#ui ui jjk
goatyuuji · 29 days
Yuuji you need to stay alive to save this kid from his groomer sister 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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k-martins · 29 days
I am absolutely delighted with the scene of Uiui lying on Yuji's shoulder, looking so calm and friendly. He doesn't deserve to be under Meimei's toxic and manipulative guardianship 😭😭😭😭
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valletta-alleyways · 3 months
jjk characters as cats? jjk characters as cats, anyone?
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(some of these are. old.)
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epickiya722 · 29 days
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How it was versus how it is now
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anime-freek · 29 days
JJK Ch. 267 cUte thing i noticed
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Like. I’m sorry, is that—IS THAT UI UI resting against YUJI OH MY GAH
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damn-stark · 4 months
Chapter 40 Once there was a way to get back home
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Chapter 40 of Sugar
A/N- :)
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, fluff!!, violence and blood, Sukuna, flashback, SPOILERS!!!! long chapter!
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Episode and or chapters- Chapter 257-258
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
Damn stupid fucker. He almost ate your damn leg!
Fuck, fuck!
The pain is so unbearable. Not even labor hurt this damn bad! No pain you’ve ever suffered has hurt this bad, damn, damn!
“Hey, hey, look at me,” Choso tries a multiple time to distract you from the pain you so obviously express on your face no matter how hard you try to hide it.
“I can’t,” you whine. “It hurts. It hurts too bad.”
Choso draws out a deep breath to try and ignore his own pain before trying to calm you down while you heal since you don't have his healing speed. “You did great, you know that? When you fought Sukuna all by yourself, you did amazing.”
You grab your leg and blink repeatedly before watching him through tears, not knowing how to react or what to say.
“I…was in between trying to get to you and watching the fight so I wouldn’t miss anything, but what I did see was amazing, and you used the hand motion for piercing blood.” He mentions with his cheeks blazing red.
You laugh between the throbbing pain and nod. “I can be a good student when my teacher is hot.”
Choso scoffs and looks at the ground timidly. Silence passes and the pain has become less since a few seconds ago, but it doesn't pass fast enough, so you envy your husband's ability to heal so fast—You can’t even focus on Yuji and Sukuna fighting.
“You didn’t listen to me,” Choso brings up as he seems to be rummaging through his pocket. “I told you not to use your technique so you could use less cursed energy. After all, it's not infinite. You’re not like me.”
You swallow thickly, and your guilt manages to steal your attention away from your pain. Yet just as you’re about to apologize he pulls something out and surprises you. “Thank you. I was being selfish in hopes that would keep you safer, but now I know that I would’ve just killed you if you listened to me.”
You snap your eyes to look at him tenderly, but still with guilt. Even though if you asked him the same thing he wouldn’t listen either.
“Here,” Choso goes on before you can interject and leans over to grab your hand and unfurl your fingers to place the red and orange glass swan on your palm.
You remember giving it to him so he could keep it safe until you reunited, but seeing such a meaningful little swan back on your palm pulls at your heartstrings and makes you hopeful.
Someway, somehow. Even if the fight isn’t over yet, you take it as a sign of hope, and that maybe you will be able to go back home together.
You want to go home. With him.
“Choso,” you mewl, making him blink and look at you softly as he waits for what you have to say in that honey-dripping voice.
“I want to go home,” you say so quietly that he almost misses the gentle plea behind your words, but he does catch it. He sees it too in your sweet fire-kissed eyes, and it aches his soul.
So sweet you were. So vulnerable in such chaos that he once again asks himself why you ever chose him.
“Soon,” is all he can offer your pleading soul. “Soon my love. We’ll go live by a beach. Just like you want. We’ll get sheep because they’re quiet.”
You laugh softly and smile because he remembers. Even if moments ago he sounded like he was making sure to say his goodbyes and that got you furious, now, you smile over a small detail that recalls not so long ago but feels like centuries ago; even if you know that he would die today if the need arose.
“Somewhere far from Japan. I don’t want Yuji, Satori, or our twins to grow up here anymore. We’ll go someplace far. Someplace beautiful, hm? That’s all I’ve been thinking about since we got married.”
There’s nothing here for you anymore. There was only Satoru before, but he’s gone now. And Nanako and Mimiko weren’t able to be buried, and Suguru? Well, you have plans for how to put his body to rest. There’s only Shoko left, but she’s suffered too if she wants she could come with you. What’s holding her here?
Nothing is holding you back anymore so you’ll be more than happy to leave.
“I’ll love that,” you agree to Choso’s plan wholeheartedly.
Choso sighs in relief even if he should know better, and leans over to wrap you in an embrace, bringing you so much comfort in such disarray that you nuzzle your head in the crook of his neck just before he has to break this moment apart.
“It doesn’t hurt now does it?” He asks against your neck before pressing a gentle kiss on the flesh of your neck, causing you to smile giddily at the tickle of his wet lips against your warm flesh.
“No,” you point out to yourself. “You distracted me and took the pain away. You’re good at that.”
You feel his lips tug to a smile on your neck and can’t help the shivers that go down your spine.
“I’ve had practice,” he says kind of smugly.
“Other girls?” You tease.
Choso doesn’t get you're only pulling his leg and quickly counters. “No, my brothers. I used to try and distract my brothers from all the bad we felt when we were trapped.”
You hum and caress his back at the mention, making him stay pressed against you for just a bit longer to let your comfort sink in and cherish the fact that you’re alive.
When you pull away you’re only faced with the dreadful truth that you can’t escape in the comfort of each other's arms a moment longer. There’s others relying on you.
They need you now…
“Those who wanna fight need either the reverse cursed technique or anti-domain tactics,” Hakari mentions, but isn’t that obvious?
“That’s a no-go for me,” Maki says, making you slowly look at her with slight annoyance because obviously, Hakari was not referring to her.
“I wasn’t talking about you,” he grimaces.
“I believe Yuji and I will manage with reverse cursed technique,” Choso now drifts the subject to him to avoid any tension.
“Huh? Me?”
You sigh and share a knowing look with Shoko.
Choso steals your attention back to him as he says your name before going on to name three others. “Ieiri, Hakari, Okkotsu. I’ve always wondered, how is it you compensate for your lost blood when regenerating?”
“Dunno, I’m total autopilot,” Hakari answers his question, letting Okkotsu follow with more disappointing answers.
“I go off instinct too.”
Why did he even ask them either way? You’ve told Choso how Okkotsu got his technique and all that, and you told him about how difficult it is to really pass on knowledge to Hakari because he’s more of a visual learner. Plus! You told him about you too!
Then again he just wants Itadori to listen to your way of using RCT, which thankfully is a lot more informative.
“I learned to turn my cursed energy to blood,” you share smugly since you’re the only one who answered with actual information. “That’s the whole jist really. It’s like filtering out dirty water and turning it clean, y’know?”
“Yes!” Kirara exclaims, making you frown at them.
“Do you really?” You press and they part their lips but frown and shake their head.
You scoff in amusement and drift your gaze to Shoko beside you as she speaks up to add information to your response.
“There are tons of people who can use the Reverse Cursed Technique but can’t heal others. One reason is the fundamental difference in use. Another, the body of the target refusing the treatment. There are cases where the cursed energy of the one healing rejects the process, and cases where the cursed energy of the one being healed doesn’t respond to the conversion. That’s why the efficacy of my treatment is often case-by-case.”
Choso nods and glances at his brother before pointing at him and interjecting. “That’s what I thought. My body allows me to convert cursed energy into blood. If Yuji absorbs our brothers, he should gain a body capable of that, alongside some cursed technique.”
When he first told you about his plan to let Yuji absorb their brothers you thought he’d not end up going through with it just because he’s so attached to his brothers, but as you listen to him now there’s no ounce of hesitation in his voice. He really means to go through with his plan for his brother.
You don’t think you’d be able to do it. You would have already given them bodies if you were in Choso’s shoes.
You’re glad he’s not like you.
“That’s not all,” Choso adds as he props one hand on his hip before continuing. “Our bodies allow us to compensate for the technical aspects of the technique. That means the main limiting factor behind RCT, its immense cursed energy expense, doesn't apply to us…or so I think.”
You hum in comprehension and start to stroke your chin before adding your piece of mind. “Which is to say the hurdle for you two learning it is much lower than it is for everyone else.”
Choso offers you an agreeing nod and a sweet praise. “Exactly sweetheart.”
You flash him a giddy smile and catch Shoko’s disgusted look after witnessing such a sappy interaction, which gives a clear given as to why she and Satoru are such good friends.
“That’s why I’d like switch training to be done once with someone who can use RCT,” Choso mentions forgetting he hasn’t talked to his brother about it yet, he’s only conversed with you, Mei-Mei, and her brother. It’s why Itadori is so confused.
“Switch training?”
You nod and part your lips to explain in simple terms, but Kirara interrupts you. “What about our master? She’s taught us a lot and I’m sure she can help Itadori a whole bunch.”
“Yeah and why did your beloved teacher learn such a technique?” Shoko butts in making your smile droop back down.
“Spite,” you grumble. “But I didn't use it to learn to be strong or control my cursed energy flow,” you point out.
“It doesn’t matter, as a regular mentor you’re great, but I’m not sure you’re the right candidate.”
You pout and cross your arms over your chest before remarking. “Who then? Satoru? Ha!”
Shoko shakes her head. “No. Not him, Kusakabe maybe?”
“What is switch training?!” Yuji blurts because his question wasn’t actually answered.
Albeit even then no one answers him, instead you all walk away to join the others.
“I’d be a perfect candidate,” you grumble under your breath.
Hands fall on your shoulders, and a soft breath unfurls behind your ear, making you giggle.
“I bet you would be,” Choso proves your assumption right, it is him. Who else would grab you this way and press himself so close as if trying to share the breath you inhale.
“I would,” you quickly retort. “I meditate all the time. All the time. I have a great handle on my cursed energy flow, I’m in tune with my technique and everything that has to do with all your brother needs to know.”
Choso presses a kiss on the back of your ear, causing your lips to lose their battle and pull to a happy smile.
“Perhaps it’s okay to let someone else take control of this, hm? Besides you’re a woman, you need your privacy.”
You blink and slowly churn your head back to look at him with a quirked brown. “What?” You deadpan.
Choso doesn’t find a fault in that, and you can’t blame it on his cluelessness because he really isn’t, he just really believes what he says. So you can’t help but laugh.
Choso’s eyebrows slowly pinch together in confusion, but you just leave him wondering as you press a kiss on the side of his lips before walking into a different room to speak with the others about the same stuff basically. But this time Itadori finally gets his explanation.
Does he understand it though? He doesn’t seem to inherit his fathers—Mothers? And Choso’s genius.
“I see.”
“We’ve thought of the soul and body as two separate entities. If the body is the box, the soul is its contents.” Ui-Ui continues explaining in rather simple terms that anyone should understand.
“I see. I see.”
Does Itadori really see though?
“Think of that box as a person's birthday present. We can’t swipe the box’s contents of our own accord.”
Oh jeez.
“Please just let him finish explaining,” you interject gently but with impatience just under the surface.
Itadori looks over at you and offers you an apologetic look before focusing back at Ui-Ui.
You sigh and Choso’s arm draped around your neck loosens so he can caress your shoulder with his hand as you both listen pressed against each other.
“However, if we have the permission of the individual, the box’s content can be taken. Which is to say, I’m able to swap the souls of two marked individuals.”
“Gwuh?!” Itadori exclaims making Ui-Ui’s eye twitch.
“What's up?” The boy finally addresses Itadori’s confusion.
“That just reminds me of the body-and-soul altering abilities of the cursed spirit I fought, Mahito,” Yuji let his sudden thought come out. “Won’t the shape of that person's body and soul be stretched if they’re swapped?”
Ui-Ui smirks and bats his lashes before assuring Itadori. “There’s no need to worry. I can swap the contents without opening the boxes. No one can tell whether or not the contents of an unopened box have been tampered with, wouldn't you say?”
“Depends how good someone is at hiding their evidence,” you remark, making the boy seeth underneath his nonchalant facade.
“Itadori,” Kusakabe interjects. “The speed of your growth as a sorcerer has been tremendous. Do you know why that is?”
“What?” Itadori clears his throat and seems to grow smug, but you don’t understand why it is.
“Erm perhaps my innate talen—“
“It was Sukuna,” Kusakabe cuts him off before he can get the wrong thing, and you can’t help but snicker, causing Choso to dart his eyes to you and press a warning look.
“It's only light teasing,” you defend yourself to your boyfriend.
Choso holds the corner of your gaze and you hum to let it be known you mean no ill will.
“Sukuna created his technique in your body,” Kusakabe continues to explain. “Which means your body remembers using extreme special-grade Jujutsu. You can thank him for your exceptionally quick understanding and growth.”
You look over at Itadori and notice that his lightheartedness turned rígid at the mention of someone so cruel.
“We’ll be doing the same practice with switch training. You’ll swap with me first. I’ll hammer into your body my cursed energy manipulation and foundational barrier technique, the simple domain.”
“Hm,” Hakari cuts in. “Isn't there a binding vow preventing simple domain from being taught to outsiders of the new shadow school?” He asks, making you finally wonder the same thing.
“Not to worry,” Mei-Mei quickly offers a solution. “I’ve taken care of that.” She smiles like never before, or like when she’s up to no good.
“Why are you so happy?” You can’t help but point out.
But Ui-Ui instead helps her avoid answering by adding something else himself. “In a single month, the limit for swapping souls is twice per one person. Please consider your pairings wisely.”
Maybe Shoko is right, maybe you’re not right to swap with, but why can’t you be the one to help Itadori? You have an innate desire to please Choso by helping his brother. So why?
Surely he’d benefit from all your abilities. You’ve worked hard to find balance, to be strong, and to be a master of your technique and the techniques that have been used for years.
Is it your vanity perhaps?
It can’t possibly be a fear for swaying his views, Sukuna lived in him, if he was going to turn evil he would’ve already.
Plus It’s not the world you hate as a whole. So why?
And why are you really thinking so hard about it? Is it because Choso would leave you over an opinion his brothers would have about you?
Maybe not. It’d hurt your ego, but again, you stand proud over your views of non-sorcerers.
But…you still want Choso to keep loving you…
But it’s not that really. It’s more…that deep trauma of your family not thinking you’re good enough scarred over your heart that’s poisoning your mind.
Shoko didn’t mean it, you know that, you just need to get over—
Your thoughts come to a sudden halt when you spot two little girls; one with brown hair and the other blond, one holding a stuffed bunny and the other holding her hand.
You stiffen and all you can see is them…Nanako and Mimiko. There’s no room for haunting traumas only ghosts that you believe are flesh and bone and yours.
A smile creeps on your lips and your eyes twinkle with blissful joy.
You take a step towards the center of the park where the twins are and part your lips to call out for them, but then their mother goes to them and the illusion breaks and you’re left alone in the breeze like a blowing tumbleweed, alone and cold.
But isn’t it funny? It hasn’t been long at all that they passed and it feels like decades ago sometimes, but when you really think about it, your grief feels like it’s barely tearing your heart apart.
Now imagine when it’s all over. When Sukuna and Kenjaku are dead when you have nothing to fight. How will your grief feel in the silence?
You sigh deeply and step back before dropping your head and slowly pulling your hand out of your coat pocket. With the twins in mind, with the ache to have them close, you use your technique as you wait for Choso and pull water droplets from the air around you to summon them on your palm and create a bunny out of water, like when you made the twins a water-made bunny for them when you first met them.
They’re not here now to see it or ignore you because they were too old for water bunnies, but when you make it out of your technique it makes you feel close to them.
However, soon your name is called so you drop the water and turn to see your boyfriend approaching you with a plastic bag in his hand and a flower in his other hand.
“Finally!” You exclaim and jog over to meet him halfway. “I thought you got lost in the store.” You laugh and peek in the bag, finding what you wanted him to get you along with other things.
“Sorry,” he quickly sputters out. “I couldn’t find a perfect flower.”
You can’t tease him about him making you wait now. Ugh! What a man.
“For you,” he offers you tenderly but doesn’t hand you the perfect and delicate red rose, he instead leans over and tucks the flower behind your left ear.
You can’t help but giggle and grin the entire time until he pulls his phone out and steals a picture of you.
“You didn’t ask for a picture,” you finally taunt him, making his face grow rigid.
“I'm joking,” you can’t hold it anymore and close the gap with a tender kiss. “Thank you.” You whisper against his mouth.
Choso leans in and takes a gentle kiss from you before he steps back and just admires you.
“I thought it’d look good with your white hair,” he shares his thought process before not being able to hold back his smile.
“You’re really cute,” you coo and brush some of his bangs away, making his eyes meet your gaze as he feels the trace of your nails on his skin.
“I,” he fumbles his words. “I also got you something you might like,” he says and looks down but lets his eyes flicker back to you briefly before pulling out a comic strip that was attached to some newspaper, and hands it to you to read.
Albeit you start to snicker before you can even read it.
“Why—“ you snort and clear your throat. “Did the bunny eat the wedding ring?” You ask and meet Choso’s gaze with amusement.
“Why?” He plays along.
“Because he heard it was 18 carrots,” you say between laughs and stare into him as you wait for his reaction. “Get it?” You press.
Choso stares at you dumbfoundedly before his lips break into a soft smile and he laughs breathlessly and nods.
“Stupid,” he mutters.
You snort again and nod. “Very stupid…” you suddenly trail off as a sudden wave of emotions rams into you as your mind cruelly connects this innocent joke to what you were suffering through before he joined you, and it turns your happiness sour while stealing that laugh and leaving your mouth dry.
Choso notices right away because he’s standing so close and because he just pays attention to every detail of your face and the way it moves with every thought in your head. Yet he doesn’t comment on anything at that second, he waits to see if it was just some fleeting thing, but you then slowly look over your shoulder and your face contorts with this beautiful yet depressing agony.
When he follows your line of gaze he sees that you’re watching two little girls.
He calls out your name with worry laced in that deep voice, causing you to quickly snap your attention back to him. Before he can ask what’s wrong, you interject knowing what he was about to ask. “I'm sorry I couldn’t be enough to help your brother.”
Choso blinks in surprise and that emotion is clear on his knitted eyebrows and parted lips, but you add on softer.
“I’m strong yet I’m not enough to help.”
Your name is whispered out of his mouth and he shakes his head to argue against whatever guilt you’re carrying. “No, you have been helping enough. This swapping training doesn’t have to fall on your shoulders, you’re a master at being a sorcerer, but my love, this isn’t just your responsibility, okay?”
You swallow back thickly and from a broken part inside you, you bring yourself to ask, “you won’t hate me because I can’t be the one to help him? Does that change how strong I am?”
Choso’s heart sinks and he quickly grabs your face and counters back. “No, no. You’re helping Yuji and other students. You’re doing amazing at it too. Just because you couldn’t do this one task doesn’t change how strong you are or how much I love you.”
You draw in a shaky breath and nod in comprehension.
Choso hums and caresses your cheek before kissing your forehead and then pressing his forehead against yours, in that moment catching your eyes find those same little girls passing by hand in hand with their mother, and watching your heartbreak more through your eyes.
Before he can investigate deeply about what’s wrong, you step away from his grasp and sit on a bench with your head down. Choso mirrors your actions, but instead, he follows by reaching over and grabbing your hand.
At the soft touch you open your other palm and right away form a bunny made of water on your hand.
“I thought I saw Nanako and Mimiko, but then I realized it was only my mind playing tricks on me.”
Choso coos your name and pulls his hand out of your grasp to wrap it around your shoulders and pull you against his side so you can lean against him.
When you rest your head on his shoulder you continue to use your technique to have that same water-made bunny hop around like you would do when the twins were little girls and they wanted you to use your technique.
“Nanako and Mimiko liked bunnies,” you whisper with longing as you watch that water-made bunny born from your cursed technique hop around.
“He no longer holds Sukuna and look how strong he is,” you can’t help but praise Yuji as you watch him completely land his fourth Black flash at will!
That’s something Satoru couldn’t do, that’s something you can't do, but something Yuji seemed to have mastered against such a terrifying demon.
“But that doesn’t take away from the fact that he still needs help,” Choso says with worry laced in his deep voice.
You nod faintly. “I know.”
Choso pushes himself off the ground, and you quickly follow him up to protest. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to help him, distract Sukuna so Yuji can land more black flashes,” he says casually as if he isn’t still hurting from tanking Sukuna’s black flash not long ago.
“Go like—”
“Trust me, I’ll be careful,” he cuts you off and turns, but you grab his arm and turn him around.
“No, I’ll go, I’ve healed enough, my leg doesn’t hurt anymore. I still have energy to use my technique,” you quickly rebuttal and dig your fingers in his arm as just under your concern lies your selfish desire to not let him go back out, to beg him to stop fighting.
“You need energy to protect the twins, if you run out you’ll be vulnerable, I wouldn’t forgive myself if something happened,” he confesses with that same selfish desire inside him too.
What else can you tell him that you haven’t told him already, what he didn’t promise to keep and continue burning, but what he also negated by discreetly saying that he would die to keep his brother and you safe.
There’s, please. Simple yet so meaningful.
Your eyes paint such a deep emotion, your lips part and your lungs gather air, but it doesn’t come out of your lips, not this time.
This time you don’t beg him. You have to trust him. Trust he’ll keep his promise and not be suicidal.
But you’ll join Yuji first since you have a stronger advantage.
“I won’t stop you, but first I’ll go out and help,” you offer a compromise.
Choso holds your gaze and doesn't agree but there’s no way around you so he sighs and grumbles. “Why must you always put up a fight?” He scoffs and reluctantly nods. “Fine. But first, let's wait for your opening.”
You both mirror a smirk on your faces and before you can miss any more of the fight you bring your phone up to continue watching the broadcast, seeing Ino back in the fight getting disarmed by Sukuna with too much ease.
However, before Ino could be killed by Sukuna, or by Nanami’s weapon that Ino was getting stolen, Yuji lands a fifth black flash on Sukuna. And the strike is so powerful he sends Sukuna flying out the window.
“Nice,” you whisper to Yuji and catch a proud look on Choso’s face too.
Your pride does almost shake when you see Sukuna find his footing on the ground right away and then snap down to destroy the ground just as Yuji is about to land to disrupt his balance and probably confuse him as he lands.
However, as Sukuna appears through the rubble and swings at Yuji, the boy manages to catch Sukuna’s arm and block any advantage the demon wanted to gain, before swiftly hurling him against a brick wall.
Sukuna slashes Yuji’s face multiple times, but the boy is completely unfazed, even if they cut deep and bleed. You grow deeply worried but Yuji doesn’t even flinch, he reels his fist back with a grimace and hits Sukuna with a sixth black flash.
Which is truly amazing!
This time though, Sukuna manages to grab a part of Yuji’s face and cuts his eyes deep.
“Yuji,” Choso cries out under his breath and looks out preparing to set off, but you grab his arm first to pull him back.
“Not yet,” you tell him. “You’ll go after me. I won’t need to tell you when you’ll know when you see.”
Choso hesitates but he trusts your plan and lingers with you, letting you both barely manage to catch a seventh black flash landed by Yuji.
One which finally causes Sukuna to go off the rails. “You goddamned brat—”
Before he can finish sputtering out a storm of curses, Nanami's blade comes out of nowhere and slices Sukuna’s face.
The view then quickly changes and you’re surprised to see that it was Ino who threw it out of a broken window.
He looks terrible but because of what he did Yuji lands his eighth black flash. Eighth in a row.
That boy is truly gifted.
You almost want to wait to see if he could land more, but Sukuna will counter, and now that he’s bleeding heavily, and thrown across the building is your time to go.
“I’m going to get him from above,” you quickly sputter out to Choso as you shove your phone away.
Before he can stop you and before you can rush out you give him a peck on the lips first and then run out and join Yuji and Sukuna from above, appearing like a menacing shadow first, and then revealing your voice that booms as if it were some god coming down from above.
“You can’t get rid of me! I am no weak link!”
Sukuna’s eyes snap up and catch you descending like some divine angel with blazing eyes, veins on fire under your skin, pumping fire to the wild flames lit on your hands. He sees you still looking for a fight after all he’s done to you and grows insanely more irritated, especially because Yuji rushes at him from the ground like some untamed demon.
Yet he doesn’t falter, he prepares to block your blow, but rather than striking him to break your fall, you actually hit the ground with your fist ramming into the cement, and he grows amused by your “lack of know-how”.
Only seconds later though the ground combusts due to your technique of controlling the elements, and he succumbs to the pull, giving you a slight advantage, and giving him and Yuji an idea as to how Suguru Geto and you could destroy towns with such ease; it was your technique that gave the advantage, you and your ability to make the earth crumble, and your flames from hell.
This is why you were deemed a special-grade sorcerer right as your technique was shown to you, because you have the power to destroy the world just like your brother.
You’re death in the flesh. And you snapping down and slapping your hands on the ground to blast fire through the cracks in the rubble to try and burn Sukuna alive, proves it.
Yet Sukuna is a terror in his own right too, he fights off the flames from hell, and busts out of the rubble you trapped him under.
However, as unscathed as he is, the daze you cast on him is only worsened when Yuji jumps after him and rams his fist on his back, and manages another black flash, causing Sukuna to crash on a ledge on the floor above the one you’re on.
“Supreme art,” you proclaim with your head held high and your energy running lower, but your intent to kill this beast running rampant. “Hellspawn!”
Sukuna fixates his glare on Yuji and you staring daggers at him from below and parts his lips to probably say something born out of anger, but he’s interrupted by the distant sound of a booming roar from a beast that casts a large shadow over the vicinity.
However, Sukuna doesn’t look up at the approaching beast who’s ready to envelop him on fire, he crosses his fingers and proclaims smugly. “Domain expansion! Malevolent shrine.”
Your eyes peel back and you can’t help but gasp at the horror that slams into you at the sound of those words.
“But—” you try to argue but get interrupted by Yuji grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him to shield you with his body from the sudden explosion that sends strong waves of slashes and debris.
“New shadow style: Simple domain,” Yuji casts right away to try and counter Sukuna’s domain, but that won’t be enough. You know that from the bottom of your heart, the wild blasts of slashes run too strong and are set too sharp, so you push Yuji back as his domain is cracking and grab his arm to be able to shield him now by casting something else you have in your arsenal.
“Secret art; Falling Blossom emotion!” You bellow and manage to shield Yuji and you both from the crazy domain attacking you. The only thing on your mind now is Choso, he’s nearby and unaware of this secret art, and he can get gravely wounded.
The gusts made of slashes are so strong that they’re cutting through buildings that once stood tall. You can’t see that well because your eyesight is obscured by the thick cloud of debris, but you know everything around you is flattening. That’s how strong Sukuna’s domain is, so you almost give into your desire to find Choso to protect him too, but doing it will disrupt what protects you, leaving Yuji and you vulnerable, so even if it’s torturing you, you just hope Choso is bearing this storm like you are.
Nevertheless, Sukuna’s next words horrify you.
“Divine flames, open.”
The flames that destroyed Shibuya, he’s using them. Your secret art won’t withstand that…
But maybe you can think of something! Anything to bear through the storm!
You need to think of something to make it through his destructive fire and be able to meet up with Choso, to be able to go home to your daughter, Satori. You need to think of something! Anything!
However, through the deafening horror pumping through your blood, like some miracle you hear Choso crying out your name and the name of his brother.
“Choso,” you whisper in relief.
A/N- I'm not ready. Are you?
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest @natakina
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thesoulofanerdyfella · 2 months
Has ANYONE pointed out the ui ui problem in jjk????
No im not talking about the poor Guy being a victim,im talking about his soul swap ability
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The mère existence of this technique meant that any sorcerer(even Tokyo/kyoto's STUDENTS) could have either learned about:
Simple domain,reverse cursed technique or FUCKING DOMAIN EXPANSIONS,if ui ui basiclly helped them train.
Mei mei could have basiclly made millions while letting ui ui use his ability on sorcerers.
Megumi could have had an actual completed chimera shadow garden
Inumaki could have had reverse cursed technique which would make him near unstopable.
Even characters like todo,nobara,kamo and mechamaru could have HAD actual domain expansions.
Seriously this would have helped any sorcerers a LOT.
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babe-in-red · 9 days
Mei killed the elder of the NSS clan (or whatever they are) because they threatened her brother for using the NSS simple domain. And he did used it. Just like many others. But I guess there are differences between the NSS and others. Gojo used bato starters so it's like Miwa's and she uses NSS.
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You want me to say that those NSS weirdos would try to kill Gojo for using their domain? 😭
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derangedfujoshi · 7 days
for shota ratings i humbly offer my baby boy Ui Ui from Jujutsu Kaisen </3
My friendship with jjk has ended a while ago sadly BUT what will never end is my love for my siscon king UiUi who actually managed to fuck his big sis! Congrats to him!!!! Anyway
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Shortness: I think he's a good 7/10
Big Ass Eyes: they are always almost closed but defo not big enough sorry bby 2/10
Overall Design: 6.5/10 simple but cute, most of the points are for the OVERALLS UGH love those and the high socks which I find adorable~
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m-bbert · 7 days
man i’ve been doing a lot of hyperfixation posting lately
anyway i think the reason the mei mei is one of the jjk characters that lived is partially due to how akutami said that he only kills off characters the viewers are likely to have an attachment to, so that the emotional impact is higher. however, i think it could also partially be part of the main symbolism of jjk, and the exploitation of teens/kids and taking their childhood away from them, while those who do shit like that get away scot free. take one look and mei mei and ui ui and tell me there isn’t a little bit of emotional manipulation and exploitation going on between them. look at them and tell me that that wasn’t the intended message of their characters and relationship.
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thelostsisters · 4 months
ui ui is so precious i hope his sister kicks the bucket and he spends all her savings on robux
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shirakume · 2 months
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Mei Ui 冥憂
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syrooo · 5 months
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epickiya722 · 6 days
Yuji is always there...
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rewriting JJK plotlines for a fic is so frustrating because of ui ui. like what do i do with him. everyone else has an arc. wtf do i do with the abuse victim who was written to like being abused. i can't just unwrite that, the fic changes all happen either 1000 years ago or after shibuya
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corinadraws · 8 months
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The drawings I did in the background of my latest piece! Thanks for all the support and love!
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