#ugh I just remembered the man at the guitar shop he was just as bad
I used to think I’ve never related to the “I think I know more about american girl dolls than you do genius” meme but then I remembered the truly insufferable man who worked at my local record shop and acted like I knew nothing about anything when I had been going there longer than he had.
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frootyrooties · 2 years
Hi there! This is your secret santa (🌻)! I can only ask from my main blog, but otherwise I'm over at @thespiritualmultinerd for mixed fandoms and the '60s-'70s stuff.
I hope you got your Christmas shopping done and that you'll have a wonderful day today! A bass guitar for yourself sounds like a great idea ^^ Do you know how to play or are you learning?
I listened to the whole album, but was also busy doing other things at the same time so didn't listen very closely, but I definitely want to go back to it and listen more to 10cc during next year overall! Thank you so much for sharing things about them and making me more invested!
Aaw, While My Guitar Gently Weeps is one of my favourites too, though not one I have listened to as much as some of their other songs. But it just has that.... that sound to it. When The Levee Breaks is one of my favourite Zeppelin songs too! I was reluctant to listen to Stairway at first when I was getting into Zeppelin because that's the popular one, but then it came on on a playlist and..... well okay it's great. x)
Aww haha, The Chipmunk Song is really cute! 😄
We did all the celebrations yesterday (I'm Swedish and Christmas Eve is the big day here), so today is mostly dedicated to TV and candy, though we have some more gifts to wrap for friends we haven't seen yet. What are your plans for today? (also no worries of course if you don't have time to reply to this today 😅). I hope you'll have a wonderful day anyway - Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅🏻✨
Howdy! pleasure to formally meet you ☺️
Sadly, i’ve been stuck indoors the past few days due to bad weather so i didn’t get any christmas shopping done. i’m hoping the weather’s a bit tomorrow so i can finally get my bass guitar! i’m super stoked!! 😄 i already know it’s gonna be love at first sight 🥰
and i’m happy to hear you listened to DB. that entire album is just *chefs kiss* bellissimo 😘🤌🏼✨ i love that not only did Eric wrote most of the songs on that album, but he also engineered/produced it! UGH! that man has it all..extremely talented, handsome, smart, funny, hardworking and so devoted to his career, all the more reason for me to fall for him more and more everyday 😍 anyways, if you like 10cc’s stuff i recommend listening to “How Dare You” “Sheet Music” and “The Original Soundtrack” next! all three are very brilliant albums and ones that really catapulted my obsession with those 10cc boys ☺️
I remember writing an essay about While My Guitar back in 10th and surprisingly I got a good grade on it. The lyrics are so profound, I think. One can interpret that song so many ways. Stairway is always a classic, but I mainly like their other not-so-popular songs. Since getting back into Zep, I’ve been repeatedly listening to their first three albums and I gotta say, every time I revisit their catalog I always end up gaining a new appreciation for their music. Lately, I’ve really obsessed with No Quarter (honestly, it’s mainly bc of jpj lol). JP’s live piano solo for No Quarter has definitely given me a newfound appreciation for him as an artist. Funny thing and I might’ve mentioned this already but, when I first got into Zeppelin years ago I only became obsessed with them bc of Jimmy Page then I went through a short Robert Plant phase, then the last time I was on my Zeppelin kick a few years ago it was bc Bonzo reeled me in lol. Jonesy always seems to be overshadowed by the other three, probably bc he was always “the quiet one” But now that I got back into them, I truly believe he was the real MVP of the group 💗
And Sweden, eh? i bet you have some interesting stories to tell about your country. I can’t say much bc I live in Northeastern United States where it’s boring and there are more cows than people, yeehaw! 🤠
No special plans for today, just watching holiday films. Couldn’t really do much today since my mom’s been sick and has been spending this entire weekend resting :(( we’re probably gonna celebrate after Christmas once she’s feeling better.
Well I hope you had a lovely celebration with you and your loved ones! I’ve really enjoyed our little banter 😊
Happy Holidays again! 🎄
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Random Kageyama Tobio HCS
Word Count: 1851
Warnings: just... me being in love with a m*n other than masumi 😔 also! these are my headcanons as in,,, what i personally i think he’d be like ‼️ also me projecting my ideal man into him (as if he wasn’t it already 😋)
A/N: i... i love tobio so much it’s literally unreal... i couldn’t wait for a request (i’m still working on the remaining 4 too lolol) so take me projecting my love for tobio >:(
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— Kageyama normally wears loose fitting clothes or athletic-style clothing. His favorite go to outfits tends to be a loose tee, some loose pants with an obnoxious Nike logo he swears are super cool but look like two garbage bags sewed together, and running shoes. Throw a hoodie in there for colder weather, even then he still manages to look good.
— He takes very good care of his hair, like freaky good care, because of Miwa. Once she enrolled in cosmetology school and she saw Kageyama use the same baby shampoo from when they were kids she freaked out (if she’d been any later he’d start using 3-in-1) and chewed his ear off about hair care. His hair is super shiny and there’s literally no freeze, he uses nice smelling shampoo and conditioner too. Ugh, I love him.
— He has a very sensitive nose but it gets clogged easily so he doesn’t notice much unless it miraculously unclogs itself and he’s complaining about everything.
— “Eh! Hinata, why’d you smell like a fucking axe bottle?!” “Why does no one say anything about Tsukishima smelling like strawberries?” “Yamaguchi smells like... milk.” “Hah?! Sugawara smells bad-?!”
— He says he’s a picky eater to appear cool but as long as you don’t say what’s in the food he’ll down it. He’ll say he doesn’t like carrots but if you give him a salad with carrots he might even say “it’s the best salad he’s ever had”.
— He’s a hot sleeper, and not in the “oh he’s sexy” type of way. I’m talking, he’ll sweat buckets if he sleeps with anything other than a flimsy white t-shirt and his underwear.
— Might be me projecting my love for bunny teeth but he has bunny teeth, his front teeth are a bit bigger than average (not to the point it’s super noticeable but it’s still something Miwa teased him about), his aunties probably squeezed his cheeks and called him “baby bunny” when he was younger.
— He doesn’t go to sleep later than 9PM, he thinks if he does it’ll ruin his schedule (which it will) and fuck up his body - he’s seen Miwa screw up hers after she pulled a bunch of all nighters in her third year in high school and has been afraid since.
— The type to forget people were coming over and come out of his room shirtless asking for his clean underwear.
— His sister forced him to let her cut and style his hair which led to many questionable hairstyles. Tsukishima is genuinely so grateful to Miwa, especially when she was first starting - he’s got some pictures of Tobio with the shortest most embarrassing bangs ever saved in his phone in a file for blackmail if the need for it ever presented itself.
— Likes pissing people off on purpose sometimes, during one of the training camps he probably walked into the bath with socks on and was made fun of but out of spite he just… never took them off. Said he’d done it on purpose and all too. Tanaka cried out of fear for like a hot minute when he saw him standing under the shower with Iron Man socks on.
— He’s so petty too, if you make fun of him for messing up he’ll remember until you embarrass yourself to make fun of you. And when I say he remembers, I mean it - he can’t for his life remember when to use make and do in english but he remembers when Hinata made fun of him for wearing different socks back on their first year and yes he will bring it up on their second year when he did the same thing what are you going to do about it?
— Probably got scouted for a modeling agency once and began running away because he thought they were trying to kidnap him.
— If he had Tiktok… he would’ve gone viral after posting a video of him practicing, he posted for a while for fun and to flex on people that he was hot but then he saw a comment saying they wanted to drink his milk under a video of him drinking milk and he deleted his account, he can’t buy from that brand for a while.
— He’s got a video of a gorilla walking in two legs saved on his phone for when he’s feeling down and watches it whenever he’s not going well. People think he’s texting his S/O but no, he’s just watching a gorilla walk like minecraft Steve.
— He can’t pose for pictures to save his life, his default pose is an NPC stance with his arms stiffly hanging down and his eyes wide in surprise, don’t ask him to smile or else he will look like a serial killer.
— He’s got a bit of baby fat on his cheeks that won’t disappear no matter what. It’s become a pre-game ritual to pinch his cheeks. He’s also got dimples you can really only see when he smiles naturally but he doesn’t know and he’d get shy if he knew and try covering his face so don’t tell him, that’s a fact he told me so himself.
— Cannot dance to save his life. He’s so long (?) his limb control is non-existent, it appears in game and vanishes when he steps out of the court. He really just bounces on his heels and moves his arms like a t-rex, don’t ask more of him.
— Buys his clothes one size bigger just in case and Miwa teases him saying he’ll need them when he gets old and fat.
— Gets asked out often but always rejects, then has the audacity to complain he’s never dated anyone like he hasn’t turned down half of the school's population.
— Can’t sing. He’s got a nice speaking voice but ask him to sing and he’s out of tone, out of sync, out of breath, and out of the room in 5 seconds.
— Sugawara joked about having him singing as his alarm clock and Kageyama actually believed him, probably sent him a new recording as a gift after he annoyed him during practice.
— Surprisingly funny when he wants to but most jokes fly over people’s heads since he seems so serious most of the time, it annoys him to no end. Yachi still struggles differentiating when he is and isn’t joking because his tone literally doesn’t change at all and she doesn’t want to offend him.
— When he was younger he liked to collect rocks, not even the pretty ones he’d pick the most average, raggedy rocks off the ground and clean them up and tuck them to bed because he saw Miwa play with her barbies like that. Still owns his first rock, he named it “Johnson” after Dwayne Johnson, aka the rock (he’s had to explain it so many times he’s exhausted).
— Accidentally drank expired milk once and didn’t notice until his stomach began hurting and he thought he became lactose intolerant and he was inconsolable for days until he realized it had expired like a month ago - he went on a milk shopping spree and the milk sales that week saw a 20% rise from the last few months.
— Tobio had bad handwriting until he was in Junior High because his teachers couldn’t understand him and had him practice calligraphy, his handwriting is now one of the prettiest ones in the team and he’s the official inker of the VBC posters (as designated by Goddess Yachi Hitoka herself).
— His biggest fear for a long time was getting eaten by piranhas because he saw it happen so often in cartoon shows he genuinely thought it was going to be a bigger deal than it turned out to be but for like a solid 6 years of his life he avoided suspicions puddles just in case.
— Kageyama has a habit of rolling and unrolling his sleeves when he’s deep in thought, it soon made way to a habit of checking his wrist watch (he absolutely has a wrist watch, you cannot change my mind on that) but not actually reading it.
— His nails are very pretty, like most setters, he takes very good care of them. They’re filed down to a perfect length and he puts oils and creams, his hands in general are so nice. He takes a lot of pride in them, you know his cuticles are pushed back and trimmed and he could absolutely be a hand model. Kags’ hands are calloused, he’s a volleyball player of course they are, but it’s not to the extent of Ushijima or Daichi’s hands.
— Talking about hands, it’s probably one of his favorite features on people. He loves holding hands with his S/O and tracing the wrinkles in their palm, being able to interlock fingers with them and feel the bumps in them.
— Mumbles to himself when in thought too! Very nonsensical if you’re not informed on what he’s thinking about, if he’s thinking about you he’ll mumble your name or something like “pretty eyes”.
— Has a very healthy diet, like extremely healthy and thought out. He won’t eat anything too sugary or that could throw off his body, but he does have cheat days (which are rare but exist). He also doesn’t drink much soda or alcohol (once he’s of age).
— Things like smoking are a big no, he takes so much care of his body he wouldn’t even touch a cigarette or be near a smoking area, lowkey paranoid of ingesting the smoke too.
— When he’s older I can see him having a dog and a cat, the dog would be a big dog; if they stood on two paws it’d be the same height as you, he’d name or something like Tobias and think he was super clever and funny, the cat would probably a small cat he’d name Milk (it probably would be a black cat too but he does not care).
— Probably tried baby formula because he heard it was a substitute for breast milk. No further comments on this.
— I feel like he doesn’t listen to music, but if he had to choose something he’d pick instrumental music - not orchestral music or anything like that - but more of a chill, no deep meaning just guitar and piano track. I could see him listening to Shego Sekito or Joe Hisashi on occasion, he might even listen to some 2000’s pop if he wants something to pump him up during training (he works out to Brittney Spears’ “Womanizer”).
— A cuddle-bug when he’s sleepy, he’ll throw himself across his S/O and not move at all, he just wants to stay there and not move ever again (or at least until he’s not feeling like passing out). He’ll like to wrap himself around them and cuddle their neck, he’ll attach himself to their arm like it’s a lifeline.
— In other words, Kageyama Tobio… b-boyfriend material.
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whole-lotta-hoes · 4 years
Whole Lotta Hoes| Crack Fanfic Mini Series
Episode One: Zeppelin Is No More
Episode Two: Looking For A Job
Episode Three:
Episode Four:
Episode Five:
This will cause you to lose a couple of brain cells and question your sanity. It will include a shit ton of weird shit and things that don't make sense at all. Do not read if you are not ready for any of this, read at your own risk.
John Paul Jones (Main character)
Robert Plant
Jimmy Page
John Bonham
Led Zeppelin is a band apparently. It's just a bunch of horny mother fuckers put together to make songs about sex. John Paul Jones was laying in bed with Robert Plant which he has no idea how that happened. He hoped nothing weird went down between them cause Jimmy Page would be so mad. oh jesus oh god you do not want to make that mother fucker mad. He'll literally turn you into a cheeseball and eat you. John got out of bed only to see that John Bonham was standing in the corner eating swedish fish gummies. He was not going to question it.
"Want some?" Bonzo asked him and he held one in his hand.
"I don't know you what the fuck!?" Jonesy yelled. He went to the baffroom and spotted jimmy trying to swim inside of the toilet. He believed he could do it if he tried hard enough.
"the oil supply demand is sky rocketing these days!" jimmy yelled as he got out of the toilet.
"Bitch do not touch me with your boo boo water," He warned him as he grabbed a toothbrush to use as a weapon. He learned how to make a knife with it in jail.
"Penis guitar playing is totes fun jonesy, you should try it," jimmie added. Oh mother fucker he is a heterosexual lad. Or that is what he said the other day when he ate some of robert's caramel popcorn. man he wondered how he even ended up in that stupid band. who's led and why does he have a zeppelin? you know some guy named their kid zeppelin but he claims that he didn't name him after the band. wait what were we talking about?
The band all decided to head to mcdonalds to eat happy meals. jimmy tickles.
"Guys! oh my god you will not believe it but britney is such a slut! ugh! can't believe she left me for a fish lookin' mother fucker-"
"No one gives a rats ass about your weird horny ass!" jimmy cut him off by yelling at robert. God damn that shithead has a huge ego but a small dick. Jonesy never understood why people liked him so much. He once stole his favorite pair of jojo siwa socks and claimed he never knew he owned any.
"You motherfuckers we're supposed to be going on tour!" Bonzo yelled as he swooped the food off the table.
"suck my asshole bonzo!" jim yelled.
"calm down pagey, he's just a meanie," robert added as he patted his head.
"y'all need to start realizing that no one likes you both!" jonesy snapped.
"shut up you're literally ugly and small and the bassist of led zeppelin and you look like heman with that stupid haircut of yours" Bonzo said as he ate jonesys burgers. damn that hurt.
"You know," jonesy began, "i don't need this job"
"what job?" robeet askes.
"shhhhh let the weirdo speak," jimmy said as he stuck his finger into his mouth.
"without me you will all suck asshole and no one will actually like led zeppelin," he explained.
the three slowly looked at each other and began to laugh their asses off at him.
"You act like you matter so much," robert added.
"shut up cheese cream! you're literally big and ugly and you look like you are 50 years old!" bonzo said as he drank his milk. that was funny. Jonesy felt his blood boil and grabbed his happy meal and stormed out.
It was the day of their shit concert. led zeppelin were backstage preparing to cause a dismother and set things on fire. preferably roberts underwear that pretty much doesn't exist in this case. the band stepped on stage and the crowd went wild.
"hello bananas-" That motherfucker fell forward into the drum set. oopsies. jimmy ran to him to make sure his hoe isn't dead or alive. fucking bon jovi.
"oh shit! robert plant is down!" he yelled. jonesy was absolutely done with them. they are nothing but a bunch of dumb fucks who ruin everything. He took out his laser penis and shot jimmy and robert to death.
"oh Motherfucker has a fucking laser pp! hija de su pinche madre!" jimmy yelled as he split in half. robert died again. bonzo just sat there blown away by the fact that that john paul jones just killed the front man and the guitarist of Led Zeppelin in front of millions of people. he was impressed.
"holy shit man you really-"
nope sorry but jonesy shot him too so he died. damn he could've let him live. meanie. oh wait im writing this so i could've.... ah man im too lazy to go back and fix it. too bad we're going with this plot now. Jonesy stepped off the stage and headed to the back.
"god dammit i hate everyone in this bloody world," he said to himself. he decided to hit the pub that was nearby to enjoy himself.
As he was sitting at the counter drinking something that is an alcoholic beverage. he began to spark ideas of what he could possibly do since led zeppelin died. He thought about starting a whole new band but he remembered that what caused him to kill led zeppelin. that was out of the shopping list for walmart. next was to steal money from the bank so he remains rich but he then realized that he is a famous musician and will get recognized quickly. fuck. he then thought of changing his hair to look less like heman cause that insult hurt.
"aha!" he shouted. He finally thought of something that could get him a shit ton of money. He drank the remaining drink from his cup and ran out of the pub.
he put on a thicc line of eyeliner, red lipstick, a black wig, fish nets leggings, high heeled boots, and earrings. oh man this is going to be hella great. His wife walked in to see what the fuck this small ass mothertrucker was up to this time. oh man i shat my pants.
"sweetie what the fuck are you doing!?" she yelled. Jonesy turned to look at her.
"led zeppelin is no more," he responded. She was so confused and wondered how the fuck she even ended up marrying heman. she had no idea what led zeppelin is no more meant and was hella concerned for his health.
"be back in a few days," he added as he broke his ankle trying to exit the house and rolled down the hill. oops it's not up the hill anymore. guess you could really say he went down hill. i hate myself so much. he walked down the sidewalk and ended up in someone's house. Motherfucker it's jimmy page's house. he stole his nice trousers or whatever those were. my teacher walked by as i wrote that btw. turns out they don't fit him cause jimmy is also a big hoe and jonesy isn't. shit. jimmy is embarrassing asf. that was pointless of him stealing so he stole his underwear. wait he wears those? imma look it up hold on. i didn't find anything about that so im just going to assume that he doesnt.
there was a picture of jimmy when he was with the yardbirbs and golly that is one ugly Motherfucker! he stole and stuffed it into his underwear. he got out of the house full of useless shit that he did not need at all. Then he forgot what he was doing. Jonesy continued walking down the street only to break his other ankle and rolled down the steep pathway. damn he's one dumb hoe bitch.
His laser penis was out of control. he just wanted to have a little me time but instead shot a whole through the wall of the motel be was staying in. god dammit. he removed his pp and switched it out with a normal pp. that's odd. his plan of overthrowing led zeppelin stressed him out. what else do you do when you're stressed? well can't say cause i ain't gotta peener. he got so bored. his days of not being in led zeppelin have been lame and was the worst idea he could even come up with. he didn't know what to do know. he can't just eat your grandma over and over again. he looked at himself through the mirror and oh my god I'm a sexy Motherfucker oh yeah bitch im THE BITCH. he needed to find something that'll keep him entertained for while.
babysitting was a bad idea. he got bitten by a bunch of goblins and gave him rabies. god i hate kids.
"hello motherfucker," jimmy said.
"Nah bitch that was just my twin brother Jamie Patricia Page," He added. "Bitch why are you dressed like a stripper?"
Oh yeah he forgot that was what he was going to do once he killed led zeppelin. he still can but now there's a little bitch with him named james patrick page.
"we should kill robert plant," jimny suggested.
"Bitch i already killed him, you're a little too late you duck whore," he responded.
turns out he didn't actually kill led zeppelin but instead killed their twin brothers.
"You want to overthrow led zeppelin into the trashcan?" Jonesy asked. "Thought that's what you and bert wanted to do...."
"Nah man.... percy is a very stupid penguin and is meanie.... he stole my jojo siwa socks," jimmy explained.
ah damn turns out robert plant is the villain of the story and should be died. he is too powerful. his hair will slice the fuck out of anyone.
"You got a plan?" Jonesy asked.
"i say we steal his pants and burn them and use them as an alternative to oil," he explained. damn science class. then this guy named bonzo showed up and began to beat them with his drum sticks.
"sorry but robert said to beat you both with them!" bonzo yelled back.
jonesy dug through his pants and took out a bunch of swedish fish gummies.
"hey look! fish gummies! come and get it boy!"
"bitch what the fuck I am not some stupid dog for you to be doing that time of shit you small Motherfucker heman lookin hoe short shit," bonzo said.
"GIMME GIMME OH SHIT!" he attacked Jonesy.
jimmy page the god of led zeppelin stood there watching while cheering them on fight fight fight! it got in here so he removed his trousers and threw them at bonzo which ended up knocking him out.
"oh shit! your pants are powerful! we can use it to kill percy!" Jonesy shouted.
"NO! JIMBERT MUST GO CANON!" Jimmy yelled and jumped out the window. all you heard was splash. that motherfucker jumped into the pool and is now wet. that's a disturbing image. Jonesy rolled his eyes and went back to doing whatever the fuck he was doing. it all of a sudden got really bright outside. oh the sun came out cause it was cloudy. but wait! Jonesy looked out the window and spotted robert plant heading towards him.
"IM THE GOLDEN GOD-" that motherfucker fell inside of the pool and sizzled. cual pinche golden god ese no mas anda haciendo puros desmadres y estupideces de mario.
that was the end of led zeppelin.
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keith-the-hoe · 4 years
The Glimmer Hoes Master Plan| Crack Fanfic Mini Series
Episode One: [X]
Episode Two: [X]
Episode Three: American Tour
Episode Four: [X]
Episode Five: [X]
This story will contain violence, sex scenes and a shit ton of foul language. It may also cause you to lose a couple of brain cells and fall into a state of confusion. Do not read if you are under the age of 16. Read at your own risk. Or Keef will eat your grandma.
Mick Jagger
Keith Richards
Charlie Watts
Ronnie Wood
Bill Wyman
After the huge massacre in California, The Rolling Stones were on the run again. Keef was super ugly and devastated from his buddy, Mick, being brutally killed by the sus one. Who was going to sing for them? Charlie and Bill were sitting in the back seat with Mick's body next to them. Their van had broke down when they were out camping in the desert. So they elected Keef to push the van to the nearest town.
"Ah jeez..... Now who is going to be our whore front man?" Keef asked while he struggled to push the van over a speed bump.
"You do it" Billl said as he keep trying to get the body from touching him.
The Rolling Stones stopped by a mechanic shop that was also a coffee shop. California was burning hot. The sun was shining down on Keef so he took his clothes off. Bill and Charlie stepped out of the van and stood in front of the coffee shop.
"Hmm.... Some coffee wouldn't be so bad right now." Bill said to Charlie.
The only problem was, they didn't have any money on them. But Keef did so this whole sentence doesn't work at all. He took out a bunch of crumbled up dollar bills from his underpants. Penis money was what he always called it in case of emergencies. Bill didn't want to touch it so he told him to hold onto it. They walked into the coffee shop. There was no one in there but some weird guy with a big nose reading a news paper. They all sat down at the counter and waited for someone to attend them. A lady with a cheese ball outfit went up to them to take their order. Keef really wanted bananas. Bill and Charlie just ordered eggs and bacon like normies do at coffee shops. Keef kept spinning around his stool and noticed that the big nose whore was looking at them. He got sus so he just walked in the bathroom to take a piss. Or at least that what he made big nose whore think. Keef walked over to the mechanic shop to check on their van. Then he remembered that he left Mick in there. He went into a panic. Bill and Charlie had already taken him out of the van but didn't tell him. Keef searched the van but didn't see him in there. Charlie went outside to see what kind of shenanigans he's up to this time. Keef turned into a mad monkey.
"Jesus! Calm down you fooking dumb fuck of a monkey!" Charlie said. "If you're looking for whore Mick, we hid him behind the dumpster until the van gets fixed."
Keef just stared at him. He felt better now that he knew that his side hoe was okay. He walked around the mechanic shop and saw a bunch of car parts. He got a very good idea. He grabbed the parts, some oil cans, and his guitars. Told ya they might come in handy for later. Charlie stood there in confusion watching Keef once again do something stupid.
"Be hold!!" Keef yelled.
Charlie rolled his eyes at him. He seriously wondered why he's even in a shitty ass band with a very stupid monkey. Keith removed the tarp from his very fantastic creation.
"Wot in the actual fuck did you just make?" Charlie asked sounding annoyed.
Keef chuckled. "You dummy! It's Mick!" He said as he leaned on it only to knock it over. He has built a cyborg Mick as a replacement for the real Mick. Charlie was not amused. Bill came out of the coffee shop with the big nose whore holding a knife to his neck. He was pretty calm about it. Charlie panicked.
"Woah woah! Hey! easy there cowboy! Put the knife down! We can talk this through!" Keef said as he slowly walked up to them.
Charlie was examining the piece of junk. He was trying to figure out how it worked. Cyborg Mick smacked him hard in the head and did Jagger moves.
"Wot is that?" Bill asked as big nose whore held the knife closer to his neck. He remained calm.
Keef explained since they no longer had the real Mick, they could use a artificial one. He programmed it to be exactly like Mick. He even gave him a dick since Mick LOVES to be screwing around with random ass hoes. Charlie cut him off by yelling at him that Bill is being held hostage.
"Oh.... right.... that....." Keef said with a nervous chuckle.
He slowly approached them but big nose whore kept walking away. Keef threw a punch only to get his arm sliced by the knife.
"Owie! Damn! I need this arm to play guitar!! Son of a bitch!" He yelled as he threw a rock at Charlie.
"You play guitar?" Big Nose Whore asked. Bill used the opportunity to run to Charlie and jumped in his arms. Just imagine that though lol. Keef looked at them both confused but he ignored them. Cyborg Mick went up to Keef and big nose whore.
"Greetings, I am Mick Jagger, yes this Monkey whore plays guitar." He said.
Big Nose Whore put his knife away and began to laugh his ass off.
"Well why didn't you say so!? Bitch I play guitar as well!" He said.
Bill and Charlie rolled their eyes. Just what they needed, another dumbass. The van was up and running again. The Rolling Stones were relieved to finally have a working vehicle. Keef and big nose whore became besties and offered to give him a ride. The only thing he wanted to ride was- okay don't be nasty. He accepted the offer and hopped in the van. He sat next to Bill who was already annoyed by his presence. Cyborg Mick kept smacking Charlie in the head.
"Jesus! Keith get your damn sex robot under control!" He yelled.
Keith scratched his head trying to figure out why Cyborg Mick did that. He figured that he set it to fightey mode instead of normal Mick mode. He turned the switch which got Keith's balls kicked. He screamed in pain and Big Nose Whore just laughed at him. Charlie seriously wondered how he even ended up being stuck with a bunch of idiots. Bill also wondered the same thing. They also later learned that Big Nose Whore's name is Ronnie because of course it was. They also learned that he bites people. They had to find that one out the hard way. Keith began to discuss how they're going to be touring with a broken robot and a missing rhythm guitarist. Ronnie got a splendid idea. He drank orange juice. So really he didn't have a splendid idea. I know how to grammar properly.
"Assholes I can be your rhythm guitarist." He suggested.
Charlie said no. He was not about to deal with another dumbass that was going to kill his bestie. He just wanted to go home. Cyborg Mick yelled at Charlie to shut up and he doesn't get to make the decisions around here. A tear ran down his face. Cyborg Mick accepted Ronnie to be a part of the band.
"Sweet! So where are we headed?" He said with a wide smile.
Cyborg Mick started doing weird beeping sounds. Keef programmed him to be their GPS which he didn't even know he could do. They got directions to a small motel near a small town in San Francisco. They didn't question it and drove there.
"Ooooh motels are quite fun, they have all sorts of things to do there." Ronnie explained.
"I hate motels." Bill replied as he lit a cigarette.
"Oh shut it you! You love going there to screw every single girl you lay eyes on!" Keef yelled.
"I have a wife." Charlie said.
"Why screw girls when we can screw each other!" Ronnie replied.
The whole van turned into an argument about fucking people. Cyborg Mick just kept driving without saying a single work to them. He was super horny though, just like the real Mick. Only thing is, this one actually has a dick, unlike the real Mick. They parked in front of the lobby. The van went silent. The Rolling Stones all slowly looked at each other. Who was going to go in there and ask for rooms?
"Alright....." Keef said in a low voice. "In the count of three...... One-"
They all touch their noses as they yelled "NOT IT" even though Keith wasn't even at three. That meant that he had to go in there and ask for rooms.
"Ugh! Son of a bitch! Why do I have to do everything!? Jesus you all don't work for shit! The only thing you all are able to do is be a bunch of whores!" Keith said as he stepped out of the van. Then there was another problem. Who was going to share rooms? Bill and Charlie looked at each other. Guess they're sharing rooms. Keith stood in front of the lobby as the secretary checked for any available rooms. Turns out there was one room with a king sized bed and one with two singles. Keith sighed deeply and paid without any further questions. He walked over to the van to tell them about the rooms. Ronnie claimed the room with two singles. Cyborg Mick also claimed that room. That left with Bill, Charlie and Keith with the room with a king sized bed. This was going to be an awkward night. Bill and Charlie told Keith to fuck off. They didn't want a monkey to be sleeping in the same bed as them. Cyborg Mick put his arm around Keith.
"Me and you can share beds...." He said seductively.
Keith actually didn't mind sleeping in the same bed with Mick. He's his buddy and he's known him since they were in nappies. So he agreed to doing so. Bill hates them both so much that he is planning on doing some murdering. The Rolling Stones went to their room. Cyborg Mick went a little overboard and took Keith to bed with him. Ronnie just stood there eating Doritos that he found in the bathroom. Just another normal day for him.
"Oooh! Make sure to not scratch him up a bit with all of those metal bolts in there....." Ronnie suggested.
Keith just glared at him but then he got a stupendous idea. He removed his clothes. Ronnie was completely lost and wondered why he just did that. Cyborg Mick got turned on by such view.
"Wow! The Rolling Stones really are a wild band! I'm so glad I am a part of it!" Ronnie yelled in excitement. He looked around the room. There were a bunch of used rubbers stuck on them. Beautiful decorating. Cyborg Mick stretched his arm out and pulled Ronnie into bed. They all laid on top of each other and got really funky. Bill and Charlie, who were in a room over, were sitting on the bed watching the telly. Strange noises were coming from the room that Keith was staying in. Bill shook his head in disappointment.
"We haven't even been here for 2 seconds and they're already screwing around? Jesus can there be a-" Bill said as Charlie cut him off with a smack. Bill is a big hoe so the things he is complaining about are extremely irrelevant so he cannot be talking and that is on period 💅. They heard a loud boom outside where the pool was. Charlie was certain that Keith, Mick and Ronnie were up to no good so he went out to check. He saw a telly on the first floor. Turns out Led Zeppelin were also staying in those motels and were the ones who threw the telly out their window. Charlie hated them. He went back inside of his room only to see a naked Bill laying in bed with a bunch of rose petals and candles around him. He was genuinely confused.
"Hey babe..... Why don't you come over here and have some fun eh?" Bill said in a low voice.
Charlie just wanted to go home because according to him, he is happier there then when he is with the stones. Haha I'm using his words against him. He sighed and just went with the flow because Yolo. They really got into it up until they heard screaming from the other room. Bill and Charlie looked at each other.
"Oh wow, they seem to be having a very splendid and wild time...." Bill said.
Charlie rolled his eyes and decided to just ignore them. Keith bursted into the room. He was covered in blood. Bill and Charlie just stared at him with a scared look.
"I-its not wot it looks like....." Bill said with an awkward chuckle.
Keith was breathing heavily and couldn't gather his words. He just began to babble and making hand gestures and so on and so forth.
"Jesus! Use your words bitch!" Charlie yelled.
Keith finally calmed down. "That fucking robot piece of junk just tried to kill me!" He yelled.
Charlie looked at him from head to toe. He was seriously done with The Rolling Stones. He didn't even want to know why he was naked and covered in blood. Ronnie came running in also naked and covered in blood. Charlie just sighed in disappointment. Why is he in a band full of dumbasses.
"Why are you both naked and covered in blood?" Bill asked as he lit a cigarette.
Turns out Cyborg Mick was set in fightey mode instead of sexy time mode and had tried to kill them both by using chainsaws and cheeseballs. He managed to injure Ronnie which caused a whole bunch of blood splattering meaning that he is slowly dying. Charlie had to act fast because clearly these idiots are not going to do so. They all put their clothes back on but Keith couldn't find his pants. Too bad he deserves it. The Rolling Stones jumped in the van that had been vandalized by Led Zeppelin.
"Ughh those fucking hippie bastards!" Charlie yelled as he set the van to drive. Keith held Ronnie's hand. He didn't want to lose him. He has only known him for 5 hours. Ronnie didn't seem to have a problem about the fact that he got attacked by a Mick robot. He just kept smiling and bullied Charlie for having a unibrow.
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Klaine Advent One-shot: The Hallmark of a New Christmas Tradition (Rated PG13)
Summary: With their plans canceled and a cherished Christmas tradition persona non grata, Kurt and Blaine come up with a new tradition - writing and starring in their own Hallmark-style movie. (1305 words)
Notes: Written for the Glee Potluck Big Bang prompt 'Hallmark' and the Klaine Advent 2019 prompt 'tradition'. Also, I'm embarrassed at how quickly it took to write this XD
Read on AO3.
“Ugh! Hallmark!” Kurt groans, closing his browser and tossing his phone across the sofa in disgust. “You disappoint me.”
“I take it you heard about the Zola thing, too, huh?” Blaine asks, retrieving the discarded phone and dropping on a cushion beside his husband.
“Yup.” Kurt snags his phone back, but only as an excuse to grab his husband’s leg and yank it over his lap. “Well, good riddance to bad rubbish.”
“Rubbish? I thought you loved Hallmark movies!”
“Sort of.” Kurt shrugs. “It’s complicated.”
“Complicated?” Blaine snorts. “It’s Hallmark.”
“Yes, but it’s formulaic! And that formula is repetitive … and kind of sexist. It’s something you have to be in the mood for.” Kurt shifts in his seat to better face his husband. “When you put on a Hallmark movie, you know what you’re going to get – successful woman with no time for family or holiday nonsense gets pulled away from an extremely important career-making decision to travel, last minute, to the small town where she grew up and care for her ailing ma/pa/grandma who raised her or whatever, and discovers the true meaning of Christmas in the arms of a rugged lumberjack who spends the first three-quarters of their so-called relationship making fun of her life decisions even though, in the grand scheme of things, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them, besides maybe the fact that she’s going to be thirty in a few years, le gasp!, and she has yet to pop out any kids.”
Blaine’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise when Kurt finally takes a breath. “Wow. You gave that no thought at all, did you?”
“Don’t have to. Think about it. They never change.”
Blaine’s eyes roll up as he tries to recall the plot of the last few Hallmark movies they watched. He finds himself nodding without even meaning to, his husband’s point proven. “I see what you mean.”
“Plus, no LGBTQ couples ever. At all. Not even in the background.”
“That is a shame,” Blaine agrees, eyes focused on the phone in Kurt’s hands, up to his face, then over his shoulder to the window beyond, where a steady stream of snow has been falling all morning, gathering on the panes and obscuring their view. According to the news, it’s piling up fast, which pretty much 86’d the plans they’d made to visit a bed and breakfast upstate. They’d changed back into their pajamas and opted for their fallback tradition – watching Hallmark movies. But without even asking, he knows that’s out.
Blaine grins. He’d been bummed about their circumstances before, but now he sees an opportunity. The phone, the snow, this whole conversation has given Blaine a stellar idea.
“Seeing as we’re snowed in for the weekend, maybe we can try our hands at making our own Hallmark movie! You and I can star in it!”
Kurt’s right brow arches sharply. “Are you serious? Or is this some veiled excuse to make a cornier-than-normal sex tape?”
“I’m serious! We used to do something similar back in high school! Remember?”
“Normally I try to forget high school, but yes. I remember.”
“Great!” Blaine says, genuinely excited. “Let’s start! Open up your notepad and let’s come up with a script.”
Kurt stares at his husband open-mouthed for a second, but since Blaine honestly looks like he wants to do this, he unlocks his screen and opens his notepad. “All right. Well, casting this thing shouldn’t be too difficult.”
“Why not?”
“For one thing, I work for Vogue, so I get to be the career woman protagonist.”
“Plus you have a dad with a history of health problems …”
“No!” Kurt snaps, less than playfully. “We’re not including that. It’s bad juju.”
Blaine puts up both hands in surrender. Burt’s health has always been a sore spot with Kurt, even now when the man is certifiably fit as a fiddle. But Blaine can understand his fear – even if it’s more superstitious than rational. No need to take unnecessary chances. “Fair enough.”
“We can make up a fictitious ailing grandmother?” Kurt suggests in a softer, apologetic tone.
“Or a pet.”
“Ooo, that’s good!” Kurt jots that down. “People get invested in pets more than people nowadays anyway!”
“I guess that makes me the jerkhole lumberjack,” Blaine says sadly, having not thought this completely through.
“No!” Kurt puts a hand on his husband’s shoulder and kneads comfortingly. “We’ll make you the … uh … cynical struggling musician with a heart of gold!”
Blaine’s eyes light up. “I like it. I like it a lot! And I’m not from the small town. I’m just passing through.”
“Ooo …” Kurt makes a note “… a mysterious stranger with a past. Okay. Now, I come home because my dog …”
“Cooper!” Kurt laughs. “Perfect! My dog Cooper …”
“A thirteen-year-old, blind, shaggy mutt with three legs and chronic gall stones …”
Kurt stops writing to take a gander at his bitter husband. “Uh … is there something you need to pause and work out here, or can we continue?”
“Oh!” Blaine yelps as if he may not have intended to say that all out loud. “No! Continue! By all means.”
Kurt shakes his head. “I come home because my dog Cooper needs emergency surgery. And my dad thinks it’s the perfect opportunity to convince me to move back home and work with him in his shop … despite the fact that my character makes close to seventy-five thousand dollars a year.”
“Where do I come in? Where do I come in?” Blaine asks, bouncing up and down like a toddler mainlining Pixie sticks.
“You showed up in town the week before. No home, no job, no money. And your car …”
“My Harley,” Blaine corrects with an eyebrow wiggle.
“Oh, yes, your Harley needs repairs. But you can’t afford them. So you’re going to work the bill off at my dad’s shop.”
“That sounds like something your dad would do.”
Kurt smiles fondly. “Yeah, it does. Bonding over beers at the only bar in town, he finds out you’re gay, and so he connives you into helping him. You know, using your masculine wiles.”
“He gets me to seduce you? In exchange for repairing my bike? So you’ll stay and work in his shop?”
Blaine frowns. “That sounds kind of sleazy.”
“Yes, but this isn’t real life. Remember? It’s Hallmark. And it’s right on brand.”
“Surprisingly, it is. What else?”
“But you’re a drifter. A nomad. You don’t want to put down roots, not until you’ve scored that big time record contract. And my dad doesn’t want that for me – going on the road with you. So the deal is as soon as you get me to agree to stay, quit my job and sell my penthouse, you’re going to break up with me and leave.”
“So your dad doesn’t really like me?”
“No, sweetheart!” Kurt takes Blaine’s hand, kissing away the sliver of hurt in his husband’s voice. “He does! And in the movie, he’ll come around.”
“All right.” Blaine kisses Kurt’s hand back, momentarily soothed. “If we’re going to act this out, where do we begin? Should I throw on some jeans and a flannel? Grab my guitar?”
“We just got back into our pajamas. And I don’t know about you, but I’m really cozy …” Kurt chews the inside of his cheek, mischief and a smile twitching his lips. “I say we jump ahead to the epic cookie baking montage.”
“Doesn’t that usually happen before the equally epic first kiss?”
“A-ha. Which leads to making out on the sofa. And then …”
“Sex tape?” Blaine meets Kurt’s mischievous grin with one of his own. Kurt flashes his phone screen Blaine’s way, the camera app already open with the perspective flipped so Blaine sees his own grinning face.
“You read my mind.”
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Afraid Ch. 4
Warnings: None
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“I can’t believe you volunteered to go to Canada with Motley Crue of all people” Sam sighed laying down on my bed.
“Ugh can we not remind me.” I had only been out of rehab for a week and we were needing to fly to Vancouver tomorrow to start on the boy’s newest album. Alarik purred as he pranced around our heads, poor guy had no idea I was leaving again and for longer this time.
“You fell for that good ol’ Nikki Sixx charm didn’t you?” Sam snickered and I shoved her lightly.
“I did not. I am going because it is my job and may be my only chance to go to Canada. Also Mick Mars.” I didn’t want to admit to her or myself that Nikki had me in his grasp. I was whipped by his green eyes.
“Pfft. I saw the way you two looked at each other when I picked you up from rehab. You two are totally gonna bone.” Sam sat up suddenly. “Wait! Did you pack sexy clothes?”
“Uh no? Cause we aren’t gonna ‘bone’ there or ever” I scoffed. Okay, maybe I threw in a pair or two of lacy panties.
“Nope. Get in the car we need to get you lingerie now.” Sam jumped up grabbing her purse and keys and started towards the door and once Sam had decided something you couldn’t tell her no.
I fingered through the rack of corsets at the second sex shop we had gone to since the first one had been a bust. Nothing screamed ‘Nikki’ at me and I was getting frustrated with not only the piss poor selection, but also with Sam for making me do this, and myself for even looking for something to appeal to Nikki fucking Sixx.
“Sam this is so stupid. This is Nikki Sixx we’re talking about here, he would fuck a breakfast burrito if it had on eyelashes and a skirt.” I sighed annoyed with the events of today.
“Key word is would babes” Sam winked “You would be surprised how high of standards you actually have when you don’t have drugs clouding your brain.”
“If you’re so dead set on this why don’t you fuck him?” I made my way to the second to last rack in the shop ready to call it quits.
“I would never. Besides, he gives you such piercing ‘fuck me’ eyes it’s my civic duty to try to get you guys to bone.” Sam joined me at the rack I was thumbing through and held up a small school girl outfit. “Can’t go wrong with this classic?”
“No I want something that screams original.” I flipped through and felt leather “Wait.” I pulled up a bra harness that crossed over the top in the shape of a pentagram paired with a black lacy thong that had a similar garter harness.
“Oh that’s definitely the one!” Sam squealed clapping. “Quick go try it on and see if it fits!” She pushed me into the dressing room with such force I almost slammed into the wall. I removed my clothes and slipped into the lingerie set admiring the way it accentuated my body. My cleavage bubbled slightly at the top in a flattering way and I was almost turning myself on looking at me. I quickly changed back into my regular clothes and grabbed my newest favorite lingerie set.
“So?!” Sam questioned excitedly
“This is the one!” I smiled heading up to the counter and placed the outfit in front of the older woman behind the register.
“Oh this is beautiful. You got a lucky fella.” She smiled ringing it up when Sam set the school girl outfit on the counter as well.
“Trust me on this you will thank me later” Sam said holding her hand up when I started to protest.
I paid for my outfits and we made our way back to Sam’s car. I didn’t want to admit it, but the new outfits had me actually looking forward to waking up early to take this flight now. Even if Nikki and I didn’t have anything happen between us (not that I wanted that or anything) the outfits could always be worn for someone else. I lit a cigarette as Sam drove in the direction of my apartment and sighed thinking about all the future possibilities I had now that I was sober and on a good path.
“What are you smiling at? Thinking of Nikki?” Sam teased.
“Not everything is about Nikki you brat” I laughed “No I’m just….happy to have a clear mind you know?”
“I’m happy for you” Sam smiled and patted my thigh.
“Thank you” I smiled back at her.
“Happy you’re gonna finally get laid.” I smacked her hand as she let out a loud laugh and gave my thigh a gentle squeeze.
“You’re lucky you’re my only friend or I would be hanging out with someone else right now” I was really going to miss her stupid teasing while in Vancouver.
I pulled my sunglasses down my nose as I waited on the tarmac for the private jet Motley had coming to get them and watched as Tommy and Vince held onto and kissed their wives. I couldn’t help but feel slightly bad for them, but then when I thought about it I remembered this is Motley Crue and there’s no way these women didn’t know they were marrying whores. I caught Mick rolling his eyes at the displays of affection and couldn’t help the giggle that tumbled from my lips.
“What has you so chummy this morning?” Nikki said suddenly at my side.
“Nothing now that you’re here” I flicked my eyes at him before pushing my sunglasses up my nose again.
“Ouch, you really know how to cut a man deep babe” Nikki feigned hurt clutching his heart.
“I am sure you will move on” I rolled my eyes despite him being unable to see me do so.
“Come on I thought we were friends now” Nikki threw an arm around my shoulders and I felt my cheeks become warm with blush.
“We are coworkers” I chuckled, but I didn’t shrug him off of my shoulders.
“I will get you to admit that we are friends and you enjoy my company by the time this album is over” He laughed pulling me a little closer to him.
“(Y/N)!” Tommy yelled walking toward us “Dude this album is gonna be so sick I can feel it” He high fived Nikki and pulled me into a hug. I learned early on that Tommy was a hugger and my protests would go unheard so I gave up and allowed him to hug me long ago.
“Hey Tommy” My voice came out muffled as he had me squeezed to him. He finally released me and flashed me his signature smile.
“I already have some things written and in mind that I can show you on the plane. Speaking of.” Nikki gestured to the private jet that was now ready and waiting for them to board.
We made our way onto the plane and the boys took what appeared to be already determined spots getting themselves comfortable. I walked towards the farthest end of the plane, but Nikki pulled me into the seat next to him.
“Hey I was trying to sit back and read my book” I protested.
“Well you can still sit back and read your book next to your friend” Nikki smirked and leaned over clipping the seat belt over my lap. “Safety first” he winked.
“Kill me now” Mick grumbled and settled into his seat closing his eyes.
Once we were up in the air Nikki brought out his guitar and began showing Tommy and Mick a few notes and lyrics that he had gotten together. I tried to focus solely on my book, but I couldn’t help but try to listen in on their conversations regarding the song Nikki was showing them.
“So I was thinking we could call it ‘Kickstart My Heart’ and it’s just like all these things that make us feel alive that isn’t cocaine” Nikki explained to the boys.
“Okay so what could be compared to skydiving naked from an airplane?” Mick mused over in his mind.
“Well what about something about chicks man? Chicks always make me feel alive.” Tommy laughed and I snorted accidentally giving myself away as listening.
“Something you want to add here babe?” Nikki smirked at me.
“Maybe I do” I said snatching the lyrics out of his hand.
When I get high I get high on speed
Top fuel funny car’s a drug for me
Always got the cops coming after me
Custom built bike doing 103
Skydive naked from and aeroplane
“So this song is about adrenaline, right? Well what about a woman gives you a rush?” I questioned the boys handing the lyrics back to Nikki.
“A kick ass body” Tommy laughed. “Nice big tits. Something out of this world.”
“A lady with a body from outer space?” I rolled my eyes, these guys were ridiculous why did I agree to this?
“Wait. I like the way that sounds.” Nikki scribbled some more on the sheet with the lyrics and I tried to return back to my book and pray the flight would be over soon enough. I was finally able to tune the boys out and focus on my book when I felt a weight on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Nikki resting his head on my shoulder with the arm rest that was between us now pushed up. The seats were spacious enough that he didn’t need to rest his head on me and he could’ve reclined his seat, so I knew he was just trying to annoy me. I did my best to ignore him and continue reading my book, but with every movement of his head his hair would tickle my neck and face.
“Can I help you?” I asked slamming my book shut.
“No I was just getting comfy.” He flashed his stupid cute smirk at me and I felt my face heat up again. I hated that he had this power over me.
“You’re being extra annoying today Nikki Sixx” I muttered under my breath deciding I might as well give up on reading my book.
“You shouldn’t speak to your friends that way.” He propped his chin on my shoulder and I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He really was already looking better compared to the strung out Nikki I had first met, hell even compared to the Nikki I met the first day of rehab he looked better. Without thinking I reached up and stroked his cheek lightly with my finger tips. He drew a sharp breath and that seemed to make me regain my senses and I pulled my hand away like I had been burned. Luckily Nikki didn’t comment on the action and the rest of the flight was silent as he nodded out against my shoulder. I must have fallen asleep too because the next thing I knew we were landing in Vancouver and the boys were grabbing all their stuff they had brought on the plane with them.
“We couldn’t get a big enough car to carry all of you together and your shit since we brought an extra” Doc said gesturing my way “So you’ll have to figure out how to separate yourselves”
“(y/n) and I will ride together” Nikki said tugging me toward a black SUV not giving me room to argue.
“But-” Tommy started.
“Come on T-Bone you too” Nikki called behind him and Tommy gladly galloped to your sides.
“I just wanted to ride with Mick for some peace and quiet for once” I groaned before climbing into our designated car with the boys while the driver packed all our things into the trunk.
“You gotta lighten up” Tommy laughed before brandishing a flask. “Here. Take a sip of this Jack it’ll help you loosen up.”
“Tommy we literally just got out of rehab” I quirked an eyebrow.
“Yeah for drugs, not alcohol”
Well who was I to argue with that logic. And with a shrug from Nikki we all passed the small flask around enjoying the slight burn from the whiskey.
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Notice Me, Sam-pai
prompted by @fabnamessuggestedbytumbler
“Every time Ember comes to the human world, she can't help but notice Phantom's human friend... Sam, was her name? The sight of her makes her stomach do weird flips and she's always oddly anxious around the girl. It's not until one day when Kitty corners her about it that she realizes it- she has a crush on Sam.”
Words: 6042
Warning: excessive swearing. mostly a shitpost. had fun anyway.
      "I can't believe I blew it!" Ember shrieked.       Kitten watched an empty crate fly across the room, and phased through another one that would have otherwise hit her.  It splintered against the metal delivery doors behind her; when Ember was upset, the disused back room of the guitar shop was usually where she'd be found.  Sure enough, Kitten had heard the destruction from half a block over.  If she was honest, though - she was beginning to wish she hadn't asked.  "Ember," she said patiently, "It can't be that bad.  I've blown it before, too - we all have - "       Ember whirled on her, furious.  "Not like this, you haven't!  What do you know, anyway?  You weren't even there!"       "Well, maybe not," Kitten admitted, "but - "       "It was going off without a hitch, too!"  Ember shouted, "I had him this time - I really had him! - and I was gonna kick him into the dust for good!  It was gonna be awesome!"       "He's beaten you before, and you've never taken it this hard," Kitten noted with a frown, "Are you sure you didn't - ?"       "Fuck off!" Ember cried, ponytail flaring up again.  Tears of anger and frustration welled up in the corners of her eyes, and when they fell they took half her mascara with them.  "Ugh, stupid goddamned no-good piece-of-shit ghost bastard motherfucker!"  She swung her guitar over her head like an axe, decimating another crate.       "Hey, calm down!" Kitten exclaimed, taking a step back anyway in case Ember decided to take a few swings at her instead of the next doomed crate.  "We can come up with another plan - "       "I don't give a shit about the plan!" Ember roared, surrounding herself with flames.  "Fuck the plan!  Fuck the ghost boy!  Fuck you!  Fuck me!  Fuck everything!  Fuck!"       Kitten retreated to the doorway.  She knew Ember would burn out soon.  Her outbursts were hell but they never lasted long.  Still, it did make her a little nervous.  "Aw, come on, don't be so hard on yourself - "       "Like hell I won't!" Ember screamed in blind defiance.  She smashed another crate for good measure, but it didn't help.  She was burning herself out and she knew it; refusing to acknowledge it concretely, she opted instead to simmer down and wallow in self-pity.  She sank down into a heap on the floor, still fuming.  "It's all my fault, Kitten.  I blew it."       Kitten loosened.  She floated back to Ember's side now that she'd finished destroying things, and took a seat on the cold concrete floor.  "Ember," she started, in the most encouraging voice she could muster, "You'll get him one of these days - "       "Oh, shut up, Kitten," Ember groaned.  She wouldn't meet Kitten's eyes, glowering instead at the guitar which lay discarded by a pile of splinters.  "This one's on me."       "It is?" said Kitten, "What happened?  Won't you tell me - ?"       "I fucking froze up.  That's what," Ember snapped miserably, "I'm a damned rock star - I don't just do that!  There's got to be something wrong with me..."       Kitten could sense Ember's shift - the melodrama would start up any second now, and she couldn't see a way to prevent it.  She hesitated, but then asked anyway: "Why did you, then?  I thought you said - "       "Shut up!  I know what I said!" Ember barked, using up the last spark of anger in her.  "I meant it, too.  I was this close - " (she held up two fingers, less than an inch apart, to illustrate) " - one power chord away from kicking his stupid spandex ass into next week.  Then some human shows up outta nowhere and kills my style - god, I'm so useless!"       Kitten frowned.  "Some human?"       "One of the ones he hangs out with, I think - " (she sniffled loudly) " - which means I should have seen her coming - I should have known - but there I was like some sort of idiot - and next thing I know he's got that stupid fucking thermos, and - "       "Wait, hold on just a minute," said Kitten, frowning.  The gears in her head were turning - when they spat out an answer for her, her eyes flicked back to Ember to confirm what she was thinking.  "You stopped and stared, didn't you?"       Ember gave her an affronted scowl.  "No, of course I didn't, how stupid do you think I am - ?"       "No, hear me out, would you?" Kitten pressed, her eyes widening as she came to the full realization of what was happening.  "It's like when Johnny and I go out sometimes - "       "Oh, spare me," Ember interrupted, "I don't want to hear about your lame greasy boyfriend - "       Kitten glared.  "Hey, cut it out, I'm serious!  Sometimes we'll be out on the town and someone'll catch his attention - he always says they don't, but - "       "I'm not looking for anybody," Ember retorted, before Kitten had even finished, "That's stupid."       Kitten paused.  She thought about it for a moment, but then shook her head.  Her voice dropped to almost a whisper, as if anyone might overhear the conversation.  "That's the same thing he says too, but I'm starting to think maybe he is.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it yet, but - " she caught herself before she derailed too far - this is about her, not you.  Save it for later, Kitten.  " - look, point is I think I know what's going on.  I think you have a crush."       "What?  That's the dumbest thing - !"       Kitten crossed her arms.  "Well, she somehow caught you off-guard, even though you knew she was going to be there.  Tell me, Ember - what was she wearing?"       "What?" said Ember, "How's that going to prove anything - ?"       "Just tell me," Kitten insisted, "In case I see her sometime."       Ember was certain she was being baited; she glowered disapprovingly, but then relented with a defeated sigh.  "Black half-tank and combat boots.  Little ponytail, purple lipstick, and - oh, dear god..."       Kitten's expectant stare widened into a triumphant grin; her suspicions had been confirmed.  "I knew it!" she exclaimed, jumping up off the floor and doing a quick spin, "I so knew it!  You - " (she pointed one finger) " - have a crush!"       "Do not!"       Kitten wasn't having it.  "Do so!  You didn't just see her!  You stared long enough to notice her boots, Ember!  Don't you get it?  That means you love her!  You love love love - !"       "Quit it!" Ember exclaimed, a little more harshly than she'd meant to.  Despite herself, she could feel her face beginning to flush blue.  As if Kitten wouldn't notice, she turned away.  "I do not!  She's a human - and besides, the last time I had a crush on someone was when I was still kicking, remember?  I can't go and screw around with that stupid romance junk again - "       "You're in for a rough time, then," said Kitten, no longer grinning.  She returned to her spot on the floor in front of Ember, and gave her a serious stare.  "You can't ignore this stuff, Em.  That's not how it works."       "Okay, pretend for a second that maybe - maybe - I do like this chick," said Ember, still refusing to admit that she did, "What the hell am I supposed to do about it?  In case you haven't noticed - I'm a ghost!  The hell am I gonna do, knock on her door one night and ask her to dinner?"       "I can't figure this stuff out for you," said Kitten, trying to sound wise, "But I'd say maybe start by talking to her?  Find out what she likes.  Ooh, and find out if she's even single.  That helps."       Ember groaned.  Kitten might have been her best friend at the moment, but she wasn't the brightest ghost out there.  Great, she thought, I can't tell anyone else about this - all the advice I'm gonna get is gonna have to be from her. I'm doomed.
      The full moon gazes silently over the town.  The people sleep in peace, unaware of the horrors of the night that creep outside their doors.  The dead have risen, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight.  They could be anywhere - skulking around in the alleys, hiding in every shadow, waiting, ready to strike at any moment - they must be stopped.  Only one thing stands between them and the sleeping town of Amity Park, and that's me.  Danny Phantom, half-ghost superhero extraordinaire, ready to fight evil at every turn, and, um - wait - aw hell I ruined it -       "Is he doing that thing again?" Sam whispered from atop the roof of the apartment complex.  She and Tucker were up high enough to see half the town; there was a pair of Fenton binoculars between them (they'll spot a ghost two miles away! Jack had assured them - in plain fact, they were just binoculars), and they'd been keeping an eye on Danny's patrol for the past half-hour.  It had been unusually quiet tonight - his thermos was still completely empty, even after scoping out all the usual hot spots.       Tucker nodded.  "Yeah.  He's doing it.  Hey, quick - " (he shoved the binoculars back into Sam's hands) " - check it, he's doing the stupid pose and everything - "       Sam gave the dial a slight adjustment to bring Danny into focus.  Sure enough, there he floated, centered under a flickering streetlamp like he was on the poster of some mediocre haunted-house film, and his movements were comically dramatic.  He disappeared around the side of the corner store a minute later, and Sam handed the binoculars back to Tucker.  "You think we should tell him?"       Tucker thought about it for a moment but then shook his head.  "Nah."       Danny was almost finished.  No ghosts tonight - I can't tell if that's a lucky break or really fishy.  The alley ahead of him was a dead-end; he phased through the bricks, like he did most nights, and came out in between two shops.  Man, I bet Sam and Tuck are almost as bored as me.  Wonder what they've been up to?       His breath suddenly froze, and he paused.  Finally!  I was starting to wonder where -       A hand clamped over his mouth, yanking him through the side of the shop and to the darkened back room.  He pulled himself free and whirled around; there floated Ember McLain, ponytail ablaze and guitar slung across her back.       "Ember?" Danny exclaimed, "What do you want?  Didn't we just have this fight like four days ago?  What's with - "  he reached down, hoping to make the fight quick - he was having a lucky break, dammit! - but the thermos had disappeared from his belt.  He spotted it in Ember's hand, and made a grab for it.  "Hey, did you just - ?  Gimme that back!"       "No way!  Back off!" Ember demanded, holding the thermos up out of his reach.  She kept it stubbornly away from him as he made at least three grabs for it, and finally pointed the thing at him to make him float back and put some space between them.  "Would you quit it," she snapped, holding his glower for a moment to make sure he wouldn't come at her again.  "Look, if I give this stupid thing back would you cool your jets for a sec?"       "Me?" Danny cried, wanting to tackle her but keeping his distance anyway, hands raised, "You stole my thermos and you're still pointing it at me and I'm the one that's gotta cool my jets?"       Ember took a half-step forward.  Her glare hardened.  "Shut the fuck up!  I'll use this thing!  I mean it!  It's not comfy in there, y'know!"       Danny stiffened, seething.  She was probably right, he reasoned.  He couldn't imagine the inside of a thermos to be terribly roomy, especially on busy nights when they had to share space.  Reluctantly, his eyes turned from the open end of the thermos back to Ember.  "Fine.  I'm listening.  What do you want."       "Oh fucking finally," Ember loosened all at once, capping the thermos and tossing back in Danny's direction.  She floated down to the counter by a spare register and sat, elbows on her knees.  "You really don't understand anything, do you?  All I gotta do is show up and you wanna blast me to the next town.  I didn't even do anything, for fuck's sake - "       "I said I was listening," Danny snapped, returning the thermos to where it belonged thank-you-very-much, "Didn't say I liked it."       Ember sighed.  "Right.  Well.  This is gonna sound really fucking stupid.  Ugh, can't believe I'm telling you this.  You better not tell anyone about this, and I mean it - "       "Hey, I'm not promising anything!" Danny argued, a little more shrilly than he'd meant to, "You were gonna stick me in my own thermos - !"       "Shut up, dipstick!" Ember yelled, "Jesus fuck - !"       Danny gave her an incredulous look.  "Really?  You throw five fucks at me in a row and you still can't just call me dipshit - ?"       "Shut the hell up, I said!" Ember screeched.  Her ponytail had been relatively well-behaved until now but it was beginning to flare up again, and she gave Danny an agitated huff.  Only after he had actually shut the hell up did she open up her mouth again.  "Look.  It's about that friend of yours.  The cool one.  Now you gonna listen to me or not?"       Danny, against his better judgment, nodded.       "Great.  So after that big fight we had - I was talking to Kitten about it, and she made me figure something out."  Just thinking about it made Ember's stomach turn; she hadn't felt that in a long time, and she supposed that was just about the clearest sign she was going to get that Kitten had been right.  Out with it, Ember.  If he laughs at you then whack him.  "It's that friend - Sam, I think?"       "What about her?" said Danny with a frown.  He didn't really like where he thought this conversation was going, but listened anyway.       Ember groaned.  "I think I like her."       Danny faltered.  This was definitely not where he had thought this conversation had been going.  "What?"       "You heard me, dipstick," said Ember, abrasive even when she was doing her best to open up.  Attitude was a given; she was sixteen, after all.  "I know it's stupid as hell, but - "       "Yeah, it kinda is," Danny agreed before he could stop himself, cracking a small grin, "Dunno if you noticed, but you're a ghost - "       "You think I don't know that!" Ember snapped, not quite angry but still agitated, "I know how this sounds, okay?  You think I decided this was gonna be a good idea?  News flash, dipstick, it wasn't!  I had no say in this!"       "Oh holy hell, you're actually serious," said Danny, sobering in an instant, "You're not even a little bit kidding.  You actually for real like her.  That's - I'm gonna be straight-up honest with you here - that's not something I thought I was gonna hear tonight."       Ember shifted uncomfortably, avoiding his eyes.  "Yeah, no shit.  I didn't think I'd be the one saying it, either.  First time I saw you two I thought you were gonna end up together - "       "We're not together!" Danny defended, "It's not - we're not like that."       Somehow, that didn't make Ember feel any better.  "Look.  I can't believe I'm gonna say this - and I mean it when I say I'll kick your ass if you say a word about it to anyone - I might need your help on this one.  I know we don't really have the best track record - "       "You want me to help you set up a date with Sam," Danny said slowly.  Somehow, it didn't sound less ridiculous out loud - and now that he thought about it, that was also on the list of things he hadn't been expecting to hear that night.  "You know how crazy that sounds, right?  Why would I wanna help you out, anyway?"       Ember scowled.  I knew he was gonna say that, the little shit.  Good thing I've got the dirt on some people.  "Because if you do then I'll drop you the latest on what Technus has been working on.  One thing, though - he'd better not find out you heard anything from me or I'm never gonna hear the end of it.  I got enough shit going on, you know?"       Danny considered her offer.  He hadn't heard from Technus in a while - he'd dropped entirely off Danny's radar lately, and now that he thought about it that was probably a bad sign.  He turned back to Ember, his mind made up, and held out one hand.  "Can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah.  I'll help you out on this one."       The knot in Ember's gut dissolved.  Relieved, she took Danny's hand.  "Deal."
      Three nights later, Danny was able to give his parents the slip.  It had become somewhat of a hassle for him lately; after a major fight a couple of weeks ago, they'd caught him out past curfew and had grounded him.  His patrols were suffering for it.  He'd been keeping Sam and Tucker updated via text; if he went out, he'd ask them to meet up.  Most nights, they could.  This time, he slinked out of the house on his own.       The guitar shop was dark, but he knew as soon as he got close that Ember was there.  He slipped into the shadows, vanishing through the cracked window in the alley, and materialized on the concrete floor.  "Hey."       "About time you showed up," Ember remarked, with less than her usual amount of sarcasm.  If anything, she just sounded nervous.  "I kicked Kitten out an hour ago.  I didn't wanna tell her anything - she'd spread word to half the Ghost Zone by the time you got here."       "Were you ever going to tell them?" Danny asked, "I mean - if things work out, at least - that doesn't sound like the kind of thing that's really feasible to keep secret - "       Ember snorted.  "Yeah?  This from a ghost who comes from a family of ghost hunters - that doesn't mean much, kid."       Danny shut his mouth after that.  She had a point.       "So this Sam," said Ember, cutting to the chase, "What's she like?"       "You mean, as a person?" Danny asked, "Guess you don't really pay much attention - "       "I didn't until recently!" Ember said defensively, "I guess for a human she seems cool."       Danny nodded.  "Yeah.  She's the best.  Well, most of the time.  She's ultra-recyclo-vegetarian, you know - "       "What does she listen to?" Ember interrupted.       Danny paused.  "I - dunno, does it matter - ?"       "I'm a fucking rock star, kid," said Ember flatly, "If anything's going to give me the quickest answers, it's going to be what's on her playlist."       Danny thought briefly about it and then pulled out his cell.  "Hold on, lemme see if she's got - hey, cool, she's got a pile of stuff on Spotify - take a look at all this, would you?"  He dropped the cell into Ember's hands.  "I've never heard of half this stuff, but - "       "Me neither," Ember admitted, frowning.  "Man, I got a lot of catching up to do - wait, TSOL?"       Danny didn't follow.  "Huh?"       "Jesus, I used to listen to those guys all the time!" Ember exclaimed, "Holy shit, Bad Religion's still kicking?  Fuck me!"       Danny frowned.  "You've heard of that stuff?  I've never heard of any of it.  It's all either super old or super obscure - "       "Well, yeah," said Ember, still not taking her eyes off the list of songs on the screen, "The Damned, Bauhaus, Asp, Lycia, All Time Low - hard gothpunk, by the looks of it.  I'd bet anything she cares what people think a little more than she'll probably say she does - she's got anything that looks like it might be even semi-popular sorted out from the rest.  My guess is she'll only listen to the better-known stuff when she thinks no one'll find out."       Danny frowned.  "How can you even tell?  Why would she - ?"       "Because," said Ember, rolling her eyes, "She can't say she's a hyper-rebellious goth punk if she listens to anything that got too famous.  I don't blame her for liking it, though.  This shit's good."       Danny shrugged helplessly, still a bit lost.  "I mean, I guess you're right, but - "       "Hey," said Ember suddenly, setting the phone down, "This is gonna sound really crazy.  What if - what if I wrote her something?  No, that's cliche, I'm so stupid - "       Danny was quickly coming to the realization that he wasn't going to be as helpful as he first thought.  He knew Sam like the back of his hand - but he'd never really thought about doing anything like this for her.  Here was Ember, on the other hand - she'd just read Sam with a peek through her Spotify, for crying out loud.  "I dunno," he found himself saying, because he felt he had to say something, "What if you did write her - ?"       "It'd have to be really spectacular," Ember frowned, determined, "It'd have to be like nothing else she's ever seen in her life.  A whole live concert, maybe - fuck, I can't do this.  You're the one that hangs out with her all the time.  Throw me a bone here, would you?"       "I'm thinking!" Danny said defensively, "I've never to asked her out before either, you know!"       Ember groaned.  "Some help you are."  Whatever she decided to pull off - she was certain it was going to be embarrassingly inadequate.  Quit freaking about it, dumbass!  Just think!  Somehow, that didn't make her feel any better.  Staying on the topic too long almost made her dizzy.  How am I gonna impress her?  She probably hates me!  Finally an idea came to her all at once.  "Holy shit, I've got it."       "Got what?" Danny asked, interrupted from his own mess of half-baked ideas.  He glanced over at Ember for an explanation.       She turned to him, now excited.  "I'll give her a song, alright - and I know who's gonna back me up.  Lemme see that list again, would you?"       Danny reluctantly handed over his cell.  "What are you getting at?  Back you up - ?"       "Yeah, baby," Ember's grin widened, "Oh - oh, here we go.  She's got Hell on here.  This is gonna be amazing - "       "Hold up," said Danny with a frown, "Are you sure this isn't gonna turn into an evil plan or something - ?"       "No, these guys," Ember turned the screen to him, showing a group shot of six scrawny musicians dressed up like demons, complete with freakish horns and fangs, "Hell.  Looks like she's got everything they ever wrote - even the mediocre stuff.  These guys are all dead, too - she's never gonna see this coming.  Holy shit."       Danny stuffed the cell back into his pocket.  "You're going to bring a whole band back from the dead?"       "Not as hard as you think, dipstick.  I got connections.  Hey, listen - I gotta make sure this doesn't flop.  I don't even wanna think about if it did.  That's where you come in, kid.  So here's what I'm thinking..."
      It had been a long Friday, and Sam was ready for the weekend.  Class had just let out; she shoved herself in between two jocks to get to her locker and grab her stuff.  She shoved them an awful lot, and she supposed she'd feel worse about it if they ever decided to stand anyplace that wasn't directly in the middle of the hall.  She could see Danny coming down from the corner; Tucker would be at least another minute, since his last class of the day was halfway across the building.  She opened up her locker - just algebra for this weekend - and grabbed her textbook.  She didn't notice the neatly-folded envelope sitting on the shelf almost until she had slammed her locker shut.  She paused, frowned, and turned back.       It sat plainly in front of her.  The envelope itself was black as night, and the front read, in elegantly spidery red letters: Sam.  She picked it up, her frown deepening, and turned it over.  Even the back was impressively goth; blood-red wax sealed it shut, stamped with a stylized skull.       She glanced over her shoulder, as if anyone might have seen it, before giving it a second look-over.  It almost pained her to tear it open, but curiosity compelled her to.  She swore she caught a whiff of something as she pulled the note out, and a secondary sniff confirmed it.  Roses?  She opened the folded note.  It read simply: Crawl out of your coffin at sunset.  Meet me at the cemetery.  I've got a surprise for you.  Sincerely, a bleeding heart       Bleeding heart?  Sam could hardly believe it.  Did I just get a goth love letter?  She turned it over, hoping for a name, at least, but found nothing.  Who could have -     "Hey, Sam," said Danny, making her jump, "I was thinking we could maybe go and find a good movie tomorrow and - hey, what've you got there?"       "What, this?" Sam blustered, immediately shoving it behind her back, "Nothing!  Nothing at all - why do you ask?"       Danny opened his mouth like he was going to ask anyway, but then decided against it.  "Yeah, okay.  Tuck and I were gonna hit up the Nasty Burger on the way home.  Did you wanna come?"       "Yeah," said Sam, wholly distracted, "Sure, just - give me a minute..."  Her voice trailed off, and she barely waited until Danny had turned his back to stuff the letter - carefully, though - back into the envelope and into the side pouch of her backpack.  Her mind was suddenly abuzz; she knew most of the goths in school, and none of them had handwriting half that good.  Who sent me that note?  Part of her was scolding - you shouldn't really care, you know - but she couldn't help it.  She knew she'd be thinking about it all afternoon, at the very least - probably all the way until sundown.  She realized it hadn't even occurred to her not to go.  Why shouldn't I?  The cemetery's in the middle of Danny's route.  If anything happens, he'll show.       Well, she reasoned, he'd show if he wasn't still grounded.       With the note stashed safely in her backpack, she turned and trotted out the front doors of Casper High.  Danny and Tucker were already down the block, and it took her a minute to catch up to them.  "Sorry about that," she said absently, "Got held up by some stuff."       "Yeah?" Danny asked, sounding like he might not have been entirely listening, "Like what?"       Sam frowned.  You may as well tell him.  Just mention that it's not important.  "Would you believe me if I said someone sent me an anonymous love letter?" she asked in the most uninterested voice she had, rolling her eyes for good measure.       "What?" said Danny and Tucker at the same time.       Sam shrugged.  "They want me to meet them out in the cemetery later.  You think I should even bother?"       "Do it," said Tucker, before Danny could say anything, "That's just about the gothiest place in town."       "I mean, I guess, but - " Sam conceded, but then stopped herself before she said anything else.  Caring as little as she did took a surprising amount of effort, and it only took one misstep to let on too much.  She turned to Danny, determined to get a second opinion in order to appear to make up her mind - clearly because of how not-interested she was.  "What do you think?"       Danny gave her a deer-in-the-headlights look.  "Beats me.  Go if you want.  Come to think of it - the cemetery's on my patrols anyway.  I can stick around if you want, in case something happens."       Thank fuck.  She just nodded along anyway, her mind immediately turning back to puzzling over the note.  She'd never let on, but she was getting increasingly excited about it, and she found herself glad that neither Danny nor Tucker pressed the matter - that meant she had the entirety of the afternoon to wonder uninterrupted.       By the time she got home, it was still on her mind.  The sun still had another three hours before it'd even think about setting, and she got the feeling it was going to be a very long afternoon.
      The last ray of sunlight disappeared behind heavy clouds.  Fog had begun to collect in the lowest dips in the ground, and the air was deathly still.  Crickets chirped, unseen, and headstones cast shadows like crooked teeth across the hilly landscape.  Sam pushed the heavy iron gate open; it creaked quietly, and she let it swing shut behind her.  She had to admit, it was a good night to be goth.  She couldn't have picked better circumstances, even if it did set her a little bit on edge.  Don't worry about it.  Danny said he'd be around.       She spotted a shadowy figure perched on one of the marble gravestones.  That must be him.  She trotted closer, trying despite herself to make as little sound as she could.  "Danny," she kept her voice quiet, as if she might be overheard, "See anyone yet?"       Danny turned, meeting Sam's gaze briefly, and shook his head.  He floated off the gravestone and onto his feet, still silent.  He was glad that his ghost sense had gone off earlier when he'd helped Ember set up.  If it had gone off now, Sam would definitely have noticed.  Keep your mouth shut.  Don't you dare put that grin on your face.  Don't do it, don't - he turned away suddenly so that Sam wouldn't see it.  Get a grip, Fenton!  He took a deep breath and tried to compose himself.  Fuck, don't ruin it.  He turned back to her.  "You ready?"       Sam frowned.  "Ready?  Ready for what?  Danny, what's going on - ?" Danny met her gaze, unable to fight back the shit-eating grin; he'd been waiting to use this line for most of the afternoon.  "We're gonna raise hell."       "Danny, what - "       It was too late.  Danny phased through her, vanished at once, and darted down into the grave where Ember was waiting for him.  "Tag," he said, giving her a tiny playful poke, "I'll keep an eye on you.  You got this."       "Cool," said Ember, psyching herself up.  She still couldn't believe she was going to do this.  She'd done plenty of shows before - but this one's for her.  What if I fuck it up?  She steeled herself.  No.  He said you got this.  You can't back out now.       Sam turned, now seemingly alone in the middle of the graveyard.  "Danny?"  Despite herself, her heart began to race.  Did he just ditch me?  This isn't like him - what's going on?  "Danny, where'd you go?  What's - ?"       Fuck it.  Here goes.  Ember struck the opening chord, parting the earth over her and sending a beam of ghostly blue light upwards into the sky.  She struck another; her spirit guitar kept her in control but from her place in the ground she was orchestrating blind.  Riff - stay focused - shit what if I fuck this up -       Sam froze, mouth agape, as the ground before her opened up.  What's he doing - did he even know about this?  One after another, the band ascended from the grave; their horns had become real since their demise, and their fangs had become somewhat sharper, but she could recognize them anywhere.  She realized a minute later: Hell.  He said he'd raise Hell.  Fuck's sake.       Ember's mind finally went blank.  She'd managed to convince herself that this was a rehearsal, and she'd slid into the Jamming Zone without any effort after that.  Her fingers knew what to do, dancing across the strings and the controls of her ghastly instrument, and it wasn't until she began to rise up out of the last grave that her senses came back to her.  Come on, you got this you got this you got this -       Sam just stood, completely dumbfounded.  Her mind slowed almost to a halt, and she let it.  This is all - for me?  She kept her eyes on the seventh grave; the figure emerged in a dramatic swirl of ghostly fog, hidden under a cloak as black as pitch.  It didn't occur to her that Danny couldn't play, or that the cloak was too long for him, or that he'd never heard of Hell to begin with.  She only watched.       Ember refused to meet Sam's stare, knowing it would ruin her.  Come on, you got this.  She spotted Danny, watching from another gravestone well out of the way.  He gave her a thumbs-up and a stupid grin, and she refocused.  Yeah, you got this, baby.  She struck the final chord and her hood fell back, revealing her, and she floated down to the ground as the graveyard slowly went quiet.       Sam stared, wide-eyed.  She realized as her mind began to process again that she'd expected it to be Danny, and she realized a second later that no, of course it wasn't.  Finally she just stammered: "Ember?"       Nailed it.  Ember took a step forward, her eyes now on Sam.  She stamped down the knot that wanted to form in her gut - don't you dare, bitch - and forced herself to stay focused.  "Bleeding heart, baby," she said quietly, her cloak flowing softly behind her in a ghostly breeze.       Sam took a half-step back, mostly out of instinct.  Realization crept over her, and her face hardened.  "Bleeding heart," she echoed, "That was you, wasn't it?"       Ember hesitated.  Despite her best efforts, she could feel herself going slowly numb.  Hold yourself together, idiot!  She nodded.  "Look.  I want to start over - all the way over, I - "       "What are you getting at?" Sam asked warily, "Why would I trust you about any of this?  You come after us practically every other week."       Ember flinched, as if struck.  Her eyes fell, and her face almost immediately flushed a brilliant cerulean.  Both hands disappeared back under her cloak so she could clamp them together in an effort to keep them steady.  Her mouth had run dry, but she forced herself to speak regardless.  "I know it's crazy, I just - I want to know you.  I saw you last time - the big fight, and I didn't think it at first, but - "       "You froze up," Sam realized.  She couldn't believe she was thinking this - that's stupid, you know she's probably hypnotized you - but she couldn't stop herself.  "That's what it was, wasn't it?"       Ember nodded, barely holding herself together.  She was certain she'd melt if Sam came any closer; she'd gone almost completely numb, and she was clinging desperately to the hope that her brain wouldn't fail her as well.  So far, it hadn't.  "I couldn't stop thinking about you - jesus, that sounds so stupid..."       Sam took a deep breath, clearing her thoughts.  "Ember, listen - things get complicated really fast.  I mean, you're a ghost, for starters.  That's - there's kind of an issue there, you know?  How could we even - ?"       "We can make it work," said Ember desperately, face burning, "I know we could."       "Well," Sam conceded reluctantly.  Fuck, you're not actually going to consider this, are you?  "What about Danny?  The fights between you and him - "       "Finished," said Ember, meeting Sam's eyes again.  "I said I wanted to start over.  I meant it."       Sam hesitated.  You and a ghost?  For real?  Her doubts slipped away despite her best efforts.  "You better be serious."       "Dead serious," Ember whispered.  Emboldened partially by the numbness receding somewhat and partially by Danny's silent but aggressive support in the background, she reached out and took one of Sam's hands.  Realizing her mistake too late to do anything about it, she went quiet as the numbness crawled up into her head and took over her completely.       Sam's mind turned slowly.  If Ember disappeared from Danny's feuds - what would be the harm, really?  She raised Hell for me, for fuck's sake.  That was, without a doubt, the most impressive stunt anyone had ever pulled - and for her!  Fuck, what am I doing if I'm not even going to give this a chance?  It wasn't like anyone would find out about it - aside from Danny and Tucker, at least.  Seeing a ghost was one thing; seeing a ghost was different entirely.  Jesus, and her parents were going to hate it.  She brightened and - for the first time - gave Ember a little smile.  "Why not," she said, "We'll figure it out, right?"
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reallylonglies · 5 years
Taylor Swift - Demon Hunter: Part 1
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It was when she had me in the headlock that I began to wonder if I might have struck a nerve.
Was it something I said?
I thought back through everything I had said to her that day.
“You look nice today.”
Wasn’t that.
“Have you done something different with your hair?” 
Pretty standard conversational fare, shouldn’t provoke this kind of reaction.
“Your boyfriend is a fire demon, and you need to exorcise him.”
I thought it might be that but then who can tell with teen girls, honestly? 
“Why are you mad?” I asked her, or at least tried to ask her. My voice was a little strained because her elbow was tightening on my throat and her hair was hanging over my face so that every time I inhaled I got a mouthful of it. 
“Why are you in my dressing room?” 
Oh, yeah. Maybe it wasn’t even the fire demon thing, maybe I was just intruding. Suddenly it all made sense. Mystery solved. Case closed. 
I made some strangled noises and tried to spit out a clump of blondeness but it wasn’t going to work. Country singers have big hair and now a good solid third of hers was clogging my airways. She was going to have to let me go if I was going to explain.
“You’re going to have to let me go for me to explain,” I whispered gently into her thoughts. It’s just mild telepathy, nothing fancy. I don’t have a nosebleed whenever I do it or anything.
She dropped me and shouted an expletive. It was uncouth, I was shocked and taken aback. You don’t hear that kind of language in the other realms.
“You can’t be shocked and taken aback, you’re the one who broke into my dressing room,” she shouted, her eyes had narrowed to thin slits of rage.
Perfect, I thought, we can use this.
“Use what? Who the hell are you?”
“See, this is why I don’t use the telepathy thing - once I get into the swing of it I start sharing thoughts I don’t want to and before long everyone knows where I’m going for lunch and there’s a queue for the burrito bar. It’s like inception. Suddenly everyone wants a burrito and I’m left at the back of the queue where the burritos are just wet tortillas filled with cold rice and the memory of beef.”
She kicked me in the face. She has really long limbs. 
“I will admit I should have explained myself better.”
She folded her arms and looked at me. There was an awkward silence before I realised it was now time to explain myself better.
“Have you ever heard of muses?” 
“Like the Greek myth?” 
“No, not the band. The Greek myth, you know, this is why my job has been hell since 1994… Oh, wait, you said myth didn’t you? That is the correct answer… That doesn’t happen often. Imagine if those muses were like the Greek myth except also they’re fire demons that possess men of influence and try to trick them into forming a global government of badness that will bring about the fall of mankind.”
“So not really like the muses at all then?” I liked her sarcasm, it was spunky, she’d need that in the hellscape. Demons love spunkiness.
“There are nine of them, plus assorted demons and servants. Can I move on to the good part?” 
“Is that the part where you leave my dressing room before I call the cops?” 
“No. It’s the part where I tell you that you, Taylor Alison Swift, are a Lightning Rod.” 
They never react the way that I want them to. It’s not like telling someone they’re a wizard and they get to go to wizard school. Tell someone that and suddenly you’re like their best friend in the world: it’s all fun and laughter and shopping for owls. Tell someone they’re a kind of magical exorcist and the fate of the world depends on them and suddenly you’re the bad guy. 
“Yeah, I’m calling security.” 
“Wait, wait, wait!”
She paused, her hand hovering over the phone. 
She did, I saw her eyes, once angry slashes of rage, grow wide. 
“What is that?” 
“That’s me. You can hear me.”
“No, it’s like music. Like a melody.”
“It’s the sound of me disturbing the dimensions by being here, you can hear it because you’re a Lightning Rod, Taylor,” I always feel weird about this bit, sometimes they can smell us, sometimes they can taste us on the air, but every once in a million years there’s one that can hear it. Every one of us, demons, sprites whatever, we have our own little tune. We know each other’s, but Lightning Rods don’t have them because they’re technically mortal. It’s like having someone who hates the internet scroll through your Instagram and tut. I think that’s what it’s like. I don’t show up in photos so Instagram’s not really my bag. Stupid demon laws. 
“What’s a lightning...thing?” she asked, her eyes a little misted as she concentrated on my tune. 
“It’s a kind of exorcist. The muses are drawn to you. You’re like catnip...Demon-nip if you will.”
Her gaze snapped back to me, fire in her eyes again.
“What does that mean, am I in danger?” she asked. She didn’t sound afraid, more angry, like this whole thing was just some big inconvenience to her.
“No danger,” I said, “If you let me train you.” 
“Ugh,” she sank into a chair, “Fine.”
New York, midnight. Rain falls. 
He cracks open his hotel room door and stumbles in. He doesn’t feel good. Who would, in his condition? 
“Hello John,” she whispers gently as the storm outside throws light across her face. She’s draped in a chair with it’s back to the corner of the room. The dress he left her in is gone, and she’s dressed all in black. A hood obscures most of her face. 
“I thought I just…” his drunken vision swirls to the hotel door. His memory takes him back on a stumbling journey through the lobby, out into the street, crying girl in a dress. 
“You left me to make my own way home, John,” she said. Her lips were blood red. 
“How did you…” he was on the 20th floor. The elevator had taken ten minutes. 
“I’m in good shape, John,” she looked at him, she was holding something silver and small. He wanted to look at her, and at the same time he wanted to close his eyes tight until she was gone.  
“What do you want?” with a sudden wave of discomfort he realised how much she was scaring him, this wide-eyed nineteen year old girl whose heart he’d been toying with. He looked around the room, she’d taken the mirror off of the wall above the mantlepiece, it was leaning against the fireplace. She’d scratched something into its surface. “What did you do with the mirror?”
“Do you remember when he came to you? He said he’d help you and you shook his hand, and you never saw him again.”
“What are you talking about?” he didn’t like her voice, it sounded different: powerful.
“And even though you never knew his name, you always remember that after that encounter everything started going right,” she stood up, her clothes were wet from the rain. She held out her hand, her nails sparkled. 
He didn’t want to touch her but something in him was compelled to reach out. 
Before he knew what was happening he was on his knees, her arm was tight around his throat and she was pressing something cold against his head. 
“Look up,” she said, wrenching his neck so his face was opposite the mirror. He did not expect what he saw. Two faces fought against each other on the surface of his skull. One moment he recognised his own deep set eyes, his square jaw. The next second, a different face, rounder, with odd, taught features seemed to pull against his skin and try to gain prominence. 
“Get out,” she said, but as he tried to get away from her she wrenched his body back into position, “Not you John.” 
She pressed the silver object harder into his skin, it hurt like hell. Something inside him was tearing. To his horror, the face in the mirror began to speak. 
“You can’t beat me Swift, they’ve all tried - even Aniston gave it her best shot, he likes having me here.”
“Sure,” she said, her grip tightening, “But how many of them knew your tune.”
She whistled. Two brief, one long, and then two more quick notes. Rising and descending in pitch like a small hill of sound. 
Something felt like it was splitting within him. Like his skin was pulling away from his whole body and falling backwards. In the mirror he watched as something horrifying emerged from his limp frame. She let him fall to the ground like a sack of rotten potatoes.  
“You’ve had your fun with him, asshole,” she said, and kicked the mirror hard. It shattered and burst into flames. 
He woke in a cold sweat. The mirror hung above the fireplace. 
A nightmare.
“I just don’t think it’s fair to name-check him,” I said, reclining in an armchair. I liked her home studio. It was warm, my office in the Inbetween is cold and damp and the demon who sits next to me smells of actual brimstone. 
“Why?” she said, strumming her guitar pensively, “His demon, his song. Doesn’t the world get to know what he did?” 
“The demon or the man?”
“Both,” she stopped strumming and bowed her head, “Is it the muses that make them all assholes or do I have just awful taste.” 
“Look,” I said, putting on my most authoritative voice, “You’re the best in the business. You’re a talented exorcist. I hear back at the office they’re even making a pamphlet about you for us to give to the next generation of Rods. You’ll be an inspiration.”
“That is not an answer to my question,” she said, putting her guitar back into its stand and spinning around in her chair, “I’ve heard of guys battling their inner demons but I never knew I would be the one that had to do all the vanquishing. It’s exhausting.”
I always came to watch her record the songs. There was something exciting about watching the lights flicker and the room shake as she trapped a demon in a melody. She was the first aural Rod since the invention of recorded sound, this innovation was helping us keep some real pieces of work at bay in her pieces of work. 
As she hit that first line of the chorus I felt the ground quiver below me. Fabulous, a real spectacle. Something worth manifesting for. 
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kingdomofkitten · 6 years
Last Minute and Lasting Memories
¥ 56,930.
¥ 113,860.
¥ 170,790!
¥ 569,299!
¥ 11,385,986!
The hyena simply stood aghast, at all of the prices laid out in front of him. These had to be the wrong price tags, right? All for some nice jewelry? No, they seemed to be correct, much to his horror, and disappointment. In all fairness, perhaps this was merely karma.
Haida, admittedly, was a touch late. It was already Christmas Eve, and he hadn’t gotten anything for Retsuko, or Ikari. He had been so busy and stressed out with work, that he didn’t even have the idea of Christmas gifts dance around in his head until just today. As if a sudden 100 ton piled onto his back, which already had a bunch of anvils on it. But whatever, he was out shopping, might as well get it over with. He went through the mall like a hawk, trying to find good sales. He had to fight to get the latest paycheck, so he wanted to make sure he wasn’t breaking the bank account today. But at the same time...it was for his wife! And his son! He wanted to make it something special. They were special to him, so it made sense. So, something super important and awesome for them, and cheap enough so they can still pay the bills.
But no! Everything is marked up like it’s an auction! He had to get away, before his sanity was gone. He ran off, and found himself back outside. The snow, and the lights practically blinded him. He was so confused. So petrified. Christmas….wasn’t always the greatest for him. It had been some time since what happened at the hospital, and the stuff that followed that Christmas, but the memory, even with all the wonderful ones that followed, is still burned into his memory. And now it plans to be even worse, with Ikari now here. Ugh, why couldn’t this happen without him?! …..wait, how could he even think that?! Aagh! Haida ran everywhere he could. Toy stores, make-up stores, everywhere...they were all closing down. “No...no, NO! COME ON!” Haida exclaimed, as he saw time running out for him. “No, PLEASE! SOMEBODY! ...anyone?!” At the end, he only saw one shop left.
A secondhand store.
He shuddered. The mere embarrassment. Retsuko, a practical angel in his eyes, who deserves nothing less than ROYALTY...and here he was, buying some junk that was passed down by someone who wanted a quick buck. “Disgusting,” he thought, as he went inside. “You should be ashamed of yourself. You are making a mockery out of her! What kind of man are you?!” But what choice did he have? Just go in, find some moderately nice stuff, and run out. That’s all. Dignity be damned. He wandered the aisles, looking for something to stand out to him. What would a girl like Retsuko like? He’s been with her for years now. Just a few months ago, he married her! And yet, somehow, when it comes to finding a good gift for her, he could never put two and two together, for some reason. He knows her from front to back, but here he was. Whatever. It’s guessing time.
He browsed shelves up and down. It was actually impressive how much stuff you can find in one of these stores. Old video games, clothing, appliances, DVDs, toys...and yet, nothing that could potentially entice a late-20s red panda….actually, wait, he thought, what’s this? He saw, in the jewelry section, a very, VERY pretty necklace. Which, alone, is not that interesting. But he looked closer, and saw...it was a rock necklace. Like, not that it was made of rock, it just had that aesthetic to it. Guitars, amps, skulls, the devil horns gesture, the works. And in it all were some lovely diamonds embedded in them. Somehow, he had a gut feeling. “She’s going to like this.” He grabbed the necklace, noticed it was 11,000 yen. Honestly? Not bad. That will do. He put it in his basket. “Now, to find a toy for Ikari.” What would a 2-year old be into? Probably just a blanket, still, or-
Is that, Retsuko?
Certainly looks like her. She’s just browsing the store, looking through the racks upon racks. What was she doing here? Does she know Haida was there? Is it a hallucination, to emphasize how much Haida failed by going to this store? Oh, crap! She turned towards him! He backed away, before she could notice. “Phew! That was a close one,” he thought to himself, as he suddenly eyed something. He walked closer towards what appeared to be a stuffed animal. A dinosaur, to be exact. Obviously this was own by some child at some point, as it appears one of the eyes is missing. Still, there was kind of a charm about it. Haida couldn’t quite explain it, but it appealed to him in some capacity. He wondered about Ikari. Could he like it? “I mean, it’s not like he’ll really notice it’s worn out right now. He’s 2.” Haida thought. So, he grabbed it. Now to pay for the stuff, and get out, before Retsuko notices him.
Walking out of that store felt weird. He accomplished what he set out to do….and yet, it still felt like something was unfinished. Come to think of it, it felt that way for every Christmas, for the past few years now. What was it? It was odd, whatever it was. Being with Retsuko managed to improve Haida’s life in every capacity...except for the alleged most wonderful time of the year. For some bizarre reason, every Christmas so far has been happy, and joyous, yes! But also….empty. Incomplete. What was it? Oh, well. Probably best to head home…..perhaps it was the gifts themselves? Like, they WERE, in the end, last minute gifts. It’s not like he put much thought into getting them. Perhaps that was the problem? ...but wait, last year, he and Retsuko paid to go see some show that evening! It was fun, they had good laughs, a beautiful night! And yet….it still felt off. Whatever it was, it was beginning to bug Haida. What was it?! WHAT?!
*bzzt bzzt*
A text. From Retsuko. He opened it up, to see what she wrote. “Hey, Haida! I was wondering, could you meet me and Ikari up at that soba shop in town? I think you know the one I’m referring to. At least, I HOPE you do. ;)” ...huh. Yeah, he could actually remember which one she was talking about. Why did she want to meet there? Is that where some party is going on? “Hmm….alright, I guess I won’t question it.” He uttered, as he began making his way there.
Through the door, he could see the wife and child, bundled up in adorable little jackets ordering soba. He smiled, although truthfully, he was worried about his gifts to them. Will they like them? Will they hate them? Only one way to find out. He entered, and saw Retsuko turn to him. “Honey!” She exclaimed, with a bright smile on her face. He could only blush at her precious gaze. “H-hey, Retsuko! Hi, Ikari!” “Christ, I’m still like before we ever went out.” He thought to himself, as he continued. “S-so, what’s up? What are we doing here?” She simply giggled. “I just figured it would be a bit of a special place for us. I already ordered you a bowl, just so you know.” Retsuko answered. “Special place? The hell is she talking about?” Not like it mattered, as the bowls were set out, ready to be eaten. Haida scarfed his down rather quickly. Being so frantic to find a good gift meant he effectively starved himself throughout the whole day. “Ah, that hit the spot!” He sighed out in relief, as he turned to see his wife give a tiny bit to Ikari...who promptly squirmed at the mere taste. “Yucky!” The child exclaimed, causing the parents to laugh. “Oh, you’ll get used to it, buddy,” said Retsuko, sighing, and looking….sad? She wasn’t sobbing, or anything, but Haida noticed, she didn’t quite have the glow she usually does. What...what was wrong?
“...Retsuko?” Haida asked, concerned. “Hmm? Yes, sweetie?” She turned to him, possibly trying to hide those hurt emotions. To no avail, alas. “Are you okay? You look down.” Retsuko only stared at him in shock. He clearly noticed. “...um..y-y-yeah! Yeah. A-okay.” “.....Retsuko, you’re lying. What’s the matter? You can tell me.” He got closer to her, seeing her worn face looking down. “....promise you won’t laugh. It’s not funny to me.” She muttered, as he holds her hand. “I promise.” He replied, in the most earnest voice she possibly ever heard him speak in. She looked, and stared deep into his eyes. He had a look of worry, as if the world could suddenly disappear, at any moment. She sighed, and spoke.
“I get really sad around Christmas, these past few years. About what happened at the hospital.”
“...huh?” Haida looked even more confused than before. “I...sigh, even explaining it is weird! Okay, remember when you poured your heart out to me, at the hospital, when you got sick?” “I do...I recall you saying you didn’t want to pursue a relationship then. Honestly, made sense, given you had just had that break-up, probably should’ve thought abou-” She stopped him. “Well...I heard you got pretty depressed after that…” It had been some time since that event, so Haida had to think about it a bit. How long, 5 years ago? ...wow, had it actually been that long already? “....yeah, I was pretty bummed.” He suddenly answered. “I...also found out that Christmas was especially hard on you, since...well, that was when I was going through that social media nonsense.” “I mean, I saw a picture you took with two fake wine glasses, implying you were with some dude, so yeah, that kinda put me in a bit of a funk, so…” He joked, but he saw she was still upset. “...erm, sorry, Retsuko.” “It was fine. At the time, all of that kind of just blew past me. Even our chat towards the end, which was very lovely at the time. And was a great indicator of things to come, I might add. But some time later, after we had started dating, Fenneko told me about all of it. It was just a silly drunken thing, I’m assuming to her...but I couldn’t get the images out of my brain. These thoughts of you in tears, drinking away your pain...all because of my own ignorance, and my shooting you down...there would be nights I would have horrible nightmares about that time, and I would wake up with tears streaming down my face. And even after we became much closer, even after Ikari was born, even now, as we’re married…..that feeling, of dread, of sorrow, of regret...they still hover above me.”
At that moment, Haida’s heart plummeted. This was someone he loved, deeply! Someone he knew as being a beacon of light in a dark dystopia such as the Japanese work environment! Obviously, he knew she wasn’t always going to be happy (she DID get mad a lot), but the fact that she said all of this, that his own pitiful reactions to her decisions all those years back now haunt her? Especially around one of the happiest times of the year! She shouldn’t be so depressed around this time! Oh, god, how did he never notice?! Was...was this the emptiness he was noticing? Was this the nagging feeling he had creeping around him? “Retsuko…,” he was only able to let out, feeling like a broken man after hearing this. “...I-I picked this place, because...well, it was a great place to remind me, Christmas...it’s not some fancy dinner, or some big social thing you have to do, in order to be loved...it’s something you spend with your family. Your friends. People you care about, people who care about you….people you love,” she continued, caressing his hand. “...still, even if that were the case, it doesn’t change how much guilt I have for putting you through all of that. If I could, I would go back, and jump onto you in that hospital bed, saying yes until I couldn’t speak anymore. Maybe all of this would’ve happened sooner, if I did that, and you wouldn’t have had such a bad Christmas then....I’m sorry, Haida, I’m sure you didn’t want to hear any of that.”
“....actually, Retsuko? Far from it. That’s exactly what I needed to hear.”
“Huh?,” she questioned, looking at the hyena, smiling warmly at her. “Firstly, you’re right. Christmas isn’t some big thing you have to pull all the stops for. It’s something you need to spend with the people around you, who care for you. Something I probably should’ve remembered earlier today, honestly.” He looked away, slightly embarassed. “Oh, right, when you were at the secondhand store? I saw.” Retsuko winked, making Haida beet red. “THAT BEING SAID...secondly….you know, maybe if you had said yes at the hospital, things would have happened sooner….but by that same token….they may not have happened at all. We don’t know what would’ve happened to us. The fact is it happened, and now we’re at this point in our lives. Even back at that time, I just considered that moment ‘ancient history’, and just tried to move on, occasionally trying again...to little avail, sure, but it was something. And yet, look where all of that got us to. We’re now married. We have a son. We’re living pretty alright, right now. And we got friends and families that have our backs, no matter what….what I’m saying is, if given the chance to change the events of that day, I wouldn’t change a single second. If it meant being in the same home with you, being able to help you put Ikari to bed, helping you deal with all the bullshit at work, hearing you scream your head off, if it means being able to wake up to you, in my arms, desperately trying to get up for work, and us saying that we love each other, if it means all of that…...I’m willing to take the heartbreak of that day a hundred times over.”
The shop went silent.
“H-Haida…” Retsuko uttered, before jumping him, and giving him a long, tight embrace. Haida was taken aback slightly, before holding her closely as well. Ikari gently walked towards them, and joined in the hug. “...isn’t Christmas wonderful, Haida?,” asked Retsuko. “It is….speaking of, probably should get the gifts out of the way, huh?” They break the hug, as Haida grabs out his presents to them. “P-please understand, I was rushing, I only got around to getting these today…” He held out the gifts, the necklace to Retsuko, and the dinosaur to Ikari, wincing away. Retsuko was the first to react, a gasp coming from her. “Oh, Haida, I love it! It’s beautiful!” She exclaimed, observing the necklace, and every detail on it. Ikari simply grabbed the dinosaur, and proceeded to hug it tightly. Haida only looked, a bit in shock. “...huh. I somehow wasn’t expecting any of this. I guess I just thought...well, it was you guys, I didn’t want to seem like I was disappointing you,” said Haida, with which Retsuko laughed. “It’s fine! As long as it’s from you, I am perfectly okay with it. Besides, I think this oughta look good on me, huh?” “Well, obviously it would, given it would be worn by you.” Haida replied, with a wink. “Mhmhm! ...plus, if it makes you feel any better, Haida...I was at that store to get your present too.” She similarly looked slightly embarrassed at saying that, as she handed him...a coffee mug. “You remember that mug I accidentally broke in a fit of rage once?” “Yeah?” Haida answered. “Well, I tried all day to find another one like it, and I was only able to find one at that store. It had an awful smudge on it, though, so I wrote on it with a red marker. He looked at the mug. Indeed, it was the “No. 1 Papa” mug he had previously...except now he noticed the extra writing.
“(and husband!)”
Tears began to seep through, as he looked at Retsuko with the biggest smile he could possibly give. “Oh, thank you! I love it!,” said Haida, as she looked at him in surprise. “O-oh! No problem, Haida!” How adorable, she doesn’t know how much this really meant to him. Not just because of the circumstances that led them both to this point, and coming together this holiday season….but also because he really liked that mug, and was happy to have it again. As the three happily look over their presents, Retsuko looks over her phone, to check on notifications from Fenneko, when she noticed a particular app. “....you know, I haven’t done an Instagram post in a while….wanna do some pics?” She said with a small smirk. “....let’s.”
And so they did. Several photos were shot, both inside the Soba shop, with all three flexing their gifts, and the food, and some outside, with them running across the streets, posing in front of a giant Christmas tree, and Retsuko and Haida getting close, and kissing. Enough for some silly post with “Hanging with the family this Christmas!”, or something along those lines. As such, they started walking home, with Retsuko typing out something. It was seemingly a long thing to write, Haida realized. “Hey, how long does it take to say ‘Merry Christmas,’ anyways?,” he joked, causing some small laughter from the red panda. “You’ll see what it actually says, soon enough.” Later that night, as the two began falling asleep in their bed, she finally reached out for her phone, and posted those images. “...what the...you just now got to posting those?” Haida asked, just barely awake. “Mm-hmm. Check your phone, if you want to know why.” Haida grabbed out his phone, and opened up the app. Indeed, he saw all the photos taken. Selfies, food pics, fun little night on the town, it was all enough for him to smile...but then, he saw what she had wrote.
“A few years ago, I rejected a hyena I knew, named Haida, and told him I only saw him as a friend. Just earlier this year, we exchanged vows, and became husband and wife. And now, here we are, at this holiday season, with our happy toddler, as we continue onto the new year, creeping ever closer. But before that, Christmas is coming up. By the time you’re reading this, it probably already has come. And with that, I want to say something that I’ve been keeping in mind as of these past few years. If you know people, even ones like Haida, hold them close. Keep them near you. Believe it or not, you’d be surprised how important those people can be to you. Maybe you won’t be as lucky as I was. Maybe you’ll find, at the end, you two are still just friends. But even that’s fine! Who knows? Even then, those people may very well change your life in the best of ways. Haida, I love you! And I hope that this post, made on the very last minute of Christmas Eve, makes you smile tonight, and all throughout tomorrow. To everyone reading, Merry Christmas!”
Indeed, it made him smile, and will all throughout tomorrow.
“I love you too, Retsuko. Merry Christmas.”
Yes, it’s finally here! Like I said, this was majorly impacted by the recent Christmas special (to where I actually changed the original name, Last Minute, to fit with the new direction), and as such, now, just an hour or two before Christmas eve (at least, in my time), here it is! ...almost fitting in a way, huh? Well, in any regard, Merry Christmas! Or Happy Hanukkah! Or Happy Kwanzaa! Or Happy Winter Solstice! Or Happy.....Life Day? I dunno, you do you, I guess. :P
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nomxsicmiguel · 6 years
[ ☾ - my muse looking back on their past ]
[ Héctor: Chamaco, where are you?! We are going to be late! ] 
Glancing down at the text Héctor had just sent him, Miguel let out a soft curse as he began to pick up his pace as he ran. He was suppose to meet up with the older man at some bar in Little San Fransokyo, but of course he ended up getting distracted that now he was literally late to their meeting! Not his fault though! His soon to be hermanita Scorro (yes, that was the same name as his prima’s Coco’s! Miguel and his parents had agreed they wanted to name his hermanita after her and Coco was touched that they wanted to do so!), had kept his Mama awake that she could hardly fall asleep! So of course, since she couldn’t sleep, she decided to stay awake in the living room, watching her favorite telenovelas until Socorro finally stopped kicking. 
Once his Mama finally went to bed, that was when Miguel took the chance and dashed out of his house. But regardless of how fast he was running, he knew that he was already late and he just hopped that Héctor wouldn’t be too mad at him for being so. He was trying his best after all, and he couldn’t allow his Mama to catch him in the act of sneaking out!
“Ay dios mío, I’m going to be so late!” He cried out, taking yet another glance at the text message that Héctor had left him. Figures! After a month or so of knowing the older man, the one chance they finally get new information into tracking down Ernest de la Cruz, Miguel had to be late for it! Geez, how bad was his luck?! ‘It’s going to be okay! I just need to finally get to the bar and everything will turn out fine! I’m sure Héctor won’t actually be mad at me for being late! Besides, you’re almost there anyways!’ He thought, turning a corner as he continued to ran. Yeah, that’s it! Besides, how can Héctor be mad at him when it is his tío they were trying to track down!
Speaking of which, Miguel couldn’t help but think back at the day he discovered that he might just be related to the famous Ernesto de la Cruz! 
It was about a month earlier before Miguel met Héctor, and he had just made his way inside his tía Imelda’s house to visit Coco like always! However, this time around he found that his prima was still asleep, and so not wanting to be the one to wake her up, he decided to walk around the place. His tía Imelda hadn’t been currently home at the time, was busy manning their familia’s shoe shop for the day, but that was okay. She knew that Miguel liked to come over every single day and she trusted him to watch over Coco when she couldn’t be around. But Coco was currently asleep…So now what?
Starting to whistle to the tune ‘Un Poco Loco’ by Ernesto de la Cruz, he slowly began to walk around the household and took a look at all of the pictures his tía had hung upon the walls. They all contained various pairings of his familia. He smiled and let out a small chuckle when he spotted a younger picture of him and Coco. They were both wearing luchadore masks, Miguel especially decked out as if to say he actually was one, and a bunch of feathers were flying around because he had just dived into a group of pillows he had purposely placed on the grown. But the two of them were grinning, clearly showing that they were having a fun time in that picture. He chuckled. He remembered how his tía scolded him for messing around with the pillows, but only in turn decided to shake her head and smile. It had been one of those days in where Coco was feeling healthy enough to move around and play with him, so she couldn’t be so mad at them even if she wanted to. So in return, his tía took a picture of the two and now it was hanging against the wall of her living room. Miguel shifted his gaze and began to gaze at all of the other ones.
Funny, he has seen these pictures every single day of his life and yet he never get’s tired in staring at them!
As he continued to stare at the pictures while he walked around, Miguel eventually found himself standing by the door to his tía Imelda’s bedroom. He then paused. Now that he thought about it, she never allowed him to walk into her room without her permission. He of course, understood why she wouldn’t want him snooping inside, however, Miguel would also be kind of lying if he didn’t admit that he has always wondered to why she never wanted him to go in there without her knowing. After all, by his knowledge, his tía had nothing to hide from any of the past times he has been inside her bedroom. Then again, she was always there when he was, so she most likely hid whatever she didn’t want him to see. But she wasn’t home now so…
His hand found it’s way onto the doorknob of his tía Imelda’s bedroom.
‘I shouldn’t be doing this’ he thought, knowing how furious his tía would be if she were to discover that Miguel was snooping around without her consent. ‘But she won’t get angry if she never found out!’ another voice inside his head spoke, and for some reason, Miguel decided to listen to that one. He turned the doorknob and pushed the bedroom door open. He walked inside.
…Nothing! There was nothing interesting or different about his tía Imelda’s bedroom.
 Miguel let out a sigh in annoyance. Of course there was nothing different! Why would there be?! ‘She probably didn’t want me or anyone coming inside without her knowing because this was her personal domain.’ He realized, yet took a farther step inside as he glanced around. He was already in here so might as well!
His tía Imelda’s bedroom was rather simple. Her bed sat in the center of the bedroom, two night stand tables on both sides of her bed, with a lamp resting on the one on the left, and about two familia photos of her and Coco on the one in the right. He walked up to the right nightstand table and picked up one photo in particular. As mentioned, it contained both his tía Imelda in it with Coco, but there was also someone else in it. His unnamed tío. But his face was cut off from the picture, so Miguel couldn’t see what his face was. Still, he studied the picture for a few moments, slowly finding himself getting lost within his thoughts to the point in where he didn’t hear the front door to the house open.
“Miguel?!” The voice of his tía Imelda called out, startling him and causing him to drop the picture frame. It fell and broke against the ground, pieces of glass shattering everywhere and causing Miguel to let out a loud curse. Fuck! Now he seriously was going to get into trouble!
“Ugh!” He began to panic knowing that regardless of whether she would be mad at him for being inside her bedroom without her permission or not, he was already screwed if she spotted the broken picture frame. So, he crouched down and hastily tried to pick up all of the broken glass. But as he began to do so, something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. The picture looked like it was folded in half? Pausing, he reached over and picked up the photo. He then pulled out the folded side and when he did so, Miguel’s eyes widen.
Wasn’t that?!
Immediately standing up straight, he hid the picture within the pockets of his sweater. “Tía Imelda! Hola!” He sheepishly smiled at his tía who clearly did not looked amused at the fact that he was standing in the middle of her bedroom. Yeah, he was royally screwed!.
Miguel currently sat within the second floor of his secret base. He was completely right about his tía Imelda being furious at him for being inside her bedroom. But luckily for him, she was even more angry at the fact that he had accidentally knocked down a picture frame and lectured him about how he should never sneak inside someone else’s room without their consent. Even luckier for him— she didn’t seem to realize that the picture was missing. 
Which was good, because now that he was finally alone again, he had the chance to compare the picture with another one. 
Leaning over, he plucked off a photo of his idol that he had pinned against the wall, and compared it to the one with his tía Imelda and Coco. The full picture to be exact.
Yep, he was completely right! That was the same guitar! 
Miguel couldn’t help but let out a happily surprised laugh! 
Ay Dios Mío! Ernesto de la Cruz was his tío!
Who would have thought that he was related to the famous Ernesto de la Cruz?! Miguel sure didn’t! And yet, that picture he found within his tía Imelda’s bedroom was complete proof that he was!
Sure, it was a bit of a stretch to believe that was true, but Miguel was hopeful that it was! And now, thanks to the fact that he had met Héctor, who claims to have been best friends with the famous musician, he could now find out if that really was true!
And Miguel was sure it was!
It just has to be! 
Finally catching sight of the older man, Miguel began to call out to him in a breathless tone.
“I’m here, I’m here!” 
[ @forgottenmusico ]
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Blind Dates and Other Misunderstandings (A Klaine Fic)
Chapter:  3 of 4
Status: WIP with daily updates For: The fantastic @miasswier Beta: My dear friend @theatrevicki Summary: This is for miasswier who prompted: Kurt and Blaine’s parents were all friends in college and ever since Kurt and Blaine came out they’ve been trying to push them to get together because they just really want to be in-laws.  
FF.net | AO3
Part 1 | Part 2  January 
AN: Big thanks to my beta TheatreVicki she is amazing. I did add to this chapter after she read it though, so as always, ll mistakes mine. :) ____________________ Blaine glanced up from his book to watch Kurt lying on the sofa nearby, sliding his bookmark between the pages as a warm, contented feeling filled up his insides. The exploits of Captain John Yossarian could be discarded for the moment in favor of taking in the sight of his best friend sprawled out on the couch. Kurt, who was usually refined and posed when awake, was something of a starfish when sleeping; even in the narrow confines of the couch. Kurt had an arm flung over his head and one leg dangling off the side as his chest rose and fell with the deep breaths of sleep. Blaine put his book down and stood, grabbing a throw blanket from the drawer under the coffee table and gently laying it over Kurt as he slept. God, he was beautiful. Porcelain skin and rosy lips parted slightly and his expression so peaceful in his sleep. He made Blaine’s heart shutter. Blaine looked away; he wasn’t trying to be creepy here. Since their coffee ‘not date’ in October, he and Kurt had been practically inseparable. They had spent so long talking and laughing and enjoying each other’s company in the coffee shop that they ended up spending all afternoon there. Blaine hadn’t even realize how long it had been until he started feeling hungry for dinner. They ended up walking across the street to a little diner and having dinner together as well. It ended up being one of the best days Blaine could remember having in a long time. They got along so well it felt like they’d known each other forever. So much so, that Blaine often chided himself for waiting this long to meet Kurt Hummel because he could have had this amazing man in his life sooner. They were alike in so many ways, both from conservative towns and longing for the life and freedom of New York until they finally made it to the city of their dreams. They both studied theater, Kurt at NYADA and Blaine at NYU. Their paths diverged when Kurt’s part time job all through college become a full time job in fashion and Blaine was using his degree in theater to work as a freelance dialect coach. They were still both auditioning regularly though, and hoping for that ‘big break’. Blaine sat back down in his overstuffed armchair and thumbed back to his spot in his book, not really paying that much attention, as he continued to take glances at Kurt, his lovely profile giving Blaine’s heart a warm tug. Blaine felt like his big break came with the audition that gave him a second chance to get to know Kurt. Neither of them had gotten the role, or any other substantial role since, but Blaine knew his life was exponentially better now that he had Kurt in it. Kurt. His friend, who quickly became his best friend and then one of the most important people in his life. Kurt, who sang like an angel, looked like a god, and had the heart of a saint. Kurt, who could go from goofy and silly to drop-dead sexy in a second flat. Kurt, who he was irrevocably in love with… but who had made it clear from the beginning that they were just going to be friends.   Kurt, whose eyes were blinking open and landing on Blaine’s face as a smile spread over his lips, “Did I fall asleep?” “You did,” Blaine said, setting his book on the lampstand. “Ugh. I didn’t mean to.” Kurt sat up, cheeks rosy and hair awry as he rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand. “I was just going to close my eyes for a moment while you finished up those recordings for your client.” “Kurt, if closing your eyes for a moment turned into a full-fledged nap, then I think you probably needed it. I don’t mind. You can come nap over here anytime.” Kurt smiled at him and Blaine’s heart skipped a beat. “You are so lucky not to have a roommate.” Kurt yawned, “I haven’t been sleeping well recently because Eliot is up all hours of the night doing… who knows what.”   After Blaine’s initial jealousy of Kurt’s handsome and charismatic roommate Eliot, and the fact that he got to live with Kurt, they become good friends. Besides, Eliot’s erratic schedule and even more unpredictable band practices meant that Kurt often needed to get out of their apartment for a while… and, happily, he usually ended up at Blaine’s. “He woke me up at two this morning,” Kurt continued, “Strumming his electric guitar!” “And he lived through that?” “Barely.” Kurt stood from the sofa, lifting his hands high above his lithe body and groaning as he stretched. Blaine’s throat went a little dry and he glanced away.   Kurt let out a startled little gasp that immediately had Blaine glancing back towards him. “Blaine, is that the time? You let me sleep too long!” “You were too peaceful to wake.” “But we were going to that new little Soba House down the street that you wanted to try! There is no way we’ll get a table now. Not without an absurd wait!” “We’ll go another time.” Blaine was feeling particularly wistful today; he honestly didn’t care where they went or what they did as long as he was with Kurt. Kurt slumped back down on the couch, “I guess we could make something for dinner?” He grimaced as his stomach growled and Blaine let out a laugh. Kurt was fairly predictable, if he hadn’t had dinner by 8:00pm he went from being Dr. Jekyll to a little bit Mr. Hyde. “Don’t worry, I’ve ordered pizza and it should be here any minute.” “Oh my god, I love you!” Kurt said with a sweet smile and then he swallowed as his cheeks flushed a little pinker. Blaine cleared his throat as his own skin heated up. This is the way things were with Kurt – comfortable, happy, enjoyable – but occasionally, Kurt would say something, or Blaine would say something, or there would be a glance and a blush and then… they’d move on like nothing happened. These were the moments Blaine lived for, but they were also completely unmerciful because they’d made him think maybe, maybe Kurt felt the same way about him – and then nothing would come of it. When he and Kurt first started spending time together, he was sure it was nothing more than just friends, something he tried to drive home to his parents every time he mentioned Kurt in conversation and they would get excited about it. “I knew you two would get along!” “Oh? You were hanging out with Kurt again… what’s happening there?” Blaine’s father seemed to get the point faster than his mother did. He stopped reading into things quickly, while Pamela would still occasionally say something along the lines of, “Have you ever thought about maybe asking Kurt out on a date-date? He might say yes.” Blaine found it harder and harder to explain why he and Kurt hadn’t developed into something other than friends. He wanted it to, but they seemed to have passed some kind of milestone, that if something like that were going to happen, it would have already. Cooper was the only one who still really pressed Blaine about it. Cooper was sure Blaine and Kurt were secretly dating and for some unfathomable reason not telling anyone. Blaine wished. The downstairs intercom buzzed and Blaine got up to let the pizza delivery person in, “I have a Zinfandel in the kitchen if you want to open it,” Blaine said passing Kurt, who was combing through his thick hair with his fingers to tame it after his nap. “Mmmm, red wine and pizza. The good life.” “It pairs well with pepperoni!” Blaine called, walking to the door and hearing Kurt’s musical laughter ring out behind him. Yeah, Blaine had it bad. His parents had been right all along; he and Kurt would have been the perfect pair... if only… if only something.  Kurt was the most wonderful thing to ever happen to Blaine, even if he simultaneously made Blaine’s heart ache. It was worth it to be Kurt’s best friend. ______________________ Kurt quickly got up from the couch and checked his appearance in a mirror as Blaine tipped the pizza driver. He looked a mess; there was no way to get his hair back in place after sleeping on it. Not that Blaine hadn’t seen him in disarray before, but still, Blaine look as dreamy as ever today and Kurt wanted to look at least presentable. Blaine came back through the living room shooting Kurt one of those smiles that melted his heart and Kurt followed him into the kitchen. Kurt uncorked the wine and Blaine grabbed plates and paper towels. “You know it’s nice to stay in.” Blaine said as he opened the pizza box and the tempting smell of tomato sauce and pepperoni filled the air as they sat down together at the little island in Blaine’s kitchen. “You’re just saying that because I slept through our original dinner plans.” Kurt offered as he took a bite of pizza, oh god that was good, he’d been hungry. Blaine knew him so well; no way he would have been able to wait much longer to eat. “No, I’m saying that because it doesn’t matter what we do – I know I’m going to love it if you are there.” Kurt keeping chewing, letting that be the cover for the fact that he didn’t know what to say to that sweet statement. Blaine always said the nicest thing. “I agree.” Kurt finally answered once he found his voice. And he did agree, even if sometimes spending time with Blaine hurt just the tiniest bit – only because as much as Kurt valued and loved his friendship with Blaine, he hopped someday it would be something more. Times like this made Kurt think that maybe Blaine wanted that too. “So, I never asked,” Blaine said wiping his mouth with a paper towel, “How was your date the other night?” “Date?” Kurt’s heart dropped in disappointment, “You’re curious about my date?” “Of course. What was the guy’s name? Andy? Aaron?” “Adam.” Kurt said putting down his slice and not meeting Blaine’s eyes. “And it was fine. We had a nice time, but I don’t think it is something that is going anywhere.” “Oh? That’s too bad.” Kurt looked up trying to read Blaine’s face, his lips almost seemed as if they wanted to tip up into a smile… but that was probably dreaming on Kurt’s part. There was no reason Blaine should be happy Kurt’s date didn’t work out. Kurt wanted to press. He wanted to ask, Is it? Is it too bad? Do you want me to find a boyfriend? Someone I spend more time with than you? Instead, Kurt just shrugged, “I don’t mind. I’m pretty happy being single right now. Now it wasn’t Kurt’s imagination, Blaine’s expression seemed to fall. But why? Why would Blaine be disappointed that Kurt was happy single? Why would he want him to date someone else so badly? “I get that.” Blaine said taking a sip of wine. “I feel the same way… most of the time.” “Most of the time?” Kurt’s heart lifted with hope. “Yeah… sometimes I think…” He looked Kurt directly in the eyes, as if his whiskey colored iris could read something in Kurt face. “I think it would be nice to have someone that you get along with and trust and love to spend time with…” Blaine glanced down at his plate. Like me. Like us. Kurt thought. “… to have someone like that in love with you.” Kurt wanted to laugh, or cry, or both. Blaine had all of that in him – he just didn’t see it that way. “Yeah…” Kurt said breathily, and stuffed his mouth with another bit of pizza so he didn’t have to say anything else. Blaine’s thoughtful expression lightened and he smiled, “Someday, right?” Kurt nodded and took a sip of wine before trusting himself to speak, “Right. And until then we have each other… as friends.” Blaine’s eyes sparkled, “Best friends.” “Best friends.” Kurt agreed, because even if that was all they ever were Kurt would be eternally grateful to have Blaine in his life. Grateful and perfectly happy… almost. Blaine glanced up from his book to watch Kurt lying on the sofa nearby, sliding his bookmark between the pages as a warm, contented feeling filled up his insides. The exploits of Captain John Yossarian could be discarded for the moment in favor of taking in the sight of his best friend sprawled out on the couch. Kurt, who was usually refined and posed when awake, was something of a starfish when sleeping; even in the narrow confines of the couch. Kurt had an arm flung over his head and one leg dangling off the side as his chest rose and fell with the deep breaths of sleep. Blaine put his book down and stood, grabbing a throw blanket from the drawer under the coffee table and gently laying it over Kurt as he slept. God, he was beautiful. Porcelain skin and rosy lips parted slightly and his expression so peaceful in his sleep. He made Blaine’s heart shutter. Blaine looked away; he wasn’t trying to be creepy here. Since their coffee ‘not date’ in October, he and Kurt had been practically inseparable. They had spent so long talking and laughing and enjoying each other’s company in the coffee shop that they ended up spending all afternoon there. Blaine hadn’t even realize how long it had been until he started feeling hungry for dinner. They ended up walking across the street to a little diner and having dinner together as well. It ended up being one of the best days Blaine could remember having in a long time. They got along so well it felt like they’d known each other forever. So much so, that Blaine often chided himself for waiting this long to meet Kurt Hummel because he could have had this amazing man in his life sooner. They were alike in so many ways, both from conservative towns and longing for the life and freedom of New York until they finally made it to the city of their dreams. They both studied theater, Kurt at NYADA and Blaine at NYU. Their paths diverged when Kurt’s part time job all through college become a full time job in fashion and Blaine was using his degree in theater to work as a freelance dialect coach. They were still both auditioning regularly though, and hoping for that ‘big break’. Blaine sat back down in his overstuffed armchair and thumbed back to his spot in his book, not really paying that much attention, as he continued to take glances at Kurt, his lovely profile giving Blaine’s heart a warm tug. Blaine felt like his big break came with the audition that gave him a second chance to get to know Kurt. Neither of them had gotten the role, or any other substantial role since, but Blaine knew his life was exponentially better now that he had Kurt in it. Kurt. His friend, who quickly became his best friend and then one of the most important people in his life. Kurt, who sang like an angel, looked like a god, and had the heart of a saint. Kurt, who could go from goofy and silly to drop-dead sexy in a second flat. Kurt, who he was irrevocably in love with… but who had made it clear from the beginning that they were just going to be friends.   Kurt, whose eyes were blinking open and landing on Blaine’s face as a smile spread over his lips, “Did I fall asleep?” “You did,” Blaine said, setting his book on the lampstand. “Ugh. I didn’t mean to.” Kurt sat up, cheeks rosy and hair awry as he rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand. “I was just going to close my eyes for a moment while you finished up those recordings for your client.” “Kurt, if closing your eyes for a moment turned into a full-fledged nap, then I think you probably needed it. I don’t mind. You can come nap over here anytime.” Kurt smiled at him and Blaine’s heart skipped a beat. “You are so lucky not to have a roommate.” Kurt yawned, “I haven’t been sleeping well recently because Eliot is up all hours of the night doing… who knows what.”   After Blaine’s initial jealousy of Kurt’s handsome and charismatic roommate Eliot, and the fact that he got to live with Kurt, they become good friends. Besides, Eliot’s erratic schedule and even more unpredictable band practices meant that Kurt often needed to get out of their apartment for a while… and, happily, he usually ended up at Blaine’s. “He woke me up at two this morning,” Kurt continued, “Strumming his electric guitar!” “And he lived through that?” “Barely.” Kurt stood from the sofa, lifting his hands high above his lithe body and groaning as he stretched. Blaine’s throat went a little dry and he glanced away.   Kurt let out a startled little gasp that immediately had Blaine glancing back towards him. “Blaine, is that the time? You let me sleep too long!” “You were too peaceful to wake.” “But we were going to that new little Soba House down the street that you wanted to try! There is no way we’ll get a table now. Not without an absurd wait!” “We’ll go another time.” Blaine was feeling particularly wistful today; he honestly didn’t care where they went or what they did as long as he was with Kurt. Kurt slumped back down on the couch, “I guess we could make something for dinner?” He grimaced as his stomach growled and Blaine let out a laugh. Kurt was fairly predictable, if he hadn’t had dinner by 8:00pm he went from being Dr. Jekyll to a little bit Mr. Hyde. “Don’t worry, I’ve ordered pizza and it should be here any minute.” “Oh my god, I love you!” Kurt said with a sweet smile and then he swallowed as his cheeks flushed a little pinker. Blaine cleared his throat as his own skin heated up. This is the way things were with Kurt – comfortable, happy, enjoyable – but occasionally, Kurt would say something, or Blaine would say something, or there would be a glance and a blush and then… they’d move on like nothing happened. These were the moments Blaine lived for, but they were also completely unmerciful because they’d made him think maybe, maybe Kurt felt the same way about him – and then nothing would come of it. When he and Kurt first started spending time together, he was sure it was nothing more than just friends, something he tried to drive home to his parents every time he mentioned Kurt in conversation and they would get excited about it. “I knew you two would get along!” “Oh? You were hanging out with Kurt again… what’s happening there?” Blaine’s father seemed to get the point faster than his mother did. He stopped reading into things quickly, while Pamela would still occasionally say something along the lines of, “Have you ever thought about maybe asking Kurt out on a date-date? He might say yes.” Blaine found it harder and harder to explain why he and Kurt hadn’t developed into something other than friends. He wanted it to, but they seemed to have passed some kind of milestone, that if something like that were going to happen, it would have already. Cooper was the only one who still really pressed Blaine about it. Cooper was sure Blaine and Kurt were secretly dating and for some unfathomable reason not telling anyone. Blaine wished. The downstairs intercom buzzed and Blaine got up to let the pizza delivery person in, “I have a Zinfandel in the kitchen if you want to open it,” Blaine said passing Kurt, who was combing through his thick hair with his fingers to tame it after his nap. “Mmmm, red wine and pizza. The good life.” “It pairs well with pepperoni!” Blaine called, walking to the door and hearing Kurt’s musical laughter ring out behind him. Yeah, Blaine had it bad. His parents had been right all along; he and Kurt would have been the perfect pair... if only… if only something.  Kurt was the most wonderful thing to ever happen to Blaine, even if he simultaneously made Blaine’s heart ache. It was worth it to be Kurt’s best friend. ______________________ Kurt quickly got up from the couch and checked his appearance in a mirror as Blaine tipped the pizza driver. He looked a mess; there was no way to get his hair back in place after sleeping on it. Not that Blaine hadn’t seen him in disarray before, but still, Blaine look as dreamy as ever today and Kurt wanted to look at least presentable. Blaine came back through the living room shooting Kurt one of those smiles that melted his heart and Kurt followed him into the kitchen. Kurt uncorked the wine and Blaine grabbed plates and paper towels. “You know it’s nice to stay in.” Blaine said as he opened the pizza box and the tempting smell of tomato sauce and pepperoni filled the air as they sat down together at the little island in Blaine’s kitchen. “You’re just saying that because I slept through our original dinner plans.” Kurt offered as he took a bite of pizza, oh god that was good, he’d been hungry. Blaine knew him so well; no way he would have been able to wait much longer to eat. “No, I’m saying that because it doesn’t matter what we do – I know I’m going to love it if you are there.” Kurt keeping chewing, letting that be the cover for the fact that he didn’t know what to say to that sweet statement. Blaine always said the nicest thing. “I agree.” Kurt finally answered once he found his voice. And he did agree, even if sometimes spending time with Blaine hurt just the tiniest bit – only because as much as Kurt valued and loved his friendship with Blaine, he hopped someday it would be something more. Times like this made Kurt think that maybe Blaine wanted that too. “So, I never asked,” Blaine said wiping his mouth with a paper towel, “How was your date the other night?” “Date?” Kurt’s heart dropped in disappointment, “You’re curious about my date?” “Of course. What was the guy’s name? Andy? Aaron?” “Adam.” Kurt said putting down his slice and not meeting Blaine’s eyes. “And it was fine. We had a nice time, but I don’t think it is something that is going anywhere.” “Oh? That’s too bad.” Kurt looked up trying to read Blaine’s face, his lips almost seemed as if they wanted to tip up into a smile… but that was probably dreaming on Kurt’s part. There was no reason Blaine should be happy Kurt’s date didn’t work out. Kurt wanted to press. He wanted to ask, Is it? Is it too bad? Do you want me to find a boyfriend? Someone I spend more time with than you? Instead, Kurt just shrugged, “I don’t mind. I’m pretty happy being single right now. Now it wasn’t Kurt’s imagination, Blaine’s expression seemed to fall. But why? Why would Blaine be disappointed that Kurt was happy single? Why would he want him to date someone else so badly? “I get that.” Blaine said taking a sip of wine. “I feel the same way… most of the time.” “Most of the time?” Kurt’s heart lifted with hope. “Yeah… sometimes I think…” He looked Kurt directly in the eyes, as if his whiskey colored iris could read something in Kurt face. “I think it would be nice to have someone that you get along with and trust and love to spend time with…” Blaine glanced down at his plate. Like me. Like us. Kurt thought. “… to have someone like that in love with you.” Kurt wanted to laugh, or cry, or both. Blaine had all of that in him – he just didn’t see it that way. “Yeah…” Kurt said breathily, and stuffed his mouth with another bit of pizza so he didn’t have to say anything else. Blaine’s thoughtful expression lightened and he smiled, “Someday, right?” Kurt nodded and took a sip of wine before trusting himself to speak, “Right. And until then we have each other… as friends.” Blaine’s eyes sparkled, “Best friends.” “Best friends.” Kurt agreed, because even if that was all they ever were Kurt would be eternally grateful to have Blaine in his life. Grateful and perfectly happy… almost. Blaine glanced up from his book to watch Kurt lying on the sofa nearby, sliding his bookmark between the pages as a warm, contented feeling filled up his insides. The exploits of Captain John Yossarian could be discarded for the moment in favor of taking in the sight of his best friend sprawled out on the couch. Kurt, who was usually refined and posed when awake, was something of a starfish when sleeping; even in the narrow confines of the couch. Kurt had an arm flung over his head and one leg dangling off the side as his chest rose and fell with the deep breaths of sleep. Blaine put his book down and stood, grabbing a throw blanket from the drawer under the coffee table and gently laying it over Kurt as he slept. God, he was beautiful. Porcelain skin and rosy lips parted slightly and his expression so peaceful in his sleep. He made Blaine’s heart shutter. Blaine looked away; he wasn’t trying to be creepy here. Since their coffee ‘not date’ in October, he and Kurt had been practically inseparable. They had spent so long talking and laughing and enjoying each other’s company in the coffee shop that they ended up spending all afternoon there. Blaine hadn’t even realize how long it had been until he started feeling hungry for dinner. They ended up walking across the street to a little diner and having dinner together as well. It ended up being one of the best days Blaine could remember having in a long time. They got along so well it felt like they’d known each other forever. So much so, that Blaine often chided himself for waiting this long to meet Kurt Hummel because he could have had this amazing man in his life sooner. They were alike in so many ways, both from conservative towns and longing for the life and freedom of New York until they finally made it to the city of their dreams. They both studied theater, Kurt at NYADA and Blaine at NYU. Their paths diverged when Kurt’s part time job all through college become a full time job in fashion and Blaine was using his degree in theater to work as a freelance dialect coach. They were still both auditioning regularly though, and hoping for that ‘big break’. Blaine sat back down in his overstuffed armchair and thumbed back to his spot in his book, not really paying that much attention, as he continued to take glances at Kurt, his lovely profile giving Blaine’s heart a warm tug. Blaine felt like his big break came with the audition that gave him a second chance to get to know Kurt. Neither of them had gotten the role, or any other substantial role since, but Blaine knew his life was exponentially better now that he had Kurt in it. Kurt. His friend, who quickly became his best friend and then one of the most important people in his life. Kurt, who sang like an angel, looked like a god, and had the heart of a saint. Kurt, who could go from goofy and silly to drop-dead sexy in a second flat. Kurt, who he was irrevocably in love with… but who had made it clear from the beginning that they were just going to be friends.   Kurt, whose eyes were blinking open and landing on Blaine’s face as a smile spread over his lips, “Did I fall asleep?” “You did,” Blaine said, setting his book on the lampstand. “Ugh. I didn’t mean to.” Kurt sat up, cheeks rosy and hair awry as he rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand. “I was just going to close my eyes for a moment while you finished up those recordings for your client.” “Kurt, if closing your eyes for a moment turned into a full-fledged nap, then I think you probably needed it. I don’t mind. You can come nap over here anytime.” Kurt smiled at him and Blaine’s heart skipped a beat. “You are so lucky not to have a roommate.” Kurt yawned, “I haven’t been sleeping well recently because Eliot is up all hours of the night doing… who knows what.”   After Blaine’s initial jealousy of Kurt’s handsome and charismatic roommate Eliot, and the fact that he got to live with Kurt, they become good friends. Besides, Eliot’s erratic schedule and even more unpredictable band practices meant that Kurt often needed to get out of their apartment for a while… and, happily, he usually ended up at Blaine’s. “He woke me up at two this morning,” Kurt continued, “Strumming his electric guitar!” “And he lived through that?” “Barely.” Kurt stood from the sofa, lifting his hands high above his lithe body and groaning as he stretched. Blaine’s throat went a little dry and he glanced away.   Kurt let out a startled little gasp that immediately had Blaine glancing back towards him. “Blaine, is that the time? You let me sleep too long!” “You were too peaceful to wake.” “But we were going to that new little Soba House down the street that you wanted to try! There is no way we’ll get a table now. Not without an absurd wait!” “We’ll go another time.” Blaine was feeling particularly wistful today; he honestly didn’t care where they went or what they did as long as he was with Kurt. Kurt slumped back down on the couch, “I guess we could make something for dinner?” He grimaced as his stomach growled and Blaine let out a laugh. Kurt was fairly predictable, if he hadn’t had dinner by 8:00pm he went from being Dr. Jekyll to a little bit Mr. Hyde. “Don’t worry, I’ve ordered pizza and it should be here any minute.” “Oh my god, I love you!” Kurt said with a sweet smile and then he swallowed as his cheeks flushed a little pinker. Blaine cleared his throat as his own skin heated up. This is the way things were with Kurt – comfortable, happy, enjoyable – but occasionally, Kurt would say something, or Blaine would say something, or there would be a glance and a blush and then… they’d move on like nothing happened. These were the moments Blaine lived for, but they were also completely unmerciful because they’d made him think maybe, maybe Kurt felt the same way about him – and then nothing would come of it. When he and Kurt first started spending time together, he was sure it was nothing more than just friends, something he tried to drive home to his parents every time he mentioned Kurt in conversation and they would get excited about it. “I knew you two would get along!” “Oh? You were hanging out with Kurt again… what’s happening there?” Blaine’s father seemed to get the point faster than his mother did. He stopped reading into things quickly, while Pamela would still occasionally say something along the lines of, “Have you ever thought about maybe asking Kurt out on a date-date? He might say yes.” Blaine found it harder and harder to explain why he and Kurt hadn’t developed into something other than friends. He wanted it to, but they seemed to have passed some kind of milestone, that if something like that were going to happen, it would have already. Cooper was the only one who still really pressed Blaine about it. Cooper was sure Blaine and Kurt were secretly dating and for some unfathomable reason not telling anyone. Blaine wished. The downstairs intercom buzzed and Blaine got up to let the pizza delivery person in, “I have a Zinfandel in the kitchen if you want to open it,” Blaine said passing Kurt, who was combing through his thick hair with his fingers to tame it after his nap. “Mmmm, red wine and pizza. The good life.” “It pairs well with pepperoni!” Blaine called, walking to the door and hearing Kurt’s musical laughter ring out behind him. Yeah, Blaine had it bad. His parents had been right all along; he and Kurt would have been the perfect pair... if only… if only something.  Kurt was the most wonderful thing to ever happen to Blaine, even if he simultaneously made Blaine’s heart ache. It was worth it to be Kurt’s best friend. ______________________ Kurt quickly got up from the couch and checked his appearance in a mirror as Blaine tipped the pizza driver. He looked a mess; there was no way to get his hair back in place after sleeping on it. Not that Blaine hadn’t seen him in disarray before, but still, Blaine look as dreamy as ever today and Kurt wanted to look at least presentable. Blaine came back through the living room shooting Kurt one of those smiles that melted his heart and Kurt followed him into the kitchen. Kurt uncorked the wine and Blaine grabbed plates and paper towels. “You know it’s nice to stay in.” Blaine said as he opened the pizza box and the tempting smell of tomato sauce and pepperoni filled the air as they sat down together at the little island in Blaine’s kitchen. “You’re just saying that because I slept through our original dinner plans.” Kurt offered as he took a bite of pizza, oh god that was good, he’d been hungry. Blaine knew him so well; no way he would have been able to wait much longer to eat. “No, I’m saying that because it doesn’t matter what we do – I know I’m going to love it if you are there.” Kurt keeping chewing, letting that be the cover for the fact that he didn’t know what to say to that sweet statement. Blaine always said the nicest thing. “I agree.” Kurt finally answered once he found his voice. And he did agree, even if sometimes spending time with Blaine hurt just the tiniest bit – only because as much as Kurt valued and loved his friendship with Blaine, he hopped someday it would be something more. Times like this made Kurt think that maybe Blaine wanted that too. “So, I never asked,” Blaine said wiping his mouth with a paper towel, “How was your date the other night?” “Date?” Kurt’s heart dropped in disappointment, “You’re curious about my date?” “Of course. What was the guy’s name? Andy? Aaron?” “Adam.” Kurt said putting down his slice and not meeting Blaine’s eyes. “And it was fine. We had a nice time, but I don’t think it is something that is going anywhere.” “Oh? That’s too bad.” Kurt looked up trying to read Blaine’s face, his lips almost seemed as if they wanted to tip up into a smile… but that was probably dreaming on Kurt’s part. There was no reason Blaine should be happy Kurt’s date didn’t work out. Kurt wanted to press. He wanted to ask, Is it? Is it too bad? Do you want me to find a boyfriend? Someone I spend more time with than you? Instead, Kurt just shrugged, “I don’t mind. I’m pretty happy being single right now. Now it wasn’t Kurt’s imagination, Blaine’s expression seemed to fall. But why? Why would Blaine be disappointed that Kurt was happy single? Why would he want him to date someone else so badly? “I get that.” Blaine said taking a sip of wine. “I feel the same way… most of the time.” “Most of the time?” Kurt’s heart lifted with hope. “Yeah… sometimes I think…” He looked Kurt directly in the eyes, as if his whiskey colored iris could read something in Kurt face. “I think it would be nice to have someone that you get along with and trust and love to spend time with…” Blaine glanced down at his plate. Like me. Like us. Kurt thought. “… to have someone like that in love with you.” Kurt wanted to laugh, or cry, or both. Blaine had all of that in him – he just didn’t see it that way. “Yeah…” Kurt said breathily, and stuffed his mouth with another bit of pizza so he didn’t have to say anything else. Blaine’s thoughtful expression lightened and he smiled, “Someday, right?” Kurt nodded and took a sip of wine before trusting himself to speak, “Right. And until then we have each other… as friends.” Blaine’s eyes sparkled, “Best friends.” “Best friends.” Kurt agreed, because even if that was all they ever were Kurt would be eternally grateful to have Blaine in his life. Grateful and perfectly happy… almost. Blaine glanced up from his book to watch Kurt lying on the sofa nearby, sliding his bookmark between the pages as a warm, contented feeling filled up his insides. The exploits of Captain John Yossarian could be discarded for the moment in favor of taking in the sight of his best friend sprawled out on the couch. Kurt, who was usually refined and posed when awake, was something of a starfish when sleeping; even in the narrow confines of the couch. Kurt had an arm flung over his head and one leg dangling off the side as his chest rose and fell with the deep breaths of sleep. Blaine put his book down and stood, grabbing a throw blanket from the drawer under the coffee table and gently laying it over Kurt as he slept. God, he was beautiful. Porcelain skin and rosy lips parted slightly and his expression so peaceful in his sleep. He made Blaine’s heart shutter. Blaine looked away; he wasn’t trying to be creepy here. Since their coffee ‘not date’ in October, he and Kurt had been practically inseparable. They had spent so long talking and laughing and enjoying each other’s company in the coffee shop that they ended up spending all afternoon there. Blaine hadn’t even realize how long it had been until he started feeling hungry for dinner. They ended up walking across the street to a little diner and having dinner together as well. It ended up being one of the best days Blaine could remember having in a long time. They got along so well it felt like they’d known each other forever. So much so, that Blaine often chided himself for waiting this long to meet Kurt Hummel because he could have had this amazing man in his life sooner. They were alike in so many ways, both from conservative towns and longing for the life and freedom of New York until they finally made it to the city of their dreams. They both studied theater, Kurt at NYADA and Blaine at NYU. Their paths diverged when Kurt’s part time job all through college become a full time job in fashion and Blaine was using his degree in theater to work as a freelance dialect coach. They were still both auditioning regularly though, and hoping for that ‘big break’. Blaine sat back down in his overstuffed armchair and thumbed back to his spot in his book, not really paying that much attention, as he continued to take glances at Kurt, his lovely profile giving Blaine’s heart a warm tug. Blaine felt like his big break came with the audition that gave him a second chance to get to know Kurt. Neither of them had gotten the role, or any other substantial role since, but Blaine knew his life was exponentially better now that he had Kurt in it. Kurt. His friend, who quickly became his best friend and then one of the most important people in his life. Kurt, who sang like an angel, looked like a god, and had the heart of a saint. Kurt, who could go from goofy and silly to drop-dead sexy in a second flat. Kurt, who he was irrevocably in love with… but who had made it clear from the beginning that they were just going to be friends.   Kurt, whose eyes were blinking open and landing on Blaine’s face as a smile spread over his lips, “Did I fall asleep?” “You did,” Blaine said, setting his book on the lampstand. “Ugh. I didn’t mean to.” Kurt sat up, cheeks rosy and hair awry as he rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand. “I was just going to close my eyes for a moment while you finished up those recordings for your client.” “Kurt, if closing your eyes for a moment turned into a full-fledged nap, then I think you probably needed it. I don’t mind. You can come nap over here anytime.” Kurt smiled at him and Blaine’s heart skipped a beat. “You are so lucky not to have a roommate.” Kurt yawned, “I haven’t been sleeping well recently because Eliot is up all hours of the night doing… who knows what.”   After Blaine’s initial jealousy of Kurt’s handsome and charismatic roommate Eliot, and the fact that he got to live with Kurt, they become good friends. Besides, Eliot’s erratic schedule and even more unpredictable band practices meant that Kurt often needed to get out of their apartment for a while… and, happily, he usually ended up at Blaine’s. “He woke me up at two this morning,” Kurt continued, “Strumming his electric guitar!” “And he lived through that?” “Barely.” Kurt stood from the sofa, lifting his hands high above his lithe body and groaning as he stretched. Blaine’s throat went a little dry and he glanced away.   Kurt let out a startled little gasp that immediately had Blaine glancing back towards him. “Blaine, is that the time? You let me sleep too long!” “You were too peaceful to wake.” “But we were going to that new little Soba House down the street that you wanted to try! There is no way we’ll get a table now. Not without an absurd wait!” “We’ll go another time.” Blaine was feeling particularly wistful today; he honestly didn’t care where they went or what they did as long as he was with Kurt. Kurt slumped back down on the couch, “I guess we could make something for dinner?” He grimaced as his stomach growled and Blaine let out a laugh. Kurt was fairly predictable, if he hadn’t had dinner by 8:00pm he went from being Dr. Jekyll to a little bit Mr. Hyde. “Don’t worry, I’ve ordered pizza and it should be here any minute.” “Oh my god, I love you!” Kurt said with a sweet smile and then he swallowed as his cheeks flushed a little pinker. Blaine cleared his throat as his own skin heated up. This is the way things were with Kurt – comfortable, happy, enjoyable – but occasionally, Kurt would say something, or Blaine would say something, or there would be a glance and a blush and then… they’d move on like nothing happened. These were the moments Blaine lived for, but they were also completely unmerciful because they’d made him think maybe, maybe Kurt felt the same way about him – and then nothing would come of it. When he and Kurt first started spending time together, he was sure it was nothing more than just friends, something he tried to drive home to his parents every time he mentioned Kurt in conversation and they would get excited about it. “I knew you two would get along!” “Oh? You were hanging out with Kurt again… what’s happening there?” Blaine’s father seemed to get the point faster than his mother did. He stopped reading into things quickly, while Pamela would still occasionally say something along the lines of, “Have you ever thought about maybe asking Kurt out on a date-date? He might say yes.” Blaine found it harder and harder to explain why he and Kurt hadn’t developed into something other than friends. He wanted it to, but they seemed to have passed some kind of milestone, that if something like that were going to happen, it would have already. Cooper was the only one who still really pressed Blaine about it. Cooper was sure Blaine and Kurt were secretly dating and for some unfathomable reason not telling anyone. Blaine wished. The downstairs intercom buzzed and Blaine got up to let the pizza delivery person in, “I have a Zinfandel in the kitchen if you want to open it,” Blaine said passing Kurt, who was combing through his thick hair with his fingers to tame it after his nap. “Mmmm, red wine and pizza. The good life.” “It pairs well with pepperoni!” Blaine called, walking to the door and hearing Kurt’s musical laughter ring out behind him. Yeah, Blaine had it bad. His parents had been right all along; he and Kurt would have been the perfect pair... if only… if only something.  Kurt was the most wonderful thing to ever happen to Blaine, even if he simultaneously made Blaine’s heart ache. It was worth it to be Kurt’s best friend. ______________________ Kurt quickly got up from the couch and checked his appearance in a mirror as Blaine tipped the pizza driver. He looked a mess; there was no way to get his hair back in place after sleeping on it. Not that Blaine hadn’t seen him in disarray before, but still, Blaine look as dreamy as ever today and Kurt wanted to look at least presentable. Blaine came back through the living room shooting Kurt one of those smiles that melted his heart and Kurt followed him into the kitchen. Kurt uncorked the wine and Blaine grabbed plates and paper towels. “You know it’s nice to stay in.” Blaine said as he opened the pizza box and the tempting smell of tomato sauce and pepperoni filled the air as they sat down together at the little island in Blaine’s kitchen. “You’re just saying that because I slept through our original dinner plans.” Kurt offered as he took a bite of pizza, oh god that was good, he’d been hungry. Blaine knew him so well; no way he would have been able to wait much longer to eat. “No, I’m saying that because it doesn’t matter what we do – I know I’m going to love it if you are there.” Kurt keeping chewing, letting that be the cover for the fact that he didn’t know what to say to that sweet statement. Blaine always said the nicest thing. “I agree.” Kurt finally answered once he found his voice. And he did agree, even if sometimes spending time with Blaine hurt just the tiniest bit – only because as much as Kurt valued and loved his friendship with Blaine, he hopped someday it would be something more. Times like this made Kurt think that maybe Blaine wanted that too. “So, I never asked,” Blaine said wiping his mouth with a paper towel, “How was your date the other night?” “Date?” Kurt’s heart dropped in disappointment, “You’re curious about my date?” “Of course. What was the guy’s name? Andy? Aaron?” “Adam.” Kurt said putting down his slice and not meeting Blaine’s eyes. “And it was fine. We had a nice time, but I don’t think it is something that is going anywhere.” “Oh? That’s too bad.” Kurt looked up trying to read Blaine’s face, his lips almost seemed as if they wanted to tip up into a smile… but that was probably dreaming on Kurt’s part. There was no reason Blaine should be happy Kurt’s date didn’t work out. Kurt wanted to press. He wanted to ask, Is it? Is it too bad? Do you want me to find a boyfriend? Someone I spend more time with than you? Instead, Kurt just shrugged, “I don’t mind. I’m pretty happy being single right now. Now it wasn’t Kurt’s imagination, Blaine’s expression seemed to fall. But why? Why would Blaine be disappointed that Kurt was happy single? Why would he want him to date someone else so badly? “I get that.” Blaine said taking a sip of wine. “I feel the same way… most of the time.” “Most of the time?” Kurt’s heart lifted with hope. “Yeah… sometimes I think…” He looked Kurt directly in the eyes, as if his whiskey colored iris could read something in Kurt face. “I think it would be nice to have someone that you get along with and trust and love to spend time with…” Blaine glanced down at his plate. Like me. Like us. Kurt thought. “… to have someone like that in love with you.” Kurt wanted to laugh, or cry, or both. Blaine had all of that in him – he just didn’t see it that way. “Yeah…” Kurt said breathily, and stuffed his mouth with another bit of pizza so he didn’t have to say anything else. Blaine’s thoughtful expression lightened and he smiled, “Someday, right?” Kurt nodded and took a sip of wine before trusting himself to speak, “Right. And until then we have each other… as friends.” Blaine’s eyes sparkled, “Best friends.” “Best friends.” Kurt agreed, because even if that was all they ever were Kurt would be eternally grateful to have Blaine in his life. Grateful and perfectly happy… almost.
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claryaastark · 5 years
An Almost Fairytale-like Horror Story
“Don’t talk to strangers”
Mom said, after leaving me on one of the park’s benches. She smiled, kissed my forehead and left me with a unicorn color lollipop.
I nodded my head leisurely, and smiled softly.
I was licking my lollipop while humming the multiplication song.
“Two times ten, twenty. Two times eleven, twenty-two, two times twelve, twenty-four... Two times fourteen, twenty-eight. Hmm plus one equals, twenty-nine!”
I’m done reciting the multiplication and mom still, is not here. I move my feet and decided to enumerate the 12 months on the calendar.
“January, February, March... April, May, June, July, Augus—t....”
Someone from behind has spoken, out of nowhere.
“Don’t talk to strangers”
Mom’s voice echoed on my head.
I’m weirded out but I decided to ignore the someone.
“Hi, my name is Aghosto!”
Yup, the someone is a boy. He’s taller than me, his chinito eyes are almost closed as he smiled. He has this chubby and rosy cheeks and a complete set of white teeth.
He extended his hands. A shake hands gesture.
“My mom said, don’t talk to strangers!” I said while pouting my lips and holding my lollipop thoroughly, afraid that he might grab it and run.
“But mom said, make friends with people! And after all, Aghosto is not a stranger. I’m a ghost!”
Huh? A ghost? Do I have a third-eye?
“Are you kidding me? Why am I seeing a ghost in the middle of the day?”
“You just called my name, that’s why I’m here. I thought you wanna play with me”
“When did I call your name? I was just reciting months and you came out of nowhere”
“Exactly, you said August... and Aghosto at your service, Ma’am!”
He made a salute gesture like those soldiers that I watch on television.
“And why would I play with you? You’re still a ghost, and people should be scared of you, not play with you!”
I said bravely. Weird because instead of being scared, it excites me. And after all, mom hasn’t returned yet. And I was bored. So playing with a ghost isn’t a bad thing, I guess?
“Hmmm let me say that, I am a good ghost, I won’t leave and I’m all yours! I can even treat you like a princess on my wonderland. If you would come and play with me!”
He smiled, while extending his hands, asking me to come. Uhh, I was hesitant at first but after fighting with my thoughts I reached for his hand.
I throw my unicorn lollipop, and get down to fix the shoe lace of my barbie rubber shoes, but he swayed my hands and fix it instead.
“Are you ready to go to the Wonderland?”
He asked me, and I just nod my head.
“Close your eyes”
Then we closed our eyes, and he held my hand.
I opened my eyes, I’m on the same park, sitting on the same bench. Still wearing the same jumpsuit and barbie rubber shoes. But I am grown-up, I’m feet taller, I have these bulge on my chest. I have a wider shoulder and a... crown?
I looked on my smart watch, and it’s 17th of July, year 2029.
Where am I? Where is Aghosto? Why am I suddenly old? I was closed to panic, when someone grabbed my hand.
“Welcome to Wonderland, Princess!”
A man, still wearing the same radiant smile. His eyes are still small, the rosy and chubby cheeks are still there. And the complete set of teeth. Errr, but he looks hotter than the Aghosto child. Ok. Is this puberty? Why am I feeling this attraction?
“Princess? Hey? Why are you blushing? Are you okay? We’re here now, on Wonderland!”
He knocks me out from checking him out, with a hand wave.
“Uhhh, okay, but can you explain me first what’s happening? Okay so this is Wonderland? And we just traveled to the future?”
“Yup, Princess! We’re now on the year 2029!”
“I thought we’re gonna play? My mom would worry!”
“Don’t worry, Princess. Here in Wonderland, time is just an illusion. You can travel back and forth, you can choose the time, place, and season. You can go back anytime!”
He smiled. Err, he’s cute.
“Ohhh, okay. So still, why are you calling me Princess, and why am I wearing a crown?”
“Because I promised to treat you like a Princess, remember? And you deserve to be treated as a princess. I’m all yours, Madam! At your service”
Then he winked.
Is he flirting with me? Is this what they called flirting? Damn. I hate being old, it’s just minutes but I already miss being a child.
“Okay, so where should we start?”
“Okay let’s roam around here first, Princess”
He held my hand. I can feel a sort of electricity and I feel like my cheeks are burning. Why is Wonderland so hot?
He brought me to a store. With a
“Welcome to Wonderland” signage.
And the moment that we stepped in, I was mesmerized by the sight.
There are lots of potion and colorful pastries. I was amazed by the unicorn and rainbow color sweets. Big donuts, dancing chocolate fountains, human-sized candies. Rainbow-colored ice creams! And floating cakes with different colors!
“Just choose what you like, Princess. I’ll be the one to pay!”
“This is too much, I can’t choose. Will you choose something for me? Since you’re the one who lives here”
“Sure thing baby, wait here”
He made a soft tap on my head, and smiled.
What did he just call me? Baby?!
Yes— I mean, mom used to call me baby because I’m a freaking 8-year-old. But uh, it felt weird, like there’s something that’s moving on my stomach after he called me that. Okay?
I busied myself with the amazing view of the place while I was waiting on him. Then out of nowhere I heard an amazing sound, along with an amazing voice.
“I’ll be the one, who stays ‘till the end,
And i’ll be the one that proposes in the garden of roses
And truly loves you”
Weird but suddenly, it was just me and him. I was surrounded by the garden of roses. Yellow, red, purple all variety of roses. And Aghosto is in the middle, in front of the fountain. Playing the guitar strings while looking directly at my eyes.
He walked to my direction. He stopped playing and singing. And he grab something from his behind.
“Here’s your pastillas and hopia Princess!”
WHAT? Okay?
“Seriously? Of all the wonderful sweets and pastries inside the shop, why pastillas and hopia?”
I asked, half confused and half laughing.
His face turned serious, and he made a cute sad face.
“Why? Pastillas, made from milk. Just like the color of it, my intentions were pure and sweet. And hopia because, I hope that we last long here, together”
Then he winked and laughed. Ugh. My Aghosto is damn flirty.
Wait... did I say, “My” Aghosto?
Okay, I’m gonna shut my mouth.
Days have passed here in Wonderland and it’s true. That time is an illusion.
We went to magical cabins, magical places with talking cards, lovely white rabbits, cute sized elephants, dancing cats with cloaks. We went to amazing forest and magical castles.
Aghosto indeed, treated me like a Princess. He loves calling me baby, he loves playing the guitar for me. He makes me smile, he makes me happy. He promised that he won’t leave me, that I am her only Princess.
With Aghosto, I don’t wanna leave Wonderland anymore. Not yet, and not ever. I just want to play with him forever.
Its 28th of July, year 2029. Great! I’m 11 days here on Wonderland. I wonder what time, day, or week it is on year 2019. But I don’t want to think about it. I just want to enjoy being on Wonderland.
Still the same routine — I woke up with a good morning kiss from Aghosto. He made breakfast for us. We went to different places all day.
We watched the sunset in front of the crystal-like ocean. During the night, we walked under the moon light and sapphire skies. We dance underneath the stars and laugh till the dawn.
It feels good, to be with him. To be happy. The feeling is so surreal and addicting. Like I don’t want to leave this place forever, I don’t want to go back with mom. I don’t want to leave this place of magic.
Being happy is addicting. Now I finally understand the reason why mom always tell me to choose happiness, to look for happiness and aim for happiness. I know now, why she cried so much when dad left us. Dad is mom’s happiness, and when he left, he also took mom’s happiness.
Long day was over.
We went home to our magical cabin. I lay beside Aghosto and closed my eyes. I prayed silently, that this moment and feelings won’t end.
“Good night and sleep well, Princess” He whispered and kissed my forehead.
It’s 29th of July. I opened my eyes, and looked for Aghosto beside me.
I felt a sudden thud on my chest when I didn’t feel him beside me. He’s usually there, smiling at me, while saying his good morning.
I rose from bed, I called his name inside the cabin. And I got no answer.
I roam around, I look for him everywhere. I found nothing.
Where is he? Where is Aghosto?
Though I’m paranoid, I still wait for him all day. I stayed inside the cabin, and anxiously wait for him.
When sunset came, I couldn’t wait for him anymore. I went outside, went to all places that we used to go. And still — no sign of Aghosto.
Did he leave? Is he fine? What happened to him? Is this game over? Are we done playing? I can’t explain the emotions inside me, my throat is aching for keeping my tears from falling.
Weakly, I came back to the cabin, hoping, to at least see him there. Maybe it’s a surprise? Aghosto loves making surprises.
I wiped my tears and smiled. Maybe that’s it.
I silently opened the door, I was waiting for a surprise, but then again — I found no one. I broke down, I cried and cried and cried.
He left me, he broke me, my happiness is finally gone. I cry, I feel sad — even on the most magical place, where happiness surrounds me : on Wonderland. I played a game with him, and I lose.
I closed my eyes, and cry.
I opened my eyes. I was the same child again, sitting on the same bench, on the same park where mom left me. The only different thing is, this is not Wonderland, this is the reality. And maybe, I just woke-up from a long surreal dream.
Being an 18-year-old on Wonderland, I realized that I really crave for happiness. All I want is to be happy. And because of this desperation, I was fooled.
Wonderland is not real. Aghosto is not real. Magic is not real. Everything about my happiness is not real.
What he makes me feel are fake. What he said are fake. What he makes me believe are fake. My happiness is fake.
We’re all desperate to be happy, that we tend to fool ourselves. We tend to believe on dreams, magic, and fake things in order to make ourselves happy. But in the end, still, it’s the bitter reality that we need to face.
It’s 29th of July, 2019.
2:30 PM.
And I saw mom coming along the way, she is waving her hands while holding the McDonalds paper bag.
“Hi baby! Sorry, Mom took so long, there are lots of people on the food chain”
I look at my mom, teary-eyed.
“Hey, sweetheart I’m really sorry for keeping you wait. Why are you crying? And where did you get that crown? It suits you, My love!”
He hugged me tight and I just cried.
“Hey, anak, what happened?”
My mom worried so much.
“Mom I disobeyed you”
I said while crying.
“How baby?”
“I talked to a stranger, Mom”
“Ohhh, it’s okay sweetheart. I won’t be mad”
“Not just that, Mom. I trusted a stranger, I go to a stranger’s place. I believed a stranger, the stranger made me happy and he left, Mom”
“Baby? What are you talking ab—?”
“The stranger hurt me, and I should’ve listened to you Mom”
Confused— mom still hugs me.
“You know what’s funny mom?”
I didn’t wait for her response.
“The stranger is a Ghost”
0 notes
sugabeans · 7 years
wanted to do the other unusual asks questions bc i had time 
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
is your room messy or clean?
what color are your eyes?
light brown
do you like your name? why?
what is your relationship status?
single single forever 
describe your personality in 3 words or less
quiet, loud, happy 
what color hair do you have?
dark brown 
what kind of car do you drive? color?
it’s my parents.. a silver corolla 
where do you shop?
anywhere where there is a sale! 
i always shop on aliexpress lol 
for clothing, a lot of my clothes comes from walmart, garage, dynamite, f21, bluenotes, h&m, (all from the sale section hehe) 
how would you describe your style?
skinny jeans when it’s cool outside, flowy shorts when it’s warm 
both plus a tshirt 
and sneakers or boots as footwear bc i hate feet with no socks 
favorite social media account
what size bed do you have?
queen size!
any siblings?
1 sister 
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
why? because it seems like a nice place to be ;u; 
favorite snapchat filter?
i like the standard flower crown one - the one that lightens your face and adds a crown, and does nothing more 
favorite makeup brand(s)
idk i don’t wear makeup 
how many times a week do you shower?
once every day so 7 times? 
favourite tv show?
shoe size?
generally an 8 
how tall are you?
sandals or sneakers?
do you go to the gym?
describe your dream date
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
a lot.. i’m not going to count but it’s def over $100 in cash 
what color socks are you wearing?
i’m actually not wearing socks rn bc i showered recently 
but it’s always plain black 
how many pillows do you sleep with?
do you have a job? what do you do?
i’m currently a research assistant and we’re doing things with phonetics and the perception of sounds and such - though i won’t have this job in september bc it’s a summer job 
how many friends do you have?
idk what are friends 
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
cheated on a test? 
flicked a booger into my classmates hair (when i was 8) 
scribbed marker on mommy’s white couch? 
sacked a boy in grade 6 by whacking his balls with a broom?
turned down a boy and RAN AWAY many times 
whats your favourite candle scent?
i don’t like scents but something fruity like strawberry or cherry?
3 favourite boy names
kevin haha
idk any others that i really like? i mean, if i hear a nice name i’ll probs be like “ah that’s a pretty name” but i can’t think of any off the top of my head that i particularly like 
3 favourite girl names
can’t really answer their either 
favourite actor?
don’t have one 
favourite actress?
also don’t have one 
who is your celebrity crush?
kevin woo 
favourite movie?
i still really like mulan 
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
i do not read a lot and my fave series is dengeki daisy 
money or brains?
brains will bring you the moneys 
do you have a nickname? what is it?
karinabeans is my self-proclaimed nickname lol 
gabby calls me rainbow 
how many times have you been to the hospital?
i just go to the doctor or walk-in clinic
top 10 favourite songs
don’t make me do this LOL 
do you take any medications daily?
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
my eyes and lips and around both areas + forehead are dry af
but under my lips and near my nose are SO OILY CRIES 
what is your biggest fear?
how many kids do you want?
but i also don’t want kids 
whats your go to hair style?
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
i think it’s a decent size - probably bigger than most people 
who is your role model?
what was the last compliment you received?
can’t remember honestly 
what was the last text you sent?
it was to my student’s mom saying i stopped by but no one was home so i left 
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
can’t remember but i stopped believing pretty late 
daddy showed me this website that showed you where santa was currently and i 100% believed it was real 
what is your dream car?
one that drives 
tbh i want one of those little ones lol the environment friendly ones 
bc it’s just gonna be me driving it 
bc i’m going to die alone 
opinion on smoking?
it’s disgusting 
if you smoke, i’ll like you less as a person 
if i smell it on you - then i have a bad opinion of you 
do you go to college?
no i go to university
i’m in my 4th year  
what is your dream job?
i want to be a speech language pathologist 
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
yes, who doesn’t? 
i reuse the containers 
do you have freckles?
do you smile for pictures?
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
a hecka lot 
have you ever peed in the woods?
maybe i have? i’ve been camping a number of times and maybe i did?
do you still watch cartoons?
hell yeah teen titans is life 
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Favorite dipping sauce?
sweet and sour boi 
what do you wear to bed?
a loose tshirt and shorts 
or if it’s cold out, sweatpants and a sweater 
have you ever won a spelling bee?
no pfft i can’t spell for shit 
what are your hobbies?
can you draw?
no but i wish i could 
do you play an instrument?
no but i used to play piano and flute 
and violin and guitar but i wasn’t very good at those 
what was the last concert you saw?
troye sivan? 
tea or coffee?
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
lol neither i’m not american 
tim hortons for life 
do you want to get married?
yes but no 
i like the idea of marriage and living with someone i love for the rest of my life 
but like, getting married requires someone to be married to 
and it also requires you to spend a lot of money to get married (if you have a ceremony and shit) 
too much work 
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
no i’m keeping my last name forever
it will live and die with me bc i don’t often see my last name anywhere
what color looks best on you?
red, like most people 
do you miss anyone right now?
yeah i miss my crush lol 
it’s silly but i want to see him 
i’m sure he doesn’t care to see me though 
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
do you believe in ghosts?
what is your biggest pet peeve?
last person you called`
again my tutor’s mother LOL 
favourite ice cream flavor?
red bean or some typa chocolate rocky road or idk but chocolate definitely 
regular oreos or golden oreos?
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
what shirt are you wearing?
a univeristy of toronto tshirt i won in my first year 
what is your phone background?
suga smiling ^^ 
are you outgoing or shy?
very shy 
do you like it when people play with your hair?
but no one plays with my hair
it’s so sad 
do you like your neighbors?
i guess? there are some who are too loud though and smoke and ugh 
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
i wash it in the shower at night
have you ever been high?
have you ever been drunk?
i don’t think so 
last thing you ate?
i drank tea 
that’s not food lol uh i ate snow pea leaves 
favourite lyrics right now
can’t think of one 
summer or winter?
winter bc cold 
day or night?
day! look at the sunshine~
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
i like dark, i also like milk, i dislike white 
favourite month?
what is your zodiac sign
who was the last person you cried in front of?
i only cry by myself 
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mclennunf · 8 years
This Boy - Chapter 14
A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter has taken so long, I wanted this one to be perfeccccttt!! i used the pet name 'baby' because i know John and Paul used to call each other that- idk worth a shot :) ..enjoy tho
I hadn't seen John since the day I was released from the hospital. My Aunt Gin had moved into our house, and I had a feeling John may have been intimidated by her. I didn't want nor like this space that John was giving me. Don't get me wrong, he did call me every night before he went to sleep, but that was it. John didn't ask how I was doing or what was going on at all, he just told me about his day, what new records he had knicked from the record shop and then told me goodnight. I wasn't quite well enough to go to school -physically or mentally- so there was no bumping into him in the hallways like before. I did miss that.
It was almost 10PM, and I was sitting on my bedroom floor playing my guitar, trying to write a song. I scratched some lyrics down and my pencil broke. I stretched over to my bag and dragged it in front of me. It hurt to move much. I rummaged through it for a new pencil when I fell upon a folded up piece of paper that said Paul on the front in John's handwriting. This must have been old because I hadn't seen him, and I hadn't used my bag since I was in school, which was also a while ago. I unfolded it.
Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please
Love me do
I wasn't sure if I wanted to cry, rip it up, or kiss it.
I folded it back up and tucked it under my pillow. I lied down on my bed, slowly but surely, and thought about John. I needed to see him, but Gin wouldn't let me leave the bloody house. I suppose I couldn't blame her though, if I walked for too long it began to feel as though all my ribs were collapsing. It was worth risking to see John. I tip-toed passed Mike's room and slowly made my way down the stairs and to the front door. I was nervous and fragile, but I didn't want to feel that way anymore. John made me feel strong and loved. I sighed as I successfully walked away from my house and toward John's. It was a very nice night, hopefully he would want to come out and walk with me. To a bench maybe, so he didn't end up carrying my broken ass home.
I arrived at John's and immediately smiled when I walked around the side of the house and noticed his bedroom light was on. I threw a rock gently at the window and waited. Nothing. Maybe he had fallen asleep with the light on?
I threw another one a little harder. Nothing.
I threw another one.
"I heard it the first time, m'love." I heard from behind me. I spun around. "John!" I wanted to run into his arms, but for my own pain-sake I walked slowly toward him. "Well well well, look at you my little bluebird, looking like a brand new man." John smiled as he cupped my face with both of his hands. "Bluebird? That's new." I laughed a little bit and smiled, and then remembered that he hadn't come by, causing my smile to fade. "Where have you been?" I asked, pulling his hands down and holding them. "I've been here the whole time, Macca." John raised an eyebrow, questioning my accusation. "I haven't seen you since they let me leave the hospital." I stepped back a little bit. "Paul..." John stepped toward me. I raised my eyebrow. "I'm sorry, baby... I just wanted to give you some space, y'know, to recover and all." John admitted as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. My stomach lit up with what felt like thousands of fireworks just from the touch of his lips. "I need you, though..." I said quietly, almost ashamed to admit it. I still expected things like this to be awkward between us because we were both guys. But it wasn't, because it was John.
"I'm sorry. I should have asked you what you wanted before assuming. Forgive me?" John asked as he flashed me his signature John Lennon grin. "I forgive you." I smiled and kicked his foot lightly and flirtatiously. "C'mon, to Strawberry fields?" I suggested, gesturing toward the sidewalk before flinching and grabbing my side. I tried to play it off as if it didn't happen. "How about you just stay with me here tonight? Don't pretend you're not still in pain. Mike talks to me y'know." John said, obviously content with the fact that he knew me so well. "Me Aunt doesn't know I left." I said, shaking my head. "Bloody hell Paul, she hasn't even met me yet and she's going to think I'm a horrible influence. C'mon, I'll stay at your's then." John said, linking arms with me and guiding the way back toward my house. "You should have called, I would have come to you instead of you draggin' yer broken ass down here." He added.
"I'm glad you're okay. Y'know, I'm glad we're okay." I said, hoping for a little bit more reassurance. "All is well, m'love. But I must admit, I am so glad you're okay. You scared me, I didn't think I was going to get my little bluebird back." John said, as he quietly opened my front door, gesturing for me politely to go ahead of him. I lead the way and we tip-toed back into my bedroom. I lied down, relieved to be off of my feet. John stood and stared at me with a smile so big it took over his entire body. "What?" I asked, feeling my cheeks becoming bright red. "I just didn't think I could love someone so much." John said as he knelt down on the floor, becoming face to face with me. He began to stroke my cheek lightly. "Everything is going to look up from here, right?" I asked quietly. My whole life had been one disappointment after another at this point, but with John there I could almost feel optimistic about the future.
"I promise everything is going to be grand." John said before he leaned in and gently placed a kiss on my nose. "Don't you leave me now, 'er I dunno what I'd do." John said, making eye contact with me. His eyes looked so soft and loving. "I won't." I smiled lightly. "I know we're only young Paul, but I want to be with you until the day I die and I can promise ye I'll be by your side to make it work." John said as he reached down and grabbed my left hand, kissing it a few times. "I love you... so damn much." He didn't stop kissing my hand, and it almost sounded like he was choked up. "John, what's wrong?" I said sympathetically. "I just don't want ye t'leave me. I know I sound soft and pathetic but everyone else... everyone else has left me. Why should you stay? I'll try t'prove t'ya that I deserve you and all that... Y'know..." John mumbled as his voice began to break off. I knew this was hard for him, so I kissed his forehead. "Ye don't have to prove anything. I love you, Lennon." He looked back up at me and smiled.
"This is for you..." John said as he straightened his back, digging in his pockets. I raised an eyebrow, confused as to what he was looking for. John pulled out a small, thin silver band and slowly pushed it onto my middle finger on my left hand. "I'd put it on yer ring finger but y'know, people would ask..." John said, obviously content with himself. "What's this for?" I smiled, examining the band. "'Cause, like I said I wanna be with ye for the rest of me life. Just a promise I s'pose." He said as he lied down beside me, pulling me into his arms. "Ye'v gone soft, Lennon. But I love it.. I'm sorry I don't have one for ye..." I said, sincerely feeling bad that I had nothing to give him.
"I just want you, anyway." I heard him mumble as he nuzzled his nose into my hair.
I didn't know how to form words at this point of the night. John had shocked me to my core with his words and the ring. I hadn't felt this kind of love before and it almost felt like I was flying. My heart was racing, my stomach felt lighter than air, the pain that had previously been coursing through my body had disappeared and though I knew it would only be temporary, it felt amazing knowing John had the ability to make my pain disappear.  There was nothing in the world that could take him away from me at this point, I wouldn't allow it.
"Are you asleep already m'love?" John whispered into my ear. I felt my body shudder because of his hot breath. "No, m'up.." I mumbled as I rolled over and faced him. John cuddled his face up to my chest and I smiled. I began singing the song that I had been working on writing to him.
Close your eyes
And I'll kiss you
Tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true
And then while I'm away
I'll write home everyday
And I'll send all my loving to you
John was soon snoring, clinging to me as though his life depended on it. I smiled to myself and held him tightly until the minute the sun rose. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I wished I could see what was going on in his head, he must have a lot going on in there. John was probably one of the strongest people I'd ever met considering all he'd been through and the voices he told me about. I hoped that they weren't too serious because I had read about mental illnesses that people suffered from that included voices in their heads, and I hoped John didn't have that.
He began to stir, almost as though my train of thought had disturbed him. John softly opened his eyes and looked at me. "Good morning, handsome." I smiled and kissed his forehead. He grunted and rolled away from me. "Aye!" I laughed and pulled him back into my arms by the waist. "It's too bloody early, baby..." John grumbled as he tried to wriggle away from me. There was a knock on my bedroom door. I tensed up, and remembered the last time there was a knock at my door. I had assumed it was Mike trying to wake me up for school and it ended up being my father, starting my day by putting me in the hospital.
John shot up, wide awake now, and sat down on my love seat. "C'min," I mumbled, sitting up and crossing my legs. Aunt Gin opened the door slowly and peaked in. "G'mornin' James, I have to- oh, hello young man..." She began before she noticed the boy sitting on my bed. "Hi m'am." John smiled and waved. "Auntie, this is me mate John... We're ugh- in a band together." I lied. John smiled wider at me because I guess I had confirmed his request to start a band. "Nice t'meet you." John said in a more posh, polite voice. "You as well." Gin nodded her head and faced me again. "I have to go into Blackpool today, I won't be back until late. Please be careful and take your medication. I'm taking Michael with me, so you needn't worry about 'im." Gin informed me. I nodded and she took the hint to leave.
"I have a few questions." John said as he stuck up his hand like a young child in class. "Yes?" I raised an eyebrow. "Firstly, what is your real first name? Secondly, you're on medication now?" John asked as he tilted his head, still looking like an innocent young child. His hair wasn't it's usual quiff, slicked back like Elvis, it was a bloody mess. But he looked perfect. "My name is James Paul McCartney. I wish Gin wouldn't call me James, it's me Dad's name. Yes I'm on medication now, y'know, for the pain... and some for anxiety. But it's no big deal." I shrugged my shoulders and stood up slowly, one hand on my sore ribs, and began rifling through my drawers for a new outfit. I could feel John getting closer to me. Soon enough, his arms were wrapped around my waist from behind and he was kissing my neck. I closed my eyes and really focused on feeling him, he kept me grounded. I counted the nine times he muttered I love you against my neck.
I began to feel extremely aroused. John and I hadn't done anything, nor talked about doing anything sexual at this point. I knew I was way too nervous to. I think he may have felt the same way because he pulled away from me, and sat back down with his shirt pulled down over his crotch. Very nonchalant, he was.  I was completely unsure about sexual stuff with John. I knew at this point though I was way too fragile, though.
"What shall we do today, m'love?" John asked me after he evidently calmed himself down. "Up to you, just remember your prince charming is broken. That leaves us with limited options." I reminded John as I slowly lifted my shirt off and replaced it with a clean one, quickly grabbing my throbbing side after. "I did want to go to school..." I admitted. It was hard having limited social interaction. "Paul I definitely don't want you to push yourself to the point of being in pain, or y'know, make yerself panic 'n what not. I can only be with you in first period." John said, becoming serious. "I know." I nodded. "I don't think I like the idea, love. You're not well enough yet... Look at ya, yer as white as a bloody ghost and look at yer hands... Shakin' like a bloody leaf, they are." John said as he stood up and grabbed both of my hands, kissing the silver band on my left.
"I'm fine, John. I just want things to be normal, y'know." I tried to argue with him even though I knew there was no way he would put me in a position where I would be in pain. "Let's just lay down for a little longer, ya? It's too early." John suggested as he stretched and pulled me slowly toward the bed. We lied back down, this time John was holding me close as I rested my head on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat. It was calming to listen to. "I'm so glad ye didn't bugger off to Scotland on me." John said as he squeezed me lightly. "Me too. Guess it's a good thing Dad whooped me ass 'n put me in the hospital, y'know." I said quietly, unsure of how John would react. I didn't truly believe that, obviously I wish it had never happened. But I was so happy I wasn't leaving and Jim was gone.
"Don't say that ever again." John said quietly, but sternly. "I honestly thought you were going t'die, Paul. I've lost too much, 'm not letting you go too. Never. You 'n Mimi are all I've got, y'know that?" John was rambling, I could tell that he was hearing someone in his head. His words always kind of wandered and rambled about when he was having trouble thinking straight, and not listening to the voices. "John..." I mumbled as I nuzzled into his neck. "M'sorry, love... Voices, y'know. I'm nothin' but a bloody loony." He sighed and kissed my forehead.
"So, ye wanna start a band eh?"
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antandjas · 8 years
Just Friends (A Janthony Fanfic)
I know I’ve been MIA but I wrote this this weekend and here it is. This is an au high school fic. This is VERY au, more than I usually write, but it was a lot of fun doing this one. Please just assume that Jas, Anthony, Oak, and Pippa are all the same age in this. 
Let me know how you like it! 
“Ugh…” Anthony groans, the sweat forming on his brow.
“Anthony, it’s not gonna fit,” Jasmine bites her lip, releasing the breath she was holding in, “It’s too big!”
“Will you relax? It fit before…” Anthony moves her hands away and gives it one final push before it’s jammed inside.
“Aha! I told you it would fit!” Anthony steps back from his locker, hands on his hips, and a smile on his face. He looks over at Jasmine who has her arms crossed against her chest.
“I told you not to bring your guitar case in the first place but you’ve proved me wrong once again Ramos.” She walks over to her own locker and opens it, grabbing her books for the day.
Anthony closes his and leans on his side, facing his best friend. There was only five minutes before their first class of the day but he was willing to wait for her.
He wasn’t sure why it happened, constantly waiting for Jasmine, but it did.
They met in 4th grade, desk buddies who were always sharing their crayons with each other. Their first real memory together was when Jasmine hid inside the bathroom from some bullies and Anthony decided to sit his little butt outside and wait for her until she came out. And just like that, Anthony was always waiting for her.
Ever since then they became best friends and were basically inseparable from each other. They were close all throughout middle school and even now in their third year of high school. Some people even told them that it was like they were attached at the hip.
And Anthony felt like that sometimes. He can’t remember a time when she wasn’t a part of his life.
He jolts out of his daydream when Jasmine shuts her locker door just as the warning bell rings out, the two of them walking down the hall with the rest of the crowd.
“So what are you wearing to Junior prom? My mom is asking so we can figure out how to match.” Anthony keeps close to her, wiggling through crowds of other students.
Junior prom was slowly approaching. The tickets just went on sale yesterday and Anthony bought a pair already, taking advantage of the early-bird discounted tickets. He was excited about this dance and he was especially excited to be going with Jasmine.
But when he looks at her, he notices the way she nervously bites her lip and avoids looking at him. He can read her like a book and he knows something is up.
“Um, yeah, about that…I think maybe we should go with other people.”
His face falls, disappointment clouding his features. He hopes that she doesn’t notice but she can read him like a book too.
“Ant, listen, you know you’re my best friend and we’ve always gone to dances together but this one is different,” She pauses and glances over at him, “Plus I heard that Jack Moore was gonna ask me to go with him.”
Anthony knits his brows together and he stops dead in his tracks.
Jack Moore was one of the most popular guys at their school, the baseball star with a bad reputation. Someone that Anthony would never see Jasmine with.
“Jack Moore…is gonna ask you?” Anthony automatically regrets saying it that way, knowing exactly how his tone sounded.
“What? You don’t think a guy like that would want to ask me to prom?” Jasmine is clearly offended, scowling at him.
“I didn’t mean it like that Jas, it’s just he’s…”
“Save it, I’m late for class. I’ll talk to you later.” She pushes past him and he knows better than to run after her.
Anthony knows that she needs to blow off the steam and that they can talk at lunch about it. So he decides  to just make his way down to his classroom just as the final bell rings.
Anthony doesn’t see her for lunch and she ignores him during their one class of the day together.
He didn’t think she’d be this mad at him.
He’s about to get in his old, beat up truck when she walks up to him in the school parking lot.
“Hey.” He notices her twirling her hair around her finger, another one of her nervous little habits.
“I’m sorry I was a jer-“
“Sorry I ignored yo-“
They both start talking at the same time but suddenly halt and laugh at each other.
“You go first, J.” He offers, pulling her closer to the truck as another student drives past them.
“Sorry I ignored you all day. I just…you know I love you, right?” Jasmine looks up at him and he can feel his heart thumping hard in his chest.
“But in the most platonic way, everyone always thinks we’re dating and going to Junior prom together…I-I just wanted a change. We can still go together as a group and take pictures and everything.” She reasons, giving him a smile.
He doesn’t know what to say, his heart feels like it’s exploded in his chest and fragments of it have lodged into his ribcage. But he shakes off the feeling, they’re just best friends and he knows that’s all they will be.
He just shrugs. “Yeah, Jas, I get it. I was the one being the jerk earlier.” He tries to puff out his chest to make it seem like it’s not a big deal; letting his pride take over.
“Okay good! Let’s go home!” She makes her way to the passenger side of the truck and Anthony shakes his head.
“You’re only friends with me because I give you car rides.” He laughs as he gets in the driver’s side.
“Hmm, just one of you many perks.” Jasmine leans forward to toggle with the radio station and lands on some throwback song from the 80’s.
Anthony laughs at her as he pulls out of the parking lot to head home.
“I just don’t get why you two aren’t going together, I’ll call Kim and…”
“Ma! No, she’s going with someone else, it’s okay.” Anthony sighs, shoving his chair back underneath the kitchen table.
He’s being interrogated as to why Jasmine isn’t his prom date and he can see the amusement on his sister’s face. He thought it wouldn’t be a big deal but apparently it was for his mom.
“So who are you going with?” His mom’s glare is enough to keep him from retreating to his room. He lingers by the kitchen table and shrugs.
“Oak, probably, we don’t need dates.” Anthony answers.
He could just go with Oak, who hopefully doesn’t have a date yet either. Anthony didn’t want to ask any other girl to the dance and if he had to go by himself it was okay.
“Why don’t you just confess your love for Jasmine and then maybe she’ll pick you over whoever her date is.” Stephanie teases; giggling when Anthony’s cheeks turn red.
“Shut up.” He doesn’t have a good comeback but doesn’t want to egg her on either.
“I’m just saying, you obviously love her…” Stephanie is shushed by one look from their mom and she goes back to eating her breakfast.
Anthony just shakes his head and grabs his backpack. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore and Ma, don’t you dare call Jas’ mom.” He snatches his keys from the dish and walks to his truck.
It takes the whole drive to Jasmine’s apartment to settle his nerves.
“What’s wrong with you?” Is the first thing she says as she gets in the truck.
“What do you mean?” He starts to drive, occasionally only glancing at her. She’s in the process of putting her makeup on; a typical occurrence in the truck.  
“I don’t know, you just seem, off,” She pauses to look at him, “It’s not the about prom is it?”
Anthony doesn’t answer, pretending to pay attention to the road. But Jasmine doesn’t let him get away with it and she leans over, grabbing his bicep and shaking it.
“Quit it, you want us to die in this old ass truck?” Anthony shakes his head.
He’s on edge. His little sister’s annoying words echoing through his mind. In the years that they’ve been friends, Anthony’s never had a crush on Jasmine or maybe he has but only for a split second.
“Sorry,” He sighs, glancing to look over at Jasmine who’s arms are crossed. “Stephanie was pissing me off this morning.”
“So you’re gonna snap at me? God you’re lucky we’re best friends or else I would’ve tucked and rolled out of this truck.”
He laughs out of relief; relief that she isn’t gonna press him about what’s bothering him. They pull into the school parking lot and Jasmine pauses before she gets out.
“Are you working tonight?” She leans against the arm rest and he can’t help but stare at her. The morning light shining on her face just right causing her to glow.
“Yeah, you should know my schedule by now.”
“Okay, don’t worry about taking me home today. I’ll see you at the shop.” And with that she hops out of the truck and pulls out her backpack.
He doesn’t even have a chance to ask her what she has planned as she skips off to the school building.
“So you’re in love with her?”
“Shhh, could you be any louder??”
Anthony gives Oak and Pippa a glaring look which is all he can do on the other side of the counter. The bakery wasn’t too busy at this time of the day and his boss was chill enough to let his friends stay and talk; as long as he wasn’t giving away free baked goods.
“Wait, man so you do like Jasmine!?” Oak’s smile is from ear to ear and Pippa starts bouncing up and down in the stool she’s sitting in.
“No, what, man…I don’t know…” He kneads the dough in front of him and he can feel Oak and Pippa’s stares on him.
Besides Jasmine, they are his only other friends at school. The four of them all quiet theater kids, even with Oak and Anthony on the baseball team. Once you're a theater kid, that’s all anyone ever knows you as. So he’s stuck with hashing out his feelings with them, worried that Pippa will eventually spill this all to Jasmine but he can’t help it.
“I just don’t want her going to the prom with that asshole, Jack Moore.” Anthony could feel the heat rise up in his cheeks when he even thinks about it. Just knowing the shit Jack talks about in the locker room about girls being “another notch in his belt” is enough for Anthony to hate the guy. But then he pictures Jasmine getting hurt and then he’s steaming.
“So tell her that. She’d go with you, plus everyone expects it anyways.” Pippa says, shrugging her shoulders.
Oak nods his head in agreement but Anthony knows it’s too complicated to go back on telling Jas about Jack.
“Nah, can’t do that. She’s already excited to possibly be going with him. He hasn’t even asked her yet…” He pauses to add flour to the dough and turns back to them. “Besides, I told my mom I’d go stag with Oak.”
Oak sucks his teeth and grimaces at him. “Yeah…about that…I asked Jess from Biology to go with me yesterday. Sorry man, I didn’t want to go alone and I thought you were going with Jas and yeah…sorry.”
Anthony almost smacks his head against the counter, annoyed at himself. But Pippa suddenly jumps in with: “We can go together.”
He perks his head up. He never thought to ask Pippa since she almost always had a date to this things already but now that she’s offering…
“Yeah, okay. We’re friends anyways so it won’t be awkward. Thanks Pippa!” Anthony can almost feel the tension leave his body until he hears the little bell above the door ring.
Jasmine skips in, a huge smile spread across her face. She walks over to them and hugs Pippa first then Oak and can only wave at Anthony from behind the glass.
“Jack asked me to prom today!” Is the first thing out of her mouth.
“He did?” Anthony questions, pounding his fist into the dough a little harder than he needs to.
“Yeah and that’s our cue to go. Congrats Jas. We’ll see you guys around.” Pippa and Oak awkwardly leave which Anthony wishes he could ask for them to take him too.
Jasmine stands right in front of him, the only thing separating them is the glass.
“Jack asked me and he was really sweet about it. I don’t know why you hate him so much.”
Anthony bites his tongue. He wants to tell her, scream at her, that Jack only wants to go with her for one thing but no, he isn’t going to take this away from her.
“So you aren’t gonna say anything to me…nothing…” She purses her lips and crosses her arms. Jasmine is annoyed and Anthony nearly laughs because she looks really cute when she is.
He hesitates again, doesn’t know what to say and then…
“I’m going with Pippa.” It’s like word vomit but he can’t help it. He looks over at her.
She’s confused at first, her brows furrowing together, then they just raise up in realization.
“Oh…” She pauses. She licks her lips as if she’s trying to find the right words to say to him. “Pippa…? Didn’t think you’d go together, okay.”
“You don’t mind right? I mean you said we should go with different people and we’re just friends.” Anthony tries to read her but she’s looking at everything but him.
“Just friends, right, yeah of course. You can go with her, why would it matter to me!? I’m, I’m happy you two are going together!” She gets up as she talks.
Anthony stops what he’s doing and leans forward. “Are you leaving already?” He watches as she just fidgets with the zipper of her jacket.
“Yeah, I have a lot of homework to do. I’ll, um, see you tomorrow?”
She’s in such a rush that Anthony barely hears her say this to him. He knows something is bugging her but like always, he has to wait on her until tomorrow to know.
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