#u know what picture u hate that one where their at the cemetery
orangespottedgiraffe · 4 months
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chaotic-lydia · 4 years
I saw your posts for Lydia X Wednesday, what are you hcs for meeting the family?? :D
My good friend, thank you for your ask! I absolutely adore Lydsday/Black Wednesday so I’m overjoyed to answer this (I am still working on your other ask, however I’m still in the homework stage with it). So, meeting the family!
The Addams family:
I strongly believe that Wednesday is the first to invite Lydia home to meet her family, rather than Lydia inviting Wednesday to Deetz-Maitland home (because... well, what if she freaks out about the ghosts and demons and decides she no longer likes her and doesn’t want to see her again and then she’ll be alone— well, no matter how unlikely it seems, you get the idea)
Lydia takes one look at the Addams family home and just HAS to take a picture. So now she has a framed photograph of Wednesday stood next to the wrought iron gates at the foot of the hill on which her home is situated (it’s her favourite photograph). And let’s be honest, she positively beams at Gate when it opens for her, even stroking one of its bars in gratitude.
Okay but THE FOGHORN BELL. Lydia can’t help but giggle at it (and Wednesday nearly swoons) in its full glory. It’s here that she meets Lurch, and suddenly she no longer thinks Wednesday would mind Beetlejuice nor the Maitlands very much. He offers to take her veil and she compliments his wonderful sneer.
Lydia offers her hand to Gomez to be shaken, but instead her takes in and drags her into a hug instead. She’s like “this is fine ;-;” as she suffocates in his lapel and affection. He proceeds to nearly shake her arm off. Gomez shows a lot of enthusiasm for her photography, despite knowing nothing about himself, and is most taken with her more gloomy pictures. He buys a copious amount of them from her for prices she cannot even begin to fathom (“I’ll buy this for fifty thousand dollars!”; “Mr Addams, please that’s—“; “Not enough! You’re right, how stingy I’m being for such magnificence, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!”). Lydia gets ambushed every time she enters the house by a moustached man and his sabre. He intends for her to “be able to protect yourself from harm, now you’re part of the clan”. Gomez definitely plans their wedding.
I think Morticia is more the type to compliment Lydia by singing her praises to Wednesday instead. She’ll say things like “What a woefully gloomy young woman you’ve found here, Wednesday,” to express her approval. Morticia is the kind to give Lydia the “hurt her and perish by the hands of our family” talk but Lydia responds adequately (unlike Fester in The Addams Family) and Morticia warms to her then. Morticia, Wednesday and Lydia all attend tea and seances every full moon.
Gomez and Morticia end up making out (naturally) and Wednesday’s like “we’re leaving, bye” and drags her from the room.
Pugsley drops in with some form of torture device (as an excuse because he wanted to meet the new girl) and is like “oh hi” before trying to convince Wednesday and her “girlfriend” to play Is There A God? with him. Well, at “girlfriend” Wednesday begins to chew him out with carefully chosen words honed to such a sharp precision they could make one bleed. Lydia watches with amusement for a while before eventually cutting in with how “there isn’t a God but there’s certainly a Netherworld.”
OKAY BUT LYDIA AND THING GET ON LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE. Wednesday was most afraid of their introduction in case it was a little too much but Thing’s spritely personality matches Lydia’s penchant for mischief almost perfectly. If anything, there was more to fear AFTER they met than before.
Faster and Grandmama are only met on her second visit to the Addams’ residence (and so are Gomez’ swords “All good woman must learn how to weild a sabre!”)
The Deetz-Maitland family:
This visit no doubt comes straight off of the back of their visit to the Addams’ residence before Lydia can chicken out. She begs everybody to be on their best behaviour and just... try. For her, for one night (like One Normal Night from the musical but opposite). Obviously nobody adheres to it.
Charles and Delia are the first to be greeted once they’re in the door and Lydia has taken Wednesday’s coat. Both Charles and Delia have a moment like “OH NO. NOW THERE’S ANOTHER ONE” but Charles is better at hiding it. He introduces them with all of the businessman charm he can muster, meanwhile Delia is clutching onto her crystal for dear life. All of this very much pleases Wednesday. Not to mention, you can definitely expect her and Charles to hit it off about business. Wednesday doesn’t mind at all talking about her father’s shares in the lint industry. (And she definitely tells Delia about black magic and the negative opposite of the energies she embraces to freak her out make conversation)
Lydia is SO RELIEVED that Wednesday can see the Maitlands, and Wednesday is fascinated by their condition
Adam introduces Wednesday to the realm of dad jokes. She is not amused; he makes it his mission to get her to laugh/smile at AT LEAST one of his jokes. Wednesday is fascinated by how tangible and corporeal the Maitlands’ spectral form is and ends up discussing it for hours with Adam (since all of the seances she’s attended have been calling upon invisible spirits)
Barbara goes full on MomModeTM on Lydia. She tells Wednesday all the humiliating stories she knows about Lydia (Wednesday files away the “strange and unusual” comment for future teasing, as Lydia blushes). Of course she compliments Wednesday in all of her woe and how well she suits Lydia. Not to mention how happy she’s made her adopted daughter (cue even more blushing from Lydia). OKAY BUT PHOTO ALBUM TIME.
@gothic-but-will-fight-u and I headcanoned that the Maitlands totally dig out the photo album (Wednesday WILL see the customary picture of baby Lydia’s first bath whether they like it or not) but they know every page that has painful memories for Lydia to skip. Then a picture slips out and... there’s a sadness to Lydia that gets addressed when Wednesday excuses them to go to her bedroom. Cue a retelling of the events of Beetlejuice from when her mom became her dead mom.
Which, naturally, leads us onto the ghost with the most himself: BEETLEJUICE! My goodness the two couldn’t be more opposite and there’s immediate tension between the two. “You’re the one who’s stealing my best friend, huh? You’re smaller than I’d anticipated.”; “So you’re the demon who tried to marry my underage girlfriend, huh? You remember the pain you felt when you died? What if I told you I could triple that and make your afterlife into a deathly Hell. Consider it a threat and a promise.”; “Firstly, it was a green card thing. Secondly, I like this one, Lyds. Where’d you find her?” Lydia proudly proclaiming she found her in the cemetery. Wednesday and Beej have a relationship where they love to hate one another: both know Lydia would be unhappy without one of them, but they doesn’t stop them trying to mutilate one another.
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dawniebb · 4 years
If it doesn’t spark joy, throw it away.- Marie Kondo
So now that @healing-winston-pratt and I have explained how we got rid of ¼ of Supernova, let me tell you that it doesn’t stop here because you don’t mess with the type As when something gets into their heads.
For background, you can use this post as a masterlist because we don’t have one yet: https://healing-winston-pratt.tumblr.com/post/624723862884696064/well-this-is-the-last-piece-of-our-marathon
This is our post-Supernova canon divergence :) which, btw, it’s the one we’ll use from now on to create our content (actually, @healing-winston-pratt  already used it for her birthday drawings and I just stood there playing dumb pretending I didn’t have anything to do with it jssjjs). So, if you see that Callum and Winston are suddenly alive in our content or you find some of the things established in this list it’s because...yeah :)
Sooooo @novadreamer95438 and @idkimbadwithusernamesandstuff you asked to be tagged if we uploaded more content about the canon divergence (Which we appreciate very much! thank you!) so here you go <3!
As mentioned before , Leroy starts living with his daughter Nova and Winston, in a house provided by the State (The Council hee hee).
Callum and Winston are (evidently) alive, but Genissa is dead.
Ace, Evander and Honey remain dead.
And this is where our canon continues uwu.
Leroy has to do community service for like...indefinite time :)
Winston, on the other hand, has two jobs. He works in an animal shelter, where he adopts a dog named Carnival bc wE CAN and also we want to quote this post :https://chiyuki-hiro.tumblr.com/post/621159663188180992/oh-no-a-head-canon  by @chiyuki-hiro (AFGSHFVDGB THAT HEADCANON IS G R E A T WE LOVE YOU) because we had come to an agreement that Winston would have an art therapy group for children but this addition is honestly so freaking wholesome :’))))))) <3
Nova has a temporary resignation from patrolling and starts going to therapy, where she is diagnosed with PTSD.
Nova also helps with the establishment of a new system, modifies the recruitment system and that stuff.
She’s not in the Team Sketch full time. Sometimes she’s in the offices, and at night she works with Callum.
And just like Narcissa, she digs her own grave :)
Thing is: Nova suggested that every time a new recruit arrived, the Council had DNA samples taken from them so they could check if they had any crime attached to them.
Now, by the end of Supernova in the canon universe we elected to ignore it is mentioned that Maggie sees Leroy staring at her in the distance, in a very suspicious way. Now, we don’t know about y’all, but we interpreted this as Leroy noticing Maggie looks like young Nova XD. So, this does happen in our canon, when Leroy is already out of prison.
By this time, DNA samples from Maggie and Nova have already been taken and uploaded to the system; and let’s say that Leroy gets very...concerned about the lookalike and decides to tell Winston, who confirms Maggie looks a lot like Nova X’DDD and so, they reach out to the Council to ask them to pls compare Maggie’s samples to Nova’s. U know, like angry mothers at the principal’s office :)
And so they do it just because they have nothing to lose.
And when the results arrive, everyone’s like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r92hykpvZRw
SO MAYBE, TO DOUBLE-CHECK, they compare Maggie’s DNA to DNA found in the crime scene (from David and Tala or maybe baby Maggie herself) and the results are still the same :).
Then, Winston and Leroy have to tell Nova and she reacts in the worst way possible for reasons I’ll explain in a fic I’ll be uploading soon cause’ I wrote it MONTHS ago.
Maggie doesn’t react much better tbh :)
But after a while, since this is, like, the right thing to do, Maggie starts living with them , but changes her name to Margaret Artino until she feels part of the family and is comfortable living there.
Because at first, Nova and her don’t get along and Maggie claims she fucking hates this house even though she knows is better than living in the streets.
They basically have a very chaotic home during the adaptation period until the girls start tolerating each other :) and even then, they’re still very chaotic bc it’s Winston, Leroy, Nova and Maggie we’re talking about :) :) :)
Not long after Maggie starts living with her big sis, Simon and Hugh ask Nova to join a family vacation and bring Maggie w/her.
Maggie doesn’t want to go, so Leroy and Winston go to Nova all like “If your sister doesn’t go, then you’re not going either” and Nova fucking loses it so she ends up begging/forcing Maggie to go :)
They go to the beach in MATCHING OUTFITS bc Simon said so (LIKE IN THE WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE MOVIE) :) they take a lot of embarrassing pictures and Nova and Adrian are forced to go in the banana boat with Max and Maggie.
They fall and Nova and Adrian are acting as if they were in the Titanic while Max and Maggie are having the time of their lives lmao
At some point, too, Maggie adopts a stray cat whom she names Tofu, and he fucking hates Carnival even though Carnival is the cutest thing :’)
Winston, Leroy, Nova and Maggie celebrate birthdays every year bc they’re trying to compensate years of trauma.
And for that same reason (compensating years of trauma), Nova and Maggie take their sweet time to move out.
Actually, Adrian meticulously plans the date when he’s gonna propose to Nova, so he asks her to move with him exactly a year before that.
They live in an apartment for that whole year, he proposes and they start planning the wedding uwu.
Nova and Adrian have a non-religious ceremony, and since they’re fucking extra, Nova gets married in a black dress and Adrian in a white tuxedo bc miss Artino wanted a dress the same color as her soul :)
Leroy walks Nova down the aisle.
Ruby is Nova’s Maid of Honor and Oscar is Adrian’s Best Man.
Max and Maggie have the rings.
Tamaya’s youngest son is the flower child.
Which, talking about Tamaya, she fucking hates Leroy and Nova bc, honestly, we would hate them too. Leroy fucked up her face and Nova was part of the terrorist attack lmao
SO, YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW CHAOTIC THAT WEDDING WAS, bc they had to avoid leaving Tamaya and Leroy alone at all costs :)
She hugged Nova so violently when congratulating her, that she left a bruise in her shoulder :)
Basically she was there just because she loves Adrian even though she doesn’t approve his decision to marry Nova
Nova and Maggie maintain a close relationship even after Nova marries Adrian. Maggie and Max are included in every family vacation after the honeymoon ofc.
Nova and Maggie get matching tattoos uwu
Nova has the Big Dipper and Maggie has the Little Dipper.
As for the others. The ones who...are no longer there :’)
  @healing-winston-pratt and I have this headcanon that Evander’s wife (we named her Sandra) was expecting a baby at the time of the battle. They had already chosen a first name (Arthur), so she used Evander as his middle name, as the baby didn’t get to meet his dad.
Arthur Evander Wade.
Winston finally gives Evander his DS back.
The Council, thanks to Nova’s suggestion once again, limited a specific area around Georgia’s spot and called it The Aisle of The Fallen.
Genissa, Honey and the victims of the attack to the Arena,  the lift of the city and the battle of the Cathedral are there.
 Evander, however, is resting in Georgia’s mausoleum, next to her, because we think  that mausoleum was constructed in the first place so all the members of the Council could rest together once they left, meaning that they’ll all be there at some point in time. Unfortunately, Evander was the first one to join Georgia despite being the youngest.
Ace is not in the cemetery.
Nova left his helmet in the cathedral, but asked for his body to be cremated.
When she was a child, David used to tell her stories about how Ace seemed to be really happy back in Italy; how he had revolutionary ideas and wanted prodigies to be free; how he used to be a good brother that helped him survive.
So, a few months after Leroy was released from prison, she, Leroy, Winston, Hugh, Simon, Max and Adrian went to Italy with her, to spread Ace’s ashes so he could find peace in the only place he was ever sane and happy.
Ace Anarchy rests in his cathedral.
But what was left of Alec James Artino rests in Italy. (I have a fic about this too)
Yes we’re crying as we write this
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beatdisc · 5 years
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TWO WEEKS TODAY until Record Store Day 2019!
Everyday until RSD we plan to give ya'll updates about what will be happening at Beatdisc Records on April 13th. We have our biggest party planned, so stay tuned for all our exciting news!
#BeatdiscRSD update 1;
Below you will find our list of ordered exclusive titles, broken down into the 3 lists (AUS, USA & UK).
PLEASE NOTE: We are not guaranteed all these titles and some titles we may get cut down to only one copy and others we may never get. We won't know exact titles until a few days before RSD, so please bare with us.
All titles are sold on a first come first served basis and we cannot hold any titles - sorry. If you see something that's missing, get in touch ASAP and we may be able to squeeze something in.
AUS LIST TITLES Bob Evans - Suburban Songbook [LP] Broderick Smith – Suitcase [LP] Jebediah - Of Someday Shambles [2LP] Johnny Diesel & The Injectors - Johnny Diesel & The Injectors [LP] Mother & Son - Mother & Son [LP] The Amity Affliction – Youngbloods [LP] The Birthday Party - Mutiny/Bad Seed [2LP] The Hard Ons - Harder & Harder [7”] The Loved Ones - Magic Box [LP] The Mint Chicks - Screens [LP] The Reels - The Reels [LP] US LIST TITLES Ace Frehley - Spaceman [LP] Adrenalin O.D. - Let's BBQ [LP] Alien Weaponry - Tu [LP+7''] Anderson .Paak - Bubblin' [7''] Andrew Oldham Orchestra, The - The Rolling Stones Songbook [LP] Angelo Badalamenti, David Lynch - Twin Peaks: Season Two Music And More [2LP] Aretha Franklin - The Atlantic Singles 1967 [5x7'' Boxset] AxCx (Anal Cunt) - Picnic Of Love [LP] B-52's, The - Mesopotamia [LP] Bad Religion - My Sanity [7''] Basement - Be Here Now [7''] Benjamin Gibbard - Me And Magdalena / The Concept [7''] Bill Hicks - Revelations: Variations [2LP] Billy Joel - Live At Carnegie Hall 1977 [2LP] Bingo Hand Job (R.E.M. w/ Bragg, Hitchcock & Holsapple) - Live At The Borderline 1991 [2LP] Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks: Original New York Test Pressing [LP] Bone Thugs-N-Harmony - E. 1999 Eternal [2LP] Broken Social Scene - Let's Try The After Vol. 1 & 2 [LP] Buari - Buari [LP] Buffalo Tom - Buffalo Tom (30th Anniversary) [LP] Canned Heat - Remember Woodstock [LP] Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica [2LP] Charlatans, The - Us And Us Only [LP] Chris Robinson Brotherhood - Dice Game And Let It Fall [10'' Chuck Mosley - Joe Haze Session #2 [7''] Courtney Barnett - Everybody Here Hates You [12''] Craig Mack & The Notorious B.I.G. - B.I.G. Mack (Original Sampler) [LP+Cassette] Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - 4 Way Street (Expanded Edition) [3LP] Culture - The Nighthawk Recordings [LP] Curren$y, Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist - Fetti [LP] Czarface - Double Dose Of Danger [LP] David Bowie - Pin Ups (2015 Remastered Version) [LP] David Bowie - The World Of David Bowie (Compilation) [LP] David Bowie / Marlene Dietrich - Revolutionary Song / Just A Gigolo [7''] Death Grips - Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber Megamix) [LP] Def Leppard - The Story So Far, Vol. 2 / B Sides [2LP] Desmond Dekker & The Aces - Pretty Africa [LP] Devo - This Is The DEVO Box [6LP] Doors, The - London Fog [10''] Dr. Dog - Live 2 [LP] Dr. Dre - Nuthin' But A ''G'' Thang [12''] Duran Duran - As The Lights Go Down (Live) [2LP] Ed O.G. & Da Bulldogs - Life Of A Kid In The Ghetto [LP] Elton John - Live From Moscow [2LP] Elvis Costello & The Imposters - Purse EP [LP] Elvis Presley - Live At The International Hotel, Las Vegas, NV August 23, 1969 [2LP] Eric Clapton - One More Car One More Rider [3LP] Fatlip - The Loneliest Punk [LP] Flaming Lips, The - King's Mouth: Music And Songs [LP] Fleetwood Mac - The Alternate Fleetwood Mac [LP] Frank Black - Frank Black [LP] Frank Black - Teenager Of The Year [2LP] Frank Zappa - The Guitar World According To Frank Zappa [LP] Gorillaz - The Fall [LP] Grateful Dead - The Warfield, San Francisco, CA 10/9/80 [2LP] Green Day - Woodstock 1994 Live [LP] Green Jelly - Cereal Killer Soundtrack [LP] Green River - Live At The Tropicana 1984 [LP] Greta Van Fleet - From The Fires [LP] Griot Galaxy - Kins [LP] Hawkwind - The 1999 Party: Live At The Chicago Auditorium 21st March, 1974 [2LP] Herbie Hancock - Dedication [LP] High On Fire - Bat Salad [LP] Hockey Dad - Dreamin' [LP] Idles - Meat / Meta [EP] Iggy Pop - Hippodrome - Paris 77 [2LP] Iggy Pop - The Villagers b/w Pain & Suffering [7''] Insurgence DC - Broken In The Theater Of The Absurd [LP] James Brown - Sho Is Funky Down Here [LP] Janis Joplin - Woodstock Sunday August 17, 1969 [2LP] Jeff Buckley - In Transition [LP] Jeff Tweedy - WARMER [LP] Jethro Tull - North Sea Oil [10''] Joe Strummer - The Rockfield Studio Tracks [12''] John Cage Meets Sun Ra - John Cage Meets Sun Ra: The Complete Film [7''+DVD] John Lennon - Imagine: The Raw Studio Mixes [2LP] Julien Baker - Red Door / Conversation Piece [7''] Kooks, The - Live At The Moth Club [LP] Kool Keith - Complicated Trip [12''] Kristin Hersh - Crooked [LP] L7 - Burn Baby [7''] Lemonheads, The - Can't Forget / Wild Child [7''] Lightnin' Hopkins - Strums the Blues [LP] Lou Reed - Ecstasy [2LP] Madonna - La Isla Bonita: Super Mix [LP] Madonna - True Blue (Super Club Mix) [LP] Mark Lanegan Band - Stitch It Up [7''] Mark Ronson - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart [12''] Mastodon - Stairway To Nick John [10''] Matthew Sweet - Pleasure Island, Live [LP] Menzingers, The - No Penance b/w Cemetery's Garden [7''] Midnight Oil - Pleasure Island, Live [LP] Mikey, Leo, Donny, Raph - Pizza Power Single [7''] Mission Of Burma - Peking Spring [LP] Mo-dettes, The The Story So Far [LP] Monty Python - Monty Python's Life Of Brian [LP] Morrissey - Lover-To-Be [7''] Moses Sumney - Black In Deep Red, 2014 [12''] Motorhead - Overkill / Bomber [2x7''] Motorhead - Rockaway Beach [7''] Mumford & Sons - Delta Acoustic Sessions | Live From Electric Lady [10''] My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade Is Dead! [2LP] Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Wait & Return [LP] Ol' Dirty Bastard - Intoxicated [LP] Olafur Arnalds - Re:member + String Quartets [LP+7''] Otis Redding w/Booker T. & The M.G.'s + The Mar-Keys - Just Do It One More Time! Live At The Monterey Pop Festival [LP] Parliaments, The - Baby I Owe You Something Good [LP] Pearl Jam - Live At Easy Street [LP] Pelican - Midnight & Mesaline [7''] Peter Gabriel - Rated PG [LP] Peter Howell & John Ferdinando - Ithaca, Agincourt And Other Psych-Folk Fairy Tales [2LP+CD] Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets (Mono) [LP] Police, The - Message In A Bottle [2x7''] Prince - His Majesty's Pop Life / The Purple Mix Club [2LP] Prince (The Artist Formerly Known As Prince) - The VERSACE Experience: Prelude 2 Gold [Cassette] Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (Soundtrack) [2LP] Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody / I'm In Love With My Car [7''] Ramones, The - Live At The Palladium, New York, NY (12/31/79) [2LP] Robert Johnson - Kind Hearted Woman Blues / Terraplane Blues [10''] Robert Plant - Fate Of Nations [LP] Robyn - Body Talk [2LP] Rolling Stones, The - Big Hits (High Tide And Green Grass) (UK) [LP] Rolling Stones, The - She’s A Rainbow / Live At U Arena, Paris / 25.10.17 [10''] Rolling Stones, The - Through The Past, Darkly (Big Hits Vol. 2) (UK) [LP] Roxy Music - Roxy Music - Remixed [2LP] Rush - Hemispheres [LP Picture Disc] RZA - Birth Of A Prince [2LP] Salvation Army, The - Live From Torrance And Beyond [LP] Santigold - I Don't Want: The Gold Fire Sessions [LP] Serj Tankian - Harakiri [LP] Sherman Brothers, The - Simply Sherman: Disney Hits From The Sherman Brothers [LP] Shocking Blue - Single Collection (A's & B's), Part 2 [2LP] Sigur Ros - Lunar Halo 22° [LP] Sigur Ros - Variations In Darkness [LP] Sly & The Family Stone - Woodstock Sunday August 17, 1969 [2LP] Soccer Mommy - For Young Hearts [LP] Stargaze & Greg Saunier - Instruments (A Track By Track Re-Composition of Fugazi's 'In On The Killtaker') [LP] Steve Earle - El Coyote / Don't Let The Sunshine Fool You [7''] Sublime - Nugs: Best Of The Box [LP] Sugar Hill Records - Sugar Hill Records: The 12'' D.J. Boxset [6x12'' Boxset] SUNN O))) - Life Metal [2LP] Tangerine Dream - Le Parc [2LP] Tangerine Dream - Machu Picchu [LP] Ten In The Swear Jar (Xiu Xiu) - Fort Awesome: Complete Recordings [2LP] Teyana Taylor - Gonna Love Me / WTP (Remixes) [12''] Thrice - Deeper Wells [LP] Todd Rundgren - The Complete U.S. Bearsville & Warner Bros. Singles [4LP] Too $hort - The Pimp Tape [2LP] Townes Van Zandt - The Best Of Townes Van Zandt [2LP] U2 - The Europa [LP] Used, The - The Used Live From Maida Vale [10''] Van Morrison - Astral Weeks Alternative [10''] Various Artists - Boy Meets Girl: Classic Stax Duets [2LP] Various Artists - Brazil Classics 30th Anniversary Box Set [3LP] Various Artists - Coneheads (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Folk And Pop Sounds Of Sumatra Vol. 2 [2LP] Various Artists - Ghost World (Soundtrack) [2LP] Various Artists - I Am Sam (Soundtrack) [LP Various Artists - Lost In Translation (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Malcom X (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Mickey Mouse Disco [LP] Various Artists - New Jack City (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Office Space (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Poppies: Assorted Finery From The First Psychedelic Age [LP] Various Artists - Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions Of Weezer [LP] Various Artists - South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (Soundtrack) [2LP] Various Artists - Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse (Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - Stax Does The Beatles [2LP] Various Artists - The Crow (Soundtrack) [2LP] Various Artists - Vitamin String Quartet: VSQ Performs Bjork [2LP] Various Artists - Where The Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets Highlights [2LP] Various Artists - Woodstock 3 Days Of Peace Music (Mono PA Version) [3LP] Violent Femmes - Hallowed Ground [LP] Weezer - Dusty Gems: The B-Sides [LP] Weezer - Weezer (Teal Album) [LP] Wes Montgomery - Back On Indiana Avenue: The Carroll DeCamp Recordings [2LP] Wipers, The - Alien Boy [7'' EP] Wonder Years, The - The Wonder Years Live From Maida Vale [10''] X-Ray Spex - I Am A Cliche [2LP] Yes - Yes [LP] Zero 7 - Home (Alternative Mix) / Somersault (Danger Mouse Remix ft. MF Doom) [10''] UK LIST TITLES Dexys Midnight Runners - At The BBC 1982 [2LP] Fall, The Medicine For The Masses - The Rough Trade Singles [4x7" Boxset] Ginger Wildheart - Maggie [12"] Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - The Message [2LP] JJ Cale - Stay Around EP [7"] Mighty Boosh - The Complete Radio Series [3LP] Parcels - Tieduprightnow / Tape EP [7"'] Ronnie Lane & The Band Slim Chance - At The BBC [2LP] Thin Lizzy - Black Rose [2LP] Various Artists - The Freakbeat Scene [2LP] Various Artists - The Mod Scene [2LP] Various Artists - The Northern Soul Scene [2LP] Various Artists - The Psychedelic Scene [2LP] Various Artists - The R&B Scene [2LP] Venom - Manitou [7" picture disc] Yazoo - Reconnected: Live [2LP] CANCELLATIONS Dio - Last In Line (Live) [LP] Stray Cats - 40 [12''] Sigur Ros - Variations In Darkness [LP] Sigur Ros - Lunar Halo 22° [LP]
#RSDaus #RSD2019 #BeatdiscRSD
Record Store Day Australia
STAY TUNED HERE > Record Store Day 2019 at Beatdisc Records 
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shalebridge-cradle · 7 years
Crash, Bang
(Happy Holiday Season. Are you ready to s u f f e r ?)
Veronica doesn’t remember much. A crash. A bang. Black.
She wakes to a blurry red. Heather Chandler, standing over her. She’s not surprised, at this point – Heather had proven many times that even death won’t stop her from bitching. There’s something unfamiliar in her eyes, though, Veronica notes as she scrambles to her feet (and wonders how she got on the floor in the first place).
“Look at me,” Heather commands. Veronica pulls a face – she is looking at her. Examining her is looking. Jaw clenched, lips pursed, Veronica would think that it’s anger on Chandler’s face, if she hadn’t seen anger so many times to know it isn’t.
“Your diary. Get your diary.”
Heather steps to one side, giving Veronica room to move. From her position in her closet (there’s a metaphor there, but Veronica had never been one for acting things out), she looks over her ruined room.
“What happened?” Veronica asks. Heather looks like she’s about to answer, but decides against it at the last second.
“I’ll tell you later. Your diary is on your desk still. Turn to October 12th, and I’ll explain.”
Veronica wanders over to her desk, and she can feel Chandler’s eyes following her. The diary is open, today’s entry unfinished. She can’t remember why, and it’s really starting to bug her.
“October 12th,” Heather repeats, and Veronica rolls her eyes as she turns the pages. Slowly but surely, she winds the clock back to the middle of October. What happened that day that was so important, anyway…?
That was the day of Kurt and Ram’s funeral.
That was the entry where she revealed JD had killed three people, and that the guilt was – is – eating away at her.
This is the entry Chandler wanted to see.
“Good,” Heather hums from behind her, “it’s important for the cops to see that.”
“Cops?” there’s a pang of dread, creeping up her throat like vines.
Heather sighs, and takes Veronica’s hand.
She shouldn’t be able to do that. Shit, she hasn’t been able to do that, all of her slaps and caresses passing through Veronica with the chill of a winter wind. The fact that Heather is touching her, and the fact that she doesn’t feel ice cold against Veronica’s skin means…
It hits her. Crash. Bang.
Veronica sinks to the floor, drained, and Heather’s voice fades into the background.
  The Westerburg gym doesn’t end up exploding.
Everyone’s out of the football field, and the reality seemingly hasn’t set in for most of the students. The cops and the bomb squad have come and gone, and Heather snarks about how they actually did their job, this time.
“How are you so calm about this?” Veronica asks. Heather scoffs.
“Nothing I can do about it. Might as well make the most of it. Simple as that.”
Veronica scans the crowd, bereft of a witty response. She sees a few familiar faces – Peter Dawson animatedly talking to Dennis from the school newspaper. Courtney looking like she’s seen a ghost (and Veronica briefly wonders if she has).
The most important thing is that Martha is there, alive. Leaning over one side of the motorized wheelchair is Heather McNamara, egged on by Betty Finn (Veronica remembers this girl, she gives good answers in the lunchtime poll), and whatever McNamara’s saying is bringing a smile to Martha’s face. Maybe they’re bonding over their suicide attempts, Veronica muses, and she hates herself for thinking it. On the other side was the ghost of Ram Sweeney, looking oddly contemplative. Veronica wouldn’t have thought him capable.
Her focus returns to herself. She feels empty. Hollow. Maybe if everyone had blown up, maybe at least she’d be overwhelmed with anguish and anger and guilt instead of this suffocating nothing.
Seemingly in response to this, Heather gently takes her hand.
“Put it this way,” it’s almost a whisper, and yet Veronica can hear her clear as day over the ocean of voices, “there’s no expectations anymore. No obligations. Five million dollars and a world that’s ending. What do you want to do?”
I want to feel.
Veronica grabs Heather Chandler by the waist and pulls her in for a kiss.
Heather kisses back.
  Veronica attends her own funeral.
There’s an unexpectedly large turnout – the pews at the front were reserved for people who actually knew Veronica, instead of just immediate family members. There are distant relatives, classmates from years past, people from around town and at least two cameramen in the back row.
Heather is scowling.
“There’s at least seventy more people here than there were at my funeral,” she grumbles, and Veronica chuckles darkly.
Father Ripper gives his speech, and Veronica has to admire his ability to turn anyone into a martyr. He speaks of guilt and absolution in the eyes of God, and how Veronica’s dedication to recording everything led police to save hundreds of lives.
He says nothing about her being an accessory to murder. It hangs in the air like a bad stench.
When the coffin is brought to the cemetery and Veronica Sawyer is put in the ground, there’s a finality to it all that breaks her. She hugs herself, trying desperately to hold herself together, to keep all her memories and quirks and her identity from falling into the grave.
Heather tries to help her, but all Veronica can do is babble about how everything’s like a dream and she’s forgotten how to breathe and I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead plays over and over in her head.
“I know,” Heather murmurs, her voice like rain on a raging fire, “I know. I know.”
There’s no point in lying to Veronica, now.
  She visits her murderer in prison.
It’s like a thread, Veronica decides. Something tying them together, tugging at her when she thinks of him, but nothing so strong that she can’t ignore it.
Jason Dean gazes up at her from the floor of his solitary confinement cell with a look of awe, not fear.
“I was fixing it,” he tells her, and even he seems a little unconvinced at the statement, “Everyone gets along in heaven. You wouldn’t have to be stuck with Queen Bitch and her lackeys for eternity if everyone’s with you.”
“You killed me.” There’s an unnatural echo to Veronica’s voice. JD shies away, just slightly.
“I was winning you over with my petition, I know it. It was such a great plan. Still, I…” he pauses, and emotion reaches his eyes for what may be the first time, “I got a little, ah, heated, and my finger was on the trigger when I opened the door. A slip of the hand.”
There’s a distinct lack of apology in the statement.
Veronica leans over him. Studying him closely for a moment.
Then, without warning, she shoves her hand through his skull, and JD yells at what Veronica is sure is a very familiar sensation.
“You had a choice, Dean,” she growls, and there’s a flash of unbridled rage in JD’s eyes at the mention of that name, “You could have been more. More than just a copy of your dad with a messiah complex. But you’ve made your decision.”
Veronica pulls away, and gives JD, the lost, lonely boy once last glance.
“Now you’re left alone with your thoughts. I hope they eat you alive.”
Veronica vanishes, and the cell melts away before her eyes, replaced by the somber greys and greens of the Sherwood Cemetery.
Heather is waiting for her.
  Heather McNamara contacts her a few months later.
Veronica never really pictured the head cheerleader as an occult nut. Then again, there’s a lot of things people didn’t know about her, Veronica muses as McNamara, Martha and Betty set up the Ouija board. And candles. Like that will help the process, somehow.
The first question is from Martha.
Veronica feels the cold sting of regret as Chandler scoffs from the corner of the room. There’s a lot of things that word could mean – Why did you cover up the deaths of Heather, and Kurt, and Ram? Why did you stay with Jason Dean?
Why did you lie to me? Why were you so cruel?
It’s a good thing the answer is always the same. Veronica grabs the marker and moves it around the board.
Weren’t they all?
  By turning the pages of her diary, and moving the wooden marker, Veronica deduces she can interact with some things, but not others.
She says as much to Heather. Chandler nods, understanding, and then that same something Veronica saw on the day she died creeps onto Heather’s face.
It comes out like a confession. “I tried to pull the pen out of your hands, when you were writing my suicide note. That did nothing, obviously. I tried talking to my parents, to Heather, to get someone to notice me, but the only person who heard was you.” Heather pauses. “Sorry. For what I said.”
“No big deal. I deserved it.” Veronica pushes on when Heather opens her mouth to interrupt, “What can you touch? Or, y’know, interact with? Anything?”
Heather thinks for a moment.
“Mirrors,” she says slowly, “All the ones in my house broke after my funeral, when I was yelling at my mom to listen. I think Heather Duke saw me once in the girls’ bathroom, too.”
Veronica nods, connecting the dots in her head.
  Veronica experimentally picks up Martha’s pen. Hypothesis confirmed. Objects connected to her in life.
She knows Martha won’t come up to her bedroom anytime soon – there’s too much animated discussion from downstairs, excited voices floating through Veronica’s ears as she writes. McNamara and Betty have come over for an evening of swashbuckling and true love. Veronica knows at least McNamara hasn’t seen The Princess Bride, since every accidental reference Veronica made flew straight over her head.
She has to make a conscious effort not to go downstairs and join them. It’s not her place anymore, she tells herself. Back to the task at hand.
She’s always been good with words. Even Chandler had grudgingly thanked her for the suicide note (god, that was fucked up), but Martha had been there for Veronica as long as she could remember. She deserved art.
Veronica writes in Martha’s history book. She says she’s sorry for everything she unwittingly put Martha through, for being self-centered and murderous and awful. She says she doesn’t know if life is different after high school, and that she never will, but for Martha’s sake she hopes that life outside Sherwood is better for her, and for her new friends. She tells Martha to keep them close, but to let Veronica go.
There’s a voice from behind her.
“Can you tell her that I’m sorry?” Ram Sweeney asks meekly. Veronica had almost forgotten about him. “I was shitty to her, and I get that now.”
“I’ll consider it.”
She does. Maybe it’ll give him closure, she rationalizes. Maybe then he and Kurt could move on. Maybe they can do all the things Ram’s father said he would.
Maybe she could move on, too.
 (She doesn’t.)
  It gets easier.
Veronica figures some things out. Heather makes a game of scaring the shit out of Country Club Courtney (“I’m trying to make her a better person. I’m scaring her straight.” Veronica doesn’t believe her, but plays along anyway.) Veronica spends most of her time reading books over Heather Duke’s shoulder or drawing on Ms. Fleming’s blackboard. Heather gives her a backhanded compliment on her artistic talent, and Veronica giggles as she wipes the pictures away.
Sometimes Heather holds her, or she holds Heather, because one or the other just remembered what it’s like to die. They keep each other grounded.
The Class of 1990 graduates, short five members. Then the Class of ’91, ’92, and so on. Fleming retires. Gowan resigns.
The world moves on around them, and they stay the same.
It never gets better. Just easier.
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The Hazards of Travel
           Nearly every travel adventure is bound to have days totally forgettable: nothin’ went right, everything went left. We rose early, too early to wait for the hotel breakfast. And this followed a hard travel day where we felt like we needed to cover at least a million miles. As everyone knows, you don’t get off the freeway unless you can actually see the restaurant (or gas station); it might be miles and miles away. Also, you don’t get off if the station, or restaurant, is on the left. You then have to stop at the off-ramp end, cross left over the freeway, get to the place, and then drive all the way back over the freeway only to again turn left to re-enter the freeway (usually). Your car only has so many left turns in it.
           So, we got to an Arby’s and had to get back into the car because there was no inside service (it looked like there was). By then more cars got into the drive-up ahead of us. Then when we neared the caller box, I studied the menu, not being a frequent patron of Arby’s (almost never). At the order speaker/microphone, which was a simple two foot tall post, I saw a great big sign that told me to order ahead – so I did, pulled ahead to order at the menu billboard thing. After pulling up 6-8 feet, I realized (too late) that they meant to order on-line. WHO DOES THAT? IT’S FAST FOOD! Now the car behind me has filled the void I left behind (the world hates a vacuum). So, we (I) drive out of line, over two curbs, and out of Arby’s lot, hungrier than before we got there, especially because Debbie had already told me that she wanted the cheddar and beef. I’m really mad at me now, and tryin’ my best to take it out on the world, but to exclude Debbie from … Anyway, we eventually spot (Did I mention that this was all on the LEFT?) a Wendy’s. Great! I know what to order there. Nope. After turning left to get into their lot, we discover that it is under construction, or renovation, or something. No square burgers for me, Nope! No Siree! So we went to the motel and ate the paper towels that we’d brought from home.
           But back to the forgettable day that began with us leaving the motel too early to get their Covid19 delight. With about an hour of the spare two hours we had before the time we were due at our house-sit gig used up in bumper-to-bumper, stop-and-go traffic caused by both road construction and a wreck, we set the GPS for the National Cemetery at Arlington, Virginia where we found closed gates and half the United States military alive and well guarding and preventing us from entry. They gave us coordinates, routing us back through Kentucky and Tennessee to an entry guarded by all the off-duty airport PSA employees. I didn’t have to take my shoes off, but they all now know that I am an innie, not an outie. Not wanting to trade half my pension for a golf cart train ride for a two-hundred-yard walk to see JFK’s eternal flame that looked like God was tryin’ to blow out, we do what we do best … walk. Our spare hour disappeared before we learned whether God got the job done, or not. Oh, and you can’t simply reverse your route. You must walk around the world in order to follow footprint decals. It was like a maze without the cornfield.
           We arrived at the house sit with our fake smiles and took the tour, learning all we needed to know about this and that and how easy their TV controller worked. That is the subject of another day; just understand this – I don’t care how well it works for you. IT WON’T WORK LIKE THAT FOR ANYONE ELSE! EVER! You’ll find your remote in the backyard water feature that you’re so proud of. So we drive off to investigate this part of America, first to learn, after turning left into it, that this trail and beach is for locals ONLY. The officer was so very sorry. Yes, he was. An hour down the road is a state park that want $5, plus 2 more for out-of-staters to look at some white bluffs that the famous if-you-don’t-work, you-don’t-eat Captain John Smith noted in 1608. Nope. Closed. The vantage point (2 miles down a trail) washed out in 1892 (maybe) and hasn’t yet been fixed. Our source said nothing about a trail, that we would be happy to hike, but not in 110֯ heat late in the afternoon. Or that we wouldn’t even see the cliffs even if we were to hike.
Okay, the homeowners are gone, we can go buy groceries (Debby won’t let me eat all their food) and unload all our stuff. Yay, a Walmart, not that we like Walmart, but we at least know where things are. How long since you’ve been in a Walmart that was not a supercenter? No food. And this was after having to drive to where we could make a U-turn (which is way worse than a left turn) to get to the place. Did I mention that it was in the late afternoon when everybody within a day’s drive goes to Walmart?
           Seeing gas at a reasonable (relatively) price, and I finally get the pump to take one of my cards (all work fine in Arkansas, but not so much elsewhere). Yup, you guessed it, the posted price was for gas with a car wash. I figured that out with the use of a pair of 50x binoculars.
           Ahah! A Safeway. They have food! But only if you have one of those platinum-plated gold cards and the bill goes to your neighbor, or somebody else, somewhere. You know those little, single-serving pies that Walmart sells for 50¢? Safeway wants $9,000.00. Each. And guess how old they are. The cherries are raisins and the sauce is red paint on the dried-out crust. On the way back to the car I was sure that a cop would throw me to the ground and break my arm, or cuff me and then slug me in the jaw, all with his knee on my neck just for what I thought of the local grocery stores.
           But we made it. Yay!
           But the homeowner didn’t tell us that the bed was made up with flannel sheets for this thousand-degree night. And they didn’t have any real sheets for this bed.
           They’ll find their flannel sheets in the backyard water feature when they get home.
           Here are some road pictures, as well as some taken in Annapolis where you don’t want to go on Naval Academy graduation day, which you have no way of knowing until too late. Oh, and BTW, don’t accidentally drive onto the base (which is invitingly easy to do). Now the Navy as well as the entire Department of defense knows my shoe size and my blood pressure numbers.
           Beep, America Bless God, beep.
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Home of Charles Carroll, signer of the Declaration of Independence
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Queen Anne architecture, 1700′s
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Home of another signer of the Declaration of Independence
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Next up for us .....
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immcrtuos-a · 6 years
G I A N T . C H A R A C T E R . S U R V E Y
[ tagged by ]: @eloquated [ tagging ]: @eyerevived @dcmonblooded @remembcr and everyone else who wants to
[ name ]: Raphael Ortiz Santiago [ nicknames ]: Rafa (only by certain people he’s close to) [ birthday ]: June 19 [ birthplace ]: Zacatecas, Mexico [ age ]: 84 (looks like 19) [ eye color ]: Dark brown, almost black [ height ]: 1.75m / 5′7 feet [ weight ]: Fairly muscled [ nationality ]: Mexican [ astrological sign ]: Gemini [ location ]: Hotel Dumort [ siblings ]: four brothers and one sister, all deceased [ pets ]: None [ in the morning i’m ]: Sleeping [ all i need is ]: the Clan [ love is ]: Apparently, a good thing [ i’m afraid of ]: Loved ones dying [ i dream about ]: Not much, unless nightmares are counted too
H A V E . Y O U . E V E R ?
[ pictured your crush naked? ]: No? [ used someone? ]: Yes [ been used? ]: Yes [ been cheated on? ]: No [ considered cheating? ]: No [ been kissed? ]: Yes [ done something you regret? ]: Of course
[ food? ]: Can’t eat anything anymore, so does it matter? [ fruit? ]: It used to be cherries [ candy? ]: I don’t have one [ color? ]: Red  [ number? ]: 3 [ animal? ]: Cats [ drink? ]: Blood, obviously [ soda? ]: I preferred coca cola [ book? ]: Macbeth or Julius Caesar [ room? ]: Bedroom [ movie? ]: I don’t have a favorite
D O . Y O U ?
[ have a boyfriend/girlfriend? ]: No [ like cleaning? ]: No [ have a tattoo? ]: No, though I admit they can be nice [ have any piercings? ]: No [ cheat on tests/homework? ]: I don’t remember, probably not [ drink/smoke? ]: Sometimes, with Magnus or Lily [ swear a lot? ]: Probably more than I should [ like watching sunrises or sunset? ]: I wish I could [ pray? ]: Of course  [ go to church? ]: Not anymore, although I used to go every week [ have secrets? ]: Naturally [ have a best friend? ]: Lily and Eliot (and Jack @eyerevived ) [ like your own handwriting? ]: Sure
A R E . Y O U ?
[ obsessive? ]: About certain subjects, I suppose [ excited? ]: Not particularly [ bored? ]: At the moment, yes [ happy? ]: Not really [ missing someone? ]: Yes [ confused? ]: No [ tired? ]: No [ mad? ]: At certain people, yes [ sleepy? ]: No
D O . Y O U . E V E R ?
[ wait around just to talk to someone? ]: Sure [ write about those ‘special’ moments? ]: No, I don’t need a diary to remember [ wish you were a member of the opposite sex? ]: No
W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N . W H O ?
[ you talked to? ]: Lily and Eliot [ you hugged? ]: Magnus [ you kissed? ]: That’s unimportant [ sent you a letter? ]: The Los Angeles clan leader [ you sent a letter to? ]: The Los Angeles clan leader, in return [ you laughed with? ]: Eliot [ slept in your bed? ]: Myself [ you shared a drink with? ]: Lily or Eliot   [ you went to the movies with? ]: A group of the Clan, a few years ago [ yelled at you? ]: Camille [ you called? ]: Magnus [ you kicked? ]: A Shadowhunter [ you saw? ]: Lily
W H O . I S ?
[ the most handsome person you know? ]: Objectively, probably Magnus? Although, Isabelle Lightwood is also beautiful. [ the weirdest person you know? ]: Simon Lewis, without a doubt the most confusing person I currently know [ the funniest person you know? ]: Eliot [ the loudest person you know? ]: Loud in volume is Lily, loud in character is Magnus   [ the quietest person you know? ]: Aurélie, a clan member [ the sweetest person you know? ]: Johannes, another clan member [ the most serious person you know? ]: Every person from the Clave  [ your best friend? ]: Well, that used to be Ragnor [ the person you hate the most? ]: Valentine Morgenstern [ the person you see most? ]: Lily and Eliot [ your soul-mate? ]: Soul-mates don’t exist.  
W H A T . I S ?
[ the first thing you thought of when you woke up? ]: Everything that needed to be done tonight [ the song that best describes you? ]: I don’t know [ your best feature? ]: Physical or in general? [ your most treasured memory? ]: Any of the ones with my hermanos
I N . T H E . F U T U R E
[ what is the age you hope to get married? ]: I’m not going to be married [ number and names of kids? ]: I won’t have any  [ where do you see yourself at age twenty? ]: I’ve surpassed twenty by a few decennia now  [ describe your dream wedding? ]: I already said I won’t have one, so it doesn’t matter [ when and how do you want to die? ]: Preferably a long time from now and quickly [ what are your career plans? ]: Keep leading the clan [ some place you’d like to visit? ]: I would like to go back to Zacatecas.
L A S T . T I M E
[ last time you went out of state? ]: Clan business a few months ago [ last time you were outside? ]: Yesterday night [ last time you had a snowball fight? ]: Years ago [ last time you were listening to music? ]: A while ago
[ how many people would you say are good friends of yours? ]: Three [ what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? ]: Emotional. [ have you felt this recently? ]: Yes [ what do you wear to bed? ]: Sweatpants and a t-shirt [ when’s the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? ]: As a child [ have you ever used a ouija board? ]: No [ how many rings before you pick up the phone? ]: As soon as I can find it
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Post-apocalypse military AU. Teen flashback part 3.
Gomen-gomen. New update eats up all free spots in lines. Hope it'll be still readable...😓😳 But anyway have fun, dear Feli!😉😘✨
"I don't have much else to say..." - Yuuri shrugged his shoulders with a small smile. It supposed to be apologetic but still turned out to be suggestive. Soft lips leaned to Yuuri's again. As it was promised. Suit coat of Victor's uniform laid on the floor near. During telling the story of that memories, boy slowly unbuttoned it and took away from his commander. And now sloppily played with his shirt, sitting on General's legs: - "It's your turn now. Be aware, I have enough cash to pay your price. Sir." Victor smiled, hiding his eyes again. Face burned. Some minutes ago he mentioned he shouldn't seduce his subordinate being in full-dress uniform. And his coat was immediately thrown to the side by this little demon. Not like Snow King was against though... - "Well... U see..." ************************ Honestly that time he was annoyed. By white nights (Lover's time... Fuck it.), Piter, arrogant elders who aren't able to go on line and fight themselves but still pretend to know everything better. Annoyed and exhausted. Emotionally more then physically. Perpetrator didn't surprise Victor even a little bit. Not the first. Not the last. But... A child?... The picture itself must be hilarious from aside: gloomy, half-ruined city. Neither day nor night. Empty streets like from another dimension. And in the dead end of the road... An asian kid. In hospital outfit (already a bit dirty), barefoot and with messy dark hair. The classic of creepy stories. To follow canon he should fizz or scream and attack the intruder. But... Yokai (This is how they're called, right?) from distant land wasn't lucky enough to have a proper hunt. Instead of a [tasty] human he met the ghost of St.Petersburg. Pale vision with silver locks. Dressed in dramatically black something. He was seen on cemeteries and near abandoned buildings even before the catastrophe. Very possibly predicting the tragedy by appearing. It all blinked in the corner of Victor's mind a moment he caught falling boy. Honestly he never liked kids. The younger person is, the higher is the chance they'll throw stones at U, or beat your pet, or...whatever countless shit is possible. But... What's wrong with this child?... Why so tight embrace? Heart inside little frame beats so fast... As if it's the only real thing in Victor's arms now and everything else is just an illusion. And small body leans so tight and so desperate to his uniform... Young Officer sigh. Kid is obviously hallucinating somethings about his family and his home... [Why does it feel as if he is embracing ME?... It's impossible, right?...] Touch on the face. "My Yuki no Kami-sama..." Whatever it means, this small palm is weirdly warm. Right cheek. He was too used to lean to cold steel of riffle with this cheek. [Wait, boy, don't take your hand away... I'm...curious how it feels - to be treated tenderly. As if being loved... Am I stealing caress that is not for me? Obviously I do. But still... Ok, kid. As a payment I promise to do my best to protect U and ones this caress was dedicated to. Deal? U know, kid... Lucky they are...] Broken hairclip. There's no surprise. They often were broken under weight of his hair. But this time there's no way to fix something. It would mean to let boy on the ground for some time. And he's ill. And definitely cold. And barefoot. And... Young Officer didn't dare to admit he simply didn't want to loose this weirdly bittersweet feeling. It must be nice - to be hugged every day... Although... Is it even possible? Definitely not for the Capitan of United Army. Small hand went through silver locks. At first he nearly recoiled back from touch but boy's fingers turned out to be so gentle... He couldn't know beforehand but somehow reached the old scar noone knew about - very old one, stable reminder that war and world end aren't the worst things. At least against enemy U have a right to fight with all force... Honestly Capitan Nikiforov always hated his hair being touched. After all if anyone reaches for your hair, it's 99% they're going to grab it to beat U right? Elsewise what for? Why does it feels so nice now?... So domestic and comforting... Illusions, right? Seems like this kid loves the person, he's vision is about, with all his small heart...
"Слушай, мелкий, а ведь это почти как в той сказке... Я не знаю, у вас она известна или нет... Снежная Королева. Кай сам напросился, так ведь? Сам привязал санки. Сам уселся к Королеве. Сам хотел, чтоб его забрали... Listen, little one, we're almost like in that fairytale now... I've no idea if it's known at your place or not... Snow Queen. Kay asked for that, right? He tied his sleigh to Queen's on his own will, he went with her on his own will... He just wanted to be kidnapped, right?" - Victor's voice was quiet. He intentionally spoke Russian. Boy doesn't need to understand this stupid dreamy frankness. - "Вот дообнимаешься... Заберу тебя с собой в часть, никто и не хватится. Научу всему... И будешь моим напарником пока не сложишь из льдинок "Вечность". Жутко, да? / I warn U - U'll cause the same with your hugs... I'll take U to the base with me and noone will be able to search for U. I'll teach U everything... And U'll be my only teammate until U gather the "Eternity" from ice splinters. Creepy, right?" He snorted bitterly. United Army suffered from critical lack of soldiers. It was the reason to recruit even kids who weren't under virus and were able to hold the riffle. Most of them began from sniper work. Sniper's life doesn't last long. Most of them were killed already. From Victor's generation he was the only one who survived and got the higher rank and other missions. Dark-haired kid curled into a ball, warm sniffing ticketed skin of Victor's neck. He doesn't need to know... He is the second breed. If he survives, he'll live in Safe Zone. In one of last shelters of safety and culture in this weird apocalyptic world. Hospital. [Good bye, Kay. Time to return U to your dimension.] Unexpectedly to give kid to nurses turned out to be not so easy. He almost growled in his sleep and cling to Capitan Nikiforov tighter, stubbornly refusing to be separated from him. Placing boy under medical dropper Victor noticed with a heavy feeling, on hospital's sheets he looked even smaller and extremely unhappy. Temptation to leave something for this weird child was strong... But what to leave? To give armor to civilians was prohibited. And he had nothing else. To cut off own hair and leave it for him? Not only stupid but also can put kid in danger. Who knows what can happen... The last thing he needs is to be chased as a "person close to Capitan of United Army" if someone would spread rumors. And they will definitely spread it. All these thoughts went through Victor's mind while he was putting boy on the carriage and unlocked his arms from own neck. He looked at pale face for the last time and stepped back. To give a kiss on his forehead is not a good idea for the same reason as any recognizable gift... Silver-haired officer didn't remember how he returned to the Neva bank. What a weird day... Or rather to say night. Everything went good. Foreign patient of hospital is found even before it caused any mess. Noone suffered. It's fine. But for no reason it felt as if he had just torn away a part of himself by his own hands. Stupid, right? It's too easy to be tempted to imagine the life where U're loved... And needed. And always are met with a hug. But it's imaginary, right? Would this kid cling so desperately if he realized what's happening? Absolutely not. Completely perplexed young Officer wiped stubborn tears again and again and wasn't able to find any reasonable answer - why something inside aches as if he was just separated from his soulmate. Although who said such things even exist?... [I'll check him up tomorrow evening. Just to get to know if he really is a second breed and will survive this shit.] *************************** Yuuri's hands left half-unbuttoned shirt and cupped Snow Kings cheeks. His hold was still tight and possessive but now filled with a warm sympathy. "I'm sorry..." - boy's voice was ringing. Soft lips leaned to Victor's forehead and Yuuri locked commander into tight embrace, pressing his head to the chest and stroking silver hair. - "I'm sorry... It took so much time to return to U. I'm sorry... U was so lonely... My Yuki no Kami-sama..." Snow King tried to rise head but was just pressed tighter. - "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! If U want to punish me for being so slow, please do it! Do whatever U want to feel better." - Yuuri's eyes blinked with tears. - "I love U. Always loved. My Снежный Король." Victor gasped. Icy-blue eyes widened almost in shock. But Yuuri didn't give him a chance to answer. He leaned in with one more clumsy but passionate kiss. Moves of boy's tongue over lips and inside mouth took away any ability to think or act... But still he broke the kiss for a second: - "I love U too, Kaiyo... Kay."
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gabe-wallace · 7 years
Dust & Rattling Bones || Self Para
SCCU Fall Festival Task (Baking Contest & Cornhole Tournament) (if you squint... fuck u I’m counting it anyway) Words: 1,659 Summary: Gabe goes to visit his mother for the first time in awhile.
Gabe's careful steps were accompanied by the faintest crunching of brown grass as he picked his way carefully through headstones. He took large, hesitant steps over people's graves and looked around him warily as he made his way towards an unassuming, pinkish stone. He had never found cemeteries scary or creepy, but there were other ghosts that lingered here.
He'd already taken his accustomed pause in the car, where he closed his eyes and let a fantasy play behind his closed eyes. He might cross the graveyard gate, take the bend in the road and notice a young woman standing in front of his parent's stone. She would be facing away from him, but her hair would be just as brown and wild as his own, and the unguarded stoop of her shoulder would speak to the same ragged edge of sadness he felt here in this lonely place. His heart would begin to pound, and he would pause, find the courage to call "Bekah?" and when he did she would turn, see him. Maybe she'd call "Gabe?" back, maybe she'd just recognize him after all these years. Someone would scream with joy, Gabe would feel tears on his cheeks. They'd run towards each other, heedless of the stones and years between them, and he'd wrap his long lost finally found sister in his arms, and then, and then, and then...
It hadn't happened. It was heartbreaking in the way most of his past was, an aching, bleeding wound square in his chest. But he poked at this particular wound enough that small jabs at it didn't hurt anymore. If he ignored it (or convinced himself that he was able to ignore it) it wasn't too hard to keep going about his life.
He took his second accustomed pause. The stone was made for two people- couples or siblings or parents and their child. Gabe always made sure to approach it from the back, to give himself time to examine how he might feel if he came around the side of it and found not one but two set of dates staring at him. Let down. Disappointed. He decided after a moment. It would be discouraging to have never found his father alive, and to never be able to tell him that he was a giant asshole to his face. 
As they'd been every time he'd visited so far, he fears were completely unfounded. It was only the one date that he would never, could never, forget. January 7th, 2005. He settled into the grass straight in the middle of the double stone, bunching his backpack under his head as a makeshift pillow and shoving his knock off aviators higher up on his nose. He had lived in Southern California his entire life, but he still loathed the heat- he was sure he could live here his entire life and never grow used to it.
He laid his hands gently on his chest, staring up at the cloudless blue sky and letting the relentless sun beat down on him. He hadn't been out here since this summer, when most of his roommates had headed home for weeks if not months at a time, and there had been no one to question where he was going. He'd have a farmer's tan by the time all was said and done, and everyone would assume he'd been out at the Carnival, or doing yard work for people with more money than motivation, and that was how he wanted things. He didn't talk about his past for a reason, and he certainly didn't talk about this.
It felt a little bit like regressing, honestly. He wondered if it was healthy, to curl up on his mother's grave, to run his fingers over the date and name on her stone in lieu of a face to touch or hand to hold, or tell her about his life as if she could listen and understand. That was a question for some far off future where he had enough money for a therapist. And the therapist could wait until he hired a private investigator to find the missing members of his family, bought a more reliable car and a better computer to code on, and treated all of his friends and foster family who had helped him along the way to a big fancy party. Until then.
"Hey Mom." Gabe murmured to the sky, eyes closed and he pictured Gloria Wallace as he had last seen her- brown curls a messy halo around her head, smiling from the driver's seat of the family's Volkswagen, blowing a kiss at her children as Gabe walked Bekah up the stairs of their school. (Gabe didn’t count her funeral, of course.) It was easy to picture her now, or how she might have been. A tiny woman, smaller than him now, leaning over their worn kitchen counter with paint smeared on her cheek and clay under her nails, exhausted from dealing with teenagers all day, peering at Gabe over the rim of a tea mug filled with orange juice- How’s college baby? Still liking your roommates? And your classmates? Not partying too hard now that’s you’re twenty one and making your mother feel older by the minute? I don’t have to ask about your grades, you’ve always been so smart- don’t know where you got that from. 
Another prod to the gaping hole in his chest, this one a little harder than the last. He was fine, he was fine. Another two years, then maybe he’d have time to break down over all of these small hurts.
“Hi Mom.” He said again, his voice slightly rougher. "I miss you, same as usual, you’re probably getting tired of hearing it every time. Tough, because I still do. It's Fall Festival time again, and I thought I'd pay you a visit. I remember how much you used to love it. I remember every year you'd sign up to enter the baking contest, and every year you got to run and you lost you'd complain about the wasted money, and dad would say it wasn't wasted if you enjoyed yourself, and you would say you'd enjoy it more if you had won. I heavily identify because I too hate wasting money, no matter how much enjoyment I might get out of wasting it. That’s why I hate strip clubs... You know, I know you know I’m kidding and would have laughed if you were here, and that still felt way too awkward. Anyway."
Gabe shook his head as much as he could with the book bag shoved under his head, grinning. "Bekah and I liked it when you entered the baking contest. We got to eat all your practice batches and accidents. We were accidents too, so we identified. Ba dum tssk. (Jesus Mom, this hiding my trauma through humor thing gets exhausting.) But I still miss those maple-apple-pumpkin cupcakes with that cinnamon cream cheese frosting- the ones you made the Fall Festival before- all of that. Bekah and I tried to make them for dad after. We thought maybe they'd cheer dad up. Bekah had this idea in her head that if we could just make him laugh he'd suddenly get better, and I was just desperate for him to not drink so much that night that I was willing to try.
We made just the biggest mess of the kitchen, and we didn't make the right of course. The frosting was basically just pure cream cheese with powdered sugar and about half a jar of cinnamon added. The batter was running and wouldn't sit up, and I had dumped so much vanilla extract into it was was nigh on inedible, but we still got so excited when dad came home, we ran to show him... I think I had this naive idea that it would be like the movies, where the parent is still sad, but seeing the kids had tried to cheer them up made an impression on them, and they at least tried to fake it better for them... Of course that's not what happened, but you know." Matthew Wallace had barely blinked at the food, had instead sighed, told them to clean up the mess and clean the dishes, and stumbled to his recliner with a bottle of Jack Daniel's already in his fist. Bekah had thrown the cupcake pan on the floor sobbing and ran to her room, and Gabe had spent the next two hours quietly cleaning the kitchen and biting his lip so his own cries weren't audible.
Rubbing his eyes under his sunglasses, Gabe sighed, letting his arms flop back to the ground and shaking his head again. "Whatever Mom. I know you have some things to say him, when it comes time. Kick him in the balls once or twice for me if you see him before I do. I didn't mean to go on a tangent. I just wanted to say that I saw the ads for the baking contest and it made me think of you."
"Did I tell you that this year they're importing corn for a corn maze? It's wild Mom, and there's some game called 'Cornholes' or something that's a big Midwestern thing. It just sounds dirty to me, but while someday I'm sure the Fall Festival will be dying for Gabe Wallace to show up as some kind of celebrity judge or wealthy alumni, in the here and now they don't give a shiiii-uck. Shuck. They just don’t give a shuck. That sounds even worse. Sorry Mom. Anyway. I thought about signing up for the tournament, it's this big competitive thing and some of the people on my Quidditch team wanted to do it, but in the immortal words of an exploited person of color 'ain't nobody got time for that'. Oh- You know mom, I wish more than anything you were still around so I could show you memes, because I know for a fact you would find them hilarious."
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