#ugh how did i regress so BADLY
rexscanonwife · 7 months
Naw but the way Charles literally has a spidey sense when somethings wrong with the boys 😭🙏💖💖
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months
vent post got long
there have been different experiences throughout my life that can make it hard to talk
difficulty with volume control. especially as a little kid (3-5); yelling when I meant to talk, talking when I meant to whisper, whispering when I meant to keep the thought in my head. I'm sure my memory is skewed but it felt like I was always in trouble for it, from peers as much if not more than adults
fast forward a few years, and for the biggest chunk of my childhood, it's thinking I'm projecting when I'm really not. No one can hear me. People are constantly frustrated with me for not speaking up. It's easier to just not speak.
theatre classes helped a lot. I started to love public speaking. Even started to not hate socializing quite as much.
then had to go to college. all the skills I'd built up for years seemed to disappear for no reason. looking back such a big change in all my environments and routines would of course cause skill regression. but I didn't understand anything about myself at the time, I thought I was just stupid. And everyone still expected me to be smart. When I tried to ask for help they'd remind me how smart I was.
and then recently, somewhere in the middle of all that--a string of roommates/co-workers/felt like everyone around me with no escape, had this attitude of perfectionism.
Sending a text? there are a thousand ways to make the person on the receiving end immediately assume you hate them because you didn't follow their made-up rules about emojis and punctuation (I would try to explain that not everyone is like that, and if someone misunderstands you can always clarify, but being surrounded by people who were in fact looking for reasons to assume your text had ill intent made it harder and harder to believe)
Making cookies for a friend? Well don't bring them over on a paper plate ugh if someone did that to me I would feel so insulted. We need to actually put effort in so they know we actually care.
Literally walking back to the apartment looking at the moon together, completely relaxed until suddenly I'm in trouble for apparently not being emotional enough about it? sounding bored or something? got teased about it for weeks, at least it seems that way when I try to remember.
Those are real literal examples. It was like that all the time I thought I was losing my mind. Reinforced a deep mistrust of my peers that I thought I had grown past (that I worked really hard for years to grow past in spite of being treated badly because I believed things would get better and that at least part of the problem was my attitude). I think some part of me expected that it'd get better because my peers had become adults. Stupid assumption
Had one roommate early on who wasn't like that. Fell in love with her--didn't know I liked girls before that--transferred schools (was going to anyway), lost touch
Writing is a coping skill I've relied on since I could write. Volume isn't a factor. How long it takes me to put together my ideas isn't a factor (in texting it sometimes is, but expectations are also lower for how coherent my ideas are--unless someone raises them again). Figuring out when it's my turn to talk is much less of a factor.
For the past like 3ish years I don't think I've ever had less than 50 unread texts. College and other experiences surrounding it absolutely destroyed the things I used to love about myself. I'm building back up. But it's hard. It's hard that everyone else perceives dropping out as the big problem when it's actually the first decision that felt like mine in a long time and the only reason I was able to start writing again. And start speaking again. I have shorter non-verbal periods and usually am able to string together adult-sounding sentences (I hate describing it that way but I don't know how else to explain. In college I would have a really hard time getting words out but didn't feel like not talking was an option, so I'd skip pronouns and prepositions, my pronunciation was slurred and my volume control was out of whack. This also only happened sometimes, and was really humiliating to get stuck in in front of people who were used to hearing me talk 'normal') (giving myself permission to use what my mom use to call 'baby talk' has been one of the hardest things and also one of the most helpful)
Anyway when I take forever to respond to messages I'm not ignoring and I'm not mad. it's probably because I've forgotten how to make feelings into words. It helps a ton that on here I'm talking about things I choose with people who are nice to me, but it still happens where I just get stuck thinking that anything I say will be taken as an insult and scared that I'm gonna sound stupid
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
Everytime I read "Nicolo di Genova" my brain glitches and I read "Nicolo do Genovia" instead so /whispers/ Kaysanova Princess Diaries AU?
...yes. Did someone say Gay Champagne Romcom? Because that is my Brand.
Nicolò is an Italian-American graduate student living in New York City with his widowed Italian mother and working on an engineering degree at NYU. He was thinking about joining the priesthood for a few years and recently dropped out of seminary and is feeling that Millennial Crisis that all of us know about. He has gone on a few Tinder/Grindr dates, but it’s hard enough to meet someone in this city even when you’re not a gay ex-priest engineering student living in his mother’s rent-controlled apartment in Morningside Heights because have you seen the property prices in New York. Plus WHENEVER he brings a nice boy home, HEY PRESTO there’s his mom waiting eagerly up in the front room, “NICOLÒ WHO IS THIS HANDSOME YOUNG MAN, DOES HE HAVE GOOD PARENTS, IS HE A CATHOLIC NICOLÒ” and of course that instantly kills any kind of romantic mood. Nicolò is like “let’s just go over to yours PLEASE.” But he tends not to see his dates again anyway, and it’s equally depressing, and it’s nice that his mom isn’t homophobic or anything, but he’d like to just meet someone without his mother instantly planning the Big Fat Gay Italian Wedding, and yes he knows this is a nice problem to have but STILL
Anyway, then of course the Dead Dad Circus rolls into town, and Nicolò learns that he’s not actually the son of a nice hardworking Italian immigrant, but of His Serene Highness Prince Domenico Grimaldi of Genovia, who wouldn’t you know it, has recently died too young from cancer and left no legitimate heir except the result of his rebellious teen fling with a cocktail waitress in Capri – which would be, you guessed it, Nicolò. While Nicolò is still processing the horrifying mental image of his mother being a cocktail waitress in Capri and having to look up Genovia on a map, the rest of the royal machine is kicking into overdrive. This involves a very awkward meeting in a very fancy Manhattan hotel with Nicolò’s magnificent but rather out-of-touch royal grandmother, Her Serene Highness The Queen Mother Maria Elisabetta Henrietta Julia Victoria Mignonette Grimaldi of Genovia. She’s basically Julie Andrews because obviously. She informs Nicolò of his Solemn Duty to return to Genovia and become Prince Nicolò and eventually be prepared to take the throne and submit to a fascinating life of minor European royal family ribbon-cutting duties. Oh, and getting married and producing more heirs to the throne, on pain of breaking a thousand-year-old bloodline, though she doesn’t say this out loud. Her loyal right-hand man, driver, and general bodyguard/fixer/man about town, Sebastien le Livre aka Booker, gives Nicolò various sympathetic looks but does not interrupt.
Nicolò obviously freaks out and runs off to call up his best friend at NYU, Andy. Andy is some indeterminate degree of years older than him, in some indeterminable stage of her Classics PhD, and sometimes says weird things like how badly the Library of Alexandria had already been defunded by the Roman emperors before it finally burned, like she was there and holds a personal grudge about it. She is a cranky vodka-drinking lesbian who rides a motorcycle, gets them into periodic scrapes, and understands his shit dating life. She deeply empathizes with all his “I’m not going to run away and leave my life in New York to become part of some creakingly antique regressive imperial monarchic system of racist and homophobic oppression, NO SIR!” Fight the power, Nicolò. Fuck those guys.
Of course, however, Julie Andrews Grandmother Maria prevails and Nicolò is forced to take Prince Lessons, which he hates but tries to be a good sport about, because, well, he’s Nicolò and he’s a good person. He is then whisked off on a private plane to Genovia, because they want to see him in situ before they make a final decision on accepting him as their prince. There of course we have the high-life palaces and parks and snooty clueless aristocrats who look at Nicolò like he’s a prize racehorse and have absolutely zero clue, none, nada, about the real world. Just as Nicolò is about to firmly decide that this is a complete crock of shit and he’s going back to NYU, he meets….
Prince Yusuf “call me Joe” al-Kaysani.
Joe is a minor member of one of the Middle Eastern royal families, some fictional tiny Gulf kingdom that is super SUPER oil rich. He has a title and a lot of money but doesn’t have a clearly defined role in the family, other than that he’s been ordered not to embarrass it. Nicky does not know this when they first meet, but obviously it’s not possible to be an out gay prince in a conservative Arabian-peninsula Islamic kingdom, and therefore the fixers have arranged for Joe to be publicly dating a daughter of the Malaysian sultan, Quynh. (We are making her Malaysian in this instance so she can also be Muslim and hence an appropriate match for Joe.) Except Princess Quynh is also hella lesbian and is getting the same thing out of the fake dating with Joe that he is, i.e. throwing people off the scent of their real selves. They spend their time together in private eating popcorn, commiserating about their lives and crazy royal families and the press invading their privacy, watching romcoms, and Judging the Straights. They’re actually best friends and text each other all the time, so at the royal function where Joe runs into the stiff and nervous and clearly overcompensating New Guy who’s evidently the New Prince of Genovia, and oh my god Q he’s the Most stuck up person I’ve EVER MET, Quynh is the first to hear ALL about it. She immediately suspects that Joe doth protest too much.
Meanwhile, Nicky meets Nile Freeman, another young American (from Chicago, obvs) who is working at some important EU institution currently headquartered in Genovia. They also hit it off and Nile tells Nicky about the things she wants to do to help change the world and why she’s here, and he is moved by her kindness and altruism and remembers that that was what he wanted too, and why he joined the priesthood in the first place. He opens up to her about the shock of learning the truth about his now-dead dad and the crazy whirlwind he’s been sucked into and how he doesn’t know what to do, and their friendship is beautiful and we love it.
Meanwhile, of course, Nicky and Joe keep running into each other and getting on each other’s nerves, Nicky is thisclose to calling up Booker and ordering him to deport Joe because why is he always here (Booker, of course, will eventually become a secret ally in helping them see each other, but that is not quite yet). There is some Shenanigan where they end up both getting into trouble, Grandmother Julie Andrews is not amused, and finally they are forced to sit next to each other for a whole state dinner and Be Polite, because Genovia is trying to forge better relations with Joe’s kingdom. (Genovia is tiny, ancient, and broke, Joe’s kingdom has obviously a ton of money, there are old historical ties between them, some Genovians traveled to the kingdom in the past, Genovia’s trying to improve its human rights record and take in more refugees, etc. Nile is also helping with this last). So Nicky and Joe get ordered to fake a highly convincing bromance and pretend they’ve been best buddies all along (think Red White and Royal Blue) and that means they have to actually learn about each other and spend time together and ugh, he’s a spoiled rich playboy brat, and ugh, he’s a clueless American who thinks he’s better than us, and…
Oh no.
Yes, of course they fall in love, they deny it as hard as they can, Nile and Quynh and Booker are all increasingly exasperated by their attempts to pretend they’re not, and finally they kiss and make love and admit their feelings and that they want to be together. Then of course they get outed by some scheming evil cabinet minister (Merrick) who doesn’t want Nicky to become king and disapproves of him dating (gasp) a MUSLIM WHO IS ALSO A MAN, and there’s a huge scandal and a ton of drama and the usual Romcom Breakup Angst as they decide whether they can still see each other. Andy flies out to Genovia to comfort Nicky, Booker has a Word With The Queen, and Joe hides in his room until Quynh (along with Nile, who she’s met and hit it off with) appears to tell him that he has to be brave, she’ll help.
Anyway, etc etc., Drama, “I love him no matter what, if you don’t accept him you don’t accept me and your STUPID BLOODLINE CAN CHOKE” speeches from Nicky, Julie Andrews sees the light, they decide that Nicky and Joe can keep seeing each other, and it’s all rather sweet. There’s a lot of public relations to be managed and whether Joe’s family is going to disown him and what this will mean for the whole international relations thing, but… one thing at a time.
Nicky agrees to become Prince of Genovia as long as he can be with Joe, Joe decides that hey, he likes Nile too and there’s plenty of meaningful work to be had here and the three of them can join forces to do good things and he’s going to stay, and the Genovian public obviously comes around and loves them. Nobody can find Princess Quynh. It’s rumored she ran off to America with a cranky vodka-drinking PhD student of indeterminate age and was last seen on the back of a motorcycle heading west.
Everyone lives happily and gayly ever after.
The End.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Virgil you were doing so well. You were getting better at not… you were. Partially.
Why do you have to regress to screaming insults at them? To being so controlling and insecure and and. To being… to… there is no word other than abusive that comes to mind, and that should maybe tell you a lot about your own behavior. Please just. Self-reflection, remember?
Do you believe you overreacted? Do you believe you did anything wrong? (There is a clear right answer to these questions, and I will worry if you do not give me it, but either way feel free to elaborate on whatever answer you give.)
He'd pulled his hood over his head and sunk even more in on himself. He didn't even look up when he heard you.
"I didn't 'regress'" He spat out "I was trying to be better 'cause I thought my anxiety about them lying and going behind my back and leaving me and- I had thought it was all paranoia! But it wasn't! Clearly! Me trying to get better was built on thinking they weren't- so if they were- if they were lying all this time then why the hell should I even try!? Why should I do everything for them if they won't even tell me the truth!? They never do anything for me! They just laze about an-and- Ugh!"
Virgil got the urge to slam his fist into the wall again. To punch until both his knuckles were bleeding. Until the blood had flown down to his wrists. He stopped himself when he heard your question, If he'd overreacted. He was quiet for a little bit.
".....Obviously I overreacted. I literally slammed my elbow into that gross Janus' face. I wouldn't have done that normally! I was just panicking and- and I obviously don't like that I held onto Remy too hard. And- and I guess I was a bit too drunk to drive and maybe I should haven't yel- said that Remy was just trying to distract me from them lying when they were begging me to stop the car 'cause they thought we were gonna die. I- looking back it was probably a bad idea to force them to give me their phone so I could check their messages and- while uh driving while uhh drunk"
He didn't like to think about what he'd done after he'd done it. It made his heart shrivel up. He liked it better when he could comfort Remy afterwards or fuck them or buy them dinner and then he could say it was behind them. Then he never had to think about what he'd done ever again.
"I'm not heartless....I can tell I overreacted a bit.....I was drunk and panicked and- and I- They've been lying FOR MONTHS! What if they've laughed at me with their new 'friends'. Or talked badly of me. What if they're gonna leave me. What if their 'friends' have convinced them to leave. They- You just saw on Janus that they're a pathetic manipulating little fucker! How am I supposed to react to- To them LYING TO ME!? HUH? How?? Am I-"
He immediately quieted when he heard your new question. Had he done anything wrong?
Virgil paled. He pressed his nails down into his skin and curled up even more. Made himself even smaller.
His breathe hitched. It seemed to stop in his throat, not letting him breathe. It was such a simple question wasn't it. Anything wrong. It made him crumble. He hid his face in his hands, his nails digging down into his cheeks, as tears pressed on.
"i'm not like him- i'm not- i- i was just- i panicked- i've been working so hard and they just- remy just- they lied- i didn't know what to do- i wouldn't- i need them- we were just arguing an-and i'm not like him! I'M NOT- They just- how can i even trust" He proceeded to accidentally call Remy their deadname.
He immediately clasped his hands over his mouth.
"I didn't mean that! It was a slip up! I- it's been a long night. I just need sleep....yeah...I- I just need to sleep and then everything will be good. I just need to calm down an-and sleep- and-" He glanced over to you "WHY THE HELL DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN MYSELF TO YOU!? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM! YOU DON'T KNOW ME! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Virgil leant against the wall as he forced himself up on shaky legs. He kept quietly mumbling to himself about how he just needed to sleep as he hastily wiped the tears away.
He went into the apartment. It was eerily quiet. The light was still on in the kitchen. He had to clean the sink tomorrow.
For now he made sure to avoid the kitchen. He went into the bedroom and laid down on his side of the bed without bothering to even take his clothes off. Remy wasn't in bed, he hadn't expected them to be.
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What the Fandom (actually) thinks about the SPN Finale 15x20!
A short while ago I posted a Quiz  [Which Part of Supernatural Season 16 are you?]  and the post has 27 notes, so I thought barely anyone would have taken this, but it turns out actually a couple people did.  And I´m so glad I did put in one free form question: “Would be please be so kind to sum up the finale in 3 words. (Or 333 if you want to...)”  Because the past days I clicked through the notifications on the quiz, which is kind of tedious, but I could not stop cause what people put in there is a mood, a riot, the pure unfiltered truth, eloquent and outrageous in the best way!   And so I collected the answers and tried to roughly group them. Which you can find under the cut. (If someone that took the quiz wants to be tagged or have the commentary removed please just message me!)  Can you guess what the most common 3 words were? 
 The rare acceptance or praise  not that bad  // Not entirely horrible.  //  satisfaction and closure :D  //  good idea, shaky execution, ultimately fulfilling  // epic love story
Grounded Truth & the well adjusted It was something // well that happened
CW & Network aka. put the blame where it (probably) belongs network fuckery afoot  //  Corporate Fuckery Ahoy!  // network bullshit ruined everything  // fuck the cw // Fuck the CW //  Fuck you cw //  cw ships wincest  //   FUCK ROBERT SINGER  // Greed won
Make some Effort (@show) Lazy //  half-assed fever dream  // feverish dream (nightmare)  // Could be better  // Not comprehensible, stupid, low budget  // How did buckleming do better  // Fuck you, spn writers. Could have done better
Hate Crime  A hate crime // literal hate crime  //  The hate crime //  I only need 2 and it's hate and crime // subtle-but-not hate crime // hatecrime to all Homophobia Call Out Straight Gay Chicken// not gay enough // bad unsexy homophobic // Where's my gay? // horrific hetero nightmare // Homophobic queerbait bullshit // no homo shitshow // Bury your gays // silencing, erasing, ugly  //  Homophobic and incestual  // homophobic disappointing stifd // Character assassination and homophobia //  Stinky, censorship, offensive // Disappointingly heterosexual & bland You need to speak  fandom for that  why lamp wtf //  It’s the turbo hell we were all sent to // Wheres the tapes??? Castiel centric  so no cas?  // So no cas? // Needs more Cas // No Cas, pathetic // where is cas // why no Cas // where was cas //  yo a ti  // where was castiel Bless you I released scripts for a reason
Deserving Better! Damn Right! They deserved better // They deserved better // They deserved better // dean deserved better //  dean deserved better  //  dean deserved better // Dean deserves better  //  destiel deserved better // Destiel deserve better. //  Jensen deserved better  //  dumb , idiotic , horrible and #deanwinchesterdeservedbetter
Trash, Shit  & Garbage aka. The scatological truth FUCK THIS SHIT // Shit shit shit // Shit shit shit // total shit //  Shittiest fucking shit// Total and utter shite. //  Piece of shit // Fuck this shit  //  Complete utter shit //   Fucking pointless shitshow // stupid As all fuck // That was shit.  // A shit show  // what a shitshow // An absolute shitshow // total shit show // a shit show // A shit show //  total shitshow lmao // absolute shit show  // A shit show // Rancid shit show  // i would say it's a shitshow but that's mean to shit // Complete utter shit   // fuck that shit //  fuck that shit //  fuck this shit // Absolute fuckin bullshit // fucked up shit  // Utter shit bro //  Distilled horse shit // Absolute horse shit // Absolute Horseshit. 3. //  Absolute dog crap // Piece of crap // pile of crap // piece of trash // Steaming trash fire // Shit ass garbage   //  Gar ba ge // Fucking trash fire // Absolute garbage fire // A dumpster fire //  piece of trash // unfortunate dumpster fire //  Flaming pile of garbage // disaster dumpster fire  // Unsatifying flaming garbage // Dumpster fire on ice. A mess. Underwhelming. Incomprehensible. Oof // I got 2: dumpster fire // Complete. Fucking. Bullshit.   // Complete utter bullshit // utter gross bullshit // Shit fuck shame // hot mess inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck
Still won´t read any praise here The worst thing  // a complete disaster // so fucked up //  It was terrible //  it really sucked  //  Man it sucked //  Well that sucked  //  Fucking sucked bro  //  it fucking sucked  // it sucked ass it was fucked // Sucked major ass.  // It sucked ass // very not good :(  //  it was bad :(  // Absolutely fucking awful  // The very worst //  bad. bad. wincest...  // Bad bad bad  //  bad poop ending // bad funni yuck // horrendous nightmare fuel  //   A fucking nightmare // worst thing i’ve never seen in my life //  an absolute atrocity  // a fucking disaster  it was terrible // an absolute disgrace  //  Just so awful // Really Fucking Bad // Literally the worst // Real real bad  //  Bad stupid bad  // uhh very bad  // crap bad lacking //  horrible rude worst // awful  //  bad // bad  //  Crap //  wack Ugh. // No  // UGH // Bad, messy, dumb   // Bad terrible worst ugh  // Oof my dude  // deep deep sigh 9000+ epic failure  //  Small dick energy
Demands!  Suck my dick   // Not it motherfucker
Thinking of all of us! We all lost
Summed up in 3 Words               Bitch. Fucker. Ass.    //  Death age heaven  // Dead, married, forgotten  // Sam Dead Car  // Dead, Sad, & Car.  // Dead, Sad, Car  // Slow shambling death  //  burns in hell // Absurd, wtf, huh  //  fucking odoriferous stench.
Not Canon & Fake  &  Insulting insulting. not canon  // Unsatisfying, degrading, noncanonical // Disgusting Insulting Fake // sad, bullshit, not-a-finale // Embarrassing, ridiculous, insulting // disheartening, harmful, horrible // Terrible. Disgusting. Hilarious  //                 Incomplete. Unkind. Nonsensical.  // Traumatising, stupid, horrendous  // horrible incomplete unsuccessful  // Disgusting, disrespectful, unreal
Disappointments & Complaints very big disappointment  //  disappointing, disrespectful, baffling  // An utter disappointment // disappointment of the decade  //  Fruitless, regressive, insulting, disturbing, and all-in-all just disappointing //  the complete unpackage  // supernatural finale clusterfuck  // WRONG, Horrible, Offensive //  poo rehash bad  // Unnecessary character deaths  Betrayal & Inconsistency   Stupid awful depressing poorly written inconsistent betrayal  // Boring betrayal // inconsistent, monotonous mess  //  inconsistent disappointing mess
Denial! Aka. The wise!  Finale? What finale? //   What finale ?  // what finale? //  Finale? What finale? Ohhhh yeah 15x18 was great // you mean 15x18?  // Did not happen.  // What the...what?? // What finale ??? // um.........what finale? // finale? what finale. // what finale? it didn't air yet. last episode that aired was 15x18 pffft  //  what finale :) //  Does Not Exist  //  It never happened  //   That didn’t happen // No, i refuse, there was a finale??? // what finale?? // It doesn't exist  // it doesn't exist // Weird of season 15 to end with 19 episodes and an open ending // what finale? the show got canceled after 15x18  // Finale? What finale? Supernatural isn’t over. I’m not in denial, you are //  an atrocity i've erased from my memory //  I Can't See Suddenly. I Don't Know// Don’t know her.        
Consequences & Emotions (I hope you´re all okay, have a hug!) Oh my god it was awful. Hated it. Made me reactivate in the fandom. And obses over that show AGAIN. Oh, and yeah, yeeted me to a place so dark that I got me some new scars.  // Ymmmmm, fuck the finale. It got me spiraling down back to depression and self harm. Didn't make sence. Badly written. Badly executed (well, except acting) // Never wanted to claw my own face off more than watching that heap of garbage // fuckin hated it // My heart hurts  // Stupid unsatisfying pain  //  slap inthe face // I am unhinged  // Im throwing up  //  I am sad //  i went feral  //  Broke my heart  // hurt my feelings  / I wanna die // i hate it <3  // I hated it  // I hate it //  Extreme rage inducing  // Trauma, It was   // Oh. Oh dear. // Absolute soul crushing, sucked sunshine and joy out of this world and any other possible reality this abomination exists in. It hurt so much I actually disassociated and had a real life horrible week. Luckily anger finally swept in and fan fiction ultimately saved the day. // AWFUL. HARMFUL. DEPRESSING. I HATE IT // Waste of time //  My villain origin story // Destroyed rewatch value
This is unfortunately too true  disturbingly pro-suicide   //   odd lacking empty
Valid Questions:  why’d’ya do that // Why why why
WTF?! What the …  “The popular 3” What The Fuck // What the fuck// what the fuck // What the fuck. // what the fuck // What the fuck //  What the fuck //  What the fuck. //  What the fuck // What. The. Fuck.  //   What The Fuck  //  What the fuck // what the fuck // what the fuck // What the fuck // What the fuck // What the fuck?! // What. The. Fuck. // What the fuck?!  // what. the. fuck. (was that????) // What the actual fuck? // 1. What 2. The 3. Fuck //  'what the fuck'  // The actual fuck? //  What the heck, //// What the heck //  What the heck // what the hell // What the hell? // what the hell
Narative & Character Development That was pointless // Failure of storytelling //  15 years of story and character development down the fucking drain // Fuck character arcs, no free will // Assassination of character  // Lost character development // character development is dead // disjointed alien mess I don't know these characters what the fuck // boring, loveless, characters are ignoring  // Season 1 Finale.  // From darker timeline // Awful Forgetable OOC //  piece of shit all the character development thrown out the window. cas deserved better (also to be with dean cause they are in love)   //  Underwhelming, disappointing garbage, a slap in the face of chatacter development. //  the dark ending //  The Chuck ending we didn't deserve. // a dumpster fire on the level of the GoT finale - all character dev & story arc thrown out. CLOWN VAMPIRES  
The Jokers among us, or those finding a laugh in the grimmest things a comedy  //  Just a joke
I see what you did there and I love you 333 // 333 // 333  // 333  // 333 variations of the word fuck I especially love you  666
Rebels! 4 words (sorry): they showed their hand  //  The end of hope (that’s 4 words but too bad)
Didn´t watch the Finale  for various reasons  Haven’t seen it,  //  i didn't watch it out of spite  // haven't seen it yet for some reason // didn’t watch it  //  I didn’t watch it but everything that happened because of it activated the decade-old sleeper agent part of my brain that was a spn fan  // I stopped watching spn in the middle of season 12... The finale was awful from what I gathered
Hello Stranger, we welcome you here  I don't actually watch SPN I'm taking this for kicks bro
The Refusal (either of the finale or the  question) Nope //  No thank you // no // No   // No thanks, fuckers // No thank you. // No // This is bullshit // haha what? No  // Please, not this  // Oh god no // noooooo oooo ooo  // ....no. //  No. It sucks // I will not <3  //  no thank you  // no no no  //  no thank you  // Lmao wtf no // Nope. Just no. Refusal is self care!  No, I won't let it hurt me again. //  I can't, it's too bad
The offensive Wig! Party city wig // party city wig  //  party city wig // Homophobic, bad, wig // shitty sam wig // party city wig // Party City Wig // party city wig  // Jared's fucking wig //  bad, homophobic, party city wig // The Wig™ Blurry wife Sam's blurry wife
The Nail / Rebar!  ( @the-rusty-nail-that-killed-dean  @therustynailthatkilleddean  you are recognized) nailed by dickbar //  rusty nail wins  // Rusty fuckin nail.  //  Nail Dean Death Clown  //  dean got nailed  // Rebar. Cas helped.
All of those  Dickbar, Blurry Wife, Driving for 40yrs,Party City Wig, Drone Shot (cringe) // absolute trash fire garbage, burn the party city wig and the cw down but keep the dog
Those with crystal balls expected i guess // disappointed, not surprised
Puzzled (Yeah me too) or Undecided or Eh i don’t even fucking know // Jggfdv //  Huy  // Meh // Meh // meh  // it was bad ??
Let´s create great fanworks!! free real estate
Defies Categories and is good stuff  everything for nothing. // traumatizing, badly-written, comedic   //  devastating yet obnoxious //  God is dead but hegemonic masculinity is still kicking // maam this is a wendys  // am so glad that I was a whovian. I've dodged two bullets. // F's in the chat // >:((
I´m sorry, I failed you with this quiz quiz was wrong // Dude. Dude you gave me "liking the finale" a minute ago. I assure you; i did not. "You have found peace" bro I haven't known a SECOND of peace since that ill-begotten nightmare of a shitstorm  //  [[“I STILL HOPE UR DAY WAS G”:]]  HOW THE FUCK DID I GET THAT I LIKED THE FINALE PLS OP THIS IS NOT A MARK ON YOU OR ANYTHIG I LOVE U EVEN IF I DON'T KNOW YOU BTU PLS THE DEPRESSIVE STATE THAT I SPENT MY LIFE IN POST-FINALE DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE SHAMED IN THIS WAY I. PLEASE. I DID NOT LIKE THE FINALE. HOW DO I GET A DIFFERENT ANSWER PLEASE
Misha? Was that you? Rancid Nut Work
Particular Stuff Fuck john Winchester  // [[“ Mj”; ]]fucking disgusting shitshow [okay so that was 3 words, but MAY I JUST SAY, c*w was incredibly disrespectful to Misha, Cas, Jensen, and Dean. Misha played a Cas for 12 years, and then he's not even in the finale? and Cas gets mentioned a whopping total of 2 times after he confesses his love to Dean?? and then, Jensen. 15 years of his life on Supernatural. Jensen turned down the role to be Captain America, and his best friend is Dean, the character he plays. But then Dean dies on a rusty nail, never getting to actually live his life? Dean died how he always thought he would- and he died as "Daddy's Blunt Instrument", finishing off his dad's unfinished case. J*hn Winch*ster ab*sed him and Sam mentally, emotionally, and possibly physically too, and does NOT deserve to get a Heaven at all, least of all, a Heaven right by Deans. Dean never got to live how he wanted to and was repressed as fuck, and this is all because of his dad, the resident shit head. And don't even get me started on the queer erasure, and racism. Kevin Tran deserved better. He, after through all he suffered on Earth, deserves to go to Heaven, not be tortured in the afterlife forever. I fully believe that it's just because he was Asian. If J*hn got into Heaven, why couldn't Kevin. Also, not to mention, Charlie, Rowena, Claire, Patience, Kaia, Crowley, Donna, and Jodi, and probably countless of other queer characters who were erased. They were silenced and fuck the cw for doing that. I could add so much more, but for now, have an excellent day and a wonderful year :)]   //  [[“Yellowcollins”:]] hat the fuck was that literally what the fuck. I’m convinced the writers did not watch a single episode they made past season 3. There was literally not a SINGLE character from season 4 onwards in the finale. LITERALLY. NO. ONE. and what about “family don’t end in blood” that they’ve been preaching since LITERALLY season 1??? huh??????? nah fuck 15x20, this will go down and the WORST ending in the history of endings.
[cookie] < for everyone that made it that far ;)  
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
I played Death of the Outsider finally and I have some Feelings about it
and most of them not very positive. nice stuff first tho!
- billie is such a good character. still new to her old self and slightly tender from coming out of the protective shell of lies that was meagan foster, full of old scars and doubts and bitterness but trying for something better, something kinder even though she still doesn’t quite understand what she’s walking towards -- the genuine care and tenderness in her voice when she talks to daud or thinks about deidre. I love her.
all that and she effortlessly IS also the queer disabled woc the gamer bros refuse to believe could possibly exist. exquisite. 
- the idea of ‘killing’ the outsider is compelling, but it’s the sort of idea that needs a full length game to support it and its implications. cool idea, completely wrong execution.
- saying that: I love that the injustice of the outsider’s creation being righted is only made possible by a long unbroken line of mercy and kindness. daud saved billie from the streets, corvo spared daud, daud saved emily and spared billie after her betrayal, billie tried to save aramis stilton and became entangled in the void, emily spared billie, billie took this job in the first place partly because she loves her dad daud and wants him to find peace. that idea is so beautiful that I wish the rest of the narrative was strong enough to hold it up lol.
there’s also something going on here with other people holding on to the important pieces of you -- that billie is ‘all that is left’ of daud after he’s dead. once he saved a child from true loneliness and gave her a purpose, made her feel seen again, gave her the closest thing she had to a home, and when he’s completely lost himself in the void... that kindness is still alive in billie, and she helps him find his way. again that is really touching and thoughtful and plays wonderfully into the chaos system in these games thematically! too bad about all the stilted dialogue and characterization messes and uh. everything else. 
- most of all I love how clear it is that billie and daud love each other. it’s a quiet love that has nothing to prove anymore, it’s survived all the blood and the ugliness and everything they’ve done to each other and to the world, a love with no demands left. it’s not the sort of love you usually see, in all its unsentimentality, but it’s real. when daud tells her he’s proud of her and trusts her no matter what she chooses to do, you feel how much he means it. (making his insistence on trying to make her choice for her all the weirder -- see my long rant of lamentation about his characterization in doto below lol)
there’s something about daud’s undramatic yet complete acceptance of and respect for billie that... I didn’t know I needed this, but it was a nice gift nonetheless haha, thank you. (it’s similar to how good it feels in D2 when you realize corvo just likes emily a lot as a person, even aside from her being his daughter. a good series for father & daughter stories)
- this carries over from D2, but I think the journal/log entries are better written and more insightful than the stuff out in the world.  
- it cannot be overstated how much the gameplay loop of these games is just... pure crack cocaine for my brain haha, very few things give me this specific kind of brain tingle. I love the sound of looting and I love the art style and ambiance and I love planning out a strategy after finding all the options and I love never being spotted or killing anyone and I love the puzzle elements they put into exploration sections and I love the feeling of how you move through the environment. it’s one of the few games where I routinely get so into it I end up with a crick in the neck because I’ve been so focused for so long and never noticed I’ve been sitting in a way that makes my entire spine hate me. I needed something to get me through the last few days and it did deliver that, at least. karnaca is pretty enough that I didn’t even mind that most of the levels were recycled from D2 either. 
- I’m not quite sure whether I understood this right but there’s a woman standing behind daud in the void -- I wonder if that is actually his mother and he’s been so close this whole time? at first I thought maybe it was jessamine but god no I hope she’s finally at peace after All That Nonsense, she shouldn’t have to hang around there anymore. there’s also a figure near him I could swear was corvo with his mask on, but he’s not dead canonically so that would make very little sense. oh well I’ll take my feels where I can get them even if I have to make them up wholesale  
- the bankheist was cool as fuuuuuck, that and the emotional impact of daud dying was sadly the height of this game for me, after that it all went mediocre real quick     
- paul nakauchi as shan yun was, as I have said before, a blast. ‘ugh I cannot continue my throat is as raw as a plucked pheasant’ fsdkfhlsadjkhfas
- daud’s funeral is genuinely touching. she gave him the entirety of her old life for a sendoff, battered and worn and dear as they both were. someone hold me 
- the stuff they did with daud’s characterization. I am so unreasonably angry over this haha, the more I think about it the more I hate it. I think there are paths you could go with his ACTUAL character to make this work, but this was not it. I’ve said this before, but his most iconic, most defining scene is him surrendering himself to corvo’s judgement without justifying himself or deflecting the blame for any of what he’s done. this isn’t even regression in his character, it’s just.. a different character altogether. they could have gone for the angle that delilah almost managed to end the world b/c daud showed mercy and that’s the reason he’s moved to action, I think that might be a more compelling motivation for him at least. OR have him be more conflicted about how to do things -- violence is still the only tool he knows how to use but it’s not what he wants to or even can be anymore and the conflict troubles him, ‘His hands do violence, but there is a different dream in his heart’. or even use a different character for the ‘kill kill kill’ angle, he didn’t need to be here for this dlc at all.   
also, just on a purely practical level... for all his flaws and longstanding moral shortsightedness daud is not a stupid man. why the FCK would he be so sure that killing the outsider will fix anything? if I, dumbass extraordinaire, could within half a minute wonder if maybe something even worse would take the outsider’s place if you removed him... why does that never occur to the Knife of Dunwall tm, a man about Void for like half a century or whatever?? ugh fuck this, I’m having a hard time explaining exactly why it all feels weird and wrong to me, but know that it does and that I Do Not Like It lol. I feel cheated out of something important I thought I had.  
- again, this should have been a full game. (I think it is sold as one already, but it just hm isn’t) there’s way too much shit of literal cosmic importance for the game’s universe being picked up here for something this short to cover. save this HUGE idea for a rainy day should you ever want to do another game in the series and do something else with the dlc, honestly. 
- god but the outsider is insufferable in this. I don’t know what happened, but by the end I was like ‘*thoughtfully strokes chin* maybe daud has a point billie keep that knife handy’. he’s annoying and boring, which is wild to me because he was always a lot of fun in the other games.
for real tho I don’t know if this is just my atheist-but-still-angry-at-god-somehow??? talking, but daud HAS a point. people are responsible for their own actions, but the outsider didn’t have to do any of what he did either. he could have chosen to be bored through the centuries instead of seeing what people would do if you gave them such ~*morally neutral*~ abilities as y’know summoning a bunch of rats to eat other people. the game wants me to buy the ‘but really this black eyed boy is woobie tho uwu’ so badly and no I’m not buying that give me my refund I want my chaotic neutral bastard back pls. I’d probably be more inclined to want to help him like that. where’s his salt gone, arkane. if you didn’t want him to be edgy why did you make him look like that.  
- this is the lamest possible version of the outsider’s backstory lol, it feels like the pearl clutching panic about satanic cults back in the day all over. listen if it’s this easy to make a god the thrill is sort of taken out of it, if these randos did it anyone could. also how the fuck are they just normal-ish people anyway? why do they follow modern fashions? haven’t they been hanging around for thousands of years, haven’t their culture changed in any meaningful way? (I realize these aren’t the same guys as back in the day but it’s just weird) why do they speak a language billie and the player can understand? why did anyone think ‘idk some cultists no one’s ever heard of before with no thematic significance whatsoever’ was the way to go world building wise? they’ve taken all the unknowable eldritchness out of the eldritch horror and we’re all poorer for it now haha 
relatedly the last level is... just not very good. you come down from the awesome bank heist and then there’s... whatever the fuck this was.
- while I do like billie finding daud in the void and him remembering her I hate that he goes out still full of self loathing and rage when you talk him into the nonlethal option, that he can’t forgive himself or find any sliver of hope or peace. I wish there had been a few more moments for the two of them to come to peace with themselves before he gave the outsider back his name, some real catharsis. as it is I was annoyed when the outsider ‘woke up’ or whatever b/c it felt like he was stealing attention from what I was actually emotionally invested in and not done with.    
they had  n o t  built up billie’s or my sympathy for the outsider well enough either. again this is something I think they could have done if they’d structured things differently, if they’d been more deliberate in making you understand he was basically a child and letting you dwell on it. because there is a parallell there between him and billie, and billie and daud, but I, how do I put this, did not give a fuck  
in short this was really similar to my experience with D2 in that there’s enough good there that it’s all the more painful when it fails to deliver on it again and again, and it ruined things I already liked about this story from the first game (daud’s arc and everything to do with the outsider, mostly). give me some months of denial and hard core headcanon work and I’ll probably be able to live with it
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agentelmo · 7 years
Your insights on Scully’s jealousy make an interesting read. You left out Melissa Ephesian though (TFWID). What do you make of Scully’s reaction to Mulder’s “soulmate”? After, Melissa’s death, do you think Scully repressed her growing feeling for Mulder or was she like well you’re dead now bitch he’s all mine?
Oh God, I actually did forget that.  I physically hate The Field Where I Died.
That episode makes my skin crawl and my eyeballs bleed.
Ok... do I want to go into what I think about this episode?  Well, a lot of what I think about it is informed by what the writers intended which can be read in great detail here: http://www.eatthecorn.com/itw/cinefantastique-4/
It’s worth noting beforehand, that this episode originally ran 20 minutes longer, and in those 20 minutes they cut scenes which showed that Scully’s perspective on things was probably true - that Melissa was suffering from multiple-personality disorder, not that she was experiencing past lives.  Apparently, towards the end of the episode Mulder and Scully drive past a sign pointing the way to Sullivan Field, and another sign indicating Kavanaugh Road. Scully tells Mulder that he could have seen the signs previously and subconsciously processed the names.  Which is exactly what I think happened - that he wasn’t recalling past life memories, but that he was constructing false ones.
The intent was that whether Melissa was Mulder’s soulmate or not was supposed to be far more ambiguous.  Honestly, it’s already pretty ambiguous because Mulder’s behaviour is utterly bizarre and not like him at all in that episode.  He is behaving incredibly irrationally, and when he does that, it usually means one thing - Samantha.
I think this is why Scully is not threatened by Melissa or Mulder’s sudden, inexplicable romantic interest in her, because she understands that this delusion Mulder is buying into is driven by his need to rescue his sister.  The most poignant aspect of this is when Scully watches Mulder in pain during his hypnosis and recognises it as his pain - the pain that drives his obsessive behaviour in this life, not some past life.
This is backed up by the fact that Glen Morgan said that Mulder’s hypnosis “memories” were meant to mirror the pain Mulder had experienced in his life - so he recalls all of these painful losses because that’s what his life has been up until now. Pain and loss.   It’s not that he is recalling past lives, it’s that his mind is constructing a false narrative out of his own painful memories, garbled up with the power of suggestion, and his own imagination.
I think if Mulder had stopped and looked at himself for 5 minutes, he would have realised he was getting swept up into his usual rescue fantasy nonsense.  I suppose it’s arguable how clearly Mulder is able to recognise when he goes down the Samantha rabbit hole when he meets an emotionally damaged, vulnerable, abused, frail woman.  Triggering him into a desperate need to rescue, as it’s his way of processing his inability to save his sister.  
Mulder is far too quick to believe Melissa, a woman he barely knows who doesn’t ever come up with anything concrete to prove she is actually recalling a past life.  The Mulder we know would have been more sceptical - like he is of Luther Lee Boggs in season 1′s Beyond the Sea.  But you only have to look at how vehemently he opposes Scully when she questions him to see he’s not thinking straight.  He wants to believe it so badly, he is not thinking rationally.  He’s obsessed with saving Melissa to the point he is absolutely willing to believe he is her soulmate because that plays into his rescue fantasy.
To add to this idea that Mulder’s regression is false, the Cigarette Smoking Man already was alive the year the Warsaw ghetto was destroyed and so his soul could not possibly have occupied the body of a Gestapo officer as Mulder recalls in his regression.
Glen Morgan said “If we’d focused on Scully’s viewpoint more, we could have thrown up the idea that maybe Mulder is wrong, maybe this is just wishful thinking.” 
So despite the fact they cut Scully pointing out the signs to Mulder showing how he came up with the names, what they could not cut was the fact that CSM was alive at the time Mulder recalls under regression that his soul was occupying someone else.  
Thus I feel pretty vindicated in thinking that all of it was false. That Melissa is not Mulder’s soulmate at all, but that this is another episode that shows how deeply damaged Mulder is, and that his need to save his sister has truly done a number on his psyche.
Glen Morgan says something else very revealing about Mulder in this episode too.  He suggests that Mulder might well have been attracted to someone like Melissa, because he needs someone to rescue.  He says “...there’s something sad about Melissa. There was a secret within her that was important for him to get at. That mirrors his life, and his own search for his sister. He is a character whose whole drive is to help everybody, but he’s so unsuccessful at that, and with helping himself. All he wants is to find one person that he can rescue.”
As a therapist, Glen... I can tell you that’s exactly why Mulder SHOULD NOT BE WITH A WOMAN LIKE THAT.
He is attracted to them because he is reliving his trauma in a vain attempt to deal with the distress it causes him.  Just look at him in this episode, he’s all over the God damn place.  He is not himself, he is a traumatised man trying to process his trauma by rescuing surrogate “sisters”.  Any romantic relationship Mulder was to pursue with a woman like that would end BADLY.  BAAAAAAADLY.
What Mulder actually needs in a romantic relationship is the exact opposite - someone who does not need saving. Someone who does not trigger is need to rescue, someone he can love for who they are, not for what he can save them from.
Preferably a red head.  Ahem.
Anyway... that perspective on Mulder just pissed me off, because if that’s what Glen Morgan think of Mulder, I don’t wanna imagine what they were doing with Sveta in season 10. Just... ugh.
Not sure I answered your question Anon... I think I did... in there somewhere. lol!
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diftor-heh-snusnu · 7 years
DSC spoilers
DSC overall only bothered me about a small handful of things!!!! Miraculous.
no readmores on mobile sorry
Last ep was great. Loved Voq needing to have his power button held down until he died before he could learn any chill; hopefully the composite being has quit flipping out like a dog with socks on, and will settle in well to reconstituted life as the best of both confetti-cannoned people. I spent most of the show disliking the actor and being unable to see what Michael apparently saw in him, but having that be “a Klingon (with the xenophobia deep cover’d off)” in the end is a pleasant headcanon 4 me. Cuz like. Of course he winds up as my Very Favorite Character Type (somebody with a dead person’s memories, struggling with how much legitimacy and sway to allow their bonus content) which I used to think was like super highly specific but which crops up everywhere I guess? The brow ridges clonk goodbye won me over, what can I say, even though I hated him and Michael’s relationship as portrayed like SO bad. So bad.
I’m a fan of him going off with L’Rell in the end though I totally understand how it could be a dealbreaker for others; imo the guy is several dead dudes and a half-baked cover identity Sellotaped together with a super sketchy capacity for devotion, and he really screwed up re: Michael so incredibly badly in a way he just never did re: L’Rell. Folding up into a new ball with all the strong bits on the outside yields an interesting and capable guy with prospects among Klingons he just wouldn’t have among Federation gmo-a-phobes, yet wouldn’t be able to access without his other half’s Federation-taught self-assurence, lingering contact high of belonging, and strength. Dead Tyler improves Dead Voq magnificently, and New Alive Guy can’t be his authentic self trying to extirpate either half out of existence. L’Rell has to step up and be someone totally new too, so they match, character-developmentally. They’re in good places relative to one another... if L’Rell had gotten a fair shake and the writing/juggling had been a little better, his and her arcs could have been like SO good the whole way through, instead of limping wincingly through minefields. Still bodylengths ahead of TNG and DS9 and ENT’s actively regressive and hateful content soooooooo I personally will take it, w caveats such as “ugh” and “really??” about various things
& I was so ready to be so resentful about the inadequacies of Mirror Georgiou and instead I’m COMPLETELY FINE which, as an inveterate mirror universe hater post-TOS, I didn’t expect AT ALL but which feels SO NICE... and just... so much was so good...! Kinda makes the clunkers clunk harder but homg overall unbelievably entertaining and nonhostile viewing experience
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jedichick04 · 7 years
Rachel’s Rambles - 5x21 Honor Thy Fathers
I wasn’t overly eager about tonight. I figured it would be a “filler” episode, moving towards the last two episodes which I’m greatly anticipating, and I’d figured it’d be a bit light on Olicity after that glorious episode last week. The summary didn’t really impress me. I mean, a giant cement block shows up for Oliver. Woohoo. Let’s get to the end of season showdown stuff.
Boy, was I ever wrong about this episode. And oh, did I ever enjoy it.
The Good
I can’t believe how many little Easter eggs were in this episode! You can really feel the drive to tie the end of Season 5 to the beginning of Season 1, both in the flashbacks and the present day. I really enjoyed the flashbacks tonight. Maybe it’s because I love getting the background on things, but something about Oliver wandering around the island and reminiscing with Anatoly just got me in a warm fuzzy nostalgic place. We finally got the answers to: why was Slade’s mask on the beach like it was; when Oliver learned to fly (and I am a sucker for more information on Oliver and Robert’s relationship); how that fishing boat “happened by” Oliver and Lian Yu; Stephen’s grand plan to get Oliver’s hair and beard to how they were in the pilot. I teared up when Anatoly and Oliver said goodbye. I’m not gonna lie.
The callbacks to Season 1 in the present day were something I didn’t know I needed. Circling back to the fact that Oliver started the crusade because of his father, and now is confronting just what sorts of things his father did in the past--there was something that just really struck me of how Oliver is finally coming to terms with all of that. I loved that he rewatched the video from his father. And finally--FINALLY--Thea got that last message from her father. As irritating as it is for Oliver to have kept it from her, I can’t help but feel that she got it at the exact right time in her life.
Speaking of Oliver and his father’s video...I just about died when Oliver was watching the video, Felicity came up, asked about the video, and then Olicity had their heart to heart. In a lot of ways, this episode felt like a “finale” -- Felicity giving Oliver a hero talk, then Oliver taking that and going and “defeating” the villain. And of course, it’s meant to feel like a finale...but the truth is, Prometheus still has a few more checks left in his chess game before checkmate.
I could gush for paragraphs about Olicity. THEY ARE BACK Y’ALL. Felicity is rocking the red dress and lips and Oliver immediately got back in her personal space. THERE WAS A SHOULDER TOUCH AND A HEY. And that was just in their first scene together ;) But in all seriousness, it felt so good to have them back in sync and confiding in each other. They are back as a team, stronger than ever, and when they finally do pull the trigger on being together all the way...oh, I am so looking forward to them being the power couple of the show next year. :) 
Oliver put the Green Arrow hood back on because of what Felicity talked to him about, and he acknowledged it to Diggle and the team. He faced down Chase with humor and a steely resolve and a knowledge that he was going to win. He spoke to Thea and admitted her was wrong to keep the video from her, then encouraged her to live her own life just as Felicity encouraged Oliver to live his own life. I can’t even express how much I enjoyed that. But you get the idea ;)
I have missed Thea badly, and Queen sibling interactions even more. I really enjoyed all their moments together, though at one point I was yelling at the screen, “Ask Thea back to the bunker, you idiot! Don’t just make her feel left out by sitting in your chair by herself!” I’m disappointed that the writers flat out debunked my theory of where Thea has been (come on, can’t you let Theroy be happy even if it’s just offscreen????) but they earned some of my forgiveness by letting Thea go on her own emotional journey tonight and not regress into the child that wanted nothing to do with her father and her family’s lies.
Rene and Lance were awesome this episode. I continue to like seeing the two of them on my screen. My heart sank when Rene didn’t show up and I was expecting him to bust in the door at the last second, but the preview mentioning that Rene is “missing” made me feel a little better. But dang it he better get a second chance post end of the season crisis!
I love Dinah. I don’t think there’s much I can say to expand on that, except I’m really happy she’s here to stay for next season. I think they finally achieved what they’ve been after for the Black Canary, and it’s enjoyable to see on screen.
Curtis and Felicity geeking out over Witness and their love of movies made me extremely happy. Their shock at Dinah not knowing that movie makes me think Team Arrow Movie Nights will be a thing this summer.
Diggle is the best for buying the first round of celebratory drinks for Team Arrow. And being snarky with Oliver in the cement room. And giving his best “WTF” face when Felicity started babbling science. Actually, Diggle is just the best ;)
The Bad
How did Oliver believe that Chase was just “giving up”? Felicity’s proud comments about Chase just dropping like a marionette at Oliver’s words were fun, but seriously, Oliver. The man had his grand chess game all planned out and if you thought it was unlikely he’d have it end with the cement room, why would you think he’d end up with a surrender? UGH. I know I know. We need drama for the last two episodes and hey, it means we’re going to finally get a lighthearted team party on Arrow next week. BUT STILL. BE SMARTER OLIVER.
Rene’s daughter’s face broke my heart. That was horrible. STUPID PROMETHEUS AND HIS EVIL PLANS.
How dare Arrow leaves us last week with Chase absconding with William and this week we don’t get to see his face to know he’s still alive. I’m just saying. I get Chase has his evil endgame plans but let us know the kid is alive at least!
The Ugly
I will not be sad to see Oliver’s flashback hair go. It looked particularly limp tonight.
I...am not that interested in how undead evil Russian guy got on the island and is intent on beating up Oliver. I wanted more Anatoly and Oliver tour Lian Yu and Talk About Things.
The ARGUS yellow jump suit is its own form of torture for prisoners. Gross.
Next Up and Last Thoughts
I notice that the preview for next week did not include any “Happy birthdays” for Oliver and instead focused on the actual “missing” people. Pfft. Just because the episode is called Missing doesn’t mean we don’t want the fun stuff in the promo too ;)
But in all seriousness..I’m rubbing my hands together in evil anticipation of next week. It looks awesome.
Who do you think Chase’s “friends” are that are helping with the kidnapping? Talia and her cohorts, perhaps? Does Felicity get to at least wish Oliver a happy birthday first? Does Chase know to save OTA for last with the kidnapping? Will ARGUS run out of products for his hair? All good questions that may be answered next week!
I LOVED Felicity’s dress tonight. She looked gorgeous. And I loved seeing all of Team Arrow’s strengths on my screen. It was a fast paced episode that allowed for a few introspective moments. I really think these last few episodes have 1000% been hitting their stride.
What was your favorite moment of the night? What do you think will happen next? On a scale from 1 to 10, how awful are the ARGUS yellow jumpsuits?
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zae82 · 7 years
Not gonna watch The Bachelorette anymore
See….this is what I get rooting for a couple and getting my hopes smashed 😔Ugh. I shall wait for social media to blow up when she makes the final choice, if it really isn’t The One then I won’t bother watching. Because the alternative choice is some sleazy, skeeezy, fake doctor with cheek fillings on his face and he called her ‘Sloppy Seconds’ on Ellen. Like Bitch no…. That’s just plain disrespectful. If she can’t see that then I really don’t know what to say. How can you fall in love with someone who sucks your face so badly the first night you met him?? Oh Gawd… It’s not romantic it’s revolting. I was cringing when he did that.
If it is The One then I’ll be happy to watch all episodes on how they fall in love. I blame Game of Thrones for this. They took so long to come that I’m bored out of my mind till I’m regressing to reality TV. I haven’t watch reality tv in more than a decade mind you. At least there’s Jonerys to look forward to. Balm to my distressed heart. At least Jon Snow would be respectful. And noble and sweet and kind. Husband material there….
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