hops out of bed and gets dressed. He puts on a black hoodie, skinny jeans, and socks.
He goes to brush his teeth.
While brushing his teeth his thoughts are: “I miss Frank.. I wanna hug him.. I wanna feel his soft skin…”
He goes downstairs to the bus. He gets on the bus and sees Frank saving him a seat next to him.
Gerard sits next to Frank.
“Hey!” “Hey” frank kisses gee.
Gerard smiles and lays his head on Frank’s shoulder.
Frank holds Gerard’s hand and rubs the side of it with his thumb.
“You’re so soft..”
Gerard smiles and squeezes his hand.
Gee falls asleep.
They arrive to school.
Frank rubs Gerard’s back.
“Hey.. you gotta wake up hun..”
Gerard groans and rubs his eyes.
“Let’s get off the bus..”
They get off the bus and walk to school and put there stuff in there lockers.
They sit there and hold hands.
“You tired?”
Frank kisses the top of Gerard’s head.
“You should get more sleep. Wanna sleepover at my house? We both go to our own houses and you can pack your stuff and I’ll pick you up!”
“Sure! I’d love to..”
Gerard kisses the side of Frank’s face.
“I love you little sleepy head..”
Gerard squeezes Frank’s hand.
The bell rings and it’s science.
“Let’s go to science, love.”
Gerard is so tired he stays in silence and holds Frank’s arm.
They get to class and sit in there chairs.
~~~~~~~~~~Hours later after school~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everyone gets on the bus and Gerard gets lost in the massive crowd. He gets on the bus and waits for Frankie.
Frank gets on the bus and sits down next to him.
“Cuddle me..”
Gerard’s eyes are halfway closed from being so exhausted.
“Come here, love…”
Gerard leans into Frank. Frank wraps his arms around gee and cuddles him.
“I love you so much..” Frank mumbles.
Gerard falls asleep.
Its Gerard’s stop.
Frank rubs Gerard’s side. “It’s your stop, hun..”
“Okay.. bye..”
Gerard gets up and grabs his backpack and gets off the bus to get home.
“Hey Mikey…”
“Hey. Why do you sound so tired?”
“I didn’t get much sleep..”
Gerard walks upstairs to take a nap.
Gerard drops flat onto his bed and passes out.
Gee wakes up and checks the time. It’s 6:32pm.
Gerard gets up and puts on comfy clothes and packs a bag of his uniform, blanket, phone charger, and tooth brush and toothpaste.
He goes downstairs and sits on the couch and texts Frank.
“You texting your boyfriend?”
“Mhm. I’m sleeping over.”
“You better not fuck.”
“Shut up!!”
Gerard is annoyed by Mikey poking fun at him.
Frank and his mom pull over in front of Gerard’s house.
He gets a text that says “I’m here, babe.”
“Kay I gotta go! Bye Mikey.”
“See ya.”
Gerard walks outside and gets in Frank’s car.
“Hey babe!” Frank side hugs gee.
“Hey.” Gerard giggles.
They get to Frank’s house and walk inside.
“Let me show you to my room!”
Frank grabs Gerard’s hand and leading him to his bedroom.
“Ooh.. cool room!”
“Thank you!”
Gerard sits his bad down and gets on Frank’s bed.
“Join me.” Gerard says in a soft voice.
Frank giggles and gets on his bed with Gerard.
He lays on Gerard’s chest.
“Mmmh.. you’re so warm, baby..”
Gerard rubs Frank’s hair.
“Your so beautiful..”
They both pass out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~chapter 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gerard wakes up. He’s pinned down by Frankie laying on his chest. He grabs his phone and checks the time. It’s 10:38pm.
Gerard rubs Frank’s hair with his fingers.
“Hun, wake up.. we should watch a movie!”
“Mmmmhh.. okay..”
Frank slowly gets up and sits there. He rubs his eyes and looks at Gerard. He looks so pretty and soft.
Frank hugs Gerard.
“I love you..”
“I Love you too, baby..”
“Lets go make some popcorn!”
They get up and go to the kitchen and make some popcorn.
Frank grabs the popcorn and puts it in the microwave.
“Mmm.. it smells good!”
Frank grabs the popcorn and they go to his room.
“What do you wanna watch?”
“Hmmm.. the shining?”
Frank turns on the tv and puts on The Shinning.
They watch it for a while.
Gerard cuddles up to Frank.
Frank kisses gee’s forehead.
“I love you, Frank..”
“I love you too, Gerard..”
“I’m tired, Frankie..”
“I know you are.. you can sleep.. I’m tired too.”
“Okay.. can you cuddle me so I can’t sleep??”
“Of course I will, Love.”
Gee blushes.
They get comfy and turn off the movie and fall asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Morning babe..” Frank rubs gee’s back to wake him up.
“Mmmmhh.. morning..”
“Let’s get up now.. we have school.. remember..”
“Oh.. fuck.. okay..”
Gerard gets up.
Gerard gets undressed and puts on his uniform in front of Frank.
“W-woah- your just gonna strip down in front of me-“
“What? I know you don’t care.”
Frank is bright red from seeing Gerard change clothes right in front of him.
“You’re so pretty.” Gerard walks over to Frank and cups his face and kisses his lips.
Frank grabs Gerard’s waist and pulls him onto himself.
Gerard kisses Frank hard.
“I love you..”
Gerard smiles at Frankie.
They kiss for a while.
“W-what, Frankie?”
They rush to get their stuff together.
They run to the bus and get on.
They sit down and are tired from running.
“Oh my god.. thank god we made it..” Gerard says out of breath.
“We should do something fun after school.” Frank whispers to gee.
Gerard goes red thinking of something else.
“W-wait… you wanna.. d-do that..?”
Frank was shocked from that.
“N-no!! Not that!!”
Gerard way relieved.
“Okay..” gee sighs.
“I mean some weed..” Frank whispers in Gerard’s ear. Frank smirks at gee.
“Ooh.. That sounds good..”
They hold hands and they get to school.
They get off the bus and walk into school.
They see a high school graduation poster on the wall.
“Oh my god! Graduation!!” Gerard says excited.
“Awh.. I won’t see you in a year though..”
Frank is really sad that he won’t see him in a year because he will not be at school with him.
“Hey! You can still see me!! I’m not wanting to go to college.”
Frank’s face lit up.
“Oh okay!!” Frank smiles.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It’s after school graduation.
Frank is sitting there seeing all the people going up and getting their papers.
Then he smiles really big.
He sees Gerard going up there.
After all the grads throw their hats.
Frank runs over to gee and gives him a big hug.
“You did it, Gerard!!!”
Gerard squeezes Frank tightly.
“Yes! I did!!”
Gerard tears up.
“I love you, Gerard.”
“I love you too, Frank.”
They kiss.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~after school.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
They get to Frank’s house and go in the backyard.
“Lemme grab the joint.”
Frank goes inside and grabs some weed.
He goes outside and hands it to Gerard.
“Happy graduation!”
Gerard giggles. “Thanks..”
They light up the weed and inhale.
“Yep.. it’s crazy..”
Gerard gets high pretty easily even though he never really smokes.
“I feel soft and light… feel me, Frankie..”
Frank isn’t that high yet and is aware of Gerard acting weird.
“Come onn Frankie..”
Gerard gets on Frank.
“Feel me Frank…”
Gerard kisses Frank.
“Gerard- my p-parents are here-“ Frank says through Gerard’s kisses.
“Nooo.. stay with meee…I wanna-“
Frank cuts off gee him knowing what he was gonna say.
“N-nope! We cant!”
“Aww.. baby whyyy… please.. I need you..”
“Shush Gerard!!”
Gerard goes to Frank’s pants.
“Gerard!!! Get off my me!!!” Frank slightly pushes him off of himself.
“I need to take you to bed and let you sober up..”
“Take me to bed, baby..” Gerard smirks.
“I mean you need to sleep!”
“Yeah. Sleep with you…”
“Gerard!! You need to fucking sleep!!! I don’t want to hear it!!”
Frank grabs Gerard’s hand and basically drags him inside.
Frank sits Gerard onto his bed.
“Okay. Now we NEED to sleep. Go to fucking sleep.” Frank says annoyed at Gerard.
“Fine. You sound like my mommy.”
Frank grabs Gerard and cuddles him.
Gerard cuddles him back and they both fall asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gerard wakes up to Frank snuggling him.
Gee has a really bad headache. Like a hungover feeling.
“Frankie.. wake up..”
Frank groans. “What..?”
“You need to wake up.. what happened last night?”
“Oh my god… okay uhmm..”
Frank tells Gerard the story and talks about how he was being such a whore to him and trying to get in his pants.
Gerard hugs him. “I-I’m sorry Frank..!!”
“Your okay..”
Frank kisses Gerard.
Gerard grabs Frank to make out.
Frank was startled.
They make out for a while.
Frank moves away same with gee.
“Y-you’re good at that..” Frank blushes.
Gerard giggles.
“I love you.”
“Love you too..”
They get out of bed and Gerard puts back on his clothes since he got hot in the middle of the night.
“You look good..”
“Mmm.. you like what you see?” Gerard laughs.
Frank goes over to gee and hugs him from behind.
“Frank!! Let me get dressed!!”
Frank laughs.
“You’re cold..”
“Yeah.. it’s freezing outside.”
Gerard gets dressed and puts a scarf on and turns around.
“How do I look, babe?”
Frank got flustered from Gerard calling him ‘babe’ he was bright red.
“You look cute..”
Gerard giggles.
Frank hugs Gerard and breaths heavily.
Gerard feels him breathing heavily.
“You okay, baby..?”
Frank gets butterflies from gee calling him these names.
Frank groans.
Gerard rubs his back in circles.
“I love you, babe..”
Frank’s Eyes become heavy from Gerard rubbing his back.
“You should get dress, hun.”
They stop hugging and Frank gets undressed and looks for clothes.
“You get undressed and look for clothes??”
“Yeah, so I don’t have to get dressed after and get hair on my clothes immediately.”
Frank grabs his clothes and puts them on with some skeleton fingerless gloves.
“Nice gloves!”
“Thanks! I made them!”
“Wow they look so cool!”
“Want me to make you a matching pair?”
“Sure! I don’t want fingerless though.”
“Ah, okay.”
“I should go see Mikey and my mom. They are probably worried about me since I was gone all night and all morning.”
“Oh. Yeah.. I’ll go with you.”
“Aw thanks!”
They walk outside and it’s snowing! They get in Frank’s car and drive to Gee’s house.
They are driving there and Gerard is scared to death that his mom is gonna yell at him for being gone for almost 17 hours.
“You okay, Gee?”
“I’m just worried..”
Frank puts his hand on Gerard’s thigh and rubs it.
“You’ll be okay, love.”
Gerard puts his hand on Frank’s and holds it.
They get there and walk inside.
Gerard’s mom isn’t angry or disappointed. She was just a little scared. His mom hugs him tightly.
Gerard was surprised that she did not yell at him.
“You’re a adult now. You’re free to do whatever if it’s not illegal.” His mom giggles.
“I love you mom.”
“Love you too.”
“So who’s this? Is this your friend from high school??”
“W-well..” Gerard pauses and looks are Frank. Frank nods his head.
“W-well he’s not my friend.. he’s my boyfriend.”
“I mean I knew you were gay.”
Mikey busts out laughing.
Frank smiles.
“So what’s his name?”
“Frank iero.”
“Aw! That’s a cute name!! Nice to meet you Frank!” Gee’s mom shakes his hand.
“Nice to meet you too ma’am.”
“We are just gonna like stay at each other’s houses until he’s like 18 and we can move out!”
“Oh okay! I’m fine with that! Unless you clean this house.”
Gerard giggles. “Ok!”
“Let’s go to my room, love.” Gerard whispers to Frank and smiles at him.
Frank nods his head and they go upstairs to Gerard’s room.
“Come here, babe.” Gerard smirks and cups Frank’s face.
They kiss.
Gerard grabs Frank’s waist and pulls him in to deepen the kiss.
Frank wraps his arms around Gerard’s waist.
Frank let’s his tongue in Gerard’s mouth. His hands start to roam.
Gerard stops kissing to look at him. He’s breathing heavily from Frank doing that.
“Y-you’re good with you’re tongue..” Frank blushes.
“Yeah..?” Frank smirks.
“You feel so soft..” Frank says blushing a little bit.
Gerard holds Frank’s hand and they gaze at each other.
They share another kiss.
Frank sticks his tongue back in Gerard’s mouth.
Gerard puts his hands on Frank’s chest and squeezes his shirt.
Gerard stops kissing Frank and goes for his neck. He starts sucking on his neck.
Frank holds in a moan so no one in the house hears him.
“P-please.. I’m loud I don’t want your mom to h-hear…”
Gerard does not stop.
Frank grabs Gerard’s shirt and tugs on it for him to stop.
“I-p-please.. Gerard…I-“ a moan almost slips out and he bites in inside of his cheek so he won’t let it out.
Gerard finally stops and looks at Frank. Frank is so red and sweaty.
“I-I don’t know what came over me..I- I’m sorry, babe..”
Gerard hugs Frank tightly.
“I-it’s okay.. it felt nice.. I just did not want your mom to hear me..”
“Oh.. wanna watch a tv show?”
“I’m sorry.. here.. let’s go wash you’re face..”
They go to the bathroom and Frank turns on the sink. Slowly washing his face and trying to make it not bright red and sweaty looking.”
“Wanna get high..?”
“Oh! Sure!”
They walk back into Gee’s room and Frank grabs a joint for them both.
Frank lights one up. He inhales it and blows out.
Frank hands the joint to Gerard and he inhales it. Then he blows it out.
“Oh shit.. I forgot about how you are when you’re high..”
“O-oh shit..”
Gerard inhales the joint and hands it to Frank. Gee blows out.
“I’m sorry for what happened last time..”
Frank inhales and hands it to Gerard. “It’s okay.. you were just acting very slutty.”
Gerard giggles and inhales.
Frank blows out. “I’m done with this.. I’m too tired for this shit. What do I do with this?”
“Uh.. I can dump it in water and toss it out the window!”
Frank goes to the bathroom with the joint and runs it under the cold water. He goes back to the room and opens the window. He wipes it on his jeans and throws it out the window so his mom won’t find it.
“Okay! Thanks!”
“There. It will be covered in snow so she definitely won’t find it!”
Gerard smiles
“Love you.”
“Love you too, babe.”
Gerard still gets butterflies when Frank calls him ‘babe’ ‘love’ ‘hun’ ‘baby’
“I-I forgot.. when’s you’re birthday?”
“January! So 1 month and then we can move in together!!” Frank smiles.
“Okay! Well I’m trying to work jobs for us to get a nice small apartment because I know I won’t be able to afford a house.”
“Right.. I should get a job too! So we will have the money faster!!”
“You sure? You’re only 17..”
“I know.. but I really want to live with you because I love you!”
Gerard smiles.
Frank’s phone vibrates. He grabs his phone and checks it. He looks really sad.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“M-my mom said we can’t hangout till we move out..”
“W-what?!” Gerard is pissed. Why does his mom not want us to hang out. What does she think we are doing?!
“She says you’re a bad influence on me..”
“I don’t know..”
“S-she says I have to come home now..”
Frank looks scared and sad. Almost tearing up.
“I’ll keep you safe..”
Gerard cuddles him.
Frank starts crying.
“I-I love you.. I’m gonna miss you..”
“I’m gonna miss you too..”
Gerard kisses Frank’s forehead.
“Make sure to call me everyday..”
“I promise..”
Frank kisses Gerard.
“Let me walk you outside, hun..”
They walk downstairs and Gerard opens the door to see Frank’s mom looking incredibly pissed off.
Frank walks to the car and gets in.
Gerard waves bye at Frank and they drive away.
Gerard starts to cry.
Mikey gets up off the couch and hugs Gerard.
“I-I’m gonna miss Frank..”
“Yeah.. I mean it’s only one month..”
They stop hugging and Gerard goes upstairs.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~chapter 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gerard goes in his room and collects himself.
He grabs his car keys and goes downstairs.
He gets in his car and drives away.
The radio turns on and plays some nirvana.
Gerard tears up thinking about Frank.
He arrives to the corner store and gets out.
He walks in and goes to the alcohol section.
He grabs some booze and goes to the cash register.
He pays and leaves.
He gets in his car and it’s 12:32am. He gets home and everyone is asleep.
Gerard sits on the couch and opens the booze.
He starts drinking.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It’s 3:02am. Gerard passes out and has the empty bottle of booze laying next to him.
Mikey goes downstairs to get some water and sees Gerard passed out with some booze.
He gives him a water bottle and trades the booze with a water bottle.
Mikey goes outside and puts the bottle in the trash to hide it from their mother.
Mikey grabs his water and goes upstairs.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gerard wakes up. Face flushed and drowsy feeling.
“Morning gee.” Says Mikey disappointed.
“H-huh.. what happened..”
“You got drunk.”
“Oh.. glad Frank didn’t know because he would hate me.”
Gerard walks upstairs to go shower.
He turns on the shower and grabs a towel and some clothes. He grabs his phone so he can go on it while the shower heats up.
Gerard sits on the toilet lid and texts Frank:
“hey, love” “hey! How are you doing? I miss you!”
“I’m doing good! I’m just waiting for my shower to heat up”
“I wish I was with you right now..”
Gerard smiles. “I wish you were here too.”
“I love you babe.” “Love you too.”
Gerard turns off his phone and gets undress and hops in the shower.
He sits there with the hot water hitting his greasy black dyed hair. Black water from the hair dye runs down his face staining his face a little bit.
He grabs the shampoo and starts washing his greasy black hair.
Ten minutes later
He gets out of the shower and grabs his phone. It’s ringing. Frank’s calling.
“Hello?” “Hey! I just wanted to check up on you”
“Oh okay!..I miss you, Love.”
Frank blushes. “I miss you too..”
“Do you wanna hang out after work?”
“Yeah! I get off at 3:00pm, when do you get off?”
“At 5:00pm. So maybe wanna go get dinner then?”
“Sure! I’d love too, Gerard!”
“Okay! So at 5:25pm I’ll pick you up?”
“Okay! Love you, Frankie!!”
“Love you too, Gee!”
Gerard ends the call.
He grabs his black towel for his dyed hair.
He wraps his towel around his waist and goes to his room to get dressed.
Gee grabs some black skinny jeans, and a misfits shirt.
He gets dressed. He goes downstairs and grabs his car keys and hood in his car. He drives to work.
Hours later.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Frank’s pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Frank’s phone gets a text from Gee. “I’m getting off work! See you soon!”
“Oh shit! I forgot!!”
Frank gets up and grabs some slightly nicer clothes.
He gets undressed fast and gets dressed.
He puts on some black jeans and a maroon button up shirt with slightly pushed up sleeves.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gerard’s pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gerard gets home and puts on a nicer shirt. He puts on a black button up shirt to go with his black skinny jeans.
He goes Downstairs and gets In his car and drives to Frank’s house to pick him up.
20 minutes later Gee arrives at Frank’s house
Gerard walks up to Frank’s house and knocks on the door.
Frank opens the door to see a nervous Gerard.
“S-sorry if I don’t look that nice- i- grabbed my cardigan in a rush because it was cold- a-and I-“
Gerard was cut off by a soft kiss from Frank.
Frank slowly pulls away from the kiss and they make eye contact.
“You’re okay sweetheart. You don’t have to look you’re best for me.”
Gerard goes red and looks down. “I-I just wanted to look like the ‘attractive boyfriend that comes to your house to pick you up for a date’ ”
“It’s okay babe! You don’t have to do that for me!”
Frank rubs Gerard’s hips with his thumbs.
Gerard kisses frank. He wishes that Frank was taller then him so he could go on his tippy toes.
“You’re so cute when you’re blushing.” Frank says through a big smile.
Gerard giggles. “We should get going to our date!”
They walk to Gerard’s car and get in.
They drive to a Italian restaurant.
“Ooh! This looks nice!”
“Yeah! I used to go here when I was little with my parents for birthdays!”
“I had to sneak out just to hang out with you..” Frank whispers over to Gerard.
Gerard gets this worried face. “W-what if she finds out.. then she really won’t let us be together..”
Frank squeezes Gerard’s hand. “Hey! Don’t be sad.. I’ll handle it when she finds out..”
“I-I’m just scared she’ll hurt you..”
“I’ll be alright, sweetie..”
Gerard blushes at what Frank called him. ‘Sweetie’ it gave him butterflies.
They go in the restaurant and follow the waitress to their table.
They sit down and chat.
“I’m excited for the food!! I’m gonna get some spaghetti!” Frank says while smiling big.
Gerard smiles. His cheeks are pinkish.
“I’m gonna get the same.”
After they ate
Gerard grabs Frank’s hands on the table and they make eye contact.
“I’ll keep you safe..”
Frank smiles and goes red.
Gerard rubs Frank’s hands with his thumb.
“Wanna go to my house after?”
“I-I can’t..” Frank looks scared for his life.
“Why..?” Gerard gets really worried.
“I have to get home quickly before my mom gets off work..”
“When does she get off..?”
Frank sighs. “7:00pm..”
“Oh shit.. we gotta pay and get you home!!”
Gerard gets the ticket and pays.
They get up and leave quickly.
“I really hope she does not know I was with you.. she’ll yell at me..” Frank starts to tear up.
“Let’s get in the car.”
They get in the car and drive to Frank’s house and quickly drop him off.
“Bye, love!” Gee kisses Frank’s soft lips.
“Bye, Gerard..!”
Frank gets out and runs inside.
Gerard is pretty worried that his mom came home early or she will find out..
Gerard drives to the nearest Walmart and parks.
He walks in and goes to the hair stuff section.
He grabs teal hair dye and bleach and goes to check out.
Gerard gets home and runs upstairs with hair dye and bleach in a Walmart bag.
“Looks like he’s changing his hair again..” said Mikey.
Gerard gets to the bathroom and quickly and excitedly gets the bleach and hair dye out.
“Oh my god!!! I love my teal roots!!” Gerard said jumping up and down.
Gerard texts Frank and sends him a mirror selfie.
Frank on text message: “oh my god!!! I love you’re hair!!!!”
“Thank you!” Gerard giggles.
“Oh I forgot!! My birthday is next week!!!!”
“Oh my god!! Yay!!!” Gerard smiles.
“Gerard!!! Get out of the bathroom!! I need to pee!!” Mikey says annoyed.
Gerard groans. “Fine!”
Mikey runs into the bathroom after Gerard walks out.
“Jeez..” says Gerard.
A week later. It’s Frank’s 18th birthday!
Frank’s pov:
Frank pets his dog. “I’m so excited to move in with Gerard!!” Frank giggles.
“I should call up Gerard! We should go get boba!!”
Frank grabs his phone and calls Gerard.
“Hey! Wanna go get boba for my birthday?”
“Sure! Also, you should meet one of me and Mikey’s friend!”
“Oh okay! So should I go to your house or..?”
“Yeah come over!”
“Okay! See you there!!”
“Bye frank!”
“Bye Gerard!!!”
Frank puts his phone in his pocket and goes outside.
He hops on his bike and bikes to Gerard’s house.
Frank arrives to Gee’s house and and knocks on his door.
Gerard opens the door and gives Frank a big hug.
Frank giggles.
“Happy birthday Frankie!!”
Gerard kisses Frank on the cheek.
“Hi Gerard!!!” Frank laughs.
“Come in! You need to meet Ray!!”
“Hello! My names Ray.” Ray says and waves at Frank.
Frank gets nervous and waves at Ray.
Gerard puts his arm around Frank.
“This is Frank! My boyfriend.” Gerard says.
“Oh I didn’t know you had a boyfriend!” Ray say’s surprised.
Frank lays his head on Gerard’s shoulder and bumps him. “I’m tired babe..” Frank whispers in Gerard’s ear.
Gerard still chatting with Ray and Mikey. He rubs Frank’s arm with his hand.
“Well..I’m gonna go to my interview! I can’t wait to get this job!!” Ray says smiling in excitement.
“Nice!! Hope you get the job!” Gerard says pulling Frank in closer.
‘Why’s Frank so quiet?’ Mikey thought. “You okay Frank?” Mikey says.
“Yeah.. I’m just a little tired..”
“Ah okay.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~about one week later~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gerard gets out of his car with a gift box and knocks on Frank’s door.
Frank opens the door to see Gerard. Gee’s face is rosy red with a cute scarf to add on to it.
“Hey!! I didn’t know you were coming over!” Frank says smiling.
Gerard goes in for a nice warm hug.
“I love you Frankie..”
Frank giggles. “Love you too Gee.”
Frank opens the door for Gerard to come inside.
“Ooh! You got me a gift?” Frank says. blushing a little.
“Y-yeah.. sorry if it was so late.. it took me so long to get money for it..” Gerard says going bright red from embarrassment.
“Hey it’s okay hun..” Frank says.
“I wanna see what’s in it now!!” Frank giggles.
“Okay! Here u go!” Gerard says. He hands Frank the gift.
Frank opens the gift quickly.
He opens it and sees some keys with a note.
Frank looks up at Gerard confused.
He opens the note and reads it quietly.
The note says ‘Frank you’re the love of my life and I want to share it with you. (Keys to our new apartment)’
Frank looks up at Gerard and goes red.
He kisses Gerard.
They pull away.
Gerard giggles. “I love you Frank iero..”
Frank has the most cute giddy smile. “I love you too Gerard Way!” Frank lays his head on Gerard’s shoulder and laughs.
Sorry if it ended to abruptly !! I just got to tired of writing this- also I am a little sick while writing this end thingy-
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softastarlight · 9 months
When u r simply teeny tiny but ur friends wanna go drinking
0 notes
katmk36 · 6 months
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Carlo tends to spend his mornings training with Amelia's father in the Magic Realm.
When home he will sell potions he has made, paint, and study magic tomes.
He will end his night with a small drink.
19 notes · View notes
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|| 🖤 ||: ❝ Surely I'm not that much of a prick? ❞
She giggles, moving any remaining source of alcohol away from the vampire,
|| 🖤 ||: ❝ I have plenty of love for my Prince, I'm just good and hiding it. Now, my dear, how about we get you cleaned up and to bed, hm? ❞
[Grimbright demanded to reply if that's alright]
Jewel barely stretched out her hands to try to grab what was being taken away. She pouts.
Like that’ll do anything to change Grimbright's mind. 
“You’re mean.” Jewel deflates her hands slack as she’s simply too tired to chase the booze. 
An unwilling to extend herself. When it would only travel further away from her.
“Have kinder eyes-” 
Jewel hates the way Grim seems to see her. 
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cashbotbosshq · 2 years
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14 notes · View notes
probablyvocabulary · 2 years
*Micah and Dick in a drinking competition*
Dick: Hey Micah you what happened last time you tried to beat me?
Micah: Well Dick, I’m not what has happened to me. I’m what I choose to become.
*Micah passes out at the fifth shot*
0 notes
gloriouswasteland · 2 years
I was vibing in Just B the other night with a group of people in a private room and talk was getting warmer and warmer and the guy in the corner was saying "I am on my 6th beer and am about to vomit." Then we all consoled him so he he didnt.
0 notes
snowdrop-yoongi · 2 years
i cant see straight
0 notes
decease-soul · 2 years
lovin my buzz balls :3
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