#he could’ve just been like I get it now. end sentence end thought nothing else but sadly he must make it known he don’t fuck with this shit
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miirohs · 29 days
all yours, all mine [c.l.c]
pairing: Mob Boss!Charles Leclerc x Wife!Reader wc: 1.3k cw: again, slight yandere/possesive tendencies, allusion to abuse an: guys i am feeling uninspired lately,,,, needed to pull everything in me for this one. sigh. its 2 in the morning what am i doing with my life i need to sleep not be up to this bs GODDDDDDD strike me down.
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Charles knew you weren’t truly his wife.
He himself had shot his bride to be, too loud and too lecherous to realize how she’d met her end, bragging about killing him for his money in his club.
He thought that’d be the last of it, that their family wouldn’t be brave enough to show face again.
Yet, they became audacious, sending him a woman, a woman who was nothing like the bride he had seen. 
Hell, you didn’t even look the same as the other.
There was no way their family didn’t know by now that he was the one who killed their only daughter, yet he could only imagine this was their attempt at faking normalcy because he’d never seen his bride before, right?
He laughed, in all honesty. 
He could’ve played along, see what would’ve happened, and have been done with you by dinner if he wanted to. But part of him wanted you to show your true colors, to be able to kill the venomous woman hiding behind the veil.
That day never came though.
He was too baffled by the sight of you clinging to their sides, eyes down as you could barely keep up in the shoes slightly too big to be yours.
He pretended not to notice. 
At dinner he questioned you, much to your visible discomfort. He could see the glances you gave the other members of your supposed family, meekly responding back as they glared sharply at your head, only smiling when they noticed his stares. It didn’t take long for him to connect two and two.
It was there and then he’d made the awfully irrational decision to go forward with the marriage. He wanted to pull you out of your shell, see who you really were under the supposed mask you had on in front of everyone.
Your marriage was a grand affair, bosses from all around the globe visiting just to see the ceremony. He had refused to give in to their demands for a smaller wedding, going all out just for you.
And true to his word, he treated you with more respect than he’d ever cared to show anyone else. For him, hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks as he tried to pull you out of your shell.
It was a while before he got the first laugh out of you. He felt like he’d won everything when you gave him small smiles. He did everything to get them out of you. Showering you in lavish gifts, surprising you with expensive dates, it made him feel like he was finally doing something right. 
Seeing your full smile was what truly made it worth it, easing the pain of your time with your former family, if he could even call them that. 
He’d made sure to cut all contact with them, and he knew you were contacting them against his wishes, so he took it into his own hands to make sure they couldn’t bother you for a single cent again. He plotted behind your back and as sorry as he felt for lying to you, he paid for his guilt in consuming you with his neediness, wrapping you tightly from your waking moments almost as if you’d disappear forever if you left his field of vision.
You didn’t question it, but you couldn’t lie and say it didn’t startle you a bit.
He hummed as you gently ran your fingers through his hair, pit forming in your stomach as you heard him mutter in Italian on the phone, pen scratching against the paper of his notepad.
You heard the bare sentences of his conversation, too fast for you to understand, but you thought you had a good idea of what he was planning.
“Dovremo metterli a tacere (We'll have to silence them)-”
A couple heartbeats passed as he listened, your heart clenching almost painfully as you held the cuff of his suit jacket between your thumb and index finger. Maybe he had figured it out, maybe he was already plotting ways to dispose of you for tricking him in such a grievous manner. You hadn’t heard from the family in weeks, and it made you anxious.
“Non sono d'accordo? Bene, uccideteli (they won’t agree? fine, kill them).”
For a moment there, you didn’t see your husband, but the Devil of Monte Carlo.
He didn’t say anything, and you couldn’t bring yourself to, letting your hand slip away from his crown.
“Y/n? What happened?” He frowned, hand rubbing against the small of your back.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say it, words lying on the tip of your tongue as he cocked his head at you.
“It’s nothing.” You moved your hands away from his neck, balling into little fists in your lap.
“It’s not nothing,” He pressed, staring you down firmly despite the gentle tone of his voice. He knew you, almost too well.
“I… i don’t know how to tell you. You’re going to hate me if I do.” Your voice warbled out as he kissed you on the neck, too light and breezy to mean anything serious.
“Try me. You’d be surprised at how well I take things, and I'm not unreasonable.” Another kiss, leading up the column of your neck as you squealed at the feeling of his warm lips on cooled skin.
“Well, uh, i-” He bit down lightly, earning a soft smack from you in the back of the head, “-Char, what are you doing?”
“Trying to cheer you up.” He said, kissing on the spot he’d bit with an incomparable amount of gentleness.
“I just have something to tell you and i-”
“Is it important in any way that actively harms our lives?” He butt in, giving you a curious look.
“No, but-”
“Then I don't care.” He shrugged, placing a kiss on the corner of your mouth. You didn’t even know you could’ve gotten that loud, when you finally spit it out.
“I’m not your real wife, Char. I never was.”
He didn’t say anything, humming against the crown of your head as his hand snuck up your back and held you closer to him.
“Char, please.”
“I knew that, this isn’t new news.”
You held on, mouth gaping slightly.
“You… you knew this whole time, and you-”
“I deliberately didn’t tell you.” He scoffed, pulling your chin down to look at him. “I knew you’d run back to that so-called family that I did if I had told you. You barely trusted me, and it was their fault. So that’s why I'm going to make sure all of them take a nice long vacation.”
You couldn’t really feel the abject horror anymore, melting into sheer relief as you finally looked at him once more.
There was something about the way he looked at you, tantalizing and hypnotized almost.
‘But, aren’t you mad about me…?”
“Oh I was, I was furious.”
His lips ghosted over yours, the hint of a smile somewhere there.
“But they ended up giving me something all the more precious, something I couldn't replace. You know what that is, mon amour?”
You didn’t even have to say it, as he kissed you, lips smooth against your slightly chapped ones. The expensive perfume grew smaller, closer and closer to you as the space between you closed.
“I’ve done some unspeakable things.” He panted quietly against your lips, landing another soft kiss on the other corner. “But nothing as unspeakable as killing your so-called “family” this late in the game. Some part of me wishes i had done it earlier to spare you that grief.”
You didn’t respond but he continued nonetheless, hands wrapped around your waist to bring you closer to him .”Remember that you're mine and I'm all yours. I would do anything for you.”
And the worst part is, somewhere deep down, you knew it to be true. He was always yours, and you were always his. He'd made sure of it, and you weren't entirely complaining.
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marvelouslizzie · 9 months
sooo, i read your fic "like someone i know" and it was absolutely hot AND amazing. i am obsessed with miscommunication of how they thought they hated/were against each other but not. 😭
if you do take requests, could you write a drabble or something of them finally dating and bucky still teasing the reader but obviously in love now? JBJDJSHS maybe make the entire class confused bc they're aware of their rivalry. i just LOVEEE the fluff after enemies/rivals to lovers plots. 🥹
if you don't take requests, it's okay!!! your fic was amazing and now i shall read more of your work to my heart's content!!!
Thank you so much for the kind words ❤️
Oh, I absolutely love this! I tried to write a cute drabble and I hope this works for you.
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summary: Set after Like Someone I Know. You and your former academic rival, Bucky, begin a secret romantic relationship. What happens when you two have another exam?
pairing: College!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
warnings: None actually. Pure bickering and a bit of fluff + no mention of y/n.
word count: 842
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission.
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Another day, another test. You feel stressed by the number of lessons you had to study for this one. There were so many things, even though you went through all of them, you feel like you remember nothing. Nothing at all.
You open your bag and reach for your notes while your back rests against the cold wall. Maybe you will feel confident enough if you go through them one more time. Refreshing your memory does not hurt, right?
You start to read and repeat the most important info in your mind, trying to remember where and how you wrote them so you can use them during the exam, but it’s hard to concentrate. Especially, when Bucky’s voice is booming through the hallway. His laugh is so loud, and it annoys you because he isn’t laughing like that because of you. He’s just messing around with Steve, Sam, and Natasha, as usual. You are pretty sure Natasha is the one that made him laugh this loudly, and jealousy takes over you. 
“For the love of god, just stop talking for a sec! Some of us are trying to study here.” 
No one bats an eye. They are so used to you two bickering before and after exams, but Bucky immediately turns to you. You see the mischievous spark in his eyes. He’s so amused by the comment.
“Do you mean yourself, princess? Because I don’t see anyone else besides you studying right now.”
You make a sour face when you hear him calling you princess. That’s new. He usually calls you doll.
“Does it matter?”
“Matters to me.”
“Fine. I’m trying to study. Shut your mouth, kay? Bye.”
You try to turn back to your notes, but no, Bucky is not done bickering with you. Of course, he isn’t.
“Don’t worry, you will get a good grade. You always do.” It could’ve been such a sweet encouragement if his tone had been different. It just feels like he’s patronizing you.
“So what? I should stop studying?” 
“Yeah. Give yourself a break, doll.” He stops for a second, then dramatically adds. “Live a little.”
“Studying first, living later.” That kinda sounds like a promise, but no one but Bucky gets that.
You think you can finally read again, but Sam doesn’t let go of the conversation for some reason. He always likes to interject.
“Are you worried Bucky will get the best grade?” 
“Oh, come on, Sam!” Steve sounds tired already.
“I would like to see him try.” After years of being rivals, your answer comes automatically. You forget there’s no need for this anymore.
“I got the best score last time, remember?” Luckily he doesn’t sound offended. Maybe he just missed your usual bickering.
“And I will make sure that doesn’t happen again.” You give him a fake smile. You really want to get the best score, even if that means beating your boyfriend.
“You always say that, but…” Suddenly he stops talking, and you wanna know how that sentence ends.
“But what?” 
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Come on!” You challenge him. He shouldn’t stop himself from voicing his thoughts just because you started to date a while ago. Your rivalry is still there. He should be free to say whatever he wants. “Say it.”
“Maybe later.” He resists.
"Come on, Barnes! Since when are you afraid to speak your mind?" Your taunting works like a charm.
“You always say that, but I never saw you upset because I beat you.”
You can’t help but smile. If someone is gonna get the better grade, it has to be Bucky. Any other option is simply not acceptable.
You feel the stares of Steve, Sam, and Natasha on you. They didn’t expect this turn of events. They have been holding their breaths to see your reaction. Are you gonna get mad? Snap back at him? Shove his flirtatious comment up his ass?
“If it's not me, then it has to be you, right?” You watch Bucky’s smile grow while others mumble with confusion.
“If not my girl, then who else?”
Oh, he really went there. He didn’t miss the opportunity to claim you, and even though you wanted to do that very differently, you can’t help but feel giddy about it.
You don’t say anything at first, slowly walking towards him. You stop right in front of him, staring into his pretty blue eyes. He doesn’t know what to expect, so you can see how puzzled he is. You stand on your tiptoes and gently place a kiss on his cheek. 
“Good luck, baby,” you whisper into his ear, then you just turn on your heels, like nothing happened. “See you after the exam.” You don’t look back, but you hear others talk.
“What the fuck just happened?” 
“Did she just-” 
“I told you they would eventually fuck, Rogers! Pay up!” 
“Language, Sam! We don’t even know…”
“Oh, they definitely did.” Natasha sounds rather amused.
“Oh, come on! You betted on us?” Bucky’s charming voice is the last thing you hear before entering the classroom.
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alexiseatzbeez · 4 months
I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket
Hiii !! This is my first time writing a creepypasta oneshot thing so that's fun. This is a ticci toby x reader thing that I thought about and wanted to write. It's also posted on my quotev (link at the end) where you can request other things for me to write !! Also this is my first time specifically writing for Toby so I know I probably missed some things, so if I ever write for him again I'm gonna be better about that. Ok onto this lol
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It was the middle of December, and the snow was coming down steadily, matching the twinkle of the stars above. The frosty wind blew through your poor choice of clothes for the weather - a plain long sleeve shirt with jeans. You shivered as you mumbled to yourself, 
“Could’ve bundled up a little…”
There’s not much you can do now with a car low on gas and no one around to help, and being miles away from home didn’t help much either. 
The surrounding woods felt never-ending and did nothing to comfort you. The empty streets with old lamps flickered as you tried to figure out what could possibly be wrong with your car. A feeling in your gut told you that something was wrong, so you tried to work quickly. You shakily sighed as you shivered, fiddling with the car's buttons and levers, inspecting the car’s old gas pump, slamming your fist on it a few times just to see if that would work. You muttered under your breath again, starting to become annoyed with the thing,
“Damned thing won’t work…”
A huff of frustration left your lips, watching as steam clouded in front of you, making you remember that you’d probably freeze to death if this stupid car wouldn’t start up again. Your aggravation was quickly replaced with a small gasp of surprise when an unfamiliar voice rang out behind you, 
“You know, you probably shouldn’t b-be out here at this time of night.”
You jumped as you heard the voice, snapping your head to turn and face where it came from. You were met with someone you’ve never seen before in your life. Behind you stood a man with shaggy, uncut brown hair and orange ski goggles pushed up to rest on the top of his head. He wore multiple layers, including a plain black hoodie with a brown coat over it with jeans that almost looked too big for him. He was pretty tall, but the main thing you noticed was the giant bandage on his cheek, wondering what would be under it. Something else that caught your eye was the way he was acting. He'd occasionally twitch his neck or mutter something that sounded like it came out involuntarily. 
He stood a couple of feet away from you, not moving. You kept your gaze on him, confused as to where this guy even came from knowing you were in the middle of nowhere. You cleared your throat before speaking, trying your best to keep your voice steady even though worry started to fill your body. 
“I-uh… I know that.”
You immediately felt like a dumbass the moment the words left your mouth, turning away from him to look at your car again before looking back at him. You could feel yourself shake, like it was getting colder, or you were just becoming more nervous, you couldn’t tell anymore. The man spoke again, his voice sounded gravelly, like he was trying to make it sound deeper than it was, but you couldn’t tell or care at this point. All you knew was that he freaked you out and you wanted him to leave you alone. 
“Doesn’t look like you do or you would’ve been somewhere safe by now.”
He scoffed at the end of the sentence, making a whistling noise before stepping closer to you until he stood right beside you. He seemed ok, but something in his tone and his body language set alarms off in your head, telling you to ditch the car and run. You couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about this guy. He spoke again, realizing you weren’t going to say anything, 
“Look, it’s freezing and you’re car doesn’t look like it’s gonna do anything anytime soon”
His gaze moved from her face, to her car, to her clothing, letting out a sigh as he smirked and scrunched his nose, furrowing his brows as he shook his head
“And what’s with the-the outfit, anyways? This your idea of winter attire?” 
He chuckled as he spoke, rolling his eyes as he pointed a long finger at your chest, judging your choice of clothing. He made you feel dumb, but being out this late in this weather wasn’t exactly your choice. You’d be long gone and at home in bed if you had the option. You could feel yourself tense up as he stood closer to you, keeping your gaze on his face to try and figure out what his intentions were. Beside you, he studied the car, pointing at the gas pump and commenting on how you were low on gas like you didn’t already know that. The whole thing made you wanna yell at him and tell him to leave you alone, instead, you took a breath and tried to keep your cool as you responded,
“I didn’t have a jacket, I’m not supposed to be here. I’m kinda supposed to be at home by now but this piece of shit car won’t work.”
You paused your rambling, realizing you were probably oversharing. This guy didn’t need to know why you were here, or what you were doing at the old gas station. He nodded as you spoke, even though his face displayed that he really didn’t seem to care about the situation. He kept his gaze at your car as he spoke again, his voice felt monotonous with a hint of cockiness,
“S-sounds rough. So you’re just gonna freeze your ass off here while you try and fix that thing? You must be crazy or just plain dumb.”
A smug smile grew on his lips as he twitched his neck again, making you take note that he also had a patchy looking beard growing, too. You began to grow frustrated, taking note of this guy's features just in case he did something. You began to feel more uneasy. What the hell is he still doing here? Go away. The man was surprised by your lack of response, he was obviously trying to get a reaction out of you and was disappointed when you didn’t give him one. He spoke up again, you desperately wished he’d just shut up, it was like he couldn’t stand the silence.
“Maybe that’s the universe telling you that you need to stop pushing your luck.” He gestured to the wilderness that surrounded them, pointing specifically at the forest near the gas station, "You're out here all alone and your easy prey for anything out there.” 
Furrowing your brows and squinting, you stared at whatever he was pointing at. Your brain felt like it was melting from what he had said. What a creepy ass thing to say. As much as you hated to admit it, he had a point. The forest was creepy as hell and being alone at night in the middle of nowhere was never necessarily smart or safe for anyone. His words began to sink in, if anything, you were more afraid of him than anything in that forest right now. You huffed as you faced him, starting to lose your patience,
“Look, I don’t know where you came from or why you’re here, but I’d appreciate it if you helped me or just left me alone. I’ve had a shitty day and I’d just like to get my car working so I can go home.”
Once you finished speaking, you saw him frown a little in response. His eyes burned holes into your skull as he absorbed what you had said to him. Your stomach dropped, you fucked up. The world seemed to stand still, the eerie silence filling the freezing air between them. He said nothing at first, only staring down at you with a piercing gaze, sending a sharp shiver down your spine. The only thing that broke the silence was the bitter, howling wind. His voice felt louder as he spoke up again. His words sharp and targeted towards you, 
“You’re real mouthy, aren’t you?” his lips curved into a thin line, eyes narrow as they continued to burn into you, “I’d w-watch out with that if I were you.”
Your brain told you to run, leave the car and run somewhere, anywhere but here. You realized that was stupid as you took into account what was around you. Your eyes darted quickly, trying to look at everything but him. Dread filled your senses as you remembered that you were truly in the middle of nowhere. You looked back at him, trying to figure out what he was trying to do. Words uncontrollably spilled from your lips, you were desperate at this point, unable to control the shakiness in your voice, 
“Wh-what do you want from me?”
It felt like the man's goal was to just make you as uncomfortable as possible. He remained silent for a minute, watching you shift nervously in place, fiddling with your thin shirt sleeves as you desperately tried to stay calm, looking him in the eyes. This guy knew exactly how to get into your head, eyes narrowing as he stayed quiet, waiting for you to break. His neck jerked to the side before he spoke,
“Well, the way I see it, I could either help you get your car r-running, or I could leave you here for the wolves.”
You felt like your heart was going to burst from your chest right then and there. Was he threatening you? It wouldn’t be shocking at this point. You stayed silent for a moment, realizing you’d have to work with him if you ever wanted to make it back home. You cleared your throat, voice still shaky from a mix of being cold and absolutely terrified. You nodded as you held out your hand for him to shake,
“What’s uh- what’s your name?”
This was your genius way of trying to fix this strange situation and get on the guy's good side. His eyes narrowed as he looked at your shaking, ungloved hand. The smallest look of surprise filled his features before he grabbed onto her hand and gave it a shake. His grip was firm but thankfully not too tight. He smirked as he shook your hand, looking up to your eyes as he scrunched his nose, “Name’s Toby.” He paused before continuing, still holding firmly onto your hand, “Yours?”
You let go of his hand before responding very bluntly, “I’m y/n…” You purse your lips together before looking at your feet, you didn’t know where to even go from here. You stayed silent until you heard snow crunching under Toby’s boots as he walked to the front of your car, popping the hood up to inspect it. You stared at him as he stared blankly at the machine, he looked absolutely clueless. You knew you were already screwed, but this guy just seemed to be making it worse because he had absolutely no clue what he was doing. 
He placed a hand on his head, seeming perplexed as he studied the car. It didn’t take an expert to tell you that this guy was just as lost as you were when it came to fixing shitty broken down cars. The tension was thick and the air had taken on an unsettling aura, one that you’d only felt a handful of times before. You felt your heartbeat quicken as you tried to find a way to calm yourself as he tried to work on your car. The demeanor shifted completely. 
You decided to try and talk to him, thinking it may make you feel better. As he worked on the car, you noticed something shiny reflecting on his back. There sat a hatchet, strapped over his shoulder. You hadn’t noticed it before, but now that you could see it, you only felt more uneasy. Swallowing thickly, you spoke as you pointed to it, watching him snap his head in your direction, 
“What’s um- what’s with the hatchet? Are you a lumberjack or something?”
The question sounded stupid. You mentally smacked yourself on the forehead, a lumberjack? Really? He seemed amused by the question, chuckling as he looked at her and cocked his head to the side. The hatchet had barely been covered by his coat, taunting you to ask him about it even if you'd regret it in the end. You could practically hear the teasing and smirk in his voice without needing to even see it on his face, “A lumberjack?” 
After a small pause, he shrugged, his gaze returning to the vehicle as he spoke, “No, I’m not a lumberjack.”
The response made you furrow your brows in confusion. You knew the question sounded dumb, but what else could he be? Upon further inspection, you noticed how rusty the hatchet actually was. It looked old and like it was in need of a replacement soon. The silence was killing you, so you spoke up again. Your voice sounded off in the sharp, cold air, “So then,,, what are you, exactly?” 
This was as normal as this conversation could possibly get. They’d talk about what they do for work, he’d somehow fix the car, and then they could go their separate ways and never see each other again. Your question was getting closer and closer to the truth. The hatchet sat comfortably on Toby’s shoulder, like he was used to having it there, its rusty surface seeming to reflect the moonlight above. Toby gave you a sly grin as he looked over at you again, taking a few seconds to just stare before speaking, 
“Do you really w-want to know the answer to that question?” 
His tone felt like he was teasing you, implying that his answer was going to be something horrible, something you wouldn’t want to know. There didn’t even need to be a physical threat for you to feel uncomfortable again, your imagination filling in the blanks as to what he was trying to say. 
You paused, trying not to just snap right then and there. You felt your eye twitch as you took a deep breath in and out. Did you really wanna know? All you wanted to do was talk about what each of you did for work, not try to solve some random guy’s weird cryptic rhymes and codes. The anxiety was bubbling up inside you, you wished this guy could just say something normal for once. You nodded slowly, not able to find the words you wanted to say. 
Toby was clearly enjoying your reactions, continuing to grin and stare you down as you waited for his response. Eventually, he spoke again, the cocky smirk never leaving his face, “I guess I’m in the hunting business, I don’t really have a name for it.” 
You nodded in response to his answer, watching his neck twitch again as you tried your best to speak up and make this feel normal again. You took into account his whistling and twitching thing, deciding not to ask him about it since it was so hard to learn what his job was. Your voice sounded dry, “I’m uh- I work at a coffee shop.” 
He laughed at your response which made you scoff a little, why was that funny to him? You couldn’t understand why he was the way he was, you just hoped that your patience would reward you by getting your car fixed and getting the hell out of here. You turned away from him, looking at the gas station. It looked run down and abandoned. Sighing, you kept your gaze on the gas station, you were done talking to him. 
The air grew still as you felt a creeping sensation crawl up your spine. The sound of rustling and your car's hood slamming down caught your attention, causing you to jump in shock. Your head snapped towards him, a confused look on your face. Before you could even speak and ask why Toby did that, you noticed what he was now doing.
His movements started slow, reaching for the hatchet’s handle on his back, grabbing it and placing it in both hands with a firm grip. You felt your eyes widen as a pathetic noise left your throat as you tried to ask and beg to know what he was doing, staring at him as you felt yourself freeze, trying to stumble away,
“I’m bored, sorry it uh- sorry it had to go this way I guess. It- it was nice knowin’ ya, y/n.”
Toby spoke dryly, shrugging as he grabbed at your shoulder, yanking you closer to him as he raised the hatchet over his head with his other hand before it came swinging down towards you. Finally, a shrill scream ripped from your throat.
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Here's the link to that quotev I mentioned also
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starlitmark · 10 months
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Summary: You were so close, but some things aren’t meant to be. Pairing: bunny!Jaemin x fem human!reader Tropes: established relationship au, hybrid au Genre: angst, a little fluff Rating:  PG 13 Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of surgery, severe cramping, blood, language miscarriages, lots of crying Word Count: 3,398 Note: Everyone can blame @raibebe for this
Neo Hybridverse Masterlist || Cashmere Lop!Jaemin Masterlist
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Jaemin has expressed for years now that he wants multiple kids. You tried so hard for so long to have Miyoung, and she’s more than you could ever ask for. She’s ten months old now and lights up your entire world daily. Her oversized tan floppy ears continuously fall in her face wherever she crawls off to. You giggle slightly each time you hear her make a little annoyed noise. Jaemin is at work right now, so it’s just you and Miyoung at home until late this evening. 
In reality, it’s you, Miyoung, and the tiny unborn baby you just learned about. Most people would be scared or nervous about having two kids so close in age. After all, by the time this baby is born, Miyoung will only be a year and a half old. You aren’t worried about it at all. If you’re being completely honest, you’re rather excited. Jaemin told you not too long ago that he wanted another one already. You can’t blame him, even with your daughter so young. You wanted another one already, too. Once you saw those two little pink lines on three different tests, it was evident that you and your husband got your wish. This time, instead of telling him about your pregnancy, you just left the tests out and decided to let his nose do the work. As if on cue, the front door of your home pops open and shut again. Your eyebrows furrow, knowing Jaemin shouldn’t be home long after you put Miyoung to bed. Though, you only put your daughter to bed half an hour ago. You hear your husband sigh, followed by footsteps approaching you.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he says, voice laced with exhaustion.
“Hey,” you start, turning around to wrap your arms around him, “I thought you weren’t supposed to be home until eleven.”
“Supervisor cut my shift short.”
His voice sounds exhausted but not as usual after a long day at work. It borders on sounding depressed rather than tired. You search his face for any hints as to why he’s feeling the way he is. Nothing seems to give it away, though.
“Did something happen?” you ask gently.
Jaemin worries on his lower lip, “I lost a patient in surgery today.” he admits, “The little premature puppy baby. I was trying so hard to get him to a state where he could go home with his parents and-”
“Jaemin,” you speak in a sympathetic tone, “You did everything you could. We both know that.”
“There must have been something else I could’ve done for him. He was only a week old.”
You take your husband’s face in your hands, holding his ears out of his face. Your thumb gently wipes away a stray tear he was trying to keep in. He silently cries for a moment, and you don’t say anything. You stand there and wipe away tears as they fall. He’s always cared so deeply for his patients. It tears him apart when he loses one, especially while trying to save them. Once his tears stop, he sighs and starts to talk again.
“I just hate that his parents go home without him in their arms. It’s not-” he lets out a shaky breath, “Knowing what it’s like to lose a child, I hate that I know how much pain they’re experiencing right now.”
“I know.” you sigh, “I know. After we lost-”
You can’t bring yourself to finish your sentence. Though you never met your first baby, you know the pain of losing a child. Before you got pregnant with Miyoung, you were supposed to have another one. Jaemin was over the moon excited to have a baby finally. You’d been trying for months on end to get pregnant, so when you finally did, there was no bringing him down from his high. At around the eleven-week mark, though, something felt wrong. You were cramping like you had never known cramps before. Jaemin rushed you to your obstetrician only to discover that your child no longer has a heartbeat. After that, there was the spotting and eventually a rather heavy period that you knew was your body, removing the small life from your body. You had never known a low like that. Jaemin wasn’t doing much better than you were, either. He supported you through it all as best as he could.
You let out a shaky breath and pull away from your husband slightly.
“I’ll let you be alone for a few moments. I’m going to check on Mi and get ready for bed.” you inform him.
“I’ll be there in a few moments, my love.” he responds, voice still a bit shaky. 
You walk down the hall and peer into Miyoung’s room, only to see her peacefully sleeping. She’s fast asleep on her belly, one ear over her shoulder while the other is splayed out alongside one of her arms outstretched above her head. Seeing her so peaceful comforts you in knowing you’ll at least have her. You know it’s not the time to tell Jaemin about your pregnancy, though, not with his current mental state. You sneak into your en suite bathroom and start to pick up the positive pregnancy tests.
“I thought I smelled something different.” You hear your husband’s voice.
“Jaemin I-”
He walks up to you and takes the tests from you, “You’re actually-”
“I am.” You nod, “I just found out this morning.”
A bright smile bursts across his face. Brighter than you’ve seen in a while. It’s the same smile he had when you told him about Miyoung. 
“You have another little life growing in you.” he muses, placing a hand against your belly.
“I do,” you smile, tears starting to form in your eyes, “We’ll have another little one come November.”
For a few weeks, Jaemin tries to convince you to tell Miyoung already. Each time, you tell him it’s not the best idea purely because if you try to explain that to your ten-month-old, you’ll be opening a can of worms. Additionally, your daughter is brilliant and would likely pick up her father’s habit of touching your belly every chance she could reach it. Of course, that would spark multiple questions when she does it in front of someone who doesn’t know about it. The only people who you’ve told about it are Jeno and his girlfriend. They’ll be the ones to have Miyoung when it comes time for you to give birth, and you all know Jeno’s nose will quickly pick up on Jaemin’s scent embedded in you the moment he sees you. 
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You’ve just about hit the three-month mark of your pregnancy without a hitch. You get to go find out the gender of the baby later in the week, which Jaemin is over the moon about. He wants another little girl so desperately that you think he may manifest it into existence. Jeno said his bet is on a boy just because Jaemin wants them to be a girl so badly. As always, Haneul is currently zooming through the home while Miyoung tries to keep up with himhaving just learned to walk. You can already tell the two of them will be thick as thieves when they’re older. Aerum is fast asleep in her room. Both Jeno and his girlfriend take it as an advantage for now. Though, the moment the seven-month-old wakes, she’ll start howling. Haneul, being two, assumes that means he can howl too. Jeno has mentioned on many occasions that he’s thankful they don’t live in an apartment anymore for that reason. 
You’re peacefully sitting on the couch, Jaemin’s arm resting along the back of it behind your head. Jeno and his girlfriend sit on the couch catty cornered to you. It seems as though you have their undivided attention, but you know they’re also keeping an ear out for their son who’s a walking safety hazard and their infant daughter who as of recently hasn’t been sleeping well. You have a hand resting on your belly despite there not being a visible bump yet. Something about the contact makes you feel heat burst through your chest knowing you have another little on the way. 
Suddenly, you feel a sharp stab of pain through your back. It feels as though someone stuck a knife in you and dragged it around from your spine to just below your belly button. It makes you scrunch yourself into a ball and immediately Jaemin has one of his strong arms wrapped around you. It’s almost as if the four hybrids can smell the disturbance in the air. Haneul comes running into the room and tries to get your attention with small whimpering sounds. You can hear your daughter’s uneven footsteps against the floor as she approaches accompanied by small honks of frustration that she can’t get there quicker. Jeno quickly and carefully whisks Miyoung and his son into his arms. 
“You go get checked out. We got Miyoung taken care of.” he informs you.
With that he takes the two little ones down the hall, you assume into his game room to distract them with his farming game. Jaemin move to kneel in front of you to try to get a read of your face. You’re very much hidden behind your hair and hands though. Jeno’s girlfriend is already grabbing Jaemin’s car keys to get everything ready by the time your husband manages to get you to the car. 
“Honey,” Jaemin asks quietly, “Can you tell me what’s happening?” “It hurts.” you gasp out, “It hurts to fucking bad.”
You know Jaemin is starting to panic. He know he won’t be able to get you to walk down the stairs and out to the car, though. He picks you up and carries you. You need to see a doctor, one that isn’t him. One that can check on you and the baby. The entire drive to the hospital is a blur. All you can think about is the excruciating pain you feel in your stomach. Jaemin keeps one of his hands firmly holding yours even as you walk into the emergency room. It’s too perfect that the moment you step into the building you see Yuta’s wife walking toward the exit. She can smell something wrong too, she walks over and helps Jaemin support you despite her small stature. With her free hand she pulls out her paging device to get the first obstetrician that she could. 
You don’t know how long you would’ve sat in the waiting room if it wasn’t for her. Luckily she’s here though. 
You find yourself admitted to a room within the hour. Jaemin is doing his best to hide his anxious state but you can read your husband like a book. He’s terrified. You’re not doing so amazing either. They gave you some medication for the pain but still you’re not comfortable physically or emotionally. All you can do is wait for this doctor to be ready for you.
“Jaemin,” you whisper.
Your husband looks over at you. One hand still tightly locked with yours while the other hand is playing with his ear anxiously. His nose is twitching too. The only time his nose ever twitches is when he’s absolutely terrified. Last time it happened was when you were going into active labor with Miyoung.
“I’m going to use the bathroom real quick.” you inform him, “I need my hand back for a little bit.”
“Do you need help getting there or any-” he immediately starts worrying.
“I’ll be okay.” you give him a pained smile.
You should’ve let him help you. The moment you begin to pull your clothing down you see the red spots in your underwear. Your heart drops. Still, you try to contain yourself and just begin redressing. Your initial plan to let your body do what it needs before the doctor come goes out the window instantly. You slip out of the bathroom and lean back against the door facing toward your hospital bed. Jaemin looks at you with a concerned but expecting face. Yours is blank though. Spotting is never a good sign when you’re pregnant, especially after getting copious amounts of pain through your back and stomach.
“Doctor. Now.” you say flatly, looking at the floor in front of you.
“Baby, is everything-”
“Get a fucking doctor in here now, Jaemin. Is that so hard to do?” you snap.
Jaemin flinches and practically runs out to the lobby area to get someone in here who could do something. Now alone in the room you break down sobbing loudly. You couldn’t care less about who hears you right now. You know your baby isn’t alive. You should’ve known the moment you got those cramps that something’s severely wrong. That’s how your husband finds you. Curled up against the wall, sobbing into your hands.
“The obstetrician is coming.” he says softly.
He pulls you to stand up and walks with you over to the bed to sit down properly. Jaemin wraps his arms around you as you cry. You’re wetting his ear with your tears but neither of you care about that right now.
“Sweetheart, I-” he sighs, “I told them to have some mifepristone and misoprostol ready too, j- just in case.”
His voice is pained. You know those medication names all too well. If your pregnancy isn’t viable, it helps your body remove the fetus without surgery. Hearing him say those words only makes you sob harder. You know your baby isn’t with you anymore, and he does too. It’s a pain you don’t wish on anyone.
After several minutes of sobbing in your husband’s arms you slow to a sniffle. The obstetrician walks in a moment later and ushers you both toward where the ultrasound machinery is housed. You’re numb now. You can’t feel a thing emotionally. As a psychiatrist you know you’re disassociating, but maybe for right now that isn’t the worst thing.
Jaemin still holds your hand tightly, eyes brimmed with tears. You go through the motions as you move your shirt and the doctor places the cool gel against your belly. It takes mear moments for her to find the baby and confirm your worst fear. You knew it was coming, still, it’s another stab through your heart. Jaemin bursts into tears beside you, his hand letting go of yours for the first time since he returned from getting a doctor. His ears fall in his face as he looks down at his shoes.
“I’m so sorry for your loss.” she says, voice laced with pity, “Would you like to know what they would’ve been had you gone to term?”
You nod silently.
“Dad?” she asks carefully.
“Yeah,” he says through sniffles, “If you could.”
“A little girl. Seems as though she would’ve been human too. There was no early development of rabbit tail or ears.”
Jaemin lets out a pained noise. You feel all your emotions rush back through you and tears stream down your face as the doctor wipes the gel from your belly. As you leave the hospital with the medication in Jaemin’s hands you feel as though you enter some sort of dissociative state again. You don’t remember getting in the car or Jaemin calling your Samoyed hybrid friend asking if they could keep Miyoung for the night. All you know is that you stay in the car and suddenly Jaemin comes back with a bag full of things Miyoung will need. 
When you arrive back at the Lee household your one-year-old is anxious to see you. Jeno’s girlfriend tries to contain the two toddlers but Miyoung is practically climbing your leg when you enter her field of vision. Her long tan ears bouncing with each motion she makes. Neither of the other two adults need to ask what ended up happening. It’s evident that you and your husband have been crying. Jaemin had explained to you after your first miscarriage that he could smell when your pregnancy was no longer progressing. So when you see Jeno’s ears droop slightly, you know he knows what happened. 
“Baby?” Miyoung asks when you pick her up.
“No, sweetie, no more baby.”
The sentence pains you to say but you don’t want to lie to her either. She doesn’t need to know what happened, she’s fine just knowing that mommy doesn’t have the baby anymore.
“You’re going to have a sleepover with Haneul and Aerum, okay? You get to have lots of fun while Mommy and Daddy do boring adult things.” you explain to her.
That’s all she had to hear. She squirms in your arms to get down. Jaemin leans over and kisses her cheek before you do the same and put her down. She and Haneul zoom off again, likely to cause trouble somewhere. Jaemin passes the overnight bag to Jeno, who quietly takes it.
“I’m sorry, guys. I don’t know what it’s like but-” Jeno starts.
“You’re right. You don’t.” you say curtly, “Jaemin can we leave now?”
You don’t even let your husband respond. You walk out of the home and back to the car. Jaemin lingers a moment and gives your friends an apologetic look before bidding them goodbye.
The drive home is silent. You keep your hands folded in your lap the entire time as you look out the window. You’re avoiding looking at Jaemin for now. If you look at him it’ll be the last pebble that will break the dam. The moment you pull up to your house you get out of the car and walk toward the front door, still not looking at your beloved bunny hybrid husband. Just as you reach the door though you feel Jaemin’s arms wind around you from behind.
“I know it’s hard, but don’t ignore me. Share the burden with me. It’s the least I can do as your husband and father of our children.” he says against your hair.
Again you start crying, “Child. We have one child.”
“We have three.” he states firmly, “Only one is with us physically but we have three children.”
“Why does it have to be so hard for us to-” you interrupt yourself with more tears.
You turn around in his hold and cry against his shoulder in the cool late spring night air. If anyone driving by sees you they pay you no mind and likely assume you’re a young couple sharing a romantic moment. They couldn’t be more wrong.
“And with how my pregnancy records seem to track it’ll only get harder as we get older. Jaem, we’re only 26 but I’m worried that it’ll become nearly impossible by the time were 30.”
“I know. I know.” he soothes, rubbing your back gently,  “If it ends up being that we only have Miyoung with us then we’ll love her as much as we can.” he offers, “Maybe so much that she’ll want to go away for university because she’s tired of us.” he jokes slightly. “Now, you clearly need some food in your stomach and a drink of water. Let’s get inside and into more comfy close. Cuddles all night, doctor’s orders.”
Jaemin keeps his word, the moment you’re fed, hydrated, and in more comfortable clothing you’re snuggled up in your shared bed. Your head is pillowed against Jaemin’s chest and you play with his fingers absentmindedly. Your mind seems to run a mile a minute while also being completely blank.
“I love you.” you whisper so quietly it’s practically a breath.
“I love you too. Thank you for being my wife and the mother to our babies. I’m so proud of you and you’re so damn strong. Never forget that, okay?” 
You nod, “Okay, I won’t.”
“I mean it,” he continues, “I don’t know how I lucked out this much but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
“Even if-”
“Nothing. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” he stops you before you could finish your thought, “I love you so much. We’ve had far too long of a day and I fully plan on cuddling you the entire night.”
“I love you too. Good night, bunnyboy.”
“Good night, my love.”
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @jaehunnyy @umbralhelwolf @wooyoungmybelovedhusband
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lavendertales · 1 year
HI!! I have a silly request. Do you think you could do a Joel Miller X Femreader inspired by the song Baby Came home by the Neighbourhood? Like Joel is kinda the mistress 🫣 and it’s very tension filled
Hiii love, thank you for sending this in! I put a bit of a different spin on it but I hope you like it nonetheless ❤️
Baby Came Home || Joel Miller x f!reader
summary: you and Joel revolve around each other all the time, and when you finally make a move, Joel panics and opens up to you.
word count: 1k
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You thought this would be a good idea. It seemed like it, looking back on it.
But seeing the mortified look on Joel’s face now, you started to reconsider your own choices.
For weeks, all you and Joel did is practically dance around each other, shy yet feisty glares being exchanged and light brushes of the hands against each other that caused goosebumps all over the skin and sent electric shivers down the spine. One evening he even invited you to his house to unwind, and you simply sipped on whiskey and laughed, getting to know each other. As your bodies warmed and loosened up, you found yourself dangerously close to Joel, his warm breath tickling your senses alive. You could barely breathe, and it seemed like Joel was struggling too.
In that moment, all you wanted was to know was what his lips tasted like.
You ended up not knowing, since Ellie interrupted the moment.
But now, several weeks later, you do. And you lowkey hate yourself for it.
“Joel, you haven’t said anything in a while and I’m starting to lose my mind a bit,” you cooed, your body still frozen in the same spot.
It’s only then that you see Joel’s eyes soften, almost as if he was staring at you with regret.
You gulped. You didn’t like this one bit.
“You should—stay away,” he nearly groaned.
“What—what are you talking about?”
“We shouldn’t have…”
“Joel, what—I don’t understand.”
He sucked a big breath in, feeling his heart practically tremble inside his chest. He wished he could explain himself properly, but words always failed him, especially now. The kiss he just shared with you, the way it made him feel… it terrified him. It made him reminisce of his time with Tess and how she was the only one who made him feel okay, even if temporary. When she died, Joel swore he wouldn’t get involved with anyone else. He couldn’t handle the heartache of the loss, all that pain for nothing.
Meeting you here in Jacksonville though, it changed him. It made him feel empty and full at the same time; it made him reconsider his life and look at it from every possible angle, and only tonight, when his hand was in yours, that he realized how empty he had been feeling for months.
“I’m afraid,” Joel breathed.
“What are you afraid of?”
“The pain. The loss. People die. Or worse. And I can’t… I’m not emotionally equipped to handle it, not anymore.”
You reached for his hand again but he pulled away, still feeling the aftermath of the kiss and how it lingered on his lips.
And how he wanted more.
“Is this about you and Tess?” you dared ask.
Joel looked away, his nod so brief and small you could’ve easily missed it had you not been staring right at him the whole time.
“If she’d be here, she’d probably be able to tell too,” he said.
“Tell what?”
“That I’m yours.”
“But I don’t understand… you said I should stay away. I thought… I really thought that maybe…”
Joel didn’t need to hear the end of that sentence. He knew exactly what you thought because he thought the same. Any blind moron would see that the two of you have been revolving around each other using literally any excuse possible.
You kissing him meant you were far braver than him.
“Because I can’t—I don’t know what I’d do if anything were to happen. I can’t keep you safe all the time and what if when I look away… you’re another Tess to add to my memories?”
Something about that statement made your heart break and nearly opened the waterworks. But you soldiered through.
“Joel, you can’t keep everyone safe all the time,” you told him with a half-smile. “Not even yourself.”
“I don’t care about myself.”
“That’s too bad, because I care about you.”
Joel’s face suddenly softened, much like his gaze which fell upon you like it was the first time he ever heard you. There was something intrinsically beautiful about hearing your declaration out in the open, when all you did for the past weeks, even months, was to smile and stare fleetingly.
It made him feel more like a coward for not admitting it himself earlier.
But it also made him realize he should be stronger.
“I didn’t use to care,” he confessed. “The only person I cared about was Tess. Even with her, I—I was never fully honest. I knew how she felt about me and I never… I didn’t tell her. I didn’t say anything.”
“I’m sure she knew.”
“She should’ve heard it though. It’s nice to… hear things sometimes.”
Your cheeks burned.
“And then I started to care about Ellie and I thought, ‘this is it’. I ain’t gonna give a shit about anyone else but this girl. And my brother. And now you…”
He inched closer, causing your cheeks to burn even more as he drew a deep breath in and stared you down.
“You make me dizzy,” Joel breathed. “You make me lose focus, you make me… want things.”
“What uh—what kind of things?”
“Things I haven’t wanted in a very long time.”
You gulped, painfully aware that Joel might’ve heard the thirsty sound in your throat. If he did, he was polite enough not to mention it.
“I want things too,” you told him.
“Yeah? Like what?”
“You know, I’m much better at showing than telling.”
Before you could see it, you felt Joel’s smirk close to your lips. You felt his lips stretch into a playful smile, one that guaranteed you he preferred to be showed—and to show—rather than explain with tedious words.
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fever-project · 4 months
Succession of the Third Kind - LU AU
The Chain begins to learn about the Downfall Timeline, and the secrets Legend holds. Ao3 Link Here. After the Finish the Prompt thing I did I suddenly got inspired to write this. Well, I’ve been trying to write this before, but the first version was literally just one sentence and the second I just did not like. Focusing on Legend and eventually the doppels once I get to them. The abandoned doppel is the only one here so far.
This is not sci-fi, unfortunately. There are no aliens. Sorry if the title mislead you into thinking that. Four/Vio’s POV.
Chapter 1 - Four’s Successor
The reveal of Four’s ability to split went far better than he thought it would. Vio looked out at how Wind was running circles around Red, his kid curiousness taking full force as he asked them loads of questions. Red tried his best to answer them, but he kept looking at Vio for help. He was the smart one after all.
But Vio preferred to just sit down and read a book, rather than interact with people. Blue was arguing with Warriors and Twilight about something stupid, Time and Sky were off to the side and looking after Red and Wind, and Green was chatting with everybody else.
Except for Legend, who was leaning against the next tree over. Staring at him.
“Are you wondering why I’m not with the others?” Vio asked without looking up from his book, but he wasn’t reading anymore.
“Kinda,” Legend answered, still not looking away from him. Does he even blink? “I’m just thinking.”
“Hmm. Nothing important it seems.”
“You don’t know that.”
Vio sighed and closed his book, looking over at Legend. His face was blank, blinking seemingly manually at odd intervals. Did he always do that or was that a new thing? Hopefully it was a new thing.
“Are you okay?” Vio asked, more confused than concerned.
“Eh, I’m fine. You?”
“Obviously,” Vio stood up, “But you seem like you’re trying not to fall asleep or something. No one’s forcing you to stay awake you know?”
“I think I’m your successor,” Legend dumped out of nowhere. Vio blinked a few times, stumbling back. He knew that they obviously weren’t on the end of the timeline compared to the others, but he couldn’t yet figure out where in the timeline he was. If Legend only just figured it out-
“You have the Four Sword, don’t you?” Vio asked, having regained his composure. Legend slowly got off from the tree, stretching, looking away from Vio. He waited for the veteran to speak, he was patient.
Vio looked back over to the others, the joyous scene continuing from before. He remembered that Four still hadn’t revealed the whole shrinking thing, and wondered about what would happen when he did. They’d probably let him ride on their shoulders, and coo at how small he was. Yeah, that’s what they do.
“Happy at the scene, or that I could be your successor?” Legend asked, making Vio straighten up. He didn’t know he was smiling.
“The scene. And we still haven’t confirmed that you’re my successor.”
“That’s fair. Just depends on whether you’re…” he trailed off, grimacing. He looked over at the others, staring at Time for a bit longer than the others before continuing. “Don’t tell anyone about this,” Legend stared at Vio until he nodded his head in agreement, “But I know of the Hero of Time. He was before me, but I’m not sure if he was before or after you.”
“Well I’ve never heard of him so-“ Vio stopped abruptly. If Legend wasn’t his successor, “-Is Time my successor?”
“Could be,” Legend had the same blank look on his face as he stretched again, “But he clearly never heard of you.”
“But you have?“
Legend makes eye contact with him, briefly. His eyes carry as certain sadness to them as he spoke, “I’ve…been to your tomb.”
“Well that’s not too surprising, I guess,” Vio waved off the way his stomach had dropped, “Of course I’m dead by your time.”
“So was the Hero of Time.”
“Now how long we both were dead is the important question.”
“I…think you could’ve been dead for longer.”
“Then Time’s my successor.”
“Seems like it.”
“And you’re his.”
Legend flinches. Vio doesn’t understand why he would. Was he just wrong about that then?
“Are you Twilight’s-“
“Third option.”
“Third. Option.”
Vio’s brain works quickly to figure out what Legend’s trying to say. Twilight is one of the options, Time is also an option, and then there’s Wind. But he obviously isn’t Wind’s successor, and Time and Twilight are somewhat close in time. Twilight and Wind are both Time’s successors from two different timelines, but a third timeline could exist. That was the third option.
“A third timeline!” Vio’s eyes widened, a smile encroaching upon his face as he figured it out. Legend laughed heartily.
“Yeah. I was thinking about telling Time after we all figured out the timeline stuff about both Wind and Twi, but…"
“Something happened to the Time before you.”
“Annnd that’s why I’m talking to you now. I’m just hoping you won’t tell Time.”
“So you’re withholding the information you know about me over my head, so I won’t tell, aren’t you?”
A moment of silence passed. Vio looked at Legend right in the eyes, his blank look annoying him. That’s Vio’s thing damn it.
Unexpectedly, Legend laughed, a sly sort of laugh, accompanied with a sly smile. He had to have picked up on Vio’s thirst for knowledge, his need to know more, he had to. He still didn’t know if Legend had the Four Sword. Or what happened with Time. Or why Legend was in his tomb. Vio needed answers. He needs it.
“If I was Blue I would’ve strangled you,” Vio said a nonchalantly as he could.
“Uh huh, sure, sure,” Legend waved his off as he looked at nails, “Listen, I’m telling you this because I can’t tell anyone else. Even though I’m technically Time’s successor, I feel more like I’m your successor. I know more about you and that sword compared to anybody else here. Except you guys of course.”
“…What do you know about it?”
Another moment of silence passed. How annoying. But he must have a reason for this. Vio sat back down on the ground, letting out a sigh. He returned to his book, and a while passed before Legend speaks again.
“So, why are your names so basic?”
Well that definitely wasn’t what Vio was expecting. Might as well answer this since it’s not like the veteran would answer any questions he had. Not like he had anything better to do. Might get him to open up a bit more as well.
“We were around ten and Red couldn’t think of anything better,” Vio closed his book again, “At least I think it was Red, I could be mistaken. What names would you choose?” Legend scratched his chin, thinking. Whether he was actually thinking or not, Vio couldn’t tell.
“I…would name us after the goddesses,” Legend began, already baffling Vio yet again, “The red one would be Din, green would be Farore, blue would be Nayru, and purple would Hylia, now that I know of her because of those guys.” Legend gestures over at Wild, who was currently running around with Warriors and Red, all of whom had Fire Rods, with Sky, Twilight, and Green chasing after them. “Should we check up on them?”
“Us,” Vio said simply, “Name us.” Legend made a strangled type of noise. A Freudian slip, was that what’s it was called? Vio looked at Legend directly in the eyes again, the blank stare now gone, uneasiness clear as day.
“I never used the Four Sword,” Legend quickly spat as he crossed his arms, looking away from Vio’s inquisitive stare.
“I never said you did,” Vio said with a small smirk, “Who knows, it could be something different, yet similar to my experience. You are my successor after all.”
“…Yeah, I guess I am.”
Their conversation ended there.
“Alright, whose time is this?” Time asked. The group looked around the forest they were now in. It was a pleasant and rather normal looking one, save for the logs large enough for a person to walk through and the random swords on pedestals dotted around the place. The one next to Four was made out of cardboard, for some reason.
“It’s my time,” Legend said. That immediately excited Four. The last time they were in his time, it was brief, only being in his house for a few hours as they met Ravio. Then the black blooded monsters appeared as well as the portal, so they left without even seeing most of Hyrule.
And now Four knows this is his future, one of his futures, at least. He was a little curious about where his tomb would be. A little sacred as well.
But first they needed to get out of the forest.
“We’re in the Lost Woods, north of Kakariko Village. And don’t even bother with the swords-they’re worthless,” Legend said, annoyance tainting his voice for some reason.
“These remind me of my first attempts at making a sword,” Four remarked, poking one of the swords, and it wobbled like paper. Actually, this one was made out of paper. Why? Who would do this?
“How likely are we to get lost in these ‘Lost Woods?’” Wild asked, leaning over Legend, who scoffed.
“Not likely, it not that big,” Legend grabbed Wild and went over to grab Hyrule, pulling them both along. “Just follow me, I know the way out. We’ll be in Kakariko in no time at all.”
“Thank you Legend,” Time spoke, “Don’t wander off you lot, just follow the veteran.”
And so they did. Four held the back with Twilight and Wind, Warriors and Sky near Time, and Wild and Hyrule were with Legend.
The vet lead them through the logs, the occasional fucking crows being the only monsters they encountered. It was a nice and short walk all things considered. Four could see Wild pick up a few swords that were made from actual sword materials, and Four got a couple as well. They were shoddy, to put it nicely. But he could probably salvage something if he had the right tools. Soon enough they were out of the woods.
“Alright guys, we’ve made it,” Legend announced once they all filed out. Four could see the village in the near distance. It would likely take less than an hour to get there.
“Woohoo!” Wind cheered once he stepped out, “When are we going to your house Leg?”
Warriors snicked, as he always does when someone calls Legend ‘Leg’, “Yes Leg, where is your home and your rabbit-themed friend?”
Legend groaned, “It’s east of the village. Let’s just stop there and restock or whatever.” He slumped over as he made his way towards the village, mostly ignoring how Wild and Hyrule tried to talk to him.
“Do you think he’s okay?” Wind asked as he leaned over to Four and Twilight.
“He could be tired,” Twilight looked over at the vet, “But he has been acting strange lately.”
“Yeah! Ever since…” Wind trailed off as he looked over at Four. “I-I mean who knows when he started being a grump you know-“
“Wind, it’s fine,” Four sighed, “It’s…a bit complicated.”
“He’s your successor isn’t he?” Warriors suddenly appeared behind them, causing them all to jump.
“Gah! Wars!” Twilight lightly slapped Wars’ arm, glaring at him. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head nervously.
“Whoops, sorry,” Warriors said with a smile, “I just saw him talking with the purple you for a while, so I assumed you must’ve had an important conversation.”
“Like Legend being Four’s successor?!” Wind looked very excited at the thought, before his face scrunched up, “But when are you guys in the timeline? Probably before Time, right?”
Four shrugged, putting on the best poker face he could. Which was much easier when it was just Vio doing it.
“How about we talk about this after we find a place to rest,” Twilight reasoned, “Also, we’re falling behind.”
The four of them rushed to catch up with the others.
Four soon figured out he was right about it not going to take too long to get to Kakariko. The streets were lively, the people were nice, although a one did run away from them-from Legend. Legend proudly stated that the woman had once reported him to the knights after he was framed for kidnapping the princess, when he was ten years old nonetheless. Now she was way too scared to even go near him, and everyone seemed to hate her. Four also hated her now.
Everyone restocked on their resources, and Four visited the blacksmith with Legend and his posse. The blacksmith and his family were very nice, not looking down on Four like most blacksmiths usually do. Four and Wild gave him the swords to to melted down, which wouldn’t give much useable materials because of the way they were made. But Four didn’t really mind that. He and Wild payed the blacksmith, they all said their goodbyes, and went out to find the others.
Four and Legend didn’t speak to each other the entire time they were there.
Night soon arrived, and with it, the gaggle of heroes arrived at Legend’s house.
“I’m home Ravio!” Legend called out as he opened the door. Immediately, Ravio’s little bird, Sheerow, flew right into his face. Some Links-especially Wars-laughed at how much Legend was taken aback by it.
“Mr. Hero! You’re back!” Radio called from within the house, “Come in, come in. Oh! And I see your family has came along again as well.”
The group headed in, and noticed that the place was a lot neater. It looked like there was slightly less stuff, but most of it was there, either organized in neat boxes or large, nice display cases. Everyone immediately started to wander about, each trying way too hard to stop themselves from touching everything. Four did not know why they were like this. Four did not know why he was like this.
“Did you move my stuff?” Legend sounded like he was trying to hold back his anger. His hooded friend shrunk back, holding his hands up in defense. Sheerow was now perched on top of his head.
“Listen, listen. I can explain, alright? I simply reorganized everything because I kept tripping on everything,” Legend shrunk back this time, a bit embarrassed, “It’s simply safer this way.”
“Some stuff is missing,” Wild muttered. How he noticed, Four didn’t know.
“Oh! I put some things in the basement. I also made a basement!” Ravio said cheerfully, Sheerow chirping along.
“I wonder if there’s anywhere to sleep,” Sky asked.
“I wonder too!” Ravio said, still somehow chipper, “I have made myself a cot to sleep on,” he gestured over to the dark purple mattress at the uppermost left corner of the room, “I don’t know where your bed went Mr. Hero, but I forgot to ask you before you left.”
“You didn’t find the attic?” Legend asked. He was fiddling with a yellow cape with red accents.
“There’s an attic?”
Legend sighed as he strode towards the upper right corner, slinging the cape on. In a swift motion he pulled out his sword, half-swording it and hooked the cross-guard onto something. A quick pull and a set of stair fell down to the floor.
“That’s the attic,” he stated simply. A couple of them oohed and aahed. “Now, I’m going to sleep in my room. Have fun!” In an instant, Legend jumped up, higher than usual and it quickly clicked in Four’s mind that it was because of the cape.
Everyone was surprised, no being able to react in time to stop Legend from going up into the attic and pulling up the ladder, cackling like a mad man as some of them-mostly Ravio, Time, and Sky-tried to get him to stop and be normal. It didn’t work as Legend was successful in locking the attic door behind him, and no one could unlock it.
Four noticed something on the wall near the door hatch. He resolved to check it out later.
“…Well,” Ravio twiddled his thumbs, “I can make some room for some sleeping bags! Free of charge, since your Link’s…family.”
“I don’t wanna sleep in a sleeping bag again!” Wild and Wind both whined.
“Ravio,” Warriors snapped to get his attention, “Is there any space in the basement?”
“Well, yes, but it’s cold down there. I uh, I can-was going to move these boxes down there, but if some of you help, I’ll give you all discounts for future purchases!”
“Well-“ Time began before being quickly cut off by Wars.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t we help? Come on men! Let’s assist our merchant friend.” The rest of the Links sighed. Of course they would help but it not like they wanted to move boxes all night before they could go to sleep. It’s not like it would take too long with all of them working together, they just wanted to go to sleep as soon as possible.
Legend was a lucky man indeed.
After clearing enough space, everyone obviously went straight to sleep. Ravio was the only with the bed, and it was clear that he felt a bit bad about it. Would’ve felt even more bad if Warriors didn’t keep encouraging him the whole time. What was the deal with that? But nobody really questioned him, because fatigue was starting to get to all of them.
But Four couldn’t sleep. He said he’d go out for a walk before he did and no one objected. In reality, he was going for a bit more than just a simple night walk.
It didn’t take long to find one. A Stump Entrance. A Minish Portal. Jackpot.
Four stepped on the stump and shrunk down, falling in between the cracks of the wood. He had missed jumping on the mushrooms within these Stump Entrances. The tiny stones that once framed the portal door with were worn and chipped, maintenance having stopped long ago.
But the Minish were here, he knew it. Where they’ve gone now, he didn’t know. He at least hoped that they were still around long after he was dead. They were no longer in Hyrule, or this part of Hyrule. As he made his way back to Legend’s house, he wonded how Ezlo was doing, what could’ve happened to him. He thought about Vaati, who once was a Minish as well. Did Legend know about him? Had he ever even heard of the Minish?
These thoughts continued once he finally got to the home. There was a small door near the front door, big enough for only Minish to go through. At least they were still here when the house was built, at the very least.
Four had to be very careful when traversing around the home. It was like a maze to avoid his sleeping companions, to not wake him up. After a terrifying time of almost getting smacked by wondering hands, he finally reached the corner the attic door was at. And Four silently cheered when he noticed the very worn engraved steps going up the wall, with a tiny hole up on the top. He was very glad for his Grip Ring, but he still almost fell down numerous times. But he eventually got to the attic.
The first thing that pulled his attention wasn’t Legend, no. It was a mask that he’d only seen before in the hands of Wild. Four now understood why Legend thought it was one of a kind. And now he understood it really was dark magic.
It was covered by a glass case, hanging upon the top of wall. Shaped like triangle, fitting perfectly between the roofs. The dark magic still seeped through, barely, but Four could feel it in his tiny form. He forced himself to look away, for fear that it’ll convince him to try to covet it’s power, like how Time had once described the legend behind it. The old man knew more about that mask than just that legend, even if tried to make it seem like he didn’t. Why did Legend have this mask? And how did he get it? Was it all connected to Time?
Four turned his focus to Legend, the scene before him being a surprising sight. He was sitting on a wooden stool, a stone statue the same size as the vet in front of him. It looked like him too, except for the outfit and hair being much more simple and blocky. It was chipped in various places, and Legend was repairing them at a rapid pace. It must’ve looked a lot worse before he started working on it, Four knew.
The statue had an odd mask on where its face would be, two large hollow holes for the eyes and a smaller one for the mouth. There was…an aura, around it, that Four could sense. Not really an actual aura, per se, but a feeling, a feeling that made it seem more than just just a statue. Like it was alive, yet resting, somewhat similar to an Eyegore Statue and yet very, very different. It was like it was in a deep slumber, like it was never alive to begin with yet it’s heart was beating proudly.
An odd sight for Four’s eyes.
Four wandered about the attic, looking around Legend’s quaint room. The closet was slightly ajar, enough for Four to see what was inside even if he wasn’t Minish size. But if he was normal size, he wouldn’t be able to jump inside of it. There were a lot of colorful outfits inside, and he felt a bit overwhelmed. The closet was also much bigger on the inside, like an actual walk-in closet. Legend really did love his magic items huh. The outfits were also probably magic items as well, due to the fact that Four couldn’t ever imagine Legend wearing full body tights. One of them was the ugliest thing he’d ever seen, and the other was clearly based on Tingle.
There was also one that looked a bit like Time’s armor, with a mask hung next to it that had the markings that Time had on his face, except the red markings were under both of the eyes. The eyes are painted to be entirely white, an odd, but important choice to note down in Four’s opinion. But it was yet another thing related to Time, Legend’s actual predecessor. Yet he told him that he felt more like Four was his predecessor, despite having so many things connected to Time. He still hasn’t found the Four Sword. And despite his efforts, he couldn’t find it within the closet. He did, however, find a number of different tunics in different colors. Most of them green, but there was a certain set of tunics that caught his eye.
The tunics were simple, each having matching, lighter shirts of the same color. There was a swirl on the belt buckles, reminiscent of Wind’s. There was a red one, a green one, a blue one, and a purple one, the last one looking newer compared to the rest.
Before Four could question why that was, Legend suddenly opened the closet. The tiny blacksmith quickly ran to hide underneath one of the many different robes. Peaking from underneath the robe, he saw Legend grabbing the purple tunic he was just looking at and walked out. Four scrambled to follow him as quietly and sneakily as he could.
Legend thankfully didn’t notice the tiny hero behind him as he walked over to the statue, now fully repaired in such a short time. Or it could’ve been a long time, spread out across many months or many many years. He put the clothes onto the statue, an anxious look on his face as he did so. Four was also a bit anxious, deciding to wait this out before tying to figure out what exactly was going on.
Legend cheered silently as he finished dressing the statue. Four found himself cheering alongside him.
“Looking good Hylia,” Legend whispered with a wide smile, “Hylia. Yeah, that’s a good name for you.” He sat down on his stool, examining the statue from there. Four inched his was towards the hole near the door, since it seemed like Legend was almost done with this.
“I just need to figure out how to make you like the other two,” the other two colors, Four noted, “But I don’t really want to go back to Hytopia. Hmm…” Legend bit his lip as he thought about what to do. Four was finally at the hole, standing in front of it. Without a warning sign of any kind, Legend glanced over to the attic door, to where Four was.
The both of them froze. Legend definitely noticed the colorful little speck that stood out like a sore thumb against the wooden floor. The vet’s eyes were wide, but didn’t move much other than that. Four didn’t want to move at all, his mind racing on what to do now. Legend kept staring at him, wide-eyed and unblinking, for the longest time. What was less than a minute felt like hours as Four became more and anxious about what his friend would do.
Legend inhaled sharply as he pressed his lips together, leaning back and closing his eyes.
“Well then,” Legend spun towards the statue, leaning forwards, propping up his head with his hands, “I suppose I could figure out something with the Four Sword. That could help. But that’s something for another day, don’t you think?”
Four fervently nodded, but he didn’t think Legend could see that. Either way, he then ran out out the attic, slowing his fall down with his Roc’s Cape. He was able to glide away a good distance, soon able to go through the small door, go to Minish Portal, turn back to normal size, and return back to house through the normal door. As quietly as he could, he wormed his way into his sleeping bag.
He couldn’t fall asleep. All he could do was wait for night to pass, and process what just happened.
His shadow was definitely laughing at him.
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ikemenlibrary · 9 months
The Beast in the Nighttime (Ikemen Prince)
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Pairing: Licht Klein x MC (Belle) Summary: The beast that has lain dormant for so long finally allows himself to feel something.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Angst, pining, general Licht and Nokto Lore spoilers, any warnings that can come from Licht's route can also be implied here
A note from the author: A quick thank you to @readerinsertfanfiction and @justtuesdays for beta reading this even when you're not in the fandom and letting me know when things didn't make sense LOL. This takes place the first night Licht keeps watch over Belle in his route, based on something he said in his dramatic route ending. The thought of him sitting there pining after her night after night, the conflicting thoughts that swirled around in his head and heart was too much for me to handle, and I needed to write it out.
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She was innocent. 
Almost too innocent, if Licht had any say in the matter. And now he did have a say, since he was designated to be Belle’s bodyguard during her stay in the palace. Leon, Chevalier, and Sariel had all came upon the agreement that he was best suited to keep watch over her and although Licht knew he could’ve refused, could’ve kept her held back at arms length, there was a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that wouldn’t go away until he agreed to keep her safe.
He didn’t trust his brothers with her; she was so innocent, so naive, like a lamb in a field munching on grass while a horde of carnivores circled her menacingly. A quick flash of eye contact was all it would take before one of them pounced on her, ready to ravage in the dark confines of the night.
At least Licht could contain himself.
That’s what he told himself, and yet, as she tossed and turned in her bed only a few feet away, Licht found himself wishing he could close the distance between them and bury himself into the comforting warmth of her arms. He wanted to feel the compassion she had coursing through her veins and although it was selfish, he wanted to confide in her about what had happened with Mama when he was a child. Maybe then - finally - she would understand why he hated her, why he did things to keep her far away from him. She would understand why he was a man who wasn’t meant to be adored, but a man sentenced to a life of solitude and atonement. But more importantly, Licht secretly hoped she would hold him to her, bathe him in her sunlight, and offer to help carry the burden that he’s kept alone all these years.
And that thought made him sick to his stomach.
Licht Klein was a man of his word, and he promised he’d never let anyone get close enough to him to be hurt again. So nothing else would happen like all those years ago, on that fateful night when his family was torn apart by his own bloodstained hands. So why was it that every time he pushed her away, the pained look on her face only made him feel worse? Why was it that every time she sent a bright smile in his direction that his heart and stomach twisted, making Licht want to return to his dark room and cry himself to sleep, like he’d spent countless nights before when he was younger. He hadn’t cried in years.
No matter what he did in regards to Belle was safe; being near her was painful, and so was being away from her. 
Licht hadn’t been so reliant on someone’s company since he and Nokto were little, carefree and happy before Mama- No, no don’t think about it. Don’t cry. You don’t deserve to cry after what you did. And so he blinked away the tears that had sought solace in his eyes, and instead opted to let his gaze fall upon her. The rise and fall of her chest was almost comforting as he matched his breathing to hers, until his mind started wandering once again, to a conversation he had partaken in with Rio and Belle just a few hours before.
Once it had been decided that Licht was to guard Belle every night, he had told himself that he’d stay outside, only acknowledging her with a nod and quick eye contact, and then continue on with his duties the next day with nothing else left to say. But she was so insistent that he couldn’t stay outside, using the excuse that she wouldn’t sleep well knowing Licht was standing in the cold hallway all night. Personally, Licht didn’t mind. It wasn’t the worst thing he’s ever done to himself - in fact, he does far, far worse in the dark confines of his bedroom whenever that aching pull in his stomach starts to throb - but, he disliked the thought of her being uncomfortable, and so he had agreed to join her in her room every night.  
Rio had made a comment about how unsavory it was that she was inviting a man into her room every night, and Licht couldn’t forget the way her cheeks flushed and she avoided eye contact, saying it was fine because it was only Licht. She trusted him to not do anything unmentionable, and if she trusted him - if it wasn’t him who was watching over her - then who else would she invite into her room without any thought? He was doing it for her protection, and that was the only reason. Licht was just doing his duty; he was protecting someone he cared about, just as he had done when he shoved Nokto behind them and faced Mama with his blade. It didn’t make him feel any better though, not when these emotions were making him feel as fragile as his caged away heart.
She turned over, restless. Although she would never admit it, Licht knew she didn’t sleep well, her subconscious fretting over the fact he was sitting only a few feet away. That stubborn woman who fought so hard to get him to agree to come into her room, if only so he was comfortable while being on guard, would rather put his comfort over her own, and that realization brought a dull ache to Licht’s chest. This is why he wouldn’t - no, couldn’t - let her get any closer. It only hurt her as much, if not more, than it hurt himself. All he ever did was bring pain to the people he cared about the most.
Just like earlier, he quietly, swiftly, crossed the room. Perching himself on the side of her bed further away from the window - so the moonlight wouldn’t shine on his face and break him out of the trance he was currently in. Just like earlier, he slowly, clumsily, hesitantly moved the hair away from her sweaty forehead, caressing her smooth skin wrinkled with worry and he hastily pushed away the thought creeping in to lean down and kiss away the frown lines where her eyebrows had pinched together. Licht’s voice was soft as he started humming, the song Mama had used to sing to comfort him when he was crying over the pain Nokto took. Nokto took the pain for him, and in turn, Licht cried the tears that Nokto refused to. He used to be quick to laugh, and even quicker to cry, but after Mama died, he realized he didn’t deserve those emotions, and quickly shoved everything he had once felt under lock and key, buried deep inside his chest where the black hole continued to grow each passing day.
Her restless movements stilled as his hand traced from her forehead down to her cheek, and he wished he had taken off his gloves. Licht longed to feel her smooth skin on his worn hands, the hands that didn’t deserve to touch her the way he currently was. The hands that he vowed to never give to anyone else again, lest he brings pain once more. Yet here he was, quickly removing his gloves, his gentle fingers once again ghosting over her cheek. Human contact, after so long. He welcomed it as his heart burned with pain, each of his movements drawing more fire in his chest. He continued humming as he traced the slope of her upturned nose, the same nose that he’d seen her frown at in a mirror as they walked past it in a hallway together. He traced under her eyes, right beneath where her eyelashes lay casting a shadow from the moonglow. He traced her plush lips, a little chapped and raw from being worried in between her teeth over and over again. That simple touch, caused Licht to lose his ability to breathe. This felt too sacred, almost holy, and it wasn’t allowed of a lowly sinner such as himself. 
Licht was no better than Nokto. Here he was, a lonely beast basking in the solace of sleeping prey under the guise of comfort. And yet, Licht couldn’t tear himself away from her, his fingers sliding gently through her long hair, only pausing once like a deer in lamp light, as she nuzzled into his touch, sighing so sweetly in her sleep. And what a sound that was, so blissful, more like music to Licht’s ears than what he’s ever heard before. Now, a stab in his heart, from a sharp blade, at that thought. It was quick, and painless, but what hurt was the pain that he felt after he took his hand away from her, the metaphorical sword extracting as quickly as it pierced, leaving his blood to douse the burning embers engulfing his chest, starting to travel down into his stomach, flinching as the fleeting thought of how Mama must have felt when–.
“Licht?” Her eyes fluttered open, and he stayed still, unashamedly sitting at the side of her bed.
“I thought I heard something, but then I realized you were having a bad dream. I was just checking to make sure you’re okay.” He slid on his gloves, and he was grateful that the moon wasn’t bright enough to highlight the evenly lined scars that traveled up and down his arms. It didn’t stop her from looking on curiously. “If that’s all, go back to sleep.” He added softly, curtly. He removed himself from her bed, standing straight as one of his own soldiers were trained to do. 
“You look…” She trailed off, cocking her head to the side as she studied him. “Are you okay?”
No. “Yes. I was just thinking about how much I hate you. I’m tired and I can’t sleep because I have to guard you.” The flames stilled as she recoiled. The brazen burning started to diminish as she pulled her blankets back up to her chin. Closing herself off to him. “Well, I adore you. Thank you for staying here and protecting me.”
She was still trying. Another burning match was thrown into the flame. “Don’t say stuff like that. It just makes me hate you more.”
“That’s okay. Hate me as much as you want.” She replied, her eyes never leaving him as he made his way back to the small couch tucked against the wall. “It won’t change how I feel.” Why won't you understand that I am doing this for your sake? “Well stop it, and go to sleep.” Licht said, and then as his eyes met her own, his lips quivered into a soft smile, the muscles being stretched after so long of being forced to stay downturned. “Goodnight.” “Goodnight, Licht. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She replied, rolling over and pulling the blanket over her head. She wouldn’t see him once morning came, his nights were now what he had stored away for her. If this wasn’t a punishment sent directly from God, Licht didn’t know what else it could be.
Once again, even though he wasn’t alone, Licht was lonely, just like he thought he wanted, just the way Mama intended.
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
omg smut 8 woth austin x singer reader i beg of u
i’ve never wanted to fuck you more than i do now - austin butler
note ; yall are living for singer!reader x austin and honestly so am i, like i truly do fantasize in my room late at night about winning a grammy, so i hope this pleases ur wishes anon <3
warnings ; suggestive language
he pushed through the horde of people, his eyes focused on the path he usually followed to your dressing room. his lip was tucked under his teeth, blood rushing to his growing erection as the thought of you on stage only intensified his need to see you. you weren’t even thinking that anything you had done on stage would send him into a frenzy, but the skimpy lingerie set your fashion designer adorned you in might have done it for him.
he pushed the door that claimed your presence open, letting an exhale of relief fall from his lips when he saw you standing there, fixing your makeup in your well-lit mirror. you don’t even see him, or hear him, come up behind you until he’s pressing his rock-hard member into your ass, burying it for even a sliver of relief. “austin!” you squealed, his firm grasp on your hips not even allowing you to turn around to embrace him. he noticed you were still in the lingerie set, and he thought he might either pass out or kiss your fashion designer on the lips.
“fuck, baby,” he’s already like putty in your hands, moaning at the contact of your plump ass against him. he needed some kind of friction, anything really. “god, you were incredible up there.”
you debated on if you were going to pretend you didn’t feel his erection against you, but you let the seduction get to you. you moved your ass up a little, wiggling to look at yourself better in the mirror. austin couldn’t help but let out a moan, fingertips engraving themselves into your hips. “thank you, sweetie,” you said as you went back to fixing your lip liner — you knew it wouldn’t be on for much longer, but the effort was there — while also moving your glutes yet again.
he gasped at the contact, his hands roaming to feel other parts of you; preferably the front of your body. again, you were still trying to act as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening, so you proceeded to speak, “you know, i don’t really know if i liked the way i ended the last song, like i feel my octave could’ve been a bit lower.”
“oh, yeah?” it’s clear he’s not listening to a word you’re saying.
“hm, yeah. i was a bit distracted,” you offered, capping your lip liner and pressing your fingertip against your lips to adjust the shade.
“you were?” he said breathily, hand reaching out to feel up your shoulders as he looked at the two of you in the mirror.
you looked up to meet his eyes in the mirror, smiling lightly, “well, my very, very hot boyfriend was sitting in the front row.”
“god, i hope to meet him one day. sounds like he’s a good fella,” he leaned in to move your hair to the side, pressing wet kisses to your neck. “sounds like he deserves a quickie.”
you’re not even taken aback by his outward display of sexual desire, but you played along. “hm, does he?”
“please,” it’s more of a whimper than anything else. he’s practically begging you to do anything, even if it’s a blowjob or to let him eat you out.
you turned around to face him, and he gasped at the loss of contact of his length buried between your ass. you loosely wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. you’re finding it hard not to laugh at how much your stage presence affected him, but you decided to save the teasing for later. “need me that bad, baby?”
“oh my god, yes,” he rubbed circles with the pad of his thumb into your hip bones. the next sentence left his mouth just below a whisper, loud enough for just you two to hear. “i’ve never wanted to fuck you more than i do now.”
“so, take me then.” you did not have to tell him twice.
thanks for joining my celly!
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rk8connorzz · 2 years
'𝔡𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔶' // 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔫𝔬𝔯 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
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𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: Just after you followed Connor onto the large freighter, Jericho, you found yourself falling deeper into the water, completely blacked out. Connor managed to save you and bring you to where the deviants hid out until the revolution ended. 
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I was already as exhausted as it was, and that impact when I hit the water just about did it. I was out like a light. Not being able to swim up to the surface, the water slowly pulled my heavy down to its dark surface. Markus, North, Josh, and Connor tried to elude Agent Perkins, just barely escaping this eagle-like watch.
Everything was a blur. I woke up inside an unfamiliar place, Connor sitting beside my body. He didn't speak, nor did he seem to move. My body didn't seem to want to move. Detroit's harsh winter air blew on my skin, biting at it. I grumbled, resulting in Connor turning his head and almost jumping up in excitement.  "(Name)! I...I'm glad you're all right." His slim body inched towards me. I noticed something different. "Connor? Whe-where's your jacket at?" His eyes twinkled in the moonlight as his cheeks dimpled. "I analyzed you and your body temperature was low, so I figured you needed it more than me." He tenderly grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. It pained my aching back, but I sat up on the hard surface I was down on. "But, (Name). Why did you follow me? You were injured, it was dangerous." A pained grimace on my face followed his sentence. "I...I was scared. I didn't want you to get hurt so I followed you. I wanted to help. I'm sorry."
Connor drew closer near me, his gentle expression and his slightly open lips. I wanted to admire him like this all the time. It was breathtaking, really. His left palm cupped the side of my face. "Thank you. But, you could've been killed." I raised my eyebrow, "No shit, I thought about that. But I'm fine now, right?" I tried to move a little more, sliding my legs to the side. "I know, I just was so nervous about having you there. You matter too much to me, love." Connor's face closed in with mine, taking in my lips. The sudden and warm kiss drowned me in a pool of bliss. He turned his head to the side, deepening the kiss. A puddle of heated desire boiled in my stomach, longing for more. I'd kissed him before, but something about this was different. Like we were both opening our souls for each other to see, vulnerable to only each other for us to see. Nothing else mattered or existed to us at this moment. His hand fled from my cheek to my hair. He pulled away for a short take of air before we heard a voice closing towards our location.
"Con-?" Markus, the leader of the deviants walked in. He froze in place, perhaps in sudden shock. She cleared his throat, even if he didn't technically have one. "Ahem. I'll leave you two be. I'm glad you're all right, (Name)." Markus' voice then trailed off into the distance. Connor then turned towards me. My head was turned to where Markus walked in. "(Name)?" My head flipped over to look at him in his gorgeous brown eyes. "I love you, you know that right?" Connor almost whispered.  "I know, Con." He wrapped his arms behind me, tugging me into a warm embrace. "I love you so much, Connor."
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mo-0ns · 2 years
-*Tord x GN! reader angst*-
~*A/N: I did this at 5 in the morning so somethings won’t make sense and there will be some angst so have fun (this is my first time doing angst so sorry if it’s bad!) :)*~
-^(Y/N) = Your Name^-
+’(F/S) = Favorite Show’+
Tord watched from the kitchen as you and Edd argued about which is better. (F/D) or Cola.
(~*A/N: if cola is your favorite drink then put your second favorite drink*~)
Tord has been feeling something he never thought he would feel before.
He was jealous of how Edd made you laugh, how Edd always comforted you when you cried, how Edd loved you. Tord was scared that one fateful day you would leave him in the dirt to date Edd.
No, he was terrified.
He was terrified that you would leave him,he was terrified you loved someone else. He was terrified of the day you would leave him for that “no-good-cola-loving-drawing idiot”
However, theres one thing he never knew. You didn’t love Edd, you didn’t love Tom, you didn’t love Matt, you loved Tord. He may be an Hentai addicted gun loving human but he was your BEST friend. He helped you through your darkest times and helped you you get through them. Tord was the first friend you’ve ever made and you were thankful for that. He had been avoiding you and it hurt you. You were convinced that he didn’t like you all that well and was just pretending to.
~*Time skip to next day bc I said so*~
“Hey tord?” Y/N said out to they’re friend.
“What do you want.” Tord responded to the male coldly.
“…I just wanted to know why you’ve been avoiding me lately? You never talked to me anymore! What’s wrong?” Y/N said.
“I never talk to you so you can hang out with your bitchy boyfriend. What the fuck else does it look like you whore?” He said without thinking. The moment he realized what he said you’ve already made your way to you’re room with small tears running down your face. He ran after you screaming stuff like “Wait I Didn’t mean it!” And “I’m really sorry I wasn’t thinking!”
When he got to your room he gently opens the door.
“Hey…” tord said to the person,still sobbing, on their bed.
“Get out Tord” Y/N said refusing to look at Tord.
“I just wanted to say sorry…” Said tord.
There was nothing but silence until….
Tord heard small cries…
“Tord, I love you, I really do! You’ve helped me a lot but you always have to ruin my happiest times with the others. You yelled at Tom for letting me get drunk,you broke Matt’s mirror when he tried to do my makeup, and now calling me a whore for hanging out with Edd? And now you’re expecting me to forgive you?” You whispered-yelled at Tord. He felt even worse now
“Honestly, I’m convinced you don’t even like me…” You whispered, but just enough for Tord to hear.
Thats it. Tord’s heart sunk deep into his chest, Tears glazed his eyes, and he knew you probably hated him.
“I got mad at Tom when he let you get drunk is because you could’ve gotten hurt or worse! That was your FIRST time drinking! I got mad at Matt because the makeup could’ve had something that could make you flare up! And when I called you a whore my brain wasn’t there. I was just mad because I thought you liked Edd,I was jealous…” Tord said the last two sentences more quietly.
You got out of your bed walked up to him. Tord prepared himself for a slap on the face. Instead he got greeted by a kiss on the lips. After a minute you broke the kiss
“Tord,if you were jealous you should’ve just said so, I’ve liked you since the first time I met you!” You said to Tord while he was smiling like an idiot. Tord pulled you into a hug and put you legs on his torso as he made his way to your bed and turned on (f/s).
_~^ Extended Ending^~_
Edd,Matt, and Tom squealed on the other side of the door
“I think we did it!” Edd squealed.
Tom took a peek inside the room.
“Nope, we definitely did.” He said
“I’ll start planning the wedding!” Matt whispered-yelled.
%* I was supposed to post this 2 fucking months ago 😭💀*%
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omiscurls · 3 years
Diluc, zhongli and childe reaction to their s/o breaking up with them after something they said, maybe after a week or so after they argument they think the s/o forgave them but they break up instead? I WANT THE ANGST
plot: reader decides to break up with the character after not speaking to them
contains: diluc, zhongli, tartaglia (idk how am i going to do this to my special boy but ill try my best)
warnings: angst, breakups, implied past toxic behavior
hopeless thoughts ran through your head as you fought with yourself about wether to enter angel’s share or not, hand halfway through to the doorknob. your mind hadn’t been made up just yet, you were still in between two very different scenarios - the urge to forgive him for his hurtful words growing stronger each day, as anger and other emotions subdued to loneliness and the feeling of a part of you missing, ever since the two of you stopped talking.
your mind flashed back to the exact moment when you looked into diluc’s eyes, always so soft and calm for you, forming a way of anger he never expressed towards you before. to the feeling you got right then and there that this man is not the same one you’ve met and fell in love with.
the process of coming to terms with that conclusion was as painful as the first strike of his angry glare, and even though he seemed to have realized the weight of his words right after saying them out loud, no matter how hard you tried, you could not erase them from your memory.
one strike of that pain, one memory of that night was enough to make you go through with your plan, door to the bar opening with a little screech.
it was like just another late afternoon, with charles tending the bar, knights and townsfolk filling the hot room, and the smell of alcohol traveling through the air.
“hi” you said to the bartender “is master diluc around?”
charles, busy with his work, quickly replied that he’s out back, opening a barrel. you nodded and went where his directions guided, pushing open yet another door to see the back of the man you loved, looking just as always from this angle, working over said chore. he didn’t even seem to mind the fact that someone walked in on him working.
“diluc” you said with a sigh, and he almost immediately turned around, tools falling from his hands and onto the ground.
“darling, hi” he replied quietly, walking over to you but stopping half way, eyes set to analyze your expression, figure out what was going on in your mind. “i’m glad you’re here safely, i haven’t heard from you in over a week” he added cautiously, as if weighing every word before deciding to say it out loud.
“well” you sighed again, once again going over wether you should actually break things off right then, mind taking pity on his troubled expression, tired eyes, on the obvious eyebags that were much more apparent than before, a sign that he didn’t catch too much sleep. “i had to come to terms with what i’m about to say”
he wanted to tell you he was sorry, he really did, but words didn’t seem to come out of his throat. obviously he was sorry, it was a bad day and he meant none of what he said, but you knew that, right? you knew he always cared for you and loved you… right?
he wasn’t the best with words, hence, the idea of apologizing with a gesture after you were done teaching him his lesson came to mind. a brilliant idea, one could never go wrong with a thoughtful deed for their significant other, just give him one more chance.
“and my conclusion is, we need to take a step back and… reevaluate things in our lives. i’m not saying this is the ultimate end, but what you’ve said, and how you’ve said it made me realize…”
you were making a good point. you were talking about your feelings. he should listen, but the only thing he heard was the blood pumping through his veins, and the two single words
the end
so there won’t be another chance? he won’t be able to prove himself? what do you mean, the end? the best thing that ever happened to him in his sad life was coming to an end because of him? but he was so careful, he treated you like his treasure, because that’s how he truly felt, like his lifeline, something he could never lose…
and all it took was one sentence too much, one glare too intense. for the first time in what, six, maybe seven years, his eyes began to water, as he blinked the tears back at a rapid pace.
“… and that was a shitty thing to do. i hope you know that. i don’t know if i had anything else i wanted to say, perhaps i did, but… that’s all. see you around, i guess” you mumbled, loosing confidence in what you were saying, taking one last glance at his lost eyes before turning around.
turning around from him, from the love of your life, was perhaps the hardest thing you ever had to do, and yet you did do it.
before you could reach the door again, though, a cold hand caught your forearm. your eyes met his, with just a glimmer of hope that he would magically say all the right words and somehow make you stay, you didn’t want to leave, yet knew you had to. if you wanted to preserve the respect you had for yourself, you had to leave.
why were you giving him time to say something?
his helpless gaze seemed to speak with a thousand words, begging, pleading you to not leave through that door, but as much as his lips did part, not a single word left.
he couldn’t say anything to hold you back, and you ripped away from his grip, turned, and walked away.
and just like that,
he was all alone, again.
he was gonna need a drink.
tears flooded your vision, blurring every details of zhongli’s face, causing you to only see a pale color palette, instead of your favorite person, ever. maybe it was for the best, maybe it would make it easier, you thought, but that was a foolish thing to hope for.
even through the salty tears, you could make out his eyes, it’s glow never failing to guide you, and comfort you, now seeming to burn their way through you, through your body and soul.
“you’re stuck in another love, zhongli, we both know that!” you exhaled a bit louder than you intended to, the outcome sounding more like an accusation than a fact. “how can you ever say you love me, when it’s so obvious, and so apparent, that every time you look at me, you see someone else? you HOPE for someone else?”
you could only wish the words you spoke didn’t come out as a complete mess, because of those tears you were constantly choking on. desperation seeped through your voice, as the feeling of helplessness rose every time you looked at your lover and at the anguish, and confusion he presented.
how could he make this so hard? it’s not like you’ve presented some statement he didn’t know already, right?
you hoped your eyes would say all the things you didn’t trust your voice to. you hoped he’d somehow hear how all you ever wanted was to be enough, was to meet his standard, how it tore you open that every time he said <i love you> his eyes wandered everywhere but onto yours, how all his touches seemed absent, how all his compliments were truly about some other face, some other smile, some other kind soul.
the worst part was, how could you blame him? how can anyone, ever, blame someone for being in love, of all things? love was something beautiful, and once you’ve experienced it, you’re drowned in it forever, and don’t even want to see the surface again.
love is beautiful. when you’re the one who’s receiving it. love was beautiful, to you, too, when you loved how his wisdom flew through his words, how his kindness hugged your spirit, how his aura brought you comfort. you loved his eyes, you loved his cheeks, his lips, every single detail of his skin.
the love you felt made you complete, made you warm, until you finally realize the thing you should’ve seen much sooner.
that you were merely a mirror for him to look at someone else, someone long gone.
suddenly all the warmth you felt was directed back at you, burning you inside, making you wish you never felt it in the first place.
“aren’t you gonna say something?” you whispered.
his long fingers found their way to your hand, but you snatched it away.
if you fell onto his charms now, you wouldn’t be able to get out once more.
his breath hitched as he gathered himself to speak
“i want nothing more than to love you” he said, although quietly, it rang through your ears like the loudest of screams.
you scoffed.
“we both would’ve wanted that, then”
“and i’m sure i can, if you just—“
now, laughter was all that you were capable of letting out.
“zhongli, you can’t train yourself to love someone. and even if you could, then how do you think that would make me feel? like i’m so unlovable you had to force yourself through it to grow accustomed to a feeling similar to love?”
“that’s not what i—“
“that’s what it means! let it go, please, please just… let me go” you sighed, standing up from the bench over at liyue harbor that you were sitting on. the sun has begun to set on the other side of the sea, and you couldn’t help but notice, it would’ve been the perfect date.
“i do sincerely hope you’ll find someone who’ll love you just the same” he finally stated, as he gave up on trying to make you stay.
“why?” you chuckled “so i could make them suffer the same way you made me?”
(archons give me strength)
you found nothing but guilt, looking into the endless ocean trapped in his eyes. for the first time in forever, they glistened, but not with a spark of joy, like you always hoped they would, they shone a sickly shine, caused by a thin layer of tears, that didn’t dear to spill over his porcelain cheeks, almost as if afraid of making contact with the ruthless face of the number eleven of the fatui harbingers.
he could’ve easily been crying if only he let himself go. he would’ve been in tears, sniffing and coughing, but he just… wasn’t. he held those tears in the gates of his eyes, as if his life depended on it.
the guilt you found inside them, wasn’t his, but yours. you felt guilty, watching this composed, confident man fall into pieces right before you, crumbling before your sight. why were you doing this? you seemed to forget all those terrible things you’ve heard just from the way his irises begged for forgiveness and brows furrowed in inexplicable sadness.
but you couldn’t, no, this time you couldn’t.
“my word” you swore on dear life you’d burst into tears if your voice shook right now “my word is final. we’re over. and that’s… that’s it. you need to understand that there won’t be another chance.”
the moment his lips parted, you knew you were lost.
“i have told you so many times already, but i will say this as much as i need to, it will never happen again! i swear, on everything i love and everything that i am, i swear on life itself, i won’t ever let that happen again! you know i won’t! come on, i promise you, if there’s anything you can say about me is i do keep my promises, don’t i? darling, please…”
“promise yourself to heal and become better, first” you stated coldly, watching faith disappearing slowly from his fixed look.
“im sorry, you know i am, im sorry, im sorry, im so fucking sorry!” a scream left his throat as desperation took over both reason and self-respect.
“sorry isn’t gonna cut it”
“then what will? i’ll do anything, anything in the world, anything to prove myself to you. i get that you can’t love me, i understand that, but please, let me win your trust again.”
he said unnaturally calmly, compared to what he did before, and you got concerned immediately.
i understand that you can’t love me, his words rang through your head. oh god, what were you doing? guilt stroke again, right at where you felt your heart to be.
right when you wanted to turn around and leave, he must’ve sensed that, and pulled you into a tight embrace. not suffocating, as they often describe it, not toxic and desperate, but… as loving as every other hug you’ve ever received from him. as calming and grounding, even though you could feel his heart racing. he didn’t refuse for you to leave, he didn’t trap you.
you understood after a while,
he was saying goodbye. all the love trapped inside his heart seeped out onto you, all his feelings surrounding and engulfing you.
“let me promise you this” he whispered, voice shaking painfully “the next time i’ll see you, i’ll be a better man. someone you will be able to be proud of, someone worthy of both your trust, and love. i won’t stop until i’ll be enough for you to look at me without the disgust and fear you have now. i promise. i’ll be better.”
“until then, then.” was the only thing you were capable of saying before leaving.
as soon as the door shut behind you, you rested against a wall and covered your mouth with a hand, unable to hold your tears any longer.
you heard a cry through the door. so he does have some feelings left, after all
your daily reminder that requests are open [here]
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junisfics · 3 years
gemini feed
Pairing: Dom! Armin x Sub! Reader
Word count: 6k
Content: Modern! AU, OOC! Armin, Established Relationship, Armin being mean, Prediscussed Safe Word
Content Warnings: Smut/ Nsfw 18+ (Dom/ Sub Dynamics, S&M, Dacryphilia, Breeding Kink, Choking, Size Kink, Degradation/ Praise, Begging, Slight Bondage, Marking, Impact Play, Squirting)
Summary: Armin Arlert has always been a kind person, but behind closed doors it's an entirely different story.
you knew you were in for it when armin's hand came to rest at the nape of your neck as he stood behind you as you sat. his hand cupped around it, his thumb resting right over your heartbeat. you could see him out of the corner of your left eye.
to anyone else, this scene would be rather innocent. but what they don't see is the his other four fingers etching their nails into the skin on the back of your neck that’s covered by your hair. that's how you knew.
your breath has caught in your throat and a twinge of arousal courses through your body. armin’s hand is warm and sturdy against your neck, his hold has a possessive undertone to it, but you don’t mind.
armin continues on his conversation like nothing, contributing and smiling like normal as he traces patterns with his thumb. there wasn’t a hint of visible aggravation on him, not even after what jean said.
it was a childish joke that you now regret laughing at due to armin’s reaction to it. it was something that sexualized you in the slightest and if it wasn’t for the sheer humor of it you could’ve found it offensive, you know armin surely did.
only you could notice the flit of anger that passes through his eyes whenever jean speaks.
his hand is still strong against your neck as the two of you get up to leave. you may be walking in front of him, but his arm was guiding you and pushing you gently out the door and into the passenger seat of his car.
as much as you hate to see him upset, there was something about the clenching of his jaw and fists and the narrowing of his eyes that has you weak in the knees. his knuckles are white as he curls his fingers around the steering wheel, the veins in his hands and forearms protruding from the pressure.
“he say’s anything like that again and i’ll kill him.” armin spits, shifting the car into gear and pulling out of eren’s driveway.
you want to believe that he isn’t serious, but you know he very much is. armin doesn’t fuck around when it comes to you.
“it was a joke, it’s alright.” you smile softly, placing a gentle hand to his closest forearm. you can feel the muscles flex underneath your fingers as he grips the wheel.
“it’s not, it's fucking disgusting. and you thought it was funny.” he drops the arm you hold to place the hand on your thigh.
“it was a good joke. i promise if it wasn’t so good i - i wouldn’t have laughed.” you struggle to form a coherent sentence, his fingers that tickle the sensitive skin on your inner thigh has your brain all foggy. you’re suddenly are very thankful you decided to wear a skirt.
“i don't care. you can’t encourage him like that.” he gives your leg a loving squeeze before returning to the wheel.
“armin,” you giggle, “you’re being ridiculous.”
“why are you defending him?” 
“im not i just think —”
“'think' what, y/n? was he right? are you just a dumb slut, no brain in your skull... just a pretty face?” he asks, his tone just bordering demeaning.
you shut your mouth at his comment, knowing better than to argue with him. because in the end, he really was right. he always was right. he was just looking out for you.
“hm?” his hand returns to your thigh, “what do you think, pretty girl?”
“im not.” you mumble.
“speak up.”
“im not.” you repeat, a little louder.
he just wants the best for you. he wants you to get it through your pretty head that you’re more than just your face and body... to him and to everyone else. you had a brain in that head, a smart one at that.
“you’re not what?” he teases, pinching the skin on the inside of your thigh just enough to hurt slightly.
“im not a dumb slut.” you’re embarrassed, cheeks heating up as you fiddle with your hands awkwardly.
armin chuckles. then, his hand comes up to your jaw. he grips your face tightly as he turns your head to face him. 
“no, you’re not. but don’t think i can’t make you one.” he turns his head every other word to keep his eyes on the road as he speaks to you.
his words fly straight south, just further confirming your earlier thoughts. when he got like this, all protective and possessive, you always were in for a good time. so good sometimes, that you’ve even considered pissing him off yourself.
your mouth drops open when he removes his hand from your jaw and back to the wheel. 
the rest of the ride home is quiet, tension thick in the air. both of you were painfully aroused. armin couldn’t help but let his mind wander, thinking about all the disgusting things he would do with you once you’re home. and you the same, preparing to take whatever he has to throw at you.
his hand is in yours for the walk from the parking lot to your apartment building. his grip is tight, fingertips pressing into the back of your hand as if he's afraid you'll get pulled away from him.
his hold on you only loosens when you both step into the elevator in the lobby.
"when we get upstairs... i want you sitting nice and pretty on our bed for me, can you to that sweet girl?" he asks, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
his pretty blue eyes look down into yours, his pupils are blown wide with lust as his lips turn into a soft smile. his expression was such a contrast to his words, he looks so sweet and so innocent... but you know better.
you give him a little nod in response, shifting your hand around in his to squeeze back.
you're relieved when the elevator door opens on your floor, the anticipation was making you jittery and you didn't know how much longer you'd be able to last in the confined space pressed up next to him.
he opens the door for you and lets you enter your flat first. sheepishly, you hook your bag onto the hanger beside the door and make your way to your shared bedroom.
armin gets lost behind you, sidetracking and stopping by the bathroom for some items you know the exact purpose of.
you slip your shoes off beside the dresser before shaking of your jacket, shirt, and skirt, then taking a seat at the edge of the bed. your hands rest gently in your lap, knees knocked together.
armin pushes past the bedroom door, shirt off and a few things held in his hands. you watch him carefully as he sets the items atop the dresser, tucking your hair behind your ears meekly to not disturb him.
when he finally makes his way to you he takes your chin in the fingers of his right hand, tilting your face up to him as he stands before you. the fringe atop his head falls into his eyes as he looks into yours. the muscles in his chest scatter shadows over him, the warm light of the bedside lamp illuminating his figure.
"you always do what you're told... so good for me." he releases your chin to give your face two pats on your right cheek that came off a little too harshly.
you still keep your eyes on him through your lashes as your head drops.
he takes a moment to admire the scene before him: you're sitting all pretty, hands curled into your lap all submissive like, matching pink lacy undergarments covering the most intimate parts of you, dipping up and over the curves of your body that armin loves so much.
as submissive as you were in this moment, you were collected. he couldn’t see a glint of fear behind those pretty eyes. you’re controlled, together... and he wanted to fucking wreck that.
then, his hand has a strong grip on your jaw, puckering your lips from the pressure, “if you want to be a dumb slut, then you’re going to be treated like one.”
he releases your head roughly before shoving on your chest so forcefully that you fall back onto the mattress. it knocked the wind out of you and before you could manage to sit up his hand was around your throat and pushing your head down into the sheets.
“and you’re going to be fucked like one.” he gets up in your face, speaking through a clenched jaw. 
his body felt huge over yours, his large chest just hovering over your clothed breasts, his knees on either side of your hips as he leans over you. you were trapped in by his body and his arms, you couldn’t move even if you wanted to. 
most of his weight was braced onto the hand beside your head, but just enough is put into the hand around your throat that you can feel your face pooling with blood. 
armin can feel your heartbeat pounding underneath his palm, your eyes were wide and your face darkening the longer he had a hold on your throat.
as terrifying as it was to have your life in the palm of his hand, you knew you were safe. you knew that armin wouldn’t lay a finger on you if you didn’t want him to.
when he finally releases your throat, your gasp of air is cut short by his mouth on yours. you’re gulping and sputtering against his lips, trying to get your blood flowing again. both of his hands are on either side of your head as he cranes his neck down to kiss you. 
you’re latching onto his muscular shoulders, nails etching into the bare flesh and feeling them flex with every tilt of his head. the kiss is all teeth and tongue, it’s vicious, feral, like a lion feasting on his prey. you were a gazelle caught in his grasp, submissive to his instincts.
his nips and licks are moved down to your jaw, teeth sinking into the fragile flesh before soothing it over with his wet and hot tongue. his breath is hot against your neck as he devours your skin.
“armin —“ you breathe, back arching up against his torso. one of his hands snakes around your waist to pull your stomach flush against his. your head falls back as he holds you up, still biting at your skin.
“you like me marking you up, sweet girl?” he asks, speaking against the base of your throat.
“yes” you whimper, your entire body twitching, trying to get more out of him.
his mouth continues to mark down your body; teeth indents, dark dark purple bruises against your skin, the saliva of his tongue glistening under the warm lighting. he drops your body back to the mattress as he reaches the tops of your breasts.
“fucking hell.” he seethes, sitting back to straddle your waist as his hands slide up your sides and to your breasts.
he squeezes them, admiring the way the plush fat consumes his fingers as he presses in. he cups the upper sides of your torso, thumbs resting over your nipples that peak through the thin fabric of the bra and just grazing his fingerpads over them ever so gently.
then he was scooting down to sit on your thighs, his face coming to your chest to poke at your nipple with his tongue while his left-hand pinches the other between his pointer finger and thumb.
you were trying to contain your squirming from beneath him, your legs bending and feet sliding against the sheets from the merciless stimulation. if you disturbed him in any sense, you knew you’d be punished for it.
with his lips still attached to your breast, he reaches behind you to unclasp the fabric. as he pulls the lacy fabric off, goosebumps scatter over your skin. the saliva that seeped through the lace and onto your nipple now runs cold with the air.
armin throws the fabric to the side and places his mouth over the neglected nipple, swirling his tongue around the bud. your hands slide up his back and rake through his hair, nails digging into his scalp as you fidget underneath him.
when his teeth rake over your raised nipple, your fingers tug on his blonde locks a little too hard for his liking. his mouth is off your chest and his left hand is in your hair as he tugs you by it to bring you to his face.
“pull my hair again, i fucking dare you.” he hisses, jerking your head around in his hands as he speaks. his grip is tight, the pull burning your scalp.
when your hand falls to your side, he lets you go. he maneuvers his body so your legs are wrapped around his waist when he kisses you softly, immediate contrast from the words and the hold he just had on you.
you cherish this gentle moment, savoring the way his tongue slides over yours and lips move with you and don’t fight against. your chest is pressed against his, still slick with spit as your skin slides against him. 
his hips grind his stiff cock against your cunt, taking in the twitching of your body every time his cockhead slides across your clit.
he’s so painfully hard. his dick is leaking precum into his cargo’s, throbbing and jerking with every moan that leaves your mouth and desperate grind of your hips against his.
you’re so delectable when you allow him to use you; allow him to throw you around like a doll and stuff his fat cock into your cunt until you’re crying and limp in his hands, babbling out nonsense.
“armin, please, i —“ you whine into his mouth, taking his face into your hands and looking into his eyes as you pull him away.
“my sweet girl, what do you need?” he says, voice all sweet and saccharine again. 
he was giving you whiplash. you were scared to speak, not knowing whether he’d give you everything you wanted or just slap you for asking... but that was the fun part of it. it was exciting and unpredictable, it had your body lighting up like a spark plug.
he kisses your face as you think over your words carefully. his lips press little pecks to your nose, cheeks, and forehead.
“i need — need you,” you say. you’re rather quiet with your words but it’s just loud enough so he can hear you, eyes glistening as he takes in your answer.
“yeah? what do you need? you need....” he slides his nimble fingers down the valley of your breasts and stomach, “my fingers?”
his hand slips past the waistband of your panties, tracing over the erogenous zone just above where you truly need him.
“anything, anything you give me i’ll take.” you were so desperate it was almost pathetic. he had you wrapped around his pretty little finger.
“oh?... how about,” he brings his lips to your ear as his fingers hover over your clit, “i finger your pretty cunt until you’re all ready for my cock, hm?”
his words send a shiver down your spine, your hips involuntarily bucking up into his hand. you were quite literally shaking for him, jaw quivering and legs trembling around him.
“nuh uh,” he lands a harsh smack to your clit, your body jerking in response, “don’t be greedy.”
“‘m sorry!” you cry. tears prick your vision, but not out of pain... out of desperation.
“you’re so needy, aren’t you? sweet girl...” you can feel his smirk against your cheek.
his fingers apply tender pressure to your clit before circling it slowly. the stimulation was just taking the edge off, giving you enough relief to let out a shaky exhale.
“yeah, you are. you’re such a slut for me,” he mumbles, sliding his fingers down through your slick before bringing them back up to your clit.
you’re always such a mess for him. no matter the softest or harshest of touches he gave you, you were always fucking soaked. the effect he had on you was dangerous. if his heart wasn’t as big as it was and one day he decided to grow manipulative, he could easily do it. armin could so easily become toxic and manipulative due to how obedient you are to him and how incredibly emotionally intelligent he is.
but he would never.
you were his entire world. you’re everything he could ever want. his heart was so full of love just for you that it physically hurts for him to think of anything bad happening to you. as much as he slapped you around and was rough with you, he wouldn’t do any of that if you didn’t want him to. the moment you call your safe word he stops, he’s done, he falls back into his soft and protective heart and nurtures you until it’s all okay again.
“more, please,” you’re grinding your hips against his fingers, just trying to get a little more out of him.
“oh, you’re so good asking so nicely.” he presses a tender kiss to your cheek before shifting his body so he lays on your right side, his right hand still down your panties.
your head rests beside his shoulder and when his middle finger slips inside you, you bury your face into the crook of his neck and let out a shaky moan at the sensation. your legs already felt like jelly, you were melting in his hands.
“you needed that didnt you? so desperate for me,” he speaks into the hair atop your head, voice low and gravelly, “i love the way your pussy feels, all warm and wet and so fucking tight.”
every last word he mutters flies straight to your stomach, flipping it and making you wetter and wetter, encouraging your orgasm on.
“i can never get enough of you and your perfect fucking cunt that squeezes my cock so well.”
your walls clench around his finger that pumps into them slowly, just dragging against your sweet spot before sliding back out. it was so slow but it was overwhelmingly good. every curve of his knuckles felt so delicious as they slid into you, finger curling just slightly. 
you were spread out like a whore for him, your legs spread to give him more room and your head was thrown back as your hands claw at him and the sheets.
he slides in a second finger, his ring finger joining the middle one. it was only a slight stretch, nothing compared to his cock, but a cry falls past your lips as his fingers reach their hilt.
“you’ve got me so fucking hard, y/n. the entire night, all ive wanted to do was bend you over that table, push your pretty little skirt out of the way, and fuck your sloppy cunt until you’re dumb.” 
armin was losing his restraint. the clenching of your cunt around his fingers and the pathetic moans that were leaving your throat had him on edge. he wanted nothing more then to fuck his fat load into you, but he needed to wait.
“oh, you like the sound of that? i felt you clench around my fingers, sweet girl. you like being a slut don’t you, being my slut.”
his words were disgusting, but you were warmed from the inside out by his words. even if he was demeaning, he never failed to make you feel special. it was funny almost, you weren’t anything short of proud to be called his slut.
that sent you over the edge. you were crying out a mess of pleas and his name as you came around his digits, whole body spasming as he fingers you through your first orgasm. your whole body was filling with warmth and energy, buzzing with need and desire.
once you’ve come down, he climbs off the bed and to the dresser. he stands there for a moment, body blocking your vision, hands shuffling around as he looks over his choices.
armin settles on the black satin scarf that was laid out all pretty for him. he took it in his fingers, feeling over the silky fabric and running it through his fingers. he tugs on it a few times, wrapping it around his wrist and pulling to make sure it’s not going to be too rough on you.
he kneels beside your weak body on the bed, trailing the fabric up and down the skin of your chest and stomach.
“turn over.” he says.
you flip onto your stomach slowly, finding just enough strength in your arms to do so. then, those same arms are pulled behind you by the wrist. the pretty black silk was wrapped around your wrists snugly and tied into a thick knot. as you lay there, completely vulnerable, his fingers wrap around the waistband of your panties and slide them down your legs.
your hands momentarily drop against the base of your spine before they’re being tugged up. armin’s rough with you as he pulls you into the position he wants, pulling on your waist and pushing on your back until all your weight is on your chest and knees as you’re bent over for him
“pick a number between 10 and 20.” he says, his hands grabbing onto and running over the supple skin of your ass.
“14.” you mumble.
“alright, sweet girl. you’re getting fourteen slaps to this pretty ass and you’re counting, any other sound from your lips and i’m leaving you here for the rest of the night.”
you nod your head against the sheets as one of his hands rests steady at the base of your spin and the other smooths over your right ass cheek. when his hand slaps down, rippling the skin, you're sent forward into your face.
“o — one.” you whimper.
“that’s my girl.” he smiles, placing a kiss on the now red skin of your ass.
his hand lands another blow to your skin. a harsh sting of pain rushing through your body. 
“two.” you hiss, gritting your teeth and squeezing your eyes shut.
you loved the pain. you loved it especially when he was the one giving it. it made your entire body light on fire, getting all hot and sweaty as your cunt practically drips for him. it was almost embarrassing, the way you could be reduced to a moaning mess by pain. but it wasn’t, because armin was the one giving it to you, and you knew that he loved giving it as much as you loved receiving it.
he loves the twisted expression of hurt and comfort that passes through your face with every slap of his hand. he loves the way your nose scrunches in anticipation as you feel his hand leave your ass before he slaps. and he loves the ragged cry of the number he’s on once he makes contact.
it was symbiotic. you loved the pain and he loved giving it. it was a perfect match.
“fourteen!” you cry, hot tears now streaming down your face.
armin wishes you could see yourself right now. your pretty pussy glistening with the slick arousal that drips down the fat of your thighs, chest heaving heavily as you suck in air through your teeth, ass all red and welted in the shape of his handprint. it was such a wonderful sight.
“such a good girl for me.” he mumbles against the base of your spine, just below your hands, his own hands gripping at your waist.
he continues gentle kisses down the curve of your ass, over the raised, hand-shaped welt, all the way down to land his lips against your drooling cunt. his tongue is gentle as he slides it over you, covering the entire muscle in a sheen of your arousal.
“thank you, thank you,” you babble, tears still dripping down your face as you mumble nonsense of praises.
his tongue was skilled as he devoured you from behind, flicking over your clit and slipping into your clenching hole every here and there. it had your breathing all ragged, the mix between his saliva and your arousal was such perfect lubrication for his finger that slipped inside you.
“oh — my god.” you cry, tied arms thrashing behind you and fingers flexing and clenching with every drag of the smooth muscle between your folds.
he curls his finger and uses the strength in his whole arm to send his fingertip bumping against the sweet spot inside you. 
you were climbing your second orgasm and fast. your entire body was vibrating as wretched sobs rip through your throat. and then it hit you like a fucking train. you were gushing all over his fingers as well as his face, neck, and chest. the only thing keeping you upright was his arm that was now wrapped around your waist.
you were completely wrecked and he wasn’t anywhere near done with you.
armin lets you fall flat against the bed as he pushes his pants down his legs. his cock was disturbingly hard, veins protruding and head all red and angry. it slaps up against his stomach as his waistband is pulled over his hips, precum sticking to his abdomen and stringing to the slit of his cockhead.
he needed to be inside you so fucking badly.
he turns quickly to grab the bottle of lube that still rests on the dresser, taking it in his hand and squirting a generous amount over your cunt as you lay there, all fucked out.
he pulls you up again, slotting his cock between your ass cheeks as he does so. he gives a few shallow thrusts, watching the slick of the lube coat his length as you tremble from the sensation.
you were so ready for him, for his dick. so ready to feel his entire fat fucking cock inside you and splitting your little cunt open with every thrust.
“tell me how bad you want it,” he says, teasing your hole with the head of his cock.
“so — so bad — want it so bad. i need it.” you plead pushing your ass against him just to get any of it to slip inside.
“you’re such a disgusting fucking whore aren’t you.” he mumbles, more to himself then you. it was almost said in a laugh as if he found your desperation funny, “look at your sloppy little cunt begging for me.
before you could say anything else, his cock was pressing into you, head slipping into you pussy.
you always forget how big he is. armin was fucking hung. it always was a painful stretch when he first fits himself inside you, not only was it a stretch but you could quite literally feel him rearranging your guts. 
“fucking christ, look at that.” he chuckles, watching the way your drooling pussy sucks in his cock, hole stretching around the girth of him.
and you were so warm and so tight for him that once he was balls deep he had to pause. as difficult as the first stroke was, it was the second that had his cock twitching and balls threatening to empty.
“’ so big.” you sob, your hair falling into your face as you thrash around before him.
“yeah, i know. but you love it, dont you?” he teases, reaching over to push your hair away from your eyes.
you could feel the head of him bumping against your cervix as you wiggled your hips around.
“yes, ‘love it so much. i love your cock.” you whisper, voice all strained, looking into his beautiful blue eyes as he smiles down to you.
“yeah, i know you do.” he gives your head a shove into the sheets before coming back upright.
starting slow, he pulls his length out of you, staring at the way you stretch around every thickening and thinning of his cock. your mouth falls open as he pulls himself through you.
he knows you love the pain of the stretch, but he’s starting slow for himself. he was inches away from cumming inside you, for the first part, and secondly, he wanted to savor the way your breath gets caught in your throat.
“please. please fuck me.” you beg, you couldn’t do anything other than that. he still had your arms tied behind your back and you weren’t strong enough to overpower him even on a good day.
“enough.” he gives your abused ass yet another slap, “you move and im going to cum inside you, and i know damn well you dont want a fucking child.”
you know he meant to scare you, but he actually did anything but that. the image of him filling you with his cum as your heart thumping sporadically. the mentioning of kids while his cock is deep inside you sends your pussy fluttering around him.
“a — armin.” you say weakly.
“you’re driving me insane, don’t tell me you want that...” he seethes, but my god does he want it to.
“want it.” you shut your eyes, waiting for a slap, a thrust... anything.
“fuck — y/n... ‘m gonna fuck you so good.” he spits, “gonna fuck a child into you.”
this gets him going. this gets his hips starting a pace of slapping against your ass. his biceps strain as you bounce off his hips, his jaw slacked and sweat slicked hair falling into his face.
pathetic moans fall past your lips as he fills you over and over again, pulling all the way out before sheathing himself to the hilt.
the overly possessive part of him was taking over. he was so determined to have his cum coating your cervix. he wanted you to be stuck with him, he wanted you to be stuck with his child.
the marking, the biting, the hickies... they never could equate to this. he realizes that this is what he’s been missing. he’s missed the feeling of your cum drenched walls milking his cock continuously, despite never getting it before. he’s missed the thought of you getting pregnant, despite it never happening.
his hold on your hips was bruising as he continued, picking up his pace and fucking into you mercilessly. you were jolting forward with his every thrust. the slick of the lube and your cunt were dripping all over your ass and thighs, his stomach and his thighs, making a disgustingly lewd sound as he slapped himself against you.
you could barely feel your arms as he tugged you upright, pulling your back to his chest with a painful arch in your spine. you had no energy to keep your head upright, it just fell right back onto his shoulder. one of his hands remained wrapped around your connected wrist while the other came up your chest and to your throat, holding his lips against your ear.
“’m gonna cum so deep inside you that there's no fucking way you won’t be pregnant.” he rasps, “gonna fill you up so nice that i’ll be dripping down your thighs.”
he’s only egging you on, encouraging your orgasm once more. he doesn’t even know the effect he has on you. he’s got your brain in a fog, the only thought on your mind is him, him, him.
“fill me up, please. ‘want it, i want it all.” you croak, just enough air slipping past his palm to keep you moaning.
“yeah?” he was close, your answer was going to tip him over.
“yes. cum inside me. breed me.”
and so he does.
as your release spills around him, he buries himself as deep as he possibly can and cums hard. he was filling you up, turning your entire body warm as you milk his cock.
his groan was deep and loud in your ear, raspy and broken and just your name.
you’ve never felt so needed before in your entire life. you revel in the feeling of his panting chest against your back, his fat cock pulsing inside you as he cums in thick and hot spurts, the feeling of his cheek pressed against yours as your heads rest on each other’s shoulders. you felt so incredibly close to him.
“i love you.” he pants, finally empty of everything he has. his breath fanning over your shoulder as he rests his forehead upon it. he releases your neck.
through broken gasps you manage to say, “i love you too.”
and when the two of you have finally come down for your ecstasy, he unties your wrists. 
he’s gentle and tender when he massages out your numb arms, smoothing lotion over your red and bruised wrists. he’s careful when he picks you up and carries your exhausted body over to the bathroom, kneeling in front of you with a goofy smile. and he’s merciful as he brushes out your matted hair, aided by the hot water of the shower.
he cleans the sweat and release off your body, presses loving kisses to your skin that he toyed with enough to leave marks. you were smiley throughout the whole thing, giggling as he insisted that he would wash your hair for you.
and when he wrapped you up in a towel and carried you back over to the bed that he once was so demeaning and ruthless on... you smile. because the two sides of him are everything you’ve ever wanted.
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hitnran · 3 years
OBSESSIVE EX (gender neutral! reader)
how they deal with you having an obsessive ex
includes: ran, rindou
CW: obsessive behavior, cursing, stalking (ran), phone harassment (rindou), the haitani brothers lowkey kinda scary here (not to the reader) 💀 but i’m just trying to make it fit within their character
Getting into a relationship with someone like Ran, half of the charismatic brother duo that ruled Roppongi, almost means guaranteed safety wherever you go. His title itself is one that is feared when murmured. Whenever you two leave, he always has an eye and a hand on you. Ran knows well that even if he is feared, he can also be challenged and the last thing he wants is for you to get involved — you would make an easy target for his enemies.
You two were out together on a stroll around the city. Although there was nothing neither of you needed, Ran’s favorite thing is showing you off. Sometimes you start to feel similar to his younger brother, thinking that you’re just a shadow and only known as ‘Ran’s partner.’ But Ran’s intentions were opposite. He wanted everyone to know that it was him that belonged to you and it is him that people would have to deal with if you were ever tested.
As you two are walking, Ran noticed your eyes consistently checking itself to the side. He took note of that and eventually brushed it off since you stopped. But then he noticed that you were being especially keen and scanning the whole area.
“Are you okay, love?” Ran slightly hunches down, getting your attention as your face turns his way. He lightly smiles at you. “Did you see something you liked?”
You swallowed down hard. You could’ve sworn you saw a familiar face, but after trying to scan the area numerous times for the past few minutes, you thought it was just you being paranoid. The last thing you wanted was to worry Ran and cause a scene.
“I’m okay,” You shook your head, returning a light smile. You grabbed on his arm, this time a little tighter. “Let’s turn into this corner.”
Ran knows when you’re lying. He knew something made you uncomfortable, but he wasn’t going to force you to tell him. Instead, he’ll make it his own problem too and deal with it himself.
This area was his territory and everyone knew it. It was almost as if Roppongi, a city known for liveliness, calmed down ever so slightly if one or both of the brothers were out. Everyone’s gaze wound be kept low and their conversations would go mute as they walk by.
At that moment, Ran could feel a pair of eyes staring your way. He won’t make it obvious though.
“Love,” Ran called out to you. You looked up his direction and he placed a hand against your lower back. “Rindou’s gonna throw a fit if I don’t bring back food for him. How about you go into the restaurant and order first while I call him and ask what he wants?”
You felt at ease hearing that you two were finally going to be in somewhere indoors, but it made you nervous that he would be separated from you for just a little while.
“Don’t wanna bring something back he won’t like and have him complain,” Ran lightly laughed, trying to ease your clear discomfort. He placed a hand over your head. Taking out his phone to add to his act. “I’ll be quick.”
After some hesitation, you gave in. It was a public space after all, so it shouldn’t have been anything to worry too much about. He watched as you entered the place before turning around, sending chills to the person who had been following you two around this whole time.
“Would be a shame if I left them alone for too long, wouldn’t it?” Ran gave off a sinister grin, slowly walking towards the person. “Wouldn’t want anyone to take them away…especially someone like you.”
Ran knew who this person was. He was an obsessive ex of yours that just would not leave you alone and accept the separation despite it being years passed. He gulped hard, nervously stepping back, not thinking that he would get caught.
“You were so bold to even follow us in the first place, why so shy now?” Ran smirked, hiking up the sleeves of his sweatshirt. “This is the first time you’ve heard of me or something? I should introduce myself to you well and hard then.”
Almost ten minutes had passed since you’ve been waiting for Ran. You sat patiently and waited. Your best guess as to what’s taking him so long revolves around Rindou. Maybe he was complaining about how he wanted food from a different place or being picky about menu opinions. Just as you were about to raise yourself from your seat to check up on Ran, you saw him enter.
“Did I make you wait too long?” Ran appeared, seating himself in front of you. The worse case scenario you had in mind was that he got into a fight, but in front of you, he looked just as how you last saw him. “You know how Rindou is.”
Your chest became relaxed and you gave a small smile, shaking your head, “What did he want from here?”
“I didn’t even listen to what he said,” Ran teased, opening up his menu and leaning back against the chair. You felt his legs sandwich your calves from beneath the table. “He can order it himself. All my money is going to you today.”
And that was how Ran liked it. Although Ran wanted everyone to know that he belonged to you, he knew how important it was for others to know that you belonged to him too. The image of the face of your ex is burned so clearly into his brain — face all bloodied up, mauled almost, as he failed to even whisper for forgiveness.
“I think there’s only one way I’m gonna let you outta here alive,” Ran kicked his body down with force, hearing something shift in his jaw. He couldn’t give half a damn about it. “Do you know what that is?”
Your ex was visibly beaten and weak now, barely able to even blink or properly form a sentence. Though, with his adam’s apple slightly moving from fear, Ran took it as a response.
Grabbing him by his hair upward, Ran bent down, looking straight at him, “You’re gonna leave them alone and never show your goddamn face again. If it wasn’t fucked already before, it sure is now. I promise you I’ll know if you’re even barely visible or a mile away, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Ran thought it was so disgusting how someone like you could ever have your time wasted on someone low like this ex of yours. Even if Ran saw him and his brother above everyone else, he always put you above him.
“Maybe even after this, I’ll send one of my men to go and beat the shit out of you every day so you could suffer for as long as you’ve tried to bother Y/N.”
Rindou can’t even remember what it took for you two to even reach this state of your guys relationship. He convinced himself that it was Ran, his older brother who wouldn’t shut up about how he was going to take you if Rindou didn’t make a move.
It genuinely surprises himself even whenever he looks your way, observing every detail and soaking in the idea that you are someone he can call his.
You two were watching a movie, or rather, supposed to. Rindou was too focused on side-eyeing you every now and then. You caught him a few times, but he would brush it off with comments like “this movie is boring” or “I’m just checking to see if you fell asleep.”
He would snap himself out of a trance after hearing your phone ring beside you. You eyed it once, looking at the caller ID and ignoring it. It wasn’t enough to cause Rindou to worry - it’s not his problem if you just didn’t wanna answer a call, it was your guys’ time anyway.
But then it rang once more again. Your ringtone dragged itself out halfway through before Rindou slightly raised his hand from your hip, pointing to the phone on the side of the couch.
“You not gonna answer that?” He asked.
You shook your head, eyes focused on the TV, “It’s fine. It’s an unknown caller ID.”
Rindou shrugged, ignoring it once again, but after a few more calls and your phone receiving back to back text messages, it was starting to irk him. He was close to just grabbing your phone and answering the call himself, but you were quick to act before him, just shutting it off.
“It must be spam or something,” You sighed, sitting back down.
“Yeah, well whatever it is, good thing you shut that damn thing off. That shit was annoying,” Rindou sighed, curling his arms around you again. “Let’s change the movie too or something. This one is boring.”
One thing about dating Rindou is that he seems uninterested in absolutely everything he does. Although you avoid thinking like that when it comes to your relationship with him, you always remind yourself that Rindou is someone who deeply cares for you. He shows it very differently compared to others, but you know.
He can recall a memory from a few weeks ago where you kept getting calls in the middle of your guys’ date. It annoyed him, but not as much as it annoyed you. You’ve pressed the red decline button at least five times now, stressing over it and spilling out everything about your previous ex.
At the end of your rant, Rindou grabbed your phone, picking up the call and saying words as simple as “leave them alone.” It was so simple, but for the next few weeks, it was silent. You finally thought you were free of harassment thanks to your boyfriend, but recently, they’ve been coming back as unknown caller IDs and more frequent than before.
Halfway through the movie, Rindou felt your body become more loose and relaxed beneath him. Your breath became slower and more steady. You had fallen asleep. He thought it was ironic to have someone as angelic as you in the arms of someone like him - a gang member always involving himself in trouble, even just for fun.
He stared at your phone just a reach away and then back at you. The last thing Rindou wanted was for you to be uncomfortable, or really, anything that isn’t where you aren’t happy.
When you woke up, the TV was shut off and you felt a blanket drape over your body. You realized you had fallen asleep from earlier, but you were expecting to find your boyfriend with you as well. That was when the door swung open and you were greeted with Rindou.
“Rindou?” You slowly let out, still adjusting from waking up. “I didn’t know you left.”
He raised a bag up midway in the air, it’s a bag from a bakery you often bought from, “You kept murmuring about it in your sleep. Didn’t want you to wake up all grumpy.”
“I don’t wake up grumpy!” You protested, watching as he took his seat next to you and unpacking all of your favorites.
“Yeah, okay,” Rindou joked. He listened to you puffing out before wrapping yourself around his arm.
“Thank you though,” You murmured out of embarrassment - maybe he was half right.
“It’s nothing,” He replied, softening his face into a grin. “Must’ve been hungry though if it got you talking in your sleep and drooling on my arm.”
You didn’t even know about half of the things he does for you, but he didn’t mind it, because if you were happy, then that was all that mattered.
It made Rindou feel guilty to turn on your phone and look through it. It wasn’t something that he ever felt the need to do - he trusted you and it felt wrong if you weren’t aware that he was using it. Though, at this time, he felt like it was for the better.
While you were silently sleeping, he browsed through your texts. It’s that same person - your ex back again to bother you. Rindou scoffed, making sure it wasn’t loud enough to wake you up, but he was angry. He clicked his tongue whilst composing a message.
Rindou knew you would never be so stupid as to meet up with someone like this, especially not after already experiencing it once. It was a good thing that it was just Rindou posing as you though. How delighted your ex felt to have finally received a response to you - ‘Let’s meet up here.’
Rindou thought it was so pathetic. This guy had no idea what he looked like, let alone that you even had a boyfriend. So when Rindou’s immediate reaction upon seeing him was to throw a punch, he was shocked.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Your ex cried out, trying his best to dodge his attacks but failing in between his words and attempts.
“Me?!” Rindou snapped, pushing him to the ground and twisting his arms. “Speak for yourself.”
The man beneath him screamed in pain, “I-I’ll call the cops on you and have you arrested!”
“Yeah? You think they’ll give me less time if I tell them I was just trying to teach a creep a lesson?” Rindou pulled back on his arms a little harder, tendons and muscles stretching themselves out of place.
“T-The hell are you talking about?!” He stuttered out.
“Don’t bitch around. Might end yourself up in there if you keep this act of yours up - I’ve been once before,” Rindou smirked, pulling back more and more on his arms. “It was fine for me. My big bro and I even got some respect while in there, so what’s gonna happen when they hear about your name from me? You’re fresh meat to them.”
“W-Who even are you?!”
Rindou scoffed, “The same guy who warned you once to leave Y/N alone. I should’ve honestly went to find you myself personally and beat the shit out of you, but I hate wasting my time.”
Your boyfriend let the man go. If his arms weren’t all bent out of place and dislocated, he’d be crawling away by now. It was a sight that Rindou would laugh at. Upon seeing that his phone had fallen out of his pocket, the same phone used to consistently harass you, Rindou stomped down hard, breaking it into bits and pieces.
“Don’t waste my time again. Next time you do, call the cops, I promise you I won’t care if they catch me killing you,” Rindou turned his back around.
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h0tchner · 3 years
Something More (Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader)
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: Written as a request for the loml, Abby! (@heliotropehotch!) "Could I have a hotch x reader request thats got a love confession- maybe a hurt comfort scene where the reader is maybe torn up about something like self deprecation or some cop makes an off-handed compliment and he cups her cheeks and wipes the tears away? Pretty please 🥺"
word count: 3.2k
includes: love confessions! hurt/comfort, protective!hotch, mutual pining!!!, kissing, a little teaser of sexytimes, work tension, BAU!reader, crying and other emotions, rude af deputies, fluff soooo much fluff
rating: 18+ (cursing, crude nicknames, suggestive sexual mentions, and brief explicit sexual content at the very end)
a/n: HELLO BESTIES! I hope you love this one! If you want a smutty part two, let me know. PLS (!!!!!) interact if you liked this fic; rb, comment, like and/or send me a request if you have ideas for future fics! i love y’all! - rivka💞
some pals tags: @arsonhotchner @laurensprentiss @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie
“It’s time to give the profile,” Hotch announces.
Six words. One sentence. Zero hesitation.
“Go and gather everybody in the bullpen,” he directs Spencer, who nods and quietly exits the conference room to collect your team and the rest of the Sherrif’s department of this small, Wisconsin town.
You stand on the opposite side of the table from your boss, looking at him expectantly. Hotch meets your gaze. His tongue darts out from between his lips as he glares at you from beneath thick lashes. You wait for your instructions, but the instructions don’t come. Rather, you both stand there in a staring contest, unmoving.
You can’t help but feel bare under his scrutiny, but this feeling is nothing new. Every time Hotch looks at you, it feels as if every fibre of your being is on fire. It’s been this way since the very first day you started with the BAU, and, over time, the flame has only burned brighter.
You and Hotch have grown close over the two years you’ve been with the team: closer than he’s been with any of his other agents, even Rossi. It all started with one long night spent together in his office, sharing cold Chinese food, scribbling away at mountains of paperwork. It was then, sitting across the desk from him, laughing at his incredulous reaction when he dropped some Lo Mein on an After-Action Report, that you knew: you were in deep. From then on, your Chinese food office “dates” became a regular occurrence. And then, those regular occurrences transformed into other regular occurrences; to name a few: rides on the jet, side by side, sharing soft glances and tired smiles after hard cases… holding hands to comfort each other when emotionally vulnerable… and even bringing you your favourite coffee on mornings that you’ve needed an extra boost. All these little moments of kindness and care are what made you fall in love with him. You would cross the line from coworkers to more in a heartbeat if you knew for certain that he felt the same way about you. But you refuse to take a risk on losing what you currently have with Hotch for the chance at something more.
The way that Hotch looks at you now, tall and commanding, feels very much like something more… it’s incredibly intimate. He’s effectively stripped away all the layers of protection you’ve built up to do your job with one pointed glance. What you don’t know is that he too feeling the same way, and is toeing a line between being your boss, being your friend, and being your “something more.”
Hotch breathes out hard through his nose. You watch as he swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he does. His jaw ticks. He shifts on his feet.
“I want you to sit this one out,” he says.
“Hotch?” You question, puzzled. Nothing about this day has prepared you for him to say that. You start racking your brain, trying to figure out why he would give you such a ridiculous order. Did you piss him off somehow? Did you play-flirt with Morgan too much in the car? Overlook an important lead? Did he not like the coffee you made him this morning?
Looking over at him, you swear he almost looks conflicted… but it doesn’t last.
“This is not up for debate. Do you understand me? You’re sitting this one out.” He repeats, steadfast.
“I don’t understand, what did I do wrong?” You ask more defensively this time, wishing he would give you more information. Something, anything besides the “SSA Aaron Hotchner” routine he was pulling on you now.
“I never said you did anything wrong.” Hotch moves forward a step, finally breaking eye contact, opting to gather files and loose papers into his arms.
“So, then what it is?” You cross your arms, stepping forwards as well, challenging him with your posture.
He doesn’t respond, nor does he look at you. Instead, he lumps more files into his arms before rounding the table, moving swiftly toward the door.
You have never, ever disobeyed one of his orders because his orders have always made sense… until now.
“Hotch,” you say sternly, your stubborn feet moving to stand between him and the exit before your logical brain can stop you.
He’s practically up against you, cornering you between his solid body and the old wooden door. His height dominates your shorter frame, and the heat coming off his body is positively criminal. Your heart flutters in your chest as he stares you down, calculating his next move.
“Out of my way, Agent Y/L/N.” He breathes out, tensing his jaw.
“Fine,” you stutter, “just tell me why and then I’ll let you go.” Your confidence wavers as you’re a little taken aback by his official use of your title and last name.
You’re hurt, confused… and he knows this. No matter how hard you’re putting on your tough-girl FBI face, Hotch can see right through it. He knows this order is unjustified, but he has his own reasons: reasons that he can’t get into. Not now.
Hotch lets his eyes dart to the side, past your head, not daring to look you in the eyes. He wills himself to be gentle.
“I can’t tell you, but I need you to trust me. Sit this one out.” He verbalizes, looking at you a little softer now. His face relaxes a little more into the Hotchner you’ve come to know: the one who calls his son every night to read a bedtime story, the one who grins every time you beat him in chess.
You two stand there a moment longer, your heart racing from the heat of the quarrel and your current proximity to your Unit Chief.
Hotch opens his mouth to say something else, but a knock on the door behind you stops him in his tracks. You step aside and he whips open the door; a very apologetic Spencer stands behind it.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Spencer says, clearing his throat awkwardly, “but everyone is ready in the bullpen.”
“Thank you,” Hotch nods, stepping forward to leave, but you grab a hold of his arm.
“Hotch,” you begin, not entirely sure what you want to say.
“Later,” he answers, finishing the unspoken thought.
With that, he’s out the door and you’re left alone with only stale coffee and a bunch of disorganized files to keep you company.
You close the door behind them with a sigh, letting yourself rest against it again, closing your eyes for a moment in defeat. Three days on this case. Three days of hard work, interviews, and research just to get benched in the end zone. You wish that you didn’t love Hotch, because maybe if you didn’t, it would be easier to disobey him. Opening your eyes again, you scan the quiet room. Then, something in front of you catches your eye and you get an idea.
On the table rests one of the precinct’s phones. It is all too easy to use the conference feature to listen in on one of the other phone lines: specifically, one in the bullpen.
You grin and rush over to the device, feeling a little bit sheepish for not listening to Hotch, but you push the buttons anyway, and bring the receiver up to your ear.
At first, all you hear is the shuffling of papers and muffled voices. You take a seat, leaning back in your chair like the cat who caught the canary. Several more moments pass of bureaucratic white noise, but then, someone speaks.
“Where’s the slutty one?” A male voice whispers.
“Oh, Agent Y/N? Probably on her knees somewhere waiting for her boss to come back.” A second male voice snickers back, matching the volume of the first.
You gasp, the phone slipping out of your hand, landing on the table with a loud thunk.
Scrambling, you grab it again, your other hand coming to rest over your open mouth.
“Don’t know why he wouldn’t let us use her as bait. This whole case could’ve been wrapped up and done by now if we just stuck her in a skimpy dress and shoved her out on the street.” One of them muses.
“Obviously because he’s sleeping with her.” The other mutters. “Agent Hotchner looked like he was going to take your head off when you asked him about it. Thought he was going to deck you for suggesting disguising her as a hooker to lure this guy out.”
“Yeah, he did. She looks like the victims, though. Bet she’s a whore like them too.”
“Deputies, we’re starting.” You hear a third voice pipe up. This time it’s one you recognize: it’s Hotch. “This is your final warning. I don’t want to hear another word out of you for the rest of the day. Not only is this wildly inappropriate, but it is insulting and vile. If I hear either of you speak about, look at, or interact with Agent Y/N, I will make sure you are both charged with harassment and fired from this department. Is that clear?”
With that, your eyes nearly pop out of your head. The deputies mumble something back, but you can’t hear over the sound of papers rustling.
Stunned, you set the phone back in its holder and force air into your lungs.
Waves of thoughts come crashing down on you. You have so many questions and so many answers and it’s all just… too much.
Suddenly, you know that you need to be anywhere but here.
You stand, shoving the chair aside and burst out of the conference room, fuming. You power-walk down the hall, and past the bullpen, focused on getting yourself outside and into the fresh air. Understandably, you don’t look up as you pass the profile briefing, so you don’t see Hotch’s brow furrow at the sight of you. You also don’t see him hand his papers to JJ, excuse himself, and race to follow you out the front door.
Once you’re outside in the parking lot, you look up at the cloudy, grey sky, and the tears start to fall. You feel guilty and angry; part of you wants to run away and cry, but the other part of you wants to walk straight up to those men and kick them straight in the dick. They not only called you vile names, but they also called the victims – those poor, dead women – the same. You sniffle, thinking about how Hotch stepped in and protected you, stood up for you.
Hotch… the thought of him makes you cry a little harder.
You start to pace around, kicking gravel as you went.
Were you that obvious? Was your crush so rampant that two low-level deputies in the middle of nowheresville picked up that easily on how you really felt about your boss?
“Fuck you two,” you curse under your breath to nobody as you choke back sobs. You kick a large piece of gravel as hard and as far as you can, but it doesn’t help.
“Are you okay?” A voice prods from behind you, gently, hesitantly, as if not to spook you. It’s a curt baritone, laced with concern. It’s Hotch.
“Hotch,” you breathe, turning to face him, furiously wiping tears away from your eyes.
“What happened?” He frowns, stepping closer to you, a comforting hand reaching forward to take yours.
Any other day you would grasp it contently, letting him console you. Today? All you can hear are the deputy’s comments. Sleeping with her. Whore. On her knees. You’re embarrassed and ashamed, so, you involuntarily step back.
“It’s nothing,” you put your hands up, looking down at your feet.
“Y/N,” Hotch says, his heart pounding in his chest.
You look back up, locking on his beautiful, angular face. You see every feature clouded in a haze of sorrow and concern.
You know you must swallow your pain and try to get it out. He wasn’t about to let you off easy.
“You… they… I…” you begin, but never finish your sentence. Instead, you start to cry again.
Wordlessly, Hotch moves to cup your face in his hands. They’re large and slightly calloused, encasing your cheeks as his thumbs gently swipe away the tears. His soft eyes search your watery ones; despite your better instinct, you bring your hands up to rest on his chest. You feel his breathing hitch. One of his hands moves from your face to cover your smaller hand against his chest. The two of you stay there, just like that, for another handful of heartbeats. You focus on his hands and how warm and safe they make you feel. Soon enough, you stop crying and gather the courage to speak.
“I heard them.” You whisper, not trusting yourself to say another word. You know that Hotch knows exactly who “them” is, and exactly what it is that you’ve heard.
His brow creases and his hand grips yours tighter. He cleans another tear off your cheek, and then lets that hand down to ball in a fist at his side.
“I’m going to kill them.” Hotch states, furious and heartbroken.
“Me first.” You sniffle.
Your boss sighs, giving you a heartfelt look. Leave it to you to make a joke at a time like this.
“I told them this morning that if I ever heard them say another thing about you, I was going to have their badges. I should’ve kicked them off this case hours ago.” He huffs, closing his eyes, letting his other hand, the one that was covering yours, drop down to his side.
You know this look all too well. You know he’s blaming himself.
“It’s not your fault,” you offer, smoothing your hands over his chest to settle on his upper arms. “Hotch, look at me.”
He doesn’t at first, but eventually, he opens his eyes. His hands open and close at his sides, as if he’s fighting them to be still.
“I’m sorry.” He breathes out. “For everything. For handling this how I did.”
“I’m not.” You chime in, feeling braver, calmer now that you’re here with him. Your comment earns a quizzical glance and a slight head tilt from Hotch, urging you to go on. “You stood up for me. You honoured me. You respected me. You protected me. You –“
With a fierce momentum, your next sentence is swallowed by Hotch’s lips pressing into yours. His hands come up to rest on your hips, and then circle around your waist to pull you closer. He’s warm and soft and intense; you whimper into the kiss, moving your hands to rest on the back of his neck and card in his hair. The kiss is over far too soon for your liking, both of you needing to pull back and inhale.
Hotch looks at you with heavy eyes, hands gripping your hips. He smells like coffee and pine, with a hint of something spicier. Everything about him is overwhelming yet grounding.
“Finally,” you whisper, hands clasped around his neck. “It’s about damn time.”
“It is,” is all he musters, still dazed by the audacity of his own actions.
“Aaron?” You lick your lips, feeling his hands squeeze you tight at your use of his first name.
“Yeah?” He can’t help but start to smile, showing off his adorable dimples and crinkled lines around his eyes.
“I love you; do you know that?” You say in earnest.
Aaron giggles, giggles at your confession, and then attacks your lips again, making you yelp at the surprise. His lips detach from yours only to pepper kisses on your tear-stained cheeks, jaw, and forehead.
“I love you too,” he breathes out, giddier than you’ve ever seen him. He looks like a kid in a candy shop, and it makes your heart leap into your throat.
Just then, a car beeps on the road, startling you two. You’re suddenly reminded where you are, and why you’re here. The thought of having to go back inside makes you groan, and you bury your head into his chest for a moment. He hums into your hair, planting a kiss on the top of your head.
Reluctantly, you pull yourself off his chest to look up at him.
“Forget about them,” you say, “go finish giving the profile so we can close this case and get the hell out of this town so you can take me home and show me how much you love me.” You smile at him, pulling him in for another, lighter kiss.
He grins against your lips, meeting you for another smooch.
“Yes ma’am,” Hotch replies, giving you a kiss on the tip of your nose.
Three months later, you and Aaron are coming down from your highs, sweaty and blissed-out after an amazing lovemaking session. After the team wrapped up the case and made it back to Virginia in one piece, you and Hotch went out to dinner the next night. He took you to dine in at the Chinese restaurant that you both usually ordered from on those nights you both spent pining and yearning in his office. It was… perfect. He was perfect. Just as your friendship had blossomed, so did your relationship. One date led to another, one gesture turned into more, and you and Aaron settled into life as a couple with ease. You hadn’t brought up the incident with the deputies since it had happened the afternoon that Hotch had followed you out to the parking lot to wipe away your tears.
Now, as you lay in his arms, wrapped in his strong, loving, embrace, your mind wanders back to their words. However, you don’t feel animosity toward them, rather it makes you giggle.
“What’s so funny hot stuff?” Aaron cracks open an eye and smiles down at you. One arm is tucked underneath his head, and the other is tracing patterns on the bare skin of your shoulder.
“Oh, just that case we had in Wisconsin a few months back.” You nuzzle deeper into his chest with another laugh.
Hotch frowns, recalling the memory, thinking about the way those awful men spoke about you.
“How is that funny?” He asks, hesitantly.
“They called me a whore.” You say nonchalantly, peering innocently into his amber eyes. You bring your palm up to swipe across his cheek softly, feeling the light stubble of his jaw underneath your fingertips.
Both of his eyes are open now, and his hand motions cease their patterns on your skin. He’s confused, and the face he’s giving you is downright adorable. It makes you giggle again.
You detach yourself from his grasp and sit yourself up, carefully shimmying down the bed. Aaron’s eyes never leave you.
You nestle yourself between his legs and look up at him with a smirk.
“They were partially right.” You offer, studying the small changes in his face, watching as his eyes glaze over with lust for the second time that night.
“I am a whore.” You pout suggestively and flutter your eyelashes. “A whore for you, Hotch.”
He shakes his head at you in amusement and chuckles, but it quickly turns into a deep, throaty moan as you wrap your lips around the tip of him.
As you start to bob your head on his already hardening length, you think to yourself: as much as I hate to say it... someone should really give those two deputies a raise.
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
Spencer Reid x Reader
Synopsis; Where the team discusses the question ‘do you kiss after head’, you find out Spencer has too little experience to answer the question so you help him out
Warnings; smut, oral (male receiving), sub!spencer, praise, slight degradation 
a/n; LMAO im so sorry for disappearing again life has been actually kicking my ass but anyways lately i’ve been thinking about subby early season spence so here we go,, hope you enjoy!
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Another Friday night and the team was out bar crawling after an easy case. But this time all members were there as it reached 11pm which was rare. Usually Hotch and JJ would have been home by 10:30 and Spencer wouldn’t have been there at all. But there was something light in the air which had all parties concerned sitting packed in a booth, laughing after each sip of their drinks. 
Since it wasn’t your first rodeo together you knew how the night went. It started off with Rossi offering to buy the first few rounds, always whiskey but he made an exception for Penelope. Then again who would deny her anything. 
Once the drinks were flowing and lips got a little loose, the questions would start popping in at the top of your heads. However these were not your run of the mill, ‘hows so and so doing?’ ‘done your taxes yet?’ oh no. The name of the game was discuss where you would all think of a question which would help you dig just a tiny bit deeper into your coworkers sex lives. 
Maybe if you were all sober then you’d avoid thinking of each other in such positions, pun intended, yet in this state your prying minds were open and your stomachs were ready to grow abs from bending over in laughter. 
You raised the margarita glass up clinking it with a fork to get the tables attention. Everyone including Aaron had a smile on their face, ready to hear the intrusive question for the night. 
“Ok my fellow profilers, doctor, and tech genius,” you added pointing at Spencer then Pen, “Do you kiss your partner after they give you head? Discuss!” you finished in your most formal voice. 
Right as you took a swig of your drink the mixed responses of yes and no filled your small space. 
“Why wouldn’t you? You guys especially, if someones willingly trying to swallow then you damn well owe them a kiss,” Emily finished earning nods and ‘exactly’s from JJ, Pen, and yourself. 
“Ok but thats weird. I just can’t explain it but its a no go for me,” Morgan finished. This only gained him a scoff and raised voices, “Hotch man help me out here,” he said looking over to the man hiding his smirk behind the amber liquid. 
“I have to agree with the ladies here Derek,” he said curtly. 
The girls yelped and hooted at Hotch for siding with them while Morgan sat with his arms crossed being the singular person left out as even Rossi agreed. Meanwhile you noticed the presence next to you had shrunk back and wasn’t too active in the conversation. 
“So Spence do you kiss your partner after they,” you trailed off shaking your fist by your cheek and poking your tongue in the side. 
He coughed as he instantly sat up quicker. Even under the dim lights of the bar you could still see the blush creeping up from his neck to his ears and the slightest tint on his cheeks. 
“Oh I uh- I never-” he said looking anywhere but your eyes. 
“You don’t kiss them?” you said raising your brows. 
“No! I-i mean yes. I would I think b-but I haven’t had the chance to actually partake in such.. activities,” he finished finally taking a look into your eyes. 
You could tell he was waiting for you to laugh in his face for being so inexperienced but you felt far from it. If anything you wished you could be the one to show him things. 
That sweet boy had you wrapped around his finger and he didn’t even know it. Maybe it was his naivety considering how exceptionally smart he was. Or maybe it was the cute sweater vests he wore and now he nervously tucked his hair behind his ears. All you knew was that you wanted Spencer Reid and tonight was your night to make it happen. 
You hummed taking in the information, “Well that’s not a bad thing Spence. Everything takes time,” you said putting your hand on his arm for comfort and giving him a smile. 
Going to turn back to face the table you almost didn’t hear Spencer go to speak again, “Do you?” 
Got him.
“Why don’t you find out pretty boy,” you said with a wink as you downed the rest of your marg. In the corner of your eye you could see Spencer shifting in his seat, subtly moving his bag to cover the slowly growing tent in his slacks. 
As the night went by you couldn’t help but really give him a show. You had popped open a button or two on the long sleeve you had on, since it was getting stuffy in the booth. Though when you leaned forward and jutted your chest out, the soft inhale of a breath from the man next to you was just serving as motivation to get bolder. 
For the last hour you called it quits on the alcohol and drank a few glasses of water before you drove home. Spencer had been uncharacteristically quiet ever since your little interactions. 
The team had all gotten up to say their goodbyes. Rossi going by and giving everyone a kiss on each cheek. Derek having to quite literally rangle Penelope from talking to passing by groups on their way out. Then there were two. 
You turned to the side where Spencer was nursing on his coke, “Hey pretty boy, it’s late, let me give you a ride home,” you said grabbing your belongings. 
“Y-yeah ok. Thanks Y/n,” he said getting up. You’d noticed how he still had the burnt orange bag over his crotch. He couldn’t still be hard could he? Well you’d love to find out. 
As gentlemanly as he was, Spencer opened the door for you to exit the building first. The whip of fresh night air cooling on your exposed chest and legs under your skirt. 
You unlocked your car and stepped in, Spencer waiting to hear the little beep signaling his side was open. As he sat down you heard him let out a little whimper. Your head shot over to look at him, you could tell from the flush on his cheeks he didn’t mean to let the noise out. 
Holding in your chuckle you started the ignition and pulled out of the lot, “Can I put on some music?” 
“Yeah I don’t mind,” he said looking over at you with his lips in a line. If it was anyone else, they’d probably think he was uncomfortable but you loved his tiny awkward smiles. 
The ride to his apartment was mostly silent besides a rare quip from Spencer about paper work or fact about an older building you had passed by. It fascinated you to no end hearing him talk. Spencer was a hand speaker, meaning he always used his hands waving them around and making gestures. The pale digits had you captivated. Probably a driving hazard but you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. 
You pulled up into one of the visitor spots and put the car in park. You looked over to see Spencer almost contemplating something. You’d seen the look on his face before when he was looking over puzzles. 
“Somethin on your mind Doc?” you said with a small smile. As cute as he looked when he was nervous, you’d never want him to feel uncomfortable around you. 
“Would you-,” he cleared his throat, “Wo- Would you maybe want to c-come inside?” 
“Of course Spence I’d love to,” you finished with a reassuring nod. 
As he led you upstairs you were giddy with anticipation. So what if nothing happened. He was your friend first and you were glad he was letting you into his personal space. Even if you wanted nothing more than to have him writhi-
The door closing snapped you out of your thoughts. You didn’t even realize you were in his living room. The dark green walls and shelves bursting with books put a grin on your face, “Sorry Doc, just caught up in my thoughts. What did you say hun?” 
His brows practically raised to his hairline from hearing the pet name. While he was used to the names coming from Garcia they took a whole different light coming from your lips. 
“I was asking if you wanted water or something,” he said fiddling with the keys in his hands. Eyes darting everywhere but your face so you wouldn’t be able to see the flush rising on his cheeks. 
“No I’m fine thanks for asking though,” you said taking a seat on the worn leather couch. 
You reached for the tv remote making a face at Spencer to ask for permission. He nodded and you settled back turning on an old sitcom that played late at night. 
As the episode ended you both sat in silence. Again you didn’t mind but you could practically hear the cogs moving in Spencer’s brain. 
You were about to speak when he cut you off before you could even get a word out, “What did you mean by ‘why don’t you find out’.”
Gaining confidence you moved closer to where he was on the couch, slow enough for him to stop you in case he wanted to back out. 
“Well you have options pretty boy,” you said moving a leg to straddle him. Your hands instinctively going to his brown locks. You could’ve sworn you heard a little moan leave his chapped lips. Noted. 
“W-what are the options,” lust blown eyes looked up to yours. 
“One, you can put that mouth to good use on me,” you said trailing your finger over his bottom lip, “and let me cum over that pretty face.” 
His eyes shut hearing your words and you weren’t having it, “Nuh uh eyes on me honey,” instantly they were back on yours. 
“Or number two. I can suck you off and let you cum down my throat, but,” you paused making sure to roll your hips on his growing length, “ you have to give me a nice big smooch after.” 
The hands on your hips pulled you closer as he bucked his hips into you as you finished the sentence. It was clear which option was preferred. 
You moved to slide down in between his legs. You let your hands trail down his clothed thighs, causing him to jump. 
“Tsk such a needy boy,” you said mockingly, “Am I not going fast enough baby?”
“Please Y/n,” he all but whimpered. It was like music to your ears. 
Your hands went to his belt, looking up in his eyes for a final sign of permission. Once he nodded you quickly undid it and he lifted his hips to help get his pants down. You palmed him over his boxers, feeling the wet patch where he was already leaking pre cum. 
“Is this all for me Spence? Does the thought of my lips around you make you this hard,” you said taking him out of the striped confines. 
“Oh god please just,” he cut himself off. You could see his hands curling fists besides his legs. 
“Please what baby? I can’t give you anything unless you ask.” Your hands continued their task of leisurely stroking his length. 
“Fuck please put your mouth on me,” he rushed out, hips bucking to prove his point. 
The answer was good enough for you so you wasted no time in leaning forward and taking him in your mouth. Both of you let out content sighs as you tried to take him further. 
You looked up to see him with his head leaned back, eyes scrunched closes in pleasure. 
You pulled off with a pop, letting your hand work him over. “Better keep those pretty eyes on me before I decide you can’t finish.”
He looked down with a flash of worry, that was quickly replaced by a loud moan as you spit down on his cock before taking him in your mouth again. 
For a germaphobe, Spencer loved how nasty it was. He was thanking god or whatever higher being there was for giving him his eidetic memory because the sight below him was something he’d never wanna forget. 
Your eyes were teary and you had spit dribbling down your chin but he wanted nothing more than to give you more than just a kiss after you finished. Or well after he finishes. 
You could tell he was close by the way he was throbbing on your tongue. Again taking him out of your mouth you used both hands to jerk him off. 
“You’re doing such a good job baby. So good for me. You wanna cum in my mouth pretty boy?”
“God Y/n I’m so close please please please,” he whimpered out. 
“Cum for me baby, be my good boy Spence,”  you said before taking him down your throat. He was big, not girthy but long and it was a struggle but you’d be damned if you didn’t try to take him all. 
Hollowing your cheeks you bobbed your head quickly, egging on his release further. His hands finally found a place in the back of your head. Pushing you down further as he came. 
“F-fuck Y/n I’m gonna”
His moans and whines were a symphony of sounds you’d have on repeat in your head forever. 
You swallowed the salty release but before you could even wipe your lips you were being pulled up by Spencer placing his lips on yours. You moaned into the kiss, his hands gripped the sides of your face not wanting to let you go. 
The need for air made you both pull back. You looked at one another, chests heaving and looking like you ran a marathon. 
Then a sad look came across his face. 
“Spencer what’s wrong?” 
“You didn’t get any pleasure,” he said looking like a hurt puppy. Oh your sweet boy. 
“It’s ok baby, I can take care of myself,” you tried to shrug off.
He was quick to push you back on the couch, taking the spot you were previously in. His warm lips trailing down your exposed thighs. 
“I wanna do it, but only if you kiss me after.” 
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