#u: maud
gardenhqs · 2 years
maud, se han añadido 24hrs extra para la entrega de tu aplicación para el cupo ( #C8 ), con el fc de lily-rose depp, ¡te esperamos!
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deimosatellite · 1 year
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forgot to post this here but i need everyone to look at mushiango
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viimsical · 5 months
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what if I. . .. maud. maud gaunt? what a silly name
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orangeejuice · 8 months
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hello atsulucy nation *trips down 20 flights of stairs*
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looking for moots!! 🐇 (or just ppl that can teach me what do lolzz)
im lav :3 (full name lavender lav lavatorye)
fandoms: bsd (my main one), pjsk, vocaloid, and the rest (fandoms, interests, and ships) are in the tags☆
interests: doodles, tv girl, kyoka izumi, and the fruit orange
DNI: basic criterea, isnotreal supporters, people with too much hate in their heart :((, proshippers+comshippers, idk ill just block u if u make me uncomfy
my age range is 13-15, im aroace and go by she/her
BYF: i'm kinda awkward and i need to know u and the content u post/like to warm up to u a bit, its just how my head works💧💧
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kyoka the silly ever
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Im headcanoning that Katniss’s father’s name is Clement
If Maude Ivory is his mother (which I feel she is strongly lol) she’s like obsessed the song Clementine. I feel like she’d name her kid after her favorite song to stay connected to the Covey and their culture.
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heartintact · 10 months
✧ closed starter for @antivencm. | based on 21 by gracie abrams.
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“I understand if you hate me now, I would. But I still believe, one day, I’ll talk about you like ‘the love of my life when I was young’, isn’t that silly?” She’d had too much to drink; that was the only reason to justify Maude’s moment of honesty. Well, that or the fact that in moments like this, when she felt lonely and light and her decisions came back to haunt her, it was hard not to share what was on her mind. “I just... fuck, I just wanted to say happy birthday, I guess. I know it was last week, and I thought about calling you the entire day, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.”
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meatexe · 4 months
Top 5 horror films?? ❣️
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this is so hard </3 i will do my best !!!
1. sleepaway camp (1983). this is one of those comfort movies for me n i watch it repeatedly um i think if i could go back to a single moment in time, [spoiler for a movie that came out 40 years ago] it would be my first time ever watching that movie and hearing that little boy go “my god! she’s a boy!” as angela turns around covered in blood n screeching n it freeze frames. chefs kiss. + i have a signed poster from the main actress :3
2. hellraiser (1987). another comfort movie!! i love the entire series n how progressively goofy they get + all of pinheads one liners go hard for no reason at all. but i return to the first one the most. my weed stash box is a lament configuration ^w^
3. videodrome (1983). watched this one a date w someone once n they got violently upset tht i would show them such a bad movie but i think i just had a raging hard on the entire time. i think someone should be able to put a vhs into my stomach n reprogram me. for normal reasons .
4. possessor (2020). i love a possession movie. i think some of my earlier intentional horror movie watches were the exorcist, paranormal activity, evil dead n it kinda stuck w me. but as i got older i think it all kinda felt regurgitated but…..possessor my beloved…… it has the formula of a possession movie (vessel + desirous force) but the vessel isn’t unwilling n the desirous force is a computer? it was like watching 90 minutes of raw fucking
5. mandy (2018). the shots in this movie r amazing, i love the coloring, i cried at multiple points, the entire plot is ridiculous. truly don’t know why it ended up at number five bc few movies have moved me in the way tht mandy has um just bc she’s down here doesn’t make her any less important <3 if u haven’t watched mandy u should
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The gang!!!
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bsd-verse · 1 year
I love Atsulucy a lot tbh, and to me they are one of the closest couple to be canon at the end of the serie, that's it if Atsushi also develops some kind of feelings for her since she already has.
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gardenhqs · 2 years
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¡muestra tu lado más amable!, prepara la sonrisa de cortesía y saluda a tu vecina, nellie burden, va pasando por el complejo, por un momento casi le confundimos con margot robbie, su departamento es el 20-G, muchas cosas escuché por ahí y me llena de curiosidad conocerle, ¿qué dices si le damos una visita un día de estos?
maud, ¡agradecemos tu interés en el proyecto!, desde este momento tu aplicación ha sido aceptada. cuentas con 24hrs para hacernos llegar la cuenta de tu personaje, no dudes en solicitar más tiempo de ser necesario, ¡saludos, vecine!
—   out of character:
nombre/seudónimo: maud
pronombres: ella/suya
edad: +24
zona horaria: gmt-3
¿algún trigger?: -
—   in character:
nombre completo: nellie burden
cupo: #C4
fecha de nacimiento, edad: 2 de julio de 1990, 32 años.
pronombres: ella/suya
nacionalidad: australiana
rostro reservado: margot robbie
—   ficha de residente:
ocupación: maquilladora
¿estudió en la ufb?: ( sí / no )
—   datos de personalidad:
positivos: alegre, generosa, valiente, creativa y empática. negativas: perezosa, envidiosa, neurótica, superficial y celosa.
—   datos relevantes:
Es hija única, sus padres son adinerados. Desde pequeña la presionaron a obtener las mejores calificaciones para que luego pudiera estudiar una carrera importante, pero la rubia solo soñaba con actuar y aparecer en la pantalla grande. Por supuesto, cuando llegó el día de compartir su decisión, sus progenitores se opusieron a su día, fue entonces cuando la joven decidió abandonar su país natal, Australia, e ir en busca de oportunidades en Alemania.
Recién llegada buscó la manera de mantenerse, trabajando como mesera en una cafetería. Mientras tanto asistió a casting que se le presentó. Obtuvo pequeños papeles en la televisión, pero por más que lo intentó nunca llegó a decir más de dos líneas en pantalla, lo que le frustró enormemente.
Después de cumplir los 27 años decidió dejar de lado su sueño, había pasado mucho tiempo y ya estaba convirtiéndose en alguien mayor. Era hora de centrarse en algo estable. Decidió estudiar maquillaje profesional para seguir trabajando en aquel mundo que tanto había anhelado desde niña.
Con ayuda de sus padres consiguió su propio sitio en Freie Gardens, donde comparte con universitarios en las noches de fiesta.
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pierrotgnome · 1 year
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what if u woke up for the first time in thousands of years with no memories except for the gnawing feeling that this body is not yours
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celine-song · 9 months
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degenerateshinji · 1 year
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expression study
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hearthtales · 4 months
8, 10 and 25 for anyone of your fancy!
OC asks
8. What is your OC’s theme song? 
Oh gosh, I always have so much trouble picking just one song!! I think Curses by The Crane Wives is pretty fitting for Maude, though!
10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
Feld’s main deadly sins are gluttony and greed! It is always hungry, and it thrives on consuming emotions from dreams and collecting mementos from its victims (and toying with people for amusement).
25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
Maude’s personality has stayed pretty consistent, aside from the fact she has become more of a mom figure over time (a reluctant one who tries not to get attached but ends up getting attached anyway), which I think suits her well. Her design has changed slightly as well — I made her a smidge taller, added freckles, and changed her hair from brown to reddish-brown to have more hearth witch vibes.
Maude was never a fan-character — she was actually largely inspired by another Welsh witch OC of mine, Meredith (who is nicer and more of an eager mom than Maude), because I wanted to develop other types of witches and magic in Meredith’s world. Maude was also inspired by the overall concept of hearth witches, kitchen witches, and green witches. She has inspirations from other media as well! These include: Baba Yaga, Mrs. Ginnie Hempstock from The Oce.an At The En.d of the Lane, and Kokiri (Kiki’s mother) from K.iki’s Deli.very Serv.ice. Kokiri is actually Maude’s main faceclaim! They don’t look exactly alike, but they’re quite similar!!
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operationtimeguard · 1 year
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RAAA ART FIGHT this wasn't intentional but i ended up doing a lot of group shots lol ^^
@enderchu84 @aya-gii
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