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softzenia · 1 year
How UK Photo Editing Services Can Transform Your Images
In the current era of information, a picture is worth a thousand words. Whether you’re a novice online merchant or a seasoned photographer, it’s impossible to overstate the significance of outstanding visuals. Photo editing services uk provide a realm of limitless imagination. We will explore how these services can improve your visual game. UK Photo Editing Services Exquisite aesthetics result…
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arabian-batboy · 1 year
Its disturbing how Zionists are trying to so damn hard to convince the world that Palestinians are currently on a huge raping campaign on innocent women and girls everywhere, even though there are literally ZERO evidences so far of ONE case of a Palestinian raping or stripping any civilians (and I mean real evidence, not bigots saying its true on twitter), they simply willed it into existence by merely saying it over and over again and thinking that's enough to make it into a real concerning fact
But do you know what has been proven as a legitimate fact for decades on the other hand? Thousands of Palestinians men, women and children being systematically violated and raped on a regular basis by Israeli settlers with no consequences or sympathy from the international community.
Like we literally have videos of Israeli soldiers on camera laughing about how many Palestinian women they have raped and multiple photos and videos of Palestinians being stripped naked and beaten by soldiers. Right now there's even a video of Israeli soldiers pissing on a dead naked Palestinian man on twitter which isn't being shared around or talked about half as much as much that one video of one Israeli woman allegedly being "stripped" to a bra and shorts, even though it has already been debunked by now that she was already wearing just a bra and shorts when she was captured and that neither she nor any other Israeli hostages have suffered any kind of sexual abuse by Palestinians (as you can see by how good they're being treated in this video)
It's really remind me how White supremacists in Europe have started this propaganda that Muslim refugees shouldn't be allowed Asylum because they're here to rape European women and that rape rates in Europe will sky-rocket by their mere existence, even though again, there are zero evidence of refugees committing sexual crimes (or any crimes) on a higher rates than local citizens. In fact, in some European countries and the US, it has proven that Muslim-majority neighborhood actually have the lower crimes rate compared to their counterparts.
One thing is clear here, it seems that it doesn't matter where they live, all White supremacists (especially Zionists) have the same exact trick when shit hits the fan and its: claim that "savage brown men are coming to rape your delicate white women! So you need to kill them before that happens!" each time the people they're oppressing are standing up for their human rights.
Palestinians made a document that contains templates for letters to US, UK, & Canadian politicians, media outlets, and companies in relation to current events in Palestine as well as petitions & other resources. If you live in any of these countries then please select a template, edit it to your preference and send according to the instructions on the relevant page.
Here is a link to it (please share it): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-RUOHHiEtr7uoclQgWN-tCWOihnHIp5hym89aNePi_E/mobilebasic
Aside from that, please protest, support the BDS boycott and spread awareness as much as possible.
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naturistgirl · 2 months
Naked in the Forest
A nemophilist is a word we use to describe someone who loves the company of woods, trees and forests. I do. They are an enormous part of our natural world and I love to walk among them naked. Nude is the best way to commune with nature and the trees. Here you can be at peace. They gaze down on us, but they are not our enemies.
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Being naked helps you feel a natural part of their world, for it IS theirs, not ours. Come and walk with me through Lancashire's Hagg Wood and I'll explain how.
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Trees outnumber people. There are approximately 8 billion of us and there are an estimated three trillion of them!
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Trees are way longer lived than us and the oldest span the millennia. The most ancient tree in the UK has clocked up an estimated 3,000 years. These guys know a thing or too about survival, having been, collectively, around for about 420 million years! You have to respect them as a species.
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Even after death, they carry on giving to the community around them. This tree provides food for insect eating birds like woodpeckers and shelter for others.
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This fallen giant; a large beech tree, hundreds of years old, has lost limbs but it is actually still very much alive with abundant green leaves.
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I feel humbled and small in comparison to gentle giants like these. Being naked feels right. You can no longer pretend that we are a superior species and masters of nature, we aren't. Trees should not be felled to satisfy our greed for more land, fuel or resources.
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This is a truly special place to walk naked. Most ancient woodlands are. Maybe you have a wood or forest within easy reach of your home? This one is about 10 minutes from mine.
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I hope that you enjoyed this blog focussing on being nude outdoors. the shoot was made a couple of days ago in conjunction with my photographer husband, Mart. Thank you to him for his dedicated camera work and editing. All photos remain his copyright.
You know the drill by now. If you are a naturist or naturally inclined, DO share, re-blog and like this post. If you just prefer 'naked ladies' and are maybe not, as yet a naturist, why not try it? What the heck? You can like the post too if you wish and share if you must. However I will post solo images with captions for those whose literacy is challenged by more than a sentence or two. :-) I don't judge.
Jane xx
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jaegeraether · 9 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 36)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (34)
Masterlist (other parts here)
YFN enjoyed her morning and flight back, still trying to comprehend what was happening. She’d wished she had time to go through Edinburgh itself but had been swamped all morning with emails relating to the expansion of staff. Lumos management were also a lot more vocal with her now that they’d all met and decided she should be directly involved with their meetings and decisions.
Once she’d landed, she’d Ubered to her and Jordan’s house to pick up Miles and give Blu a pat before she drove to the conference room in town. She’d arrived just after midday and was delightfully pleased to see the entire team was already there with canapes just working and bantering away. She greeted them all as she entered and as she walked to her seat, she realised there were a large bunch of flowers sitting in her space. She was a little confused. Was this from Catherine? From the team for the first round? From the hotel the conference room was in? She looked around for an explanation and only received a few grins in response. She gently touched one of her flowers and leant in to smell them before taking the card out of the top.
Hi little one,
Well done on your first round of women’s football!
I’m so proud of you, always, in everything that you do.
I can’t wait to see you soon in Spain.
I love you.
Lucy x
She blushed as her heart fluttered, again finding a few of those grins, yet now they were teasing. She didn’t mind being teased for it. She was proud of her relationship with Lucy. She moved the flowers more central in the table and took her seat, setting up her laptop and notes before sending a quick photo and text to Lucy.
She knew they had a lot to cover and made sure to text Jordan, asking for a heads up when she was headed home. She wanted to be there for her. She put her phone on the table and they began. They spoke about the first round, each team member talking about their experiences and ideas. They spoke about the interviews, the posts, the equipment, all of it. When they were done, YFN made sure they were all comfortable and confident with their roles and then dropped the bombshell. They were expanding. Already. She told them how happy and ambitious management were. They’d expanded from ten including YFN to fifty. This was a shock to everyone of course, however YFN managed to ease them.
“Fifty?!” Ruby almost yelled. “How much money does this company have?!”
“The company has a lot of faith in us…and they were very impressed with the first round.”
“But that’s mainly because your interviews were amazing…” Ethan countered.
“No, we all did amazing work.” Bridget disagreed.
“Fifty sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t,” she assured. “We have six games a week. Fifty is our new number so that we can have three videographers, three photographers, one editor and one interviewer per game. That’s forty-eight people. The extras will be Noel for IT as our posting and editing becomes even more sizeable, and myself.”
They thought this was definitely a lot more reasonable when it was put like that.
“Management are throwing money into us to not only expedite the process of growth, but to make sure we’re training and preparing for the international fixtures as well,” she explained. “We won’t just be doing WSL the entire time. Plus, there are the other leagues in Europe, and the other minor leagues in the UK.”
“But the training…” Emily almost whispered.
YFN nodded, running a hand through her hair a little stressed. “Oh, trust me, I know. We need to be fully prepped and confident for our games so we make the mistakes in practise rather than onsite.”
“Prior planning prevents piss poor performance.” Sam quoted.
“Exactly and I have a plan for that. Now we’re all new here but we’ve all been in the field, we’ve researched and prepped and decided on how to best create a product that suits our brand image. It’s because of this that my plan is to have you all in supervisory roles for the new team coming in. The new hires will arrive next Tuesday which gives us time to prep with them prior to our third round. I’ll put you into game groups and you can work together to prep during the week, with this group supervising each game group and taking a bit more responsibility. Teach them what you’ve learnt. Next week is going to be a long week, but we can do it. I’ll expect progress reports also as I can’t monitor fifty people. If someone is excelling, or not quite up to scratch, I expect to be told so we can sort it out prior to our game. Also…” she looked around the conference room. “…we’ve just acquired an office space in London. I understand that not everyone will live there, and I just want to state that when we’re up and running more comfortably, the people who live further away will be able to zoom our meetings instead if they choose. In the meantime, we’ll continue with our face to face meetings, though don’t neglect yourselves. If it becomes too hard to travel; let me know. We’re going to have enough people to cover each other, it’s okay.”
The rest of the meeting was fairly better as YFN had decided they would only start to worry about the new hires later on. Right now, it was about prepping for the next games.
Their schedule set out for the upcoming week was as such:
Man United vs West Ham (Leigh Sports Village, Manchester): 12th Nov 1200 – YFN and Ruby.
Spurs vs Liverpool (Brisbane Road, London): 12th Nov 1230 – Sam and Olivia.
Everton vs Chelsea (Walton Hall Park, Liverpool): 12th Nov 1300 – Ethan and Daniel.
Man City vs Brighton (Joie Stadium, Manchester): 12th Nov 1300 – Bridget and Emily.
Bristol vs Aston Villa (Ashton Gate Stadium, Bristol): 12th Nov 1400 – Matt and Noel.
Leicester vs Arsenal (King Power Stadium, Leicester): 12th Nov 1845 – YFN and Ruby (relocate from United vs West Ham); Matt (relocate from Bristol vs Aston Villa in Bristol est arrival: 1900).
The scheduling was tight because all of the games were on the same day, and she needed to be carefully logistically to make sure she didn’t have people driving out of their way unnecessarily. Luckily, Matt lived in Birmingham and would be able to get to the Leicester vs Arsenal game for YFN to get some good interviews of the players, one she was hoping would be Kyra and Courtney.
Before she knew it, the clock had ticked over to 5pm and Jordan had messaged.
Dory: Training just finished. I’ll be home in 20.
YFN: I’m coming. I’ll get take-away for us. What would you like, Dory?
Dory: Anything I’m not supposed to eat.
YFN: You’re amazing. See you at home soon, roomie x
YFN walked through the front door, pizza in one hand and flowers tucked under the other arm, her work bag slung over her shoulder. Regardless of this, Jordan was on her from the moment she opened the door, wrapping arms around YFN’s waist. After a cute little hug, YFN spoke when she felt Jordan getting emotional.
“Okay, firstly, I love you. Secondly, we’re eating before we talk. We need to get this comfort food into you before it goes cold.”
They settled onto the couch and devoured the pizza quickly, having to snatch it away from Blu at times. Then, Jordan spoke.
“I’m so embarrassed.”
“Why? For having sex with someone you love? Someone who knows you and loves you too?”
“I guess it does sound better when you say it like that…”
“What happened? Tell me everything.”
Jordan sighed. “We dropped you off and came back home. We didn’t speak much in the car. She put her hand on my thigh, but I think it was more of a reassurance thing than a sexual thing. Then we spoke when we got home. I did exactly what you said, I sat far away so I wouldn’t be tempted by anything. She said the nicest things, YFN.” Jordan began to cry. “How much she loved me and missed me and how badly she’d screwed up. I couldn’t help myself, I cried and I couldn’t stop. I tried to hold it together. She comforted me and…” She put her hand on the back of the couch, presumably where they’d been sitting.
“Did you have sex right here?”
Jordan’s tears paused as she gave a cheeky, embarrassed smile.
“Ooookay I’m going to pretend I didn’t ask.” She reached out and brushed some of Jordan’s tears away. “Was it…bad?”
“No,” she admitted. “No, it was incredible. Probably the best sex I’ve had in my life. It was so desperate and passionate. I don’t know what happened, I missed her touch, I just melted.”
“Ah…and you cried after it?”
“No, I cried during it. It felt so good and to have her back so close to me. I missed her so much, YFN. I think after we’d been…doing it a while…the lust faded a little, and I just got scared. Scared that she made me feel so happy, made me feel so loved and then I got scared she’d leave again. I panicked and cried. She didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to do. I told her to go.”
“She tried to stay?”
“Yeah of course but I was just a mess, I needed to be alone.”
YFN hesitated. “You pushed her away before she could leave you…”
“Is that what I did?” She whispered.
“Oh Dory, come here.” YFN pulled Jordan into her lap and wrapped her arms around her, stroking her supportively. YFN and Jordan were both very, very affectionate people, especially physically.
“I don’t know if I can trust her again. I th…thought I c…could.” Her crying increased and she clung to the front of YFN’s shirt.
“Did you tell her why you wanted her to go?”
“That’s the worst part…she begged me to stay. She was on her knees at one point. On her ACL torn knee…but I couldn’t look at her. I wanted her to go. I knew she had a long drive back to London. I knew it was late. I still kicked her out.” She shook her head. “She begged me all the way out of the door to explain what was happening. I just remember telling her, “I can’t handle you leaving me again.””
YFN’s stomach dropped for Leah. She finally got close to Jordan again. Close enough for sex. For intimacy. She must have been so happy…and in a split second it was all taken away from her because of that insecurity she’d planted in Jordan with her previous mistake.
“It’s okay…it’s okay. Leah will understand, trust me. Has she messaged you?”
Jordan nodded into her. “She’s sent me multiple messages since.”
“And have your feelings changed?”
“That fear of her leaving? It’s not going away anytime soon.”
“I think she needs to win your trust back. You two made a mistake by diving into sex.”
“I know,” she whispered quietly. “I couldn’t help myself.”
“You need to let her know that if she wants you, she needs to build that trust back. She needs to know that it may take a long time but it’ll be worth it because she’ll get to have you back.”
Jordan nodded. “You’re right…”
“If I’ve learnt anything over the past few days it’s that communication is key…”
“I just need a little space.”
“Okay…look, I’ll be at the Arsenal game on Sunday in Leicester. I’ll talk to her if you want? Explain a little…”
“I think that’s for the best.”
“Okay, I think you should message her asking for your space for the moment.”
“Can you do it?”
“I think this one is best coming from you, Jords.”
 She sighed but took her phone out and texted Leah without reading the messages the other woman had sent her.
“You won’t be at the Aston Villa game this week?”
YFN shook her head. “No, I’ll be covering Untied vs West Ham and then Leicester vs Arsenal.”
“But aren’t you going to Spain?”
She ran a hand through her hair. “Yeah…I was planning on going Friday. Lucy has a game Saturday and then I’d fly back for the Sunday games.”
“You’re not staying for long, then? Lucy’s going to be upset.”
“I know,” she sighed. “I know, I planned on doing zoom for my meetings next week, but we’ve just expanded our employees by five hundred percent.”
“What the-”
“Oh, please don’t ask anything. I’m stressed and besides, tonight is all you, Jords. I think a phone call with Lucy and then with Katie and Caitlin may be just what you need, hm?”
Jordan agreed. “Yes, please! I’ll get rid of this rubbish and get us drinks while you message them.”
YFN opened her phone, hovering her finger above Lucy’s message before she remembered their phone call from last night. She bit her lip as she opened Instagram. Sure enough, the first posts were of Lucy boxing and YFN could feel her skin getting hot, and she squirmed as she also felt herself getting wet for her. God damn. Lucy. Those biceps. Lucy. That determined look. Lucy. She groaned.
“You okay?” Jordan asked from the kitchen.
“Yeah!” She called back and liked the post. She considered commenting and decided against that. She was worried how forward she would be in front of Lucy’s 750k followers.
YFN: Hey Luce, are you free for a call with Dory?
Lucy: Hi, little one. I’ve been waiting for your text. I smile when your name pops up on my phone. Yes, I’m free whenever you want me.
YFN: I always want you. And you’re always busy.
Lucy: Lies.
Jordan passed her a drink over the couch and she took a sip.
Lucy: Come to Spain and fuck the busy out of me.
She choked on her drink. Jordan gave her a look before she rolled her eyes as she made her own drink.
YFN: Behave. I’m barely hanging on with your Instagram posts.
Lucy: I hoped you’d like them…can we have a late-night call tonight when you’re free?
YFN: Yes, please.
It’s crazy how naturally they fell into teasing each other. She sent another message to the messenger with Katie, Caitlin and Jordan.
YFN: Hi! Are you all free for a group call with Dory and I in the next hour or so?
Caitlin: KEEN.
Katie: Only if we see your faces.
YFN: Done. I’ll message you soon!
Jordan joined her on the couch then and she called Lucy, giving Jordan the phone. Obviously, Jordan had Lucy’s number, but this was more convenient. She watched as the two old friends spoke, Lucy not failing to make Jordan grin and laugh. Of course she could. At one point they were even speaking about her, and YFN rolled her eyes, working a little on her laptop while they had their talk.
Their talk ended after about forty minutes, Jordan hanging up before YFN could talk to Lucy. She frowned. Lucy immediately texted.
Lucy: Call me in bed?
YFN: Okay, I’ll be about an hour, love. Thank you for that, she really needed it. You managed to cheer her up a lot.
Lucy: I know her too well. You’re welcome, though. Talk soon. x
YFN messaged the girls back then telling them to call whenever they were free. Apparently, that was immediately. Jordan and YFN on one end, Katie and Caitlin on the other. It was a hilarious conversation after Jordan had been honest about what happened with Leah to them. They’d given her support and told her to take her time which reassured her a little bit more. Katie had changed the mood of the conversation after that by introducing Coopurr by holding the cat up to the camera. Jordan responded in kind with Blu, of course. Then Caitlin surprised her fellow Australian with a question.
“Hey chicken, do you know what’s happening with Kyra? She’s been a bit off and we figured you might know…”
YFN hesitated. She didn’t want to keep anything from them, but knew it wasn’t her place. “Uh…yeah…it’s not really my place to say though…”
Katie turned to Caitlin. “I told you.”
“You were right,” Caitlin rasped. “It’s about Courtney then.”
They watched as YFN practically glued her mouth shut. Of course they knew. Courtney was a Matilda. Caitlin was a Matilda.
“Is that why you’re coming to our game now?”
“Oh, that's right! You two were so obvious when Kyra asked what game you were going to.”
“Mmnhmn. Yeah, look, all I can say is that I plan on interviewing them together. We’re going to start interviewing players in groups more, and also interviewing opposition together. So this weekend I’ll do a young interview with those two if I can catch Courtney, and then I’ll do an-”
“An old person interview? Rude.” Caitlin laughed.
YFN rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“Yeah, we’re happy to do an interview with you, but I assume you want someone you haven’t talked to yet?”
“Yeah, you know, I was thinking Kim or…” She stopped herself as she looked at Jordan.
Jordan frowned. Leah. There was a moment of silence.
“That’s okay, you know.” Jordan reassured. YFN gave a grateful smile.
“…or Jen Beattie?”
“Are you in those little sleeping shorts of yours?” Lucy asked.
“Yes,” she almost whispered.
Lucy hummed. “Good. Take them off.”
YFN did as she was told, wriggling them off and turning back to her phone propped up against Lucy’s pillow.
“Shirt too.”
She pulled her shirt off, now fully bare beneath the sheets besides her socks. Lucy knew she loved her socks, though.
“I wish you could understand how much I want you right now.” She said a little exasperated.
“Tell me…” She whispered, looking at Lucy through the camera. She allowed herself to begin playing with one of her nipples and Lucy noticed, groaning.
“If you could feel between my thighs, you’d know just how much I miss you.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you…I can’t seem to get you out of my mind.”
“Good.” She said almost harshly. “That’s where I belong. Inside your mind. Inside you. Now I need you to touch yourself. I need your hands to do what I wish mine were right now.”
“Guide me where you want me, Luce.”
“Put your free hand around your throat. Good girl. Squeeze a little. Argh…yes. You like that, hm? Two days and that’ll be my hand.”
“God I need you, Luce.”
“I have no idea how I didn’t fuck you silly the other night.”
“Because you love me,” she whispered, her hand moving down over her body and under the sheets. She knew Lucy would enjoy that visual.
“Did I tell you to do that?”
YFN paused. “No…”
“Can I…?” She trailed off as she saw Lucy’s darkened eyes through the screen.
“Use your words, love.”
“Can I touch myself?”
“Yes, but don’t go inside. Not yet.”
She felt through the wetness of her body, not realising just how ready she was. She was tempted to slip a finger in, but Lucy told her she couldn’t just yet, and so she didn’t. Her fingers found her little bundle of nerves and began to play.
“That’s my girl,” Lucy groaned. “T…that’s my girl. Feel that.”
Lucy stuttering a little was proof to her that she was also touching herself. Her eyes rolled back at the thought and her body was twitching and getting tingly at the stimulation of her clit. They worked themselves up like that for a while, both moaning and shakily breathing. Hearing Lucy losing control was one of her favourite things. She just wished she were right there, rather than across a phone.
“Luce, c…can I go inside?”
“Tell me who you belong to.”
She bit her lip and her back arched at the question, her fingers speeding up. She whimpered. “You, Luce. I belong to you.”
“Yes, you do. Don’t you ever fucking forget that. Two fingers inside, now.”
YFN eagerly thrust two fingers inside herself, her body jerking and her legs automatically widening.
“I want to hear you.”
YFN released one of her nipples to drag the phone down and place it on her left thigh. She could hear Lucy groaning from the other end. She threw the sheet off so she could hear her better.
“God, you have no idea what you do to me,” she repeated. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I’m yours, Luce. And I…I’m the l…lucky one.” She had no idea how she managed to get the sentence out. She was so wound up, her body arched into her hand, hips automatically thrusting against her fingers.
“I want you to come like this, fucking yourself. Don't move the phone, I want to hear it.”
YFN did as she was told, and sped up her assault, her body becoming a shaky, uncontrolled mess. It didn’t take long for her to get right to that edge, and she could hear Lucy getting closer. Lucy wasn’t very vocal, that was something they were still working on, however her moaning and panting betrayed her. She was close. She just needed to be tipped over the edge. So YFN gave her that.
“Arghh…Luce…Lucy…can I come?”
She knew asking permission would be Lucy’s last straw.
“Y…yes,” she gasped. “Come.”
YFN sped up her efforts once more as her body unfolded and that electric shock of ecstasy shocked her body into a tense spasm. She heard Lucy whimpering on the other end of the phone and that just made it last longer.
She let herself come down and reached for a tissue near the bed to wipe herself clean. She took the phone and put it back up near her face as she rolled to the side and looked at her girlfriend. Lucy pushed the glasses up her nose, giving a satiated grin. She couldn’t help but return her own.
“This is becoming a regular thing for us.” YFN said.
“I need this just to be able to think during the day about something other than fucking you.”
“Ah, but I thought you liked thinking about me.”
Lucy laughed incredulously. “Yes, but I also have a profession I should be thinking about. Mapi managed to kick a ball into me today while I was zoned out thinking about how good you look under me.”
The visual was hilarious. “You’re insatiable.”
“It’s never been a problem until you. I feel like I’m losing a battle of urges.”
“Keep talking, please, you’re making me feel very loved right now.”
Lucy laughed and YFN continued. “But if it’s any consolation, I also can’t stop thinking about you. The one time I managed to not, was when I was walking into my meeting but then I saw your flowers…”
Lucy grinned. “You liked them? I thought it’d be romantic.”
“Oh, it was. And just so you know, your surprise will be there tomorrow also.”
Lucy’s eyes widened with excitement. “You sent me something?!”
“Last night. I just wanted you to know that I sent it BEFORE I received your flowers.”
“Who’s the romantic one, now?”
“You, always you. I may be a romantic, but I’ll never have anything on you, Luce.”
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jedivoodoochile · 3 months
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Joanne Latham.
Latham was born in Wolverhampton. After studying classical ballet for nine years she took a scholarship to the Royal Ballet School. A dancing competition led to her modelling for retailer Miss Selfridge. This led on to other modelling and television commercials, including appearing on Page 3 of The Sun and in the Daily Mirror.
In 1978, ATV made a documentary about her called "A Model's Dream" in the series England, Their England. After a shoot with leading glamour photographer Patrick Lichfield, he included her photo on the inside front cover of his book The Most Beautiful Women, a collection of his photographs.
In 1979, men's magazines Playboy and Penthouse competed to publish the first nude pictures of her. Latham signed a contract with Bob Guccione and Penthouse, which promised a fee of £70,000 for her to appear in the September 1979 issue, which was also the 10th Anniversary of the US edition. Latham was selected as Pet Of The Month and featured on nineteen pages of the magazine, including the cover. That edition made U.S. history, selling more in dollar percentage than any other magazine to date and making a profit of $18 million. She also appeared with other Penthouse Pets in the televised broadcast pageant for the selection of the 1979 Pet Of The Year, in which she participated in the opening segment with singer Frankie Valli and a fashion show. After a brief affair with Guccione, Latham's contract was terminated with Penthouse when she fell in love with Guccione's son. She moved from New York to Los Angeles and briefly became the girlfriend of Hugh Hefner, living in the Playboy Mansion. In the early 1980s, Latham returned to England to her Midland home in the village of Tettenhall.
Latham was featured on the cover of Death Penalty, the debut album by the heavy metal band Witchfinder General, which was released in 1982. She also featured on the cover of Friends of Hell, their second album released in 1983.
In 1982, Latham was involved in a serious car accident, after which she gave up modelling and opened the first 'workout' keep-fit studio in the UK. Her daughter, Elizablue Nairi, was born in southern Spain in June 1985.
In later years, she studied drama at Birmingham Repertory Theatre, working under a director of the Royal Shakespeare Company and went on to play the lead role in a government-funded film for the arts.
In 1999, Latham became a teacher of yoga training at the Sivananda Yoga Vendanta Centre in Nassau, Bahamas. Since then, she has continued working in the healing arts. Despite several offers, she has refused to write her autobiography. She has set up her own charity with her daughter 'Blue', who is also a teacher of yoga.
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Hello, as we head in an unprecedented third Tory leadership crisis in the UK (lol), could you pretty please do a round-up of likely candidates? Oooh or even a round-up of candidates if it goes to general election - I know it's so unlikely but a gals gotta dream!
I've started compiling sources for a Rishi Sunak masterpost, because it's definitely going to be him (assuming I get round to it - you're all at the whims of my ADHD-riddled hyperfixating bowl of sweets that I call a brain, soz about that.) But, what's happening this week (I am writing this on Monday the 24th October) is basically Tory Leadership: Speedrun Edition.
Last time it took several months after it was narrowed to the top two. This time, they'll have it done by Friday and then maybe we'll know if fracking is back on the table or not lol.
So it's Rishi Sunak vs Penny Mordaunt. To spare me wasting too many more of my worthless man-hours, I will super-briefly summarise them:
Rishi Sunak
It's going to be him. He was Big Dog's Chancellor and conspicuously absent from Partygate photos, except for Boris' surprise birthday party; almost like, if one were of a suspicious mindset, he had a long term plan to keep his nose clean.
He is, and I want you to think about all the competition he has for this accolade and then really think about what it means, possibly the single most financially corrupt Tory in the party's history.
The amount of money he openly and blatantly stole and gave to his family and friends during the pandemic is well into the billions. The billions. He is part of the reason the UK was hit so very badly by covid - between him, Boris, Dominic Cummings and Matt Hancock, we had no chance. Rishi took BILLIONS of pounds for covid and gave the contracts to the companies of family and friends, who pocketed the vast majority and then utterly failed to deliver any covid relief resources back. He is literally a billionaire, to my knowledge. He also paid to bail out his wife after she broke some law or other and bankrupted a company (I cannot remember the details of that one offhand mind, so don't quote me there - it'll be in the full post if I write it.)
This man is a hateful gargoyle.
Penny Mordaunt
Possibly the best option, although admittedly that's like saying "Out of all the turds in the turd collection this one is the least offensive in smell."
She's hyper nationalistic to a horrifying and gross degree. However, she isn't a transphobe (or at the very least she is openly Fine With Trans People, which is what we ask for.) This actually makes her enormously unusual for a Tory. In the last leadership round, the main talking points every candidate had to address were
Did they support Boris Johnson
What will they do about the economy
What will they do about the energy crisis
How much do they hate trans people
It's probably the thing that cost her the vote last time, in fact.
She won't get it.
However, if she somehow does, that gives the Tories a very small chance of subsequently winning another GE. Rishi, on the other hand, is a hated man, by both the party and the public. The chance of him reforming them enough to win a GE against Starmer is slim to none (if he even stays in post that long). So, ultimately, if Penny gets it it's better in the short term; if Rishi gets it, it's better in the medium to long term, depending on when the next GE comes.
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jselorekeeper · 11 months
Jacksepticeye Ego's Explained (1/2)
Welcome my dear viewers to this explanation of the egos and their stories, this is for all theorists new and old who want to relearn or learn more about the egos! To get lost in Jack's world of storytelling.
Let us start with the people behind the making of the ego lore!
Part Two's Link here!
First and most obvious is Jacksepticeye, he plays and makes up the egos through a series of videos, comic books, games, and podcasts to come! (Note the game and podcasts have not come out yet)
Secondly will be TurquoiseMagpie, they are a freelance artist whom Jack reached out to a while ago to help story plan the egos, they tend to tease little hints of lore when we approach new videos including all of the egos.
Third would be Jacksepticeye's editors, which includes Alice (BitofAlice) who has recently retired from working for Jack! Alice Robin started editing for Jack around 2016 and was the first person to help bring egos to life! She spent endless hours editing every single ego to the best of her ability which helped create this world that is not like any other.
Then Trey (Tr8ss) who is a new editor within the group, he has helped bring projects such as IRIS to life! Trey typically edits most of Jack’s stuff now from ego lore to everyday videos when he is given the chance!
We also have Diceroll who is a common editor for Jack who tends to appear at random, he has helped tease the egos a few times alongside just being part of the ride!
Hyper RPG is a company that helps creators create interactive livestreams, virtual production, etc. The company had a part in the production and creation of IRIS and the IRIS interactive live stream.
BadEgg Publishing is a company that helps bring the ideas of comic books to life, recently it has been revealed that BadEgg had a part in the production of the comic books “Void Silver” and “The Somewhat Incredible Jackieboy Man!” or better known as the “ALTRVERSE”
Kyle Horwood is an Indie game developer who has created games such as “Security Booth” which is a game that Jack decided to play one day and absolutely fell in love with. Jack since then has reached out to Kyle about developing an IRIS-themed video game! The game is still a work in progress and has no release date!
The Magic Circle is a UK-based company that surrounds itself based on the idea of magic and show business, The company has been mentioned within the description of Marvin’s lore within the comic books! 
Arin Hanson, or better known as “egoraptor” and one of the faces of Game Grumps! Arin plays as Dr. Hanson (Fanon name) in IRIS, he accepted Jack’s request to be part of the universe and quickly made a bit of time in his schedule to help out!
Now we have some of the artists and editors of the ALTRverse comics!
First is Suzi Blake who is one of the artists for ALTRverse, she has teased a few photos here and there about Marvin’s story and the scenes she is working on!
Secondly is Laurz Drawz who is a comic book artist and illustrator, they created the cover for Marvin’s comic “Void Silver #1” and has expressed their gratitude to work with the team and bring something beautiful to the community!
Thirdly is Skylar Patridge, she is a comic book artist, illustrator, and sometimes writer for the comics she works on! They helped create the cover for Jackieboy’s comic “The Somewhat Incredible Jackieboy Man #1” and had a bit of help from the next artist!
Next is Megan Huang, they are a comic book artist who had part in the cover for Jackieboy’s comic “The Somewhat Incredible Jackieboy Man #1” as they created the background for it! 
Lastly is Michele Abounader, she is the publishing associate of Badegg, editor, and writer for comic books! She helped bring light to some of the artist who has taken part in ALTRverse!
Now onto the Directors, Writers and Color Artist!
First is Robert Meyers who is the Director of Publishing within Badegg, he has met with Jack multiple times and helped decide which egos should get comic books! He has had a hand in both stories but mainly Void Silver!
Secondly is Alejandro Arbona who is a writer and editor for the series, he is the writer for Void Silver so he makes sure everything makes sense and flows well!
Third is Andrew Dalhouse who is another artist within the series who does the coloring, he is one of the many artist working on Void Silver, he helped with the little preview we saw of young Marvin and his cat!
Fourth is Robert Meyers who is the Director of Bad Egg Publishing! He has stated he helped work on both Void Silver and Jackie's comic books, but ultimately he has more of a hand in Void Silver.
Five is Philip Sevy who is one of the artist of Jackie's second book! They admitted they enjoyed creating the art and is more than willing to come back in the future to draw again.
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gacha-incels · 14 days
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below is a machine translation of the article into english. If you see any discrepancies lmk and I’ll fix it asap. Thanks everyone for your help and continued patience
Ten Million Downloads for the Photo App 'SODA'… Criticism Over AI Being Out of Control Subsidiary of Naver, Snow, Responds Mechanically to AI-Generated Inappropriate Content
Snow, a subsidiary of Naver and the creator of the camera application 'SODA', has come under fire for generating sexually inappropriate images using its AI editing function. The company has stated that it "cannot 100% control AI-generated content," sparking criticism from experts who argue that commercializing an uncontrollable AI service is irresponsible. SODA is a popular camera app with over 10 million downloads on the Google Play Store.
Ms. G, an office worker, complained in an online messenger conversation with Hankyoreh on the 9th, “I didn't expect to feel shame while using the app. It's so unpleasant and traumatizing.” On the 4th, she applied the 'AI background expansion' feature, a paid service of the Soda app, to her photo. The intention was to correct the photo, which was cropped in the middle of her shoulders, to show her entire upper body, but the AI generated a result that made her appear to be clutching her chest with both hands. The rest of the results were normal, but Ms. G said it was hard to get over the shock of the image she suddenly received while using the app.
In response, Snow explained, “Due to the nature of the service that applied A.I. technology, the result was unexpected.” Snow explained that the AI-generated images are filtered to remove offensive or sexualized images as much as possible before they are finally displayed to the user, but this feature did not work perfectly in G's case.
However, experts argue that the issue is more complex. The core problem lies in the AI image generation engine applied to the SODA app, called 'Stable Diffusion'. Developed primarily by the UK startup Stability AI, it was revealed that this model had included explicit content in its training data. Professor Kim Myung-joo of Seoul Women’s University (Information Security) explained, “Unlike other AI models, Stable Diffusion was designed to generate graphic images and included pornographic content in its training data, which has raised concerns since its release.”
Experts are calling for measures like age restrictions on the app to prevent irresponsible commercialization. At the moment, SODA is rated for use by individuals aged 3 and older. Jang Yeo-gyeong, the director of the Information Rights Research Institute, stated, "Even if it doesn't lead to sexual exploitation, consumers who suffer mental harm from AI tools should be able to hold the companies that release these services accountable. Snow's response that 'current technology can't prevent this' is irresponsible."
In response to The Hankyoreh, a Snow representative said, "All companies utilizing AI are struggling to address issues like this. We are working to enhance the service by strengthening filters to prevent similar cases in the future."
plain text in the original Korean
카메라 애플리케이션(앱) ‘소다’(SODA)의 인공지능(AI) 편집 기능이 성적 불쾌감을 일으키는 사진을 생성한 사례가 발생한 것에 대해 이 앱을 만든 네이버의 자회사 스노우가 ‘인공지능 생성물을 100% 통제할 수 없다’는 입장을 내놨다. 통제할 수 없는 인공지능 서비스를 상업화한 것에 대해 무책임한 행태라는 전문가들의 지적이 나온다. 소다는 스마트폰 앱 장터인 ‘구글 플레이 스토어’에서 1000만회 이상 다운로드된 인기 카메라 앱이다.
직장인 ㄱ씨는 9일 한겨레와 온라인 메신저 대화를 통해 “앱을 사용하다 수치심을 느낄 줄 몰랐다. 너무 불쾌하고 정신적 충격이 크다”고 호소했다. 그는 지난 4일 소다 앱의 유료 서비스인 ‘인공지능 배경 확장’ 기능을 자신의 증명사진에 적용했다. 어깨 부분 중간에 잘린 증명사진을 상반신 전체가 나오는 모습으로 보정하려는 의도였는데, 실제 인공지능이 생성한 결과물에선 자신이 가슴을 양손으로 움켜쥐고 있는 듯한 모습이 나왔다. 이 이미지를 제외한 다른 나머지 결과에선 정상적인 사진이 나왔지만, ㄱ씨는 앱을 사용하다 갑자기 받은 이미지의 충격에서 벗어나기 힘들었다고 했다.
이에 대해 스노우 쪽은 “인공지능 기술이 적용된 서비스의 특성상 결과물이 예상치 못한 형태로 구현된 것”이라고 설명했다. 인공지능이 생성한 이미지를 사용자에게 최종적으로 노출하기 전 필터 기술을 통해 모욕적이거나 선정적인 이미지를 최대한 제거하고 있지만, ㄱ씨의 사례에선 이 기능이 완벽하게 작동하지 않았다고도 설명했다.
하지만 문제가 간단치 않다는 게 전문가들의 지적이다. 소다 앱에 적용된 인공지능 이미지 생성 엔진인 ‘스테이블 디퓨전’ 자체에 문제가 있다는 이유에서다. 스테이블 디퓨전은 영국 스타트업 ‘스태빌리티 에이아이(AI)’가 개발을 주도한 모델인데, 개발 단계에서 음란물을 학습 데이터에 포함시킨 것으로 알려져 있다. 김명주 서울여대 교수(정보보호학)는 “다른 인공지능 모델과 달리 스테이블 디퓨전은 그래픽 이미지를 생성하기 위한 목적으로 포르노 영상물을 학습 데이터에 포함했기 때문에 공개될 때부터 많은 우려가 제기됐다”고 말했다.
전문가들은 소다 앱의 이용자 연령을 제한하는 등의 방식으로 기업의 무책임한 상업화를 막아야 한다고 지적했다. 현재 소다 앱은 3살 이상이면 누구나 사용할 수 있다. 장여경 정보인권연구소 상임이사는 “성착취물로 연결되지 않는다고 해도 인공지능 도구로 정신적 피해를 입은 소비자들이 서비스를 출시한 기업에 대해 최소한의 주의 의무를 요구할 수 있어야 한다”며 “‘현재 기술로는 막을 수 없다’는 스노우의 태도는 무책임하다”고 꼬집었다.
스노우 관계자는 한겨레에 “인공지능을 활용하는 모든 회사가 이번과 같은 이슈를 해결하기 위해 분투하고 있다. 유사한 사례가 발생하지 않도록 필터를 더욱 강화하는 등 서비스 고도화를 노력하겠다”고 했다.
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
In-BBU media
BBU Community Days: Day 10
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I have been looking forward to this prompt since Sara announced it! This is, predictably, the first of several posts today.
A pet lib magazine article featuring an interview with Anita, Theo and Lea. Transcript is below the cut.
Edit: Agh forgot the taglist. I think half of you at least have seen it already so apologies for this but anyway: @littlespacecastle @whumpymirages @flowersarefreetherapy @painful-pooch
CWs: BBU, pet whump, PTSD, amnesia, implications of BBU, rape, dehumanisation, torture, conditioned whumpees, ableism. Nothing graphic
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Feature interview
The Life of a Pet
Hugo and Mia, two so-called pets, talk to us briefly about their lives, both while currently being looked after by Sandip, and while under contract with WRU. All names are pseudonyms for protection. This article contains descriptions of legal torture, rape, conditioning, and dehumanisation.
Hugo and Mia kneel in front of the sofa where Sandip sits, feet crossed under herself. We’ve both tried multiple times to get them to sit on the sofa with Sandip, but neither will. Sandip confided in me that she believes they were trained not to sit on furniture, “like some people train their animals”.
Hugo has been with Sandip for seven years, and with his previous owners for seven years before that. Mia, meanwhile, has been with Sandip for only five years, and eight with her previous owners, with a period of retraining in between. They have both been in the pet system for fifteen years, originally trained as a combined Domestic/Platonic bonded pair, although Mia was later retrained as a Romantic before ending up with Sandip. As you possibly know, there are multiple companies that deal with the business of buying, selling and training pets, but both Hugo and Mia were traded by WRU, the UK’s largest pet trading company, not to mention one of the country’s largest employers overall — that is, if you call pets employees and not what they really are: slaves.
The interview was clearly very distressing for our interviewees, and although we offered to stop at multiple points, all three declined. A brave trait when dealing with a subject of this nature, and even I, with little direct experience of the WRU's worst features, felt ill at times.
WRU wipes the memories of everyone they turn into pets, to prevent them from remembering their families or even realising they're people who can have a life outside of slavery. Hugo no longer remembers his family, or what his life was like before becoming a pet. This creates a system ripe for abuse, where victims can receive no recourse – there are numerous accusations of people being turned into pets against their will, something they’re unlikely to remember. The Drip, as the memory-wipe technology is colloquially known, would serve as a handy tool to wipe witnesses’ minds of the criminal’s activities, or for an abuser to get rid of their victim, to name but two horrific uses that are not, and never have been, well legislated against.
Mia’s memory has been wiped twice, and although some may see this as an indication that her story is untrustworthy, we at Liberation believe it demonstrates the sheer cruelty of WRU workers, to wipe her loved ones from her mind not once but twice. She has photos now, which she shows me proudly – her and her family, her friends, new and old, some she’s found more than once – photos that look like they could be from any normal holiday or day trip, if you ignore the shadows in the former pets’ eyes, or the collar around Hugo’s neck that he wears for the feeling of security it apparently provides.
Hugo doesn’t remember being recruited, although there are photos and articles describing his recruitment during the WRU’s first disability inclusion drive, proving that his involvement, at least, started out as voluntary. But it didn’t stay that way. It turned into fear, and brutal punishment, at the hands of people who didn’t seem to care about his well-being, beyond his usefulness. After his memory was wiped too, of course.
“The first thing I remember is having my barcode tattooed. It was scary. I wasn’t alone for long, but I was alone for that. The training was harsh, I remember that. The handlers had electrified black batons and shock collars to punish us with, among other tools. No scarring. And then once Mia came along, they punished both of us if one of us messed up, because we were bonded. So even though sometimes it didn’t seem important what happened to me, I didn’t want to get Mia hurt."
Mia nods in agreement. “I– I don’t remember my first training exactly, but I– but I remember the feeling of– of not wanting Hugo to get– to get hurt. He was all I– all I had.”
The WRU, if we were to ask, would not even be able to pretend that Mia’s acquisition was voluntary. Between Sandip, Mia, and Mia’s former partner Olu, they’ve put the pieces of her acquisition together — and it isn’t pretty.
“We– we think I was taken on the– on the way home from orchestra practice,” says Mia quietly. “My Romantic handler used to– used to boast about using– using me first. I think– I think he kidnapped me. And then– and then raped me, before my– my memory was wiped. Hugo says I– I defended him from– from a different handler, before we officially met, but I don’t– I don’t remember that.”
And therein lies the problem: Drip-induced amnesia. Although involuntary acquisitions and rape of non-Romantic pets are illegal, without the pet’s memory, who will be there as witness to prosecute? Even if the pet remembers, their legal status is such that they simply can't prosecute for themself.
“It’s not always too bad,” says Hugo. “Our first primary handler, he was fairer. Didn’t give us punishments if we behaved. But he was still scary. He still hurt Mia, just because she was a pet. Mistress tries to help, but we haven’t had control over our lives for fifteen years.”
We couldn’t contact the initial handler for comment, who seems to have disappeared since blowing the whistle on some of WRU’s worst practices (see previous edition for details), but fear’s rampant within those in the community trying to do their best for pets within the confines of such an unjust system. Sandip is one of them, and has already been arrested for her actions.
“Twice. We’ve been arrested twice. Hugo was almost sent to a retraining centre for fighting back after the police caught him unawares while trying to protect me, and nearly killed him through anaphylactic shock. They’ve hated us ever since, and last year I was arrested for suspected terrorism via pet lib offences. I was raped and assaulted by a WRU handler in police custody, and subjected to strip and intimate searches by cops.” Sandip takes a shaky breath and scratches Hugo’s scalp, which seems to calm them both. “They wanted to scare me into confessing to crimes. And poor Hugo was an easy target the first time.”
Pet-related miscarriages of justice are a situation many of us are familiar with after adespeaks’s viral speech on his YouTube channel last month spurred an ongoing deluge of accusations, although an analysis is too long for this interview — see page 7 for details. For now, we will continue with Hugo and Mia’s story. We pick up as they get sent to a new home, fully trained and ready to be an influencer couple’s pets.
“You know boxies are transported in crates, but you maybe don’t realise how rough the couriers are. My box was left upside down on my new owners’ doorstep. I was there for hours while they sorted out cameras, and I couldn’t hear anything obviously, or see anything, I didn’t know where Mia was at all. Anything could’ve happened to her.”
“It wasn’t too bad with our first owners, just a little exposed and humiliating, I suppose, not until the divorce. Mia doesn’t remember it. We were split up, and I ended up with Master. He didn’t want me, they only bought me to look good anyway, because I’m profoundly deaf and they’d get sympathy and virtue points, that’s what he said, and he wasn’t kind or safe at all. I should’ve been safe wearing a collar but I wasn’t. He just hurt and starved me until he got rid of me. He used whips and belts and left me outside to freeze. He made me into an ashtray, and used me as a punching bag, and forgot to feed me and give me water constantly. The scar on my cheek is from him, but earlier. Once, Mia had to wear a tightly-laced corset because she was coughing too much, and she passed out. That was earlier too.” He pauses, seemingly thinking hard. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to give so much detail, it’s supposed to be confidential. I was so scared. He could’ve killed me.”
“I was horrified by all the scars,” interjects Sundip. Hugo nods. It seems that despite the propaganda, becoming a pet doesn’t guarantee you a safe and loving home. Not even during transportation, where you’d expect them to want them to arrive wholly intact at least, are they treated with a modicum of decency.
Mia squeezes Hugo’s hand tightly, looking a little ill, her face pinched as if holding back a headache. “And– and I shouldn’t remember the– the second trip, back to the training centre, but I– but I do now. I– I don’t know why, the therapist says– says my remembering was triggered by trauma. I was– I was thrown around inside my box, and– and not upright, and people were– were screaming, and I– I was raped. Again. And I– I tried to escape, along with another– another pet, but they just– just caught and– and punished me and– and wiped my memory. I didn’t– didn’t remember him until– until recently, let alone know what– what happened to him. Or– or me. It still hurts my head to– to think about.”
It’s a harrowing story, and we have to pause there for Mia to compose herself. Sandip rubs her back soothingly.
“I was caring for Hugo by this point. He came to me by accident, but I wasn't leaving him. We were looking for Mia, Hugo missed her, and when she came up as refurbished on the WRU website we had to buy her. It’s been a tricky few years, I didn't do as well as I should have early on and we discovered an illegal hysterectomy was performed on Mia by WRU surgeons (see page 12 for a full exposé on this horrifyingly widespread practice), but it's been getting better. Mia and Hugo are doing so well.”
Mia and Hugo are a bonded pair, and it’s well-known that splitting up bonded pairs can cause lasting mental damage. Luckily, in their case it doesn’t seem to have been too bad, in large part due to the determination of the ex-pets and those who care for them. And a part of that lies too in Mia’s retraining, or ‘refurbishment’, as WRU calls it, eight years after her original sale.
I ask Mia if she can tell me any more about her training as a Romantic, and she nods, head in Hugo’s lap now.
"My– my handler raped me every day. Sometimes– sometimes multiple times a day, especially– especially early on. He also– also used sensory deprivation to make– to make me more affectionate. I’m not– I’m not sure what’s originally me and what’s– what’s training anymore. His sister raped– raped me too, when he took me home for– home for Christmas. For the– the situational trials as part of– of training. And then I– I wanted to have sex with– with Sandip so she’d– she’d want me. I wasn't– wasn't wanted if I wasn't useful. But it wasn't– wasn't true. It wasn't true. It wasn't true."
Mia repeats that to herself as Hugo pulls her into a tight hug, Sandip’s hand on her shoulder.
Both Mia and Hugo have been through hell together, and although they're getting through it with the help of Sandip and other friends, family and local organisations, gaining independence and discovering who they are, there are thousands out there still suffering, who need our help. These two show that although a recovery isn’t easy, it can be possible, with the right care.
And as for our trio here, any last words and hopes?
“I'd like to go a night without a nightmare,” says Hugo. “Just once.”
“Animals are treated better in law than human pets. And until that changes, any so-called improvements will be nothing but a smokescreen. But they give hope, and sometimes, hope is what’s needed most.”
“I– I never want to lose Hugo or Olu again. No– no part of them. Never again. No-one should– should have to lose someone they love like– like that. And you can– you can help, you don’t have to– have to participate in a system that hurts people, please. No matter your– your past, or who– who you are. You can– you can still help.”
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thekingofgear · 6 months
why is the headstock to thoms Yairi Dy88 different than every other Yairi Dy88 I see pictures of?
For those who don't know, the K.Yairi DY-88 is an electro-acoustic guitar that Thom used on tour during the OK Computer era. He had two of them, but donated one to a homeless-support charity auction in 2004. The lack of sound-hole on the guitar means it won't feedback at high volumes, which makes it useful as a touring instrument. He seems to have first purchased one in around 1996, after the band's touring gear was stolen in October of 1995. Thom was perhaps most notably seen with the K.Yairi during Paranoid Android and No Surprises on Later... with Jools Holland in 1997. He also played one heavily during the 1997 Glastonbury festival, including for Karma Police.
However, it's worth noting that Thom likely used other acoustics in studio for OK Computer — particularly for Climbing Up The Walls, since that song features Thom singing into the soundhole of an acoustic (Nigel recently confirmed that Thom did so on the recording, not just at live shows).
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A photo of Thom and Colin performing in the late-1990s.
Headstock Inlays: K.Yairi vs Alvarez
In the late-90s photo seen above, the headstock shape looks pretty standard, comparing it to others on Reverb. The main difference is the headstock inlays. DY-88 instrument sold under the Alvarez brand simply have that company's logo inlaid on the headstock (as seen in those Reverb listings). Instruments sold under the Yairi brand have "K.YAIRI" inlaid at the top, and Yairi's triangle logo inlaid underneath. In addition, Yairi switched to a larger version of their inlay at some point in the 1990s. In the photo above, Thom's guitar has the latter inlays.
For most models, it's just a marketing difference. Alvarez is a USA-based brand/distributor, so guitars made for US market have that logo. According to some, instruments sold in the USA were marked as "Alvarez", while those sold in the UK and other regions were branded "K.YAIRI". If you dig around, you can also find instruments made for the Japanese market with the K.YAIRI inlays, including this eBay listing for a model called the YD-88S. But you can also found Alvarez-branded guitars sold in Japan, such as this YD-88 CTM with super simple fretboard inlays.
You can also find versions of the 88 with a rounder headstock shape sold by both brands. The official YD-88BK webpage shows an instrument with the K.YAIRI markings and the rounded shape. The "BK" in the model number stands for "black", and you can find maple ("M") and sunburst ("SB") versions as well.
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Thom with one of his Yairi guitars during Radiohead's session for the BBC in May, 1997 (photo by Tom Sheehan, edit by qwerrie). Note the "pointy" fingerboard inlays.
Fingerboard Inlays: Round vs Pointy
The fretboard inlays inlays add even more confusion. Thom's guitar has "pointy" triangular inlays along one edge of the fingerboard, with triangles at both edges at the twelfth fret. But at least two other inlay patterns were used on these guitars, seemingly at the same time. The other patterns are noticeable in some of the listings that we linked to above. Here's a used listing in the USA for a black DY-88 with the same "pointy" fingerboard inlays as Thom's guitar, but with Alverez branding. Here's a used listing in Japan for a YD-88 with the same fingerboard inlays but with the K.YAIRI headstock inlays (it also features an aftermarket Roland MIDI modification — that guitar must've had an interesting life!). So the fingerboard inlays aren't specific to any region.
Model Number: YD-88 vs DY-88
You may have noticed that some of these are listed as "YD" rather than "DY". Here's a used listing in Japan for a black, 1993 YD-88 that looks identical to Thom's instrument, with both the K.YAIRI branding and the "pointy" inlays. This is one of few listings that shows an actual photo of the official model number, and it's listed as YD-88BKN. Presumably these same instruments were exported to the UK as well. But it's believable that Thom could've bought the guitar in the UK or when touring in Japan. So it seems likely that Thom's guitar is in fact a K.YAIRI YD-88, rather than a DY-88.
However, I can't find any consistent difference in the specs between the YD and DY version. So it may also have been regional marketing, just like the brand inlays on the headstock.
Needless to say, this company created quite a few aesthetic variations over the course of the 90s, but ultimately they all seem to be the same instrument.
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This clipping from a 1993 Japanese catalogue highlights the YD-88BKN on the far left.
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Thom playing a K.YAIRI guitar at the 1997 Glastonbury festival. Note that it has the smaller, angled version of the K.YAIRI logo.
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softzenia · 1 year
Photo Editing Services in the United Kingdom: The Key to Stunning Images
Your brand’s images in the digital age are its voice and should speak to your target demographic. You know the importance of good photography, graphic design, and marketing whether you own an online store or not. For this purpose, professional photo editing services UK are invaluable. This blog will take you on a visual journey into photo editing, revealing the techniques behind stunning…
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houseofbrat · 6 months
Timeline of events, Part 2
[part 1]
01 MARCH 2024: Prince William ignores a “How’s Catherine?” question from someone at Wrexham during his St. David’s Day visit to Wales.
Thomas Kingston’s death revealed to be “catastrophic head injury” due to gunshot, i.e. suicide.
Victoria Murphy writes in Town & Countryabout the UK’s Editor’s Code of Practice prohibiting writing about the lack of information available to the public regarding The Princess of Wales’s condition.
02 MARCH 2024: Roya Nikkhah reports Queen Camilla’s annual March time-off as a sudden vacation instead of a regularly scheduled annual break she always takes at this time of year.
04 MARCH 2024: TMZ & Backgrid establish proof of life of The Princess of Wales and her mother.
UK media is pressured by Kensington Palace to *NOT* publish the photographs in the UK, even though everyone else in the world can see them online.
05 MARCH 2024: Richard Palmer notes that there is no legal reason why the pictures of Carole and Kate cannot be published due to them being on a public road.
The British Army is forced by Kensington Palace to amend their Trooping the Colour once the UK media started circulating stories about Kate’s appearance in June, which is two months after Easter.
Dominic Ponsford in the (UK) Press Gazette wrote about the media blackout regarding Carole & Kate’s driving pictures.
Kate’s uncle Gary Goldsmith briefly comments on the lack of Kate information on Celebrity Big Brother.
06 MARCH 2024: King Charles has a meeting with the Canadian PM and officially greets two ambassadors.
Kensington Palace “spokesman” to (US) People magazine: “His focus is on his work and not on social media,” a spokesman says.
Normal people on reddit notice this bullshit and comment on it.
Emily Andrews comments on the “invisible contract” between UK media and Kensington Palace, e.g. the "huge pressure" to not publish the photo of Kate & Carole.
London’s Air Ambulance Charity, whose gala benefit William attended on 07 February 2024, announced they did not receive enough government support.
08 MARCH 2024: King Charles photographed in a car on Windsor Castle grounds.
Prince William demonstrates proof of life when he visits The Oval in support of for-profit company, Notpla, and seaweed.
10 MARCH 2024: A Mother's Day photo is published and released to news agencies of Kate with George, Charlotte, and Louis.
Later that day, the Associated Press (AP), Agence-France Presse (AFP), Reuters, and Getty all "killed" the photo due to "manipulation."
11 MARCH 2024: Kate "apologized" for the photo manipulation on Twitter saying: "Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C"
Kate is photographed next to William in a car leaving Windsor Castle.
Prince William attends The Commonwealth Day service with Queen Camilla and other members of the BRF while King Charles spoke to the service via pre-recorded video message.
International media goes wild with the revelation that Kensington Palace released a photo that was "manipulated" and rejected by major, international news outlets.
12 MARCH 2024: William attends the private funeral service for Thomas Kingston at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace.
14 MARCH 2024: William visits WEST Youth Zone in White City, London.
Meghan Markle launches a lifestyle brand, American Orchard Riviera," on Instagram.
AFP Global News Director, Phil Chetwynd, states that Kensington Palace is no longer a "trusted" news source.
William attends The Diana Legacy Awards in London in the evening.
Jessica Reed Kraus, aka HouseInHabit, publishes a "source" saying Kate had "surgery on her bowel," yet the "source" did not know that that kind of surgery could be classified as "abdominal."
17 MARCH 2024: Forbes publishes an article with the rumor that the BBC has been told to be on alert for an announcement from the Royal Family regarding Kate's health.
Roya Nikkhah for The Sunday Times published an article whereupon a "royal source" said, "I can see a world in which the princess might discuss her recovery out on engagements. If she was going to do it, that’s how she would do it.”
Matt Wilkinson of The Sun publishes an exclusive that Kate was seen "out and about" in Windsor.
18 MARCH 2024: Video of Will & Kate shopping at the Windsor Farm Shop circulates on TMZ and The Sun. Kensington Palace doesn't complain about it publicly.
Russell Myers of The Mirror publishes an "exclusive" report regarding Kate's "return to public life."
The royal.uk website has some minor changes regarding The Duke of York and The Duke & Duchess of Sussex.
19 MARCH 2024: William visits Sheffield, England, as part of his Homewards program.
Russell Myers of The Mirror publishes an "exclusive" regarding allegations of Kate's medical records being breached at The London Clinic.
Kate Mansey of The Times publishes an article about how William does not collaborate or work with his father.
20 MARCH 2024: The London Clinic responds to the allegations of Kate's medical records being breached after 29 January 2024.
Daily Mail's Ephraim Hardcastle: Kate was unable to attend the Irish Guards' St Patrick's Day parade... But put £2,000 behind the bar for them instead
Daily Mail's Rebecca English's EXCLUSIVE: What William really thinks about the Kate conspiracy theories. And why it's been so heartbreaking for him to see her reputation trashed in the same way as Diana's
Prince William visits the Welsh Guards at Combermere Barracks, Windsor, where the photos were taken by the Ministry of Defence/Welsh Guards.
21 MARCH 2024: Hannah Furness of The Telegraph publishes an article stating: "The Princess of Wales has been working from home on her early years project to improve the lives of babies, as she eases back into normal life after her abdominal surgery. Kensington Palace confirmed that she had been kept up to date with her campaign and the “overwhelmingly positive” results of a study she inspired."
Tatler magazine publishes a cover story on Prince William by Wesley Kerr. "The burden of leadership is falling upon Prince William - but as former BBC Royal Correspondent, Wesley Kerr OBE, explains in Tatler’s May cover story, the future king is taking charge."
Daily Mail: Kate Middleton has been working from home on her early years project considered her 'life's work' as she recovers from abdominal surgery - amid hopes she will return to public life by Easter
People magazine repeats the Kate paid the bar tab story.
Jackie Annett, The Mirror: "Kate Middleton spotted out in Windsor again - this time with George, Charlotte and Louis" “…[Kate] comes here quite a lot, it’s on her doorstep and Adelaide Cottage is a couple of 100 yrds away. They were at the tennis on Sunday-my friend plays there & Kate was watching the children, they’re there all the time”
22 MARCH 2024: Kate announces she is undergoing "preventative chemotherapy" for cancer.
Lambrook's Lent 2024 term ends. School on break until summer term starts on 17 April 2024.
24 MARCH 2024: People magazine: Kate "wrote every word herself,” a palace source confirms to PEOPLE of the Princess of Wales' video speech, which was released on Friday and filmed two days prior in the gardens of Windsor Castle. A family friend adds, “She wrote the words herself, delivered it personally and wanted to decide when the time was right to hit the world with this news.”
28 MARCH 2024: Valentine Low says it's not clear when William pulled out of Constantine's memorial service--some say day of, others say two weeks prior to the service.
31 MARCH 2024: King Charles & Queen Camilla attended the Easter Mattins service at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.
01 APRIL 2024: Daily Mail: "Princess of Wales was FORCED to reveal her cancer diagnosis after news threatened to leak: Sources reveal Kensington Palace was contacted about Kate's illness and needed to get ahead of the story… so who revealed her secrets?"
02 APRIL 2024: Natasha Anderson & Emily Jane Davies's story about Kate being "FORCED to reveal her cancer diagnosis" is deleted from the Daily Mail website.
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drdemonprince · 7 months
do they test out different covers or something with different country's readers? I'm so curious about why the covers are different
The covers are different because different companies hold the US and UK rights, respectively. Any other foreign release or translation rights would also be handled by completely different companies local to those countries, each of them making their own independent decisions about the cover, the title, and the copy edit. The UK edition has significant legal edits because it is so easy to be sued for defamation there, for example.
I have no idea why the UK edition has the changes that it does, they don't tell me anything. The teal accent does match the sweatshirt in my author photo though, which I really like.
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wetcatspellcaster · 3 months
thank you darling! <3
🌻 least favourite character / hardest to write
answered here!
🌷 writing achievement you want to brag about
oh my goodness, this question is a scary prospect! but I will say that having people bind my writing is something that I always used to idly dream about but assumed would never happen. I have now seen photo sets of two absolutely gorgeous hardback versions of Pieces and I've cried both times. It helped that they were both sexy as fuck: one looks like a kind of book subscription box special edition and the other was like a gorgeous academic tome <3
🍰 where you like to write
I tend to sit on my sofa cross legged with a cushion on my lap, and my laptop is cheap as shit so it constantly overheats.
🐥 here's some writing motivation!
hmm, I'm not sure about the wording of this question - if I'm supposed to share something that motivates me, or if I'm supposed to share something motivating??? who knows. I will go with the latter, I suppose? (I'm not very good at saying motivating things, as I get super worried about the individuality of everyone's experiences and what I find inspiring might not be for everyone etc. etc. BUT-)
in 2020, I was briefly hospitalised bc of suspected appendicitis (it wasn't that, although it was the thing I ended up getting operated on this january, 4 years later!) I hadn't prepared my bag properly bc it was sudden and I was panicking, so I didn't pack anything to do - no books, and no phone charger, either. As a result, I went a little out of my mind for a few days, with both boredom and loneliness (it was covid so hospital visitations in the UK weren't allowed), until someone I knew managed to get a phone charger to my ward at least.
With a phone charger, I could access the internet and thus the lifesaver, AO3. But I was so tired and sad and couldn't really think bc I was fasting in case of surgery, so I didn't have the energy to try anything new. So, for the first time (as I had just started writing fic that year!) I ended up... reading all of the longfic I'd written up until that point, and that kept me company until I was out of hospital.
There was a lot of things that contributed to that particular feeling - i was so very depressed at this time - but the knowledge that my fic was so comforting to me, and exactly what i needed and wanted to read, and catered specifically to me in a way that was so fucking enjoyable... I know there's a lot of tumblr posts to that effect already in the world. but the act of reading something I'd made and needed so badly in that moment gave me a whole new appreciation for my own writing, and the lovely thing was, it wasn't on anybody else's terms. it didn't need to be on ao3 getting comments/kudos for that writing to still look after me in that moment of hardship, and make me happy again. it just happened to be the easiest place to read it!
so now, whenever i start a new fic project, my baseline isn't popularity or artistic scope or anything, but, "will I reread this again when I'm sick, or anxious?"
the answer is nearly always yes, obviously, bc I'm feeding myself specifically. but it also helps me keep writing, bc I like to imagine a future me in need of comfort and I like to picture her having a completed work for company :)
☀️ summertime writers' asks! ☀️
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Good News From Israel
In the 16th July 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Israeli personally tailored therapies can cure infections and infertility.
Israeli surgeons don’t need electricity to save a life in Ethiopia.
Israeli scientists won awards from France and NASA.
A new European fund is to invest a quarter of a billion dollars in Israeli startups.
An Israeli startup will generate electricity from Taiwan’s choppy seas.
The Israel Premier Tech cycling team won the 9th stage of the Tour de France.
An Israeli NGO is saving the bees – one swarm at a time.
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This newsletter edition is entitled "Chai-Tech", merging the term "Hi-Tech" with "Chai" - the Hebrew word for "Living" / "Lives". The reason is that there is so much recent news about Israeli technology to benefit human lives.
Almost all the medical articles involve Israelis using hi-tech to save lives, including breakthroughs in personalized medicine, global vaccines, stroke monitors, digital  insoles, brain disease diagnosis, prescription checkers and the innovations of Sheba Medical Center.
Israeli life-saving climate-tech features high in this newsletter with Israel's plans for a 1,000-strong delegation to COP28, the recent climate-tech delegation to the UK, 15 Israeli Climate Awards candidates, France's award to an Israeli hydrogen scientist, and Taiwan implementing Israel's wave energy solution.  Israeli hi-tech is also benefiting the environment by using seaweed to generate electricity, turning potato waste foliage into a food source, more vegan substitutes for meat, sustainable farming solutions and ultra-efficient space propulsion.
Other hi-tech programs include multi-million investments into Israeli companies developing 3D printed organs, security for schools, digital health, food-tech and agri-tech solutions. No wonder Israeli hi-tech startups are actively being sought by the US States of Virginia and Maryland.
The photo shows the construction of a solar roof over the soccer pitch of our local school in Netanya, providing shade to the young players, and green electricity for the school and the grid. Another "high"-tech solution making life better for the next generation.  Am Yisrael Chai!
Read More: Good News From Israel
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gadgetsboy · 7 months
Meet Fujifilm's New X100VI Digital Camera
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While some might argue that a majority of consumer-grade photography nowadays is now mostly achieved through the use of smartphones, it goes without saying that there's still a sizeable population of enthusiasts and professionals who'd still rather get their photography done via a dedicated camera. This has resulted in some rather impressive hardware from the biggest names in the industry, including Fujifilm. With that in mind, the company recently unveiled the launch of the Fujifilm X100VI digital camera, which boasts some pretty cool features. The camera is the latest addition in Fujifilm’s X Series line of digital cameras, and Fujifilm says that the new model offers exceptional image quality, in addition to its compact size and lightweight profile, as well as Fujifilm’s colour reproduction quality.  Camera Design and Features Fujifilm says that the top and bottom of the X100VI's body is built from aluminium which is pressed and machined for sharp edges, while the surface is finely blasted for a smooth texture in addition to the anodised aluminium on its surface. The camera also features an LCD monitor for media viewing and playback which can be stored in a fully flat position, and also comes with touch support. Additionally, the control buttons on the back have been moved to a position that is easy to operate with the right hand. As the sixth-generation model in the X100 Series, the X100VI comes with the new 40.2 megapixel X-Trans CMOS 5 HR sensor, as well as a high-speed X-Processor 5 image processing engine. The camera also includes a newly-developed in-body image stabilisation function, with up to 6.0 stops. Fujifilm says that this is the first time that this feature has been incorporated in an X100 Series product, without a considerable increase in size and weight. Going back to the camera's hardware, the 40-megapixel CMOS 5 HR sensor inside is designed to allow more light to be captured in comparison to its predecessors, as well as native ISO 125 support. The X100VI also comes with a total of 20 "Film Simulation" modes, including a new ‘REALA ACE’ mode with a wide range of different tones. The camera also incorporates an autofocus prediction algorithm for reliable focusing that works even on moving subjects, with subject detection autofocus to accurately track a range of subjects. Fujifilm says that its developed using deep-learning AI technology, allowing it to detect wildlife, vehicles, and more. Other Details The X100VI also includes an ‘Advanced Hybrid Viewfinder’ that lets users switch between the optical viewfinder (OVF) and the electronic viewfinder (EVF). The latter is equipped with a high-resolution OLED panel with around 3.69 million dots for a clear visual user experience. The camera comes with a built-in ‘Electronic Range Finder’ (ERF) function allows a small EVF to be simultaneously displayed on the OVF, which can allow photographers to capture a subject in the OVF and subsequently magnify the in-focus area in the smaller EVF, making it convenient for snapshots and such. For video recording, there's built-in support for 6.2K resolution 30P movie recording that also supports tracking AF function during recording. One of the X100VI's most handy features comes in the form of Frame.io Camera to Cloud support, allowing users to wirelessly connect to an active internet connection, authenticate to Frame.io, and automatically upload photos and videos online right after creation, speeding up a user's workflow process. Pricing and Availability The X100VI will be sold in Black and Silver models, and will be available in the UK from 28 February 2024 from authorised retailers and the Fujifilm House of Photography in London starting at £1,599 including VAT. There will also be a special edition of the camera to celebrate Fujifilm’s 90th anniversary year, which will be available starting on 6th April at £1,934. The limited-edition models are individually numbered and delivered in a special box with strap, soft release button and history cards. The camera body is engraved with the original Fujifilm corporate brand logo from 1934, along with the unique serial number. Read the full article
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