#twilight concept
kwop-kilawtley · 2 years
FANFIC IDEA: A Jacob x Bella twilight rewritten the way it would’ve happened in the real world & what truly should have happened because I will never subscribe to the fact that Edward & Bella were soulmates & that it was true, meaningful love. EDWARD NEEDED TO FACE CONSEQUENCES FOR HIS ACTIONS but alas he never did. He was not meant to be with Bella, he forced himself into her life & manipulated the situation. It was not fate, it was BLOODLUST, selfishness, obsession & stalking. Anyway, this is what should’ve happened tbh.
NOTE THIS IS A WHOLE ASS MESS AND STARTED AS A CONCEPT BUT I GOT CARRIED AWAY. I will be finishing it the concept. But if someone would like to write out a fully fleshed out version of this.. PLEASEEE DO. I have ideas about where it continues too but my hand is about to fall off.
Bella moves to forks Jan 17. Edward meets Bella in bio Jan 18th. 25th van.
(This would be Chapter 8: Ghost in Midnight Sun. This part is in iguana-Edward’s POV. So this is before port Angela’s happens but is after the van. March 7th, 1 month & 2 weeks after Bella moves to forks. Bella goes to the Blacks house every weekend since she moved)
Charlie catches Edward stalking Bella in the bushes while she’s asleep reading her book on the lawn (the fact this is canon btw 🤢) Ofc in canon he is a vampire so he got away with it because of his speed & mind reading but nah that shouldn’t have happened. But in this fic it is a SECOND too late where Charlie already saw him from driving down the block so Edward has to stay & not run bc it’s either Edward getting caught stalking or Edward revealing his secret of being a vampire. Charlie wakes up bella and he confronts him. Bella is very confused by the situation. This time, Edward is able to charm his way out of it making up some excuse that he was coming by to drop off a book of Bella’s that she left in biology (the fucking creep had it in his pretentious little peacoat jacket)but it was a book from her room he took (ok Joe goldberg go off) Charlie let’s it go this time but is still sus.
(Bella’s POV) Bella couldn’t stop thinking about how strange the whole thing was. “Did I really leave that book on my desk in Biology? I could’ve sworn it was the last book on the stack next to my bed.” Alas she believes his gaslighting lies & moves on with her night. That night, Bella & Charlie go to the Blacks house for dinner. She cooks lasagna & it is a cozy time. Jacob is her assistant chef, handing her all the ingredients & of course making her laugh the whole time while their dads watch the game. He is so dizzy & nervous from how pretty she is that he leaves the spice cabinet open & bangs his head in the top corner hinge (cause it’s canon he’s a tall clutz in New Moon). He bleeds a little bit & bella gets nauseous from it but after she pops the lasagna in the oven, she sits him down to blot the wound on his head. As nauseated she is by the blood, she is laughing & he is making fun of her little gags in between. They look in each other’s eyes & Bella blushes a whole lot. She bandages it up (she keeps bandages in her little bag bc of how much of a clutz she is) & then sits at the table next to him. She comments on his long hair, how it’s even longer than hers & asks him about his hair care routine. He gets embarrassed, stammering cause he probably doesn’t take as good care of his hair as he should. He tells her he uses a homemade Quileute shampoo that all the guys get from a sweet older woman on the rez. She finds it sweet. She scoots her chair next to him & starts to braid the lock of hair that frames his face. She asks another question about his hair but he doesn’t answer cause he is just smiling looking at her. He loves her pink cheeks, soft lips, thoughtful & caring nature. He is in heaven. “What? Do you really not use conditioner? And no, grease or motor oil does not count as conditioner, Jake.” He laughs, shakes his head & tells her that he just uses coconut oil. Bella finishes the braid and then runs a finger through his hair. “That makes sense, it’s so soft, maybe I’ll take notes from you. I just use what Charlie gets from the store which is usually something pink and smells like berries. VO5 usually. I DO have a good conditioner though.”She laughs. “I don’t have the heart to tell him it’s probably not the best for my hair. He does his best with me.”
After dinner, they have a bonfire outside with others from the rez, basically whoever wants to show up and join. But bella and Jacob barely notice who is there. Jake gave up his log for Bella & sits on the floor beside her. The height difference still allows him to look down at her. They talk all about their memories as kids making mudpies & Jake brings up how they’d hold hands walking by the water at First Beach because of how clumsy Bella is. “We were so young but I always knew you as the one that would always fall. I was scared that the ocean would suck you up like a toilet or something so I had to hold your hand.” They both blush at this. “No, yeah, I remember. They probably should’ve kept a better eye on us back then because I remember once I DID fall in the water, flat on my stupid face, but you helped me up. Renee definitely did not pack me the right shoes to wear for the beaches & rain.” They talk about Renee a bit & Jake asks how the whole situation made her feel. “Do you think your mom should’ve left like that? I mean, I get it, people get divorced but how does it make you feel. Do you feel better here with Charlie?” Typically this would have Bella get defensive since she is very protective over her mother but it was the first time someone kindly asked her this question & made her think about Renee’s parenting. “I miss Phoenix, its my favorite place in the world and I do miss my erratic mother.” She laughs. “But it’s kind of nice not having to baby Charlie. Sure, I cook for him and help out around the house but I feel a lot more.. relaxed since being here if that’s makes sense? The best way to put it is this: Renee is like my best friend and Charlie is my parent. Is that kind of weird? Renee worries about me like crazy but she’s definitely made me have to fend for myself a lot. It was also pretty lonely living there whereas with Charlie, I think we keep each other company real well. I mean, I think I’m more like him despite me not having spent as much time with him.” Jacob can see the realization in her face that she hasn’t let go in a long time. That she was her mothers emotional support and was generally a lonely kid. They then got distracted because someone brought marshmallows, chocolate & graham crackers. “I cannot remember the last time I had s’mores.” bella says, face all lit up. Jake grabs them two plates immediately seeing how happy she was about it. “Aw man, this is why you shouldve come down here more often, Bells. Life’s boring without s’mores. I’m glad you’ve been coming every weekend though. We got a good little thing going on in our community. Honestly, I can’t imagine what it’s like down at forks high school.” Jacob fakes a yawn. Bella talks about her school and friends and how different it is from Phoenix. “It’s pretty different, honestly. Some of the people are nosy but I can’t blame them cause there’s not much to do here. They were sort of amazed by my mere existence and I kinda of wanted to hide under a rock forever when I first started here. It’s definitely better now but some people are definitely still… strange. Especially that family, the Cullens. I know they have a bad rep here on the rez and I sort of can see why.” Jacob goes wide eyed and then shakes his head. “Man, when will I ever stop hearing about these people. The quileutes have some really out there theories about them. I’ll have to tell you some other time though.” Bella wants to ask what he means but she doesn’t want to pry right now in case anyone listens in on the conversation. She turns dramatically to Jacobs face and burns her eyes deep into his. “Jacob Black, I have a very serious, urgent question for you.”
He looks shocked and his heart races a little bit. He puts his plate on the floor and clears his throat. “Uh, yeah Bells?”
“How crispy do you like your marshmallows?” He exhales & smiles his giant grin as he pops one in his mouth.
Next day is in edwards POV again (y’all know I do not have the STRENGTH to write in his POV rn)He is mentally going insane over bella. It’s been sunny (symbolic of Bella being with her sunny boy Jacob) which has been keeping the cullens from attending school. Edward is running in the woods trying to get Bella off his mind. He eventually gives into his selfish need to see/smell her and excuses it as “making sure she’s safe.” He tracked her scent but it led him to the treaty line. This time he is watching Bella and Jacob hanging out. He knows he can’t pass the treaty line, especially not under the circumstances but he tells himself no one will know. He slips on by to Jacobs little red house and watches behind a car like the iguana he is.
Jacob is working on the rabbit & Bella is watching. They’re eating pizza and she almost chokes from laughing. Edward is losing his mind in jealousy and it’s eating him up to see her so happy with someone else. Someone human, something he could never be. Bella is now acting as Jacob’s assistant with the car like he was doing in the kitchen. But Bella doesn’t know names of tools very well so they just start making up their own names for them. “The pointy one with the red top.” Jacob is teasing her saying he was a much better assistant then she is being. “It’s not fair though! SPICES are very easy to know. They are literally labeled, Jake. I mean what even is this thing?” She holds up a very small tool. They then name every tool a human name. “Okay this one would totally be a Gary. Look at it!.” They then get in a rhythm of this. “Bella, hand me Josephina.” “On it, chief.” She scuttles over to him & he takes the tool. He has grease all over his hands and shirt and wipes some on Bella’s nose. “Hey! C’mon I just washed my face before I got here.” She pouts and scoots over closer to Jacob while trying to rub it off, annoyed. Jacob puts the tool in his hand down on the inside of the hood of the rabbit and looks at her. She sticks her tongue out at him. “Is it off my nose?” She scrubs her nose again & looks the other way, red faced. He puts his pointer finger in one of the belt loops of her jeans and pulls her a little closer. She looks at him a little shocked. Then he lifts his hand up to wipe the grease off her nose. He smiles, strokes her face & says “Xaks óta chi chi”
“What did you say?” He blushes. “Nothing. Just talking to myself.”
Edward was familiar with Quileute & knew what he said. He’s seen enough. Edward leaves the rez and promises never to come back. He will leave Bella alone (he won’t lol)
Then it switches to Jacob or Bella’s POV. A little bit after they got on the topic of Edward & what happened with him just showing up to her house with her book. She doesn’t accuse him of stalking but just says it was odd along with the van incident and the hot and cold behaviors. Jacob is highly disturbed by what bella is saying to him. “Listen, Bella, this isn’t… good. Don’t let that guy get in your head like that. If you think that book was in your stack of books, then it probably was. Does Charlie have cameras? The van thing.. well, it kind of makes sense with what they say around here about them. An adrenaline rush? Come on. And the way he is lingering around you making you feel special some days and then others being mean. If you feel like this guy is actually following you or giving you issues, you can always come here. The cullens aren’t even allowed on the rez because of the legends.” Jacob is trying to make sense of it in his head. Could all of this really be true about them? Bella went on to say that she’s not afraid of him though and thinks he’s just misunderstood. She just can’t stop thinking about that book and the van incident. Jacob is patient with her but tries to put it more in perspective. “If that book was in your room then that means he was in your room. Do you even know what that means?”
A few days pass, edward is outside her house at night debating going into her room again. “One last time. I have to say my goodbyes.” He climbs through swiftly while she’s asleep. He searches through her things and makes note of the book she is reading, does her homework for her in her handwriting that he perfectly emulated. He gets close to her and breathes in her hair. He starts to pout beside her on the bed. “She had said my name in her sleep. She dreams of me. She feels this too. We were meant to be.” He has a full blown breakdown with himself driving himself mad. He had not been careful though. He was so deep in his thoughts & heartbreak, completely consumed by Bella’s scent. Driven into a frenzied state of obsession & bloodlust, he made a grave mistake. he turns around behind him with Charlie’s gun in his face. He almost instinctively ran, since that is what he does best. But again, being caught as a stalker is better than being revealed to be a vampire.
“What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. In. My. House.” Charlie grabs edward and pushes him into the hallway. Edward obviously was not pushed but he had to pretend to be human if he was going to get out of this. “It isn’t what it looks like, Charlie. I’m so very sorry that you had to catch me like this. You see, your daughter is very accident prone and I-“
“Shut the fuck up. ITS EXACTLY what it looks like. I know exactly what kind of sicko you are. I’m taking you down to the station.”
Bella appears at the door, mouth agape. She stumbles backwards.
“Edward w-what are you doing here. DAD! Why do you have a gun?!”
“Bella get back in your room. I’m handling this and filing a restraining order against this creep. DAMNIT, BELLS, Get back in your room.”
Bella has tears welling up in her eyes and runs back into her room, shaking.
Edward is trying to barter with Charlie on the way down the stairs but he’s having none of it. His gaslighting dazzling bullshit is NOT going to work this time. Charlie drives to the station & arrests Edward Cullen for stalking & breaking & entering. He is disturbed by how cold Edwards hands are when he’s getting his fingerprint.
Bellas POV
She’s crying still in her bed. She starts looking all over her room and notices things out of place. She notices the books out of order, her homework done, her clothes perfectly folded, her shoes polished and cleaned. She has never felt so violated in her life. The guy who has been playing with her emotions since she’s been here had just been a stalker all along. She thought she even was catching feelings for Edward. She was completely fascinated by his beauty & charm. The way he saved her life and said her name. She was intoxicated by him, nervous around him. But now she understood why. There was something off from the very start, the way he hated her so much in biology was not normal. She couldn’t understand it at all. She started shaking as she reached for her cell and called Jacob. He picked up after 2 rings.
“Bella? Are you okay? What time is it?”
“I-Jake I’m so s-sorry for waking you. I… cant believe what just happened.” She explained and Jacob spit out “Lock your window. Lock your front door. Do not open it until I call you. I will be right there.”
Her phone rang but she was already at the door since she heard him pull up. She opened the door and came in, locked the door immediately behind him. She threw herself at him sobbing. “Oh, Jacob. I don’t even know what happened. How stupid could I be? He was STALKING me! In my room, watching me sleep. He even cleaned my room and did my homework. I mean what the hell is that!”
“Shhh, Bella, honey. Calm down. It’s okay, Charlie is taking care of it. I’ve got you. Come here I’ve got you.” He lifts her up in one swift movement and pulls her on his lap on the couch in the living room. He pets her hair and holds her close.
“Listen to me right now. He won’t get away with this. He violated you and your trust. How the hell did he get in here?” Jacob peered around and looked for an open window or sign or forced entry. She continued to sob in his hair.
“But I just don’t… understand. He saved my life, Jacob. I’d be dead from that van without him. Why would he be a creep? I just don’t understand it. I cannot understand it.”
Jake signs “he was obsessed with you. And I- I think it’s possible he only saved you from that van so he could have you all to himself.” He gulped. Bella looked up and blinked through tears. “What?”
“The stories, Bells. Have you really never heard them. My dad thinks the Cullens are fucking vampires. I think, maybe, that could be part of it.”
Bella cocked her head and shook her head “and I repeat.. WHAT? Did you really just say VAMPIRES? Jake do you hear yourself?”
“Do you think I don’t know how crazy that sounds. I’ve been hearing this my whole life. I never believed it, but maybe that’s what’s going on here too. Or I’m just sleep deprived and going insane like Billy.”
Bella shakes her head again. “Those are just scary stories. Come on.”
She felt a chill through her body and things started to add up in her head. She looks up at Jacobs concerned face.
“Thank you for coming. Im so sorry you look exhausted.”
“Are you kidding? Of course I came. This is some crazy stuff. I can, uh, stay too. If you want? I can sleep on the couch or we can just stay up or something.” She nuzzled her face in his chest. “I doubt you’ll be able to sleep though. I’m so sorry this happened.” He strokes her hair and cradles her even closer. “I promise I would never, ever hurt you.” He says. “Seeing your face every weekend has sort of been the best thing that’s happened in a while. Just saying.” She looks up at him. “Really? You’re not sick of me yet? Im so sorry for dragging you into my drama I really don’t mean to bring you down.” He puts his fingers to her lips. “Shhhh.”
“I really like seeing your face too every weekend. You know, Jake, you’re sort of beautiful?” He turns beat red and laughs.
“Okay, now I think YOU’RE a little sleep deprived now.”
“You really are. You also make me feel.. safe. I mean I’ve been getting stalked and watched in my sleep by an alleged vampire who I thought I liked and you are the only one I’d trust to be around right now.” Bella forces out a laugh but shivers at the possibility of that even being remotely true.
“You are safe with me. Hey, if the dude is actually a fucking vampire, maybe Sam Uley & my old man will stake him when they hear about this. They get all serious about the “cold ones. We all got your back.”
She grabs his big hand and bites it then hisses like a vampire at him. “What if he bit me in my sleep, oOoOo.”
“God, always coming through with the gallows humor. Only you would be able to laugh in a situation like this, Bells.”
“Only because I have you here, my own personal sun.” She kisses the same spot on his hand where she bit.
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cracklewink · 6 months
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My Mane 6 Redesigns all together! I was going to post them separately but ended up finishing them all before I got around to it lol
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clowns0up-felix · 1 month
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Most of these are old (like around a year),, I kinda forgot that my botw/totk zelda had freckles I should pick that up again..
And we’re already at 200 followers, I didn’t know growth on tumblr was this quick so I won’t point it out anymore, promised!
Also,,,, me jumpscare omg
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linkeduniverse · 1 year
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Dawn pt. 5
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findoesstuf · 7 months
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Oh no….I have succumbed to the MLP virus trend….whatever will I do?
Start of our story:
Stress (Prologue, access parts 2 & 3 here): https://www.tumblr.com/findoesstuf/744497236410548224/banana-cream-puddin
Escape (Chapter 1, Part 1 only available): https://www.tumblr.com/findoesstuf/747739858791022592/banana-cream-puddin
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strawbubbysugar · 7 months
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Mlp redesigns for funsies :D not super happy with dash but I’m very done working on this hdfgs
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zelda-daily · 4 days
Can you draw one of the non toon links in a toon link style
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Day 71: fired the toonification beam
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ai-dream · 1 year
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evelili · 1 year
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raritwi au
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taldigi · 4 months
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In Nomine Celestia, Alicornae
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emeraldotter · 6 months
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and you don't even feel a thing
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I colored the drawing I sketched yesterday!
I liked the sketch so much that I couldn't help but color it, plus it was a great way to practice with muscles
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I still have the design for the twili outfit in progress, but Twilight will definitely get it
Also, it's been a long time since I used this color, I love making it so much!
So here are the twiddies for you again! 😆
Hope you like it! 💖
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Know it’s feasibly impossible, both because of how the series jumps around the timeline and its refusal to adhere to a timeline to begin with
But imagine if each of the changes made to the Master Sword stuck.
Imagine if, post-ALTTP/ALBW era, the blade was always golden.
Imagine if Twilight Princess gave it the ability to light up darkness like a torch.
Imagine how horrifying it would be to lose all that progress in BotW. How it reverts to its weakened, purple, Wind-Waker withdrawn state, and the flashbacks show it as so much more powerful than it is.
Imagine if in TotK, the Light Dragon healed it—but to the point that it’s reformed as the Goddess Sword, with its blade the color of her horns. And your mission after retrieving it is to reforge it with the flames, to gather metals and things from past games to make it stronger, then its final touch is a Zonai aspect.
Like a secret stone.
Something that magnifies the user’s abilities to the point of godhood, embedded in THAT blade.
Then wielding THAT power against Ganondorf.
I think about things like this a lot.
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lesbian-sunshim · 8 months
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see art up to the day before or leave a tip!
rare pairs for your consideration 9/50 - celestia x sunset shimmer
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elkinboots · 3 months
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i totally forgot to share some of the stuff from my Blooming & Empyrean tv-show concept project! it's so weird to look back on because i was in such a rush to finish everything for university (and gave myself multiple kinda big projects, classic) but i'm fond of this Blooming design. i'd love to draw her some more now i'm not so strapped for time! (ps. i have Covenant thoughts as well that i have to get out of my head)
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localsya · 1 year
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