#tyler joseph packs
piastrisluvr · 5 months
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messy blue - My Blood - twenty one pilots headers || like or reblog if you save.
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rabidty · 2 months
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Saw this and immediately thought of you. Like sir put that thing away!!
OH MY GOD??? OG MY GOD !!! i just woke up this too much for me to handle god pls just let me have him let him have me ugh. would it be too delusional n weird if i just started referring to tyler as my boyfriend? (pls give into my delusions)
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tylerpnk · 2 years
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twenty one pilots headers
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mysadblacksoul · 5 months
Backslide - 3/13 of the Clancy album
Grab a coffee and let's start this madness
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Tyler is wearing the same clothes that he wore in Overcompensate MV to I would assume that this MV takes place right after
Let's break down the signs first
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We see the return of Ned Bayou as well as FPA, now standing for Food Petrol Etc.
You can buy 9 buns for $21, love the symbolism
There is a Jim sign omg. Baby is having his own bubblegum business
Of course the Bishops sign with 9 lines marked on it
I could've sworn that the black sign says "Dema Vapes", but looking closely I believe it's "Velma Vapes" lol
What is more, the cones (?) are yellow and I'm pretty sure that the fact that there are 5 of them is not an accident
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They sold him bread that went bad lol. Nah for sure it's not the case since he gives the same bread to a child
But I believe that the scene and the lyrics are closely tied with Stressed Out
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Now the next scene is interesting
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I think that the bad weather is a simple metaphor for feelings of anxiety or fear
We can see that Tyler was contemplating then he was suddenly pulled from his thoughts
This is when the scene changes to normal, right? Exactly on the line It's over my head
Then we move to the scene with the kid
And I really believe that this little lad is personification of Ned
Like he has the same boba eyes lol
No but for real, this is parallel to Chlorine - kid is giving Tyler a cup just like Tyler gave to Ned. Yet he accepts it and drinks whatever is inside and Ned just shudders
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Another interesting thing, that could make my point more valid is that the kid literally asks Is that a stain? You should change / Are you doin' good? / Did you solve all of your problems? like he knows Tyler very well and is in a way looking out for him
It's like he's keeping Ned by him - okat I'll stop
It might be a stretch, but the N kinda looks like a mirrored band symbol, do you also see it?
If 0.75c is equivalent to the cost of one bun than Tyler is being ripped off since he paid $21 for the pack instead of $6.75 lmao
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Something is really wrong with those buns lmao
Then the mood changes again, but this time is even worse. Like his mental health is declining even more and even faster
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The bread is wet, the day is ruined, thanks Mr. Joseph
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You killed it Josh, love your creative mind
*funny music stops*
Now let's talk about the way how the MV is looping itself
I would say that it is a demonstration of the twisted circle that is life
Maybe it's a very basic analysis but I think of all the complicated lore-oriented MVs this one is uncomplicated
What is shown here is how our psyche can play tricks on us and how we can complicate a rather simple situation ourselves
If Tyler hadn't had dark thoughts then nothing would have happened to the bread, so he would have just gone and given it to Josh
This shows how our psyche itself can abolish the situation in which we find ourselves
Looping, on the other hand, shows that as long as we don't do anything about it ourselves, we will be stuck in this fishbowl (see what I did there?)
Maybe it's one big AD to check your mental health and a sign to try to get better
Rat race, place to place, adding weight / Tendencies on repeat, innit? - rat race for sure happened in Dema, and repeat is literaly the loop, innit meand that Clancy is canonicaly British
Benefit from a shoe with no lace - shoe with no lace would make you fall back on the behaviour that you are running from
Take the seat with the crease in it - seat of someone who already tried to change their life, or even who had the same dreams and hopes for better future like Clancy
This could be parallel to When I leave, don’t save my seat/ I’ll be back when it’s all complete from Chlorine
I don't care, you control me / Leading me anywhere - well, all I should say is Dema don't control me and we all know the rest of the story
I don't wanna backslide to where I've started from - he doesn't wanna go back to his back habits as well as doesn't wanna go back to his life before he tried to escape
There's no chance I will shake this again - if he falls back one more time that will be the end of him. His psyche won't take it anymore and his plans will be buried
'Cause I feel the pull, water's over my head - this is parallel to Fall Away And I, I can feel the pull begin. But it also gives me the parallel to Holding On To You MV, the scene with the rope
Strength enough for one more time - like I said, this would be the last attempt to change everything
Reach my hand above the tide - it could indicate that his physical strength is also wearing out
I'll take anything you have / If you could throw me a line - again with the line. But it also can mean that he can endure anything now, he just needs a little helping hand
I should've loved you better - this line can be directed both to himself but also to the person who extends his hand to help. He might not have appreciated both parts before and now regrets it
Do you think that now's the time / You should let go? - This line is like both a request and an apology. As if he wants to say “I'm sorry I treated you badly before but please don't leave me when I need help”
Bad place, on a hundred-dollar bass - this line is also giving me Stressed Out. You can imagine the cheap bass being transported on the bicycle right?
Kinda wishin' that I never did "Saturday" - I think that he doesn't mean the MV irl lol, but the regret of taking part in Bishops' manipulation altogether
Is that a stain? You should change - a play with mentioning Saturday and the lirycs She said that I should change my clothes
Are you doin' good? / Did you solve all of your problems? - like I said before I believe that this is Ned looking out for Clancy, wishing him well
Thanks for asking, in a way, but / Accidentally uncovered a new one yesterday - safe to say that he is not doing better lol
What happened to what I brushed under the rug? - what happened to how well he used to be able to hide his problems and true feelings
I used to be the champion of a world you can't see / Now I'm drowning in logistics - if viewed as a fact that he created this world it now looks like he wants to regain all control over it. Logistics is to take care of the management of planning. And once again we see the mention of drowning
The bridge is acting as an externalization of his myhs and fears that even if he is outside the Dema, the Bishops will still have control over him
The entire song is about both regaining conrol over the world of Dema but also regaining control over himself, his psyche.
The main theme is about not going back to old habits.
The most important thing here is progress and pushing forward.
Because one wrong move can make all the work in vain and we will sink to the very bottom.
Safe to say that I liked it haha
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soupiiiie · 22 days
Living with Tyler Joseph
Word count: 1388
Genre: angsty-ish, some fluff
You knew who he was but desperately needed a place to live so when you saw his application for roommates, you pushed aside your fangirling and applied
You agreed to meet him in person so he could see what you were like for real and he really liked your personality
He let you move in the following week, agreeing to split the costs evenly
You had a TON of tøp merch and posters and had to hide them in a box so he wouldn't ever see them
You even had a tattoo of the bands symbol on your body but always covered it up
Tyler and you became really really close, that's when you started to develop feelings for him
He was always so nice and kind, you had tried going on dates with guys and whenever it ended up badly, he would immediately come to get you if he needed, and give you a ‘better date’ as he called it
He never really showed interest in you as a girlfriend but you were falling faster and faster with every day
One night, after a particularly bad date, he picked you up from the persons house and took you home, making you put on the matching pjs you got for Christmas from Josh and out on your favorite movie
“I don’t know why you keep going out with these, pardon my language, douchebags all the time. They never end up treating you right and you deserve to be treated like a princess.” He gave you a big hug and rocked back and forth.
He cared about you so much more than you knew. If it were his choice, he’d make sure you never looked at another guy ever again, only him. He wanted you to be his, but did not want to push you into the spotlight of being his girlfriend to the public
Tyler was under the assumption that you didn't know about his band / how famous he was
You sniffled and sighed “Ty… I think you should know something..” you started, nervous to tell him the secret you kept, “I know… about your band… I'm a fan actually.” you were so scared. Scared that he’d be mad, scared he’d tell you to pack your stuff and move out, scared that you would never see him again.
He silently stared at you, contemplating what to do next. He was angry that you never told him, he would have been okay with it. He didn't know if you’d put personal stuff on social media, or used him to gain clout amongst your peers. He didn't know how to feel.
He stood up and left. Left the apartment and drove to Josh’s place. He didn't want to talk to you right now after he had spent 6 months living with you. He knew it was stupid to be mad at you for being a fan, but he wished that for once, someone would want to be close to him just because. Not for his status, not for his fame or talents, just for being him. He felt used in a way
He explained everything to Josh, how he felt, what he wanted with you, what you were hiding. Everything. Josh told him to take some time to think and figure out what to do. So that's what he did.
You sat for what felt like forever on that couch, waiting for Tyler to come back. When you looked at the time, it was almost 3 in the morning so you decided he wasn’t coming home tonight and went to bed. Crying yourself to sleep.
When Tyler woke up, he had a terrible headache. He thought too much last night, it was almost 3 am when he finally fell asleep on Josh’s couch. He had come to a conclusion though. He was going to talk to you and hear your side. 
His feelings were still there, they wouldn’t go away that easily, but he was hesitant. Scared that you were only his friend and roommate because of who he was.
You woke up to the front door closing and footsteps approaching your room. There was a light knock on the door and you opened your eyes to see Tyler standing in the doorway, still in his matching pjs. 
“...Hi,” you whispered shakily, “I didn’t think you were ever coming back.” Your whole body was shaking. You didn’t know what he was going to say.
“I went to Josh’s to think… I need to ask you something first though.” You nodded, encouraging him to continue, “Did you accept the application because of who I am?” his hands were shaky as he held onto the foot of your bed frame.
You shook your head quickly, “No, I really needed to move out of my parents house, you know why, and you were the only person who accepted to meet me. I wanted to tell you but was scared that it would ruin my chance of having a place. I didn’t want to scare you away… I’m so sorry Tyler, I never meant to keep it from you, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t kick me out before I told you. I know its a shitty thing to do but… I was scared.” Tears started forming in your eyes as you looked up at him. It was true, you were going to tell him, you just didn’t know when.
He looked away and took a breath, letting what you said sink in, “I wouldn’t have kicked you out if you told me. I’m just hurt that you would hide such a big detail from me. I-I need you to promise me that you didn’t use me, or post anything personal about me on social media. I don’t want to just be your famous roommate. I want to be your friend.” He was scared of your answer.
“I promise Ty, I never told a soul that I live with you, not even my sister. I didn’t want to put your privacy in jeopardy.” It was true, you never told anyone, you respected him and his home that he so graciously opened to you.
Tyler let out a sigh of relief and glanced up at you, finally meeting your gaze.
You stared back at him and thought you might as well tell him everything. “I um.. I have a box of all of my twenty one pilots stuff hidden in my closet. I had to make sure you never saw it, or this,” You lifted the hem of your shirt to show the band symbol tattooed on your ribs with lyrics from one of their songs under it, “Your music helped me a lot through rough times and when I turned 18 I got this.” you lowered your shirt and waited for him to respond.
He smiled gently, “I’m glad we helped… Thank you for telling me. Thank you for not being  a crazy stalker.” he chuckled to himself.
“My pleasure,” you giggled lightly. 
He swooned at the sound of it deciding that it’s now or never that he told you, “well… since we’re confessing things, I um, I like you. More than a roommate, more than a friend. I think I’m in love with you.”
Your eyes widened, you had been waiting to hear those words since the first time he saved you from a terrible date. You crawled toward the end of your bed and sat up so you were eye to eye with him. No words were said, you just leaned in and kissed him. Wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you by your waist, kissing you back. When you pulled away, you smiled, “I think I’m in love with you too Ty.”
He smiled back and pulled you into a hug, “how about we order some food and finish that movie?” You nodded, “No more bad dates for you.”
You smiled and you both walked to the living room to watch your movie, you couldn't have been happier. He was finally yours, you were finally his. 
The smiles never left neither of your faces for the rest of the night. 
Bonus: - Later that night, Josh had texted Tyler how it went and he told him how you confessed to one another his only response was “FINALLY!”
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pupsmailbox · 6 days
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1980's ID PACK
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NAMES ⌇ aaron. adam. adding addison. adrian. alex. alexis. ali. alyssa. amanda. amber. andie. andrea. andrews. andy. anne. annie. anthony. april. ashley. aubrey. audrey. babysitters: belinda. bill. billie. billy. blair. bobbie. bobby. bonnie. brad. brandi. brandy. bret. brett. brian. brianna. brittany. caitlin. carey. carla. carly. carol. cary. casey. charlie. chris. christie. christina. christine. christopher. cindy. clare. clarissa. claudia. cody. corey. cory. courtney. crystal. dan. dana. daniel. darrell. david. dawn. devon. drew. dustin. elliott. emily. emmett. eric. erica. erik. erika. fran. francis. frankie. georgie. gloria. greer. greg. harriet. harry. heather. hollis. holly. jackie. jamie. jason. jayme. jeffery. jennifer. jeremy. jessica. jessie. jody. joe. john.zach. jory. joseph. josh. joy. jules. justin. kelly. kevin. kim. kimberly. kit. kristen. kristy. kyle. landry. larissa. laura. lauren. lee. linden. lisa. loren. lou. lucas. lynn. mallory. maria. marie. mark. marlowe. mary matt. matthew. meaghan. megan. melanie. melissa. melody. merit. michael. michelle. mickey. mike. mikey. mindy. misty. mo. morgan. natalie. neil. nick. nicky. nicole. ollie. other ozzie. parker. patrick. paul. paula. paulie. polly. quinn. rachel. randall. randell. randy. rebecca. rees. reese. richard. rob. robbie. robert. rory. royce. ryan. sabrina. sam. sarah. scott. sean. seth. shannon. shea. shelby. skyler. stacey. stacy. stephanie. stephen. stevie. taylor. the tiffany. tim. todd. tonya. tracy. tyler. valerie. victoria. will. wyatt. xavier. zack.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ arc/arcade. arcade/arcade. arcade/arcem. beam/beam. beep/beep. bling/bling. bo/booth. boom/box. bop/bop. bou/boutique. bright/bright. buzz/buzz. ca/car. cartoon/cartoon. cass/cassette. cassette/cassette. class/classic. color/color. cor/vette. dated/dated. dazzle/dazzle. dine/diner. disc/disc. disco/disco. elec/electric. flash/flash. gae/game. gli/glitch. glitter/glitter. glow/glow. jazz/jazz. juke/box. light/light. loud/loud. neon/neon. nostal/nostal. pac/man. par/parlor. pattern/pattern. phone/phone. pin/ball. po/pop. polybi/polybius. pop/pop. rain/rainbow. ret/retro. retro/retro. rock/roll. salon/salon. ska/skate. star/star. synth/wave. text/text. vin/vintage. vintage/vintage. vivid/vivid. walk/walkman. 🌈 . 🍭 . 👾 . 💥 . 🕹 . 🧩 .
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In-ears - Tyler Joseph x Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph × Reader
Warnings: Anxiety
Word Count: 938
Summary: Reader comforts Tyler after his in-ears break during a show - requested
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Every aspect of The Takeøver Tour had been thought out perfectly, every step and change managed by the crew. Tonight’s show had been great, everything sounded perfect, the crowd was lively, and no one fell over–despite how common it was. But I could tell something was off with Tyler, he sat on the piano listening to the clique sing, his entire demeanor just… off. It was clear he was taking deep breaths and shaking his head, all while staring at the ceiling. I wanted to go out there and ask him what was wrong, he never acted like this during shows–distant. As soon as the boys finished playing Trees and said goodbye to the clique, I rushed to the dressing room to meet them. Water bottle in hand, in-ears out, Josh had a concerned look plastered on his face as he quickly followed after Tyler, who’d walked right past me. My Tyler. He’d ignored me, despite very clearly seeing me waiting for him. 
“I need to talk to Dave,” He dictated, a crew member nodding and leaving the room in a hurry. Dave was the boys’ sound guy, he made sure their in-ears were working and their packs were connected to the right frequencies. Tyler leaned towards Josh, whispering something to him that I couldn’t hear. Josh looked down at me. ‘Is he okay?’ I mouthed. He said nothing, not even a brief nod. Something had to be wrong. Dave walked into the room and Tyler put down his water bottle. “What’s the issue?” Dave asked. 
“Okay, so either, I like, hurt my ears really really bad tonight,” he pointed to his in-ears, “or there’s something wrong with either the pack, the cable, or the ears.” I felt my stomach drop. Dave nodded, listening to exactly what Tyler was saying. 
“If you give the ears to me, I’ll clean them, test them–”
“I’m like freaking out right now,” Tyler interrupted. I could tell he was freaking out, his entire body was stiff. “It feels like my left ear has blood coming out of it.” Josh nodded. 
“That’s happened to me before.”
“I want you to keep my ears and the pack the way it is, and I want you to–I want to know exactly what’s wrong,” Tyler instructed, handing over the ears and pack to Dave. “Really worried right now. I would like you to find out whether or not there’s something wrong with that rig.” He held his hands together, trying to remain calm. Dave left the room to figure out what was wrong, leaving Tyler, Josh, and I alone. 
“I’ve had cables go bad, and if you haven’t cleaned it in a while then ear wax can build up in there and it’ll sound like that ear’s broken,” Josh said, taking a sip of his water. His hair was stuck to the sides of his face, damp with sweat. Tyler hadn’t looked at me yet, hadn’t even acknowledged I was in the room with them. He pulled out his airpods and connected them to his phone. Josh grabbed my hand and led me out into the hall. 
“Did I do something?” I asked, “Like I get the issue with the in ears is scary but what does that have to do with me?” Josh looked calm, like he knew exactly how to fix this. 
“It’s scary being up on stage and not having your ears working. It can like–seriously damage your hearing and for a singer like Tyler that’s a big deal. He’s just freaked out right now.”
“How am I supposed to fix that though? He completely ignored me when he got off stage,” I muttered, folding my arms in front of my chest. 
“Talk to him,” he offered, looking back at Tyler in the room. “I’m going to go see if they’re working on the ears but I’ll be back.” I nodded as he walked down the hall and around the corner, disappearing from my sight. 
“Tyler?” I muttered, entering the room and taking a deep breath. Finally, he looked up at me, taking one of his airpods out to hear me. “Are you okay?” He shook his head and reached his arms out, asking me to come closer. I moved to sit on his lap, straddling him so I could properly talk to him. 
“I’m scared, Y/N. The whole show, I was having these terrible thoughts about my career, my ears are done. I’m picturing touching my ear and seeing blood. I’m just–it’s just–a really freaky moment,” he mumbled, shoulders tense. I could hear Good Day playing through the airpod in his left ear and he closed his eyes in focus. The fact that Tyler was having those thoughts on stage worried me, he was so quick to go dark when things went wrong and it was hard to get him to talk about it with anyone–even Josh. 
“You’re okay,” I cooed, running a hand through his blonde tips. 
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna be okay… I think I’m fine,” he fell back onto the couch and a slow smile crept  onto his face. I returned the smile, relieved that he was okay, that we were okay. “There’s gotta be something wrong with that rig.” I nodded, listening to him think through the possible problems. 
“Thanks for making sure I’m okay Y/N,” he cupped my jaw. 
“Yeah well Josh is off making sure the pack and ears get fixed, okay?” I smiled. 
“God, how did I get so lucky to have you and Josh here for me?” He chuckled. I leaned forward, our lips brushing gently against each other. 
“It’s not luck if you deserve it Ty.”
Really enjoyed this one! Can't wait to write the next one :)
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pardonmydelays · 19 days
~ Imagine Dragons Concert ~
First of all, Dan sounds good live!
"We're Walking the Wire" was beautiful live. 🥹
I loved the uplifting, encouraging songs, such as "We're Walking the Wire" and "Whatever It Takes".
The backdrops with the moving graphics for each song was gorgeous! I have so many videos and screenshots so I can't recall which exact song(s) I liked the most as far as graphics go, but "Sharks" was neat. The backdrops were basically set up like underwater (obviously) with sharks swimming. A few close up of sharks too, which was cool.
Hearing some of the songs from the 2010s like "Thunder" and "Radioactive" was nice.
Apparently "It's Time" was on the setlist, but I swear I do not recall hearing it! ... And I love that song. 🥺 I was lowkey hoping that they would play that. I definitely would have recorded it.
I was not expecting Dan to take his shirt and shorts off, but there we were... Lmao, and my God, was he ripped. We're talking muscles, 6 pack, etc. The whole package, Poppy!
I loved hearing my favorite songs live and the whole concert itself, but one thing that really stood out to me was Dan talking about mental health. He proceeded to tell us how Imagine Dragons came about followed by things he struggled with growing up in his teen years and even now as an adult. He ended his (2.5 minute) speech by assuring us audience members that we are loved and to please not leave this world.
(I'll post the video on my account soon!)
Again, I have a lot of favorite songs, but the ones I enjoyed the most were "Bones" and "Enemy".
That's...about it! It was a wonderful concert overall. 🩷
dan's voice is absolutely incredible! i hope he was screaming a lot during your show because, oh dear lord, i do love guys who scream (*cough cough* tyler joseph *cough cough*) and dan just happens to be very good at it (my favourite imagine dragons songs are actually the ones where he screams lmao)
walking the wire will always be one of the most important songs to me. it was their newest single when they had a show in poland in 2017 and they actually performed it live for the first time that day AND I WAS THERE. i was there. good all days. beautiful song. ahh.
the thing about sharks makes me so incredibly happy for the dumbest reason ever (not because i love the song but because i fucking love sharks shhjdvjsevjh i'm sorry)
i'm pretty sure they still sing radioactive at every single one of their shows which is pretty cool because i love this song so fucking much and i know a lot of people hate it because it's their most popular song, but that could never be me, radioactive is my baby forever and always. i also love thunder. used to sing it all the time with my best friend (who's no longer in my life. but i always think about him when i hear this one. i hope he's doing alright)
what do you mean they didn't perform it's time, it's the most imagine dragons song ever, WHY OH WHY JAIL FOR THEM!!!
he DID WHAT NOW... what do you mean dan was stripping on stage, oh dear lord. to absolutely no one's surprise, i used to have a huge crush on him (why do i always have to have a crush on my favourite artists genuinely what the hell is wrong with me but dan is really hot ok ok), i would probably fucking die. oh dear lord. omg. can you hear mE SCREAMING-
oh, i absolutely fucking love it when he talks about mental health. it always makes me cry but also i always felt so fucking proud because i can only assume how hard it is for him. i know he's been struggling a lot in his life. it's always nice to know you are not alone. makes you feel seen.
i know nobody asked for it, but i found an old video from my show from two years ago and i just want to share it with you. i was really close. and he was wearing a very slutty shirt that day. you're welcome.
i'm so glad you had fun!!! can't wait to see the video from your show!!!
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warmglowofsurvival · 9 months
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Twenty One Pilots: From Bedroom Gigs To 'The Biggest Band In The World'
The Ohio band has paid their dues, and now, as MTV Artists To Watch, are gunning for global domination.
By James Montgomery (@positivnegativ)
Twenty One Pilots have one rather simple mission for 2013: global domination.
"Well, one of our goals for this year is to be a headliner, a 'hard ticket' as they say. We have the option to go out and be an opening band for a more established act, which obviously helps you gain fans and get exposure, but we're looking forward to being a headliner," singer Tyler Joseph explained. "And our dream? We want to be the biggest band in the world."
And if you think Joseph even blinked while saying this, well, then you probably don't know Twenty One Pilots (though given that they're the first pick in MTV's Artists To Watch campaign, that might change soon): The dynamic duo — it's Tyler on vocals, piano and keyboards, and manic masher Josh Dun behind the drumkit — hail from Columbus, Ohio and have clawed their way out of the epicenter of Buckeye Nation thanks to their mix of supreme confidence and a positively killer live show, one that brims with energy, acrobatics and theatrics and leaves both men absolutely spent each night. Of course, they'd have it no other way.
"We came from a place where we had to get people's attention. That started from playing in these bars, playing in these clubs, and making sure that even the three people who were there remembered us," Joseph said. "And now that we do have people's attention a little more, that aspect hasn't changed about us; we're still going to make sure you remember us when you come see us play.
"We've done everything. There was an older couple that had us come to their house, and we played in their bedroom one time, and there's the small clubs that people just go to hang out, they don't want to listen to music anyway," he continued. "And there's a lot of theatrical moments to our set, and a lot of people would see those moments, and they'd think we were just trying to make some sort of statement; but the truth is, we had to do that stuff in the beginning, just to get people to turn around. It's tough to compete with $3 pitcher night."
And while their shows pack plenty of punch, what's also earned Twenty One Pilots a fervent following is the deeply personal streak that runs through Joseph's lyrics. It's readily apparent on their new album, Vessel, which features songs like "Holding On To You" and "Guns For Hands," tracks that tackle tough subjects and serve as a cathartic release for the band's fans. And, not surprisingly, given his lofty ambitions, Joseph said that's been TOP's mission all along: to harness the power of music and, hopefully, help save some lives.
"Obviously music has helped me personally, and as much as I want to give back, it's not the main motivation. The main motivation is interacting every night with these people that are hurting; and it's not just kids, we get approached by all ranges of ages," he said. "Josh and I, we're able to go out and talk to people after the show, and we get to hear a lot of stories. We get to hear how our music has been affecting someone personally, and that's the stuff that fuels you. That's the stuff that justifies why you're in that city that night ... and talking to people every night and hearing their story is what inspires us."
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glampire-rockstar · 1 year
JOE ANOA'I - Roman Reigns/Joe Leakee
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GALINA BECKER - Zoie Jordan/Sierra Moore
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JONATHAN GOOD - Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose
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RENEE PAQUETTE - Faye Wayland/Renee Young
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COLBY LOPEZ - Seth Rollins/Tyler Black
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SARAH ALESANDRELLI - Kourtney Scott/Danielle Morono
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FERGAL DEVITT - Finn Balor/Jonah Arsene
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VERO RODRIGUEZ - Amy Grayson/Jane Sharp
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DANIEL GILLIES - Gavin Powers/Travis Dawson
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ASHLEY FLIEHR - Charlotte Flair/Ashley Diamond
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IAN SOMERHALDER - Hayden Evans/Brendan Smith
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SARAYA BEVIS - Saraya Calaway/Paige Knight
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JOSEPH MORGAN - Elijah Gonzales/Hunter Prince
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REBECCA QUIN - Becky Lynch/Rebecca Knox
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PAUL WESLEY - Isiah Alister/Zakai Danger
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APRIL MENDEZ - AJ Lee/Mey Zodiac
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I've found the best characters for my AEW/WWE Fan-Fiction stories, I got the main boys from the Vampire Diaries and the Originals, and got the three married wives and a former girlfriend turned friend.
We know that most of the wrestlers here will be faces or heels, but I want them as the baddest bosses while the good guys are gonna be portrayed as sixteen newcomers who's shorter.
I got Jordan "Dan" Sweeto, Kayleigh "Wolfy" Smyth | Wolfychu, Patrick "Patty" Walters, Dorothy "Dottie" Martin, Johnnie Guilbert, Alexandria "Alex" Dorame, James Tyler Hagen, Shannon "Shan" Taylor, Nathan "Nate" Owens, Leda "Monster Bunny" Muir, Damon "Dee" Fizzy, Carson Fanikos, Luke Jeydon Wale, Samantha "Sam" Rochelle, Kyle David Hall, and Meghan Marie Hogan for the OC portrayals cause I like people within the goth/punk/emo/scene style.
I figured that modern day of straight history meets attitude era for their bad influence; my sixteen OCs doesn't care for the rules and are the most rebellious people in WWE.
This takes place from SummerSlam 2012 for the Fallen Angels and their first victory in Night of Champions: Gold Rush; Survivor Series 2012 for the Shield and their first victory in TLC; Royal Rumble 2013 for the Dark Gods and their first victory in Elimination Chamber; WrestleMania 29 for the Resistance and their first victory in Extreme Rules; they're known as the Pack of Lone Wolves.
For each OC stable...their names are the following; the Unholy Circle for the girls, the Genesis for the girls, the Blood Order for the boys, and the Demolition for the boys; they're the Pride of Wild Lions.
Comment down on ring names for my OCs and follow me at Wattpad on GlampireRockstar...sayonara guys!
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1jemmagirl22 · 2 years
So I was watching a PandaRed video when I remembered Tyler Hoechlin is in both Teen Wolf and Arrowverse. Then I started thinking, could I connect most of my favorite shows through the actors in them? 
Well this sent me down a spiral so now I’m going to spell it out, and in short connect most of my favorite shows, movies, and actors. I’m not even fucking kidding nearly every show or film I’ve ever adored connects to each other through enough convoluted pieces of metaphorical and literal red string. 
To start off we’re going to use Teen Wolf as a connecting point, the center of the board. That’s right, just imagine a big cork board Stiles Stilinski style packed with red string that’s what I’m laying out here.
From Teen Wolf we can diverge in a couple major directions. First we’ll take Tyler Hoechlin and jump to the CW. Using Tyler Hoechlin we get to Supergirl, and using the Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover we get to all the major Arrowverse shows. Check them off the connection chart.
Using Supergirl we get, and this is rapid fire here. Chris Wood to Vampire Diaries, and take Candace Accola and Joseph Morgan and we get The Originals and Legacies too. That’s the TVDU checked off. 
Taking Katie McGrath gets us to oh yes, Merlin, and from there, oh we get many fun things. First off from Merlin we get Colin Morgan, who can bring us to Doctor Who, but we’ll get there later. Next up is Bradly James who gets us to Medici the magnificent, and oh wait just a minute good old Daniel Sharman, who I might add brings us back to BOTH The Originals and Teen Wolf! I’m not even kidding, it gets more fun from here. Also Katie McGrath was in Jurassic World so that brings our first MCU connection with Chris Pratt, but keep waiting there’s more. And AND! With Merlin we get Anthony Head who brings us to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who (Again!), and Scooby Doo (a Scooby Doo film I might add directed and written by James Gunn) via Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Sara Michelle Gellar, who is going to be in a spin off for Teen Wolf!!
Seriously I’m just getting started this is insane and I think I’m gonna have to split it up a bit. Before moving on from Supergirl (Yes we are still on Supergirl, and the CW). We must also mention Chyler Leigh who can connect us to Grey’s Anatomy. But again, we get there later and oh boy is it fun.
After Supergirl let’s just skip over most of Arrowverse, if I named every actor connection between all the major CW shows we’d bet here for a very long time but I will stop at Arrow’s Katherine McNamara. Because *rubs hands together* she gets us to Shadowhunters!!!! Because oh yes, Shadowhunters is fun, very fun. First off Harry Shum Jr. Ok, now not to mention the fact that he, Mellissa Benosit (of Supergirl) and Grant Gustin (of The Flash) are all in Glee (A show I have never and will never watched but I still got to mention it), with my favorite author of all time, Chris Colfer, is just, my gods we’re still on the first leg of this insanity tree it only gets more awesome from here. And as of recently, with dear Harry Shum Jr. joining Grey’s Anatomy, yet another link to TV’s longest running medical drama. 
Our final stop in the Shadowhunters territory is Luke Bains, aka my first connection the my favorite show of all time Marvel’s agents of Shield. Because, that's right Luke Bains popped up in season 7! I will also as a side not mention through Shield season 7, and Dianne Down I connect to Disney, and as such through the constant interconnectedness of Disney both Cole Sprouse and Zendaya, getting us MCU (again!) and RIverdale. Don’t ask for the full explanation of how this connects just look it up on Youtube and you’ll find massive crossover explanations. Moving on!
Now, with that first branch, yes first branch! complete we move on to our second, and our second branch from Teen Wolf is Adelaide Kane, who oh boy, brings us to many things. First there’s Reign, which gets us to Toby Regbo, who brings us back to Medici the Magnificent! (He also connects us to Fantastic Beasts but if I go down that habit hole its a while, short expo I’ve got Pirates of the Caribbean. And through good old Jude Law, the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies. And also, Captain Marvel, and brings us to not only Clark Gregg, and another connection to MCU and AOS, but also! Also! Star Wars!) 
Ok *Takes Deep breath*. We've got a lot done, but there’s still more! back with Reign, before we get back to Adelaide Kane. Torrance Combs brings us to not only Supernatural and the Tudors (Which also gives us our first OUAT connection but I have a better one so put a pin in that). But also, full circle back to the Originals. Gods this is enjoyable. And again, skipping SPN cause I don’t need that kind of actor headache, we got most of my faves here. 
Side Note also Celine Sindeton was also in Medici so just, ya. And While I’m on the topic Medici connects auto Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings! Yes both of those fantasy jugecrnots via Richard Madden. And! via Sara Parish and Last Night in Soho we get to Anya Taylor Joy, and Queen’s Gambit (And also our first Thomas Brodie Sangster mention but we’ll get back to him in a minute) and Matt Smith, which brings us once again back, to Doctor Who! 
*another deep breath* The next connection is even better. Anna Popplewell brings us to Narnia, which brings us to, have you guessed his name? I bet you guessed his name. We’ve now reached *drum roll* Ben Barnes! And Ben Barns brings us to Shadow and Bone! Oh yes, I’ve brought it in. Via Amita Suman we also get to The Sandman and Doctor Who, which gets us to Jenna Coleman (who brings us to The Crown) and Patton Oswalt (who brings us back to AOS), and said show is written by good old Neil Gaimon. Who brings us to Good Omens and David Tennant too, but again, I’m getting so off track I still haven;t even touched Once Upon a Time yet. 
Narnia must also be mention because with Narnia we get to The Royals, via William Mosley (Said show gets us to Gossip Girl, somehow); Georgia Henly gets us to Spanish Princess which gets us to Downton Abbey and the White Princess, which gets us back to Shadow and Bone and also, Jodie Colmer, cause at this point why not (just play with IMDB to find more connection my brain is starting to hurt); and also yet again Game of Thrones, and this time adding Harry Potter, with Peter Dinklage and Warwick Davice. I can also bring in Elf now. Elf! I started with fucking Teen Wolf and now I’m at Elf!
Moving on! Adelaide Kane brings us to Grey’s Anatomy, again and short of saying everyone ever, let’s just stick to the ones that connect to shows I haven’t mentioned yet and jump to Millie Bobby Brown. Because yes she was in Grey’s Anatomy and yes I can now connect Stranger Things, Enola Holmes, the Witcher, and the DCEU.
Am I done yet? Am I free? Nope cause Stranger Things brings us to Jamie Cambel Bower, who brings us to Lilly Collins, who bring us around to Fantastic Beasts and the Tolkien movie. And so much more but I’m getting tired so I’m moving on again!
I’m gonna take a minute to mention all the MCU connection and say Tom Holland, the main AOS cast, and any Marvel actor you can think of including Karen Gillian are on the board. through Karen we get to Doctor Who, and directily back to Arrow and Legends via not one, not two, but three speerate actors. We also get to Torchwood which through crazy twists can bring us back around to Enolam Holmes and Agents of Shield! (Just look up the actors my brain can't remember their names by now).
Almost there, we’re done with branch two. Yes this was only brach two! And now we can move on to our final branch, Dylan O’brien, and eventually OUAT and the West Wing. Dylan O’brien brings us to Maze Runner and that brings us to two brilliant points. First Kaya Scodelario who brings us to pirates, Spinning Out, and more. Will Pouter, who’s also in Narnia. And the star of my childhood in every way Thomas Brodie Sangster! Oh this sweet precious darling brings us to not only Love Actually, and every British actor ever so just check the IMDB, but also Queen’s Gambit. 
Ok, ok, from here we take the Queen’s Gambit route via Doctor Who, back through Karen Gillian and get to the major MCU, through many films we get to both Josh Dallas and Sebastian Stan who get us to Once Upon a Time. but wait, we don’t even have to cause Once Upon a Time is reached from, who, well Adelaide Kane of course cause she’s in season 7, and no matter how much I fucking hate season 7 its Adelaide Kane and I adore her. From Once Upon a Time we get to the final of my fav shows, the West Wing, how? well by Richard Schiff of course, he was in season 1, 1! of OUAT. 
Now there are some things left out, Bridgerton, the 100, Warehouse 13, Grimm. Okay like give me a minute. Grimm is gotten to via Grey’s cause David Guintoli is in an early season. But we could also use Elizabeth Tolluch, a star of super man and Lois. Either way we’re there, and from there Sasha Roiz takes us to not only Warehouse 13, but also I kid you not the 2004 for disaster movie Day after Tomorrow, and Jake bloody fucking Gylenhall. That’s right he’s in here too. 
Now Bridgerton can be connected via Julie Andrews, somehow, likely via Aqauman, or at least that's the one I can connect with least amount of brain power. Bridgerton get’s us to Derry Girls and the british CSI (or show every actor will be on at least once) Midsummer murders, so just throw in MI5 while I’m here. 
The 100, takes a minute, but not really. Grey’s comes in yet again, with Isaiah Washington. From there we get the 100, but also via Henry Ian Cusick we get both Scandal and Lost so throw in a crap tone more actors from those. I’ve now tied in the Hawaii 5-0 and Magnum PI Reboots. And somehow, ABC’s Inhumans! Like how?! Richard Harmon can also get us to Blake Lively via the Age of Adelaide, and back, yet again to Gossip Girl!
What's still left to connect? The Great, how do I do this Nicholas Holt. I can either go via Anya Taylor Joy and the Menu or Tolkien but either way Nicholas Holt, The Great, and Elle Fanning are now connected to this insanity, somehow!
Rapid fire round now so I can squeeze in as many show as possible before my mind dies. Agent Carter via haley Attwell who brings us back around to Kira Knightly and like everything. Lilly Collins is in here through Either Downton or the Mamia mia Love Actually connection, which gets us to one of my fav films, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Anne with an E via Stranger Things. And Runaways via Stan Lee. 
With all that out of the way, we conclude this experiment? insanity trail? Lecture? I don’t know all I know is this is bloody fucking awesome and insane and just do with it what you will. There is no point, its just a long trail of every actor I’ve ever liked can connect to another actor and anther thing I liked and honestly I’m not complaining. Now all I need is more of this is new media and I’m all set. 
Also, if anyone wants to add on to my connections, please feel free. Like honestly, I beg you, make this insanity more insane. 
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piastrisluvr · 6 months
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messy twenty one pilots headers || like or reblog if you save.
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ratkingdad · 2 years
Wednesday TMA AU
Nevermore is a school for the children of families that are loyal to an entity, like the Keays or the Lukases. They send their children there to hone their devotion and to gain control of their abilities, as well as learning alongside children with… similar backgrounds.
The Addams are a long line of End devotees. Death is romantic to them, something to aspire to and flirt with on a daily basis. The ghosts of ancestors speak to them, and they have a remarkable talent for coming back from the brink, ever more devoted to their inevitable demises. Gomez Addams fell in love with Morticia Frump, who comes from a family devoted to the Eye. Their daughter, Wednesday, has developed an unfortunate (or fortunate depending on who you ask) mix of the two, seeing visions of peoples true natures as well as their demises. And there’s something taking people to their End around Nevermore. She doesn’t really care about the death, she revels in that, but a child of the Eye can’t leave a mystery alone.
The Sinclairs are werewolves still, and like all werewolves are devoted to the Hunt. They value above everything a dedication to the relentless chase and to their animalistic nature. Enid Sinclair finds herself to be a disappointment in both respects. She is far too gentle for the Hunt, and has yet to “wolf out”. She couldn’t even hurt a fly, let alone kill something significant enough to embrace her supernatural side. This might change, however, when she finds her crush- friend- roommate Wednesday under threat. After all, isn’t a wolf meant to protect their pack?
The Thorpes are devoted to the Eye. Xavier finds himself seeing things he shouldn’t be able to as he draws, though often what he sees is cryptic and unclear to him. Perhaps when he gets older these visions will be able to reach further and give him more context, but for now he paints only flashes.
Bianca Barclay wants to be nothing like her mother. Sure, as a siren she uses the abilities she gains from the Web to her advantage, but the way her mother manipulates people into her cult gives her a horrible feeling. Just because she’s a monster doesn’t mean she has to revel in causing pain.
Tyler Galpin’s mother was an avatar of the Slaughter and she passed her nature down to her son. As the Hyde he kills indiscriminately, only wanting to cause as much death in as little time as possible. And Laurel Gates, an ancestor of another Slaughter avatar, Joseph Crackstone, wants to use the Hyde to her advantage to bring Nevermore down and prove the Slaughter’s superiority.
Other important figures includes: The gorgons aka the stoners, who serve the Buried. The vampires aka the fangs, who serve the Hunt. Shapeshifters, like Larissa Weems, who serve the Flesh. And Eugene Ottinger, who serves the Corruption.
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tylerpnk · 2 years
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The boys' Twitter layouts!
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yami-the-outcast · 2 years
The kids aren’t alright
So, while the first interaction in the naga au between Joot and the Dio twins didn’t go.. fantastic... I thought I’d share one of the small steps taken towards building more trust between the guardian naga and the smols.  Warning for a bit of blood and some violence, though I tried not to get too descriptive. 
Logically, Twyla knew why she was here… why she and her brother had been moved to this reservation away from prying eyes.. She wasn’t human like she’d thought she’d been for the majority of her life, and while she could occasionally slip back into that old form it was hard to maintain it… It was supposed to be “home” now, that’s what she and Ty were told. Not that he thought much better of it either, especially with that abrupt meeting that none of them expected.. She was still clutching the end of her tail everytime she caught a whiff of Jotaro’s smell. She didn’t know adult nagas were so big.. Mr. Joseph was kinder by far, and so was Josuke, but there was always an air of awkwardness that seemed to hang heavy in the air whenever she or her brother was around. It was supposed to be “home” but it sure as hell didn’t feel like it. Home was a hello to greet her, a soft hug, a kind smile, and she just wasn’t feeling that here. She knew Ty was too, though he was always the one to put on a brave face to try and pretend for her sake, though no matter how much cheap hair dye he applied, it never seemed to stay in for more than a few days before the natural blond showed through once again. Gotta love whatever bastard their dad was, eh? “You’re the one who wants to do this, so don’t be getting cold scales on me,” Twyla snapped back to attention from staring over the divide that separated the reservation from the rest of the forest. Ty had been waiting for her, watching her with their little pack of essentials as she got lost in thought, the self-proclaimed “elder” twin looking none-too-happy about all of this. “Come on, we need to find a spot shallow enough to cross,” he mumbled before slithering forward, Twyla following after carefully. Finding a way out was.. Less than easy.. Eventually, Tyler had to take the hard way, finding a tree to bowl over with a bit of help from his special ability, and give them a way to cross without touching the flowing water, though the river was quick to take it. The two watched for a moment, giving the land they’d just left a final glance, before Ty took his sister’s hand and they vanished into the brush and off towards what they hoped would be somewhere better, unaware of the eyes from the trees watching them, both human and inhuman as the clouds grew overhead. -- Jotaro had been trying to ignore them for the most part.. after his heart had calmed and the adrenaline faded from his veins he'd realized in hindsight he'd.. overreacted a bit.. they were feisty and looked like.. 
But they were kids all the same, his grandfather was constantly reminding him of that fact, and giving not-so-subtle hints that he should probably make an attempt to get along with them.
"It's not like they're going anywhere.. you can either let them keep avoiding you or you can get used to that fact."
Damn it.. it's not like it was that damn easy old man.. every time he heard that damn rattling, caught a glimpse of one of them out of the corner of his eye, he had to catch himself before he instinctively lashed out…
The large naga grumbled to himself as he heard thunder crashing outside, the sudden cloudburst rousing him from the couch to get up and make sure nothing was leaking again, and make sure everyone was safe and dry inside.
He didn't realize it on the first check, mostly thanks to Josuke blasting the sound on whatever game he was playing, but things were rather quiet… 
Things didn't get quiet like this anymore.. he could always hear something going on, especially with the new.. kids… 
Another bolt of lightning struck outside and Jotaro's gaze was drawn outside, to the dark shadow he could feel staring intently at him.
Damn it.. 
How it had happened, Twyla didn't know.. one moment they were slithering along, Ty grumbling about the rain, the next she was half-dragging her brother through the trees in a mad dash. 
Usually Tyler would have known, he would have been on-guard in case of something coming at them. But with the rain and the thunder.. both of them had been deaf to the danger until Ty felt a sharp prick at his neck with the next thunderclap. 
Twyla could hear it, someone behind them, multiple people? She didn't know, but she didn't have time to count while her brother's weight seemed to grow heavier and heavier on her shoulder… she knew she'd been hit, but she had to get going.. playing with their density allowed for a quicker slithering pace but nagas were not creatures built for endurance.
Slipping down a small ridge, slick with mud, she lost hold of her twin with a sharp scream that grew shrill when she went tumbling, finding a steel trap snapping shut around her arm.
She screamed out again, trying to fight back, trying to reach out to grab her unconscious brother, crying for him to get up, to keep going, but he lay there motionless without a sign of hearing her calling him.
The humans, the hunters, drew near. Three.. two with rifles, one with a large machete. He cursed as they drew near, ignoring the way Twyla hissed and tried to fight free from the contraption digging into her flesh, "I thought I said we weren't going to use these!" He snapped at the other two who drew closer to the unconscious naga, "they want their hides intact! You don't get a matching set like this anywhere you idiots! You're lucky it didn't pierce the scales!"
The pair of humans grumbled, muttering curses as they grabbed her brother under each of his arms and started to drag him off, their apparent leader giving a dark chuckle, "go ahead and rip your arm off if you want, beast, save us the trouble of taking 'em off later…"
"Ty.. don't.. you can't..," she slurred, whatever they'd shot into her starting to take effect as she tried to lash out with a claw, her tail weakly rattling much to the apparent amusement of her captor.
The hunter simply moved back, unhindered by her clumsy attempts to fight him as he smirked. 
"Cute.. for a filthy creature like you.. Can't say I often come across a matching set… less often I don’t have to wrangle with a big one to get 'em.. pity, the big guy had a pattern that would have got me a pretty penny.. I'll just have to settle for the both of you."
He brought his knife up, pausing where the scales met flesh, "hmm.. probably be easier if I just carve you up now.. save me the trouble of dealing with your screaming later…"
Twyla let out a weak squeak at this, the only sound her tired, worn body could make at this moment, unable to free herself, unable to flee… do anything against the stabbing pain she could feel in her side… All she could do was pitifully squeak like a child, hoping beyond everything that someone would save her…
The last thing her eyes saw through the haze of mud and tears, was a dark shape looming overhead, far bigger than the humans, but also.. familiar…?
It was an emergency, Raining Men's presence made that clear enough when he'd approached the odd stand. 
He'd thought it was only an annoyance, he'd have to drag the twins back inside while dealing with the boy's harsh glare and the girl's frightened trembling. 
But the look he'd gotten from the odd creature had thrown him off, for something without eyes it certainly had a presence…
Following the protector's lead, he'd been taken to the edge of the reservation, and despite the rain pouring down the smell cut clear through it. Fear.. fear and blood.. and the stink of hunters nearby..
"Shit," Jotaro cursed, splashing through the river and into the brush, his instincts flipped into overdrive.
They were Dio's kids, that was true, but they were still kids, damn it! They shouldn't be all the way out here, didn't they know they were safe as long as they stayed within the damn reservation!? 
Safe.. fuck, like they'd know that with the way he'd acted… he hadn't exactly been projecting an aura of protection had he? His blood boiled as he tore through the trees with little effort, following his nose and the trail of crushed growth he could see. 
The sound reached his ears next, and the anger in his chest froze to ice when his gaze fell upon the source.
A pitiful squeak… from the naga slumped on the ground, a human hunched over her to drive his blade into her side where skin and scales met...
He lashed out before he knew it, throwing the hunter aside with a single swipe, the man colliding with a tree to the sound of sickening crack, before hunching over the child on the ground.
Instinct demanded, screaming at him to tuck her away where it was safe and warm, and once his claws had carefully pried the bear trap from her arm he was more than eager to do so. 
He was careful, making sure to lick the blood from her wounds, a small amount of relief easing some of his anxiety as Twyla gave a soft whimper in reply. Still alive.. now he had to find the boy..
The rage didn't falter with the addition of the weight in his middle after swallowing her down to safety, the girl sitting like a little piece of ice in his belly as he followed the smell of the other two hunters to where they'd taken her match.
Everything hurt.. it was cold and wet.. he didn't like it.. he didn't want to be here…
Tyler didn't know where he was, he couldn't remember why he was here… his head was swimming with every motion. His gaze was cloudy and blurry, vague shapes visible to either side of him...
He hissed and lashed out, biting out at the air, part in confusion and part in fear, though whatever was touching him and pulling him didn't care. He found something forced against his mouth, the taste of copper between his teeth before some strap was tightened to guarantee he wouldn't be doing that again.
More metal, cold around his wrists, something on his tail.. he was inside something, the smell of diesel.. car? Truck?
He tried to look around, to struggle, but each moment had the little of the world he could figure out pitching under him. It was dark, his eyes not wanting to adjust.
A low groan left Ty's mouth as he was forced to flop back down, head banging against the metal of the vehicle's floor. 
Hurt.. copper in his mouth.. where was Twyla? She was always there when he was hurt or cold, so why wasn't she here now? 
He wanted his sister…
The world moved again, he could make out shouting but the words were muffled as things tumbled around him.
No, this was.. things had really moved this time.. something was happening.. 
Metal creaking, peeling back, he could feel rain on his face, make out piercing green eyes through the haze of the world.. 
The cold metal on his face and body were gone, hands holding him tight but gently.. bringing him upwards..
Warm again.. he didn't know why, he didn't know how.. it felt right though… safe, something in his head told him it was safe.. 
Ty found himself at the center of that warmth, a wave of weariness sweeping over him as a familiar tail coiled around his own, and familiar arms held him close.
There she was.. 
Safe.. safe.. 
Jotaro said nothing when he arrived at home, retreating to his room for the night with the so-called runaways in tow.
They were hurt, but he knew his instincts wouldn't let him pass them off to Josuke at this moment.. for now they'd be fine where they were.
The large naga set aside his wet coat and hat before curling up in the warmth of his bed, making sure to be careful as he moved lest he disturb either of the twins, resting a hand upon his middle when he finally got comfortable. 
Damn kids.. he sighed with a slight shake of his head. Tomorrow would be full of scoldings and punishments, along with proper treatment to deal with their injuries. Then he'd have to make a call about the hunters and their truck.. it was going to be hell to deal with.
But for now.. Jotaro allowed himself to slowly relax and drift off into a peaceful sleep, joining the young pair tucked away for a long and heavy rest.
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Break the Cycle - Clancy x Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph/Clancy x Fem!Reader and Josh/Torchbearer x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Violence, anything related to Dema or the Trench story that's generally triggering
Word Count: 1987
Summary: When Tyler escapes Dema, you're told by your bishop Keons to go into Trench and bring him back, but you soon realise things aren't what you thought they were.
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Tyler had disappeared during the Annual Assemblage and I wasn’t surprised in the least. He’d been rebelling against Keons ever since he was twelve, despite being the Bishops’ favorite in the district. Tyler and I had grown up together, we were best friends, but he had always found a way to get into trouble. Our whole friend group knew it would be sooner rather than later that he would get the attention of Blurryface, I just didn’t think he’d leave Dema before it happened. Everyone over sixteen had their own room in the city and Keons must’ve noticed Tyler was missing because he had shown up outside my place. 
“Bishop?” I’d answered the door to the elder dressed in red. I had no idea how Tyler could be around him so often without being scared. 
“My child, Clancy is gone. Do you know where he is?” Clancy. Tyler’s nickname. It meant ‘son of the red warrior’ and was only really ever used formally. I opened the door further for Keons to enter. 
“No Father, I haven’t heard anything from him since yesterday and everything seemed normal,” I stuttered out, feeling my hands shake, “I didn’t even know you knew who I was.”
“Clancy talked about you a lot, Y/N. I want you to find him and bring him back here, Nico would like to meet him.” He rested his black hand on my shoulder and I felt a cold wave run through my body. “I care about him very much and I know you do too, my child.” There was no arguing with a Bishop. If you did what they said, there was the chance to attend the Assemblage and become a Glorious Gone, the very stage of existence we all aimed to achieve in Dema. 
“I will try to find him Father, but what if he’s left the city?”
“Then you enter Trench and you find Clancy.”
Keons had suggested I leave Dema straight away. He said the Bishops had a feeling Tyler had left the city. Head true east, out via the tunnels. Dema’s tunnels were known for being dark, cold, and empty. I’d packed a bag with everything I might’ve needed, a torch, warm, dark clothes, and a map of Trench. I was 100% prepared to find Tyler. Except for one thing. A body. Warm, not cold. Another torch, not Tyler’s. I jumped when I saw it, scared the shit out of me. 
“Are you okay?” A voice called from further inside the tunnel. 
“I’m fine. No one is supposed to be in the tunnels,” I spoke.
“Then what are you doing here?” He was dressed in an army green coat with a yellow taped cross, the center landing on his chest. The hood of his coat was up and I couldn’t see his face, a yellow bandana covering it. 
“I’ve been sent by a Bishop to find my friend. What are you doing here?” 
“I’m leaving the city,” he pointed to the light at the end of the tunnel. “I can help you find your friend.” Keons had told me not to trust anyone, find Ty and bring him straight home. 
“I think I can find him myself,” I said, continuing to walk towards the end of the tunnel. 
“Your loss, Trench is pretty big. And without a guide you could get lost,” he walked behind me. This was when I started to contemplate being alone within Trench, somewhere I’d never been before. It could get cold out there and god only knew what kind of animals or beasts came out at night. “You could get hurt.”
“Why would you care if I got hurt?” I turned around and looked him dead in the eyes. 
He looked surprised, “Because you’re alone. You’re leaving Dema for the first time and you have no idea what you’re walking into.” 
“Oh and you do?” I snapped back. 
“I live there.” 
He lived there. This man lived in Trench. No one lived in Trench. “Do you want me to help you or not?” I thought about it for a second. I thought about Tyler and if he was okay, if he was still alive.
“What’s your name?” If I was going to let this man lead me to Tyler I needed to know who he was. 
“You tell me yours first,” he quipped back. 
“They call me The Torchbearer.” I audibly laughed. He didn’t seem very impressed at that. “What’s your name?” 
I thought for a moment before answering, “They call me Artemis.” Sacarver had gifted me that name during a confession session. 
“Greek goddess of the wilderness? Of course they sent you,” Torchbearer scoffed. “They like ones like you, that’s why he left.” Tyler? Had Torchbearer seen Tyler? But before I could ask he continued walking forward. “Come on.” I followed quickly behind, noticing his occasional paranoid looks back. 
Torchbearer and I walked through a rocky valley and towards the place he referred to as ‘camp’. I was sure camp implied there were going to be more people that just Torchbearer there. 
“How much further are we going to have to walk?” I asked, regretting the shoes I’d chosen. We’d been walking for days. 
“Not far. But when we arrive you’re going to need to lay low so I can make sure it’s safe for you.” I had no idea what that meant. All I could think about was Tyler. If he was okay. 
We walked for another twenty minutes before I could see tents perched up on a hill. I’d spoken to Torchbearer about Tyler, not using his name for safety but speaking about what he was like. I had hoped Torchbearer could help me find him but I was losing hope. He was monotone with his responses and seemed paranoid as we walked. 
“I’m going to greet everyone, you need to stay behind me the whole time.” I ignored his request and looked over his shoulder. “I’m not joking,” Torchbearer stared me down, the yellow bandana and hood still covering most of his face. This was when I noticed the color of his eyes, hazel. Tyler’s eyes were a cold brown. I’d remembered this because he always looked tired and worn out despite doing the same tasks as everyone else. Keons was relying on me to bring him back home. Keons knew how I really felt about Tyler and promised me he wouldn’t tell Blurryface if I returned with Ty. Love wasn’t allowed to be felt in Dema. Yes, people were married but they were coupled off by the Bishops and had children to keep the city alive, not for love. Those who were ‘in love’ generally ended up visiting Blurryface and came out ‘normal’. Almost as if hating the person they once loved. I wasn’t willing to risk that. 
“Artemis,” I felt Torchbearer’s hand on my shoulder. I must’ve zoned out. 
“Hmm?” I looked up and came face to face with about 50 other people dressed in yellow, mostly men. 
“These are the Banditos,” he pushed me forward slightly and I managed an awkward wave. Tyler had mentioned the Banditos once, but everyone had assumed he’d made them up. “I’m their leader, taught them everything there is to know about Trench.” I took in the camp, it was relatively developed, and seemed homey. “Jenna!” Torchbearer called out and a blonde woman appeared at his side. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and disappeared before reappearing with a man dressed in black. He was the only one with red tape on his shoulders and a full face mask, covering everything but his eyes. “Leave us,” Torchbearer hung up his torch and walked us over to his tent, everyone other than the man in black had gone back to their tents. As I sat down I noticed Torchbearer had zipped up the door and was taking off his jacket and removing his bandana. Again, an army green shirt with yellow tape across his chest. Torchbearer had curly brown hair, black gauges in his ears and nose rings on either side of his nose, a look which would be severely punished in Dema. “Y/N. That is your name, correct?” He turned to the man in black who nodded. 
“How do you know that?” I pressed, worried that I’d walked into the very thing Keons had told me to stay away from. Tyler was the only one who still called me that. 
“Do you know who this is?” 
The masked man was staring me down, as I answered, “No.” 
“This is my right hand, someone I trust will show you around Trench and explain the truth to you,” Torchbearer nodded at the man who started to take his mask off. “Oh, and I’m Josh. Any friend of his can call me Josh,” he smiled gently before leaving us alone in the tent. 
“Artemis?” It was Tyler. Of course Torchbearer–Josh would have him. 
“Tyler?” I stared at his brown eyes, warmer than the last time I’d seen him. “We need to go home, Keons sent me to bring you back. We’re worried about you.” I reached out for him but he moved away. 
“Don’t call me Tyler, I go by Clancy now,” his head was now shaved, the brown hair I’d fallen in love with was gone. Tyler was gone. 
“You’re brainwashed. Vialism isn’t real and the Bishops, they’re controlling you.” I felt my eyebrows curve in hurt. He was lying. I trusted Keons but he wouldn’t have sent me out here without explaining everything to me. 
“But Keons. He–”
“He’s an insider. Betrayed Nico a long time ago. Also told me how you felt and sent me out of the city knowing you’d follow me,” Tyler spoke with strength. He was a totally different person than I thought he was. 
“But… our friends?” I felt tears start to spike my eyes, “the Annual Assemblage?”
“They get you to kill yourself so they can seize your body Artemis, there are no Glorious Gone.” I was going to be sick. I felt dizzy as the world spun around me. 
“Tyler I–”
“I –I can’t do this.” My body felt cold, goosebumps popping up across my arms and legs. “I–I love you–I.” Tyler placed his hands on either side of my face and pressed his forehead against mine. 
“Artemis. You are strong. You’ve survived Dema and that’s the hardest thing to do. Josh has kept an eye on you for me and he’s smart, smarter than me. I need you to let me go until we can defeat the Bishops and retake Dema.” Artemis, he never called me that. I shook my head in denial. 
“Clancy,” he interrupted again, this time harsher.
“I’m leaving,” I stood up and walked out of the tent only to feel a pair of arms wrap around me. Josh. I let out a loud scream, kicking my legs and trying to free myself.
“I told you she’d try to escape,” Josh looked back at Tyler.
“I thought she’d understand. I did,” Tyler looked disappointed. 
“She isn’t you Clancy,” Josh sighed before dragging me into an empty tent and tying my wrist to the centre pole. Tyler had left. 
“I loved him and he’s ruined everything,” I cried, trying to loosen the rope around my wrists. “Our friends... if what he’s saying is true then they’re not safe.”
Josh bent down to face me, “We are watching your friends Artemis, when the time is right they will be brought here to you and Clancy. I need you to know that this is for your own good. Know that when you begin to understand the gravity of the situation, Clancy will be waiting for you.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I swore and Josh's eyebrows raised subtly in surprise. 
“It means he loves you, idiot. You just have to break the cycle.”
I love writing Clancy stories tbh. Requests open!!
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