#ugh how do some people say things with such blind confidence
elisedonut · 5 months
I like that Percy's not good at chess
I mean technically he could just not be as good as Ron like that's highly possible but the concept of him being the one to teach Ron but not actually being very good at it himself is cute to me
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Max Verstappen x HornerDaughter!
Part 8, here’s the LINK to part 7, how tf have I got so far already? Pls comment guys to let me know what you’re thinking or if you have any conspiracy’s about what’s gonna happen, I love the engagement, keeps me motivated lol. Also just a quick shout out I don’t dislike Kelly, I just used her for the story as it’s FICTION, if ya’ll hate desperately on peoples partners for no justified reason then leave pls cos it’s weird. Only a short chapter but I wanna get more of a build up before we reach more deeper into the story :)
Leni wakes up with one of the worst hangovers ever, plus, she’s on the bathroom floor? That would be the worst part of the night, but when her memory pieces back together and she has to deal with what happened the night before going back to sleep on the bathroom floor seems fine… Taglist: @ironmaiden1313 @callsignwidow @fangirl125reader @norassimpingzone @roseseraj @eugene-emt-roe @copper-boom @its-elias-world @cassiopeiia24 @larastark3107
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“Ugh.” My voice cracked, eyes momentarily opening only to squeeze shut again when a blinding light, sunlight, stung my eyes. My first thought was, fuck, I’d left my contact lenses in, my second, why on earth was on the bathroom floor?
Momentarily I was dazed, my eyes feeling like they had cheese shredders in them. I peeled the dry lenses out of my eyes, dropping them in the toilet. Thankfully it was a clean toilet and I didn’t wake up to my own vomit. With a groan and a slight grace, I sat up straight, blinking around the room. My phone laid besides me, and shakily, I reached out to unlock it. As I did I wanted to curl up and DIE. A drunken text from Max only caused flashbacks from the night prior. We kissed, and I really fucking enjoyed it. Me and Max kissed. Max Verstappen and I, my long time FRIEND kissed. My heavy head dropped into my palm, groaning again. I’d broken every single rule I’d set myself, NOT to go there, or at least wait a few months. Drunken me seemingly had the control of a horny 18 year old. When I realised I had 0 underwear on that’s when I became even more confused.
We hadn’t had sex? No, no. For sure we hadn’t done that. I don’t think he fingered me? Turns out they were stuffed in my bag for some bizarre reason, and I couldn’t quite piece together why on earth they weren’t actually on me. I don’t even know if I wanted to know, thinking about it too much gave me a serious case of hangxiety, and my poor stomach couldn’t tolerate it. Pathetically, I wretched over the toilet and threw up even more contents from my nights intake.
Please God, stop me being sick and I will never drink again. Ever!
It was crazy how such an extreme hungover could bring an atheist to become religious, right? With last nights actions I couldn’t even bring myself to respond to Max, plus, his message made no sense, something about being too drunk and his birthday. I felt too much shame, he probably only kissed me because he was just as fucking plastered. I was confident he’d never want to do that sober, surely not?
The only thing I could do was sit down in the shower, contemplating every single action from the night before, letting the water cleanse my skin of the pure sins. What would my dad say if he knew I’d been snogging his golden boy? It would make it awkward to say the least.
I laid in bed, hair dripping onto the pillows but I didn’t have it in me to care. I’d added too much embarrassing shit to both my private and public Instagram story which had already been viewed and most likely screenshotted thousands of times. Mortified wasn’t even the right word, if it wasn’t for my empty stomach I would’ve vomited from that alone.
Max: sorry that made no sense, hope you’re not feeling too rough this morning? thank you for coming yesterday I had such a good time Max: I hope nothing makes you feel weird from last night, it’s fine between us right?
When I awoke at 2pm I felt my chest tighten at Max’s texts. I even smiled that he had acknowledged last night, a little weird of me seeing as I wanted to pass away earlier, but with my hangover relatively slept off, my feelings for Max were coming on strong.
Leni: hey I just woke up again sorry, I had such a good time, hope you had a good bday
Leni: I don’t feel weird, we’re all good Leni: do you? I caught myself smiling a little too hard, awaiting his reply, when I saw the speech bubble of him forming a response and started giggling, I knew that I was already a goner. I was so deep down afraid of getting my heart broke seeing as Max was fresh out of a relationship (even if he’d mentally checked out) I had to push myself away from any kind of intimate interaction. It had already gone way too far.
Max: no, no not at all
Max: probably the best birthday I’ve had I hated how hard I smiled, my heart kinda sunk when I began overthinking everything I didn’t need to. It all seemed fun now, but how would something between Max and I ever work. What if he decided one day this was all too soon, or if he didn’t actually like me? Our friendship would be screwed forever. I hesitantly locked my phone, staring off into space as I began imagining every scenario possible. I’d have no option but to revert whatever happened between Max and I back into how it was before, if that was even possible. What if Max suddenly thought I was super obsessed with him and I was bugging him by texting him too often?? I scratched my head uncomfortably at the thought, cringing down to my bones at the idea I could possibly be a nuisance to him.
One way to fix this??? Cut communication online from slim to nothing- or as least as I possibly could without growing attached or seeming rude. It was a plan, and it was a plan that commenced today, as much as I didn’t actually want to do it, as long as I didn’t have a sip of alcohol I’d be fine… right?
What could go wrong?
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Heyyy, Roseey here~
Thank you for leaving a question in my inbox! Honestly, I wasn't confident I'd get any, hahaha Just wanted to say thanks 😊
So let me ask you the same thing, what's your favorite ATLA/TLOK character and which one do you relate to the most?
Hii Roseey! I lovedd reading your answer! It's very interesting to read about how others relate to their favorite characters. Sorry I took awhile to reply to this one. Here goes:
My favorite in ATLA is: Toph Beifong!
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I love that she's very confident in herself and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's a total badass too in every fight scene ugh I love her! Like, how can you not after watching The Blind Bandit!?
I personally relate to her as a tiny girl myself lol. I felt like it also made people extra protective of me. I even had the whole "people see me and they think I'm weak, but I can carry my own weight thanks"- phase. In hindsight, people were just being very nice. I just had a hard time receiving help from others. Not anymore!! I'm a lot better now. You want to carry my stuff? Thankyouverymuch you're too kindd! :D
Another thing about her that I relate to is that she's an introvert, has a hard time showing her emotions, very stubborn, and very observant!
In TLOK my favorite character is: Lin Beifong! (yes dear, we're the same. We are suckers for the Beifongs, apparently)
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I love her from the very first episode too!! Her whole "your Avatar title might impress some people but not me" and "Cut the garbage, Tenzin" has me sold! Also the way she points at Korra ahhh!! Instant favorite! She has a hard shell but is very soft inside. She's very responsible and protective of those she loves. I love this woman!!
Personally, I relate to her, and these 2 other folks in the way that they are the eldest sibling who tries a bit too hard :)
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I'll always have a soft spot for them <3
Thank you for the askkk!!
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windowsandfeelings · 10 months
20 Questions Game for fic writers
tagged by @terrainofheartfelt and @slumped-in-the-arms-of-fiction (<3 <3 <3!)
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 25! (But I've written a lot more that are scattered across ffn and livejournal. I've been at this a while.)
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 153,671
3. What fandoms do you write for? Eternally Gilmore Girls, lately also Nancy Drew, and not for a while, but perhaps most notably Gossip Girl. (I've written for other fandoms, too, but not recently.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All the Lights that Light the Way are Blinding (Gossip Girl) November 24, 2016 (Gilmore Girls) Met You at the Right Time (Gilmore Girls) The River in Egypt (Gossip Girl) The Boyfriend Tour of North America (Gilmore Girls)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, but I'm definitely behind on it at the moment. I so appreciate every comment I get (okay, every nice comment I get), and I want to acknowledge them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm...I don't really do angsty endings. Maybe I Am Sorry to Tell You? But that's mostly because Lost hadn't actually ended yet when I wrote it so I didn't have a way to get Rory and Jess off the island. But it wasn't really presented as angsty. (I have occasionally considered writing a sequel.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them? IDK, maybe MYatRT? Just because it takes such a long time to get to it, but I think it's earned.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Occasionally, yes, mostly on All the Lights..., or people commenting on other fics and shitting on All the Lights... in the process.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? I write v v v light smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? lol, I wrote a Barney Stinson/Buffy Summers ficlet once.
I would say I'm not a huge fan of crossovers, but I wrote a bunch of short ones back in my lj days because a couple of my friends had a crossover fic contest...really more like drabbles.
And then of course there's I Am Sorry to Tell You. Because I got really into Lost at one point and had to find a way to combine it with Gilmore Girls. And honestly I think it came out pretty well.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so, but I've definitely seen stolen fics.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah! Someone translated All the Lights... into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I can't remember. Maybe back in my ffn days? Nothing is springing to mind.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? LITERATI 4 LYFE
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I'd like to finish Saturn Return someday, but I don't really know where it will go. Which is why it's unfinished.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, probably? I wasn't comfortable writing dialogue for a long time, but especially since taking screenwriting classes a few years ago I feel much more confident in it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle hard with plot. You want me to figure out what's going to actually happen in a story? Ugh!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I would probably only do it in French or maybe very basic Spanish, because that's the extent of not English that I'm confident in.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for? I'm pretty sure the first fic I ever wrote was a continuation of someone else's post-season 1 Gilmore Girls fic that they hadn't finished, but I never published it. (I still have it. It's hand-written...and bad. Because I was 13.) The first one I ever published was a Harry Potter fic on ffn. Also bad. Very unfinished.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? 100,000% Met You at the Right Time. I could not be more proud of that thing if I tried. It was a labor of love, but it also came out exactly the way I wanted to, which is just...nearly impossible to imagine. Like I could quibble with some of the writing, especially in the first couple of chapters, but at the end of the day...it's really good. Which is not a humble statement, but it's true.
tagging: @wonderlandleighleigh @oh-bonerline @strangenewgirls @stellaluna33 @georgianadarcies and anyone else who wants to do it
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
I see your opinion on Rep the album and it’s very interesting! You made some great points there. It was a necessary album tho it had a very important message to deliver in that stage of her career (getting hold of that narrative) but i mostly admire the Tour of all things in that era, what’s your opinion on the Rep Tour?
that's probably a huge driving force of it, the kanye drama for sure. i will say some of it began to take shape before that all though, like i think so it goes was written in some early form at least while she was at the gillette tour stop for the 1989 tour. something crazy like that, i can't remember the exact details tho. so even though that's what rep became, it wasn't entirely the impetus of that shift into dance pop or the only driving force of the album. as much as i want to blame it as "oh her little side project to get herself through that time in her life" i'm like ehhh that wasn't all it was about. it does make me wonder though what TS6 would have been had the kanye phone call shit not happened. less about the sound, which i think was something she already had been set on. but more like when you take away that vengeful component and the chip on her shoulder, what would it have looked like in the bigger picture? my gut is to say Lover is picking up where 1989 left off, but that's not entirely it either. lover was sooooo bright as a reaction to the darkness of rep, so idk! its fun to ponder.
my opinion on the rep tour is kind of moot cuz i didn't go lol. i had great tickets, for what would have been the saturday new york one, which i think ironically was a rain show. buuuuuut i not only hated the album but also the fandom culture at that time was not for me and i sold them, for something around face value i think, if not a little less than i bought them for (demand was not high for that tour in general, but also a lot of fans got face value tickets over scalpers cuz of that points system, rip). swifties have many harmless faults that i can overlook or ignore, but there's a self righteous streak in many that was on another level during rep. self righteousness really rubs me the wrong way, just a personal thing. and i get it, there was a defensiveness and sense of blind loyalty in the face of her public, digital stoning due to how as much as taylor was attacked, swifties felt equally attacked. turning inward towards community in times of turmoil, etc etc i get it, no judgment. i just don't ride for celebrities like that and if swifties have ever been borderline culty, that was the closest it ever got. no judgement again, it's a harmless, and totally voluntary, cult for the most part, just not the vibe for me. so the LAST place i wanted to be, listening to music i mostly dislike, was surrounded by swifties on a self righteous high for 2 hours in the middle of new jersey.
i did try to watch it on netflix, but fast forwarded through 85% of it tbh cuz of the songs i don't like and also....... ugh hot take incoming probably gonna regret this but.... that tour was not The Look for me iykwim. not that that's the only reason anyone can enjoy a tour but if i also don't like the songs? wtf am i there for if she doesn't look hot to me. like in photos sure! but in motion, it's a hard pass. comes back to the try-hard thing again, i am physically squirming with embarrassment when someone is very obviously trying to be sexy, especially in a choreographed way that isn't coming naturally to them. for me, someone is sexy when they're comfortably confident, doing something they're just naturally vibing with or good at, and it exudes from them without them realizing it because they're relaxed, not showing off, and totally at ease. people talk all the time about the dress performance and i'm just like..... this is just.... not..... it for me, sorry to say. maybe when she dips the mic stand i guess? but it's just soooo theatrical and choreographed i'm like no thanks. i also didn't love a lot of the tour costumes ajdlkfjadfkj sorry! everything looked so cheap, although i didn't see it from afar so i can't judge how well it worked in that regard. i thought the like oversized army jacket thing with patches was cool, the black long thing with silver spikes on the shoulders and the belt was cool, and the opening silhouette of the hood was cool, but i'm a bodysuit hater. laaaaazy and boring imo. i get it you need mobility but be creative!!! it was also very dark and i'm anti-dark tour costumes unless they contrast against verrrrrry bright backgrounds in very color block-y ways.
i'm glad you loved it and so many people have incredibly fond and formative memories of it or of being there so i'm glad you are one of them!! I'm just not one of those people, but i don't feel like given my taste, that i personally missed out on much lol.
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Chimera and the Wolf- Chapter Three
@indigothemuse @squishmallow36
Baz has always wanted Dorian’s trust. On some level, they know they’ve got it. He hugs Baz every chance he gets and sits next to him all the time, two things Baz wishes meant what they want it to mean. That’s trust, or at least some semblance of it. It’s been trust all the times he had Baz stand watch as he cleared the way into town. Almost every day, Dorian hands out another piece of his trust out to Baz and Diana.
What isn’t trust, is Dorian only ever being two things. He’s angry or he’s…well, he’s Dorian. Some mess of happiness and rebellion, a boy in stark defiance of everything he was made to be. But Baz can only guess as to what Camille and Arthur Beauregard wanted him to be. A good one, with Marius the perfect example of a good Beauregard son. They’ve been working for years for that real trust, for more than just being a trust fall at summer camp. Since Baz first met Dorian with a bleeding nose at lunch, half a semester into first year. 
Baz had called an older kid something much fouler than an eleven year old should’ve said. He had deserved it, he had a bad habit of sidling up to girls who wanted nothing to do with him. He made the mistake of doing it to the girl next to Baz. She didn’t do anything to stop it, so Baz did. They threw a punch into his mouth twice, even when they cut their knuckles on the first. Dorian and Diana had joined the fray, earning a long stint in detention and the boy an expulsion. 
They’d worked for Dorian’s trust in that musty classroom, talked with him and Diana through spelled notes, turned into fruit flies and sent between them all. They’d earned a smile so bright it could blind the dead and two weeks later, he’d taken Baz up to the roof with him and Diana.
Year after year, they got a bit more trust. It wasn’t enough, never was because even on the train to their eighth year, there’s only Dorian’s anger. Biting the air of the compartment like a dog baring its teeth. He’s joined in conversations, started them, but the dog's snarl hangs above Baz’s head. It won’t bite, Dorian makes sure his anger rarely hurts them. The few times it has, he’s swallowed his pride and laughed out a happy apology. 
When Dorian laughs along with them, it’s sharp and quick. His smiles are tense. His anger fades eventually when the sun starts to set and Adrien’s only an hour away. He laughs along and this time they’re light and full of all the confidence Dorian is known for. Baz pulls out their sketchbook, Dorian sees.
“Draw me like one of your French girls, my darling Baz Hasan,” Dorian says. He drapes himself over Diana, hand on his forehead like a woman in a Victorian novel. Baz shakes their head, banning that idea from their head permanently. His wand—previously tucked behind his ear—falls to the floor of the compartment. Dorian’s never meant any of what he said when he says things like that. He’d flirt with a mirror, Baz isn’t anything special.
“Now see, I was going to practice my figure drawing with you, but now I’m not. Diana, can I draw you?” 
“But how will I gauge my beauty without a drawing?”
Diana pushes him off her. “Look in the mirror maybe?”
“You can’t trust a mirror around other magicians, Ana. Of all people I think you’d know that.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. Orange wasn’t a good look. Yeah, draw me, Baz.”
“Cool, sit as still as you can.”
“Never mind, draw Dorian. I’ve been on this train too long to sit still, Dorian’ll do whatever you want him to.”
“Ana, shut up.”
“Make me.”
Dorian scrambles to pick his wand up off the floor. Diana gets to it first, shoving it down her shirt and sticking her tongue. Dorian sticks his tongue out right back, but he’s smiling and so is Diana. Baz never understood their need to annoy each other. They seem to enjoy it though, so they just laugh at whatever Diana and Dorian do. 
With the pixie lights on—small lights stuck to the ceiling, any color you wanted them. Baz has them in their bag constantly, throwing them up when they need better light—and a small sliver of the moon sewn into Dorian’s pitch black hair, Baz spends the hour pretending their study of Dorian’s beauty is only for the use of a pencil sketch. A small nick has scarred on his lip, right on the bottom left corner. He’s got a stretch mark on his neck. His oversized leather jack is sliding off the shoulder of his teal silk button up t-shirt. He’s left four buttons open, tucked into a pair of ripped black jeans. 
Baz tries to capture every piece of Dorian he can in the picture. The slight crookedness in his nose. The way his lips curve up slightly even in a neutral state. How his canines are sharper than normal. How when the light hits his brown eyes just right they seem to glow; they’d have to spell the pencil to do it, but know it’d be worth every extra step. The train stops before they can.
Diana stands up first, reaching up above Baz for her suitcase. She throws 
Baz’s suitcases next to them, Dorian’s backpack into his stomach.
“The hell was that for? This has got like, ten books in it.”
“Seven, actually.”
“I rounded up, sue me.”
“Will do, I want all your money right now.” Diana slides open the compartment door. Baz follows after, Dorian having to run a bit to catch up after having to get his suitcase down from the shelf. His grip is tight on the handle and his backpack haphazardly hanging off his shoulder. There’s something else there when he smiles, but Baz hasn’t seen enough of anything besides anger or confidence from Dorian to know what it is. They wish to Faeries that changes, and with Dorian finally leaving that house, maybe they will. 
“You didn’t wait for me,” he says. The burn of a smile is in the air as he talks but the smoke reeks of something far from happiness. Baz knows better than to ask if Dorian’s alright after seven years of never getting an answer. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a new outcome.
“Are you okay, Dorian? You seem tense.”
Then call me insane, Baz thinks. Dorian laughs without clearing the smoke, Diana meeting Baz’s eyes with a roll of her own. Baz can see the worry behind it though after spending so much time drawing them.
“I’m insanely okay. Inhuman, some might say.”  
“You wish they did,” Diana laughs. 
The group force their way through a gaggle of first years, not sure where they need to be. They always tend to gather in the aisle of the train on their first time there. A crowd is starting to form in the aisle, the younger staying mostly out of their way. Baz can’t imagine what they did to earn any of that, but when the people see Dorian, whispers of Beauregard follow them. Baz didn’t do anything to earn this, nor did Dorian. His family name is enough, connection to him is enough.
Dorian falls into it, holding his head high and pulling his shoulder back. He saunters down the aisle, linking his arm with Diana, free one thrown over Baz’s shoulder. His smile says a million things, don’t wear my name out just yet, I am exactly who you think I am, whisper about anything you’d like and make sure my parents hear it. But his grip on the suitcase handle only gets tighter. Baz takes his smile with a grain of salt.
They reach the school's platform, the pixie cars waiting for them on the trail. They’re 1920’s style cars, engines glowing with the pixie’s color of light pink, the color all the lights start at before one changes them. Dorian chooses the first one, even as another person reaches for the door of it. 
“Sorry, this one's ours, darling. You’re welcome to visit my dorm all you want though,” he says as he pulls the door open. They blush and scurry off, eyes widening when he sees the crest on Dorian’s jacket. He opens the door for Diana and Baz, letting them put their bags under the seats. Baz grabs the tablet hanging on the back of the driver's seat the Baz sits behind. They write down all their names and hear the engine start up. Dorian takes his seat in the car, closing the door and sliding in next to Baz. 
His knee is against Baz’s, skin on skin contact sending heat up from it. Baz looks away but doesn’t move. This is all they’ll ever get from Dorian, so why not enjoy the small bits of him they get? 
The car jolts to a start, rolling up the brick road, others trailing behind. Baz wonders which one Marius and his friends are in, wonders if they're all stuck with other people or if Marius carries his head high enough to have the same effect on people. He's never had the same effect on people, he's never made whispers follow him, not like Dorian does. Dorian is a neutron star, pulling people into his grasp with a gravity Baz can’t comprehend yet has been pulled into all the same. Diana, too, though Baz isn’t sure Diana knows how much power Dorian has over people. Europa doesn’t know why it circles Jupiter endlessly, nor does Ganymede or Io or Callisto. The moons simply know they circle the planet.
Diana and Dorian bicker and laugh back and forth, Baz turning the pencil over their knuckles, wishing they got to finish the sketch of Dorian. A few strands of hair are falling into his eyes now and all Baz wants to do is push them behind his ears. They don’t dare try, knowing the reaction they’d get isn’t one they’d ever want from Dorian.
They’ve always been better at watching from afar anyway. Their words never come out how they want them to, always muddled in the mess of their mouth. Diana and Dorian are plenty entertaining as it is, now arguing over whether punk is a good genre of music. Diana’s shouting about how sandpaper shouldn’t be a genre and Dorian’s shouting back that that’s the appeal. Baz leans toward folk, but they’re having fun listening to the inane rambling. 
When the car rolls to a stop, the debate refuses to do the same. Baz shakes their head as people file out of their cars; some laugh at Dorian and Diana, some yell input. So far, Diana seems to be winning. Maybe Baz should be keeping score. That way when the debate finally ends they’ll be a concrete answer, though the loser will call favoritism. Baz can see Dorian’s hands tense as if he’s keeping them from doing something. Shake or clench, Baz doesn’t know. Whatever Dorian feels must be nearly overwhelming for cracks to start show. 
Baz has known they’ve been there since third year. Dorian had gotten back from winter break, half of his face bruised. He played it off and slipped into the bathroom to cover it with foundation. That night when Dorian took his shower, the water wasn’t quite as loud as he thought it would be and Baz could hear him crying, ever so faintly. They knew Dorian wouldn’t have wanted Baz to point it out, but Baz still spent the rest of the three weeks making sure he was comfortable. They told Diana too, though it took some persuasion to keep Diana from storming up to Dorian and telling him they both knew. 
Diana means well, she really does, but sometimes you have to sit on the sidelines. She doesn’t realize that.
Dorian spends the walk to the Dining Hall with his heart pounding blood so heavy in his ears, the only reason he can hear Diana is because she’s still shouting about how punk really shouldn’t be such a popular genre with how bad the music sounds. Baz is standing beside Dorian, hand brushing against his occasionally. Dorian has to keep his breath from catching every time. 
Baz’s hands are soft and unmarred. Nothing marks any bit of their bronze skin besides the pimples scattered on their face, a completely mundane annoyance that Baz has never seemed to care about. It feels odd against the scars, stretch marks, bruises, and calluses Dorian’s skin seems to be made of. In some ways, it’s a breath of fresh air knowing that all he is isn’t all there is to be. But then it’s a reminder of why he’ll never get more than fingers brushing in the halls of Adrien. He can’t turn Baz into what he is. Accidents follow Dorian around like whispers in the halls, winds on the roof. He can flirt, he can be friends, but anything more will get Baz closer to being an accident.
He pulls his wand from his back pocket and spells the doors to the Dining Hall open, holding back a flinch at their bang when they hit the wall. He was expecting it, so it was easier not to flinch than if he hadn’t. He scans the hall, finding they’re the first ones to reach it, not surprised by that fact one bit. The faculty though seems to be surprised by Dorian’s appearance, the nerves in Dorian’s gut climbing up to his throat. He throws on a smile and sits at the end of the table he claimed in second year, standing on the table and yelling This is ours! People had listened. He’d gotten detention for a week after that, but the way Diana and Baz had laughed more than made up for it. Diana still laughs about it to this day, Baz smiling along with each dramatic retelling. 
He can feel all their eyes on them, even as the rest of the student body files in. Mrs. Pereira’s eyes are full of pride, something Dorian doesn’t know the answer for. The annoyance, confusion, disdain, those are the looks that make sense. Pride, though, he can’t fathom. Still, he wears a confident smile like a second skin. It begs to peel, but he doesn’t let it. He’s Dorian Beauregard, he doesn’t get nervous. He’s supposed to be here. This table is his. 
The doors to the Dining Hall close, the entire study body inside the large room. That, of course, is when the Assistant Headmaster Conners yells out for silence. It comes quick, even the first years knowing to listen to a voice with so much authority. Dorian swears the whole hall can hear his heart beating. Professor Conner’ face is a mask of stone, betray nothing of whatever feelings might lie behind it. She wears a forest green suit with a white undershirt, a white cloak draped over her shoulders. 
“Dorian Beauregard! Stand up!” 
He does so, flashing the entire hall a grin that couldn’t be more of a lie if he tried. His legs feel like jelly, blood rushing in his ears. The grin turns to a smirk but never falters in intensity. 
“I know you missed me, but the theatrics are a bit much,” Dorian laughs. Many people in the hall turn pale, Baz included. No one ever dares talk back to Professor Conners, and Dorian most definitely shouldn’t be. He isn’t supposed to be here, and Professor Conners surely knows that as the Headmaster’s right hand. Or so everyone says. The Headmaster hasn’t ever shown his face. He could be long dead or nonexistent in the first place. 
“Were you or were you not unenrolled from my school?”
Dorian’s heart stops. Nobody else in the hall can see it still, incessant beating frozen in place. Dorian scoffs.
“And since when have I followed the rules?”
Professor Conners doesn’t seem to find him funny. Dorian didn’t expect her to. All he needs her to do is agree to let him stay for his last nine months here. A small amount of time taken in all the years she’s worked here. Dorian’s parents had her as Assistant Headmaster, nine months is small scale.
“That does not mean they don’t apply to you, Beauregard. A criminal doesn’t get free because they’ve always broken the law. The rules are in place for a reason, and your fervent destruction of them does nothing to convince me not to send you home.”
Dorian should start begging. Pleading his case. Telling her this is all he has and that he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he has to go home. Helen won’t let him stay without Diana there. He’ll have to go back to his parents. But Dorian Beauregard doesn’t beg. He has an image to uphold.
“Yes, but I’m not a criminal, am I? I’ve never gotten anything more than a few months worth of detention, so why send me home? I liven things up.”
“You cause problems.”
“Liven things up, cause problems, what’s the real difference?”
“Whether or not I want you in my school. Currently, I’m leaning towards no if you minted on ‘livening things up’.”
“I can keep him in line, Professor,” Diana says quickly, standing up next to Dorian. She pulls Baz up with her, the three of them standing. Dorian is the only one who looks as if he couldn’t care less whether he left or not. Dorian almost sobs with relief. But Dorian Beauregard isn’t even worried, so he changes nothing about how he holds himself. 
“You and Ind. Hasan are Mr. Beauregard’s accomplices in his rule breaking, why should 
I believe you’ll try to stop him?”
“Believe it or not, I like having my best friend around. Last time I checked, California is decently far from Washington,” Diana says. “Ma’am.”
Professor Conners looks between the three of them. Diana and Baz are practically shaking with nerves and Dorian feels as they look. Instead, Dorian stands with his head held high, chin jutted out just enough to look defiant. She sighs, shaking her head slightly and looking down. She sits back in her chair at the faculty table. 
“Fine, you can stay for the year, Beauregard. But I won’t tolerate anything so more than a whisper of trouble from you. You have three chances, Dorian, don’t waste them. I’d prefer it if you didn’t use them at all.” 
Dorian sits down at his table while Diana and Baz thank Professor Conners profusely. He reaches for one of the wine glasses on the table–they only ever have water, disappointingly–and takes a drink. He wears a smirk the whole time, as if the whole interaction was a game he just won, Professor Conners playing right into his hand. By the way whispers circle the hall as Professor Conners stands back up, rattling off the same speech she gives every year, the school believes him. From to corner of his eye, he sees Marius and his friends slip out of the hall.
Marius stood up and left the hall as soon as Professor Conners started her speech. Xe felt as his breath hitched each time Dorian had spoken when he was arguing to stay and how it stopped when Diana and Baz stood up. Xe knows Marius like the back of xyr hand, xe’s been there for all the times he got overwhelmed (which is way too many, for gods sake, xe’ll kill his aunt and uncle one day). Nica pulls Ares out of her seat next to xem and out the Dining Hall after Marius.
Xe sees him slip into the closest bathroom, following him in to find him slumped against the wall. He looks so tired Nica wishes xe could make him not care about any of this, make him leave Camille and Arthur behind so far he’s just as free from them as Dorian is. But xe can’t, so Nica settles for locking the bathroom door and sitting next to Marius. Ares sits on the other side of him, arm wrapped around Marius' waist. 
“I don’t want to do this, Nica. I swear, I don’t want to do this,” he says quietly.
“Then don’t, Mar. They’re not here, they can’t make you. You can come to my house on the breaks, Mom’ll love you,” Ares says. “My sister will make fun of your name for sure, but she does that to everyone, so for once, you’re not special.”
Marius laughs along. They’ve had a million conversations like this before, Ares talking about how nice it would be for Marius to stay at his house. Nica always chimes in and says that Marius should really stay at xyr house because xe has all the good food. Ares’ mom only ever has vegan stuff that tastes like it could poison someone. 
“I don’t think Marius wants to spend his time being made fun of. It’ll be much better if he stays at my house, he can work at the restaurant and I’ll take him to the mall next door. God knows our boy needs some outside time.”
“You make me sound like an animal at a zoo.”
“I have a genuine question for you, Marius,” Ares says.
“Have you ever actually been to a zoo before?”
The three of them burst out laughing, Marius most of all. He’s always like this at Adrien, slipping away from everyone and joking with them when no one can see them caring about each other. And Nica can’t blame him. If word of him being friends with a half-fae and a kid who didn’t know about magic until it knocked them over. Xyr mom had been magic, but divorce hit before she could tell Nica and then moved as far from Nica’s dad as possible. Xe’d accidentally turned a pigeon into a dog at ten before mom ever decided that Nica needed to know about the world she gave xyr. 
It was an eventful few weeks, especially when xy got shoved into Adrien only a month later. Ares was glad to explain it all to her and Marius was lucky enough to get stuck in the pixie car with them on the first day. 
“I’m so taking you to the zoo when you move in with me,” Ares laughs. 
“No way, Cincinnati has a much better zoo than middle of nowhere Oklahoma. If the goal of stealing Marius is taking him to the zoo, then he’s got to come with me.”
“Yeah but yours is so busy. Mine’s still a zoo.”
“But not as good of a zoo. You have to get the full experience, something I can provide much better than your zoo’s like, two weasels.”
“I’ve actually never seen a weasel either.”
Ares lets out a jolt of a laugh, quick and loud. “Then you really need to come to my house. Mom let Claire get a pet weasel over the summer. It smells so bad.”
“I don’t think I want to see a weasel.”
“No, no, you want to. They’re adorable. It's like a ferret. But–wait, have you ever seen a ferret? Nevermind, it’s long, fuzzy and, well it’s really cute, I suppose you’ll just have to come see for yourself.”
Marius laughs and shakes his head. “I still don’t think I want to see a weasel if they smell bad. Dorian isn’t the only person in this family adverse to strong smells.”
“What if I told you it wasn’t actually that bad?”
“Then I’d call you a liar,” Nica says. 
Ares laughs. The room falls into silence again, laughter still hanging in the air. Dinner will be served now, plates full of the best food Nica’s ever had. Much better than anything xyr parents have ever made before. 
“You don’t have to do this, Marius,” Nica says. Xe grabs his hand from his knee and squeezes it. “You can go to school and just let Dorian go through his last year.”
“I have to, Nica. You don’t get it. Aunt Camille and Uncle Arthur aren’t–if I’m not useful, they’ll get rid of me.” He chooses his words carefully, like he’s scared saying the wrong thing will set Nica or Ares off. Ares shares a look with Nica over Marius’ head, but they made an agreement a long time ago that anger wouldn’t get them anywhere. They’d make sure Marius know Camille and Arthur were wrong, but they wouldn’t get mad for him. 
“And you want to go back to that?”
“I don’t have a choice to. Believe me, if I could leave, I would.”
“What’s keeping you from leaving? Dorian did and look at him. He’s doing great, he’s got everything he wanted from it,” Ares says. 
Marius barks out a laugh at that. He throws his head back, smacking it against the cobblestone wall. He doesn’t seem to mind the pain Nica knows came with the smack. 
“Dorian’s a liar,” Marius says angrily. “He wants everyone to believe that he’s this amazing person, that he’s the Beauregard that got out. But look at him! He’s always wearing this family’s crest on his back! He wants everyone to think he got out but he’s just as trapped as I am!” Marius pushes Ares’ arm off him, standing up and walking over to the door, unlocking it. “Don’t tell me to model myself after Dorian, I’d rather not fall off the roof in the middle of the night because I was too busy dancing to pay attention to the ledge.”
Then he throws the door open and closes it harshly.
Nica stands up first, holding out a hand to help Ares up. She takes xyr hand. They share another look. Ares walks a few feet to the sinks, looking to make sure it’s dry before sitting on the old stone basin. Nica walks over and props xyrself up against the wall next to him.
“I say we give it ten minutes before walking out. It was a bad idea to follow him out so fast,” Nica says. Ares nods.
“You’re probably right.”
“I know I am.”
Five minutes pass in silence. 
“I don’t think we can let him go back home if he’s going to be there without Dorian, Nica. I can’t make myself believe it’ll end well.”
“Me either. But I also believe we can’t make Marius do anything.”
“I know, Nica. I wish I didn’t. It’d make this a lot easier if I thought I could do anything, if I could think he’d let us do anything.” 
“It would. You have to keep in mind that we are helping, at least on some level. I can see it sometimes. Sometimes I think he really considers breaking his aunt and uncle’s rules, even if he never does.”
Ares leans back, head against the mirror. “It still doesn’t feel like enough.”
“It doesn’t.”
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melis-writes · 2 years
Carlito praising his girl when she’s feeling insecure ❤️‍🔥😭
Bringing in the Carlito prompts, I see!! 🥵 Ugh, I honestly see him as so affectionate and warm towards his girl, wanting all of her and nothing but her no matter how she looks. He’s only got eyes for her. 🥺🥰
“Eighty thousand, baby. Eighty thousand in one night.” Carlito’s fingers skim over the thick stack of hundred-dollar bills in his hands. “You’d never think a place like this would do you any good.”
“Still want to get out?” You blush, sipping your cosmopolitan cocktail as you watch Carlito counting his cash.
“Just physically, baby. Physically.” Carlito lets out a soft sigh, wrapping a rubber band around the cash. “Being stuffed up in clubs like this isn’t exactly my kind of ‘fun’.”
“You’re telling me.” You nibble on the corner of your lip, leaning towards the windows of Carlito’s office to peek through the blinds and see the packed crowds wildly dancing to blaring music just outside.
“And for you, baby.” Carlito whistles, grabbing your attention before tossing a stack of cash to you.
“For me?” Your eyes widen as you grab the stack midair, “Jesus, Carlito. How much is in here?”
“Ten thousand.” Carlito smiles at you, adding the rest of his money back into his safe. “I gotta treat my woman right, don’t I?”
“Please, baby.” You blush furiously, still shocked at the large amount in your hands as you set it down on the coffee table before you cautiously. “I’m gonna be clutching my purse to my chest until we get out of here. This is tooooo much.”
“Out?” Carlito carefully locks up his safe, ignoring your comment about the amount being too much as he knows his mind can’t be swayed when it comes to unconditionally spoiling you. “You wanna go home already? We just got here, baby.”
“I don’t know…” The sense of insecurity you’ve been feeling since earlier tonight begins to double within the knot of emotions in your gut. “I just don’t feel too good—not here, at least.”
“Somethin’ happen, baby?” A look of sternness crosses Carlito’s expression as he turns to face you. “Some sleaze say something to you? Give you a hard time?”
“The only person giving me a hard time is myself.” You sigh quietly, shaking your head. “Look at me.”
“What?” Carlito rests his hands over his desk. “I’m lookin’ at you, sweetheart. I am,” he gestures to your little black dress.
“I don’t want to go back out there amidst all those people.” You pout, avoiding Carlito’s eyes. “I don’t know—I had all this confidence coming and now it’s just…gone.”
“Gone?” Carlito slowly begins to approach you, loosening his tie over his collar. “You know you’re the sexiest woman here, right?”
“Carlito,” you whine, feeling your cheeks warm with blush again. “It’s okay, really. I’m not looking for any sympathy,  it’s just that my social battery’s dead and I don’t want to go out looking like this—”
“Nothin’ wrong with the way you look, first of all.” Carlito sits on the edge of the loveseat just next to you. “Do I have to repeat myself?” He raises his brows. “All eyes gotta be on you at this point.”
“I don’t want that.” You admit, shyly. “Just yours is enough for me.”
“Baby,” Carlito rests his hand over your thigh—the cool metal of his gold link and chain bracelet pressing into your skin. “I’m all yours anyway, you know that. There ain’t a damn thing wrong with you or the way you look. You’re gorgeous—this dress,” he tugs on the fabric of your dress lightly, “your hair, the makeup you put on tonight, and you’re gonna tell me you don’t like the way you look?”
Your eyes widen a little at Carlito’s reassurance, but your shyness takes ahold of you as you remain quiet.
While you don’t want to annoy your boyfriend with how insecure you’ve been feeling since you got to the club, at the same time you can’t deny yourself how good it feels to be at the centre of Carlito’s attention, giving you affection and reassurance like this.
“You know what their deal is, baby?” Carlito gestures back towards the window with his thumb. “They wanna be you. You don’t think I see the way people look at my girl with those big eyes—checkin’ you out? The girls out there got reasons upon reasons to wanna be you—a woman this fine, this beautiful.” Carlito takes your free hand in his, raising it up to his mouth. “Last thing I wanna do is make my woman uncomfortable. If you wanna go, we can get the hell outta here right now—just you and me, make a night of it back at my place. But I ain’t gonna let you talk down to yourself like that.”
“You’re too good to me, you know that?” You feel a rush of butterflies pulling in your gut as Carlito presses his warm lips against the back of your hand, kissing over it and your knuckles.
“You deserve me,” Carlito reaffirms, “and I deserve you, baby. That’s the way it’s gonna be. And if it’s that dress you got a problem with,” Carlito points to the sexy, plunging V-line cleavage of your dress. “I don’t have any issues takin’ it off myself.”
“Oh, by all means, please do.” You giggle, shaking your head in disbelief as Carlito rises from his seat and gently coaxes you up.  
“C’mon baby,” Carlito doesn’t push you towards doing anything you’ve already expressed you don’t want to do. “Let me get you the hell outta here,” he wraps an arm around your waist, giving your ass a squeeze. “I got a lot more ways of telling you just how beautiful you are when I have the privacy to do so.”
“Mm, can’t refuse that.” You peck a kiss over his lips, nodding. “As long as its just you and me, I don’t care where we go tonight.”
“Ladies choice, as always.” Carlito’s eyes gaze at your lips, tasting your lipstick over his mouth from the kiss. “You’re so beautiful, you know that? Hmm? C’mere, c’mere… Let me have a taste of you."
Squealing as Carlito dips you down dramatically, you can’t help but smile through the deep kiss he plants over your lips.
You clutch one hand onto Carlito’s shoulder and the other tangled in his hair as your eyes flutter shut, reveling in your boyfriend’s affection and feeling your insecurity melt away just at the touch of his hand.
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jikookpancakes · 3 years
JIKOOK FIC RECS that no one asked for (2021)
but im giving anyway because THE TALENT IN THIS FANDOM IS INSANE
long post incoming!! this is probably just part 1 because i wont stop reading anytime soon so i’m inserting that link just in case i do make another one in the future
What’s a Soul Really Worth, Anyway? by thisneedsmorefilth - 130k words, fantasy, demon!jm, witch!jk, listen, this and the next one are my top 2 jikook fics of all time, so well-written, plot so exciting legit reads like a book, better than a lot of books tbh, the world-building is INSANE, jungkook and the gang accidentally summon demon!jimin and chaos ensue, especially for jungkook...and you know why!!!, so funny, angsty, cried so much, happy ending but listen to me: you gotta read the sequel too, YOU GOTTA.
Militat Omnis Amans: The Beginnings by edaen - 92k words, fantasy, werewolf!jk, vampire!jm, forbidden love, super slow burn but super worth it, JIKOOK IN THIS IS MY FAVORITE JIKOOK IN ANY FIC EVER EVER EVER, this is the ultimate all or nothing will freeze hell over for the other kind of love, and the way this is written is just so... how do i describe it. like you can just tell the author wanted to be very realistic with their feelings. you’ve seen the word count, this is SLOW burn. like you will legit feel their struggle to just be able to love each other and while it hurts, it’s also SO GLORIOUS. i love this one so much and if you like reading angst with happy ending but like cranked up to 200% then read this. bonus feels if you read the whole series
Until Dawn (series) by edaen - this is the long series where the previous one above is part of. highly rec if you love fantasy and you wanna read about bts being a rag tag group of supernatural beings fighting evil yay. also it makes the above fic more satisfying because you see more of jikook just being tgt and in love (with bonus angst because of course)
7 Signs by NamHyora - 27k words, secret spies au, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm who is always used as a raven in their operations aka they use jimin and his attractive self to attract people and gather information or acquire targets and all that spy stuff, and his bestie alpha jk is not too happy about it hehe, friends to lovers, iove this one so much i wish it was longer but i think the author is planning to write a sequel!
Drop Like Confetti by annie_vi - 110k words, ceo!jk, age difference, age swap, ahhh i love this fic so much cause jimin smart and mature and has this no bs attitude, and he can keep up with jk despite the age gap and the difference in status/experiences, jk sexy dilf in this one eheh, i love it cause the drama/angst tackles a very real concern for such couples, like there’s no angst just for the sake of having angst, it really makes sense where they’re both coming from, they’re so whipped for eo too so love that for me
Fold it Up Like Origami by annie_vi - 99k words, gamer!jk, model!jm, same author as above and jk is so boyfriend goals in this one and in all this author’s fics in general like wow my standards are so high now i will legit be single forever just reading jikook fics (with no regrets), secret relationship due to their celeb status, well-written as usual, dialogues/banter in this author’s fics are just YES
The Tournament by kinkmins - 34k words, prince!jm, bodyguard!jk, abo, i’ll paste part of the summary here “Prince Jimin gets ready to hold a tournament where 50 alphas compete for a chance to court him, his father the king hires a new bodyguard who is a little too blunt and a little too talkative.“, i really love this oneeeee
Screwed Up and Brilliant by annie_vi - 113k words, escort!jk, jimin needed a date for a work event and in comes jungkook, escort extraordinaire with a no sex rule and jimin is just dasdkjfhasl, a lot of that “is this real or is he just acting” kinda angst, fluff smut angst
Like Everything Glows by annie_vi - 180k words, merman!jm, aquatic vet!jk, ok this is like my 4th rec from this author just read all their fics you’re welcome, this is their first fantasy fic but soso good, i rec’d this to someone who doesn’t really read fics and she really loved it and said “their love is so pure hhh”, she’s right
Track one: I love you by honeydice - 30k words, they’re “just” best friends, lots of pining it hurts, there’s some yoonmin and mentioned past jinmin in this so just noting in case, angst, denial of feelings, siiiiigh
InYou by edaen - 4k words, pwp :), abo, the morning after jikook mating, more sexytimes ensue + fluff
Falling For You Again by Rose_gold715 - 30k words, amnesia au, jk forgets about jimin and idk just something about this hits right in the feels. btw i don’t support the jk hated jm before in real life agenda so i don’t like this fic for that reason but i like this fic because i love me some good painful angst with happy ending.
The President’s Son by AmeliaBedelia - 55k words, bodyguard!jk, president’s son!jm, jk is assigned to shadow jm bc his life is under threat, and things develop :), jm is jk’s gay awakening :) :)
A Touch of Sin by pettey - 102k words, fantasy au, police officer!jk, supernatural!jm, shamanism, LOOK AT THE RANGE OF JIKOOK WRITERS YALL, this is such an interesting concept, so different from every other fic i’ve read, really well-written, sometimes you come across fics and you cant help but go “someone out there rly blessing me with this art for free”
Tears to the Tide by haromame - 65k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, honestly there’s not a lot of abo elements it’s focused more on jungkook having ptsd as he just came from war, established relationship jikook, he comes back home to jimin and things have just... changed. except their love ok THEY LOVE EO SO MUCH this made me cry so f much ugh so good tho.
Zero Hour by edaen - 5k words, canon compliant, a little drabble based around rosebowl jikook, it’s part of a series/collection of canon compliant jikook so if you’re looking for more canon compliant here you go!!, also if you can’t tell already i tend to like several things from a single author, i haven’t read their other fics im legit saving for sad days but i am confident enough to say their other fics are also rec-worthy.
Wonder by wordcouture - 7k words, im sorry in advance, mcd :( pls take care of yourself, i don’t like sad endings ok i don’t, but this is so popular and i was like, ok let’s see what the hype is all about, i get it now, :((((((((((((((((((((, well-written tho, bc the author will manage to crush your heart in just 7k words ha ha
The Omega Revolution by PinkBTS  - 158k words, abo, alpha!jk omega!jm, dystopian au, the hunger games more specifically mockingjay vibes, angst with happy ending but there’s some...things... lost along the way and i think that’s realistic for a dystopian war au, well-written
Blind Switch - 226k words, jockey!jk, rich spoiled brat!jm, jm gets exiled to his grandparents ranch where he meets jk yeehaw, im sorry for the yeehaw, anyway fluff smut angst enemies friends to lovers hurt/comfort slow burn happy ending, all the good stuff, ugh jk so boyfriend goals, also the amount of fluff in the later chapters thank u writer
Finally by Rose_gold715 - 12k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, angst with happy ending, jikook mate out of convenience and jimin runs away from jk and his pack feeling unloved and outcasted, but jungkook goes after him :((
Park Jimin’s Guide to Good Housekeeping by Ashlyn17 - 235k words, fantasy au, when i say jikook has the best fic writers i mean jikook has the best fic writers because THE WORLD-BUILDING in this one?, THE PLOT TWIST?, yesyesyes, jungkook is a powerful fae and jimin is assigned to be his housekeeper hehe, listen my entire fic rec has several that could be great netflix shows and this is definitely one of them
A Spell That Reminds Me of Your Name by Chimneycricket - 42k words, wizards!au, enemies to friends to lovers and the development felt natural, well-written plus the author sometimes makes art of their fics and other jikook fics and posts on twitter, both their fics and art are so good, i’ve heard good stuff about their other fics too :)
that’s it for now!
just a quick one about my preferences: idc about tops/bottoms, i read just about anything but i prefer fantasy and multi-chaptered fics, i love established relationship jikook so hmu with recs anytime, i don’t like reading anything with cheating and mcd, i love fics where jk and jm are just so friggin in love they are just IT for eo, and at the end of the day even if there are elements to the fics i wouldn’t normally read, as long as they’re well-written then i’m all for it
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anemo-writes · 4 years
I heard that you write for scaramouche :0 so can i request a soft cuddling headcanon for scaramouche 👉👈 thanks OwO have a great day!
yes, that’s right!! i hope i captured his personality right though, this is the first time i’ve wrote for him,, i may have made it a little angsty in the beginning but i promise you it’s really fluffy in the end (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ i just really like writing angst hehe.. i know this might be a little ooc though, so beware and feel free to criticize me !! THIS GOT SO LONG—JUST SKIP TO THE BOTTOM TO READ THE ACTUAL CUDDLING HCS HAHA
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Scaramouche having a soft cuddling session with his S/O
Let me just say,, cuddling is extremely rare with him. He can’t help but view it as something that makes him feel vulnerable, which he hates. Although he doesn’t particularly dislike the way your arms wrap around him and the way that he finds it easier to sleep in that position, the two of you still don’t cuddle very often :( Other forms of physical affection are also rare with him, and it’s mostly you who showers him with affection—while he doesn’t mind it most days (he especially enjoys it if it happens in front of Childe, just so he can hear him whine about it), he finds it extremely annoying and overbearing him with you overstep your boundaries, especially if he’s stressed or busy.
peep the keep reading line— it got way too long because i couldn’t stop writing LOL
It really doesn’t help that you’re extremely touch-starved from the lack of attention and affection he’s shown you in the past few days (since he’s been involved in a lot more missions than usual ) when he snaps at you for visiting the workplace in an attempt to spend some time with him—you didn’t mean any harm. “Are you too blind to see that I’m busy, Y/N? Go find someone else to bother in the meantime, will you?” He says, turned away from you, failing to notice the way you feebly run out of building. He wouldn’t spare a second glance, assuming that it would all be fine when he met you back at your dwelling; after all, l you were used to his back-handed comments, right? Surely you would understand that he was under a bit more stress than usual—right?
Wrong. That night, you went home alone, touch-starved and a mess. Maybe it was the lack of affection making you this emotional, or maybe it was the fact that he had embarrassed you in front of so many subcoordinates, people you knew for Barbatos’ sake! He’s slightly surprised when you don’t answer the door later that night, despite the light in your bedroom still being on. He figures you’ve gone to sleep, so he leaves with a second thought. It’s only after two weeks of you ignoring him does he realize, “did I do something?”
He’s a human too, and humans can get touchstarved at some times—especially when you haven’t made an effort to show him any form of physical affection in the past two weeks! He’d rather pair up with Tartaglia to carry out the Tsarita’s orders than admit it to you, but he does miss you—somewhat. Don’t get me wrong, he knew when he accepted your confession that he would have to deal with things like this, but keep in mind that he’s probably never even thought about being in a relationship prior to you asking him out (especially with the way he treats other people; yes, he’s very well aware that he could be a lot nicer to his people, but does he care? no.) But I’d like to think that at least a little part of him is insecure about how his other harbingers view him, but we’ll save that for enough time—
But the thing that bugs him the most is that the people around him have noticed—it’s hard not to, really, when you turn a blind eye to whenever he tries to make conversation with you. Childe constantly bugs him about it too, which makes it even worse. “Trouble in paradise~?” The ginger would taunt, only smirking when Scaramouche huffs in response, too wrapped in his thoughts to come up with a witty remark back. He can’t help but feel frustrated; why were you getting mad over such a stupid little thing? This wasn’t the first time he’s said such a thing to you, so why? Why were you so upset at him that you couldn’t even spare a glance at him? As much as he hated to admit it, he had to do something before it got worse.
And so the brilliant plan of ambushing you in your home was created! Really, there’s no need to applaud; he already knows how great it is! However, under the layer of confidence that he displays, a little part nags at him; he knows that there’s always the possibility of you not forgiving him for whatever he did this time. He’d never say it but a little part of him is scared to lose you.
You let out a loud sigh as you entered your apartment, kicking off your shoes as you walked into the main room. It was another long day of ignoring your boyfriend. Could he even be called that anymore? You thought to yourself, before tensing up at the sound of approaching footsteps from your bedroom.
“Took you long enough,” An exasperated voice rang from within the shadows, the figure stepping into dim light of the moon to reveal your boyfriend. “I was beginning to think you got kidnapped on your way home or something.” He crossed his arms across his chest, staring you down with an unreadable gaze.
“What are you doing here, Scaramouche?” You asked, a bitter ring to your voice. “I thought you were busy. Surely someone as busy as you couldn’t spare time to drop by my house—so why are you here?” As much as you hated to sound so bitter, what else could you do? It took two weeks for him to realize that you were ignoring him, and suddenly he comes to your house and pretends everything is okay? How does that work?
“I’m here because...” Scaramouche said, walking towards you until your back hit the wall, your eyes wide as he extended his arm until his palm hit the wall. He was close enough for you to feel his steady breathing against your neck—you tried to push him away, but he kept you trapped within his arms. “I needed to say that I was sorry.”
You blinked momentarily at him, silent with shock.
“Geez, was it that weird for me to say that?” Scaramouche rolled his eyes, backing away from your shocked figure. “Stop staring at me as though I’ve grown a second head.”
“Sorry, it’s just—I’ve never heard you say that before!” You spluttered, looking at him with wide eyes. “You mean it though...right? You’re not just saying it, right?”
“Ugh—yes, I mean it. Now,” He said, taking off his hat to place it on top of your head in an attempt to hide the light dust of pink growing across his cheeks. “Can we just...you know—”
“Yes, that. Now get over here, you idiot.”
Again, cuddling is not Scaramouche’s thing, so expect it to be extremely awkward the first couple of times. He runs warm, so cuddling sessions don’t last very long when they do happen. He’s not too keen on physical touch, but he’d make an exception for you—in private, of course. He’d rather die than be caught cuddling with you in a public area, especially by the likes of someone like Childe; he’d never hear the end of it. Cuddling is reserved for only private, rare vulnerable moments—of course, it also applies to moments after arguments like the one shown above. Don’t call him out for it, because he will stop, but he’ll definitely play with your hair for a bit if you decide to lay down in his lap.
If you’re sitting on his lap, he likes to rest his chin on your shoulders; it’s the perfect opportunity to lay a peck on your cheek when you’re least expecting it—your flustered reaction that follows after has him smug about it for at least the next hour. He has you pulled up against his chest and his arms wrapped around your waist and if he’s feeling especially touch-starved, he’ll nuzzle !! into !! your !! neck !! Though, you can feel that smug smile against your neck as you try to push him away, flustered, which only fuels him to do it more~
If the two of you are laying side by side, it could honestly go either way; if he’s extra clingy, he’ll be the big spoon and literally hold you against him in a d e a t h grip. But if he’s feeling a bit insecure or vulnerable, he’ll let you hold him—of course, this is very rare, but it still happens! As said before, it’s extremely comfortable for him in this position and he can fall asleep quietly easily, as much as he hates to admit it.
After an argument or bickering, expect the sessions to last a bit longer than usual; even though it’s uncomfortably warm, he can’t bring himself to let go of you that easily (not that you’re complaining!) Sometimes, he’ll murmur stuff into your ear such as, “I didn’t mean it, okay?” or “Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” It could go either way, really—
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mystic-sky · 4 years
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You stared at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. You could barely hear yourself think. You’d been attempting to sober up for some odd 20 minutes, whilst the pumping music faded through the tiled walls.
You’d drank plenty of water, and finally felt everything coming back to you. Once the writing on the walls started making sense again, you exited the room. The music finally filtered clear and you walked outside. 
You ran a hand through your hair, seeing your friends dancing in the distance. You were having a lot of fun actually. The only thing that slowed you down was the urge to pee a while ago. And once you felt yourself stumbling towards the bathroom, you realized it was time to chill for a bit.
You walked through a sea of people towards the bar on the terrace again, feeling like a new woman. You ordered a non-alcoholic drink with a sprite substitute for your base, sitting on the stool closest to the end against the wall.
You threw your head back, taking the deepest breath and looking at the sky. 
“Whew...” You sighed. “I almost got shit faced again.”
You heard a laugh from two stools away. You snapped your head towards the only other person on the terrace bar with you. He’d surely been sitting there when you walked past just now. But you were in your own world, and you were thirsty so you hadn’t noticed him.
“Did you just laugh at me?” You quizzed at the white haired gentleman just a few feet from you. 
He turned towards you, giving you a toothy grin. “Yeah, cause it was funny.”
You stared at him, wondering why he had the blindfold on. It dawned upon you that he was probably blind, and you didn’t want to be rude.
“Yeah, I guess it was.” You giggled in the most non-confrontational way possible.
“Good for you, though. Knowing your limits.” He said, taking a sip of his own drink. “Ugh. Yo,  bar tender, could make this a little sweeter?”
You didn’t know many guys that liked their drinks brimming with sugar like that. Then it dawned upon you about how unconventional and unsafe it was for a blind man to be at a club. He could get roofied and kidnapped and he wouldn’t know a thing. You looked down at his legs. He doesn’t even have a cane.
“Are you here alone?” You asked, almost worried for the guy. 
“Are you?” He asked smugly. Was he... hitting on you?
You instinctively adjusted your bodycon dress. It barely covered your butt when you sat down like that, making you place your purse above your lap. But then you remembered, he’s blind.
“No. My friends and I planned this party.” You asked. “Who invited you?” 
“A friend of a friend who knew my friend’s cousin, who told my friend and I that we should definitely come to this party in Shibuya City.” He explained whilst shooting you another cheeky smile. 
“Uh huh...” you slurred. You plopped your head down on the table, staring at him while you leaned on your arm. He was kind of cute, for a blind guy, you thought. You felt a little insensitive for putting it that way in your head. He had this mysterious vibe about him. 
The bar tender set your syrupy drink beside you, but you just continued to look at him.
“I hope that’s just soda.” The white haired male quizzed, picking up a skewered piece of fruit from his drink as the bar tender placed his cup back beside him.
You rolled your eyes, “Yup, just sprite and high fructose corn syrup.” 
“You’re cute.” He said, chuckling deeply. You felt your face heating up. His voice was buttery smooth. You wanted to make more conversation with him but you just shyly sat up and hugged your straw with your mouth. 
Your eyes caught on his jawline. God damn, you thought. You felt like you could ogle as long as you wanted, what was he gonna do about it?
His face is pretty proportionate. He could model if he wanted. His legs looked long on the stool, and he had broad shoulders. He probably could model, you thought. He surely had the height for it.
It wasn’t til he turned towards you and stuck his tongue out that you jumped a little. Just as he was about to say something, you heard a cellphone notification sound, and you frantically reached towards your purse. 
“Ah, that’s me.” He said, fishing his phone out his pocket. You watched him unlock his phone, and send a text.
“Wait, you’re not blind?!” You said, somehow feeling a little violated. You were the one staring through his soul this entire time.
“Is that what you thought?” He chuckled. “I was just about to ask you if you were checking me out, or possibly still feeling tipsy.”
You were at lost for words, feeling stupid. It was normal for you to assume he couldn’t see.
“Who the hell wears a blindfold to a party?”
“Hmmmm, maybe the birthday person? If it’s a surprise party. And then there’s me. I do that.” He grins.
You have a mortified look on your face, earning another laugh from him.
“If it makes you feel better, I think you’re attractive too.” He cocked his head to the side, holding his cheek in his palm.
“Thank you...” You said, head feeling hotter than it did when you were drunk in the bathroom earlier.
“I was just about to leave too. I wasn’t having that good of a time. Not to sound rude though, you and your friends planned a good party. I just finished playing wingman earlier and I was bored as hell.”
“It’s okay.. I get it.” You said, sheepishly bringing your straw to your lips again.
“Was...” He spoke again. “I was bored. Til this sweet baby girl sat beside me. Now, I’m intrigued.”
“You’re the intriguing one. I can’t even see half of your face.” You blurted out through red cheeks. He talked with such finesse. You crossed you legs, and he bit his lip playfully at you. 
“Ahh, I suppose I could show you. You wanna see that bad?” He licked his lips, leaning forward a bit. Though there were two seats between you, you still pressed your back against the wall. 
You slowly swallowed. “I mean... I wouldn’t mind it.”
“Honey, it’s yes or no. Are you as curious about me as I am about you?”
You couldn’t lie. You knew he was attractive even with the blindfold. But the eyes are the window to the soul right? What kind of man were you sitting with right now?
“Let’s bargain a little, yeah? When was the last time you did something crazy, hmm?” He hummed.
You didn’t know, you were so concentrated on the idea of seeing his face. And he’s changing the subject, but he’s still looking right at you, putting you on the spot.
“Define crazy.” You said.
“Skinny dipping, going home with a stranger, robbing a convenience store, you know- crazy shit.”
You burst out laughing at how he smoothly threw that in there. He chuckled along with you. 
“It’s been a few hours.” You say, crossing your legs in the opposite direction. 
“I like that answer.” He says. “So, if I show you what’s under this blindfold of mine, would you consider coming home with me?”
You were crazy for even considering it when he casually mentioned it the first time. You had no idea who he was, and he could murder you as soon as you both left. 
But your gut hadn’t been doing it’s usual thing for the first time in a while. You were nervous, but not because you were scared. He was simply a smooth guy. 
“Alright. Let’s see that mug of yours.” You cross your arms.
He lets out a throaty laugh. “Okay, 
He moves one stool closer towards you and leans on the counter. No one else but you could see his face from this angle. He slowly reached his finger up to pull down the fabric.
He definitely knew how to drag on the moment.
“Or better yet, let’s let the lady of the evening do it, shall we?” He said, bringing his large hands to cover yours. They were hot, and your heart was racing. He lifted both of your hands towards his face.
“Go on, sweets.” You nervously put your fingers  into the fabric, sliding it down over his nose and mouth.
****🌏👄🌏 〰️👄〰️ 🌊👄🌊****
You were star struck. The words were dry on your tongue. He was stupendously beautiful. So beautiful you thought it was unfair. His eyes coaxed you further towards him. You could somehow see everything in them, and nothing but blue at the same time. 
He brought you back to reality when he stuck his tongue out at you. 
“Like what you see?” 
“You’re... gorgeous..” You managed to say through blushing cheeks, sitting back up straight.
“Thank you~” 
“Alright. That’s enough for now. Don’t want you passing out on me.” He slid the blindfold back up, earning a slight dissatisfied whine from you. 
“So, are you down?” He asked, putting his face right back in his palm, grinning from ear to ear. He was honest, and normally you thought you’d be offended by someone blatantly asking you to sleep with them.
Your legs stood up, pulling down what you could of your black bodycon dress.
“You better show me a good time, or I’ll give you the worst review of your life.” You adjusted your purse strap on your shoulder, swaying your hips and offering him a playful smile. The alcohol that wasn’t digested yet gave you a boost of confidence, you passed some hair behind your ears, looking down at him.
“My sex speaks for itself.” He stood up, towering above you and putting out his arm for you to hold. You blushed before loosely wrapping your hand around it. It’s like he had a response for everything, you thought.
“Lucky for you I don’t live too far from here. So you’ll get everything you’re fantasizing about real soon.” He bent down, whispering to you.
How could he be so sure he was going to pleasure you? A stranger he was, he didn’t even know your name, nonetheless how and where you liked to be touched the most.
What a cocky little-
“By the way, my name is Gojo Satoru.” He lifted  his blindfold on one side and peered down at you. You’d heard of the name before, but it could be pure coincidence.
“(Name).” You looked away, blushing yet again under his gaze. 
“Cute as hell.” He bent down towards your face. “Why don’t we tell your friends that you’re leaving with me, hmmm?”
He walked through the bar with you on his arm, finding your friends. They were in awe at the snack you’d found, realizing who he was far before you did. They coaxed you to go for it. 
You turned on your location, and he assured them he’d bring you home. 
Then you were in his car, which was incredibly spick and span. You anxiously pressed your thighs together. It smelled of new car and pine scent. Such a guy thing, you thought.
“Are you nervous?” He asked. He turned on the radio, attempting to lighten the mood. 
“No, your car is just nice.” You pouted, looking out the tinted windows.
“I know right?” He grinned. “Man I love this song.”
Cocky was an understatement.
You realized that one of your favorite songs had been playing. You watched him confidently sing the lyrics.
“You don’t know it?” He asked, turning towards you.
“Of course I do. It’s my favorite.” You say proudly. 
“I knew there was something I liked about you.” He said, humming soon after.
“Ditto. You have decent music taste.” You said. 
You both vibed, and eventually he pulled into a parking garage of a fancy apartment building you surely knew you couldn’t afford to rent.
“You live here?” You asked, as he opened the door for you. He gently took hold of your hand before speaking.
“Yup. Feel free to come visit me whenever after tonight.”
“What makes you so sure I’ll be coming back?” You stood up, looking up at him as you pulled your dress down once more.
“You will. I just know.” He chuckled. 
“You get around a lot, don’t you Satoru?” You quiz, watching him close the car door and click the button on his keys. 
“Here and there. I work more than I’d like to.” He said motioning you to hook yourself onto his arm again.
You wanted to ask him more about his line of work, but he quickly spoke again.
“I just realized you called me by my first name. What a cutie~” He teased.
“What did you want me to call you?” You asked, heels clicking as you both walked towards the elevator. 
“If you were my lover, a plethora of things. For now, you can call me whatever you want.”
You poked your cheek with your tongue. “Then I choose your first name.”
“A classic.” He said, pressing the button on the top floor. 
“What do your other mistresses call you?” You peered up at him.
“Charming, sometimes cocky.” He looked down at you. This guy was something else.
“You know what I meant.” You said, gripping his arm a bit. 
“Lighten up, honey. It’s all about you right now.” 
“Do you think you’ll ever get married?” You realized it wasn’t a tasteful question to ask in this moment, but you hoped to get some insight about him depending on his answer.
“Most definitely. My family expects me to have the strongest offspring.” He said, cocking his head back in frustration. 
“You don’t want to get married?” You ask.
“I do. But not for reasons like that.” He said, exiting the elevator with you. You caught on to what he meant. 
“So what would it take for you to fall in love?” 
“You make it sound like you want to be a contender.” He smugly smiled at you. 
“I get sappy when I’m tipsy.” You blurt out, ears hot and looking in the opposite direction.
He let out a hearty laugh. “As for your question, someone who understands me, which is kind of hard for most people. Oh, and a good sense of humor.”
You hummed, wondering if you fit the bill. You were just here for the sex, but his whole vibe piqued your interest. The blindfold, money, and the name you heard rumors about. He was handsome too, gracing you by allowing you to see his eyes. He seemed to have it all. And all this talk eluding to how he was about to rock your world made you a little nervous.
Could you deliver anything for him besides your body? 
You watched him fish out his keys and slide them into the door knob. A blast of cool air hit your skin and the scent of suede and leather furniture found your nose. You stepped inside, leaving your heels at the door. 
“What did you say you do for a living again?” You peered back at him, watching him hang his jacket and shutting the door.
“I’m an accountant.” He says slyly. You let out a laugh, and he knows you didn’t believe him, nor did he expect you to.
You left it at that, watching him approach the kitchen. He washes his hands, and motioned you to do the same. “Can I get you anything? I can make you something if you’re hungry.”
You shook your head. “You can cook?”
“In the midst of my survival, it became a necessity, alas’ I learned.” He said sarcastically, taking out two bottles of water. He set one in front of you anyway and took some gulps from his own.
“Couldn’t you have said ‘yes, my parents taught me’ like a normal person?” You said, sitting on the stool by the island.
“I could have. But I’m far from normal, if you couldn’t tell.” He pulled down his blind fold and set it on the island countertop, exposing his face again.
“Why do you wear it... if you don’t mind me asking...” 
“I’m sensitive to light. Sometimes I wear glasses. It’s a mood.” He was lying, and you knew. You didn’t actually expect him to tell you the truth. You weren’t particularly bothered either. There were plenty of things he didn’t know about you.
“Is there anything you want to ask me?” You say, tapping your fingers on the bottled water. 
He placed a hand on his chin. 
“Are you allergic to latex?” He leaned directly across from you.
“No...” You smirked. “That was thoughtful.”
“That’s just the kind of guy I am.” He chuckled lightly. He slid around the table, closer towards you.
“Mhmmm.” You say, looking up at him. It was hard to stay focused. Why did he have to be so good looking? You could see the skin of his chest through his white t-shirt when he leaned over you like that. You tugged at your bottom lip.
“Actually, there’s one other thing.” He was so close his hair nearly touched your forehead. You could smell faint remnants of fruity alcohol and mint. You never even saw him pop one into his mouth. 
And to guess what it could be, you had no clue. How could someone be so open but so hard to unveil at the same time? 
“And what might that be?” The response is barely audible, made for only him to hear it.
“What would it take for you to fall in love?” 
You were taken aback. All this time you honestly couldn’t tell how genuinely interested he was in you other than how you looked.
“You really wanna know?” You said, leaning towards him a little. His lashes were so long, he was so pretty he put your looks to shame- at least you felt that way.
“I asked you, didn’t I?” He said, cocking his to the side in the most kiddish, yet charming way ever.
“Someone who could make me feel safe. A good listener, a good communicator, and someone whose funny. And then I cross my fingers and hope for the sex to be good.”  You explain. He laughs a bit before speaking.
“And I just happen to be here right in front of you. Quite the coincidence, don’t you think?” He curls his lips into a sly smile.
“You’ve yet to show me a few things. The sex may or may not be a dealbreaker.” You roll your eyes. 
He brought a hand to your chin, touching noses with you now. “Alright, let me show you why I’m the best.”
He pulled your lips in for a soft kiss. His lips were smooth and slightly slick from whatever chapstick he was using. You had wanted him to kiss you so badly, growing anxious of the sexual tension between the conversations you were having. His teeth pulled against your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth. The pressure from the suction sent messages to the nerves in the pit of your stomach. It wasn’t often someone could give you pleasure in your core from a kiss.
You let out delicate whine, making him let go and press his forehead against yours. 
“How was that?” He asked. The tone behind it clearly displayed that he knew he had gotten to you but he had asked you anyway, just because.
“Terrible.” You say, adverting your gaze from his eyes and towards his rosy lips.
“Guess I have to try again.” He says, taking hold of your mouth with his once again. He’s closer to your body now, touching and swirling his fingers down your back. He sent chills down your spine, sucking and pulling firmly at your lips. 
His tongue fell into your mouth somehow, and you welcomed it. You found yourself trying to stick your tongue in his mouth, oddly invested in making him see you had been a decent kisser yourself. Your hands were living in his hair, around his neck. You weren’t shy to touch him at all. 
“Look whose all over me.”  He smirked.
“You’re supposed to be showing me something, right?” You tugged at his shirt, earning a laugh from him.
He dipped his head down towards your lips again, continuing his tongue work for you. He snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You slipped out the stool, on your top toes. Your chest pressing against his, you could feel his heart beat. You could smell his shampoo, his cologne. All of it filled your brain. Your body felt like some sort of electric current connecting with his as soon as skin touched skin. You draped your arms around his neck, realizing just how touch starved you actually were. 
He had been pumping life into you and sucking it out at the same time. His large hot hands began running up and down the exposed back skin of your dress. 
"Jump." He barely broke the kiss whilst ordering you.
You hopped best you could, and his hands found the back of your knees. You wrapped your legs around his torso before feeling large hot hands cup your ass cheeks. Your dress riding up this far was inevitable, but you couldn’t help but let out a small yelp when he clutched your butt like that. 
He pulled away from the kiss for a moment, “Are you gonna make cute sounds like that the whole time?” 
“Are you gonna keep making commentary about it?” You mulled.
He squeezed your butt again, this time smacking the left side. “Only if you want me to.”
“You’ve been making these cute little noises the whole night. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, it’s driving me nuts.” He adds, spinning you away from where you both had been standing. 
You couldn’t say anything, and with him being so close you could only pan your glance else where. 
“And blushing so hard just like that. It’s precious.” He cocked his head in the direction you looked away from him in.
“Can you go back to kissing me?” You requested, a feeble attempt to get him to stop talking about your flushed cheeks. 
“So cute.” He cooed.
“It’s actually more unfair how good looking you are, you know that?” You managed to say.
He stuck his tongue out, shooting a wink at you. 
You eagerly kissed him, taking his tongue into your mouth. He let out a low moan against your lips. You were suddenly eager to please him, you tightened you legs around him, grinding almost. You felt him walking through the condo space. His tongue took control again, swirling around yours. You were lost in his kiss when your back connected with cool fabric. He laid you down on the bed, your small body sinking into the fluff.
“I’m about to spoil you rotten.” He sat up above you, removing his shirt and tossing it to the floor. He was fitter than you expected. Pale skin with hues of pink here and there. You wondered what his skin routine was. Or maybe it was genetics? It was a bit nerve-racking. He seemed to be this perfect human being, physically speaking.
He lowered himself to your neck, putting his hot mouth against your skin. He sucked at the soft skin, nipping it with his teeth. He cupped one of your breasts, squeezing and massaging firmly. You were ecstatic he was finally touching you. As you rubbed your hand against his smooth chest his tongue found your sweet spot. You whined again, earning a hum from him.
You felt him drag his mouth down your neck resting sweet kisses between your mounds. 
“May I?” He asked, tugging the bottom of your dress. You nodded. You sat up, pulling the thing off yourself. 
“Getting impatient I see.” He said, passing his thumb over your chin.
“Hurry it up.” You roll your eyes again.
“Maybe I want our first time to be special.” He teased. 
“I didn’t pin you as the sentimental type.” You say.
“I’m a man of mysteries, but you know that already.” He said, pressing his lips to yours again. 
Your hands gently held the sides of his head, kissing him back. His hair was undeniably soft as silk. He broke away from your mouth, kissing your collarbone instead. His large hands took to your breasts again, exposing one of your nipples to the cool air. They were already hard and swelling to be touched.
He placed his wet mouth onto it, sucking and flicking his tongue against the thing. You were squirming beneath him. Aching to be stimulated else where, your underwear was damp from your core, pooling between your legs.
He wrapped an arm around your waist, lifting you slightly while he sucked. Your placed your hands on the back of his head, almost patting him for doing so well. You whimpered softly, attempting to grind against him to give yourself some sort of stimulation down there. 
“I’ve got you, baby. You’ll get all of it. Be a good girl and hold out for me.” He said, looking up at you. You wish you could’ve watched the slick words fall from his lips, but you couldn’t see them under your breasts. 
You gave him a bashful nod. You were beginning to melt under his touch. You didn’t know what came over you, but you were ready to submit to him. Your needy and throbbing pussy was draining the bratty energy right out of you. He hadn’t done much, but you were ready to do whatever he asked of you.
You felt him unhook your bra whilst he sucked and massaged your mounds. The fabric slid off your body as he mumbled against your skin. “So sexy.” 
“You’re the sexy one.” You told him, knowingly feeding his ego.
“Thank you.” He said proudly, setting you down flat again. You watched him trail his lips down your stomach, leaving kisses in some places” He was feathering and brushing his lips on the skin more than actually kissing it, just to tease you.
He placed his fingers under the hem of your underwear, pulling them down and exposing your sweet sex. Your wetness dribbled onto the bed as he slid the fabric down your thighs and past your ankles.
“Are you this wet all the time?” You watched him cock an eyebrow through his bangs. You bit your lip. 
“You talk too much.” You turned your head. 
“You think so?” He said, spreading your legs and dipping his head towards your sex. He split your sticky, wet folds with two fingers, exposing your clit and pressing the flat of his tongue against it in an upward flick. 
“Mmm.. nnh...” You moan, showing him that you liked it. 
He hummed back at you before pressing a kiss to your clit, sucking and swirling his tongue over it. He pulled you down towards the edge of the bed, mouth still buried onto you. One arm wrapped around your body, hand cradling your rib cage. His other hand pinning one of your legs as far back as he thought you could manage. 
“Ahh... fuck.. ah...” You cursed. You wondered where he learned to eat pussy like that. You were trembling in his arms, raking your hands through his hair and undercut. 
He slipped a finger into you, curling against the roof of your sex, causing your spine to curl in response. You let out a cracked and broken moan, much to his liking.
He inserted another finger into you, allowing more slick to collect onto his hand and into the bed. He was so good, you sat up with the bit of strength you had just to watch him eat it. His deep, azure ocean eyes were resting on your frame the whole time, waiting for you to cum.
“Just like that...” Your eyes rolled back, you were reaching your end. You started clenching around his fingers and throbbing against his tongue. 
“G’head. Cum for me.” He parted his lips from your sex for only a second, flicking and sliding his fingers in and out of you.
Your body obeyed, releasing onto his hands and tongue. He kept at it, overstimulating you as he watched you ride out your orgasm.
When he finally ripped his fingers and tongue from you, you were a panting mess. 
“I’ve got a lot more for you.” You watched him lick the slick from his fingers. He towered above your body, tilting his to the side before speaking again.
“But do you need to rest?” He seemed genuinely concerned for your weak body. He almost thought he should’ve held back a little. Maybe just the tongue would’ve been fine, he thought.
“I’m fine.” You say, partially dazed. He’s definitely something else, you think.
“We can keep going.” You sit up, pushing him backwards. 
“Pants. Take them off.” You demand. 
“Anything you say.” He’s delighted, unbuckling and stripping the rest of his clothes for you. Your eyes twitch at his size. He was part animal without question- he had to be. You’d seen your share of sizes, but you couldn’t humble this guy even if you tried. 
“Are you kidding me,” you mutter. “Is there anything you don’t have?” 
“I hate to break it to you, but no.” He complacently smiled. You found yourself laughing a little before he spoke again.
“Actually, a wife and kids,” he said, turning towards one of his dressers, digging inside. 
“And frankly, I’d like to keep it that way.” He said, ripping the condom wrapper with his teeth. You watched him slide the rubber over and down his shaft. 
“That’s a little disappointing...” the words fell from your lips without you realizing. 
“Again, eventually. I’d like to start off with a girlfriend first, obviously.” His response triggered a mental face palm on your part, making you realize you’d said what you said out loud.
You felt like a teenage girl. Why did a little part of you decide he was husband material just from him eating you out? He’s still a stranger. A naked one, but a stranger. 
“You’re adorable.” He said, climbing above you. “You’ve got a crush on me now?” 
“Get to fucking.” You tugged at his ear, clearly agitated. He dipped his head towards your ear and whispered, 
“That’s okay. I’ve got a crush on you, too.”
The urge to cover your face in embarrassment was strong. He chuckled, “it definitely should be crime for anyone to be this precious.”
“You’re making my heart squeeze, looking all cute like that.” He took hold of his member in his hand, pressing and sliding it through your wet folds. 
“Alright, I’ve made you wait long enough.” He said, penetrating himself into you. Your hot sex slowly wrapped around his length, you wrapped your arms around him bracing yourself for the sharp pain that followed. You let out painful squeak.
“Oh shit- I’m so sorry sweetheart.” He shushed you. He pressed soft kisses to your cheeks and neck. You were surprised at how tender he was  being. His delicate side was seeping out at the seams.
“I’m okay... Just give me a moment.” You say, your heart skipped a beat as you adjusted to his size. He caressed you ears and kept giving you soft kisses on your face and neck.
“If you keep that up I might fall in love with you.” You tease, but apart of you meant it.
“You might.” He said, earning yet another bashful look from you.
“You can move now.” You assured him, nuzzling more into the bed. He braced his hips back before pumping in again, and again, and again. 
He kept poking parts of your vaginal canal that you never even thought possible, like he was scratching this insatiable itch you had for years now. You never knew you could feel this full. 
His lips connected to the skin underneath your ear, sucking and kissing you gently as he thrusted into your hot sex. 
“..so... d-deep... it’s so... deep.” You stuttered through every jab at your core. The heat radiating off of your body felt hot enough to start a fire. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought you had a fever. You raked your fingers through the smooth of his undercut and combed through his hair as he fucked you.
“Why the fuck is it so wet?” He groaned into the crook of you neck. Your other arm wrapped around his back, trying so hard not to scratch his delicate skin. You didn’t want to hurt him, nonetheless you couldn’t tell if he’d be okay with it.
Your sweet moans filled the room, which took nicely to his ears. His hips bucked into you quicker, causing ripples of bliss throughout your body. Somehow, your toes were tingling, curling even, and you could feel pleasure in more places than just the center of your sex. You barely knew what to do with your hands, gripping the sheets and pillows around you. 
“You can pull my hair if you want,” he said, lifting himself from the warm space he created between your neck and shoulder. 
You gladly accepted, pulling some hair on the back of his head as he continued to thrust into you. You realized he sort of lead you on, giving you the match to start a fire in him. He shot you the most seductive blue glare as his head jerked back in delight. He bit his lip into a smile, thrusting faster into you.
Your moans went from sweet song to broken and incoherent mess. “T-That’s not f-fair.” 
“When did I ever say I was fair?” 
You felt like he was winning again somehow, not really registering when it became a competition. You wanted to fight back, pulling his hair again, exposing his neck to your mouth. You pressed your mouth to the skin, sucking and biting against it.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, you know that, sweetie?”
He slipped both arms around your body pulling both your bodies up straight. He was still inside you, rocking your body onto his length. He brought his lips back to your neck, sucking and biting against it.
“Ahh...” you panted. “F-fuck, put me down!”
“You’re gonna cum just like this.” He said, bouncing your body up and down his shaft. You didn’t think he could go any deeper, but gravity brought you down onto his length, forcing heavy moans from your lips.
You were lost in his sex, finding yourself bucking your hips back onto his length and grinding forward against him. 
“What a sweet girl, you like that, right? Of course you do.”
You felt yourself reaching another orgasm, and your grinding became erratic against him. 
“Yeah that’s right, grind on it baby.”
You released yourself onto him, leaning forward over his shoulders, panting heavily. 
You were surprised when he laid you back down for a moment, watching him pin both your legs back and over his shoulders. 
“Let’s see if you can take it like this.”
He pumped himself into yet again, earning a ragged moan from your frail self. You could feel him so deep in your guts, you were getting light headed from the overwhelming pleasure. You braced yourself for each thrust as he pounded into you. You juices were splashing with every plunge he made. He sat up, before speaking.
“Hold the back of your legs for me, baby.” He said, watching himself pump into your sopping cunt.
“Such a pretty pussy.” If there was anything Satoru adored most, it had to be watching his partner from an angle like that. He took his thumb and held it to your mouth.
“Suck,” he pressed it to your lips; waiting for you to open your mouth while he fucked you. You let him put his thumb in your mouth while he held your jaw with his large hand. You swirled your tongue around it before he pulled it away and mouthed a ‘thank you’ at you. He placed the slick thumb against your clit for you and rubbed in circles while he pumped. 
You squealed in delight, finding yourself starting to beg him to make you cum again.
“I will honey,” he grinned, “I will.”
Your arms and legs were weak from being pinned back, falling to his sides. You had just enough strength to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down towards you again, connecting his mouth with yours. You begged for his tongue, moaning against his lips. 
“Fuck..” he mumbled into your mouth. You clenched yourself around him. He could feel himself nearing his orgasm but he had promised to spoil you first. It was getting harder for him to fight back the urge to release. 
Your clit was throbbing, and you were dribbling a bit at the mouth. He pulled your bottom lip into his, sucking hard. You couldn’t hold it any longer. 
“You’re cumming again, aren’t you? Moan my name for me, pretty please?”
The pace of his thrusts didn’t falter, giving you the final orgasm you so desperately deserved. You screamed his name, voice cracking whilst he battered your pussy.
Your voice was hoarse, riding your orgasm out as he approached his. It was enough to send him over the edge, satiating his ego and so much more. You’re throbbing erratically, and all he could feel was his cock being gulped swallowed by you. He shuddered against your lips, releasing himself into the rubber he wore inside you. 
He collapsed beside you. Your brain was cloudy from pleasure. You watched his chest rise and fall as he peered and panted back at you, holding his member in his hand. He slid the condom off and tossed it to the floor.
You were alarmed he was still hard. You could barely move, hips gyrating and insides throbbing a muck. Trying your best to gather your thoughts, you turned your body towards him. 
“Will I be getting my review now or later?” He snickered, damp bangs sticking to his forehead. You took hold of the nearest pillow, and slammed it onto his face. 
“Later I presume?” He laughs. “I’ll give you time to think it over.”
You would be thinking about it for while. It wasn’t often you’d meet someone who delivered on everything they said they’d do. It was uncanny how perfect he was. Could you fall for him because of it? Or should you keep your qualms to yourself and try to forget everything about tonight? And now that you remembered, he told you he had a crush on you, or was he egging you on in the spur of the moment?
“Do you want a t-shirt?” He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts. He had already managed to get some underwear on while you laid there lost in thought.
“A t-shirt?” You say, puzzled. Your arms go to cover your bare chest as you sit up, hair completely messy. 
“I’m kind of tired. I thought I could drive you home in the morning instead.” He yawned, pulling on some sweat pants. 
“You’re not kicking me out?” You say, catching the shirt he tossed you as he tied the strings to his pants. 
“Just what do you take me for?” He said, cocking his head to the side. You were starting to wonder if his neck hurt. You watched him bend down and pull out what seemed like a hot towel from an incubator and hand it to you. 
“I can wipe you up if you’d like. Front to back!”
“I’ve got it.” You say nervously, wiping the insides of your damp thighs. 
You slid the gray t-shirt over your head, “And I dunno, I just thought this is where the night would end for me.”
“Sweetie, I literally just told you that I like you. Did you forget?”
“Y-You were serious?” You stutter. 
“Did you not want me to be?” He casually walks towards a mini fridge sitting in the corner. He pulled out two more bottles of water and handed one to you whilst drinking his own.
“It’s not that at all, it’s just we hardly know each other and-
“So you do like me?” He quizzed.
“I mean I wouldn’t say that I don’t but-
“So we can work out the details later.” He grinned. 
You facepalmed. He looked down at you as you sat there on the edge of the bed before letting out a sigh.
“Why don’t you drink some water and then we can get ready for bed? Unless you really want to go home. I’ll drive you. Tell me what you want, it’s no problem at all.”  He kneeled in front of you, showing you that he did have compassionate side. 
You couldn’t lie, you did want to lay in bed with him. It wasn’t a matter of trust anymore. You felt confident that he wouldn’t hurt you. You were more concerned that he decided he liked you on the spot like that. Actually, you were more concerned that you decided you liked him on the spot like that.
“I’m staying. I’m tired too.” You smiled. “I wasn’t trying to fuss. I do like you a lot.” A little more than you should, but you decided to leave that part out. 
“Then that settles it.” He smiles back, holding your chin. “Now, it’s important to stay hydrated! Especially after a work out!” 
He held the water up to your mouth.
“I can do it myself.” You say, grabbing the water out of his hands, taking a few swigs. He holds up his hands in defense.
“Well, the bathroom is down the hall to the left. You can also use my personal bathroom, which is through that door right there. I also have spare tooth brushes too!” He assured you.
“So you do do this often. Hmph.” You say, laying back on the bed. 
“Girls have it rough. I try my best to have the necessities.” He shrugged, laying beside you. Your eyes drag down towards his bare chest skin before looking right back up towards his eyes.
“I can also go sleep in the other room if you need more security.” He suggests.
“I was looking forward to sleeping with you in here.” You say quietly.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
You glared at him, acknowledging that you know that he heard you and you wouldn’t repeat yourself. 
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” He laughed. He tucked himself underneath the covers before lifting the other side and patting the empty space for you. 
You crawled up and slid underneath the cool fabric. He reached over your body to turn the lights off. 
He snuggled himself down to your height and you could still faintly see his face.
“Comfy?” You nodded shyly. His bed was undeniably firm yet fluffy. 
“Good.” He smiled.
He’d been so kind yet so arrogant at the same time. Just how were you going to figure him out? He said there was time to work out the details, but your head still spun a thousand miles a minute. For someone who had it all, and clearly many secrets, he was seemingly cheery. You had no idea what bothered this guy. But he’d taken a liking to you somehow. And you couldn’t stop blushing at the fact that he literally just fucked you senseless and now he’s smiling at you in his bed like nothing happened. 
You inhaled and exhaled deeply, earning a confused look from him.
“10/10 oral experience. 10/10 sexual experience. 10/10 aftercare experience. 8.5/10 for not giving me pants. Overall rating is 9.6/10. Would come again.” 
“You could’ve asked for pants,” He smirked getting up. You tugged his arm, shaking your head.
“You’re gonna let all the heat out. Stay.” 
“But my score? I deserve a 10/10.” He argued playfully. 
You wrapped your arm around him, pulling him back down underneath the blanket with you.
“Here’s your extra credit. Cuddle with me until the morning. It might change your grade.
Results may vary.”
He laughed lightly, wrapping his arms around your body. 
“About that ‘would come again’ part. When will that be?” He said, looking down at you. 
“Soon.” You said, burying your head into his chest.
Part 2
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chocobroness · 3 years
You're posting again!! This is random but can I have mafia Noctis who's girlfriend just found out he's criminal royalty? Anything is appreciated!
Hello lovely! Yeah! I'm slowly trying to get back into the swing of things! It's been a long time. (And a hell of a couple years.)
This isn't too big, just a quick but I hope it suits what you're looking for!
Mafia Noct and (y/n) girlfriend bit coming right up!
If it's liked, I'll write more of this one. Who knows?
(Please bare with me, I'm getting back into the swing of things!)
"You're the fucking Mafia..??" She couldn't hold back from blurting that out.
Who could blame her? This was information that tended to be something one would tell their significant other. Normally at the start of the relationship.
"Yup." God, did she want to punch that stupid handsome face right now.
"And you couldn't have...told me in the beginning?"
"Would you believe me if I said I had been nervous to tell you?" Noctis said with a soft tone, his eyes softening as he gently took her hand in his own.
(y/n) didn't twitch a cheek as she stared down the smartass she's been dating for two years, not impressed in the slightest.
The royal brat didn't even look guilty as his face went back to his default bored expression, though with a pout to fit the occasion, leaning back and crossing his arms.
"Alright, alright," he sighed and looked away. "The truth is that I... was so used telling you everything without naming names, that I completely forgot that you didn't actually know." He looked innocently at her.
"But I remembered now, and doesn't that mean anything?"
"Ignis reminded you didn't him." (y/n) bluntly called out, eyebrow twitching when Noct nodded without shame.
"He knew you would kick my ass if I didn't tell you."He confidently says, face blank for all 10 seconds before grinning impishly as he dodged his girlfriend's swipe.
Bastard knew her far too well.
"Oh my god, I can't believe I chose to sleep with the likes of you!" He must have used some charm magic to trick her.
"Yup, the royal goods can have a habit of blinding people with the beauty." He said, buffing his nails against his shirt, not even looking up as he dodged another swipe.
Cheeky brat!
"You...are insufferable!"
"But you love me." He said angelically, earning a snort from his girlfriend.
"The only thing I feel is regret for meeting you." He scooted his chair close to hers, wrapping an arm over her shoulder, pulling her into an one armed hug.
"And I regret not picking on you more." He poked her nose, smiling as she lightly blushed in response.
"You pick on me now!"
"Cause you have the best reactions to my teasing."
"Your teasing involves property damage." She threw back bluntly.
Which when she thought about it, really helped with the whole 'mafia' thing. How did he clean up his antics so fast?
"And you love it." He said smoothly, nuzzling her cheek with his own.
"Not when it involves avoiding the police!" She groaned, unable to keep the smile from appearing on her face.
"All jokes aside (y/n), I know I should have told you, and I shouldn't have waited so long." He kissed her cheek gently, " I'm sorry." He says, genuine sincerity in his voice.
She grumbled, leaning her head against his shoulder and pouting.
"Ugh, the things I do for you." He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
"You adore me and you know it."
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Hey if requests are open can I ask one?
Can you do a bucky or stephen strange x reader where the reader falls under the ace spectrum and they are terrified to tell him that they are ace.
I'm ace (on the spectrum) and I've been struggling with forming romantic attachments and not feeling like "complete" or "enough" so I just felt this would be nice💕
If its convenient for you then please do this request
Thank you!
On the spectrum
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary | based on the request. I kinda made a little twist to it, so I hope that you like it. I am in no way saying that asexual people can only be with asexual folk, but I thought this might be cute, so I wrote it like this xx
Warnings | erection, mentions of sex, ^^
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Jolting up from your rest, your eyes widened as you get your weight lounging upon Bucky, eyes wide as felt an appendage of his jolting stiffly upon your inner thigh. It was a surprise, the pair of you, through the expanse of your short term relationship, had never had the conversation of sex, and a part of you wanted to avoid it at all costs. There was something that you needed to inform Bucky about, but you were wary of what his reaction could be.
You weren’t sure that he would understand, after all, back in the 40s he was known for his womanising reputation, and whilst you knew that you weren’t another loose fling that had no attachments, it was still a big deal to share the truth with him. Not only would it impend and possibly affect his view of a future with you, but it would promote a new side to you, that you hadn’t told many people about.
Nat knew, but that was only because years back, you had confided in her, confused about your lack of sexual attraction to anyone. She had been supportive, and prompted you to research online, to see if you were as she suggested, asexual. There were many perceptions of the sexuality, some people would still do the deed to keep their partner happy, and others swore off the act altogether.
It wasn’t that the thought and idea of sex grossed you out, in fact, you could understand that people did it to feel amounts of pleasure that came from nothing else. But the rouse of body parts brushing against the other, and slipping inside was not something that ever appealed to yourself. And then you met Bucky, and your perception of the ordeal remained the same; you weren’t blind, you knew Bucky was extremely attractive, however, there still seemed to be no pulse in your veins that was prompting you to jump his bones.
It wasn’t him, it was you, and that was more okay. There was nothing wrong with not having a desire to perform erotic acts with any partner, and more so than his appearance, you had fallen for not only Bucky’s heavenly appearance, but his soul. He had an old soul, that was a given, with all things considered. And that was what had first made you step towards the man that liked to be alone, and change his perception of that fact.
He was new to the team, Tony enjoyed picking fun at the man, who as he liked to say ‘hadn’t got any in eighty years’. Bucky hardly responded to Iron Man’s nit picks, ignoring them instead to settle the conflict in his eyes. Berating with Tony was off the table, and so were snarky remarks, otherwise the billionaire would remind him of his sins against the Stark family, although in foresight, he had just been carrying out orders.
A groan relented from the man beneath you as you uncomfortably shuffled, his cock clearly rubbing against your thigh. His sleep dazed eyes slowly peeled open, revealing the blue globes beneath that stared up at you. A furrow endorsed his features, as he came to realisation of what had you so frozen; he was hard, nothing in particular had turned him on, it was just his body’s way of rousing him from slumber, and apparently it had extracted you from your rest also.
He released his arms from around you, watching as you shyly rolled to the side, and glanced at him from out of the corner of your eye. He released a small and sorrowful smile as he glanced down to where the covers had lightly raised from his manhood, feeling guilty for how his body had reacted by itself. “Doll face I’m sorry, I didn’t- it just- ugh.” The man groaned, rubbing his face with his prosthetic hand as he tried to rid the dust from out from the corner of his eyes.
“It’s okay.” Your voice came across as meek, small to the elephant in the room. “Just I- there is something I should tell you.” You twiddled with your fingers, picking nervously at the hanging skin that had chipped its way partially off on your latest mission, that had required you to furiously try and peel a jammed car door open to get the family out. Bucky now focused all his attention on you rather than the uninvited presence of his little friend in the bedroom, his pupils sending you signals of warmth as if to tell you that whatever you were going to tell him next, he would remain here for you.
“I’m asexual, and I get that you aren’t and you probably want all of nothing in this relationship but-” You spoke, but quickly paused when you saw Bucky tilted his head, a clear frown creating a thin line through the middle of his forehead. “What is it, do you not want me or-“ he stopped you from speaking, reaching out to hold your hands, giving them a light comforting squeeze, before he happened to open his mouth to speak.
“Doll face.” That name made you gulp, afraid that it would be the last time that he addressed you in such a way. And if it were, then that emotional connection that you felt to him would be unwound, and set out to sea to float and turn under the waves. “Asexual.” He tested the word on his tongue, as he lightly nodded, for some reason the phrase feeling right upon his tongue. “Can you explain it to me, I don’t know what it is?”
Of course, he wouldn’t know what it is! It made sense, he was from the forties, where various sexualities were not explored, all because straight white men thought their opinions were inferior. Well now, everyone had the freedom to be who they wanted to, and could be attracted to whomever they pleased, as things should have always been. Brushing your hand through your hair, thinking of holding onto the locks for dear life as you felt your nerves persevere, and spur in your membrane.
“It’s where someone does not experience sexual thoughts or feelings, towards anyone. Their thoughts are primarily romantic, and that’s how I feel. I do love you Buck, but I’m not sexually attracted to you, and I understand if that is a deal breaker for you. Not everyone wants to be put on a sex ban for the entirety of their relationship, but for me, it’s not like that at all, instead it’s more so I find the little moments to be more intimate than intercourse.”
“Y/n... I, not to jump the gun, but I’ve been feeling the same way.” Bucky slowly spoke, making your eyes dart up to his guilty expression. “I guess eighty years on ice will make you think about the things that are more important, and you are the most important person to me, and I guess if we neither of us have any desire to have sex, then me and you are supposed to work.”
It was surely a surprise, but he had contained his emotions, thinking that even when Tony pried at him for his lack of involved affections, he felt ashamed, as though there was something wrong with him. But it appeared as this day and age was far more fitting for this version of him, the one that had endured the battles against aliens and his own friends.
“I’m sure we’d have found a way to sort your needs out even if you weren’t asexual.” It felt strange for him to hear himself described with that word, but it felt right. “And look, it’s gone down.” You laughed lightly, resting against his chest once more as he let out a breathy laugh, and cuddled you to his chest. “I’m with you for you Buck, I love every part of you. And I think, maybe we should move out of the compound and get a place together, maybe downtown?”
“Really?” His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, shining with festive luminescence. “You want that, with me?” You humbly nodded, pressing a kiss upon his cheek as you inhaled his scent. His hands dipped to your waist, holding you that bit tighter. He was never going to let you go, no matter who was what, or what was who. The two of you were y/n and Bucky, and you got through anything.
That way, leaving these Stark white four walls behind, Stark himself could not pry at the soldier, nor make jokes about his lack of sexual affection. The two of you were complete with the truth wading between you, there was to be no dwelling or worrying about the other thought, because you both understood.
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thenamesseven · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Donghyuk x Reader
Genre: Comedy, romance.
Warnings: None, just some swearing.
Word count: 6.2k
Plot: You didn’t know how your best friend had managed to convince you to go to this blind date, you hated the idea and you knew it was not going to be succesful since the very beginning, specially since she refused to tell you who the guy was. If only you had known it was Lee Donghyuk, the only person in this world that seemed to hate you, you wouldn’t even have bothered to get dressed up in the first place.
Check out the NCT masterlist here for more oneshots and stories!
A/N: This is a part of an event I wanted to participate in! You can check the event’s masterlist here to see more upcoming oneshots!
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Sitting on the passenger seat of your best friend's car you stared ahead at the american styled cinema, where the blind date she had organized for you would take place in. You kept internally swearing at yourself, trying to remember why you had agreed to something like this in the first place. Yuna had been insisting about this for an entire week and you had grown tired of her whining at some point so you had accepted that the only way to make it end had been accepting the blind date and here you were, having a mental breakdown while desperately trying to calm yourself down. You couldn’t lie though, the idea of opening the car door and running away before she could catch up to you had crossed your mind more times that you would like to admit but you knew Yuna would ran you over with her car to stop you if she had to, she had no mercy when it came to things like this. 
Dates had never been your forte and you didn’t need to be a genius to guess blind dates weren’t going to be suited for you either. It was not that you were socially awkward, in fact, you had always been the kind of person that attracted everybody’s attention unintentionally, your big, bright smiles always lighting up the room you were in. The cheerful yet easy-going aura that surrounded you 24/7 lifted up even the worse moods and your positive mindset gave you this chill flow that turned contagious, people basically loved to be around you.
Although the little confidence you seemed to have around your friends was quick to vanish when you found yourself alone with someone that was of the opposite sex. Compliments made you stutter, innocent caresses made your eyes zero on the ground underneath your feet and flirting turned your face red. Everyone thought it was cute, guys kept muttering how their heart melted when you turned so shy around them but you honestly didn’t like it, in fact, it only made you feel even less confident when any of those things happened. Nobody noticed it made you feel uncomfortable, that the constant fidgeting that you unconsciously did when all of those things happened wasn’t because you were too shy but because you wanted to get out of there. You tended to avoid all those kinds of interactions at all cost and that implied avoiding dates. Being single is alright anyways, you didn’t feel an urgent need to change that.
So again, why the hell were you here then?
“Ah-ah” The sudden voice of Yuna, the one to blame about your current situation, made you jump on your seat, not having expected her to speak up out of nowhere. Your hand moved away from the door handle as if it had burned you and your eyes closed defeated while you slumped back against the leathered seat “Don’t even think about running away” Her warning made you whine, face scrunching up in dislike which earned you a strong slap on your arm.
“Ow!” You screamed shocked, opening your eyes to look at her in disbelief “What was that for? I wasn’t going to run away!” 
Struggling to keep her serious face on, Yuna glared at you “You’re going to ruin your make up if you keep frowning so much!” She scolded, rolling her eyes when you lied at her “Please (Y/N), we both know you suck at lying so let’s just ignore you were trying to open that door and started running as if you were possessed” 
“Please Yuna?” You asked quietly, almost ready to kneel down on your seat and start seriously begging “I’ll do all the house chores for a week, I’ll even do your laundry” When Yuna shook her head, you sighed in frustration, knowing she was determined to make this blind date happen no matter what. “What’s so special about this date that you’re not letting me back down from this?” 
“I’m doing it for you, I’m sure you’ll have fun in this one” Yuna said gently, her smile turning sweet as she faced you, reaching out to rest one of her hands on your shoulder so she could give it a soft squeeze “Trust me, I’ve never lied to you, have I?”
“Well” You said quietly, giving up as you relaxed, a smirk appearing on your lips “Actually…”
“Get out of my car!” She screamed, not letting you finish the sentence that would refutate her last question “Take your ass into that cinema and have fun tonight, you’ll tell me all the details later!” 
Opening your mouth, you were about to let out another little rant full of complaints and whines but Yuna, who had obviously seen this coming, sped up and left you completely alone in the parking lot. A cold breeze blew right on time, making your body shiver as you slid your sweaty hands in your pockets, your brain still trying to weigh the decisions you had in hand.
Enter the cinema and attempt to enjoy your blind date or be painfully murdered by Yuna.
You were too young to die, your daily life was awkward enough so why not add a bit more of it for a few hours?
“I’m seriously going to kill her when I get home” You muttered out loud, fixing your jacket as you forced yourself to start walking in the direction of the cinema. One step at a time, moving against your will.
Right when you approached the door and reached out to pull it open, someone else pushed it from the inside, almost hitting your face with it. Ready to scold whoever had been so careless, you put your baddie face on and rested your hands on your waist copying the position Yuna used to scold you whenever you did something wrong. Although it was a couple who walked out, hands intertwined and eyes too focused on the other to even realize you were standing there. You opened your mouth to say something but your heart clenched just in time to stop your own voice, feeling bad for almost interrupting the little moment they were having. You could only look at the both of them as they walked away, a quiet sigh exiting your lips when you felt a spark of jealousy in your chest, being single might not be as fun as you wanted it to be, if only dating was simple as that couple made it be....
"Get out, I'm late!" 
Interrupting your train of thoughts, a presence behind you and apparently willing to head inside the cinema at light's speed pushed past you without even looking back to see if he had made you fall down.
"Hey!" You shouted, stumbling back but luckily resting your hand against a nearby wall to steady yourself, frowning at the masculine figure that ran inside the cinema. He was now the new target of your inner frustration, which had gotten so much stronger that you didn’t even realized that voice didn’t belong to a stranger but to someone you fairly knew. You caught a glimpse of his long black coat and his fluffy hair but it still didn’t ring any bells to you "Ugh, why so-"
Dusting off your clothes, your eyes landed on the watch you had chosen to wear tonight and when you saw the time, your heart literally stopped beating. You had arrived fifteen minutes earlier, how were you late all of a sudden? 
"Excuse me!" You exclaimed as you ran past the cute couple, barely managing to dodge them as you rushed inside as well. Their complaints were cut off by you closing the cinema's door behind you but you weren't fast enough to stop your own feet before walking into the guy that had made his way in before you, the one that ran into you like a freaking rugby player. 
"Ow!" He jumped away when your face slammed the back of his coat, sending waves of pain through your nose. Your hands flew to your face and you bit down hard onto your lower lip to not start swearing like a truck driver. "Dude, watch where you're going!"
"Where am I going?" You said in pain, still covering your face as you tried to get rid of the couple of tears that had appeared in your eyes "What were you doing standing there like a creep?" You heard him groan and the sound only seemed even more familiar but you still couldn't guess who he was. 
"Wait" Surprised by the sound of your voice, Donghyuk turned around so fast that he almost hurt himself. His eyes opened wide and his mouth opened and closed as if he was a fish out of the water. "(Y/N)? Is that you?" At the sound of your name you couldn’t help but peek up curiously, willing to see who was the one to blame for almost breaking your nose. 
The first thing you saw were the white and spotless adidas he was wearing, they seemed new unlike the ones you had at home which were totally worn out from how much you’ve been wearing them. Then your eyes moved up without missing the way his black tight jeans hugged his legs, leaving little to nothing to your imagination as the white oversize shirt he was wearing left you wondering what could be hiding underneath it.
“Are you checking me out?” Donghyuk asked scoffing, still looking at you “Gross”
“D-Donghyuk?” His name came out of your lips in a quiet whisper, stuttering it. You sniffed quietly, rubbing your nose one last time before putting your hands back down into your pockets “What are you doing here?” Your question brought frowns up to both of your faces, this was why you tended to avoid dates, what kind of question was that in the first place?
“I could ask the same thing to you” He replied smugly, shrugging as he turned his full attention on to you. 
Getting slightly self-conscious, you gathered all the courage that was still remaining in you and crossed your arms over your chest, slightly raising your chin a little so you would look a bit more intimidating instead of looking like a lost puppy. 
“I’m here because I’m going on a blind date” You said, your lips unconsciously scrunching up in a cute pout “Why?”
Donghyuk and you weren’t best friends, you didn’t even know if the two of you were even close to be friends to begin with. He was in most of your classes which had forced the two of you to interact a couple of times but he always seemed to be kind of unwilling when it came to maintaining a conversation with you. You didn’t know why but you always assumed he just didn’t like you, your parents had always told you not everybody was going to want to be your friend and he, apparently, was one.
“A blind date?” Donghyuk started laughing at your words, looking at you as if he had just heard the funniest thing in the universe, hands resting upon his stomach as he slightly bent down a little bit. After almost five seconds where you were seriously considering he might have lost his mind, Donghyuk’s smile disappeared and was replaced by a straight line. “You’re kidding me, right?” Blinking, you could only stare at his face feeling extremely confused, was he mad now? How did he go from laughing his lungs out to look as if he wanted to punch you?
“Are you bipolar?” You blurted out, not even thinking before making the question.
“Are you dumb?” He reached out to knock on your head gently, making you flinch underneath his knuckles every time they met the side of your skull “Sounds empty to me so yeah, you might be”
“Ow!” You pushed him away, not willing to be knocked on the head again, throwing daggers with your eyes at him “What’s wrong with you? Did you lose your mind or something!?” 
“Please tell me Yuna did not set you up for that date” He whined, stomping one of his feet down onto the floor as he ran his fingers through his hair, kind of messing it up a little bit. Stress was evident on his face now and you were too busy wondering how could he go through so many emotions in such little time to remember you still had to answer him “(Y/N)? Are you even listening to me!?” He snapped his fingers in front of your eyes, bringing you out of your short trance to meet his once again.
“She did….Why?” You replied, slightly tilting your head, looking at him expectantly to see which emotion will you be able to see on his face this time.
It was frustration. 
“Why? Why!?” He exclaimed, resting his hands on his hips, eyes as open as ever as he stared down at you “Mark! I’m so going to kill him” He fumed, not answering your question, confusing you even more with his random answer.
“Mark? What does your best friend have to do with this?” You asked, reaching up to scratch the back of your head, feeling extremely lost in this conversation. 
Donghyuk whined once again “You’re really are dumb, aren’t you?” He said looking like he was about to cry from how angry he was “Mark and Yuna are dating, they obviously set us up on purpose!” The lady at the front desk flinched a little bit when he raised his voice even more, you smiled apologetically at her and bowed your head lightly, apologizing for his behaviour.
Now it made sense why Yuna had refused to even tell you the name of the guy you had to meet. 
“Don’t you trust my taste?” She had asked with a cute pout, one she knew you wouldn’t be able to resist “He’s a good guy! You’ll have so much fun with him” Yuna giggled mischievously, reaching out to grab both of your hands so you could keep your attention on her “And he’s quite handsome too, you’ll thank me for this”
“How would I find him in that place though? I don’t even know how he looks like” You had complained, looking at her, knowing she already had an answer for that.
“You’ll know when you get there, don’t worry about that!”
Yuna’s giggles and words hadn’t been suspicious back then but now that you replayed the conversation in your head, you saw the obvious signs of her pulling you into one of her naughty plans. She was surely going to hear a good scolding from you as soon as you set one foot into your apartment, oh, she was going to regret this so hard.
“Quite handsome my ass” You mumbled pouting, voice so low that Donghyuk didn’t even hear you over his own frustration. Glancing at him, you couldn’t help but laugh quietly at his angry typing, if he kept touching his phone screen that hard the phone would end up breaking for sure.
“He’s not picking up or answering to my texts” He told you, sighing defeated, pinching the bridge of his nose “He’s so dead when I get home”
“Yuna’s not going to pick up either, don’t bother to try” You informed him, standing there as more people walked inside, willing to have the fun you had wanted to have until you found out who was supposed to be your companion for the night.
“And what are we supposed to do now?” He asked reaching down into his pocket and fishing out what seemed to be two tickets for a movie “I already bought the tickets” 
His words brought a frown to your face “What if I didn’t like the movie you chose?” You asked pouting at him. You had been dying to check out the new comedy romance that came out not too long ago in which your favorite actor, Cha Eunwoo, starred as the main male character. Donghyuk didn’t even think about choosing that one for sure.
“Yes, thank you Donghyuk for buying the tickets, I could have paid for mine” He said in a high pitched voice, trying to imitate yours “I didn’t know you were the one I was being set up with, I would have made you pay for everything if I had-” Not letting him finish his sentence, you used your purse to hit Donghyuk’s side as hard as you could. “Ow! What was that for?” Donghyuk complained, watching you stealing one of the tickets from his hand as you walked inside the cinema without saying something else, not even waiting for him “(Y/N)! Hey! Hey!”
The people around you probably thought you were having a lovers quarrel….
If the only knew.
Plopping down onto your designated seat, you leaned back against it letting out a soft sigh, keeping your eyes glued to the huge white screen situated in front of you while Donghyuk occupied the seat besides yours.
“If someone we know sees us together, you’re dead” He grumbled, tapping his foot against the floor at a speed that surely wasn’t human “I can’t believe we’re doing this” Donghyuk whispered, shaking his head, looking disappointed in himself.
“You already bought the tickets” You answered shrugging “You would have wasted your money if we had decided to not watch it”
“At least you got popcorn” He muttered without even glancing your way, automatically reaching out to put his hand into the popcorn you just bought.
But before he succeeded in stealing some, you managed to move it away earning another glare for him, if looks could kill, you would have been buried already “I bought this” Despite your words and your strong feelings against him eating the popcorn you bought, you quickly regretted saying it when you remembered he had bought the tickets before you could even think about paying for yours. Besides, he looked as if he could kill you right now and you weren’t going to take the risk of eating something he wanted while sitting in a dark room for two hours more or less.
“Thank you” He said quietly, turning his glare into a fake sweet smile, shoving a bunch of your sweet and delicious popcorn into his mouth and absolutely ignoring the glare and pout on your face as you looked at him.
“What movie are we watching?” You asked him, keeping your eyes on the screen as you also started eating, at this point, there would be no popcorn left when the movie started.
“I told Jaemin to get me the tickets for that Eunwoo’s movie, I know all girls are crazy about him and knew my date would have enjoyed watching it” He explained shrugging, surprising you, he had definitely put more effort than you had expected him to for this date.
After that, Donghyuk and you stayed quiet. The snacks the two of you bought were enough of a distraction to not feel awkward with the silence that had settled down between the two of you while you waited for the lights to turn down. There was no conversation when the popcorns were almost over either so you busied yourself with the trailers that were being played, getting hyped at some movies, thinking you would definitely have to come with Yuna to see them if you didn’t murder her tonight. 
A few minutes later the movie started playing and you had to admit you were kind of excited about it. Even if it hurt your ego to admit it, Donghyuk had been kind of sweet, choosing a movie that would surely bore him out instead of picking a horror or an action one that would have put you to sleep in seconds. He had known a romance movie was a safe choice for a date and you silently gave him credit for that, whoever ended up going on a date with him after tonight’s disaster was surely kind of lucky. 
Although things started getting kind of weird and alarms started ringing in your head when you were almost thirty minutes into the movie and Cha Eunwoo, who was supposed to be one of the main characters, hadn’t appeared yet. The starting had thrown you off a little, there was no high school and no girls falling in love with Eunwoo and you definitely accepted the two of you were sitting in the wrong movie when the guy that showed up seemed to be running away from something supernatural that ended up killing him.
Damn, you would have been in tears if that had been Eunwoo. 
“Uh…” You didn’t know if you should point it out but one glance at Donghyuk told you he seemed to be as uneasy as you were about this entire thing “I think we walked into the wrong room” You whispered, avoiding to lean closer to him. However, when he didn’t even glance your way, you assumed he was either deaf, ignoring you or too into the movie to realize you were talking to him. Moving as quietly as you could, in order to not disturb anyone around you, you leaned in closer to Donghyuk’s ear, making sure he would hear you this time “Donghyuk” You called him out again.
He didn’t shout but his body moved faster than you could react and in a second, all the popcorn that had been left in the container placed between the two of you rained down on your heads. Donghyuk had flinched too hard and his arms had automatically reached up in the air, making the container fly and spilling its content on the two of you just right when one of the ghosts that were apparently haunting his home scared the main character.
“What the fuck (Y/N)?” He asked, serious as ever as he turned his head to look into your eyes. You could feel tears gathering in your eyes as you bit your lip as hard as you could, avoiding to start laughing your lungs out at what you had just seen. You should have recorded it, Donghyuk scared was the funniest thing you’ve ever seen in your life “Are you trying to murder me or something because I ate your popcorn?” 
“Maybe” You only said, afraid that if you spoke for longer you would inevitably started laughing and get your ass kicked out of the room.
“Well you almost accomplished your mission” He said letting out a soft sigh, placing his hand on his chest as his heart kept pounding incredibly hard “Jesus, hanging out with you is not being good for my health at all” He whispered, shaking his head, looking down at his knees. 
“Didn’t you get the tickets for that romance movie though?” You finally decided to ask, still close to him to keep your voice as quiet as you could, Donghyuk’s eyes were already back on the screen, his hand eating the popcorn that had fallen on him “I don’t see any romance going on here” 
When he turned around to face you, his face was in a mix of still offended by his previous yet faint heart attack and a silent ‘are you dumb?’ question “Well the guys wanted to organized this entire thing, I trusted them and right after I saw who Mark had paired me up with I knew Jaemin hadn’t bought the tickets for the movie I wanted either”
“So you’re telling me I have to seat here and-”
“SHHH” Someone from the seats above yours interrupted your sentence, probably fed up with your chatting. 
Donghyuk looked over his shoulder and just when you thought he was about to defend you he opened his mouth and surprised you -not for the best- once again “I know right, she’s annoying” You couldn’t hold yourself back though and slapped his arm, ignoring the way he frowned and glared at you while you accommodated yourself back on your seat. 
“Idiot” You whispered, rolling your eyes, letting him devour the popcorn YOU bought for YOURSELF, deciding to just focus on the movie and on planning how you were going to get rid of Yuna’s corpse once you killed her.
When your eyes returned to the screen, the main character was currently going downstairs, lights turned off and a flashlight in his hand. You rolled your eyes at the cliche situation and again mentally thought why always people in horror movies thought it was a good idea to check a weird noise without carrying something that could help you defend yourself. In fact, if it was you in that movie, you would have locked yourself in your bedroom and yeeted yourself out of the window. 
No murderer or ghost was going to end your life. Not if you were managing to get through this horrible date.
“Can we grab some food?” You asked as soon as the two of you were out of the movie  room, ignoring the way the rest of the couples glanced your way and chuckled, obviously amused by how the two of you had behaved during the entire movie. Donghyuk would never admit it but he had been as scared as you, miraculously none of you had shitted your pants.
“No” Donghyuk quickly rejected, not even daring to look at you “Let me just take you home and end this horrible date, please?” 
“But I’m hungry” You pouted behind him, using your whiny voice to get on his nerves even more
Donghyuk stopped walking suddenly, making you walk straight into his back once again. This time though you managed to get a quick whiff of the cologne he had chosen to wear tonight, to say he smelled nice would be a total misunderstandment. If it wasn’t for his shitty attitude towards you, you would have to admit that he could have totally stolen your heart away with his looks and that killer smile he always carried around when he was joking with his friends. Unfortunately, his dislike towards you was enough to let you know the two of you would never end up having a relationship like that, you would have to settle with him standing you throughout the rest of the night.
He was quick to turn around though, placing his hands on your shoulders to stabilize you in case you lost your balance “You’re not going to stop whining until we get something to eat, right?” He asked, eyes looking straight into yours.
“Exactly” You replied with an innocent smile on your face before you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to look as intimidating as he did.
Although, in Donghyuk’s eyes, you only looked even cuter.
Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair before he turned around again to start heading to the parking lot “Alright, we’ll get some food before going home then” 
“You’re the b-”
“But you’re paying” He quickly interrupted, walking away even faster before you could start complaining about this newfound information.
”If you drop ketchup on my leather seats, you’re walking all the way back home” 
Donghyuk warned as he stopped the car in a deserted place, leaning back against his seat comfortably once he had turned off the ignition. You hummed quietly, letting him know you heard his threat while you also started taking his order out of the paper bag carefully, trying not to drop any food in his precious car. You were kind of far from home and knew he wouldn’t hesitate to make you walk all the way back.
“I won’t, I won’t” You replied with a small smile, breaking the paper bag to put it down on your lap in case some of the sauce of your hamburger dripped down and stained something while you ate it.
Just like it had happened in the cinema, a new silence settled down between the two of you now that you were too focused on eating your food, it wasn’t uncomfortable though, you just preferred eating in silence rather than arguing constantly. While you ate dinner, you noticed a few other cars had parked around his, keeping enough distance to not be able to see who the people inside the vehicle were but still making you frown with curiosity. It wasn’t until you took another look around the place that you finally recognized where Donghyuk had parked.
“Isn’t this the place where people come to make out?” 
Donghyuk choked on the fries he was eating. 
You hadn’t really done it intentionally, you didn’t even know he was eating when the question had suddenly flew out of your mouth. He kept coughing as you reached out to pat his back with one of your hands, holding your drink with the other to not drop it in the car and make the situation even worse than it already was.
“What kind of question is that (Y/N)? What the fuck?” He asked, voice hoarse as he cleared his throat, still feeling the food stuck in a place it shouldn’t be.
“Are you planning to make out with me?” You asked jokingly, wiggling your eyebrows at him. Maybe it was the lack of light but you thought you had seen a hint of a smile in Donghyuk’s face when you said that, however he was quick to turn his face away and look out of the window, avoiding any kind of eye contact.
“You’re nuts” He muttered, successfully hiding the amusement in his voice, doing it so well that it actually made a frown appear on your face.
You had been thinking about this for the entire night and even though you had tried to play his comments off as jokes, his dislike and rejection towards you was starting to be a little bothering. You hadn’t felt that bad during the date, you haven’t even felt as awkward as you usually did so the time you spent with him hadn’t been that bad. Did he dislike you so much that he couldn’t even bear the thought of making those kinds of jokes with you?
“What? Am I that ugly?” You were supposed to sound amused, your words had been a simple joke in response to what he had said but Donghyuk couldn’t ignore the soft sourness in them, the way you scoffed just told him he had said enough for tonight. “I guess I crossed a line there” You muttered with a sigh
“What are you talking about now?” He asked, turning around again to face you, this time with a frown on his face, a sincere one.
“I mean, I know you didn’t expect to go on a date with me and that our friends were only trying to prank us but you could at least try to hide your discontent a little bit” You confessed, eyes glued to the front glass even though you could feel him staring at you from the driver’s seat “Like I tried my best to be nice and all you did was shove me away, this didn’t need to be a date, we could have just tried to hang out as friends” 
Donghyuk knew he had fucked up big time as he listened to your rambling and his attitude had ended up hurting your feelings when he never had any intentions of doing that. He actually couldn’t help but feel bad because of it, staying quiet for a few minutes before he finally decided to say something.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was being that big of a jerk” He said quietly, looking down at his lap before he took the fries he hadn’t eaten yet “Want to eat my fries?” 
You didn’t know if he was either joking or being genuinely serious and honestly, you also didn’t know which was worse “I just want to know why you hate me so much” You scoffed tired of beating around the bush, ready to face the explanation you were finally craving for.
“You’re kidding me, right?” He huffed, suddenly looking offended “Like this has to be the ultimate prank of the night” Donghyuk actually turned around on his seat so he could face you with most of his body, eyes dead serious as if he was planning to stare straight into your soul “Why would you think I hate you (Y/N)?”
You blinked confused “Uhm...Do you want me to narrate with detail all the reasons you gave me tonight or….?”
“I don’t hate you” He said sighing, true that he might have been an absolute jerk but he had his reasons “I mean how did you expect me to behave right after you rejected me?” 
“Especially after how you did it” He kept rambling “I mean, maybe I expected a ‘I'm sorry you’re not my type?’ But not for you to throw the letter away without even giving it a second glance” 
“A letter?” You asked, your brain searching for any memories that would resemble something similar to what he was talking about. It only took you a few seconds before you remembered something, it had happened at the beginning of the year and you hadn't paid too much attention to it. During one of your classes, when you opened one of your books during a class, you had found a note but what was written in it had made you assume it was a joke. “Wait, are you talking about the note that said...I like your smile, I like your ass, you should date me, I’m a guy with class….Go out with me, you won’t forget, I’ll buy you food and spoil you to no end?” When Donghyuk stayed in silence as you recited the poem you had found, you guessed he must have been the author behind it. “i thought it was a joke Donghyuk”
“Well, the guys helped me write it and….” Now that he had listened to it from another’s person mouth the poem didn’t sound as good as his friends had made it sound “I-”
“I didn’t even know it was you” You said exasperated “Like Haechan? I’ve never heard somebody call you like that?” 
“My friends do?” 
“And I should know that because…..?”
Donghyuk had to admit his strategy to ask you out had completely sucked and he could now understood why you thought he had hated you, you didn’t even know you had rejected him in the first place “I’m not listening to the guys again” He muttered under a whisper “Not in my life” He added with a deep sigh
“Yeah, I think you should avoid doing that” You replied with a small smile, watching him drown in embarrassment as he leaned his head back against the seat to stare at the car’s ceiling “So all this time you just thought I rejected you?”
“Well, what was I supposed to think?” He asked hiding his face behind both of his hands, making sure you wouldn’t see the soft blush that was creeping up his neck, you couldn’t help but chuckle at that
“You guys are such huge idiots” You finally said, deciding to break the tension in between the two of you as you started laughing, really amused by the entire situation.
Donghyuk peeked at you through his fingers, feeling even more embarrassed but also kind of relief now that you didn’t seem to be as upset as you were before. He was still shy and felt like a complete idiot for everything but your happiness was just as contagious as ever and he found himself smiling behind his hands, shaking his head in embarrassment. 
“Please let me take you out on another date? I promise it will be way better, at least just to make up for this horrible hang out?” He asked mortified, groaning as he hit the back of his head against his seat again.
“You’re kidding me, right?” You asked back, repeating the same words he had used a few minutes ago.
“Was it that bad? Did you really hate it?” He removed his hands from his face to look at your face, he really did seem like he was regretting everything he had said tonight “I promise I won’t let the guys plan it again” 
“I’m kidding, I’ll go on another date with you” You said chuckling, watching him visibly relax “But next time…”
“You’re paying for the food” Donghyuk allowed himself to finally smile at your words, shaking his head as he chuckled. He nodded at your condition, going back to eating his fries.
“And we’ll make out in here” His so unexpected words made you choke on the drink you had been sipping and the fact that you tried your hardest to not spit it out your mouth only made it worse because it ended up coming out of your nose and unfortunately, staining his leather seats. 
“(Y/N) WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST TELL YOU!?” He shouted alarmed, throwing napkins your way, making some of them land on your face.
“IF YOU HADN’T SAID ANYTHING I WOULDN’T HAVE SPILLED THAT THROUGH MY NOSE” You shouted back, breaking the calm and relaxed atmosphere of the place, unknowingly interrupting multiple make out sessions.
If someone would have told the couples around you that the two of you were on your first date, they would have surely replied ‘You’re kidding me, right? Those two hate each other’ but in fact, time would tell that the joke was actually on them and nothing, not even Donghyuk’s leather seats getting food stains, would tear the two of you apart.
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
Brettsey prompt 51
Thank you!
This is part 249294929 of me turning whumpy/angsty prompts into fluffy ones (and maybe even borderline smutty for this one?? 👀) Anyway, I’m sure no one’s complaining about that so enjoy!
51. "I can't breathe."
Matt doesn’t know what it is about Sylvie in that moment, in that particular second, that had driven him crazy.
All he knows is that one minute, she’d been in his quarters asking him about a report from the house fire they’d been to earlier this morning. And he’d noticed how close she was standing to him, how good she smelled, how she put a hand on his arm while reviewing something in her report. She’s always beautiful, and things between them have been especially good lately (he blames it on still being the exciting honeymoon phase of their relationship, the first few weeks of dating) but today, he notices how beautiful she is more than usual. Which is saying something, because he thinks about it a lot.
Everything is sort of a blur after that. Sly grins, flirty touches, and coy remarks all mix together and before he knows it, he’s closing the blinds, suggesting she locks the door behind her, and she eagerly complies, pulling him in by the shoulders to kiss him.
They’re at work, and it’s heated and sloppy and completely unprofessional, but damn. He swears any trouble they could get in would be worth it for the way she’s kissing him right now.
“Oh screw it, the report can wait until later,” Sylvie chuckles against his lips as they move over to his cot. Her hands urge him down onto it, leaning him back as she stretches one of her legs out until she’s straddling him.
They aren’t normally like this. They agreed when they first got together that they don’t need to be Stella and Severide 2.0– the PDA can be kept to a minimum for him and Sylvie, even though it can be tough for him. Today, however, for one reason or another, it’s harder than usual to resist the urge to kiss Sylvie senseless.
She’s not resisting that same urge either though, because they’re here. They’re here, and she’s letting it get intense very fast.
Not that he’s complaining or anything. Or at least he isn’t, until ten minutes in to their impromptu makeout session when her being on top of him finally becomes a problem. Her hands wander down his chest, grazing over the fabric of his white Captain’s shirt, when her arm runs out of space and she shifts one inch too far to the right. Then, he gets an elbow to the solar plexus and feels her entire weight on him. She weighs practically nothing but it’s a sudden movement and the abrupt additional weight placed on him combined with the elbow makes for a less than comfortable position that crushes his lungs a little.
“Ow,” Matt winces suddenly in between kisses. “I can’t breathe. Y— your elbow is crushing my chest.”
“Oh, sorry,” she offers with a breathy laugh. She shifts her weight off him slightly and moves her elbow off of him. “Maybe we’re a little too old to be doing this. Aren’t we supposed to know better by now than to fool around at work?”
“Hey, you’re the one on top of me. You can stop or leave any time you want,” Matt argues confidently. He knows that’s the opposite of what she wants and she gives him a playful scowl in return.
“Not a chance,” she dismisses firmly. A wild smirk dances across his lips when she says so, revelling in the wild glimmer in her eye. “But I don’t have anywhere to put my elbow now.”
“I guess that’s what you get with a tiny cot like this,” he grumbles. In his head, he’s already cursing the tiny bunk and wishing to God that their shift be over already so that he could take her back to the loft and finish what they’ve started.
“I mean, it is only meant for one person,” she counters. “I don’t think the people who made these necessarily took into account that firefighters might want to—”
“Have some alone time with someone?” He finishes her sentence for her, his eyebrows raising slightly as he does. “They should have thought of that before they put locks on the doors and blinds on the windows.”
“If I remember correctly, you were the one who pulled the blinds down,” Sylvie points out, moving to press kisses on his cheek and letting her lips trail down to his neck. She keeps talking in between each tender kiss. “You weren’t complaining then.”
He tries to control himself, tries to manage the heat and stiffness growing between his legs, but is unsuccessful. Sylvie Brett knows what she’s doing to him with every kiss and fighting the excitement is pointless.
So he doesn’t. He gives in, and lets himself follow that carefree, exhilarating feeling.
“I guess I just like the privacy,” Matt replies, his voice low and raspy and hungry. His grip on her waist tightens and he pulls Sylvie back into him, their bodies flush against each other as their lips crash together. Her tongue dances at his lips asking for entrance and he can’t help the reflexive buck of his hips that it pulls from him.
Everything is perfect after that. Her weight and her elbow are no longer crushing him, her hands cup his face as he lays back on the pillow, his own hands stay planted against her waist, one straying below the waistline in all the right places and the other to the small of her back. They guide her further into him, the pressure of their bodies pressed against each other finally making Matt give in to the overwhelming arousal. There, in the privacy of his quarters, he lets himself get lost in her. For a moment, he never wants to leave.
That is, until the bells go off and they remember exactly where they are.
At work. Where things never stop, and they never seem to be able to catch a break.
“Ugh,” Sylvie groans, pulling away from his lips and frustratedly burying her head in his chest. It’s a call for 61, he realizes as he listens to the overhead speakers. Disappointment seethes through his body as he groans. She props herself back up on her hands, still on top of him but now putting a slight space between them. His hands reluctantly loosen their grip on her hips as she stares down at him.
“I hate these damn bells,” he huffs, not attempting in the slightest to hide his disappointment.
Sylvie eyes him, soaking in the frustrated look on his face. If Matt didn’t know any better, he’d say she was enjoying seeing him so pent up and disappointed over having to let her go. There’s a grin on her face that just proves his point. But she leans in for a quick peck, smacking her lips as she pulls away, and smiles at him again. This time, it’s warm and understanding, albeit still disappointed just like Matt.
“Duty calls,” Sylvie tells him, stroking her thumb over his cheek one more time before awkwardly dismounting Matt and slumping off of the cot.
“Right,” he sighs, staying in the same position layed back on the cot. He can’t quite move anyway, for fear of making the growing firmness between his legs too obvious. “Go, save lives. I’ll be here when you come back.”
“I’ll hold you to that promise,” she giggles lightly, smiling again before running out the door. He lays back, takes a deep breath to control himself again as he returns the smile she’d so lovingly flashed at him.
And damn. If that smile alone isn’t a perfect reason to wait there for her— a reason to throw all logic out the door and break the rule he’d constantly chastised Severide for breaking all these years— then Matt doesn’t know what is.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
32. Reasons to not be in love with draco malfoy by harry
Prompt used- caressing the other's back | ANGST/FLUFF | UNREQUITED LOVE | HURT/COMFORT | Eighth year harry finds it hard to admit that he infact loves draco ..
" is it so bad harry that you like him ? " Hermione asked as a sad look dawned upon her tanned face
" what-no- yes- i mean- I don't like him. It's just he has changed so much and it seems unrealistic " harry covered up his tinted face by entailed more into his book
" sure harry, we believe you " Ron sarcastically responded.
" Ron- harry, you know it, you're lying to yourself and what if Draco have actually changed so much. I mean he apologized to me for everything he ever did. That has to be something and it was a genuine apology-"
" apologies doesn't change what he's done. And I don't like Malfoy " harry persisted almost agressively.
Hermione sighed looking at Ron, an indication for him to take the lead.
" mate, I hate him just as much as you do but she's right you know. You can ignore your feelings for how long! One day you would have to face them-"
" so what you want me to just go upto him and ask him out on a date? How blinded can you be ? I will prove that he hasn't changed. I will prove it " with that harry stormed out of the common room to the court yard to be under the sun and complete the rest of his work.
The problem was harry was immensely crushing on draco but it was so hard for him to believe that he'd much rather look for his flaws, it was easier as harry would like to put it. But it was so hard for him to actually look for a single flaw in draco after the war because he had changed completely. Long gone were the days when he used slurs like mudblood, in fact he himself was sending letters to the ministry over and over for stop discriminating against werewolves, muggle borns, squibs, and half bloods. It seemed too good to be true but harry knew he was genuinely doing it but his fainting heart didn't wanted to wake up one day and know that draco had not changed at all, so he chose to still finding his flaws.
2 weeks later upon constant teasing by Ron and Hermione about his research to find something suspicious or something flawed about draco, he realised he was standing in front of a lake which was completely dry. There wasn't even a single flaw and his heart could only take so much.
But he didn't wanted to give up, so during one of his charms lessons, harry took his quill and paper and started writing.
" Reasons not to be in love with draco malfoy "
" ugh.. scratch that " harry mumbled to himself unimpressed
" reasons not to be in love with draco malfoy"
" reasons to hate draco malfoy "
" reasons not to like draco malfoy "
Harry frowned to himself watching the paper, then dipping his quill in ink again and continued writing, only he couldn't. Stuck for minutes, harry looked across the room to see Draco smiling Kindly to a broken handed Neville and writing his notes for him. Harry groaned to himself, " bloody perfect git "
And then he wrote,
" draco malfoy - an absolute prat "
Impressed by himself harry closed his eyes and let himself ponder over every flaw he could muster and desperately failing but he needed something. One damn thing.
But found none.
He placed his hand over the paper once again and started
" 1. The prat have the most fucking Adorable smile. And he doesn't deserve it . It's illegal to have such an adorable smile "
Harry almost smiled at what he wrote but considering his circumstances he refused to. He looked up at Draco once again and continued again.
" 2. The idiot have the most beautiful fingers, bet it's stolen. They're the most fucking annoying thing ever and I can't bloody stop staring at it "
And with that Harry's motive unknowingly changed. He started writing about things about draco that annoyed him.
As week went on harry had listed almost 10 things he found annoying about draco.
" they're not flaws harry " Hermione pressed her lips in thin line to keep herself from laughing.
Blushing in embarrassment harry took the paper away " you wouldn't get it "
And as he started leaving he heard Ron laugh.
And he went back to the courtyard and going through the list once again.
" 3. The git have perfect annoying stormy eyes which makes you dream but also take you somewhere only both us could be "
" 4. He's unbelievably kind to everyone, even filch, how could anyone be this damn kind. Stupid "
" 5. He's got brain. Like actual great brain. He's intellectual, he's fucking smart. Like nobody asked you Smarty pants to be this damn smart "
" 6. He Knows exactly what he's doing. Like the other day in the great hall when he left the tea bag for far too long in his cup of tea, he poured a little of his tea into another cup, added ginger and lemon to his own cup and then some water again. Annoying as fuck "
" 7. He sits by the tree in the courtyard just staring at the damn sky and sometimes even draw it in his little doodle pad covered in leather, with a little blue stone right in the centre. Also half filled. God knows what he draws. Would be pretty fantastic though, considering how much time he spend drawing them and painting it. Hilarious to see him being focused. Idiot "
"8. He visits the professor Dumbledore's grave and just sit there crying. Don't know why I wrote it, just needed to. I understand him.
" 9. He talks with madam pomfrey about potions and their Ill effects. Again trying to be smart. He did help Seamus though after he fell from his broom sometime ago, guess he's got brain afterall "
" 10. He's bloody perfect. His damn face, beautiful as fuck, his nose looks like Micheal Angelo himself carved it on his face, his jawline, fuck, his skin is pale though but the way his skin glows when he's sitting in the courtyard doing something and the way he have a perfect blush. Who's blushing can be perfect ? But damn it, his blush is damn perfect as if something had put on natural flower colour upon his face and the way he have a specific smile for each occassion. The nervous smile, the grin, the quizzical smile, everything just super perfect. Stupid beautiful perfect prat "
Harry sighed understanding Hermione's point but he knew what he had written. This was everything he didn't like about him. Every single one of them, well not everything maybe but most of them.
Harry looked up, keeping the paper in one of his notebooks, to see Draco sitting on one of the pillars seat and reading something.
" prat even looks perfect reading " harry mumbled to him rolling his eyes yet couldn't help his curiosity for what he was reading because he wore probably the most perfect smile harry had seen. He hated to admit but maybe, draco was flawless, at least to him but he didn't wanted to admit. He was determined to find at least one flaw so he could prove them wrong, more him than anyone else. He just needed something flawed in him to convince himself that he wasn't desperately falling for him as his friends liked to say. One flaw, that's all he needed.
Harry kept all of his books inside his rag and decided to just walk around the halls before he'd depart to the common room but just as he had been exiting the courtyard, one thing he didn't wanted it to happen, happened.
" hey, po- harry "
Harry closed his eyes, breathing in before turning around to draco with a warming smile.
" what do you want Malfoy?"
" uh- draco- but nevermind. I wanted to actually ask you something, I mean I shouldn't, considering you still hate me but it's purely theoretical " Draco rambled giving harry a rather nervous smile. Fucking perfect again, harry thought.
" I- I don't hate you Malfoy, old habits die hard kinda thing you know " harry assured himself more than draco.
Draco pressed his lips in a thin line pondering on about what harry had just said.
" you wanted to ask ?" Harry impatiently said
" right- I- I've heard you taught defense in 5th year, including the patronus charm, i- since you've taught a few people I was wondering if you could tell me if people like me can- you know can cast one " draco scratched the back of his neck nervously, the same blush returning to his face again which harry always thought was probably the same shade as that of a cherry blossom..
" what do you mean by people like you ?" Just as the sentence had left his mouth, he realised how wrong had it sounded. Of course he knew what draco had meant but why did he had to ask him and embarrass draco ?
Draco inhaled the air surrounding them, closing his eyes as if he was gaining confidence for what he said next " I meant death eaters "
Harry suddenly felt like his tongue was in knots. He knew the answer but he couldn't reply and while draco looked at harry hopefully, his hope started to die out little by little as he watched harry standing quietly. His eyes suddenly turned from normal grey to something that was clouding him within himself, as if he was now concealing himself, like he was upbraiding himself.
" never mind- think I got my answer. Thank you po- harry. It was great help " draco voice sounded more harsh than it had sounded lately at and harry at once knew had broken draco's heart but before he could've undid his fault, he had scrambled away quickly and harry remained there waiting to get his voice back.
And when it finally did, it had started to rain, harry too scrambled away. Strange how the weather has been perfectly fine when he had first sat down in the courtyard and now it pouring down heavily after the misconception with draco.
Draco's smile was slightly dying out a little bit, and harry knew why but everytime harry ran after draco to correct his mistakes, he was tongue tied. Why was it so hard for harry to simply tell the truth ? Why couldn't he ?
In the mean time After harry had told Hermione and Ron about his faulty interaction with draco, they had stopped teasing and encouraged him to fix it as soon as possible.
It wasn't until during one of the defense classes, things took a better turn.
" now, you all have already learnt about how boggart works. It easily takes shape of what you fear the most but here what we have is pieret, it's a twin of a boggart but it is unusually different. A pieret not only senses your fear but induces in you the pain you'd feel when you're faced with your worst fear. Taking an example, if someone fears death, they would feel nothing Because death feels numb. If someone is afraid of lets say lizards, they'd feel irrational. You must be wondering then if you are faced with a boggart, then Also you'd feel the same thing, the answer is no, we predict what we'd feel, not actually feel while upon being faced with a pieret, it would heavily cast on you the feeling to the point where it may get hard to make sense of anything. However the defense against it is just as simple as that of a boggart,infact it is the same. Riddikulus. Now I would want each of you to clear your head and try not to think of your worst fears and then upon your turn with a blink of an eyes, say the spell and then sit down " the professor explained, not even stopping momentarily for asking students anything, as if he wanted to get done with the lesson. Frankly, everyone wanted the same.
The pieret however turned out to be more stronger than the boggart. Few students had to sit down to relax after their turn. When it finally came down to harry, he cleared his head and tried not to think of his worst fear . He saw the shape twisting and turning into someone very familiar, a scene very familiar. Before harry could cast the spell, the feelings had started to run frantically inside of him. He thought he mumbled something but nothing happened, voldemort was still standing, in his victory. Harry had lost the fight, resulting in huge massacre, everyone disappointed and then suddenly it had gone, now there stood a beautiful pink lily.
Harry immediately collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.
" drink this " the professor commanded and he obliged, feeling the sensation dying out immediately.
" I need to go " harry hoarsely said and ran out of the room to the washrooms. He reached the same washroom moaning myrtle still resides in but somehow absent currently and he was glad.
Not for long. He soon heard the door open and close and someone walking inside. Harry was about to hex whoever had Walked in until he saw draco had appeared, looked devastating.
" it's only me. We don't want Same things to happen twice" draco announced. Harry immediately lowered his wand, still breathing heavily and becoming very aware of what Draco had said.
" I'd never used that spell again. I wouldn't ever "
" i know " draco gave him a small smile. Harry looked at Draco for a few moments before he sat down against one of the toilet doors, draco cautiously making his steps towards harry and sitting down next to him.
" why are you here ?" Harry finally asked, his knees pressed against his chest, looking up at the ceiling.
" wish I knew " draco responsed aligning himself in the same position as harry and staring up.
Harry hummed, not knowing what he should've answered.
" it's weird " draco suddenly said, a small laugh escaping his lips
" what is ?" Harry asked looking at Draco slightly turning his head to him, watching him staring far ahead.
" how both of our fears are the same "
And he finally turned to harry, with a deep pained expression painted in his dream filled eyes.
Harry quizzically stared at Draco " him gaining victory ?"
" yes and always letting people down. Disappointing them. Having no hope "
Harry was rendered speechless. Until he knew he needed to throw up. He immediately bashed through the door in front of him and puking into the toilet, emptying whatever was inside his body. He suddenly felt a hand on his back caressing him and faint encouragements reaching his ears. When harry was finally done, he leant back pressing his head against the door sighing. Draco's hand has left his back but harry still wanted them there, he didn't know why, but he just wanted that.
" any better ?" He asked. Harry nodded.
" here " draco passed him a bottle of water. Harry rinsed off the smell off his mouth, then drank some of it before flushing the waste away and going back to sitting in the middle alley with draco facing him.
" who do you feel you let down ?" Harry asked frowning at Draco.
Draco looked taken a back by Harry's sudden enquiry but soon comforted himself and began speaking " everyone. I just feel like that even after everything I'm trying to do, after trying so hard to be nice, helping everyone, trying to become a better person, I would still let people down. There will always be Someone who would want to look at my flaws and throw them in my face that no matter what I do, I'd still be draco malfoy the death Eater. I'm always afraid of letting them down, my parents, teachers, the ministry, my friends, classmates, you "
Harry stared at Draco long enough, understanding exactly how he must be feeling but feeling guilty at the same time for doing exactly what draco is fearing but once he had spoken it loud, harry wanting to seek his flaws was thrown out of the window, he just to hug draco right now and tell him that he's doing great.
" I don't hate you draco- I never did. I know you think I do, but I see you. You're trying really hard to become the better person and I can see It happening. If I were you I don't think I'd be able to do that but you, you're brave and confident and courageous to do this everyday. I could never "
" you'd never need to do all that. You already are everything you just said. You don't even need to try " draco gave him a little shrug. Harry's lip immediately turned into a sly smile, realising draco see's him that way, even if it was partially true.
" but you're different. Everyone already praise me, they've always done that. You, you're rising.. that's something much more braver than anything I'd ever done in life"
" are we going to sit here and actually assure each other how we're both doing great " draco joked. Harry immediately broke in a small laughter with draco. Being there with Draco right now was the most perfect thing harry could've ever dreamt of. How could he had possibly thought of wanting to hate draco ? It seemed irrational. Harry was driven by his hatred to find something in draco that didn't even exist and it's not because draco was perfect but because he was working on his flaws. Perfection had never been about being flawless, it has always been in redeeming your flaws. Harry laughed for as Long as he wanted with draco, never wanting this to end. It was a therapy and harry was glad to be a part of it.
When finally the laughter died out harry smiled at draco, picking up his wand and casting the patronus charm.
" my mom's patronus was a doe, mine's a stag. Snape's patronus was a doe too " harry told a pained looking draco until he finally reiterated Harry's words in his head and then it hit him
" he was a death Eater "
" he was " harry replied giving him small smile " a patronus isn't based on discrimination. It doesn't segregate between death eaters and wizard or the bad and the good or the rich and the poor. Patronus is based on a happy memory. I suppose why you'd think death Eaters can't cast a patronus is because they've never known true happiness. If you've ever felt true happiness in your life, you can cast one. There's both light and dark inside of us, it is what we chose to act upon, that's who we are. You're not a bad person draco, you never were and i know one day you'll be as to cast it. I'd liked to help if I can in anyways "
Draco stared at harry In surprise, his expressions changing to one filled with hope and turning into a smile.
" I'd like that " draco responded nodding.
" then we'll practice the spells whenever you'd like" harry smiled before he started putting things in his rag, after hearing the bell to finally get up to leave.
" draco "
" yeah"
" thank you . I- this was different- and just thank you " harry smiled hanging his rag on his shoulder.
Draco smiled nodding at him, getting up himself.
With a deep breath harry finally turned around to leave, smiling to himself, thinking of how he could just burn the list now.
" harry- you dropped something "
Harry turned around to see Draco holding a piece of paper.
Draco furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes fell upon the words inked on it. Harry immediately hustled in his bag to look for that one specific sheet. No, no, no,no ...
Draco looked up at harry quizzically " reasons to .... "
PART 2 | Requests open
Day 31 - would you come back to me ? | Day 33- tasting their smile
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dongofthewolf · 4 years
When You’re Lost in the Darkness, Look for the Light- Chapter 2
Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader
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Read chapter 1 here !
After your night with Abby you head down to the cafeteria again to grab some food, still convinced it was all a dream. It’s not until you recognize a familiar face from across the room that you realize it was real, and this time she’s not alone.
Warnings: mild violence, swearing, fluff, just a lot of gay panic tbh
The new chapter is finally here !! All the positive comments on the first one made me so happy so THANK YOU for those :))
BTW that gif of Abby... both eyes open no blink (O_O)
When you woke from your slumber you were almost positive that your encounter with Abby was merely a dream or a figment of your imagination. It was the first time since moving to the base that you hadn’t woken up in a cold sweat; nightmares filled with the echoes of clickers and that piercing sound of ammo clattering on the floor was not an uncommon occurrence. After spending those two dreadful days trapped in a bunker with nothing but a pocket knife and a small handgun, a good night's sleep was something you no longer expected. You shivered as you recalled that dark, cold, concrete room you had barricaded yourself in, awaiting your death with no food, water, or supplies of any kind. It wasn’t until you heard the crashing of pipe bombs in the above levels that you snapped out of your weakened state. The WLF had on a whim decided to clear the building you were hiding out in and saved you. Your rescue was a complete stroke of luck and you weren’t sure whether to be incredibly grateful or afraid for it.
Still groggy from your sleep, you hadn’t even realized the small piece of paper that had been slipped under your door. It was from a page in a notebook that had been ripped out, and on it was a small message in neat, military handwriting: “Had a lot of fun last night :) - A”.
“So it was real!” You thought. That absolute tank of a woman wasn’t just a product of a sleep deprived trip to the communal cafeteria; she was real and every fibre of your being hoped she had enjoyed last night as much as you did.
You neatly tucked the note into your copy of Pride and Prejudice before getting ready for the day (or more like afternoon since you had slept in). After brushing your teeth and washing your face, you slipped on your military issued combat boots and a light sweatshirt before leaving your dorm. 
It was still raining outside but luckily the WLF base wasn’t too chilly. Even when it snowed they always managed to maintain some modicum of heat, it seemed as though the wolves could always find ways around the pesky inconveniences of living in a post-apocalyptic world. You never really questioned it though and you knew better than to doubt Isaac’s methods. It’s not like you’ve actually met him or anything, but the stories that you had heard were enough to send a chill down your spine, and you knew that even if you did ask questions it’s not like anyone would answer them anyways.
Fortunately you hadn’t slept in past lunch because you were absolutely starving, so starving that even the shitty WLF base food was starting to smell like heaven. As you made your way into the cafeteria that was teeming with life, there was only one thing on your mind: devouring those damn burritos. Once you finally got some food you quickly sat down to demolish it, amazed at how so much happiness could be contained within the confines of a single bland tortilla and completely oblivious to the staring of a familiar pair of blue eyes from across the crowded room.
“Just talk to her already.” Manny said in a teasing tone.
Abby quickly snapped out of it “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”. 
Of course Abby knew what he was talking about; in your rush to completely annihilate those burritos you had failed to notice Abby sitting at a table a few feet away. Abby couldn’t explain it but her heart was racing, the same way it would if she were in combat with a hoard or some Scars. 
Manny rolled his eyes “Dude I’m not blind, you’ve been staring at her ever since she sat down. So who is she?”. He relished at the sight of Abby’s nervousness, he hadn’t seen her like this since back when she was still dating Owen.
“Huh? No hablo inglés.” Abby said sarcastically trying to get Manny off her back.
“Fine, I guess I’ll have to ask her myself.” Manny started to get up when Abby kicked his shins from under the table. Manny yelped in pain “Dude! What the hell?”.
“I will literally clock you in the face, sit your ass down right now.” Abby quickly glanced around the room to make sure no one noticed Manny writhing in pain. 
Manny chuckled then smiled that classic smug grin while he gripped his definitely-bruised shins “I knew it, someone’s got a crush.”.
“God you’re annoying, I should’ve let that clicker eat you last week.” Abby said in an annoyed tone as she fell back against her chair. Abby felt a tinge of remorse for kicking Manny like that, she knew that Manny probably wouldn’t have actually walked up to you; but she couldn’t have risked it. Abby looked up and noticed Manny’s expression had changed, afraid she overstepped with that last statement Abby was just about to apologize when Manny started.
“What the fuck Abby?! Why didn’t you tell me about this girl, you know I’m the best wing-man.” Manny was suddenly very intrigued, Abby had always been very secretive when it came to her love life so Manny jumped at the opportunity to become her certified dating coach. Plus, not only did Manny have his fair share of experience with women, he also just really wanted to see Abby less lonely. After Owen and Mel started dating along with Leah and Jordan, Abby was stuck constantly third-wheeling the entire group; Manny didn’t think she minded that much, but sometimes it hurt his heart to see her all alone.
“There’s nothing to talk about Manny, we’re just friends.” Abby replied reluctantly, not completely believing her own words. It’s not like you guys were dating, but it felt like a disservice to call what you guys had a “friendship”. The word itself didn’t accurately encapsulate enough meaning for her and despite the fact she was a voracious reader, Abby just couldn’t come up with a word for what you two had.
“If you’re friends, then just go up and talk to her.”  Manny knew Abby, and he knew that she always needed a push if he wanted to get anything out of her.
“I can’t… I just can’t. I’m not like you, okay?” Abby was conflicted, waves of doubt started to roll in the more she thought about it. She didn’t want to consider the possibility that maybe you didn’t want to talk to her; that maybe you were just being nice last night and didn’t actually like her, or maybe even that you saw her when you came in and decided to ignore her on purpose. 
Obviously Abby was freaking out for no reason, but those small anxious bits of uncertainty that crept in from the back of her mind made her shield of confidence feel tenuous and weak; something she despised.
Manny knew what Abby meant but being the smug little shit he is, he wanted to hear her say it out loud “What do you mean?”.
Abby sighed, “Don’t make me say it.”.
“No, no I really want to hear it.” Manny smiled that famous shit-eating grin, the one he used whenever Abby had to admit he was right.
Abby realized he wasn’t letting go of this “Ugh you know, you can… talk to people.”. Abby could tell by Manny’s face that he wasn’t satisfied with her answer, so not wanting to risk the possibility that he’ll stand up again Abby gave him a look of defeat “and I guess you’re charming or whatever.”.
“Ah! Música para mis oídos.” Manny smiled proudly, hearing Abby compliment him was almost as rare as seeing her without that signature braid. Just as Manny was getting ready to haul Abby’s ass to your table he looked over and realized that you had disappeared, it wasn’t until Abby kicked his shins again that he realized you were standing right there.
You were elbow deep in your third burrito before your dumbass realized that Abby was sitting a couple tables across from yours. “Shit!” You thought, how long had she been sitting there? Did she notice you? No, probably not… unless, what if she was so disgusted by you huffing down those burritos that she ignored you? Ugh! How could you not have noticed her?
You calmly set your burrito down, wiping your face and praying to God there wasn’t anything stuck in your teeth. You figured that Abby probably hadn’t noticed you so you decided to just bite the bullet and talk to her. As you stood up from your seat to make your way over to her table, you quietly whispered to yourself “Come on y/n, don’t be a pussy.”.
“Hey Abby.” She was sitting with a man who you assumed was the friend that she had transferred here with, she mentioned his name last night but you couldn’t place it. He suddenly jerked around to face you with a calm smile on his face, his rugged features and charming personality now making it clear as to why Abby complained about being kicked out of her own room so many nights. Even though you weren’t attracted to him, you understood what all the fuss was about.
“Hey Y/N, I didn’t even see you there.” As soon as the words came out Abby shot Manny a look, the kind of look that meant “don’t say a fucking word.”. However, of course Manny being… well Manny, he grinned and raised his hand to shake yours.
“I’m Manny.” His smile was warm and welcoming as he shook your hand “Please, sit down sit down. Tell me all about yourself.”.
You took a seat next to Abby, your knees just barely grazing each other due to the shortage of space at the table. Even though it was such a small form of contact, you couldn’t help but feel like there was an electric charge connecting you together. You wondered if she even noticed the gesture, if Abby could hear your heart daring to beat out of your chest; if she noticed that small gap between your hands on the table, or if she even noticed the small clandestine looks you were sending her the whole time.
Abby froze stiff as a board when you sat down next to her, and she did her best to maintain her composure when she felt your knee graze hers from beneath the table. This was the closest you two had been and now she could really see the details of your face and your actions; how you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear whenever you were nervous, or how you snorted when Manny thought “Little Women” was just about really tiny people. She noticed how bright your smile was, how it was the kind of smile that could instantly light up an entire room, and she was astonished because Abby finally understood the real meaning of that one Firefly quote about “looking for the light”. Abby realized that no matter what, she would follow you to the ends of the Earth. You were this bright and unexpected light that suddenly entered her life, you weakened her defences and made her feel like a ball of putty, and while one part of her detested that feeling, another part of her never wanted to part with it.
You explained to them how you had been rescued by the WLF and how you were a pretty skilled mechanic. You even told them about how although you loved your job, you desperately wanted to work in the library, because other than the fact that you wouldn’t be covered in grease at the end of every day, you’d also be surrounded by things you love. 
The two told you about the “Salt Lake Crew” and how they were essentially Isaac’s top soldiers. It was a fact that left you with about a hundred questions, but you figured it wasn’t the right time to bring up their boss so you tried your best to brush it off. The three of you sat at that table talking for what felt like forever before the cafeteria staff kicked you guys out because they had to clean up. 
As they both walked you to your room you were so incredibly excited. You had spent so many months at this boring outpost, spending most of your time reading or crying. Then Abby happened; she came into your life and suddenly you weren’t alone anymore. You were so insanely grateful for this newfound happiness that you just wanted to leap into those insanely strong arms. 
Just as the two were about to leave Abby grabbed your hand and leaned down to your height so she could quietly talk to you, “Hey Y/N, can I ask you something?”.
You were so dumbfounded by her hand holding yours that you nearly passed out, you tried to form words but all you could manage was a small nod.
Abby smiled as she stood up and looked to Manny “Hey, you can go ahead I’ll catch up. I just need to talk to Y/N for a quick sec.”. 
Manny immediately got the signal and grinned so wide Abby thought his face would freeze like that, Abby knew she was never going to hear the end of this, but she couldn’t really be bothered to care with your hand in hers.
Then Manny was gone, and it was just you and Abby. Her hand was still holding yours and you couldn’t help but notice all the details of them; how she had these small calluses on the palms of her hands, formed from years of wielding firearms and lifting weights. You realized how much damage she could do with them—how much damage she had done with them—but instead she stood there softly cradling your hand in hers, just lightly squeezing it before she looked at you with those same pools of blue you wanted desperately to drown in.
“Hey so I know we kind of just met last night, but I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with you and…” Abby paused to contemplate her words before starting again “and I was wondering if we could do this more often. I’m doing some work for Isaac tomorrow but I’ll be back later if you wanted to come by and watch a movie or something?”.
“Holy shit!” You thought “Did Abby just ask me out on a date?”. You couldn’t believe it, there was no way this absolutely fucking perfect girl just asked you on a date. You almost wanted to pinch yourself because nothing about this felt real, it wasn’t until you snapped back to reality that you realized you had been staring at Abby in absolute silence while she stood there waiting for an answer.
You quickly answered “Absolutely, I would love to come over and watch a movie.” Your heart was pounding dangerously fast against your ribcage and your face was completely flushed as you gave her a reassuring smile.
Abby sighed with relief and lightly squeezed your hand “Great! I’m in the room across from the gym, does eight o-clock work?”. Abby felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, at first when Y/N didn’t say anything, she was afraid she had misread the situation and crossed the line.
“I’ll see you then.” As you started heading back to your room, you suddenly remembered something “Hey Abby!” She looked back with curiosity as you shot her a small smirk “Thanks for the note.”. 
Abby smiled shyly “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N.”
Read the next chapter here
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