#ty mindflayer ship
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Págos...a tav who probably shouldn't be here
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again-please · 10 months
Ooh I'll bite on the 500 word DVD commentary! My all time fav scene in the Mercurial world series:
Neve lets her mind’s eye fill with a particular image: Astarion in the daylight, bowing cheekily and brushing himself off from their tussle moments after they’d first met, slick and debonair even fresh from the wreckage of the Mindflayer ship. Then, hardly knowing how she even knows she can do this, she pushes it at him.
"What are you—" he murmurs, and then abruptly cuts himself off with a gasp.
It must be working, as his eyes have gone wide as saucers, fixed not on her face but somewhere just beyond. Focusing, she conjures another memory: Astarion’s pale features cast in jewel-blue, looking down at her in the moonlight, the merry glow of the tiefling party in the distance behind him as he takes her chin in his hand. I’ll take good care of you, he promises, with one of those dangerous, glinting smiles that tilts up on one side, looking for all the world like he’s going to kiss her again.
"I—You—" Astarion chokes, sounding almost pained. All at once the effort to keep it going is too much, and Neve relinquishes the connection between their tadpoles, pressing one hand to her forehead and gripping the side of the tub with the other, suddenly a little weak.
"Did it work?" she asks, blinking rapidly, trying to regain herself. "Did you see?"
"Yes," Astarion gasps, surging forward and seizing her upper arms desperately—which is quite welcome, as she suddenly feels that she could use the support. His eyes are wild as they search her face, his mouth looking as though it’s trying to form words until he finally manages some.
"Insane, brilliant little witch," Astarion snarls, almost like he’s angry about it—furious, even. But then he kisses her. Hard.
Neve almost yelps, finding herself being abruptly pulled into his naked lap, water splashing over the sides of the tub at his erratic movement. He releases her upper arms to help arrange her legs around his hips, still ravaging her mouth, and she tries to steady herself on his chest, her head now swimming for two reasons. She smooths her hands over his wet skin, and to her surprise, he hums into her mouth and slows the pace of his kiss, as if the touch soothed something in him. His hand trails up her back and threads into her hair as it cups the back of her head, his usually cool skin warmed by the water. Goosebumps erupt in the wake of his touch, so intense that she shivers.
Astarion finally pulls away at that, but he doesn’t go far. He rests his forehead against hers, eyes still shut tightly, as though he’s afraid to look at her in the aftermath of that reaction.
"Liked yourself that much?" she jokes nervously.
"Do you have the slightest idea?" he murmurs, voice ragged, not playing along. "The slightest notion of what you’ve given me? Two hundred years—two hundred—and I finally have my face back. It’s not just…just some dark shape in my past
Ty for biting! (...a common sentiment on this blog I fear)
This is a moment I can actually trace my exact inspiration for because I can remember the friggin DAY I got the "tell me I'm beautiful" mirror scene in early access and I was simply screaming at the computer screen because WE HAVE A PSYCHIC CONNECTION GOD DAMN IT LET ME SHOW HIM HIS FACE. Especially because many of the tadpole-connection meet-cute narrations explicitly say you're seeing out of the other character's eyes! And if memory serves this was the first? one of the first? Astarion cutscenes to drop in EA where he seemed legitimately vulnerable for a moment, which was a very important nugget for us Astarionmancers because around this time I think there was talk about how he was just an asshole no matter what and that there was obviously ONLY a Bad Evil Ending in store for him.
I think this is Neve at some of her best "you guys are making this way too complicated" problem-solving. She is definitely a Scholar and a Wizard, but I think the real beauty of her character and her situation is that she doesn't come from any kind of remotely respectable academic background, as we'll start to explore more, and so she comes at problems a lot more humbly and practically than might be thought to be common for wizards. She is the Good-Will-Hunting-working-class-local-library wizard to Gale's Harvard-Educated wizard (except in this scenario she's the one still on the hook for an exorbitant amount of money...RIP her credit score).
A fundamental Astarion/Neve dynamic is definitely his "mask" of suaveness that he never wants to drop (unstoppable force) vs Neve being almost legitimately incapable of not being herself (immovable object). In this scene, immovable object DEFINITELY wins.
The "jewel-blue moonlight" image of Astarion she recalls scene is from chapter 2 of A Little Further, and I come back to this moment a lot because, in spite of where Astarion is at that point in time (aka, still foolishly thinking he's just having a bit of fun for his own benefit), that's a moment Neve feels swept off her feet for the first time in a way she was really afraid that she would die without experiencing. And a part of her knows he's being Way Too Smooth there, but she also thinks that's something he'd like to see—the time it was all working for him, the time he was so perfect that even a self-conscious skeptic like her couldn't say no to him
This scene also becomes extremely important when we examine what she shares with him later from Astarion's POV—she didn't just send images through the tadpole connection, but the feelings she was feeling in those moments. And while he doesn't literally hear the words "I love you," in her mind or anything, I think it kind of ruins him forever to feel that sheer BLAST of genuine attraction and care and affection direct from the source. Sometimes I'm like, did he fall in love too fast? But honestly, it's kind of no surprise he's done for after this point. Psychic connections are cheat codes.
I just checked—this is also the first time I have Astarion call her "witch/little witch." I think this would kind of irk Neve if he ever said it in front of anyone else (because she is a WIZARD god damn it) but he gets away with it because this is...a name that absolutely does NOT get said aloud outside the bedroom.
DVD commentary ask game if you want to bite as well!
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aezyrraeshh · 1 year
gen 1, 6, 7 and story 11, 12 for morana 👀
ty for the ask ♡ bg3 companion!tav asks
-- general;
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
she's first encountered on the nautiloid, but she's not willing to tag along with any group at this point, because she doesn't trust anyone not to stab her in the back. but she would follow the group silently, using invisibility spell and that's how she'd be able to escape the ship. she later can be found near the place where you encounter astarion. specifically, close the the dying mindflayer; it's a grousome scene, because she is trying to get answers from the mindflayer and she is not above using any method necessary.
if there are any more bodies near her, please, ignore them she's the kindest person ever i swear <3
6. Do they have any secrets that can be revealed? What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
ohhh, plenty of those; most of those are secrets even to her, considering the circumstances of the whole dark urge quest. pretty much all of her secrets are connected to her urge and her past. however, her life before the temple of bhaal is something she keeps very close to her heart once she finds out so good luck getting her to open up.
prerequisites are gaining her trust and letting her succumb to urge once in a while. however bloody and cruel her urges can be without it she can't really discover her past because it's such am important part of her.
7. Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game? Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
the dark urge quest is her personal quest pretty much, but with some changes from yours truly <3 it can take different paths, though. if someone managed to gain her trust, she would listen and consider their opinions, and so she can be swayed from following her urge and breaking free from bhaal's influence.
-- story;
11. What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
hdsahasdhjasdhjhjs morana can keep up appearances when necessary so she wouldn't make that much of a fuss, but she would jokingly (?) threaten the pc, saying smth like "you better sleep with one eye open from now on :)" surprisingly though she would go up the stage but don't expect the clown to live for long after that.
12. Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin? How is Orin's deception revealed? How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
i don't think orin would actually would actually decide to kidnap morana, considering their, ahem, history. and if she would, it wouldn't end well for neither of them.
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bylerly · 5 years
Sis it was trash. The acting was amazing but that’s about it. They ruined Mike and Wills friendship big time, not even gonna get into shipping lol. Also Finn and Noah I’m sorry sweeties, your characters were reduced to nothing lol
i’m just going to put what I didn’t like here, to get my negativity out of the way.
the monster was beyond disappointing. the mindflayer, in both its physical and mental forms, was WAY better/scarier than this one. I’ll give this one gore points, sure, but…. god. it just seemed lazy
the complete and utter sidelining of Lucas & Will, and the continuing crappy Mike plot. that was possibly the most infuriating part for me. let me just go into more detail with each one…
I liked that Mike got called out for his shitty behavior because it was needed, for him & those he was being a dick towards, even unintentionally. but after that… he just…. didn’t do too much. I mean, he got better treatment than Lucas and Will this season, and he got some of his leadership qualities back, which was good. but the character is just…… still. resigned to be secondary, and spent so much of this season being so unlikable.
Lucas has deserved better from the start. he had a couple cool moments this season, but nothing like I was hoping. he was sidelined (his moments early on with Max were great tho) as usual, not being given any substance in his own plot. i am just so exhausted with his writing.
Will. oh my g o d. they mutilated his character. he was resigned to only being the friend feeling left out, which started out okay. that scene with castle byers was peak cinema. but then… what the fuck ????? they acted like his psychic connection was going to be a big plot for him, but it only mattered for like 2 seconds. once he told his friends that night in the woods, it stopped being useful. he could tell them that the mindflayer/upside down presence was close, but it was in moments when they could already tell. and then… nothing. he had a few useful things to say about his experience with the MF, but once shit hit the fan in the second half… he wasn’t given anything to do. his character went nowhere. Will has SO MANY POSSIBILITIES, and it felt like the duffers literally forgot about him, then just wrote him into the background of some scenes. remember when we thought there would be a big revelation or twist with him this season…. hahaha funny, the duffers said fuck will rights….. and yes, they completely and utterly destroyed his friendships this season. noah acts circles around so much of the cast, but he was so reduced this season, it was embarrassing
billy. FUCKING BILLY. he was given SO MUCH FUCKING SCREEN TIME trying to get us to feel sorry for him, to get us to empathize. I don’t, and I’m furious that the duffers took away valuable screen time from characters who could’ve used it (see the three characters I just mentioned). I didn’t care. I’m glad he’s dead so it won’t happen again, but he got so much excessive screen time. Dacre did fine. but i will never not be bitter that this was the season of fucking Billy.
what happened to 5/6 being insane and badass? there were some good moments. but nothing that blew me away.
the comedy was so awkward in a lot of parts, was this just me??? it felt like they were trying way, way too hard. the only times the humor hit was when the actors made choices that made it hit. it wasn’t really the writing.
just as suspected…. the scoops troop was a low tier grouping for me. i want to love Erica…. but i just. don’t. it’s cool that they went the nerdy route with her, and Priah did a good job. there are just so many characters that are already being underdeveloped, and her plot with the other three didn’t do much for me besides minor comic relief (mostly from Joe).
Alright, I thought everyone was already predicting Hopper’s “death”? was I the only one seeing that coming from twenty miles away?
That post credits scene… was that supposed to be shocking in any way? A fucking demodog? okay thanks lmao (”not the American” - is that Hopper in that cell?)
Kind of tying into my first point…. nothing about the monster or Billy’s plot was interesting to me. Nothing. It garnered some great acting from the cast, but that was it. The scenes lingered way too long and so much of it was rehashed and, again, booooooring.
The Jancy stuff was…. disappointing, just in that it was underwhelming. I like their dynamic, and that they did way more with the kids this season. It was a step up from s2, yes. But it was still less than I hoped.
The amount of flashbacks, either from other seasons or even the episode before…. so unneccessary. it was like they were trying to fill in gaps where they had nothing else to put. and it’s insulting that they think the audience is THAT dumb
I felt like there was a… lack of depth? that they wrote the season to try and be as shocking and crazy visually and plot-wise as possible, that little nuanced moments and character emotions that make the show so good were virtually gone.
Okay, I saved this for last because I KNOW I’m going to get shit for this, but this is just my opinion. …El got way, way, way too much of the plot and screen time in s3. I adore her, and i know she’s technically the “main” character. But… every other scene was her, or centered around her. Characterization of other characters was at an all time low, or even moved backwards, but everything was centered around hers. It would be one thing if other kids were seen as well (i.e. last season, where her own screen time was obviously high, but other kids got a little room, too), but her own plot made up about 95% of the kids’ (minus dustin, who I don’t consider to be in the other kids’ plot line this season). It’s officially turned into the “El and the other kids” show, which leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth. Probably because I saw it coming, but didn’t want to believe it. Season 3 was literally the Eleven and Billy Show imo
I’ll put things I enjoyed (smaller list) in another post at some point, but I need to decompress.
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again-please · 6 months
ALL THE NEVE INFO!! GIVE IT TO ME!!! 3, 6, and 20!
ty my dear!!
3. What would their character quest be titled? Why?
Hmm, the companion quest titles are relatively straightforward, so probably something like "The Elusory Apprentice." Because girl is not telling you the whole story.
6. How would the player go about meeting them in Act 1? What is their introduction?
I see Neve being scared absolutely shitless immediately post Nautiloid crash. She's still hiding in the wreckage of the ship somewhere between the Intellect Devourers and the dying Mindflayer, too scared to move until you trigger the Intellect Devourer fight and inspire her to jump in to help. It's 100% the first time she's ever been in a fight and she's definitely going into some laughs of hysteria afterward.
20. What is their relationship to touch? Do they shy away from it? Do they need it to feel present?
Neve has basically been in a drought of affection since age 10; that was when her one loving parent passed away, and she proceeded to get shut away to labor for the Enchanter's Guild from age 15 to 25. At the point that she gets scooped up by the Nautiloid, she's basically about to lose her mind from being so lonely and starved for physical affection; when she finally starts getting it for the first time in her life, I think it kind of hits her bloodstream like alcohol and she does not want it to stop. Also she will die for a little kiss.
ask game!
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