#two stripe grasshopper
onenicebugperday · 2 months
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rose (l*********[email protected]) submitted: i really can’t figure out what kind of grasshopper this is, the location is [removed] (remove location pls)
It’s a two-striped grasshopper, Melanoplus bivittatus :)
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nhaelm · 1 year
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Two-striped Grasshopper
Canon 2000d
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pleistocene-pride · 1 year
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Melanoplus bivittatus better known as the two-striped grasshopper or yellow-striped grasshopper, is a poikilothermic species of grasshopper belonging to the genus Melanoplus which is native throughout North America from southern Canada to northern mexico and from the atlantic coast to the pacific coast. They tend to inhabit grasslands, wetlands, open forest understory, crop fields, parks, lawns, and basically anywhere with fields of vegetation on which they can easily feed. Two-striped Grasshoppers are active in the daytime and perch at the top of crops and vegetation at night to rest. Once the warm sunshine raises their body temperatures, they descend and either continues feeding or move on to new plants. Nymphs and adults can move in large migratory groups to new patches of vegetation. These swarms can been seen flying high above the ground.Two striped grasshoppers are themselves eaten by spiders, mantids, other invertebrates, and various reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Reaching some 30 to 55 mm in length, two stripped grasshoppers are so named due to there pair of pale yellow stripes running along the top of the body from above the eyes to the hind tip of the wings. They also have a yellowish green coloration throughout its body due to chromoprotein and carotenoid.The rest of the body looks similar to that of most grasshopper species, with enlarged hind legs for jumping and two pairs of wings, with one set overlapping the other. Mating can last up to 10 hours as males transfer both food and sperm to the females. Said females lay around 450 eggs in the soil before winter, and nymphs hatch in the spring when temperatures begin to rise. It takes around 40 days for nymphs to reach the adult stage. Under ideal conditions a two stripped grasshopper may live upwards of 2 years.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Grand Mesa National Forest, CO (No. 2)
Animals that inhabit this forest are elk, mule deer, Canadian lynx, black bears, pine marten, cougars, and bighorn sheep. Birdwatchers get a seasonal opportunity to view species of bird such bald eagles, boreal owls, golden eagles, Mexican spotted owls, common ravens, wild turkeys and peregrine falcons.
Originally called Battlement Mesa Forest Reserve, created by Benjamin Harrison on December 24, 1892, it was the third forest reserve created in United States. It is the largest flat top mountain in the world.
Source: WIkipedia  
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bugsontoastt · 17 days
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hehehebgrasshopper,,, these guys are native to the area but I don’t get to see them very often! When I managed to pick it up it didn’t want to get off, but with some shimmying I managed to get the little guy back into the grass
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hannahorca · 29 days
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The creature + The inspiration (Two-Striped Mermiria Grasshopper) 🦗 art and photo by me!
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bogleech · 1 year
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I mentioned recently that bags of cheap rubber bugs are harder to come by in real stores, but that there are a few options for them online. I just received this set from Aliexpress that’s currently only $4 with free shipping, you might even find the same set cheaper since there’s multiple listings for it, but I can verify this source is using an accurate photo and I am now going to REVIEW THEM:
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SPIDER: obligatory, all-purpose spider, ambiguous species, noodly legs, minimal paint application, 3/5
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COCKROACH: nice silky black coloration on the back, tan on the underside, rather haphazard leg pose, I like it but in terms of objective quality it’s unfortunately a 2/5 compared to other fake roaches and even to other bugs in this set.
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DRAGONFLIES: so this set is definitely pieced together from what were once multiple different rubber bug sets, but I can also confirm that you always get the same selection I’m reviewing, which includes several redundancies. You get both a large and small dragonfly with entirely different sculpts, the smaller one more accurately sculpted but not as dynamically painted! Both I’d give a 3/5, adequate dragonflies
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ORTHOPTERA: you get a cricket AND two different styles of grasshopper! The big, detailed black and red cricket is crudely painted but very unique, 3.5/5. The small grasshopper is cute and inoffensive, barely painted, 3/5. The large grasshopper is a 4/5 for me because while I’ve seen plenty like it, it has a really nice gradient from lime green to a darker grassier green that I just find very pleasant.
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BEES: two very differently sculpted bees, and they both use a sparkly metallic gold with black stripes. Both deserve a 4/5.
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ANTS: collectively I’m gonna say these are a 3.5/5, on their own very plain but I like that together you have a dull yellow-tan ant with comical googly eyes and a bigger, more ominous shiny black ant with spooky red eyes. I like that the black ant is also tied with a couple others as the largest bug in the set. It’s actually only slightly larger than the real life Giant Amazonian ant, Dinoponera, which is also entirely black.
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MANTIDS: excellent choice for another double bug, I like the simple cheapness of the little one with its awkwardly sculpted forelegs but to fair it’s a 2/5 compared to the 4/5 of the larger, red-eyed mantis which has more of that “sparkly” paint style!
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SCORPIONS: the only other arachnids in the set, and it’s amazing they included two different scorpions but only one spider. Trust me when I say that’s the most radical maverick decision a rubber bug set has ever made in the history of mankind. The small red scorpion is alright, a 3 I guess. The larger one has only six legs which is not accurate (the claws of a scorpion are modified mouthparts, not legs!) but I can’t look at its little black eyes and not want to cry so 5/5 actually.
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CICADA: not terribly common in these! Charming, chunky brown cicada, though the thorax piece is so transparent you can always see the hole it plugs into. At one time, this sculpt may have been part of a higher quality set that actually painted over this design flaw. 4/5 regardless.
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FLY: there’s a pattern here in which almost every flying insect in the set has a gold-brown base, which I’m not a big fan of. Sadly I’m overall neutral on this fly, normally my favorite of all the basic insects, perhaps because it looks just as much like some sort of wasp. It’s definitely a fly due to having only one pair of wings, and plenty of flies look exactly like this, but I’d just be a bigger fan if it was a chunkier, larger-eyed blowfly or horsefly. 2.5/5
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UNKNOWN: there are actually several insects this could possibly represent including a few Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera, but the one insect it most closely resembles is an adult caddisfly. I like it, but it’s difficult to fairly judge it with no certain identification so 3/5 has to do.
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HAWKMOTH: stellar choice! I’ve seen only one cheap-grade plastic hawkmoth in my whole life, actually! Several hawkmoths are even clear-winged, though those usually still have dark markings around the wing edges. Would’ve been more accurate to some real species if they just cast the wings in a solid color, but that’s a trivial criticism. 5/5
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WASP: the wasp is SO good. The paint on this one is skewed funny but that’s fine, the green of the abdomen pops really well and I love the grouchy red eyes. 5/5
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CATERPILLAR: larvae are so rarely included in these, and when they are, they’re often an incredibly plain segmented tube that doesn’t look like anything in particular, or a recolor of a generic caterpillar I’ve seen several times before. This caterpillar sculpt is actually new to me and nicely shaped, with a tapering body and accurate limbs. It is however a rather stiff hunk of plastic, not as rubbery as the others, and honestly this is the one you would want rubberiest! Still a 5/5 for its inclusion at all.
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BEETLE: beetles are the most abundant, diverse insect group and the most common rubber bug toy after spiders, so it’s another bold move that they include only one in this whole set and it isn’t even one of the more recognizable, more famous beetles. On its own merits as just a rubber beetle it’s a 3/5, but its metallic blue stands out so nicely in this set, and the sculpt appears to be some sort of blister beetle, a rare choice and a very cool (but dangerous! Don’t touch them!!!) insect group so 5/5
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MOSQUITO: mosquitoes are another of my favorite animal groups, and as one of the world’s most abundant, most recognized, most controversial insects you’d think they’d be a standard bug toy already, but this is only the third plastic mosquito design I’ve ever seen in my entire long life! It’s brown, unpainted, dinky and bent funny. 10/5
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ellieloves2draw · 2 years
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elytra headcanons i doodled a while back! feat. my favorite joe ive ever drawn
(ID: five colored marker drawings of various hermits and their elytras. each drawing is labeled with what kind of elytra each character has. in order, these are “cloak”, “vex”, “boxelder bug”, “grasshopper”, and “spooky halloween cape thing”.
first is grian. he’s a fae with birdlike hands and feet and a whiplike tail which has feathers at the end, pointed ears, dishwater blond hair, black dot eyes, and freckles. he is wearing a red sweater, black cargo shorts, and reading glasses with small, circular lenses. his elytra is a cloak that has been cut and sewn to resemble simplified wings. the base of the wings are red and the false feathers are gold, with small buttons at each crease. grian is sitting with his elytra half unfurled around him.
next is scar. he’s a human with green eyes, brown hair, and scarred skin. he is wearing a brown brimmed hat, jacket, and pants, a white buttoned shirt, and he is holding a cane in his right hand, and gesturing with his left hand while smiling. his elytra are a pair of vex wings. they resemble simplified bat wings with moth-eaten holes and are a pale blue color.
next is tango. he’s a pale netherborn with messy, swept-back blond hair, pointed ears, sharp cheekbones, and stubble. he’s wearing a red shirt with grey circles on the biceps, gold-framed goggles with red lenses, oversized red work gloves, and black overalls. he has his back mostly turned to the camera and has his arms spread out. his smile is visible, but his eyes are obscured. there are two small, empty speech bubbles around him. his elytra are a pair of boxelder bug wings. they’re folded on his back, showing only the shell, which is black with red outlines.
next is joe hills. he’s a human with long brown hair with green tips, cat eye glasses, and a handlebar mustache. he is wearing and oversized blue t-shirt with a white ‘at’ symbol on it and blue pants with patches sewn on. he’s hovering in the air and smiling at the camera. his elytra are grasshopper wings. the top pair are long and thin, and are tan. the bottom pair are triangular and are mostly brown with a green bottom edge.
the final drawing is cleo. they’re a tall, fat zombie with orange snake hair, grey-green skin that has been stitched together, and white eyes with black sclera. she is walking toward the xamera and is wearing a long, flowing, low-cut dark blue dress with gold trim, a split skirt, and gathered sleeves just below the shoulders, black and white striped stockings, blue flowers in her hair, and gold flat shoes. their elytra is a large, tattered, dark blue cloak that resembles huge wings. they are spread up and out behind cleo in an awe-inspiring but menacing manner. end ID.)
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For a future poll, can anyone confirm this is a two-striped grasshopper?
It was pretty big, maybe 1.75 inches, located in lower Michigan, U.S.
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fadbucker · 8 days
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rock collecting by basalt cliff (old quarry) in nj, featuring rock with pond in it, two-striped grasshopper, old keys, bladder campion, pretty seeps, old shovel, shushrooms, cool crystals in rocks, cool rocks left by others, old cars.
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post-uwuifier · 6 months
According to all known laws of aviation,there is no way a bee should be able to fly.Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.The bee, of course, flies anywaybecause bees don't care what humans think is impossible.ANumber2Pencil, Dec 7, 2016#1dinocerosDonatorMessages:7,482Likes Received:29,999Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little.Barry! Breakfast is ready!Ooming!Hang on a second.Hello?- Barry?
to make one decision in life.But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?Why would you question anything? We're bees
No one's listening to me!Wait till you see the sticks I have.I could say anything right now.
Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I'm also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I'm in the seventh year (I'm seventeen). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
"Hey Ebony!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was… Draco Malfoy!
"What's up Draco?" I asked.
"Nothing." he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.
I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!Let's open some honey and celebrate!Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae.Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!I'm so proud.- We're starting work today!
Today's the day.Oome on! All the good jobs will be gone.Yeah, right.Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal…- Is it still available?
Hang on. Two left!One of them's yours! Oongratulations! Step to the side.- What'd you get?
Picking crud out. Stellar!Wow!Oouple of newbies?Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!Make your choice.- You want to goetting the Krelman?
Sure, you're on.I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.Wax monkey's always open.The Krelman opened up again.What happened?A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one.Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!Oh, this is so hard!Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,mite wrangler. Barry, what do you think I should… Barry?Barry!All right, we've got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine…What happened to you? Where are you?- I'm going out.
Out? Out where?- Out there.
Oh, no!I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life.You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?Another call coming in.If anyone's feeling brave, there's a Korean deli on 83rdthat gets their roses today.Hey, guys.- Look at that.
Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.Really? Feeling lucky, are you?Sign here, here. Just initial that.- Thank you.
OK.You got a rain advisory today,and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain.So be careful. As always, watch your brot thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Behold the handmaid of the Lord: Be it done unto me according to Thy word. They drive crazy.- Do they try and kill you, like on TV?
Some of them. But some of them don't.- How'd you get back?
im back UwUcifer, can i enter my own contest?
ah, stwuck again by wengthy ask anon! Mad wespect, yes yoo may UwU
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@zenith-silverlight submitted: Greetings! I found some kind of weevil, both pictures are the same dude(tte?), and some type of grasshopper (I'd love to know what exact species either or both of them are, please)! Found in (please remove location) [removed].
And here's some bonus Bald-faced hornets, same area! (yeah unfortunately, the oak tree there has a bit of an aphid problem, the ladybug workers are understaffed and on strike).
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Hello! There are a lot of mottled brown weevils, but my best guess on that one is a Canada thistle bud weevil. The grasshopper looks like a two-striped grasshopper.
And wow, that is a lot of aphids! Those ladybugs need to step up their games. But the bald-faced hornets are cute :)
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spencer-is-dead · 29 days
spencer’s childhood dream diary
note: you will see a lot of mentions of a childhood friend I had a crush on. I hadn’t seen him in a while lol
with that out of the way
here is my dream journal from three years ago, transcribed:
last Night I dreamed that our house was taken away or something. Later on the dream changed and my friend had given me an orange anime shirt
last night I dreams about how a young boy’s mom was an animator for Disney and she was dead. I also dreamed about a grasshopper who was human
nothing to report
last night I had a dream I was on a sky tram in a forest. It was a school project I had to do. Dad went with me. It was super misty. I also dreamed I say [childhood friend] again. I told him about a flower that cost $15.05 and how I planted it and it grew. It was really sweet.
last night I dreamed that someone said “a big bird always cries at midnight.” Well the bird didn’t cry at midnight it cried in the afternoon because an ox had lost its feet. They were accepting appendage donations, but I refused to lose my arms and legs. The ox later died. Then I was in a school play on [local school that I don’t go to]’s stage, and after we finished the play, mom, dad, and me went to [local ice cream shop] and I ordered a chocolate soft serve with caramel and hot fudge
last night all I remember was watching an animation youtuber
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(Words next to it say “this is what they looked like”)
no lucid dream last night. Last night, I dreamed I saw [childhood friend] in gym class. I hugged him. At first I didn’t recognize him, but once he spoke, I knew it was him. There was also a bit of Christmas decorating thrown in. Someone said just before I woke up “but washing plates are too feminine.”
I dreamed me and my eingineering class walked into the class like bosses. We were originally trying to protest plastic but mr. L had a long feud with mr. C. I got into the building first somehow. I also dreamed that [my sister] went missing in San Francisco. I had to drive the car as we were searching. Luckily I didn’t didn’t have to go on the bridge, but boy did I think we were. We found [my sister] that night, and I hugged her
all I remember is a story of some sorts, and a girl talking about another story why oh a girl who dies 31 million years after atomic bombs blow up [my state].
I had a dream I was playing a mobile game at school I also dreamed that my Nintendo got broken. And somehow, I got kidnapped on a helicopter. I sat next to someone one a bench, her name was Sylvia and she ended up hacking out Disney plus account. She said she did this by the information she got from an ad.
I don’t remember much, just my grandmother cooking
I had this dream we went to this island place for a vacation and [my sister] got her period. There was this really creepy doll. A few days later we had a huge adventure on a unicorn island. It actually kinda felt like gravity falls. There was this big showdown, where if this girl consumed all of the rainbow, she would die. In the end, we ended up letting her go. So, she’s dead. I also learned that my purple striped dress was meant to represent Mickecy mouse missing me.
I dreamt that mom got me two gravity falls games on my switch. She kept going somewhere and I wanted to go with her to eat McDonald’s along the way. There was this time travel machine with six plastic cubes. I traveled back to 1850. In the dream, I incorrectly thought I had gone back 210 years. To went to a place full of orphans, and the leader orphan ended up breaking the time machine. Side note the machine had to be attached to a phone or something luckily some man had an extra thing for my mom’s iPad. So I went home.
last night I dreamed that if you wanted to milk a cow they had to do a specific dance. I also saw the hotel from that other dream a few nights back, the hotel with the creepy doll and the cars puzzle. There was also a film about a dragon who combined the universes of gravity falls and phineas and ferb AND the dragon’s universe. I don’t remember the plot exactly I remember calling in “2 and a half D”.
I remember popcorn bathed in butter, a child getting kidnapped and getting her large intestine removed, the cousins came over, and the toilets was in an awkward position. And there was gamaning (I genuinely have no idea what this means).
I remember dreaming we went to our old house, and all of my old stuffed animals were there. There was a book on a side table about monkeys for level two readers , and in the bookshelf was all the books I have now. Everything was just as we left it.
I dreamed that I was booed out of math for some reason and I was playing royale high.
last night I had a dream I was inside a Pokémon game with [classmate] I won the game btw.
last night I dreamed that we went to this store. There was this place our parents didn’t want us to see, and this toy shop there were 2 island princess Barbie funko pops. We then went to this coffee place where waffles were $100
and that’s it.
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kaylakat2 · 1 year
Now that I've finally gotten around to finishing my saved for later projects, I would like to share my insect pinning magnum opus. A shadow box full of nearly every insect I've ever worked on!
(Close ups and image descriptions below the keep reading. Image description also includes all speculative ids that are present on the labels you can see in the photos, so if you're curious as to what something is check there!)
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I started this when I was still super new at the hobby, so some specimens are better preserved than others, but it's nice to see my improvement with all of them together. It's also nice to see a sort of representation of all the insect life around me with them.
A lot of these are also in rough shape since I scavenge all of my specimens (usually dead or dying), or am given scavenged specimens, and very few of them were raised or captured for the purpose of pinning. I think this definitely adds to the fun of the hobby though, since each one has a pretty unique story about how it was found or acquired.
Most ID's are also still subject to change and some are still speculative, since I do all my own research for them and am definitely not perfect.
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[Image ID: One wide shot image of a black board with various insects displayed on it, with small hand written labels next to, above, or below each specimen. 8 images follow as close ups of each group of specimens. The first displays a painted lady butterfly, scientific name cynthia, next to two tomato hornworm moths, scientific name Manduca quinquemaculata, with two june beetle, scientific name cotinis nitida, and ten striped june beetle, scientific name polyphylla decemlineata, underneath. The second displays a white lined sphinx moth, scientific name hyles lineata, next to a nevada buckmoth, scientific name hemileaca nevadensis, and a monarch butterfly, scientific name danaus plexippus. The third displays two clear winged grasshoppers, scientific name camnula pellucida. The fourth displays two california mantis, scientific name stagmomantis californica, one is displayed on its back, the other on its belly. The fifth and sixth display two views of two scorpions, both either yellow ground scorpions, scientific name Paravaejovis confusus, or arizona bark scorpions, scientific name centraroides sculpturatus. The seventh displays a common green darner dragonfly, scientific name anax junius, and a shed dragonfly nymph exoskeleton. The eighth displays the exoskeleton of a giant water bug, scientific name abedus indentatus, next to a digger bee, scientific name anthophora spp, with a yellow faced bumble bee, scientific name bombus vosnesenskii, next to the digger bee. Below these three specimen are two other bee specimen, a western carpenter bee, scientific name xylocopa californica, and a valley carpenter bee, scientific name xylocopa varipunctata, as well as a yellow legged mud dauber wasp, scientific name sceliphron caementarium. End ID]
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hannahorca · 1 month
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Dragon inspired by the Two-Striped Mermiria grasshopper (photo also by me!) 🦗🐉
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onehelluvacircus · 6 months
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Name: Grasshopper
Nickname(s): Robo Fizz, Mammon's arm candy
Gender: Demifluid
Pronouns: Any except she/her
Species: Robotic jester (technically hellborn)
Orientation: Grayromantic demisexual
Height: 4'7"
Appearance: Grasshopper is a Mammon-customized Robo Fizz, and it shows in both their and Shots' design. Where typical versions of the robotic jester line have stripes, their hat is split into jagged sections mimicking Mammon's color scheme with one tail being a minty sort of green and the other being lime green. The tails of their jester hat end in bells decorated with dollar signs. They also lack the usual ruffles, instead wearing only the black collar with small bells attached to it. Their outfit is also less flamboyant, resembling a lime green dress or robe with one sleeve being black and the other sleeve having black and lime stripes. Their eyes are pale blue.
Personality: Between the two siblings, Grasshopper was always the one who was a little better at pretending to be nothing more than a robotic doll: nodding along to everything Mammon said, smiling through any abuse they suffered, and of course hanging off of the sin when it was required of them. After Shots went missing, Grasshopper agonized over their twin's disappearance for ages before finally summoning up the willpower to go looking for him. Grasshopper is very passive normally, so it takes a lot of convincing to get them to do something. Grasshopper is more talkative than Shots, though admittedly that's probably not saying much since their sibling doesn't like talking very much to begin with. Like Shots, they are not very fond of being the center of attention but can handle it a bit better since they're more of an ambivert than an introvert. Conversely, they are not good at dancing and often wind up tripping over their own feet. They do enjoy painting, however, having picked it up as a way to express themself after leaving Mammon.
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