usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Royal Air Force continues to supply weapons to Ukraine
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 08/01/2023 - 18:00 in Military, War Zones
The United Kingdom continues to provide Ukraine with weapons to defend itself against the invasion of Russian forces. The supply flights began before the invasion and have not stopped since then. However, they now land in Poland, near the border with Ukraine.
To date, the United Kingdom has committed £2.3 billion in military assistance to Ukraine, with £250 million of that amount allocated to the International Fund for Ukraine. The Government has indicated its intention to overcome this financial commitment in the next fiscal year of 2023/24 and is expected to provide more details in the next Spring Declaration.
As the second largest contributor to military assistance, the United Kingdom provided weapons, such as anti-tank missiles, artillery, air defense systems, armored combat vehicles and anti-structure ammunition, including three M270 long-range multiple-launch rocket systems. In January 2023, the United Kingdom announced a substantial increase in combat support, with the supply of 14 Challenger II tanks.
In addition, the United Kingdom has contributed more than 200,000 units of “non-lethal aid”, including bulletproof vests, helmets, night vision equipment, medical supplies and winter clothing. In November 2022, the Ministry of Defense confirmed the delivery of the first of three "retired" Sea King search and rescue helicopters to Ukraine.
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Operation Interflex, the United Kingdom's long-term training program for the Ukrainian armed forces, has the potential to train up to 10,000 new Ukrainian soldiers already in service every 120 days. The program includes the participation of the Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Lithuania and New Zealand, with the entry of Australia in January 2023. The United Kingdom expanded the program to include Ukrainian pilots and marines, as confirmed in February 2023.
In response to the annexation of Crimea by Russia and the destabilization of eastern Ukraine, the United Kingdom has been providing military assistance to Ukraine since October 2014. The initial support included a package of non-lethal military equipment and, in 2015, the United Kingdom launched Operation Orbital, which focused on non-lethal training and training of the Ukrainian armed forces.
Source: UKDJ
Tags: RAF - Royal Air Force/Royal Air ForceUkraineWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Diego Alves
Diego Alves
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  Copyright and all rights reserved – UK Defence Journal Lt Col Stuart Crawford is a defence analyst and former army officer. Sign up for his podcasts and newsletters at www.DefenceReview.uk At the UK Defence Journal, they aim to deliver accurate and timely news on defence matters. They rely on the support of readers like you to maintain their independence and high-quality journalism. Please…
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Concerns about the numbers of the RAF in the North Atlantic
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 26/07/2023 - 17:00in Military
In its latest report entitled 'Defence in Scotland: The North Atlantic and the High North', the Committee on Scottish Affairs expressed concern about whether the Royal Air Force (RAF) has sufficient resources to maintain the necessary defense and surveillance activities in the North Atlantic and Upper North Regions.
RAF's Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) jets, based at RAF Lossiemouth, Scotland, form a vital component of the United Kingdom's defense infrastructure, playing important roles in surveillance, anti-submarine warfare and threat response.
Several deponents during the survey expressed doubts about the sufficiency of RAF aircraft numbers, specifically the P-8A Poseidon, E7 Wedgetail and Typhoon aircraft, to meet the growing safety demands of these crucial regions.
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The RAF uses military and civilian radars to monitor, detect and identify all aircraft in and around the UK airspace, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The term for this monitoring is "Recognized Aerial Image (RAP)".
The concerns raised point to a potential shortage of resources if the United Kingdom is forced to increase its defense activities in the North Atlantic and the Far North, which may require the diversion of resources from elsewhere.
“In its response to this report, the UK government should address the concerns raised in evidence for both this inquiry and the Defense Committee about whether the number of P-8A, E7 and Typhoon aircraft is sufficient to provide the necessary coverage in the North Atlantic and Far North, and whether any increase in necessary activity in the region will require resources to be diverted from targets elsewhere. The MOD must assess whether the complement of aircraft at its disposal is sufficient to meet the growing security demands in the North Atlantic and the Far North. “
The committee convened the United Kingdom government and the Ministry of Defense (MOD) to address these issues directly.
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A Tornado F3 and a Eurofighter Typhoon intercept a Russian Tu-95 turboprop bomber in the past. Illustrative image.
The MOD was urged to conduct a comprehensive review of its available aircraft to ensure their suitability in light of the potential for increasing security challenges in the North Atlantic and the Far North.
Commenting on the report, Pete Wishart MP, chairman of the Scottish Affairs Committee, said:
“The North Atlantic and the Far North are becoming increasingly important for the defense interests of the United Kingdom and NATO, and Scotland's role in defense agreements is considered fundamental. During our investigation, we heard a widespread consensus that the Arctic has a growing strategic importance and that maintaining a well-maintained and resourced military capacity is essential to meet the United Kingdom's defense interests.
Due to its geography, Scotland is home to several strategic military assets from the United Kingdom and, in our report, we ask the United Kingdom government to examine how the presence of defense in Scotland can be expanded, if necessary, to face future threats, if necessary. We are also asking for a review of the United Kingdom's cold climate capabilities.
We also analyze the opportunities and threats that may arise due to climate change in the Arctic and the Far North. Emerging trade routes and the responsibility to protect offshore and submarine infrastructure are likely to become emerging priorities in a rapidly changing environment. As a Committee, we have carried out a series of work on Defense in Scotland, and it is clear to everyone the considerable contribution that Scotland makes to the United Kingdom and to NATO's defense and security. This is a subject we will be paying attention to. We wish to extend our gratitude to all those who work to defend us and keep us safe."
Read the full report here
Tags: Military AviationNATO - QRA (Quick Reaction Alert)RAF - Royal Air Force/Royal Air Force
Diego Alves
Diego Alves
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