#ty for the tag this was fun!
jerich0two · 4 months
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Heard he was part of the mob in his prime...
Bonus monochrome newspapery version!
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Maybe -- just maybe! -- this is my version of Overlord Angel.
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comickergirl · 3 months
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Bluesky (with a bit of Tumblr assist) Color Wheel Challenge! I want to stress that all of the red/orange suggestions folks sent in here were so good. Genuinely went back and forth on a number of them. Thanks so much for sending 'em in! :D
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hotluncheddie · 5 months
eddie, steve
‘uh, the pancakes with bacon please, extra syrup? thanks.’
eddie knows that order. he makes it every saturday night, so late it’s almost morning.
but he’s never heard that voice before, never heard it so close, right by the pass window.
he swallows. turning from the sink in the back to face out into the diner, someone’s sat at the counter, right across from him.
the most beautiful boy eddie’s ever seen.
he’s looking right at eddie, cheeks slightly pink, fiddling with a still wrapped straw. he looks perfect and cozy and adorable, hair sleep rumpled and in a hoodie that swallows up his soft lines, making him look even softer.
‘coming right up.’ eddie rasps, his own cheeks colouring.
but the boy, he smiles. ducks his head, looks up at eddie through his lashes.
eddie’s a fucking goner.
steve can’t believe it. his eyes are even bigger this close up, big and brown and sparkling with life.
his hands are just as nice this close up too, delicate but capable as they move around where steve can see. he sticks his tongue out a little when he concentrates. it’s adorable.
he’s the prettiest guy steve’s ever seen.
he puts steves finished pancakes in the window with a little smile, rings the bell and seems to blush even harder. almost cringing at the sound. it’s makes steve laugh, he’s cute.
and they’re still the best pancakes the midwest has to offer, at denny’s, at 3am. even sober and nervous and exited like he is.
steve can’t help closing his eyes like always when he takes his first bite. always blown away by their sweet fluffy texture. and he makes his way through them a little quicker than normal, without robin to distract him.
they taste as good as normal but he’s right there. right there watching steve eat them. something about it makes him feel shy, barely daring to look up from his plate. but when he does the line cook has the softest smile on his face and steve relaxes, tucks his hand under his hoodie to rest on his stomach like normal. finished his pancakes.
when steve looks up again, the guy is staring at his empty plate, kind of stuck in space. but then he vanished for a moment and the door to the kitchen opens. and he’s coming over, picking up the syrupy plate and he has freckles, bats tattooed on his arm.
he’s so close. he’s so pretty this close.
the prettiest guy steve’s ever seen.
‘eddie?’ steve blurts, exited, finally able to read his name tag. his names eddie.
his name is eddie.
eddie’s cheeks get pink, the tips of his ears. he looks at steve with wide eyes ‘yeah?’ he asks, voice small and confused.
steve grins at him. ‘your names eddie.’ and he watched eddie’s smile bloom, he has dimples.
‘wha’ eddie clears his throat. ‘what’s yours?’ and steve feels his heart burst, feels like sunshine and crisp leaves.
‘steve.’ he says, a little breathless.
‘steve.’ eddie whispers.
‘when do you go on break?’ steve asks, heart beating in his throat.
eddie just shrugs, eyes still wide. ‘whenever. as long as there’s no customers in.’ and steve realises he’s the only one here. it makes him blush more, for some reason.
‘make us another batch?’ he asks, deciding to be brave, leaning over the counter, just to be a little closer. ‘we can share.’ and it’s so worth it. to see the smile grow on eddie’s face, watch him nod, watch a curl slip out of his bun. watch him work his magic through that little pass window. stealing glances at steve as he goes.
watching steve enjoy his food is even better close up. even better than eddie could’ve imagined.
they’re sitting in steve’s usual booth, eddie’s where robin normally sits, he finally has a name for the cool girl steve hangs out with. gets to hear a little about how they met, can tell he loves her, so much. it’s sweet, his eyes shining as he talks.
so is the way steve cuts the pancakes, sweet, pushing perfectly stacked mouthfuls towards eddie to have. pancake, bacon, pancake. all covered in syrup, sticky and delicious.
eddie never really even liked pancakes much, more of a waffle guy. but sitting here, watching steve eat them, laughing and smiling at things eddie says. jaw just a little soft, upper lip smattered with hair. watching steve sigh and stretch when they’re done. that hand coming to rest on his stomach again, the way it always does, every saturday night.
eddie knows he’ll always love pancakes.
‘how do you get them to be so good?’ steve asks, hand circling eddie’s wrist loosely, stopping him before he goes back to his job, an orders come in, he has to go. but steve needs to ask, wants to know. wants one more moment with him.
eddie smiles, takes steve’s hand and kisses the back of it. and it’s so out of place, at denny’s, at 4 am that steve giggles, almost manic. it’s the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to him.
‘they’re made with love sweetheart.’ eddie says, looking up at him from his bow, kissing his hand again before walking away. the napkin with steve’s number on tucked safely in his back pocket.
steve’s forearm scrawled in the black ink of eddie’s own.
steve goes home and falls straight to sleep. so late its almost morning, like every saturday night.
he dreams of brown eyes, and syrup.
ty for reading! mwah!
@xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @pearynice @spectrum-spectre @stevesbipanic @finntheehumaneater @goodolefashionedloverboi @acedorerryn @scoops-aboy86
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ciearcab · 10 months
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saw the bookclub’s reached vol 10 so i’m joining in on the sorrows :,)
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bunnysnared · 2 months
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*taps mic* is this thing on..
hello i am absolutely terrified to post on here for the first time AHHH hopefully i show up in searches.. but to kick it off here are some [at this point..] really old soap sketches ♡ when i was trying to decide how i wanted to stylize his facial features.. still not sure!!
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intotheelliwoods · 3 months
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Whats that? A DTIYS??? Where I can draw a rat demon in any style I please??? 👉👈🥺
Dont mind if I do~ @sharkfinn
Version without all the fancy glow effects:
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kenobihater · 3 months
reblog for a bigger sample size of former angry, creative, and/or highly dramatic children
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isjasz · 5 months
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Cherries, from fruit to pit. Atoms. The sun, every day. Worms. Mulch. Perspiration. The moon, every night. Me. You. 
The various cycles of life and death. 
<GoodTimeWithScar> fell from a high place. 
EXPLODES THE DOOR ITS HSBB TIMEEEEE This is my piece for @minecraftbed's incredible fic "Gaussian Blur" in @hermitshippingbigbang :D
Go read it for the full context of the comic (and details if you can spot them!) heheeehehe I love it sm and had sm fun doing the comic! The concept is so cool and the feels are KSALDHTHRGRRHRH (please i have been losing it)
SO *grabs you by the shoulders and throws you directly at it* gogogogo 👉👉👉👉👉
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ickyguts · 11 months
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>:) wanted to try my hand at the flippy flaky swap au MUAHAHA!
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soldierkitten · 26 days
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what if i drew him
idk, what if? 👀
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Art Prompt! Feel free to decline if you don't want to but... Draw your yandere untraumatized!
✦゜ANSWERED: AAAA I don't have the time do a full piece of UT Ren rn, but I did do a lil 10 min redraw of some of my old art!! It also features (untraumatised) younger Ren and BNHA AU Ren!!
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Yanderen't Ren facts !
He's a soft, quiet boi who prefers it when others talk.
Very owl-like with his wide, inquisitive stare and quiet nature. Sometimes you can't even tell if he's there unless you call for him.
A child genius that grew up with a talent for technology. He graduated university with a PhD in computer science because he thought it was his calling, but got burnt out and eventually found his passion in being a tattoo artist instead.
You can often find Ren on walks with Violet and her plants at night, or helping his other childhood friend Leon with stretches at the beach during the day.
He's in an alt indie band with a few of his close friends and often switches between playing the bass and electric guitar!!
Ren takes his mother to a butterfly conservatory each year for her birthday because she absolutely adores them. She always tells her children that they're lucky to share such beautiful eyes with her loving husband, because they remind her of morpho butterflies.
Often sits and listens to Elanor ramble on and on about her day while he waits for you to finish work. He won't give her much input, but he'll be nodding his head and taking in every word instead.
Owns 14 different hoodies because you always seem to steal them when he's not looking. Sometimes he'll leave your favourite candy in the pockets for you to find.
He likes to pick up Hannah from university every so often, and they usually go on night drives on his motorcycle whenever the stress from exams become too much.
Dyes the ends of his hair blonde to feel closer to his father. Ren hugely admires him for founding his own company at such a young age, and was a big inspiration for him growing up.
Ren also got to marry his beloved childhood friend after you proposed to him in an all-too-familiar playground!!
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flawlessassholes · 2 months
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"It was wild, yeah." (x)
+ bonus bashful baby 🥹🥰
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elkkiel · 2 months
Elkkie I need a iiiJAM like you wouldn’t believe. The headbanging with the free hair? HE needs a iiiJAM even. He deserves it.
(Thank you Kbye 🥰)
iiiJAM baby!!
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wasn't sure how to do the hair so he's got floppy lil tufties now :3
bassy boy be boppin' !
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nom nom
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unknownteapot · 18 days
2 Truths 1 Lie : SMOSHBLR EDITION 
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y’all ive been thinking about this one for a while lol- after the ‘smoshblr assumptions’ game was received so well i was like we haaaave to do another one- it brings the fandom so much closer and is honestly such a good way to get to know moots better <3
SO. without further ado- I present to you SMOSHBLR’s 2 Truths 1 Lie organised by yours truly with some help from kind friends @xxsuicidalravenxx & @babychosen <3 
Here’s how you play:
Rb this post with ‘#i’m in’ so i can keep track of who’s playing
Between the hours of 9:00 am EST - 12:00 (noon) EST on Wed. June 5th (check what time that would be in your area) post a 1-day poll to your blog with 3 facts about yourself (the reason it’s a specific time is so we don’t miss any/have polls end at different times and make the game an endless loop )
Self-explanatory here, 1 of the facts should be completely false and the other two should be true.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE. please. do NOT give away personal information/intimate life details that could identify you. despite how awesome smoshblr is, the internet is still a scary place.
You can tag the poll whatever you’d like but please include #smoshblrtwotruths somewhere in the tags so i can rb it ;)
After your poll is up- you now have 24h to go on the #smoshblrtwotruths tag and have fun speculating on other’s facts in the replies of their posts and
You can ask others questions about their facts to help verify their stories via asks or replies on their polls, but keep in mind, just like in smosh’s real game version, they could be lying ;)
Be silly, be goofy, be kind.
After the polls end (sometime on Thursday the 6th), rb your poll explaining what the truths and lies actually were so we can see if we were right!!
At the end (Friday 7th) i’ll make a masterlist of all the truths & lies so we can clearly see who the winners were <3
🎩 The Lesbian Wonkas 🍭 (The Winners)- people whose lie does NOT get found by collecting the most votes on the poll- will get a personalised playlist based on the vibes their tumblr gives off straight from my chaotic ass spotify <3 
🐦‍⬛ The Birds of The Amazönê 🚬 (The Losers)- the losers will get sprayed with water a.k.a an influx of asks with nothing but 💦🔫💦🔫💦🔫💦🔫 in them (by participating in the game, you consent to this so don’t be annoyed at me. get sprayed, bestie)
okay. that’s it. please reply or send asks if the rules are unclear!! i’d suggest scheduling ur 2 Truths 1 Lie poll as soon as you have your facts so it can go up during the mentioned time with all the other polls and you don’t have to worry about posting it 🫶🏻
i’m tagging some moots so they know this is happening and just bc they’re awesome @lilac-hecox @sage-lights @japhan2024 @baflegacy @shesmore-shoebill feel free to tag your friends too <3
Let’s get truthing and lying, smoshblr!!!
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luxelio · 8 months
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A piece of Nate i did for @pkmnbwzine ! I think it came out very nice :)
Go check out the other cool stuff people have made there! it really is all fantastic!!
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