#twt fandom nonsense
bistaxx · 11 months
"q!Q was no ones priority... except for maybe q!Wilbur-"
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bwaldorf · 3 months
now that hotd s2 is coming out and i have to be subjected to the most loser takes ever in this fandom 😐😑 #CHOOSINGPEACE
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seithr · 1 year
uuouoh i need to finish setting up my art blog here but tumblr theme setup makes me want to explode
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cheswirls · 10 months
everything i learn abt twt is thru osmosis and against my will
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somanypetals · 1 year
ace has a storyline separate from the group for one ep and people on twitter act like the last two episodes of nace scenes and ensemble scenes didn’t happen and start tweeting like he’s been fully isolated the entire season 🥴
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candiedblueberries · 1 year
tbh its really funny how a good portion of luxiem fans want to make out w their oshi while im in the corner talking about rotating them in a microwave
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atthebell · 11 months
Why are the qsmp family allegations on twt such a bad thing? /genq I'm genuinely curious, I'm not a fan of people found family claiming everything these days, but I was wondering about your reasons for this specifically! Feel free to ignore this ask if you want o/ cheers!
i think there's a few big issues i and many other people have with this:
usually it's based on nothing, or on nonsense jokes. like cellbit clearly jokingly calling phil dad. that's not basis for anything. putting that dynamic on the wiki after one joke is fucking insane, and i think the fandom wiki editors are actually nuts for that and all the other stupid shit they pull like this.
it's used to avoid shipping people pretty often, which frankly is ridiculous in the first place and is also often an issue of dumbass misogyny/cooties bullshit. you can maintain a creator's shipping boundaries (if they even have them, which, sometimes they don't even!) without having to family code them with every other character. phil does not need to be techno's dad for you to not ship them. and on the cooties/misogyny angle, it's used CONSTANTLY to avoid shipping women with men. like, firstly, people's insistence against shipping female characters with men serves to continuously sideline them in fan content. 90% of the time the most popular ships are m/m and women in canonical relationships with popular male characters get treated like garbage for "being in the way." secondly, it's cooties shit, like i said. women and men can be friends and don't have to be related for you not to ship them. just don't ship them if you don't want to. this goes for any set of characters. if you don't want to ship phil and cellbit, just don't do it. and don't get pissy with other people when they do want to do that.
for phil in particular: it serves to infantilize characters who are grown adults and pushes phil into a constant parental position with people. like, phil is very dad, he's just like that, he's very responsible and good with people, but he's not EVERYONE ON THE PLANET'S DAD and acting like it's his responsibility to care for everyone he interacts with sucks. case in point, the way people treated him during dsmp when fans would not let go of family sbi dynamics, even when he said that tommy wasn't his kid and was not his responsibility. phil does not owe any other character anything, and that expectation is a sore spot for many people, especially phil mains. and the agency it takes away from the characters that people child-code is annoying and shitty.
people make it super nuclear and weird when that's almost directly opposed to the notion of chosen family in real life
basically i think it's a really weird practice that people have fallen into that often feels regressive and annoying and removes character agency and independence. like, i enjoy family dynamics when they're actually relevant and when they don't ruin character's individual personalities, but the automatic reaching for that when it's not true and the insistence that family dynamics are somehow morally better than shipping is obviously very stupid and very much fandom purity culture.
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cursedvibes · 7 months
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She blocked the fucking punch, so can the fandom calm down. She's not gonna die from that nor does this mean her defeat. All that happened was that she took a strong punch that pushed her away because physics are still a thing. There's no reason why she couldn't get back up from a punch that didn't even properly hit her. Maybe she hurt her hand, but she's had worse. I mean, she took a Cleave straight to the face and kept fighting, so why would this be different? Not to mention that her fight with Sukuna has clearly just started to heat up. Sukuna hasn't gotten an answer yet to his question of what is better, his jujutsu or her body. I doubt he will be satisfied with just getting one hit in. This reminds me of the time Megukuna punched Yuuji through some buildings, everyone online was freaking out for two weeks and surprise surprise he was fine. No need to abandon all critical thinking just because Maki is off screen for two pages.
I don't know how some people look at what Maki has done throughout the series and then go "yeah that punch definitely killed her, rip". But sure, the final fight is gonna be between Sukuna and Kusakabe, that was definitely a serious statement that fits with everything that has been set up so far and won't be interrupted by the people who are at best a couple hundred meters away from him (Maki & Yuuji).
Just chill and don't immediately jump to mindless criticism of something that hasn't even happened or equally dumb hate for Maki for "losing" against Sukuna faster than Kashimo (that's a statement I've seen more on twt than here, but it's equally nonsensical).
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lovecolibri · 4 months
They are so shockingly bad on twt I've been blocking people all day. I don't even know what's going on on here cause I'm too scared to look through my dash for buddies that switched 😭 have me thinking about nuking my account and starting new lol
Yeah, so my app is broken and for the time being I'm stubbornly refusing to update it, so I haven't looked at my dash in ages and at this point, I'm scared too 😬 However, I AM notoriously bad at following blogs to begin with thanks to some Fandom Trauma left over from RNM, and then again with 911 during the OG beetees era and the L nonsense so it's probably fine? I'm sure the next time I brave the tag or something imma have to start blocking like crazy but for now my filtered tags list is doing its job!
It's just so wild to me that Tim and Oliver flat out said FOX was the thing standing in the way, and we found out early that the storyline was going to be Eddie's originally meaning his is likely still coming, followed by some INSANE Buddie choices, and framing 7x04 entirely around Eddie, and people started....jumping ship???? Became obsessed with a character that isn't even NICE to Buck or shows any desire to match his energy?! (Sidebar, 7x04 Buck and Eddie going at it, and taunting each other on the court, while Buck's one run-in with T was him just standing there, refusing to engage in that energy makes me laugh with how the season went. That man was refusing Buck's vibes from the JUMP.)
Like, do you not want better for blorbo?! Have we not all seen Buck suffer through relationship after relationship being used and discarded or "put in his place" whenever he asked "too much" from them?! Can we stop with that now?! Eddie is RIGHT THERE, loving Buck to his CORE just for being Buck.
IDK man(gn), I'm just tired.
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mbslost · 7 months
(gotta leave my opinions here as well)
never said she's ignorant. plus based on the things on twt that i presume you wrote (since the accusations here are similar) you're pretty aware about the fact she's emotionally unstable, thus her apologies look rushed and choppy and shit or whatever.
i understand you try to put the light on her shitty behaviour but some stuff are illogical. complete nonsense. god forbid people to have friends who make questionable jokes or make whatever character you want, WITH WHAT COLOUR YOU WANT.
the drawing with Strade in a nazi uniform its fine as long no one says that they support the ideology (she apologised multiple times and realised she made people upset). another thing is that it was a request by a anon on gurobob i believe. also did we all forgot about the fact Strade is a german-canadian? keyword: german.
(ps. funny how she's held "accountable" over a post from 2016 while EP was let free over everything he/she did) ["but EP left the internet" the fans did not.]
about her mods. she indeed acted unprofessional but lets be honest, how many people would volunteer to moderate a server from a horror novel with porn (if they exist and are willing to, great!) Gatobob is still a human, and like any other human, she can make mistakes (bigger or not). "but she ignored the problem" ignored means that she wouldn't even try to fix it.
the callout blog made after she left the interned is complete nonsense. I DONT MEAN SHE DIDNT DO THINGS WRONG (such as poor management and not giving a better apology), but let's be honest. she can handle it privately and apologize IN PRIVATE TO THE VICTIM, NOT TO HER COMMUNITY. did the entire fandom got "harassed"? no so. its a thing between the three of them (Gatobob, Melon and pussyspieler on twt)(also i dont understand how Gatobob is racist here when she tried to reconcile both sides)
in the end i dont see the logic of butting in ohters problem by demanding an apology in a forced way or taking the user hostage. i understand that you try to put in light things she did wrong, i completely agree with that in order to make others acknowledge their mistakes, but not by harassing them over and over with shit they did years ago.
therefore PUT THE LIGHT ON THE DAMN VICTIM AND STOP ACTING LIKE A MORON. let the one who got harassed in this drama talk and not you, someone that wasnt even asked.
(bonus edited: in that case i would apologise for my ignorant behaviour for using slurs and such. is it truly from the heart? nah, but i will behave myself since i caused discomfort. i apologise for my ignorant behaviour.)
in the end wish you all well.
PLEASE READ @//PUSSYSPIELER POSTS ON TWT AS WELL!!! (better see more perspectives over this shit)
(edit: remember, if someone harasses you or you dont like, block them. on discord? you can do that as well. enjoy the art not the creator)
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hawkwidows · 9 months
complaining once bc gotta say its actually lead to a good outcome but - definitely saying goodbye to twt, it’s literally new year’s day and I’ve seen some shit already so seems like the perfect time to start fresh lmao
I just have.. no interest in that environment atm, and maybe it’s bad on here in the fandom? (I don’t really see it bc I’ve curated my dash well, and I don’t always check the tag) but it’s still not like twt I promise you. sttwt already died like a month ago and some shitty people left which was great, but now others are doing a whole “we need to leave byler in 2023” attitude and any positive tweet minding its own business casually tweeting about byler is getting like 80 quote tweets of hate etc and nah, noooot for me. it’s NYE for so many of you like jfc way to show you’re just an awful human 365 days a year?? not to mention the constant attention seeking mentions of someone they don’t like when nothing’s even fucking happening hnfjsks so unnecessary. I mean the older ST teens side of the fandom chugs along bc their lucky asses are unaffected but there wasn’t really a large batch of “party” associated accs it was mainly byler, which is what I was enjoying, so.
they’re all miserable, boring ass baby’s first fandom mindset and it got stale so quick bc they restricted themselves so much aghdndjds. I had some screenshots from over the last few weeks I was gonna share and I still might at some point bc I just wanted anyone else to see the nonsense, but I don’t think I’ll be going back there for now I want to be in a good mood 🙏🏽
anyway I’m bringing the last of my bags inside here I’m moved in cheers to that 🥂
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miradelletarot · 4 months
If you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around your friends or else they'll abandon you, those aren't your friends, that's just toxic. I do my best to curate pockets of the fandom that are mature and drama free. Fandom is meant to be an escape from life and a source of joy and community. You absolutely deserve that experience and I hate that people are taking that away from you when you need it most. Don't be afraid to drop what isn't serving you, and take a break if you need. But if you ever want a place to talk bg3 stress free, I'll be starting a discord server for naughtybg3confessions soon and you're certainly invited. I've always been fond of your blog, and I feel like the fandom would be missing out without you in it. Not to guilt trip if you really need a break, ofc, do whatever you feel is right. But know that there are people here who care and accept you no matter what! And it sounds like you're going through a lot, so if you ever need to vent or just want a distraction, hit me up any time.
I do hope it's ok to answer this publicly. Bc truly, it means the world to get messages like these.
I've actively taken these last few days to weed out the people that were causing me stress, and removing myself from the more toxic spaces. It's helped me realize that the "problems" are focused on certain social media sites (we all know which ones...) and any spillover onto Tumblr basically gets ignored. Which is hilarious. Everyone on here just gives the ol' thumbs up, and moves on bc we don't want or care about the drama. Frankly, that's fantastic. Since I've taken out the trash as it were, I'm doing so much better. 😊
I've decided I'm just gonna live on Tumblr for fandom things (and the occasional irl nonsense lol). I'll save my main Twt account just for Twitch streaming stuff. ✌️
Also, I'll HAPPILY take an invite to the discord when you're ready! It sounds like it'll be a fun time! 🎉
Again, seriously, thank you. You and so many others on here have truly been so supportive and caring. I'm glad my blog brings you joy, and it really warms my heart that y'all see this as a nice space to visit 🥰💖
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revscissors · 2 months
I hate twt ppl sm..
People over 17-18 in the fandom have been against me lately due to misunderstandings, don't believe the people on Twitter who posted that I'm "threatening someone."
Let's start with the fact that this man arbitrarily kept up with me and annoyed me. Who answers with stupid jokes and I decided to also respond with Russian jokes so that he doesn’t understand me and thinks that I’m writing some kind of nonsense.
One of my moots joined the dialogue, we were laughing, chatting, everything else. but Sam took it as a threat.
If I really threatened a person, I wouldn't joke about it. It would be pointless. I wrote in my page about my problems to tell my friends about it, but this person thought that he could answer me even if I have such a terrible condition. If you want me not to write terrible things, just leave me alone.
Obviously an adult who says - go grow up yourself - thought that children's jokes were something dangerous, as if I was threatening someone.
Well, Sam is younger than me, I understand. He’s a fool, but this person who wrote a report on me is much older than me, surely they really have nothing to do?
I already have an awful condition. I barely recovered from this. And I already felt more or less calm, I was full of Paranoia. I felt very bad, I couldn’t calm down and even to sleep normally, I barely recovered from this terrible situation, and here is this young creature. came back to ruin everything for me.
I really hope that you with a reasonable mind will not believe this terrible person, tbh they're is very toxic and I have been on their server more than once in May. But I will say this, they are so terrible people. They are really stupid, they write complete nonsense.
They attack children, they say that threat is bad, but they themselves attack children younger than them, believe me, they're probably just elder than me.
Apparently they were dropped in childhood. Because I can’t explain anything to them anymore.
You just know that this is another false accusation to put me in a terrible state. Thank you very much, and maybe you won't get away with this. One dark day...
— Sall
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emblazons · 1 year
Today's discourse it still that "Will is childish and the other kids are not and Will should mature and grow up" and even some Bylers agree with the take and this is precisely why I will still think the Duffers have failed their narrative and message. Like i am sorry lol but more than half of your audience thinks that Will was being childish then that means you have failed to deliver ur message.
Honestly, and at the risk of sounding terribly elitist: just because someone is a byler does not make them good at media analysis or understanding narrative themes—especially if you’re talking about the ability to distill things down to their core themes and predicted outcomes before the story is concluded.
That’s half the reason you see people make posts about “twt bylers” and the nonsensical arguments they make over there—they love the ship, but perhaps don’t have a grasp on the core themes of the whole story well enough to make educated guesses about its themes and direction—which is (shocker) something no one is actually required to do, though this fandom seems to think (for better or worse) everyone needs to try their hand at being analytical. At least on my end, I’m glad people are trying to think deeper about things—to me, it’s better than not doing it at all lmao.
Even so—I’m not sure why you’re so adamant that the Duffers have failed at the task at hand before the exam is even finished, but I will say this: even from someone who is good at media analysis, its nonsensical to expect consistently correct foresight from people just because they enjoy a complex show, especially before they have the whole of the show to consume. TV and film requires much more awareness of several different mediums than reading or even listening to something does—and it’s not a skill you just “acquire” because you like a certain ship?
I’m confident enough in my interpretation to be both critical of some of the things the duffers have done while also accepting that they’re solid storytellers…for the audience they are writing the show for. That isn’t everyone, and never needed to be, no matter how popular the show has become. Still—if you are upset at them for not catering to a wider swath of people, that’s your right! You don’t have to be happy about it.
In my view….people have been misinterpreting even finished media since the dawn of time. That’s just part of the reality of literary analysis and fandom LMAO 🤷🏽‍♀️
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dearweirdme · 11 months
Hi! I want to ask how do you stay involved in BTS Tumblr and twt community and still remain sane because I spent last few days here and I'm already so hurt and offended and the opinions aren't about me either! Jimin got hate because he apparently stole V's moment and now tae's getting hate because he's telling stories about him and jk like?? Big deal,, it doesn't matter if jk and tae are frnds or more or less, if tae wants to tell PPL about smthing he shouldn't be policed for it
Hi anon!
Mmm, it can be tough right? There’s a few things that are important for me personally in keeping a healthy fandom experience.
For one, I have a real solid believe in how I see all members and how they interact amongst themselves. That allows me to cut through the bs fandom brings real quick and I just block or unfollow people who are just plain hateful. I don’t think members are beyond fault or discussion, but there’s a real difference in discussing matters with the intent to understand a situation, or discussing matters with the intent of stirring shit up. I always pay attention to the way people word their asks or posts a post/tweet. The words they use are most of the time an indicator of how they feel. I just don’t follow people who are hateful and I’ll block people who repeatedly come to me with hate.
I don’t visit twitter much. Only when something happens and I want to keep up. I get send a lot of tweets and those I’ll look up, but I don’t treat twitter as a reliable source without a second thought. Twitter is too loud for me, too fast paced. I like to give things a bit of thought.
I don’t visit blogs I know will set me off if I feel my mindset isn’t right for it. There’s times I can take a bit of nonsense (and I do like to keep up with fandom as a whole) and there’s times I can’t and I’ve learned to just not go there at the wrong times. It’s not like missing out on the negativity is a bad thing 😂. I think that why I like tumblr more than Twitter, because here I can choose the amount of negativity, while twitter just throws it in my face.
I have some people I vent to in my chats (thanks! I won’t name them in case of anti’s 😬) which helps.
And very important, I have a great real life/fandom balance.
I do get vexed, absolutely I do! You will have seen me rant on here. And seriously, a few weeks ago (when the shenanigans happened) this was not a great space for me. But, I know those things are temporary and (!) I always have the option to step out for a while if I need to. If fandom gets too hard, take some time away. You won’t actually miss much, though it might feel like it, and you’ll be able to catch up later if you feel like it.
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candiedblueberries · 1 year
actually twitter is pretty okay if u just look at the art and interactions between ccs
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