#tw brief mention of smoking when pregnant
div1nity · 1 year
small little thing before next week is jam packed with finishing up with school . here's just some things about pregnant!coraline i just been thinkin .
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i feel like , pregnancy is really hard for coraline - i mean , it is for everyone , but i feel like she feels it on such another level because it's is the most human she's ever , ever felt - because of that , her magic takes a step back , doesn't numb it like it would other pains - especially because there's a part of her willing her magic away because she wants to feel it authentically , so where it could help , she's not allowing it to . her hormones are off the charts , constantly up and down in every which way and it makes her want to curl up into a corner . she is going to need so much help in the delivery room , probably one of those cases where she's so drugged up she's asleep for a good couple of days and the doctors/nurses need to keep an eye on her ISDFISFISHFSF she's a gangsta until she knocks her hip on the counter or ends up in this situation, other pains ? getting punched, hit, stabbed ? ez peasy, this ? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
her morning sickness is bad , not enough to be diagnosed hyperemesis gravidarum , but damn well close .
working from home becomes a norm pretty early on , it helps not being out and about as much . luckily , it works out - coraline is a dedicated worker , when she wants something done , or wants something learned , it happens , maybe a little delayed than usual , but she does it and will still end up on top . it's also called not knowing when to say no and giving herself the rest she deserves . coraline please it wont kill you to rest you don't always have to be doing something .
smell aversions : coffee ( actually cries and wonders if its worth it when realising she has to put a pause on her caffine addictoin, it's been getting her through since stopping speed like fr ) , sweetcorn , peas , cheese , pickles .
food cravings : the same as when she's on her period tbh but its soooo much worse . loves her sugar and meats ; specifically , cookies , waffles and ice cream / whipped cream , fr needs to be handcuff because the amount of sugar cannot be healthy SODFHOSIFHSIODF and when it comes to main foods , beef , chicken , bacon and is an absolute nightmare for pasta .
becomes aware of how awkward she sits when her bump starts to get bigger ; cannot get comfy to save her life, wdym i cant sit side ways ? wdym i cant bring my knees up to my chest ? wdym i cant just hop up on the counter , that i cant raise my legs on the table top ? life is a fucking nightmare .
REALLY DEALS WITH THE LOSS OF BOOZE AND WEED . OH THAT SHIT HITS HER LIKE A TONNE OF BRICKS . towards the end , coraline is good at pacing herself . but god , they're still her vices - especially when she's in so much pain and wanting to just get the tinest bit of relief , the girl quit everything else , it's all she has - the backpain, the ever changing hormones, she's losing the will to live .
absolutely smokes late on in the pregnancy just to finally experience some relief then spends the next few days feeling like a horrible mother until she outs herself to the doctor and they're like ' is it the only time you did it ? ' '...yes but' 'it's not great but that's still good, lets work out some support system so you can fight the urge to smoke again' 'please give me drugs:('
despises maternity clothes shopping , holds off as long as she can before FINE, I'LL FIND NEW CLOTHES fuck you bolder in my stomach
100/10 experience . would do it again , wasn't all bad and what was bad it was the best thing she's ever lived through in hindsight .
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konigsblog · 5 months
i just love scumbag!soap, poor Reader having to deal with him but After She left home di he tried to find her? see the child?
Sorry for any mistake, English Is not my First language
tw: toxic relationship, manipulation & guilt tripping, scumbag!soap, toxic!soap, soap is a huge asshole, talk of pregnancy.
(brief mentions of alcohol, cheating & drugs.)
despite lashing out on you after figuring out about your pregnancy, he was beginning to regret all his hurtful words. he was blocked on all social media platforms, you'd been ignoring his calls before you blocked him completely, making sure he had no way to contact you.
but, that didn't stop johnny. he was determined to figure out your location and raise his kid, regardless of all his hurtful words, and what he said about you being pregnant. at first, he didn't want to believe that this was his child; through fear of being a horrible father. but, after weeks without your sex love, he was beginning to miss your body you. :(
he threatened all your friends, even your family, demanding answers for your location. and when he found you, he was more emotional than pissed off like he expected to be. johnny thought he'd have a screaming match with you for running off, even though he was aware of all the horrible things he'd said and done. but, he practically crumbled to his knees in desperation and despair, crying for forgiveness.
unfortunately, he knows your weak spots; he's a true manipulater, he's amazing at guilt tripping, and he had you shaking with anxiety as he pleaded for forgiveness, watching you hesitate before allowing him with a meek, quiet voice. truly, you didn't want this — in fact, you had already began brainstorming ideas to get him out your life... but, in a few weeks, johnny had you head over heels once again, absolutely inlove with him despite his toxicity.
of course, he continued to go out, cheat, drink, smoke, do drugs, everything. he didn't change, but, simply enough, he couldn't stand the thought of you being independent. :(
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The Littlest Lelouch
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Characters: Clavis Lelouch, unnamed wife, OC (baby), brief cameos
Rating: pg13 (?)
Genre: Saccharine fluff, dash of angst, humor (sfw)
WC: 1,296
Warnings: Mentions of battle/blood/death (none happen on-screen), mentions of pregnancy and birth (none graphic), afab oc/insert and female pronouns, (are babies a tw?), humor of the aerin variety, not proofread, potential minor Clavis route spoilers?
Request?: Yes (currently open? also yes. pls see pinned first!)
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Summary: As it would happen, having to work with the bloody beast means often having to pick up after said beast, or even indulge in the sins of war. Unfortunately for Rhodolite palace’s resident mischief maker, the call of his duty could not have come at a worse time.
A/N: Apologies if it is a bit OOC or would benefit from better pacing, I haven't read Clavis' route in a bit and he's a little tricky to nail at times without me getting cliché. (Sorry this one isn't gender neutral, for the folks familiar with my general fluff.) I worked to the best of my current ability, as the request was a bit vague. Feel free to stop by and request again sometime, nonnie!
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          Clavis’ wife was due soon, expecting their first child amidst the frills and flowers that come with Spring. And excited they were to welcome the newest member of the Lelouch gang when Clavis suddenly receives summons for a round table meeting. It isn’t until much later that he returns, brows furrowing as he walks through the doors to the couple’s shared room at the palace.
         “Dearie me,” Clavis starts, running a singular gloved hand through his lilac locks, boring holes into the wall as he figured out how to best break this to his very pregnant wife. No amount of trying to haggle with the court would get him out of this, much as he tried. Hesitantly, Clavis’ wife pipes up, wanting to console her husband who seems he may fray at the seams any moment.
         “What’s wrong, Clavis? Cat got your tongue?” She jokes, waddling over best as she can, causing Clavis to fret and meet her halfway. He is far too overprotective sometimes, she feels, but understands he is that way out of sheer love for her.
         “Council was held today.” Clavis starts, receiving an acknowledging hum from his wife. At his uncharacteristic pause, she nods, gently trying to urge him to continue his train of thought. “I will have to be away for a while,” and in true Clavis fashion, he tries to soften the blow the best way he knows how.
         “Oh, but don’t you both go missing me too much. I know just how to console my lovely, dearest wife-”
         “Clavis.” If he insists on acting fine, then she will shoulder it for them both and allow him to save face.. this time. “I’ll miss you too, darling. Please come home safe.” With eyes that look like he is trying his best to hold back tears, Clavis dons his most convincing smile, gently pulling his wife in as closely as he comfortably can by her waist.
         “I knew you couldn’t resist your handsome husband,” he murmurs, pressing a loving kiss to her lips, fitting every apology known to man in the sincere way Clavis cherishes her so. Pulling away, he rests his head atop hers, cursing his fate and drasted brother for nearly ruining yet another special occasion in his life.
         As the fateful day comes, Clavis parts from his beautiful wife, reassuring her he will be fine just as much as she does him. Riding off atop his royal steed, he waves farewell without looking back, steeling himself and all of his best inventions to end this damn thing as early as physically possible. In his plan, he hopes to lure out the enemies and confuse them with his myriad of (smoke) bombs, so that he and Chevalier may be able to finish with time to spare.
         “If I miss my child’s birth, this time I really will kill you,” Clavis threatens. At this, Chevalier simply scoffs and rides away. Cyran shakes his head, a mundane ordeal when it comes to these two.
         As fate would have it, back at the castle, just a few days after the second and third prince had set out to quell skirmishes along the borders, his wife goes into labor. It would seem the third prince’s child was not a very patient one, wishing to meet everyone as quickly as possible. Panic spreads, the early arrival of the baby having the maids rush to get everything together shortly after her water breaks. Though her husband is not present in body, he is present with her in spirit, and in all of the reading they had done together to better prepare themselves for their little one’s arrival.
         After many painful hours, a cry is heard, and thus the third prince of Rhodolite and his wife welcome a tiny baby Lelouch into the world. Hardly visible for how light a color it is, there are the smallest tufts of the signature lilac stands upon her head, and piercing eyes of gold. Having already decided upon possible names beforehand, his wife holds baby Felicia (a tribute to Clavis’ late mother Leticia) in her arms, exhausted but moved to tears over the life they created, together.
         It isn’t until two full days later, that Clavis returns home. The congratulations he receives upon his arrival is both the best and worst of news, for he is grateful they are both alive and well, but terribly distraught to have missed the birth of his first child (and being unable to support his wife as she always does him). He quickly stops by the baths, not wanting to greet them with blood still on his person.
         Gingerly, Clavis makes his way to where he finds both of his Lelouch girls, heart caught in his throat at the sight. Upon his arrival, their daughter is waving her hands around, trying to grab at her mother while she rocks her gently and sings. The gentle smile on her face brings back bittersweet memories, and an ache for a loved one he will never see again. He knows how loved their child will be, even in the most cursed depths of the royal court, and vows to never allow a hair on their heads harm, lest their enemies summon the nightmare that is Lelouchian fury above them. (Assuming they can read the warning letter.)
         “Welcome home, Clavis.” Having spotted him out of the corner of her eye, Clavis’ wife brandishes her grin his way, the glow apparent from what he could only describe as “the light of a thousand- no, a million- no, a hundred million suns!”
          “And say hi to your daddy, Felicia,” she coos, patting the baby’s back gently as she sits up further in bed. “But please don’t learn from his example.” Clavis theatrically slaps a hand over his chest, looking exasperated, as if he hasn’t the faintest clue what she could be referring to.
         “What better example would she have to learn from, aside from my most lovely wife?” Clavis sits at the edge of the bed by her side, leaning in to place a kiss to her forehead, lingering at her scent. “Would you rather she learn from one of my brothers?” At her grimace, he laughs, husky and warm and everything deliciously Clavis.
         “I was hoping Sariel could tutor her the way he did me,” she jokes, enjoying the look Clavis shoots her. “I’m kidding, love. Honestly.” He is still grimacing when she stifles her laugh. “Would you like to hold her?”
         Nothing in the world could have prepared Clavis for the reaction of finally getting to hold his beautiful, delicate baby girl in his arms… only to have her immediately begin wailing. Clavis tries everything he can to get her to stop crying, but she is only finally comforted by the feel and smell of mom, who she has become most acquainted with in her two shorts days on this Earth. A true connoisseur knows how to relish in the saltiest of tears, but these in particular left a sting in his heart. But no matter, he won over his wife’s heart, and he’ll win over his daughter’s affections. Clavis understands the appeal of being in his wife’s arms, he must admit, only slightly jealous of all her attention not being on him now.
         And if there’s anything that made Clavis happier than his wedding and the birth of his child, it’s that his little girl would prove to show her affections with signature Lelouch pitfalls. Clavis-patented, Yves-tested, Felicia-approved.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Free - Michael 'Riz' Ariza x Reader
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TW: Very brief mention of abortion and DV. Drug taking.
Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life, @danzer8705 @mysoulisasunflower @vannabanana1995
It’s one in the morning and you’re up, sitting on the back porch, smoking a joint as you stare out into the depths of Riz’s small back garden. It’s sparse with a yucca and a couple of cacti and agaves scattered around to break up the grey. Somehow it works, those pops of green adding colour and texture to a landscape that would otherwise be barren.
You hear the pad of his quiet footfalls behind you and sigh. You’d left him sleeping, tangled up in the sheets. You thought he’d be out for the night but you’d forgotten how he likes to reach out for you in the early hours, how he gathers you up and kisses your hair when your half dreaming and whispers the sweetest words into your ear.
He sits down alongside of you, shoulders and hips touching. He’s thrown on the white vest and black shorts that he wears when the heat becomes unbearable. You offer him the joint and he plucks it from your fingers before taking a long drag and blowing it out of his mouth.
“What trouble are you in?” he asks, handing it back.
“The kind that ends in 25 to life if I murder the fucker.” You tell him gloomily.
“Who are we murdering?” he asks half seriously.
He says ‘we’ like he means it and that’s what you love about him. It’s always been ‘we’. He doesn’t have doubts like you do, he isn’t scared to fall, to tumble headfirst into something that has the power to devastate him if it goes wrong. He is open with his heart, his thoughts, his feelings.
“My ex is contesting the divorce.” You tell him, putting the joint between your lips and inhaling. “He’s taking me to court. I don’t want to do that because that means I have to look at him again and I…”
The words trail off as that hummingbird of anxiety flutters in your chest, because you remember the last time you laid eyes on that man. The rage in his face, the fury when you told him about the abortion. He wanted you to give up the music, the only thing that let sunshine pour into your droll little life. You were supposed to behave like a good little wife and slave away in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. You don’t remember much after the first hit, you just remembered waking up on the kitchen floor, your cheek pressed to the cold tile. You knew he was a mean bastard when he wanted to be but that was the first time, he’d laid hands on you; you’d made sure it was the last. You’d grabbed up those precious few items and disappeared into the night like smoke.
Riz’s palm came to rest on the back of your neck, his thumb soothing over the delicate space behind your ear. He knows you find it calming, that the sensation grounds you. You take a deep breath, your hand shaking as you take another pull on the joint.
“Ok.” He murmurs into your hair. “What if I go with you?”
“I can’t ask you to do that.” You told him, blowing smoke out of your mouth and into the night time air. “He’s a fucking sheriff, he could make trouble for you, for the club. I’ll just withdraw the petition, wait until he’s calmed down a bit.”
Riz cupped your jaw, his fingertips gentle as he tipped your head up to meet his gaze.
“Songbird, it’s been almost two years. I don’t think it’s a matter of calming down.”
You both knew what this was. Wyatt wanted to drag you through the dirt, to humiliate you, to have your marriage memorialised in court documents that detailed exactly what you’d done to him. He didn’t view what he’d done to you as wrong, poking holes in condoms to intentionally get you pregnant, despite the fact you had told him time and time again that you didn’t want children. He thought you’d change your mind when you had the baby in you.
“I just want to be free.” You told him quietly.
It’s a whisper in the darkness, a hope, a plea.
Riz sighs because he knows he can’t give that to you. This is something you have to do for yourself, him removing the obstacle won’t help in the long run, he’s not deluded enough to consider that an option. Instead, he wraps his arms around you and gathers you close because all he can do is offer you some comfort in the middle of the shitstorm you’re facing.
“We’ll figure out a way.” He whispers into your hair. “I promise you’ll be free again.”
Love Riz? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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jo-harrington · 11 months
For ASSB blurb game!!
So I wanted to break away from western/North American cryptids and try drawing inspiration from Filipino mythology? The Manananggal is a vampire with a proboscis-like tongue that preys on sleeping people, newlyweds, and pregnant women. This bloodsucker detaches its torso from its lower half and sprouts wings. What a Girlboss!
Oh ho ho. Drac you gorgeous genius. I love you. Thank you for not keeping this in a box, because a) I’m a mythology and supernatural (not the tv) girlie and this sounded familiar (I was thinking penenggalan…but they're both terrifying and I love them) it gave me a chance to dig into the origins of both a little more and b) the holy order in the Van Helsing movie (in the brief moments we see on screen) had knights from many cultures. So it stands to reason that they would be familiar with (or even come face to face with) creatures outside of Western and North American origins.
And truly…This. This was what I was waiting for. Maybe not Manananggal specifically. But…some kind of vampiric entity. It’s a vampire story! Let’s get some vampires in here.
Maybe not what you were thinking of specifically...but I hope you like it anyway. (It's lengthy and not that sexy...sorry.)
TW: Angst, parental death (both mentioned and alluded to), difficult familial relationships, grief (for many things)
Find other Hymns of Heaven here.
And find the Master List for As Above, So Below here.
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January 1985
Dinner at Rick's was a standing appointment.
First Thursday of the month, 7pm, butts in chairs, bring a dessert if you want.
He and Eddie would eat, maybe smoke a little once Eddie re-upped his supply--but Rick's nerves were usually a little more calm when Eddie was around--and then talk about school, and the band, and about you.
Of course the talk about you was less frequent once you started joining them. Then Rick wanted to know everything straight from the horse's mouth.
"Eddie's a liar," the older man cackled the first time he asked you a question over tuna noodle casserole and homemade potato chips, and Eddie went to answer it for you. "A fibber. You've heard his tall tales, I'm sure. He's been telling them ever since I met him. 7 years old and missing his two front teeth. Lied right through the holes."
You begged Rick for pictures and it didn't take long for the dishes to be pushed to the side so you could see polaroids of a smaller Eddie, a less-weathered Wayne, a brighter-eyed Rick, and a woman with fluffy dark curls and the kindest smile you'd ever seen.
Eddie's mom.
Rick waxed poetic about how he had always been a little sweet on her, but once Eddie's dad was sent away she just needed a little extra kindness. The kindness of someone to rally the patience of the regulars over at Benny's, someone to drive her and Eddie home after a shift that one time her car just wouldn't start and it was storming outside, someone who would put her favorite songs on the jukebox because her extra change went to a nest egg so she and Eddie could get their own place someday and Wayne could get his bedroom back.
Eventually that kindness turned into tenderness, then love, and before long they were making plans to move in together. To be a family.
But then she was gone, and those plans became just another could-have-been, should-have-been.
After that first night, after you held both Rick and Eddie's hands with tears in your eyes, the invitation for Dinner was open to you.
Forever, if you wanted.
And Eddie knew you did.
Which was why Eddie was waiting in the van to pick you up.
First Thursday of the month, 6:55PM.
Typically you'd just run out just after 6:45, a saran-wrap covered dish in your hand. Eddie would drive his usual speed of fast, radio set to deafening, to get across town in record time. And the grandfather clock in Rick's hallway would chime just as Rick opened the door for the two of you.
Eddie could set his watch to the routine by now, and he had been tempted to make a joke when you got down to the car that he would.
You were just...running late today.
Which was unlike you.
He gave you a little grace period at first, a minute or two that he could easily shave off with shortcuts and a lead foot. He briefly wondered if you had some lady business going on and thought of offering to run into Melvalds for you when you got downstairs, but those few minutes quickly turned to ten and he knew that he should be well past the point of worry.
He turned the van off, made it into the building, and bounded up the steps to your apartment.
He fully intended to give Rick a call once he was inside and made sure you were alright.
But he found the door ajar.
And all thought of easing Rick's mind left him.
Instinctually and with no care for his own safety, Eddie burst through the door, only to find you sitting on your sofa, eyes wide and wet. You were still dressed in your work clothes, and there was a small wooden crate on the coffee table in front of you.
You startled at the loud bang of your door slamming against the doorstop, and you dropped the object in your hand.
"Shit." You jumped to your feet and covered your face for a moment, before you rubbed your fingers into your eyes. "Shit! Oh no. Rick. Eddie I'm so sorry. Shit."
"Are you ok?" He crossed the short distance and cupped your face in his hands. Without the distance, it was obvious that you'd been crying. "What happened? What's wrong? The door was left open."
"I'm sorry. I lost track of time,” you stammered and grabbed onto his wrists, tightly. Almost too tight for comfort, more like a plea. “A-and there was this box that got delivered and I was just…I’m sorry.”
“Hey don’t worry.” He took a few breaths to calm himself from the panic that had overtaken him when he thought you were in danger, and then leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Dinner's just gonna be a little cold. It’s ok.”
You gave him a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes.
"Let me clean up and then we can go," you offered.
"Sounds like a plan."
But neither of you moved.
You closed your eyes and took heavy, calming breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Your thumbs caressed over Eddie's wrists; whether to reassure him or yourself, he wasn't sure.
Eddie watched your lip tremble every so often, felt your breathing change as though you had something to say...but no words came.
He wanted to say something, to comfort you, but sometimes there were just no words he could say.
Which was especially difficult for him.
So instead of trying to fill the silence in the room, he filled the silence in his own head. Or rather...redirected the noise from worry over you to...
He could see you in his mind's eye. You came home from work, you fumbled with your keys like you always did as you got out of the car. Was it waiting at the door for you? Just...sitting there ominously or maybe the mail man left it at the deli and the owner waved you in to get it.
...the crate.
His eyes shifted over your shoulder and locked onto it.
Small, covered in various labels and stamps; the lid propped against the leg of your coffee table was marked "FRAGILE" and "PAR AVION" in big red letters.
His thoughts immediately turned to the postcard you'd gotten at Christmas, and curiosity immediately got the better of him.
"Did you mail order something?" Your eyes shot open and you immediately stiffened under his touch.
Eddie knew...he knew that wasn't it, but he couldn't help but play dumb and hope you would share this with him. Share the reason you were upset. Let him in for once.
"I know my birthday isn't for a little while but..."
"Umm." Your hands slid from his wrists and you pulled back from his touch slightly; one hand moved to fiddle with the cross on your necklace. "No. My...my dad sent me some things."
It was more than you wanted to say, and he knew he shouldn't have pushed for more but...
"Is it...a late Christmas gift or something?" he asked hesitantly. "He sent you that card from Scotland."
"No...well actually he..." You scrunched your nose a little and swallowed thickly. Eddie could see a thousand thoughts race in your eyes. "He always traveled for work. Ever since I could remember."
"Ok?" That was it? "So it is?"
"I...I guess so...he always sent home things from all these different places that he thought I might like...or would be useful. Books, or...there was this one time he sent home these dried flowers and my mother thought they were for her. But in actuality...well my dad got home and they...hmmm..."
You trailed off with a frown and you looked lost. Your gaze went out of focus, looking through him rather than at him, and your breathing got heavier once again.
A broken, choked sound escaped your throat and Eddie held his hands out, ready to take hold of you, ready to apologize for pushing.
He knew that sound.
But you took a deep breath and became very still.
He had made sounds like those once.
Your jaw clenched.
You made a sound like that once and it had completely broken him, shaken him. He respected you and never asked questions about that night. And now here you were again and instead of trying to make things better he was making them wo--
"He tried his best," you said, the misery that had previously begun to wrack your body gone. "He wasn't a good father. But I wasn't a very good daughter either.
You waved your hand dismissively towards the box.
"I'll get over a...shitty late Christmas gift. Now I'm gonna get changed. And then we can go."
It was said with a tone of finality. You turned to head to the bathroom and although Eddie wanted to chase after you, to let you take out whatever anger and pain you had on him, he knew it would only make you push him away.
The bathroom door shut and Eddie's focus went back towards the crate.
All he wanted to do was grab the lid and shut the contents away. That was all. And he didn't mean to look, but he couldn't help but see.
A bag that looked like something a doctor or a traveling salesman would carry, a large silver crucifix, a dusty jar full of dried heads of garlic, and a stained handkerchief.
His gaze then turned to the object you had dropped on the floor: a worn, leather-bound book. A journal.
He scooped it up and it fell open to a page towards the end that had been bookmarked by a thin gold chain.
Eddie didn't understand a majority of text, handwritten in some sort of shorthand or language that looked unfamiliar. Manananggal was written larger than everything else, underlined, and the letters scribbled over many times to make them bolder.
On the facing page, there was a sketch of a woman, or at least...it looked like a woman. With wings and sharp teeth and claws. Her torso was separated from the lower half of her body and her entrails created some sort of web between them. A tongue slithered from her mouth and crossed the gutter and actually made up the underline.
Eddie briefly wondered if your father was the reason you knew so many folktales and monsters. He always thought it was the coolest thing about you...sometimes he wondered if you knew more than him. He had always attributed it to your religious upbringing...but...given the brief glimpse of the contents of the crate...he wondered if there was something a little more sinister.
He flipped through the pages for a moment, and while there were other, similarly laid out pages before the marked page, the ones after it were all blank.
As he flipped, the chain slid against the rough pages and rested against his fingers, and upon further inspection he found that the chain was actually a necklace with a little round medallion.
A hand holding a sword, encircled by words.
Gratia. Charitas. Solamen.
The door to the bathroom opened and Eddie immediately shut the journal with the necklace tucked inside, and set it atop the crate.
If you thought he had been snooping, you didn't mention it.
You simply gave him a sweet kiss, and pulled him out of the apartment so you could make it to Rick's for dinner
Eddie tried to push all of the questions he had away, he tried to offer you the silent comfort he knew you needed without making it too obvious. He did his best to pretend everything was alright, and that everything would be.
Then a week later, he woke up to you talking to yourself and pacing. And some thing was in his bedroom.
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isabvlle · 2 years
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       excuse me, did you see TAYLOR SWIFT hanging around palmwood studios? oh no, that was ISABELLE RYAN, the twenty-eight year old actress who plays ROSALIE BLUE on MATES. yeah, you know rumour has it they’re - capricious, and - implacable, but their fans all say they’re + convival, and + sage. around palmwood studios they’re known as THE COSMOGYRAL. ( cis female, she/her )   
NAME: isabelle avery ryan.
NICKNAME(S): iz, belle, bells, jingle bells, tiffany ( her drunk alter ego )
BIRTHDAY: november 22, 1994.
AGE: twenty-eight.
GENDER: cis female.
PRONOUNS: she/her.
ZODIAC: scorpio / sagittarius cusp.
SEXUALITY: lesbian currently at the literal back of the closet.
NOTABLE PROJECTS: mates ( rosalie blue ) , the hunger games ( glimmer ) , hannah montana ( titular character )
POTENTIAL TW AHEAD: brief mentions of familial death, drug use, infidelity, and the growing pains of childhood stardom
isabelle was a hot topic front page headline in the grocery store check out lines long before she was born —— her mother, eliza ryan was in the peak of her career when she fell in love with her costar beckett beaumont ( think carrie x harrison ) in between takes and interviews and late night call times. they never were destined to be anything other than hotel card keys in back pockets and exchanged smiles down the press line, but somewhere in between, eliza found herself pregnant around the same time that beckett ended things and went to film in new zealand for nine months. armored up with her pride and the knowledge that her nights would never be lonely again, eliza left her stratospheric rise hanging in the balance while she disappeared to a corner of the eastern us to finish her pregnancy and give birth to isabelle.
isabelle had a fairly “normal” first few years of life ; once she was school-age, eliza made the decision to return to producing and directing, which meant spending more time in new york city on the weekends and during vacation months. she learned how to add numbers in her mom’s trailer, waltzed up and down the aisles of planes, drifted off in directors chairs when boredom overtook her. her aunts and uncles were some of the most prominent figures in the industry — acting, however, never was an interest for isabelle. film and tv was what her mom spoke, though, so as isabelle got older, she tried to learn the language. she’d go on auditions, try out for movie roles or even guest spot roles, but even being eliza ryan’s child didn’t set her apart enough. it was fairly evident to casting agents that her heart was elsewhere — music. she started playing piano at age six, singing more than she spoke and was just beginning to delve into writing her own music. when she was twelve, her mom caught wind of a tv show on, surprise surprise, the disney channel that isabelle actually had interest in auditioning for. the reason? the show was about a girl who lived a double life as a musician.
scrappy as hell, iz fought tooth and nail for the hannah montana role, not wanting her last name to play any part in putting her one step further — but she landed it, of course, which led to a whirlwind of an adolescence. she was touring at age thirteen, selling out arenas before she even had her driver’s permit at fifteen. she lived underneath a microscope throughout her teen years, every movement of hers scrutinized and carefully calculated by her management team as she got older. hannah montana wrapped in 2010 — by this point, she already had a weed smoking scandal littering tmz archives, released two albums under her own name + all of the hannah montana soundtracks, won best new artist at the grammys, and, the cherry on top, had her entire world cracked wide open in the tabloids when someone put it out that she was, in fact, none other than beckett beaumont’s daughter. it came at a right enough time for isabelle, who promptly dipped from the scene, moved back to new york on her own, and tried to open a door to a relationship with her father.
as the rest of hannah kept airing : isabelle got to know beckett, but most importantly, she fell in love with a woman. isabelle had known from a young age, having to kiss boys on television and constantly being linked to costars, that she wasn’t into guys. she’d kissed friends at sleepovers and just knew that she would never end up with a man. she got into her first real, serious relationship with a woman named alexandria right around her eighteenth birthday and everything made sense. they remained incredibly private with their relationship, evading paparazzi and only telling the inner parts of their innermost circles. she was also working on her fourth studio album / first real album with a new record label; her relationship with alexa was growing more and more serious by the day, and by the summer of 2012, the two were living together and happy as ever, which, of course, was shaping the course of the album.
but isabelle’s management had iron-clad restrictions on her & her public image, all but barring her from coming out, and alexa offered up an ultimatum to isabelle : me or the music. which, in turn, led to fights and arguments and infidelity and a hail mary proposal that went declined, and finally concluded with alexa moving to greece and isabelle completely falling apart. she scrapped the entirety of her album save for only a few songs and in the final two weeks before submission, rewrote an entirely new record and submitted it as red. red came out in fall of 2012, which marked the phase of isabelle’s career where she was strictly devoted to music / touring and only the occasional guest spot or film role on her radar. after growing more confident in herself as an artist through her discography, mates fell into her lap, and doing a sitcom themed around entering adulthood felt very much like a chance to reclaim her childhood and the bouts of trauma / dissonance it had enacted in her life. mates also helped surge her music back into the popular eye after her release of reputation in the beginning of 2017, which was a hard time for her due to a lil tiny feud between her and her parents after her mom’s tell-all dropped and her dad quite literally dropped dead rip beckett beaumont!!
as far as acting goes: isabelle’s first acting project beyond her disney channel filmography was the sisterhood of the traveling pants in 2011, filmed almost immediately after wrapping on hannah montana. she went on to star in the sequel, as well as guest roles in the giver and doing voice work for disney’s frozen as anna. in 2018, isabelle went in to read for the hunger games — one of the first cast, originally slated to play madge undersee but later booking the part of glimmer due to script constraints nixing madge’s character. she had her quiet one episode arcs on shows like law and order: svu, and a handful of supporting or ensemble roles in movies during the off-seasons between album releases and tours, but nothing concrete until mates.  
CURRENTLY : isabelle stars as rosalie blue on mates. she has since released and toured for red, 1989, and reputation. released lover while on the reputation tour, and spontaneously dropped the double album folklore + evermore. is re-recording all of her albums that she released with her first two record labels now that she owns her own record label / studio space, lady zeus, after continually being screwed over in her contracts. her management is still an absolute pain in the ass when it comes to her publicly coming out — she is out to her closest friends and family but is still restricted from doing so in the public eye due to the manufactured image created of her & heterosexual ‘reputation’ she’s garnered in her music with all of the ‘isabelle ryan stole my diary! she understands what it’s like to be heartbroken over a boy’ connotation that comes with her. she hates it. she wants nothing more than to be out and free. gearing up for the release of her tenth studio album, midnights.
her label is THE COSMOGYRAL, which is one of my all time faves — it means ‘whirling around the universe,’ which is very much a perfect descriptor of isabelle. she’s all over the fuckin’ place. she’s a hot mess. she’s constantly in new corners of her universe, reinventing herself and finding new pieces and parts to highlight while trying to bury others. she always means well but she’s quicksilver; she is never the same version of herself, she sticks to her guns until she decides she only wants to carry knives from now on. will charm the pants off of just about anyone she comes into contact with. flirty. a little goofy, wildly sarcastic. there’s method to her madness even if no one else gets it. is the passive aggressive type, bottles things up and simmers. stubborn as fuck, fiercely protective and neurotic. she’s almost thirty and she constantly feels like she’s living someone else’s life, no matter how many times she reinvents herself professionally or personally, and it is starting to wear on her soul.
meredith to her cristina — basically her best friend (not gender specific, either) who tells it to isabelle like it is, doesn’t mind if she laments about how the world sucks every now and again, the person she’s calling if she needs help with a body.
pr relationship ! — someone who isabelle’s management has partnered her up with to help promote midnights / xxx. isabelle’s not excited to be in yet another pr relationship, but she’s jaded at this point. either they’re good friends or they hate each other, i’m up to anything
costars / music collaborators — iz is starting to delve into music production so like idk, come to her with all of ur muses musical needs
hookups, friends with benefits, ‘we have casual sex because it’s fun to rile each other up,’ exes of all flavors — isabelle has, in the past, had sex with men bc confused and angry, but anything beyond 2012 will be kept solely for fem - presenting muses !
childhood friends, friends from the disney days, friends who are only friends because their agents told them to play nice, friends that have definitely fought in a club before even though they went in together holding hands, friends who are only friends with her to benefit from it, good influence / bad influence, friends who are forced to be pr enemies and are secretly laughing at the media in private, friends who are only friends when they’re drunk
angsty shit — a plot based off of ‘wrong’ by ally hills, “bad for me but i keep coming around,” someone isabelle calls late at night because she doesn’t want to be alone,  a plot based off come back be here by taylor swift except they actually came back and it’s like wtf do we do now, 
pls gimme a girl that isabelle is rlly in love with but she’s lowkey sabotaging their relationship because her team is the worst and pushing away is better than losing something good ! and they have to navigate sneaking around and trying not to get caught (and then the panicked moments when they do bc isabelle’s team rlly is the worst) and is just overall the worthwhile fight #iykyk
👀 bring in alexa?? let’s get Messy As Hell
anything and everything ! reach out to me in dms or on discord, let’s have a field day
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isab-archive · 2 years
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@someuser tweeted   :   ❝ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓, I JUST MET  𝕀𝕊𝔸𝔹𝔼𝕃𝕃𝔼 ℝ𝕐𝔸ℕ  !  ❞
        excuse me, did you see TAYLOR SWIFT hanging around palmwood studios? oh no, that was ISABELLE RYAN, the TWENTY-EIGHT year old ACTRESS who plays HILLARY JENSEN on TWO BUSH MOUNTAIN. yeah, you know rumour has it they're - CAPRICIOUS, and - IMPLACABLE, but their fans all say they’re + AFFABLE, and + SAGE. around palmwood studios they’re known as THE COSMOGYRAL. ( CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER )   
                         biography ✦ connections ✦ filmography ✦ penned by caro.
name: isabelle avery ryan.
nickname(s): iz, belle, bells, jingle bells, tiffany ( her drunk alter ego )
birthday: november 22, 1994.
age: twenty-eight.
gender: cis female.
pronouns: she/her.
zodiac: scorpio / sagittarius cusp.
sexuality: lesbian currently at the literal back of the closet.
notable projects: two bush mountain ( hillary jensen ) , the hunger games ( glimmer ) , hannah montana ( titular character ) 
potential tw ahead: brief mentions of familial death, drug use, infidelity, and the growing pains of childhood stardom
isabelle was a hot topic front page headline in the grocery store check out lines long before she was born —— her mother, eliza ryan was in the peak of her career when she fell in love with her costar beckett beaumont ( think carrie x harrison ) in between takes and interviews and late night call times. they never were destined to be anything other than hotel card keys in back pockets and exchanged smiles down the press line, but somewhere in between, eliza found herself pregnant around the same time that beckett ended things and went to film in new zealand for nine months. armored up with her pride and the knowledge that her nights would never be lonely again, eliza left her stratospheric rise hanging in the balance while she disappeared to a corner of the eastern us to finish her pregnancy and give birth to isabelle. 
isabelle had a fairly “normal” first few years of life ; once she was school-age, eliza made the decision to return to producing and directing, which meant spending more time in new york city on the weekends and during vacation months. she learned how to add numbers in her mom’s trailer, waltzed up and down the aisles of planes, drifted off in directors chairs when boredom overtook her. her aunts and uncles were some of the most prominent figures in the industry — acting, however, never was an interest for isabelle. film and tv was what her mom spoke, though, so as isabelle got older, she tried to learn the language. she’d go on auditions, try out for movie roles or even guest spot roles, but even being eliza ryan’s child didn’t set her apart enough. it was fairly evident to casting agents that her heart was elsewhere — music. she started playing piano at age six, singing more than she spoke and was just beginning to delve into writing her own music. when she was twelve, her mom caught wind of a tv show on, surprise surprise, the disney channel that isabelle actually had interest in auditioning for. the reason? the show was about a girl who lived a double life as a musician.
scrappy as hell, iz fought tooth and nail for the hannah montana role, not wanting her last name to play any part in putting her one step further — but she landed it, of course, which led to a whirlwind of an adolescence. she was touring at age thirteen, selling out arenas before she even had her driver’s permit at fifteen. she lived underneath a microscope throughout her teen years, every movement of hers scrutinized and carefully calculated by her management team as she got older. hannah montana wrapped in 2010 — by this point, she already had a weed smoking scandal littering tmz archives, released two albums under her own name + all of the hannah montana soundtracks, won best new artist at the grammys, and, the cherry on top, had her entire world cracked wide open in the tabloids when someone put it out that she was, in fact, none other than beckett beaumont’s daughter. it came at a right enough time for isabelle, who promptly dipped from the Scene, moved back to new york on her own, and tried to open a door to a relationship with her father.
as the rest of hannah kept airing : isabelle got to know beckett, but most importantly, she fell in love with a woman. isabelle had known from a young age, having to kiss boys on television and constantly being linked to costars, that she wasn’t into guys. she’d kissed friends at sleepovers and Just Knew that she would never end up with a man. she got into her first real, serious relationship with a woman named alexandria right around her eighteenth birthday and everything made sense. they remained incredibly private with their relationship, evading paparazzi and only telling the inner parts of their innermost circles. she was also working on her fourth studio album / first real album with a new record label; her relationship with alexa was growing more and more serious by the day, and by the summer of 2012, the two were living together and happy as ever, which, of course, was shaping the course of the album.
but isabelle’s management had iron-clad restrictions on her & her public image, all but barring her from coming out, and alexa offered up an ultimatum to isabelle : me or the music. which, in turn, led to fights and arguments and infidelity and a hail mary proposal that went declined, and finally concluded with alexa moving to greece and isabelle completely falling apart. she scrapped the entirety of her album save for only a few songs and in the final two weeks before submission, rewrote an entirely new record and submitted it as red. red came out in fall of 2012, which marked the phase of isabelle’s career where she was strictly devoted to music / touring. after growing more confident in herself as an artist through her discography, two bush mountain fell into her lap with a slight, grownup twist on the character that thrust her into the spotlight, and it felt very much like a chance to reclaim her childhood and the bouts of trauma / dissonance it had enacted in her life. tbm also helped surge her music back into the popular eye after her release of reputation, which was a Hard Time for her due to a lil tiny feud between her and her parents after her mom’s tell-all dropped and her dad quite literally dropped dead rip beckett beaumont!!
as far as acting goes, isabelle went in to read for the hunger games — she was one of the first cast, originally for madge undersee but later booking the part of glimmer due to script constraints nixing madge’s character. this was isabelle’s first acting project beyond her disney channel filmography, breaking past the child star mold and giving her footing into the “adult” side of the film industry. she had her quiet one episode arcs on shows like law and order: svu, how i met your mother, and a handful of supporting or ensemble roles in movies during the off-seasons between album releases and tours, but nothing concrete or serious until two bush mountain.  
currently : isabelle stars as hillary jensen on two bush mountain. she has since released and toured for red, 1989, and reputation. released lover while on tour for reputation, and spontaneously dropped the double album folklore + evermore. is re-recording all of her albums that she released with her first two record labels now that she owns her own record label / studio space, lady zeus, after continually being screwed over in her contracts. her management is still an absolute pain in the ass when it comes to her publicly coming out — she is out to her closest friends and family but is still restricted from doing so in the public eye due to the manufactured image created of her & heterosexual ‘reputation’ she’s garnered in her music with all of the ‘isabelle ryan stole my diary! she understands what it’s like to be heartbroken over a boy’ connotation that comes with her. she hates it. she wants nothing more than to be out and free. gearing up for the release of her tenth studio album, midnights. 
her label is the cosmogyral, which is one of my all time faves — it means ‘whirling around the universe,’ which is very much a perfect descriptor of isabelle. she’s all over the fuckin’ place. she’s a hot mess. she’s constantly in new corners of her universe, reinventing herself and finding new pieces and parts to highlight while trying to bury others. she always means well but she’s quicksilver; she is never the same version of herself, she sticks to her guns until she decides she only wants to carry knives from now on. will charm the pants off of just about anyone she comes into contact with. flirty. a little goofy, wildly sarcastic. there’s method to her madness even if no one else gets it. is the passive aggressive type, bottles things up and simmers. stubborn as fuck, fiercely protective and neurotic. she’s almost thirty and she constantly feels like she’s living someone else’s life, no matter how many times she reinvents herself professionally or personally, and it is starting to wear on her soul. 
meredith to her cristina — basically her best friend (not gender specific, either) who tells it to isabelle like it is, doesn’t mind if she laments about how the world sucks every now and again, the person she’s calling if she needs help with a body.
pr relationship ! — someone who isabelle’s management has partnered her up with to help promote midnights / two bush mountain. isabelle’s not excited to be in yet another pr relationship, but she’s jaded at this point. either they’re good friends or they hate each other, i’m up to anything
costars / music collaborators — iz is starting to delve into music production so like idk, come to her with all of ur muses musical needs
hookups, friends with benefits, ‘we have casual sex because it’s fun to rile each other up,’ exes of all flavors — isabelle has, in the past, had sex with men bc Confused and Angry, but anything beyond 2012 will be kept solely for fem - presenting muses !
childhood friends, friends from The Disney Days, friends who are only friends because their agents told them to play nice, friends that have definitely fought in a club before even though they went in together holding hands, friends who are only friends with her to benefit from it, good influence / bad influence
pls gimme a girl that isabelle is rlly in love with but she’s lowkey sabotaging their relationship because her team is the Worst and pushing away is better than losing something good ! and they have to navigate sneaking around and trying not to get caught (and then the panicked moments when they do bc isabelle’s team rlly is the worst) and is just overall the worthwhile fight #iykyk
anything and everything ! reach out to me in dms or on discord, let’s have a field day 
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
Hello! I have a request for you on Boten!Sanzu xFem!Reader. What would the arrival of their first child be like? please.
Cat Eyes (Part 1): Sanzu Haruchiyo x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.3k
tw: mentions of NSFW themes
"Ten toes stayed down, real hustle..."
Sanzu inhales the smoke from his cigar as he fiddles with his cards. "Royal fucking flush," he states, laying the cards down on the table and eliciting groans from his companions. "Pay up, bitches."
Money slides from every side of the circular table toward him, and for a brief moment, Sanzu feels more powerful than he ever has. Even when he was on cocaine.
"I'm just poppin' my shit, nah, I ain't braggin..."
Sounds of the elevator coming up the shaft stop the conversation and everyone looks towards the doors. They only ran for a select number of people, and none of them were supposed to be present tonight.
At first, no one can see the figure covered in shadows emerging from the hallway, but once they become clearer, backs stiffen, mouths droop from their smiles, and Sanzu puts down his cigar.
"Well, well, well... look at what the streets delivered to me." The look in your eyes is resolute but Sanzu doesn't mind that - he's seen girls like you walk in there and demand more of him than he's willing to give before. You're no different than the rest of them.
"I need to talk to you." Sanzu puckers his lips, then puts his cigar down and cocks his head at the others. They follow his unspoken words and leave the two of you alone in the massive room, allowing for the silence to overtake the rap coming through the overhead speakers.
Sanzu examines your figure. You look like how he left you: beautiful, with a tint of flush to your cheeks, even a saucy gaze that turns his loins to mush. He'd taken some part of you that night he hooked up with you, though. Perhaps the innocence or the timidity was gone; perhaps it was the way your perfectly manicured nails dug into his skin that made him remember the feeling as his cock sank into your drenched cunt. Fucking tight, too. Maybe it was because he knew you'd be back, begging for more.
Or maybe it was--
"I'm pregnant." That's it?
Sanzu reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his billfold, ignoring the money on the table. Yes, he keeps it in his back pocket. Only a fool would dare rob him.
"How much?" He begins to lay out multiple¥10,000 bills, making soft grunts as he counts out each one. "You're only a few weeks along, so this should cover it." Sanzu pushes the stack of bills across the table, the stack joining the various others around the wood circular furniture. You take one look at the money and curl up your lip.
Sanzu raises his brow, letting the money sit on the table. "I'm not giving you any more than that. Guess you could spend the extra on some ice cream or whatever. But I'm not funding your fucking shopping spree."
Your hands find the table in an instant and instead of slamming them against the wood, you tip the other side up suddenly, sending cards and cash flying around the pink-haired menace. Fuck.
Sanzu doesn't show it, but his heart speeds up as he feels the items sliding into his lap and around his feet. You're pissed.
"You fucking asshole!" you shout, and Sanzu straightens up, mouth closing in a thin line. He's never pulled a gun on a woman ever... but this might be the first time. This might be the first and last time. "I don't want money for a goddamn abortion," you continue. "I want you to do what's right!"
"What's right?" he chuckles, scars spreading as he casually lays his arms around the back of the booth and crosses his leg at the knee. "Should've thought about that before you slept with a gangster, kitten." Something flashes behind your eyes and his next thought is:
How are your hands so fast?!
In the next second, he's holding his face and hissing, feeling the scratch of your nails along his face. If he ever needed a gun, it was now.
"I can't put my hands on you and you know it," Sanzu grumbles. "But I will--"
"You won't do shit," you hiss. "Step up, Haruchiyo. That's all I want from you." That's the last thing he hears before you walk out, your shoes tapping against the polished wood floors.
As he sits in the mess of paper money and playing cards, he feels his fingers relaxing, every digit coming free of the pleather his back is resting on.
And for the first time in a long while...
He feels. He feels something he hasn't felt in a long while.
And every bone in his body resounds with the same noise: the sound of his startled, yet thoroughly amused laughter.
Sanzu looks down at the notecard in his hand and clears his throat. He tries to recite the words Ran wrote down with certainty, with seriousness, with clarity. But the words seem so foolish now. Couldn't he just say what he wanted to say?
"Say the wrong thing and you've got a nasty set of scandals on your hands," Ran had muttered, shoving the card towards him as he stepped out of the door. "And I'm not losing her dad's spot in our pocketbook." Ran shut the door in his face and Sanzu was left to figure it out. Fuck those lawmakers, he thinks, recalling the stupid, ugly grin on your father's face in the picture of him and Ran shaking hands at some dinner. Always trying to make my life more difficult.
Keyword: trying.
Hence why he's standing at your door, shivering in the biting wind. Sanzu resolves himself to deal with the problem, to finish this thing once and for all so you could get off his back and into the lap of some rich guy whose name didn't start with an S. Or an R. Or an M. Or a K. Or a T. Or any letter, for that matter.
"What do you want?" Your voice comes through the door as clear as a bell, and Sanzu crumples the notecard in his hand, hiding it.
"Can we talk?" Sanzu wonders, smiling to no one but himself as he tries for an enticing voice. He drops the notecard to the ground, effectively trashing Ran's plan. Oh, well.
"What was that?" The tone of your voice is inquisitive, but Sanzu tries to divert your attention.
"Can I come in?"
"No." The door opens suddenly, and Sanzu's heart leaps into his chest when he sees you standing in the doorway, looking so comfortable in your pajamas and a t-shirt. You point at the piece of crumpled paper behind him. "What was that you dropped there?" Before he can answer you, you step around him and pick it up, uncrumpling it.
"'Contingency plan'," you begin. "Step 1: Be Nice. Ask her to reconsider her choice. Mention something about a baby being the last thing an independent woman like her needs right now. Be nice. Think of the press. Think about her father's reputation if this little secret gets out. Be. Nice." Sanzu shakily takes in some air. "This is what you think can get me to abort your baby?" Your fingers rip at the paper and you scoff. Sanzu almost follows you inside, but you kick the door closed.
"I really need to talk to you!" Sanzu exclaims.
"I really don't want to hear it," you shoot back, throwing the bolt. Dammit, he needed the dumbass notecard to figure out his next steps. Shit.
"I'll... I'll step up," Sanzu hurries out, feeling pressure creep into his spine and lace down each and every joint as he leans against the door. Even though it's cold outside, he can feel the sweat and fear grow with every moment of you rejecting him ticking by. "I'll help with the baby, just open the fucking--"
The door creaks open, and your beautiful eyes peek out at him curiously.
"What'd you say?"
"I said I'll help, dammit," he pants. "I'll help. I'll help." You shut the door. For a second, Sanzu panics, but when you reopen the door fully, his breath catches in his throat a second time.
"Well, why didn't you say so sooner?"
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onmyyan · 3 years
Straight Venomous
Yandere!Batfam x Venom!Reader
A/N: Cannon typical violence, tw//murder(dw no one important) tw//blood mention, weed is smoked briefly, tw//guns (I mean come on it’s Jason) Venoms words will be in bold EDITED 1/11/2023)
If there was any place your, let’s say particular situation, would be overlooked it was Gotham City.
You and the symbiote had come to a comfortable understanding, no eating people in exchange for a questionable diet of whatever gut-churning combination he could come up with. It reminded you of a pregnant woman’s cravings, odd and occasionally disgusting but better than people. However, there were times when you’d give in to his more feral behavior. Like today for instance, you’d made the silly mistake of trying to have a moment of peace outside your stuffy apartment, rooming with two dudes wasn’t so bad as you made a point to avoid them, they minded their business and besides the occasional unexplained shout or small explosion they were solid roomies, sure the came home at the weirdest hours and you could smell the blood on them they tried in vain to hide but you weren’t one to judge what those two got into, before V you were a lot closer, even managing a movie night once in a while when the stars aligned, but that was in the past, this routine of distance would have been lonely if not for your built-in bestie.
Just as you began to inhale the sweet bitter smoke of the joint you’d so gently rolled up a disgruntled man came barreling down the alley you sat perched in. A few moments later the scream of a siren shot down the street, the noise alarming you more than the skittish criminal before you. The farther away the vehicle got the less your head felt like bursting, although now you had to face your other issue, seeing as your fire escape was basically on the floor, his panicked eyes snapped to you immediately. 
A brief pause was held as he contemplated his actions, you could practically see the gears turning as he eyed the messy bag of loose hundreds, then his gun, then back to you.
”Oh please do-“
The shotgun fired, smoke blocking his vision, though the thick blanket of smoke couldn’t hide the sound of your body hitting the wall. He turned around quickly but as he expected no one came to investigate the crime. Hunched over he began to shakily flip through the bills counting rather calmly for a man who just committed first-degree murder.
”Seriously? You fuckin’ shot me. Dick move guy.” Your voice was right behind him, before his brain could process how you were even breathing, let alone down his neck, a tar-like substance began to creep from beneath his shirt, his weapon was snatched away and crushed, the scream of metal being ripped apart muffled his shout of pure unfiltered fear, all the while the strange tendrils continued to wrap around his wriggling form, “What the hell?! Get off me you crazy bitch-“ his voice cut off by the mass of black gagging him.
”You owe me a new shirt dickweed .” The behemoth of a man was now being held a foot off the ground, his thrashing becoming more desperate with each passing moment.
”Aw look at him go! He wiggles just like a worm.” Venom said joyfully constricting tighter and tighter, the tendrils creating some kind of cocoon around the poor bastard.
”Yeah yeah don’t make a mess.” You said digging through the cash he dropped, your face scrunched as you flicked away the bloodier bills. “Come on V, I gotta go to the stupid store now.” Your face sat in a pout as you thumbed the singed fabric of your shirt, more distraught about the waste of a good outfit than the still closing holes in your chest, at some point the man had stopped fighting, and what should have been a sickening sound of digestion echoed in the dank alleyway. Thankfully your roomies weren’t home, you didn’t feel like explaining.
”You done?” Venom took a moment before loudly burping out his snack's gore-covered clothes, “Cool cuz my tits are getting cold.”
Thirty minutes later four extra large pizzas sat stacked against your side, as ugly as it could be Gotham truly came alive at night, the air buzzing with life and opportunity both good and bad, it brought a small smile to your face, you could feel Venom scanning the area no doubt looking for more food to waste your money on, well that assholes money if we wanna get nitpicky. The air could be dank at times but there was always a hint of saltwater lingering in the back. Most people wouldn’t be so calm in your position, in fact, it had taken a while for you to do so, but V was adamant about exploring the city, especially at night when he could form around you like a body suit sans head, the shadows made it much easier to hide in plain sight, his curiosity was genuine and reminded you of a toddler in a way, you had a hard time saying no to the (mostly) sweet (not so little) guy.
Most people out at this time were up to no good or about to be, so it wasn’t unusual to feel stares or sneers bearing down your back, but once close enough, most people had enough common sense not to engage with you, something hardwired in their DNA tells them to stop, something they knew in their heart of hearts was dangerous. Most people were uncomfortable around you. But not all.
Pushing past a gaggle of drunken men you paid them no mind, their comments not registering in your brain until a hand swiped for your large haul of food.
”Back the fuck up dirt neck.” You said after dodging the man's hand for the second time. 
The pack of hyenas shaped like men mumbled drunkenly in disdain, something about your attitude was heard but just barely, the reverberation of Venom's snarls bounced around in your skull like the bass was turned up to ten.
‘Vile little manthings. Disgusting creatures- let’s eat them’
“It’ll ruin your appetite.” You answered out loud in disagreement, yet gently set your pizza down, far enough not to get destroyed but close enough to keep an eye out.
”You sh-should answer when spoken to.” One of the idiots began shuffling towards you, his face red, eyebrows furrowed, you huffed through your nose, ignoring them once more you cracked your neck in irritation. “I really don’t feel like dealing with you musties.” Once more your words didn’t match the almost eager grin steadily stretching across your lips.
White began to bleed over your eyes, your fingers twitching, not knowing who to reach for first, a tremble of excitement grew in your belly, the closest man stumbled backward into his friend, rubbing his eyes at what he has just seen, just as the reality of the situation began to dawn on the drunkards mind a new person entered the fray,
”Come on guys don’t be like this,” The new voice suddenly spoke after leaping from the one of buildings you stood between, “I only have three bullets left so one of you is gonna get special attention, I’ll let you fight it out.” he stood tall, the streetlights flickered almost menacingly causing streaks of red to bounce off his helmet and onto the now shaking men. Although clearly outmatched they tried to square up anyway, seemingly missing the pistol pointed at them. Venom retreated back inside, his curiosity peaked by the man's abrupt declaration.
‘He smells familiar.’
’Weird thing to focus on but go off I guess.’ You responded plopping down beside your dinner, flicking the lid open you watched eagerly as the fight began, although it wasn’t much of a fight so much as the newcomer embarrassing the four dudes faster than you could fold your pizza in half. He kept his promise unloading the three bullets into three different kneecaps, the fourth guy tried to take a brave swing only to get his shoulder roughly dislocated, and his body was shoved into the ground with enough force for something to crack, the noise reverberating with his accompanying scream.
”I told ya’ you’d get it bad.” Red said with what you could only imagine was a big smile, he brought his heel down on his head with a smack, giving it a good twist before finally turning to acknowledge your form.
”You okay down there?” The amusement was clear in his voice as he squatted to eye level. You nodded, cheeks too full to answer, after swiping at your mouth with the back of your hand, you shot him a grateful grin. “Want some?” 
He snorted offering you a hand, “I’m good, preciate’ it sweetheart.” Your eyebrows shot up at the nickname, your suspicions growing by the second as you accepted his hand. “You shouldn’t be walking out this late you know that right?” 
“Oh, so I’m just supposed to not do what I want cuz assholes are assholes? Thanks for your concern big guy but I’ll take my chances.” You swiped your food off the floor and began heading back towards your tiny shared apartment curious how this was going to play out. 
“I agree, good people shouldn’t have to do that kinda’ shit but you know what town you’re in so.” His large arms were crossed as he walked beside you, “Exactly. I’ve lived here long enough to know just what I’m getting myself into thank you very much.” He laughed, the sound funny to hear with the filter over it, I wonder if he knew about V? Was this all some elaborate way to tell me he knew my big secret?
”You just wanna see this ugly mug every night then huh? Not that I’m complaining truly I’m flattered, but there are easier ways to ask a guy out.” You couldn’t fight the loud laugh from escaping, “Cute, but no thanks, I’m already in a pretty serious relationship, he doesn’t like to share.”
’Depends who’s asking for it’ the symbiote teased.
Ignoring his perverted implications you continued on expecting him to leave after done his - wait was this his job? Did the city pay vigilantes? Probably not they all definitely got side hustles, bet Superman has a secret Onlyfans somewhere.
”You’re fully not listening to me are you?” He asked with a laugh interrupting your train of thought.
”Caught me, heh whoops, what were you saying?”
”I said where are you going? Seeing as you want to die or something I can’t let you walk home alone.” You paused to stare at the ‘stranger’ 
“We really gonna do this Jason? Like you gonna sit here and pretend you aren’t you and don’t live two feet from me.”
”Oh my god we are.”
”Is this who we are? Is this who we represent .”
”......HOW- How’d you...”
”You smell like you.” He subtly lifted his arm to sniff despite the big-ass helmet on his head.
”Also you called me Sweetheart and you said it just like you always do.”
”Well this is embarrassing.”
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myaekingheart · 3 years
134. Sweetness and Decency
read the scarecrow and the bell on ao3 index | from the beginning | < previous | next >
TW for some brief talk about death in childbirth 
               The dango shop was a welcome comfort in chaotic times such as these—as was Sekkachi, miraculously enough. Sitting across from her now made things feel almost even normal. Almost. Rei watched as she sipped her water, poked at her little bowl of rice, grimaced at the cheery passerby.
               “So is there a reason you decided to drag me out here, or no?” Sekkachi asked boredly. “Didn’t expect a lunch date on a Monday afternoon. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
               Rei chewed her lower lip, circled her index finger along the lip of her glass. “Well, I haven’t really been feeling well so I took a few days off…” she replied slowly, cautiously. It wasn’t like she had been hiding the fact that she was sick, and yet she still felt guilty about it. She still felt like in some capacity, she was lying. She didn’t particularly want to take off work but she needed time to process. If she had not called out sick, she knew she would have put the lives of herself and everyone under her supervision in danger by virtue of her own preoccupation. Her concentration was practically nonexistent, not to mention the everpresent nausea that still loomed heavy over her head.
               Sekkachi smirked and chuckled under her breath. “The ANBU captain neglecting her duties? That doesn’t sound very responsible of you” she joked.
               Rei sank down in her seat, crossing her arms about her chest. “Oh, shut up” she muttered. There was an added malice to her tone, a scathing jab that Sekkachi had not quite expected.
               Amused with Rei’s sudden angst, Sekkachi raised her hands in surrender and stifled her laughter. “I’m just saying” she replied. She took another swig of her water then and proceeded to ask, “So are you going to answer the question or not?”
               Narrowing her eyes, Rei shot Sekkachi a sharp glare. This was not going well. “Is it so wrong to just want to spend time with a friend?” she snapped. “Do I always have to have an ulterior motive?”
               “No” Sekkachi replied, fishing a pack of cigarettes from her back pouch, “but you do anyways, don’t you?”
               “You’re unbelievable” Rei muttered through gritted teeth.
               “So, what is it?” Sekakchi asked. She fixed the cigarette between her teeth, snapped the switch on her finicky lighter. Rei’s heart leapt into her throat. “Make it quick so I can go back home.”
               Just as Sekkachi finally got her lighter to ignite, Rei grimaced and leaned across the table, ripping the cigarette from her mouth. “Well first off, no more smoking. Got it?” she insisted.
               Sekkachi whined, clearly insulted. “What the fuck, Rei?!” she asked, pulling another cigarette from the pack. “You’ve never had an issue with this shit before. Besides, you know how I need my smokes.”
               “Not anymore” Rei snapped. She stole the second cigarette from Sekkachi’s mouth and swatted her hand away from the package before she could reach for a third. “It may not have mattered back then, but things are different now. You can’t smoke around me anymore.”
               “Oh yeah? And why is that?” Sekkachi asked incredulously. She tossed the package of cigarettes across the table, swirled her water around in her glass casually before taking a long sip.
               Rei clenched her fists at her sides, prepared herself for the ultimate admission. She wondered if it would be acceptable to just vanish into thin air, or to slink under the table and crawl home. Just avoid the subject completely. Her growing rage, however, said otherwise. It encouraged her to snap and scream and make a spectacle of herself as if to seek revenge against Sekkachi’s carelessness. But no, she would compose herself. Sucking in a sharp breath, Rei narrowed her eyes and finally confessed.
               “Because…I’m pregnant.”
               Sekkachi immediately choked on her drink, spewing water across the table and spluttering into the crook of her elbow. “Rei, what the fuck?! That’s not funny!” she shouted, slapping Rei on the forearm. “Just for that, I’m smoking twice as much today.”
               “I’m not joking, you dick!” Rei fired back. She reached across the table to slap Sekkachi on the arm in retaliation. Huffing, she then angrily fished around in her back pouch before pulling out the pregnancy test and slapping it on the table. “See for yourself. I’m telling the truth.”
               “Ew, get that shit away from me” Sekkachi cringed, flicking the test back towards Rei. “You should know better than to get your piss stick near my food.”
               “Oh, as if you’re even eating it to begin with” Rei rolled her eyes. She snatched the pregnancy test off the table, stalled before putting it back in her pouch. Her eyes idled on that little pink line. She still had trouble processing it herself. “You know, something along the lines of ‘congratulations’ would have sufficed” she muttered.
               “Why?” Sekkachi asked. “This is more of a curse than anything else.”
               “Oh yeah?” Rei glared at her. “And how do you figure that?”
               “Isn’t it obvious?” Sekkachi replied. “Your body is going to get ripped to shreds, you’re going to shove a giant kid out of your vag, and then spend the next eighteen years cleaning up after it and going broke paying for everything it whines for. If you even live that long. Listen, I thought we already had this conversation back when you first came up with this psycho scheme. I thought you had given up on this shit. What the hell happened?”
               Rei narrowed her eyes. “Your birthday is what fucking happened” she snapped.
               Groaning, Sekkachi fell back against the booth and pressed the heels of her hands into her eye sockets. “Fuck, this just keeps getting worse and worse!” she complained. The aftereffects of Mikazuki’s voice mail still weighed heavy on her mind.
               “God, you’re such a child” Rei spat, rolling her eyes. “What the fuck is your deal, anyway? What is with you and this…this thing that you’ve got against having kids? Are other people’s life choices really that much of an inconvenience to you, Sekkachi? God fucking forbid.”
               “Rei, children are an inconvenience to everyone” Sekkachi insisted. She dropped her eyes to the ground, pouted. She really didn’t want to talk about this. Her stomach creaked in response to her mounting stress and she considered the pills in her back pouch. “I just don’t think you’re taking this seriously” she muttered sourly.
               “I’m not taking this seriously?” Rei asked, borderline offended. “Alright, listen, I could understand when I told you that Kakashi and I were trying to conceive. That was one thing. But now to sit here and say this shit after I’ve already told you that I’m pregnant? God, can you be any more insensitive?”
               “That’s all the more reason to tell you the harsh truth!” Sekkachi fired back. “Do you have any idea what’s going to happen to you, Rei? What could happen to you?”
               “Sekkachi, what the fuck are you talking about?” Rei asked. She could feel her face growing hot, her hands growing numb. Her stomach began to churn. The emotional toll that this conversation was taking on her would not bode well for her morning sickness.  
               Sekkachi tensed and Rei could tell she had finally lost it. For the first time in a long time, her dark eyes had grown glossy with tears. She gripped the package of cigarettes on the table and her voice cracked. “I’m just not ready to fucking lose you, Rei” she plead.
               Rei sighed. “Sekkachi, you’re not going to lose me” she assured.
               “No, Rei, you don’t fucking get it” Sekkachi growled. The package of cigarettes began to crumple in her fist. “I don’t care about how your life is going to change after you have a kid. I know you won’t have much time for me anymore. I accept that. It’s the danger of being pregnant that I cannot accept.”
               “Danger?” Rei asked. She knew that pregnancy always came with the possibility of complications, but perhaps Rei was naïve in her ignorance of them. In the hollow, hopeful belief that she was immune to them. She did not expect anything bad to happen to her, nor did she see any reason. Sekkachi was just overreacting. Her personal beliefs were clouding her judgment.
                Gritting her teeth, Sekakchi repeated, “Yes, Rei. Danger.” She squeezed her eyes shut tight and tried to remain calm, but she was not doing a very good job at it. “Rei…my mother died bringing me into this world. And then I watched the same fucking thing happen to my aunt when she had Roru. I…I can’t even begin to describe the horror of seeing someone you love go through that kind of pain, to put in all of that physical labor, and then just…fucking lose it. Rei, you don’t understand. I am not going to let the same thing happen to you.”
               Rei sucked in a sharp breath. Sekkachi’s fears were certainly valid but… “Sekkachi, I am not your mother. And I’m not your aunt, either” she started. “What do you even expect me to do? Get an abortion? Just to please you?” The mere mention of such drastic measures made Rei’s throat tighten. She couldn’t even imagine. Clenching her jaw, she dropped her gaze to the table and shoved the thoughts out of her mind. “You know” she snapped, “if you’re so fucking preoccupied with losing me, then it might do you well to be a little more supportive.” Perhaps it was just the hormones, but Rei’s emotions had become far too overwhelming. She felt chaotic and unhinged, her hands shaking and her heart beating out of her chest.
               She should’ve known this was a mistake. She should’ve known Sekkachi would never be supportive. That she would never accept Rei’s yearning for domesticity and motherhood. Whatever pain Rei was feeling now was her own fault for ever thinking otherwise. And now that she had unraveled, a manic urgency took root in the pit of her stomach. She needed to leave. Now.
               Rei locked eyes with Sekkachi for only a moment as she gathered her things and slapped a few dollars on the table. Her voice cracked as she bid Sekkachi a parting thought: “I can leave your life in more ways than one.”
               When Kakashi returned home that night, the house was dark and silent. He flicked on the kitchen light to find Rei curled up on the couch, snuggled up in his shuriken blanket. A trash can sat by her side and Toshio slept dutifully by her feet. Kakashi kicked his shoes off and set his vest down before approaching, kneeling beside her and brushing the hair out of her face. Her cheeks were stained with dried tears and her eyes looked puffy and tired. She furrowed her brows and slowly blinked awake at his touch before quickly pulling him into a tight hug.
               “R-Rei…what’s going on? Did something happen?” he asked as she buried her face in his neck. Her forehead was damp with sweat. He knew she had plans to meet with Sekkachi, and he knew that it likely did not go well. He felt obligated to ask anyway.
               “K-Kakashi…I don’t think I have a best friend anymore” Rei sobbed.
               “Oh?” Kakashi asked. He stroked her hair and kissed her exposed, freckled shoulder. “Why? What happened?”
               Rei leaned back then, sniffled, wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “I told Sekkachi a-about the pregnancy and…she didn’t take it very well. And then I got angry and stormed out of the dango shop, b-but now I just…I feel like I can’t do anything right and like all I ever do i-is push her further and further away a-and I just—!” Rei explained, frantic and unhinged. She tightened her grip on his sleeves, gasped through her monstrous tears. “I-I don’t want to lose my best friend, Kakashi—!”
               “Shh, it’s okay, I know” Kakashi whispered, pulling her close. His chest tightened, a desperation taking root. He hated seeing her so distraught but even more, he hated that he wasn’t even entirely surprised. He appreciated Sekkachi’s companionship, of course. He liked knowing that Rei had such a steadfast friend. He only wished that Sekkachi had been softer, kinder—especially now. But Sekkachi was nothing more than hard edges and blunt force trauma. She was unfiltered to a dangerous degree, bitter and harsh and honest. And, much like a parasite, she was also incredibly hard to get rid of—for better or for worse. “I’m sure things will calm down and she’ll come back around” Kakashi assured his fiancée. “You know Sekkachi, she’s always been like this.”
               Rei sniffled. “A-are you sure?” she asked. “What if she decides that this is the last straw, though? What if she decides th-that she’s sick and tired of my bullshit?”
               Kakashi shook his head. “I don’t think she will” he replied. He thought of Naru, of the fragile series of loss and grief upon which Rei and Sekkachi’s relationship had been built. They needed each other. “If she didn’t have you” Kakashi continued, “then who would she have?”
               “Guy” Rei quipped. Kakashi considered this for a moment before deciding that ultimately, Might Guy did not count. After all, everyone had Might Guy. He belonged to all of them, like some sort of communal cheerleader. Yes, he and Sekkachi had a special bond but still. After a few more moments, Rei spoke again, voice choked and hoarse. “S-Sekkachi said she doesn’t want to lose me, she said th-that she’s scared I’m making a mistake. Th-that childbirth is dangerous, a-and I could…could die. But how can she say that when she keeps treating me like this, Kakashi? How can she say she doesn’t want to lose me when i-it’s like she’s doing this shit to herself?!”
               Kakashi pursed his lips, sucked in a sharp breath. He hated to admit that the dangers of childbirth had weighed heavy on his mind amid all of this, too. He refused to let anything happen to Rei or their unborn child. But he also knew Rei’s capacity for panic, and he knew better than to make his own fears known. He needed to be strong and unaffected for the sake of her own sanity. She was already unhinged enough. With a gentle hand, Kakashi tilted Rei’s chin up to face him. He met her gaze with affectionate purpose. “Rei, look at me: you are not going to die. Nothing bad is going to happen. I promise. Sekkachi is just scared, and I’m sure she has every right to be. But if she really cared about you, if she was really your friend, she’ll come around. Just…give her some time.”
               Rei wasn’t sure she believed Kakashi’s words. After all, he always knew what to say to make her feel better, whether it was true or not. She wanted him to be honest with her, and she wanted to believe that he would understand that. Kakashi was not going to do her any favors by lying.
               But deep down, Kakashi truly was genuine in his words. He may not have known Sekkachi as intimately or for as long as Rei or even Guy had, but he knew well enough that she would not abandon her comrades. She would whine and complain and feign apathy but she would never abandon them. Not really. Not after Naru.
               Kakashi pulled his fiancée close and rubbed the small of her back as she continued to sob, releasing all of her pent-up, emphasized emotions. Once she had cried herself to sleep, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom, resting her gently upon the mattress and tucking her in much like a child. He dragged the trash can to her bedside just in case, kissed her sweaty temple, and turned out the light.
               Come Wednesday morning, Kakashi stood in the doorway as Rei struggled through her morning routine, a white-knuckle grip on the counter and her face pale and dewy with sweat. “Are you going to be okay?” he asked softly.
               Gritting her teeth, Rei gave a minute shake of her head. “K-Kakashi, I don’t think I can do this” she whispered. Their doctor’s appointment was in thirty minutes. They were already cutting things close.
               The altercation with Sekkachi had only further emphasized Rei’s inner panic over the past few days. Between that and her fear of confronting Lady Tsunade, she thought of little else. Kakashi could clearly see the toll that this was taking on her. He saw it in the dark circles beneath her eyes, her sunken cheeks and the pallor of her skin. In the way she poked at her food, disinterested, and how her temper so easily flared.
               Inching nearer, Kakashi rested a gentle hand on the small of Rei’s back. “What do you need me to do?��� he then asked. If there was any way he could lessen her burden, he was ready and willing.
               “Take my place and face all of this for me?” she asked, smiling weakly at him. She knew the answer was an obvious no. He was not a seahorse, and she was not that lucky. Kakashi chuckled under his breath, pressed his forehead to her temple to kiss her cheek.
               “Go sit down and take a minute” he suggested. “I’ll get our stuff together in the meantime.” Neither of them were sure what, exactly, was necessary to bring to their first prenatal appointment but they assumed the pregnancy test itself, a list of questions and concerns (of which they had many), and of course the usual identification and insurance cards.
               While Rei did not feel entirely at ease with just sitting, she knew that if she forced herself to stand over the bathroom sink any longer, she was going to pass out. Her head was already spinning and her stomach was in knots. She willed herself to remain steady as she made her way to the couch, her vision blurring with splotches of indescribable color. She wondered if she ought to eat something, but then decided against it. She would only throw it back up anyway, and the last thing she needed was to vomit all over the doctor. Toshio followed close behind, hopping up on the couch beside her and swiping his tongue across her cheek. A laugh broke past her lips as she wiped the slobber off her face with the cuff of her sleeve and scratched him affectionately behind the ear. If only he could come with them, but hospitals did not seem to take very kindly to dogs.
               As she quieted down, Rei suddenly swore she could hear the echo of footsteps in the hallway. “Kakashi…?” she called into the bedroom. “Do you hear that, or am I just losing it?” And then there was a knock at the door and Rei’s back went ramrod straight. She clutched at the thick fur at Toshio’s neck and forced her breathing to steady. They were not expecting company. This was the last thing she needed on a morning like this.
               Kakashi poked his head out of the bedroom, arching a brow. “Is someone at the door?” he asked. He knew it was a dumb question—he had heard the knock, too—but he wanted to make sure that he, too, was not hallucinating amid his own anxiety.
               Rei met his gaze with wide, panicked eyes, nodding slowly. She glanced to the door, swallowed hard, then replied weakly, “I-I’ll get it.”
               “Are you sure?” Kakashi asked. He didn’t want her to overexert herself. Before he could rush to her side, she was already on her feet and approaching.
               “I’m sure it’s nothing” she replied. “Probably just the mailman or something, right?” Kakashi gave a slow nod, idling in the doorway. Rei’s hand hovered over the doorknob, shaky and unsure. She gripped it slowly, sucked in a deep breath, squeezed her eyes shut tight. She didn’t even want to bother with the peephole. If there was someone on the other side, she didn’t want to know. She feared she already knew the answer anyway. Then finally, with a soft grunt, she shoved the door open. There was no one.
               Once Kakashi saw that the hallway was empty, he felt safer letting Rei handle this on her own. Surely she was right, and it was just the mail. He swore he caught sight of a package on the doorstep anyway. With a sigh of relief, he turned back to the bedroom and finished gathering their things.
               Rei’s breath hitched in her throat as she knelt down to retrieve the package. Tied with a neat little bow was a pair of vintage baby booties and a matching blanket. Rei ran her hand across the blanket’s soft fabric—pale blue fleece—and something in her clicked. Embroidered in the corner was a happy little teddy bear holding three primary-colored balloons. Her hands shook. She recognized this blanket. It was the same one she had seen in the antiques shop a month ago. And there was only one person who would have known about it: Sekkachi.
               Tucked underneath the ribbon was a little note, wrinkled and tinged with the faintest scent of cigarette smoke. Rei hugged the blanket to her chest as she unfolded it, skimmed that all-too-familiar scribbled penmanship.
               Rei,                Sorry we got off on a bad foot the other day. Hope this makes up for it.                -Sekkachi
               Rei clapped a hand over her mouth as she tried to restrain her tears but failed miserably. She had to admit, this was the perfect gift. Sekkachi must have recognized the longing in her eyes when Rei first found it, and it was just like her to gift something so cozy and warm. Sekkachi refused to admit it out loud, but she had a secret penchant for the soft and snuggly. She always knew the perfect fabric for blankets, the perfect firmness for a pillow. This was truly the perfect gift.
               The moment Kakashi heard Rei’s sobs, he raced out of the bedroom and to her side at, quite frankly, a ridiculous speed. “What’s wrong? What is it?” he asked, resting a hand on her back and searching the hallway for a hidden perpetrator. Rei sniffled and tightened her grip on the blanket. “Oh? What’s this?” Kakashi asked, calming once he realized there was no present danger. He reached out to carefully caress the corner of the blanket between his thumb and forefinger.
               A teary smile touched Rei’s lips as she handed Kakashi the note. “It’s from Sekkachi” she croaked. Kakashi took the slip of paper cautiously, skimming the brief message, and relief washed over him. Finally, a weight had been lifted off of Rei’s mind—or at least one of many. He knew Sekkachi was bound to come around sooner or later. It warmed his heart to see her go to such great lengths for an apology. A true acceptance of the hand fate had dealt them, a promise of companionship and support.
               “Can I see what she got us?” Kakashi asked softly. Rei nodded and handed over the blanket and booties, and an incredulous little laugh broke past Kakashi’s lips. Somehow holding them now, the first little gifts for their child, made the situation feel so much more real. He turned the booties over in his hands, swinging the little pompoms dangling from the cuff. They were so tiny. How could anyone ever be so tiny? And yet in just under a year, he would have his answer in the form of their own little baby. Kakashi sucked in a deep breath, tried to maintain his composure. He could not, however, fight the smile spreading wide across his lips.
               Rei’s heart soared to see him so moved. Kakashi truly was going to be an incredible father, she just knew it. She brushed the bangs back out of her face, sniffled, glanced to the clock. “Hey, we better get going” she then said. “We’re running late.”
               “Right” Kakashi nodded and set the gift down on the kitchen table. He could return to revel in it later. Right now, they had more pressing matters at hand. He took Rei’s hand in his, kissed her forehead sweetly, and together they went off with equal parts hope and anxiety for the future. For the first notes of the steady thump of their child’s heartbeat. For the beginning of the rest of their lives.
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Le Masterlist! (Updated on 3/15/2020)
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Roger Taylor:
I Put a Spell on You (Roger x fem!OC): for @dtfrogertaylor’s Halloween celebration. When Cora doesn’t think Roger loves her back she goes to desperate and magical means...but will she go through with the consequences?
A Night Out: (Roger Taylor x fem! Reader) Roger’s girlfriend confessed she’s not ready to go all the way yet. It seems it’s a private conversation...but they’re proven wrong. CW: mentions of sex, sexual harassment
Oh my God, They Were Roomates! (Roger Taylor x fem! Reader): Roger reunites with his former roommate from the seventies. Reader has some news to break to Roger. Tension ensues... Fluff and lots of Angst!!! This was for @dtfrogertaylor’s STL Event and was a gift for @cool--cats​ CW: Domestic abuse, drinking, swearing
John Deacon:
White Queen (As it Began) (Deaky x fem! Reader, Platonic! Freddie x Reader): written for @littledarlingwellaway ‘s celebration contest. Reader is swept off to Freddie’s costume ball Cinderella style and gets to know a shy bassist...or maybe he’s not so shy tonight? Initially published on main blog.CW: mentions of sex, smoking, drugs, and drinking. 
Paradise (Deaky x fem! Reader): Reader is traveling to Bali in the eighties and runs into a handsome, sweet man named John Deacon. Wait, isn’t he in a band or something? Oh no... CW: sexual harassment, drinking, 10 year age difference between John Deacon and Reader.
On-Going Series:
A Night at the Opera (Brian May x fem! Opera Singer! Reader)(On-going):
On the night of your big performance, you meet up with a rock guitarist in the audience. Is love in the air? Or are you both too shy? Looks like some outside forces will have to help...
Part 1//Part 2//Part 3//Part 4 (to be done)
Queen and Beatles with big-chested! fem! Reader (part two of Roger x Reader)
Reader cuts the band's hair short (your choice of band member). 
Roger with a big chested fem! Reader
Brian and Reader with ADHD
Brian and Aquarius! Reader
BohRap Cast:
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Gwylim Lee:
The Knight of Hallows Eve (Knight! Gwylim Lee x fem! Reader): written for @forever-rogue’s Halloween contest, you take a dare to head to the woods, despite mysterious deaths occurring. A bit of magic helps you cross paths with a kind man in the woods...wait, why is he wearing armor? And talking like he’s from a fantasy world? Oh wait...
How I Loved You, How I Cried (Gwylim Lee x fem! Reader): Moments after losing her virginity to Gwil, Reader confesses why it took her so long to want to. My first ever BohRap fic! Initially published on the main blog. A hurt/comfort fic. CW: sexual abuse/molestation, child abuse, mentions of sex
Ben Hardy: 
The BEN-nefits of Fake Dating (Ben Hardy x fem!Reader): Your family won’t shut up about when you will get a boyfriend. You and your friend (and secret crush) Ben Hardy agree to pretend to be dating in front of your family during the holidays. Fluff/Angst. CW: swearing, mentions of smoking, marriage, and children, families, some nudity but not graphic.  
Joe Mazzello: 
It’s a Helluva Town (Joe Mazzello x Brazilian! Fem! Reader):  Joe introduces his girlfriend to New York City. CW: swearing
Ben Hardy and American! Reader on Thanksgiving
Gwilym and Reader’s First Christmas Together (VERY Flufffy!!)
BohRap Cast Characters:
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The Songbird of Jamestown (Samuel Castell x fem! Reader)(On-going):
The year is 1620. You have arrived at the Jamestown colony along hoping for a new life, friendship, and possibly love. Falling in love with the already betrothed company recorder and gaining unexpected enemies wasn’t a part of the plan, though (a personal favorite of my longer fics). Get ready for some period slow burn and mutual pining and DRAMA!
Ch. 1//Ch.2 (CW: mentions of sexual violence and domestic abuse)//Ch.3 //Ch. 4// Ch. 5, coming soon!
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The Man of Your Dreams: (Eugene Sledge x fem!Reader): You find out Eugene still has nightmares after the war. Fluff, Angst, Hurt, and Comfort CW: PTSD, mentions of war, blood, and violence and a brief sexual reference, marriage. 
HC for friends to lovers with Eugene Sledge (Angst and fluff)
The Beatles:
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You’re Gonna Lose That Girl (Ringo x fem! Reader): fluff and angst! Reader refuses Ringo and goes for another guy her parents choose for her. But maybe there were feelings in the first place...
Reader is hurt and climbs through George’s window for comfort (CW: blood)
Queen and Beatles with Big Chested! Fem! Reader
Paul with a Petite, fem! Reader (tw: mentions of sex and men objectifying women)
George and Ringo dating a model (preferences)
John and Paul dating a model (preferences)
Reader gets shot instead of John and survives (tw: blood, swearing, public shooting)
Ringo meeting and dating Cancer! Fem! Reader (CW: mentions of sex)
Domestic HC’s of Ringo and Cancer! Reader’s Marriage (CW: mentions of sex)
Ringo x Cancer! Fem! Reader Getting Married and Learning she’s pregnant (CW: marriage, pregnancy)
Ringo x Cancer! fem! Reader going into labor and meeting the baby. CW: childbirth, babies, children. 
Ringo getting a tattoo of Reader’s Name.
Cancer! Reader with Paul and George (preferences)
John and Gemini! Reader
George and Gemini! Reader
John and Geroge with Libra! Reader (Preferences).
Paul and Aquarius! Reader
John dating an Aquarius! Reader 
Ringo and George dating an Aires! Reader (Preferences) 
Paul dating a Scorpio! Reader
Ringo and Scorpio! Reader
John with a Scorpio! Reader (tw: mentions of sex)
George dating a Leo! Reader
Ringo and Leo! Reader
Paul dating a Leo! Hippy! Reader
George and Paul dating a Pisces! Reader (preferences)
John dating a Sagittarius! Reader
George and Sagittarius! Reader
John and Pisces! Reader
Ringo and Pisces! Reader
George and Virgo! Reader!
Paul and Aires! Reader
John and a Reader who’s clumsy
Paul McCartney and Reader go from friends to lovers CW: drinking, mentions of drugs and sex
George x Actor/Musician! Reader 
Frenemies to Lovers with George
Paul McCartney x virgin! fem! Reader (tw: mentions of sex)
John x virgin! fem! Reader (tw: mentions of sex)
IT Loser’s Club (2019):
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When I’m with You (2019! Ben Hanscom x Reader, Soulmate AU): You are exhausted from your job as a maid and lonely in a place where people keep finding their soulmates easily...but then you run into an architect from Derry with some pain of his own...
Tag list: @queenlover05
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paradisecost · 4 years
hc. erik // main timeline 
ALRIGHT this bad boy is just over 1700 words long but I urge you to read it if you’re at all interested in interacting with my Erik. He is extremely canon-divergent in that DoFP, XMA and DP did not happen. I used to be fine with both DoFP and XMA but the more I think about them the more I’m like “wow, those plots are fucking ridiculous” and I’ve chosen to uh, throw them out the damn window. DP on the other hand was just unabashedly horrific fcKJNFKDNF.
TW: Non-graphic mentions of the following: the Holocaust, kidnapping, child abuse, child death, burning alive, imprisonment and isolation, and murder. Ya boy’s been through HELL but these are just mentions, as in ‘this thing happened- moving on’.
Early life // v: doomed from the start
December 31st, 1929
Erik Magnus Lehnsherr is born, presumably somewhere in Poland, to Jewish German parents. His mother nicknames him ‘Max’ when he is very young, and his father and friends soon pick up on it too.
He befriends Magda Eisenhardt at school as a young boy. The two become close, but are separated during the war, long before Erik is taken by Schmidt. Each assumes the other to be dead.
September 1st, 1939
Germany invades Poland; WWII begins.
Erik’s mutation manifests in short bursts throughout the next few years in moments of stress or anger, made worse by the overall traumatic and stressful living conditions associated with being Jewish at this time. His parents are the only ones to witness his mutation, and are desperate to keep it hidden for Erik’s own safety. Erik’s mother considers it a gift from G-d, and one he must use wisely.
Unknown date, 1944
Erik and his family are sent to Auschwitz. Erik’s mutation manifests fully when he is separated from his parents, distorting an iron gate in an attempt to reach them. He is subdued by the surrounding guards via a blow to the head and taken to Klaus Schmidt (later Sebastian Shaw), a German doctor and mutant. 
Schmidt instructs Erik to move a coin as proof of his mutation, shooting Erik’s mother in front of him when he fails. Erik destroys the surrounding room with his powers in a fit of rage, as well as killing the guards present. His rage quickly turns to grief, however, and he breaks down, allowing himself to be comforted by Schmidt, who claims they’re going to ‘unlock his gift with pain and anger’. Needless to say, the resulting years in Schmidt’s grasp are not pleasant.
 The Schmidt years // v: doctor’s orders
Erik is held captive by Schmidt for the next six years, subjected to frequent physical and psychological abuse in order to ‘strengthen’ his powers and improve his control over them. By the time he is seventeen he is capable of harnessing his abilities to perform to Schmidt’s standards, but lacks fine control over his mutation when not in a heightened emotional state. Throughout 1944 he is forced to work as a Sonderkommando alongside this. At the end of the war Schmidt takes him to a private facility in Germany, where Erik remains captive for the next several years.
Despite severe conditioning and traumatic bonding towards Schmidt, he makes a number of escape attempts throughout these years, as well as at least two attempts on Schmidt’s life.
Late 1949
The facility is bombed for reasons unknown to Erik. Erik escapes during the chaos, using his mutation to destroy anything and everything that stands in his way. As he flees, he looks back to see Schmidt absorbing an explosion. This is how he knows Schmidt is still alive afterwards, as well as having his longstanding suspicions confirmed that Schmidt, too, is a mutant.
Recovery and family years // v: we will not suffer here
Having been on the run lest Schmidt attempt to track and hunt him down, Erik finally stops running for one reason only: by sheer chance, he reunites with Magda Eisenhardt. Both are overjoyed to see the other alive, and they marry the same year. Erik begins using the name Max Eisenhardt instead of his birth name. The two are impoverished and starving half of the time, but they make it work: Max manages to find steady work here and there, and the two settle in Vinnytsa to build a home and a family together. 
Summer, 1951
Anya Eisenhardt is born. Max takes work from anyone that will have him as he struggles to keep the family afloat, but the sheer relief of being alive and in a position where people may help them if things take a downturn is more than worth the struggle. Later in life, Erik considers these years the happiest of his life.
Late 1956
Their home in Vinnytsa is set on fire after Max magnetically hurls a crowbar at his boss for refusing to pay him when he and Magda are desperate for the money. Max is not present when the fire is first lit: he runs home upon seeing the smoke, and discovers that Anya is still stuck inside the house. Max attempts to save her, using his powers to tear the house apart, but it’s too late. In his grief and rage, Max lashes out with his powers, murdering his boss, the people responsible for the fire, and numerous innocent villagers in the process. When he calms and tries to go to Magda, she flees in terror, calling him a monster. Unbeknownst to Max, Magda is pregnant with twins at this time.
The Nazi-killing years // v: red right hand
Early 1957
With nothing left for him in Vinnysta and at a loss for what to do with himself, Max opts for the thing that living with Magda and Anya had allowed him to set aside: revenge. He begins his hunt for Schmidt, reclaiming the name Erik Lehnsherr in an attempt to shed the ghost of his former life with his family. He resolves to find Schmidt or die trying, and becomes unable to visualise a future outside of that.
Unknown date, 1957
Somewhere far away, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff are born, without Erik’s knowledge. Magda Eisenhardt dies soon after giving birth to them, and they are taken in by an elderly couple who raises them as their own.
Erik tracks Schmidt by hunting down former Nazis associated with him. He leaves a bloody trail across Europe in his search, leaving no survivors, and never settles in one place for long.
 XMFC timeline // v: first class
Early 1962
Erik attempts to kill Schmidt, now known as Sebastian Shaw, nearly drowning in the process of trying to drag his submarine up from the depths of the ocean. He is saved by Charles Xavier, working with the CIA. He allows Charles to bring him on-board the CIA’s ship, practically refusing to speak to anyone other than Charles and questioning him endlessly on his mutation as well as other mutants.
Events of X-Men: First Class. Erik and Charles work together to locate other mutants, and the first group of X-Men are formed. The mutants work to hone their abilities, primarily with Charles’ assistance; Charles teaches Erik that pain and anger are not the key to unlocking his gift, and to help him, accesses a memory of Erik’s mother - one that, along with most of Erik’s memories from before 1944, had been repressed. Erik also forms a bond with Raven/Mystique, claiming that mutants should not have to hide who they are in order to be accepted by society.
October 28th 1962
Erik kills Sebastian Shaw with the coin he was ordered to move as a child. Erik proceeds to form the first incarnation of the Brotherhood of Mutants, taking the name Magneto. 
 Brotherhood years // v: rise up!
November 20th 1962
Magneto and the Brotherhood free Emma Frost, who joins them.
Following the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy administration authorizes the Central Intelligence Agency to establish Project WideAwake, a covert task force to investigate other X-Gene cases and their prevalence across the United States. While its mission strictly revolves around identification and research of mutants, it exercises paramilitary autonomy from the President’s mandates.
Edwin Partridge, a former Major General in the U.S. Army and a far right-wing activist, gains (through his contacts in the military) proof of mutant involvement during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
July 1963
Azazel and Angel are killed by Project WideAwake agents. Emma Frost is later killed by Sentinel prototypes.
November 22nd 1963
JFK is assassinated. Magneto has nothing to do with this because frankly it’s a stupid plot point, but is wanted for various terrorist actions related to pro-mutant shenanigans.
January 22nd 1964
Project WideAwake operatives are tasked with locating and apprehending Magneto. He is captured soon after.
February 11th 1964
A private trial takes place, which Charles Xavier and Hank McCoy are present for. Magneto is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences in a federal correctional facility without the possibility of parole, sparking the ‘Free Magneto’ movement.
 Imprisonment // v: isolation
1964-1973 Erik is imprisoned with only brief escapes over the course of nine years.
Early 1971 Having destroyed several prisons during the 60s, Magneto is finally permanently subdued by Trask Industries. He is placed in a specialised prison in the Pentagon, 1,320 ft below the Earth’s surface. It is composed of industrial-grade polymers and concrete.
1971-1973 Erik is kept in solitary confinement in prison (though he has been more or less stuck in one prison or another since 1964). He begins to speak almost exclusively in Yiddish and German, conversing with what he believes are ghosts of his parents (for whom he speaks Yiddish), and Schmidt (for whom he speaks only German). These are, of course, hallucinations, which he has experienced throughout his life in times of intense stress.
 Post-prison recovery years // v: the quiet years
1973 to unknown/variable date
Magneto escapes, somehow. He goes into hiding for a long-ass time and attempts to live a quiet, ordinary life, whilst also recovering from the isolation/prison-induced trauma of the past nine years. Charles Xavier is aware of his escape but chooses not to reveal it to the world so long as Erik does not resume his previous occupation of, uh, global mutant terrorist. At some point, Erik secures a safe haven for mutants on the island of Genosha, where he helps to build a self-sustaining community there.
Default timeline, aka mainverse // v: mutants are the future
Unknown/variable dates (these can literally take place at any time period after 1980 or so; the default is the present day)
Erik acts alone. The Brotherhood no longer exists, and Erik no longer lives in Genosha, though he visits it frequently and assists with its upkeep and maintenance when needed - as well as being more than willing to defend it, if necessary. Erik deals with threats to mutantkind as he sees fit, but is generally not the uh… comic-book villain he was post-XMFC. He and Charles Xavier are in contact with one another, and in some instances, Erik visits the school for a multitude of reasons.
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babsxkean · 4 years
Therapy Session 3
with dr. harleen quinzel @harleenqueenzel​
brief mentions of @jim-gcrdon, @barbaraxxgordons​, @magicalessence​, pam isley, emeli and ed nygma, lee thompkins & oswald cobblepott (it’s too many to tag rip)
tw: drugs, pills 
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I’m sure you’re aware I smoke pot on occasion -- and cigarettes a little more frequently than that. And, you know, I drink rather often...I suppose every day would be a little more accurate. Just a glass of wine after dinner, and another -- or two, or...more -- after Peter is asleep. 
Anyway, I -- I’m not sure if I told you about the pills I used to take, after...after last year. The ones that make you hallucinate? I know it’s pathetic, but I couldn’t sleep without them. It -- they -- oh, it doesn’t matter now. I don’t take them anymore.
I -- well, I don’t take them every night anymore. I try to only take one now if I’ve spent hours trying to sleep. Some nights I’m just so tired that I barely get through taking off my makeup and all of that, but...some nights, it -- it -- it’s hard.
I’ve been taking pills on and off since I was 14. At first I stole my mother’s Xanax -- though God only knows what she needed it for, unless making me miserable gave her anxiety. I took them less when I met Jim, and then of course I stopped when I found out I was pregnant. It was hard, but early pregnancy already makes you feel like shit, so I just felt worse than most women did for a while, I suppose. 
There were some days when I felt like screaming and I just wanted a pill so much, but I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t think the Gordons would understand. And I was afraid they would think less of me. It seemed like they had everything. Of course every family, every person, has parts of themselves that are dark and damaged, but I was sixteen. When you’re sixteen, it’s like you’re a toddler all over again -- you think everything is about you, everything is just you. 
But at the time I looked at them and I thought they had this happy, perfect family. It was the antithesis of the house that I’d grown up in. I didn’t think they would understand feeling so...it felt like I couldn’t breathe, like I was going to suffocate even though I was just standing there. I didn’t even expect to feel better, I just wanted to feel normal.
Before I moved in with the Gordons, I probably took a pill...I wouldn’t say every day, but close to it. Like I said, I just wanted to feel normal. It didn’t help that I saw myself with this family that actually loved each other, and I felt like I didn’t belong there. I thought that feeling would go away when I had my own family, but it -- if anything, it’s worse. 
I just...have you ever felt like you don’t belong in the one place you want most to be? I know I mentioned this before, but I feel as though -- if you just plucked me out of my family, erased me completely, it wouldn’t matter. And I realize that doesn’t make any sense. My children wouldn’t exist without me, at least not as they are. But I -- they -- they’re so...Peter is so sweet and so innocent. He deserves a better mother than me. And Jim and Babs, they’re so good. They’re so brave and self-sacrificing and they would do anything to protect this city, a city full of strangers. 
If I thought burning this city to the ground would protect my family, I would do it in a second. I mean, that includes, you know, you and Pam, and Zatanna and Lee and Oswald, and Emeli and Ed, but still -- I don’t care who else it would hurt. If Gotham stood between my family and their safety, I would destroy it without a second thought of who would get caught in the crossfire. 
So I took pills, to try and make that feeling go away. That feeling of...of not belonging, of not being needed. Of feeling like I couldn’t breathe. Apart from the sleeping pills -- well, I call them sleeping pills, that’s not what they’re actually intended for, I’m sure -- I don’t take anything anymore. But I have other pills in my medicine cabinet. I used to hide them, but at least I don’t have to worry about that right now, hmm?
[a brief laugh]
He’ll come home, won’t he? Soon? I’m afraid he -- oh, well, that’s not what we’re talking about today. 
But I’m -- it’s so hard not to take them. The sleeping pills, or the others. I just feel so...alone. All the time. I miss my husband and I miss my daughter. I feel so empty. And so lonely. The pills help. I know that’s terrible to say, but they do. I’m trying to just be -- better. I quit the mob, I haven’t smoked in a while, I’m cutting back on cigarettes, and it seems like none of it matters.
I’m not really a good person, I know that. My negative qualities vastly outweigh my positive ones. So it seems like trying to be any better than I am is just bailing out the ocean with a bucket, but I am trying. I just wish people saw. I wish it meant something. 
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obsidianarchives · 5 years
Game of Thrones Recap: S8E4 - "The Last of the Starks"
Didn’t we almost have it all? At the moment I’m not sure I’m talking about the episode, this season, or (if you really want to get spicy) the first four seasons of the series, but this show started off SO WELL and then devolved into an unfounded attack on everything I love and believe in. We’re back to split locations this week so let’s get into it, and trust we’ll be discussing that ending. TW: There is brief discussion about the use of rape as a narrative tactic in the “Winterfell” section.
The episode picks up right where we left off last week as the survivors of the Great War bid farewell to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for loss. As much as I’ve never seen it for either of them, Daenerys’s sadness over Jorah — her first friend and a man (for all his MANY faults) who was a constant throughout her adult life — and Sansa tearfully placing a Stark pin on Theon’s corpse were touching and earned conclusions of their character journeys. But there’s still no country for slave traders and child murderers so, bye!
Leading the ceremony, Jon puts some bass in his voice, does his best Captain America impression, and delivers the most impassioned and leaderly speech we’ve heard from him yet as he modifies the Night’s Watch farewell to begin lighting the pyres of fallen heroes outside the castle. Ramin Djawadi put his foot all the way in the score on this scene as we see just how much the fight took out of the survivors. All of our main characters are bruised and bloody, poor Ghost lost an ear, and Rhaegal has holes in his wings and is still too weak to fly without a bit of a hook. Everyone needs a drink.
And what an after party it is! Gendry suffers through awkward dinner conversations with his girlfriend’s father (we’ll get there) the Hound while he awaits Arya who’s a no-show at the feast. Daenerys sees him and takes the opportunity to note that he’s the unknown bastard son of a King. For a moment, I thought she was trying to make a point to Jon about the validity or lack thereof about his claim to the throne, but she instead legitimizes Gendry and proclaims him Lord of the Baratheon’s old seat of Storm’s End. By raising up the former blacksmith she not only installs a Lord Paramount of the Stormlands forever loyal to her, creating allies she desperately needs, she also buries another potential claimant against her crown.
For some reason Sansa is confused and disgusted by this and Tyrion clocks it but says nothing. As the drinking continues, Dany realizes how isolated she truly is as she listens to Jon be toasted by Tormund, a Kobe stan during a LeBron James championship parade. Instead of being a proud aunt towards her baby dragon riding nephew, Queen Daenerys sees how little she is loved by the Westorosi, an awakening that began with her witnessing Lord Royce and Theon’s admiration for Sansa earlier this season. Lurking dramatically behind her and observing all of this is, of course, Varys because he stays in the mess.
Ser Brienne, Podrick, and the Lannister brothers are playing Tyrion’s drinking game where they guess facts about each other, which is fun until the lord imp surmises that the newest knight from Tarth is a virgin. Brienne leaves in anger and shame while Jaime follows after her, leaving Tormund to finally realize where he stands as the third wheel, crying to the Hound. After Clegane chases him off into the arms of a willing Northern girl, Sansa and the Hound share their first conversation since season two and the Battle of Blackwater. When he acknowledges that the “little bird” has grown and changed as much as Arya, she tells him that without the horrors she’s had to endure she wouldn’t be the person she is today. There’s been a great deal of frustration with that line, as the notion that rape can be a tool to make a woman stronger, or that she owes her growth to the men in her life, is demonstrably false. I didn’t initially read the scene that way simply because the theme of terrible things and regrets forming people into who they are has been a repeated one this season (with Jaime, Bran, Theon, etc.), but it is a mark of poor and male-centric writing to not recognize the difference between intentional actions the male characters chose themselves and cruelty done to a character against their will that they’ve had to survive. But this wouldn’t be the last time the writers failed to understand context.
Gendry finally finds Arya in the castle working on her archery instead of reveling in the feast (Big Introvert Energy) and tells her that not only is he the son of a King, he’s now a proper lord himself. Kissing her, he gets down on one knee and tells her it doesn’t mean a thing without her by his side and proposes. Maisie Williams sells the scene with just her eyes, as she kisses Gendry back onto his feet, but has to let him down gently that being a lady is just not her. It calls back to what she constantly told Ned in season one, and the realization she had in her reunion with Nymeria last season.
Jaime channels his inner Drake and brings a flagon of wine to Brienne thee Stallion’s room, reminding her that she hasn’t finished the game. Brienne keeps her room nice and hot, so the Kingslayer starts to take off all his clothes, while probing her interest in Tormund. Always one to keep her guard up, Brienne finally realizes what’s about to happen and helps him take his shirt off as she joins him in disrobing and they finally consummate the years-long dance around and to each other’s hearts.
Daenerys and Jon finally have a heart to heart where Rhaegar’s son reiterates that he has no desire for the throne and is pledged to her. She then begs him to not tell anyone else (specifically Sansa and Arya) and to swear Samwell and Bran to secrecy lest the truth of a rival with a stronger claim gets out and threatens her position. So of course, Jon does the opposite and, forcing Sansa and Arya to promise to keep the secret in the family, has Bran divulge that he’s actually Aegon Targaryen. The scene cuts to black before we get to see their reactions to the news, but hold that thought.
With the demise of the Night King (who we’ll have to wait on the books which shall never be written to learn more about) and his army of the dead, Daenerys finally begins drawing up battle plans to take King’s Landing. As is her wont, the Dragon Queen wants ALL of the smoke and is ready to take Cersei out, whatever it takes. Ever the idealistic pacifist, Tyrion urges the long game of a siege to turn the people against her by starving the Lannisters out. Jon, who at this point doesn’t want to be in the middle of any other squabbles, concedes the feasibility of the plan but then in comes the maester of checking people in public, Lady Sansa. She councils a bit of patience on Dany’s part since her troops are dead tired from fighting zombies, one of her dragons is flying with a limp, and she really has no plan other than “I want the throne.” Admittedly, I’ve been #SansaHive for a while now, but the show seems intent on driving this division between the two matriarchs for no other reason than to manufacture tension and rush towards this narrative that Dany is the Mad Queen that has not been justified. Trying to get back in her good graces (or her bed), Jon however pulls rank and reminds the room that the North is pledged to Daenerys and will follow her to whatever end.
Ser Bronn finally arrives in Winterfell and displays the level-headed pragmatism that I’ve said more than once will put him on the Iron Throne. Rather than outright killing the Lannister men as Cersei wanted, he negotiates. While we finally discover the Queen offered him Riverrun and presumably reign of the Riverlands, Tyrion counters with Highgarden and the seat of the Reach. Less out of an affinity for the brothers and more because he’s seen what dragons can do to an army, he accepts the side he thinks is more likely to win, but promises his bill will come due once the war is over. Another thing this episode has done is remind us just how many Great Houses have fallen in Westeros. Daenerys mentions the support of a new, unnamed Prince in Dorne, and Edmure Tully is possibly still alive in a dungeon somewhere or hiding in oblivion with young Robin Arryn, but almost all of the ruling southern houses have been wiped out.
On the road from Winterfell, the Hound is riding south alone until he’s joined by Arya, and it seems they both have unfinished business back in the capital. If they’re pump faking us and we don’t get Cleganebowl, somebody has to square up. For now, the best buddy duo is back on the road again and neither have plans on coming back alive. Sansa, on the other hand, almost immediately tells Tyrion the ONE thing she promised not to and confides Jon’s secret identity. That’s how we know he wasn’t Ned’s son. Eddard managed to take decades of hate from his own wife to protect his nephew, Jon couldn’t even last a damn week.
The goodbyes continue as Tormund finally takes the wildlings back home to the REAL north to settle down and repopulate now that the threat of the White Walkers is gone. The show, choosing to emphasize his embrace of his Targaryen roots (and that he’s probably going to die soon) has Jon send Ghost north of the Wall as well, since a direwolf has no place in the South and would be happier. This is where the disrespect began and we should have seen the okey doke coming. The relationship between Jon and Ghost is one the show has always underplayed but my man would never! He didn’t even give his beloved companion a goodbye hug, simply looking on as Ghost whines for his friend. We also find out Gilly is pregnant with Sam’s baby for real this time, and if it’s a boy they’ll name him Jon. Yeah, he’s definitely going to die.
Hearing what went down at Dragonstone, Jaime, after knocking the sheen off of Brienne’s starry sapphire again for good measure, leaves in the middle of the night bound for King’s Landing. She runs out in her housecoat and slippers begging an ain’t shit man to come back into her life after just 24 hours; men are a curse. Jaime reads through the litany of things he’s done in the name of his love for Cersei and insists he’s not the good man Brienne thinks he is. It seems clear he’s going back to try to stop her this time (and possibly fulfill the prediction of the valonqar), but he doesn’t tell that to his new boo, who very uncharacteristically breaks down in tears.
With her fleet preparing to invade King’s Landing and take back the throne, Daenerys and crew set sail to her birthplace on Dragonstone. Tyrion couldn’t even wait to make it to shore and immediately tells the news of Jon’s true parentage to the Benita Buttrell of Westeros in Varys, but he ain't one to gossip, so you ain't heard it from him. As the ships drop anchor in the port however, Drogon and Rhaegal are attacked by Euron Greyjoy’s suspiciously sneaky Iron Fleet now outfitted with improved Scorpions which catch Rhaegal unaware, killing yet another dragon. Gotta pour one out for the homie as we’re now down to one and I am inconsolable. Daenerys in a rage is tempted to fly Drogon straight on to light them all up, but facing another round of fire is forced to flee. Euron being the trash panda he is then targets the ships themselves, sinking most of them and forcing the Unsullied to swim to shore. A distraught Grey Worm is left to panic as he screams for Missandei, who was not among those who washed up on the beach.
On the verge of losing everything, Daenerys is understandably tired of being checked by her advisors and is finally ready to burn the Red Keep to the ground if she can sit on the ashes. In a private conversation, Tyrion keeps trying to push the obvious solution that Jon and Dany, who are in love as it is, should just get married, solving all their problems. As infuriating as it may be that the simplest answer is the one that will never happen, even he realizes the futility of hoping for logic to win out. Varys stops short of admitting he’s putting a hit out on Dany, but the Spider, going back to his defense of the realm, is obviously ready to move on to a new leader and leaves Tyrion to drink.
King’s Landing
Meanwhile, back in the capital Cersei has been opening the Red Keep to the common folk in an attempt to call Dany’s bluff that she wouldn’t burn the city with so many people inside the castle walls. Congratulating walking STD Euron on his successful mission Cersei tells him she’s carrying his child (as Qyburn confirms), and hides her disgust as Greyjoy is overwhelmed with new daddy glee.
The writers then lose the plot entirely as they cut to Missandei, back in shackles, Cersei’s prisoner as the queen remarks “so much for the breaker of chains.” We’ll get to it soon but it goes without saying that seeing a Black woman, the ONLY Black woman on the show, placed back into bondage when her story arc has been one of rising above her enslavement is reprehensible. That said, this is a show about reprehensible people doing reprehensible things. It hurts no less, but what used to elevate the series was that these actions were grounded in an internal logic and narrative fullness that resonated with character motivation and agency for both sides. This was simply done for shock value, both in-universe for Daenerys and out of it for the viewers.
Outside the Red Keep, the walls of which we see have also been outfitted with Scorpions, the two Hands of the Queen meet to discuss terms, and when it’s clear that Cersei will not be surrendering, Tyrion tries to speak directly to his sister and beg for her better nature to avoid bloodshed, insisting that she’s not a monster. WHAT WOMAN DOES HE THINK HE’S BEEN DEALING WITH FOR ALL THIS TIME? Of course that nonsense doesn’t work and Tyrion’s inability to recognize that villainy is possible even under the guise of white womanhood is what should get him killed. Instead it’s Missandei who is caught in the crosshairs of the 53% as she utters her last words, “Dracarys,” before being beheaded by the Mountain.
My personal affinity for Missandei should be well known, so you can imagine how I reacted to seeing this mess. To clarify, it's not just that she died that was so galling. If you read the episode two review we called that happening, and I’d assume most of you weren’t shocked either, even though it doesn’t hurt any less. It’s the how and why that was so poorly handled that added insult to injury of the pain that's inherent when you have so few people of color in the cast in general, but Black women specifically. Had she had the agency to choose her own end and her death come as the result of her story arc, so be it. This is a show of terrors and loved characters die everyday, B. Had she died in the crypts of Winterfell fighting for her life and the Queen she believed in, and Daenerys and Grey Worm had gotten to mourn her the way they gave tired, rockface Jorah his final respects it would have been better. Had her Dracarys command gotten Drogon to start the roast of the city? We outchea! But for it to be simply the impetus to justify razing King’s Landing, and as a pawn in a war of aggression between two white women while she’s placed back in bondage, was a perfect storm of disrespect, to the character and the audience. We've established for seven seasons that that city is a rathole, filled with people we haven't seen in years. I don't care about Dany burning the castle to the ground, but NOW? I need Thanos to show up because I want nothing left but ashes. For a blog whose motto is MORE Black Girls MORE Dragons, this episode was always going to be particularly painful, but the fact that there was no greater narrative purpose for it makes it even worse.
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