#ugh this story is such a heartthrob
starshippingweek · 9 months
Event: Starshipping Holiday Exchange 2023
Gifter: Escharis
Recipient: Alice (@taruchinator)
Title: A little tale of coffee
Summary: Yusei never thought he would find a happy end. He had hoped, but he had also never thought to see Judai again.
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model!steve and voice actor!eddie
part 2 here | ao3 link here
Eddie chose a career in voice acting to avoid shit like this.
Forced socializing. Schmoozing with hotshot directors who are used to everyone kissing their ass until their lips bleed. And Eddie doesn’t do that shit. 
… Okay yeah sure, Eddie kisses asses. But only in the literal, consensual kind of way. Usually after a few mediocre dinner dates, at least.
But this particular fuckhole of a director is insisting that Eddie attends the production shoot of the commercial that he’ll be narrating for. Which is weird - that’s not how this process typically goes. Eddie gets the script and records it in his studio. Easy peasy.
“I do things a little differently with my projects.” The director sneers into the phone’s speaker. Eddie silently gags at the oozing amounts of ego on this guy. “I want to immerse you into my vision.”
Ew. Eddie would rather immerse himself into a nap, but whatever. A job is a job.
“Understood.” Eddie agrees with minimal teeth-clenching. “I’ll be on set shortly.”
The phone clicks dead with nothing but a chuckle from the guy. No ‘goodbye,’ no ‘thank you.’ Rude… but that’s kind of an industry standard, so why did Eddie expect anything different?
He folds the script into his back pocket, throws on a shirt that screams ‘Los Angeles disaster gay,’ and makes his way to the studio lot.
Fucking yay. 
Upon arrival, the director immediately escorts Eddie into the green room. Rambles on about needing him to meet the lead model for this commercial.
“Isn’t he just posing with the product?” Eddie lets his snarkiness run loose with that question, knows it right away.
Luckily, the guy is too busy snapping at a crew member to notice. “You’ll be voicing his character’s inner narrations.”
“And I want your tone to be seamless with the energy that he’s giving in this shoot. Got it?”
“Loud and clear.” Mostly loud.
The director swings open the door and reveals maybe the most cosmically beautiful person that Eddie has ever seen.
“Eddie, this is Steve.” The director says. “Steve, this is Eddie.”
Models are beautiful people, that’s the goddamn gig. Makeup, no makeup. Photoshop, no photoshop. They just look better than the general population and society accepts that as a fact.
But Eddie is a grubby little voice actor that burrows himself up in his boxy apartment for days. Very little sunlight, very little human interaction, and a shit ton of takeout.
Long story short, he doesn’t get out much. So this? Seeing a biblically hot heartthrob in the flesh? With his own two eyes? It’s knocking him into deep space. Sending him into an astral projection without sticking a tablet on his tongue first.
“Nice to meet you, man.” Steve holds out his hand while someone brushes more powder onto his shiny, glowy skin. God, that’s the best damn skin Eddie has ever seen. Powder be damned, Steve doesn’t need it’s chalky finish.
Eddie shakes himself out of this spell, takes Steve’s hand like he’s somehow worthy of touching him. “Yeah, you too.”
Lame. So lame. On a scale of one to Star Wars prequels, his response is the CGI in Attack of the Clones. ‘Yeah, you too?’ Ugh, what a dumbass.
The director tells them to get acquainted and to be on set in ten minutes. Ten minutes. Eddie has to be convincingly normal for ten whole minutes. Pfft, that’s laughable, but he’ll give it a shot.
“That guy’s a total asshat.” Steve grumbles.
Oh. Eddie could smother him in kisses for saying that. Lick Steve clean of all that stupid powder and probably die of talc poisoning. Death By Licking a Model is one hell of a way to go.
“Yeah.” Find some new words, Munson. “Major asshat. But he happens to be paying my bills this month, so technically, he’s my favorite major asshat.”
“Oh, same.” Steve laughs. It’s fucking glorious too. Eddie kind of wishes he had brought his microphone so that he could capture such a wonderful sound with high quality recording software. Is that creepy? Maybe he should dial it back. 
... As if. This guy’s hair is sculpted with effortless perfection and his shoulder blades could slice through a French baguette. No way Eddie can dial it back or keep it together.
“So you’re doing the voice work on the commercial, right?” Steve asks.
‘Yup.” Eddie shoves both hands into his pockets. “Indeed I am.” 
Okay, that was borderline Yoda. Get a grip.
Steve seems unfazed though. “That’s cool. Can’t wait to hear what you come up with.”
“Thanks.” Eddie smiles warmly. Nerves mellowing out. “And I can’t wait to see you in action out there.”
“Hope I can give you some good inspiration.” And Steve winks, legit winks at Eddie. Does it like it’s normal too, like he winks at everybody. He probably winks at nuns just to see if he can get them to consider conversion.
Eddie is so hopeless. Fucking tragic at this point.
They walk into the studio and are greeted by a somber, archaic set design. There’s a massive throne in the middle that is draped with fur. 
It’s… tacky. That’s the nicest adjective Eddie has to describe it. Tacky bullshit.
“I thought this was for a cologne ad.” Eddie says, eyeing the snowy backdrop.
Steve nods. “It is.”
“So what’s with the secondhand Game of Thrones set?”
“Mr. Asshat thinks this is his cinematic debut.”
Eddie snorts. Loves that he already has inside jokes with this beautiful, beautiful creature. “Someone should tell Mr. Asshat that this is visual plagiarism.”
“Nah.” Steve runs his hand over the tacky fur piece. Smirks to himself as he speaks. “I say we let him suffer.”
Eddie’s legs wobble. “Damn, you’re hot.”
He sounds ridiculously uncool, so breathy and gone. But Steve shrugs in a non-pitying kind of way, so maybe Eddie's uncoolness is excused. Or expected.
While the camera and lighting crew finalize their positions, Steve takes off his robe, revealing his costume.
Torn, muddied pants. Ripped and clawed to shreds. A billowy white top that’s completely unbuttoned. Un-laced? Eddie’s not entirely sure about the mechanics - just knows that Steve’s chest is out, that’s all he can focus on.
There’s a dented crown that the stylist places next to the throne, right at Steve’s feet. It’s shimmery yet tarnished, catches the light in a kaleidoscope effect.
The product is called The Fallen King, so deductive reasoning tells Eddie that Steve is meant to be the physical embodiment of this scent. He recalls something in the script about his title being slandered by promiscuity and forbidden love. Apparently they’ve bottled up that smell into a cologne. 
Do people really want to smell like a dethroned monarch? That’s a thing? Huh.
Just to make the sexual torture even more unbearable, Eddie gets to spectate alongside Mr. Asshat himself. Which also means that Eddie almost has a center view of Steve’s performance.
Cause that’s exactly what he’s giving. A performance. A full display production of his body, his face. His whole godlike essence. 
It’s unfair how fucked Eddie is from watching Steve pose. He can hold the oddest positions without budging a single tendon. So still. Durable. Strong.
Every last thought in Eddie’s head is impure from that observation. He wants to wrap his fingers around Steve’s muscles until he finally moves, twitches. Eddie wants to watch as Steve’s pretty lips part, falling open with sighs. See how long it takes for those sighs to turn into moans.
Steve slumps back into the throne, legs spread obscenely far apart. His gaze droops low and dark, practically eye-fucking the camera. It’s crazy how jealous Eddie is of that stupid inanimate object. The things he would do to get eye-fucked by that golden sex god up there…
His internal porno gets interrupted by a new pose. A wicked one. Steve is on his knees now, looking up into the camera lens. He sinks into the dreamiest expression. Looks dazed, all spaced-out and helpless. Eddie kneads at the growing heat in his pants with the heel of his palm. Hopes it’s not fucking obvious that he’s so horned up right now.
The director clears his throat and yells over the camera’s constant shuttering. “Can you tilt your head back, Steve?”
And Steve does. So obedient, so exceptional at his job. His head rolls back on his neck, shoulders sagging with the shift of weight.
Eddie is chewing the inside of his cheek, nearly ready to take the horny loss and go jack off in his car. Steve is in the most ideal position now, totally vulnerable. Eddie could fuck him so good like that, let Steve melt into his touch. He’d treat him like treasure, spoil him with dick and praise. Eddie would catch him if his legs give out. Would lick Steve’s kiss-bitten lips until the swelling goes down.
God, Eddie is so sick in the head for conjuring up x-rated scenes like this. In public, surrounded by strangers. Literally on the clock. He seriously needs to get his head checked for having such a whorish imagination.
The shoot ends shortly after that last pose, the one that rocked Eddie’s world. He closes his eyes for a minute, takes a few deep breaths. Tries to inhale some goddamn decency.
“How was it?” Steve heads his way, snaking his arms back into the bathrobe.
Eddie blinks hard. “It was… you were…” And the words stop. Nothing else comes out, his throat is strangled and bare.
Steve gives a soft laugh, nudges Eddie’s arm with his elbow. “Guess you do better when there’s a script in front of you, huh?”
Oh. So he’s pretty and darkly playful? This is too good, too delicious.
Eddie wets his bottom lip, recovers quickly. “I do better when there’s not an earthbound angel in my presence.”
“Wow.” Steve raises both eyebrows. “That’s quite the compliment.”
“Oh come on - you must get compliments all the time.”
“Not like that one though.”
Steve takes a step into Eddie’s space. “Definitely not.”
They just stare after that - mostly because it’s Eddie’s turn to speak but words are so secondary when there’s this much beauty to behold. Gazing becomes his top priority.
And before the conversation can lead to an exchange of last names or phone numbers, Steve is rushed off by his agent. Maybe his publicist. Maybe his mom, Eddie has no fucking clue. Just someone taking away his shiny new toy. He sort of feels like reenacting that scene in Cast Away when the volleyball drifts into the ocean. Be dramatic as all hell about this ending.
Eddie doesn’t actually jack off in his car, although he really wants to. No, he decides to use all of his adrenaline and pent-up hormones for the voice recording. It gives his vocals this strained, chesty sound. Sinful and corrupt. Cracking with emotion in certain spots, spiking the volume in all the right ways.
It might be too much, a little bit too suggestive for a lousy cologne advertisement.
But as he listens back, Eddie can’t help but picture Steve. Imagining snapshots of him from every angle, especially the unspeakable ones. The recording barely sounds like a script anymore. It almost sounds like Eddie whispering the lines directly into Steve’s ear. A dirty secret between them.
This is it, he thinks. Sends the audio file to his sound mixer without a second read-through, without a retake. This might be the best voiceover Eddie Munson has ever done.
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Hi! Can I request a Mitsuya Takashi angst where Mitsuya likes yn but reader is too dense or already in love with someone else?
No Chance {Mitsuya Takashi}
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A/n: I need to find a final layout for my posts ugh. Anyways, thank you for requesting, I hope you like it.
Pairing: Mitsuya Takashi x gn!reader
Trigger Warnings: none
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Falling in love at first sight wasn't really something that had happened to Mitsuya before. All of his previous crushes, from his early school years, all the way to his second year in university when he met you, were something that had been developed over time.
When he met you, leaning over your books in the library, Mitsuya knew. He took his sketching notebook out and sat down next to you. He tried his best to spark a conversation and when he finally did, he was the happiest he had ever been.
You were everything he was looking for: fun, beautiful, talkative, polite, kind... everything. And you were so interesting with such interesting views, he could sit there and talk to you for hours and not get bored. You even complimented his tattoo which was slightly peaking out of his hoodie.
Naturally, he asked for your number and one thing brought another and you stayed up till the morning texting each other. You would constantly go out for coffee, you would take him with you whenever you went to the shops and he loved it because there was nothing better than clothes for him and being with you while he voiced his opinion on that dress you liked? It felt amazing.
Because it quickly turned out that it was a little too good to be true.
It wasn't until one day that you went out with him and Yuzuha that she tried to play matchmaker by asking you if you had a crush. Mitsuya's heart broke when he heard the economic's major heartthrob's name leaving your mouth.
At first, denial kicked in. He had watched Yuzuha lying to her crush a million times by mentioning another guy's name just so she can make him jealous and it always worked. But the way your eyes lit up and the shy tone in your voice once you started talking about them was way different from the tone Yuzuha would use.
He tried to play it cool because hey! How many times had he told his sisters stories about people who thought they were in love with someone and then realised that they actually loved their childhood friend? Mitsuya wasn't your childhood friend but... he was sure that the story could apply to him as well.
Therefore, he continued trying to win you over with subtle yet meaningful acts. It pained him to see you looking over at your crush whenever you would see them around the campus but Mitsuya had a huge advantage: you and your crush had never talked and as mean as it sounded in his mind, you would never talk because they were famous and you were normal.
Six months later, Mitsuya felt finally ready. There had been a few signs that could be taken as positive omens and Mitsuya had thought everything out. He would meet you at the university's cafeteria, hand you over the shirt he had spent days making just for you and he would confess.
Needless to say whatever was left from his heart from the first time he realised he wasn't the one in your heart, broke once more when he saw you and your crush talking.
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Hiiii, i hope you having good day! Can you please write story with tokio hotel (seperate) and them doing aftercare to reader? Luv yaaa🫶🏻🫶🏻
Tokio Hotel x GN! Reader
Synopsis: how the boys act after sex with their S/O (idk what to call this guys)
Notes: Implied sex ofc, aftercare, the boys just being sweet and mushy for Name, I made them in an established relationship I hope you don’t mind
A/N: HI Anon!! I hope your day is going good as well! I thought this request was so different than what I usually write and i had a lot of fun doing it🫶TYSM for the request! Luv ya🫶🫶
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B. Kaulitz
- I’ve written some headcanons abt how he is in bed but let’s talk about the after🤭
- super sweet
- does anything you ask him to do
- we all know he’s a straight DOG for you so you can imagine how he is
- he doesn’t like to leave you because he thinks your super vulnerable in the moment
- brings you food after
- a little full of himself (but honestly if I was him, I’d act the same)
- he’s like “you probably can’t walk so I got you some things”
- but he just says it so nicely that you can’t even get mad
- like he doesn’t know how vulgar he sounds💀
- cuddles for at least an hour after even if you have stuff to do
- doesn’t let you leave
- you probably couldn’t even if you tried💀
Gustav Schäfer
- I’m gonna say that he’s the most heartthrob one here (argue w the wall🤨)
- super-duper sweet
- like makes me wanna say “awwww ” sweet
- enjoys playing with your hair while you calm down
- you both just lay in bed and talk about upcoming events
-talks about his nerves about tours and likes to comfort you
-it's almost like a little therapy session
-just letting everything out with him from what he thinks about fans to things in your relationship
- massaging your shoulders because God damn, we know he goes rough asl
- likes to have a little make out sesh w u after (If you're up for it) 🤭
- just thinks you're so beautiful especially when the moonlight hits your face just right
- likes to see that after sex glow you have
-can't stop complimenting you
-every time he thinks he's noticed everything he finds something new to praise you on
-he is so sappy and it makes you swoon even more
-says you should take pain killers because wikihow said so💀
-cooks you a meal because he's a total chef as we know
- ugh I’m in love with him guys
Georg Listing
- I was thinking for a long time about him contemplating yk?
- he’s a little different from the others
- lets you do what you want
-like if you say you just want to lay with him and don't need anything he's not going to push it but if you say you need something he turns into Speed😭
- needs to be with you though...
- just hanging around you
- helping with random tasks because they are “too hard on your aching body” (mf...)
- likes to embarrass you and joke about himself in bed
- knows how good he is and it makes you so mad because he brags
-does treat you like a princess though don't doubt him
-likes to take a long shower with you just washing off all the stress and emotions from the day
-says you should just rest for a while and stays with you
-makes a pillow fort and wraps you in blanket while you just sit there like 😒"not this again bro"
Tom Kaulitz
-he's still getting used to the whole aftercare thing so bear with him for a little please
-but when he does get used to it, he's either just so awkward or really romantic
-on the awkward side he'll be like "...that was good. Do you feel good?"
-but that's usually only when he's like really dazed and fucked out
-normally he's just a talker
-makes sure your content before getting out of your shared bed to grab a cloth for you to clean up with
-prefers to just be calm and relaxed with you after. no distractions he's only focused on you
-it's kind of random but he really likes to choose clothes of his for you to wear so your comfy
-once you're both changed, he wants to just sleep
-I hope you're sleepy to because once he's cuddled up to you, he's GONE
-out like a light switch 💀
-there is no waking him up for at least a few hours
-so, get comfortable because he has an iron grip and won't let you go
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omgthatdress · 10 months
Apparently the final season of The Crown isn't very good which is..... massively disappointing.
The general buzz is that the narrative pusses out and is terrified of portraying anyone as less-than-flattering, which UGH. Like as a writer I always really admired the writing in The Crown for how it balanced out the unsympathetic with the sympathetic with people who could easily be portrayed as simply monstrous. Like even Margaret fucking Thatcher ended up being a layered, complex character who had more going on for her than just plain villainy. But it still stopped short of making excuses for her. That is some incredibly skilled writing.
I know the issue of where to end it is a tricky one, but I always thought William and Kate's wedding would be the right spot, because it's the cycle repeating itself and another generation setting itself up for more absolute bullshit, end it with an ominous note amid the jubilation.
I want to get a good portrayal of why William is so fucked up and turned out being such a piece of shit. I mean, like father like son (like grandfather like great-grandfather), but still. Obvs, there's the messy Charles-Diana divorce, Diana's death, and then William being intensely sexualized when he was a teenage heartthrob, like yeah I can def see how that will fuck with you.
And then there's the fucking Middletons. I always found the whole narrative of Meghan being "Princess Pushy" funny because EVERY time I read anything about Kate's mother before Meghan came into the picture it was that she was a pushy social-climber who pressured her daughter into marriage. For real there's a lot you could dig into with Kate.
You don't even have to get into Meghan because honestly? the fractures were there long before she came into the picture.
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paper-crab · 10 months
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To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
summary: letters to your past crushes get out and its a whole mess, based on the movie/book, yadayada
warnings: swearing, cliché, very rushed
wc: 6914
ignore any grammar mistakes it’s too long for me to reread and if it doesn’t flow smoothly i’m so sorry i rushed it so bad
Writing letters was an emotional release; something healthy to pass the time, and look back on later.
That’s why you’d written a series of letters, spanning from 3rd grade to now- senior year. They were intimate letters, ones you wrote to get your mind off of a crush you’d gained, so when you’d looked for the box to add a new letter and couldn’t find it, you freaked out.
Luckily, younger you was only able to get her hands on two addresses.
Unfortunately, those addresses were the two worst ones you could have gotten. Everybody else had either moved, or come out. They were irrelevant.
Who had gotten the letters, however, were not irrelevant: your school's player, and your best friend's boyfriend. You were fully in panic mode now, how are you supposed to recover from that? You can only contemplate your options for so long before anxiety eats at you. Maybe if you skipped a week or so of school it would blow over.
“Yeah, not happening. Rise and shine.”
You groan. “Dad, you don’t understand. This could ruin my life, I might actually die.”
He doesn’t respond, leaving you to grovel and pick up the pieces of your pride.
In order to avoid your friend's boyfriend, you need to avoid her, which means you’re walking around school alone. You know you’ll need to have that awkward conversation, telling him ‘I liked you when you were just my childhood best friend- those feelings have passed’, but you also know that you are going to avoid it for as long as humanly possible. Asserting yourself was never really your strong suit.
You had grown up next door to her boyfriend, and fell out of touch with him in middle school. While he was blossoming as a social butterfly, you lurked in the background, like a moth drawn to his effervescent light. Like the sun, the light was too hot for you to stay in, and you stopped talking until mid junior year when your friend had reintroduced you.
The other letter, the heartthrob, had been a lot kinder in middle school. You’d heard some not-so-kind stories about him recently though, and they were the exact opposite of the kid, Matt, that you knew.
You hadn’t been particularly close or anything, only exchanging a few words in your 7th grade math class, but you were infatuated with him. When you were younger, he hardly talked, but lacrosse had brought him out of his shell; the shell you’d never managed to crack- or rather the cocoon you’d never emerged from.
Matt probably didn’t know your name, even though you’d boldly signed it in your letter, so you were confident he wouldn’t find you. It’d be just another day for him, hopefully.
Your friend's boyfriend, on the other hand, was constantly with you. He lived right next door to you, and you felt like it was impossible to avoid him. You’d try to get through the school day without an encounter, then lock yourself in your room to never be seen again.
The first couple periods you had? Had gone off without a hitch. Then you hit lunch, and even if you tried, you couldn’t run from your friend forever. She found you, her boyfriend trailing behind.
“I missed you this morning!” She tells you, reaching to give you a hug. You don’t do much but nervously laugh, pulling away from her. “Yeah, I came late.” You lied.
“Ugh I wish, I’m going to get lunch, you coming with?” She says, more to her boyfriend than you. He shakes his head, “I’m good.”
“Alright, be back in a minute!”
“Can we ta-”
You cut him off immediately, nervous laughter coming back. “I have a test to study for, so I’m going to the library, sorry. We’ll catch up later. He knows what you’re doing, but he doesn’t really want to talk about it himself.
After excusing yourself, you make a beeline for the library, seeking a moment of respite. The library turns out not to offer that much solace either, because you see Matt’s two brothers enter, meaning he can’t be far behind. When he rounds the corner, his eyes land on you, lighting up slightly. You see him excuse himself from his brothers, and you immediately stand and run out of there, muttering “Nope, no, no,” under your breath. The sound of you slamming the library door open definitely isn’t quiet.
You can’t help but begin to panic, packing up your things and abruptly running out of the school, through the parking lot, and jumping into your car. If studying wasn’t how you were going to escape the situation, avoiding lunch apparently was. It’s tempting, incredibly so, to skip the rest of your day, but you know you’d be in so much trouble. You can’t handle that right now.
You head back in and continue your day, just praying, wishing, dreaming that you won’t encounter the two people you don’t want to see most- but now you’re seeing them out of the corner of your eye in every passing period; and you can’t even confide in the one person you most want to.
The school day ending feels like your saving grace. You’re exhausted, mentally and physically, from running away from your friend and her boyfriend, and narrowly avoiding Matt didn’t help.
You walk out of the school, into the parking lot towards the direction of your car, ready to be done with the day.
In highschool, you’re never done.
Your friend's boyfriend is leaning against your car, looking around for you, arms crossed. You make a sharp left, in the direction of the lacrosse field and bleachers. You’re not really thinking about it when you do it, it’s just the closest shelter, other than walking back in the hellhole that is the school.
You make your way onto the bleachers mindlessly, trying not to think about the events of today. You set your backpack next to you, not realizing there’s an unexpected guest making his way up to the top of the bleachers where you sat.
“Hi.” You jump, startled by the sudden voice as he sits next to you. You recognize that voice, obviously, so you flinch before turning to him. “Y/n, right?”
You nod, not sure how to continue this. There’s a plethora of things he could say, and you’d rather not hear any of them. Matt taps his fingers on the bleachers, waiting for you to acknowledge that he’s said anything; when you realize you nod.
“Look,” he starts, and that’s never a good sign, “Your letter was really kind and whatever, but I just broke up with my girlfriend. I’m not really ready for anything serious, so if you’re looking for casual-”
“I wrote that in 7th grade.”
“Oh.” He says, scratching his head. “Why’d you send the letter then?” You look to your left, spotting your friend's boyfriend walking towards you, and you panic.
“Kiss me,”
“Okay.” He shrugs, grabbing you. His eyes are closed, but you don’t bother closing yours. You’re a bit busy glancing in the direction of your other victim, and when you watch his face fall as he turns back around, you finally close your eyes. “Not that I’m mad about it, but what just happened?”
“It’s really hard to explain, but you’re not the only one that got a letter. The other person is my best friends boyfriend,”
“Damn. That’s low of you, and I’m not special? My feelings are hurt.” He smiles a little bit, trying to ease your tense expression. “I wrote his before I ever wrote yours, and before they knew each other. I can’t talk to him, though, and if she ever finds out, it'll break her heart.”
“Okay, respect. I gotta get to practice, but I’ll find you tomorrow?”
You want to say no, but you don’t. He did just do you a big favor after all. “Yeah, see you then.”
He sticks to his words, finding you in the library the next day. His mouth twists into a grin when he sees you, and he shuffles over holding eye contact with you.
“Hey,” He says, slightly whispering. It might be lunch, but the librarian is still strict. She wants to preserve the quiet atmosphere of the room, in which you can only hear the sound of flipping pages and an occasional murmur. “Mind if I join?” He settles in next to you.
“Uhm.. listen,” You say, launching into a monologue, “about the whole letter thing, It’s, uh, not what it seems. Well it is, but it’s not. I wrote those letters a long time ago, and they don’t reflect my feelings now, and I never meant for them to get out, so, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drag you into it, and I’m sorry you did, get dragged into it, that is.”
“If you didn’t mean for them to get out, why would you send them?” He questions, tilting his head.
“I didn’t send them.”
“Okay, uhm, who did?”
“I don’t know, but I cannot talk to my friend's boyfriend, like ever.”
He nods, a mixture of concern and confusion evident on his face, like he’s really mulling the situation over.
“So, someone sent those letters behind your back? That’s not cool, dude. Messed up, but I think we can help each other out here, take control of the situation.” A wicked grin takes over his face. If you squint hard enough you can imagine a lightbulb over his head, like he’s had an “aha!” moment. “I have an idea,”
“What do you mean, control?”
“Yeah, control. Think about it, we fake date. You need your friend’s boyfriend off your back, and I need my ex to get jealous and come back to me. Win win, and it gives us a chance to control the narrative.”
“Yeah, I mean… it could work, maybe?” You respond, uncertainty in your tone. “How would it even work?
“I don’t see how it couldn’t.”
“Okay, I guess, but I don’t see how it could be that simple.”
“Yeah, it could. Trust me, we play it smart, manipulate the situation, and we get what we want.”
“Okay, yeah. Let’s do it.”
“You sure about this?” Matt asks, searching your eyes for confirmation.
“Yeah, I mean, you said it best. I can’t talk to him about this, not for a long while, anyways.”
“So, uhm, what next?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, rules and stuff?”
“You want rules, you make ‘em’” He shrugs. You grab out a notebook, labeling the top ‘Rules’ in neat handwriting. “Oh, you’re serious.”
“No kissing,” you start writing, and Matt groans.
“If we’re not kissing, how do you expect anyone to believe we’re dating?” You squirm a little bit.
“Matt,” you say in a hushed tone. Heat rises to your cheeks. “I don’t really kiss people,”
“Wait,” he chuckles, trying to make a joke, “was I your first kiss?”
When you don’t answer, he gasps. It almost makes him feel bad, but not enough to apologize. “No kissing then,” he confirms, trying to steer the conversation forward. “What else?”
“No couple-y social media shit,”
“Agreed. We keep it low-key.” He nods. “What about spending time together? How often do we go on dates, and are we hanging out all the time?”
“I don’t know, maybe like, once a week? And I don’t wanna be around your friends all the time.”
“You don’t want to be around yours either,” he points out.
“Fair point. Once a week, I hang out with you?”
“Most days, yeah.”
“Also, no meeting the parents. That makes it too real.” You add.
“Off the table. Oh, I’m not calling you babe or any of that gross shit.” He says. You pale at the thought, literally gagging. “Please don’t, I think I’d throw up.”
“That it?” He laughs at you.
“Uh, yeah, I think so.”
The bell rings. “I’ll walk you to class,”
Your face morphs into confusion. “Why would you do that?”
“To make it seem like we’re really dating..?”
“Oh. Yeah,”
He walks you to class, hugging you when he drops you off. “Meet by the bleachers after school?”
“Yeah,” You say, slightly dazed by his request.
When you walk out of your classroom, you let your mind wander back to his ask, ‘what could he possibly want’ playing through your head. You walk through the front doors, taking a sharp left towards the bleachers; just like yesterday.
You’re not waiting for very long when Matt sneaks up on you, whispering “Boo.” into your ear.
You jump, caught off guard, but that’s besides the point.
“Hey,” he says, putting his hands on your waist.
“What are you doing?”
“People are looking.” He shrugs a little. You’re eager for him to get to the point; the longer you’re away from your bed, the more cozy and inviting it sounds. He clears his throat. “I need your number,”
He’s careful to make it come out as a whisper so surrounding students don’t hear. To them, you’re already a couple.
“And your address, so I can pick you up tomorrow.”
“As your boyfriend, I’ll be driving you to school, and home, and I need to pick you up for our date too.”
“Date tomorrow?”
“If you’re free, for the ‘spending time together’ bit,” he says, pulling his hands from your waist and doing air quotes with his fingers.
“I can drive myself,” You tell him, as he grabs his phone out and hands it to you sneakily. You proceed to put your number in, and your address, before handing it back to you.
“You can, but it’s more convincing if we come together.” He murmurs, absorbed in drafting you a message. After a moment, you hear the familiar ping of a notification.
“There,” he grins proudly, showing you the message. “Now it’s official.”
The morning sun casts a warm glow on you, making you feel cozy and relaxed, despite the nerves growing. The idea of Matt, and his brothers, coming to pick you up scares you a bit. You fiddle with the strap of your backpack as you wait on your front porch.
When you see a car pull up, you know that’s your cue to start walking down your driveway. Matt hops out, rushing to hug you and open the passenger door for you.
“Doesn’t Chris usually sit there?” You ask quietly, still smiling to keep up the charade. “Yeah, I made him move.” He whispers back before he walks to the driver's seat.
“Good morning,” Nick says, sounding completely done. Chris doesn’t even raise his head, giving you a small wave. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you guys.” You say softly, not wanting to disturb them. You think them going out of their way to pick you up this morning was disturbing enough.
The car ride was a mixture of awkward silence and small talk. Nick and Chris are both too tired to engage much, but Matt is trying his hardest to keep them involved.
You pull up to the school gates after a short while, Matt parks the car. You get out and he walks over to you, joining your hands while you walk in. He gives you a reassuring smile as you walk in, “Don’t worry, they’re not always like this in the morning. I promise it’s not personal.”
You nod, trying your best to offer a smile that comes out faint. “Yeah, I won’t take it personally. Thanks again for the ride, Matt.”
“Of course,”
The second you get into the school, Nick and Chris part ways with you two. You’re still holding hands, you realize, when the murmurs and glances direct themselves towards you. Matt can feel the anxious energy you radiate because of it, so he leans in to whisper in your ear, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. “Don’t worry, it’ll blow over soon.”
For all the stories you’d heard about him, you hadn’t expected him to be even half as polite. Maybe it’s because you were faking, you decide.
The rest of the day seems to float by in a blur, but Matt was right; the buzz around your relationship did seem to dissipate the more people saw you together. During lunch, you find yourself next to Matt. You’re doing your best to maintain the facade with his lacrosse friends, Chris among the group.
You can feel the stare of your best friend and her boyfriend though, and it only brings back those feelings of guilt and anxiety. You’re grateful for the distraction of food, though, because it provides you an out from conversations.
You’re not used to basking in the light like this.
As the bell rings, you feel a mixture of relief and apprehension. Matt walks you to your last class, of course, offering you a quick hug before parting ways.
The class passed by slowly as you try to piece together the events of the day. In under a week, you went from a nobody with 3 friends to a somebody dating one of the most popular boys. Fake dating.
When you’re finally dismissed from the shackles of public school, you feel an odd sense of relief. You know it won’t last very long because of your scheduled date tonight, but it’s there nonetheless.
You find Matt waiting outside your classroom, as promised, a smile on his face. He falls into step beside you as you make your way towards his car. The chatter of surrounding students fades into background noise when you’re with him. A cool breeze dances through the air, making you shiver a bit. For a moment, you stayed silent, enjoying the comfort he brought you just by being next to you.
It was reminiscent of middle school; his silence made you comfortable because you weren’t alone.
“Wait, don’t you have lacrosse practice?” You interrupt.
“I take Nick home everyday, I have time to take you too.”
You nod. As you navigate through the sea of juniors and seniors preparing to leave, Matt turns his head towards you. “Hey, you okay?” he asks, concern evident.
“Yeah, yeah,” you nod, offering a chuckle and a hesitant smile, “Just processing the day, you know? It’s kinda weird.”
He nods understandingly, turning his head back towards the car that Nick is already waiting at. The ride to your home feels significantly shorter when you engage in pleasant conversation with Nick and Matt.
Despite the guilt you feel over keeping up this act, the conversation flows genuinely and you find yourself really enjoying it. He pulls into your driveway, putting the car in park and smiling at you.
“Thank you, and thanks for today.”
“No problem, I’ll see you tonight?”
“You bet,” You say, waving goodbye to Nick. You walk into your house and feel like a puddle of goo, every emotion flooding your body in one go. It’s only the second day of pretending, and you’re feeling like a fly stuck in a web of lies.
Despite your conflicting feelings, you begin to get ready for your date, feeling genuine excitement. Even if it’s just as friends, Matt is really pleasant to be around.
Matt: Movie at 7:30?
You: Perfect, see you then.
The hours tick by as you prepare yourself to hang out with him. You hear a knock on your front door that makes you jump. “Dad, I'm going out!” You yell, rushing out to join Matt.
You weren’t expecting him to hug you when you stepped out. There was no one around to keep it up for, but you decided not to question it. “Hi Matt,”
“Hi.” He grins, pulling away from you. “I didn’t buy tickets yet because I wanted you to choose the movie,”
“You didn’t have to do that.” You tell him, heart filled with gratitude. It was a small gesture, yet it immediately made your middle school crush on him come back.
“I feel like you know a lot about me, so I thought you choosing the movie would help me learn something about you.” He said as you pulled into the movie theater parking lot.
“Yeah, I’ll pick.” You giggle at him, hopping out. When you walk in, you’re overwhelmed by the aggressive scent of buttered popcorn. Matt glanced around, beginning to guide you to the ticket counter. “Shit, that’s my ex.”
“It’s cool, play up the pda to make her more jealous,”
His arm wraps around your waist as he leans into you, pretending to whisper something in your ear. When you walk up to the counter, he unwraps his arm for a mere second to grab his wallet.
“Movie?” He asks. You tell him and he nods. “Two tickets please, he hands his ex his card.
“Hi, Matt.” She says, smiling at him. You immediately get possessive vibes that make you feel uncomfortable, but that means the plan is working. “Oh hey,” He smiles lightly, acting nonchalant.
“Who’s this?” You can literally feel the jealousy she's emitting, and it makes you shift in his grasp. “This is my girlfriend, the tickets?”
“Oh, sorry.” She hands him the tickets, making sure to brush his hand while she glared at you. As you walk towards the next counter to buy popcorn, you start laughing. “I don’t think she liked me much.”
“Good, means the plan is working.” He says, going to fish for his wallet again.
“Nuh-uh. My turn.”
“That’s not really how dates work, but nice try.”
It feels like the hours have crept away from you. The movie comes to an end, despite you willing it to last longer. Matt offers you a hand and pulls you up, making sure to hold your hand when you exit the theater. It almost makes your heart flutter; then you remember why he’s doing it.
“So, what did you think of the movie?” He says, offering you his jacket when you step into the brisk air. You smile, feeling fulfillment while you slide his jacket on. “I liked it, thanks for letting me choose. And, um, thanks for tonight. It was… interesting.”
“No problem,” he says, sounding relaxed. “I liked it too. We make a good fake couple, don’t we?”
You continue chatting while you walk to the car, and while he drops you off. Matt gets out to walk you up to your door, genuinely surprising you. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to.” He says, offering you another hug. You slide off his jacket and melt into him before handing it back. “Thanks, Matt.”
“See you tomorrow morning?”
You nod.
You close the door behind you, feeling the weight of the day settle into your skin. You’re beginning to ease into the fake relationship; even as the facade gets increasingly complex. You sink into your bed, shifting off to dreamland.
As the week goes on, your arrangement only gets better. You avoid your friend's boyfriend, and he starts getting desperate texts from his ex. By the end of the week, you’re sure he’s close to breaking it off.
When Matt drops you off at home on Friday afternoon, you’re insanely smiley. You feel on top of the world. The day seemed normal enough, for your new normal anyways, but there was an odd air of tension everywhere you went. You knew something was wrong when your best friend landed on your doorstep mere moments later.
She was your best friend for a reason- you trusted her with almost everything, so she didn’t understand why this week, you’d suddenly gone ghost. You normally talked every second of every hour if you could, but this week, your communication had been limited to fleeting glances across the cafeteria, or in the hallway.
You open your front door to find her standing there, eyes ablaze with anger. “Hey.. what’s up?” You say, prompting her to talk and cut through the thick silence.
“Where have you been all week?”
“At school..?”
“No, I mean, where have you been? You avoided me on Monday, and you started dating Matthew Sturniolo out of nowhere; I didn’t even know you were talking! I’ve barely seen you this week and normally we spend all our time together. Something isn’t right.”
You feel like you’re shrinking under her intense gaze. Stammering out an apology isn’t really working for her, or you, because the weight of your fabricated relationship with Matt pinned your tongue. “It’s not like that..”
“Don’t give me that!” She says, glaring at you. “We tell each other everything. Why are you shutting me out now?”
You wrack your brain for an excuse, trying to think of anything to get her off your back when you remember a conversation you’d had with her about Matt. “Look, I know I’ve been unfair to you… but I know you don’t like Matt, and I really do. I’ve been caught up with him, and I didn’t want to tangle you into it because I know you don’t like him.”
“He’s a dick.” She says to you, bluntly. “I don’t think you should be dating him, much less talking to him and ignoring me for him. Haven’t you heard the shit he’s pulled with other girls?”
“Of course I have but-”
“I don’t know who you think you are, but you’re not different. He’s going to leave you in the dust too.”
Her words cut through you, sharp and painful. The truth hovered on the tip of your tongue, but the weight of secrecy still held it down. You didn’t know how to get out of this one. “He’s not like that with me,” you attempt to defend, feeling the tears well up in your eyes. “People change, you know?”
“You’re being naïve, and I hate seeing you like this. Ignoring your best friend for a guy who’s going to hurt you in the end.”
You’re feeling shackled, like you’re in the ocean trying to stay above the surface, but there’s a weight tied to your ankle.
“I appreciate your concern,” you say, voice shaking “but I know what I’m doing. We’re happy together. You say, a feigned smile gracing your lips. Her harsh glare softens. “I trust you. Just, be careful. Okay?”
“Yeah, of course.” You nod, acting like you’re relieved, but the pit in your stomach only deepens as the web of woven lies becomes more intricate. She leaves, and you close the door behind you, sinking down to the floor.
All of this because of some letters.
The sound of a message coming through your phone snaps you out of your contemplation. You glance at it, immediately smiling when you see Matt’s name pop up.
Matt: Hangout tomorrow? Nick and Chris r asking
You: Yeah, what time?
Matt: Noon?
You: I’ll be there
Matt: I’ll pick you up
You heart the message, standing from the floor. When you retire for the night, your friend's warning re-enters your mind. You know she’s right, but the reality of your fake dating thing with Matt tugs you back into its tangled web, as it always does.
Each text from Matt, while making you smile, feels like another string of deceit weaving into a thousand more. It just deepens as time goes on. The lure of his attention and the comfort of the familiarity you feel with him vie against the guilt that gnaws at your conscience.
You’ve realized the gravity of the situation, but the truth remains locked in, barricaded by fear and the entanglements you’ve created. You want to call it off, you’ve wanted to, but you don’t want to risk falling into a chasm of more confrontations- from both your friend, and her boyfriend.
You try to shove it out of your mind so you can sleep though, preparing for your day with Matt tomorrow.
When you wake up the next morning, you feel giddy. You put more effort into getting ready than you normally would on a Saturday. Then, there’s a knock on your door and a hug awaiting you. This time, you don’t question if people are around, you just accept it with a grin.
“Nick and Chris wanted to come get you,” He tells you, pulling you down the driveway. Yet again, the front seat is empty for you. The energy of the triplets was infectious, in the best way possible. You immediately found yourself comforted by their presence, the simplicity of just being around them had an inexplicable effect on your already good mood.
The drive feels effortless as you settle into conversation with the group. It reminds you of how uncomfortable you’d been mere days ago, and how much had changed. You kind of frown at the thought, but quickly catch it. Matt’s smile never faltered though, leaving you with an odd sense of melancholy when you’re reminded that it’s all fake.
You can’t help but be surprised by your surroundings when you enter the house. You knew the outside, obviously having known the address, but the inside exceeds all your expectations. Family pictures litter the walls, candles are everywhere. It’s cute.
“Your parents aren’t here, right?” You whisper. “Nope.”
“So, what should we do?” Chris speaks up, cutting through the silence. You shrug in response while Matt and Nick go into deep thought.
“We should bake!”
“Nope.” Matt says at the same time you say “Okay.”
When Matt hears you, he turns in your direction. Seeing your smile at the presented idea, he changes his mind. “Yeah, baking sounds good.”
Nick glances at him skeptically, the switch-up being unusual. When your eyes wander towards Chris, you notice his confusion too.
“Baking it is.” Nick mumbles, leading you to the kitchen.
“Alright, what are we making?” Chris pipes in, pulling out various bowls. “Brownies?” Matt suggests, “I think we have a mix and I don’t wanna run to the store right now.”
“Wait, we’re awful at baking. Why are we baking?” Chris questions, wracking his brain to find the answer.
“It’ll be eventful,” Nick replies.
“If we mess shit up and it gets messy, I’m blaming it on you.”
Nick groans, going to grab the mix and the various ingredients listed on the box. “If you do that, I’m gonna tell mom about that time that you-”
“And that’s enough!” Matt cuts him off, grabbing eggs out of Nick’s hand. He ushers you further into the action of the kitchen, imploring you to get comfortable.
“You bake a lot?” He asks, smiling.
“Not really,” You admit, laughing at the commotion surrounding you. It’s fascinating to you how those around you have become such an integral part of your everyday life in the week you’d known them, despite only being in your circle for under a week.
You know your relationship with Matt is false- how could you not? You remind yourself constantly, but these new relationships you’d forged because of Matt? Some of the realest ones you’d ever experienced.
A crack snaps you out of your thoughts, followed by a millisecond of silence. “Chris!” Nick yells, looking at the fallen egg.
“How is this my fault?!” Matt finds himself laughing with you.
The brownies turn out so horribly burnt you’re not even sure if you can call them brownies anymore, and the mess is colossal, but even when Matt drops you off you only have good things to say about, and to, the group.
“Thank you,”
“Of course. I’ll pick you up on Monday?”
“See you then.” You say, waving to Nick and Chris.
The next couple weeks go by so smoothly, you almost forget you’re acting. They’re relatively the same as the first, save for more interactions with your friend. Being with Matt and his brothers, and even his friends, feels natural. Your weeks become more routine, and the plan is working. Matt’s ex is obviously getting more green as time goes on, and your friend's boyfriend won’t even spare you a passing glance.
By your one-month ‘anniversary’, you’re almost 100% sure you two are in the clear. You’re waiting at home for Matt to pick you up, excited to be with him, but feeling a pit on your stomach nonetheless. When you hear the now-familiar knock on your door, you can’t help but run to answer it.
“Hi Matt,”
“Hi.” He smiles and reaches out to hug you, like normal, but the smile doesn’t meet his eyes in the way it usually does. It’s missing its charm. He guides you to the car, sure to open the passenger door for you, but the gesture is missing its usual warmth. He takes you to this cute diner, one that you’ve mentioned in a passing conversation, but the earlier apprehension you felt only grows stronger.
When you sit down, you finally decide you can’t take it anymore. “Is something wrong, Matt?”
“Not wrong, really. My ex wants me back. She texted me the other night,”
“Oh,” Is all you can say, trying to force a smile to your face. “That’s good.”
“Yeah,” He says. You’re not sure if you’re grasping at straws, but you feel like he sounds like he’s trying to convince himself too. “Do you think you’re okay to break this off?”
“Uhm, yeah. I think my friend’s boyfriend is leaving me alone.” You nod at him, looking everywhere but his face. “Should we just go?”
He can’t argue with that, so instead of getting that cute little dinner date you were promised, you’re sitting back in Matt’s car in silence as he drives you home. The atmosphere felt heavy. You’re stopped at a red light when you finally glance over at him for the first time this entire ride back. He’s tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, a nervous tic you’d never noticed before, while his eyes are set on the traffic lights.
“I’m sorry,” He finally says, the second the light turns green.
“For what?” You reply, trying to keep your voice steady.
“For coming up with this idea. It was stupid and I shouldn’t have-”
“Don’t be sorry, Matt. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed. It wasn’t stupid; it did what we wanted it to do.”
He nodded, but your gaze lingered on him. You could see the mixture of guilt and gratitude swirling through his eyes. “At least it’s over, right? We manipulated the situation.” You say, trying to bring up the mood. You’re trying not to make something of nothing, but his mood seems just as melancholic as yours. “At least it’s over.”
When the car reaches your house, Matt can’t find it in himself to move, to walk you to your door. He hears your seatbelt click, signaling that you’re taking your leave.
“See you around?”
“See you around, Matt.”
When you exit the car, a bittersweet realization washes over Matt. This isn’t what he wanted. He grips the steering wheel, hurriedly putting his car into reverse. He can’t linger any longer, or he’ll make a rash decision and run back to you. He wanted his ex back, and now that’s what he’s getting.
The next day, you wake up with absolutely zero pep in your step. You drag yourself out of bed, drag yourself into your car, and drag yourself through the halls in the morning. The entire world seems more quiet without Matt next to you; your steps echo in your ears. You catch glimpses of familiar faces, but today, they seem almost alien. It makes you wish you’d never left your bed. By lunch, everybody knows something is wrong. Your spot by Matt’s side has been reclaimed by his ex girlfriend. You don’t miss the pitying looks his friends give you, especially Nick and Chris.
You never realized how humiliating it’d be when people saw that Matt left you for his ex.
You settle in your old spot, across from your best friend and her boyfriend, trying to make the whole thing feel natural. It doesn’t.
The whispers and glances you’re receiving from others feel like needles pricking at your already unsettled emotions, and your friend’s compassionate eyes don’t make you feel any more comfortable.
“Matt’s a jerk. I hate him.” She tells you, and it hurts your heart a bit.
“I don’t.” You reply, voice barely above a whisper, the weight of the situation pressing on you. She winces at you defending him, but rebounds. There’s a strong desire to call him every name in the book, but resorts to saying “I can't believe he would do that to you.”
You want to tell her the truth, the lies of the situation having weighed heavy on your mind, but you know that’d defeat the purpose. You thought that when you’d ended the relationship, the entanglement of fibs you’d found yourself in would unravel, but you feel as though they’d only gotten more complicated. “You told me he would.” You say, pushing your school lunch around. She winces again.
“I’m here for you.”
“Thank you.”
When Matt stands next to his ex, who all his friends tell him is a catch, he can’t help but feel empty. His eyes wander away from his table, landing on you. Memories flood back, a mixture of genuine and orchestrated moments swirling within his mind. He’s completely dipped out of the conversation his friends are having, his grip on his new-old girlfriend's waist weakening as he thinks of you.
He catches the slightest glimpse of your eyes, one that you immediately divert; a mixture of confusion and hurt sprinkled within. A pant of guilt hits him, but he tries to forget about it as he turns back to the conversation presented to him.
“What’s gotten into you dude?” Someone asks. Matt shrugs, trying to stay involved. His eyes wander back to you, and then over to Chris, who mouths “Get her back.” at him.
He tries to pretend like he didn’t see that. He has what he wants, his girlfriend, and you have what you want, maybe.
He knows one thing: he doesn’t like the hole your absence has left in his daily routine.
The week comes and goes, Friday night rolling around and the pain of losing each other doesn’t go away. Matt’s battling himself internally to convince himself that both you and him are happier apart; he knows that’s not true. You’re fighting with yourself constantly to not spill your guts to someone, pressure that you had shared with him before the fake, but impossibly real split, weighing on you. It’s past midnight by the time your wandering mind calms enough for you to sleep.
At this point, Matt’s drafted up about 4 text messages to you, and none of them convey what he’s truly wanted to say. He called it off already with his ex-ex girlfriend. The moment she’d started badmouthing you in front his friends put a sour taste in his mouth; that, and he’d realized he was searching for you in every one of their interactions.
He’s restless, consumed by thoughts of longing for your presence. In the silence of the night, he’s grabbing his keys and heading. You think you’re imagining it when you’re awoken by the stall of an engine, but you’re forced to confront the taps on your window.
As you slowly approach the window, pulling back the curtain, you're confronted by Matt’s anxious gaze, illuminated by the faint, cool glow of the moonlight. You rush downstairs, barely stopping to slide a hoodie and some shoes on. The mix of emotions you feel are mirrored in his expression- a blend of nervousness, vulnerability, and longing. With the weight of unspoken words hanging between you, he opens his arms, pulling you in for a warm hug. He’s worried you won’t hear him out, desperate to express what he wanted to tell you in his unsent messages, but his desire to hold you far outweighs his uneasiness.
“I couldn’t keep lying to myself, and you.” He says, face buried in your neck. “I’ve been lost without you, and I can’t pretend I’m happier this way. I miss us, even if it wasn’t real.” His voice contains traces of sincerity, regret, and insecurity, but he feels a sense of strong relief take over at his admission. “I know it was fake- it started out fake- but I’m in love with you now.”
His honesty resonates as his eyebrows unfurrow, his entire body relaxing, and the weight that’s been dragging you to the bottom of the ocean is shed. Rather than sinking, you’re floating peacefully above the soft waves. You pull away from him, your anxieties dissipating like mist under the moonlight. The depth of his words stir an array of emotions within you: astonishment, relief, and a spark of hope. You search his calm eyes, being practically slapped in the face by his sincere and loving expression.
You can’t help but kiss him, seeing the way the moon puts an ethereal glow on his gestures. “I missed us too,” You start, in a soft voice. The air between you is finally cleared. “and I love you too.”
“Can we date, for real this time?” Matt blurts out, going to kiss you again. He feels intoxicated, your second-ever kiss not being a fraction of enough to sate his ever-growing hunger.
You might have started as a fraud, but somewhere along the way, when the tides shifted and your world changed, you emerged from your cocoon, into a glorious and charismatic butterfly.
“If you’ll have me as your girlfriend, for real this time.”
He kisses you again.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Hi ☺️ id like to request a vampire!eddie who is friends with reader but they both want more. But maybe vampire!eddie is afraid to hurt reader so he tries to remain friends. Reader finally gives up and tells eddie they can be friends but she needs to move on. She ends up on a date that ends terribly, when she gets home eddie is waiting for her and confesses he cant just be friends and they happily get together bc neither deserve anymore angst lol.
Warnings: Angst to fluff 💕
Dont copy, reuse or repost my work
Request by @swansonron
Many people have fun stories about how they've met their best friend.
For you and Eddie its no different except for one thing.
Your best friend is a vampire. Yes, exactly like Dracula, Anna Rice's Interview with a Vampire, Angel and Spike from Buffy...
Oh, and he doesn't sparkle in the sun just FYI.
Eddie may be a vampire but he's the sweetest, kindest man you've ever met. He's never hurt a human and you know he'd never hurt you.
You've fallen for him, hard but despite how close you both are, how it's obvious both you want to take your friendship to the next level Eddie holds back.
He's terrified of hurting you, even though you know he won't but he's got the idea in his head that his enhanced strength will end up with you hurt in some way.
Honesty, he's the most gentle man you've ever known and you know accidents can happen, but what they didn't?
You wish deep in your heart that Eddie would give you and him a chance but it looked increasingly unlikely and the more it broke your heart.
After much deliberation, constantly unsure of what to do and many sleepless nights you had come to a decision.
If Eddie would never accept the idea of you and him together then you had to move on. For both your sake.
You loved his frienship and never wanted to ruin it so maybe moving on would be best for everyone.
Even if you doubted that you could find someone as incredible as Eddie, you had to try didn't you?
Telling Eddie was the hardest part as your heart still longed for him.
"I have to move on Eddie. I want to be with you so much but it's clear you don't feel the same." your heart clenches painfully and you take a second before speaking again.
"We can be friends obviously but I can't keep hoping and waiting for you when this isn't what you want"
Saying all of this is hurting your heart but it needs to be said. You need to move on and stop living in a dream world.
Eddie is quiet as he takes this in and gives a tiny nod of his head.
"I understand princess" There's a hint of pain in his voice and you desperately want to soothe him, take the pain away.
By the time you move forward just an inch to go and comfort him, it's like he puts a mask up, his brown eyes darken and he steps back.
Tears prick your eyes but you swallow them down. Maybe he really doesn't care... He's just your friend and that's it.
"I have a date on Friday. It's with a guy called Jason" he nods and turns away.
"Right, well I hope it goes well sweetheart. I'll see you tommorow" he pauses and then turns back to you and gently kisses your cheek.
The soft brush of his lips on yours, the way his brown eyes meet your gaze for a minute makes your heart race.
When you open your eyes, he's gone and all that's left is a hollow feeling in your chest.
Shit, could this night get any worse?
Jason was one of those washed up jocks who sat relieving his glory days as a high school heartthrob and football captain.
He barely asked anything about you and when he did it didn't last long.
Long story short? You wish you were with Eddie instead.
Jason gulps down his wine and grows increasingly more and more drunk, conversation is stilted and no matter how many times you pick it up, it doesn't help.
The two of you have nothing in common, in fact he could be the greatest guy in the world and your heart would still belong to Eddie.
This frustrates you. Ugh, so much for trying to get over him. You needed to accept he didn't want to be with you. In some ways you had but your heart was different.
Your heart longed for a happy ending but its obvious you wouldn't find it here.
Eddie was waiting for you when you got home, he has a determined look on his face.
"Hi, what are you doing here Ed's?" you ask him curiously. Your traitor heart skips a beat as you eye him.
"I wanted to make sure you got home okay. How was your date?" you groan and slump on the sofa.
"Awful, truly awful" he growls and his eyes flash red briefly. Shit he's pissed.
"Do I need to have words with this douchebag" his protectiveness is sweet but you can handle a tipsy idiot.
"No, you'd scare him to death Eddie, I'm okay"
He kneels down beside you and takes your hand.
"What if I just frighten him a little bit? Turn into my bat form and scare the shit out of the dumb fuck?" this makes you giggle at the thought but you shake your head.
"No, remember what happened last time" Poor Miss Dawson is still on edge about bats.
He nods smirking then turns serious, his eyes lock with yours.
"When you were on the date it was driving me crazy. I can't just be friends with you sweetheart, I want more"
After a shitty night hearing this is like a dream.
"You mean it Eddie?" he nods, his thumb circling over your fingers. Sparks and tension comes off the both of you in waves.
Fuck, you so badly want to kiss him.
"I've never wanted anything more sweetheart, I adore you. I've falling for you, hard"
Eddie kisses you. You've been waiting for so long for this to happen and now that it is you can't believe it.
You kiss him back with equal fervour and he smiles against your lips.
"I'm gonna love you forever sweetheart"
Maybe happy endings weren't just for fairtytales after all.
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nwjws · 1 year
the solution to our problems - five.
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; synopsis - 6 months after your break up, you’re sick and tired of your ex who's always following you around or sending you a text from some new number. luckily for you, the leader of the school’s dance club and campus heartthrob, yang jungwon, seems to have a solution that’ll solve both your problems - to fake date each other.
five. the delusions are getting to him (354 words)
four. ; masterlist. ; six.
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"over here," you hear jungwon's voice call you when you enter the cafe.
pulling the seat opposite of him out, you tell him you're gonna go order something, until he says he already did.
"really? for me?" you ask, surprised. he hums while nodding his head.
"i wasn't sure what to get you, so i asked your friends."
"you didn't have to do that," you laugh lightly, feeling touched by his thoughtfulness.
"don't worry about it," he smiled at you, the dimple on his cheek making you want to squish his face. "did you get here safe?"
"yep! no ex following me around today just yet," your cheery tone ironic compared to your words.
"that's good, i guess we should talk about it then, huh?" he chuckled awkwardly.
"it was a pretty strange request, if i'm being honest," you laughed lightly.
"and yet you still agreed." he pauses. "first of all, we should have a story, right?"
"we can just say we met through youngseo and got to know each other through her."
"well, there's no lies there," he jokes.
"right! but, i don't think we should reveal our relationship immediately. it might seem suspicious, since people probably know we aren't really close."
"good point..." jungwon bit his lip thoughtfully. "should we just hangout like friends and 'get closer' for a bit before we 'start dating'?"
"oh! and then we can do like, a soft launch when we fake date!" you suggest excitedly.
"this is gonna be interesting, so i'm kind of looking forward to it. i'll finally get a break from all those girls," jungwon quickly clarifies. but then he panics, thinking you might take offense. "but, i mean, i don't mind being with you- i mean, fake dating you- but- ugh... you get what i mean..."
you laugh at his cute antics, and assure him you get what he means. you feel relieved and excited in a way, but you tell yourself it's just to get minho away.
the rest of the date (?) is spent chatting easily, talking about plans and learning more about the other, while sipping on milkshakes and coffee.
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four. ; masterlist. ; six.
; author's corner! this chapter is mid, i guess the texts were more of filler bc i didnt know what to put..
; taglist @lovelovelovebts @miumiuoi @mixtape-racha @enhamysunshines @elysianeclipxe @enhalovie @stryroses @ririlovesrenjun @mrchweeee @clairecottenheart @sloobydooburmomjungwon @k1ttylvr @glitterssim @s4turnsl0ver @thatoneembarrasingmoment bold can't be tagged. comment on the masterlist or send an ask to be added!
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Ceasar - Prince Harming
Inspired by a scene from Sakamoto Desu Ga. I affectionate that show so much.
Squeals and shrieks of joy and adoration echoed all throughout the school courtyard as all the girls in the class made space for one specific school heartthrob with blonde hair.
New laws and a wave of progress have washed all over Europe the past few years. Schools were starting to mix girls and boys together for the sake of equality of genders and chances at life. Your school, which was once an all-girls school, had just started hosting boys in.
There were only a handful of them so far, but despite the strict school rules of treating the new boys normally with all due respect and prevent inapropriate behaviors, the girls didn't seem to be able to resist at least one boy's strong charms.
Ceasar Zeppeli. A strong, angel-faced charming young man. His looks could only match his princely persona. Ever the gentleman, yet terrifying if messed up with, his hair of gold, emerald green eyes and ivory skin made him look like some character out of a romance story, or some ancient worshipped greek God.
Needless to say, he was admired all around the school and turned every head that passed by him. Respected by boys and thirsted over by girls.
You were currently in P.E. class, practicing Softball, staying in the sidelines in the far back and waiting for your turn which wouldn't come up in a good minute.
You didn't really get along with anyone in particular in school just yet. The year had started for only a month or so and you knew it would be a matter of time until you got attached to anyone in particular and made a friend, or a group of friends.
Everyone in class seemed nice enough, and you felt neutral about the newly-come males. Ceasar hadn't been any creepy towards you despite his flirty tendencies and even respected your boundaries, which you appreciated. In fact he had been pretty nice to you so far.
You chuckled and shook your head as you were kneeling down to tie your shoelaces. "All those happy cheers... It's most definitely Ceasar's turn."
The praised blonde flirtily looked back at his audience and beamed a dashing smile, radiant like the sun itself.
"Step back ladies. I'm going to throw the ball now, I would hate for any of you beauties to get hurt." He spoke with his voice of velvet and the girls immediately squealed even louder, one even fainting from his pure majesty.
They all obeyed and cheered for him as he prepared to throw the ball with all his might, hoping to score as high as possible.
Alas, the very moment he threw the softball, sending it as far as his biceps permitted, his aim missed just slightly to the left, where you had just finished tying your shoelaces and got up to wipe dust off your sports uniform.
You could hear the voices switching from cheers to screams of horror. But before you could even comprehend what that was all about, you straightened up to look up at the scene, only to be met with the terrifying sight of darkness hitting you so violently and at such speed you were thrown off balance, your mind turning blank and your senses shuffled by the impact.
White pain washed all over your face and your eyes rolled at the back of your head, the screams of your classmates muted by the dull ringing in your ears. Before long you felt yourself hitting the sandy ground below with a thud, your consciousness finally fading.
All you could feel was warmth against your cheek. It smelled nice and comforting, like men's perfume, yet mixed with something metallic.
You groaned softly as you got more and more aware of your surroundings and the throbbing pain in your nose. You slowly opened your eyes, the blinding sunrays blocked by the worried face of the handsome culprit of your demise.
"Ugh... Ngh... Cea... Ceasar...?" You weakly called, realising fully that he was holding you up dearly against his chest, his strong arms protectively secured around your form.
He looked down at you, his green eyes riddled with guilt. "A-are you okay Y/N? I'm so sorry! I have no excuse! This is terrible, you... you're bleeding!"
The princely playboy yelled curses upon himself and, although you realised your position and how you had never been this intimately close to a boy before, let alone the most popular and desired one in school, your attention was instantly brought to your runny nose.
You wiped a hand on the warm liquid to find out he was right. The phantom pain in your nose was accompanied by an intense bleeding.
"It's okay Ceasar, it's nothing!" You sheepishly reassured, already flustered with the situation and the attention you were getting.
"I-it's not good... The bleeding isn't stopping!" He clicked his tongue, his concern for you both sweet and exaggerated. "I have to do something!"
"It's fine, I promi-!"
Your jaw dropped mid-sentence when he suddenly reached over and grabbed a chunk of his shirt with his teeth, reaping the fabric off of his body like it was nothing but paper. Just who was this guy?
The girls behind him witnessing the whole scene could only scream with happiness as the object of their affection showed off his immense strength but also his amazingly built, and now bare, chest.
Your eyes widened and you gasped in shock, your face red with embarassment as this boy was seemingly stripping shamelessly for you.
"C-C-Ceasar!! What are you doing?! You don't have to- Uuuu-mnh!"
Just as you tried to protest and move away from him, your sudden movement triggered a sharp wave of pain and dizziness right to your head and you could only squeeze your eye shut tightly and hold your poor head, trying to suffer your haze through.
"Don't move Y/N!" Ceasar ordered, holding you tighter against him as he gently brought the piece of fabric from his shirt to your nose. "You've lost a lot of blood, I can't have you get an anemia head rush and faint on me!"
You were overwhelmed by the ordeal and could only listen to him as you held the fabric to your nostrils, bearing with the light-headedness that wouldn't leave you and scared that you would pass out again if you looked around too quick.
"I just sent the class rep to call the school nurse." Your P.E. teacher approached you two as he noted the incident down for report. "She'll be waiting for you, please go to her office right now."
Ceasar nodded with determination. "Thank you sir. I'll take her right away."
As you sniffled you almost choked on your own blood when you felt Ceasar's hands move under you to lift you off the ground bridal style as he got up himself. You gasped and desperately grabbed onto him for support, not knowing he was more than confident in his own strength to lift you up.
"Cea-" You meekly squeaked in surprise.
Incessant squeals of fangirls almost made you forget about your painful bloody nose and, helpless, you let Ceasar carefully take you to the nurse's office.
When you two were away from earshot and by extension, from the school courtyard, you finally mustered enough courage to speak through the awkward silence.
"I-..." He curiously glanced down at you. "Thank you, Ceasar... And I'm sorry..."
He seemed taken aback. "...Sorry? What for? I'm the one responsible for this. I caused you harm, this is below the least I can do for you. You have nothing to apologize for."
He looked so pained and guilty, like he had hurt himself more than he had hurt you.
It did hurt and the sudden blood pressure drop was clearly not a funny experience, but accidents happen. And he was handling the situation with such care you couldn't say you were mad at him at all.
"I'm so sorry Y/N... I'll make it up to you, I promise. I won't forget this. I'll do anything to redempt myself..."
"You speak like some kind of mafioso who lost his honour or something." You chuckled sweetly and removed the fabric from your nose to get a better look of his eyes. "It's okay, don't beat yourself up. Look, I'm troubling you the most. You're carrying me, and you tore your shirt for me and you're worrying over me..."
You quietly listed all the reasons to make him feel less heavy on the scale of sin he had put his own self upon. You were so kind to him, so forgiving. He knew you were a simple and quiet person but he never got to have a personal moment to figure you out better.
It was only then that Ceasar realised as he listened to your cute little rambling, how small you looked in his arms and how adorably goofy you were with your red nose. And how his idiotic self never noticed someone so precious in his own class.
He stopped in his tracks in the middle of the school corridors and stared down at you, his expression much more serious yet still incredibly gentle on you.
Confused about his unexpected halt, you spoke up. "Uh, Ceasa-"
"Keep toying with my heart like that and you'll have to take responsibility for what I'll do to you." He huskily whispered, his face only inches away from yours.
You didn't know if he meant to threaten you, but you could only nod shyly in understanding, eyes wide and stunned out of your mind, your blood rushing back to your already bloody face and your heart pounding in your ears.
You couldn't comprehend what had pushed him to say that so suddenly, all you knew was that he was dead serious and that you may lose something precious the next time you mess with him.
"There you are you two! Come on in, quick. You have a lot of explaining to do." The school nurse called from the doorway to her office only a few feet away, beckoning you both to enter.
Ceasar brought you in, insisting on helping the nurse to tend to your injury and keep watch over you.
You were never worried about finding a close mate for the school year after that.
The mixed-sex school dates are highly innacurate of actual History by the way.
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interlunium-opus · 3 years
Enhypen as your Best Friend: Sunoo Edition
Check out other members’ versions too: Heeseung | Jay | Jake | Sunghoon | Jungwon | Ni-Ki
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Looks like such a softie but boi has too much ✨sass✨ and is ready to throw hands (translation: words) to those who annoy him. That includes you. That is why you guys are always bickering over the simplest of things. That said, if anyone tries to cross you though, best believe he'd be the first one to react defensively and the first one to get worked up defending you.
"I somehow felt guilty though, maybe I shouldn't have been friendly towards him. His friends are probably right, I must've led him on or something," you sigh. Sunoo gasps, wrapping an arm over your shoulder, "Hey, no one should feel like that. If you don't feel the same way towards him, you have all the right in the world to reject him. You don't owe him anything. Also, let me just drill this into your mind okay? it is not your fault alright? I know you and I know you don't play around like that so if anything, he's the one that should get a grip — kindess and help don’t equal to flirtations.“ You stare at him, getting all welled up, "has anyone ever told you that you're like the personafication of comfort." "All the time," he quips sassily, "also, give me names. Who are the imbeciles who have tried to guilttrip you over this? I'll give them a piece of mind."
In fact, if you had tripped over a flat surface, you can be sure that he'd be scolding the flat surface instead of you.
“Damn, I tripped again,” you bury your face in your hands, “I need to stop being such a klutz.”
“Girl, it’s not you. The floor here is messed up,” Sunoo grumbles, brows furried.
“But it wasn’t even on those buckled floors Sunoo — it was on some perfectly flat flooring.”
”Must have been tilted, you never know. Anyways, you okay? I’ve got bandaids”
That friend who is always whipping their phone up for selfies together. He takes so many selfies and pictures of you that your face basically comes 2nd if you turn to that section in the gallery with the face recognition function — next to his own face that is. You know what this also means? That he has a gallery full of meme-able pictures of you that can be used for blackmail purposes in the future. But Sunoo is an angel so he wouldn’t do that :) he’d just turn them into stickers to use whenever he bickers with you over text.
Is so supportive that he’s like your personal hypeman or something, whenever you have to do a presentation, a speech or perform — best believe he'd put up a digital neon sign using his phone to support you "u go gurl" "y/n 4 president" "in y/n we trust". He’s also the first person to clap, give a standing ovation or shout for your name in support in the crowd. Conversely, he would also be the first person to laugh at you when you embarass yourself.
Quality time with Sunoo would consists of activities like cafe-hoppings; food-hunting; diy workshops (perfumery, pottery etc); screaming/squealing over dramas while putting on some skincare treatments; pilates class; and so on.
Whenever watching romance dramas or movies, you guys would end up trying to cover each others’ eyes at romantic scenes. Conversely, when watching horror, you two would be holding each others’ hands down in an effort to stop one another from covering their eyes during jumpscares.
Such a chatterbox — always have interesting stories to tell of him, of others and always have the latest gossips to dish. That said, he also have zero filters and awareness which often would get you in trouble in the crowd or in a class.
Can be too caring and selfless at times. He would share his favourite food with you even if he only has one of it and/or power through his fears just for you.
“Should I go with you?” He offers as he watch you get your safety harness tightened in preparation for bungee jumping.
”You don’t have to, I can go alone,” you reassure, knowing how Sunoo is not a fan of heights, “I’ll be fine.”
”You know what, I’ll go,” he clasps his hands together, looking determined, “let’s both fly high or die together.”
“Dude! Don’t say that, no one’s gonna die!!” you shriek before offering your hand, “but sure, let’s. We’re not called inseparable for nothing.”
Always low-key judging any guys that makes any kind of moves on you.
“Heeseung’s too competitive, you’re also competitive so nah you two won’t match. Afterall, like poles repel.” // "Nah, not Sunghoon either — heartthrobs is just a nicer, fancier way to refer to heartbreakers.” // “Jay? Are you even serious? Your bank would break, followed by your heart.” // "Definitely not Jungwon either, he's like the spawn of evil." // "Dude don't even start on Ni-Ki, he's a menace."
"Ugh," you groan in annoyance, "What about Jake then?"
"I mean if you have to," Sunoo sighs and you almost leapt in happiness but then he adds, "he's a bit too flirty though..."
“You’re supportive of everything but other guys,” you roll your eyes.
“because bestie, I want the best for you and yet you’re too good for almost everyone,” he shakes his head, ”We can just both stay single for a long time then — we’re all that each other needs anyway.”
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Imagine Requested!!!
Imagine : Sirius black x daughter! Platonic obviously)) where the reader is about to start another year at Hogwarts but she doesn’t want too go because they’re finally a “proper family”
Auhtor notes: I love Harry Potter and I’m stunned I haven’t wrote many Harry Potter imagines (maybe a handful) so this was fun! I did change the narrative slightly! I loved writing this and I hope you enjoy it!
Did I proof read : 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 slightly
Rating: pg13 mentioning of sex.
Fandom : Harry potter ⚡️⚡️✨⚡️✨
Word count: ........ I honestly dont know
Hope you enjoy!
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“Sweet Pea we gotta get a move on it if we are going too make the train”
Hearing your dad on the other side of your door, you huffed out, hating this - you hated that you finally got everything you wanted. Too have too leave for school! The irony didn’t lose you, you lose too consider Hogwarts you’re home then your dad found you. Now it was just a evil reminder that your leaving your home.
Laying on your bed you covered your head with the blanket rolling over you had No interest in going back too Hogwarts!
Hearing the door knock again you grumbled too yourself hearing the door open knowing your Dad popped his head into the door looking around seegin your messy room- you weren’t packed, you had Nothing packed up . Your Cat Caspain was curled up on her little cat tower chewing on her favorite toy mouse that your uncle Remus gave her last year.
Sirius blacked stepped into the room seeing the destruction of your room- the last time he was in here- it was cleaned.. you were packed and Even Caspian had her favorite little bling collar on. He’s eyes burrowed seeing the lump in the bed. He stepped over as he reached over grabbing your leg shaking it weakly, “Come on sleepy head.”
“I’m not going.”
You stated as you curled up more into the bed. Sirius would be a fool If he said he didn’t see this coming. Before he broke out of Azkaban he knew your situation- Remus fought for custody but with his condition No one thought he was a suitable parent. The women (who both you and Sirius refuse too your biological mother) was a Awful women. She was a true follower too Voldemort- and only had you because you would be a pure-blood and she was planning too give you too the Dark lord as a gift. She wanted too be the Dark lords wife and used Sirius and his heart too achieves that. Thankfully for everyone involved. Voldemort had No interested in having a daughter. So she tossed you away- where you were found by the Longbottoms then giving too the proper authority and then Sirius was arrested for the murders of Lily and James potter and you were shuffled too one foster home too another. The last one you went too before you started Hogwarts you were basically a slave. Having 9 foster siblings you cooked, cleaned, did everything for your foster parents and All you Ever wanted was a family. Then school started.
Once at school you found Hogwarts too be your home- then Remus arrived and he told you stories about your Dad.- from the first story you wished and Wished for your Dad back so you could have a real Family.
The wish was granted- the summer was amazing even hiding with Remus and Sirius you had a Dad. Even Remus became apart of your family and it was perfection but School! School was going too Ruin it.
“don’t you want too go back too see your friends?”
Grumbling you said No as Sirius chuckled, “well I. know two boys who’s heart will break if you don’t return.”
That got you too uncover your face looking at your dad as you spoke, “how you know about that?”
Sirius grinned brightly seeing his daughter face she looked so much like him it still stunned him sometimes seeing her. The same brown hair the curious eyes. Only thing different between the two was that you werne’t much into getting in trouble. But being best friend with Harry Potter you were always in trouble. Espically after last year when you left with Sirius- when Harry confessed his feelings for you.. and So did Neville longbottom.
How your dad knew about that was stunning. He spoke, “moonie talks.”
“What a gossip!” You frowned covering your face again as he chuckled grabbing the blankets pulling them down as he spoke, “what about Hermione? She can’t handle the boys alone-“
“Hermione has Ginny.- she’ll be fine.” You said grabbing your blanket again. Until he pulled your blanket off again. Looking at you. “Why don’t you want too return? You love Hogwarts.”
Sitting up you looked at him as you spoke, “I Just got you back! I don’t- I don’t want too leave- can’t I take a year off or- home school? Remus can teach me.”
He sighed heavily as he spoke, “It’s not safe- we barely got by this summer- your safer at Hogwarts”
“Dad- I don’t want too leave.”
He reached over grabbing your hand softly as he spoke, “I don’t want you too leave either but you have too- I have too take your oo the train station- I want a normal life for you y/n. And a normal experiences. And Me waving you goodbye at the train station is normal. I can rest easier if your at Hogwarts Safe.- you will come. Back for Christmas.- then this summer- hopefully I can get a safer situation for us.”
“Dad-“ you pleaded as he stood up as he pulled his wand out as he packed your bags.
“I’m going too cry at the train station don’t’ make me cry now too! Making you go back too Hogwarts is hard on me too kiddo. Besides I will write letters and we can talk whenever you want.” You sighed knowing you lost the battle as you nodded your head shifting up too your feet as you left.
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“How is it possible you went a entire year without deciding between Harry Or Neville?” Hermione asked as you both sat up in your room- after the tri wizard tourment everyone was on high alert and your home has turned into the base for the order. Too get too and talk about plans. It was a busier summer then you expected. The door was opened you were happy Harry wasn’t here yet- a break from the heartthrob that is Harry Potter and the Sweetness of Neville Longbottom was something you needed. Too give your head a break.
“I don’t know! But it’s – did I tell you what Neville- Oh hI dad.”
Catching your dad grinning at th doorway you looked at him. Sirius craved this. A Normalcies. He has always wanted a large family too have a family like the potters. Whenever he visited it wa full of light and happiness and having you home- and even those the world was trouble it was Nice too stumble upon you talking about boys. Even those he didn’t want you too Date EVER! It was a normal thing for a teenage girl too talk about. Espically too her best friend. Y/N even with having Harry as her best friend was a Ray of Light. The only goodness in his life and hearing her laughing with Hermione and having the house full of the weasleys kids running around making what was once a awful place too be full of fun. Y/N got in as much trouble as the twins when it came too cleaning up the place on Molly’s request but this. Quite day where the meetings ended early and everyone was getting ready for Harrys’ arrival too hear the girls gossiping he couldn’t help but be happy that you weren’t tormented about what happened.
“dad!” You asked as he shook his head, “you know Harry’s arriving today?”
“what really?”
You said as he nodded his head, “so maybe keep the love talk about him too a minimum especially if the door is open.” You groaned reaching over grabbing the teddy bear that you have had since forever you were found with it. Sirius remembers buying it for you when you were born. You threw it at the door as he chuckled closing the door before he got the blunt of your attack. You had a wicked arm.
Twelve years later****
How! How can he be so late?
Being late was one thing- but too be late on a blistering hot day making you wait outside in the blistering hot sun and the humidity was cruel. Where is he? Looking around not seeing your fiancé anywhere. Ugh! You thought. You were suppose too be at Ginny’s and Harry’s house already too celebrate a birthday of their son.
Your eyes were closed too Shield ourself from the sun as you waited . All of the sudden you felt soft lips press on your neck. Knowing exactly whom it was. You smiled letting Neville kiss your neck.
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“sorry I’m late love.”
Opening your eyes looking over your shoulder seeing Neville. You smiled, “why you late babe?”
He smiled kissing you on the lips. “Because I’m a stupid- stupid man making someone like you wait”
You couldn’t hold the laughter in hearing him say that. He chuckled softly realizing how corny that sounded as you got up wrapping your arms around his neck.
It’s been over twelve years since your dad died. Going thru that portal. Leaving you a official orphan again.it was hard too move on. Harry after Sirius died. Shoved you away. He didn’t want you involved in anything that involved the Horcux’s or anything with Voldemort. The only saving grace was Neville. He’s Soft soul, his determination too protect the Hogwarts students when Severus took over as the headmaster. Being the last too the party too realize you loved Neville all along was typical. You never understand your own feelings. It’s why it took so long too agree too marry. Neville asked yo right after the battle of Hogwarts and you laughe.d and it got too the point that he said you had too ask. Wanting the whole nine yards. The romantic gestures the roses, if Neville had he’s way he would have you writing in the clouds how much you loved him. What really happened was you both were fighting over something silly and you blurted out how can you have such a stupid husband. Then he corrected you and your big eyes grew larger as you told him too fix that then.
Then Neville lunged towards his nightstand pulling out he’s gran wedding Ring. That he had tucked away for 11 years. Waiting too have it on your finger.
With Remus Gone, Sirius Gone, even Dumbledore you asked Hagrid too walk you down the aisle. Who was deeply honoured. You and Neville convinced / begged headmisstress mcCgonal too allow you too have a small wedding at Hogwarts. Which she gladly accepted. The wedding was next week.
‘whoa- that is some bull if I ever heard it.” He chuckled kissing you quickly wrapping his arms around you. “I was getting you a push present.”
Your head titled looking up at Neville, “babe- Push presents are for when I givebirth too your baby.”
He realized his mistake as he groaned covering his face with his hands freeing you. But you freed his hands from his face as he spoke, “I meant a wedding gift- I found you a push present for when you give birth.” You chuckled hearing that. Smiling, “oh yea? Thinking about that already huh?”
He chuckled getting more at ease letting himself forget the embarrassment he just caused himself. Leaning his forehead too yours. “I’ve been ready since we graduated” you chuckled hearing that stealing a kiss. “I know. But you know my motto- first comes love. Then comes marriage then comes-“
“me with a baby carriage I know- you know that motto is a bit shorter by this time next week. Just me with a baby carriage. Next.” You chuckled reaching up kissing him. “Come on Daddy we gotta go. Were already late.”
Neville blushed hearing that as he grabbed your hand as you appriacate too Harry’s home.
You didn’t see him.
A black dog was sitting in the alley watching you listening into your conversation with Neville. The dog strolled into the alley and disappeared.
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“How long until Neville is begging for a baby?” Ginny asked as you laughed standing in the girls bedroom, your old bed was in the corner. Thankful it was summer so the schoo was empty. the boys were getting ready in the boys room. You laughed as Hermione stood up pinching at your dress. “It’s a bit stug” you bite your bottom lip worried about that you figured it would be but also hoped it wouldn’t. Ginny stood up walking over helping too close the clasp of your dress. “Impossible!”Hermione begin a genius waved her wand and fixed your dress as you turned too them. As Hermione looked at you. “Oh goodness- he can’t beg can he- are you pregnate?” Your eyes grew large as you spoke, “How-“
“that glow-“
“you mean that buckets of sweat!” Ginny commented looking at you. Seeing it herself. She was stunned as you spoke up, “Neville doesn’t know! So Zip it!”
They huddled over hugging you tightly as you hugged them. Getting too your reception tent you stood in there waiting for the wedding too start you felt a twinge of sadness thinking about your dad. You wished he was here. But Hagrid wore he’s best attire and was telling you stories about your first year at Hogwarts.you smiled until you heard a voice you haven’t heard in years.
“Sweet pea- your breathtaking.”
You turned fast seeing your dad as you gasped dashing over bulldozing your dad as you hugged him. “Where you been?- how- you died/“
Hearing the music starting Hagrid said it was time. As he walked out. Knowing it should be Sirius who walks you down. You looked at your dad stunned as he offered his arm. “Can I please.”
You nodded your head, “I have so many questions.”
“I’ll answers all of them- later this is a big day.”
Stunned that as all you were so was everyone at the wedding. And at the reception everyone begged for details espically Harry who tested Sirius like Lupin has done in the past, Sirius answered every question and he promised too tell you all tomorrow but tonight Sirius wanted too enjoy the wedding. Seeing you happy was his happiest, when the mother and son dance started Sirius asked too dance with you, of course you accepted
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*****Bonus telling Neville and Sirius your pregnate****
Men are clueless- Every women at your wedding Knew what was up when you refused any adult beverage. Neville assumed you didn’t want too forget a thing. Which he thought was Sweet. Nothing else. Even Sirius did’t clue in. Molly Weasley, the headmisstress Every female congratulated you on both a marriage and a baby. You had too tel them all too shut up cause Neville didn’t know yet.
That was a week ago. You wanted too tell Neville sooner but with your father coming back too life, and your Honeymoon where Neville barely let you out of bed. Since the boy wanted a family with you for years, and the only thing stopping you was the fact you wanted too be married first, and after years of begging he finally got his wish, and you wanted a family too. But being pregnant already you felt slightly selfish with not telling him. But it was a GOOD HONEYMOON! So it wasn’t the time. But now you were home. Sitting with Neville and your dad as you spoke, “I should of told you- sooner.. espically since Everyone seems too know now..”
“what’s wrong?” Neville asked as he reached over grabbing your hand. You grabbed his hand with your free hand as bluntly told him. “Ive- I’m two months pregnate.”
You expected Neville too bulldoze you and hug you. What happened was he fainted you gasped as Sirius stepped over hugging you tightly. As you gasped asking if Neville was alright.
After a few moments Neville woke up as he spoke, ‘How- months? How? We were careful.”
Looking at him stunned as you spoke, “aren’t you happy?”
“babe. I am- I just0 how?”
Rubbing your head as you spoke, “remember that musical we went too see- the-“ you clinched your face not wanting too bluntly say you had “sexy” time in a alleyway because neither of you could wait too get home, you did NOT want too say that Infront of your FATHER!! Neville face went blank as you spoke, “good effort at the honeymoon those.” Sirius chuckled at your awful joke as he spoke, “I am so happy for yu sweet pea”
Looking at your dad you spoke, “Don’t you dare leave again- I will never forgive you”
“I wont.”
A baby!’ Neville said again before fainting for a second time. ‘
“Oh Nev.”
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xiaojusaur · 5 years
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Pairing: 80s Heartthrob! Lucas x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, a hint of Angst
Warnings: Wild kissing, fingering, protected sex, praising, dirty talking
Word Count: 9.4K
Description: The campus heartthrob Lucas asks you for a pencil in class and invites you to dinner later, thinking you would fall for him as fast as the other girls. To his surprise, you will become his hardest catch and the thief of his heart. This story develops in the 80s, it contains a lot of 80s slang. 
“This History class makes me ralph,” you heard from your right side in the classroom. You looked with the corner of your eye to see Lucas, the biggest heartthrob on campus, with both hands on his face.
Any girl from campus would feel so lucky to be sitting right next to the campus cutie, but not you, you really didn’t care. In fact, you didn’t find him that fine, he was pretty normal to you. So, you decided to ignore him and keep paying attention to the class.
A few minutes later you heard again, “Hey, sweet thang, do you have a pencil I can borrow?” You thought he was talking to another person, so you didn’t even bother to look.
But then you heard, “Psst! Hey you, pretty thing on my left”. Surprised, you eyed him without saying nothing, trying to still hear what the professor was saying.
“Yes you,” he whispered when you looked at him. “Can I borrow a pencil?”
You just nodded and fished for your pencil case in your backpack. You then passed him the darn pencil and continued to pay attention to the class.
 At the end of the class, you already had forgotten about the pencil, so you packed your stuff and when you were about to walk out the classroom someone pulled you by the arm, making you stop abruptly.
You looked back alarmed to meet with Lucas big-rounded eyes.
“Sorry, I just wanted to give your pencil back,” he smiled. You could see why every girl was swooning over him, he kinda had a charm.
“You can keep it, I think you need it more than I do,” you smirked because you just called him moron.
His eyes scanned you from down to up, was he checking you out?
You confirmed your assumption with his next line, “Say, let me thank you then. How ‘bout we do lunch? My treat. We can get some za and brew. Whatchu think?” You hate his smug face.
You wanted to turn him down, though it was a tempting invitation, you weren’t about to be one more on his i-fuck-em-i-leave-em list.
“Hmm... I’ll pencil you in, just in case something comes up,” you left him in uncertainty.
“Schweet,” he said in his deep voice. There you had another reason why girls pissed their pants for him. “See ya’ around then,” he let you go.
 Your friend, who was waiting outside, saw everything and as soon as you stepped outside the classroom said, “Drop some science, homegirl.”
You rolled your eyes, “There’s nothing, I just gave him a pencil.”
“So you just gave a Pencil to THE Lucas, as if nothing?” She asked surprised.
“No duh! I’m telling you, he asked me for a pencil and I just gave it to him,” you explained again.
“Don’t bogart! I feel like there’s something more,” she squinted her eyes.
“Ugh, fine! Can you believe he asked to do lunch with me?” A smile started forming on your face.
“No way!” She squealed in the hallway.
“I kid you not!”
“Dude, that’s radical! What did you say?” She was so excited you almost felt guilty for saying no to Lucas.
“I said I’d pencil him in,” you whispered.
“Why would you do that?! Do you know the possibilities!?” She was so disappointed.
“Listen, like, I don’t wanna be another one on his list. You know his rep. I’m not about to be played again,” you confessed.
“Hey, but at least you would be getting played by someone fly as fuck! Have you seen that man?! He’s like fine as hell!”
“Not even,” you scoffed.
“Even! Where are your eyes?!”
“Ugh, whatever, I didn’t say no, if I change my mind I’d tell him,” you started walking to leave.
 Lucas POV
He met with his squad at the parking lot, everyone was waiting for him.
“Was about time!” Said Mark as soon as he saw him.
“Homeboy, where the fuck were you?” asked Hendery.
“Bruh, I just met this betty on my history class, I was trying to ask her out but she kinda said no,” he looked bummed.
“Tough, homie,” said Hendery.
“Anyways, what’s the plan? What are y’all down for?” He wanted to forget everything asap.
“How ‘bout we go to the dinner, we can grab some beer,” suggested Mark.
 Your POV
Your friend and you decided to go to the dinner to get something to eat before returning home. After all, it was Wednesday and you needed to study. Some food would be nice.
You were sharing some fries and milkshakes when suddenly you saw him: Lucas.
You panicked a little but tried to look cool. You couldn’t fool your friend. “You saw a ghost or something?” But when she turned around, she knew the reason. Lucas was walking in with a few friends.
“Oh! Look who’s here! Maybe now you can actually tell him yes,” she joked.
“Psych!” You started laughing.
You tried to not draw too much attention so he wouldn’t see you but apparently you were everything he wanted now, as suddenly he was walking to you.
“Gag me with a spoon! He’s coming!” You panicked.
But before your friend could say something he got to the table.
“Heyy, sweet thang, good to see you here!” He sounded excited.
“Hey again,” you smiled nervously.
“Seems life wants us to meet,” he was being smooth.
“For sure,” you nodded.
“Can I sit here?” He pointed to your side on the table.
“Totally,” you said as you moved so he could sit. He looked at your friend and tipped his head, she just smiled back to him.
The thing about Lucas isn’t that he’s attractive, is his choice of words and how smooth he is. In no time, he’ll have you wrapped around his finger because he’s totally good with words.
He quickly felt confident to put his arm over your shoulders. Your friend almost choked on a french fry because he wasn’t being subtle at all.
“So, sweet thang, you have a name?” he said while raising an eyebrow, trying to look fly.
“Yeah, is pencil girl for you,” you were in the mood for joking a little.
He roared of laughter, “Oh baby, you’re really funny,” he commented.
“It’s Y/N,” you said laughing of your own joke.
“Cute,” he pointed out. “So, are you up for that offer? Or are you gonna turn me down again?” He asked.
“Listen, pretty boy, I will accept only because I’m already here,” you explained.
“Bitchin,” he smirked.
Your friend, who already was feeling awkward said, “Imma go talk to Joan about something, be right back!” and she flew out.
When Lucas saw your friend disappeared, he was looking at you, scanning you, trying to learn every detail of you.
“What?” you spat.
He just gave you a lopsided smile and responded, “Nothing, baby.”
“I’m not your baby,” you protested.
“You might be in the future.” This suave motherfucker!
“Not even,” you rolled your eyes.
“That’s what they all say,” he pulled you closer and you turned your head, avoiding what he had in mind to do.
Lucas clearly didn’t know you, you were down for playing this hard-to-get game.
He hummed, “I see, you’re a feisty one. Tell you what,” his lips got closer to your ear to whisper, “I’ve had many like you between my fingers and they all changed their minds as soon as they tried this.”
You couldn’t deny his groggy, deep voice in your ear giving you goosebumps, but you were not going to fall for his games this easily. If he really wanted something, he had to earn it with sacrifice.
“Oh, dear Lucas,” you said giggling evilly, “You don’t know anything about me, homeboy. You want something with me? You gotta earn it, work hard for it, and I might think about it. Okay?” You got up the table and looked at him in disbelief before almost running out of the place.
Your friend noticed and came running right behind you.
“Wait! What happened??” She shouted.
“Well, he just thinks he can whisper in my ear and get in my pants, so I got angry!” You were furious! How dare he! You were walking fast to your dorm.
“What a major hoser! I hope he gets kicked in the balls.”
“That’s not gonna happen, the world is in love with him,” you groaned.
“Well, maybe you can be his kick in the balls,” she shrugged.
“Grody” you grimaced.
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  Lucas kept insisting, or should you say persisting? He kept talking to you in class, he would look for you at lunch, he would find any excuse to have a word. You loved to see him try.
You were at your locker storing some books when he appeared from the back, closed your locker door and caged you between his arms.
“Sweet thang, say, would you like to party hardy Friday night?” His breath smelled like peppermint, his eyes were staring at you intensively.
You heavy breathed annoyed, “Lucas, why are you so entitled? Isn’t there any other girl toy for you to bother?”
“Get real, you like me, you just want to seem interesting by playing hard to get,” he said so sure, you almost believe him.
“Oh, I’m so sure! You live in my head now?” You said sarcastically.
“I understand body language, baby” he rose his eyebrows. You just wanted to hit his smug face.
“Eat my shorts, Lucas,” you pushed him out of the way, but he wasn’t giving up so easily.
“Oh, I would love to!” He exclaimed a little too loud in the hallway.
“Hey, barf bag, leave her alone. Don’t you see she’s not into you? Get the hint, homie” said your friend, finally coming to the rescue.
He finally left, and you thanked your girl for the help. You really didn’t understand what was his damage.
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  Your neighbor was throwing a party and she invited you. She was so nice, you couldn’t say no, plus, who doesn’t like parties? You invited your friend over because going to parties alone wasn’t fun.
You were looking totally wicked with a colorful shirt tied on the front and some high-waisted jeans, ready to dance your heart out and party hardy.
You could hear the boom of the music from your room, so you tried to hurry up. You ran down the stairs all ready to get greeted by your mom who just arrived from work. She said hi and told you to be safe and have fun.
You met your friend outside and then decided to enter the house. Your cute neighbor received you all happy and quickly gave you some drinks to set up the mood. The music was so nice, there weren’t many people and you all had space to dance.
You were dancing crazily with your friend when suddenly you saw him. You thought it was your brain playing games on you, you thought you were going mental but no, Lucas just entered the house with a few of his friends. Did he know your neighbor?!
“Oh no,” you said in panic but without stopping from dancing.
“What’s happening?” your friend asked.
“I’m gonna spin you so you can see,” you said.
You changed positions with her and she saw him. “OH! Do you think he knows you’re here? Or is it just a coincidence?”
“I don’t know, with him everything is a surprise,” you rolled your eyes.
“Just let it flow, he hasn’t noticed you’re here.”
“Well, he will soon, let’s go get a drink,” you pulled her by the wrist.
 At the kitchen, you found your neighbor, “Hey! Are you having fun?” she said too excited, you suspected she was tipsy already.
“Yeah!! This party is hella stellar!” you said as you grabbed a drink for yourself.
“I’m glad! Well, I’ll be going around, my crush just arrived!” she giggled.
“Go get him!!” you encouraged her.
“He’s the cutest! Though he came with some friends, I’m trying my luck here,” she explained. Could it be one of Lucas friends? You decided to ask her.
“By any chance, is Lucas one of his friends?” That sounded so nosy, but fuck it!
“Yeah, is there any problem?” she looked so confused.
“No! Not at all,” you blushed.
She then smirked, great! Now they would think you like him. “Don’t tell me you like him?”
“Not even!!” you panicked, but now your neighbor AND your friend had their own speculations.
 You went back to the dancefloor/living room. Footloose by Kenny Loggings was playing so everyone was dancing happily. You pulled your friend to dance with you. While you were at it, you scanned the whole place to see where Lucas was.
You spotted him talking in a corner, drink in hand. He looked hot as fuck, wearing a leather jacket, black jeans, his jet-black hair styled naturally. Wait, what were you thinking? Must be the alcohol in your system.
Your friend caught you staring and started teasing you, “You don’t have to pretend with me you know? You can’t fool your bff”. She was laughing.
“What do you mean?” you were acting innocent.
“You know what I mean! Y/N, if you like him, you should give him the chance. Just have fun on the ride!” she encouraged you.
“What if I end up hurt?” you asked.
“Well, you know his fame. Try not to get so much into it,” she shrugged. “Though, with this, you’re confessing YOU LIKE HIM!!!”
“Stop!!! I just like the attention,” you sassed.
“Well, don’t panic, but he just spotted you and he’s walking here so act natural,” she said as she pretended to not see him.
“Barf me out,” you said between teeth.
 “Heyyy Sweet thang!” he said happy to see you.
“Oh! Hey, Lucas! I didn’t know you were here!” your acting was radical.
“Yeah, one of the homeboys goes together with the girl that threw the party,” he explained.
“Yeah! She’s neighbors with Y/N!” spoiled your dear friend.
You looked at her with menacing eyes, she wasn’t supposed to share that information, less with LUCAS!!
“For real?” he smiled excitedly.
“Yeah…” you said nodding.
“Bitchin!” he exclaimed.
Suddenly I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston started playing, everyone went wild and started dancing again. Lucas looked at you and you looked at him, like you two wanted to dance but nobody worded it.
“You guys should dance!” your friend finally said.
“Are you down?” he asked scratching the back of his head.
“Sure,” you shrugged.
He took your hand and pulled you nearer the dancefloor. He started dancing and smiling, you were hypnotized so you just stood there looking at him while smiling. “Come on! Show me those dance moves!” he pulled you closer and started to shake you to make you dance.
You started moving at the rhythm of the music, he spun you, sometimes his hand held you by the waist for too long. You both were jumping and twisting, having the time of your lives.
The song stopped and you both started laughing, you leaned on him to not fall from the laughter. He didn’t lose time and held you.
“Do you want anything to drink?” he asked being a gentleman.
“Would be gnarly,” you nodded.
“Be right back, sweet thing,” he said as he walked to the kitchen.
Your friend appeared out of nowhere when she noticed he wasn’t near.
“How was it?” she was smirking.
“Wicked good,” you confessed.
“You’re welcome,” she bragged.
“Thanks for saving my life,” you rolled your eyes, but honestly, you were thankful.
“You both were dying to dance! Pussies!” She left suddenly because she saw him walking to you again.
 “Here you go,” he placed his hand on the small of your back.
“Thank you,” you said as you took the drink from his hand.
“You smoke?” he asked casually.
“Nope, do you?” you made a daring face, testing him.
“Not if you don’t,” he smiled. This little bitch!
“Hmm… I see,” you ran your tongue over your bottom lip to wet it a little. You don’t know how he took that action but he chuckled.
 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun started playing and your friend came running to dance with you, so you left Lucas alone.
You wanted to tease him a little, so you started moving a little too sexy, your friend obviously understood what you were doing so she played along. You looked at him while dancing and he was just studying you while smiling.
“I think he’s really into you,” said your friend.
“No duh!” you said sarcastically
“What are you gonna do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, are you going home with him? Are you gonna leave him hanging?” she was curious.
“I don’t know! What should I do?” you keened.
“I say you just let it flow. Do whatever he wants to do, don’t resist,” she suggested.
“Within my boundaries, of course,” you added.
“Exactly. He won’t do anything you don’t want to. He doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy,” she was looking at him.
“What if I want to?! That’s my fear!” You said alarmed.
“Just let it happen! Have the mindset that he’s a heartthrob, try to not get feelings,” she shrugged.
“Easy for you to say! You’re not the one getting hurt!” You complaint.
 As soon as the song finished, he walked closer to you, as if you had a magnet.
“Hey,” he surprised you from the back.
“Hi... again,” you smiled.
“Do you wanna... maybe take a walk?” he offered.
“Sure...” you nodded.
“After you...” he signaled to the door.
You both were outside, walking around the house, taking some fresh air. He had his hands in the pockets of his jacket, just so attentive to your conversation.
“So which one is your house?” He asked while looking down the street.
“Literally the one next to this,” you laughed.
He looked at it, a smile growing on his face.
“What?” You elbowed him.
“I just imagined you sneaking out through that window, jumping from there,” he started laughing.
“You! I’ve never done that! I’m a good girl,” you battered your eyelashes.
“You can’t fool me, baby. You’re not so much of a good girl,” he smirked.
“I may not be it, but I’ve never sneaked out through that window. And before you ask, nobody has jumped out of it either. Plus I’m a grownup, I can go out at any time,” you shrugged.
“Is that your room?” He asked about the window.
“Are you planning to rob me?” you asked back.
“Maybe,” he looked up acting innocent.
 You went silent, imagining him in your room, jumping out of the window because it was too late and your parents came home. You were smiling unconsciously and he caught you.
“A penny for your thoughts. It seems really interesting in there,” he was looking at you.
“Nothing, just... nothing,” you smiled.
“Pretty thing, you need to get real with me. Weren’t you a big girl?” He was challenging you.
You smiled and maybe the alcohol helped but you just blurted, “Well, I was thinking about you and I in my room and suddenly my parents get home or wanting to come into my room and it was really funny imagining you jumping out the window.”
He started laughing loudly, “Oh, you’re really funny. But seriously, what were we doing in your room?” You knew where he was going and you were so up for it.
“Stuff,” you shrugged.
“What kind of stuff?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Interesting stuff,” you smirked.
He hummed and then asked, “Are your parents home?”
“Probably sleeping, since it’s so late,” you looked at your watch and it was 2AM.
“You down for some interesting stuff?” He winked at you! And you almost swoon but you concealed it with a chuckle.
“Sure,” now you were challenging him.
 You opened the door, peeking inside making sure your parents weren’t in the living room. When you saw the house completely dark and silent, you extended your hand to Lucas, who was waiting right behind you. He took it and you darted inside, closing the door almost silently behind you.
You both went upstairs in your tiptoes, not making too much sound. Arriving at your door was a relief. You opened it, praying that it didn’t make any sound and you let Lucas in first, then you entered and locked it.
Lucas was watching everything around, your posters, your disks, and turntable. “Your room is hella gnarly,” he commented.
“Yeah, thanks,” you nodded.
He took the liberty of sitting on your bed and you sat right beside him. He was still hypnotized by everything surrounding him. You were studying him: his golden skin glowed with the moonlight, his eyes were shining, you dare to think he looked cute. But you knew there was nothing soft about this boy, he was danger and he was in your room.
He caught you looking at him so he smiled and you blushed. He was getting closer to you and you didn’t know what else to do, so you let him. Just centimeters away from kissing you he whispered in a deep voice, “Can I kiss you?” and your lips just moved on their own, “Please.”
His lips crashed on yours with full force. Surprisingly, you were kissing him back with the same want, like you’ve been wanting this your whole life... and maybe you have.
He pushed you down on the mattress, still kissing you desperately, hands everywhere, bodies closer than ever, teeth grasping, nose bumping. You felt one of his hands traveling south, which made you nervous because who knows where would you be ending. Your hands were tangled between his dark locks enjoying the silky feeling of his hair. His hand just kept lingering on your thigh not daring to touch more, maybe waiting for your approval.
He groaned and said, “Gosh, you have an amazing bod,” and he continued kissing you.
“So do you,” you whispered, guiding him to your neck. He nibbled the soft skin right below your jawline, making you moan.
He smiled proudly because he knew the effects he had on you.
He was caressing your thigh, going up, getting closer to your center.
“Oh Lucas...” you moaned right on his lips, he just smirked again.
Suddenly someone knocked on your door. You both froze and he looked at you alarmed, asking you without words what to do. You pointed to down your bed and he quickly rolled and got underneath it.
“Honey? Y/N? Are you home?” It was your mom.
You pretended to have a sleepy voice, “Mom...? Is something wrong?”
“Oh, nothing, just making sure you were there... sleep well, honey.” You heard her footsteps fade away.
A few seconds later, Lucas appeared from under the mattress. “Guess I’ll have to jump after all,” he whispered and you both started laughing, trying to keep it low.
He got up to his feet and while brushing off the dust from his pants he said, “Well, it was fun baby, but gotta motor.”
“Sure, be careful out there,” you said leaning on your elbows.
“Will do,” he assured you. He leaned over to reach your lips and pecked you before jumping out of the window. It was really funny seeing him do what you wondered earlier.
 Everyone at campus was talking about the party and how radical it was. Your friend, who noticed your absence and Lucas’, asked you about it but you chose to keep it a secret between Lucas and you.
Nobody knew how he climbed your window the two following Friday nights. You would wait for your parents to go out or to fall asleep and he would knock on your window for you to let him in.
You two would play some jams on your turntable or just chill around your room, but it always finished the same way: wildly kissing on your bed. Here you were, underneath his muscular bod, his hands everywhere while your mouths couldn’t let go of each other.
He stopped, closed his eyes and pursed his lips as if holding back his impulse. You looked at him confused and asked, “Is something wrong?”
He was hovering over you while looking directly into your eyes now. “Babe, I really don’t know how much I can hold myself,” he sounded desperate. “I hella wanna make you mine,” he confessed in a deeper-than-usual voice.
You bit your lip in response and he hissed.
“I wanna touch you and I want you to touch me,” he said as he crouched again to kiss your neck. His lips were convincing you, but your mind had more power and you didn’t want to become one of his girls yet. But maybe you didn’t have to reach third base... you could just run a little farther than first base.
‘Tender Love’ played on the background while he attacked your neck, his hands ran slowly up your exposed thighs. His palm arrived between your legs and he was massaging your core over your underwear, teasing, making you surrender to his charms. You weren’t complaining, on the contrary, you sighed and whispered, “Lucas…”
“Yeah, babe?” he asked in a teasing tone. He sucked on the tender skin under your ear and marked you.
“Lucas!!!” you gasped in panic. He just started laughing.
“You marked me!” you sat on your bed, touching the spot he sucked because it was stinging.
“So what?” this cocky bitch!
“Why did you do that?!” you whisper-screamed.
“To give you something to remember me,” he winked.
“What if I do the same? You wouldn’t like it” you sassed.
He laid back on your bed, propped up his elbows, and looked at you with a raised eyebrow, like challenging you. “Who said I won´t?”
“I’m assuming since you are the biggest heartbreaker around,” you made a smug face.
“You’re just a chicken,” he was definitely challenging you.
You gasped “I see,” you nodded. You then straddled him, darkness in your eyes, seducing him. He didn’t move a muscle waiting for your next move, but he was looking at you in awe. You leaned forward aiming to his neck and then bit and sucked on his neck, right on his jugular.
You heard him gasp, hiss, and then moan, his hands quickly holding you by the waist. “Oh fuck, baby…”
You looked proudly the little galaxy you left on his neck and then said, “Call me chicken one more time.”
“Zip it, come here,” he pulled you to kiss you again, this time full of lust, desperate to take your clothes off, he sent your shirt flying, leaving you in bra while you pulled his white shirt off too. Your hands ran down his muscular arms as he pulled you closer.
You were convinced to just let it happen when someone knocked on your door. You both stopped and entered in panic mode. He mouthed “What should I do?”
You just eyed to under the mattress. He rolled his eyes, like saying “Here we go again”, but he quickly got under your bed. You just pretended to be asleep and got under the sheets. Whoever it was, opened the door to peek inside and then closed it. Must be your parents who arrived and wanted to let you know. Thank God they always knocked.
“They are gone,” he whispered.
You got out of the sheets and said, “Why does this always happens?”
“Something doesn´t want us to do the wild thing,” he chuckled.
“Maybe it’s not good for me,” you smirked.
“What do you mean?!” he acted hurt while putting on his shirt again.
“I said what I said,” you crossed your arms.
“Is it time to jump out the window?” he asked.
“Probably,” you shrugged.
“Kay then, see you on Monday,” he was walking to the window.
“Okay bye,” you waved at him.
“Wow, no good night kiss or anything?” he acted disappointed again.
You laughed and then walked to him, he pulled you by the waist and then kissed you hard. You two acted as if you were an official thing, but you didn’t even know where you were standing.
“I’ll see you at campus, my sweet thing,” he said in a velvety voice and then opened the window to jump outside.
You looked in the mirror to admire the little mark Lucas gave you. What does that mean? Does it mean he likes you? Or does he want you just for fun? All you know is you’re starting to like him A LOT.
Your friend was waiting for you at the cafeteria to grab some lunch and you were anxious to see Lucas too. You tried to cover the hickey with some makeup, plus you tried to cover it with your hair, but your friend had eagle eyes and saw it from afar.
“What is that?!” She brushed your hair back, exposing your neck.
“Damn you and your telescopic eyes,” you groaned.
“Who did this to you?!” She was so confused and felt betrayed because you haven’t said anything to her.
“I- can explain,” you gave her a fake smile.
“I’m waiting,” she was tapping her foot.
“Okay so... I’ve been seeing Lucas...” you said in an almost imperceptible voice.
“YOU WHAT?!” She screamed, many heads turning to look at you two.
“Keep it down please!” You said through greeted teeth.
“You’ve been boinking with the campus heartthrob and you didn’t tell me?! I feel betrayed!” She was so dramatic.
“First of all, not boinking has happened... yet. And second, I wanted to tell you but I’m just in denial, okay?” you explained.
“What base?” she was questioning you.
“Umm... a little further than first?” You confessed.
“That’s hella putt, what the fuck! You have that guy with an amazing bod on the palm of your hand and you’re telling me you’re only scamming. That’s sad,” she made a smug face.
“Hey, I’m trying to save my heart,” you whined.
“Come on! Don’t tell me you haven’t thought of jumping on that D,” she elbowed you.
“I will not say anything,” you looked away and while doing it, you spotted Lucas talking with his friends. You could clearly see the hickey you made, but unlike you, he was proudly wearing it.
“So what are you gonna do about it?” Your friend brought you back to reality, making you jump.
“Nothing... it’s not like we’re something official,” you shrugged.
 Lucas POV
“Man! You had a wild night?” Mark asked while looking at the tiny galaxy on Lucas neck.
“You could say that,” he nodded.
“Who’s the lucky betty?” asked Hendery.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I tell you,” he smirked.
“Is she popular?” asked Ten.
“Not that much, but she’s a zeek,” he explained.
“They say those are the kinkiest,” Ten wiggled his eyebrows.
“Honestly, I really cannot wait to bone her, she’s really hot.” Lucas threw one of his lopsided smiles. What he didn’t notice is that you were right behind him. His friends looked alarmed and when he looked back, he found you there, looking at him in disbelief.
“Shit,” he murmured before you spat an “I really thought you were different,” and walked away.
 He looked back to his friends who were still in shock, probably because they just found out who the girl was and because of what happened.
“I’m in deep shit, aren’t I?” he asked more to himself, but Mark just said, “Big time, homeboy.”
The guys have never seen him like that because of a girl, that’s when they noticed he was REALLY into her.
“Homie, you better blitz if you wanna keep her,” Xiaojun encouraged him, so that’s what he did.
 Your POV
You couldn’t believe how dumb were you. Of course! That’s the only thing he wanted, he’s the campus cutie, he would never like you like that.
You were walking furiously to your car to just go home and curl yourself and cry the anger away.
 There was nobody home when you arrived, and partly you were glad. You didn’t want to give explanations as to why you were crying.
You felt like the biggest clown of town. How could you be such a space cadet?!
Between your tears of anger, you fell asleep.
 A knocking sound woke you up. You were lost, looking around you. It was past midnight, probably the sound was a branch hitting your window or something. But then you heard it again, emphatically, so you turned on the bed to see Lucas knocking on your closed window. You remembered why you were like that so you turned on the bed, giving him your back.
He kept knocking faster, becoming annoying, but then he punched a little too hard and his fist went through the glass, breaking it. You heard a faint “Oh shit!” and when you looked again, there were pieces of glass everywhere on your floor.
You took a deep breath, closed your eyes trying to align your chakras, and walked to the window to open it.
“Are you kidding? For real, you can’t be a worst bogus,” you rolled your eyes.
He jumped inside your room, finally.
“I’m sorry about that, I’ll fix it,” he apologized.
“You better! And you better be thinking about an excuse to tell my parents as to why my window broke, unless you want me to call the police,” you were not having it.
“Listen, Y/N, we need to talk,” he tried to take your hands, but you crossed them over your chest.
“What’s there to talk, Lucas? I heard everything! You just want to get in my pants, and I will not be part of your list,” you fumed.
“Let me explain, would you listen to me, please?” He was using his soft voice, you knew all his tricks.
“Bogart,” you said in a firm voice.
“Okay, so I will not deny that I’m def crazy to have your amazing bod between my fingers, to enjoy it, to cherish every inch of your skin...”
You interrupted him, “Uh-huh, anything else, besides the obvious?”
“But I really like you, Y/N. I enjoy your company, you’re really different. You know the efforts I’ve been doing to just be with you, to get you to notice me? Why else would I climb a window? Do you think I’m that desperate to just get in your pants? I could do that with any other girl, but I’m still here almost begging for your forgiveness.” He pulled you closer by the waist, making you relax.
“Lucas, I don’t know…” you were already getting soft.
“Come on, you know you like me. I see it in your eyes every time you look at me,” he was holding a smile, but eventually, let it out.
“Don’t get that cocky about it!” you shouted, forgetting your parents must be sleeping.
“Just confess it, I confessed. It’s your turn now,” he pulled you closer and you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes.
“Say it,” he was smirking!
“Lucas, I like you,” you felt your cheeks getting red.
“That’s it?” he wanted more!
“Wait, no. I REALLY like you. Like, I’m head over heels for you and there’s not a single day I go without thinking about you. You’re everywhere! And I just want to squeeze you and fill you with kisses. But I’m really scared,” you let everything out.
“Why?” he was serious now.
“Because you’re the campus cutie, every girl wants you, and I’m not even that popular around,” you shrugged.
“Who cares about what others think? I want you. I chose you. Screw what other’s think!” he took your face between both of his hands, looking at you directly in the eyes.
“Yeah, but I’m not even that pretty,” you tried to look away.
“Who said that?! You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve seen. Plus, you’re smart. Anyone would be lucky to have you,” he kissed your forehead.
You stood in silence for a few minutes and then said, “I need to clean your mess.”
“I’ll make it up to you. How about we do lunch and then I take you around?”
“Are you gonna come through the door this time?” you raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?” he was confused.
“Are you gonna meet my parents?” the thought made you blush.
“Sure, I’ll pick you up.” So he was being serious.
 You were getting ready in your room when you heard someone knocking at the door. You ran downstairs but your dad had opened the door already.
Lucas was standing outside with some flowers, looking stunning as ever, wearing a black button shirt with some colorful designs, black pants, a black jacket, his hair brushed back with only a few strands hanging on his forehead. He looked hot. The first button of his shirt was undone, exposing his collarbones and a chain adorned his neck.  You almost faint at the sight of him.
“Hello, Sir,” he was being polite.
“Hi! Welcome! Are you here for Y/N?” your dad asked a little too excited.
“Yeah, we´re going to get some food,” he smiled, eyeing you.
“Come in,” your dad opened the door for Lucas to enter.
“Oh, you’re here,” your dad noticed your presence.
“Yeah,” you nodded looking at Lucas, not being able to take your eyes off him.
“Hi,” he said in the tiniest voice you’ve heard him do, it was almost funny. Was he nervous?
“Hey,” you responded. He kissed your cheek and then gave you the flowers.
“For me? Oh my God, you didn’t have to!” You smelled them.
“I’ll be back. Imma place them in a vase,” you walked to the kitchen.
 Your mom was in the kitchen, she already had the vase ready.
“He’s really handsome! Where did he come from?” your mom was in shock.
“I have a class with him,” you simply said.
“I hope everything goes well,” your mom was smirking!!!
“Mom!” you gasped.
 You finally got out of the house and now were in Lucas car.
“That was… stressful,” he confessed.
“I’m sorry,” you laughed.
“It’s okay,” he placed a hand on your exposed thigh. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thanks, you look great yourself,” you lied, he looked stunning, hot, amazing.
“Well, shall we go?” he asked while grabbing the steering wheel.
You just nodded.
 The night ran smoothly. He took you to a simple burger and shakes place, you ate, and then you left to just drive through the night. It was kinda romantic being with him around. Occasionally he would place his hand on your thigh, giving it little caresses. He stole a few kisses on the red lights. You two talked about life and when you noticed, it was midnight already.
“You want to go to my apartment to get some coffee?” he asked out of nowhere.
“Sure,” you shrugged. You were excited to see his place though.
 You got to a building near college, he parked in front and went to open the car door for you. You two walked into the building, then got in the elevator, and he pressed the 5th floor. His apartment was nice, so warm and simple. For being a boy, he was organized, you were impressed.
“Sit down, make yourself at home,” he walked to the kitchen and you sat on a sofa. He went to prepare some coffee and came back to sit across from you.
“So, do you have a curfew?” He asked.
“Not really, my parents don’t mind. Plus, my mom was pretty okay with you,” you confessed.
“Oh? Not kidding?” he was surprised.
“I kid you not,” you assured.
“I guess I’m a step closer,” he was smirking.
“To what?” You laughed.
“I smell coffee, I’ll be right back.” He got to his feet and walked to the kitchen again, ignoring your question completely.
He came back with two cups, handing you one.
You kept talking about different stuff while drinking coffee. When you finished, he took your cup and placed it on a table instead of walking back to the kitchen.
He kneeled in front of you, looking at you directly in the eyes. He placed his hands on your knees and then ran them up your thighs, every nerve on your body activating at his touch. You nodded, letting him know he could proceed.
His hands got under your skirt and he dared to kiss your thigh. You felt his fingers grab your panties and then he pulled them down your legs.
He made a trail of kisses up one of your thighs. “Can I have you?” He whispered.
You were down to let him do anything with you, you were ready to be his.
“Yes, please,” you said in a breathy tone.
He kissed your thighs again to make you open your legs. You almost melted on the sofa, giving him more access. His hand slid between your legs, reaching your heat.
He hissed when the tip of his fingers touched your wetness. “Babe, you’re so wet already.” He pulled you to the edge of the sofa, making your skirt roll up. He had a full view of your glistening pussy and he licked his lips, savoring it. His long fingers teased your folds, brushing your clit and your entrance. He started drawing gentle circles on your bundle of nerves, making you breathe faster by the minute.
Lucas was known for having big hands that could drive girls crazy. You were about to find out if the rumors were true.
He gave one last stroke before sticking in his middle finger slowly. You threw your head back, letting out a moan. Lucas hummed at your reaction.
He then added his index finger making your eyes cross and stealing a gasp from you. “Oh my God...”
He started moving his fingers deep inside you rapidly, the sensation was too much already. Lucas was amazed looking at your reactions.
“Do you like my fingers, pretty girl?” he said in a soft but deep voice.
“Mhm! Mhm!” You could only voice as you nodded desperately.
“God, you’re so wet,” he murmured, “Can you hear it?” He started going faster and you could hear the squelching sound coming from between your legs. You moaned in response, how could this man make you such a mess? You felt your orgasm trying to snap, he was hitting all the right places and that was only with his fingers!
“Lucas, I’m gonna cum,” you said whimpering, but he stopped with a last stroke to your clit with his thumb.
“Not yet, my love,” he whispered and then kissed your knee.
He got to his feet and extended his hand for you to take. “Let’s go to my room.” He pulled you and guided you there. Lucas closed the door behind him and then pulled you closer by the waist.
“I want to tell you something,” he was looking at you with so much tender, you dared to say you were falling in love.
“I really like you,” he confessed again.
“You already told me,” you giggled.
“I know, I’m just reassuring you. But I also want to tell you that I’ve never brought a girl here. Believe it or not.” His confession left you in shock.
“Should I believe you?” you asked playfully.
“If you want, but you can ask around,” he winked.
“No thanks,” you grimaced.
“Where were we? Oh right,” he smirked and then kissed you passionately. You kissed him back. His hands were holding your face, while yours were around his waist. You two fell onto the bed without stopping from kissing. It was almost the same as when you were in your room, but this time it would actually happen.
He groaned and said, “I can’t wait to make you mine.” You hissed in response. He ran his mouth to your neck, kissing and nibbling and sucking occasionally. He took off your shirt and threw it to the floor. His mouth was now kissing your cleavage and over your breast. He reached your navel and then went up, kissing and licking.
He reached to your back and unclasped your bra. Your hands reached for the buttons of his shirt and you opened them one by one with fire in your eyes. When you finished, you ran your hand up his torso and then, to take his shirt off, you caressed from his collarbones, to his shoulders, down his strong arms, until the shirt finally fell on the mattress.
He took your bra off and sighed at the sight of your exposed breasts. He leaned down, taking one of your nipples between his lips while looking in your eyes, then he moved to the other.
You felt him everywhere, his smell was everywhere on the bed, his hands ran absentmindedly on your sides, his hair tickled you, you were intoxicated by him it was overwhelming.
“Ugh! Lucas, please,” you groaned, and he smiled knowing what you wanted.
“What’s wrong, sweet thing?” he asked while kissing your neck again.
“I need you,” you sighed.
“You have me, baby, you have all of me,” he whispered in your ear, giving you goosebumps.
And then he kneeled on the bed to take your skirt off. Now you were all naked in front of him. He eyed you from head to toe and bit his lip. “Damn, you’re so beautiful,” he mumbled. “I’m gonna make you feel so loved.”
He unbuckled his belt and then took off his pants. The strain inside his boxers looked pretty big and you were wondering if he was THAT big.
“Imma fish a condom, be right back,” Lucas said as if nothing, winking at you. He was so used to this, it almost scared you. Opening a drawer, he found what he was looking for and walked back to the bed. He slid his underwear down his enormous thighs, his length springing free.
You were speechless, looking nervously between his legs. He was BIG. Lucas noticed and started laughing.
“Are you okay?” he asked while climbing back to the bed.
“I- yes! Never better,” you took a deep breath.
“Trust me, baby, is gonna fit,” he winked as he opened the tiny square with his teeth. He rolled the thing down his shaft and pulled you by the legs playfully. You screamed and laughed and he did too, he was making the whole experience fun.
He kneeled between your thighs, passed a finger up your slit, making sure you were ready for him. He licked his finger glistening with your arousal. “Mmm… so sweet,” he hummed.
Lucas hovered over you, his arms at each side of your face. He took his dick by the base to have a little help when looking for your entrance with his tip. When he finally found it, he pushed his hips a little, his tip entering you oh so slowly.
The stretch was burning but you just shut your eyes tightly and bit your lip. Lucas didn’t stop until he was completely in you. That was when he groaned loudly, “Fuck! You’re really tight, baby.”
You felt so full by him you barely could speak, but you moaned back to him, “You’re really big.”
He then pulled out slowly, hissing right in your ear, and thrusted you back in.
Now you know why he had every girl’s head spinning: if he was sexy in his normal life, he was sexier in bed. His hips movements were a sin, he was very vocal and very touchy. While thrusting you he kept whispering praises in your ear, he groaned, he moaned, you loved it. “Mmmm… baby, you’re so good to me.” His chains were dangling right on your face, adding some extra spice. You feared it would hit you, so you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned your head on the crook of his neck.
Lucas did the same and now you were closer, more intimate, skin on skin. One of his hands ran down your side until reaching your leg and he pulled it up and you held it over his lower back. The sensation was double now, as he was reaching deeper into you. “Shit, baby!” you moaned and grabbed his butt cheeks with your hands, guiding him in a way.
“You want it harder?” he asked between pants.
“Mmmm... yes!” you screamed.
Lucas gave a tender kiss to your neck before leaning on his arms, hovering over you again. He stopped for a minute while he was shifting his position. Once he was comfortable, he pushed your legs up, so your knees were almost touching your chest, and rammed into you with such force, you were left without air. You gasped and moaned, and he just smirked.
“Oh my God, Lucas!” You keened. He was hitting all the right spots, your eyes closed on their own. He was going hard and deep, the perfect combination to have your head on the clouds.
“You take me so well, baby. It’s like you were made for me,” he said as his thumb brushed over your swollen clit.
His tip was brushing your sweet spot with every thrust and you were feeling the tight know in your pelvis trying to snap. But you didn’t want to finish yet. “Can I ride you?” You asked as you ran a hand on Lucas cheek.
“Fuck, that’s so sexy,” he muttered. He loved the idea, his eyes shined in anticipation.
Lucas pulled out and sat on the bed, leaning his back on the bedhead. His length was standing proudly, waiting for you, shining with your juices.
Your head was buzzing with the idea of having him at your mercy. He was watching every move you made, which meant this didn’t happen often.
You straddled him, took his dick by the base, looked for your entrance, and once you found it, you sat on it slowly until his shaft disappeared completely between your folds. He was amazed, he didn’t know what to do. His hands were hovering over your thighs but he didn’t know if to touch you or not.
You started moving in circular motions and that’s when Lucas lost it, he threw his head back and moaned in a groggy voice, “Oh, oohh, baby”. He held you by the waist. You loved seeing him like this, it meant he didn’t always have the control.
After a while, you started moving up and down fast. He moved his hands to your ass, guiding you as he liked. He was admiring the way your boobs jumped, you were driving him insane.
“Fuck, I found the perfect girl,” he commented between a gasp. You felt proud.
At a point, he started to meet your hips halfway, but then he took the lead and started fast-fucking you. This man was magical, he could do unimaginable things with those hips. You had to hold from his broad shoulders because you felt like you were going to faint. The only sound in the room was the lewd clapping of your thighs crashing with each other.
“Shit, baby, I’m gonna cum,” you panted as you leaned your forehead on his.
“Me too baby,” he confessed as he wrapped his arms around your torso, you wrapped yours around his neck, getting closer, intimate. His nose was on yours and he took the chance to kiss you.
He kept thrusting you until he felt you were clenching around him. “Mmm... you’re close right?”
You just nodded desperately.
“Come on, baby, cum all over my cock,” he said in a breathy voice, adding up to all the pleasure you were feeling.
You closed your eyes and it hit you. Your orgasm came with such force you were seeing stars behind your lids, you let out a loud moan, and you started to shake. You’ve never had an orgasm like this before.
Lucas held you tightly, praising you in whispers while helping you through your orgasm, “That’s it, baby. Ohhh my God, you’re so good to me. Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he keened on that last phrase.
You felt every pulse of his cum filling the condom. He lost balance and you both crashed on the mattress, him squashing you underneath his huge body. You exploded in tired laughs and he did the same.
“I’m sorry, it was too good I felt I was flying,” he joked.
“Oh shut up,” you pushed him playfully.
“Let me just...” he motioned to get off you and you nodded.
He pulled out of you, taking off the full condom. “Imma trash this, be right back,” he walked to the bathroom. You looked at the clock on his nightstand and it marked 4AM. You were exhausted and you doubted you could walk after these events.
Lucas came back in all his naked glory, shamelessly, he knew he was hot. He jumped on bed and got under the sheets with you.
“So? You gonna cold lamp with me tonight?” he threw his arm around your shoulders and he placed his hand on your boob.
“Only if you want to,” you shrugged, playing hard to get.
“I mean, can you even walk?” he was being cocky.
“Shut up, you can’t do another round with this,” you said grabbing his crotch over the sheets.
He hummed and said, “I wouldn’t recommend doing that. It may wake up and YOU wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
“I’d say I could,” you winked.
“Not even,” he commented with his eyes closed and then groaned, “Ugh! I’m burned out.”
“Same here,” you confessed.
He yawned and said, “Let’s sleep, I’ll take you home in the morning,” he pulled you closer, cuddling you.
His body heat felt so nice on your exposed body and his hands slightly touching you were making you feel butterflies. What would happen now? You did exactly what you say you wouldn’t: jump into his bed. What if he just disappeared now? You were one on his list now… You kept overthinking everything until you fell asleep.
 A bite on your earlobe woke you up, but instead of making you angry, it gave you delicious tickles because even when you were asleep, you knew who it was. “Mmmm… Lucas, let me sleep…” you murmured.
“Come on baby, wake up,” he whispered in your ear with his sleepy voice, which almost made you jump on him again. “Gotta take you home, your parents are gonna kill me.”
“They don’t care, probably they’re happy about it,” you hugged the pillow.
He giggled and said, “Baby… please”
“Ugh, fine!” you complained and finally opened your eyes.
There he was, with his huge, shiny eyes on you. A smile illuminated his face as soon as he saw you awake. “Morning, beautiful. How are you feeling?” He ran a hand down your hair.
“Morning,” you smiled. “Well, everything hurts, and with everything I mean it.” Your legs were sore and you had a slight ache right between your legs. Proof of everything that happened last night.
“What am I gonna do with you? You’re hella cute,” he kissed your cheek.
He was so lovey-dovey with you, you felt special.
“Lucas…” you called him.
“Yeah?” he was right there on your face.
“What’s gonna happen now?” you needed to know now. You wanted to know if your heart was going to break or if it was going to be okay.
“Well, you and I go together, you’re my girl now. Unless you don’t want to,” he was waiting for your response.
“I’m not gonna be your toy girl?” you asked insecure.
“No! I wanna go out with you. I really want you to be my girl,” he looked desperate for you to believe him.
“What about the other girls?”
“Babe, there’s just you and me now. No other girls.” He assured.
“You promise?” you said in a tiny voice.
“I promise. And if I ever fail you, please cut my dick off,” he said laughing.
“Lucas!!! This is serious!!!” you rolled your eyes.
“I’m serious!” he was laughing hard now.
 He was nervous when leaving you at your doorstep, but your parents didn’t mind at all. In fact, they invited him to have breakfast with you guys and he was so embarrassed the whole time.
When he was gonna motor, he left you with the promise of seeing you on Monday at campus and a hard kiss on your lips.
 At campus, he didn’t hesitate in taking your hand the moment he saw you. He embraced you and kissed you in front of everybody, leaving them all in shock, including your friend and his. After all, you both looked cute together and everyone predicted you were the couple of the decade.
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ditttiii · 4 years
Finding Me Through You (Part 2)
A Jungkook x Reader Two-shot
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Genre: Angst // comfort (soft) // romance // strangers to friends to lovers // a hybrid AU // college AU // 
Warnings: maybe a curse word?
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4929 for the series. 3400 for this part.
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Summary:   You lose yourself to the feeling of having the man you love, kiss you and it feels like a homecoming. It feels like having the stars align perfectly, it feels like having your world tilt back on its axis. It feels like magic, joy—love.
Jeon Jungkook. The campus heartthrob. Captain of the football team. High School Prom King. Teacher’s favourite. Student body favourite. Anyone, and everyone’s favourite. This is the story of how you went from strangers to best friends to finally lovers and if in the way you somehow found yourself? well that was just a bonus.
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Nearly six months have passed since you first met Jungkook. You were still a little shy and quiet, but with Jungkooks' help and his constant support and soft reassurances, you had slowly started to come out of your shell. You were in no way shape or form anything like Jungkook was, but you also weren't the doormat that you used to be, and for that you were thankful. 
You hear the sound of approaching footsteps and before you can turn to take a look, an arm is suddenly over your shoulders pulling you closer into someone's side.
You let out a quiet 'umph' and push your hair back from your eyes, craning your neck up and shooting a glare as your eyes catch that of your best friends. 
Jungkook in response only grins wider, ruffling your hair as his hand finds its way to your scalp. With a squeal, you duck and try to push him away, the sound of your laughter ringing in the air like wind chimes in a breeze. 
"Stop! Kook, I swear—Eeepppp!" Your warning is cut off as Jungkook moves his hand from your shoulders to your waist and pulls you closer. Your body slams into his and the breath gets knocked out of you from the impact. You blush as you feel his solid, corded muscles from even under the layers of both your hoodies. 
It was no secret that your best friend was hot—ridiculously hot, you have always known that. Even in the past when you two had been barely acquaintances at best and strangers at worst, you knew he was hot. But the only difference between now and then was that you didn't care before. However, now as you feel his warmth seep into you from between the layers of your clothes, you can't not care. You avert your eyes from his and scratch your ear, casually pulling your strands free from behind where they were tucked and create a curtain of hair over your flaming red cheeks. 
You hear Jungkook laugh at your attempt at ignoring him and feel as he leans down to leave a soft peck on your head. The feel of his full, soft, lips tangible, and real even through the many strands of hair in between.
Sometimes you think Jungkook is the best thing that has ever happened to you, while other times you think your friendship is like a rose, lined with thorns unseen from a distance. Thorns that were your feelings for him, the same feelings which while you couldn't see in the past, now you were fully aware of. The constant prick of them is a presence in your heart both comforting and not.
"What's your next class?" You ask in an attempt to distract him and his attention away from you. It works as you see Jungkook tilt his head to the side and squint into the distance. Deep in his thoughts, as he tries to remember his schedule. 
You think it's unfair how good looking your best friend is, how ridiculously, unfairly good looking he is. His eyes, a soft shade of brown that are always warm when looking back into yours, are big and doe-like, forever curious and inviting. Sometimes, you think if you look into them long enough you'll drown in their depths. You'll drown and never find your way back and then you wouldn't want to because you like being lost more, and—that, That scares you. 
It scares you so much because you have never felt so strongly before. So powerfully that, it's like every single cell in your body calls out for Jungkook, longs for his presence more than it wishes for water or air. Your feelings have never been so consumingly deep—true and as your eyes track the way your best friend's lips move as he talks, you think maybe you never will again. Not after him.
And somewhere deep in your heart, something twinges painfully at the realization that this is it for you. You will forever be that girl in love with her best friend, the one whose love was, in the end, left unreciprocated. 
You snap your gaze away from Jungkook and to the hallway in front of you, as your eyes burn with repressed unshed tears. Tears that you will never let fall, because you would rather choose death over letting Jungkook feel guilt for your feelings.
However, as his hand makes its way back to your waist, the burn grows stronger, the sting in your throat, sharper as you try to ignore the way your heart races, the way the skin under his hand tingles and instead fake a laugh, forcing a normal facade over your longing heart as you continue to pretend like every second of having him close but not yours wasn't slowly killing you. 
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You groan as you shift your bag higher up your shoulders, the strain, an annoyance that you hadn't expected to feel in college. 
'What's the point of passing out from high school if the textbooks are just going to get thicker and more unbearable?' You think to yourself as you make your way across the campus, to your next class. 
As you walk by the cafeteria on your way, from the corner of your eyes you see a group huddled around the edge of the cafeteria. You raise your eyebrows when you see just who is in the centre of that group.  
'Ha Rin' your brain supplies in helpfully and you slow your steps, curious to see what Jungkook's ex-girlfriend has been up to, since their breakup last week. They hadn't dated for too long, maybe two weeks. When you look back at it, you don't think that in the time that you have known Jungkook, you have ever seen him date anyone for more than a month. 
It was something that confused you at the start, the boy who had stepped up to defend you— a virtual stranger, was actually a player? It had been months since that realization on your part and while you have slowly come to accept that dating was just Jungkooks’ way of living, it always caught you a little by surprise hearing about another one of his breakups. 
In some ways, it was a reminder that he would pick every other single girl in college before he'd ever consider dating you, and 'Even then he'll probably choose not to date instead', you think annoyed and a little jealous. 
You don't have to look too hard to see what Jungkook must have seen in her. She was undeniably gorgeous, her hair was long and lustrous, her smile wide and beaming. It wasn't hard to see why most guys in your college wanted her, while most girls wanted to be her. You look at the way she throws her head back when she laughs and feel a stab of jealousy run through you at the realisation that, no you'll never be that graceful. 
Tamping down the green, ugly feeling in your stomach, you move to walk away from the group. Hurrying past the group in the cafeteria, you walk as quickly as you can to your next class, but before you can leave the cafeteria, you catch a part of their conversation that makes you pause. 
"—ugh, seriously I don't know who Jungkook thinks he is but I would never let a guy cheat on me and then continue to date me. I mean can you believe the audacity of that guy, sleeping around with other girls while he's in a relationship with me?! No wonder he's as popular as he is, whoring around through half the college will obviously do that for you. He's honestly disgusting, and I am so glad I broke up with him coz like ugh, walking STD much?" 
Your eyes widen as you hear that and register the voice of the speaker as Ha Rin in your brain. Your hands' clench and your claws feel sharp, as your usual iron-clad hold over your anger slowly starts to slip, the more you hear her talk. 
She was talking—lying, about the man you were in love with, the man who had painstakingly taken care of you for the past six months, the man who had pulled you out from your own shadow, the man who had held you close and rocked you to sleep as your tears soaked through his shirt on nights when you couldn't even bring yourself to breathe through your tears and snot—too disgusted by your skin. 
Jungkook had made you fall in love with yourself, just as much as he had made you fall in love with him. Your best friend was many things, but a cheater he was not. 
Blinded by anger and fueled by your newly discovered protective instincts, you march over to their table. Your feet slap hard against the pavement and the sound of you walking, resounds through the cafeteria like an ominous warning before an approaching storm. 
Your palm comes crashing down, over the surface of the table Ha Rin was sitting on as your gaze locks with hers. Her eyes widen and you lean in closer, the blood in your veins thrumming with anger and your breaths coming out in tiny angry huffs. Your hybrid instincts take over as they shift to protect what you consider family, and you let your eyes turn into slits, menacing, dark, and beyond furious. 
"I am sorry, I don't think, I heard you right, did you say Jungkook was a cheater?" You ask in a deceptively calm voice and the table under your hand creeks, as you lean in closer to her. Your lips pull back in a snarl as you ask that and you can practically sniff the fear oozing off her as your eyes track the movement in her throat, hear the sound of her gulping. 
While Ha Rin was gorgeous, stunning, and elegant in ways you would never be, you were strong, sharp, and lethal, in ways she—a gazelle hybrid would never be. 
You pause, watch her pupils shake, track the drops of perspiration across her forehead, and wait for her to answer. After a few minutes of stunned silence pass, you lean back a little as your eyes glance over everyone gathered. 
Once you are sure that everyone's attention is on you, you growl out, voice still low but not any less menacing, "Jeon Jungkook is not a cheater. Never was and never will be, and anyone pathetic and desperate enough, to be making up lies like that about him, will be answering to me, and I assure you that I won't be so nice next time."
For the first time ever as you leave a stunned, scared crowd behind in your wake, you feel proud. While you might never be Jungkooks' girlfriend, you were his best friend, and to you, that matters more in all the ways that count. 
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Your face feels flushed and your legs feel like Jelly as you walk out of your last period class. Your sudden bout of bravery hadn't quite fully sunk in until you were sitting in your class surrounded by your classmates, most of whom were giving you varying looks ranging from scared, to awed, to impressed? 
This feeling of being seen is foreign to you. While your popularity has definitely soared ever since you had started hanging out with Jungkook, it was never because of you or anything you did. You were just Jeon Jungkooks’ best friend. 
But this time, it's different. 
People are looking at you, seeing you for who you are, and not just as someone's best friend. It is a novel, foreign feeling—one that you haven't felt before, but also one that when you think about it, you would like to feel more often.  
You let out a giggle as you think that, your cheeks still flushed, feel warm as you look up at the clear, blue sky. The late afternoon breeze feels cool on your skin as you stroll through the campus grounds, a mile-long grin stretched across your face.
Before you can turn to greet him back, he is slamming into you, and the breath leaves your body—again. 
"Dammit, Kook! You seriously need to stop doing that before you dislocate my spine, you freaking giant of a human" You playfully grumble as you push Jungkook away with a soft huff and push your hair back, wincing a little when your feet still feel a little unsteady. 
"Are you kidding me right now, woman?" You hear Jungkook speak and then you are in his arms, your feet off the ground as he holds you up high and all you can do is squeal in surprise. 
"The hell Kook! Put me down! What's gotten into you?" You question, your voice shrill and surprised as you wrap your arms around his neck. The thickly corded muscles of his shoulder feel bunched under your grip, and it takes every ounce of self-control that you have, to not blush.
You look down when he doesn't answer and freeze, too lost in your thoughts and worries about blushing, you hadn't noticed how close you two were before. 
But now as you look into Jungkooks’ twinkling, deep, brown chocolate eyes, see the small mole under his rosy lower lip, feel the small, warm puffs of his breath on your face, you realize just how close your faces are. 
Your breathing goes shallow as your eyes flicker all over his face, trying to capture every single detail—from the scar on his cheek to his fuller lower lip, you trace every single feature of his, your actions seemingly beyond your control. 
When your eyes finally snap back to his, you see him already looking back at you, his eyes soft and brimming with fondness, and you don't know—don't understand why.
"Wh-what is this about?" You ask softly, not wanting to break whatever spell has been cast, whatever bubble, the two of you have built. 
Jungkook hums, the sound coming from somewhere deep in his chest, echoing and flowing into you, from where you are pressed tight close to him.
His eyes search yours and yours shy away, flicker down to his throat where you see his Adam's apple bob, as he swallows and suddenly you feel parched. 
"You fought for me." He states, and your eyes snap back over to his. 
"Huh?" You reply back incoherently as your thoughts feel fuzzy and unclear, so close to him. 
"At the cafeteria, you fought with Ha Rin for me, defended my honour. Why? You don't like confrontations, why did you do it then?" Jungkook asks as he slowly lowers you back to the ground, your chests brush against each other, not a sliver of space between the two of you and your hands unconsciously grip his shoulders tighter, too afraid to let go and somehow lose this closeness. 
You try to think through the fog in your mind to find out what Jungkook is talking about. 
However, your remembrance of the scene from the cafeteria earlier serves as a bucket of ice-cold water being poured over you, and you are snapping back to reality, stumbling away from him as your cheeks flush and your heart races. You suddenly wish to run far, far away. Avoid this conversation, as all your bravado from earlier slips and flows down the metaphorical drain, leaving you feeling vulnerable, naked. 
'Stupid. Stupid! How are you going to explain that, you idiot?' your panicked brain supplies before continuing, 'As if having feelings for your best friend wasn't bad enough already, now him and probably the entire university knows about it too.' 
You try to create some distance between the two of you, but before you can move too far Jungkooks’ hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you closer to him. Your sweaty, cold hand leeches away at his warmth as you try not to make eye contact with him, your hope is to be subtle, but you don't think you are.
"Hey, listen to me," He says and grabs your chin softly, turning your face closer to him as his thumb absently rubs over the cleft in your chin. The feel of his calloused thumb over the soft skin of your chin has your face bursting in colour as your pulse rises embarrassingly fast.
You try to mumble out a 'yes', but it sounds incoherent even to your ears, and so you clear your throat and try again, voicing out a soft 'yeah' instead. It isn't much of an improvement, but you also can't bring yourself to articulate better and so you just force your eyes to meet Jungkooks’ and hope that he understands.
Thankfully, he does and then proceeds to take the lead. 
"Hey, it's alright okay? I am not mad or angry or whatever it is that you think I am feeling in that head of yours" He says, tapping your temple softly to emphasise his point and then continues, "I think what you did today was brave, admirable and badass!" At this he grins and gives you a little shake until you finally let out a smile off your own slip and snort out a soft "dork" under your breath.
"I am proud of you." 
Your eyes soften as you hear that and you feel your eyes burn again with unshed tears. 
You let your eyes lock with Jungkooks and feel as his grip over your chin loosens and both his hands, travel to your cheeks, finally curling around your jaw and cradling your face, his fingers slipping behind your ears and softly caressing the sensitive skin there.
The feel of his hands splayed over your skin like that, so soft, so gentle—as though you are an invaluable porcelain doll, has tears springing to your eyes. 
Tiny, warm, tear droplets pool out of your eyes and slip down your cheeks. 
The sight of your tears has Jungkook tightening his grip on you, his face inching closer to yours as your hands find their way to his hoodie, grasping the material and fisting it. 
"I love you," You tell him, tired of keeping your feelings to yourself, you finally let them out. Let your lips form the words, your heart feels every time he is close to you, every time he looks at you as though you are his entire world. 
Maybe you are deluding yourself, imagining things you want, wishing for things that aren't there. But as you look back into Jungkooks’ eye, see them still softened, warm, gentle and brimming with love, you think maybe you're not. Maybe, just maybe, your best friend is in love with you too. 
You inch closer, hesitant but assured by the knowledge that Jungkook hadn't yet pushed you away either. 
You move an inch and Jungkook moves two, the two of you closing the space between together. Symbolic of how your relationship works, how the two of you always stand for each other, protecting, caring—loving, the other. 
Your lips touch his and the first caress, leaves a shiver down your spine. The feel of his full, soft lip is like paradise between your lips. The feeling, everything that you had hoped, dreamed of and more. 
His arms wrap around your waist and bring you closer until there isn't a hairsbreadth of space between you two.Your lips move against each other, full of pecks, soft bites, tongue, lust and love.
Pulling back away from you, he looks into your eyes and you no longer see a boy or a man. No, you see your entire world, your rock, the being your very soul is in love with. 
And then he says, "I love you too" and it's perfect. This moment the two of you have created—magical, surreal, beautiful and oh so perfect. 
You laugh and it comes out sounding wobbly. You think you might be crying but then you look at Jungkook and he is crying, and you think it's okay, and then you kiss him again. Your cheeks touch and his tears mix with yours and it feels like nirvana. 
You lose yourself to the feeling of having the man you love, kiss you and it feels like a homecoming. It feels like having the stars align perfectly, it feels like having your world tilt back on its axis. It feels like magic, joy—love.
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A/N: 💖
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Hello!! Welcome back 😊✨
It’s good to hear from you again!! I really loved your stories like tatts and cupcakes , also cameras and caffeine (basically the dad aus cuz ugh 🥺🤧). It’s really cute 🥺😤💛
Anyway, I saw that you’ll be having new series soon campus heartthrobs,, so I was kind of wondering if I could be part of the taglist ? If possible for all of them hihi 👉🏻👈🏻
Anyway, thank you so much!!!
thank you, i’ll add you !! i’ve always been a sucker for dad aus as well they’re just so cute 🥺 there are a few other types of aus i've been wanting to write but i'm not sure how well they’ll be received for enhypen so i’ve kinda just stuck to dad aus as a safe bet 😭
if things go according to the plan i initially had for cameras & caffeine there’s a bit of a set up for a sunghoon dad au but i can’t make any promises as of right now 🤭
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lombredanslaeu · 4 years
someone that loves you | lee taeyong
▸ taeyong x antagonist! reader
▸ summary: everyone always gushes about the protagonist - the goody two shoes, i-deserve-all-the-happiness girl. you never had a problem with people getting their happy endings, anyway. but lee taeyong won’t be the rescuing you in a shiny, white horse; you are also not his damsel-in-distress. you are the protagonist in their love story.; word count 4,352
▸ angst, fluff.
this isn’t proofread so i apologize for any mistakes! enjoy <3
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You’ve known Lee Taeyong all your life; from being lunchbox friends in elementary school to being party buddies in college. You weren’t the best of friends but you did share the same closest circle of friends in college. You both watched each other grow up, but you weren’t the type of friends to gush about their love life with. In fact, the two of you could only hold a proper conversation if it’s in one of Jaehyun’s parties. Nevertheless, you always found him attractive. He was the hot, cool junior who is currently majoring in music. He has girls trailing behind him; one of those heartthrob male protagonist in a movie or a book. You had the advantage of being in his inner circle - which means you are one step further than the girls chasing after him. You aren’t so bad yourself - you’re quite popular, your hair was always in check, you liked girly clothing. Everyone in your department kisses your ass, if you’re being honest, and you could have anyone wrapped around your finger. Everyone except Taeyong.
“What lipstick should I wear for today?” Your friend, Yeri, asked you while holding two lipstick tubes near her lips.
“This one looks great with the university atmosphere,” you replied, poiting to the one on her left. “The other one would look great on parties and dates.”
“Ugh, you are so great at choosing lip colors.” She complimented. “Speaking of parties, you’re still up for Friday night at Jaehyun’s?”
“Of course!” You exclaimed. “He always hosts the greatest parties.”
“Right?” Joy spoke in agreement. “Besides, that might be the night you finally get it with Taeyong.”
“Oh please,” Yeri interjected. “You know Y/N doesn’t hook up on the first night.”
“I’m the complete opposite of what those bitches at the online forum say about me!” You added.
“You don’t have to listen to those forums, Y/N,” Joy said. You sighed and got back to eating your lunch. Joy and Yeri are two of your closest friends. You met during the first day of your freshman year. You only knew Taeyong as you both came from the same high school, but he looked like he already had friends; that led you to no choice but to talk with the girl beside you during chemistry. It wasn’t long until you started to hang out with Taeyong’s circle of friends. The night of Jaehyun’s party came. It was the same, old thing with Lucas being extra loud than his normal self, and it was either Johnny or Xiaojun in charge of the music. Except today, two unfamiliar faces came through the door.
“Who are they?” You asked Mark beside you.
“That’s Daeun and Euna.” Mark responded. “Apparently, Taeyong and Kun invited them since they’re new in campus.”
You felt a surge of jealousy rage over you. You know you don’t have any reason to feel that at all. It’s not like Taeyong would suddenly want to date you after all the gifts and letters you gave him on his birthday for the past years.
“Do I sense some kind of tension here?” Mark commented. He must have felt the shift in your body at the mention of Taeyong’s name.
“No?” You defended. “Why would I feel some tension?”
You got back to sipping your drink and watch as one of the girls converse with Taeyong and Yuta. She looks nice. She looks innocent and cute. You weren’t one to judge other girls at all. Even if you hated all your competitors, you never resorted to sending bashful comments to them. You walked away from the scene to find Doyoung and get him to get you drunk.
Your professor called in sick for the day, leaving you with no more lectures for the rest of the week. You silently thanked your department for having its finals week earlier than the other departments. You were scrolling through your social media apps to kill time and decided to watch a view stories on instagram. The first story was from Taeyong; it showed a picture of Daeun seated across from him in the library. You were used to seeing Taeyong hang out with other girls before. You would have let it slide like the other girls, except that you notice Taeyong has been hanging out with Daeun more ever since Jaehyun’s party. You skipped over to the next story to distract yourself. As you got invested on your phone, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked up to see distressed Taeyong.
“Hey Y/N, are you busy?” He asked.
“Not at all.” You responded, setting down your phone on the table.
“Listen, I am terribly failing Professor Kang’s class,” He started. “He told me you’re his greatest student. So, can you coach me? We have a class debate and I need to win.”
“Okay, remember,” You said to Taeyong. You were explaining to him strategies on how to win a debate. “Analyze every argument your opponent has to say. Don’t miss out on anything.”
Taeyong wrote down on his notebook all the tips you’re giving him. Today was the fourth day you’re coaching him. You got to spend time with Taeyong even if all you did was stay in the library for two hours. During your breaks, you talked about your favorites - movies, songs, food, etc.
“If you win this debate,” You said to him. “I’ll treat you to a HONNE show on the 16th.”
“Woah, Y/N, that’s a deal,” He replied with amusement evident on his face. “I’m gonna destroy that Mingyu.”
You rushed through the hall to catch Taeyong’s debate on time. It was open for anyone to watch. You ditched the remaining hour of your psychology lecture to greet him with a huge bouquet of flowers and your promised ticket to HONNE if he wins. You saw the swarm of people exit the function hall, which means the debate was done. You wiggled yourself through the crowd in search for the boy. You spotted him near the exit with Jungwoo, Yuta, and Daeun.
“Taeyong!” You exclaimed, catching his attention. He walked towards you, smiling at the things on your hands. You noticed that your bouquet of flowers outshine the ones that Daeun gave to him. You mentally smiled at yourself for that.
“I won, Y/N! I won!” He exclaimed before slinging an arm over your shoulders for a brief hug. It may seem like a short, friendly hug to anyone but for you, it was like your skin suddenly felt what it was like to be appreciated.
“You have me as your coach, of course you would win,” You replied. “I’m sure you did amazing. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to catch it. As promised, see you at HONNE.”
He received the bouquet and ticket from your hands and gave you a smile that could light up the darkest parts of you.
“Oh Y/N, I forgot that Daeun and I had plans to catch this movie on the 16th.” Taeyong said. You felt your blood boil slightly. “It’s shows for the last time on the 16th. You can give the ticket to Johnny. He also likes HONNE.”
Taeyong’s rain check bothered you for the entire week. You really wanted to see HONNE with him; you even rejected Joy so that Taeyong could have the extra ticket.
“I thought it was Taeyong you’re supposed to go with?” Johnny said. You asked him to go with you for the concert.
“Yeah but, he has plans with that Daeun girl.” You said, rolling your eyes. Johnny chuckled at your response.
“Wow! The campus’ crush got rejected by Lee Taeyong?” He said with great amusement. “This is breaking news!”
You couldn’t believe it either. Any other guy would be begging to be the one you have a concert date with; the fact that Taeyong rain checked on you bothered you to the core.
“Hey, cheer up, Y/N.” Johnny said, his tone becoming concerned.
You sighed and force a small smile. “It’s fine, John.”
“Hey,” He spoke, facing you. “Do you really want Taeyong to be free on the 16th?”
His menacing eyes made you skeptical about whatever plan he has in mind. Johnny was always the deceitful one. He gets away with everything and anyone. For the past year of being friends with him, you’re guaranteed that Johnny’s plans never fail. The next thing you know, you’re sneaking into the university’s clinic. Your university clinic arranges a mandatory annual check up that each student must attend to. You only get one appointment every year and if you fail to do so, you’re not allowed to enter any contests/competitions for the rest of the year. Daeun was part of the archery team and they have a competition coming next month. As part of the debate varsity, you know that every team member takes the check up seriously; so does Daeun.
“Y/N, hurry up, the nurses’ lunch ends in 15.” Haechan whispered. He volunteered to be your look out. He was Johnny’s partner in crime so, you know that he’ll help you execute this perfectly. You found the schedules for the check ups for this and wrote Daeun’s name on the 16th.
You were walking back from a long meeting with your college organization. It was nearing midnight since you and your team needed to stay back and fix some stuff. The walk from your school to your dorm wasn’t very far and although it was really late, the street was illuminated with street lights. As you approached a bus stop near the exit of your school, you noticed a familiar figure.
“Taeyong?” You asked the person, who seems to be clutching his side because of pain. He lifted his face to you, causing you to see the few scratches and cuts lined with blood. “What the fuck happened to you?”
“It’s nothing, just came across some bad blood.” He replied, wincing as the cut on the corner of lips hindered him from speaking comfortably.
“This isn’t nothing, Taeyong.” You said with utmost concern. “Come with me to my dorm. I’ll help you clean that up before you catch a bus.”
You walked with him to your dorm. You couldn’t let Taeyong go inside a filthy bus with his exposed wounds. He sat down on your couch as you get the first-aid kit that the landlord placed in every unit.
“Care to tell me what really happened?” You inquired. You dabbed a piece of cotton on the cuts near his lips. Taeyong was always beautiful but he was too ethereal to be scarred with such wounds.
“I got into a fight with Daeun’s ex.” He sighed. “I overheard them arguing during lunch earlier. He threatened to hurt her if she doesn’t get back together with him so, I wait for him to finish his community service and went for it.”
Your heart winced at the fact that Taeyong got hurt for Daeun. It wasn’t the right time to compare but whenever people would comment hurtful prejudice to you, it was always the others guys who would come to your defense. Taeyong only knew Daeun for a short amount of time but he’s starting to act like her knight in shining armor. You couldn’t deny that Daeun was a sweet girl; she helped you with a physics problem once and told you that you could always ask for help. Your pride got the most of you and ignore her. Taeyong probably likes the sweet ones and you were too bitter for your own good.
“Thank you for your help, Y/N.” Taeyong said as you announced that you were done cleaning up his wounds.
“No problem.” You replied. “Just promise me you’ll get your ribs checked tomorrow.”
He smiled at you; and for the first time in quite some time, you felt like the good girl in this story.
Today was the day of the HONNE concert. You didn’t expect Taeyong to approach you since he knew Johnny will be the one you’re going with, but here he is - standing in front of you.
“Listen, I just found out that Johnny had a stomach flu and wouldn’t be able to go to the concert.” He said. You didn’t know Johnny had the stomach flu so this surprised you. “I didn’t want you to come alone so, I was hoping that his spot hasn’t been taking yet.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Don’t you have a movie to catch with Daeun?”
“Yeah but she was scheduled to have the annual check up today.” He replied.
“Great, see you at the concert.” You said, smiling at him before walking away.
“That was so fun!” Taeyong exclaimed as you both exit the concert venue. You decided to grab a drink in a bar nearby.
“Right?” You agreed, reciprocating the wide smile he has on his face. “’Location Unknown’ definitely moved me to the core.”
You settled in a booth in the bar. This bar was a great spot for concert-goers so you weren’t expecting to stay for a long time.
“Can I tell you something?” He said, playing with the bottle in his hands. You lifted your eyebrow to signal that you were willing to listen. “Daeun just said she loves me.”
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat. “And what did you say?”
“Well, she didn’t say it to my face. Taeil overheard her and Euna talking.” He replied.
“Do you love her back?” You asked. You hoped to the stars that he’ll say no.
“I don’t know.” You relaxed at his response. “But, I do like her.”
You felt like you lost your chance. Is Daeun prettier? Is she really kinder than you? Are you unlovable?
“Wait,” You held your palms up. “Why are you telling me this? We’re not that close.”
He shrugged at you. “I don’t know. After our debate tutoring, I realized that you’re actually cool to hang with. Besides, you’re not friends with Daeun or Euna, so I bet you won’t tell them what I have to say.”
“Are all of your friends close with them?” You asked.
“Yeah, almost everyone.” He replied.
Oh, so everyone likes them? You couldn’t deny that you may seem bitchy to other people. Yuta and Jaemin seems like they never liked you since the beginning, despite not doing anything to them. The fact that they like Daeun and Euna doesn’t sit right with you.
As the weeks go by, you witness first-hand how Taeyong and Daeun got closer. She was always present on Jaehyun’s parties and it seems like Daeun’s instagram stories are just becoming endless candid photos of Taeyong. You scrolled past her instgaram stories. Christmas time is coming up. You usually never give presents to everyone but this time, you were determined to be selfless. You carefully wrapped everyone’s presents. Butterflies flew in your stomach as you wrapped Yuta’s present. You knew he was never fond of your presence. He once called you “Regina George” because according to him, you fit that category. You never understood why he would label you as such. All you did was beat him during debate and spoke nothing but the truth about his shortcomings as a speaker. Jaemin, on the other hand, used to be your vice president in the debate varsity. You two got along together before; that was until someone showed you a screenshot of a tweet on his private twitter account saying that you were a bad president.
“I can’t believe you are this low.” You said to Jaemin.
“Well, you should believe that you are a bad president because you never listen to anyone but yourself!” His tone was more hostile. You were trying your best to stay calm but the comment he just gave blew whatever cool you had in you.
“Okay, you can keep talking but just now,” Your voice lowered as you say the last phrase. “I’m never gonna listen to whatever bullshit you have to stay.”
You remembered having half of the debate varsity turn their backs against you. But, it was the same old thing. You were always the villain in everything. You wanted to make amends with Yuta and Jaemin and gave them their presents.
Yuta scoffed at the gesture. “Oh please, trying to play nice since the comments about you on the online forum are starting to get into your head?”
“I’m just trying to be nice.” You said. “I know things aren’t cool between us, so I’m here to make amends.”
“Stop trying to be nice.” Jaemin spoke. “Stop proving that you’re not the bad guy when you know to yourself that you are.”
He got up and threw the present in the nearest garbage bin. You held back the tears that were threatening to form in your eyes. You’re Y/N. You never cry in front of people. You sighed in defeat and left the lecture hall.
“That wasn’t very nice, you guys.” Taeyong scolded the younger boys. He was the only one inside the hall aside from you, Yuta, and Jaemin. He excused himself from the two as he followed you into the hallway. He saw your sniffling figure near a storage room. He placed a hand on your shoulder which caused you to frantically wipe your tears.
“It’s okay, Yong.” You said.
“I’m sorry for what they said.” He started.
“You don’t have to apologize for their actions.” You replied, sighing. “Besides, apologizing for them won’t fix anything between us.”
“You’re a good person, Y/N.” He said, staring into your eyes. “I’m sorry it took me a while to realize that.”
Your heart was booming against your chest. He leaned forward and you felt his lips brush against yours. The next thing you know, your lips are moving in sync with his. You felt the universe sparkle with magic at the feeling. The boy of your dreams is kissing you. For the first time in your life, something felt ethereal. Your internal rejoice was cut short as you see the figure of Daeun from Taeyong’s shoulders. You were about to pull away but she already ran.
“You shouldn’t have done that, Taeyong.” You said, breathing heavily at the guilt.
“Why? Johnny told me you liked me?” He said. Your eyes widened at the statement.
“Yeah, Taeyong.” You replied. “I’m in love with you. For all the years we’ve spent together, I thought one day, you would like me too. But Daeun loves you, and I know you like her. You shouldn’t have kissed me just because you knew I’m in love with you. That’s not fair.”
Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows. “Did she see us?” His voice was low but you could hear it.
“Yes.” You replied. “I’m sorry. I want you for myself that’s why I didn’t pull away immediately.”
“What if I said I want you too?”
“I am the bad guy.” You spoke as you stared in the nothing. Yeri and Joy decided to take you out after what happened. “I knew Daeun loves Taeyong and yet, I let him kiss me.” ”It’s not your fault Taeyong found you kissable that time, Y/N.” Yeri replied.
You rolled your eyes at her response and before you could say anything, Joy interjected. “It’s true, Y/N. You know in yourself that you wouldn’t kiss Taeyong since he said he likes Daeun.”
You groaned as you put your head in your hands. Your phone lights up and you saw that you got a new text.
Lee Taeyong [10:57 pm]: can we talk tomorrow? pls…
You [10:59 pm]: ok.
You waited for Taeyong on the bleachers near the soccer field. There weren’t a lot of people since students started going home to their hometowns but Taeyong’s friends were there.
“Oh, you’re here to steal Taeyong again, Y/N?” Jaemin asked mockingly.
You rolled your eyes as Mark said, “He’ll be here any moment, Y/N.” and gave you a smile.
You stared at the sunset and wondered what the rest of the day has in store for you. You spotted Taeyong chasing after Daeun during third period earlier. The guilt consumed you. You were typically the type to be selfish about things. You thought you were doing something great by giving out presents but based on Yuta and Jaemin’s reactions, you felt like you can never be kind to anyone. You spotted Taeyong walking towards you. You swallowed the butterflies that tried to escape your throat.
“Hey.” He said quitely. He sat down beside you. “About what I said the other day-”
His sentence was cut short by Euna running towards you.
“Taeyong!” She exclaimed as she was approaching. “Taeyong-”
“Euna, calm down,” He tried to help her catch your breathe.
“Daeun-” Euna began. There was a small pinch of worry inside you. You were worried that something might have happened to her because of what she saw. “I don’t know what you two are talking but- Daeun is on her way to transfer to another college. If you really like her, Taeyong, please stop her.”
Taeyong looked down, conflict evident in his demeanor. He stayed silent for a while as Euna went away. Your hands turned cold. He hasn’t said anything but you knew what his decision was.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He whispered before bolting off towards Euna’s direction.
You didn’t realize that you were crying until you felt a tear drop on your legs. You thought you had him. The moment he said that he wants you too, made you feel like you’re up on cloud nine. But clouds disappear and the moment they do, you’ll be falling from the sky and down to the ground. You stood up and saw the look on everyone’s eyes. For the first time in forever, you saw pity on Yuta’s eyes.
News spread fast as they often do. The announcement of Daeun and Taeyong’s relationship went through your ear for the nth time today. With the guidance of chocolates and countless bottles of alcohol, you tried yourself to forget about Taeyong. As you were drunkenly singing “Truth Hurts” by Lizzo, you remembered who you are. You are Y/N. And you don’t cry for anyone.
“You’re prettier, Y/N.” Joy attempts at cheering you up. Yeri smiled at you and held your hand as a sign of comfort. You three chatted for a while until it was time for them to catch their flights home. It was the end of the semester but you were too bummed to go back to your hometown. The quietness of your town wouldn’t be a good combination with your thoughts. You figured that the city would be the best place for now. You mentally thanked Taeyong for making you believe that you could be a good person. You thanked him for the butterflies and the greatest kiss that you’ve had so far.
As you stood up, you saw Yuta standing in your direction.
“You’re a good person, Y/N.” He said all of a sudden. You tilted your head in confusion. He just smiled and walked away.
Before his figure became blurry, you noticed that he was swearing the shirt you got him for Christmas.
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a/n: ya know in retrospect, this seems like ur typical cheesy teenage movie. might delete this soon hehehe anyway, feedback are always welcome!! 
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Len Snart’s Pathetic/Creepy Proposals, Part 2
In the second part of our series focusing on Len Snart, aka Captain Cold, we turn to Flash #134, “The Man Who Mastered Absolute Zero”. Like our previous outing, it was written by John Broome and drawn by the legendary Carmine Infantino.
“Captain Cold! What icy tremors that name stirs in the souls of even the bravest readers of our magazine!” Well, sign me up to be a Green Lantern, because that name stirs up no icy tremors for me at all! 
The comic begins, not with Captain Cold, or even the Flash, but with scientists testing the capabilities of a computer (the issue calls it a “giant electronics machine”; since this story was published in early 1963, the computer takes up the whole room). However, much to their bewilderment, the machine keeps producing inaccurate calculations. 
Flash, who is apparently friends with these scientists, comes in to help and brings his pal Elongated Man (Ralph Dibney) with him. 
The scientists ask Flash to follow the movement of an electric impulse through the computer’s circuits in the hopes that he’ll be able to figure out where the malfunction is happening. He obliges and discovers that nothing seems to be wrong (only to trip and almost fall on his face at the end of the first “test run”). 
As he and Elongated Man are leaving the lab, they learn that there’s been a mass escape from the state prison; apparently a minor earthquake knocked down a wall, allowing some crooks to escape. The two heroes promptly set to work rounding up all the escaped baddies...and manage to re-arrest all but one of them. That one is, naturally enough, Len Snart. 
Amusingly, the warden talks to the Flash and Elongated Man about Snart like he’s not sure they’ve heard of him. Even though he’s Captain Cold. 
We then cut to Captain Cold himself. “Amusing! They’re all so sure that the prison wall cracked because of an earthquake! What they don’t know is that it was my command of intense cold that produced the quake!” Uh...sure, Len. SCIENCE! 
Barry and Iris meet for lunch, and Iris tells Barry that she visited Captain Cold’s cell for a story. (Being Mean Silver Age Iris, she prefaces this by saying “Well, for once you were on time for our dinner date, Barry Allen!”) What she found was that Captain Cold had plastered the walls of his cell with pictures of a “dancer known as Miss Twist”.
Iris on Len: “Hmmm! Captain Cold is certainly the fickle type! On a previous occasion when he escaped jail, he came to my apartment and swore undying love for me! But now...it’s clear that he’s forgotten me and has as his newest heartthrob the dancer known as Miss Twist! My readers will love this juicy item!” Maybe you should, I don’t know, warn this poor woman about the parka-suited creeper who might be coming after her? Granted, as supervillainous stalkers go, he’s fairly tame, but still. 
Iris and Barry are both called away from their lunch date when the radio announces that Cold “has been sighted in Midtown”, and Barry changes into the Flash. 
“According to my cold calculations, the best way for me to make an impression on Miss Twist is to grab the headlines by a sensational foray...into this subdivision of the U.S. Mint--where there are greenbacks galore!” Len, honey...this is an improvement over “Marry me or I’ll never unfreeze the city!” but...you might want to rethink this plan. 
Flash shows up at the bank, and the two fight. Len briefly distracts Barry by making a mirage of what the comic calls “a huge butterfly of formidable mein” but which the art makes look like an unholy abomination, but Barry figures out it’s not real quickly and almost catches up to him when the Elongated Man mysteriously grabs Barry instead of Cold. Luckily, Barry isn’t mad and they team up to go after the crook once more...only for the same thing to happen. 
Captain Cold reacts to this by saying “Who needs my Cold-Gun now--when I have a secret weapon--the Elongated Man--helping me to escape the Flash!” and throwing his gun away.
Elongated Man almost uses the Cold Gun to blast Barry, but Barry manages to prevent his friend from doing any harm, then captures Cold.
Barry: “I’ll keep Captain Cold off-balance--by whirlwinding him all the way to jail!” 
Captain Cold: “Ugh...Muggh...Ugh…” 
Barry realizes that Elongated Man has been making mistakes in their fight with Cold because he was affected by the same thing that was affecting the computer in the laboratory they visited in the beginning of the story: namely, some computer tubes that are giving off “a faint violet glow”. Oh, and his reasoning for why this affected the Elongated Man? “The rays may have had an especial effect on the Elongated Man because the molecules of his body are so stretchy--and so vulnerable!” SCIENCE! 
Replacing the tubes fixes the computer (the scientists call it LiCal, their Lightening Calculator, which I guess goes to show how much computer science has advanced since 1963) and Elongated Man. And Elongated Man can stay a hero! YAY! 
Stay tuned for Part 3! 
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