wilburgersoot · 2 years
This is a canon divergent c!Wilbur RP blog, run by me, @little-oxford-st!
This blog is part of the Troubled Waters Verse. If you have any queries, questions, or concerns, please direct them to my personal blog. If you make any content/commentary discussion about this verse please use #twverse so we can see it!! We love hearing from our readers.
This is an interactive ask blog and Wilb loves answering questions and serving patrons :^)
pfp credit to @lesbianwilbur
Wilbur’s Record Collection (Playlist of featured and inspired music)
Bites in the Dark (Salbur-specific playlist)
Warm and Safe (Salbur-specific playlist: Soft edition)
Boundaries: Please don’t send in asks that speculate or imply things about Wilbur’s mental health or possible neurodivergency.
Who else is here?:
Sally - @upstreamgirl1998
NB. Blog is currently only semi-active
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
Jim Murphy dying in Vietnam in TWverse vs. Jim Murphy being one of John's hunting buddies in SPNverse is one of the smallest and most random bits of Winchesters lore and yet so so big. Like we barely meet Jim in SPN but his death is the primary form John's trauma takes in TW.
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ofhowlingwaves · 1 year
Looking to get some more it's going. Anyone interested? Specifically from the TWverse
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brwlvs · 7 years
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SRB2017: BUILDING A HOME TOGETHER  written by @nerdyfangirl57, Art by @beerwolves for @sterekreversebang 2017!
Stiles thought he'd never feel as guilty as he did the day he found out Scott had been bitten by a rogue alpha werewolf, little did he know things would only get worse as the struggle to keep his secret from his best friends drags on.
Then Derek Hale gets thrown into the mix, because of course he does.
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draceempressa · 4 years
friendly reminder than in TWverse portraits can talk like in Harry Potter
and Sebek has HUGE ASS Malleus portrait in his room
das kinda creepy to think the Malleus portrait watching him in his room hmmmm, tho imagine the portrait is so done with Sebek always praising him like the actual Malleus lmao
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TW verse - Open Starter
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“H-hey!”, exclamó el chico con urgencia hacia su acompañante. “Ese es mi bate. ¿¡A dónde crees que vas con él!?”
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vanitywolf · 9 years
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“Espera, ¿qué?” Exclamó. Lo último que esperaba al llegar de nuevo a Beacon Hills era encontrarse con tal... ¿descubrimiento? ¿noticia? Se quedó mirando a la rubia cereza por lo que parecieron milenios, hasta que finalmente volvió en sí. Hacía varios días que el lobo había vuelto pero no tuvo oportunidad de hablar con casi nadie ya que sus días los pasó prácticamente junto a la camilla en la cual Allison se recuperaba. “¿Peter? ¿Peter? ¿Peter Hale? No.” Y no lo creería nunca de los jamases. Ese ser no era su verdadero padre... ¿verdad? [ chaoshascomexgain ]
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johnnyxcaine · 10 years
Everything Ezekiel had learned in his life was leading him to this. His family and friends all that had been killed in strange ways. It was difficult to let himself focus on much else. A symbol of a werewolf pack appearing at some deaths in the town of Beacon Hills. Then there was a explosion and many deaths at a hospital it made things impossible to set aside. Ezekiel would be the first hunter to arrive at least as far as the hunters that he knew. He had just finished up a job in Oregon and now on his way to California he made his way to the edge of town as close as the river allowed him to dock his boat and he was curious as to what he might face.
Zeke grabbed a few things that he might need and hid his weapons from sight as he walked into town. He looked around trying to get a feel for the place and getting an eye out for places to watch from. If he was correct it would not be long before he found something to peak his interest in this town. The main street he was on seemed surprisingly quiet. Then he saw an attractive young woman and walked over to her. "Excuse me I was looking for a place to eat can you point me in the right direction?"
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anotherargent-archive · 10 years
I'd like to have a storyline where Isaac falls for argent!megan and Allison loses her shit
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humanaubree · 10 years
             "So, Isaac, have any fun plans for New Years?"
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johnnyxcaine · 10 years
It had been a long journey from east coast to west. He could have flown, but he hated leaving his boat behind. As he made his way up the west coast he was only a short distance to Beacon Hills, but with it getting late he decided to take the rest of the afternoon to relax. He sailed up the coast a little and passed a group of people about his age probably about to have a bonfire from the looks of it. he found a perfect spot probably about half a mile away before turning off his cell phone and just changing into a pair of board shorts before diving off the boat and swimming to the beach and relaxed under the warm rays of the sun. 
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lockwoodedtyler-blog · 11 years
One word? Probably, er, pack.
Pack. Yeah, pack. I guess we are.
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{For as popular and as many people as Elena has dated-- not that she had really been serious about any of them, most had just been friends where a it seemed like the natural next step or about social status-- over the last two or so years this feeling was completely different then any she had felt before. The pull to him was so powerful and while she may have felt a tug in the past the moment they became that much closer it had magnified to extremes. It was that connection which was keeping her and she suspected him from being able to move away.}
"I--- yeah, I did."
{It was a lame reply and if her mind was clear form the assault of confusion and emotions that was coursing through it she might of attempted a better sounding answer. One that didn't make her sound like an idiot. Her breath was labored and mingled with his as two pairs of blue eyes locked onto each other. Part of her couldn't help but think that if something did come out of this they'd definitely be a nice pair to look at as their looks complemented each other. But the bigger part of her just wondered what this pull was and what it meant.}
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"Isaac I--um..."
{God, she did sound like an idiot, she couldn't even seem to form two thoughts together to speak. Her hands, still around his neck, played with his hair as she attempted to formulate words. At least that was an indication that she wasn't against whatever this was.}
"I've never felt like that before. I just-- it's like--- I could literally feel your energy mixing with my own, I still can. It's like everything in me reacts to you."
New Years (cont) | Isaac & Elena
{ For a moment, the male stood to process what happened between them. He couldn’t pull himself away from her. Well of course he could, but something kept him there, kept him still. They shared something, something he couldn’t describe. It was magical, figuratively and literally. Silence fell between them as the party continued on with dancing lights and thunderous sound. Starting the year off with her wrapped in his arms, and mind was something that seemed natural. }
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{ A cocked eyebrow was representation of the clear confusion through his mind. This was something very different from the usual drama that happened during a typical day of living in Beacon Hills. He was at a loss for words mainly because he didn’t want to sound like a bumbling idiot if she didn’t feel what he felt   or if he more note of their moment than she did. After all, he hadn’t done much dating, and was quite limited when it came to female friends other than Elena’s cousin. With a light sigh, he parted his lips to ask the question that both seemed to wonder. }
"You felt that too right?"
{ Maybe the question was a bit forward, but to the point. Hopefully she wouldn’t take it the wrong way. In all honesty, Isaac wanted to make his intentions clear. }
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askelenamgilbert · 11 years
Beacon Hills(Teen Wolf) Default verse
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Jeremy and Matt's plan to get Elena out of Mystic Falls went far better than they could have hoped for. She protested and fought against the idea of leaving...But considering she was already in a car...hundreds of miles from town there wasn't much she could do about it. Getting far away, well that led them to Beacon Hills, not realizing they choose just as bad if not worse than the one they left behind. She's new to town, still trying to adjust and hoping that finally things can be normal again.
The verse itself is set au during/after 3x22 of the vampire diaries. The accident never happened and so Elena is still human. Any character from Teen Wolf, I'm more than happy to rp with you. The same goes for TVD but I'll need to plot with you first. I was thinking depending who else moved out with Elena...using her parents money she got an apartment...possibly with Jeremy. Or if the Salvatores came along as well...They'd easily be able to afford a house of some kind. 
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chapsticknabs-blog · 11 years
☾ ☄ [An argentevans headcanon].
Sleep/AU headcanon!
Sam of many things when he got to Beacon Hills wasn’t expect to be plucked from his life and forced into this new and dangerous one. He has continuous nightmares of the first night he saw the creature; he still doesn’t know what it was, just that it was human or could be human. He also dreams of Allison, an interesting girl, who had been charged to help train Sam into a hunter. She is many things Sam never expected either, she usually saves Sam in his nightmares and for that Sam feels safe around her.
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doingitforscotland · 11 years
♛ impaigeandiplayabitchingcello, wearejustabunchxofteenagers, cumlupis
{ - ♛ - } Mary's feet ran through the town, trying to find her twin and older brother. Mary kept looking around as she ran as fast as her werewolf Beta strength would let her. She ran right into someone in the middle of town and fell right on her ass. "Sorry." 
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