#tysm for tagging me ice
Tagged by @poisonedtruth
i'm over 5'5' // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo// i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair// i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i dont often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i have been in a relationship (quite a few) // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted (by family) // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs 🐶
i'm over 5'5' // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings //i have at least one tattoo// i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair// i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles //i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i dont often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i have been in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs 🐶
i'm over 5'5' // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings //i have at least one tattoo// i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair// i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles //i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i dont often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i have been in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs 🐶
i'm over 5'5' // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings //i have at least one tattoo// i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair// i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles //i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i dont often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i have been in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together (his "parents") // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs 🐶
Tagging: @shegetsburned @scentedcandleibex @jillvalentinesday @voidika
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thsc-confessions · 22 hours
Sorry for disappearing.....again. The Toppats captured me, sorry. I'm okay now though!
In all seriousness, sorry for disappearing for so long. I honestly didn't mean to, but a buncha life things happened annnd yeah y'know how it is.
I'll try to get to as many confessions I missed as I can. Until then, the inbox is closed! I'm hoping to have everything cleared out in a week or two, but until then, please be patient with me!
- Mod Dave
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shadowedresolve · 11 months
"You know, Akira..."
Outwardly, Haru is as refined and confident as ever as she speaks up with a smile on her face to Akira. But inside, she can't help but feel a little nervous. He can probably tell - he's always so perceptive with these things, Haru finds, but that won't stop her from saying what she wants to say.
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"You've done so much for me, but I feel like I never get the chance to thank you." she starts, placing her hands on her lap as she talks with a wistful kind of smile. It's not like she's never thanked him before, but...
"I'm always relying on you for one thing or another, it seems. You really are quite reliable, you know that? But... I just want you to know, if you ever need anything, I'm here too. I hope you can rely on me as well when you need it."
Having said her piece, Haru suddenly laughs, breaking the atmosphere she's created with her words. "Ahaha... I suppose that was a little much, wasn't it? Forgive me."
@phantomuheist ( starter! )
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howthesleeplesswander · 11 months
What is your character arc?
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corruption arc
so. you got worse. and i'm not entirely sure i can blame you for it. maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. either way, it's there now and you hold it in your fist like a second heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. perhaps you are right to. you are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. it's hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding.
Tagged by: @yukikorogashi ((Thanks so much! ;u;/))
Tagging: @melodicbreeze @drolliic (for Aether!) @grislyintentions (for Zhongli!) @erabundus @luzofstars (for Cyno!) @theoneandonii @dilucisms @dhahabibi (for Alhaitham!) @ama-tcra-su and anyone else who wants to! 😘
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strayslost · 2 years
"...Dazai-kun. It's been a long time."
Years may have passed, but Dazai still has the same look on his face as he did back then. Those empty-seeming eyes that meet Verlaine's gaze seem somehow endlessly dark. There's always been an aura around him, as if he's above everyone else, looking down at them from a place that no-one could hope to reach...
When he was betrayed by Dazai back then, Verlaine hadn't expected it. Yet in spite of that, in the moment when he realized what had happened... he hadn't felt surprised at all. Even now, it's only because Verlaine is so experienced himself that he can recognize just how dangerous this man truly is.
In spite of that, there's no fear in Verlaine's expression. Instead, he greets Dazai the same way one would greet a casual acquaintance, though he hadn't known that Dazai would show up at all.
"What brings you to a place like this?"
@longerhuman ( starter! )
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aletheialed · 3 months
It's the first time Barok has heard Kazuma speak.
And it's difficult not to recoil at the question. Hearing such a raw, raspy voice from his apprentice's lips... it's not unsettling, but the faint hint of an accent that's awfully familiar is, and there's something even underneath all that that has Barok feeling on edge.
It's not a feeling he can make sense of... but it's thoroughly unpleasant, and for a moment, it feels as if his sins have come back to haunt him. Which is a ridiculous thought. There may indeed come a time when Barok must receive punishment, for all that he has done and all that he has failed to do, but... why would it be at the hands of this man? No, he can't accept that his fate would come from the hands of a loathsome Nipponese.
...But there's also the question his apprentice asked, that strangely, he doesn't know how to respond to immediately. Because... in Barok's experience, everyone has always known what it means for him to be the Reaper. The people of London look at him with fear and scorn in equal balance, and Barok can't deny that it's a painful, lonely existence - but never one he's had to explain to another before. The Reaper is a shadow he can't escape. He's used to accusations, both spoken and unspoken, but a question like this... why does it feel different?
"Did Stronghart not tell you?" he asks, first. He feels no need to scold his apprentice for speaking and breaking Stronghart's orders - as much as he's sure that Stronghart must have his reasons, Barok's sure that he must've also known that this particular command of his could ever last.
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"The Reaper is... a title. One given to me a long time ago." Unconsciously, his hand drifts to his badge, and he clutches it gently. "Are you familiar with the history of the defendants whose trials I prosecuted? Particularly, those who escaped justice through their own conniving schemes."
@howthesleeplesswander ( continued from here! )
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hopefulhaunted · 9 months
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Juzo grits his teeth and glares at the girl before him, as if he's hoping the anger he feels will somehow stop the pounding of his heart in his chest.
He knows, logically, that she's not done anything wrong yet. With everything he's learned, the existence of the brainwashing videos and Yukizome's own turn to despair - it's possible that even those kid's despair wasn't actually what it seemed. But it's too soon to declare them innocent, either.
And anyway... he doesn't think he'll ever stop hating them.
"What do you want?" he spits out the words, feeling sick with rage. Even though he knows that this might be a good chance to get some information, to do anything but let his emotions take over... he can't seem to control himself. It's always been that way with him.
"I'm a busy man. You'd better make it quick."
@hopeds ( starter for hiyoko! )
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togethersmiled · 11 months
Ochako can't help the shock from showing on her face as she sees who it is in front of her. Dabi... Touya, though it's long before he's revealed that name to the world.
Ochako doesn't know why she's so certain of it - of the fact that she's traveled back in time. But to her, it's as sure a fact as the sky being blue, written in her bones without explanation or evidence needed for her to believe it. She doesn't know why, but she wants to believe that maybe, when she made her wish... someone was listening, even though a miracle shouldn't have been possible - even though no-one had ever listened before.
Her wish - was for Himiko Toga to live. But can that really be granted so easily?
Right now, though, the villain before her is a much more immediate concern. It's strange, the feelings she has when she looks at him. Anger and fear are the strongest, making her heart pound with adrenaline and the readiness to fight, but when she thinks about everything she's learned about him, and the League of Villains... an uncomfortable, unfamiliar sensation rises up that seems to overshadow everything else. It might be wrong of her to feel this way, but... hadn't Himiko called Touya her friend?
Ochako shakes the thoughts away as quickly as she can. Right now, she has to hide before he spots her! ...Is what she's thinking, but it's too late for that now...
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"W-wait!" she cries out instinctively, witnessing the look on his face. She's not afraid to fight if needed, but even so... "I'm not here for a fight!"
@hatecharred ( starter! )
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candledburns · 2 years
Salem looks at the man who had just yanked himself out of the spawning pit, head tilted. This was new.
She remembers his name from countless reports Cinder had given her of the man. Sure, he hadn't been partially grimm before, nor was he supposed to be in her domain this soon.... But it is identifiable as the man known as Roman Torchwick.
Put frankly - Roman is having a very bad day.
He remembers enough to know that really, he should be dead. The memory of being swallowed alive - his bones crushed and flesh torn into, though at least it was mercifully quick - still lingers in his mind, and though he might try and hide it, his heart is still racing with a pounding, overwhelming fear. ...Roman may never have been happy, but he doesn't want to die.
This, though... isn't what he expected. What the hell is going on here?
"Oh, lovely." he manages to sarcastically drawl, but it's nothing more than a facade. He's barely holding himself together, and it's obvious. "Isn't this just great. I don't suppose... I have you to thank for the fact that I'm not dead...?"
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lewisvinga · 5 months
down bad | lewis hamilton x fem! reader
summary; just lewis being an absolute simp for his wife on the main
fc; stenss on ig
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03 @c-losur3
note; requested ! lewis the loml
masterlist !
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, and others !
yourusername: when bae calls me a star girl
lewishamilton: oh my 😍😍😍😍😍
lewishamilton: absolutely love this look and i love you
yourusername: love youuuuuu🫶
lewishamilton: just the prettiest girl ever 🥰
yourusername: 🥹👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
username: me n the bad bitch i pulled by being a simp
username: SIMP LEWIS!
username: lewis is so me😭
username: TUTORIAL PLS QUEEN🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
yourusername: this friday 😇
username: pink blush girlies rise !!
username: this is how my makeup turns out in my head but not irl
carmenmmundt: gorgeous gorgeous !!!
yourusername: thank uuu carm 🤍🤍
username: this is my mother
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
lewishamilton uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; the wife demanded matcha today] [caption 2; 😍😍😍😍]
yourusername i didn’t demand i politely asked 🙎‍♀️🙎‍♀️
lewishamilton ‘lew let’s go get matcha now if you say no i’m divorcing you😛’
yourusername ‘TWAS A JOKE😒
yourusername tysm for my iced oat milk matcha latte husband 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
lewishamilton whatever wifey wants wifey gets🙄👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
yourusername happy wife happy life am i right 😁
yourusername speaking of let’s go shopping
lewishamilton knew you’d want that, don’t worry, i made an appointment at hermes 😁
yourusername u know how to make a girl happy lewis hamilton 😖😖
username Y/NNNNN
username ask her where she got the tights plz
lewishamilton tezenis:)
username OMG???
username her fits are always on point omg
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yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; the husband picking out a pink shopping outfit, is this a sign for what i think it is?] [caption 2; all good things come in orange boxes right?😁 thank you so much, my luv lewishamilton 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨🩷]
lewishamilton if the wife says she wants a birkin 25 in sakura then a birkin 25 in sakura is what she’ll get 😁😁
yourusername crying ilysm i already have so many outfits planned 🥹
lewishamilton and i can’t wait to see what your amazing mind comes up with 🤍
username why am i shocked abt a birkin like that man isn’t a millionaire
username i need my own lewis hamilton 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
yourusername I KNOWW😩
yourusername it helps when ur man is the lewis hamilton n an absolute simp😋
yourbestfriend does he have friends 🤨🤨🤨
yourusername no why does he need friends when he has me 🙄( HIS WIFE )
yourusername jk yes🤓
yourbestfriend we all know lewis would only hang out w u if given the chance 😭
yourusername husband tingz 😇😇
username lewis is so husband material im crying
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liked by lewishamilton, yourbestfriend, and others !
yourusername: get yourself a man who hates driving so much but refuses to let you drive.
tagged; lewishamilton
username: here before simp lewis
lewishamilton: can’t ever get over your beauty, my love 😍😍
yourusername: skdkslkd stop making blush
lewishamilton: your only worry is to just sit there and look pretty, not driving
yourusername: GET URSELF A MAN LIKE THIS LADIES🥰👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
username: IM TRYINGGGG
username: y/n won the jackpot fr
username: OKAY BUT HER FIT??😫
username: mommy? sorry, mommy? sorry 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
username: outfit ateeeee
username: y/n and lewis are such fashionable couples i love them 😫😫
yourbestfriend: where u find him fr
yourusername: turns out pretending to be lost in monaco works but if you actually end up lost:/
yourbestfriend: BET
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liked by yourusername, alexandrasaintmleux, and others !
lewishamilton: happiest of birthdays to my sweetest girl. forever grateful that i get to call the most gorgeous woman on this earth my wife. may this day be filled with many blessings. i love you so much, pretty girl. 🤍
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: YOU ARE MY BLESSING🥹🥹
yourusername: i love u sm , lew ☹️🩷
lewishamilton: love you , pretty girl 🩷
username: i’m so sick rn
username: sleeping on the highway tonight 🚶‍♀️
username: idk how many ‘me n who’ i got left in me😭😭
username: MOTHERS BDAY!!🎉🎉
username: screaming crying throwing up
alexandrasaintmleux: happy birthday 🌸 so excited to be in the ferrari garage with you next year🤍
yourusername: thank u alexxx🥹🥹 so excited too🫶
charles_leclerc: it means ditch the pink for red 😇
lewishamilton: hey, my wife can do whatever she wants 🙄
charles_leclerc: i’ll get roscoe and leo matching outfits 😇
yourusername: DEAL!
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liked by lewishamilton, yourbestfriend, and others.
yourusername: advice of the day; marry a man who is down bad for you
tagged; lewishamilton
lewishamilton: that makeup look of yours 😍😍🥰🥰
yourusername: i think u liked it bc we went shopping after but i’m not sure tho 😋
lewishamilton: how can i not be so down bad for you? my own wife?? a living and breathing goddess???
yourusername: LEWWWKSNDSKKD
yourusername: says the walking god😩 i won’t say much bc there are children here
landonorris: tysm for saving me
username: i will never get over them
username: my roman empire is y/n and lewis 🥹
username: thank u y/n for lewis content 🫡🫡
username: lewis js like me fr bc if i was married to y/n, i’d so be down bad for her too😩
username: him carrying the hermes, chanel, and cartier bags, IM SICK😖😖😖😖
username: not her winning the lottery omfs
yourbestfriend: does he have spare $$$?
yourusername: yes we found a bday gift for u from chanel pookie don’t worry👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
yourbestfriend: THANK U MR N MRS HAMILTON😭😭🙏🙏🙏🫶
lewishamilton: 🫡🫡🫡
username: he’s so down bad he buys y/n’s best friend chanel, why can’t my friends work harder fr 😒😒
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arch-lightbaund · 2 years
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@ofgravitation asked:
with their birthdays not being so very far apart from one another, ochako had decided to do a little shopping of her own. she wanted to make shoto's birthday special! after all, it was the first shared as his girlfriend! she didn't have a lot saved up, but with what she could spare, she'd done a pretty good job.
as a repeat of his surprise to her, a finger reaches to tap his right shoulder. smiling, ochako holds out a blue gift bag. " happy birthday, shoto! " she grins, cheeks turning a shade of pink as she leans forwards to kiss his cheek before glancing down at the bag.
inside is gift card to a local restaurant with a note that says ' for cold soba only :) ' but the gift card is sitting atop the last three volumes of one of shoto's favorite mangas. last but not least! a red and white knit scarf set, handmade, by ochako. " you're always keeping me warm! i wanna make sure you're warm too, "there's another bright smile before ochako reaches to take his hand with a warm smile, squeezing it. / 💕🎉🥳🎁
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A year ago, he wouldn't believe he'd be surrounded by so many people to care for him. He wouldn't believe he would have found someone so important in his life, someone who could with a single touch, lift all the burdens he had been carrying. Make easier to stand being in his own skin, slowly learn what is like to be loved and accepted, in a way he couldn't still love and accept himself. Ochako was that person, hazel eyes staring back at him, staring at something — someone — he couldn't see and struggle to understand. Eyes of an optimist, of someone to have known hardship and still find reasons to smile brightly. For so long, he had forgotten how to smile, haunted by a past where happiness and comfort had no place in his heart. Yet finally, and for the first time in a long time, he could reflect on her smile, as if enough warmth had been stored inside himself to be released right at this moment.
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Overwhelmed he was for a moment, not expecting the birthday wishes, the affection shown, or the offered presents. A day he had planned to spend like any other, had suddenly gained a different meaning for him, other than his birthday — getting to experience with a full heart the extent of her loving self. “ Thank you, Ochako, ” he softly whispered with the last of strength he found to speak, before his throat closed permanently. The gift card for his favorite meal, the last volumes of his favorite manga, the scarf, were too much for him to handle. There were so many things he wished to say right at this moment, but not even someone with a Quirk that could read minds would save him in a moment like this. His face was burning, to the point he could hear his racing heart. Prone to heart attacks, he possibly was, and there was one way to avert one.
Squeezing her hand back, with courage no man had known, he wrapped his hands around her, pulling her close to him. His chin resting on her shoulder, he slowly remembered how to breathe again, regaining his color and voice. “ I'm so happy to know you. ”
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fuxuannie · 1 year
Hi sage!! I hope you're doing well<33 do you mind doing jealousy headcanons for dan heng, jing yuan and any other characters you chose?? Thank you 🤍🤍 you're keeping the hsr x reader tag alive 😭
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* pairing(s) : various hsr men (4, again) x gender neutral reader
* prompt : jealousy bites like you like a poisonous snake, the bite hurts, but its the venom that gets you.
* authors note : hi anon !!! (๑´ㅂ`๑) thank you for requesting, you're so sweet for the last msg omg tysm <3 i hope u enjoy !
* brief warning : blade kills a man, very blade of him. (his is also more of a joke im sorry blade lovers) ALSO THIS PROGRESSIVELY GETS SHORTER EACH CHARACTER, I JUST REALLY LIKE DAN HENG IM SORRY LMAO.
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DAN HENG can't hide the way his eye twitches, how tightly he grips onto his spear or the way he'd mutter things under his breath. He despises it when he's jealous, but he hates it more when he sees the reason for doing so.
He knows he's.. not exactly like all your previous partners, it stemmed an insecurity in him. He wasn't all too funny, and knew he couldn't make you laugh with a corny joke.
So the way Sampo keeps making you laugh, making you smile, it was sparking a jealous flame in his heart. But more than anything, it saddened him that he couldn't make you laugh like that.
God, your smile was so pretty.
After a while, he interlocks his fingers with yours and mutters a small 'Can we go?' to you. You immediately notice his saddened tone, and thank Sampo for his time before walking home with your boyfriend.
"Dan Heng?" You say softly, noticing his rather saddened mood. He lets out a small hum to acknowledge your call for him, and you sigh. "Are you upset?"
He nods his head.
"Is it.. because of Sampo?"
He hesitates, but that alone gives you an answer.
Dan Heng takes a deep breath, before looking at you, his eyes filled with honesty. "I was.. jealous. I know I can't make you laugh the way he does, and it frustrates me. I want to be a man who makes you smile everyday but-"
Amidst his rant, he sees how your gaze softened at his words. This entire time, he was insecure? He hid it well, so well, at the very least from you. "I'm sorry, this is stupid-"
"N-no! It's not, I should be apologizing if anything! I failed to realize these things.. I'm sorry, my love. Sampo.. he makes me laugh, but you make my heart flutter. You make me feel things no one else can, okay? I'm yours, as you are mine."
He smiles at you, he's just happy he communicated his feelings, and you understood. "I'll be sure to try and tell you how I feel next time, okay? As long as you promise you'll stop hanging out with him. I was honestly afraid I was gonna have to get rid of him."
You blinked a few times, but he sighs. "I'm kiddinngg.."
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JING YUAN knows he's far too good of a man, therefore doesn't get jealous.
He's yet to be disproven in the first part, but his golden eyes are filled with annoyance as the stares of a certain enemy of his lingers far too long on you.
You were filling in for Yanqing, he was absent for the day (something about falling into an ice cold river and getting sick or something...) and so someone needed to be there as the General would be meeting Blade.
And Jing Yuan couldn't ignore how Blade's eyes never left your form while he spoke, hanging your head down low and so you wouldn't notice. That made him greatly annoyed, almost unable to focus, but he had a mission at hand. And so he forced his jealousy to subside.
Needless to say, the small marks on your neck was embarassing to have seen in public. (And the small bird constantly pecking at Blade's hair was definitely also not Jing Yuans doing.)
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GEPARD is so understanding, he evaluates every situation with logical thinking, as expected as a leader.
So it wasn't hard to figure out the intentions of the 'friend' that was speaking to you, how their voice was almost sweeter, and the way they clinged onto your arm was signalling red flags.
Gepard wouldn't have minded this, it could've easily been friendly gestures, but Serval is one of your closest friends and you were within a friendgroup. And she knows that person has a crush on you, and it was painfully obvious.
So naturally, he swiftly and surpisingly gently pulls you from the waist out of their grasp especially with how firm his grip around you was. He gives them a not so friendly glare, and plants a soft kiss to your lips. "My partner." He states, pulling you close as you're left to be stunned with the sudden posessiveness of your partner. "Mine."
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Blade simply stares down at the person even attempting to approach you with clearly bad intentions. And if they dare to try to push their luck, Blade comes home with blood on his hands.
"What did you do??" You'd ask, you already knew the answer after already learning what Blade was truly like. "What was necessary." He replied, a kiss on your cheek as he walks in through the door to wash his hands.
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shadowedresolve · 10 months
"Wow, that girl really admired you, didn't she, Takamaki-san?"
Haru smiles, looking off at the girl who's now running off happily into the distance before turning back to Ann. Haru's known for quite a long time that Ann is a model, of course, but she never really saw that side of her friend's life much in the past, and it's not something she thinks about often.
But today, a stranger had approached Ann who seemed to have recognized her from some magazine or another. Honestly, Haru isn't sure whether that's a common occurrence or something extremely irregular, but she has to admit that it's sparked her curiosity.
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"She talked a lot about dreams... it made me a little curious. Do you have any dreams for the future? I've never really had the chance to ask!"
@paenseo ( starter! )
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simplybakugou · 5 months
Hi hi, wonderful!!! How are you on this fine *insert appropriate time of day here*? Could I maybe request dad Bakugou and how he'd react to his son saying something mean to female reader wife? Like, I know Bakugou is really aggressive with his own mom, but I was thinking maybe it'd be a little different when it comes to the mother of his kids?
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⋆ PAIRING: dad!bakugou x fem!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing; teeny tiny bit of angst; fluff ⋆ WORD COUNT: 2436
A/N: my first written work on here in almost three years . Forgive me if i’m a little rusty lol. Tysm for requesting and i hope you enjoy :)
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For a majority of your life, you thought becoming a pro hero would be the hardest thing you could ever do. From attending the illustrious U.A. High to working through the ranks to be in the top three pro heroes, second to none other than your husband, Bakugou, you never would imagine your life to be more difficult than that.
That is until you became a mother.
Only a year into your marriage, you found out you were pregnant with your son, Katsuo. It was difficult to come to terms with being a mother in the midst of your rising professional career but you knew taking care of your son was always going to be your number one priority, just as it was for Bakugou.
Despite the physical complexities of giving birth and being pregnant, the hardest part came afterwards: raising your extremely temperamental son.
Katsuo, ever since the day he was born, was never one to shy away from vocalizing if anything bothered him or made him upset. To screaming and crying on the top of his lungs as a baby to whining and throwing tantrums as a toddler in public, you felt yourself struggling to parent your son who made it his life’s mission to give you a hard time.
Who did Katsuo not give a hard time to? Bakugou.
Times where Katsuo would throw a tantrum, screaming and kicking his feet as he laid on the floor, all it would take was a “Stop that” from Bakugou to get Katsuo to cease his actions whereas it would take the whole day for him to listen to you. It was a frustrating ordeal but it never made you love your son any less. You knew this was a phase… at least you hoped this would just be a phase. 
Just as you thought there was a lull in his behavior after he turned five, you became pregnant and gave birth to your daughter Suki. To say Katsuo was not thrilled was an understatement. He hated the attention that went to Suki instead of him. He hated that his parents had to take care of his baby sister that he didn’t want and he never hesitated to vocalize how much he didn’t want a sister.
“Can we get ice cream, too?” Katsuo asked excitedly, kicking his feet while sitting in the shopping cart that you were pushing. His little index finger pointed at the box of fudge popsicles.
“Will you share with your sister?” You asked, eyeing your son for his reaction.
As expected he was not pleased as he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. “Fine. Whatever," he muttered curtly.
You smiled, grabbing the box from the freezer and putting it in your cart, knowing full well that his brief reaction would be the closest thing to a compromise that you'll get out of him.
As you were pushing the cart into the checkout line, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You answered your husband’s call, holding your phone in between your shoulder and your ear as you scanned the items in your car. “Everything okay, Katsuki?”
You could hear your now two-year-old daughter wailing in the background, repeating the word “Nana” as a very frustrated Bakugou expressed, “Please tell me you know where Suki’s fucking banana toy is.”
“Her toy should be on the sofa in the living room like it always is.” You adjusted your phone into your hand as you began to pay for your groceries.
“It’s not there and I’m about to lose my fucking mind.” 
“Honey, I’m not sure where else it could be. Suki always keeps it there so she doesn’t lose it.” 
As you grabbed the receipt from the little printer, you saw Katsuo giggling to himself from the corner of your eye as he was listening to your conversation. “Katsuo, what did you do?”
“Did that little shit fucking hide it?” Bakugou asked angrily through your phone.
“Katsuki, I’m almost done here. I’ll be home soon.” You sighed as Katsuo continued to laugh, his hands covering his mouth as if this were the funniest thing that could’ve happened for him. 
“Katsuo, did you hide your sister’s toy?” You asked sternly, pushing the cart towards the exit. Katsuo simply shrugged, ignoring your question.
All you could was sigh as you loaded your car up and drove you and your son home.
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You stood in front of the door to your home and before you could knock, it swung open, revealing an exhausted Bakugou holding Suki who was still crying.
“Still no luck?” You asked as Katsuo ran inside, almost knocking you and the bags of groceries in your hands over.
“No,” Bakugou said with an exasperated sigh as he closed the door. 
“Nana,” Suki cried softly.
You set the groceries on the dining table before rushing over and taking Suki from Bakugou. “I know, sweetie. We’re going to find Nana for you, okay?”
She rested her head on your shoulder, tiring herself from wailing earlier as she rubbed her eyes. You turned to Bakugou who looked like he needed a nap immediately.
You caressed his face. “My poor babies,” you cooed as you teased him.
He glared at you before taking Suki back in his arms. “You better get Suo to confess where that banana is.”
“Me? Where are you going?” You questioned, watching as Bakugou took Suki upstairs. 
“Sleep,” He said plainly. “Exhausted.”
You sighed, going back to the dining table to put the groceries away. “Suo?” 
Katsuo stuck his head from under the table, two of his toy cars in hand.
You sighed. “Katsuo, I’ve told you many times not to go under the table.”
He crawled out and stood to his feet. His vermillion eyes, identical to his father’s, watched as you went back and forth from the table to the refrigerator. “Why?”
“Because you could hit your head. And we have rules and you have to listen to them.”
“Does Suki have to listen to them?” He uttered his sister’s name with as much disgust as his seven-year-old body could muster. 
“Suki is still a baby. She’s two, Suo, and she can barely speak.”
“Well I used to be your baby, too, before she came,” Katsuo grumbled under his breath, fidgeting with his toys.
You smiled at him, understanding the feeling of being jealous of your sibling getting all the attention. You crouched in front of him and ruffled his ash blonde hair. “You’ll always be my baby.”
Katsuo nudged your hand away, turning away from you. “Whatever. You don’t mean that.”
You stood to your feet. “Katsuo.”
Katsuo spun around quickly, dropping his toys to the ground as he raised an accusatory finger at you. “You always say I’m your baby but it’s not true! You care about that stupid baby more than me!”
He turned around again as he started to sprint and make his way upstairs. You went after him as you exclaimed, “That’s not true, Suo!”
Katsuo turned once more in the middle of the staircase, his brows furrowed and his lips overturned into a frown. “I said I didn’t want a sibling and you still had that stupid girl! You’re the worst Mom ever!” 
He continued running upstairs and into his bedroom, slamming the door loudly behind him. 
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Bakugou, who so desperately needed and wanted to take a nap, stood to his feet immediately following the sound of Katsuo’s door slam shut. Fortunately Suki hadn’t awoken, allowing him to leave and somehow patch this situation up. 
Katsuo did this often, yelling at his mother and storming off into his room. However, he never insulted you in the way he did that day, and Bakugou knew you were going to take his words to heart.
Bakugou quietly made his way downstairs, peeking around the corner of the railing to spot where you were. You were sitting at the dining table, your back to him. He immediately noticed your shoulders shaking as you sniffled and wiped your eyes profusely.
“Y/N…” You spun your head at the sound of your husband’s unusually soft voice. 
“Katsuki…” You wiped your eyes to get rid of any stray tears, not wanting to worry him. You attempted to muster a small smile, ultimately failing to do so. “What’re you doing awake?”
He sat down in the chair beside you. He stared at you, taking in your features as he raised his thumb and swiped under your eyes to catch your tears. “Don’t cry.”
Your lips quivered and the tears you were attempting to hold back spilled out. “I feel stupid for crying but-but his words hurt, Katsuki.”
Bakugou leaned towards you, his arms maneuvering you onto his lap. He held you close to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face into the crook of his neck. “You’re not stupid for crying. He said some fucked up shit, and he shouldn’t have.”
He pulled away, brushing your hair away from your face with his hands as he kissed you softly. “You’re not a bad mom, Y/N.”
You let out a humorless laugh, wiping your eyes again. “I know. I just… don’t know how to validate his feelings.”
“Don’t worry.” Bakugou moved you back onto the chair as he stood to his feet. “I’ll talk to him.”
“Katsuki.” You reached for his hand, looking up at him. “Just don’t yell at him, alright?”
“I know. I was seven once, too, y’know?” And like that Bakugou made his way back upstairs, his footsteps echoing through the hall. He made it to Katsuo’s door and knocked.
“Go away!” Katsuo yelled from the other side.
“I don’t care what you want, I’m coming in,” Bakugou stated and opened the door. 
He was met with a soft pillow to the face as an enraged Katsuo yelled, “I said go away!”
“Katsuo!” Bakugou exclaimed. Katsuo immediately stiffened, his expression twisting into fear from his father’s tone. Bakugou closed his eyes and sighed, calming himself down before speaking to his son. He didn’t want to go about this the wrong way.
Bakugou picked up the pillow as he sat on Katsuo’s bed beside him, placing the discarded item back onto the bed. “Why did you yell at Mom?”
Katsuo crossed his arms over his chest. “‘Cause she wasn’t being fair.”
“So she deserves to get called a ‘bad mom’ because of that?”
“No…” Katsuo mumbled after pausing for a moment. 
Bakugou sighed, lifting Katsuo and repositioning him on the bed so that he was facing him. Katsuo kept his eyes glued down, not wanting to make eye contact with his incredibly intimidating father. “Suo, look at me.”
Katsuo hesitated but nevertheless he looked at his father. “Why did you call Mom a ‘bad mom?’”
Katsuo fidgeted with his thumbs before upsettingly blurting out, “Because she’s always caring about Suki more than she cares about me!”
“And did Mom say she doesn’t care about you?”
“Katsuo,” Bakugou paused to make sure his son was looking at him. “Do you know how much your mother loves you?”
Katsuo simply shrugged. Bakugou shook his head slightly, reaching behind in his back pocket to grab his phone. He opened his photo album, one with just you that contained hundreds of photos in fact. He showed a picture where you were very pregnant with Katsuo, your hands cradling your swollen belly as you grinned at Bakugou’s camera.
“Here’s Mom carrying you in her belly before you were born.”
Katsuo’s eyes widened at the sight of your stomach, looking up at his father. “I was in there?!”
Bakugou nodded, this time swiping to a video of you holding a newborn Katsuo, tears streaming down your face as you looked down at your son. Your sobs were audible, looking over at Bakugou who was recording you. “Katsuki!”
Bakugou’s laughter was heard on the other side of the video and Katsuo watched as you looked back at his baby self in the video. “My baby,” you murmured, kissing his cheek and pressing your forehead against his little one.
“I was her baby,” Katsuo whispered astonishingly. “I thought Mom was lying when she said that.”
“Katsuo, you’ll always be our first baby. You’re our first born. But now Suki needs Mom’s attention, too. Did you see how little you were in that video?” Katsuo nodded. “Well, Suki needs Mom’s help to grow big and strong like you. But she’s lucky cause she has a big brother to help her, right?”
“I guess,” Katsuo huffed. “I’ll start being nice to her…”
“Good,” Bakugou patted him on the back. “Now go apologize to Mom. You didn’t mean what you said, right?”
Katsuo shook his head aggressively. He jumped off his bed and stood to his feet. “I’ll go say sorry.”
Before leaving, he crawled under his bed to retrieve something. When he crawled back out, in his hands was Suki’s missing banana toy that Bakugou had been tearing the whole house apart to find. Katsuo handed the toy to his father, threw open the door, and rushed downstairs until he stood in front of the dining table. His chest rose and fell quietly as he caught his breath from moving so fast. You turned around, not expecting his presence so suddenly. “Suo!”
Katsuo frowned at the sight of your slightly puffy eyes, understanding that you had been crying. And it was his fault that you were crying. He looked down at his feet. “I’m sorry, Mom. I shouldn’t have called you a ‘bad mom.’”
You smiled softly, looking at your son lovingly. “It’s okay.”
He shook his head. “It’s not okay. I shouldn’t say things I don’t mean. I just… I was jealous of how you’re always with Suki. But I know that she has to be big and strong like me.”
Your smile widened as you reached out and caressed his cheek. “It’s okay, baby. I forgive you.”
Katsuo perked up. “So am I really still your baby? Even if I’m not little like Suki?”
“Of course.” You pulled him into your embrace, his little arms attempting to wrap around you as he hugged you back. “I already said you’ll always be my baby and I mean it.”
You pulled away, kissing his cheek which caused Katsuo to break out into an even wider smile as he threw his arms around you into another embrace.
You laughed, hugging him once more, holding him onto your lap. You looked up, noticing a smiling Bakugou holding an asleep Suki in his arms. He sent a wink your way as you smiled gratefully at him.
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Taglist (those who can’t be tagged here will be tagged in the comments):
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strang3lov3 · 9 days
Midnight Snack
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Roman’s the only one who can get you off. (3.2k)
Tags - stepdad!roman, dom!roman, stepcest, dubcon/noncon, manhandling (i can't believe he has it in him either), manipulation, coercion, oral (f!receiving), fingering, unsafe piv, creampie, dom/sub, roman's icky as usual. sorry. Also daddy kink. Sorry. Fic help - @noxturnalpascal, @beefrobeefcal, and @endlessthxxghts tysm for all that you do! ♡ A/N - he’s baaaaaaack!! It’s gonna get worse before it gets better. Hope you’re all sluts for ickiness like me. I have so many plans for daddy romey, I might have another fic coming out this week. Peer pressure works on me jsyk. Also might do a new sleazy gynecologist Roman au. We’ll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ at least a one shot. Thots? Feelings?
Follows Boundaries but can be read as a standalone 🩷
Stepdad!Roman Masterlist
You don’t know it, but Roman can hear you. Roman’s been listening to the ceiling above him - your floor - creak for hours. Sometimes vigorously, sometimes gently. On and off, all night. Your bed creaks too. Soft springs groaning and squeaking as you hump your pillow, the pillow Roman laid his head on as you rode his cock. Can you smell him in your blankets? Have you washed his stains off your sheets yet? And through the air vents, he can hear your frustrated whimpers, your strangled, broken moans. Poor thing. You can’t come, can you?
The bed creaks loudly, louder than those rhythmic noises it made before. And then there’s muffled footsteps, the sound becoming clear as you open your door and walk down the hall, down the stairs. Shifting a bit on the couch, Roman looks over his shoulder and watches as you open a cabinet and grab yourself a glass. You fill it with crushed ice and water from the fridge, then drink it all over the sink. The TV’s on in the living room, volume barely audible, bluish-white light flickers like lightning. 
Roman’s footsteps startle you as he stands up from the couch, you whip around to see him stretching his back and his shoulders as he yawns. “You’re up way past your bedtime, young lady. It’s…” Roman squints and checks the time on the oven, “Late.”
“Couldn’t sleep.” 
“Yeah, I could tell,” Roman says, walking into the kitchen as he scratches the back of his neck. “You’d be surprised at what you could hear through the walls. Very thin, very, very thin.” He brushes against you as he opens a cabinet. His soft, white t-shirt rides up and exposes his soft tummy and the dark hairs spattered down it as he pulls out a ceramic bowl. You step to the side, uncomfortable with his touch but Roman continues to invade your space; he puts his cold hand on your hip to nudge you out of the way so he can open the silverware drawer. He paces around the kitchen some more, opening other cabinets until he finds his Tupperware container of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, then opens the fridge for his carton of almond milk. He makes himself a large bowl of cereal. “Want some?”
“No.” You bring your glass to your lips and chew on the leftover ice, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. 
Roman watches you, eyes scrolling up and down your body slowly. You’re fidgeting, you’re uncomfortable. It’s written all over your face, evident in your body language. Shoulders curled inward, arms crossed over your chest, you’re keeping your distance from him. So defensive. You have to be, of course. Roman will exploit any and all vulnerability in you that he can find. He smirks as he eats a spoonful of the sugary cereal, a bit of milk dribbling down his bottom lip. 
It wasn’t really news to him, your feelings. He found it unsurprising when he read your diary and learned the ins and outs of your feelings for him. Sickly-sweet fantasies about him making love to you, detailed and romantic descriptions of his handsomeness. Puppy love. It seems that’s all gone now, and it’s funny how quickly it happened, replaced with nothing but disgust. Disgust at Roman himself, maybe. He thinks that more than likely, you’re disgusted by yourself. Being confronted with your feelings in such an intimate, vulnerable, shameful way did a number on you, huh? It almost makes Roman sad, and he wonders if that puppy love is still inside you somewhere, buried deep beneath the guilt and humiliation.
“You toss and turn a lot, you know that? You’re a restless sleeper, just like your mother.” 
“Fuck off.” 
“Jesus. I can’t make conversation with you? You’ve had such an attitude with me recently, and I don’t - I don’t appreciate it. I thought that maybe we could chill and watch TV like we used to, but sure - I’ll just fuck off, thanks.”
Roman kind of misses those nights with you. He wasn’t lying or making another comparison of you to your mother just to get under your skin, though he knows how well that works on you. He has a hard time sleeping in the same bed with your mother, can’t quite drown out the snoring or tolerate the tossing and turning. He spends a lot of nights on the couch in the living room. You used to join him there when you couldn’t sleep either, when your sheets and your pillows felt too hot and suffocating. You and Roman would watch shitty horror movies and Saturday Night Live together until you fell asleep, and then you’d share quiet, dark mornings alone together until your mom woke up. Your head on Roman’s lap, him gently stroking your hair. You used to feel safe around him. 
You need to remove yourself from this situation. You dump the ice out in the sink, then place your glass on the countertop. It all sounds so loud in the quiet kitchen. You shove past Roman, causing him to spill some of his cereal onto the floor. He lets out a breathless laugh, irritated. He slams the bowl of cereal down on the dining room table then follows you, you’re already three steps up the stairs. Roman grabs your arm and yanks you down the steps, causing you to stumble and yelp. He catches you, clutches you against his chest. You’re reminded that he’s stronger than he looks.
“You, sweetheart-” Roman drags you by the arm back into the dining room, his nails digging into your skin,  “-Need to remember who’s in authority here. Who’s living in whose home, huh? You don’t get to fucking walk away from me when I’m talking to you.” Roman backs you against a wall, his hot breath fanning over your neck. Your jaw is clenched, your body so rigid and hard like glass, on the verge of breaking into a million pieces. You’re just defensive, that’s all this is and good for you for having that fight in you. Roman knows you’re delicate underneath it all. He’s seen it, seen how small he can make you.
All it takes is a knee between your thighs, Roman pressing himself against your center, and then you gasp, melt a little. All of your fire snuffed out with a simple, dull touch. He knows you. You’re his stepdaughter for fuck’s sake, and so easy to read he could find you in a book. All bark, no bite, and easier than you think you are. Roman’s eyes dart across your face as he breathes heavily, a smile curling on his lips. 
“You know what I think?”
“Shut up, Rom–”
“No, you shut up. I think you’re in a mood because you can’t make yourself come. And you’re taking it out on your stepfather. Kinda fucked up, don’t you think?” It makes Roman’s cock swell when your pupils widen and your jaw goes slack at his words, your bottom lip wobbling slightly. He’s vulgar on purpose; intentionally lacking any nuance or subtlety when he speaks. He needs to get under your skin, make you squirm for him. “Ohhh. There it is. You’re busted, young lady.” 
You twist your arm in an attempt to wriggle yourself out of Roman’s grip, but he holds you tighter, pressing his knee harder against your cunt. You’re beginning to soak through your shorts, through his plaid pajama pants. You’d thank god he can’t feel it yet, but does it matter? One way or another, he’s gonna find you soaked for him. Your tummy flutters when Roman’s long, deft fingers push your hoodie up your body so he can find the drawstring of your pajama shorts, tugging the knot undone. 
“I heard you, you know,” Roman growls against your ear. “You sounded so frustrated, kiddo. Your fingers just aren’t - aren’t quite doing the trick anymore, huh?”
“Please,” you whimper. 
“Please what? Be specific, sweetheart. Please make you come? Do you need daddy to make you come? You miss how daddy fucked you?” Roman smiles at how he taunts you, how uncomfortable his words make you as you writhe under him, wriggling your hips away from his knee. “Is that it? Do you miss me, is that what this is?” 
You use the hand that’s not gripping Roman’s wrist to shove his chest, knocking him away from you only slightly. Kudos to you, getting a shot in, making your daddy proud. The fight only serves to excite him. 
Roman pouts with feigned displeasure. “Ouch,” he says, “I’m hurt, sweetheart, so hurt. Maybe I miss you. Not miss you, miss you. But…you know.” Roman tilts his head to the side, cautiously letting go of your arm to bring his palm to your face. You flinch as you await his touch, a gentle caress across your jaw. He uses his thumb to tug on your bottom lip, then releases it. 
“Look at us, here like this. I know you’re hot, too.” 
You shake your head, No, but your body betrays you. Deep, trembling breaths, pupils widened with lust. Roman knows when he dips his slender fingers into your cunt, you’ll soak him, slick running down his digits and into his palm. Maybe he’ll make you lick it up.
“I could make you come. I could do that easily, actually. You know that. Remember?”
He shoves his hand down the front of your shorts, and it feels cold and unwelcome, but familiar all the same. He glides his fingertips through your folds, relishing in the mess he caused you to make. It makes you feel sick, giving him this satisfaction. You tug and tug on his forearm, trying to force him away from you. This can’t happen again. “Roman,” you beg.
“Shh - just quit…fuckin’...” You’re scratching him, leaving little marks on his skin that’ll burn when he showers later. You’re making things much more difficult for him, more difficult for yourself. Don’t you know how much better you’ll feel when he makes you come? You poor, stupid thing. All out of sorts until daddy calms you down. “Rela - hey, relax. Don’t fight it. Quit fighting me.” 
Roman drops his knee to allow himself space to touch you the way he wants to. He circles your clit with just one finger, patiently rounding the sensitive bud. You’re still all tense, full of combativeness, of aggression. While massaging your clit, Roman waits patiently for you to soften. “This is what you want,” he whispers. His eyes are glazed and lidded, silky strands of hair cascading over his face. “I know you need this.”
You fall apart for him. It’s palpable, your reaction. Guard lowered, you tilt your head back, your shoulders drop slightly, you unclench your jaw. “Roman,” you sigh softly, the relief evident in your voice. He’s successfully molded you into compliance. 
 “Yeah, that’s it. Over here, come over here.” Roman pulls his fingers from your core and you whine in frustration, he shushes you with an I know, I know. Roman spins you around and backs you against the dining room table, then sets you down. He pushes chairs out of the way and cringes at the loud sound of the legs scraping against the hardwood floor, then drops to his knees. He wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you closer to his face, causing the bowl of cereal on the table to slosh slightly. He hooks his thumb under the fabric of your Halloween print pajama shorts, utterly soaked with your arousal, and pulls them to the side. You’re glad he doesn’t say anything about it.
Before Roman tastes you, he looks up and gazes upon your body - your soft tummy heaves up and down with heavy, anticipatory breaths, your thighs are twitching and spread wide, your fingers gripping the edge of the table so hard you could make the wood splinter. And your face, desperation painting your features as you stare down at your stepfather. Oh, how he likes you like this.
Roman spits on your cunt before he licks it, causing you to gasp. He watches the bead of saliva roll down your folds as you grip his hair, fingers tingling as you tug those sleek, graying strands of his impatiently. You shouldn’t be pulling him closer. It’s wrong, it’s all so wrong. Roman’s on his knees for you and really, he should feel vulnerable right now. It’s a submissive position in and of itself, being on one’s knees for another. Theoretically, if you found the strength within yourself, you could snap his neck. Easily. But you won’t do so much as push him away right now, and Roman knows this. Not while he’s using his mouth to part you open and explore your cunt, tongue drawing up and down your soft, slick folds. “You fucking need this, don’t you?” he murmurs, slowly slipping two fingers inside your wet heat. “Tell me you need me.”  
“I need you, Roman,” you whimper, pushing his head closer to your center. Roman rewards the admission by curling his fingers, stroking that sensitive space inside of you. All you can do is hold yourself up and take it. 
Roman’s tongue is hot as it laps against your clit. You’re still tugging on his hair, holding him close to you, whimpering his name in broken syllables. As Roman finds a rhythm with his tongue, you rub your thumb along his forehead, his temples. You’re soaking his face completely as he eats you, his tongue pumping in and out of your tight, dripping hole as he noses your clit. He digs his fingertips harshly into the flesh of your thighs, bruising your sensitive skin. You can take the pain, you little slut. 
There’s a gnawing thought in Roman’s mind to pull away and leave you like this, teach you a lesson for that fucking shoulder check and the shove. But he finds himself addicted to the taste of your pleasure and needs to know the feeling of you coming on his tongue. 
But not tonight. Roman pulls away and wipes his face against the soft skin of your inner thighs, causing you to whine in frustration. Good. Roman groans as he stands up, knees cracking. Fuck, he’ll be sore tomorrow. He already is. 
Roman pushes the elastic waistband of his pajamas down his hips, freeing his cock from the confines. Even under the lack of light, you can see how red and angry Roman’s cock is. He’s throbbing, aching to be inside you once more. 
Roman spits in his fist and grips his aching member, a low groan escapes his throat. He smears that pearly bead of precome at his slit right over your sensitive clit and you moan at the contact, watching as he drags the head through your folds, just barely notching it inside of you. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this,” you whimper urgently, reaching for his cock. You try to stop him from going further, but god - how you missed the warmth and the weight of his shaft in your hand. 
Roman pulls your hand away and continues to tease you, dragging the tip up and down, pushing himself in and out of you. “You’re right,” he says. “It’s wrong.”
“It’s wrong,” you nod, panting while tilting your hips as he runs the thick head of his cock back and forth over your clit. 
“That’s why we like it.”
With that, Roman fills you with a slow, steady slide inside your cunt that has him moaning. He holds the back of your neck, pointer finger at your skull to tilt your head down and make you watch as it happens, his cock disappearing into your body.  “Ohh, fuck,” he groans, pulling out of you about halfway before pushing in again. 
You wrap your hands around his shoulders and clutch the worn fabric of his white t-shirt as he draws in and out of you, his scruffy cheek right against yours. He rolls his hips at a punishing pace and looks at you, wrapping your legs tighter around him. You’re so pathetic. 
“Rome - fuck - Roman,” you whisper, then bite into his neck to quiet your cries.
 You’re drooling, spit dripping down onto his collarbones. It makes Roman smile. “Listen to you,” he murmurs. “Trying so hard to be quiet, aren’t you?”
You nod against him as he fucks you, the mahogany wood table groaning and creaking with each of his thrusts. Roman pulls back, a string of saliva that connects from your lips to his throat breaks. He shoves the two fingers that were inside your pussy into your mouth, “Suck,” he commands. 
You suck his fingers, humming at the tanginess of your own arousal. From this position, you can see his face clearly. His hazel eyes are black with lust, hooded and glazed over. There’s something both human and robotic about the way he looks at you as he pumps his cock in and out of you, like he’s a slave to his own biological needs. He moves into a deep and hard rhythm, now wriggling his free hand between your writhing bodies. He paints those same steady circles against your clit with his thumb, just like he did before. “You gonna come for me? You gonna - fuck - you gonna come on daddy’s cock?”
You nod, Roman’s fingers still jammed down your throat so that tears are beginning to spring up in the corners of your eyes. He watches your face contort as the pleasure begins to build, almost exponentially. Your eyes squeeze shut and your brows knit tightly together, you’re biting on Roman’s fingers and there it is - your orgasm washes over you like the tide, waves of warmth and electricity flowing over your body with each roll of Roman’s hips. “Yeah, you fuckin’ needed that,” he breathes. “Fuckin’ needed me.”
Your own climax coaxes Roman’s along, and he pulls his fingers from your mouth. Your pulsing cunt, the slick noises you make together - it all goes straight to his stomach, directly to his balls. His cock is throbbing as he empties himself into you with a deep and guttural groan, filling you with his come. He fucks you through his high until his his thrusts slow to a standstill, then pulls his softening member out of your body. 
Roman takes satisfaction in the fact he has to ease your trembling legs onto the floor, your hips too sore to move on your own. He rubs his thumbs soothingly over your hip bones, and it makes him feel needed in a more gratifying way than by getting you off. 
Roman reaches for his bowl of cereal, little white splashes of milk decorate the table around it. Oops. He wipes that up with a paper towel, along with his spend that leaked from your body. He then takes a bite of his cereal. “That actually worked out perfectly,” he mumbles, mouth full. “My Cinnamon Toast Crunch is nice and soggy, so yeah - thanks for the uh…I don’t know. You know.”
Roman walks back into the living room with his cereal, and you’re still by the table, standing awkwardly. The floor under your bare feet is still warm with Roman’s body heat. You pick at your fingernails anxiously. 
“What are you doing in there, kiddo?” Roman calls from the couch. 
“I don’t know. I’m not tired.”
Roman loudly pats the couch cushion next to him, inviting you to join him. You’re not sure what compels you to do it but you do, sitting on the sectional with your knees tucked under your chin. Roman watches you, tense all over again. Your thighs are covered in goosebumps. He takes the edge of his plush, oversized blanket and tosses it over your legs, then turns up the volume of the TV. 
If you enjoyed, please let me know 💜 your kind words keep me motivated to write. Comment, send an ask, and/or reblog with your thoughts 💭 💖
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cuntinies · 4 months
dating modern!korra
warnings: talks about readers butt, korra being a weirdo, fluff
a/n: tysm for 50 followers!! i hope you all enjoy my stories i mostly talk out out my ass whoops. i plan on continuing this if people want me to, so send anything to my inbox!
- korra is the definition of a sucker
- she was all talk when she first approached you, backpack slung on one shoulder, her messy ponytail, the way she kept tapping her foot
- "lemme uh, get your number cutie." was what she said as she tried her best to be oh so nonchalant but the way her hand was shaking as she handed her phone to you was so cute
- she wasn't big on pda but once you slipped your hands into hers, she instantly melted
- her wardrobe consists of cropped wide t-shirts, carpenter jeans, and a pair of white converse
- you tried convincing her to spice up her outfits a bit but the farthest she goes is a pinky ring with your birthstone
- shes a gym rat, sorry not sorryyyyy
- arms for days omgggg, you love just squeezing and holding her biceps that she flexes on purpose
- loves when you tag along to the gym with her, just another excuse to show off her nicely sculpted body
- the way korra shows affection was definitely.. new
- the time when you and she were sitting on a bench, eating some ice cream on a warm summer evening
- "youre so cute-" she says as you think she's going to kiss you but instead presses her cheek into yours
- you were surprised but in an interested way
- now it's your little thing, instead of a usual peck on the lips, you find yourself pressing your cheek onto hers
- another way she oddly shows her affection is by sniffing
- you swear this girl was a dog the way she would sniff you
- hugging you? she indulges in the perfume you dabbed on this morning. giving you a kiss on your head? shes sniffing that too.
- doesn't let you do anything yourself. when she sees your shoes untied, she dives to go tie them herself
- it was cute at first but then she asked you if she could help you wipe which ended up with you throwing the toilet paper roll at her face.
- "you didn't say no though!!!!" she yells as you slam the door in her face
- i honestly think korra is more of an ass girl than boobs but that can be up for debate. grabs it, smacks it, holds it, it does not matter. she loooovesss laying on it when you lay on your tummy "korra if you keep sticking your face-" you say as you gently nudge her stomach with your trapped legs. "nuh uh i like it here.." is all you hear as her mumbling is muffled by your ass.
- little spoon!!!! she likes being cradled on your lap, she does not care if she is heavy
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