#twin gangsters
wandawiccan60 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to these two legendary boys from East London Reggie&Ronnie Kray they would have been in their 89 years of age if they were still around but may they still RIP up in the heavens for these two Kings.
“Me and my brother right we’re going to rule London.”
Ronald “Ronnie” Kray- Legend(2015)
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beah388love · 5 months
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Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x fem!pregnant reader
Summary: Your pregnant and get cravings…
Warnings: Swearing,cravings,pregnancy!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
"Reggie!" I whispered into his ear, poking his side with your pointer finger.
"Mh?" Reggie groaned turning in his sleep.
"Reggie baby..m'craving a'gain" i whispered louder in his ear.
"Again? What do'ya want this time?" He muttered into my neck, his other hand massaging my hips.
"Mmh...an ice lolly" I whispered with a shit eating grin.
"Of course why am I shocked" Reggie chuckled as he gave me a kiss and got up from the bed.
"Thank you baby" I said as I tried to take the lolly off of Reggie but he kept pulling it away smirking widely as he did.
"Reg..give it please..." i whined but he didn't give in.
"What's the magic word?" He smirked
"Give it"
"Nope" he grinned pulling his hand away.
"Pretty Please..the boys are hungry" i whined with a pout looking down at my bump,
"Fine.. the magic word was noodles but I'll give it to ya cause I feel bad" he handed it to me smiling.
“Dick” i gave him a playful nudge when he sat back down giving my bump a kiss before giving me a kiss.
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absolutebl · 9 months
This Week in BL - Top 3 Are HEATING UP
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Dec 2023 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Honestly, 3 are neck & necking for top position! They are all so good in different ways. But The Sign had me hooting with laughter this week, so it scooped #1.
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 4 of 10 - This show is literally everything (except straight) all at once. It's BL, queer, band of brothers, romcom, erotica, paranormal, fated mates, mystery, suspense, slasher, and horror. It’s the king of genre mash-up chaos. I have no idea what I’m watching but I’m ON this ride. Is it a roller coaster? Is it a haunted house? Is it a twirl & hurl? Is there candy floss? Am I even tall enough? Who tf cares. All through the second scene, I was laughing. It was legit funny. Billy has great comedic timing. Guess he’s not just a pretty face.
Everyone should be watching this. Sure, it's madness but there is genius in it.
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 6 of 12 -  Yech. August may be one of GMMTV’s least likable characters ever (and that is saying something). Meanwhile, MOAR language play! They spoiling me!
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Mhok letting Day go then walking away at the party hurt so bad.
Argh this show is great!
Ep 6 so that kiss was right on schedule. I’m looking forward to the boyfriend eps before doom & pain in the new year. Carry on GMMTV. 
Speaking of...
Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 2 of 12 - Oh they’re great. It’s great. It’s paced oddly, moving quickly through most of the key scenes of the original JBL in these first 2 eps. I think it’s intending to encompass more of the manga series than that one did. Which is good, cause that will get us all the way to The Library Kiss (TM). It's the best kiss in the manga. I also like the sides in this show (better than the JBL version). 
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My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) ep 8fin - What a lovely slightly unhinged little show. Tew, can we talk? Un-ironic suspenders, that takes courage. Also, the revolver was a crazy gun choice. 
Final thoughts:
This show is just as ridiculous as its title. About a gaymer who falls in love with one of his in-game teammates, who just happens to be a IRL gangster. A real gangster, the kind that actually kills people regularly. The lead pair is doing their best with a ridiculous story and shoddy script, but I enjoyed it. Although I was grateful it wasn’t very long, what we got was oddly satisfying if, frankly, a little bit silly. Recommended. 8/10 
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That said, what's important about this BL is not the show, but the production and style. Let me explain... no, too much, let me sum up.
This is a chimera BL. Regarding characters: it has Japan's style otaku + Korea's style gangster + Thailand's style friendship group. It used Thai talent + Korean money (Kakao) & IP (adapted from a manwha) but aired on a Chinese channel globally (iQIYI). I'm delighted by the eclectic insanity of this production and truly doubt that any other genre but BL could ever produce like this. It's like diplomat's BL and it's the great wonder of our age that it happened at all. This BL deserves its place in the history books on production alone, even if that place is only in the footnotes. A remarkable little monster.
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 3 of 10 - The sides are… messy. Using the same actor for the old bf is… odd. But in the end, this show leaves me smiling. Which means, I like it despite myself. 
Bake Me Please (Mon Gaga) ep 4 of 6 - It's decent. It’s basically what I wanted Antique Bakery to be when I first watched that way back when (not to mention Bite Me). But there’s been so much BL since then that, for some reason, this is falling flat. I think it’s moving too fast for a Thai series. Although, say what you like, Ohm has to be one of the best soft kissers in the industry. He's just good at mouth tenderness.
Ugh, that doesn't sound right. But you know what I mean.
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 7 of 10 - I love how First is so upset when Sprite starts chatting and being nice to Koh. Sprite is just a sweet easy-going likable boy. I enjoy Sprite as a main character, he’s a bubbly little communicator. And they had a cute kiss.  
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 5 of 14 - Because there was more Alan and Jeff and they were more key to the plot I was more into this ep. I do compare it to green smoothie down the pants in the Trash Watch.
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 3 of 12 - Look OffGun are truly great. But I’m just not sure we need them in BL anymore. That said, it’s nice to see Off as "the one with the crush" for a change. Also, this show is only good when OffGun are on screen together, otherwise it kinda, well, sucks.
Night Dream (Sat YT) ep 1 of 6 - Cafe setting featuring a cook and a writer. *Seems awfully familiar.* Except these two are exes and this is a reunion romance. It’s stiff and very pulp but not bad (no crap sound effects) and I am a sucker for a reunion romance. That said, Rookie Thailand is not to be trusted, proceed with caution.
Absolute Zero (Weds iQIYI) ep 12fin - I'm grateful this is over. It was tense but for the wrong reasons - sadness and confusion. This final episode was fine, but that’s because it was mostly them being together + flashbacks. Plus all the familiar actor faces of the grown-up friends (hi, Karn my lovely, still stunning I see). But 2 of 12 episodes is not enough for the 10 of suffering and confusion that came before.
In conclusion:
A man is killed on his 10th anniversary resulting in a time paradox, for which the only solution is him never meeting his childhood sweetheart until later in life. Both lovers cycle back to the past at different ages, so that they each become their own 1st & 2nd great loves, but every time it ends in pain, until each also endures 10 years of separation. Finally it gets fixed, but leaves them with multiple memories of time's failures like temporal PTSD, and everyone around them has chronic deja vu. Me? I got both. This is one of those BLs that is high-quality with great acting but poor story. If you like your BL dwelling, maudlin, and tense due to angst and suffering, then you might enjoy this. But I just regret it, 6/10. Recommended only if you like confusing time travel emo pain.
In which case, just watch Tokyo in April is... instead. Give over Thailand, Japan does it better.
Middleman’s Love (Fri YT & iQIYI ep 6 of 8 - While our main couple isn’t working for me... the side couple isn’t working for me either. I really wanted to give LeoTai a chance, this is the 3rd show I’ve seen them in, and still nope. I like Jade a lot more when he’s sad. He’s a much more pleasant screen experience depressed. I would like him to stay hurt for a couple of eps, just so I can enjoy this show a tiny bit more. But then he just goes unhinged again. Argh. I just don’t like it. 
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Pisces of Me ep 17 of 24 - Codependent boyfriends in middle school planning for high school dealing with stuff. Including other boys being into them. 
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 5 of 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. DNF 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - It’s cute but I don’t think BL in this short format is Taiwan’s strength these days. And this is quite slow and dull. Perhaps they should have whacked it down to 6 eps, not 10.
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 3 of 8 - This is one of those JBLs that I should like on paper but is failing me. The drag bit was ridiculous but handled gently. The kiss was… well… something wasn’t it? It’s all very odd. I like the photographer cutie character. 
It's Airing But...
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if it's safe.
Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) 8 eps - House of Stars meets Boyband. I was NOT impressed with ep 1. Been told I shouldn't bother.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until after it completes its run next week.
Dear Kitakyushu (Thai/Japan movie) in theaters in country only, I know nothing about distribution.
Behind the Shadows (Korea movie) this is a historical I was interested in, but I've been told they kill the gay so I'm OUT.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Still coming:
12/23 Dead Friend Forever (Thai horror) iQIYI
Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED). With the end of the year upon us I'll do an "announced for 2023 but never happened list" soon.
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He so pretty.
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I forgot how likable TayNew are, and frankly I think New is a better version of this role for me, personally. I like him a lot. He's a conscientious sweetheart. And a good egg. (Cherry Magic)
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Ah the rooftop my old friend. (Last Twilight)
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I would like to point out that it's no accident the naga's sex dream happened in the shower, he's a water creature after all. (The Sign)
(Last week)
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respectthepetty · 9 months
An appreciation post for boys who stop to catch their breath while kissing.
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And the boys who listen to them when they say stop.
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Pace yourself. It's a marathon. Not a sprint.
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silverraes · 9 months
so like who wants to be my cute little thai bl friend circle who share one brain cell and have zero coherent thoughts together
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buddhamethods · 9 months
10 BL Characters I Would Hit With My Car
(I don't have a licence and can't drive so this is just for fun OBVIOUSLY)
LISTEN, I love these characters. They are complex, they are human, they are flawed and yet you can't help but root for them. Or they are just giant assholes.
Regadless, I think they would all benefit from getting hit by a car as a little treat.
Feel free to tag yourselves and participate in a bit of lighthearted negativity and media complaining.
1) Ben From Never Let Me Go (2022)
Of course he would be on this list. Mainly because how are you, a closeted gay in a coming of age bl drama, sitting down in front of a piano next to a beautiful boy and not just completely eat his face in a passionate life altering kiss? I understand that was the whole point of the scene, but personally I would rise above the narrative that was trapping me.
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2) Dan from Not Me (2021)
Being a cop, killing Sean's father and selling NFTs is bad enough on it's own, I agree. But Dan's biggest sin was taking the cigarette out of Yok's mouth and depriving us of seeing sad First Kanaphan smoking near a body of water-THE queer cinema experience.
As it turns out, you can be gay and homophobic at the same time.
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3) Kenji from My Dear Gangster Oppa (2023)
So you have funky hair and kawnty fashion sense? Oh, you partake in fun bathtub threesomes? What, you're a little unhinged and psychotic? Perfect! THEN WHY THE HELL YOU SUCK AT BEING A VILLAIN SO HARD HUH???
Kenji you better put your helmet on, I'm turning on the engine.
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4) Kanghan from Dangerous Romance (2023)
Rich people don't deserve rights in general so Kang was already on thin ice to begin with. But being a bully on top of that? UNDER THE HOOD OF THE CAR YOU GO!
Also he is so attention starved on account of his father being a negligent asshole that he will jump in front of my car willingly just to get a drop of love from dad and Sailom.
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5) Yu Xi Gu from HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (2019)
(I'm so so incredibly sorry but I HAD to okay you don't underst- *gets shot immediately*)
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6) Mork from Fish Upon The Sky (2021)
I looked at Pond for 0.1 second and fell so embarrasingly in love that for the entirety of FUTS I saw no flaws in Mork's character at all. All he did made sense and I was blissfuly having a great time! So I'm pummeling him to the ground for my own sake I CAN'T KEEP BEING THIS STUPID ABOUT HIM HE IS OBJECTIVELY CREEPY!
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7) Vee from Love Mechanics (2022)
Was he in my "I want them carnally" list? Yes. Do I find him beautiful and incredible? Double yes. Am I smearing him on asphalt like a squished bug for causing Mark so much unnecessary pain and heartbreak? More likely than you think.
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8) Jiwoo from To My Star/ To My Star 2 (2021-22)
MY BEAUTIFUL BOY!! A crumb of healthy communication is all I'm asking for!
Jiwoo was so emotionally bricked up for the majority of both seasons that it caused ME damage. So me hitting him with my car is both a revenge plot and an attempt to let loose some of those pent up feelings of his.
(But also I'm dead meat if Seojoon finds out it was me behind the wheel. He loves that boy too much.)
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9) Zee from Twins (2023-24)
I'm volunteering to do this as public service to keep Sprite and First together without any twins switch drama. One gremlin down, one successful volleyball couple UP!!
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10) Winner from Pit Babe (2023-24)
I want to do it as an experiment. I feel like he would make a funny sound under the wheels, like when you sqeeze clown's nose or step on a rubber duck. I would also like to see how this will affect his character. Will he become even more annoying? Will it fix him completely? ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!!
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(This was so fun I love inflicting imaginary violence on fictional men. If you read this far into this incoherent insanity, consider yourself tagged!💖)
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save-the-data · 1 year
BL's Still Waiting to premiere in 2023
These release dates are taken from MDL, so with a grain of salt. Although some have been confirmed with official trailers and statements.
One Room Angel - Oct-19-2023
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Sahara-sensei & Toki-kun - Nov-30-2023
South Korea
Bump Up Business - Oct-20-23
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Wuju Bakery - Nov-?-2023
A Breeze of Love - Nov-10-2023
VIP Only - Nov-24-2023
Pit Babe - Nov-17-2023
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Beyond the Star - Nov-11-2023
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Y: Journey: Stay Like a Local - Oct-14-2023
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Shadow - Oct 31-2023
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Twins - Nov-3-2023
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Playboyy - Nov-16-2023
My Dear Gangster Oppa - Oct-26-2023
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7 Days Before Valentine - Nov-22-2023
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The Sign - Nov-25-2023
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Last Twilight - Nov-10-2023
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Cooking Crush - Nov-30-2023
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The Whisperer - Nov-26-2023
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Cherry Magic - Dec-7-2023
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Bake Me Please - Nov-19-2023
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Middleman's Love - Nov-10-2023
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For Him - Nov-30-2023
Boyy of God - Nov/Dec-?-2023
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blmpff · 10 months
So for shits and giggles, which of the currently airing NOT omegaverse series would you like to see/would be the funniest if it was made into one?
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shootatdaopps · 1 year
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queersouthasian · 10 months
"I just watched **insert show name** this year and NOTHING WILL TOP IT"
Boring, repetative, outdated.
"yeah I am watching like 5 different shows on one day a few minutes back and forth, it's like a WHIPLASH"
Innovative, exciting, slay.
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placetneplacet · 10 months
Been gone for forever, but I’m happy to see friends loved The Sign!
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And we’re watching Vollyball Twins 🥰
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And Pavel’s omegaverse racing bl
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My babies in Gangsta Oppa!!
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Love and missed you all!
Happy QL Holiday Season!!
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lemonkookies · 10 months
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beah388love · 5 months
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So Over Protective
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Pregnant Reader
Summary: Reggie’s very over protective for you and the twinnies…
Warnings: pregnancy,twins,shouting,swearing,fighting,arguing,stalker man?!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
You went down to the market this morning to grab some food for dinner and some snacks.
You was walking down the road with your bag, you was looking around the shops and you noticed a man behind you but you just thought he was going in the same shop as you.
Until, he went in the next shop and the next...
You got a little worried, you was all alone and didn't have anything with you besides your bag and your purse, which he probably wants to steal.
You left the shop trying to dodge him but he followed you. And you walked back home trying to stay with a crowd but he still followed you.
"Why'd I wear heels today" you cursed to yourself in your head.
You was only two roads away from your flat but instead went a different direction and headed to Reggie's mums house since it was closer.
But you cut a corner and forgot which way to go.
you looked behind you and he was catching up with you.
You saw a familiar house and ran to that direction and out of pure luck, it was the right road and you saw Reggie's mums house.
You was sweating and was struggling to breathe since you was pregnant and might you say 'very pregnant'.
"Ah thank god" you muttered to yourself as you saw the familiar door, you still walked fast and looked behind you and there he was.
He was only about four feet from you and you was terrified.
You dropped your bag and ran to her door banging on it loudly.
"Vi! Violet! Open the door it's Y/n!!" You yelled panicked.
Reggie had decided to go to his mums house to grab a present she had for him or something.
He was sat on the sofa with his mum and Ron, Ron had decided to go with him because he was hungry.
They were chatting and watching telly until they heard a massive bang at the door.
"Vi! Open the door!" Reggie heard someone yell and he could tell it was you from your voice.
He instantly rushed to the door and opened it as quick as he could.
You pushed past him and slammed the door shut.
"Woah are you alright?! Y/n?! What happened?" Reggie asked you worriedly, you looked like a mess.
You was sweating,out of breath and looked like you was about to cry.
“Oh my! Are you alright love?” Violet asked you and you nodded.
Reggie was about to open the door but you tried to stop him.
Reggie looked at you confused and opened the door anyway.
And that's when he saw a man a couple feet away from the door.
"Oi! Who the fuck are you?!" Reggie yelled as he pointed his finger in his face.
The man was terrified. He had heard about the krays.
"Uh- I - I'm sorry- I was just-" he stuttered but Reggie cut him off when he saw your bag of food and clothes on the floor that had gone everywhere.
Reggie grabbed him by the collar and punched him square in the face, giving him a bloody and broken nose.
"Apologise to my wife right now!" He yelled and the man put his hands up.
"I-I'm sorry!" He cried and you looked away, standing next to Ron.
God knows what that man would've done to you if Reggie wasn't there.
"Right now fuck off! Don't ever go near my wife again! You fuckin sick bastard!" Reggie yelled as he chucked the man in the middle of the road.
And watched him as he scrambled away.
"Y/n are you okay? Ron help her sit down!" Reggie asked but it was more of a demand.
Ron held his hand out and helped you sit down on one of the armchairs, giving you a blanket.
Reggie left the house and picked up your bag and some of the things that fell out, luckily all the foods were wrapped up.
He stepped back inside and put the food away, shutting and locking the door.
“Y/n/n? You okay?” Ron asked you and you nodded.
“Mhm, thank you ronnie” you smiled giving his hand a squeeze.
“You should be more careful” he said and you nodded.
“Want some of my cake?” He asked you and you nodded before he held the fork up to your mouth.
Reggie walked behind the arm chair you was sitting in and held your hand rubbing small circles on it softly.
“You and the boys feeling alright?” Reggie asked you softly and you nodded.
He held your belly as Ron fed you some of his cake.
Occasionally giving himself some.
“God some people are wrongens…I’m gonna go put the kettle on!” Violet said as she walked into the kitchen giving you a kind smile.
“Thanks mum” Reggie said keeping his eye on you.
God he could’ve killed that man.
After a couple hours of talking and laughing, watching telly. You and Reggie went home, Ron went with you and slept on your sofa.
“Ron I can drop you off to your trailer if you want?” Reg asked but Ron shook his head
“Nah you’re alright Reggie, teddys there and he’s getting on my right fucking nerves” Ron replied as he moved you in between him and reg so you wasn’t walking in the inner side of the road.
“Alright then mate” Reggie nodded his head, holding your hand and giving it a kiss.
Once you got back home and got in bed, Reggie held your bump and gave it loads of kisses.
“Stop making your mama so hungry and grouchy all the time” he grinned as he spoke to your belly.
“The boys are literally kicking my ribs as your saying that” you laughed as you held your bump and reg laughed.
“I can’t wait to meet em doll”
“I can’t wait either baby” you smiled giving him a kiss before he laid back down.
“Talk us to sleep please” you giggled as you got yourself comfortable making him laugh.
“What is it with you and my voice?”
“I don’t know you just sound like heaven” you grinned making him laugh.
“Don’t be a cheek…” he smirked as he tickled your sides making you laugh but thankfully he stopped before you peed yourself.
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absolutebl · 10 months
This Week in BL - I Gave a 10/10 to a BL... me!
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Nov 2023 Wk 3
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) ep 4 of 8 - I love this show. I adore Tew's the simple backstory. No frills. No fuss. He got dragged in the way many do and he can kill so they kept him. They aren’t trying to make it needlessly complicated (which is rare for Thailand). That said, the pacing is way tf off, the emotional arc is rushed and then sappy out of absolutely nowhere. Before you ask, the kiss is not at issue, we halfway through they should be kissing, but the romantic life changes - too soon. But I don’t care. Finally, they left us this ep reminded of 2 v important things,
this pair kisses beautifully
in BL all mafia be gay
Fun fun!
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 2 of 12 - It's official, I love this. It’s a classic caregiver/bodyguard trope where one of them is opening the other one up to the world, but sweetly. I’m enjoying the softness of JimmySea's take and I hope GMM TV takes its cues from the success of My School President and doesn’t push this particular show into rough or edgy territory. Stay on target GMMTV. Don't mess with my bias again!
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 3 of 10 - Finally, our adorable side couple has emerged! This show remains engaging without losing pace (despite the main couple being slow burn), which is all I want from a Thai pulp, and more I could ask for currently from a sports BL. 
(Note: when I dictate the computer always puts "Thai pope" instead of Thai pulp - this is hilarious to me.)
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Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 1 of 14 - I guess they didn’t strip the omegaverse out of this. Unfortunately, I’m not an omegaverse fan, so I find its presence extremely off putting. (But it’s kind of amazing that somebody finally put one on our screen.) Unsurprisingly, it’s a lot of alpha posturing and hyper masculinity, because that’s what this kind of worldbuilding is an excuse for (lazy writing and lazier characterization). This means I don’t like Babe AT ALL except that he’s smell orientated and a bit verse. Way is lovely tho, because Nut is a great soft screen presence amongst the testosterone haze. 
Middleman’s Love (Fri YT & iQIYI ep 2 of 8 - I’m not gonna lie (when have I ever bothered to lie to you all?) I’m struggling with this show. The sound effects are getting worse. That is not allowed. Still I found this installment slightly more bearable than the last last, probably because there was more of the cast in play and less of Jade being too cringe to live. 
Absolute Zero (Weds iQIYI) ep 8 of 12 - AKA temporal paradox of pain.
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Friends Forever ep 13 of 24 - Ooo it’s a bit of a teacher/student (coach/player) thing. Linguistic negotiation and kinkification of phi. Also actually kinky. But not consensually. Gonna get dark. Bummer. 
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 1 of 14(!) eps - Whines. Must I? Gaga doesn’t have a skip ahead button. Sad sack main characters really do not work for me. But this was better than I expected. I wasn’t expecting much. 
Look: This is helmed by Cheewin (shudder) with screenplay by Den (Only Friends - shudder the second) under Copy A Bangkok (they deserve not my shuddders). It's gonna be a shizz show people. It's Thai dark War of Y style - my least favorites. Apparently, there is meant to be a "plot" but when has Cheewin ever bothered with plot?
On a completely different note does the blond look like that Korean actor/idol from At a Distance Spring is Green & Wanna One to anyone else? Or is it just me? (Park Ji Hoon)
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
A Breeze of Love (Korea iQIYI) eps 3-4 of 8 - I like it a lot. Dongwook is so obtuse and socially awkward and reserved and needy and Dohyun is so gay over and simultaneously wildly confused by this behavior. Fantastic. A bit stiff, even for Korea, btu I'm okay with it since everything else I'm watching right now is decidedly NOT stiff.
I finished it!
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo - Japan BL movie 1.5 hr
Best friends life together during university - cheerful sunshine loves to cook, grumpy tsundere loves to eat. Aki is a bit manic pixie dream boy for me (not my favorite archetype) but they’re cute and it’s one of those Japanese slice of life pieces like Our Dining Table that isn’t really a romance in fact it’s barely a drama. This isn’t friends to lovers because they’re basically already in a relationship (which everyone around them knows) they just aren’t fucking. I did spend a lot of time worrying that they weren’t eating any green things whatsoever. In the end this isn’t my thing when there’s no kissing at all, and this was a bit too dull even for JBL. Sorry Japan, one cannot trade on cute and cheese alone. I know, you want to. But that's not a BL or a personality. 6/10 
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I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan, maybe coming to Netflix) 8 eps - This classic friends-to-lovers BL is everything Japan does best. Angsty. Emo. Aching. Driven by real thirst. Yamato is deeply in love with his childhood bestie, Kakeru, and has been for ages, unable to hide his ungainly damaging high school need. He wants Kakeru in every way possible and it oozes off of the screen. Kakeru is silly and a little simple, but not frenetic or overly camp about it. He is earnest, and genuinely wants to keep Yamato in his life which means giving a romance (and gayness) a fair chance. We watch him realize his affection and what form it can take in a truly authentic way. This show was impossibly kind to both of its lead characters and I felt honored that I got to watch something so lovely and rare play out on my screen.
Let me be perfectly clear: I have watched 646 BLs and only handed out nine 10/10s.
I talk more about why this one made the cut, here.
It's Airing But...
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) 6 eps - adaptation of Harada’s manga (which I did not like) about a clerk who's stabbed, nearly dies, and returns home to find an angel waiting for him. With only 5 eps and a good chance this won’t end happy, I'm gonna wait and let you tell me how it goes.
SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 14 eps - I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all) even one featuring Singto and Fluke. I'm holding off on this one and if told it's good I'll binge later.
Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) 8 eps - House of Stars meets Boyband. I was NOT impressed. Waiting to be told if I should bother.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
Next Week Looks Like This
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11/20 Bake Me Please (Mon Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - trailer here, stars Ohm (of OhmFluke) opposite Guide (bestie from IFYLITA). This looks like an actually gay version of Antique Bakery (play it again, BL). I'm intrigued, it looks HELLA pretty.
11/22 7 Days Before Valentine (Weds ????) ep 1 of 10 - trailer here, horror-esk. Adapted from y-novel of the same name, directed by Tu (180 Degree) stars Jet (Why You… Y Me?). When you want your old love again, but fate sends you a reaper instead. All he can do for you is kill people. I'll likely give this a pass and wait to binge if safe.
11/24 VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Screenplay by Lin Pei Yu (WBL) about a chef who courts a shy writer with spicy beef noodles.
11/25 The Sign (Sat ????) ep 1 of 10 - trailer here, horror-esk, but with a suspense and adult characters. Special investigators who loved each other in previous lives reunite in new bodies. Stars Billy Patchanon (BillySeng) & Babe Tanatat (new). Includes other SCOY favorites as a special investigation team. I may give this a try (depending on distribution) because I'm into the non-horror bits.
11/26 The Whisperer (Sun ????) 1 of 10 - trailer here. Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). He has dimples (My Ride) but I don't think even that gives me the will. You can tell me how this goes.
11/26 Cooking Crush (Sun YT) 1 of 12 - OffGun are back, trailer here. Adapted from the novel “Love Course! เสื้อกาวน์รุกเสื้อกุ๊กรับ” by iJune4S this is about Prem who runs a not-so-popular restaurant with 2 friends. About to go on a cooking competition with a huge reward, Prem gets involved with Ten, a stressed-out med student who wants Prem to teach him to cook.
Still Coming November BL
11/30 For Him (Thurs ????) ep 1 of 10 - high heat trailer, I suspect iQIYI will scoop this one up. From the people who brought us Unforgotten Night (please no) based on a y-novel, man nursing a heartbreak has a one-night stand, but the other boy didn't want it to end. It looks terribly trashy so I'm in! Maybe I'll do a trash watch?
Nov 2023 line up with screen caps here. Not kept updated.
Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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To be fair this was last week but I did get the screen shot until now. (You are Mine)
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I Cannot Reach You serving all Japan's favorite tropes plus some very un-Japan decent kisses.
(Last week)
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 10 months
Friday Ramblings
I don't normally do this but I have a couple of thoughts going on in my head regarding the last couple of days week in BL that I just wanted to collect them all instead of just doing it in tags.
I'm pissed. I am a big fan of anything horror or supernatural themed stuff so I was really looking forward to this. (Don't even get me started of how disappointed I am at the disappearance of the other horror themed show I could be watching) And the first part did not disappoint. It was a strong first half, good set up of the different story lines and all the players and I was really excited about it. There was such good meta written about the show, and it turned out to be superior to what the show eventually gave us. (@wen-kexing-apologist specially gave us such excellent meta on this show that I wish they were in charge of the second half of this show) I agree with @lurkingshan about everything they said here. Something which I thought was interesting was that I think in this second half the show purposefully made the fake arm really obvious. I don't know if it wanted us to know before Dan but I also don't think it was an accident. But I'm also not gonna theorize about the reasons because I really don't care that much. The "BL" bait was just another thing that pissed me off. I'm not upset it's not BL, I'm upset because it was sold as such and no one will convince me otherwise. For a couple of episodes, at least, the show wanted us to think that Dan was falling for Nai. The prom moment was just fucking ridiculous. The parallels with October 6 could've been really interesting if there wasn't so much going on that it kinda took the weight of it away. One of the questions I like to ask myself when watching any media is - what is it trying to tell? Sometimes nothing and that's fine. It's pure escapism and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It can still be excellent. And sometimes it tries to say too much that it ends up not having a cohesive message and it all falls flat. Religion, communism, family trauma, homophobia, mental health, infidelity, teacher-student relationship, pregnancy, murder, police brutality, friendship, bullying, the oh so many supernatural elements, I could go on. You get the picture. So in conclusion, I am not happy.
VIP Only
It's cute. I like both of them enough and it's a good mellow way to start the friday madness.
Last Twilight
This show is surprising me so much. In the best ways. As I said before this pair didn't do much for me in the past but I've surrendered completely, specially to Jimmy. He was so good in this episode that I felt obligated to gif it just so I could keep watching his expressions.
That whole final scene just floored me. His eyes just carried that moment and that whole scene so well that by the end a lonely sunflower brought tears to my eyes. ( and I do not cry easy). After all the cute dates, this scene was a gut punch.
I'm just really stuck on this show, and it holds my attention all through the episode.
My Dear Gangster Oppa
This episode was silly, I couldn't care less about the gangster side of the story at the moment, I'd rather spend more time with the gamer friend group. Wahl got a bit of a redemption but I still don't like him. I liked that Guy stood his ground with Wahl and Tew, but hated the stalker behaviour. If you wanna go dude, just leave!
Sahara Sensei to Toki-kun
Japan my beloved. They just keep giving me all I need. Toki is giving me some Aoki vibes and I could not be happier. And Toki now has got two friends in his corner and I'm so happy. This one and Kinou Nani Tabeta are currently my main sources of joy and my heart is full.
Pit Babe I'd like to thank @pharawee for giving us the novel commentary because it makes it a bit less confusing while I watch this. I have no clue about omegaverse so a part of me is confused, sometimes bored, another part of me is just waiting for Jeff and Alan to be a thing and all of me is happy that Pavel is on my screen weekly.
This show is dragging and I'm officially bored. I don't mind a slow burn if the rest of the show can hold it together. But the team animosity is just tiring and annoying at this point, the side couples are not engaging ( a bj in the shower does not a side couple make) and for a show named Twins, I would like to see more of them.
Middleman's Love
I'm 99% here for the sides. They are cute, they give me some Ram/King vibes and I wanna see more of them. I was super happy to see Ngern again and the family dinner was a good moment. I don't have the patience for this sort of misunderstanding anymore so that ending annoyed the hell out of me.
(I'm watching For Him too but I have nothing nice to say, so I'll say nothing at all. And yes I know I just did that with Shadow but I was never that invested in this one)
Really looking forward to Kinou Nani Tabeta tomorrow morning and The Sign in the afternoon.
I wish all a great weekend and thanks for reading💜
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(because I needed a good cry)
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silverraes · 9 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally
10 BL Boys That Make Me Feel Things™
(not sexual, not romantic but a secret third thing)
okay so I wasn't exactly tagged in this but I saw several people doing this and I'll take just about any excuse to scream about my favorite characters so I'm just going to very sneakily join in on this trend 👀
there is absolutely no ranking to these bc I couldn't rank them if I wanted to
(also I changed the name a little bc my ace ass is literally physically incapable of wanting anyone carnally but I still have lots of thoughts lmao)
1) Tharn (The Sign)
I mean. is literally anyone surprised that this is where we're starting?
he's the nicest person out there. he can kick your ass if he wants to. he lost his parents at a young age and is absolutely convinced that everyone he loves is doomed to die and he keeps seeing visions of people dying and he's told again and again that those he has wronged in a past life - which he doesn't even remember - are still out to get him and yet he has so much kindness left for the world??
also he can be such a little shit and knows exactly how to tease Phaya back I love him so goddamn much.
(also that mole-)
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2) Kim (Kinnporsche)
was he also on my characters I'd hit with my car list? maybe. and what about it.
I love him so much. he's such a badass but he's such a loser. famous singer who falls for a fan he was supposed to be investigating but is too emotionally constipated to admit it. badass son of a mafia family who can kick ass but only if he wants to. who does it like him honestly
(it also helps that he's played by just about the prettiest man alive)
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3) Babe (Pit Babe)
did I start watching this show ironically? yes. is every mention of alphas and mpreg and that mama/papa thing hitting me like a brick and causing me 9000 psychic damage every single time? also yes. did I absolutely fall in love with the show and just about every character in it? you bet your fucking ass I did.
but I especially love Babe. he's just so babygirl. special alpha man who has to act tough and strong but just wants to be babied by his dumbass loser (affectionate) alpha boyfriend. like, he's actually so goddamn soft?? I love him.
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4) Guy (Bake Me Please)
I think we all knew this was coming. I was literally gushing about him for half of the episodes. Guy my beloved. that show did not deserve you.
he spends the entire show supporting his crush's every decision and trying to make sure he's okay literally how could you not love this man
(yes he was a petty bitch for like 5 minutes there but he immediately apologized for it the next episode. properly. unlike certain other people-)
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5) Sprite (Twins)
he's so himbo coded. himbo of all himbos. the himboest. not a brain cell in that head. he's my little dumbass I love him.
he deserves so much better than what he's being put through. someone please just love and support him for who he is. and also take him away from that family
(please talk to your boyfriend tho I am begging)
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6) Wei Wuxian (The Untamed)
MY BELOVED. I could write essays about him. he's such a great character I love him so fucking much. if you ever had to bear witness to me talking about him.. I am so sorry.
sassy emo bitch with a flute and a tragic backstory who's seen as evil by just about everyone but only ever had the best intentions. absolute fucking dumbass. kicks ass. always smiling despite the circumstances. loves his siblings so damn much. doomed by the narrative. what more could you possibly ask for
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7) Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor)
I'm trying so damn hard to keep this list to one character per show and it really took me a while to decide if I wanted to include him or Wen Kexing but ultimately it was Zhou Zishu for me
just.. god. him. assassin sect leader just trying to retire who keeps getting dragged into the biggest bullshit but doesn't really mind bc the bullshit comes with a mysterious pretty man. also that whole god damn nail thing. I have so many thoughts and feelings about that but this post would get too long if I got started on those-
(also actually pulling the "I'm literally dying" card to get out of chores is so fucking valid of him. more characters should do that)
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8) Milk (Choco Milk Shake)
he is quite fucking literally a reincarnated cat, of course I love him. I could list reasons for why I love him but it would be the exact same reasons just about every cat person on earth lists for why they love cats so. but here's a quick summary, just in case:
petty. dramatic. knocks over glasses. silently loves you so fucking much.
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9) Tew (My Dear Gangster Oppa)
I really did not expect to love him this much? greenest of green flags (except for the plot line we shall not talk about). can and will kill people and is fine with it (seriously it is so refreshing to see a mafia character not having a huge moral dilemma about being in the mafia). both a badass mafia man and a gamer guy who doesn't know how to talk to people and is absolutely whipped for his gamer bf.
also scars make a person just about 110x more attractive I don't make the rules. even if the scars are weird and yellow, it's the thought that counts.
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10) Tian (A Tale of Thousand Stars)
I? love him??
I just love how he sets out to do something for someone he didn't even know because he feels like this person deserves that much at least and how he ends up genuinely loving and caring for those kids and the village and this inner conflict he's having the entire time but hiding oh so well and how he actually calls out his parents on their rich people bs and-
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tagging everyone who reads this far and wants to do it. seriously. I mean it. if you want to do this, please go ahead and say I tagged you. I love reading everyone's thoughts.
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