#ty for sending broski
its-creed · 3 days
what was the moment you realized your life wouldn't go the way you thought it would?
the question ticks something old and buried deep inside reed. jealousy. but he swallows it easily like it’s nothing more than an afterthought and shrugs lightly.
“it was when my brother manifested his powers before i did.” he hated that it wasn’t him first. “maybe it’s a twin thing. when you do so much together, you kind of expect that things will happen at the same time especially for something that significant.” he hated even more that his brother’s ability was mimicry. because growing up, it felt as if reed never had his own power and yet, his brother was able to have his and more. “childish envy. things ended up working fine when i eventually manifested my own ability though.” 
reed discovering his power negation was most definitely the catalyst of their strained relationship. instead of realizing his life might not go the way he wished, it instead taught him there was always a loophole and way to get what he wanted.
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gimblegamble · 19 days
Gim gimgingim my broski my buddy my boo I literally love the nickname plannonthayssisido that’s so cute oml WOOOOO :DDD
Yes ur walls r great btw I got like snacks n here n shit im lirking in ur shadows I’m sending u invisible appreciation im appreciating u so hard u don’t even no it literally /pos
Oh il ur x desfgin by the way he has such cool hair like if sm1 had fisgety hands imaging if they give it a lil brush u no or a lil tug or put sm cute flowers in it n stuff thatd be cute !!!! he’s a pretty boyi u nko kno u kko yhyhyhyhyh
Also I forgor if I respondede to this yet but ur so correct acc about the new hermits getting thei own crushes on Mumbo too HC stands for Hermits CrushingOnMumboJumbo acctuallye u r so correct n try 💀<<<<333333
…………. Def not m havin thoughts aboy the diff between ppl resctong to gem vs Skizz if they were to find out they gained a hot crush on Mumbo too….. like…. Bro imagine……..
Ppl going to gen like awwww that’s cute bestie we lov that frfr gem welcome to the club bestie n shes so sweet w mumbo n it’s all good n she might be deadly enough to casully take out a sword n death glare any competitors sometime if they’re tryna crash in any dedidcated Mumbo time (COYGHCOUGCVOUGH Grian COUGHCOIYHCIIHJ) but it’s all good ukno all cute :))))))
But like Skizz. And here’s the thing Skizz is such a huge teddy bear o a guy. Fav angel dude fr. But like. I’m lookin at how ZIT already had like a whol competition bet thing going on w seducing Mumbo Outta his sexy pristine normal asssuit pants. I’m looking at the hints of possessivendsc that like Z n I n T all had at times b4 w dear ol mumby boy. I’m lookinh at thr bond ZITS hav going on n how Skizz could b having a gay ol time w mumbo n maybe flirting just a tad (a lot lol) n maybe he throws Mumbo over his arm cus he cute like that n S catches one of the others eye just for a second n motherfucker would SMIRK. LMAO ‘look bitches I got ur man now he’s my man what u gonna do bout it <3’ like iys probs not on the level of Doc n Grian (n X n Scar n probs Keralis lol) petty aaaa possessiveness rivalry becaus ZITS r still a lol goofy w it y’know ykno but like
Hffhhffhhffygufhghvvhvjjvjvjvvjjbbj ty gim happy pride btw rip I’m a fruity little plannon today <3
- 🌱 Anon
Plannon it is then! ^^ lmao always a pleasure to receive a message from you. Feels like I have a penpal in the world somewhere. Apparently in my walls though so I hope you're still comfortable in there with how cold its getting again??? (last week we were at the >20C?? Now we're back at single digits???? What happened?????).
As for my Xisuma, maybe no tugging since he has some very sensitive hair roots but flowers are always welcome! (I still think he needs a haircut though)
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I agree on your interpretation of the true meaning of HC and shall immediately add it to my dictionary lmao.
Actually I haven't really thought about Skizz all that much so I'm pretty interested in some headcanons about them. I don't really see much of Skizz in general I suppose.
I say that but for some reason I had no trouble hearing this sentence (‘look bitches I got ur man now he’s my man what u gonna do bout it <3’) in his voice so.. lol.
Happy pride as well plannon! go and be your fruity little self and have fun.
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
Eyo! Just wanted to pop in and say hello, hail and well-met, and all that! I was at your past couple DRV3 streams (as thatlocalnerdybard if you’re curious) and I wanted to tell you that I’ve been having a lot of fun there! Y’all are super cool and frequently send me into laughing fits. Hope you’re well, and keep being you!
awwwwww htanks broski glad u enjoy the streams, pluto says pensi sdick and ball and tits
nah just kiddign he says hi and 'join the tsumugi cult' but i htink he's a bitch so dont do that. join hte tsumugi shirogane hate club we throw kitchen appliances at her
ty for the ask htough we appreciate it!
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g-xix · 3 months
(Hiya sv5, yee i got the explanation, sorry i didnt reply i read it, digested it, appreciated it, but i've just been so tired n couldn't think of any valid sorta commentary on it... so i just left it to marinate at the bottom of the inbox... ty for sending it tho n just know that i have read and understood it + appreciate your service sv5ie <3 )
OKOK ITS ALL GOOD !! :D i just needed to make sure it didn’t completely poof like some of my other asks have (a lot of the ones i send just disappear and i think some may have for u too without u knowing it)
All good broski
altho tbf im getting that on snap atm, some of my msgs randomly delete n ppl who've sent chats, it doesn't notify me for??? no clue, very weird
Much love + have a good one SV5 my bae
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ma-39 · 3 years
1, 4 (val or ur other name?), 6, 10, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 36, 37, 41, 44, 49, 51, 57, 58, 59, 60, 76, 79, 88, 94, 95, 97, 98 srry again i sent way 2 many i just go thru them all GSVFS
i love getting huge asks bro. no worries. its gonna be under the cut again though :swagwinking:
1. spotify, soundcloud, or pandora?
spotify > soundcloud > pandora
i like people seeing what i'm listening to on spotify
4. do you like your name? why?
yes very much so :3 i think valentine is the best name for me. it's really fitting
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
pondering my orbs
10. how would you describe your style?
evil dollar store emo
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
hmmmm. i guess canada because its pretty there and its not the US. i'm tired of the US
18. favorite tv show?
superjail fjkgdnvbkxjdhfbigyd8ft67jhygufdsihkfjn
19. shoe size?
6.5-7 womens im bot sure in mens though because i wear gay little shoes
21. sandals or sneakers?
sneakers but i have been unfortunately known to wear socks and slides like some kind of dad
23. describe your dream date
napping outside in a catpile ....
25. what color socks are you wearing?
light pink thigh high socks i got at the dollar store AHAHAH
36. favorite movie?
texas chainsaw massacre 1974
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i used to x( i would like to again! the last thing i read that i really liked was the bell jar and that was like 3 years ago ourgh
41. top 10 favorite songs
OHHOHOO BOY you already know this is going to be a load of hot garbage but 1. sick lunatic - passenger of shit 2. drown my prick in dunny water - passenger of shit 3. unrequited lust - swaggot 4. blood soup - diet tea other cola 5. paranoid - diabarha 6. eat me! harder!!! - loffiamcore 7. just friends - $waggot 8. HURT - 1-800-pain 9. hamster village - nelward 10. kiss me thru the phone - that kid
44. what is your biggest fear?
abandonment, being hated, stinkbugs, babies
49. what was the last compliment you received?
probably something about my art because i jsut send a pic to like 20 diff servers DHJSFCDSJFCBDFFVB
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn't real?
12 i think
57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
ALWAYS. i still have a little tiny one that smells like cinnamon. its lotion
58. do you have freckles?
kiiindaaaa? i have a few like... i guess freckles or beauty marks or something on my shoulders/legs but they're just standalone dots its weird HDSJSKHNJF
59. do you smile for pictures?
not usually but if i have to i go :}
60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?
3000+ and most of them are cat pics and photos of my comfort characters ahgjfrdbb
76. what color looks best on you?
dark colors or blue
79. do you believe in ghosts?
kinda! im not entirely sure
88. do you like it when people play with your hair?
i love it but it has not happened since 11th grade <|3
94. favorite lyrics right now?
this from sic transit gloria
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95. summer or winter?
summer tbh.......... i like to cook myself like a rotisserie chicken in the sun
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate?
dark chocolate my beloved
98. favorite month?
april for the 4/20 jokes hahaahaahhahaahha. no jk january. holidays are finally over
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 3 years
You! Hi!
( o o) 👈 wHO ME ????? /POS
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girlstressed · 3 years
when people reblog my posts for their s/o.....
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literalite · 5 years
😘 and 🚨
😘 - a song you would dedicate to your crush
dontmakemefallinlove - CUCO
🚨 - a song you hate
that praying song by kesha makes my ears bleed
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thirstybtsthoughts · 4 years
Angry/Pissed off BTS
To my lovely followers - thank you for all your input on this! I hope you enjoy reading each others ideas!
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Seeing that angry Namjoon post is making think that all I want is for him to fuck me from behind while having one hand wrapped around my throat and spanking my ass with his other while calling me a bad girl and making me cum over and over until I’m a sobbing mess 😩 Daddy Joonie got me fucked uuuuuuppp!! - anon
Imagine Namjoon is performing at a concert and he looks into the audience to see you flashing him your tits cheekily. Though no-one else noticed, too busy enjoying the show, he is infuriated and seeks you out angrily after the show. He takes you home and ties you up on the bed, edging you for hours using his mouth and cock as a punishment - Bunny 🐰 
Imagine Joon being super pissed off after an interview because they asked stupid questions, so he takes his frustration out on you, pulling you into the nearest closet room and making you get on your knees to suck him off, thrusting into your mouth ruthlessly. Then he cums in your mouth and tells you to swallow like a good girl. - Bunny 🐰 
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Jin always gets "fake" mad, mostly cus he just wants to make others laugh, he isnt trying to be that serious! But u just know that when its on, ITS ON! He doesnt look like the type too would be a rough dom but if you push his buttons HE WILL SNAP! He'll punish u for being such a brat, fuck u face down in the matress, spank u until ur ass is red and sore and grab u by the neck so you'll stay down and finish in ur bare back!!! But then he'll check if ur okay cus hes a gentleman ~knee anon
Tbh I can't see Jin getting angry easily but what would make him angry imo is you spending waayyyy too much time with one of the members and laughing at the member's jokes too much, chosing to sit next to them and not Jin, maybe not giving Jin enough attention so he'd just grab you and drag you to the bedroom to fuck you mercilessly till you forget everything except his name - anon
Imagine Jin being your Dom, being bratty and misbehaving for him, his voice goes quiet as he gets angry. He spanks you then teases and edges you for hours as punishment, leaving you whimpering and begging, and the whole time he has this angry smirk going. Maybe he chokes you at some point too, and after he’s done with you, he makes you blow him, pulling on your hair to make you take him deeper (rough angry Dom Jin is dreamy as anything) - anon
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Omg I can totally imagine Yoongi being angry at you in the studio, because you're not hitting the notes/singing the way he wants you to. So he finally just has enough and fucks you over his desk and maybe even possibly records your moans for another song of his...  - baby boy
Imagine Yoongi thinks he’s been making progress flirting with you only he overheard your friend teasing you about it and you’re embarrassed so you’re dismissive like, “He’s just a baby-faced little shit who likes messing w/people” so Yoongi waits until he can corner you and prove he’s not messing around at all. - anon
Angry Yoongi oouuff!! I can imagine him in his studio seething at some stupid vlive comment or something like that and then I visit him there bcuz i was missing him for some days and he ends up releasing his anger by roughly fucking me in his studio couch🥴🥵  - anon
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Angry J-Hope? You mean, sweaty, aggressive J-Hope in a private, 1-2-1 dance practise, late at night - frustrated at how you keep messing up until finally he grabs you and shows you how to do the move by posing you, except now you're face to face, panting, and he ends up punishment-fucking you there in front of/pressed against the big mirrors? THAT angry Hope? - anon
Broskis hobi when he's reviewing dance choreos ya know that face? Now that for pissed off hobi. Like he would just give you that look and you would already be sinking to your knees in front of him - anon
Hobi angry scenario: either he's trying to teach you a new dance routine & you keep failing &it pisses him off bc he showed it to you so many times so he just pins you against him &leads you through it roughly with great emphasis on moving the hips so he finally forces you to ride him just to show him that you can actually move your hips OR he's at an award show watching you do a sexy performance with someone else after you told him you wouldn't do it & he's so pissed he fucks you backstage - anon
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One good way to piss off Jimin would be to send him a nude or dirty text right before he goes on stage. I wonder what he'd do after the concert.  - anon
I remember once tae said jimin is the scariest when angry and i really cant get that out of my mind now! I feel like he would just ignore you if you are horny but he is still mad, give you the silence treatment only to make you want him more and get more desperate! And he is secretly horny to, palmimg himself when you arent looking, but he would never admit it cus its just so much more fun to watch you beg, all desperate for his cock😩 - anon
Angry Jimin- you've done something dangerous and,as he cares about you,you will be taught a lesson,you'll learn to obey.Oh,the edging,his tongue nowhere near your core,the whispered swearing in your ear with that delicious accent, fingering you with 4fingers until you become a sobbing pliant mess and promise to behave. His quiet "finally" as he fish-hooks your cheek with the fingers coated in your juices and pounds you mercilessly as you taste yourself and come mumbling 'thank you sir's☺ - anon
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bro taehyung when he's mad. the growls and grunts the faces he'd make ohmygod ㅠㅠ them big ass hands spanking you, choking you, manhandling you. like either 1) he'd do all the work - missionary so his thighs literally smack against your hips - or doggy thighs againt ass n spanking hairpulling or 2) he'd make you work for it so you'd be on top and he'd just be laying there hands folded behind his head and you would be whining tf out or doggy again and you'd fuck yourself on him - anon
Just thinking about teasing Tae until we get home and he’s so pissed off/worked up. He just gives that stare and unbuckles his belt. He wouldn’t even need to say anything and I’d be on my knees - anon
Here's a scenario for an angry Taehyung; you had challenged tae to see how long he can go without sex but within a few days you were so needy but he won't giving in, so you thought that maybe he needed abit of a push. You went up to kookie, sat by him and put your legs over his. Jungkook was startled and gave you a puzzled look so you whispered into he's ear explaining the situation.. you put your hands on his chest. It really didn't take much for tae to get pissed. You could feel his gaze on you and you looked at him and mouthed "fuck me now". He got up in a instant to you by your wrist and headed straight to the bedroom ... 🤡🤡🤡 - anon
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Imagine getting tied up by Kookie because you disobeyed him and made him angry… so he ends up tying you up and torturing you with toys for hours… completely stopping before you can cum… he’d be smirking the entire time with his arms crossed, licking his lips and every so often leaving a hickey on you somewhere… and then when he feels like you deserve it, he’d take out the toys and eat you out until you come undone from his tongue… - baby boy
My angry idea of Kookie is during a day when they are super busy. And it's early in the day but he cant do anything till way late in the evening. I'll spend the first half of the day trying to turn him on, hot stolen kisses, inappropriate touches and I'll pull away exactly when he doesn't want me to and act like I've done nothing. The second half of the day id flirt with someone else in front of JK and ignore him COMPLETELY, making sure that by the time we can get home he's MAD AF with me - anon
So I really like playing Overwatch, and I just imagined me and Kookie in a tournament or something, and me accidentally losing the game for us, so later on he comes over and angrily fucks me over my computer desk because of how pissed he is at me for losing 😳😳😶😶 - baby boy
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bellanoche-oxo · 3 years
broski my dudeski i am very much In Love with ur lesbian dabi 🥺 may i use ur art as inspo for a fic? 👉👈 if not thats fine cause ik some artist dont want their art used as inspo but!! if it is okay i will tag u (if u want ofc it would be sfw 🥺) ok ty for ur time king
yes of course you can! ai sorry for taking so long to answer i’ve been very off lately and pls send me the fic once it’s done! 
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shorkbrian · 4 years
My inbox is overwhelming me and I Lub y’all very mucho and so I’m gonna answer a few asks under the cut. AS always, these aren’t in any particular order,  if you don’t see your ask answered it’s because I’m holding onto it to write a lil sumn sumn with it, and if you don’t want to see these types of posts from me, block the tag #shorkbrian answers a lot of asks.
I may or may not be using a lot of memes to convey my feelings, emotions are a bit hard for me.
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I’m doing bad as always but I think that’s just how it be, but ty for checking in black-heart anon, I love you very much 
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oh honey I have blessed you with this newfound love, he is an amazing man. have fun with ur new fantasies god bless.
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The list is enormous but here goes
@sawamooora​ bc she's funny and gets my humor and is adorable and is my rock. Check out her account she’s amazing and deserves more followers and deserves the world. Makes my soul go “!!!!!!! Same hat!!!!” and it’s one of the most refreshing feelings in the WORLD 
@the-grimm-writer​ hopefully it’s not pretentious of me to say we’re friends but she’s one of the writers that inspired me to start doing stuff, very kind 10/10
@absolute-flaming-trash​ like me, stays up way too late. I feel like we’re slowly becoming pals and I enjoy it very much, they’re a very interesting person and way too gentle and understanding with stupid ole me.
@midoriyas-wifey​ SNAKE friend!!1 and by snake friend I mean they have snakes!!!!!!!! AND I LOVE SNAKES!!! almost as much as sharks. But forreal very cool buddy, like talking to them and they always have the greatest ideas.
@goldenyukhei​ I’VE KNOWN THEM FOR LIKE THREE DAYS and same levels of unquenchable thirst for Kiri, I rlly hope they start a blog (at the same time I don’t cause I selfishly wanna keep all their good thots to MYSELF) cause I wanna get a glimpse into the way their mind works cause UGH they are literally like my Horney soulmate like we’re on the same frequency and I vibe.
@1-800-cinnamon-roll FRICK I forgot his @ cause I’m used to talking to him on discord but he is my BRO my Broski my homie my pal. Have spilled my heart out to him several times and he’s so non-judgmental and open and sticks with me even though all I do is complain, I’m ever grateful to him.
There are probably more that aren’t registering right now cause it’s late and I’m tired, but honestly literally anybody that messages me I hold near and dear to my heart, even if we only talk once. You guys don’t understand how each little interaction with my friends and followers warms my heart so flipping much. I’m very sad very often and it helps me to be a little less sad when I get to interact with everyone. Lub u.
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I love Kiri with my whole heart man. TY for your support.
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^^^ After I posted a little ficlet about a bully request ^^^
Y’all KNOW y’all better UNDERSTAND that bully yanderes who bully their darling instead of coming to terms with their feelings, or bully their darling because they have zero emotional intelligence and equate any intense feeling with hatred (cough cough bakuhoe) are my JAM
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Black heart anon you’ve done it again - my heart is warm, my cheeks (on my FACE u pervs) are red. Luv u man.
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Sounds SUS.... You lost your phone while sending in an ask? girl I’m 
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just say u wanted me to answer ur ask and go (ajkhskaka I’m kidding ur fine lol) but Yes, I did receive your ask and I filled it here  
(at least I’m pretty sure that’s it? if not, send in another ask bbygorl)
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I don’t like kids I’m sorry just the idea of them-
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Black heart anon.... I love uuuuuuuu......... eaugh 
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I think you’re the same anon... But bro if you want Sero content @reinawritesbnha​ is ur man. I’m not the greatest at Sero stuff, sorry.
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okay BAKUGOU akhjsfjzlskf lol but srsly I'm 
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I will only respond to “dehydrated piece of cement” from now on ty
Okay, gonna end this one here. I have a few more asks in my inbox that I’d like to do a post for, but this one is getting a bit long cause I have no self control with memes. real quick before I go though I'd like to say sumthin about this last ask - 
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girl.... idk what to tell you but a yandere aint fun. like.... it’s literally horror and its awful and scary and horrible. Even if the yandere is kind and awesome (like Kiri aww) it’s still terrifying and creepy and a bad dynamic. Please guys, this kind of behavior (ANY behavior in my fics, ANY of the creepy stuff, ANY of the descriptions of unease or sick feelings) should NOT be happening in a healthy relationship ship. You should not be afraid of your partner, your partner should not force you into things, your partner should listen to “stop” and “no” a nd understand that those two words are complete sentences. Please stay safe.
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damage-incorp0rated · 3 years
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them ♡♡♡
ty for this broski!!! <3 I tagged everyone here
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megsiplier · 7 years
you're one of my favorite blogs but i'm scared to talk to you cause you're so much cooler than me.
but believe me broski i am in noooo way cooler than u like im such a frickin loser it’s crazy pls talk to me 
shout into the void. anonymously send me a secret!
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
that jacket looks very good on you!! the colors are just so nice
dont ask why i'm sending this as an ask i cant answer you because i dont know anyway thats all i had to say. i just think fashion is really cool
ty!!!!!!!! it's very nice of u broski unfortunately it is so fuckign hot i had to take off the jacket adn wrap it around my waist but thats ok. it's pikn hours
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