#type 1.5 diabetic
bjornkram · 8 months
I don't have room to add a see results option so if you're not diabetic please don't just click on an answer to see the results, sometimes things aren't for you and you just gotta learn to roll with it.
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funsimplethings · 1 year
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indianflash123 · 7 days
Type 1.5 Diabetes: What You Need to Know
While most people are familiar with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, fewer know about Type 1.5 diabetes, also known as latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA). Recently, this condition gained more attention when Lance Bass, former member of the pop band NSYNC, revealed his diagnosis. Here’s what you need to know about Type 1.5 diabetes, how it’s diagnosed, and its treatment. TYPE 1, 2…
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indianflashnews · 7 days
Type 1.5 Diabetes: What You Need to Know
While most people are familiar with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, fewer know about Type 1.5 diabetes, also known as latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA). Recently, this condition gained more attention when Lance Bass, former member of the pop band NSYNC, revealed his diagnosis. Here’s what you need to know about Type 1.5 diabetes, how it’s diagnosed, and its treatment. TYPE 1, 2…
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voulezloux · 1 month
finding out lance bass is a type 1.5 diabetic makes my brain happy
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rightnewshindi · 2 months
डायबिटीज का नया प्रकार आया सामने, जानें क्या है Type 1.5 Diabetes; और क्या है लक्षण तथा कारण
Type 1.5 Diabetes: अमेरिकी सिंगर और डांसर लांस बास ने खुलासा किया है कि उन्हें आखिरकार टाइप 1.5 डायबिटीज का पता चला है। यह एक ऑटोइम्यून कंडीशन, इससे पहले उन्हें कई सालों तक गलत तरीके से टाइप 2 डायबिटीज का पता चला था। सिंगर ने बताया कि जब मुझे पहली बार पता चला, तो मुझे अपने ग्लूकोज के लेवल को कंट्रोस करने में मुश्किल हो रही थी, भले ही मैंने अपनी डाइट, अपनी दवाओं और अपने वर्कआउट रूटीन में मेंटेन…
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fedoranon · 8 months
I had a choice between taking a nap and watching something I'd been looking forward to and I wish I had taken a nap
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
"The Biden administration on Thursday [August 15, 2024] released prices for the first 10 prescription drugs that were subject to landmark negotiations between drugmakers and Medicare, a milestone in a controversial process that aims to make costly medications more affordable for older Americans. 
The government estimates that the new negotiated prices for the medications will lead to around $6 billion in net savings for the Medicare program in 2026 alone when they officially go into effect, or 22% net savings overall. That is based on the estimated savings the prices would have produced if they were in effect in 2023, senior administration officials told reporters Wednesday.
The Biden administration also expects the new prices to save Medicare enrollees $1.5 billion in out-of-pocket costs in 2026 alone.
“For so many people, being able to afford these drugs will mean the difference between debilitating illness and living full lives,” Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, told reporters. “These negotiated prices. They’re not just about costs. They are about helping to make sure that your father, your grandfather or you can live longer, healthier.”
It comes one day before the second anniversary of President Joe Biden’s signature Inflation Reduction Act, which gave Medicare the power to directly hash out drug prices with manufacturers for the first time in the federal program’s nearly 60-year history.
Here are the negotiated prices for a 30-day supply of the 10 drugs, along with their list prices based on 2023 prescription fills, according to a Biden administration fact sheet Thursday.
What Medicare and beneficiaries pay for a drug is often much less than the list price, which is what a wholesaler, distributor or other direct purchaser paid a manufacturer for a medication before any discounts...
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The administration unveiled the first set of medications selected for the price talks in August 2023, kicking off a nearly yearlong negotiation period that ended at the beginning of the month.
The final prices give drugmakers, which fiercely oppose the policy, a glimpse of how much revenue they could expect to lose over the next few years. It also sets a precedent for the additional rounds of Medicare drug price negotiations, which will kick off in 2025 and beyond. 
First 10 drugs subject to Medicare price negotiations
Eliquis, made by Bristol Myers Squibb, is used to prevent blood clotting to reduce the risk of stroke. 
Jardiance, made by Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly, is used to lower blood sugar for people with Type 2 diabetes. 
Xarelto, made by Johnson & Johnson, is used to prevent blood clotting, to reduce the risk of stroke.
Januvia, made by Merck, is used to lower blood sugar for people with Type 2 diabetes.
Farxiga, made by AstraZeneca, is used to treat Type 2 diabetes, heart failure and chronic kidney disease. 
Entresto, made by Novartis, is used to treat certain types of heart failure.
Enbrel, made by Amgen, is used to treat autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. 
Imbruvica, made by AbbVie and J&J, is used to treat different types of blood cancers. 
Stelara, made by Janssen, is used to treat autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease.
Fiasp and NovoLog, insulins made by Novo Nordisk.
In a statement Thursday, Biden called the new negotiated prices a “historic milestone” made possible because of the Inflation Reduction Act. He specifically touted Vice President Kamala Harris’ tiebreaking vote for the law in the Senate in 2022.
Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, said in a statement that she was proud to cast that deciding vote, adding there is more work to be done to lower health-care costs for Americans.
“Today’s announcement will be lifechanging for so many of our loved ones across the nation, and we are not stopping here,” Harris said in a statement Thursday, noting that additional prescription drugs will be selected for future rounds of negotiations."
-via CNBC, August 15, 2024
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starlit-mermaid · 1 year
You don’t realize how much you touch the back of your arms on things until you have a dexcom 🥲
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she-toadmask · 2 years
Is there any public perception of type 1 diabetes beyond maybe it existing?
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funsimplethings · 1 year
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cripplecharacters · 4 months
Disabilities that You Should Consider Representing in Your Writing More… part 1
[large text: Disabilities that You Should Consider Representing in Your Writing More… part 1]
While all disabilities are underrepresented in basically all sorts of media, it’s hard to not notice the trend in what disabilities make up the majority of representation. It’s especially visible when having a blog like this, where we can see what disabilities writers even consider including in their writing, and which ones never come up.
One in four people are disabled. With eight billion people alive it means there’s a lot of disabled people, and a lot of reasons why they are disabled in the first place - but this diversity is rarely represented, even on this blog, and anyone who has been following for a while has probably noticed that fact.
To be blunt: there are disabilities other than “amputee” and “(otherwise invisibly disabled) mobility aid user”. Does that mean that it’s wrong to write either of those? Of course not, and we don’t want to imply that it is. Does it mean that either of these have a ton of good representation? Hell no. Does it mean that when you are deciding on what to give your character, you should think beyond (or along! people can be multiply disabled!) just those two? Absolutely. Disability is a spectrum with thousands of things in it - don’t limit yourself for no reason and embrace the diversity that’s built into it instead. 
This is, simply, a list of common disabilities. This is just a few of them, as this is part one of presumably many (or, at least three as of right now). By “common” we rather arbitrarily decided on “~1% or more” - so at least 1 in 100 people has the disabilities below, which is a lot. Featuring!: links that you should click, sources of the % that are mostly just medical reports and might be hard to read, and quick, very non-exhaustive explanations to give you a basic idea of what these are. 
Intellectual disability (about 1.5%) Intellectual disability is a condition we have written about at length before. It’s a developmental disability that affects things such as conceptualization, language, problem-solving, or social and self-care skills. ID can exist on its own or be a part of another condition, like Down Syndrome, Congenital Iodine Deficiency, or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. This post covers a lot of basic information that you might need. We have an intellectual disability tag that you can look through!
Cancer survivors (5.4% in the US, about 0.55% worldwide) A cancer survivor is a pretty self-explanatory term. There is a lot of types of cancer and some of them are very common while others are very rare, which makes this a very diverse category. Cancers also have different survival rates. While not every survivor will have disabling symptoms, they definitely happen. Most of the long-term side effects are related to chemotherapy, radiation, and other medication, especially if they happened in children. They can include all sorts of organ damage, osteoporosis, cognitive problems, sensory disabilities, infertility, and increased rate of other cancers. Other effects include removal of the affected area, such as an eye, a spleen, breasts, or the thyroid gland, each of which will have different outcomes. Cancer, and cancer treatments, can also result in PTSD.
Diabetes (about 8.5%, ~95% of that are type 2) Diabetes is a group of endocrine conditions that cause hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) for various reasons depending on the type. The vast majority of people have type 2 diabetes, which can cause fatigue, poor healing, or feeling thirsty or hungry. A diabetic person will use insulin when needed to help manage their blood sugar levels. There are many complications related to diabetes, from neuropathy, to retinopathy, and chronic kidney disease, and there's a lot of disabilities that coexist with diabetes in general! You might want to check out the #how to write type 1 diabetes tag by @type1diabetesinfandom!
Disabling vision loss (about 7.5%) Blindness and low vision are a spectrum, ranging from total blindness (around 10% of legally blind people) to mild visual impairment. Blindness can be caused by countless things, but cataracts, refractive errors, and glaucoma are the most common. While cataracts cause the person to have a clouded pupil (not the whole eye!) blind eyes usually look average, with strabismus or nystagmus being exceptions to that fairly often (but not always). Trauma isn't a common cause of blindness, and accidents are overrepresented in fiction. A blind person can use a white cane, a guide dog or horse, or both. Assistive solutions are important here, such as Braille, screenreaders, or magnifying glasses. We have a blindness tag that you can look through, and you might want to check out @blindbeta and @mimzy-writing-online.
Psoriasis (about 2-4%) Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition with multiple subtypes; it can cause intense itching, pain, and general discomfort, and often carries social stigma. It’s an autoimmune and non-contagious disability that affects the skin cells, resulting in raised patches of flaky skin covered with scales. It often (30%) leads to a related condition, psoriatic arthritis, which causes joint pain, tenderness, and fatigue, among other things.
Stroke survivors (0.5-1%) A stroke survivor is a person who has survived any kind of stroke (ischemic, hemorrhagic, etc.). While the specific symptoms often depend on the exact location on where the stroke happened, signs such as hemiplegia, slurred speech, vision problems, and cognitive changes are common in most survivors to some degree. When someone has a stroke as a baby, or before they are born, it can result in cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and other disabilities. We have a brain injury tag that you can look through!
Noonan Syndrome (about 0.1-1% - mild is 1%, severe 0.1%) Noonan Syndrome is a disability that is almost never mentioned in any context, but certainly not around the topic of writing disabled characters. It’s a congenital condition that can cause cardiomyopathy, chronic joint pain, hypermobility, short stature, facial differences such as ptosis, autism, and various lymphatic problems among other things. Some people with Noonan Syndrome might use mobility aids to help with their joint pain.
Hyperthyroidism (about 1.2%) Hyperthyroidism is a condition of the endocrine system caused by hormone overproduction that affects metabolism. It often results in irritability, weight loss, heat intolerance, tremors, mood swings, or insomnia. Undertreated hyperthyroidism has a rare, but extremely dangerous side effect associated with it called a thyroid storm, which can be fatal if untreated.
Hypothyroidism (>5%) Hypothyroidism is an endocrine condition just as hyperthyroidism is, and it causes somewhat opposite symptoms. Due to not producing enough thyroid hormones, it often causes fatigue, depression, hair loss, weight gain, and a frequent feeling of being cold. It’s often comorbid with other autoimmune disabilities, e.g. vitiligo, chronic autoimmune gastritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Extreme hypothyroidism can also be potentially fatal because of a condition known as Myxedema coma (or “crisis”), which is also rare.
Deafblindness (about 0.2-2%) Being DeafBlind is often considered to be an extremely rare disability, but that’s not really the case. DeafBlindness on its own isn’t a diagnosis - it can be caused by a wide range of things, with CHARGE syndrome (congenital), Usher syndrome (born deaf, becomes blind later in life), congenital rubella, and age-related deafness and blindness being some of the most common reasons. DeafBlindness is a wide spectrum, the vast majority of DeafBlind people aren’t fully blind and deaf, and they can use various ways of communication. Some of these could be sign language (tactile or not), protactile, the deafblind manual, oral speech (aided by hearing aids or not), the Lorm alphabet, and more. You can learn more about assistive devices here! Despite what various media like to tell you, being DeafBlind isn’t a death sentence, and the DeafBlind community and culture are alive and thriving - especially since the start of the protactile movement. We have a DeafBlindness tag that you can look through!
It’s probably worth mentioning that we have received little to no asks in general for almost all the disabilities above, and it’s certainly not due to what mods answer for. Our best guess is that writers don’t realize how many options they have and just end up going for the same things over and over.
Only representing “cool” disabilities that are “not too much while having a particular look/aura/drama associated” isn’t what you should aim for. Disabled people just exist, and all of us deserve to be represented, including those whose disabilities aren’t your typical “cool design” or “character inspo”. Sometimes we are just regular people, with disabilities that are “boring” or “too much”, and don’t make for useful plot points.
mod Sasza (with huge thank yous to mod Sparrow, Rot, and Virus for their contributions with research and data!)
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walterfartzroy · 1 year
i love you diabetics.
i love you type 1s, i love you type 1.5s, i love you type 2s, i love you prediabetics, i love you gestational diabetics, i love you diabetics who don't fit into a single type/have a specific type not mentioned here, i love you recently diagnosed diabetics, i love you diagnosed years ago diabetics, i love you diabetics who use CGMs, i love you diabetics who prick their fingers, i love you diabetics who do MDIs and fight with needles, i love you diabetics who use pods/pumps/infusion sets, i love you diabetics who use insulin inhalers, i love you diabetics who are sick and tired, i love you diabetics who went into DKA, i love you diabetics who have "bad" a1c, i love you diabetics that are struggling to stay motivated to care care of yourselves. i love you diabetics!!!!!!!!!
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
A CLAMP ship can be divided into two categories:
Messed up beyond what is humanly possible
Drowning in so much fluff you get diabetes from simply being in their proximity
Of course, there are overlaps mostly to make the reader suffer even more when they hit you with the angst train
Clamp ships angst scale:
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Since no space on badly organized graph I'll write captions under cut
Tooth rooting fluff category:
Akira/Utako, CSD and Duklyon couples(0.5 angst points):
-Look, it's Clamp's mangas so 0 angst is impossible thing to happen
-Very cute, very funny, very 'no angst' so they deserve lowest score on scale
Syaosaku (ccs) and Touyuki (1.0 angst points)
-Rooth rooting fluff
-Fluff so sweet you need to drink water immediately afterwards
-Some miniature drama happened but nothing much
-Love conquers all
Saika/Kakei and their Wish counterparts (1.5 angst points)
-couple so sexy they haven't angsted one day in their sexy lives
- angst is bc their adopted son and his bf are angsting (aka plot angst)
-fucked so kinky even hell kicked them out
-demon!angel and angel!demon
Shuichiro/Kohaku(2 angst points)
-"we gathered here today because some *glares ar coffin* couldn't stay alive"
- very cute, very sweet
-not much do be said here rly
Fujimoto/Kobato(2.2 angst points)
- tsundere boy and sweet girl
-angst caused by misunderstandings and plot
-Kobato is so cute idk how could he be mean to her in beginning. Must be bc of tsundere genes
Fiero/Fuu and Ascot/Umi which I forgot to add (3.0 angst points)
-seen coming from miles away
- side couples
-very cute
-they get along well so all angst points is bc of plot
Rikuou/Kazehaya(3.3 angst points)
-boy was clamp not subtle
-condom saved a life
-BL tropes on maxxx
-some angst was starting to unravel but series was put on hiatus so we'll never know
Lantis/Hikari/Eagle(4.0 angst points)
-canon poly go brrrr
-a bit rushed
-power of love saved the world
-is it better if I don't ask about age gaps?
'Prepare tissues, tears might be incoming' category
Hideki/Chii(4.8 angst points)
- your dick was tricked, get prepared for feels
- very sweet and innocent
-psychological questions in background
-more than you bargained for
Clow/Yuuko(5.0 angst points)
- love so strong it fucked up time and space
- idk where to put them since there's no backstory but enough hints to indicate there was some (probably tragic) backstory
- bastard man pulled best woman in the universe
-if you stumbled upon TRC after CCS, my condolences in advance
Syaosaku (TRC) (5.6 angst points)
- angst kicks in from first chapter and inky get worse
-"i'll sacrifice myself for you so you don't suffer" *processes to make other one suffer*
-feathers are problematic in this one
Kurofai(6.6 angst points)
-litetally married couple with 4 and half kids
-opostites attract
- one beated another into going to therapy
-could have ended tragic but instead it became slow burn healing couple ❤
Sorata/Arashi(6.6 angst points)
-flirting, teasing, flirting then bam - they fucked
- X couple so ofc they're have 0 common sense
- very sweet and fun couple and then angst kicks in
- silver lining of X being on hiatus is that Sorata is still alive :')
Zagato/his princess with name I'm unable to spell (7.0 angst points)
- starts off as cliche not even a couple but then plot twist twists you
- and you're on the floor bathing in own tears
-Clamp's casual angst
-'I don't want to live without you' type of couple
-self destructive
'Are you ready for pure pain and suffering?' Category
Douwata (7.4 angst points)
-'I'll always love you' vibes
-pain of loving someone who's self sacrificial and lacks self worth
- pinning phrase lasts for century
- eggs are problematic in this one
- eyes too
Yasha/Ashura(7.9 angst points)
-tragedy seen miles away
-the amount of hair in this ship, it's unparalleled
-very devoted and touching
- 'happy ending' but at what cost?
Kazuhiko/Oura(8.3 angst points)
-alright, we all knew beforehand she was dead but amount of feels that hit, I wasn't expecting that
- one of rare instances of non-chasity couple
-songs hit super hard
-actually whole manga hits super hard
Souma/Kendappa(8.8 angst points)
- Shakespeare wishes he wrote them
- tragic lesbians. Clamp pls let lesbians be together at least once
-kendappa why????
-again, plot twist twisted us all ;-;
Fuukam (9.0 angst points)
-very sexy, very fucked up
-were a very sweet couple then plot kicked in and one turned into antichrist
- you're minding your own business and bam:fuukam feels hit you like bullet train
- ending was meant to be so tragic even editors said it's too tragic
Taishakuten/Ashura ou(9.8 angst points)
- Shakespeare wishes he wrote this one as well
-proposes a solution to how never part from your lover
-you've heard about Clamp's eye loss trope, now prepare for Clamp's eye gain trope
- not much is seen about them but from little we've seen they're tragic on steroids and lack common sense
-at least they're happily married teachers in shoten
Seisub(+∞ angst points)
-it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye
-extemly messed up. No therapy can fix them
-canon but at what cost?
- "I got feelings for first time in my life so there's only one logical thing to do now:die"
- there are many universes out there but not in one is seisub happily together. Really, even in Shoten Seishirou is a serial killer
- at least we're not Subaru
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perezhilton · 2 months
Justin Timberlake’s bandmate has suffered some health challenges. Details HERE!
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madamlaydebug · 2 months
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Ginger is a flowering plant also known as Zingiber officinale. Its root (or rhizome) is a popular ingredient in cooking, but it has also been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, particularly in Asian, Arabic, and Indian cultures.
Many of ginger’s professed health benefits have been supported by scientific research:
1. Aids in Digestive Function
Compounds in ginger are known to stimulate bile and saliva production and to increase mobility through the digestive tract. Those who suffer from indigestion may find relief by consuming ginger.
2. May Help Prevent Gastric Ulcers
Gastric ulcers are painful open lesions on the inside lining of the stomach. Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like naproxen and ibuprofen, can lead to the development of gastric ulcers. Bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) can also make the gastric lining more prone to ulceration. Ginger, however, inhibits the growth of H. pylori and can prevent the occurrence of stomach ulcers caused by NSAIDs.
3. Reduces Nausea
Ginger has been shown to be effective for relief and prevention of nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy, chemotherapy, and post-operative conditions. While ginger can help reduce nausea induced by motion sickness, it seems to have no effect on the prevention of vomiting caused by such.
Consuming 1 to 1.5 grams of ginger (or 1 to 2 small- to medium-sized pieces of crystallized ginger) can help provide relief for these various types of nausea.
4. Decreases Pain and Inflammation
There is evidence that ginger can be beneficial for pain management. By helping to reduce inflammation of joints, ginger can decrease pain associated with arthritic conditions. Daily supplementation of ginger can also improve exercise-induced muscle pain. Women who experience severe pain during menstruation may find some relief with the consumption of ginger as well.
5. Promotes Sweating
Ginger is a diaphoretic, meaning that it can stimulate sweating, which allows your body to eliminate toxins. After taking ginger there may be a sense of warming from within, which is why it is popular for soothing symptoms of colds and flu.
6. Improves Cognition
With antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can mitigate age-related cognitive decline. There is evidence that ginger can enhance attention and cognitive processing.
7. May Lower Cholesterol
There are studies that have demonstrated significant reductions in LDL cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels associated with the consumption of ginger.
8. May Lower Blood Sugar
Ginger has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetic individuals. In the same study, HbA1c (a marker used as an indicator for long-term blood sugar control) also improved. While these are promising results, more research is needed to confirm this benefit.
Tips for Taking Ginger
There are many options for consuming ginger. It can be found fresh and dried. It is available in capsules, tinctures, and lozenges. There is also ginger oil and ginger extract.
Side effects of ginger are rare. However, if you take excessive doses, you may develop heartburn, diarrhea, or mouth irritation. Avoid ginger if you have a bleeding disorder. Before starting ginger supplementation, check with your healthcare provider if you plan to take it regularly, if you have gallstones, or if you are on any blood-thinning medication.
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