#tysm to everyone <3333
angelcasendgame · 2 years
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incorrect-prema · 1 year
Olli: Arthur just insisted Dennis and I remember a code word in case we’re ever confronted by his clone or a cyborg doppelgänger and we’re not sure which is the real him and which is the imposter.
Olli: Some teams have a fire escape plan, but not us.
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
Masky and slenderman
Their relationship is... tense, to say the least
Masky honest-to-god loathes Slender. There’s a special pit of hatred reserved in the proxy’s heart for him. He despises him with that special brand of hatred reserved by exploited workers for their power-hungry bosses
He almost has no choice but to respect him, though. Part of it is programmed into him by Slender—conditioning for good behavior. Try as he might to free himself from his grasp, he’s trapped, so he might as well do as he’s ordered & get rewarded
Slender, on the other hand, is quite fond of Masky. Not in a friend kind of way, but more in a prized possession kind of way. He’s put a lot of work into him, and he intends on making sure he can get every single ounce of use out of him
Slender knows Masky would gut him at the first opportunity, but he doesn’t care because he knows that fated day will realistically never come :/
Send in 2 characters & I’ll give my interpretation of how they feel about one another!!
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sassycordy · 2 years
john had never been more grateful for his flat ass.
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tetsoorou · 2 years
im back <33333
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rowan-ashtree · 2 years
What r ur predictions, if any, for next season of toh?
dearheart this is such a good question and i consider it to be basically a marriage proposal so hmu w ur ring size <3 /p /j
so like. i super definitely want there to be a scene in which the hexsquad talks abt what happened and makes sure they're all on the same page, specifically abt luz helping philip and hunter being a grimwalker. like i want them all to comfort each other SO BAD. but i think there's probably gonna be a lot of self-blaming w those two and they're gonna try to isolate themselves or repress everything. and then there's gonna have to be a group therapy session, which is what i wanted anyway hehehe
i think there's gonna be a lot of exploration of how magic works in the human realm and I'm SO excited for that. like we know glyphs don't work, bc they command the magic around them but the human realm doesn't have magic just THERE like the demon realm does. w bile sacs......i think gus and willow and amity will be able to do magic basically as normal
we don't know if everyone has their palismen w them, but my guess is they do, and im not sure if their staffs will work the same. i don't think we know enough abt how palismen rly WORK and are made and such, but maybe in the human realm they aren't animated creatures and only staffs? maybe they work normally? maybe they're in creature form but they're just wood carvings? idk but im so excited to learn more abt how magic works :D
I'm not sure what to think abt the bit of belos mud that made it into the human realm.......and honestly i have no idea what's happening on the boiling isles w the collector and such. i don't have any theories abt that but i bet it'll be wild lmao
i DO have a theory abt eda and the owl beast, partially inspired by a post that pointed out that when king started to free the collector, eda woke up, and the show focused on her gray (cursed) eye, and partially inspired by the one scene in hooty's door where the collector shows up in Eda's dream. so lilith found the curse in the night market, written on a scroll. also in hooty's door, the curse scroll washes up on the beach in the final dream scene, and someone comes along and picks it up. and the collector gave belos the draining spell and taught him magic stronger than anybody's. the owl beast curse drains Eda's magic. i think the owl beast could've been an early attempt at the draining spell, before belos knew exactly how to get what he wanted, or before the collector knew belos' end goal. it ended up in the boiling sea, and someone picked it up and brought it to the night market. idk how plausible this is but I think it's cool, and either way there HAS to be a connection w the owl beast and the collector
the format disney pushed them into for this last season is ridiculous but despite that it's gonna be so good :)
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heexseung · 8 months
꒰ 🌧 ꒱ ┄ ❛ dark academia ;caeruleum ❜
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* pairing: vampire!heeseung x afab!reader
* tags: smut, fluff, romantic, human!reader, degradation (m. receiving), praise (m. receiving), mentions of free use, handjob (m. receiving), overstimulation (m. receiving), bratty!heeseung / switchy!heeseung if you squint, cunnilingus, body worship [kinda] (f. receiving)
* summary: because you two were loud last time, rumours have been spreading around about you two, causing you to receive a lot of unwanted attention from your peers.
* word count: 10k
* a/n: hello babes !! omg i almost forgor about this- but i DIDNT SAUR ENJOY THIS REPOST <3333 tysm for all ur support i wish u the loveliest days ahead c: and if you wish to come drop by my twitch streams, you can dm me and ill gib u my link ehheeheheheh ok thanks baiii
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Even on weekends, you'd typically spend all of your free time cooped up in your tiny dorm, studying. Your timetable consists of waking up, getting ready, going to classes, studying and sleeping. You don't really do anything else and you don't really go outside much either.
It's not that you're in love with learning, although you do like learning — it's just that you don't really have anything else to do. Nothing interests you and oftentimes, you'd get so bored that you just end up thinking, well, the books are right there. Might as well do some studying. At least it'll give me something to do.
You thought about going outside and seeing the world; the world that is so unknown to you and many other humans out there, the world that any human would be extremely lucky to see… yet you can't bring yourself to step outside of your dorm unless it's for classes. You wish you had more courage to do so but after your first day here, you decided that it's best to lay low and not bring any attention to yourself. After all, your existence here is already controversial enough.
Thus, you live your life like this. It's boring and repetitive… but it's not like you're doing anything to actually change it. Plus, being here is something that you've always wanted to do ever since you were a kid, so it's not all bad and despite the less than ideal treatment you've got during your time here, there's still nowhere else you'd rather be at.
Besides, the isolation, gossip and rumours don't bother you much anyway. It'll never be as bad as the first week and you're thankful that everyone here usually lets you be — that is, usually.
Lately, you've come to notice that people are gossiping about you again but you're not sure why. You can't really hear what they're saying nor can you really ask someone about it… but you doubt it's because you're human, they've already gossiped about that on your first week here.
Maybe it has something to do with your lab partner, Heeseung. After all, the gossip did start right after the day you hooked up with him. But you doubt it.
Speaking of your lab partner, you wonder where he's been all this time. It's been a couple of days since you last saw him, he didn't even come to class two days ago. You hope he's okay.
You don't think you'll see him today either. After all, you both only share one class together, Intermediate Alchemy, and you don't have that class today. Even so, for some reason, there's a part of you that hopes to see him today anyway, maybe because he's the only person who's actually kind to you here. Everyone else would just ignore you.
As you walk down the hallway to go back to your dorm, the faint sound of an unfamiliar melody stops you in your tracks. You do a double-take, is what you're hearing what you think you're hearing?
It is.
It's the piano.
Someone's playing the piano, and beautifully so. Such beautiful and delicate melodies played with such grace, you can't help but think to yourself, a complex piece like this must take days to learn how to play. Who's playing it? And what piece is this?
Thus, you follow the faint sound of the grand piano, hoping to find the talented person playing it. Besides, you're in no rush anyway.
After a few seconds of walking, you find yourself standing in front of a closed classroom door. The sound of the piano is still a bit hard to hear properly but you don't want to open the door and disturb the person playing so you press your ear against the door, trying to listen to the piano piece as discretely as you can.
Thank God the hallway is empty or else there'd be more weird rumours about me, you can't help but think to yourself while silently chuckling.
But all too quickly, like less than a minute or so, the melodies stop playing. You wait for a few seconds to see if they'd continue but instead, you hear the faint sound of footsteps coming closer to you. You barely have enough time to detach yourself from the door and look unsuspicious before the door suddenly opens and an annoyed looking Heeseung peeks out.
However, his expression quickly changes to a surprised one as he sees you standing there like a deer caught in headlights. Now with his eyes wide and his eyebrows raised, he opens the door a bit more as he looks at you. A moment of silence passes by until you awkwardly clear your throat to break the silence.
"Um, hi," you say to him, hoping that he's not annoyed at you for listening in on him.
"Ah… hi…" he shyly says. His left hand scratches the back of his head as his eyes move away from you, but only for a moment. "Sorry, I, uh… I thought you were... one of those people."
His tone is sharp and annoyed and he rolls his eyes as he says the last two words but then he looks at you again and gives you a smile that reaches his eyes.
You reply, "No, no. I'm sorry I… kinda listened in on you."
"Kinda?" He asks with a teasing tone, his smirk is evident.
You laugh in response. It's short but the lightheartedness of the laugh still manages to dissipate the awkwardness between you two. Heeseung leans against the door frame with a smile and softly says, "It's okay."
And then he pauses. It feels as if some words are meant to be spoken here, right at this moment, but there's only silence as he stares at you. A couple of seconds later, he continues, "Um… do you wanna come in?"
Hell yeah. You've never seen this room and you're curious.
It seems that your facial expressions tell him your answer loud and clear. He gives you a bigger smile, the kind of smile that one can't stop from appearing even if they tried, and takes your hand in his to pull you into the room with him. His hand feels slightly warmer than yours and something that surprises you is the fact that his hand feels like it fits you more than your own. It makes you feel strange... knowing that even your own hands, hands that were created to fit perfectly into each other…
All your life, you've always thought that there's no way someone else's hands would ever fit into yours as perfectly as yours do but as his hand holds yours, guiding you to take a seat in front of the grand piano, you think to yourself, maybe I was wrong.
Brushing your weird thoughts away, you pull your hand away from his and look around the room. It's a bit dark in here because the curtains are closed but you can still make out what's inside the medium shaped room; some bookcases at the wall, a whiteboard at the front, some musical instruments at the left side and this grand piano at the right. Other than that, it's pretty empty which makes it appear more spacious than it actually is.
After putting your sling bag down on the floor beside you, Heeseung, now sitting next to you, starts playing a different tune than before and you watch as his pretty hands gracefully move from one key to another, you listen to the unfamiliar yet beautiful piece of composition.
Soon, the music grows in pace and intensity, you can feel the composer's passion as it goes on. Then it slows down to a soft and romantic pace, somehow reminding you of the beauty of nature despite being in a dark room with none, and then a moment later, it grows again until it eventually comes to a really slow and soft tune that reminds you of the gentleness of a mother bird singing to its nestlings. As you listen to him play, you feel like you're being kept at the edge of your seat, following the music as if you're a leaf in a stream of water. It's exhilarating, really. You didn't know music could do such a thing.
By the time he finishes playing, you're in awe of his talent in playing the piano, fully knowing that playing such beautiful composition takes a lot of time and effort. Before you could compliment him, he's already speaking, "Do you like it? It's called Dreams of Love by Franz Liszt."
"Yeah," you say, a bit breathlessly, just now realising that you've been holding your breath. "Wow, you're so talented."
His laugh is soft in your ears. "Thank you."
Turning to him, you look him in the eyes and say, "I didn't know you could play piano so beautifully."
Your words make him blush a bit; a soft shade of pink dusts his ears and cheeks — it reminds you a bit of the intimate moment you shared with him a couple of days before. As he murmurs a shy thank you, it becomes a bit awkward between you two again. Heeseung starts fiddling with his fingers and he opens his mouth as if to speak but he closes it back after a second or two.
Eventually, he does speak but his voice is devoid of all lightheartedness from before and his face shows a sorrowful expression. "Look," he sighs and turns to look at you. "I should apologise for the… uh… well, the last time, um, you know." He then gives a frustrated groan, burying his face in his hands at his failed attempt to communicate his thoughts to you. "I'm sorry, I- We… we shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry."
You can only stare at him in disbelief. "What?" You say, your tone sounding a bit too harsh for both of your likings.
Truthfully, his words hurt you, more much than you'd like to admit. In a way, you kind of gave him a part of you, you showed him your vulnerability and you let him touch you in ways you'd never let strangers or even regular friends do... and now he tells you he regrets it. It hurts and you feel a bit embarrassed. You enjoyed your time with him but unfortunately, you guess he doesn't feel the same.
Suddenly, Heeseung realises that what he just said is probably the worst thing he could ever say to you. He quickly tries to take it back, "Wait- nonono, I meant-"
But you're already standing up to leave, not really wanting to hear whatever else he has to say. As you move, he gets up with you, his tone starting to sound desperate as he calls out to you. "No wait, please, please don't leave. I don't think you understand me."
And to think that I thought we could actually be friends.
You might sound a bit dramatic but you can't help what you feel. Now your relationship with him feels weird and awkward. You just want to quickly leave.
Right as you're in front of the door, he grabs your arm as a last attempt to stop you. Calling your name again, he pleads with you, "Please listen to me, it's not what you think. I-"
With wide eyes, his breath hitches as he stops himself from continuing, a bit mortified at what he almost blurt out. You only give him a confused look with an eyebrow raised. After a moment of just staring at each other in silence, he finally breathes out a worried sigh and surprisingly rests his head on your shoulder while intertwining his hand with yours. But what's more surprising is the fact that you don't have the heart to push him away.
What a weird person, you think. First he tells me he regrets having sex with me and now he does this.
"I'm sorry. I'm a mess when I'm with you," he murmurs, his face heating up at the confession.
As much as your heart beats faster at his words, you can't help but ask yourself, why? You're just a human. Heeseung can't possibly like you, could he? He has many other suitors that would be more than elated to be with him. Maybe he means that you just make him nervous — you wouldn't be surprised if you do since you make many people here nervous by just breathing.
Just as you're about to say something, you hear footsteps coming near you both, along with the sound of people talking... surprisingly about you. Although you're not new to people gossiping and spreading rumours about you, it does pique your curiosity; you've always wondered what people say about you behind your back.
On the first week, you heard people saying that you came from a rich family that had relations with the university's administrative staff or that a supernatural family adopted you or that you're not really human. Those were only the light rumours. Sometimes, when walking to class, you'd hear people say that you're working undercover for the human government, that you're only here to destroy the supernatural space and that everyone should be wary of you.
It makes you a bit sad, to be honest, because those words couldn't be further from the truth. However, you don't particularly blame them; humans haven't exactly been nice to the supernaturals, so you try to not take offence.
This time, however, the rumours are something else and it seems to involve not just you but someone else too.
"There's no way that happened," someone irritatedly says. If you could see them right now, there's no doubt in your mind that they'd be rolling their eyes.
"I'm just saying what everyone else is saying," another person says, their tone more nonchalant than the other’s.
"God, I swear, rumours are so dumb, like Heeseung and Y/N fucking in the dorms, really?" Your eyes go wide at the revelation, is that what everyone's talking about? But how did they know? And why is it a huge deal if I get laid? It doesn't make sense to you.
The same person continues, their voice growing louder as they walk closer to where you're standing, "This sounds as ridiculous as the time when everyone was saying that Jake fucked 100 people."
"Ah, but this one could actually be true," the other person thoughtfully says.
"What? Don't tell me you actually believe-"
"There are people who said they heard them," they say as a matter-of-factly, their voice now growing fainter as they pass by you but you can still hear the change of tone in their voice, now sounding more intrigued, "They say she edged him a couple of times and he wouldn't stop begging her to fuck him." Chuckling, they continue, "Must be a fun time."
Heeseung buries his head deeper into your shoulder as they say that, his hair tickles your neck a bit but you don't mind. Plus, you're more focused on their conversation, so much that you almost don't feel his hand tightening his hold on yours.
At the same time, you hear the former laugh and say, "You're so fucking weird."
Their conversation doesn't stop there but that's all you're able to hear, they're too far for you now. However, you're pretty sure Heeseung can still hear them — after all, his hearing is better than yours could ever be. But now that you know what everyone's talking about, you understand why he said what he said. He's surely not fond of the gossip about you two. You feel a bit sorry about it and despite knowing that it's not really your fault that people gossip about you, it doesn't really make you feel better.
A while later, Heeseung finally speaks again but he still doesn't move away from you and his voice sounds grim, a contrast to his usual demeanour, at least from what you've seen. "Sorry. It's my fault. I should've been more careful."
You try to look at him, a bit confused at what he's saying but he's hiding his face from you so you instead simply ask him, "Huh?"
He takes a deep breath as if trying to gather his confidence. Then, he pulls away from you and you're now able to see his face clearly. Ah, so that's why he was hiding.
With an obvious blushing face, he says, "It's not that I regret it, of course not, it's just that I think we should've done it elsewhere because obviously, people could hear and it was so stupid of me for not thinking about that." He gives out a frustrated sigh and continues, his voice soft and sad, "I guess I got carried away... I'm sorry."
Another moment of awkward silence as you try to make sense of what's going on. When you finally do, you can't help but question him, your voice almost as soft as his, "Why are you apologising?"
Giving you a surprised look, he pauses for a moment as he contemplates his answer. "D-doesn't the gossip bother you?"
He looks so sad that you just can't help but tenderly hold his face, making him look at you as you reassure him, "Heeseung, people always talk about me. It's nothing new. If anything, I should apologise since you got dragged into it."
Quickly objecting, he blurts out, "No, it's my fault! If I would've been more careful- if I haven't been thinking with my dick instead of my brain, this wouldn't have happened and you wouldn't have hated me and everything would've been fine and-"
You've never seen him look so distraught before. Seeing him being so uncharacteristically talkative worries you because despite knowing little of him, you do know one thing; he's not the type to word vomit, he always thinks things through before he speaks his mind and when he speaks, his words are fully thought-out. He may stutter here and there but they'd still seem thought-out and planned. Now, seeing him not able to do so and just desperately speaking, trying to convince you that he's at fault... it just doesn't sit right with you. How long had this issue been on his mind? And to what extent does he blame himself?
"Heeseung, calm down."
But he doesn't. He seems to be fully inside his mind, blurting out words as much as he can as if he's blurting out days' worth of worries. You're not sure what to do to calm him down but in a state of panic and with your hands already on his face, you pull him close and kiss him, hoping that the shock would be enough to stop him from overthinking.
Fortunately, it works. He gives a soft muffled sound as your lips touch his and then everything gets quiet. Still, he doesn't kiss you back, most likely too shocked at your actions. The kiss itself isn't long, you don't let it nor need it to be — you pull back a few seconds later. Looking into his almost teary eyes, you apologise for the sudden kiss, "Sorry, I didn't know-"
You're pretty sure he wasn't listening to you because now the tables have turned; now, he's kissing you and the kiss he gives you is way different than your attempt to get him to calm down — it's intense, messy, desperate and so intoxicating that you almost forgot to kiss him back.
When you do kiss him back, his actions only become more desperate. His hands constantly move; first from his sides to your shoulder, then to hold your face, then to your arm as he pushes you against the door, then to your waist, almost as if he's trying to make sure that you're really here. His lips never stop moving to press open-mouthed kisses to yours and as he does so, a small part of you can't help but feel like he's offering every part of him to you through the kiss, stealing your breath away in the process.
Eventually, you both pull away, needing to breathe. For a while, you both stare into each other's eyes. Heeseung rests his forehead against yours, his lips a bit swollen as he pants and his breath feels hot against your lips.
After a moment of intense silence, he speaks, his voice sounding a bit hoarse and it's as if he's talking to himself rather than to you. "You don't hate me."
You reply, "Of course not. How could I?" Gently caressing his cheek with your thumb, you whisper, "You're the only person here who's been kind to me."
Something in his eyes changes — you're unable to pinpoint exactly what it is but you don't ask either. He gulps, still breathing heavily, still looking into your eyes and then asks you with a soft wavering voice, "Why did you kiss me?"
It isn't his question that catches you by surprise but the look in his eyes that make him seem like he's expecting or hoping for a certain answer. If you were to look away, you could answer him honestly; "it was to help calm you down" but you can't look away, not when he's staring at you so intensely, not when he looks like he's begging you to say something specific as he waits for your answer. Your breath hitches as you think, unsure of what to say to him.
But it seems that you were silent for way too long. Breaking eye contact with you to look at the ground, Heeseung takes a step back and his hand rubs the back of his neck for a short moment.
"Did you only kiss me to shut me up?" He chuckles after he says that but the slight bitterness in his voice is evident.
"I'm sorry, I panicked. I was trying to calm you down," you eventually say.
He simply stares at you as if you just said the most absurd thing ever; eyes wide, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly open. After realising that you're actually serious, he grabs your hand and slowly brings it to rest on his chest, giving you the chance to pull your hand away at any moment if you wish. "Can you feel it?" He softly asks.
You know what he's talking about — his heartbeat right underneath your fingertips... but you can't feel it nor hear it. Thus, you replace your hand with your ear, resting your head on his chest as you try to at least hear his heartbeat.
Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump.
It's faint but you can hear it... and it's beating quite fast for a vampire. You've heard that vampires have a slower heart rate than everyone else's and right now, you'd say his heart is beating pretty fast, just slightly above an average human's. You can feel his breathing too, it's a bit laboured.
When you pull away to look back up at him, you're greeted by a blushing Heeseung who asks you with a small smile, "Get it?"
Is he trying to say that you make him nervous?
Shaking your head no at him, you're still a bit confused as to what he's trying to convey. At your response, he sighs, runs his hand through his hair and then whispers to you, "How am I supposed to calm down when you're kissing me?"
That's when the realisation hits you. "Oh..." you whisper, now getting it.
"Yeah..." he whispers back then lightly chuckles. Placing his hand on the door behind you a moment later, he leans into you and continues in a low voice, "You wanna know how you can calm me down?"
That low voice makes you feel weird things, you just can't resist entertaining him when he speaks like that. "What?" You ask, your voice also low.
"You can hug me." Raising an eyebrow at him, you hum for him to continue, a bit surprised at the answer. "I like hugs," he continues with a boyish smile.
"You want a hug?"
With the same smile, he softly says, "Yeah."
"If you say please, I'll give you one."
He wastes no time. "Please," he says with a bright smile and hopeful eyes.
How could you say no to him when he looks so cute? So you hug him, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your head on his shoulder. He immediately hugs you back, his grip on you a bit tight but you don't mind, not when he feels so warm and comforting.
After a long moment of just hugging each other, you can't help but playfully ask, "Are you calm now?"
"I don't know," he starts. "Maybe you can check my pulse to find out?"
You can practically hear the smirk in his voice as he says that. You're not sure what he's hoping to get out of it — maybe he just wants your hands on his neck... or maybe he just likes to tease you. Whatever it is, you can't help but roll your eyes.
Suddenly, a fun idea pops up inside your head and you nonchalantly reply, "Okay."
Grabbing his face with both of your hands, you pull his head back to look at his neck. As your hands move to make him look up, your eyes take in every millimetre of his neck, specifically the spaces underneath his jawline, trying to find a pulse. Fortunately, it doesn't take you a long time.
"W-wait wait wait wait-" He gasps as your tongue probes at his pulse, his hands now moving to grip your shoulders. You only did it to tease him — you like it when he's flustered, but surprisingly, you can actually feel his pulse underneath your tongue. Intrigued, you pause your actions to count his heart rate, as weird and funny as that sounds.
You're not really surprised when you feel it beating rapidly. After a few seconds, he gives out a shaky exhale and says, "Is this a normal thing humans do?"
You chuckle at his words and then quickly bite down on the spot. He gives out a choked moan in response and further tightens his grip on your shoulder. "Aw, is baby flustered?" You tease him, unable to help yourself.
He can only whine your name as your tongue starts swirling around the same spot.
"You're so responsive... I love it," you whisper to him, your voice making him shiver. "And to think, I'm only playing with your neck. Is it that sensitive?"
As you start sucking on the small bit of skin in between your teeth, his jaw moves in an attempt to answer you but you don't hear his voice at all — he doesn't speak, not even when you're done giving him a hickey, not even when you're done giving him three. Pulling back, you take a moment to admire the small bruises on his neck but as time goes by and nothing changes, you begin to realise something.
"Why aren't they disappearing?" You comment, a bit alarmed.
However, Heeseung doesn't seem that concerned. He shrugs it off and replies with half-lidded eyes, "Ah, it's fine, it'll go away eventually."
"Is that normal?" You ask, still a bit hesitant.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry."
Deciding to take his word for it, you continue leaving hickeys on his neck. He hums in approval, his breathing hot and heavy and you eventually lose count of how many you actually gave him. When you pull back to look at his neck again, it's already half-covered with small bruises; all of them still bright red.
Just the sight of it makes something inside you snap and you can't help but ask him, "You don't mind me touching you right, Hee baby?"
With his head a bit dizzy, Heeseung struggles a bit to speak, "N-no, you can... you can touch me all you want."
"I can touch you anywhere?" You smirk, already knowing what you're going to do to him.
"Anywhere you want," he softly replies.
At his words, your hands waste no time moving to his torso, touching every part of it from his shoulders, then to his collarbones, then to his chest. His breath hitches when your hands move across his nipples but you don't stop to play with them — you continue moving your hands down to his abdomen. As you do so, you ask him, "I can touch you here?"
"Mhmm." His eyes automatically close as he says that, wanting to focus on your hands touching his body.
Seeing him relaxed and full of anticipation at the same time only spurs you on and so, you move one of your hands to squeeze his ass. He gasps and jumps in response, not expecting that to happen.
"What about here?" Your teasing tone only seems to make him melt.
"Y-yeah," he breathlessly says as he rests his head on your shoulder, his hands now gripping your waist.
Further teasing him, you slowly move your hand from his ass to grip his dick through his pants. "Even here?" You ask him with a raised eyebrow.
He can't stop himself from moaning and pushing back into your hand at the contact. But before he could reply, you're already talking while feeling him up, "Wow, you're already kinda hard. Does this turn you on, hm? Being groped like a whore?"
Giving out another moan, he starts grinding into your hand as if to show you how turned on he is. He doesn't say anything but you can practically guess what he's thinking right inside his head; feel it, feel how hard you make me. You push your hand against his dick harder and he hisses in response. "You like that? Being my whore? Letting me play with your dick however I want, whenever I want?"
"Yes," he moans. "Just use me."
"Now, now. Where are your manners?" You ask as your other hand starts playing with his left nipple through his shirt.
At first, he stays quiet for a while, not wanting to answer you but as your fingers pinch his nipple, he jumps and squeaks out, "Please!"
"Please what?" You can feel his dick getting harder through his pants and just to tease him further, you play with his tip, pressing and swirling your thumb against it over and over again.
With a groan, he relents surprisingly quickly, "Please use me how-however you want. I really need your hands on me, please."
"I'm already touching you though?"
"No..." He trails off with a hiss. "Can I please take off my pants?"
As you feign thinking, he hurriedly continues, "Please, I need to feel your hands on my dick, please? I'll do whatever you want, I'm your whore. Just please touch me, it feels really good. I need it so much. Please."
"Needy today, huh?" It's a bit surprising, honestly, you were expecting him to give more of a fight based on the last time you hooked up, but nevertheless, he's still cute. Plus, it makes your job easier.
In response, he just hums, simply agreeing with whatever you're saying without a second thought. Satisfied with his pleas and answers, you tell him that he can take his pants off and he quickly does so, his movements hurried and sloppy, desperate to get it off as quick as he can. Once his pants are discarded on the floor like a metre away, you pull him into you by gripping his hips and then you pin him to the door right behind you.
Immediately, he leans against it and his hands go to grip your waist again but you quickly grab his wrists and pin them right beside his head. Leaning closer to his ear, you sternly tell him, "Keep your hands there, got it?"
He gulps and nods at your authoritative tone. You then take a good look at his dick since you didn't really get to last time — you notice that it's lanky, average girth, with a slight curve to the left and circumcised. It's also hard but that's already obvious. In a way, it suits him and you think it's pretty, just like him.
When you look back up at him, you can't help but smile at the shy expression he gives you. Whispering into his ear, you say, "You have such a pretty dick... but do you know how to use it?"
Biting his lip, he slowly shakes his head no. As your right hand go to unbutton his shirt, you continue, unable to mask the excitement in your voice, "Well that doesn't matter. I can always teach you how." You let your fingers brush along his shaft, your touch barely there as you continue, "And when you do learn, I might let you fuck me one day." The response he gives you is cute; he quickly nods his head and pleads with you. "Would you like that?"
"Yes," he gasps, trying his best to not buck his hips. "Please."
"Alright, baby." Finally deciding to give him what he wants and put him out of his misery, you spit on your hand and start stroking his dick. Your spit makes your hand move easily and after a few moments of stroking, he gives out a loud moan, throwing his head back when you suddenly squeeze his dick — hard.
"You want people to hear us again?" You teasingly comment.
He nods and replies, "Yes... wanna... let them know... how... good you make me... feel."
"How dirty." You can't stop your smile of fondness from appearing or the chuckle that comes right after.
"I'm... your whore... remember?" Despite being paired with gasps and moans, his remark still manages to come out playful.
"Go ahead then, baby." He whimpers as your hand starts stimulating his tip. "Let everyone know who's making you feel so good. Your voice is too pretty for you to be quiet anyway."
Your right hand finally finishes unbuttoning his shirt. Without wasting any second, you touch his bare skin, running your hand all over his torso. His body's response intrigues you; everywhere your fingers go, his skin beneath you twitches and you're just using your hands. Imagine using your mouth — luckily, you don't need to imagine since he's right there.
The sound of his moan is so loud this time that it almost echoes across the room if it weren't for the room having many carpets. And to think that all you did was lick his chest. Granted, you did pinch his nipple while tightly squeezing his balls as you do so but who cares? He's so fun to play with, you just want to keep him like this for hours... but unfortunately, you're pretty sure that class is about to start soon, which means many people walking through the hallways.
Thus, you pick up the pace, trying to get him to quickly reach his high. Your left hand quickly moves up and down his shaft, your right hand goes to fondle his balls and your mouth starts sucking on one of his nipples — you doubt he's going to last long since his body is so sensitive. And based on his constant moaning and twitching, you can tell that you're right.
As you continue, he suddenly speaks, "I... I can't get our first time out of my head. I-it's like- it's like you're... haunting me." He moans when you lightly bite down on his nipple, his hips accidentally bucking into your hand. "Every time I close my eyes... I remember it again... I see it vividly... and I... I want to do it again with you... Did you... put a love spell on me... or something?"
As he continues to talk, a small uneasy feeling makes itself known to you — the kind of feeling that makes you feel as if something is wrong. It makes you furrow your eyebrows in suspicion as to what it could possibly be... but as you look at the man in front of you, you quickly understand. Just one look at him and you can tell that he's not in his right state of mind and you're pretty sure that he's just blurting out whatever's coming to his mind at this time. You can't shake away the thought that whatever he's saying right now is too private. You don't believe you should hear this, at least, not right now.
Worrying that he might end up regretting whatever he's saying, you tell him, "Heeseung, I don't want to hear anything else come out of your mouth except those pretty sounds you make, okay?"
And just to be safe, you insert two of your fingers into his mouth. As your fingers press against his tongue, he hums in response, closing his mouth and then he starts sucking on them. His tongue swirls around your fingers as he looks at you with half-lidded eyes.
Your hand goes to abuse his tip, your thumb swirling the precum around and pressing down on it again and again while your other hand continues to keep his mouth busy. His body shakes at your actions and suddenly, he quickly pulls your hand away from his mouth to say something.
"I'm gonna cum, what if-"
"You can cum, Hee baby. Go on, cum for me. You can do that for me, right?" Your voice sounds so sweet that he just wants to do whatever you say.
"But it- it's gonna get messy..." he whines and trails off. Despite his worries, his hips start bucking uncontrollably into your hand, trying to catch his high anyway — he doesn't want to stop but a small part of his conscious brain still worries about how he'll clean up his mess.
"Don't worry, baby. We can clean it up," you reassure him. "Go on, be a good boy and cum for me. And keep your hands back up."
"Okay- I..." He puts his hands back up and sucks in a deep breath as he feels himself reaching his high. That conscious part of him from earlier disappears and now, he's almost chanting, "Thank you. Thank you thank you thank-"
The moment you start harshly sucking on his neck again, he's gone; with a loud and long moan, his hips thrust into your hand and streams of cum messily come out of him, getting all over your hand, onto your pants and even onto the floor. His body is shuddering and his eyes are rolled to the back of his head as your hand starts milking him for all he's got.
You coo at him, "Good boy, baby. Such a good boy for me."
"Please-" He squeaks, head thrown back against the door. You don't stop touching him though, not even when his streaks of cum stop coming out, not even when he starts uncontrollably trembling at every touch of your hand. One of your hands continues to quickly stroke his dick while the other fondles his balls, alternating from left and right. As you squeeze them, he gasps and whimpers your name.
"You're being such a good boy, baby... just taking whatever I give you." You start licking his chest, from his navel to his nipple. Heeseung shuts his eyes tight as his body continues to tremble against his will, his hands now in fists beside his head. As you play with his nipple, sucking on it and swirling your tongue around it, his back arches and he can't stop himself from thrusting in and out of your hand.
"You can cum for me one more time, right?"
He groans in response, nodding. "A-a... any... thiiing... f-for... y-you."
Letting go of his nipple to whisper in his ear, you say, "Right, you did say that you're my whore."
"Y-yes, yes, yes." He gasps.
So you continue touching and stimulating him until he cums again. Throughout it, he doesn't speak at all, only making pretty noises while his body trembles. It doesn't take long before he cums again. This time, it comes as a surprise — he didn't tell you that he's close. Perhaps he, himself didn't know that he was or maybe he wasn't paying attention, too busy being lost in his own bliss. Either way, based on his reaction, it seems that he's also surprised; he cums with a scream, his voice echoes throughout the room, his eyes tightly closed, and his hips stop moving but he's still trembling all over as another shot of his cum comes out of him.
So gorgeous.
You slow down your movements, not wanting to push him too much, until you eventually stop. Heeseung pants in front of you, looking helpless and blissed out.
"See, I knew you had it in you." As you slowly coax him back to reality, you slowly become aware of how uncomfortably wet your panties are. But you push that aside for now.
It takes him a moment to come back to reality and when he does, he still feels a bit dizzy. His hands go to grip your shoulder and waist for support and you hug him to soothe and comfort him, rubbing your hand on his back — the hand that's cleaner than the other. A moment later, he breathes out a soft thank you, feeling a bit spent.
"I'll... clean everything up," he breathlessly says while hugging you. You pat his head while his arms wrap themselves tightly around you.
"That's okay, baby. I have tissues in my bag. We'll clean it up together, yeah?"
He doesn't answer you and instead, asks for a kiss. Of course, you give it to him. How could you ever say no to this man? The kiss is unsurprisingly hot, heavy and messy, your tongues intertwine together just like your breaths. He moans into it and then pulls back to kiss your neck.
"Your turn?" He whispers into your neck, his breath hot against it. You close your eyes as he starts kissing and licking your neck, his tongue hot and wet swirling on a certain spot. You grab his shoulder as he continues, and then, a moment later, you feel his sharp fangs graze against your neck but before you could make sense of what's happening, he quickly pulls away, stopping himself.
"Sorry, can I-" He gives out a shaky breath. "I wanna... make you cum." He whispers out the last part. It was so soft that you almost didn’t hear it.
"You wanna make me cum?" You whisper back, your eyes still closed, now fully aware of the tension in between your legs.
"Yeah." His hands tenderly touch your body as he says that, going down from your shoulder to your breast and finally coming to rest on your waist.
He kisses you again but compared to your last few kisses, this one's short. Pulling away from you, he says, "We should- uh... change positions? Would it be easier for you?"
"Ah, yeah, okay." Despite your voice sounding nonchalant, your pussy throbs at the anticipation of finally getting the attention it craves. After you both change positions, with you now leaning against the wall and him in front of you, his hands go to unbutton your shirt and unhook your bra as he kisses you.
Gripping his hair, you pull him away from you — which earns you a moan. "Go fast, I think it's almost time for class."
"There's still tons of time," he reassures you. "Barely anyone has class in this building anyway. Don't worry."
Trying to reassure you, he gives you a smile and goes back to tenderly kissing your neck. It seems that there's a clash of wants — you just want to cum while he probably just wants to take his time with you. You're about to protest but his hands and mouth on your body make you change your mind, at least for now. With his hands kneading your breasts and his mouth slowly moving from your neck to your breasts, you give out a defeated sigh.
With a triumphant smile, he mumbles a thank you into your skin. His mouth is now sucking your left breast, his tongue swirling around your areola and the nub, making your pussy wetter by the second. The urge to touch your pussy grows as he continues his actions. One of his hands plays with your right breast while the other goes to unbutton your pants.
All of a sudden, he lightly bites down on your breast and you jump in response, unable to stop your moan from coming out. "Fuck, your mouth feels so good."
He moans too but his moan comes out muffled against your breast. After a while, your hand grips his hair and he hisses as you move his mouth to your other breast. "Keep going baby, you're doing so good. Such a good boy for me, aren't you?"
The praise only spurs him on, his movements now getting bolder. Wasting no time, he begins to kiss it and then lick it, until finally, he takes it into his mouth, harshly sucking on the mound. You hiss and arch your back in response. With your pants now on the ground, your legs start to feel cold but your core is still hot and wet, demanding attention.
Eventually, he finally moves on, leaving your breasts to kiss down to your navel. Every kiss he leaves you is tender yet hot against your skin, just like his hands on your body. Once he reaches your navel, he kneels down and as you let him put one of your legs over his shoulder, his face is now very close to your crotch. Even so, he still doesn't give your pussy any attention yet. Instead, he starts at your inner thighs, specifically the one on his shoulder, slowly licking up closer and closer to your heat as his hands continuously move up and down your thighs. He stops where your thigh meets your groin and starts taking a small bit of your skin into his mouth to suck and bite on it.
You let him leave a hickey there — it's not like you can't hide it anyway. After he's done, he pulls away to admire his mark on you with a small satisfied smile but just as you thought he'd finally start eating you out, he starts the same thing over again, except this time, on your other thigh. You groan, beginning to get frustrated.
He seems to find it amusing, given by the fact that you can feel him softly chuckling into your thigh as he kisses it. "Heeseung." Your stern yet breathless voice only makes him smirk.
"You're being a brat," you hiss at him.
Pulling away from your thigh, he looks up at you with a defiant smirk and coyly says, "I'm only taking my time."
But as he moves to continue his actions, your authoritative voice makes him pause and shiver. "Heeseung, I will literally slap you." You're in no mood to take things slow, you just want to cum. That's all you want — to finally release all this built-up tension in your pussy.
"Kinky," he mumbles with a pout. It's not because he doesn't like being slapped — it's actually something he's willing to try especially during sex as long as you like it, but he's just pouting because he didn't get to-
Giving a frustrated sigh, you say to him, "You can leave a hickey there after I cum, damn it."
His face lights up as you say that and his hand grips your thigh. "Promise?"
"Yes!" You hiss. "Now be a good boy and make me cum."
Wasting no time, he hums and nods at your command, moving his mouth to your clothed pussy. He buries his nose and mouth in your heat, you can't stop a moan from escaping at the contact. His mouth starts kissing you, over and over again as his nose bumps against your clit.
"Fuck," you mutter, your hands gripping his hair tighter as he starts licking a long strip. It's relieving honestly — your pussy finally getting the attention it so craves... but it's not enough. You want his mouth on you, without anything else in the way. Thus, you tell him to take it off and he hums, acknowledging your command... but after a while, your panties are still on and he hasn't made a move to remove it, he just keeps on slowly eating you out with a smirk. When you finally realise that he's doing this deliberately, you snap.
"Heeseung!" Your voice is louder than you expected. "Take them off, for fuck's sake." Then, as if your mouth is on auto-pilot, you continue, "Do you want me to fucking slap you, huh? Is that what you want? You want me to fucking snap, don't you? Want me to pin you down and fuck you till your brain doesn't work anymore?"
At your words, Heeseung feels a bit intimidated but he can't help but also feel turned on at the same time. He moans into you and as he pulls away to pull down your panties, you continue, "Finally starting to take me seriously, huh? You're such a fucking brat, I swear to God, Heeseung. You just want to get punished, don't you?"
"God, you're so wet," he moans into you when he finally buries his face into your pussy again, without your panties this time.
Finally feeling his mouth on your heat, you moan in relief, pushing his head closer to your pussy while leaning against the door. His tongue starts licking up all your juices while his nose continuously bumps against your clit. Then, he starts sucking it, causing you to arch your back. "Fuck. That's right baby, keep going," you say, your tone now way calmer than before.
He hums into you as he continues to eat you out just the way you like, swirling and pressing his tongue against your pussy, sucking it, slurping up all of your juices. Your free hand now goes to play with your breast, massaging it while stimulating your nipple at the same time. His cums smears on your breasts as you do so but you couldn't care less about being clean right now.
When he inserts his tongue into your core, you loudly moan, your hand squeezing your breast tightly. And as he continues, sliding his tongue in and out of you, your pussy starts tightening around it and you gasp, "Fuck, I'm getting close. Don't you dare stop, you little brat, you hear me? I know you're thinking about it."
Gripping his hair tightly, you grind his face into your pussy, using him like a toy as you keep up a steady rhythm. He doesn't mind, of course he doesn't. He did say that you can use him however you want. And to help you reach your high, his hand moves to stimulate your clit, rubbing it in circles.
Here it comes, the release you've been seeking; there's that familiar knot in your stomach and with the help of his mouth and hand, you finally reach your climax with a moan, cumming all over his face as you bask in your release. Heeseung continues eating you out throughout it, taking in all of your juices in his mouth, not letting a single drop escape. His movements grow slower as time goes by until he eventually stops and pulls away, only to leave that hickey he so wanted on your thigh.
By the time he's done, you've gained your consciousness back. Still breathing heavily, you caress his head and softly say, "Thanks."
He licks your thigh one last time and then gets up to kiss you, wrapping his arms around you in a hug while doing so. You let him, not really bothered by the taste of you in his mouth. But the kiss doesn't last long since you're still breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you," you say after pulling away from him.
"It's okay," he says, resting his forehead against yours, his breathing also still heavy. Your hands move to cup his face and with a swipe of your thumb, you collect your cum on his face and feed it back to him. His lips part when your thumb touches them, and he obediently sucks it without protest.
"Good boy," you praise.
You pull your thumb away from his mouth. As his arms unwrap themselves from you, you lean against the door and give out a heavy sigh. Looking back at him, you say, "We should clean ourselves up and get dressed."
With a nod, he agrees, going to get the tissues from your bag that was by the piano. When he comes back with it, you both clean up the mess you both made; first, you both clean yourselves — although Heeseung prefers to clean you more with his mouth than with the tissues, then, you clean the floor and the door that still had streaks of his cum on them, and finally, you clean your clothes.
It's when he buttons up his shirt, you notice something strange.
"The hickeys are still there," you mention, now alarmed again.
Heeseung also gets alarmed, quickly taking out his phone to see himself but then chuckles a second later when he sees how he looks through the screen. "Damn, I looked fucked up," he mumbles.
His hand grazes the still bright red bruises on his neck and his eyebrows furrow at them when he doesn't see them healing. He turns to you and asks, "Did you drink something?"
"What?" You question as your hands are buttoning your shirt.
"Did you drink a potion or something today?" He asks, still looking at himself through the screen, his eyes looking slightly dark.
You pause your actions as you try to remember.
You remember now. It was during Tuesday's alchemy class where Heeseung unfortunately wasn't there. You remember that your lecturer taught the class about a new potion. Apparently, it's a consumption potion which means it only works if you consume it and he so kindly let you drink some of it after he finished explaining its properties. The colour of it was a very rich shade of blue and it smelled like the ocean... but the taste was... unpleasant, to say the least.
His voice rings across your mind, "So what it does is that it drastically slows down someone's regeneration ability, not yours but anyone you touch. Use with caution, alright. Don't be killing anyone. That's against the law."
"Oh... yeah, yeah I did. During alchemy class yesterday," you say, continuing to get dressed.
"Was it blue?" He puts his phone back in his pocket and continues buttoning his shirt.
"Ah... no wonder."
You expect him to continue speaking but instead, he keeps quiet and simply tries to smooth out the wrinkles on his shirt. Eventually, you ask him a question that's on your mind, hoping that he's not annoyed or angry at you for leaving too many obvious hickeys on his neck. "But what are you gonna do?"
Please don't be angry at me.
"Oh, for these?" He shows you his neck, tapping the bruises on it. Then, with a smirk, he continues, "I'll keep them. Thanks."
"Are you sure?" You stare at him, surprised at his response.
Nodding, he reassures you, "Yeah, It's no problem. It'll go away eventually."
For the second time today, you decide to take his word for it. However, you can't help but wonder how long the potion's effect will last — maybe a couple of days? Hopefully not.
When you both finally finish making yourselves look presentable again, the comfortable silence you both share suddenly turns tense and awkward. You're unsure why but the reason makes itself known to you as you make your way to grab your bag.
Heeseung calls out your name. He sounds a bit nervous as he softly asks you, "What are we?"
Grabbing your bag, you think about it for a couple of seconds. "Hm, I guess... friends with benefits?"
"Oh..." He slowly nods, looking down at the floor.
"Unless you don't want that. This can be a one-time thing if you want."
"Nono, I-" He quickly says. "I just..." Taking a deep breath, he brings his head up to make eye contact with you and continues, his voice soft and a bit unsure, "I want something more..."
You look at him as soon as you hear that; he stands there, still near the door, with his posture straight and his face serious as he looks at you. "What?" You can't help but say.
Gathering all his courage, he nods to himself and continues, "I want to date you."
Surprise is the only word that describes how you feel right now. Never in a million years would you ever think that someone here actually likes you, much less want to date you. You've never even thought about dating a supernatural before either. And although you do like Heeseung... you're still unsure if you like him more than just a friend or not. Unsure of how to reply to his sudden confession, you end up just staring at him.
At your lack of response, his cheeks begin to turn pink again and says in a shaky voice, "If that's... a bit too much then it's alright." He gives you a reassuring smile, hoping that you don't feel pressured to reciprocate his feelings. "I don't mind just being friends with you."
"Heeseung, I'm sorry, I'm not too sure," you begin. "I mean, you're the only person who's been kind to me here. I'm not sure if I like you that way... and I wouldn't want you to fall in love with me, only for me to realise later that I never really liked you more than a friend in the first place."
Silence fills the air again as he takes in your words.
"Would you... give me a chance, at least?" He finally says. "Like at least let me take you on a date? Please?" As he looks at you with such cute and innocent eyes, you find yourself smiling at him. "I can show you the world if you want..." and ever so softly, he says his next sentence, "If you promise to show me yours."
His voice sounds melodious as he says that — you could hear the genuineness and hopefulness in his voice. And as you both stand there, just staring at each other, you begin to think to yourself; why not?
"Where would you take me?"
His face immediately lights up as you say that and you can't help but laugh at his cuteness.
"Anywhere you want," he replies with a bright smile, the kind of smile that could make the whole world stop and stare.
"Okay," you softly say, walking closer to him and giving him your hand.
For the first time in your life, you find yourself feeling excited about leaving your dorm, you find yourself anticipating to explore the world that you were so hesitant to get to know. It's as if your worries about laying low suddenly don't exist. And even though you're not really dating, you still can't stop the wide smile on your face as he meets you halfway, taking your hand in his and lacing your fingers together.
"Thank you," he whispers, bringing your hand to his lips to place a soft kiss on it.
"Thank you," you reply.
"For what?" He looks at you with a smile, slightly confused at your words.
Many things — for being kind to you, for being your friend, for not judging you just because you're human, and honestly, many more. But what comes out of your mouth is a simple, "Not every human has the honour of having a potential vampire boyfriend."
His laugh is bright and rich, music to your ears. His eyes crinkle as he laughs and his smile is wide. Just the sight of him laughing wholeheartedly makes your heart feel full. When he finishes laughing, his demeanour changes a bit to a playful one, leaning closer to whisper in your ear with that low voice and that signature boyish smile, "I can be much more than a vampire boyfriend."
"I have no doubt about it," you say to him as you try to calm down your beating heart.
Grabbing your bag from you with his other hand, he says, "Let me walk you to your dorm."
As you both reach the door, you take a look back and scan the room, just to make sure that everything's as it should be. You look back at him when you're done; he has his hand on the door as he asks you, "Ready?"
Nodding at him, you let him open the door and walk you to your dorm, your hands entwine together the whole walk.
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allforrafe · 1 month
what do u think about one where rafe and reader baby girl is at wheezes and rafe and r do parent things heheheheh
ahhh tysm for requesting!! i read this and immediately thought of reader and rafe introducing their baby to everyone so this isn't directly what you asked for but i hope u like it!! <3
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returning to tannyhill is the one thing you had been looking forward too since you and rafe had your beautiful baby girl. but today you were heading back to the manor to introduce your baby to all your friends and family.
as you pulled up outside, you step out the truck and notice wheezie running towards you, arms wide open, heading straight for the hug.
“woah, hold it tiger” you hear rafe say as you stumble back from the impact, “hi wheeze”.
she steps back, giggling and attempting to peer in the back windows, “where’s the baby?!”
rafe chuckles softly, getting your little girl out of her seat in the back of the car, “wheeze, you go settle down inside and you can hold her first, ‘kay?” wheezie gets all giddy and excited before running back into the house, announcing that you guys had arrived.
a few minutes later, you walk in with the baby, rafe following closely behind as he lugs in the bags.
“hi guys, it feels like its been forever!” you say, sitting down on the rug, putting the baby down to play, gently handing her one of her toys.
sarah comes downstairs, shortly followed by john b. his face drops as his mouth falls open. “you didn’t tell him did u sarah?” rafe says, chuckling at john b’s face, “no- wanted it to be a suprise” she says as they both sit down.
wheezie joins you and rafe on the floor. rafe turns to the baby, “hi babygirl”, he speaks soft and gentle, carefully lifting your little girl, “wanna meet your auntie wheeze?”. wheezie giggles, taking the baby out of rafes arms eagerly.
“watch it wheeze.” his tone shifts slightly, “you hurt her ‘nd ill make sure you don’t see the light of day”
“alright! alright” wheezie says, handing the baby over to sarah, john b playing with her as she rests in sarah’s arms.
you smile at them, before looking next to you, your gaze met with rafe’s. you shy away from him breifly. he still managed to make you nervous, and he was your baby daddy.
you rest your head on his shoulder, taking everything in; wheezie’s excited giggles, john b’s smile as he plays with your babygirl and sarah’s admiring eyes on you and rafe.
you hear rafe softly whisper something in your ear-
-”you’re the best momma, never forget that baby”
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i really need a name for the baby but i have no clue so if u want me to write more of dad!rafe please please please leave suggestions!!! luv u all <3333
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mangekyuou · 1 year
could you plsss do the straw hats reactions to reader (who’s always worn a mask) revealing her face for the first time & everyone seeing how beautiful she is?! 😭 tysm if you end up doing this 😭🫶🏼
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✩༄  headcanons ,  with a crewmate who reveals their face for the first time !
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☆ — characters! . . . the straw hats.
☆ — cw(s)! . . . platonic. implied fem!reader. no pronouns used. not proofread.
☆ — notes! . . . thank you so much for requesting !! <3333
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the straw hats respect your privacy and boundaries. you don't owe an explanation for why you wear a mask, and they would never ask that of you if you weren't comfortable
there have been moments where they have even covered their eyes or left the room, so can you can be comfortable
all of them were curious as to what you looked like underneath the mask. some are more normal than others in their curiosity about your appearance
guessing what your hair looked like, or if you had hair at all stuffed effortlessly into your mask. wondering what color were your eyes. what your smile looked like
each of them has a different image of what you look like in their head
except for zoro and jinbei, who have both become so used to seeing and talking to you with the mask on, it's become all they can picture
nami's image of you is not clear. she'll look at the rest of you and try to create an image of your face, but it's always blurry
chopper, luffy, usopp, and robin all have drawn up a picture for you to see what they picture when they see you. even though luffy and chopper both drew monsters...it was fun to see what they envisioned when they spoke to you
brook chose usopp's drawing of you for what he imagined you to look like because it was the best drawing out of the four.
franky definitely thinks you've got some kind of crazy injury or scar going on that you don't like to show people. sometimes you'll catch him staring at you as if he's trying to see through your mask
there's not a second that goes by where sanji is not thinking about what you look like under your mask
so many different images show up in his head at once, he sees a different version of you every time he talks to you
when the time finally comes that you feel comfortable enough to take off your mask in front of them, they were excited !! [ only after they asked you a million times if you were really sure ]
they are eagerly waiting on the edge of their seats, as you reach for the bottom of your mask
when you finally uncover yourself completely, you notice a brief silence. it worries you
but the second sanji dropped to the ground with a hard thud with hearts in his eyes, you knew you were pretty much in the clear
you were nothing like they expected, way prettier than they expected. they all shower you with compliments. even luffy complimented you...in his own special way. "woah! you're not a monster under there!"
he's trying...
it takes them a while to get used to seeing your face. you'll sometimes see them do a double-take to make sure you're actually you when your mask is off
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© MANGEKYUOU — do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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mellifluouaamor · 2 years
HII I HOPE YOU DONT MIND ME REQUESTING <3333 Can i request a jeremy and Dion dating an overall sweetheart female reader, who's just really gentle and sweet? :D tysm again!
synopsis. when you got isekai'd into your favourite manhwa, you didn't expect to find yourself dating an agriche - especially since the two of you are polar opposites.
warnings. mentions of torture and killing (not towards reader), possessiveness.
author's note. ok ok hear me out- i know you didn't request for isekai!reader, but i thought that the concept of her dating the agriche boys because she's a simp for them would be fun to play around with. she has the traits that you mentioned though!
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when DION went to the border to dispose of the pedelian guards just like his father had ordered him to, he didn't expect to witness you falling from the sky. for the first time in his life, he was surprised - and the fact that he felt an emotion compelled him to catch you in his arms.
the moment you realised that you had stopped falling, you opened your eyes and nearly screamed. even though dion was wearing a hood and a half face mask, you recognised his bright red eyes immediately. of all the possible characters in the manhwa, it had to be dion agriche who found you first; you didn't know if you should squeal in joy since your favourite villain is carrying you like a princess, or if you should quake in fear at the likelihood of him taking you prisoner.
as you were occupied with doing mental gymnastics, he silently observed you, head cocked slightly to one side. he thought it was interesting that you didn't try to resist him or at least shout for help (both of which are futile), considering the dangerous situation you're in. any normal person would be scared especially when surrounded by piles of corpses.
you could tell that dion was weighing his options of either killing you since you're a witness, or keeping you in one of the agriche residence's prison cells until he has a use for you. desperate to live, you impulsively yanked his mask down and tugged his head towards you, causing his lips to smash against yours. his eyes widened.
"why did you do that?" he asked when you pulled away.
"because... i love you!" you exclaimed, giving him the sweetest smile you could muster. you learnt from another manhwa that the best way to survive an encounter with a dangerous person is to catch them off-guard with a love confession! you're not exactly lying about your love for dion anyway, and the consequences of this will be a future you problem.
"even though i could kill you right now?"
"i feel a certain excitement knowing that my life and death are in your hands."
"... interesting. it'd be a waste to have you dead," dion said with mirth. maybe you could solve his problem of needing a wife to continue the agriche bloodline in the future, as all of the women he's met/been introduced to so far are boring. he needed someone who could add a little fun and excitement to his mundane, humdrum life, and you seem to be the right person to do so. before you could say anything else, dion swiftly knocked you out.
... and that's how you found yourself chained to dion's bed with a collar around your neck. everyone, especially roxanne, was surprised to see him strutting inside the manor with your unconscious self slung over his shoulder earlier, and when he had claimed that you're the woman he wishes to marry, lante allowed him to keep you. as long as you have a pretty face and can give birth to children who'd make fine agriches, lante doesn't care who dion chooses as his bride.
dion took his father's permission too literally and keeps you in his room like a pet. still, he takes good care of you by feeding you well and letting you sleep on the same bed as him. it can be a little awkward sharing a bed with dion because he tends to hug you very tightly in his sleep, as if he doesn't want to give you any room for escape.
he doesn't let you roam around the manor alone because of jeremy; dion knows that he hates him, and would rather not have you run into any problems involving his moody half-brother. it'd be troublesome too if jeremy somehow takes a liking to you because dion is not fond of sharing what's supposed to be his in the first place.
dion is possessive of you, and his possessiveness increased tenfold after he was exposed to your gentle side. when he returned from an errand drenched in blood one day, you didn't hide how worried you were for him. even though the collar limited your distance from the bed, you kept trying to reach for him as he slumped on the floor. it didn't show on his face, but he was exhausted; he couldn't look at you properly and only heard you calling his name frantically...
when he finally came to, he found himself resting on your lap, your hand gently stroking his forehead. relief washed over you when you noticed that he's awake, and you cupped his cheeks.
"you're awake! don't collapse on me like that ever again, i almost got a heart attack-"
"... you were worried?" he asked.
with a huff, you replied, "of course! i don't want anything bad to happen to you, dion. b-besides, we're kinda dating each other."
dion grew up with a mother who didn't love nor care about him. he grew up with a father who only cared about what value he can bring to the black agriche. dion, who grew up emotionally repressed and touch starved wanted more after the first sign of genuine kindness from you. your saccharine words and honey-coated gesture at that moment were all it took for you to completely consume his mind.
as he leaned into one of your palms with his eyes closed, dion has decided. a sweet and gentle person like you is not suited for the harsh world outside, but as long as you stay by his side and continue showering him with your affection, he'll make sure that no harm will come to his little butterfly. if anyone tries to take you away from him, he won't stop at just cutting off the hand that dared to touch what's his; he'll torture them by giving them a slow, painful death.
he's never going to let you go. he'll make you stay in the agriche residence until the end of time, and if you're going to die, then die here in his arms.
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JEREMY knew that he had to have you the moment he saw how aggressively cassis reacted to the sight of your unconscious self, bound and gagged beside him. by having you in his grasp, he has a means of provoking cassis and it also gives him a sense of control.
lante handed you over to jeremy when the latter expressed his interest in having you as his toy, and roxanne warned him to not do anything that will kill you if he doesn't want her toy to give her a hard time, seeing as cassis is attached to you for some reason. jeremy naturally listened to his sister, but he didn't expect to fall in love with you so quickly.
unlike the members of the black agriche, you're very sweet and your kindness isn't fake. the gentle attention you'd give him despite your unfavourable circumstances fed the touch starved jeremy, who only desires someone to love and care for him. he initially kept you so he'd have cassis on a leash, but now... he wants to keep you by his side to fill the void in his heart.
you were, of course, bewildered by his change in attitude at first. he would usually treat you as if you're less than dirt, so to suddenly be put on a pedestal by him felt a little strange. he still makes you wear the collar to prevent you from escaping, but he's kinder and tries to be gentle with you these days.
"hey (y/n), are you bored? i brought you some books that you might like!" jeremy exclaimed as he dumped a pile of books on the bed you're sitting on.
"oh, thank you..." you said, picking the romance novel at the top of the pile, "am i really allowed to read these books? what if you get in trouble by your father?"
"hmm... i won't," he began, plopping himself beside you on the bed, "because starting from today, you're my girlfriend."
just like that, you became the lover of jeremy agriche. lante had his reservations about a pedelian dating one of his children, but when you told him that you're merely a peasant rischel took pity on and decided to raise as one of his own (you had to lie about you being from a world where their lives are part of a novel), he changed his mind. since you're not officially affiliated with the blue pedelian, he can use you against the very family that took you under their wing and thus permitted you to be with jeremy.
jeremy was obviously overjoyed and immediately moved you to a lavish room. "that dingy prison cell doesn't suit an angel like you anyway!" he claimed. with roxanne's help, he was able to buy you an entire wardrobe of beautiful dresses and boxes of glimmering jewelries. him spoiling you overwhelmed you and made you suspect that he's after something, but when he eagerly ducked his head in front you, you realised that all he wants is a head pat for every single thing he does in an attempt to make you happy.
"i'm not asking for much. just love me, and i'll make sure you live comfortably here," he said, smiling happily when your hand gently caressed his head.
well, that's easy enough. jeremy is your favourite character in the manhwa, and since he's given you the green light, you'll take full advantage of it to shower him with affection. in return, he'll always be there to protect you and will even defend your mistakes.
when you kissed his cheek to thank him for catching you after you fell from a tree branch, he became addicted. he'd ask for sweet little kisses instead of head pats since then, as he finds them more fulfilling. a giddy feeling consumes him every time your lips brush against his cheek or forehead, and he soon begins to wonder what your lips would feel like on his...
"(y/n). have you ever kissed that blue son of a bitch before?" jeremy asked one day, making you choke on your own spit.
"no! of course not!" you replied, flustered by his question, "cassis is not someone i'd like to spend the rest of my life with."
he breathed a sigh of relief. "good. i'm the one you want to be with forever, right?" grinning, he leaned in and pressed his forehead against yours as you smiled.
as jeremy grew up, he became extremely possessive of you. he doesn't want you to show kindness to anyone but himself (roxanne is an exception), and if you expressed even the slightest interest in dion, he'll confront his half-brother and demand to know what he did to seduce you. depending on jeremy's mood, the confrontation will either end in blood or peace.
he gets jealous very easily and doesn't like it when other men lay their eyes on his sweet angel. he'll get angry if anyone so much dares to cast a dirty look your way because nobody disrespects you like that in his presence. you'll have to stop him by grabbing his arm and begging him to stay with you before he storms up to the unfortunate soul to give them a piece of his mind.
during the social event where the five families gather together, jeremy forbade you from attending any of the balls. instead, he made you stay with roxanne in her room to shield you from the prying eyes of other men and to also hide you from the blue pedelian. that didn't stop you from sneaking into the ballroom when roxanne wasn't looking though. you were not going to waste your only chance of getting a glimpse of the handsome male leads of "the flower of hell" after all!
however, you got caught hiding behind a potted plant by noel vertium, who was enamoured of you at first sight. jeremy spotted you just as noel was about to approach you, and he was able to reach you first. with a possessive grip around your waist, he pressed you against his chest and glared at noel, who soon got dragged away by his aide.
if you try to act cute with jeremy, he might just forgive you for disobeying him.
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westaysilly · 5 months
closing the magma!!!
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tysm everyone who joined <3 it was a bigger event than i expected lol and it was very very fun :3 hope you guys enjoyed it too <3333
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pommigranite · 6 months
even though it’s still open (mostly cause idk how to close it) I thought I’d thank the people who’ve left stuff on the magma because I will treasure them forever actually
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@mobiitez Um hello??? I actually claim this guy now. Legally. He is mine forever. No take backs. He is my sweet precious boi. Mine. Thank you forever for this new son.
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@danksy-ns THANK YOU!!! And also thank you for the anime air kiss Zay, it’s appreciated 🫶🏽 heheh and my lil floatin blue guy at the bottom he’s so goofy
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I have no idea who left this lil guy on the canvas but please come pick up your son from the daycare the lights are off and it’s closed. I have provided him with snackies though so he’s not too worried (hehe tyy)
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AND THIS ONE??? WOW??? AND ALSO WHO??? PLEASE HELP ME FIND THIS PERSON I HAVE LIKE FIVE DIFFERENT PEOPLE IN MY HEAD WHO THIS COULD BE I NEED TO KNOW SO THAT I CAN HUG THEM OH MY GOD (it’s someone from the yeepaw server methinks but I don’t wanna tag the wrong person… my heart of hearts says leon but if im wrong i will be sad)
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
May I please request “sleepy cuddles” and good morning kisses with daemon <3333 tysm in advance
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A lil short, soft but -I hope- sweet drabble
From the gentle pitter patter of rain, plush lips greeting the skin along your jaw good morning and the strong pair of arms that kept you caged against a well built chest. You felt as though you had just woken into a dream, a personal paradise tailor made to fit you and your desires. It was a rarity in of itself that you got to see Daemon in the morning, seeing as you’ve grown accustom to waking in your bed alone; Begrudgingly forced to accept it as part of your relationship with the Prince.
“Good morning, my sweetling.” Daemon greeted between kisses that trialed down your neck and sliming across your shoulders with feather light caresses that drew a sleepy sigh from your lips. “Don’t you have duties to attend to this morning my love.” You drowsily responded, moving yourself in his arms until you were face to face so you could prep kisses of your own against the porcelain column of his neck and under his jaw. “They haven’t called upon me yet. At this rate I’m merely pushing my luck in seeing how far my absence in court will go without notice.” Daemon croaks, his grip on your waist subconsciously tightening whenever your weight shifted away from him.
“Unfortunately that might take awhile considering how everyone on the small council are incompetent, narrow minded cunts.” You chuckled at his blatant hatred of being apart of the small council, being Queen Rhaenyra’s hand and all; You found it hilariously entertaining whenever he would enter your shared chambers to vent out the frustrations he had, leading you both late into the night before the fatigue from the lack of sleep finally caught up to the pair of you at last. “How unfortunate for you indeed my beloved, sounds like a true nightmare.” You said cheekily, biting back a yawn as you reached a hand to run your fingers through his slightly mattered platinum locks.
“You’re mocking me aren’t you?” Daemon said in equal amusement as he nudged his head to borrow into your shoulder, biting down on the skin there with just enough force to make you jolt out of surprise. “Now why would I do that my beloved? Your troubles are my troubles and my troubles are yours after al-“ Your voice got caught in a squeal when his hands brushed against the ticklish sports on your sides which had you convulsing away from his touch. “Stop that.” You scolded, slapping away at Daemon’s hands that seemed to keep coming back with every weak hearted slap you gave them.
“Stop what? You’re the one who started this sweetheart.” He drawls, his once sleepy lilac eyes were now filled with mischievous as his hands were once again reaching for your sides. His fingertips just barely brushed against them and you were already preparing yourself to be on the defence. “I didn’t start anything! Am I not allowed to make jokes with my strong and very, very handsome Prince?” You batted your eyelashes at Daemon, who only chuckled at your attempted of sweet talk before grabbing a hold on your waist and caged you against his chest once more.
“Not if it’s at my expense, nice attempt in trying though my dearest. For a moment I was almost bewitched by the batting of your eyelashes and sweet smile, however…” Daemond trailed off as you waited on baited breath for what he was about to say next when his fingers started their abuse as your sides, causing you to erupt into a fit of laughter that was for certain to be heard by any anyone passing by outside your chambers. “You easily forget who taught you those tricks in the first place.” He spoke over your hysterical laughter and pleas for him to cease his merciless tickles as your weak attempts of pushing his hands away were met with even more torturous tickles.
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rottengurlz · 7 months
When you get this, list 3 facts about your favorite sim and send it to the last 3 people in your notifications! Let's get to know each other's sims! 🤍
julian baby its ur chance!!!!!! tysm lex <3333 ILYYY
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he grew up extremely weathly and spoiled the word "no" didn't exist in his dads vocabulary. His mom left when he was a baby and his dad always felt like he could never truly fill that void so he would give julian anything and everything he asked for hoping it could make up for it. His dad is very protective to a fault but loves him fiercely. His dad has every trophy and certificate he's ever won showcased somewhere in their house. He still brings up how Julian got student of the month ONE time in middle school.
he is the biggest virgin whore you will ever meet he is absolutely terrified of intimacy but craves it like starving man looking at a warm meal. Usually he'll just end up getting drunk and dance and make out with anyone he can get his hands on. He's taken a few people home but as soon as he's alone the fear and nausea sets in and he kicks them out.
in high school he wore bright blue contacts every day and tried convincing everyone they were his real eyes he was literally
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ash-and-starlight · 8 months
hi. So. I feel like I’ve reblogged enough of your art going rabid and screaming about it to actually come here and just tell you. Your art…. I am forever indebted to it. I’m not even joking rn I literally saw your art, realised the link was to tumblr and said: yep. I’m getting tumblr now. I could literally (I’m honestly not exaggerating) write a thesis about how much I love your art buuuuut I feel like that may come across as mildly creepy so I’ll limit it to one ask. Your art is absolutely BREATHTAKING. I cannot express how much I adore it with a passion. Every single time I see it I literally screech and grip my pillows and roll around and cry. You are one of the most talented artists I’ve ever come across. Like I don’t think u understand the sheer POWER that u hold. It’s unmatched, truly. I’ve literally never been so affected by someone’s art in my LIFE and if you ask anyone I know irl who ash is they’ll say: oh it’s that one artist who Sofia is batshit crazy about. You have the most incredible understanding of colours, anatomy, dynamics & poses, linework, emoTIONS, I could go on forever ever. I just hope you know how beloved you are in my eyes and everyone else’s, like we ADORE you and your art. Anyway to summarise this possibly stalker-ish ask. You’re literally the best person ever and your art is my reason to keep going. THANK YOU FOREVER !!! <3333
HIII!! god your tags had me giggling and blushing and kicking my legs for the past few days thank you so muuuuchhh you have no idea how much that means to me 😭😭 and giggling weeping crying abt this message too hello this IS an essay it’s even better than an essay okay!!! holy shit!!?? augh thank youuu thank you thank you so much i have no words like my brain is now just [very loud boiling teapot whistle]
i will think abt this forever and ever, i’m so glad you like my art that much and to know that it affects you so deeply thank you THANKKKK YOUU for taking time to reach out and write so many nice things omg 😭😭
also right back @ u?? im still shook by how you can draw so fast and consistently Good like your style is so distinctive, dynamic and full of life actually let me go get eye enlargement surgery to look at it more
aaaudhshshgds tysm again i’m going to print out your words 2947373 times and use them as wallpaper on my entire house
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ellies-bite · 4 months
I could not figure out how to write it so this is kinda bad but 😭
Ellie x dina x reader
NSFW past the cut :3 (just cus I didn't know if you wanted only fluff or not lol)
read here on how to help Palestine
Ok so Ellie is soooo loser we've all come to the agreement, and so she definitely liked you first
she'd feel SO guilty about it too, but she just couldn't stop admiring the way your hair fell, or the way you kind of hesitantly introduced yourself to everyone
she finally brings it up to dina like 3 weeks in, and dina didn't mind much
if anything, Ellie bringing it up made her watch you closer, realize all the things Ellie had said.
after probably a few months dina would make a move (Ellie was too scared to) after you had gotten settled in
she'd be polite about it, maybe just invite you over for dinner w Ellie and her, and you obvi accept
it'd go really well, so that becomes a regular thing for you all, you falling more and more every time
They'd eventually invite you into a relationship with them, just as a throuple
everything is actually really really good, and I can totally see them having the whole 3 way spooning thing going on w you lol
I think everything would be really slow physical wise tho
HOWEVER!! the cute kiss on both cheeks at the same time thing with you in the middle ? sobbing
I think the first time y'all did anything it'd just start as a messy makeout
specifically thinking about kissing up Ellie's body while dina kisses her mouth
I am PRO vanilla sex come on people theyre in an apocalypse
I am also a bottom Ellie truther 💪
eating her out while dina makes out with her? it'd be so overwhelming for her, she wouldn't know where to put her hands
her muffled moans against dina's mouth? your tongue deep in her?
idk this is shit but I also wrote it like panicked el oh el
@octoberssnow for u <3333 tysm for asking and wtv 😋
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