#tw: Vomit mention
spooksandpumpkins · 2 months
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Rushed af but, you gotta love when your cat throws up in the middle of the night.
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
Delirious Villain x Hero Caretaker (4)
TW: family abuse, abusive older brother, sick fic, sick whumpee, weak whumpee, PTSD, whumpee afraid of being sick, neglect, vomit mentions, flu-like symptoms, violence, rough beating, callous whumper, sadistic whumper
Read part one here // continued from here
This part is dedicated to @sausages-things!!! Thank you for your comments, I hope you enjoy!!
Hero woke up in the same position they went to sleep in, Villain in their arms cuddling into their chest. They smiled at Villain who was still sleeping soundly for the first time in days. No late-night vomit trips to the toilet, or night terrors, or throwing the blankets off and stripping to fight the cold sweats. Hero let out a soft sigh. They could stay like this forever.
They pressed the back of their fingers against Villain’s forehead. No fever. He wasn't terribly hot or cold, just warm — a normal, human temperature. Hero let out a breath of relief. Then started carding their fingers through Villain’s hair, pushing the damp strands off their lover’s face. Villain even looked less pale, raising Hero’s spirits that hopefully Villain would be on the mend after all the heartache of the last few days.
Hero’s phone rang from somewhere in the house and Hero stifled a groan. They really didn’t want to move or disturb Villain in their arms. Maybe if they ignored it, the caller would give up on their endeavour and Hero could stay in bed with Villain. Besides, it wasn’t anyone important. Hero booked time off in work so they could wait on Villain hand and foot, look after everything Villain couldn’t. It’s what partners were for, to be there for each other.
The ringtone stopped and Hero smiled, glancing down at Villain again. Their peace only lasted a fraction of a second, before their phone started ringing again. Hero seriously contemplated waiting it out, but what if it was something important? What if some new villain was decimating an entire city block? Villain would understand if Hero had to go and stop them.
Well, understand, yes, but Villain wouldn't let Hero go alone. Hero blushed as they remembered the last time they tried to leave to stop a new villain fresh in the city.
“I really have to go, Vil.”
Villain slammed his hand out on the opposing wall, stopping Hero from leaving Villain's room, back when they were initially dating. Hero rolled their eyes at Villain, crossing their arms across their chest.
“What if I say no?”
“What if,” Villain continued, stepping in front of Hero and crowding them so Hero was pushed back a step. “There is another villain who wants your complete attention?"
“Is this same villain acting like a complete child right now?”
Villain chuckled in reply. The deep chuckle that wound a knot in Hero’s stomach and set their heart aflutter. He forced Hero back a step, then another until Hero was backed against the wall.
Villain reached a hand up to cup Hero’s chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting their head up to look Villain in the eyes. “Do I have to threaten an orphanage, or kidnap the mayor to get an ounce of your attention?”
“I’ve given you attention all night.”
“I don’t like sharing,” Villain said, stepping forward and closing all remaining distance between them. “What if you chat with this new villain and he sweeps you off your feet?”
“You’re being ridiculous,” Hero said, ignoring the sudden, breathless quality of their voice.
“Am I? That’s what happened with you and me.”
Hero grabbed Villain’s wrist, not trying to dislodge his hold on Hero, but instead rubbing soothing circles over it, their other hand reaching to Villain’s cheek.
“This new villain isn’t you.”
“Damn right he isn’t.” Villain all but growled, smashing his lips to Hero’s, melting any words that still lingered on Hero’s tongue. The kiss was hungry, Villain deepening it quickly, forcing Hero’s head back against the wall when Hero tried to return the passion. This wasn’t a loving kiss, it was passionate, possessory. Villain showing Hero exactly who they belonged to; drawing a distinct line between Villain and all other villains that Hero had to fight.
Villain pulled back, pecking Hero once more before he nodded and stepped back. Hero blinked dazed up at Villain. Villain smiled wolfishly down at Hero, a flash of white and smouldering eyes.
“Come on, Hero. We have a villain to get rid of.”
Hero nodded stupidly, then shook their head, eyes narrowing as clarity hit them like a smack in the face. “Wait! What? You’re coming?! What if someone sees?! What if they—���
“What if they somehow think we’re dating? Darling, I’m not suggesting we arrive at the same time. You can swoop in, save the day, be the Hero I adore,” Villain said, brushing a stray hair from Hero’s eyes. “And I will dispose of this new villain once you rescue the hostages, hmm?”
“I do love it when you say my name.”
“I don’t want you to kill—”
“Who said anything about killing, my dear? I’ll simply share my experiences and push them down the path of the righteous. To use their powers for good.”
Hero agreed at the time, but the other villain from that night never showed up again, and Hero didn’t think it was from Villain’s persuasive argument.
Hero cursed under their breath before slowly disentangling themselves from Villain and slipping out of bed unnoticed. Villain stirred briefly, but just snuggled into the pillow Hero was leaning on and settled again. Hero held back a groan as they opened the door to their bedroom and quickly shut it again so the noise wouldn’t disturb Villain.
Hero marched towards the counter, grabbing their phone and yanking it off charge, not even bothering to look at the caller ID when they barked: “what?”
“Hero! I’ve been trying to reach you for the last twenty minutes.”
“Yeah, Superhero,” Hero said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of their nose, leaning heavily against the counter. “Listen, I have the rest of this week booked off.”
“I know, but Hero I need you.”
“Get Other Hero.”
“Have you not watched the news?” Superhero asked, almost heartbroken down the line. Hero’s heart seized in their chest. “Hero… Supervillain struck again last night. Other Hero and Sidekick were out on patrol when—” Superhero’s voice caught, and Hero lurched forward. “They… uh… they don’t think Sidekick’s gonna make it, Hero.”
“What?” Hero whispered.
“Please,” Superhero pleaded. “There’s not enough— I need you here, Hero. Or even to protect —”
“Of… of course, Superhero. I’m, I’ll be twenty minutes, but I’ll be there, I promise.”
“I’m so sorry. I know that your partner—”
“It’s okay,” Hero cut in. “Honestly, Superhero. Twenty minutes.”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll see you then.”
Hero cursed checking the time. They had to get ready. They had to leave Villain a note or something, shit they had to get ready. They paused at the door to their bedroom, not wanting to wake Villain up. They pivoted on their heel, turning to the laundry room and praying that — yes! Clean clothes! Perfect. They wouldn’t have to disturb Villain at all, and Villain could get the rest he needed.
Hero was pulling on their runner, half hopping around the living room, eyes scouring every inch of the place for the other one. Their eyes drifted back to their bedroom door and cursed under their breath. They didn’t have time to worry about it, it would be fine. Just in and out, and oh fuck they needed their keys to get back in.
“Hero?” Villain asked the moment Hero stepped into the room. Bleary eyes raised above the duvet to Hero who was frozen mid-air reaching for their runner. Hero smiled bashfully at Villain and straightened, apologising as they walked over to the bed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know I said that I had booked time off but something big happened and Superhero called, and he needs—”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Villain said softly, putting his hand on Hero’s arm. “Don’t worry about me, I’m feeling loads better.”
Hero almost let out a sigh of relief. “Are you? Or are you just saying that, so I’ll go like yesterday?”
As if to make his point, Villain sat up in the bed and leaned over to kiss Hero’s knuckles. “Hey, crimefighter. Look, I’m fine. I feel great.” Hero tilted their head, and Villain pressed on, “you are going to miss a lot of sexy sleeping while you’re gone, though.”
Hero laughed.
“I’m serious,” Villain told them. “Oh, I’m gonna have a day in bed, full of sexy snots in tissues and shitty daytime TV, oh, how will I survive without you?”
“You’re such an idiot,” Hero told them smiling. Villain’s hand tightened in Hero’s.
“I’m your idiot.” Villain replied. “I’ll order soup or food or whatever, I’ll be fine until your home.”
“But if it’s a new Supervillain—” that meant long hours and possibly working multiple shifts to—
Villain’s gaze hardened as he cut in, “I’ll be fine. Go. You saved me yesterday; I can’t hog the city’s Hero twice in a week.”
“What about that time you held me captive in that warehouse?”
Villain’s cocky smile made an appearance on his tired face. It didn’t make as much as an impression as it usually did, with the bags under Villain’s red rimmed eyes and his pale, lacklustre skin. “Darling, that was a weekend getaway for the two of us.”
Hero leaned in and kissed Villain’s forehead. “If you need me, call.”
“I will.”
“Okay, I love you,” Hero said, gathering everything they needed as they left.
Villain reclined back into the pillows on their bed. “I love you too.”
Hero went straight to the Hero tower, rushing in and bolting to the lift, heading straight for Superhero’s office. When they got to the floor, Hero speed walked the corridor until they found Superhero in his office. His desk was in disarray, holding his head in his hands as Hero opened the door.
“Superhero.” Superhero looked up.
“Hero,” Superhero said, getting to his feet and walking around his desk. “Thank God you’re here. I’m so sorry about your partner. I just—”
“Nevermind that now,” Hero said with a wave. “What can I do? How can I help? You’re not usually this stressed. Tell me everything.”
“It was just — there was no rumours or hints at anything yesterday, or in the past month. It wasn’t disturbingly quiet or unusual, so we thought that it would just be a regular patrol, but Other Hero and Sidekick were hurt bad and they’re in the hospital getting treated…”
“Do you know what villain did this?”
Superhero’s eyes hardened. “I don’t know for sure. It could be a new Supervillain for all we know, but it reminded me a bit of Villain’s MO as well.”
Hero stiffened, a furrow forming between their brows. No way could it have been Villain, they’re home, sick in bed and Hero spent the entire night with them.
“Oh?” Hero asked. “Have you been to the hospital?”
Superhero shook his head. “I’ve been too caught up here. All I know is scraps from other heroes reports but I need someone I can trust to guard them.”
Hero’s frown deepened. “You don’t think a hero had anything to do with it, do you?”
Superhero’s eyes were desperate as he shrugged helplessly, turning to scan the papers on his desk. “I don’t know, Hero. I don’t want to rule out the possibility that a villain may have charmed one of us and somehow manipulated us to give up sensitive information like patrols or something.”
Hero was glad Superhero had his back to them, otherwise he would have seen the pain that crossed Hero’s expression. Villain… Villain would never do that to Hero, would he? He wouldn’t— I mean, Hero knew Villain wasn’t— he wasn’t friendly with other villains, so Villain wouldn’t betray Hero like that. Never.
“I’ll go to the hospital,” Hero said, voice firm. “I’ll get some of the heroes I trust most and recruit them as well. I won’t let anything happen to Other Hero or sidekick; I promise.”
Superhero turned and smiled. He placed a hand on Hero’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “Thank you, Hero. You are one of the only heroes I trust would never converse with a villain. That will help everything run smoother here.”
“Of course, Superhero.” Hero forced out, guilt threatening to clog their words. They left as quickly as they had come, leaving Superhero’s office in a flash, back down the corridor to the lift. It was empty when it arrived, something Hero was grateful for. The moment the doors closed they pressed their back flush against the wall, taking in deep breaths. Unaware of who was watching them through the camera in the corner.
Superhero straightened once he heard the lift doors close at the end of the hall. He walked around his desk and looked at the Hero in the lift through the cameras. Eyes hard as Hero leaned back against the wall, hands braced on their knees. How had he not seen this before? Why had he trusted Hero of all people?! And somehow Villain wormed his way into Hero’s life?! He waited until Hero stepped out of the lift before he switched his computer screen from the cameras and stood from his desk.
He schooled his expression and stepped out of his office. He said to Number Two Hero: “I need to head out, will you hold down the fort while I’m gone?”
“Of course, Sir.”
Superhero thanked them and walked down the corridor to the lift. He needed to pay Villain a little, friendly visit.
Villain peeled themselves out of bed, skin sticky with sweat. His nose turned up as he caught a whiff of himself and he almost gagged. A shower before anything else was necessary.
He could almost hear Hero telling him that he shouldn’t take a shower, that he’s too weak and what if he slipped or passed out and the water was too hot — and a whole host of other problems that Hero could foresee. Villain smiled softly to himself as he locked the bathroom door.
He was lucky to have them.
Superhero told Hero that Other Hero and Sidekick were being treated at West-Point General Hospital, which was a pain to get to. It was on the edge of the city and took a forty-minute train to get there and back to the Hero tower, nevermind Hero’s apartment.
They shot Villain a text, informing him that they’d be late home. They hesitated to say the reason: the words: ‘Other Hero and Sidekick were attacked’ stared up at them on the screen. Hatefully, suspicion curled viciously like a snake in Hero’s chest, Superhero’s words of warning.
Villain would never betray me, Hero told themselves. Work and their relationship were completely different for them both.
If that’s true, a nasty voice piped up, why did you delete the explanation?
Hero swallowed thickly and shoved their phone into their pocket.
Villain let out a sigh of relief once the hot water hit his aching muscles, it felt so good. As if the sickness was being rinsed from his body. He glanced around the bathroom, half-expecting the apparition of his brother to appear again.
No, Villain reminded himself, shaking his head as if he could shake the memory from his head. He’s not here. He’s not real. That was just a hallucination or something. Still, Villain crossed his arms across himself in a self-hug under the warm water.
He pressed his forehead against the cool tile, hoping Hero came home sooner rather than later.
Hero walked to the reception desk, putting on their best charming smile. “Hi, I’m looking for Other Hero and Sidekick.”
Receptionist nodded and tapped on his keyboard. “Third floor. Room 316.”
“Thank you.”
Hero kept their eyes peeled as they ascended the stairs, looking out for any suspicious characters lurking around. When Hero got to the third floor, they followed the signs towards room 316. The room was left unguarded, and Hero’s heart started to run a little faster in their chest as they approached.
They half expected a massacre in the room, but it was worse than Hero imagined. Only Other Hero lay in the bed, the other was vacant, the door opened. Hero rushed inside, looking for any clues or hints or something that would lead to the missing Sidekick.
Other Hero looked was hooked up to a bunch of monitors, half of her face was swollen with deep purple and black bruises. Some of the cuts had been stitched and a tube was inserted in her mouth.
A gun cocked behind Hero, and they froze. “Come to finish us off, have you?”
Hero frowned, looking over their shoulder to see Sidekick wobbling in the doorway. They didn’t look much better than Other Hero, leaning heavily on the doorframe to keep themselves up.
“Sidekick it’s Hero,” Hero said. At the sound of Hero’s voice, Sidekick thumbed the hammer forward and clicked the safety on, lowering their gun.
“Good, I don’t think I can make it back to the bed.”
Hero immediately went to them and threw an arm over their neck, supporting Sidekick’s weight as they guided them back to bed. “What happened? Why did you leave the bed?”
“I needed the loo,” Sidekick grumbled and hissed as they settled back onto the bed. Hero’s panicked eyes went to Sidekick’s side that was red with bloodstains.
“Who did this to you?” Hero asked as they straightened to further observe Sidekick.
Sidekick shook their head then winced. “We didn’t see them, or at least…” Sidekick glanced at Other Hero, “I don’t think we did,” they said quieter. “I know I didn’t, but I don’t know about Other Hero.”
Hero nodded sympathetically. “Did you get an idea of their abilities? Were they powered?”
“Whatever they were they were strong, Hero. Really fucking strong, and— and I couldn’t fight them. Every time I got close to them, they’d weave out of the way and punch me and send me reeling. Other Hero she at least got a couple of good hits in before he turned all his attention on her.”
Hero frowned, eyes going to Other Hero’s broken body. If what Sidekick was saying was true, then — “how did you survive?”
“I don’t mean to be insensitive,” said Hero quickly. “I just — if your opponent was a beast of a thing, how did you both end up in hospital?”
Sidekick scoffed. “Halfway through the fight I radioed for Superhero to help us. He must’ve arrived after I passed out because the next thing, I know I’m here and Other Hero is strapped to machines to keep her fucking breathing.”
Sidekick dissolved into quiet sobs that shook their body, not willing to let any sound out. “I should’ve— I should’ve been stronger. I should’ve been able to— to—”
“It’s okay, Sidekick,” Hero told them gently.
Furious eyes flashed to Hero’s face. “You can’t say that! You don’t know what it’s like to be weak! To be beaten so badly that you can’t even move! I should have been able to protect her!”
Hero stood still, lips drawn down tight, not knowing what to say to comfort Sidekick. A voice at the door took their attention.
“Hero. A word.”
Hero turned, frown deepening at the owner of the voice. It was the number three Hero, Ajax. What the hell was he doing here? Hero followed him out, closing the door as they left the room. “What’re you doing here?” Hero asked before Ajax could speak.
“I’m here to watch over them. Make sure the villain they faced doesn’t come back to finish them off,” Ajax said like it was the most normal thing in the world.
“But… Superhero sent me to do that.”
“Superhero? He already posted me; I told him I could do it alone. I’ve been itching to get away from the office to tell you the truth.”
Hero’s brows drew together, deep in thought. Why would Superhero send me all this way for no reason? Maybe Ajax needed some support?
“Ah, Hero!” Hero looked up and saw Briar’s smiling face meet theirs. “Paying a visit? How is your partner? I heard he was sick.”
Hero let a smile slide across their features. “Yeah, yeah. It looks like you two got it all covered though. My partner… I actually got to get back to him.”
“Of course,” Briar said, slapping Ajax on the back. “Me and the big guy got everything covered here.”
Ajax shot questioning eyes at Hero, but Hero couldn’t answer any themselves, so they didn’t. Hero nodded and said their goodbyes, before heading back for the train, trying to make sense of Superhero’s emergency call.
Maybe Superhero just forgot he posted other heroes to the hospital? Maybe he was just stressed out… whatever it was it didn’t really matter. It meant Hero could get home to Villain quicker than anticipated. Maybe Villain could help them make sense of this wild goose chase.
Hero glanced at their phone when they got on the train, smiling at Villain’s reply they hadn’t seen until now. At least they were going home earlier and could relax with Villain at home, snuggled up under the blankets, maybe watch a movie or something.
Villain couldn’t keep the grin off his face after his shower as he towelled his hair dry. His body still ached; his limbs moved with a rust-like creaking, but he felt so much lighter after his shower. So much clearer and fresh.
He smiled as he glanced at their phone, Hero telling him that there was some soup in the fridge, and they might be longer than they initially thought. Villain stared at the words at the end of the text, I love you.
Such simple words that made more warmth bloom in his chest than the shower did. Villain text a quick reply before tossing his phone on the bed. He didn’t really want food right now, maybe some water or tea. He brushed his teeth before the shower to get the taste of vomit out of his mouth. He shuddered to think of it, happy it was over.
Villain ignored the idea of food or drink altogether and opted instead to take some painkillers and watch some TV on the sofa, cuddled up under the cow pattern blanket that smelled like Hero.
Hero stepped out of the lift of the Hero tower, walking towards Superhero’s office. They stopped outside it, but there was no Superhero. Hero frowned and turned, walking onto the map room floor. Second met their eye across the room, frowning as Hero made their way over.
“Hero? Aren’t you on leave?”
Hero frowned. “Yeah, but Superhero called me in. Have you seen them?”
“They went out,” Second told Hero.
“About half an hour ago.”
“Do you know where?”
“No, but I didn’t ask.”
Hero nodded. “Right.”
Villain woke to the sound of the door being opened. He hadn’t realised that he had fallen asleep.
“Hero?” He mumbled, not opening his eyes yet as the door closed. Judge Judy played softly in the background until it was turned off. He felt Hero’s stare on him, sitting down on the coffee table in front of the couch.
Villain cracked an eye open, vision blurry with sleep, but he immediately knew that that wasn’t Hero. Villain jerked back on the couch, blinking themselves awake.
No, no, no, no, no, no…. Why was he having hallucinations again? He felt so much better. Villain shook his head.
“You’re not real, you’re not real,” Villain said to himself.
“Oh, I think you’ll find I’m very real, Villain.”
Villain kicked out on instinct, his feet catching in the blanket he was tangled up in. Superhero chuckled. “You’re still so pathetic,” Superhero said leaning forward. Villain pushed at Superhero’s outstretched hand, eyes widening as it made contact.
“Wh— what?” Villain asked, his entire body shaking with a mixture of adrenaline and fear and groaning muscles. Superhero didn’t answer, instead he batted Villain’s hand away and grabbed Villain by the throat. Villain’s hands went to Superhero’s wrist, trying to pull it off, but Superhero pressed him back into the couch.
“When I heard that Hero was dating a villain, I was concerned, but to realise that that villain was you. Well, I can kill two birds with one stone.”
Villain tried to untangle himself from the blanket, but he was well and truly cocooned no matter how much he kicked.
“I’ve missed you, Villain. And to think you were here, in my city. Hiding under my nose for the longest time, in bed with my best Hero, you’re like a cockroach.”
Villain’s eyes widened in terror. “If you laid a hand on them—”
Superhero tilted his head. “You’ll what? Kick me?”
Before Villain could think to reply, Superhero punched him right in the solar plexus. Villain lurched forward, breath stolen, straight into Superhero’s palm who squeezed, cutting off his air supply.
“Let’s get a proper look at you, hmm?”
Villain barely had time to process the words when Superhero yanked him off the couch by their shirt and tossed him to the ground. Villain barely felt the impact as they rolled, gasping in air as he went, hands protectively curled around his stomach.
“I would’ve thought that Villain, the Villain would have more to offer me. Something formidable, but look at you,” Superhero said, following Villain’s retreat with heavy, deliberate footsteps. “Still as weak as ever. I could kill you right now and let Hero find your mangled corpse, and y’know what?”
Superhero sent a swift kick to Villain’s cheek, whipping Villain’s head to the side. Villain turned over onto his stomach, getting one hand under himself before there was a hand in his hair, yanking thim back.
Villain cried out, grabbing the hand, trying to alleviate the pressure, but Superhero didn’t let up. He pulled Villain back and up to his feet, shoving him forward. Villain’s hands shot out to catch himself on the wall before he fell again.
“There you go, let me get a good look at you,” Superhero said. Villain’s whole-body shook, his legs trembling, struggling to keep himself upright. His limbs ached, screaming at him to rest and relax, but Villain’s terror left him frozen. “Turn around.”
This couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be real, this isn’t real. This is just another hallucination, Superhero can’t be here, he can’t be… he can’t be…
Superhero’s voice dropped low, chilling Villain to the core. “Do I have to ask twice, or do you remember who’s in charge?”
Villain used the wall to turn themselves, facing Supervillain and staring him in the eyes. He refused to cower anymore.
“Hmm, so Hero’s been slumming it with you, have they?”
“Why?” Villain snapped. “Jealous?”
Superhero laughed, shaking their head slowly. “No,” he replied, tilting his head. “Though I’m sure my advances wouldn’t be refused.”
Villain grit their teeth. “You’re lying.” He was, but to see that flash of fear cross Villain’s face after so long was worth it.
“I just always pictured Hero with someone strong. Y’know, someone who could stand on their own two feet. Someone with a Hero’s physique, you? What, have you completely disregarded your training, or do you want to look like a complete failure?”
Villain shook his head, sweat clinging to the back of his neck as he stepped off the wall. He immediately regretted the decision and stumbled back, gritting his teeth as the world spun and tilted.
“We’re not kids anymore,” Villain said instead or rising to Superhero’s bait. “You don’t have any effect on me.”
“Is that so?”
Villain swallowed hard, humming his reply as Superhero started towards him, taking slow, deliberate steps that sent Villain’s heart racing.
“Because that’s not what I heard. I heard you begging your brother to leave you alone,” Superhero said, relishing the way all colour seemed to leave Villain’s face. “To stop, to beat you instead today, please, please, please.”
“Y—you h-heard that?” Villain asked with a timid voice as Superhero stopped in front of him.
“Oh yes, and I thought it was strange, because well, I wasn’t there, Vil. But don’t worry. Big bro’s here now, and we’re going to make you better.”
“No—” Villain protested, shooting his hand out. Superhero caught it by the wrist and twisted his arm before slamming it back against the wall. “No, no, no, no!”
“Don’t you want to be worthy of Hero? Don’t you love them enough to be perfect?”
“Hero loves me!” Villain cried, tears springing to his eyes as he struggled to get out of Superhero’s grip. But Superhero was too strong. Superhero was always stronger than Villain, and no matter how much Villain trained or wanted to forget it, he was right back where he ran away from. He was back as a kid, Brother overpowering him and staring back into his brother’s callous, dispassionate eyes. “Brother, please.”
Superhero brushed Villain’s hair from his forehead, gently hushing Villain. “Oh, Villain. We haven’t even started yet.” His eyes darkening. “But don’t worry. There’ll be plenty of time for begging later.”
Continued here
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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She seems brighter when she comes back, though we all ignore the blotchiness of her face, like she’s just been crying. Her lashes are a little wet too, making them long and spiky like she’s a girl from a cartoon. She and Liam are smiling into each other's faces now, mumbling vague reassurances, giggling together as though what just occurred was so silly, and hasn’t caused any genuine hurt to either of them. 
When he kisses her on the cheek she flinches slightly as though there is something objectionable or embarrassing about the way that he touches her, and in that moment his insecurity makes sense. 
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I think everyone feels bad for her then and wants for her to feel included because they start asking her questions about school which she answers enthusiastically, making sure to look very interested and engaged in what everyone is saying. It occurs to me that she’s a nice person, that she’s making an effort with others and being polite, and perhaps my initial judgement of her formality was unfair. I think I should try harder to be a nice person too, but then I wonder if it’s even in my nature to be that way. I’ve sort of already embraced being a bastard and allowed it to define me. 
“Tell everyone what you want to do in college,” Shane encourages, and Evie fiddles with the ends of her plaits. “Oh, well, art, I think.”
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“You make art?” I say.
Immediately her face reddens. It must be a side effect of her kind of complexion. 
“Yeah, I suppose I’m okay at it.”
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“Everyone says she’s great at it.” Liam says proudly, as though we are discussing his accomplishments and not Evie’s. “I haven’t seen her drawings yet, but the girls were raving about her. She draws in her sketchbook every day.”
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“That’s cool.” I speak pointedly to her and not him, “What do you draw?” 
“Just whatever I see. Landscapes, people, sometimes still life, like stuff that’s lying around in the mobile home. I really like doing it, because when I’m drawing I don’t have to think about anything else.”
I smile. Somehow it’s comforting to hear her talking about art in a way that’s wholly familiar to me, as a meditation, a form of escapism.
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“Jude is an artist too.” Jen says. “Ye have something in common.”
“Yeah, I’m studying art in college next year. I already have my place in the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts to do a degree.”
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“Oh, so you’re studying abroad?”
“Yeah, it’s going to be good. Four years in Germany, I can’t wait. I’m actually leaving at the end of the summer,” which is… about seven weeks. My palms prickle and become damp with sweat but I keep smiling. It’s fine. Everything will just fall into place as long as I don't get stressed. 
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Claire interrupts our conversation with her return, and kneels whispering urgent sounding things to Evie. I don’t hear anything but the delightful phrase “throwing up everywhere” and wonder with utter dread what exactly constitutes everywhere. On the couch? The rug? Up the walls? Well, at least it’ll be motivation to clean the house for once. Still, I’m struck by how much I fucking hate Kelly Healy in that moment, and consider suggesting that Jen clean up her vomit as penance for inviting her in the first place. 
“I can get my dad to come and collect us,” Liam is saying as he and Evie are getting up to help.
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“Is everything okay?” says Jen, and Evie smiles tightly, “Yeah, just Kelly’s sick, so we’re going to have to take her home and look after her and stuff.”
“You don’t have to go, Evie, you can stay here with us if you want.”
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She shakes her head, “No, I do. I want to go with them,” she turns to leave, but Jen quickly catches her wrist, “Hey, you should come to Dublin with us this weekend.”
“Jude and I are going to an exhibition, and you might really like it.”
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Usually I’d be pissed off that she’s changing our plans without consulting me first, but it seems like a good idea to me, actually. Maybe it’d be nice to go to an exhibition with someone who enjoys art, and not just Jen who walks around pointing at things and saying I could do that if I was bothered.
“No pressure at all,” I assure her, “but yeah, if you want to, you’re welcome. We’ll mostly be hanging out in the city for the day anyway so whatever you feel like doing.”
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Jen pats her hand and gives her a meaningful look, “I’m just saying, it might be nice to get away for an afternoon.”
Evie grins. It’s the happiest I’ve seen her look all night, “I’d love to.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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The whumpee felt miserable, but they tried their best to hide this from the caretaker since the last thing they wanted is to be a burden. It isn’t until the caretaker finds the whumpee throwing up in the middle of the night that the whumpee realizes that the caretaker actually wants to help them- and that the caretaker wasn’t like the whumper.
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the-metatron · 9 months
hello how are you?
Not well, unfortunately. I've been nauseous ever since I returned from my trip to 1978, vomiting every morning.
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At first, I thought I had simply overextended myself. What with beating both the Twelfth Doctor and Missy in strip poker, then collecting my spoils as the victor, while travelling in the TARDIS, and then dancing with and later punishing Zeus over a several period.
But then @scribe-proxy-and-deadpan-snarker suggested I pee on this frog in order to determine the cause of my illness.
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A bit unconventional, I admit, but I've been known to try everything twice. So, I will try and report back with what I find out. Wish me luck!
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cosmic-ships · 2 months
I was just informed by my 9yr old that my nystagmus has started (she said "Mom, your eyes are shaking") so my attack is going to get worse. I will most likely not be active for at least 9-10 hours if it decides to ramp up on me (everyone may cheer about my absence now)
I hope it doesn't get worse. I hate it. I end up feeling so pathetic and weak and useless— for christ sake I can't even stand on my own. Fuck this disease, I hate it with a burning passion. Fucks up my entire body...
vertigo; forced to crawl if I have to move. Incredibly bad migraine; pain killers do nothing. Vomiting; even if my stomach is empty which leads to ruptured throat. The possibility of if my vertigo isn't bad I'll get a "drop attack" where it felt like someone pushed me extremely hard in the back and I fall (last time I had one I smashed my head off my coffee table) not to mention it caused me to be deaf in my left ear and I've had 24/7 tinnitus (the loud ringing) in my ear since the end of 2014..
I fucking hate this, I hate me when it happens. I become nothing but a dead weight burden...
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bil-daddy · 1 year
Aziraphale ate too many ox ribs and now his tummy hurts...
Thanks a lot guys. I did what 61.3% you voted for and tried to seduce Aziraphale with a rack of ox ribs. And you wanna know what happened? This angel ate so much he made himself sick. Classic beginner's mistake.
So. There go all my plans for the rest of our date* night. What should I do now?
(*he still doesn't know it was supposed to be a date.)
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kitxkatrp · 11 days
[PROMPTS FOR ORDINARY THINGS THAT FEEL INTIMATE] || [ kneel ] sender finds receiver sick in the bathroom ("tossing their cookies"), and kneels beside them, holding their hair back and cleaning their face // Kaneki to Hide @cpirits
The worst of it had passed and he was simply kneeling there at this point. He wasn't even aware that they could get sick, or maybe it was the part of him that was still half human.
Sweat on his face, he was exhausted, but then the gentle touch of his lover on his face and brushing his hair back made him melt a little.
"I'll be all right. I don't think it's deadly, Neki...I'm more scared of you catching it." He admitted, closing his eyes once more and relaxing into the touches.
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o-cinnamonstickz · 15 days
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autarchi0s · 29 days
If there had ever been a time where Stolas wished a yearly Cleanse came and tore his heart out at spearpoint, this would be just such an occasion.
Somehow, and without conducting any previous audits, the heft of a heavy accusation now weighed upon the prince's shoulders. And with it came the inevitable scrutiny of his very own family - namely, his father. The last person Stolas wanted sticking their beak into his business. There was no shortage of reasons as to why he would prefer to keep it all under wraps. It showed in the smallest cracks behind the owl's otherwise near-perfect poker face.
A grand number of Goetia, father and son included, took the evening off to gather at a round table meeting. On one end sat Stolas, spine straightened in a fine angle, shoulders stiff, and elbows off the table. As instructed. Always. On the other, the disapproving gaze of Paimon, who lounged more comfortably upon his own throne with a glass of wine in hand. And at a point of convergence in between them both, surrounded by other imposing members of the royal court, is where their trusty mediator would be sat.
Their debate had yet to begin, and the tension in the air felt so permeable, a blade could slice through it. Behind Stolas' prim, proper and mild-mannered visage, the man inside was crumbling, feeling as though he could vomit... and he probably had, minutes before arriving at this reunion.
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"...well, this is awkward. Are you going to lead off this bloody meeting or what? I've no time for badinage." the king deadpans, leaning and glancing towards their stand-in as he awaits the officiation of the usual formalities. Knowing the discourse could become heated, all parts had convened on allowing Gusion to serve as an arbitrator, a middle party of sorts. It remains to be seen if he will, indeed, serve to qualm any potential discourse of an unruly persuasion.
|| -- @keeperofanswers
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thestressedsimmer · 10 months
1312 October, Willow Creek Royal Residence
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On the way to her chambers one night, Joan was overcome with sudden and overwhelming nausea. She was stuck in place for a full minute before she could run to a chamber pot to vomit into.
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As she emptied her stomach of contents, Joan groaned. She was used to dizzy spells, headaches, and sudden bouts of fatigue... but vomiting was new. She is a frail woman - hence why she was always in her chambers alone and didn't want her husband to touch her.
She rested on the stone floor for a moment, praying to the Watcher to give her strength to continue fighting with her health. . . But. . . Then a thought occurred to her. She rushed back to her chambers, standing in front of a mirror.
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Tender breasts? Check.
Nausea and vomiting? Check.
Late monthly course....
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She is with child! This is the answer to all of her prayers! After all, Louis needs and heir and she has a duty as a queen to produce one - she had been growing more and more concerned as the years stretched on with no sign of it happening...
But now it is! She rushed out of her chambers to go see her husband, waking him out of a sound slumber. She was so ecstatic, she had almost forgot about what had happened during his father's funeral preperations.
However, his grief is still strong. And so.... he did not have the reaction she'd hoped.
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sennenpharaoh · 1 month
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He watched Atem fall to the ground and was watching as the body was still burning. Roy looks at him worriedly, crouching to his level, especially since he didn't reply.
Atem had must've been in his own world to not reply or notice that he was there. He looked exhausted, but all Roy could do in that moment was rub his back, even if he wasn't feeling or acknowledging his presence, Roy would make sure that he was okay and taken care of.
Especially since he noticed those burns on his hand. Luckily Roy's messed with fire enough to know how to take care of the burns so he'd make sure to help him out should he need it.
"I'm here for you, Atem."
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Who was there?!
He did not come back that quickly, did he?
No! His body is right there! Well... was right there.
He quickly turned around, bracing himself for another attack, only to see...
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"C...Colonel...? What are..." He reached a hand unconsciously towards the Colonel, only to notice that it was indeed singed a little.
"I... ah... how did you..." He lifted the other hand, only to notice that he was kneeling in a pool of...
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He stood up, covering his mouth to prevent expelling whatever his stomach was turning over, and stumbled backwards. There the image was clear: there was the Atlantean King, or a form of him, decapitated and burned beyond recognition at this point. Meanwhile himself, his hand slightly burned, blood from the other dripping from the other hand, pants from the knees down covered in blood. The Atlantean's blood. The only way he knew it was the Atlantean was the "encounter" that led to this assault.
His neck.
He immediately took a hand to his neck, covering whatever mark was left there and turned around.
"Take me home. I don't want to be anywhere near this scene."
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surrogate-fawn · 2 months
I hate throwing up so much (huge phobia actually) and its the biggest part im dreading about getting pregnant, its silly but I always wondered how so many women hid it during their work day, surely they must have had to rush off or puked in the middle of work???
I don't have a phobia of it, I just find it the most hateful physical feeling in the world (it says something when I would rather feel my vagina spreading ten centimeters apart than vomiting).
I would assume most people just take anti-nausea medicine over-the-counter. I'm willing to bet money that most who are suffering debilitating morning sickness are given a prescription on their first prenatal doctor's visit. I think my own mother said she was given sea sickness medicine.
That one pregnant co-worker from last year came in one day mad as hell because even tho she was five months along she randomly threw up all over her passenger seat on her drive to work and it just had to sit there soaking in until she was done with work. She said she didn't wanna call off because it basically happened as she was pulling into work.
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jammyjams1910 · 2 years
(Cw: Emetophobia)
When some kid in school fuckin tells you that the school dessert you bought (cos the main course is diabolical) looks like vomit to take the piss
So now you have to sit there and literally force it down you, while trying not to cry, so you don't starve for the rest of the day
So well done kid in school that won't be named, well done for triggering my emetophobia for fun again, just be glad I managed to eat at least half the bowl
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keii-starz · 5 months
want to throw up again
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cosmic-ships · 11 days
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