#two screenplays
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Jean Cocteau - Two Screenplays - Pelican - 1969 (cover design by George Klauber)
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Saw this text post and was immediately transported to this room
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Lord of the Abridged: Tower Power
Frodo - I miss Gandalf.
Sam - I am a packmule.
Gollum - I have somehow hunted the ring better than nine wraith assassins.
Frodo - I hate this ring.
Gollum - Gimme the ring!
Frodo - I’ll give you the Sting.
Gollum - Oh no.
Frodo - Gollum, lead us to Mordor.
Gollum - That’s a terrible idea.
Sam - That’s a terrible idea.
Frodo - This is a great idea.
Orcs - We’re taking the hobbits to Isengard!
Pippin - I want some nice crispy bacon.
Merry - I am sick.
Orcs - Here’s a homemade family recipe.
Merry - yucky.
Oruk - You’re yucky :(
Oruk - wait…
Oruk - ManFlesh!
Aragorn - They noticed my manflesh.
Gimli - This distance is physically twice for me as it is for everyone else. #DurinsFolkStruggles
Legolas - They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard!
Saruman - Nothing could possibly go wrong with the arrangement I have with my new best friend Sauron.
Sauron - I don’t know who that weird goth dude is but keep him a good ten feet from me.
Orcs - We demand rest!
Oruk - Damn unions.
Orcs - We demand good food!
Oruk - Let them eat cake.
Dave - I want to take a bite of a hobbit! A hobbite!
Oruk - Scum! *killing noises*
Dave - *getting killed noises*
Orcs - We demand Dave!
Oruk - You drive a hard bargain.
Merry - Crawly crawly.
Pippin - Sneaky sneaky.
Dave’s cousin also named Dave - I demand a hobbite!
Rohirrim - We’re a traveling play. Wanna see our act?
Orcs - *Dies*
Oruk - *Dies*
Hobbits - Cliffhanger!
Aragorn - We’ve been running all night.
Legolas - Man, I’d love to see a play.
Rohirrim - We’re a traveling play. Wanna see our act? All it needs is a dead dwarf.
Legolas - How dare you threaten the life of my best buddy in the whole wide world!
Aragorn - …
Rohirrim -…
The horses - …
Gimli -…
Aragorn - Have you seen some orcs? They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard.
Eomer - They’re dead. Dead as hell. If your kids were there, they’re dead too. We can’t tell the difference.
Aragorn - oh shit.
Legolas - oh shit.
Gimli - oh shit.
Witch king - *stubbed toe screeching*
Frodo - Oh no! It’s Mister Stabby!
Gollum - It’s cool. They suck at their jobs.
Witch king - *Screeches elsewhere*
Gollum - Don’t follow the lights.
Frodo - You’re not my mom.
Ghosts - Hey little halfling. Want some candy?
Frodo - I love candy!
Ghosts - Hahaha! It wasn’t candy at all!
Frodo - *Ghostly drowning noises*
Gollum - What did I just say?
Merry - Is Dave still chasing us?
Merry - wtf, Pippin?
Dave - I’m still chasing you!
Treebeard - Gimme the hobbits.
Dave - *Roadkill noises*
Treebeard - I’m a tree with a beard! Guess my name!
Merry -…
Pippin - Dave?
Aragorn - Where’s the hobbits?
Gimli - I found a dead orc!
Aragorn - That’s not a hobbits!
Legolas - Ew don’t touch it.
Gandalf - I’m gonna scare the shit out of these three.
Gandalf - *Lightshow*
Aragorn - Holy shit!
Legolas - Holy shit!
Gimli - Holy shit!
Gandalf - Lmao. Let’s go to Rohan.
Theoden - mnmmnbnbmmmm.
Grima - He says he doesn’t like you.
Gandalf - Theoden? More like Theodumb.
Theodumb - bffbmmnm.
Grima - He says your shoes are raggedy and your staff looks like a pleasurable instrument.
Gandalf - wizardwhocantgetlaidsayswhat
Sarumon - What?
Gandalf - Lmao.
Saruman - PAIN!
Gandalf - PAIN!
Saruman - Egad!
Theoden - *Grasps his killing stick* I’m Theodone.
Grima - I’m Theodead.
Sarumon - If he wants pain, I’ll show him some pain.
Grima - How?
Sarumon - I’ve grown several thousand muscular, voracious hunks who will do anything I tell them.
Grima - Good for fighting?
Sarumon - …
Grima - For fighting, right?
Theoden - Let’s go to Helm’s Deep.
Aragorn - Yes, nothing could go wrong.
Gandalf - Deuces.
Gimli - I’ve had like five lines and zero agency in this movie so far.
Legolas - It’s hard being a princess. ✨✨
Aragorn - Hey you’re pretty good with that sword.
Eowyn - I will literally have your child right here in this hallway.
Legolas - :O
Gimli - :O
Sméagol - :O
Sarumon - :O
Morgoth - :O
Eru Illuvitar - :O
Tom Bombadil - :O
That one orc head on a spear - :O
Anyone with half a brain cell - :O
Aragorn - She seems nice.
Gollum - *Having a meltdown*
Gollum.exe has stopped working.
Gollum - Rebooting.
Sméagol - Sméagol.exe.
Sméagol - …
Sméagol - It’s wabbit season.
Orcs - We’re a traveling band! Wanna hear our latest single “Omnom”?
Rohan Soldiers - “Omnom”?
Wargs - Omnomnomnom!
Soldiers - *Fighting*
Eowyn - ManFlesh!
Aragorn - *To orc Uber* I will pay you to throw me off this cliff.
Orc taxi - A dollar’s a dollar!
Aragorn - *Flying king noises*
Sméagol - It’s fish season.
Gondorites - It’s little gremlin season.
Frodo - Hol up. He’s a little weird but he’s aight.
Faramir - I was going to kill you but didn’t. There’s no other information I can offer here that could improve future events.
Sméagol - *Dramatically* I’ve been betrayed!
Faramir - Tell me what I want to know.
Sméagol - Gollum.exe
Merry - Take the hobbits to Isengard!
Treebeard - No.
Merry - Aw man.
Treebeard - What’s this? Deforestation?! HRAGBLAGMIMGONNAKILLTHATLITTLESHIT!
Merry - Yay!
Treebeard - We all might die but that’s okay!
Merry - Y…yay?
Aragorn - *Dramatic Entrance*
Eowyn. - Take me right here.
Aragorn - Orcs.
Theoden - Orcs?!
Gimli - These are Uruk Hai!
Uruk - Uruk hi!
Theoden - So it begins.
It - *beginning*
Gimli - Two already!
Legolas - I’m on seventeen!
Gimli - That’s not fair fighting!
Legolas - :)
Gimli - Fighting, right?
5 days later:
Theoden - This is too much fighting!
Aragorn - Let’s fight some more.
Theoden - Sounds good bestie!
Gandalf - PAIN!
Gandalf - Oh shit.
Orcs - Oh shit.
Treebeard - Orc mush! Mush orc!
Treesbeard - Reverse veganism!
Sarumon - Sauron pick me up I’m scared
Legolas - We’re alive!
Soldiers - We’re alive!
Eowyn - ManFlesh!
Aragorn - *hiding king noises*
Gandalf - That was close.
Frodo - Something just happened.
Faramir - Run little child thing. Be free.
Hobbits - *Scampering off*
Faramir - I feel like there’s something I forgot to do.
Later :
Gollum - I’m gonna murder these hobbits.
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faelapis · 8 months
sorry but there's no real difference between pissing and whining about spiderverse's lack of nominations and pissing and whining about any other marvel movie's lack of nominations.
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cto10121 · 5 days
Book Bella vs. Movie Bella: Or, Yeah, Let’s Do A Ginny Weasley and Remove ALL Her Personality, Shall We?
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Because clownery is clownery, even if I do like Kristen Stewart as an actress. But Book Bella, she wasn’t. At all. And I just happen to have receipts.
Book Bella is described as slender, though not in an athletic way, with brown hair and eyes, a heart-shaped face, full lips (the top lip a little fuller than the bottom one), and very pale, translucent skin. Edward describes her as “fragile-looking” and “silk in glass”; all in all, a very classically feminine description. Much of her big dick energy comes from her interests than her appearance. Movie Bella is indeed beautiful, but in a statuesque, angular, and yes, athletic kind of way. She is way too tough-looking and stoic, and most convincing during the action sequences
For that matter, Book Bella is much more emotionally expressive. She cries when she gets angry, she’s sassy and sarcastic, she has tantrums on the while, she has the fiercest temper when her loved ones are threatened…it’s never-ending. Movie Bella is either stoic, sullen, or a nervous wreck, there is no in between
Book Bella did not have that many physical tics!!! She bites her lip. That’s literally it. Calm tf down, Stewart
For that matter, Book Bella isn’t as socially awkward, she’s just introverted!!!! She is shy on her first day of school. She gets tongue-tied when she first meets Edwards. But her dialogue is consistently assured and eloquent, to the point where Edward complains that she takes everything so coolly. Movie Bella is awkward from start to finish
Book Bella cooks and cleans for Charlie. Before that, she took care of her mother, even paying the bills and running the household. She is a parentified teen used to taking care of her own parents. Movie Bella tags along with Charlie to some diner and cooks only one time in the whole series
Book Bella: *in response to Edward’s “Shame about the weather”* “Not really”>>>>Movie Bella: “oh, N-NOO, I don’t—any cold or wet thing, really—” 🤮
Book Bella *to Edward in the hospital*: “You owe me an explanation, tell me how did you stop the van, and don’t lie!!!!” 😡 >>>>> Movie Bella: “Edward, how did you stop the van? You were so fast. Pretty please, I won’t tell” 🥺
Book Bella: *sings along to boy band songs with Jessica and Angela, enjoys shopping with them, and helps them get dresses*>>>>Movie Bella: *reads a book throughout and is just uninterested*
Book Bella: *figures out on her own that Edward is a mind reader and tells him so*>>>>Movie Bella: “You can read minds????” 🤯
Book Bella: “Everyone, shut tf up, YES, INCLUDING YOU, EDWARD, I have a plan to stop James”>>>>Movie Bella: “What do you MEAN, James wants to kill me????” 🤯
New Moon
Book Bella never jokes about Edward’s age. In the books, of course, he is emotionally 17. Meanwhile, Movie Bella has this ~tease: “Maybe I shouldn’t be dating such an old man. It’s gross” 🤮 RIP Stewart
Book Bella: *didn’t start being friends with Jacob until after Edward left*>>>>>Movie Bella: “hEY BICEPS.” RIP Stewart
When Edward asks Bella why Jacob and others are allowed to give her gifts, Book Bella and Movie Bella have different responses. Book Bella says explicitly that Edward has already given her so much already—himself. Anything else just “throws us out of balance.” Movie Bella says she "has nothing to give back to [him].” Which is so non-canon, I must cry
Book Bella: “[The actress] is very pretty”>>>>>Movie: “Juliet is perfect, if you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing” why, movie
Book Bella: *horrified and furious over Edward admitting he contemplated suicide and forbids him from ever contemplating that again*>>>>>Movie Bella: “What’s the Volturi?” 😑
Book Bella: *went into a coma for a week, flew into a towering rage when they tried to get her to go to Renée, but then actually went through the motions for Charlie, becoming a straight-A student*>>>>Movie Bella: *sulks on her chair and staring out the window 🎶 THERE’S A POSSIBILITIEEEEEE 🎶*
Also, Movie Bella writing to Alice for no reason. Why would the Cullens even have email? Not that I think Book Bella would write to them even if they had.
Book Bella approaches the men on the street, thinking they are the ones who almost raped her, but then returns to Jessica when she finds out they aren’t. You know, like a normal person. Movie Bella rides with the guy on a motorcycle because she is that idiot
Book Bella changed drastically after Edward left. She couldn’t listen to music, threw out her books, avoided TV and movies. More importantly, she would hug herself whenever she thought of Edward because of a figurative hole in her chest. Jacob would go to mention how awful she looked. Movie Bella also has nightmares, but otherwise she is pretty much her normal self. She doesn’t even hug herself, looks presentable, and barely reacts when Edward and the Cullens are mentioned. That’s because the film never establishes her interests and even her personality, ha, oops
Book Bella: *only vaguely notes when Jacob took off his shirt because, y’know, she is bleeding everywhere*>>>>>>Movie Bella *gawking*: “You’re sort of beautiful”
Book Bella *figures out Jacob is a werewolf and goes to confront him about it, she then meets the rest of the pack with him*>>>>>Movie Bella punches freakin’ PAUL in the face and tells Jacob to run just before he changes
Book Bella comforts Jacob when he talks about Sam’s supposed cult. Movie Bella: “Well, maybe you should just avoid him” 😑
Book Bella: *nearly screams when Jacob appears at her window because she is frightened of Victoria* Movie Bella: “You scared me. The hell are you doing?” 😑 Also, Book Bella initially refused Jacob’s apology and tried to push him out
Movie Bella: “You can’t really run with vampires. ‘Cause they’re fast.” RIP Stewart
Book Bella could not stand Sam/Emily because they reminded her too much of her and Edward. The hole in her chest would literally begin to ache. Movie Bella has no discernible reaction
Omfg, Movie Bella was really going to kiss fucking Jacob!!! Book Bella was literally paralyzed with indecision and was only contemplating passively accepting. The films were so Team Jacob, it’s disgusting
Book Bella excitedly telling Alice to bite her and turn her into a wholeass vampire in the middle of an airplane full of humans. Movie Bella doesn’t, but y’know, time
Movie Bella *to Edward*: “I can let you go now” What. the. Fuck. Book Bella never even had the desire to let go of Edward. She even mentions that if she became a vampire, she could follow him wherever he went. When she went to rescue him, it was because of her love for him. Not because this shit would grant her closure!!!! Fuck you, movie!!!!!
Book Bella had to be RESTRAINED by ALICE to prevent her from going to Edward when he was being tortured by Jane. Movie Bella went into hysterics (not at Jane’s torture, but at the Edward vs. Felix scene) and offered her life in exchange. Which isn’t at bad or OOC per se, but c’mon, Book Bella being ready to go was superior
Edward: “I lied when I said I didn’t love you” → Book Bella: “I knew it, I KNEW I was dreaming” 😭>>>>>>>Movie Bella *believes him almost immediately and makes out with him*
Technically Movie Bella forgives Edward. She kisses him and still wants to be a vampire. So it’s heavily implied. But she never says the words. Book Bella not only tells Edward explicitly that she still loves him, but is flabbergasted that he even needed to ask
Movie Bella tells Edward to shut up during the vote scene. She is officially a different character. Fuck you, movie
Book Bella *to Jacob when he says he doesn’t want her to be a vampire*: “That’s NONE of your business!!! 😡”>>>>>>Movie Bella: “It’s not up to you” 😕
Movie Bella *to Jacob*: “I love you. So please...don’t make me choose” 🤮 Book Bella was very much up the river in Egypt when it came to her love for Jacob, so this is OOC to the extreme
Book Bella has a much more visceral reaction to the idea of marriage than Movie Bella. Incredulity, disgust, fear, shame—the works. Movie Bella just…doesn’t. She looks more amused than anything else
Book Bella is also much, much angrier at Edward for taking out her car’s engine. She didn’t even speak to him, just slammed the car door
Movie Bella admits to Renée that she is going to miss the sun. Book Bella by contrast claims that she is used to the cold. She also handles Renée much better than Movie Bella. It doesn’t help matters that Movie Renée is a regular cool mom who actually gives Bella a graduation gift (a quilt of their old road trip T-shirts...Book Renée would never) and not a lowkey narcissist who let Bella raise herself
Movie Bella gets on the motorcycle with Jacob. Book Bella stays with Edward at school to demand an explanation. This change even had Meyer calling it out for being OOC. The film does it to a) save some precious film time by combining the two scenes and b) to give Movie Bella more agency (I also suspect the filmmakers are mostly Team Jacob). My take? Bella would not and should not have gone with Jacob at this point in the story, especially since she needed to find out about Victoria returning, which is a priority
Jacob: “I’d rather you’d be dead than one of them” Movie Bella: 🥺 Book Bella: 😡😭
Movie Bella: “Stop! I’m tired of this. From now on, I’m Switzerland, okay?” 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Book Bella, honey, I’m sorry they did you so dirty
Book Bella being so furious at Jacob kissing her without her consent was everything. So of course they robbed Movie Bella of her fury and had her spend the sequence placating an angry Edward instead. Of course. Fuck you, movie
Not Movie Bella liking Jessica’s speech about making mistakes and changing your mind because "nothing is permament"...when she is about to become a vampire, a literally permanent change. 💀 Book Bella would never
Movie Bella is worried about people getting hurt because of her. Book Bella is more than worried, she was going prematurely gray
Book Bella connects both the intruder, Victoria, and the newborn army while Alice is giving her her blouse. Movie Bella gets a prophetic dream about Maria and Jasper and that...somehow...makes everything click into place. 🫠 Even when it’s following the books, the movie manages to fuck it up somehow
Book Bella guilt-trips Edward into staying with her and away from the fight. She feels guilty, but it was still her idea. Movie Edward suggests it first, and Movie Bella is resistant.
Book Bella was happy to be alone with Edward in the house. Movie Bella...is Movie Bella. Very 😑
Book Bella was so sad when Edward rejected her advances. As in, she cried, poor bby. Movie Bella “understands,” though, and is barely fazed
Book Bella barely and I mean BARELY accepted marrying Edward, and almost didn’t let him put the ring on her. Movie Bella did not even put up the semblance of a fight. Awful, movie, ten points from Gryffindor
Book Bella did not wear Edward’s ring because she has a fear of marriage and rings. Movie Bella did not wear his ring because she did not want Jacob to know
Book Bella doesn’t get at all angry at Edward for letting Jacob know of their upcoming marriage. Movie Bella, however, does, snapping at him and leaving immediately. At this point, does she even like Edward?
Movie Bella finally gets emotional when Jacob threatens to join the fight. A little too late, and of course it’s for Jacob.
Book Bella gets manipulated by Jacob into kissing him. Movie Bella tells Jacob to kiss her out of her own volition. Movie's Team Jacob stance is as obvious as it is sickening
Book Bella was so devastated by her cheating that she begged Edward to be angry at her. She couldn’t even look him in the eye. Movie Bella is just mildly upset. Fuck you too, movie
Movie Bella actually piercing her arm and successfully distracting Riley and Victoria vs. Book Bella about to do it, but then Edward interferring is indeed a big change...that I actually don’t mind. Rare W on Movie Eclipse’s part. 🎉 Or it would have been a W if the movie didn’t do Edward so damn dirty in the process. What do you mean, he was getting wailed on by Riley AND Victoria???? Book Edward had the fight in the bag. The fight scene was much more interesting in the book, and it showed Edward and Seth’s teamwork brilliantly
Book Bella literally faints at just having Jacob’s injury confirmed. Movie Bella is, once again, only concerned
Movie skips Book Bella’s breakdown and recovery of losing Jacob, I see. Fuck you too, movie
Movie Bella’s mini speech about choosing between Jacob and Edward was really the choice between two different life paths is not just Meyer’s notes to the director fortuitously making it into the script. It’s something Book Bella would not say because it’s something she already knows AND something Edward already knows
Movie Edward: “So it’s not just about me?” Movie Bella: “No, sorry.” Movie Bella being a completely different character #454545454543. Once more, fuck you too, movie
Breaking Dawn (Parts 1 & 2)
Not Movie Bella looking longingly at Jacob's dreamcatcher the night before her wedding. 💀At this point she loves him more than Edward
Movie Bella’s pre-wedding dreams are fears about her losing control as a vampire and drinking human blood. Book Bella’s pre-wedding dreams are about the immortal children, foreshadowing Renesmee. I honestly prefer Book Bella’s, since she is never truly afraid of losing control—she thinks Edward and his family would prevent her should that occur. Also, Movie Bella’s dream wedding dress>actual wedding dress. Not by much, though; they’re both nice
Movie Bella looked glad to marry Edward and their kiss was nice. Actually, she just seems much more happier in these last two films. But just a reminder: Book Bella literally threw herself at Edward and they kissed for an uncomfortably long time. Definitely much less restrained
There were some Bella/Jacob clowns that tried to claim Bella didn’t enjoy her wedding and was only happy when Jacob showed up. No idea where that came from, because Movie Bella was laughing with Movie Edward all throughout the speeches and Book Bella was happy as a clam and only happier when Jacob showed up.
That said, Movie Bella did look much happier at Jacob’s arrival. Their reunion is framed as romantic. She clearly loves him more than Book Bella and for that I say, nope
Book Bella was much angrier at the “real honeymoon” conversation with Jacob than Movie Bella. Again, Movie Bella seems to love Jacob so much more. That said, she does manage to shake him off, whereas Book Bella could not escape Jacob’s grip
Book Bella *remembering her wedding night*: 🥰🥳🤩>>>>>>>Movie Bella: *remembering her wedding night* ☺️
Movie Bella: “Why can’t you see how perfectly happy I am?” Because you literally looked happier seeing Jacob than you were remembering sex with Edward, maybe. God, who directed Stewart? Why did she choose this
I will give Movie Bella this, though: She is more deliberate or at least more obvious in her seduction of Edward. Book Bella was more *gives passive-aggressive hints in the hopes that he’ll give in and bang again*
Movie Bella cries at the good sex dream!!!! Finally!!!! Meanwhile Book Bella was downright sobbing
Movie Bella cooks something!!!! Finally!!!! This film is really giving Book Bella
Movie Bella ate chicken, barfed it up, remembered her late period and boom, she knows she is pregnant. Meanwhile Book Bella had been wrestling with symptoms for at least a few days
Movie Bella: “It’s a miracle, I guess” You guess, Book Bella knows
Also, it must be said. Even while visibly dying, Book Bella was still cracking jokes and diffusing the tension. Movie Bella...doesn’t
Book Bella is explicit why she is carrying the half-vampire hybrid: Because it is Edward’s child. It is not because she has suddenly become baby-crazed. Movie Bella offers no explanation whatsoever. We are left to infer only her love for the kid, no more
Movie Bella: “You can hear him?” Meanwhile Book Bella: “HOLY CROW, YOU CAN HEAR HIM”
Movie Bella: *when she first sees Edward post transformation* ☺️ Book Bella: *when she first sees Edward post transformation* 🥵
Book Bella 🤝 Movie Bella: “You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster????!!” That said, Book Bella didn’t hurt poor Seth deliberately! Movie Bella was awful for that
Movie Bella likes Renesmee, but she is much less motherly overall than Edward. Meanwhile Book Bella was obsessed with Renesmee, she practically took over the whole half of BD
Not Movie Bella wearing a sleeveless black tunic dress during her meeting with J. Jenks while Book Bella wore an oyster satin cocktail dress beneath an ivory trench coat. 💀 The one time Book Bella chooses to dress up, and the movie squanders it
Movie Bella *to Edward*: “I can undress myself, you know” Fool, that’s not the point. The point is the Volturi are going to murder you all, and you and Edward have only a month to love each other while you still can. Book Bella took full advantage, why can’t you? Oh, right, because you’re a #girlboss Hollywood protagonist now
Book Bella was the one to order fake documents for Jacob and Renesmee, quickly deducing Jenks’ side hustle. In the movie, however, Jasper was the one to place the order with Jenks, and Movie Bella merely picked it up. The movies are still continuing that ~fine tradition of removing Book Bella’s agency, I see
Book Bella protected their entire group with her shield and was instrumental in the Volturi’s retreat. In the movie, while Bella does use her shield, it is Alice who shows Aro her vision (which breaks canon, since she wouldn’t have been able to see hybrids or werewolves) and that led Aro to back off.
And finally, after the Volturi left, Book Bella embraced Renesmee, with Edward embracing them both. She kisses Edward with so much passion the forest could have been on fire and she wouldn’t have noticed. In the movie they all embraced each other, but with Bella making eye contact with Jacob as Edward and Renesmee hugged each other. For the last time, and I cannot say this enough, fuck you too, movie
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bloodtwin · 9 days
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*sighs* my wrist hurts really bad rn so i am taking a break from writing for the evening. if you see me reply to something in a few hours & it doesnt have the queue tag it's not that i don't care about my well-being it's that i failed to resist my dark urges (writing yaoi probably)
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 10 months
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Hahahaha, I love her, I bet she has pull shit like this before back in her dimension too with her teachers and such.
(If you want to block this chain of posts, block the hashtag #screenplay react.)
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sorry for going AWOL and for the lack of content guys I sort of went insane and wrote a book
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metaangelz · 8 months
they’re having a case of mass hysteria over there on twitter because the two hour Mattel commercial didn’t get nominations for lead actress and best director Lord help us
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ophelliate · 9 months
little snippets from the mutant mayhem official script that i enjoy
screenplay's found in this article that micah retweeted. read away!
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pynkhues · 27 days
Anne in Louis wrote all the qualities of herself she finds the hardest to accept which is mainly his passivity abd inability to engage with life and it's why he rarely appears in books in tne future but also why his ending is very lovely. Lestat has a lot of her hjsbands qualities but is also largely based on who she kinda wishes she was or naybe believe she could be if she was born a man there's a clip going around twitter where she talks abt this so i think fans know.
Totally! I'm not disagreeing with that at alll, but for me it's like - - mm, Anne was perpetually shocked when people related Claudia's death to her own daughter's death, right? And yet that is understood by both people who study and understand Anne on an academic and critical level, as well as fandom broadly, to be an absolute truth. It's certainly understood by Rolin in adapting the show, who's brought it up plenty.
Anne herself was impulsive, litigious, prone to getting swept up in movements, prone to bursts of anger and feuds with people who arguably should've been irrelevant to her professionally. Those traits are Lestat, not Louis, and it reminds me a bit of seeing Junot Diaz on a panel many years ago where he said you don't see yourself how you write yourself, and other people in your life don't see themselves how you write them.
That doesn't mean Rolin and the other writers aren't connecting dots. They have the benefit of being outsiders in the same way the rest of us are, and again, I think to give Anne's prose to Lestat is both a fascinating choice and a beautifully realised one because as a writer, I can say that I think she latched onto him as a POV character for a reason.
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carcarrot · 1 month
9 people i want to get to know better tagged by @bawnjourno thank you pal!!!!! 💖
last song: my baby must be a magician - the marvelettes
favorite color: purple!!!
currently watching: cheers (new) twin peaks (rewatch) night court (new) and movies every dayyy
sweet/savory/spicy: sweet!! if i don't have a sweet little treat i pass away actually
currently playing: not a gamer but im playing a game called august where i make it through every day of august
current obsession: the latest addition to my assortment of goofy guys, slowly collecting vintage clothing and books, even more slowly working on my film screenplay (and documentary idea. and tv show idea .), very very excited for my upcoming vacation to california for the 3rd time in a row! and if i ever repair the dvd drive on my laptop im gonna start making my own dvds of movies with embedded subtitles that dont already have them on a dvd release bc i cant hear!!!
tagging @footnoteinhistory @bicolumbo @starringvincentprice @mariocki @eddie-rifff @jefffreybeaumont @seaofreverie @jellojellyroll and @crystalblast !! no pressure if you dont wanna!
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demadogs · 4 months
i have ocs but im not a writer or an artist what the fuck do i do with these random guys that live in my head
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regulus-lantsov · 4 months
Oh my god I just love how everyone accepted that Denis Villeneuve is the standart for adaptation T°T
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suispiria · 7 months
when I blended hannibal and alison dilaurentis into a teenage girl who drives her two best friends who are obviously in love with each other to murder ppl mostly because she likes to watch ppl die but also because why would they fall in love w each other and leave her out wtf . Miss her
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littlelesbianknight · 2 years
it’s fascinating to me that from a character-build perspective, only two of the bells have what I’d call main character energy: imogen and ashton. the difference is that imogen knows she’s a main character, and she’s furious about it. ashton, meanwhile, is operating under the assumption he’s a bit player and wondering why they keep getting punched in the face by the Narrative
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