#uhhhhhh I'm just ranting now
laugtherhyena · 1 year
Man this last class i had today really made me think about how devalued brazilian culture is by it's own people, like here at college whenever i talk to my classmates about things they like or what they've been watching is always some western show or asian series, i haven't seen a single person around my age list some Brazilian telenovela/soap opera as something they actively watch or enjoy and that's just really sad to me because i think those are a staple of our culture and nowadays it really feels like it's something only the older generation cares about because it's so hard to find younger people who watch these.
I feel embarrassed saying i watch telenovelas every day to people because they just look at me like "woah, you watch those things?", is it that weird to watch something produced in the country you live in and by the people of our culture instead of something from the other side of the world?? And i shouldn't feel embarrassed to talk about how i love those shows but i just do because this stuff makes me feel like I'm detached from my own age group.
And I'm not saying it's wrong to enjoy things from other nations/cultures, if i did i would be a fucking hypocrite cuz a lot of the things i enjoy come from outside too, it's just that it really saddens me to see how many people here just don't care about the things produced in our own country or see them as lesser than outside ones because of the whole “The grass is greener on the other side” thing a majority of our population has.
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tommysm0ondust · 11 months
I'm. what. what the fuck. what do I even say.
please if anyone noticed hints in the credits tell me cuz what the hell.
I was like "ok they won't kill Timely" AND THEN. HUH.
man this episode was good
"we are gods" TEEHEE
also Mobius and Loki fighting over who's in the suit was so funny. I love them sm.
ALSO ALSO, when he was talking to Sylvie he was like "it's safe bc of Mobius........ and B-15" I swear he was probably only thinking of Mobius and then remembered B-15. He loves him so much hahaha (I'm delusional)
but no fr I'm loving their dynamic and I really do not see loki and Sylvie being a thing this time around.
last season they tried to make em all like cutesy and stuff but not this time, which I like as a Lokius shipper🫶💥 (no hate to sylki shippers tho you do you‼️^^)
I LOVED Loki and Sylvie using their magic🫶🫶🫶 their my bbgs.
the end of the episode was just. wtf. as I said in the beginning of the post. HE JUST IMMEDIATELY GOT SPAGHETTIFIED. LIKE. AHHH.
also what the hell is gonna happen next episode.
how are they gonna live. that thing just exploded. they're not gonna escape that
ALSO RAVONNA LITERALLY. KILLED THEM. ALL OF EM. uhhhhhh the noises in that scene made me feel SICK ☹️☹️☹️☹️
the ONE time I was just HOPING for a post credits scene we don't get one grrrrrr
how will I wait a week now.
ok that's it. I needed to rant a bit about this episode because I think I went through every emotion in existence.
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you get it so much i could genuinely spend hours talking about bakugo and midoriya’s characters and their development and how genuinely well written they are and then an exploration of their dynamic on top of that and why it’s one of the best in media atm AND I MEAN THAT but people are so busy tripping over themselves to be like ‘UHHH ☝🏼😂 MHA IS CRINGE’ or the fans themselves absolutely butchering the characters (bakugo in particular is like a toxic wasteland now do not approach do not stop within a 10 mile radius etc) that it’s pointless and it makes me so MADDDD anyway hiiii corey i put mha in ur inbox do u still think im hot
and like... as far as midoriya and bakugou are concerned, they're like... forced into almost Every fic i read :/ like i'm out here looking for class a being a family fics without midoriya or bakugou trauma or hero worship is that SO MUCH TO ASK!!! i'll be under the denki-centric tag bc he's my special lil boy and like bakugou being in most of them i Get bc of the bakusquad bUT like denki is Also Smart and, imo, understand his quirk better than midoriya, so why do we need to force midoriya in there to explain how denki's quirk works tO HIM??? or like. people will bring up midoriya's past in like every fic that isn't about him or bakugou's kidnapping (which like fair ik that was traumatic for literally everyone but i'm not looking for balugou fics) and i'm just. i want sero hanta fics. not sero is worried about midoriya fics.
oof okay i have a lot to say apparently. am a lil bitter bc my favorite characters are denki, sero, kodai, and ojirou (and the bakusquad like i LOVE kiri) and finding they centric fics without just... let's talk about bakugou and midoiya is HARD they have PLENTY of they centric fics!!! i don;t mind them Being in other fics, but like... do we Haveto mention how amazing and special they are in Every Fic??? like... they're not the only ones who work hard and made it into class a??? so did literally everyone else??? midoriya isn't the only one who was bullied or gets anxious sometimes (and people make him like... weirdly anxious too like must protect him and i'm just... ugh) and midoriya isn't the only sunshine in class a (horikoshi literally said that denki is the glue that holds the class together but, no, everyne go ahead and make it mido...) and bakugou isn't the only one who's experienced something traumatic nor is he the only one who cares about others but is bad at showing it. and they aren't the only contenders for #1 hero and anyone in class a could beat them in a spar like... i don't think they're unbeatable??? denki could beat them. ojirou could beat them. satou could beat them. shouji. hagakure. kouda. aoyama. sero. mina. jirou. the list goes on. and they could beat all the people i just listed any day too!!! it just... it doesn't always have to be like "gosh i'll never be a hero like deku" like??? you got in the Same class he did.
ahem. anyways. uhhhhhh i LOVE midoriya and bakugou. hate the way fans act like they're the only characters that matter. yes this angry rant is bc i was looking for denki centric fics the other day and most of them were more midoriya centric even though that wasn't tagged and denki centric was. when you're reading a fic about the trauma of someone other than mido and baku and then one of them has to take over and be like "listen to My trauma" and suddenly it's aboyt THem.
anyways hella i still think you're hot in fact i think it makes you Even Hotter
(also no shame i literally made the password to last week's vocab quiz "SERO HANTA" like in all caps bc of the leaks and bc i love him.)
sorry about the angry rant about the two main characters do you still think i'm hot-
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whats the tumblr accounts of some of ur fav ocs like
I wanted to come up with actual usernames for them but some were taken and that's kinda awkward uhhhhhh
Becky Maurice
“You have tumblr? Ew grosss”
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I love Becky but she wouldn't be caught dead on tumblr 
She's a Instagram tiktok girl sorryyy
If we are being sillay then she’d have a secret acc prlly one of those girly coquette blogs or a stan blog for cupcakke whaaaaaa
Definitely just something with aesthetic photos and gifs.
Also Becky does editing as a hobby so she might post some of her videos
If she were to interact/collab with someone it would be like those giant editing videos
(i guess this might be an instagram thing but when a lot of amv editors come together and slay)
She would only post edits that are relevant to the aesthetic and theme of her blog
also she'd delete asks and dms (if its not about collabing)   
"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my--"
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I used an old photo i alr had oof
I don't even know but she would send a lot of hate anon
Like her whole blog is just her arguing with people.
She sends it off anon first but if someone stops replying or blocks her
She makes an another acc and goes on anon to terrorize people.
She's deff the person on live telling the opps to pull up and it's like 4 am
She got a job (a literal warrior princess) but she behave like she unemployed so she on here 24/7
I don't wanna say her blog would be like a thirst trap blog but...
if she's not arguing with ppl she's flexing on them and posting like insane workout videos.
Or sparring sessions.
or thirst traps but in a way to piss people off
She’d prlly post some sort of art too but the replies and reblogs are turned off cuz she fight with too many people hahhhhh
She’d also have to remake her blog so many times cuz she gets reported a lot
"Actually now that i think about it she'd send anon hate too"
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Jelly wouldn't use social media cuz she doesnt know what it is
But if she was stalking really liked someone she’d join.
Deff one of those accs that look like a bot
no header no pfp no posts no likes no titles or anythin
she just lurks 
or sends weird anon asks
"I draw her too damn much she doesn't need an image"
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pink with glitter and its kinda tacky lookin with clashing colours
Her tumblr would be kinda a fandom blog?
About all her little shows that she fw
reblogging and likin everything hahaha hits the post limit everyday
she's one of the people that goes crazy in the tags
Rurue would post her fandom ocs awwww its gonna be so cute. 
Also just post images of her toys and little crafts then fucking randomly a image of her killing someone.
She gets away with it because people think it's a fake
She also doesn't know how to take good pictures so the victim is not identifiable
Octavia and Debbie
"Debbie doesn't look like that i was having trouble with her face so i covered one eye and yassified her..."
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I'm grouping them together because they’d have very similar blogs.
(they are literally connected)
they are both kind of self loathing so they’d never post anything directly about themselves. 
ooo Becky would prlly find Debbie's blog and put her on blast -
"Uh look at the stupid shit debbie is posting on tumblr lets all make fun of her"
"Wait a minute becky…how’d you find that?”
“What are YOU doing on tumblr???”  
The blogs would be a mix of like a rant vent #depression and like those early 2010 cringe like
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The main difference is that debbie would be posting shit like this
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and like those black and white images of crying anime girls.
Octavia would be reblogging historical art and photography etc etc
Ok thats it. Ahaha i spent to much time on this, sorry for typos <3 
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inniave · 5 months
helen lore/character development/rant under the cut (skip & take a cookie 🍪 if u don't wanna read. and ig if u stay also take a cookie. 🍪🍪🍪 everyone who wants a cookie gets a cookie. anyway. bye) (this feels so meta)
one time i was dating this guy and one day he was like "hey what happened to you? i can tell something really bad happened but it's like it's a secret or something." and i was just like 🧍uhhhhhh. please don't make me say the words. put the pieces together. i'm gonna go throw up now.
this was the same guy i forgot if i was in a relationship with or not... i'm still not sure ???? i feel so bad though cause like idk if he noticed me being weird or whatever when really i couldn't tell how i was Supposed to act (is he my bf??? my friend?? what does he know about me? oh god what am i supposed to know about him??) and i've always kinda wanted to reach out but then... like how do you say. "sorry about that period of time (that never really ended) where i forgot who you were to me. i didn't mean to hurt you. i'm sorry."
like???????? is? that seems like a not okay thing to tell someone ? idk. i have no clue. idk if he even remembers me. i don't know if we were happy. all i remember is bits and pieces and idk. i know a made some bad decisions. and i didn't feel. safe? but i don't think that was his fault. at least not that i can tell from what i remembered. i don't know. i don't even know why i'm thinking about this. oh yeah. not talking about what's going on. lol. feeling like i cant say things. cause i couldn't tell him what happened. still can't say it out loud. when i have to tell anyone i just say i have ptsd and they don't seem to have much trouble putting the pieces together :/ even when i try to hide how triggering it is just to talk or think about. even this i'm. i can feel it :( happening again :( and it hurts and where's the line between trauma processing and self harm ?? do feelings count as self harm? i m not intentionally feeling this way though and the problems is we've done sooooo much grounding work to get to this point and now i cant fucking dissociate well enough to fucking function. fuck. there's no point to this. idk. fuck.
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visage-of-hell · 5 months
Yeen ranting about her shitty day below the cut:
So the day before yesterday, my mom noticed that one of her kitty's chronic skin condition started flaring up again so me and the hubby hadda bring her in as a walk-in because there weren't any appointments til Monday and she could NOT wait that long. When this thing starts up, it goes from zero to 60 FAST, and we didn't want her to go through a bad episode again. Y'all, we were there for 5 HOURS--10am til 3pm. Between waiting to be seen and the doctor having to keep stepping out to handle emergencies (no other vet docs were there that day, just him), it was a fucking marathon. All on 3 and a half hours of sleep and nothing to eat since 6am. By the time we got home, all I had the energy left to do was eat and go into hibernation. LOL Didn't wake up til 2am and now my back is KIIIIIILLIN' me. Hurts to even fuckin' breathe. I'm guessing it's a combination of all this shit today plus being in bed 10 hours straight afterwards. XD So, uhhhhhh ... yeah, I might not be too productive on here tonight, just a fair warning.
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apricior · 10 months
oakworthy of course :D and uhhhhhh. scrambling through my notes to give you a second one. i guess glennry since you sent it to me LOL
i already talked about oakworthy here!!! my most adored <3 and now let's go for old man yaoi
What made you ship it?
honestly when i first listened to s1 i was more focused on oakson, but when glenn comes out of prison and henry thinks that he's hot i was like ah yeah. they're gay
What are your favorite things about the ship?
i love how incompatible they are. like their personalities, parenting styles, values and just ways of behaving in general are so different, but i think that this clash is very fun to explore. i love a ship that bickers and wants to beat the shit out of each other <3 also in my head their dynamic is basically henry ranting about what a piece of shit glenn is and glenn is just like "lol so true. wanna make out?" and i think that's very sexy of them
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
tbh i haven't interacted a lot with glennry shippers so i don't know what opinions are popular or not but i'm gonna say that i agree with you trav, there is no way glenn tops lol
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elprupneerg · 2 months
ranting a bunch, my family's a mess
after last time i stayed over at my parents' house i swore it would be the last time (teddy bear on bed had cat piss smell soaked in, bed had spiders under the blankets, i'm allergic to at least 2 animals there and also cigarette smoke). but i let myself get drafted into helping watch over the animals for 1 night next week since my parents were heading to a family reunion early and needed someone to give one of the dogs seizure medication. and also then when my sibling drove down to the reunion the next morning they would only have to add 5 extra minutes to the drive to pick me up instead of 30+ like they would if i were home.
i only agreed to stay that one night because it would Only be One Night. ONE. on the way back from the reunion my sibling is going to drop me off at home. and one of the 3 of them that actually fucking lives in my hometown would take care of the dogs until my parents came back the next afternoon. someone who isn't as allergic to the animals and smoke and doesn't have to sleep in a guest bed that smells like cat urine and spiders and wouldn't be lowkey trapped in the house with no car.
instead i got to spend time on the phone today getting ranted at by my mother about how her and my dad are Always There For You Kids But When We Need You We Don't Get Any Help. (nevermind that i genuinely can't recall the last time mom was there for me. dad? absolutely, dude's got everyone's back. he doesn't talk about feelings but he Will make sure you don't end up homeless. mom doesn't give any sort of material or emotional help with anything unless she can find a way to manipulate you with it)
apparently making it clear that i'm not spending a second night and that based on what my siblings said in our group chat i'd thought one of them was handling the dog's medicine is Actually me going "wah wah i hate helping, why can't aaaaaanyone else do it? why does it have to be meeeeee?" and i'm actually horrible and selfish just like all my siblings because we're all terrible.
and now she's threatening to not go! she still wants to send an uber for me to go up there but then just spend the night at the house while she's still there, fully defeating the purpose of me being there? and if that does actually happen i'll have to spend the night dealing with her getting drunk and either crying on me or screaming at me (probably both) before leaving early as fuck the next morning to go to another fucking state? like genuinely if she goes through with her threat then i simply will not go at all cuz i'd just spend the entire reunion ready to kill anything in sight and that's not fair to my cousins.
literally i probably could've avoided All Of This if i hadn't asked to stay over on the 4th. i asked as a way to test if maybe things could be less awkward over the holidays (sorta? but i couldn't sleep due to cat piss smells so i don't remember large parts of the 5th. so ultimately not very successful). and now that's getting taken as "oh yeah everything's perfect and mom can just go right back to treating me like i'm an evil ungrateful brat for uhhhhhh wanting to sleep in my own damn bed in my own damn apartment an hour away from her". which sucks! and makes me regret staying over at all! yeah going out for breakfast with everyone the next morning was nice, but its not worth this bullshit!
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lover-cook · 4 months
Daisy, Jenny & Closer to Fine
Tysm!! (And sorry for the late response things have been a bit hectic irl dlkngsdlkn)
Daisy (Zedd) 🌼 - How do you and your f/o feel about settling down? Do you want to find your forever home soon, or do you want to adventure as long as you can?
Ohhhh this is such a good question for Cassandra <3 We both have some understandable commitment issues which meant things weren't official for a long time even though emotionally the commitment was there. I've always been one to want to settle down into some sort of rhythm or sense or normalcy but that doesn't mean staying in one place! Cass has always been a wanderer at heart so I can see years of travels and adventures and eventually when all the excitement has died down we find a place to call our own! <3
Jenny (Studio Killers) 💄 - What object have you taken from your f/o that reminds you of them? What have they taken from you?
OOOOO Okay I wanna answer this with Pearl!! Okay so my s/i is in a band, with my qpp shoutout to them we love these squid lesbians So Much, so I like to think sometimes they swap merch of their bands. More specifically for Pearl though I love the idea of having one of Pearl's, obviously a butch in this scenario, carabiners that is just flooded with keychains and pins that goes with me Everywhere! As for what Pearl has taken from me? Uhhhhhh you know the scene in Adventure Time where Marceline realizes Bubblegum still has the t-shirt she gave her when they were dating??? Uhhh yeah that but it's one of my s/i band's merch t's <3
Closer to Fine (Indigo Girls) 🏔️ - What are 3AM conversations like with your f/o? Do you act like philosophers or sleep-deprived goofballs?
Okay okay okay so I've never heard this song but listening to it now I am getting such such Such Red Son vibes from it so I'm gonna answer with her <3 Often times Red Son is keeping themself up all night working on projects or somethingorother. It's a habit she picked up while they and Princess Iron Fan were planning to get DBK from under the Staff. So often times I stay up with her cause as much as they should just sleep sometimes it just isn't worth the fighting with her claiming she's almost done sdlknsldgk so we get to talking. Red Son is not particularly introspective and neither am I so often times the air is light and honestly kind of cozy. I ask them about whatever they've been working on recently and she rants/walks through her process and whatever hangups there are, which is find I don't mind being a 'rubber duck' kdnldsgn. We talk about how we're thankful for each other being in our lives and of course I make joking and teasing comments while Red Son tries to keep all serious dlkgsklngdsln It usually ends with us holding each other and stroking each others hair and passing out though <3
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deeisace · 8 months
so for a while cs I didn't read all the censuses n stuff properly I did think that one of my many-greats 1870s aunts was polyam somehow and her husband had another wife? the neighbour?
I mean, idk really cs I can only see who is in which house on one day every ten years. tbh.
But it turns out that the neighbour was a widow? If I remember right (no I'm not looking it up now), and whoever the enumerator was recorded her as "So-and-so Jones - wife" with no husband listed
Normally it'd look like "This-and-that Jones - head / So-and-so Jones - wife". y'know.
And what'd happened was the whoever or whatever computer programme does the reading of the censuses for uhhhhhh webbed site had listed her in the same house as auntie Ellenor and her husband, cs I guess hadn't seen the little "new household" mark and had probably also gone "no husband?? where husband??" and connected her to Ellenor's husband too
There's also sometimes terrible errors regards to handwriting, and you have to do incredibly broad searches after (before chronologically I mean. But we are going backwards in time, so 1871 comes before 1861) about 1850 and at the same time take into account that "William" might be shortened to any of Will/Wm/Wllm/W. by some poor enumerator in 1861 who has to do this whole street of houses with three families of 10 in each before he gets whatever passes as his lunch and also he left school at 12 to go work in a factory and has a dip pen because biro's aren't invented yet so his handwriting's not quite the very best (I'm not exaggerating by much) and the W might be mistook for an M and L's for I's etc etc by the very stupid computer programme that's trying to read past the poor sod's ink blots
Anyway, that's another rant
What was I talking about - Auntie Ellenor and her husband and their neighbour. Her name was Sarah I think?
Yeah anyway idk what happened really cs I only see what these people will tell a government man on one day every ten years
But, I do remember seeing I think that the youngest child baptised to Ellenor is staying at Sarah's house, and the youngest child baptised to Sarah is staying at Ellenor's house, and they are almost the same age - but given it's been several years since I read the records I'm 99% sure I'm very wrong -
Confirmed by the fact I've just looked them up again and Sarah is Mary and actually she's the one with the husband and Ellenor's on her own (with a buncha kids) and also Ellenor's surname has been entirely misread by the computer programme, and I can't find either Selina or John's baptism records with either surname --
This whole post was pointless (except the bit about the enumerator and his handwriting, tho in the case the fault lies with the computer programme and my godawful memory - and my 6-years-ago research skills, apparently)
I'm going to go and actually find out the correct info for auntie Ellenor now. Tho I have other things to do.
What the fuck records was I remembering I looked at I'm so confused I'm gonna do so much typing and squinting augh why okay bye
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Loona x reader Frozen yogurt pt.2
Y/n hummed and tapped their foot against the pavement in beat of the song they were listening to. It was a real banger. It almost didn't make them want to enter the i.mp. Building. Almost. But they wanted to see Loona. They knew the deal they made made them friends in front of BlitzØ but they kept hanging out more and more and they both had a lot in common. Like being bitches with anger issues. They entered the building bobbing their head. Loona was at her desk on her phone. Millie, Moxxie, and BlitzØ were nowhere to be seen. Y/n walked up behind Loona and wrapped there arms around Loona who growled but stopped when she realized it was y/n and not some random creep.
" Don't do that! I almost bit off your head." Loona sighed.
" But seeing your reaction is funny." Y/n rested their chin on top of Loona's fluffy hair.
" Fuck you." Loona sniffed.
" Naw you can do that yourself." y/n laughed.
Loona sighed and turned her attention back to her phone.
" What are you doing?" Y/n peered at Loona's phone.
" I'm looking at demons doing dumb shit. It's hellarious." Loona said, smirking. " These stupid demons just love setting other demons on fire."
" Well that's hell for you." Y/n wrapped their arms around Loona hugging her.
" Do you want to watch?" Loona asked.
" Duh, I'm bored. " y/n sat on the arm of Loona's chair, resting their head against hers.
Loona closed her eyes for a moment then opened them and played the video. Somewhere in the video y/n started feeling bold so every now and then she would start kissing Loona on the top of her head. Loona didn't do anything except twitch her ear. As time went by the videos They were watching were getting funnier. They started laughing more and more. At one point they were laughing so hard they didn't realize there were keys in the door and BlitzØ was walking in the office. They all stopped and stared at each other. BlitzØ was carrying a shopping bag and staring at them with his mouth open. Y/n glanced at them and Loona. y/n was still sitting on the arm of Loona's chair there arms wrapped around Loona's shoulders, head laying against hers. Loona sittingin her chair one hand holding the phone the other holding y/n's. Y/n guessed what could be going through BlitzØ's mind. 
The position they were in wasn't friends.
'Ummmmm. Are yall high?" BlitzØ asked.
" Not that I'm aware of. " y/n detached themselves from Loona
" I wouldn't get high at work. " Loona let go of y/n's hand.
" Hah! Liar." Y/n poked Loona in the arm.
BlitzØ raised an eyebrow clearly suspicious.
" So where were you boss? Skipping work? That's not cool. If I have to be stuck here, so do you." y/n said trying to change the subject.
" I was at the store stealing horse decorations for my office!" BlitzØ then spent the next thirty minutes showing them the horse decorations and ranting about how much he loved horses.
" Ugh this is boring, I'm leaving. Come on y/n. " Loona huffed getting up.
" Remember safe sex only!" BlitzØ said.
" What!?" Loona and y/n shouted.
"I'm not retarded i can see somthing is going on between you to." BlitzØ crossed his arms.
" U-u-u-u-u-uhhhhhh." Loona glanced at y/n.
Sure Loona did love the bitchy hoe but she wasnt ready for her fa- BlitzØ to know. She needed a lie but her head was empty. Out of the corner of her eye Y/n shook their head slightly.
"Now what I want to know is when were you going to tell me? Im your father Loona and im your boss y/n. I was the one who gave you the coupons so you could become friends. Now you're something more obviously and you won't tell me! I'm super hurt Loony. " BlitzØ said.
" Ummm." Loona began.
"No stop right there. I know you Loony, you're just going to try to lie. I know there's something here you don't have to tell me. Even a blind man could see it." BlitzØ interrupted.
" Is it that obvious?" Y/n asked.
BlitzØ nodded. " I've suspected something for a while but what I walked in on confirmed it."
Y/n grabbed Loona's hand and squeezed it. " Sorry boss. We werent ready to tell you."
" hmpf. I'm still offended but I'll let this little relationship go on." BlitzØ uncrossed his arms.
"You'll let it go on? I don't care what you say, think, or do, you can't stop me from being with y/n." Loona growled.
" I don't want to stop you." BlitzØ waved his hands frantically. "I like seeing you happy!"
Loona nodded and hugged Y/n.
" I'm sorry to rope you into this crazy family." Loona whispered in their ear.
" No worries Moons, I like this family." Y/n giggled.
"Awwwww Loona I never knew you could be affectionate." BlitzØ gushed.
" Shut the fuck up old man!" Loona let go of y/n.
" hehe~ when are you going to give me grandbabies?" BlitzØ asked smirking.
"BlitzØ" They both shouted.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 years
Was gonna tall about queer identity with my (queer) therapist on wednesday, but nah I gotta skip it to talk about how my father is practically threatening me and my formal severing of ties didn't actually do anything
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jaxonkreide · 6 years
i’m fucking breaking down here
so on top of my two shelves which are like cool in a corner of the room I arranged my collectors edition of bravely second together with my limited edition of the last story and a “bless this wretched hive of scum and villainy” sign mackerel made me and a bunch of bird and a bunch of dragons and two of my cool daggers...
so anyways I arranged this shit beautifully
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glittercorvid · 6 years
Big Dysphoria Tonight, Lads
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obwjam · 4 years
Okay but if Bucky finds the tiny in winter soldier mode and takes them with him, I can only imagine that they become his anchor. Every time he gets wiped the tiny is there comfort him and to remind him who he is and that he is not a monster, and I can only imagine how he would be protective of the only good and gentle thing in his life. If hydra ever found out about the tiny, shit would go down. Obviously hydra would try to experiment on the tiny because they could work amazingly has a spy, and that's the moment Bucky goes fucking feral because no one touches his tiny. I bet the moment hydra finds out about the tiny is the moment Bucky manages to get out of there and escape with the tiny, and this could lead to all the events of winter soldier!!!!
This ask is getting long but I have to add!!! When Bucky is finally living with the tiny before civil war starts, they share the little apartment and become even closer, they go together to the trips in the museum to help Bucky get his memory back and the tiny helps him with the newspapers extracts. Bucky tries to buy little trinkets and stuff he thinks is cute at the market for the tiny!!! And when Steve comes to rescue Bucky I can only picture him finding the tiny first and being like "uhhhhhh hi?" And the tiny just goes "wait you aren't Bucky?... HOLY SHIT YOU ARE CAPTAIN AMERICA" and Steve would be so happy to discover that Bucky had a friend in all of this and he would become so close to the tiny too because hey, Bucky's friends are his friends😭😭😭😭 and I am really sorry for this long ass ask cuz I'm ranting now!! But then the tiny goes to Wakanda with Bucky and all the headcanons for the tiny community there just take place and- happy ending🥺
no omg are you kidding this is all SO GOOD!!!! bucky having a tiny companion just makes so much sense, he has someone who is always there for him and isn’t scared of him and genuinely cares and is there for him when he feels all alone— 🥺🥺 one of my fave prompts i ever wrote was bucky rescuing a tiny that hydra had discovered and captured. it’s just SO GOOD and i love the idea that the borrower isnt even phased by steve, they’re just awestruck and instantly become best friends over their shared love of bucky
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siren-of-agony · 3 years
So uhhhhhh idk if you've heard this song, but I think you'd like it? https://youtu.be/qOb-Ha7UaEw
'The Dismemberment Song'
Wow i so far reblogged like 3 posts and went on one rant in the tags and you already managed to completely figure me out 😅
I am IMMEDIATELY obsessed, thank you so much!
I just love insane women so so much, and am v thankful that you prob read my tags! Yeah this is going to be on loop for the next few hours!
(also, i originally wanted to keep my accounts v seperated but I'm now fighting the urge to link my playlist-blog, that, amongst others, features a playlist called "Lovers to Enemies" that I think a lot of you might vibe w)
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