#he really DOESNT get an ounce of appreciation for what he does
rexscanonwife · 7 months
Naw but the way Charles literally has a spidey sense when somethings wrong with the boys 😭🙏💖💖
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] squishing ur cheeks so hard (gently) right now youre so cute UR PARTNERS VERY SWEET AND I GET YOU THO like personally,...
to me i have a mixed feeling with kisses cus of family complications and other social stuff etc etc that twists a lil of my view to physical affections in general, but it doesnt stop me into understanding it in fictional creations and to myself as someone who's not interested in romantic associations. so i think!! platonic and familial is what rlly matters 2 me when presenting these things.
i hope u know how much it makes me Not Sane for zhongli being softly indulgent to xiao especially on his most vulnerable moment (bc by god does he need that extensive care and love despite the spiralling), but not too mushy and direct (going segway a bit that while i hold parental zhongli Very Dearly i do not dig the idea he does it to the extent of inf*ntilizing xiao, hes still a [young] adult but just very confused how to be one, so the treatment IS still specific) but patient and gentle. and when the adeptus isnt awake in such situations, the former archon would plant a light kiss on his forehead too (doing when xiao is awake would be a whole other thought spiral and confusion to the poor guy). very rare moment, but very valuable.
a lot more rare when its on lumine getting her unspoken concern and care to him in an affectionate way that's not just holding his hand for reassurance or light but solid hold on his shoulder to keep his whirling internal conflict grounded. i could literally count on one hand (TWO FINGERS INCLUDING THE ANGEL KISS) that she ever kissed xiao at all before she left.
so it just,... matters to me a lot of xiao's relationships to others with the emphasis of his unwilling repulsion to affection, cus on both reasons he doesnt think hes worth one and that he doesnt know how it will work for him yknow [[explodes
NO BC i dont think ive seen full on infantilization of xiao (Yet.) but the thought of it just now esp w/ zhongli flooded dread through every ounce of my being dear Lord. no yeah he is very much still a young adult and zhongli Gets It zhongli knows whats up <333 AND THE LITTLE FOREHEAD KISS WHILE XIAO IS ASLEEP............ EXPLODES AND DIES INSTANTLY
the shoulder hold to help keep him grounded mgmfgnfmngmnfgmnfmng dies. dies. dies. dies. DOESNT THINK HES WORTH IT AND DOESNT KNOW HOW ILL WORK FOR HIM that's so real of him tbh like i Get It king me too <- said as if i dont put him in so many situations with So Much affection because i cant get the idea of him w/ the traveler specifically being very casually physically affectionate out of my head after seeing the way he holds onto them during that One cutscene. um. anyways ^_^
what if we both exploded what if we just held hands and then exploded that'd be pretty awesome i think. my cat is here as i write this she can explode too i think she'd appreciate the experience. staring directly at her as i type this Patches What Are Your Thoughts On Xiao Genshin Impact. Be Honest.
i need to get my ass in gear and write more on god like. him being casually affectionate gets me so bad but him being touch repulsed or touch starved or both or him only really accepting physical contact of anytime in combat because thats just how it works or him feeling as though he doesnt deserve the affection or smth i actually have partially written with him enjoying/accepting it from lumine but having no idea how to reciprocate in the slightest or or or or. i need to write All Of It i need to explore All Of It or else i will explode
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Alright so since bangchan is the type to definitely have trust issues and super insecure i feel like he had a relationship before but was faced with reality that is nothing lasts forever. So that's why i think even he feels like a perfect relationship exists and won't date anyone easily. My point is what's that thing that would make skz members date you👀👀
no this is so fun, IM REALLY GONNA TRY TO LIKE,,, be a spiritual queen (LMAOJGDAHSD IM NOT BUT LIKE,,, lemme pretend like i am) but i think i would have to agree with you. BUT LEMME SEE WHAT I CAN SENSE
also all the astrology in this is kinda half assed since we dont know their exact birth time BUT LETS JUST KINDA,,, wing it. also not saying that someone only needs one of these aspects in an relationship, you obviously need all of them but these are just the ones that stood out more than others. 
ohoho,,, this is important.
his trust has been broken far too many times and therefore he doesnt trust people as easily (just like anon said heh,,)
except,,, he does,, because as soon as somebody shows even an ounce of affection he pours his entire soul into this person
which is both good and bad
you have to be the one to open up first because he’s now hesitant
take the first step, show him that you’re actually interested in his mind, his thoughts, his soul, everything about him
only then will he know whether you are worth his time or not.
he loves people that are hard to get 
not too much tho cause then he will lose interest completely
but if you are mysterious it means that he gets to uncover your personality bit by bit
he will know things no one else knows about you
which makes him feel so special 
he likes this mutual exchange you guys have when the both of you get to know each other more and more since he’s also kinda mysterious in the beginning
but then when you actually do get to know him its so rewarding and vice versa
ah,,, he’s the cutest, showing sides of himself he doesnt show to anyone else!
also wanting to add this; scorpio sun, scorpio venus... I MEAN COME ON,,,
i get this feeling that he’s VERY picky 
its not that he thinks he’s better then anyone else, he’s very humble and stuff 
but he’s afraid to get hurt?? or like get in a relationship that will end messy
and so he’s VERY careful,,, but if you show him that you are loyal to him and ONLY him he will love you unconditionally. 
i mean nobody likes someone thats not loyal duh but its so important for his to know that you will stick with him through his,,, even a bit questionable ideas and plans
but he makes it up to you since he’s always very loving because you give him this sense of being appreciated and seen
which feeds his sun and moon leo OOP- 
if he’s not careful he will date the wrong people
and he will forgive them even if they’ve hurt him
he’s too nice for his own good basically
so if you show that you have respect for his bounderies he will love you more than anyone
he expects you to treat him the same way he treats you 
which is very very good btw
very respectful of bounderies and always asks for permission whatever it might be 
he’s also very emotional (pieces sun and pieces venus,,, yikes)
but he gets to get his emotions tangled and devalues them
so please,,, take care of this ferret boy. 
Emotional Intelligence
i know everybody likes to think of him as this always happy person, an actual giggle machine but his thoughts are very deep
this is gonna sound weird but if you display weaknesses he has mad respect for you
somebody that is in tune with their feelings and can help others with genuine advice and not just telling them to “calm down” or “not worry” 
THAT!! THAT IS HIS KINK (lmao- ok stop making this sexual)
he doesnt want to be alone in his struggles and if you have been through something similar to him he will cling to you as if theres no tomorrow
i dont know why but i keep hearing the word “ok” or “i am ok” which is great but,,, i feel like he craves that, he craves someone that will keep him in that “ok” state.
he’s afraid of his feelings.
sounds ~deep~ but whenever he’s feeling down he tends to be drawn to comforting people
like chan for example! ok sure,,, chan is their leader but he’s a very comforting soul and he just throws himself onto him
he would so the same with a s/o
show him a safe space and he will never leave~! 
he’s been alone many times in his life and he never wants to be there again and therefore he will be very clingy 
but its cute
not in like,,, a sexual sense or whatever but more like,,, kinda this free spirit that both wants to lead him and be led kinda??
he likes to take care of people but doesnt get to do that too often so if you show that you like to be taken care of he will do it kinda subconsiously
almost like a mama bird taking care of their baby (w-wait this is so cute :c)
hmmm i feel like he’s very much also kinda a free spirit,, liking whoever he likes, whoever he vibes with
but theres one thing that will never ever attract him and thats being quarrelsome
yeah sure! voice your opinions! he’s all for that but dont be defensive, starting arguments because he’s a) scared of argumentative people and b) will get tired of trying to battle you with words
this is gonna be so fitting but he wants a fox-like partner
somebody that knows how to use their brain and can captivate others with their general charisma
somebody whose scent will linger around but who is never seen
its very very sexy,,, when you have this confidence about you, walking around like you know who you are and what your purpose is
he also likes it if you can give him actual feedback and voice your opinion!
he wants to learn from you, look up to you and be you good little boy
that doesnt mean he can’t be leading, he definitely can but he wants someone reliable to lean back on sometimes
wants to be cuddled
bonus points if you’re very giggly and touchy sometimes
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pandastern · 3 years
Gravity (Bakugou x OC)
Part 16: Mixed Signals II
If youd like to be tagged to the taglist for upcoming parts please dm me :)
Masterlist  II  AO3
Bakugou x Vigilante!OC
Warnings: angst, explicit language, violence
Word count:   2549
Genre: enemies to lovers ; angst ; romance, slow burn
When a new student makes an entrance, Bakugou has a real bad feeling. There is something about this girl that just doesnt feel right. From the flaming hair to the calculating glint in her green eyes, everything about her just pisses him off.
Little does he know that his fate is intertwined with the person he despises so much, defining his future path in a way he would have never expected
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Bakugou really couldn't say what had been going through his mind when he’d grabbed Artemis by the hand and dragged her to the grocery store. Whatever his reasons, it was safe to say he was already regretting it.
Artemis walked next to him, her face as sour as if he’d shoved a whole lemon down her throat. On second thoughts, maybe he should have. That way she could have at least gotten some vitamin C into her miserable system.
As he wandered through the aisles pushing his cart, he mentally recalled the handful of recipes he knew by heart. Which ones were easy enough for beginners while having the maximum nutritional value? Rice was always a safe bet. It was easy to make and stored well. Artemis could also eat it cold if she couldn’t be bothered to operate a microwave.
He pulled her along by the sleeve, ignoring her pout. “What kind of rice do you like?”
“There are different kinds?”
Bakugou was too stunned to speak. This girl was capable of shooting a guy off a roof mid fall. How was it possible for her to be this… He didn't even have a word for it.
“How? Literally how don’t you know something like that?” Bakugou didn't know whether to be offended or not.
“I just don’t know,” Artemis said. “I don't usually eat rice. It tastes like cardboard.”
Okay, he thought, offended it was.
“For your sake, I'm gonna ignore that.” He scowled and picked up a bag of rice to examine it. “You have a rice cooker at least, right?”
“I just told you I don't eat rice. Why would I have a cooker?”
“Seriously, how the fuck are you alive?”
Artemis crossed her arms and shrugged. “At this point? Pure spite.”
Bakugou shook his head and decided to go for the microwaveable option. The portioned-out instant versions weren’t the best in his eyes, but for pure rice, there wasn’t a lot Artemis could fuck up. He considered getting the normal rice as well so that he could teach her how to cook it in a pot, but he could see her ending up burning the entire apartment complex down the moment she tried it on her own.
At least with her quirk, she could be her own personal fire extinguisher.
As he was going through further recipes in his mind, he remembered something. “Wait, you're European, aren't you?”
“So, what do you eat at home? Fish and chips?”
Artemis raised an eyebrow. “First of all, stereotyping much? Second of all, I’m not from England.”
“But you have red hair.”
“Surprise! There are redheads all over Europe.”
Of course, this had to turn into an argument again. “Fine, where are you from?”
A sly smile spread across his face. “Ah. Schnitzel and moldy cabbage it is, then. No wonder you can’t appreciate good rice.”
Her eyes widened to the point where he thought she might punch him, so he pushed his cart past her with a chuckle. “Come on, I'm sure we'll find something without spice for you.”
In the corner of his eye, he noticed Artemis flip him off with both hands.
After having gotten most of the essentials (Bakugou figured she'd make less of a fuss over that), they made their way over to the vegetable aisle.
The moment Artemis spotted greens, her complaining started. Onions were smelly, broccoli tasted like farts, and the radishes were too spicy. The most creative one, though, was that apparently, peas looked like weird little frog eggs. It took every ounce of restraint for Bakugou not to strangle her.
It only took about fifteen minutes for him to have had enough. She wanted to act like a toddler? Fine. He could handle that. Quickly, he grabbed the items Artemis had designated the ‘most disgusting’ and placed them in the cart. “I have everything. let's go.”
“I'm not eating that,” Artemis snapped.
“Oh, you will. I'll make you,” Bakugou growled. “Not everything in your diet can be meat, carbs and cheese, you know.”
“But it worked so far!” “Shut up.”
An hour later, Artemis sat straddled on one of her chairs, arms crossed on the wooden backrest as Bakugou unpacked their haul. He’d grabbed her by the back of her shirt when she’d tried to curl back up on the couch, positioned her on the chair right next to the kitchen nook and told her to watch.
She had to admit it wasn't the strangest thing she'd ever witnessed, but watching Katsuki Bakugou put on an apron like some middle-aged mom from a sitcom was definitely in the top ten.
Artemis wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Was she stuck in a fever dream? That was entirely possible. After all, even though the start of this encounter had been annoying and frustrating, it made a change to being at one another’s throats. She wondered where it had gone wrong. No, not wrong… different. This was a different side of Bakugou and she wasn’t sure yet whether she liked or hated it.
“Oi, pay attention! I'm not gonna show you again.” Bakugou tapped his knife on the cutting board. “It’s sad enough that you have to be taught this. Next time you see your parents, you’d better tell them they failed you.”
Artemis felt like someone had poured a glass of ice water down her back. She didn't like how he kept on bringing up the things she'd rather not think about. Her family, her parents, her home… She’d left all that behind for a reason. Not that she’d ever had anything resembling those things to begin with.
Apparently oblivious to her discomfort, Bakugou moved onto demonstrating the proper way to slice an onion, first into halves and then quarters.
“This way, they keep the shape when you cook them,” he explained without looking up. “Got it?”
“Slice the stinky onions so they keep looking like stinky onions,” Artemis repeated unenthusiastically.
She watched how his face deadpanned and chuckled. “I’m being serious, dumbass,” Bakugou grumbled before moving onto the next one.
Artemis sighed, rested her chin on her hands and followed his hands as she pondered. She’d followed this train of thought so many times by now. She just couldn't make sense of Bakugou. He said he hated her, but he certainly didn't act that way. Sure, he was insufferable and a twat most of the time, but then he turned around and did stuff like this. Taking care of her, cooking for her… Those weren't the actions of someone who disliked her.
Maybe she just didn't understand it all. It wouldn’t have surprised her if the fault was with her. After all, what did she know of friendships? She’d never experienced them before. The friendships she had now were ones she’d established as a means to support her cause. At least that was how she’d seen them in the beginning.
Truth be told, she didn't hate having Bakugou around. At least not when he wasn't breathing down her neck like earlier.
A finger snap jolted Artemis from her thoughts. “Hm?”
“Don't ‘hm’ me. Pay attention,” Bakugou snapped.
Artemis clicked her tounge. He really was in full-blown mother mode. Who’d have known he had this side to him?
“Sorry, I was just thinking about something,” she said. “What exactly are you making?”
He pointed at all the prepared ingredients. “Oyakodon. It's so simple I learned to make it when I was a kid, so you should be able to handle this.”
“Ahh… I think I've seen Deku eat something similar. What was it called? Katsu… something.”
Bakugou grimaced at the mention of Deku’s name. “Katsudon. Similar recipe, different protein. Oyakodon has chicken. Katsudon uses fried pork cutlet.”
That peaked Artemis’s interest. “Pork cutlet. Like Schnitzel? Why can't you make that?”
“Of course you'd perk up at that,” said Bakugou with a scowl. “I'm trying to feed you healthy food so you can finally stop dragging yourself around and get better. Maybe then I can finally have some peace.”
“Peace?” Artemis narrowed her eyes. She could sense his heartbeat rising, but he didn’t seem angry. Was it guilt? No, that couldn't be it. “What do you mean by ‘peace’?” she asked again.
Bakugou kept his eyes on his hands and pretended not to hear her. However for once Artemis felt like she had cracked something.
“You know,” she said, “I've said this before, but I just can't make sense of you. Usually I'm pretty good at reading people. My quirk helps me with that. You'd be surprised how much you can find out about a person by watching their face and listening to their heartbeat.”
She tapped into her quirk and stretched her senses out further. Bakugou's heart had been beating strong and healthy, but the moment she’d started questioning him, his heart rate had kicked up. Adrenaline flooded his system and forced his blood pump to faster through his veins. He wasn't scared, no. The soft beat more closely resembled… nervousness. Huh.
“But you, Bakugou… I've never met anyone that contradicts themselves as much as you do.”
“Oh yeah, why's that?” Bakugou growled, clearly annoyed as he tipped the onions into the sauce on the stove to simmer.
“Well,” Artemis began, “you obnoxiously call everyone around you ‘extra’-”
“‘Cause they are.”
“You insist that you can do better than anyone else and that you don't need help-”
“‘Cause I don’t!”
Determined not to let his interruptions put her off, Artemis continued: “You say you hate me, and yet here you are in my kitchen making me food. Not to mention all the other stuff you keep insisting on, like taking me out of the tournament, taking away my energy drinks - which, by the way, fuck you - and again, you're making me food! That's not how someone acts when they hate someone.”
Bakugou kept working, still refusing to look at her. Artemis watched him shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other. 
There weren't a lot of reasons that were plausible enough to explain such extreme contradictory behavior. Yes, Bakugou cared whether she lived or died. He wasn't indifferent to her. And while that was extraordinary for her, considering no one else had acted that way towards her before, she wasn't foolish enough to believe that he liked her. Much less that they were friends.
But even though she was convinced he wasn't quite right in the head at times, she wouldn't go so low as to label his mental state insanity. That was more her speciality. That left only one thing…
“Do you feel responsible for what happened at USJ?” Artemis asked.
Bakugou froze.
“For what happened to me, I mean.”
For a moment, the silence was deafening. Not one muscle in his entire body moved.
“Because if you do feel like that, then don’t. I got stabbed before I got to you, and I would have passed out regardless.”
“You almost bled out in my arms, Artemis.” Bakugou’s voice shook slightly. He grit his teeth as if he were wrestling with himself. “Kirishima and I… It would’ve been really hard for us to have gotten out of there as easily as we did, unscathed, if it weren’t for you. But we managed it and you almost died.”
Artemis ran both her hands through her hair and groaned loudly. “So what?”
“So what?” Bakugou barked. “What do you mean ‘so what’?”
“I mean,” she snapped back, not wanting to have the same fight they’d had in the infirmary of the stadium, “that I didnt fucking die. You got me help! There is no debt here, no reason for guilt. I saved your ass and you saved mine, so we’re even! Can we please get over the whole stabbing thing and move on?”
Her heart stung painfully. So, all of this nonsense, this fuss, this overbearing intrusive mama bear behavior was just because he felt guilty? Did he think this was some kind of atonement? Artemis sure as hell didn't want that, especially not from Katsuki Bakugou.
“I'm not feeling guilty,” Bakugou hissed. “That's not what this is about.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You're lying.”
“I’m not!”
“You are. Your heartbeat is irregular.”
“Fuck me!” Bakugou threw up his hands and groaned. “Fine. Okay, maybe I do feel guilty. I haven't known peace since I carried your body to the medics. I dream of it, you know? You, dying right there in my arms and me, helpless to do anything. Just your empty eyes staring up at me, blaming me. I…”' He took a deep breath to calm himself. “At first, I thought, ‘Fuck it. Why do I care?’ I figured you'd be fine and that I’d done my part and could walk away and just focus on my own stuff. But you're not fine! I tried my very best not to give a shit, believe me, but I do. I don't want you to be dead, or sick, or injured. At all. Are you happy now?”
Artemis didn't know what to say. That was not what she’d expected. She opened her mouth, closed it again. Bakugou stared at her intensely, his heartbeat thrumming in her ears so loudly she could barely hear her own.
“I…” she began, but he just shook his head.
“No. Just… just dont say anything. I don't want to talk about this again. I hate repeating myself.”
Not really knowing what to do after his outburst, Artemis fell silent. He certainly seemed to be done talking.
After a long awkward silence, Bakugou set down a big steaming bowl of oyakodon down in front of her. The pair of them had moved to her table and now sat opposite one another.
Artemis had to admit that the food smelled absolutely delicious. Before she could comment on the dish, her stomach made a treacherous growling sound. To her surprise, the clearly visible peas didn't seem to deter her in the slightest.
“Just eat, dumbass.” Bakugou chuckled at her expression. “Don't look so surprised.”
Biting back remarks about him possibly trying to poison her, Artemis decided that she should at least give it a taste. After all, Bakugou had put in a lot of work into this, and out of all the negative traits she had, ungratefulness certainly wasn’t one of them.
It tasted fantastic, so much so that Artemis couldn't help but stare at him slack jawed.
“What?” he snapped
“Fuck me, what did you put in this? Drugs?”
His face fell. “Hah? You saw me make it, moron! How could I have put drugs in there?”
Artemis had never seen him look so scandalized, not even when she’d compared rice to cardboard. The expression on his face was priceless, as if he couldn’t imagine a worse crime than tampering with his food. Artemis burst into laughter.
“I'm sorry. It's just… This is the best thing I've ever had.”
For a moment, Bakugou just stared at her with a blank expression. Then he cleared his throat and went back to eating.
“Of course it is. Now eat your damn food,” he grumbled without looking up.
The red blush on the tips of his ears didn't go unnoticed by Artemis, though she couldn't quite understand what had happened to put it there.
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simplytransauthor · 4 years
a Nico Di Angelo Appreciation Post to match the one i made for will
THE TROGS. nico wore a TOP HAT at the TROG PARTY. can we please take a moment to imagine Dark Edgy Emo Nico wearing a TOP HAT. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
also THE SOLANGELO MOMENTS... i didnt talk about this on wills post but like. nico has definitely grown between books 1 and 5. he is much more obvious abt how much he cares for will and it makes me so happy because this kid. he really deserves every ounce of happiness he can get.
speaking of. he OFFICIALLY CANONICALLY has ptsd. finally. like, all the Main Demigods probably have ptsd/other trauma related disorders but like, nico especially has been through A Lot and its about time rick riordan acknowledged that someone doesnt just go back to life as normal after going through everything nico has gone through.
rick made those stand alones sound hypothetical bUT IF WE DONT GET SOLANGELO TARTARUS QUEST........
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gffa · 4 years
hi! i recently rediscovered a star wars fanfic i started when i was 14 and madly in love with ahsoka and have been using quarantine to update it. i was wondering what, in your opinion, would have had to change in order to avoid the jedi genocide? my ideas were a) pro jedi propaganda b) anakin receiving adequate support during his breakdown so he doesnt have to rely on palpatine c) palps dying/being fully incapitated d) a secondary temple to which the vulnerable can be evacuated but idk
re: my last message: of course deactivating the chips and ruining palpatine politically would have been extremely effective too but i have no idea how they could have pulled that off? they really were in a terrible situation
Hi!  I think pro-Jedi propaganda/PR was probably the biggest thing + getting Palpatine out of the way somehow.Even with contingencies, one of the biggest problems, aside from the general public being apathetic towards their democracy and it being a story about how the Senate/general public handed themselves over to a dictatorship, is that Palpatine was there to undermine everything that was being done to bring the Republic and the Separatists to peace.Yes, he was orchestrating corruption and apathy that were already there, but without him, Bail and Mon and Padme and the other Senators who were really working at this would have had a chance.That’s the first and most important thing that needs to change.Without that, I think Anakin would have had a really strong chance--the problem isn’t that he wasn’t offered help, because he very much was.  The Jedi way is analogous to real world therapeutic ways, but even George Lucas has talked about how Anakin didn’t want to accept Jedi sentiments and beliefs.  He wanted to listen to Palpatine telling him he was more special than anyone, that holding onto his anger was valid, that his fears about not being trusted or appreciated were right.Even Padme poured every ounce of love into him that she could and it still wasn’t enough, he still turned on her, he still believed that she would betray him without even giving her a chance to say anything but, “No!”  We see in TCW that he refuses to believe that she doesn’t have feelings for Clovis because she won’t prioritize Anakin’s feelings about not wanting them to work together over the good she can do by working with Clovis.Nothing was going to be enough for Anakin so long as he had someone who was dripping poison in his ear.  Whether this means he would have recommitted himself to the Jedi Path or if he would have left to find some other life, it’s hard to know, but I think he would have found it, had it not been for Palpatine.  (This doesn’t absolve him of his choices that he made on his own, just that I think the temptation of Palpatine’s manipulations were too much for him to resist.)Ultimately, I think it’s easy to say the Jedi being aligned with the Republic is what caused their genocide and that’s not wrong, because it is what happened, once the government became more corrupt than it was good.  But cutting ties with the Republic isn’t going to do much good, either, except to save the lives of the existing Jedi, though, their ability to help anyone on a bigger scale is now fucked.  They will have no negotiating power, they cannot represent the Republic, so they cannot be called in to handle disputes, they cannot chase after criminals except as bounty hunters because they have no legal authority, as well as the question of, “So where does the money to fund them come from?” because the people who most need their help are going to be the ones who can’t pay them.Which brings it back to--they need a less corrupt government, which needs to be Palpatine getting taken out.  Even Anakin’s role in things wasn’t really a determination in whether the Jedi would face genocide or not--had he stayed loyal, the entire clone army still would have marched on the Jedi Temple and it still would have fallen.The clone chips are the other big thing, because it doesn’t matter if the public is on the side of the Jedi or not if the clones don’t have a choice about following those orders, if their entire free will and minds are taken from them.  Palpatine could use them as an army to take over and, once everyone was dead, spin whatever story he wanted, and as long as no one was there to really dispute it, history is written by the victors and all that.So, get Palpatine out, get the chips out--they almost discovered them, until the evidence was destroyed and they had no breathing room left to investigate further, but it depends on where you’re starting your fix-it from.  The earlier in the war, the more breathing room they have and the more the Republic vs Separatists isn’t as contentious or propaganda-laden as it is, the more Padme and Bail and Mon have a chance to actually push good legislation through.Honestly, my answer has always been:  Kill Palpatine off, put Bail Organa in as Interim Chancellor, keep a lot of the emergency powers to forcefully root out the corrupt Senators, push better legislation through, then shave off the emergency powers after things have stabilized between the Republic and the Separatists.  (I would suggest Padme, but I don’t think she wanted it.  And Mon wasn’t in the right headspace for it yet, the Rebellion is what really tempered her into steel.  Bail was really the driving force of those proto-Rebellion meetings, imo.)The rest of the stuff with the Jedi would sort itself out, once they had some breathing room and were no longer drafted into a war that was stretching them too thin.  (As always, it’s your fic, do what makes you happy with it!  But that’s how I would approach it.  ♥)
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titsthedamnseason · 4 years
This isn’t meant to be aggressive, just curious (don’t have to answer if you don’t want to because people on this sit like to vilify others for having different opinions) but I was just curious about your feelings as to why you dn’t like k*tty. Is there a post i missed on your blog or sumthing or do you just not talk about it (which is understandable because I feel that kitty stans would come after you so bad)
no need to worry youre fine and, no, i havent really posted about it yet. there’s a few reasons that contribute to why i dont love kitty but i do want to first start off by saying that it’s not hate on either character or even on the ship. im hesitant to full on claim to “hate” them yet, even if im not the biggest fan and not afraid to admit that.
i would say the biggest part of my dislike for them comes from the fans. im going to generalize, which is why im going to explicitly state that i know not all of the fans are like this, but a lot of them in my experience are childish and pretty gross. first of all, even when i “shipped” (to use the word lightly) kitty in tda, it was never really actually shipping them yet if that makes sense? in my opinion, kitty’s progression in tda was pretty slow and most of the stuff between them was strictly platonic. any time i thought a real romantic relationship between them would be cute, it was always just that, an appreciation for what would be. it’s more like having a premature appreciation of “wow we arent there yet, but after more development and later on in twp they could be a really cute couple.” despite that, fans of them ran WILD with the bare minimum that we were given, and took it too far. fans writing explicit scenes about a gay couple made up of two minors before even an ounce of romantic content was provided is honestly so disgusting. and there is a LOT of explicit content out there for them, unfortunately 
more on their age, in fact, they are SO YOUNG. im sure we’ve all shipped two young people before, and taking out the factor of sexualizing them, it’s honestly okay. but again, it comes back to the fans once again aggressively shipping them despite how young they are! not even just because sexualizing them is gross and terrible, but because neither of them are in a spot where a relationship would be good for them and it’s clearly why cassie ended tda with them as she did? people seem to forget that theyre 15, and saying this as a 16 year old, the intensity with which people portray their relationship and how they expect it to be TERRIFIES me. we, as a fandom, dont really have any business to look at these two fucking children and fantasize about how nice their wedding would be? ya is already bad enough doing this with 16/17 year olds, why are we normalizing this for kit and ty who have barely one canon romantic scene (that even still, could easily be seen as platonic)?
and there are more reasons, but the last major one is that ty should not have to feel like the first person outside of his immediate family to treat him normally is the one for him, and i wish cc wasnt promoting that idea either. not to mention that ty, in my opinion, hasnt even ever expressed attraction towards kit? like yes, in the “i love you” scene he was distracted by his grief and not in a position to respond well to that no matter what but even in other scenes, their relationship was so friendly. we’ve never seen ty’s point of view, so there’s no way to really know, but even from the outside we havent seen him express outward interest in others like kit does, even if just to appreciate their appearance at a surface level. it’s also canon that ty doesnt love the way others do, and that the way he expresses his affection towards his family and loved ones is unique. he should obviously have freedom to turn that love towards whomever he chooses if that’s what he wants, but i think a very beneficial and mature storyline on cc’s part would be to let him explore how he conveys those feelings towards other people, and let him get comfortable with that, before immediately endgaming him with kit. that being said, i would also love for kit to have a love interest or multiple before the wicked powers, to also let him explore his sexuality and get experience before automatically ending up with the first person he said “i love you” to. with ty being on the spectrum, and both of them clearly being lgbtq+, i think the best move for them would be to wait it out before feeling an obligation to be together forever without getting any other experience first
again, does any of this mean i would despise a kitty endgame? not at all. i just think there’s a long way to go for it to be done right and that the fandom is really jumping the gun with shipping them before seeing how cc handles it. that being said, im sure if she does give them a twp slow burn she’ll get hate, and if other love interests are explored those characters will be hated on for just breathing. i can easily see myself warming up to kitty throughout twp (although, probably never the Stans) but i can also acknowledge that im not there yet, and until then i like them far better as just friends.
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Ok a more specific prompt, coffee shop au with Malec and claia 😌
this is nowhere near specific and you damn well know it, anon. i appreciate u trying to find an excuse to throw coffee shop aus everywhere, tho. keep doing the lord's work even if i will inevitably twist the prompt
Magnus works at a small, local coffee shop as a barista. It's not exactly his #1 job choice, but it pays better than big chain coffee shops and he needs that to pay rent now that he officially left his abusive father's home for good. Also, he is kind of a coffee enthusiast and the owner, Ragnor, lets him go wild with making up new drinks and ingredients, as long as he still does his job.
All in all it's a good job and he considers the old fart and the other barista, maia, to be like family. Ragnor frequently gives them coffee and Maia constantly teases him about being a "coffee scientist" whenever she catches him thoughtfully drinking from a cup and scribbling notes on his notepad, like some ancient being
His recipes are good, though, and he knows exactly where to get the best coffee beans for the best price. So their drinks are good, affordable, and can please everyone from the traditional "black coffee no sugar" exec to the teenager who wants more of a milkshake than actual coffee
As a result, the shop thrives, gets more popular, and gets more clients. So Ragnor decides to hire a new barista to help. Because he's secretly a sweetheart, he ends up hiring this broke college kid who just moved into town to get away from his kinda toxic family and has nowhere to go - and also doesnt have a single ounce of experience as a barista
It's not surprising; both Magnus and Maia share similar stories, with some abusive exes to spice up the mix, not to mention racism, biphobia, and, in Magnus case, male behavior standarts keeping most opportunities closed for them. So they're cool with that. Even if it means Magnus will have to be the one to teach him, because 1- Ragnor is a dick and assigned him to be Alec's special "tutor" as retribution for Magnus calling him "an old, heart of butter bastard"; 2- he's the one who's best qualified to teach him since he knows a lot about coffee and coffee making anyway; 3- Maia has no patience
Quick detour just to say that i love the maia/magnus brotp opportunities this gives. While Magnus is more of a coffee scientist as she puts it, Maia has an almost instictive understanding of drink making. Where Magnus is soft, she's fierce, and they make one hell of a team and are good at balancing one another. They bond over their experiences with abuse; while Magnus' has made him afraid to put his foot down and say what he wants and prioritize himself, Maia's has made her particularly wary of people and even less willing to take anyone's bullshit, and both of these coping mechanisms have their own effects on their psyche, and they're able to talk openly to each other about it. Maia is kind of protective of Magnus and vice-versa, though the way they protect each other is very different. They have an easy companionship and bantering dynamic that's easygoing and cute, theyre both passionate about their interests (Maia loves marine biology and even if Magnus doesnt know much about it he loves listening to her talk about it) and just generally have that kind of relationship where just smiling at each other makes a tough day seem lighter. Also Magnus loves making Maia laugh. Maia blatantly refuses to laugh at any of his self-deprecating jokes, tho, which has considerably diminished the amount of times he makes them
Anyway Alec comes in for his first day and Magnus is like [REDACTED] because shit this man is cute. Maia notices immediately and from then on the teasing doesn't stop
He's quick to recover, tho, and suddenly he's all smooth again (Maia says he's perfected his customer service persona to horror movie levels), quick to introduce himself and Maia to Alec and explain that he'll be training Alec for the next few weeks or so. He gives him a tour of the shop, explains the basics, and immediately launches into his slightly extra More Serious Than Strictly Necessary course on the makings and workings of coffee, from bean selection to ideal temperature and the chemistry behind the cooking.
This absolute dork even had a small table with some coffee made from different kinds of beans so Alec could taste them and learn the difference and Engage with the profession or some shit
Maia just rolls her eyes, thankful that she had prior experience before getting this job and didnt have to go through this
The first thing he learns about Alec: Alec doesn't like coffee. This is not a setback. Many people dont like coffee, but that's because they're used to regular powdered coffee instead of making it from the bean. Because the beans in powdered coffee arent previously selected, they are roasted harder than they should, so any beans that might have gone bad wont spoil the taste or make you sick. As a result, the coffee is way too bitter and doesn't have a discernible taste. He explains all of this enthusiastically to a slightly overwhelmed Alec, and gets on to making him try the samples so he can feel the difference.
Here's the second thing he learns about Alec: Alec doesn't feel the difference
Despair. Horror. Offense.
Alec even kind of chuckles and goes "sorry" at the face he makes, and a not-pouting Magnus goes on with the planned explanation on bean selection
Third thing he learns about Alec: he's a quick study. Everything he lacks in sensibility to the amazing world of bean juice, he makes up for in his careful attentiveness to the instructions. He is also a strict recipe-follower and makes sure he always uses the exact amounts required. He's an absolute perfectionist. He listens to Magnus' explanations on how to know if the taste is right, to look for color and texture of the mix. Magnus tries his simple coffees and only needs a few corrections to send him on the right path
The first time Alec makes him something more complicated to try (per his request) Magnus wants to die
It's so good
Scratch that, it's perfect
This soulless motherfucker doesn't even like coffee and this is the single best version of whatever crazy frapuccino shit they're making magnus has ever tried
He kind of bursts from the kitchen (?) all like MAIA YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS just in time to interrupt her chatting with this redhead new customer with shiny eyes. Maia is leaning all the way across the counter. What is this
Maia agrees that it's very good but again he's not as passionate about coffee and Magnus just interrupted what would have been a really smooth number-giving move so she's not feeling all that generous
Alec just laughs at that. His eyes are shining with amusement and he's very, very pleased that Magnus likes his stuff
It's not a big secret, really; mixing drinks is kind of like patisserie in the sense that the measures need to be exact to achieve the best taste and texture. He follows the recipe to a fault, it turns out good. That's why he's better at the more complicated, instagram-y drinks than the simple coffee types
Alec "graduates" his training pretty soon after that and Ragnor is very pleased
He gets along well with both Magnus and Maia, even if he's more quiet and sometimes catches himself just laughing at the two of them interact; their friendship is something else. But he also gets to hear a "shut up" from Maia after not saying absolutely anything when the redhead walks in again the very next day
The redhead always comes in a little late in the morning, so its always slow. As a result, they get to pretend to be minding their own business as they hear the two of them chat and oof is the romantic tension between them something. Maia glares at them once the girl - Clary - leaves every time, but it doesn't stop them
Soon Maia is calling them "no-good gossiping grandmas" because of the way Magnus and Alec will go to the back and pretend to be making something while they keep a whispered running commentary on what the girls are talking about. This quickly turns into some sort of race to see who can make the other break and laugh out loud. Neither of them ever do (they are trying to be discreet and Maia would kill them) but oftentimes they need to cover their mouths with their hands and playfully slap each other for the teasing
Clary doesn't even realize she's the reason; she kind of just thinks they are constantly flirting on the back and briefly wonders how they havent been fired when all they do is whisper and make eyes at each other
Not that she has any room to talk when she's late to work everyday because she keeps cracking jokes with the cute curly haired barista with the most beautiful lopsided smile who always makes her laugh and tells her about her day while she drinks her coffee. She's lucky her work starts at 10 so she can go in a little later and doesnt have to be there during rush hours, but still
She doesnt even like coffee, she walked in one day cuz she was really tired and then just kept coming in the hopes that the barista would make a move on her (shes not gonna do it herself, at least not in her workplace. She doesn't want to make her uncomfortable and it's still unclear whether the girl is flirting or if shes just really nice)
At some point she and Maia even start sharing knowing looks to Alec and Magnus and laughing at them. They don't even notice, because their designated Making Fun Of Maia time turned into just cracking jokes at each other way too quickly. They don't even remember there are other people there
Maia does finally ask clary out eventually. She wasn't exactly nervous about doing it, it's more that she enjoyed their little routine. But enough is enough, and when their routine starts involving Clary giving her a quick kiss before placing her order, well, it just makes it better
Magnus and Alec coo every time
Eventually Maia snaps all like "why are you guys the one poking fun at me when im the one who made a move instead of being a coward"
Magnus is all like "Whatever could she possibly mean??"
It dawns on him when hes closing up the next day and Alec has already left. He has a crush on Alec. Oh god. Oh fuck
Maia helpfully says "idiot" and leaves
Some Magnus being very nervous and overthinking his relationship with Alec who's all like ???????? about this
Alec goes to his sister about his new crush who suddenly started acting weird and izzy is all like "stop trying to guess what he's thinking because you're terrible at this. Just tell them how you feel" and Alec is like okay
He asks Magnus out
Everyone is happy and gay idk the end
✨ feel free to use this and any other one of my posts as a prompt ✨
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seagullsausage · 5 years
Ooh ok new idea since you mentioned schneep again. I can imagine their initial first-ish real argument being about Jamie’s ED. With Henrik drilling into Jamie all the statistics and everything about death rate etc and it just hurts both of them because Jamie can’t get out of the habits yet and Henrik doesn’t know how to /stop/ Jamie from furthering the disorder. It only makes JJ spiral more because of the whole “if I was x he’d like me more” mindset. -ED anon
aaaaaaa bro this is :((((( 
henrik would 100% be doing everything in his power to try and make him better cause thats just what he does, but at the same time he doesnt really know how to go about it?? and yeah poor jamie is so determined to be ‘perfect’ and the best he can be for henrik cause thats how he had to live for anti so he could get any ounce of appreciation or love, and if he spirals into a severe ed just to achieve that, then thats what hes gonna do
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bard-dadsquared · 5 years
In other news, I do need validation. Long angry rant is about to happen.
The other day I called my Ex on fb so he could talk to our son. I made a comment later that day how he looked like he hadnt been sleeping and how he seemed like he may be depressed, and the person i was talking to was just like
"Poor guy :(("
To which I just shrugged and told them that I didnt feel bad for him, everything he's feeling, he brought on himself.
They said "I feel kinds bad for him because I know he loves you!"
And I'm just???
Maybe he did?? Maybe he does?? But that doesn't negate all the shit he did to drive me the fuck away. I loved him too once. But then everything I said, everything I felt, everything I tried to ask for fell on deaf ears.
I don't feel bad for him because when we moved to the duplex in Texas, he left all the loading and packing to me. It was up to me to find people to help me move stuff to the new place and make sure everything was packed and ready to go. All he worried about was his PC and his desk. Hell even my brother and I had to put my bed frame together because he hadn't done it.
He was an asshole everytime we had to go back to the other house to help clean up too and got mad once because my mom asked us to bring something and he didnt bring it.
But things settled down mostly. I hated how i was expected to do almost everything but it was manageable.
Then he wanted to move and find a new job, which was fine, he sorta?? Let me know what kind of jobs he was applying for and where. But when he got an offer, he accepted it without even talking to me about it. The job he took he was going to start in two months and I had less than a months notice to pack all of our shit and leave not only that but they didn't offer relocation and he was going to be getting a little less in pay. We had less than a month to move Which again- he barely helped with. All the sorting through shit and packing was left up to me once again. I ended up leaving almost all of our stuff behind because I couldnt fucking take it with me to my moms.
I gave Virginia a shot and i was more miserable than I've been ever. I was expected to do everything. EVERYTHING. I decided to go to California. I had originally hoped that in doing so we could save some money and he could use the money we saved to get stuff for the apartment to make it more comfortable.
Which didnt really happen until April. After being with Family in Cali for a while, seeing how well lucian was doing and stuff, I honestly didn't wanna go back. I went back to sign the lease and then again a couple months after my aunt died because of how tense things were at the house, i figured it'd be a last ditch effort to save things.
But no. I tried to tell him how I felt. I tried to tell him what bothered me, why i was so depressed. I told him I felt lonely, I told him I felt like i was expected to do everything. And it always. always felt like I was talking to a wall
I told him I wished wed go out and do things more, that itd be nice and I might meet people. He wanted me to meet people online first and then meet them in person. Which totally defeated the purpose of getting me out of the. House to socialize, and even if indidnt make any friends then at least I got out and was productive. But he doesnt like leaving the house.
I told him countless times that I felt like it was unfair that he expected me to do so much work around then house with minimal help, but nothing changed. He thought helping more meant cleaning the kitchen and making easy dinners.
And while I appreciated it in wished hed help more with the living room too, or the laundry, or anything else literally. The most recent time I brought it up he managed to turn it around to finances and told me that he doesnt spend money on himself because he spends it all on me and Lucian. He told me that if i didnt get what I wanted I essentially acted like it was the end of the world.
Granted yes, I'd get disappointed and my displays depending on my mood or whether or not the item was seasonal or limited edition varried from minor to being a little mopey (i really tried not to be, most of the time i was usually more upset about the ungodly cost than anything.)
Then he invades my privacy, not once but twice I found out. This son of a bitch logged on to my discord, TWICE.
The first time he did it was a day I cleaned the whole apartment. Like I vacuumed, shampooed, cleaned the kitchen counters the best in could, did the dishes, took out the trash, wiped counters and the stove, did several loads of laundry, picked up in the bedroom.
As soon as he got home i went to my room and I guess thats when he did it. He logged onto my account on the computer and opened discord, and went through my messages.
That's literally the only reason he asked me for a divorce. Was because he had seen I've been thinking about it for a while.
And then for whatever reason he did it a second fucking time.
The irony? The first time he did it?? If hed just fucking come to me, I was gonna ask him for a divorce myself. But then he did it, and while it was a huge relief at the time, it would have taken every ounce of willpower not to slap him if I had known then that he was only asking because he went through my messages.
We managed to work things out to maintain some civility for Lucian's sake, and i was okay with that! I was glad we seemed to have cleared the air a little bit.
But then I thought about it more, he never actually apologized to me for anything. He never actually apologized for the messed up stuff he did or said, and he doesnt think he did anything wrong by going through my messages. In fact he thinks he was justified because "I needed to know how they really felt."
And then when I admitted some things I did or said was messed up, he didnt even actually own up to his bullshit. He had to lump me in with him
"Cant we bith admit that we both did and said fucked up shit?"
Then on my way to CO I find out??? He tried to say he does everything himself??? Inwas looking into the requirements to fly with my cat and dog because originally i was going to fly to Colorado. I dont remember which airline I checked, but I checked the requirements for the airline he was gonna send me on, and then he tells my step dad hes tired of doing everything himself.
I looked it up!! I thought I was gonna fly with a certain airline so that's who I fucking looked it up for!!! And hes trying to say he did all the footwork HIMSELF?! If I'd known he was considering another airline I WOULD HAVE LOOKED THAT UP TOO, BUT I DIDNT. Then He has the audacity to say hes tired of being the only one doing all the work??
Are you fucking kidding me????
No, nuh uh. Fuck him. I dont think I hate him surprisingly but FUCK IM LIVID.
I should by all rights hate his fucking guts, but dont, if I did the sight of him would send me into fits of rage as would the mention of his name.
But God damn I am PISSED OFF at him. So fucking pissed off. I mean for all I know hes hacked my account and is reading this right fucking now.
If you are Alex, FUCK YOU for everything you've put me through these last couple years.
fuck him. I don't feel bad for him in the least. I know I'm not fucking perfect, but I fucking tried. I gave him more chances than he fucking deserved. He held me to unfair standards, he expected me to clean house in 2 hours or less, expected me to cook every fucking night, constantly tried to tell me my mental health is harder for him than it is for me, tried to tell my family that he does all the fucking work (okay I cant make phone calls but I can do fucking research you fuck), made me out to be the bad guy constantly, doesn't own up to his bullshit, put me through all this and EXPECTED ME TO APOLOGIZE FOR GOING TO CALIFORNIA, went through my fucking discord, and countless other bullshit.
Yeah no I don't feel bad for him. Not at all, he had plenty of chances to work with me to avoid all this and he chose to ignore it. The only attempts seemed to be when I wasn't with him.
I have a lot of baggage and issues, but I fucking deserve better than that.
If hes in emotional turmoil because of what happened. He brought it on himself. I fuckin tried.
If me not feeling even a little sorry for him makes me a bad person
Then get me my fucking demon costume.
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lydstm · 5 years
CHARACTER SHEET repost. do not reblog.
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.     lydia martin PRONUNCIATION.       lih - dee - ah   m - ahr - tin NICKNAME.     lyd/lyds GENDER.       cis - female HEIGHT.   5′3  AGE.   21 , verse dependent ZODIAC.         leo SPOKEN LANGUAGES.     english , both archaic and classical latin, moderate french, mandarin, and spanish
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢��𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.         strawberry blonde @ me EYE COLOR.         a mossy sort of green. SKIN TONE.         decently fair. BODY TYPE.         fluctuates, but rather petite, hourglass with more of an emphasis at her chest. but her thighs tend to fill out fastest when she puts on weight! ACCENT.         doesnt quite have one— standard american accent ? no real inflections on certain words, etc.  VOICE.         always a little bit raspy and low, a little bit whistle-y / whisper-y . it crackles a bit, a little bit too scream-torn, hoarse, but even before her banshee abilities took root she had a lower, raspier sort of tone. v sexy. she’s pretty fluent in speech pattern, doesn’t stumble too frequently. can get shrill when upset. DOMINANT HAND.         right hand. POSTURE.         absolutely beautiful she sits almost statuesque and pretty !! does not slouch very often unless she’s doing work on her laptop in bed.  SCARS.          she has a decently sized scar on her waist from tracy’s tail. it’s one of the biggest she has, just about touches her hip, and spans up her side to about mid - stomach. she also has a lot of head scars from eichen that are now hidden by her hair, but you can feel them if you run your fingers through it, right above her ears, mostly. she has a tiny round scar on her right on her left kneecap from tripping in the 3rd grade, and a few other various minor injury scars that just never faded. one on the inside of her thigh from getting herself shaving at 14 lmao TATTOOS.        none BIRTHMARKS.      none         MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).    her lips are prettypretty and big, in proportion to her face, most notably her top lip. it is just as thick, if not more, than her bottom one, when that’s usually not the case for lips. she has very long hair, usually curled, and she’s just. her face? can i list that as a notable feature she’s beautiful      
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.    beacon hills , california   HOMETOWN.          beacon hills , california BIRTH WEIGHT.         5 pounds 11 ounces BIRTH HEIGHT.         21.5 inches MANNER OF BIRTH.         c section FIRST WORDS.         mama SIBLINGS.      none, verse dependent PARENTS.        natalie martin & nicholas martin ( separated ) PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.         they have always been a little bit absent, even when they were still together. natalie took most care of lydia during the early years — nicholas was never really present. he worked long hours, came home late, left home early. weekends were dubbed theirs, where they’d have family dinners both saturday and sunday, which lydia loved. but eventually those stopped, the divorce happened, and things fell apart even further. after the divorce, natalie threw herself into a lot of work, and a lot of dating, and lydia grew up relatively isolated. natalie always meant the best for her daughter, and loved her dearly, and lydia grew to know and understand that, come high school. natalie’s involvement in her daughter’s wellbeing drastically improved over the years. she’s a good mother who made a few mistakes and they have a good relationship.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.         actuary + also in school for her phd, but she is always working on a new risk model formula to help improve the risk to actual % ratio for her field’s medal.  CURRENT RESIDENCE.          cambridge , massachusetts ; eventually beacon hills , california CLOSE FRIENDS.         allison argent, stiles stilinski, scott mccall, malia tate, liam dunbar, cora hale, kira yukimura. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.         dating & eventually married to stiles stilinski ( @uniewaznic ) uwu FINANCIAL STATUS.         middle class DRIVER’S LICENSE.   obtained CRIMINAL RECORD.         none VICES.        gluttony, alcohol and, especially in her younger years, a decent amount of pain relievers when she was stressed, sex, lydia absolutely uses sex as a distraction, a way to keep out of her emotions. playing stupid. occasional jealousy. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         bisexual , no preference ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.         biromantic , no preference PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant |  switch. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive  |  dominant |  switch. LIBIDO.         very high TURN ON’S.        intelligence, if you can match her intellectually that’s a huge plus. lydia also very much likes being appreciated (if she’s!! into you!! if not don’t be creepy),  so showing interest, being blatant in it, telling her you want her, letting her know!! she digs that shit lmao. humor is a big one, a sense of adventure. loves teasing, being teased only in certain situations. if you can actually show here where she’s wrong on something she’s going to bitch about it but it’s highkey hot. make her laugh!! confidence is a nice one too!!  TURN OFF’S.         bland personalities, and she’s really truly done with superficial shit. big bank account boasting isn’t cute anymore. that’s not what she’s really about. mansplaining is the biggest turn off like a FULL 0/10, quickest way to get her to not talk to you. any sort of women degradation, making them appear lesser, weaker. another big turn off is any sort of manipulation. she doesn’t like feeling small.  LOVE LANGUAGE.     gifts!!! and so much touching, she could hold someone for hours. also a palm on the arm, fingers linked, etc. touching!!! is so !!! important !!! also checking in. making sure they eat. if they’re weather prepared. etc. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.        ^^^ that being said!!! however, she isn’t the most outwardly romantic person. depending on the relationship it gets better, but. lydia always tended to have relationships that weren’t...always...built on affection. most of them were more sexual. so, since that’s what she knows, she tends to be a little less on the big romantic gestures, but : ( she’s a romantic at heart!! loves cheesy sweet movies !! loves the gestures !! with stiles (once they’re in a relationship!!)  it’s easier to be more affectionate, because he’s affectionate and good with her. 
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.         shallow. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.         social media scrolling. clearing out her emails. loves to read scholarly articles—mostly math related, but the science ones (particularly physics) are equally thrilling. lots of reading in general. big netflix fan, if she’s got a lazy day she’ll happily watch crime dramas for as long as she can. baths!!! lydia will sit in a bath with a face mask and a glass of wine for a leisure evening. getting stiles to do face masks in said bath with her is an additional hobby. happens at least twice a week. she also loves yoga and pilates and cycling, and will cycle between the three classes throughout the week. a weird one, but she doesn’t actually mind folding laundry, and an addendum hobby to that is bitching at stiles to fold his own laundry just for the fun of being annoying. MENTAL ILLNESSES.  ptsd. bouts of insomnia and paranoia. not quite sure if it fits entirely, but she still occasionally sleepwalks.  PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.         frequent and intense migraines, along with occasional unexplainable head pains from the physical trauma eichen has left on her body.  LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.         left brained PHOBIAS.      most of her fears do not quite constitute a phobia level, as she is still functional and rational through the thing she fears. most of the fears themselves are rather rational. however, lydia does tend to have an irrational knee-jerk reaction to being physically grabbed by the arm/wrist/shoulder in any sort of aggressive way. waist is fine, most things are fine, she just has a physical genuine terrified reaction to being grabbed like that. also, while not quite a phobia, the way she reacts to being yelled at / doing something wrong / making some sort of mistake / spilling something / breaking something / etc is EXTREMELY worrying, and also not a rational, reasonable reaction. it is an emotional trauma she has not quite worked through. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.         decently high, but fluctuates. lydia has a good view of herself, knows her worth and her intelligence, but there were certainly periods of time where she heavily, heavily felt like dead weight in peoples’ lives, where she was told she ruined everything. it stuck with her. it still has not left, even though she is comfortable where she is now. VULNERABILITIES.        getting too caught up in needing to be perfect. her heart in general is a vulnerability, softer than she lets!! people!! believe. kind of an aside, but she’s physically vulnerable to illnesses when the seasons change. she’s good about it, barely stays home, but she always gets some kind of cold. 
TAGGED BY.  @uniewaznic baby ♡ TAGGING. @argaents @farmorepersonal @boycrowned @taeted @dilkos @stuartwcmbly @limitknown + anyone who wants ! ♡
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All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 1
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,966
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, language, angst, minor character death, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. If you’re a junkie for this sort of thing, then a tag list is the right thing for you! If you want to be a Queen, I’ll add you to that list too! Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
AHHHH This season is almost done!!!!! Just ONE more episode left! If you’ve been catching along with this series, this and the next episodes is what I wan to hear your thoughts on!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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“So, we had kids?” You asked Dean from the backseat.
“Yeah. You said you would stop bringing it up.” Dean said as he drove into a random town to get some food.
“Sorry, I know I said that but Dean, you have to be honest with me, okay?” You said, being very serious.
“What is it, Y/N?” Dean asked with a sigh, parking the car. Sam chuckled and looked over at you and Dean with an amused smile.
“Was I still hot? Did having two kids ruin my body?” You asked, biting your lip.
“Oh, sweetheart, it was hard for me not to keep my hands off you.”
“And I’m out.” Sam said, taking the money from Dean’s hand before getting out of the car.
“Hey, don’t forget the extra onions this time, huh?” Dean said, making Sam roll his eyes.
“Sam, make them forget. We’re going to have to be the ones to ride with your extra onions.” You said, disgusted but Dean just smirked. Sam was about to leave again but Dean stopped him.
“Hey, see if they got pie. Bring me some pie!” Sam huffed out in annoyance and left, walking into the café. “I love me some pie.”
“I know you do. So, you couldn’t keep your hands off me, huh?” You asked with a grin, sliding closer to him from the backseat. He smirked and nodded, leaning in to kiss you but the radio on his car started to static, eventually turning off.
Dean sighed and leaned to the radio, messing with it to get it to turn back on but when he looked back at you, you were gone. You and Sam were gone and the lively town he drove into, was now an empty nest, full of the smell of death and sulfur.
You gasped as you woke up, looking around to where you were. You didn’t know how you got here or why you were or what even here was. You scrambled to get up, looking around the small room you were in. The windows were mostly boarded up but that didn’t stop light from peering inside through the slits.
You walked to the window, looking outside to see if you knew where you were or if Sam and Dean were okay. You couldn’t see much and started panicking. You took your phone out of your back pocket, going to dial Dean but frowned when you didn’t have service.
“Sam!!!! Dean!!!!” You yelled, hoping that you were close enough to hear you. You didn’t know if they were hurt or worse. You tried not to think about that as you figured out a way to get out. You walked to the door and mentally slapped yourself for not trying that first.
You pushed the door but it wouldn’t budge, so you tried to pull on it and it didn’t even budge. You knew that it swung outward and it felt as if something was keeping it from being opened. So, how the hell did you get in here if every exit was boarded up?
You sighed, looking around the room, wondering if you could use anything in here to break the board but found nothing. You looking at your hands and immediately, the light bulb went off in your head. You walked to the door and took a deep breath, closing your eyes.
You concentrated on bringing the powers you knew where there but never used. In all honesty, they scared the shit out of you. You knew, that with practice, they would become very powerful, making hunting a lot easier but a, you never had the time to practice them and b, you didn’t know what would happen if something went out of hand.
You remembered, almost a year ago, you lost control of them but that was when Dean was on his death bed after the crash. You could still remember that day as if it was yesterday and every time you thought about it, it made your heart heavy and your bones shake.
You tried to shake the images out of your head but once they were there, they were there and without anyone here to stop you, you had trouble making them go away on your own. With each image that passed by, you started to shake more and when you shook, you could feel the magic inside you, bubble up.
You tried to keep your cry of pain quiet and you shot your hands forward, pushing out every single ounce of magic through your hands and into the door. It was a weak door and broke easily under the pressure. You gasped and opened your eyes, not realizing you were crying.
You saw the door half broken, a big enough hole for you to get through. You wiped your eyes, pulling yourself together before exiting the small room. You frowned, taking in your surroundings. You were in an abandoned town that looked as if it hadn’t been in use for decades.
You looked around, seeing no one here.
“Sam!! Dean!!” You yelled out, hoping one of the brothers or both of them would come to your aid. When no one was seen or heard, you sighed, realizing you were on your own now. You walked through the town, occasionally looking through the windows of the stores to see if anyone was in there.
There wasn’t.
You didn’t have the time, your phone didn’t have any service and you had no idea where you were. Things were working out great, if anyone was wondering. You hoped Sam was okay. You knew Dean was at least alive because if he was dead, you probably would feel it.
Lately, or at least, ever since you started dating, you felt like you two were connected on a deeper level. You could sometimes feel what he was feeling and you knew when he was lying. You had no idea what it was but you knew he wasn’t dead which was a good thing. But you didn’t know if he was okay or not.
You rounded a corner, gasping when you saw a group of people, maybe 4 or 5, talking and freaking out. You didn’t know who they were but you were glad to see people. You just hoped there were no monsters here since you didn’t have any kind of weapons with you.
However, as you got closer, you recognized the tallest one there.
“Sam!” You yelled, running towards him. He turned around and his eyes widened, smiling in relief when he saw you. When you got to him, you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Sam said, releasing you after a few moments. You smiled up at him but before you could say anything, a black man came into your view and wrapped his hand around your throat. You gasped and your eyes widened, scratching at his hand to get him to let go.
“Hey!!” Sam said, prying his hand off your throat, before shoving him away. Sam put you behind him as you coughed, trying to get your breath back.
“What the hell, man?” You coughed, glaring at him. You didn’t like him at all. When you stood up straight, you saw the other 4 people staring at you with their eyes narrowed.
“What the hell was that, Jake?” Sam asked, angry.
“She needs to die.” He said, getting ready to go again. You rolled your eyes, not this again.
“Why does she need to die?” Sam asked, protecting you.
“The yellow-eyed man told us to. She can’t be alive and he ordered one of us to kill her. Now, move.” The brown-haired woman said.
“Ava, no, you’re not killing her. No one is killing her.” Sam said.
“Wait, that’s Ava?” You asked, looking at her.
“How do you know me?” She asked, confused.
“Sam, his brother and I spent weeks looking for you.” You said, worried what they might do to you.
“Well, you found me.” She said.
“Look, guys, no one is killing her, okay? Lily don’t you dare touch her.” Sam said.
“No promises.” The blonde woman said with an eye roll.
“What happens if she touches me?” You asked Sam.
“Your heart will stop beating. It happens when I touch someone.” Lily answered for Sam.
“It won’t work on me, anyways, remember Sam? Andy’s mind control didn’t work on me and neither did his brother’s. She won’t hurt me that way.” You said, relaxing a bit.
“What do you mean it won’t work on you?” The man who tried to kill you asked.
“Wait, more importantly, where did you come from?” Sam asked, turning around to look at you.
“I don’t know. One moment I’m with Dean in the car and the next, I wake up in some dusty room someone in this town. Where’s Dean? There’s no service.” You said, relaxing a bit when you saw the others back up a bit.
“I don’t know where he is.” Sam said, scared of what might have happened to him.
“Don’t worry, he’s not dead. I would feel it if he had.” You said, seeing the relief on his face.
“So, what is this place? Do you think it has anything to do with the demon?” You asked Sam.
“Wait, demon? Sam, I was a little on board with the whole psychic and mind bending thing but demons? Come on.” Ava said, scoffing.
“Look, I know it sounds crazy…”
“It doesn’t just sound it.” The man who tried to kill you said.
“Look, Jake, I don’t really care what you think, okay? If we’re all gathered here together, then that means it’s starting and that we have to get ready.” Sam said, talking about the war the yellow-eyed demon mentioned about. The war that you were messing up because you were alive.
“The only thing I’ve gotta do, is stay away from wackjobs, okay? I’ve heard enough. I’m better off on my own. FYI, so are you.” Jake said, turning around and walking away from the group.
“Wait! Jake!” Sam tried. Jake ignored him and continued walking until he disappeared from sight.
“Great, now what?” You asked. You were fine around Andy because you worked with him before but you didn’t know Ava all that well and you didn’t know Lily at all. You were going to be sticking with Sam and if Sam is somehow gone, then with Andy.
He didn’t seem like a threat before.
Suddenly, you heard a screeching noise and you looked at Sam who was already rushing to the source of the noise. You didn’t want to be caught with anyone else so you took off, catching up to Sam easily. You followed him into a building, seeing a little girl.
But she wasn’t any normal little girl. Her face was contorted into something ugly and her nails were outstretched, much like a tentacle. Jake, never have seen a demon before, was scared of what was going on. But Sam was quicker than most and grabbed an iron poker that he spotted by the door.
He swung at the girl, expecting her to dissolve, much like a spirit would. She did dissolve but not in the way you’d expect. Instead of disappearing, a cloud of black smoke was all that was left, exiting what looked to be a classroom of sorts.
Jake was staring at Sam with wide eyes and Sam threw the poker down, jerking his head to the side to move his hair out of his eyes.
“Just so you know, that was a demon.” Sam left the classroom and you followed quickly, walking ahead of him. You thought it would be best to put Sam in between you and the people who wanted to kill you.
The Queens:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876 @wishedworld @crispychrissy @laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz  @untitled39887 @ta-n-ja @deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi @tahbehonest @stay-in--place @dreaminofdean @posiemax @donnaintx @mikey1822 @alexandriajanae4  @li-ssu @just-another-winchester @obsessivecompulsivespn @emoryhemsworth @newtospnfandom @mizzezm  @goldenolaf25 @jessikared97 @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @charliebradbury1104    @queen-of-moons-peace-out-bitches @becs-bunker  @atc74 @lemonchapstick 
The Dean Beans:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @carribear31 @tacklesackles @oreosatmidnight @not-naturalfangirl @missselinakitty @iam-a-cutiepie  @kristendansmith @milo-winchester-4ever @jensenackesl @codyshany316 @pheonyxstorm @helllonearth @juniorhuntersam @pouterpufftrain @ruprecht0420 @shut-ur-face-and-get-in-the-car @carriemichelle2012 @aubreystilinski
Series Rewrite Junkies:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging @notmoose45 @crowleysminion @mina22 @tahbehonest @hadleymcallister2177 @destielsangels @spnhybrid @oreosatmidnight @valerieshubin @seninjakitey @flyonlittlewinchester @aubreystilinski @rocketqueeens  @emilygracespellins @earthtokace
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tanzani-coil · 7 years
who hogs the duvettanith. you’ll find her in the morning with it wrapped around her, however when she wakes up she’ll always rearrange it so its draping over ghastly too and he’ll wake up for a few seconds to see it and he’ll smile and cuddle her and fall back to sleep again with them both under the covers
who texts/rings to check how their day is goingghASTLY. WITHOUT A DOUBT. i feel as though his average day is a bit less action packed than taniths, so he always has the time to check up on her - and if he doesnt have the time, he MAKES the time (you’ll find tipstaff grumbling about it somewhere)who’s the most creative when it comes to giftsi feel as though ghastly isn’t really into presents much, i mean being 400+ years old i can imagine coming up with presents got a bit old after the first century. and tanith i think on her jobs and journeys comes across like, not ‘gifts’ as such but little knick knacks and thingymabobs that she’ll know ghastly would just LOVE who gets up first in the morningghastly I think has settled into an (unhealthy) routine of going to bed at silly o’clock in the morning after really getting into something he was sewing, but then waking up quite early to start another working day. tanith usually stays up with him, sitting in the back room of his shop with him, both listening to ghastly’s blues playlist while he works, and then both of them going up to bed together at the same time. you wont see her out of bed any time before 9am, though (ghastly always makes her tea in the morning, regardless of whether shes likely to fall back to sleep again and never drink it)who suggests new things in bedyou’d think tanith, being the younger, more experienced one would be bringing new things into the bedroom but my god ghastlys has way more kinks than given credit for and taniths not complaining eitherwho cries at moviesman………… i feel like generally tanith does and as much as she’ll try to hide it ghastly always knowswho gives unprompted massagesTANITH. she’ll come in to the back room of the shop from the kitchen, cup of tea in hand for ghastly, she’ll look at what he’s working on and smile, see that he’s clearly been hunched over it for hours and massage his shoulder muscles. completely unasked for, but ghastly appreciates it all the same. she’ll always peck him on the cheek before leaving toowho fusses over the other when they’re sickghASTLY IS SO OVER TANITH’S HERO COMPLEX. HE DOESNT CARE HOW LONG AND FIERCELY SHE DEFENDS THAT SHE ISNT SICK. HE’LL STILL WRAP HER UP IN BLANKETS AND GIVE HER TEA WITH HONEY IN IT AND MEDICINE AND “STOP BLOODY MOTHERING ME” DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO STOP IT. who gets jealous easiestaight, so like…. i’m gonna struggle to word this but bear with me. (also im really sorry) so like, in mortal coil when erskine is flirting with tanith we clearly see that ghastly got kinda down about it, but i dont think its jealousy?? its more of, whenever someone whos just that much better looking and that much better at everything than ghastly is comes along, ghastly sort of sinks into an instantly hopeless, acceptance and almost numb state and he just sort of gives up at whatever hes talking about, whatever hes doing. because thats just what hes been conditioned to do. 400+ years of constant rejection ALL THE TIME?? hes just learnt that the second someone better comes along, whatever chance he had is gone. the conversation he was having with someone is instantly cut short, and ghastly just doesnt exist anymore. completely invisible. every. time. so i think that rather than getting jealous about it he’s learnt to give up, and i think that it took tanith years to uncondition that response out of him because she’ll never, ever cut him off for someone else, and she’s sure as hell not going anywhere, so?? and everyone can see the transformation too. aight sorry i went on a tangent there but my point is, ghastly doesnt get jealous. tANITH. HOWEVER. MY GOD. when tanith gets jealous she doesnt just get jealous she gets jEALOUS. it takes tanith every ounce of will power not to get snappy defensive and the so, so unnecessary staring-downs. valkyrie never lets it slide and always finds it really, really funny (especially because its so bloody obvious that the jealousy is completely irrational because this is ghastly we’re on about)who has the most embarrassing taste in musicghastly has quite a solid, sensible mature playlist for when hes working or relaxing but tanith is like………….. look its tanith ok who collects something unusualtanith collects thingymabobs from where ever she’s at, but… she sort of leaves them all around the house. the conversations at this point aren’t even questionable anymore. “ghastly don’t suppose you’ve seen my demon-baby tooth anywhere?” “top shelf on the right, next to your brain muncher book.” “aight thanks.”who takes the longest to get readytanith, being brought up as a hidden blade, can be fully awake and ready to kill someone within 0.5 seconds of waking up. she can pull a tank top on, slip on trousers and boots and ready to go within two minutes. ghastly? god no getting ready is no joke he didnt make his own clothes only to look like an uninformed peasant with them on, no. he doesnt joke around when getting ready plzwho is the most tidy and organisedghastly. every bit of thread and fabric is organised by type and then category and then colour and then and then. he’s often found himself glancing up from whatever hes looking at to find tanith gazing at the walls of his shop, almost lost in the fabric - not that he’ll ever tell tanith thatwho gets most excited about the holidaystanith doesnt get batshit crazy but she’s gotten ghastly into celebrating christmas at least a tiny bit, even if it means just taking him out to a bar and taking shots its still fun y’know? better she figures than staying in and working.who is the big spoon/little spoonghastly is absolutely the big spoon, always wrapping his strong arms around tanith, keeping her warm. he tends to tuck his head into the crook of her neck, too. tanith doesnt even try to hide how much she loves itwho gets most competitive when playing games and/or sportstanith which i feel is p obvious we all know how she is when fighting. she has a secret love for board games and WILL NOT. LET. ANYONE. LEAVE WITHOUT FINISHING MONOPOLY. GODDAMN YOU’RE NOT HERE TO BE WEAK AND LEAVE HALF WAY THROUGH OK SHE’S HERE TO RIDE OUT THAT GAME TILL THE VERY ENDwho starts the most arguments….. um. oh man, ok. so like??? look tanith doesnt like authority and ghastly is stubborn as hell and arguments like… idk how to word it, i guess tanith can let an edge creep into her voice when she brings up the fact he is/was an elder and ghastly notices it every time and things get a bit tense and uncomfortable for a while but they let it go every time. i saw a post on here about how ghanith hardly argue and i 100% agree w that tbhwho suggests that they buy a petit was all valkyries fault. bringing back that gigantic german shepherd from america got tanith talking and now she wants a pet because shes fallen in love with this dog and she wants a pet but?? dogs are a lot of work and ghastly and tanith just dont have the lifestyle to take care of one, both of them being busy and flexible in when and how they work. thats when tanith sorta realises that a CAT, HOWEVER, (bECAUSE I’VE SEEN THAT POST SOMEONE DID ABOUT GHASTLY HAVING CATS AND!!!!!!!!!!! 10000% AGREE) would still be a pet of their own but independent enough to be ok with being on their own for periods of time and the cat will find its way into ghastlys work room and surprise him by either rubbing itself against his legs or actually jumping up onto his work space and then climb onto his hunched shoulders while he works. he grumbles about it and complains that theres cat hair everywhere but he wouldnt change it for the world. whenever tanith walks in the cat always greets her and she loves it.what couple traditions they havesteak is Their Thing™. ‘nuff said.what tv shows they watch togetherghastly kept going on about this tv show which tackles everything hes passionate about and it pin points exactly what goes on in work spaces which is pretty much fucking around 90% of the time and he has all of its seasons recorded on his tv recorder which he still hasnt gotten round to watching it all and finally tanith is curious enough to see what this amazing show really is like and she ended up falling in love with brooklyn nine nine really, really fast. and rosa diaz. big crush on rosa diaz from tanith.what other couple they hang out withvaldug naturallyhow they spend time together as a couplesee what I adore about their relationship is that it was p much built on the two of them just being so, so ridiculously comfortable in each others company and talking to each other for hours on end and just sort of being there for each other, and i think that (besides from hardcore sexy times obviously) they love to spend time doing their own things with /each other/. tanith’s found herself getting passionate about ghastlys work because she loves being with him while he does so, with him talking to her about his mother and the war and anything and everything.who made the first movetANITH W THE STEAK im gonna cry brbwho brings flowers homeghastly is a romantic shit but he’s never really had room for flowers amongst all of his delicate fabrics at home, but tanith will always find some from somewhere, even if they are just pretty weeds she picked from the field down the road, and take them home to put into a jug of water to sit on the kitchen window sill. who is the best cookghastly. tHE most domestic to ever domestic. he can cook and he can cook good. tanith can settle for pot noodles but shes thankful for his cooking nonetheless
TL;DR: i really, really need to get out more
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cheekbites-moved · 6 years
ok so i watched love simon for the first time last night & i was too tired to make a ‘final thoughts’ post then, so here it is now! lol
obviously this is gonna be long as hell so im putting it under a read more for ur convenience lmfao
im actually gonna start with what i didnt like bc it was just one thing.
obviously, if uve seen the movie (as many ppl hated this too), or read my liveblogging posts, u know what it is lol 
ill be honest, as a gay person, im incredibly biased towards simon. ill admit that. that being said, how his friends treated him after he got outed was fucking disgusting.
here’s the thing: the actions simon did that his friends got upset over were motivated by the threat of him being outed. now, if this movie was just some fluffy, fantastical movie, the threat would just be ppl knowing he’s gay and that’s it. no repercussions, just ppl gaining the knowledge that he’s not straight. not that big a deal.
however, since this movie tries its best to be accurate and realistic to things, it’s not that simple in the movie, and it’s not the simple in real life.
the risk of being outed is not just ‘ppl knowing ur gay’ and that’s it.
the risk of being outed involves the risk of getting bullied (which does happen in the movie, twice. once to ethan on screen, once to simon after he comes out.), getting abandoned by ur friends (which also does happen in the movie), getting expelled from school or fired from ur job if either of them find out & are lgbtphobic, getting kicked out of ur house if ur parents/whoever u live w find out & theyre lgbtphobic, and, at worst, it can come with the risk of getting beaten or even killed.
and no, this isnt me blowing this up to be more serious than it should be. bc unfortunately, in the world we live in, these things can happen as a result of someone being lgbt, whether they came out themselves or were outed by someone else. 
the worst thing simon did was hurt his friends’ feelings a bit. 
he didnt notice leah’s feelings for him (which. why would he? he’s not interested in her, or any girl for that matter, so obviously he’s not looking for the signs of interest. why would he notice that, and why was it his responsibility to know anyway??). he tried to set nick up with her because he genuinely thought she had feelings for nick, and that’s the main reason why he didn’t realize that she liked him.
yes, part of the motive was trying to get nick out the way so he could set abby up with martin, but ffs. let me reiterate that his life, and potential future, were on the line. having the possibility of all the aforementioned things potentially happening to him should make his actions at least understandable.
like falling for someone that doesnt like u back bc theyre not attracted to ur gender (which like.. hello. gay ppl fucking experience that shit all the time too & we have to learn to deal w it.), or being put in a game of matchmaker bc ur friend was trying to save their own fucking life is rly not that big a deal compared to said friend’s situation of trying to save their own fucking life. 
one situation hurts, but can eventually be healed from (which clearly they do in the movie since abby and nick got together anyway in spite of simon’s actions, and leah’s fine). the other situation has the chance of resulting in a fucking future/life being ruined or taken. i think that one is much more fucking important.
all in all, i just wish they wouldve fucking apologized. bc they screamed at him after he got outed. 
abby saw how fucking terrified he was when he came out to her, but she’s not gonna have a single ounce of sympathy when he was outed to the entire school against his will?? like what the fuck! 
also wish they wouldve stood up for him when he got bullied. they just sat there with guilty expressions, but none of them did anything. it was really rough to watch.
as much as all this seriously pissed me off, though, especially as a person who has been outed against my will so all of simon’s heartache as a result rly resonated with me.. 
i appreciate that they put that shit in. 
bc u know what unfortunately that is how cishet ppl react sometimes. guilting u for being lgbt, guilting u for not coming out to them despite knowing how scary it can be, etc etc etc. 
and getting apologizes from cishet ppl for that kinda shit is rare. so, as much as i was annoyed that they didnt apologize, that is unfortunately realistic. as much as i wish they wouldve stood up for him, that was also unfortunately realistic. so im still glad it’s in there even if it did piss me off. 
simon’s speech to martin was nice at least, and i hope that it taught some cishet ppl that have outed ppl, or threatened to out ppl, or wanted to out ppl, why u just dont fucking do that shit.
woo now that that’s outta my system lmfao onto all the good stuff! in bullet list form bc theres a l o t lmfao
the soundtrack ESP for the emotional moments wOw
‘i wanna dance with somebody’ gay musical addition
simon’s subtle annoyed looks whenever straight nonsense™  happens
simon’s terrible attempts at being straight
simon’s extremely subtle, but still noticeable if ur lgbt, panic whenever the potential chance of him being outed/discovered arises 
the dog
simon’s parents’ speeches to him after he comes out to them
seriously as gay, nb person w lgbtphobic parents that shit meant a lot to hear. 
the fact that this is not only a mainstream lgbt rom-com, but also a mainstream movie abt a gay kid learning to love himself and be confident with himself and his sexuality
simon’s journey to being able to proudly proclaim that he’s gay.
the speech he has near the end is so fucking powerful bc we see him struggle throughout the movie to say it. 
first he cant say it at all, then he can only say it quietly, but by the end of the movie, he’s proclaiming to the entire school, loud and proud, that yes. he is gay. and he’s not going to feel wrong for that anymore. 
i feel like that entire journey is one that can really resonate with a lot of ppl, including myself. so im so fucking happy that this movie included that progression, and ended it with him having such an exuberant amount of confidence. it was honestly really beautiful, and im glad i got to witness it.
simon practicing pickup lines in the mirror
“hey barack its me jacques”
abby trying to teach simon how to flirt
simon googling “how to dress like a gay guy”
simon not having martin’s bullshit and telling him off for how fucked up blackmailing him was from the start, but especially his speech about how important/personal coming out is to ppl and how shitty it was that he took that away from him
ethan in general, but especially his speech to simon in the office, and super especially the line “one gay’s a snnooze, two’s a hilarious hate crime”
like i seriously appreciate how real this movie is. and it doesnt have lines like this, or plots like the blackmailing/outing just for drama. 
it’s to show that this is how being lgbt can be sometimes, this shit rly happens. and i just rly appreciated seeing all that in a way that didnt even try to pull any punches. it was so clear they seriously cared abt making this an accurate movie, and that meant a lot
i seriously cried for like 20 minutes starting from when bram showed up at the ferris wheel to well after the credits had ended. 
i cannot even begin to express how fucking incredible it was to get to see two boys kissing, getting cheered on, and getting to be happy.
especially in the scene where simon picks up everyone, and leah moves so bram can get in the front seat and he kisses simon when he gets in. IT WAS SO SWEET.. AND BEAUTIFUL I LOVED/APPRECIATED IT SO MUCH IT MEANT SOOOO FUCKING MUCH TO ME GOSH
my thoughts of the movie can be boiled down to this: im so fucking happy this movie exists. 
im so fucking happy that a movie abt a gay kid learning to be confident in his sexuality, falling in love and getting to have a happy ending with his boyfriend exists.
ive never cried more at a movie than i did at this movie, and ive especially never cried harder out of sheer happiness for a movie. 
knowing that this movie was in theaters, and that gay kids/teens have a movie that lets them know early on that not only is gonna be ok, but they do have a chance at a happy ending, and they deserve it, was so goddamn amazing.
this movie is so, so important. and im so happy that it, and the book its based off of, exist. 
and it’s a prime example of why representation matters so much. it was so fucking amazing to see myself, as a gay person, represented so well, so thoughtfully, so respectfully. 
i just... i love this movie so much. and im so glad it exists. and im so happy i finally got to see it.
i hope it inspires more movies/stories like it to be made. 
i hope that it results in lgbt stories being happy, uplifting stories. 
i hope that it results in lgbt characters getting to be the main characters. 
i hope it results in coming out stories being about the lgbt characters, and not how them coming out affects the cishet characters around them. 
and i hope it results in less tragic endings for lgbt characters, and more happy endings for lgbt characters.
for a long time, a future where we get the stories just mentioned has seemed bleak. but this movie changed that. and im excited for the road i hope it’s started us on.
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